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作家:这么说你是在动物园里长大的 So, you were raised in a zoo?

派:我是在本地治里出生长大的 Born and raised...in Pondicherry,

当时那里属于法属印度 in what was the French part of India.

我父亲是动物园园主 My father owned the zoo.

我出生的时候还是一位爬虫学家临时接生的 And I was delivered on short notice by a herpetologist,

他原本是来检查孟加拉巨蜥的 who was there to check on the Bengal monitor lizard.

好在母子平安 Mother and I were both healthy,

可惜那只蜥蜴却溜了 but the poor lizard escaped,

结果惨死在某个体型巨大的物种脚下 and was trampled by a frightening category.

这是因果报应吧 The way of Karma, huh?

也是神的意志 The way of God.

作家:这故事挺不错的 That's quite a story.

光看你名字 I'd assumed your father

我还以为你父亲是位数学家 was a mathematician, because of your name. 派:差不多吧我这名字取源于一个泳池的名字 Not far from it, I was named after a swimming pool.

作家:有叫"派"的游泳池吗 There was a pool named "Pi"?

派:话说我叔叔弗朗西斯 You see, my uncle Francis

刚出生时肺积水很严重 was born with too much water in his lungs.

听人说医生抓住他脚踝 They say the doctor swung Francis

倒过来晃来晃去才把水给清干净 around by the ankle, to clear the water out.

也正因为这样 And that's what gives him

他才四肢纤细却有着硕大的胸肌 his huge chest and skinny legs,

他靠着身材成了游泳健将 that made him such a great swimmer.

作家:弗朗西斯是你亲叔叔吗 Is Francis actually your uncle,

他说自己只是你父亲的朋友罢了 he said he was friend with your father? 派:我们亲如叔侄我叫他"玛玛吉" Well, he's my "Honorary" Uncle. I call him "Mamaji".

他是我父亲的挚友也是我的游泳导师 My father's best friend, my swimming guru.

我跟着他去进修所游三次 I trained with him three times a week at the ashram. 他的谆谆教导最后救了我一命 His lessons would save my life in the end. (弗朗西斯:呛几口水倒死不了 A mouthful of water will not harden you. 慌了就完了 But panic will.

记得先呼吸别憋着 And remember to breath now, don't hold your breath. 好孩子 Good boy.)

派:我吃素食你不介意吧 I hope you don't mind vegetarian.

作家:没事不介意 No, no. Not at all.

-那名字的事呢 -什么 - And your name? - Uh?

你刚打算说你名字的由来 You were going to tell me how you got your name, I think.

派:对了 Oh yes!

我这名字是玛玛吉跟我父亲说起的 I got it from something Mamaji once told my father.

一般人出游收集明信片 You see, most travelers collect postcards

茶杯珠宝之类的东西 or tea cups and their jewelries,

但玛玛吉不同 but not Mamaji.

他喜欢收集游泳池 Mamaji collects swimming pools.

每到一处他就去当地的泳池游泳 He swims in every pool he comes upon. 莫利托公共游泳池

有一天玛玛吉对我父亲说 One day, Mamaji said to my father,

放眼世界各地的游泳池 that of all the pools in the world,

当属巴黎的一个公共游泳池最美 the most beautiful was a public pool in Paris.

那里的水清澈至极 That the water there was so clear,

你甚至可以拿里面的水煮早咖啡 you could make your morning coffee with it. 就是这次游泳改变了他一生 That a single swim there changed his life.

我出生之前他说道 Before I was born, he said:

"要想让你儿子有颗纯洁的心灵 "If you want your son to have a clean soul, (Piscine 法语意为泳池)

就要带他去莫利托公共泳池游泳 you must take him one day to swim in the
