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Sololift +D-3型号/Sololift+D-3
Sololift+ D-3
- 适用于淋浴房与洗手盆 /Cabinet shower & washbasin
最大准许进口尺寸/Max.inlet: 三个进口端/Three inlet port: DN40 功率/Power Consumption:270W 电源/Voltage:1×220-240 V, 50Hz 最大液体温度/Max.liquid temp:40°C
2. Sololift+的水平进水管最小坡度不得小于3%,水平排出管最小坡度不 得小于1%。/The suction pipe’s minimum gradient must not below 3%,and the discharge pipe’s minimum gradient must not below 1%.
+服务培训/Sololift + Service Sololift Sololift+ Sololift+ Training
自我介绍/instruction of trainer
陶群/tao qun 高级服务工程师/Senior Service Engineer
上海晗清商贸台州分公司 中国浙江省台州市椒江区都市丽景1 号楼2单元704 HP:13676635159 Mail:taoqun2004@126.com
Leabharlann Baidu
Sololift+的安装/Sololift+ Installation
1. Sololift+必须安装在干燥的泵坑内,底部必须牢固固定。在任何时候 都不得被外部的水淹没。/The pump should be installed in dry hollow and be fasted on the base tightly. It must not be submerged anyway.
Sololift +CWC-3型号/Sololift+CWC-3
Sololift+ CWC-3
适用于隐藏式单个座便器/Wall mounted toilet 洗手盆/Washbasin 浴缸与淋浴房/Bidet and cabinet shower
最大准许进口尺寸/Max.Inlet: 座便器端/WC port:DN100 另外三个进口端/Other three ports: DN40 功率/Power Consumption:350W 电源/Voltage:1×220-240 V, 50Hz 最大液体温度/Max.liquid temp:40°C
Sololift+基本功能/Sololift+ Function
基本功能/General Function
� 格兰富家庭污水提升器根据污水液位的高低来自动运行。 / The Sololift+ lifting stations are fully automatic – they are activated by the liquid level rising within the collecting tank to “start level”, and the motor will rotate at 2850 rpm and pump away the wastewater until the liquid level in the tank has returned to “stop level” The start and stop level differentiate from model to model (see technical data in the following slides). � 有5个型号的格兰富家庭污水提升器内置切割装置,可以将固体切碎并排 出。/ 5 of the 7 models has integrated cutter (WC, WC-1, WC-3, CWC3 and PWC-3) and can be connected to a toilet. Solids, which have been flushed through the toilet, are shredded by the cutter and together with the wastewater are then pumped through the discharge pipe to the main sewer line or septic tank.
额定转速 /Speed
额定功率 /Rated power
额定电压 /Rated voltage 额定电流 /Rated current
Sololift+应用/Sololift+ Application
� 所有 Sololift+都是一台小的自动污水提升器,用来处理家庭污水(小管径) /All Sololift+ models are compact automatic lifting stations usable for discharge of wastewater through small bore pipe work. � 使用于不能依靠重力,自然向下将废、污水排到主下水道的场合。主要使用于 下列场合: /They are designed for the pumping of wastewater, where the waste cannot flow by gravity fall directly to the main sewer. The units are typically used for installation: 1. 低于主下水道的盥洗室/Below the sewer level, where the unit may have to pump vertically and then horizontally to the soil pipe, as in case of basement installations. 2. 远离主下水道,又不能依靠重力,自然向下将污水排到主下水道的盥洗 室/Remote from the main sewer where a natural gravity fall can not be achieved. 3. 或者是盥洗室的改装和卫生洁具的移位/This may occur with the renovation or modernisation or the extension of existing buildings. Such as in loft conversion or when adding an en-suite bathroom.
Sololift +WC-3型号/Sololift+WC-3
Sololift+ WC-3
- 适用于单个座便器 /Single toilet - 洗手盆/Washbasin - 浴缸与淋浴房 /Bidet and cabinet shower
最大准许进口尺寸/Max.Inlet: 座便器端/WC port:DN100 另外三个进口端/Other three ports:DN40 功率/Power Consumption :400W 电源/Voltage:1×220-240 V, 50Hz 最大液体温度/Max.liquid temp.:40°C
最大准许进口尺寸/Max.Inlet: 座便器端/WC port:DN100 功率/Power Consumption:400W 电源/Voltage:1×220-240 V, 50Hz 最大液体温度/Max.liquid temp.:40°C
Sololift +WC-1型号/Sololift+WC-1
Sololift+的安装/Sololift+ Installation
4. 如果水泵水平排出管后直接 连接一根垂直排出管,则此 垂直排出管的直径至少要比 水平排出管大出2号,比如 水平排出管直径为Ø25,则 垂直排出管直径至少应为 Ø40。/If the last pipe section after a horizontal discharge pipe is vertical, it must be two sizes bigger than the horizontal pipe. For example, if the horizontal pipe is Ø25, the vertical pipe should be Ø40 or larger.
Sololift+型号规格/Sololift+ Models
7种型号规格/7 Sololift+ Models
SOLOLIFT+PWC-3专门配 套OEM使用/Special for OEM
Sololift+ WC
-适用于单个座便器/Suitable for single toilet
型号说明/Type identify
Sololift+型号说明/Type identify
产品铭牌说明/Nameplate indication
Sololift+铭牌说明/Nameplate indication
绝缘等级/Insulation degree 防护等级/Protection degreee 最大流量/Max. flow /Max. 最大液体温度 liquid temperature 生产日期 /Date 产品8位数编号 /Part number 产品型号/Type
Sololift +C-3型号/Sololift+C-3
Sololift+ C-3
- 适用于洗衣机 /Washing machine - 与洗手盆/Washbasin
最大准许进口尺寸/Max.Inlet: 三个进口端/Three ports:DN40 功率/Power Consumption:300W 电源/Voltage:1×220-240 V, 50Hz 最大液体温度/Max.liquid temp:40°C
Sololift+的安装/Sololift+ Installation
水泵排出管可连接以下外径的管道:Ø23,Ø25,Ø28和Ø32,但推荐使用 不小于Ø25的排出管。/The discharge pipe can connect to below type pipes: Ø23,Ø25,Ø28 and Ø32.But the minimum diameter Ø25 is recommended.
Sololift+ WC-1
- 适用于单个座便器/Single toilet - 与洗手盆/Washbasin
最大准许进口尺寸/Max.Inlet: 座便器端/WC:DN100 另外一个进口端/Other inlet: DN40 功率/Power consumption:400W 电源/Voltage:1×220-240 V, 50Hz 最大液体温度/Max.liquid temp.:40°C
主要应用/General Application
Sololift+应用/Sololift+ Application
增加的盥洗室/Extra bathrooms 楼梯下的盥洗室/Under-stairs cloakrooms 地下室的盥洗室/Basement installations 度假小屋的盥洗室/Low-cost bathrooms in holiday cottages 在宾馆与旅店中增加的盥洗室/Added facilities in hotels and guesthouses 商业建筑的盥洗室改装/Renovation of offices and other commercial buildings 临时房内的盥洗室/Temporary buildings