

(定语) 主语 +(状语) 谓语+
What made us so surprised was his unexpected words at the meeting. (从句一般当单数)
特殊疑问词引导主语从句 Why he was late for the meeting remains to be seen.
(从句缺成分) How and when we will finish the task is being discussed now.

主语从句 that引导主语从句 That our team had won the game caused so mush excitement among us.
(主语从句中引导词that不能省略) (从句不缺成分)

表据说等 It is widely accepted that parents should set an example to the kids.
it形式主语 (可转为) "As is accepted widely, parents should set an example for the kids."
It is high time that we started the unfinished work at once. (特别注意时态)
主语 虚拟语气 It is demanded that we (should) start the unfinished work at once.
It is necessary/important/essential that we (should) do it soon.
It is +adj.+for/of sb to do sth. 结构(注意for和of的选择问题)
it形式主语 It cost me almost 20 hours to finish the document you are reading now.(注意表“花费”的考察)
It is of no use/good/need paying him for the information. He lies a lot.
Not only the teacher but also the students have been to Beijing for a visit. 就进
Neither the students nor the teacher is inside. They all have left.
就进/就远原则 There is an officer and 20 citizens discussing the policy together.
"20 citizens, together with/except/but/besides…an officer are discussing the policy."
"The United Nations, as well as that poor country, is concerned about the situation."
The fact that Bin Latin had hidden himself in the city center for years safely surprised the world.
(完成句子特别注意上下文时态) He had hardly/scarcely run out of the house when the water was upon him.
No sooner had she stood than another wave swept her down. (注意这个固定句型考连词,倒装时态)
The old building is being torn down and a new one will be built where it stands.
It is the first that an disabled man has won so much attention worldwide.

"Until next 5th, the train will have been running for 1000 days without accidents."
时态/语态 When and where to build the factory has not been decided yet.
"--Hey, you hit my head. I'm terribly sorry. I was not noticing."
"According to the art dealer, the painting is expected to(预计) go for at least a million dollars. (expect)"
Further measures are being taken(正采取进一步的措施) to prevent the water pollution there.(measure)
现在是表将来 (注意在条件、时间和让步状语从句中一般现在是表将来时)
The teacher will not tell the student the answer until they have discussed it themselves.
表据说/认为/期待…意义的考查 You've failed to do what you were expected to do and I'm afraid the teacher will blame you.
"Appolo is said to be studying in England, but I do not know where exactly."
"He is believed to have once won the prize, but who knows."

get + done考察要注意 Please get dressed as soon as possible.
谓语省略 (如果从句主语是句子主语或it,且谓语动词为be动词,可以降从句主语和谓语省略)
"If it was necessary, the secretary of US said, the US air force would attack Libya."
"If (he is) given enough time, he is sure to accomplish the work as (he is) demanded."
"否定状语前置(特别注意little, hardly, seldom等隐性否定词)"
Little had I known about the accident before she told me.
On no account will we give up saving the injured in the Japanese earthquake stricken areas.
"Not only did he know a lot about the people, but also he was familiar with the culture there."
"强调状语前置(一般以only, so为代表)"
倒装 Only by know what we can know best can we get ready for the chances in the future.
Greatly loved are the romantic works of his.
Buried with him were the tools thought to be used in another life.
So expensive is the product that few people will buy it.
倒装条件 Known to all are the characters in the play written by Jing Yong from H.K..
Such a fright did the man get that he dropped his bag and ran away.
虚拟语气省略if "Had it not been for what he said, I would not have agreed with the proposal."
介词表方向前置 Out came the teacher and the students. (注意此处为全部倒装)
"After the deafening thunder, down poured the rainstorm."
谓语 地点状语前置与表位于位于搭配 At the foot of the mountain lies the city I used to live in.
"Dissatisfied as he was with the payment, he took the job just to get some experience."
As表虽然、尽管 "Child as he is, he is m

uch concerned about politics."
(常见的三种情况) "Much as he admires his father, he doesn't always obey him."
"Try as you may, the chance for you to achieve your dream seems slim."

如何倒装 "在以here,there,out, in,up,down, away等副词开头句中,将谓语直接提前"
一般情况下,做状语和定语时候,不太可能出现being done结构:
Being devoted to his work resulted in his great success. (此处作主语)
" Being tired of the heavy work, the workers wanted desperately to have a rest.应为:"
" Tired of the heavy work, the workers wanted desperately to have a rest.(此处作状语)"
The book of that famous writer is said to have been translated into several languages.
Sometimes movies stars are to blame for misleading customers.
The effects of the accidents remain to be seen as so many factors are still unclear.
Who do you think is to blame if you find the product unsatisfactory?
" He is believed to be living somewhere in America, but we do not know exactly."
非谓语动词 " Having been separated from other continents for millions of years, Australia has strange plants."
" Having lived in the countryside for years, he feels it inconvenient to live in the city."
" With only 20 seconds to go, the chance of the team's winning the game seems small."
" With all his work done, the manager felt at ease."
" With two students following him, the professor came into the room."
" With his wife beside him, the Japanese teacher sang a beautiful song."
" 也可写成:His wife beside him, the Japanese teacher sang a beautiful song."
France's air-attacking Libya suddenly shocked the whole world.
" It being my first time to stand before so many people, I did not know what to say."
" Disappointed at there being little to do, he finally decided to have a rest there."
总体讲,虚拟语气变化分两类: 表命令、祈使、要求、建议,用(s

"If I had got earlier this morning, I would have caught the bus."
虚拟" If only I had finished the task by the end of the deadline set by the boss.
"I would rather I had not told him the news, which upset him beyond my expectation."
"But for your help, we would not have made so much progress."
虚拟语气 "Without his warns ahead of time, the journalist would have been in danger."
虚拟语气的省略 "Should another would war break out, what would become of human beings?"
must/can/could/may/might have done表对过去推测:一定、很可能、可能做了某事
情态动词+现在完成时结构 It must have rained sometime last night for the ground is wet.
There are so many people gathering there. What might have happened?
can/could/would have done:本来能够做而没有;注意有时可能是否定
The loss would/could have been less if the local government had taken action earlier.
need/ought to/should have done:本有必要/应该而没有
"According to the international war, the US government need have informed the UN council ahead of time."
You should have paid more attention to what the teacher had said before starting your experiment.
表语 如果谓语动词为be动词或系动词,我们习惯上把谓语后的叫表语
宾语 如果谓语动词为实义动词(有自己独立意义,而不是根据上下文决定意义的词),则一般带宾语
that引导从句: The commander ordered (that) all soldiers should have a rest for at least 20 minutes.
宾语从句 I am sure (that) GDP rate this year will go down to 7% as excepted by the central government.
宾语 特别注意从句不能倒装 特别特别注意从句不能倒装
表语 I was certain of what I had done in the protest against animal hunting.
The Yellow Crane Temple lies in what is called Wuhan.
I did not know why such a clever man should have said that.
特殊疑问词引导 We should be informed of when our demand could be responded to.
The whole nation were curious about how the thief had stolen the objects under severe protection.
They wanted to make clear what was wrong with the machine.
They wanted to know wha

t was the matter with the machine.
"We all want to make it clear that our demands should, somehow must, be met sooner or later."
it形式宾语 The aim of the campaign is to get it across to the world that men are born equal.
表语从句 表语从句可参考宾语从句内容,但是要注意表语从句中的引导词that不能省略
What he meant was that we should pay more attention to others instead of ourselves.
The question remaining to be solved is how the thief stole the goods without being noticed.
it形式宾语 I found it hard to accept his demands.
of+N. Mary's speech was of significance to her writing her essay.
The company employs three times as many workers as it used to two years ago.
同级比较 The company employs more than three times as many workers as it used to two years ago.
倍数关系 The population of China is about four times as much as that in US.
The population of China in about four times that of US.
定语 Line A is three times the length of B.
People who do not get enough sleep are twice as likely to die of heart disease as those whe get enough.
Line as is three times of B in length.
比较级 This building is two times older than that one.
more than 区别" no more than否定两者;not more than 否定一个
" As for this, he has no more rights than me.(意思是我们都没有多大权利)"
" As for wealth, I do not have more money than his.(仅表示我没有他财富多,也许他很富有)"
有修饰 "There were twenty persons there, none of whom said anything about the suggestion. "
"They stayed with me for three weeks, during which time they drank up all the wine I had."
"I sent him two books, the bigger of which might meet your need I supposed."
whose引导 Did you notice the house whose windows were broken?
定语从句 The victims most of whose houses had been destroyed were housed in the local school.
as/which "As is mentioned above, the result of the case is unveiled yet."
"An serious earthquake hit Japan, which is the hottest news recently."
The couple have come to the point where devoice is inevitable.
分词作定语 请参考谓语部分说明
分词作状语 请参考谓语部分说明
only to "He hurried to the station, only to find that the train had left."
让步状语从句 "Whatever he says to explain the incident, do not believe him."
状语 "No matter what he says to explain the incident, do not believe him."
The judges were so angry with the crime that they all voted for the sentence.

So angry were the judges with the crime that they all voted for the sentence.
结果状语从句 Such a good guy is he that we all have mercy for him on the accident.
状语从句 He is such a good guy that we all have mercy for him on the accident.
Such a fright did he man get that he dropped his bag and ran away.
It was such good weather that they all went our for a walking in the mountain.
It was so good weather that they all went our for a walking in the mountain.
地点状语从句 "Where there is water, there is a city."
A theater was built where there used to be a polluted lake.
Open the windows and wind will come softly in.
条件状语从句 Do not go out alone at night or you may get lost.
时间状语当连词 "常见的every/each time, the first time, the moment/minitue, immediatrly等时间状语,可以充当连词功能(前不能加介词)"
My father went out immediately I got home.
"The instant the plane took off, it went wrong and the passengers aboard were badly injured."
"The fist time I saw her, I was fascinated by her calmness."
The more…the more… "The more we word for others, the happier we will be."
陈述句 It was his being late for class again that annoyed the teacher.
Can you tell me where it was that you lost your money?
一般问句 Was it his being late for class again that annoyed the teacher?
强调句型 特殊问 What was it that annoyed the teacher?
和定从混 It was the general that won the battle that was honored by the president.
there is no need to do sth… 没必要做… There is no need to finish it in such a hurry.
there is no doubt that… 毫无疑问 There is no doubt that he will turn up.
there there is a (high) chance that… 很可能 There is a high chance that he will turn up.
or there is no point/sense (in) doing 做…没必要 There is no point discussing it with him.
it It is no wonder that 难怪 It's no wonder that he could finish it so soon.
It is no good/use/need doing 做…没好处/用处/必要 It's no use asking him for mercy. He is so cruel a man.
when it comes to sth 当涉及到 "When it comes to math, I am not at all his rival."
it suddenly occurred to sb that… 突然想到 It suddenly occurred to me that I had an important meeting.
"When they got to the marked tree again, they found themselves lost in the mountain."
V+O+O.c Raise your voice a little louder or you will not make yourself heard.
They were angry to find the machine they had had repaired broken down again.
it was not until …that…注意不要把not写掉 It was not until they g

ot home that they found their house broken into.
Not until they got home did they find their house broken into.
it is likely that… It is likely that some broke into the house when they were out.
Someone was likely to have broken into the house when they were out.
It will not be long before I come back to pay you a visit.
before/since作连词 It had not been long/was not long before the war came to an end.
It will be another three days before they can finish the work.
It has been years since the war was put an end to.
The book cost me 200 last year. But he bought it with only 20 yesterday.
表“花费”的句型 It cost/took the international community almost two years to persuade the North Korea to give nuclear weapon.
"As a new graduate, he doesn't know what it takes to start a busniess here."
"It took the European Union 110 billion to slow down the speed the debt crisis, which seems to be worsening recently."
表“非常”特殊结构 I can't agree more with your plan.
