2011年03月11日 北美真题
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reason 2 Not only are libraries quiet, but also very resourceful. At a library, you have
-- 北美真题 常远 口语30真39经20-3- 5北9 log.sinac.ocnoclumsio.nc n/tAtmncoeecalhleiehbndanryaavoarnrelnyeodfeggmexyyryacoeaeyunuvpcbaataeeirtlaeonmmbasl8aoellestr.2eoeerpOiasa!uwnlsieat,aycbInfalretnoemtrsonteutghtdeeyat dcofciouserrtrslawoscn,otgriloikbnsphrseadtrrtoiihtoanpadnetss:.y/iYotn/ooubauadlshlooisbanirgv’satetrn.yyseeoveaiuednn,r.dyaatnhn.oidnctgonoteyhmeoedur .cn/cha 远 口语0真39经20359 QQ 群 1
QQ 群 [Reading]
Motivation Research of Consumer
经 -- 北美真题 /changyuan82 Motivation is psychologically considered as the initiation, direction, strength and continuity of
常远 口语30真3920359 [Conversation] Now hear a conversation between two students. QQ 群 美真题 Now hear a conversation between two students. 经 -- 北 题目原文来自 :常远口语真经真题库…
-- 北美真题 2 经 -- 北美真题 n/changyWSQuohmauicehnessw8ttaui2ydoednnotsyopurepferherftetotrpasnt:ud/d/wybhilnyo?agInli.cbslruaidrnye. arOe.athcseoornssmparn.ecdfendret/otcaislhstuaidnynyoagut ryhrouemsapeononrs8ei2n. dormitories. 真 标准答案
/changyuan82 companies realize the initiation of consumers’ purchasing behavior in order to boost the sales
of their products. The professor says that a company producing sports suits wants to find out the reasons that their products sales are low. After a series of questionnaire researches from
常远 口语30真349经20-3- 5北9美真题 常远 口语30真39经20-3 http://blopciconoaurognnctboTvifb.lenhesterthemasieaacsnyvittseioobcacirnadeoe.nefndcsodduugro.epperTleptitmchhaoaaiesrslott.yoisowncnantgihnlri:,lrseitlo/vehtsrcehaeui,adfhgrtttohtghafooeueemynttsyuhthirewghoeaanitlvyolrseofohoutoawarrmvoatocewomhnTmopaaV8rnmmto’ecs2baase,ltjeteoctwmosraonrshbecaeplaiovcvlsafioiofnnnemnggewseew.phnaTioatochhttsuqeee,guaaeohacctnicnrhheo.theoosIisfdmhttht.oththeTtuepoarhl.ydtil:,sipv/bifle/wrabrininocllg, QQ 群 Question
题 常Q远Q 群口语303920359 /chN题ao目wn原hge文ayr来ua自atanl:k常8on2远th口e语sa真m经e 真su题bje库ct….
-- 北美真 标准答案
真题9经20359 常5 远 口语30真39经20-3- 5北9美真题 经 -- n82
The professor gives an example to show how the motivation research of consumer enables
真题9经20359 常Q远Q 群口语30真39经20-3- 5北9美真常题Q远Q 群口语30真39经20-3- n82
标troepa准sico答n 案1 htiWFhftaiorpevsnletl:e,ly/aI,g/nbpbireeallltibleloecrviarngegtgsidc.ssaoranreimdandciodtatogoior.gyinncs,itsoowcanhamroircdtyhot.hdcrcmeaannpnfdlo/aiecnrcrtdeehaornffazoederrnneoastgnwhioemiytfrhagudltishirralhetsfo,inirtnrstl8tihtfphhee2ee:amifr/no/ahdlblyaosilwcrt.ouainduggFysoe.rteirsmsaeeisexnvo.aenmarsap..lcletoo, /c
真 http://bl also don’t know the exact reason. So, it is true that questionnaire research can not reflect the 常远 口语303920359 常远 2
经 -- 北美真题 motivation of consumers efficiently.http://blog口.s语in真a经.c常o远m.新c托n福/c口h语a真n经gy-2u0a13n预8测2真题 真 Professor
经 -- 北美真题 常Q远Q 群口语30真39 /changyuan82 Contacting future roommate before the beginning of school will enable students to get alone with each other earlier and have at least one friend on campus when they arrive. Another very large benefit is that knowing each other allows for more efficient planning of your life together. Dorm rooms are small, so planning together avoids wasting space and reduplicating each other’s efforts.
2011年03月11日 北经美-真- 北题美真题 http://blog口.s语in真a经.c常o远m.新c托n福/c口h语a真n经gy-2u0a13n预8测2真题
题1 常Q远Q 群口语30真3920359 /chDQao unyoegusytaiuogrnaeeno8r2disagree with the following statement? College students should not be -- 北美真 allowed to keep pets in their dormitories.
359 常远 口语303920359 topic
I prefer to study in a library for two reasons.
reason 1 Home is comfortable, but it can be distracting. At home, we have music, TV,
spread to the student population.
conclusion So it is better to keep the animals in their own homes with their families, not in a strange environment like dormitories.
reason 2
Also, pets bring sanitary and health issues. They may make messes on the
floors, invite bugs and fleas, and can also become sick with colds that can
常远 口语30真3920359 标准答案 QQ 群 The letter proposes that the college begin telling new students their roommate’s name
and contact information before students begin attending the school. The woman in the
http://blog.sina.co I would like to propose that the university should make available to incoming Freshmen their
future roommate’s contact information (e-mail, phone, etc.) Doing this will afford students a couple of considerable benefits. The first of these is that it will serve as a sort of“ice-breaker.”
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-- 北美真题 题 ///changy 语真经 -- 北美真 Question 3
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http://口bl语o真g经.si常n远a.c新o托m福口.c语n真/c经h-a2n01g3 预yu测a真n题82
QQ 群 A Proposal from a Student
QQ 群 movies, friends and family, and food to pull us away from our work. The library
is a special setting good for studying and long periods of concentration.
certain behaviors. It may be thought that people do any behavior with at least one motivation. However, things are not like that. Some companies, in order to find out why customers do not buy their products, make questionnaire survey among consumers. But sometimes they