(新教材)【人教版】20版《高中全程学习方略》必修三Unit 1 Reading and Thinking(英语)
(新教材)【人教版】20版《高中全程学习方略》必修下册核心素养探究 第三单元 1(语文)
2.审美鉴赏与创造——明辨论述类文本设题陷阱 (1)选项“人的主体身份所以被数据化,是因为个 人信息选择性删除所耗费的成本太高”这个说法对应 原文的第一段第二句,“……四大驱动力”才是原因, 选项犯了强加因果的错误。
(2)选项“我们要对抗数字化记忆霸权,就要成为 数据控制者并建构他人的数字化记忆”在原文中找不 到相关信息,属于无中生有。
【解析】选D。本题考查分析文章的论点、论据和论证 结构、方法的能力。D项,“对我们的认同问题作出了 全新论证”错,是说明大数据的力量,可以影响我们的 认同,会对主体不利。
3.根据原文内容,下列说法不正确的一项是(3分) ()
A.大数据时代的个人留在网上的信息太多,如果没有主 动权,就难以保护隐私。 B.遗忘是个人和社会的一种修复和更新机制,是我们面 对现实和想象未来的基础。
梳理角度:明辨论述类文本设题陷阱 1.以偏概全(绝对化)。主要指空间错位,即以部分 代整体(或相反),以个别代一般(或相反),以特殊代普 遍。从而使考生做出错误的判断。
课文范例:阅读《青蒿素:人类征服疾病的一小步》 后,请判断:双氢青蒿素治疗的病人不会再复发。原文 说“复发率很低”,经过比对,选项说法绝对,犯了以偏 概全的错误。
【真题演练】 1.下列关于原文内容的理解和分析,正确的一项是(3分)
() A.由于数字化记忆的发展,记忆与遗忘的平衡发生了反 转,记忆变得更加容易。 B.人的主体身份所以被数据化,是因为个人信息选择性 删除所耗费的成本太高。
C.“被遗忘权”和“隐私权”的提出都是为了对抗大 数据,不过前者更积极一些。 D.我们要对抗数字化记忆霸权,就要成为数据控制者并 建构他人的数字化记忆。
C.技术有支配和压抑人的力量,这不仅影响个人隐私安 全,而且影响整个社会。 D.大数据的分类系统不是中立的,这将影响数据的客观 呈现,使用时应有所辨析。
2020年人教版高中必修三英语unit1 Reading 课程教学设计
2.The groupdiscussion and competitioncan make students aware of the happiness of helping each otherand stimulate them to participate in the class actively
Get the students to read the passage again more carefully anddo the following exercises.
1.True or False questions
1)The ancient people needn't worry about their food.
3. Activity app1. Individual work
2. Cooperative learning method (pair work, group work)
3. Groupcompetition
A computer, multimedia, blackboard
Teaching theory
According to the theories of the new curriculum, the English teaching should focus on the students’ abilities to gather information, deal with information, solve problems and the abilities to think and express in English. Reading comprehension is one of the effective methods of acquiring and handling information. During the teaching process, the passage is dealt with according to the learning situation , which aims to help students to formsomereading strategies.
【思路点拨】解答此类题应从水循环的过程、人类对 水循环的影响入手。 (1)明确图中哪些环节属于自然循环,哪些环节属于社 会循环。 (2)水循环哪个环节的确定可以依据其在整个系统中的 作用。
(3)人类对城市水循环影响应从“有利”“不利”两个 方面思考。
【解析】(1)选D,(2)选A。本题主要考查水循环。第(1) 题,箭头①②⑦都为城市地表水来源,其中⑦来自大气 水,且属于社会循环,可能为人工降水;①属于社会循环, ②属于自然循环,所以可判断①为跨流域调水,②为地 表径流;③是城市用水,不是补给源,且属于社会循环, 判断③为管道输水。第(2)题,城市是硬地面,城市建设
(1)(区域认知、地理实践力) 说出2022年北京冬奥会 延庆赛区所在地的地形类型和所参加的水循环类型。 提示:山地。 海陆间循环和陆地内循环。 (2)(综合思维)推测“实现雨雪全部收集”对当地地表 径流的影响。 提示:地表径流量减少。
能力2 分析人类活动对水循环的影响
【思路点拨】解该类题应从以下几点入手。 (1)明确自然界水循环的主要能量和动力是太阳辐射和 重力能; (2)判断该实验明显模拟出的水循环环节应该从实验类 似于哪种水循环类型入手。
【解析】(1)选B,(2)选B。第(1)题,“日光蒸馏法”取 水是利用太阳辐射使得容器中的水蒸发。石块的压力 和塑料薄膜上往下滴的水滴是受地球重力的影响。第 (2)题,该实验最接近陆地内循环模式,明显模拟出的水 循环环节是水汽蒸发和大气降水。
能力1 识别、描述和解释水循环的过程和意义
1.水循环的过程和意义: 类型 海陆间循环 陆地内循环 海上内循环
类型 海陆间循环
陆地内循环 海上内循环
(新教材)【人教B版】20版《高中全程学习方略》必修三课时素养评价 一(数学)角的推广
课时素养评价一角的推广(20分钟·40分)一、选择题(每小题4分,共16分,多选题全部选对的得4分,选对但不全的得2分,有选错的得0分)1.-215°是第________象限的角. ( )A.一B.二C.三D.四【解析】选B.由于-215°=-360°+145°,而145°是第二象限角,则-215°也是第二象限角.【加练·固】在①160°;②480°;③-960°;④1530°这四个角中,属于第二象限角的是 ( )A.①B.①②C.①②③D.①②③④【解析】选C.②480°=120°+360°是第二象限角;③-960°=-3×360°+120°是第二象限的角;④1530°=4×360°+90°不是第二象限的角.2.(多选题)下列说法中,不正确的是( )A.第二象限的角都是钝角B.第二象限角大于第一象限的角C.若角α与角β不相等,则α与β的终边不可能重合D.若角α与角β的终边在一条直线上,则α-β=k·180°(k∈Z)【解析】选ABC.A错,例如495°=135°+360°是第二象限的角,但不是钝角;B 错,α=135°是第二象限角,β=360°+45°是第一象限的角,但α<β;C错,α=360°,β=720°,则α≠β,但二者终边重合;D正确,α与β的终边在一条直线上,则二者的终边相差180°的整数倍,故α-β=k·180°(k∈Z).3.将-885°化为α+k·360°(0°≤α<360°,k∈Z)的形式是( )A.-165°+(-2)×360°B.195°+(-3)×360°C.195°+(-2)×360°D.165°+(-3)×360°【解析】选B.-885°=195°+(-3)×360°,0°≤195°<360°.4.若α是第四象限角,则180°-α是( )A.第一象限角B.第二象限角C.第三象限角D.第四象限角【解析】选C.可以给α赋一特殊值-60°,则180°-α=240°,故180°-α是第三象限角.二、填空题(每小题4分,共8分)5.已知-990°<α<-630°,且α与120°角的终边相同,则α=________.【解析】因为α与120°角终边相同,故有α=k·360°+120°,k∈Z.又-990°<α<-630°,所以-990°<k·360°+120°<-630°,即-1 110°<k·360°<-750°,所以-<k<-,又因为k∈Z,所以k=-3.当k=-3时,α=(-3)·360°+120°=-960°.答案:-960°6.如果将钟表拨快10分钟,则时针所转成的角度是________度,分针所转成的角度是________度.【解析】由题意结合任意角的定义可知,钟表拨快10分钟,则时针所转成的角度是-×=-5°,分针所转成的角度是-×360°=-60°.答案:-5 -60三、解答题7.(16分)写出与75°角终边相同的角β的集合,并求在360°≤β<1080°范围内与75°角终边相同的角.【解析】与75°角终边相同的角的集合为S={β|β=k·360°+75°,k∈Z}.当360°≤β<1 080°时,即360°≤k·360°+75°<1 080°,解得≤k<2.又k∈Z,所以k=1或k=2.当k=1时β=435°;当k=2时,β=795°.综上所述与75°角终边相同且在360°≤β<1 080°范围内的角为435°角和795°角.(15分钟·30分)1.(4分)若α与β终边相同,则α-β的终边落在( )A.x轴的正半轴上B.x轴的负半轴上C.y轴的正半轴上D.y轴的负半轴上【解析】选A.因为α=β+k·360°,k∈Z,所以α-β=k·360°,k∈Z,所以其终边在x轴的正半轴上.2.(4分)设集合M={α|α=45°+k·90°,k∈Z},N={α|α=90°+k·45°,k∈Z},则集合M与N的关系是 ( )【解析】选B.对于集合M,α=45°+k·90°=45°+2k·45°=(2k+1)·45°,即M={α|α=(2k+1)·45°,k∈Z};对于集合N,α=90°+k·45°=2×45°+k·45°=(k+2)·45°,即N={α|α=(k+2)·45°, k∈Z}={α|α=n·45°,n∈Z}.因为2k+1表示所有的奇数,而n表示所有的整数,所以3.(4分)若角α=2020°,则与角α具有相同终边的最小正角为________,最大负角为________.【解析】因为2 020°=5×360°+220°,所以与角α终边相同的角的集合为{α|α=220°+k·360°,k∈Z},所以最小正角是220°,最大负角是-140°.答案:220°-140°4.(4分)角α,β的终边关于y=x对称,若α=30°,则β=【解析】因为30°与60°的终边关于y=x对称,所以β的终边与60°角的终边相同.所以β=60°+k·360°,k∈Z.答案:60°+k·360°,k∈Z【加练·固】α满足180°<α<360°,5α与α有相同的始边,且又有相同的终边,那么α=________.【解析】因为5α=α+k·360°,k∈Z,所以α=k·90°,k∈Z.又因为180°<α<360°,所以α=270°.答案:270°5.(14分)已知角β的终边在直线x-y=0上.(1)写出角β的集合S.(2)写出集合S中适合不等式-360°<β<720°的元素.【解析】(1)如图,直线x-y=0过原点,倾斜角为60°,在0°到360°范围内,终边落在射线OA上的角是60°,终边落在射线OB上的角是240°,所以以射线OA,OB为终边的角的集合分别为S1={β|β=60°+k·360°,k∈Z},S2={β|β=240°+k·360°,k∈Z},所以角β的集合S=S1∪S2={β|β=60°+k·360°,k∈Z}∪{β|β=60°+180°+k·360°,k∈Z}={β|β=60°+2k·180°,k∈Z}∪{β|β=60°+(2k+1)·180°,k∈Z}={β|β=60°+n·180°,n∈Z}.(2)由于-360°<β<720°,即-360°<60°+n·180°<720°,n∈Z.解得-<n<,n∈Z,所以n=-2,-1,0,1,2,3.所以集合S中适合不等式-360°<β<720°的元素为60°-2×180°=-300°;60°-1×180°=-120°;60°+0×180°=60°; 60°+1×180°=240°;60°+2×180°=420°;60°+3×180°=600°.。
2020年人教版高中英语必修三unit1reading 说课稿
2020学年人教版高中英语必修三Unit1 Festivals around the worldGood morning, ladies and gentlemen, it’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my teaching plan with you. The topic of the lesson is from Senior English for China Student’s Book 3 Unit 1: Festivals around world. I’ll talk about the lesson from six main parts: the teaching material, teaching objectives, teaching key and difficult points, teaching methods, studying methods and teaching procedures. Firstly,I’ll introduce the teaching material.This unit is mainly about festivals and celebrations around the whole globe. The first reading passage“festivals and celebrations” is the center of this unit, which is also what my teaching plan based on. In this passage, it introduces the four different kinds of traditional festivals, their origins and celebrations. From this passage, students will know more about festivals around the world. Secondly, I’d like to talk about my teaching objectives.Knowledge objectives:Enable students to master the words, phrases and understand what this passage is about.Ability objectives:1: Improve students’ reading ability, especially skimming and scanning.2: Improve students’ spoken English and cooperative ability by group work. Emotional objectives:Help students know more about festivals and celebrations, enhance their culture awareness and their respect to tradition.Thirdly, teaching key points, difficult points.Teaching key points1:Enable students get a main idea of the passage, make students understand the different customs of different festivals.Teaching difficult points1: Make sure students can describe some major festivals with their own words, Fourthly, Teaching methods.1: Task-based TeachingBy using TBT method, students can be given opportunities to practice and use a language in daily life activities, which help them to master the language naturally and better.3: Computer Assisted TeachingBy using CAT method, teachers can provide more attractive teaching material, and create an interesting and vivid learning environment.Fifthly, studying methods.1: Task-based learning.2: Cooperative learningSixthly, Teaching procedures.1: Lead-inShow students a short video some traditional festivals’ celebrations. After watching that, ask students questions like “have you ever had these festivals?” “what do you do at these festivals?” “how do you know about these festivals?”Justification: in the beginning of the class, I want to use online video to create a lively environment in which students can get involved in more quickly, and also activate students interest and background knowledge of the topic.2: While-reading.Task 1 SkimmingDivide students into 8 groups, give them 3 minutes to glance over the title and each paragraph, then try to discuss and sum up the main idea of each and the theme of the whole passage.Justification: practice students’ ability of reading for the general idea, moreover, by group disc ussion, turn passive study to active study, and enhance students’ spoken English and the consciousness of cooperative learning.Task 2 ScanningGive students 8 minutes to read the passage carefully, then ask them questions like:1, what festivals are held to honour the dead and ancestors?2, who is honoured in India in October 2?3, what do European people do to celebrate harvest?4, what festivals are celebrated in Spring?Justification: practice students’ ability of reading for specific information. And also, by answering those questions students can have a better understanding of festivals around the world.3: Post-reading.Divide students into 8 groups, ask students to find out and discuss all the festivals and celebrations mentioned in the passage. After that, each group sends a representative to describe two festivals in front of the whole class. Justification: deepen students’ knowledge of today’s class. Make sure students can talk about festivals and celebrations by using their own words. Encourage students to express themselves in the face of people and to cooperate with others.4: Consolidation.Ask students to review the passage very quickly then complete the exercise below.Justification: review and consolidate the knowledge we’ve just learnt.5: Homework.Write an essay to introduce a festival and how it is celebrated.Justification: this activity does not only strengthen students’ understanding of different kinds of festivals and celebrations, but also improve students’ interculture awareness.。
20英语高中全程学习方略外研必修三课时导学Module 1 话题写作
①Fujian Province lies inthesoutheastof
China. 福建省位于中国的东南部。 ②Southoftheschoollies/runsarailway. 学校的南边有一条铁路。
1.位于某地 3.气候宜人 5.众多名胜古迹
2.有……人口 4.历史悠久 6.融合东西方文化
② TheWestLakeinHangzhouisfamousforits
beautifulscenery. 杭州西湖以它的美景闻名。
theworld. 巴黎是世界上的浪漫时尚之都。
������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������
Quanzhouis a beautiful seaside city morethaneightmillion.
(新教材)人教版必修三Unit 1 Reading and Thinking(英语)
2. When was the Egyptian harvest season?
A. Autumn.
B. Summer.
C. Winter.
D. Spring.
3. What’s the function of the examples in Paragraph 2? A. To show the harvest festival is the most important in Egypt and China. B. To show it is celebrated in almost all cultures. C. To show the ways people celebrate it have changed. D. To show all the people are grateful for the supply of crops.
*I would also like to congratulate him on his reelection as Secretary-General of the United Nations. 我还要祝贺他连任联合国秘书长。 *You can congratulate yourself on having done a good job. 你的工作做得很出色, 你应该为自己感到自豪。
3. 阅读主题活动 (1)Which festival is your favorite? Why? _T_h_e_S__p_ri_n_g__F_e_s_ti_v_a_l._B__e_ca_u_s_e__I_c_a_n_s_t_a_y_w__it_h__m_y_ _f_a_m_i_ly_,_r_e_l_a_x_m__y_se_l_f_a_n_d__e_n_jo_y__s_o_m_e__d_e_li_c_io_u_s__fo_o_d_._
(新教材)【人教版】20版《高中全程学习方略》选择性必修一Unit 1 Learning about Language(英语)
非限制性定语从句 【情境探究】
观察上面对话, 并完成句子: (1)Tom broke the window, _w__h_ic_h_made his mother angry. 汤姆打碎了窗户, 让他妈妈很生气。 (2)The father was repairing the desk _w_h_i_c_h_/_t_h_a_twas broken by his son. 这位父亲正在修理被他儿子弄坏的桌子。
【即学活用】 用who, whom和whose填空 (1)(2017·全国卷Ⅲ)But Sarah, _w_h_o_has taken part in shows along with top models, wants to prove that she has brains as well as beauty. (2)Peter, _w_h__o_m_you met in London, is now back in Paris.
词省 b. 可用that
略 b. 不可用that
*This is the fact that I have collected till now. 这就是我迄今收集到的事实。(限制性定语从句, 先行 词是the fact) *The novel, which I read last night, is very interesting. 那部小说, 我昨晚读的那本, 非常有趣。(非限制性定 语从句, 先行词是the novel)
*I left on Sunday, when/on which everyone was at home. 我星期日离开的, 当时人人都在家。
【关键能力】 1.听说能力:能听懂科学文化类文章所介绍的科普
知识,并能把这些知识用自己的语言准确、严密地表达 出来。
2.阅读能力:在阅读中迅速了解文章的结构脉络和 内容,快速筛选出有效信息并加以整合,准确理解概念 和句子的含意。
3.写作能力:能使用多种说明方法写出一篇脉络清 晰、逻辑严密、语言准确的说明性文章。
4.文化传承与理解:学习科学家在科研道路上一丝 不苟、任劳任怨、不畏艰难的态度、勇气和精神。
【拓展阅读】 《将生命融入科学 为祖国无私奉献》 《论中国传统服饰文化精髓》 《萧涤非先生治杜诗》
【高考支招】 1.抓关键词句,迅速找出被说明事物的特征。 2.看段落之间的内在关系,把握文章的结构脉络。 3.分析重点句段的特点,了解其所使用的说明方法
第三单元 实用性阅读与交流任务群
【单元任务】 一、理一理“发现”的过程和意义 1.把握文章脉络。可勾画出关键词句,准确筛选出
有效信息,梳理出作者的写作思路,了解说明内容的详 略。
2.概括出文本所介绍的发现、发明和创造的意义 践和探索中可能 遭遇的困难和疑惑,他们有过哪些梦想,那些困难是怎 样激发他们思考和探求的。
二、发现者如何介绍科学文化知识 1.找出作者为准确清楚地说明事物而采用的说明 方法。 2.找出文本中阐释原理的相关重要概念,并谈谈它 们在说明中所起的作用。 3.鉴赏说明性文章应持的科学态度,即简明准确、 逻辑严密、语言严谨等。
三、选取自己或别人的一个小发明创造,写篇文章 介绍这个成果
【必备知识】 1.了解说明文的文体特点。 2.了解说明性文章常用的说明顺序。 3.了解说明文常用的说明方法。
【核心素养】 1.语言建构与应用:分析和理解科学文化类文章的
Q2,What festivals of foreign countries do you know?
Q3,What kinds of festivalsdo you celebrate?
Step 3.Skimming
3. The blackboard
4. Chalk
Teaching procedures
Teaching contents and teacher's activities
Students activities
Design intent
Step 1 Greetings
Greet the whole class as usual.
Purpose:let them have the ability of introducing and analyzing expression; master the ways to find topic sentence.
Purpose: to train their thinking, speaking and communication abilities and get the students to have a better understanding of the meaning of the festivals so that they can treat the festival celebrations properly.
Purpose: To train the studentsto grasp the detailed information and have a better understanding of the text. It can also help the students improve the cooperative learning ability.
潮间带采集和养殖、沿海港口建设和航运、潮 汐发电等
三、洋流 1.定义:海洋中的海水常年比较_稳__定__地沿着一定方向 作_大__规__模__的流动,叫作洋流。 2.分类:按温度分为_暖__流__和_寒__流__。
[辨一辨] 判断下列说法的正误 ①一般从水温高的海域流向水温低的海域的洋流是暖 流。 ( √ ) ②一般由高纬度流向低纬度的洋流是暖流。 ( × ) ③一般从水温低的海域流向水温高的海域的洋流是寒 流。 ( √ )
④一般由低纬度流向高纬度的洋流是寒流。 ( × ) ⑤暖流温度一定比寒流温度高 ( × )
3.影响: (1)影响海洋生物资源和渔场分布:_寒__暖__流__交__汇__处易于 形成大的渔场。 (2)影响海洋航行:顺洋流航行可以_节__约__燃__料__,加快速 度。从极地地区挟带_冰__山__,给航行带来威胁。 (3)影响污染物:加快_净__化__速__度__,扩大污染范围。
常 见 涌浪 类 型 近岸浪或
风浪传到无风的海区或风停息以后的 余波
风浪或涌浪传到浅水区时,受到海底 摩擦作用,海浪的能量很快衰减,出现 破碎和卷倒
四要素 成因
运动形式 波浪
风、海底 地震、海 形成因素 底火山喷 发、水下 塌陷
月球和太阳 引力
盛行风、海水密 度差异、地转偏 向力、陆地轮廓 等多种因素作用 形成
时间 无周期性 具有周期性
运动形式 波浪
2020学年人教版高中英语必修三Unit1 Reading教案
2020学年人教版高中英语必修三Unit 1山东省青州第一中学一.教学课型:阅读课二.教材分析:1.教学内容(教材内容见文末)2.教材处理本节课主要介绍了古今中外的节日的种类,节日的由来,节日的作用及其庆祝方式等。
3 .教学目标1 .知识目标:通过深层次的理解,使学生了解古今中外的节日,并完成有关课文内容的练习。
2 .能力目标:通过个人活动,同伴活动和小组活动,使学生掌握速读—略读—跳读—精读—总结—寻找细节等阅读文章的各种阅读技巧,并利用多媒体课件创设情境,为学生提供大量的输出机会,提高学生的听说读写能力及培养他们的发散思维与创新能力。
3 .情感目标:体验使用多媒体手段辅助学习的乐趣和成就感,激发学生对世界各地,尤其是中国的节日及文化的兴趣,提高他们的文化素质,进而增强跨国文化意识。
三、教学媒体选择多媒体教室、计算机、CAI课件、投影仪四、教学设计1.总体思路笔者将本节课的主要内容分为四大环节:Pre-reading activities for interest(读前活动),while-reading activities for comprehension (读中活动), post-reading for consolidation (读后巩固活动) , group work and writing(小组活动与短文写作)。
20英语高中全程学习方略外研必修三配套课件Module 1
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders; You raise me up. . . to more than I can be. You raise me up. . . to more than I can be.
Hale Waihona Puke 【词海拾贝】【听力微语系列】 巧解计算类题目
Take a walk along the River Seine. Look through the artists’ colorful paintings. Peek through delicate iron gates at the well-kept gardens. Watch closely for the French attention to detail. No matter where you look, you will find everyday objects turned into works of art.
【即时训练】 听对话回答下列问题。 1. What did the man like when he was in college? A. Rock music. B. Classical music. C. Pop music.
2. How much is the man’s TV set? A. $ 150. B. $ 300. C. $ 450. 3. What did the woman do last Saturday? A. She attended a meeting. B. She stayed at home. C. She travelled in Atlanta. 答案: 1~3. ACB
Spend some time in a quiet park relaxing on an old bench. Lie on your back on the green grass. When you need refreshment, try coffee at a sidewalk cafe. Strike up a conversation with a Parisian. This isn’t always easy, though. With such a large international population living in Paris, true natives are hard to find these days.
(新教材)【人教版】20版《高中全程学习方略》必修三Unit 3 Reading and Thinking(英语)
4. Where did the writer go for dinner? A. A Cantonese restaurant. B. A jazz bar. C. A shop. D. A Mexican restaurant. 答案: 1~4. BACA
Ⅲ. 文本素养提升: 阅读技能综合运用 1. 根据课文语境与语句知识细致解构语句
9. Your composition is good, _a_p_a_r_t_f_r_o_m_some spelling mistakes. 10. _T_h_o_u_s_a_n_d_s__o_f trees were planted on the bleak(荒 凉的) hillside last year. 11. The company provides cheap Internet access. _I_n_a_d_d_i_t_io_n_, it makes shareware freely available.
5. She and her child _h_e_a_d_e_d_t_o_Beijing where her family lived last Friday. 6. More than 600, 000 people nowadays _e_a_r_n_a_/_t_h_e_ir_ _li_v_in_g_ by selling on Amazon and eBay. 7. The band arranged for _a_s_e_r_ie_s__o_f concerts. 8. Only human art or science can _b_r_i_n_g_a_b_o_u_t_peace.
16. _c_la_i_m_(夺取) thousands of lives 17. a _se_r_i_e_s(一系列) of victories 18. _e_sc_a_p_e_(避开) the cold winter
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Ⅰ. 根据语境及汉语提示写出正确的单词 1. _m_a_r_c_h_(行进) 50 km every day 2. letters of _c_o_n_g_r_a_tu_l_a_t_io_n_(祝贺) 3. the daily _ra_n__g_e(范围) of temperature 4. the _o_r_ig_i_n_(起源)of life on earth
5. What is the writer’s attitude towards the fact that festivals are becoming more and more commercial? A. Supportive. B. Objective. C. Doubtful. D. Negative. 答案: 1~5. CDBAB
4. In the last weeks of her life she simply _fa_d_e_d__a_w_a_y_ (变得虚弱). 5. Kelly loved her husband _in__s_p_it_e__o_f (尽管)the fact that he drank too much. 6. She _t_o_o_k_a_d_v_a_n_t_a_g_e_o_f_(利用) the children’s absence to tidy their rooms.
7. We don’t really _h_a_v_e__m_u_c_h_/_a__l_o_t _in__c_o_m_m__o_n_(有许 多相同点).
Ⅰ. 文本整体理解: 理清文章架构
Ⅱ. 文本细节理解: 探寻语篇细节信息 1. What do all the festivals have in common? A. They all originated from religions. B. They are all connected with famous figures. C. They all show the spirit of sharing joy, gratitude, love or peace. D. They all have similar customs.
Ⅱ. 根据汉语提示用本单元的短语完成句子 1. I do like her— _a_ft_e_r_a_l_l(毕竟), she is my sister. 2. We _d_r_e_s_s_ed__h_i_m__u_p_(装扮他) as a policeman. 3. There were 120 students whose ages _r_a_n_g_e_d_f_r_o_m_ _1_0_t_o_1_8_(包括从10岁到18岁之间).
Ⅲ. 文本素养提升: 阅读技能综合运用 1. 根据课文语境与语句知识细致解构语句。
译文: 另外一个例子是万圣节, _它__逐__渐__变__成__了__令__孩__子__ _激__动__的__节__日__, _尽__管__它__起__源__于__宗__教__。
译文: _虽__然__一__些__人__认__为__节__日__不__应__该__商__业__化__, 但是一些 人认为_消__费__增__长__有__益__于__经__济__和__公__众__的__幸__福__。
2. When was the Egyptian harvest season?
A. Autumn.
B. Spring.
3. What’s the function of the examples in Paragraph 2? A. To show the harvest festival is the most important in Egypt and China. B. To show it is celebrated in almost all cultures. C. To show the ways people celebrate it have changed. D. To show all the people are grateful for the supply of crops.
4. Why have Chinese people in many big cities stopped lighting firecrackers? A. To protect the environment. B. To save money. C. To avoid injuries. D. To get rid of old customs.
5. a leading _f_ig_u_r_e_(人物) in the community 6. bring great _jo_y_(高兴) to millions of people 7. express my deep _g_ra_t_i_tu_d__e(感激之情) 8. at _h_a_r_v_e_st_(收获)time 9. depend on _a_g_r_ic_u_l_tu__re_(农业) 10. the potato _cr_o_p_(作物)
11. _g_a_th__er_(聚集) around the car 12. feel _g_r_a_te_f_u_l(感激的) to be alive 13. a _si_g_n_i_fi_c_a_n_t(显著的) _f_e_a_tu_r_e_(特色) of city life 14. _d_e_c_o_r_a_te_(装饰) the wedding car with flowers 15. some _ty_p_i_c_a_l(典型的)symptoms 16. _r_e_fl_e_c_t (反映) a change in people’s _b_e_li_e_f(信仰) 17. a strong _f_a_it_h_(宗教信仰)