

九年级英语Unit8 I’ll help clean up the city parks.讲解及练习

九年级英语Unit8 I’ll help clean up the city parks.讲解及练习

第 1 页 (共4 页) 第 2 页 (共4 页)学校 姓名 班级 考场 考号---------------------------------○密------------------ -------------------○封----------------------------- -- --○线----------------------------※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※答※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※题※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※线※※※※※※※※※※※※※九年级英语Unit8 I ’ll help clean up the city parks.讲解及练习短语总结: (1)动词+介词agree with 同意,赞成 ask for 要求,寻求 arrive in / at 到达 begin with 以……开始 come from 来自 get to 到达 laugh at 嘲笑 look after 照顾 listen to 听 wait for 等待(2)动词+副词(3)动词+名词+介词have a look at 看一看 make friends with 交朋友make room for 为……腾出空间 pay attention to 将注意力集中在……take care of 照顾;照看 (4)动词+形容词+介词be angry with 生……的气 be busy with 忙于…… be good / bad for 对……有好处(坏处) be different from 与……不同 be interested in 对……感兴趣 be famous for 因……而出名 课文讲解1.No ,we can‟t put off making a plan … 不行,我们不能推迟制定计划 put off doing 意为“推迟做某事”2.Not only do I feel good about helping other people ,but I get to spend time doing what I love to do .帮助别人,不但我能感到快乐,而且我开始花时间做我喜欢做的事了(1)这是一个倒装句。



Key points
1.Master the phrases, such as “give out, hand out, cheer up, give away, set up…”
2.Master the sentence type “I’d like to…/You could…
I’ll help clean up the city parks.
师专附中 左晓倩
The five steps of this lesson:
1、The analysis of the this unit. 2、The statement of the students of Grade 3. 3、The key points and difficu、lties of the lesson. 4、The teaching aims. 5 、The teaching procedures.
three differences.
2.After-reading: Find three examples of phrasal verbs from the reading. Using them to make sentences of your own.
1. Zi chuan is our home , we always have fun in Zi Chuan Stadium Square . It’s our duty to make it cleaner . What and how will you do make it cleaner ?
2.Say sth. about “volunteers”, ask ss how to be good volunteers about mud-rock flow in Zhouqu, Gansu .


[单选,A1型题]为改善贫血缺铁性贫血患儿症状,可以选用的最佳食物是()A.牛奶和乳制品B.鱼、虾及高热量饮食C.动物肝脏及高蛋白质饮食D.海带、紫菜及高蛋白质饮食E.紫皮茄子及高蛋白质饮食 [单选]长期血透病人的最主要死亡原因是()。A.消化道出血B.心血管合并症C.神经系统合并症D.透析骨病E.感染 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]关于吞咽神经检查,下列叙述哪项是正确的()。A.嘱患者伸舌,观察有无偏斜B.舌缘两侧厚薄不相等及颤动C.嘱患者张口,观察两侧软腭上抬是否有力,腭垂是否居中D.检查鼻唇沟及口角两侧是否对称E.嘱患者鼓腮或吹口哨,观察左右两侧差异 [单选,A1型题]知母的药理作用是()A.抗过敏B.镇痛C.升高血糖D.降血糖E.增强免疫 [名词解释]古细菌 [单选]对三叉神经痛的治疗中,应首先选择的是()A.药物治疗B.射频治疗C.开颅减压D.理疗E.注射治疗 [名词解释]直接付款备用信用证 [单选]下列哪项没有参与促进乳腺发育及泌乳功能()A.皮质醇B.雌激素C.甲状旁腺素D.胎盘生乳素E.胰岛素 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下面关于MRI检查技术的适应证,不合理的是()A.感染B.肿瘤C.肺间质疾病D.寄生虫病E.中毒 [单选]工程造价的确定要根据不同的建设阶段,分次进行。这种计价特点被称为()。A.单件性计价B.分部组合计价C.多次性计价D.按构成计价 [单选]高热的体温范围为()A.38.1~38.5℃B.38.5~39℃C.39.1~41℃D.41.1~41.5℃E.41.5℃以上 [单选]WAIS-RC适用于()岁以上的受测者。A.15B.16C.17D.18 [单选]L是区域D:x2+y2≤-2x的正向周界,则(x3-y)dx+(x-y2)dy等于:()A.2πB.0C.(3/2)πD.-2π [单选]气体分馏装置四停事故中,()对装置威胁最大。A、停电B、停汽C、停水D、停风 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]由来自三个胚层的各种类型的组织混杂在一起构成的肿瘤称为()A.癌肉瘤B.腺癌C.混合性中胚叶瘤D.畸胎瘤E.乳头状腺癌 [多选]自我反省成功的加速器,其作用下面说法正确的是?()A、可以去除心中的杂念B、可以理性地认识自己,对事物有清晰的判断C、可以不断完善自己D、也可以提醒自己改正过失 [单选]"产后血晕者,其状心烦,气欲绝是也。……若下血多且晕者,但烦而已。下血少而气逆者,则血随气上,心下满急……若不急疗,即危其命也。"出自()A.《景岳全书》B.《妇人大全良方》C.《傅青主女科》D.《诸病源候论》E.《经效产宝》 [多选]倒摄抑制()A.指先学习的材料对识记和回忆后学习的材料的干扰作用B.表明遗忘是衰退的结果C.表明遗忘是干扰的结果D.指后学习的材料对识记和回忆先学习的材料的干扰作用 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]人体的基本组织不包括()A.上皮组织B.结缔组织C.肌组织D.神经组织E.脂肪组织 [单选]保险的数理基础是()。A.中心极限定理B.均匀法则C.正态法则D.大数法则 [单选]我国目前采用超率累进税率的是()。A.土地增值税B.个人所得税C.企业所得税D.消费税 [单选,A1型题]一般认为,眼轴每增长1mm,屈光度如何改变()。A.不变B.减少-2.50~-3.00DC.增加-2.50~-3.00DD.减少-1.50~-2.00DE.增加-1.50~-2.00D [单选]按照完好机泵标准,离心泵应达到铭牌能力的()A.A.70%B.B.80%C.C.90% [单选]促使血液在血管中不停地循环的动力是().A.大脑B.血压C.心脏 [问答题,案例分析题]女性,36岁。主诉:低热、四肢关节痛3周就诊。请针对该案例,说明问诊内容与技巧。 [多选]现代麻醉学的范畴是()A.临床麻醉B.急救复苏C.重症监测治疗D.疼痛治疗E.康复治疗 [名词解释]中药 [问答题]教师的权利有哪些? [单选]在路基工程中,用于排除地下水的设施是()。A.拦水带B.急流槽C.截水沟D.渗井 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]风湿性心脏病二尖瓣狭窄心房颤动电复律以下哪项是适应证()A.出现心绞痛或晕厥B.病程2年C.高度房室传导阻滞D.既往有病态窦房结综合征E.左心房内径65mm [单选]有毒物质“龙葵素”在绿皮马铃薯和()马铃薯中存在,食后会中毒。A、黄皮B、红皮C、发芽D、白皮 [单选]企业应建立的主要目标有销售定额、毛利额、访问户数、新客户数、()和贷款回收率等。A、销售量B、市场份额C、访问费用D、产品定位 [单选]()是植物细胞特有的。A、叶绿体B、细胞膜C、细胞质D、细胞核 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]前鼻孔填塞时鼻腔填塞物一般留置()。A.1~12hB.12~24hC.24~48hD.48~72hE.72~96h [多选]下列属于火焰切割的是()。A.液化石油气切割B.氢氧元切割C.氧熔剂切割D.激光切割 [问答题,简答题]减速器常见故障有哪些? [单选]风热病邪致病初起先犯:().A.卫气B.肺卫C.脾胃D.阳明 [问答题,简答题]简述指压法止血适应证。 [单选]有形动产融资租赁业务增值税即征即退政策是指增值税实际税负超过()的部分可享受即征即退。A、5%B.3%C、4%D、6%. [填空题]油品的沸程是指()温度范围。



九年级英语 Unit8 I’ll help clean up the city parks. Part 1: Teaching design (第一部分:教案设计)SECTION AGoals●To learn to use phrasal verbs●To read about being a volunteer●To listen and talk about clean up the city parks ProceduresWarming up by learning about grammar focusHello, class. This week we shall go and help clean up the city parks. But first what is the meaning of “clean up”? What verb is it?Turn to page 61 and look at the chart to learn about “phrasal verb”What is a phrasal verb?▲It is an English verb followed by one or more particles where the combination behaves as a syntactic and semantic unit。

“turn out” is a phrasal verb in the question “how many turned out to vote?”▲In the English language, a phrasal verb is a verb combined with a preposition, an adverb, or an adverbial particle, all three of which are uninflected.1a Looking and readingLook at the bulletin board on page 60 and read about ways by which you could help people. Then list other ways you could help people.1b Listening and completingYou are going to listen to several conversations.While listening, pay attention to information to complete the sentences on page 60 in the box.1c Doing pairworkIn pairs you are to practice the conversations in the picture on page 60. Then make similar conversations using the information in activity 1b.2a Listening and checkingSome students talking about planning a City Parks Clean-up Day. Listen to their talk and check√the things they are going to do.2b Listening and filling in blanksI’ shall play the tape again and you are to listen and fill in the blanks in the box on 61.2c Doing pairworkLet’s go on to role play the conversation in activity 2b.3a Reading, underlining and circlingOn page 62 is an article about volunteers. Read it and underline the kinds of work they do. You have to circle the reasons why they like their work.Read the article again to darken the phrasal verbs found in it.3b Filling in the tableOn page 62 is a table showing the kinds of volunteer work the four students could do. Read the table and fill in it.3c Doing pairNext take turns role playing being one of the people in 3b by asking and giving advice.4 Doing pairworkIn the table on bottom of page 62 write down threethings you like to do and then ask your partner for advice about the kinds of volunteer work you could do.Closing down by reading an English poemFalling Asleep in ClassI fell asleep in class today, as I was awfully bored.I laid my head upon my desk and closed my eyes and snored.I woke to find a piece of papersticking to my face.I'd slobbered on my textbooksand my hair was a disgrace.My clothes were badly rumpledand my eyes were glazed and red.My binder left a three-ringindentation in my head.I slept through class, and probablyI would have slept some more,except my students woke meas they headed out the door.Kenn NesbittSECTION BGoals●To Learn more phrasal verbs●To listen, speak and write usingphrasal verbsProceduresWarming up by brainstorming phrasal verbsHello, everyone. To begin with, we shall brainstorm a list of phrasal verbs.1 Reading and matchingOn page 63 is a box with 4 sentences. Match them with their similar meanings on the right.1b Making sentencesOn page 63 you will find a box with some phrasal verbs. Make a sentence with each of the phrasal verbs.2a Listening and numberingListen to the recording that I am going to play and number the pictures on page 63.(Key:a4,b2,c1,d3 )2b Listening and circlingYou shall listen to the recording again to circle “T” or “F”.2c Doing pairworkIn pairs practice the conversations between Jmmy and the reporter. Use the information from the activities on page 63.3a Reading and underliningOn page 64 is an article about Jimmy the Bike Boy. Read to understand it and underline all the phrasal verbs.Copy all the phrasal verbs and useful expressions onto your notebook.3b Making a noteRead the article again to make a note of the things that Jimmy did in order to sole his problem.1.He did a radio interview.2.He also put up some signs asking for old bikes.3.He called up all his friends and told them about the problem.4.He even handed out advertisements at a local supermarket.5.He told the teachers at school about his problem and they set up a call-in center for parents.4 Doing groupworkBy brainstorming work out a plan for helping out in your community. Write down where and what you will volunteer and tell your classmates about your plan.Closing down by talking about volunteer workLook at the pictures below and talk about the volunteer workthat the people in the pictures are doing.SELF CHECK1.Filling and makingTurn to page 65 and fill in the blank with a correct word given in its correct form. Then make a sentence with each of the given words.2 Writing an article tell about SallyOn page 65 is a box with words and phrases. Write an article telling about what happens to Sally.Just for funLook at the pictures andmake a story out of them.Reading: I’ll send you a photo of Lucky.Before you read, listen to the recording without looking at the article.While you read,underline all the phrasal verbs, blacken all the expressions and circle all the linking words.After you read, copy down all the phrasal verbs and useful expressions into your notebook.Part 2: Teaching Resources (第二部分:教案资源)I. What is a volunteer?A volunteer is someone who performs or offers to perform a service out of his own free will, often without payment. The year 2001 was the International Year of the Volunteer. 2005 is the UK Year of the Volunteer.People may volunteer to perform some work, e.g., of charitable character. Some volunteer for clinical trials or other medical research, and may even donate their bodies to science after their death.II. What is an online Volunteer?An online volunteer is a person who contributes time and effort with an organization through an online connection, rather than in person. A wide variety of people from aroundthe world are online volunteers and most are not technology professionals.Online volunteers may provide advice, consultancy and perform remote administration tasks for the organisation, usually a charity or non-profit organisation. The practice of donating time online goes by other names, such as virtual volunteering, cyber service, telementoring, e-volunteering, and cyber volunteering.There are many opportunities for people to donate their services using the internet. Online volunteers do a variety of tasks, such as translating documents, editing or preparing proposals, designing logos, researching information, developing strategic plans, reviewing budgets, creating web pages, designing flash presentations, moderating online discussion groups and managing other online volunteers.III. What is an ICT Volunteer?个人收集整理资料,仅供交流学习,勿作商业用途An ICT volunteer is someone who is working to foster the implementation and use of Information and Communication Technologies. He or she can install hardware, software or carry on with ICT training programmes. There is no need to be an online volunteer to be an ICT volunteer: installing hardware is a good example. Likewise, there is no need to be an ICT volunteer to be an online volunteer: teaching a language through a virtual campus is not related with ICT fostering, at least in a direct way.....21 / 21。



Unit 8 I’ll help clean up the city parks.一、完形填空阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选择最佳答案。

(A)Last week everyone was trying to cheer up Jimmy the Bike boy. But this week Jimmy is happy again. On Monday 1 told a radio interviewer that he had run out of 2 to buy old bikes. He also put up some signs asking for old 3 and called up all his friends and told them 4 the problem. He even handed out advertisements at a local supermarket. Then he told the 5 at school about his problem 6 they set up a call - in center for parents. The strategies that he came up with worked out fine. He now has sixteen bikes to 7 and give away to children who don't have bikes.()1.A.she B.he C.I D.you()2.A.money B.water C.food D.oil()3.A.books B.cars C.maps D.bikes()4.A.in B.about C.at D.with()5.A.teachers B.workers C.doctors D.drivers()6.A.but B.if C.and D.yet()7.A.get up B.look up C.set up D.fix up(B)In many people' s eyes, going by air would be the best choice when 1 , however, in recent years, the increasingly high frequency of plane crashes make people hesitant(犹豫)to take the plane. Naturally, 2 my parents told me that we would go to Wuhan 3 , I had a feeling of happiness as well as 4 .After a long queue for check-in, we were finally on board the plane.Everything was so fascinating, 5 it was my first time to travel by air, my sense of 6 didn't last long due to the help of air hosts and hostess.With 7 patient explanation, I got familiar with the handy facilities(设备)very soon. Things went smoothly, I 8 became at ease, thinking that traveling by air was nothing different from any other 9 tools except that it was much efficient(快捷). Suddenly, we were told to fasten our seat belt for the coming air flow(气流). I became scared at the news, 10 it turned to be a very small incident during the whole journey. The plane soon became very steady(稳)and two hours later, we 11 on the airport.After this unforgettable trip, I don' t think I would be worried about the thought of plane 12 in the future.()1.A.watching B.traveling C.thinking D.walking ()2.A.when B.since C.before D.because ()3.A.by train B.on business C.for pleasure D.by air()4.A.surprise B.sadness C.worry D.fun()5.A.where B.why C.though D.while()6.A.happiness B.nervousness C.illness D.carefulness ()7.A.his B.your C.its D.their()8.A.much B.too C.soon D.also()9.A.traffic B.new C.fast D.communicate ()10.A.and B.but C.then D.so()11.A.took B.landed C.flew D.jumped()12.A.accident B.time C.story D.speed二、阅读理解(A)()1.You can read ________ to find the new movies.A.P. 28 B.P. 12 C.P. 15 D.P. 26()2.From P. 16 you can get something on________.A.news B.sports C.people D.weather ()3.Where can you read the index?A.On TV. B.In a magazine.C.In a theater.D.In a restaurant.(B)Jane' s school day starts at eight - thirty. It begins with a group discussion of the Children' s News - round of the night before. After that, the children usually have a math or an English lesson. At ten -thirty there is a fifteen -minute break. Then the children play outside. After the break they have geography, history, or biology. In most Canadian schools the children are divided into groups that stay together all day. Each group has its own teacher, who teaches almost every subject.At twelve- fifteen the children eat their sandwiches at home or school. After that, they play all kinds of games, like marbles, skipping, ball, and tag.Jane' s school day goes on, and she starts up at one o' clock. In the afternoon, the children study French or math, or they have a music class, physical education, or swimming lessons. Sometimes they put on plays. There are two computers in the classroom. The children take turns using them. Today it is Jane' s turn to use the computer and she will work on math.School finishes at half past three. Jane goes home by bike directly.()1.Children have math after________.A.discussion B.break C.breakfast D.lunch()2.When do children have geography?A.At 8: 30.B.At 12: 15.C.In the afternoon.D.After the break.()3.After lunch, children________.A.have swimming lessons B.play all kinds of gamesC.have physical education D.play computer games()4.Children take turns ________ in the classroom.A.having lunch B.using computersC.putting on a play D.taking a break()5.We can learn from the text that children ________.A.have little chance of playing games B.study only one subjectC.learn, play and have fun at school D.all go home by bus(C)One night Matt saw his grandmother was holding a flashlight. “Are you searching for something, Grandma?” he asked. “I'm going to search for sea turtle nests(巢穴). Come with me,” replied his grandma.Matt's teacher had said there were few sea turtles left in the world, so people were helping to save them. Matt could hardly wait to search for sea turtle nests.On the way to the beach, Matt carried some wooden sticks(小棍)and a roll of wide yellow tape. While walking, Grandma described how mother sea turtles scoop a hole in the sand. Then they lay their eggs and finally cover them up with sand. In this way the sea turtle mothers make sure their eggs stay warm and safe until they hatch(孵化).“Why do you want to find the nests?” Matt asked.“We mark the nests with yellow tape to make people notice where the nests are. Without the tape to signal where the nests are, people might walk or drive on them and pack down the sand. This could hurt the eggs or cause the baby sea turtles not to be able to dig their way out after they hatch.”“After they hatch, the baby go out to the sea, following the light that shines off the ocean,”Grandma said.“People who live along the beach turn off outside lights at night during the hatching season. They want to help make sure the baby turtles go toward the light shining on the ocean.”At the beach Matt and his grandmother began searching for signs of sea turtles. Soon Matt found a wavy path near the water. Together Matt and Grandma marked the nest. They hammered tall sticks into the sand and tied the yellow tape around them.Two months later, Matt was anxious to check on the nest that he had helped mark. So that night he and his grandmother walked down to the beach under a beautiful full moon. The moonlight formed a silvery pathway from the shore out to sea. As Matt and his grandmother got to the nest, the sand began to move. From under the sand baby sea turtles came out, fighting their way to the surface(表面). As they struggled toward the water, a gentle wave picked them up and took them out to their new home.1.When Grandma asked him to search for sea turtle nests, Matt was________.A.bothered because he had to waitB.proud of his grandmother' s behaviorC.excited for he could help the creaturesD.nervous for he was not sure what to do2.Sea turtle nests were marked with the yellow tape so that________.A.visitors could easily find the turtle eggsB.the eggs would not be hurt by accidentC.the mother sea turtle could find her kidsD.Matt and his grandmother could find them3.In which order did things happen?a.The wave picked up the sea turtles to the sea.b.Sea turtles scooped a hole in the sand.c.People living along the beach turned off the lights.d.Sea turtles covered their eggs to keep them safe.e.People marked the nest with the yellow tape.A.b, a, d, e, c B.d, b, c, a, eC.b, d, e, c, a D.d, a, c, e, d4.The main idea of the text is that Matt and his grandmother________.A.helped the sea turtles hatch the eggs in the sand at nightB.saved the sea turtles and helped them find their way homeC.spent some meaningful time with the sea turtles on the beachD.took care of the sea turtle eggs and watched the babies go home三、写作训练(A)9班的同学很愿意当志愿者,他们根据自己的特长帮助别人做一些力所能及的事。



I’ll help clean up the city parks教案unit 8 i’ll help clean up the city parks.第1课时(1a—2c)时间:学习目标1.掌握p60-61页单词: cheer up , clean up, homeless, hunger, give out, put off, set up2.学会用英语提供帮助学习流程task1: 小组自学单词并背诵平行训练根据句意和首字母完成单词1. the kind man always helps the h_______ children.2. we often see the s_________ of “no smoking” in public places.3. the city library was e________ three months ago.4. around fifty people die of h_______ every day in the camp.5. if you wait to sell your old sofa, why not put an a_______ in the local paper?task2: 小组讨论用什么方法帮助别人task3: 听录音,完成课本1b, 2a, 2b 听力任务task4: 大声朗科听力材料task5: 学生分角色表演3b.平行训练1. will you help ___________ (clean) up the classroom?2. tom could put off ______ (make) that plan.3. clean-up _________ (day) is only two weeks from now.4. we need ___________ (come) up with some ________ (idea).5. they plan ___________ (buy) a big house.6. _________(sing)aloud so that everyone can hear clearly.达标测评一.单项选择1.the class room is so dirty, i decided ____________.a.clean it upb. to clean it upc. clean up it2. you should visit the sick kids to __________.a. cheer up themb. laugh at themc. cheer them upd. take after them3. we have to _______ our sports meeting till next week because of the heavy rain.a. put upb. put offc. put upd. put down4. we have to put off ______ plans for the vacation.a. makeb. to makec. makingd. made5. the teacher is giving ______ the new books to the student.a. tob. outc. ind. offunit 8 i’ll help clean up the city parks.第2课时编写: 郝玉平时间:学习目标1.掌握p62-63 单词: major , coach, take after, similar, fix up, repair, think up2.讨论作为一名志愿者应该做什么流程学习task1: 小组自学单词平行训练1. the students plan _____ (buy) some flowers for miss wang.2. the old man is an expert. he can r________ kinds of machines.3.my clothes seem s_______ to bob’s because we like the same design.4. the radio should be f________.task2: 1.快速阅读3a掌握大意2. 朗读短文,小组讨论遇到的问题3.认真阅读短文,把志愿者做的工作及喜欢做的原因用不同的标记标出来task3: 合作探究分析下列句子1. not only do i feel good about helping other people , but i get to spend time doing what i love to do.。


录 / [单选,共用题干题]SOXisanalternative(1)forXML.ItisusefulforreadingandcreatingXMLcontentina(2)editor.ItistheneasilytransformedintoproperXML.SOXwascreatedbecausedeveloperscanspendagreatdealoftimewithrawXML.Formanyofus,thepopularXML(3)havenotreachedapointwheretheirtr tablesandformscancompletelysubstitutefortheunderlying(4)language.Thisisnotsurprisingwhenoneconsidersthatdevelopersstilluseatextview,albeitenhanced,foreditingotherlanguagessuchasJava.SOXuses(5)torepresentthestructureofanXMLdocument, whicheliminatestheneedforclosingtagsandanumberofquotingdevices.Theresultissurprisinglyclear.空白(1)处应选择A.semanticB.pragmaticsC.syntaxD.grammar 论文:试题论网络应用系统的安全设计随着计算机网络,特别是各类互联网络的普遍使用,计算机网络的安全性及其实现方法受到了人们极大的关注。为了保障网络服务的可用性和网络信息的完整性,目前已提出了许多对网络服务的种类与范围等实施控制的技术与方法。请围绕"网络应用系统的安 论题,依次对以下3个方面进行论述。(1)简述你参与过的计算机网络应用系统的概要和你所担任的工作,包括你在网络安全性与保密性方面所做过的主要工作。(2)详细论述你采用的保障网络安全性的技术与方法,并且着重说明你所采用的专用软件、硬件与管理措施的综合解决方案。(3)论 络安全性与提高网络服务效率之间的关系,同时简要评估你所采用的网络安全性措施的效果。 支配大腿后肌群的是A.坐骨神经B.臀下神经C.臀上神经D.胫神经E.腓总神经 什么是土壤耕作?主要内容有哪些? 单位结算卡可以在以下自助设备上使用。ATM/CRSB.交银自助通C.iTMD.自助票据机E.POS机F.电话银行 咽后隙与咽旁隙之间相隔的结构是:A.筋膜B.咽上缩肌C.翼内肌D.茎突咽肌E.疏松结缔组织 编制年度计划生育药具需求计划的依据是什么? 对市场价格变动区间较大的资源,可采取合作模式,以利于获得较高的收益。 男性,74岁,突发头疼、意识丧失1h,既往有高血压病史。行99Tcm-ECD脑血流断层显像横断层如图,诊断是A.双侧额叶脑梗死B.左侧颞叶脑梗死C.左侧部分顶叶脑梗死D.右侧顶叶脑梗死E.右侧小脑梗死 一般认为,下列哪种情况的脑出血不适合外科治疗。A.血压<26.6/16.0kPaB.小脑出血血肿>10mlC.壳核出血血肿>40mlD.丘脑出血血肿>10mlE.生命体征和心肾功能正常,有脑疝形成可能 急性化脓性腹膜炎的手术指征中,不正确的是()A.原发性腹膜炎B.非手术治疗无效C.中毒症状明显伴休克D.弥漫性腹膜炎无局限趋势E.观察12小时症状及体征加重 导流泄水建筑物封堵后,如永久性泄洪建筑物尚未具备设计泄洪能力,坝体度汛洪水标准应分析坝体施工和运行要求后按规范规定执行,2级混凝土坝设计标准为年一遇。A.50~20B.100~50C.200~100D.500~200 在中,①用于防止信息抵赖;②用于防止信息被窃取;③用于防止信息被篡改;④用于防止信息被假冒。A.①加密技术②数字签名③完整性技术④认证技术B.①完整性技术②认证技术③加密技术④数字签名C.①数字签名②完整性技术③认证技术④加密技术D.①数字签名②加密技术③完整性技术④认 什么是汽轮机的相对内效率? 肠结核的好发部位A.回盲部B.横结肠C.空肠D.直肠、乙状结肠E.降结肠 ISP也叫。A.Internet服务提供商B.综合业务数据网C.防卫数字网D.都不是 保存断肢最好的方法是。A.浸泡于生理盐水中B.浸泡于抗生素溶液中C.浸泡于新洁尔灭溶液中D.包装于口袋内干燥冷藏E.置于冰块内 低钾血症最早的临床表现A.肌无力B.U波C.厌食、恶心、呕吐D.腹胀E.腱反射减退 目前临床上最常用的显微血管吻合法为A.套接法B.电凝法C.粘合法D.激光焊接法E.缝合法 矿业工程注册建造师施工管理签章文件目录共包括7类51种,下列不属于注册建造师执业签章文件的是。A.井筒施工图设计B.井筒施工组织设计C.爆破安全技术措施D.采矿方法布置图E.矿井施工图预算 不是舒张性心力衰竭特点的是A.左心室舒张期充盈降低B.左心室射血分数降低C.心肌顺应性下降D.超声心动图E峰E.心腔大小可正常 患者左眼的直接对光反射消失,但间接对光反射存在,最可能的损害是A.左侧视神经病变B.左侧动眼神经病变C.右侧视神经病变D.右侧动眼神经病变 一患者就诊神经科查体发现:做侧视运动时右侧眼球可以外展(伴有眼球震颤),左侧眼球不能内收,但两眼会聚运动正常.做头MRI发现:脑干梗死,最可能的定位诊断是A.右侧动眼神经麻痹B.核上性眼肌麻痹C.后核间型眼肌麻痹D.前核间型眼肌麻痹 眼球纤维膜A.是眼球壁的最内层B.富有血管和色素细胞C.全层均透明D.前1/6部分为角膜E.后5/6为睫状体 妊娠合并巨细胞病毒感染下列哪项是错误的:A.可垂直传播给胎儿B.孕妇巨细胞病毒感染多为隐性感染C.原发性巨细胞病毒感染易引起胎儿先天发育异常D.巨细胞病毒感染的新生儿多数出生后数小时至数周死亡E.妊娠晚期从宫颈分离出病毒应积极治疗,剖宫产终止妊娠 腹痛急暴,得温痛减,遇冷更甚,口不渴,小便清利,大便自可,舌苔白腻,脉沉紧。治宜A.小建中汤B.大建中汤C.理中汤D.香砂六君子汤E.良附丸合正气天香散 患者,因服毒昏迷不醒,入急诊室抢救,其家属不能准确地说出毒物的名称及性质,观察患者双侧瞳孔缩小。洗胃时胃管插入的长度是()A.30~40cmB.35~45cmC.40~50cmD.35~55cmE.50~60cm 肯氏三类牙列缺损,支点线和牙弓的关系是。A.支点线横切牙弓B.支点线纵切牙弓C.支点线斜切牙弓D.支点线构成三角形E.支点线构成多边形 以下关于大疱性类天疱疮典型皮损的描述错误的是A.在外观正常皮肤或红斑基础上发生B.紧张性大疱C.尼氏征阳性D.少数患者可表现为风团等非特异性皮损 [单选,案例分析题]一急性心梗患者,突然晕厥,心电图为室速160次/分,查血压为80/60nmmHg,脉搏触不清,心音弱,无杂音。本例死亡的最可能原因是A.急性左心衰B.室颤C.休克D.室间隔穿孔E.乳头肌断裂 腭裂手术时在腭部黏骨膜下注射含肾上腺素的麻药或生理盐水的主要目的是()A.减少疼痛B.减少出血、便于剥离C.减少肿胀D.防止血管损伤E.以上都不是 土地使用者的单位全称应为该单位的全称。A.营业执照所记载B.在工商局注册时C.公章D.对外使用 汽轮机发电机组各转子中心连成的连续曲线与水平切线点的位置,应符合制造厂要求。如果偏差较大,则说明各转子的位置发生了较大变化A.正确B.错误 雪顿节,是我国哪个民族的节日?A.维吾尔族B.藏族C.蒙古族D.回族 某女,60岁,有高度近视眼病史,近半年来眼前可见黑色漂浮物,视力较前降低,做了眼底镜检查患者的可能诊断是()A.玻璃体积血B.玻璃体液化C.玻璃体炎症D.玻璃体后脱离E.玻璃体混浊 经济资本分配系数是根据设定。A、主要依据各类资产的利润和回报水平来设定B、主要依据各类资产的收入、利润和回报水平来设定C、主要依据各类资产的风险状况、回报水平和全行资产组合管理策略等因素综合设定D、主要依据各类资产的收入、风险和回报水平来设定 管模的材质应具有性能。A.热强度高B.导热性好C.热膨胀性能好D.以上都正确 excel中符号"&"属于。A.算术运算符B.比较运算符C.文本运算符D.引用运算符 小鼠自发性肿瘤中发生率最高。A、乳腺肿瘤B、肺肿瘤C、肝肿瘤D、白血病 银行金融创新应当遵循一定的基本原则,应做好客户评估和识别工作,针对不同客户群提供不同的金融产品。A.正确B.错误



ĦĦĦĦIĦŻll help clean up the city parkĦĦĦĦunit 8 iĦŻll help clean up the city parks.ĦĦĦĦtry your best to answer these questions.ĦĦĦĦif you see a piece of waste paper on the floor£Ĵwhat will you do ?ĦĦĦĦ(i will pick it up and throw it into a paper basket. )ĦĦĦĦif the blackboard is dirty, what will you do ?ĦĦĦĦ(i will clean it at once. )ĦĦĦĦif the desk is broken , what will you do?ĦĦĦĦ(i will repair it or call the repairer. i will help change a new one.)ĦĦĦĦif your classmateĦŻs bike is broken, and he canĦŻt go home, what will you do ?ĦĦĦĦ(i will repair the bike for him. i will lend my bike to him.)ĦĦĦĦcomplete the sentences by using the phrases we have learnt in this unit .ĦĦĦĦ1.we are going to _______ a food bank to help hungry people.ĦĦĦĦ2.you could _________food at the food bank.ĦĦĦĦ3.i didnĦŻt sell it, i ____it _____.ĦĦĦĦ4.-i hate doing homework.ĦĦĦĦ- well, ________! itĦŻs part of your job.ĦĦĦĦ5. the city park is not clean. we need to ____________a plan.ĦĦĦĦ6. the city park is not cle an. we need to help ____ it ____.ĦĦĦĦ7.-do we have to do it right away? -yes, we canĦŻt _____it _____.ĦĦĦĦ8.please borrow me a pen, i need to _________your telephone number.ĦĦĦĦ9.i donĦŻt have any more of it. iĦŻve ____________it.ĦĦĦĦ10.i repaired my radio. i __ it___.ĦĦĦĦ11.if the ufo came, i would _____the police.ĦĦĦĦ12. we canĦŻt _______reviewing plan because the final exam is only three weeks.ĦĦĦĦ13.we could _________some movie posters on the wall of our cinema.ĦĦĦĦ14. i get a part-time job----- to______ advertisements after school.ĦĦĦĦ15.i am similar to my mother. i _________her.ĦĦĦĦ16. my sister is too young. i have to _________her in summer vacation.ĦĦĦĦput the sentences in the right order.ĦĦĦĦ( ) i could do that! but what could my sister do? she wants to volunteer, but she doesnĦŻt like to work outside.ĦĦĦĦ( ) she could collect some clothes and put them in boxes. orĦ­. she could give out food at the food bank. what do you think she would like to do?ĦĦĦĦ( ) iĦŻm ready to do some volunteer work for our city. iĦŻd like to work outside.ĦĦĦĦ( ) does she want to volunteer today?ĦĦĦĦ( ) thatĦŻs a great idea! now, how about my mom? what can she do?ĦĦĦĦ( ) yes, she told me sheĦŻd like to help homeless people.ĦĦĦĦ( ) you coul d help pick up thrash beside the streets.ĦĦĦĦ(4 ) what does she like to do?ĦĦĦĦ( ) i think sheĦŻd like to give out food at the food bank.ĦĦĦĦ( ) she could visit sick children at the hospital. she could play games with them.ĦĦĦĦ( ) she likes to p lay with children.ĦĦĦĦreading:ĦĦĦĦworld hungerĦĦĦĦmost of us donĦŻt think too much about world hunger. when we are hungry, we can always find something to eat- usually something delicious. but in many parts of the world ¨Ceven in some rich countries ¨C adults and children go to bed hungry every day. according to the world hunger program in newport, rhode island, 780 million people in the world donĦŻt get enough to eat. one out of every six babies in the world is born underweight and even worse, one out of every three children is underweight at age five.。


[单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]升药的功效是()A.清热解毒B.杀虫止痒C.拔毒去腐D.敛疮生肌E.消肿散结 [单选]一般来讲,企业应该让销售人员担负起寻找客户、传递信息、()、提供服务、收集信息和分配货源等方面的任务。A、销售产品B、分配信息C、把握需求D、市场调研 [单选]由焊条偏心过大而产生的偏吹,通常采用()的方法。A、更换工件B、外加磁场C、采取防风措施D、调整焊条角度 [名词解释]GPS [单选]滑坡裂缝出现在堤顶或堤坡上、顺堤方向、两端()延伸。A.直线B.无限C.向坡上D.向坡下弯曲 [单选]将两个或两个不同的元素并竖在一起时,能看出差异,这是()构成。A、近似B、特异C、对比D、密集 [单选]最适宜的腮腺超声检查方法A.空腹B.理发后C.应用凸阵探头D.应用高频线阵探头E.只行纵切检查 [单选]描述尾状叶位置错误的是A.位于门脉横部的后方B.位于肝圆韧带的下方C.位于静脉韧带的右后方D.位于下腔静脉的左前方E.位于静脉韧带后、下腔静脉前方 [填空题]黑色金属表面一般都存在氧化皮,俗称()。 [单选]关于胰岛素治疗糖尿病,下列何者是错误的()A.适用于1型糖尿病B.适用于2型糖尿病饮食控制和口服降糖药物仍控制不良者C.是抢救急性严重代谢紊乱中的关键药物D.适用于有严重急慢性并发症者E.妊娠时糖尿病病情减轻,不需要用胰岛素或减少剂量 [判断题]个人对外贸易经营者指依法办理工商登记或者其他执业手续,取得个人工商营业执照或者其他执业证明,并按照国务院商务主管部门的规定,办理备案登记,取得对外贸易经营权,从事对外贸易经营活动的个人。A.正确B.错误 [判断题]辨证论治包含着相互联系的两个内容,即辨证和论治。A.正确B.错误 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]肺结核的治疗原则是()A.早期、规律、适量、全程、联合B.早期、规律、适量、短程、联合C.早期、规律、足量、全程、联合D.中期、规律、适量、全程、联合E.中期、规律、足量、全程、联合 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]医疗机构从业人员违反本规范的,视情节轻重给予处罚,其中不正确的是()A.批评教育、通报批评、取消当年评优评职资格B.卫生行政部门依法给予警告、暂停执业或吊销执业证书C.纪检监察部门按照党纪政纪案件的调查处理程序办理D.缓聘、解职待聘、解聘E.涉嫌犯 [问答题,简答题]装置引蒸气时应注意什么? [单选]某施工单位通过行贿中标某大型项目,并向项目建设单位提交了某银行出具的工程履约保函。目前工程已经实施过半,经其他投标人投诉,招标主管部门调查认定行贿谋取中标情节属实。则()。A.施工合同无效,履约保函有效B.施工合同无效,履约保函也无效C.施工合同有效,履约 [单选]不属于矿业工程项目工程量变更的条件的是()。A.因设计局部修改B.因工程施工中客观条件变化而修改施工图设计C.超过本单位工程预备费率部分的"三材"D.因材料代用所增加的费用 [单选,A1型题]下列各项中,不符合休克诊断标准的是()。A.意识异常B.末梢循环灌注不足C.有诱发休克的病因D.脉细数,<100次/分E.收缩压100mmHg [单选]某企业报告期与基期比较,产品产量增加3%,单位产品成本下降3%,那么,生产费用()。A.减少B.增加C.不增不减D.无法确定 [单选]下列各项中,属于行政责任的是()。A.停止侵害B.罚款C.返还财产D.支付违约金 [单选]下列关于职务作品的表述正确的有()A.著作权归作者享有的职务作品,自完成起两年内,未经单位同意,作者不得许可第三人使用该作品B.著作权归作者享有的职务作品,作品完成两年后,单位在其业务范围内继续使用的应取得作者或者其他著作权人的许可并向其支付报酬C.单位不可能 [判断题]碳素钢的塑性随其温度升高,塑性越好。()A.正确B.错误 [填空题]()被称为“后现代主义设计”理论的真正奠基人,也是后现代主义建筑设计师的代表之一。1.英国19世纪下半叶发生的“工艺美术”运动由威廉·莫里斯倡导宣传,英国的文艺批评家和作家()作理论指导。 [单选]王某被人民法院以盗窃罪判处有期徒刑3年,并已执行完毕,2年后经再审改判为无罪。王某对此应向谁请求国家赔偿()A.作出逮捕决定的机关和作出一审判决的人民法院B.作出逮捕决定的机关和作出原生效判决的人民法院C.作出原生效判决的人民法院D.作出再审判决的人民法院 [单选]下列不属于收费系统功能的是()。A.采集收费交易数据B.交通事件的排除C.处理数据、统计、査询、打印功能D.通行券的管理 [问答题,简答题]研究药物配伍变化的目的是什么? [单选]关于承诺的正确表述为()。A.受要约人超过承诺期限发出承诺的,除要约人及时通知受要约人该承诺有效的以外,为新要约B.受要约人超过承诺期限发出承诺的,除要约人及时通知受要约人该承诺失效的以外,为有效C.承诺可以撤销,撤销承诺的通知应当在承诺通知到达要约人之前或者 [填空题]FTP(FileTransferProtocol)就是(),是最基本的网络服务 [单选]用人单位自用工之日起()未与劳动者订立书面劳动合同的,应当向劳动者每月支付二倍的工资。A.一个月以内B.超过一个月不满一年C.六个月以上D.一年以上 [单选]烟酸缺乏病皮损好发于()A.曝光和摩擦受压部位B.皮肤细嫩和皱褶部位C.腔口周围D.躯干 [问答题,案例分析题]某拟建项目有关资料如下:1.项目工程费用由以下内容构成。(1)主要生产项目l500万元,其中:建筑工程费300万元,设备购置费l050万元,安装工程费l50万元。(2)辅助生产项目300万元,其中:建筑工程费150万元,设备购置费ll0万元,安装工程费40万元。(3)公用工程 [填空题]加压后的液氨气化时体积会膨胀(),并大量(),使周围物质的温度()。 [单选]用人单位应当将本单位属于女职工禁忌从事的劳动范围的岗位()告知女职工。A、口头B、书面C、正式 [单选]患者辨证为风寒感冒兼胸脘痞闷,食少纳呆,脉濡者,治疗应首选()A.荆防败毒散B.香苏散C.杏苏散D.羌活胜湿汤E.三仁汤 [单选]时间分辨荧光免疫测定的特点不包括()A.标记物荧光衰变时间长B.测定范围较窄C.标记物为镧系元素D.能排除非特异性荧光的干扰E.荧光强,灵敏度高 [单选,A1型题]下列不宜人煎剂的药物是()A.大戟B.番泻叶C.甘遂D.商陆E.牵牛子 [单选]蒺藜不具有的功效是()A.平肝B.疏风C.软坚散结D.祛风明目E.散风止痒 [问答题,简答题]什么叫混凝土配合比设计的恒定用水量法则? [问答题]八宝珍珠散功效与作用 [名词解释]地球化学背景


储蓄账户内外汇汇出境外当日累计超过等值5万美元的,凭经常项目项下有交易额的真实性凭证办理。A.正确B.错误 [填空题]“三个代表”重要思想深化了对三大规律的认识,分别是共产党执政的规律、社会主义建设的规律和()。 [名词解释]商业备用信用证 [填空题]被世界各国普遍认可的卓越绩效模式提出了追求卓越绩效企业应该遵循的核心价值观。包括:远见()、顾客驱动的卓越、培育学习型的组织和个人、建立组织内部与外部的合作伙伴关系、灵活性和快速反应、关注未来、促进创新的管理、基于事实的管理、社会责任和公民义务、重在结 [单选]中华人民共和国海洋环境保护法规定了违法者应承担法律责任,包括民事责任,行政责任和三类。A.纪律责任B.法律责任C.刑事责任D.道德谴责 [单选]某企业从事汽车修理修配业务,则该企业适合的成本计算方法是A.品种法B.分批法C.逐步结转分步法D.平行结转分步法 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]对面神经外膜损伤特征的描述,不正确的是()。A.出现面瘫B.损伤限于神经外膜C.神经成分未累及D.神经传导正常E.无面瘫 [单选]李某自某商场购得某电饭锅,后因质量问题电饭锅爆炸,炸伤李某。根据《合同法》,李某可请求商场承担何种民事责任?()A.仅得请求违约责任B.仅得请求侵权责任C.有权请求侵权责任和违约责任D.得请求侵权责任或违约责任 [单选]“钢船时期”的代表作“龙威”号被编入北洋舰队后,改名为“()”号,成为北洋八大远之一。A、威远B、平远C、定远D、镇远 [名词解释]接算站 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]石棉引起的法定职业肿瘤为()A.白血病B.直肠癌C.肺癌D.间皮瘤E.肺癌、间皮瘤 [单选]治疗大头瘟毒,头面红肿,咽喉不利,宜首选()A.穿心莲B.板蓝根C.金银花D.山豆根E.蒲公英 [问答题,简答题]现场钢丝绳采用绳卡固定法连接时的要求是什么? [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]常用的ALP化学发光底物为()A.吖啶酯B.三联吡啶钌C.鲁米诺或其衍生物D.4-MUPE.AMPPD [问答题,简答题]可以从哪几个方面来可以描述一个电子的运动状态?原子核外电子排布需要遵守哪几个原理? [填空题]乙炔装置AR418分析仪的测量池温度是()。 [名词解释]习用品 [单选]甬台温高速公路为()主干线的其中一段。A.同三国道B.沟通我省沿海地区和浙中浙南腹地C.横亘长江三角洲南翼D.国家规定中12条国道 [单选]锁骨中段骨折后,骨折远折端移位是由于()A.胸锁乳突肌的牵拉B.三角肌的牵拉C.上肢的重力作用及胸大肌的牵拉D.斜方肌的牵拉E.上肢的重力作用及三角肌的牵拉 [单选]诊断胃肠穿孔首选的方法是()。A.腹部X线片(立位)B.超声C.上消化道钡餐造影D.CTE.胃镜 [单选]泵的轴承箱的的温度要求不大于()。A.65℃B.70℃C.80℃ [单选,A1型题]女婴,11个月,其营养需要与成人最主要的不同之处是()A.基础代谢所需的营养素和能量B.生长发育所需的营养素和热量C.食物特殊动力作用所需的热量D.活动所需的营养素与热量E.排泄物中热量的损失 [单选]钩体病的传播方式为()A.呼吸道飞沫传播B.消化道传播C.直接接触传播D.节肢动物间接传播E.血液传播 [单选]关于寰枢关节叙述正确的是()A.可使头部做前俯、后仰和侧屈运动B.两侧关节间隙常不对称C.可使头部做旋转运动D.属于联合关节E.由寰椎两侧的下关节面与枢椎的上关节面构成 [单选]SET协议规范不涉及的对象主要是:()A.消费者B.收单银行C.认证中心DTS [单选]肺结核患者的结核菌检查由阳性转为阴性表示()A.痊愈B.不必休息C.病变吸收D.不必呼吸道隔离E.可停用抗结核药物 [单选]下列关于船舶沿岸雾航的说法中,何者正确()。A.应尽可能使航线与岸线总趋势平行B.主要使用雷达瞭望,目视瞭望是次要的C.采用逐点航法能确保船舶航线安全D.雾中航行,能否听到他船雾号,是判断是否存在航行危险的关键 [多选]下列属于财政补贴资金管理系统,各级财补业务管理员职责有()。A.建立用户B.定义下级行业务管理员C.授平级用户业务权限D.授下级用户业务权限E.删除用户 [问答题,简答题]请简述对会计信息质量有哪些要求? [单选]医疗机构对本单位内被传染病病原体污染的场所、物品、医疗废物应依法()A.封闭场所并销毁物品B.强制隔离治疗C.实施消毒和无害化处理D.报上级卫生行政部门处理E.报卫生防疫部门处理 [判断题]在中性点直接接地的电网中,大约85%的故障是接地短路。()A.正确B.错误 [单选,B型题]颈部手术的备皮范围为()A.白乳头至耻骨联合平面,两侧到腋后线B.白剑突至大腿上1/3前内侧及外阴部,两侧到腋后线C.自脐平线至大腿上1/3包括外阴D.自乳头连线至耻骨联合,前后均过正中线E.自唇下至乳头连线,两侧至斜方肌前缘 [单选]关于物权的概念和特征,下列说法错误的是()。A.物权是权利人在法定范围内直接支配的一定物,并排斥他人干涉的权利B.物权是法定的,物权的设定采用法定主义C.物权客体的物可以是独立物和有体物,也可以是行为D.物权具有追及效力和有限效力 [单选]通过遥控器的以下组合来操作高清变焦摄像机的录制视频()A、shift键↑+滚转指令→B、shift键↑+俯仰指令↓↑C、shift键↑+滚转指令←D、shift键↑+油门指令↓↑ [填空题]水准仪主要由基座、()、望远镜组成。 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]成人子宫体与子宫颈的长度比例为()A.2:1B.3:1C.1:2D.1:3E.1:1 [单选]生产、使用易燃易爆化学物品场所的电气设备,必须符合国家()标准。A、安全设计B、防火措施C、防静电导除D、电气防爆 [单选]有关纤维支气管镜检,下列哪项不正确()A.术前应禁食4~6小时B.术前应作X线胸片检查C.术前均应做肺通气功能检查及血气分析D.术前半小时注射阿托品及鲁米那E.术后应禁食2小时 [填空题]“解放思想、实事求是”是邓小平理论的()。 [单选,A1型题]膀胱肿瘤最常见的临床表现是()A.尿频、尿急、尿痛B.疼痛+血尿C.镜下血尿D.排尿困难E.全程肉眼血尿

【初三英语试题精选】I’ll help clean up the city parks练习题及答案

【初三英语试题精选】I’ll help clean up the city parks练习题及答案

I’ll help clean up the city parks练习题及答案I’llhelpcleanupthecityparks练习题及答案I’llhelpcleanupthecityparks练习题及答案Unit 8 I’ll help clean up the city parksSection A重要词组 clean up, cheer up, set up, e up with, think up, put off, be home to, learn about, deal with, give out, work out 重点句型 I’d like to work outsideYou could help clean up the city parksThis volunteer work takes each of them several hours a week一、单项选择( ) 1 Jim was so interested ___________ these difficult math problems that he forgot to have supperA onB inC with答案 B be interested in 意思是对某事物很感兴趣。

in 是介词,其后要接名词、代词或动词的-ing 形式。

( ) 2 We’ll have to ___________ the open-air activity if it rains hard tomorroafternoonA put offB put onC put away答案A put off 意为推迟,延期;put on 意为穿上,上演;put away 意为收起,放好。

( ) 3 The Great Wall was built to ___________ the enemies ___________ getting inA stop,outB prevent;ofC stop; from答案C stop…from…意为阻止、阻挡。

九年级英语Unit 8 I’ll help clean up the city parks人教新目

九年级英语Unit 8  I’ll help clean up the city parks人教新目

九年级英语Unit 8 I’ll help clean up the city parks人教新目标版【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容:Unit 8 I’ll help clean up the city parks.教学目标:1. 学会提供帮助(用I will, I would like等);2. 学会用I will…做规划;3. 掌握多种动词词组的用法;4. 学会关注社会,关心他人。

重点词汇:1.cheer up 使振奋、高兴2.clean up 打扫干净3.set up 摆放,建立4.e up with 提出(问题)5.hand out 分发,发放6.put up 建立,发布7.write down 写下,记下8.try to do sth. 尽力做某事9.help out 帮助(某人)摆脱困境10.run out of 耗尽,用光11.take after 与…相像12.fix up 修理13.give away 赠送,分发14.work out 制定出,算出15.give out 发放,消耗尽16.ask for 要求、索要17.not only...but also…不但…而且…18.not... any more 不再…19.be similar to 与…相似20. put … off 延期,推迟21.be proud of 因…而骄傲;自豪22. be similar to 与…相似hunger, sign, repair重点句型:1. I’d like to work outside.2. I’ll help clean up the city parks.3. You could give out food at a food bank.4. I would like to fix up the desks.5. If you see these things, or problems, what will you do?6. What kind of volunteer work would you like to do?7. He looks sad. Let’s cheer him up.8. We’re going to set up a food bank to help hungry people.9. We need to e up with some ideas.重点语法:短语动词1. 现代英语中,动词之后加介词或副词构成短语,表达一种特定的含义,称为短语动词。

人教版初中九年级英语PPT课件I'll help clean up the city parks

人教版初中九年级英语PPT课件I'll help clean up the city parks

短语动词 (verb phrases)
如:take off 可意为“拿掉”,是及物的。 He takes off his hat. 他摘下他的帽子。 take off 也可意为“起飞”(用于飞机),
这时它是不及物的。 The plane took off at ten o’clock_o_u_t
adj. 无家可归
food at the food
3. I’d like to cheer __u_p_ sick kids. You could _v_is_i_t them in the hospital.
4. I’d like to help kids _w_i_th_ their schoolwork. You could __v_o_lu_n_t_e_e_r in an after-school study program.
You could help clean up the city park.
你可以帮助清理城市公园。 (1)动词help后可以接动词不定式作宾语或作宾 语补足语,这时不定式的标志to可以省略也可以保 留;help sb. with sth. 意为“帮助某人做某事”。
Their father helps the children with their work. 他们的父亲帮助孩子们做功课。
短语动词 (verb phrases)
1. 现代英语中,动词之后加介词或副词构成短语, 表达一种特定的含义,称为短语动词。短语动词 如果被拆开,则不能表达这种特定的含义。同学 们在学习过程中,要把这些习惯用法看作一个整 体。
如:look 看 look for 寻找、寻求 look after 照顾、照看 look out 小心、注意 在这个例子中,我们清楚地看到,look 的后



If you are a volunteer, you could…
help clean up
the city parks
help homeless people give out food
at the food bank
visit sick children cheer up sick people
Unit 7 I’ll help clean up the city parks.
Section A 1a-2c
Song Tingting
1.知识目标:熟练掌握单词,能够熟练 运用I’d like to…,I’ll…,You could…等 句型向别人提供帮助。
2.能力目标:培养学生的口语交际能力, 提高他们的语言表达能力。
5.I’ll _h_a_n_d__ ____u_p___adervisements after school.
6.We could each ____c_al_l __u_p___ ten people and ask them to come.
1.He helps __C__ the classroom. A. cleans up B. cleaning up C. clean up 2. I took her to the concert to __B__. A. cheer up her B. cheer her up C. cheer she up 3.The boss put off _C__ the workers’ wages. A. to give out B. give up C. giving out
1.We need to_C_o_m__e_ _u_p____ __w_i_th__ a plan.

【初三英语试题精选】I’ll help clean up the city parks知识点复习总结

【初三英语试题精选】I’ll help clean up the city parks知识点复习总结

I’ll help clean up the city parks知识点复习总结I’llhelpcleanupthecityparks知识点复习总结I’llhelpcleanupthecityparks知识点复习总结
Unit 8 I’ll h elp clean up the city parks
1动词+副词如give up 放弃 turn off 关掉 stay up 熬夜

2 动词+介词如listen of 听 look at 看 belong to 属于

3 动词+副词+介词如co me up with 提出,想出
run out of 用完,耗尽
4 动词+名词(介词) 如take part in参加 catch hold of 抓住
1cheer (sb) up 使(某人)高兴、振作如cheer me up 使我高兴
clean up 打扫 clean-up n 打扫
2 homeless adj 无家可归的 a homeless boy 一个无家可归的男孩home n 家
4 sick adj 生病的作表语、定语
ill adj 生病的作表语,不能作定语
5 volunteer to do v 志愿效劳、主动贡献
volunteer n 志愿者
6 e up with 提出想出 === think up 想出
catch up with 赶上追上
7 put off doing 推迟做某事。



澳门娱乐星际 uz0Leabharlann
[单选]甲烷化反应是强放热反应,每1%二氧化碳床层温升是()。A.59B.72C.83D.40 [单选,A1型题]患者男,50岁。患左下肢静脉曲张20年,行大隐静脉高位结扎,加小腿静脉分段结扎。术后3小时起立行走时,小腿处伤口突然出血不止。紧急处理应()A.就地站立位包扎B.指压止血C.用止血带D.钳央止血E.平卧,抬高患肢,加压包扎 [问答题,简答题]C#中的委托是什么?事件是不是一种委托? [单选,A4型题,A3/A4型题]26岁女性,已婚2年,G1P0,婚后一直服用短效口服避孕药避孕,但意外妊娠,于孕50天行人工流产术。患者放置宫内节育器后1个月,月经量增多1倍,且月经间期有点滴出血。B型超声检查提示环位置正常,血Hb:105g/L,对其处理错误的是()A.立即取出宫内节育器 [问答题,简答题]确定培训时间应考虑的因素有哪些? [单选]患儿急起发热、咳嗽、气促,胸片示双下肺斑片影沿支气管播散,应考虑()A.大叶性肺炎B.支气管肺炎C.支原体肺炎D.过敏性肺炎E.干酪性肺炎 [单选]已知某普通股的β值为1.2,无风险利率为6%,市场组合的必要收益率为10%,该普通股的当前市价为10.5元/股,筹资费用为0.5元/股,股利年增长率长期固定不变,预计第一期的股利为0.8元,按照股利增长模型和资本资产定价模型计算的股票资本成本相等,则该普通股股利的年增长率为 [单选]半开放式麻醉系统要求调节氧流量,使CO2重复吸收浓度不超过()A.0.1%B.0.2%C.0.3%D.0.5%E.0.6% [单选]在地图投影中,等积投影的特性之一是()。A.地面上一个微分圆,投影到地图上仍能保持是一个圆。B.地面上不同地点两个相等的微分圆,投影到地图上可能成为不同大小的两个圆。C.地面上和图上相应处的面积成恒定比例。D.B和C [单选]人力资源不包括人的()。A.智力B.体力C.思想D.知识 [单选,A1型题]不属于正治法的是()A.寒者热之B.热者寒之C.通因通用D.虚则补之E.实则泻之 [填空题]肋板、肋骨、横梁、平面横舱壁等以靠近()一边为理论线。 [单选]正常情况下下列哪项不对A.主动脉压>肺动脉压B.左室压>右室压C.左房压>右房压D.肺毛压>肺动脉压E.肺动脉压>肺静脉压 [单选]哪项不是早产原因()A.子宫畸形B.宫颈内口松弛C.胎儿生长受限D.妊娠期高血压疾病E.前置胎盘 [填空题]从13世纪开始,()的社会经济在新的社会政治历史条件下,结束了过去分散落后的状况,进入了新的发展时期。 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]营养不良患儿皮下脂肪消减的顺序是()。A.躯干-臀部-四肢-腹部-面颊B.面颊部-腹部-躯干-臀部-四肢C.腹部-躯干-臀-四肢-面颊D.四肢-躯干-腹部-面颊E.躯干-臀部-腹部-面颊 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]对小儿胸外电除颤最常用的电能是()A.1J/kgB.2J/kgC.3J/kgD.4J/kgE.5J/kg [单选]典型肺炎链球菌肺炎体征描述,不正确的是()A.患侧呼吸运动减弱B.患侧语颤减弱C.患侧叩诊呈浊音D.患侧听诊有支气管呼吸音、湿性啰音E.累及胸膜时,可闻及胸膜摩擦音 [单选]肺气肿患者为改善其呼吸功能,主要措施为()A.应用抗生素预防感染B.长期服用祛痰止咳药C.长期应用解痉平喘药D.长期吸入糖皮质激素E.进行呼吸肌功能锻炼 [单选]甲欠乙1万元,丙作为保证人为乙提供保证。后丁作为反担保人为丙提供了保证。后甲不能还债,丙又没有承担保证责任,则乙是否可以要求丁承担还款责任?()A.可以,因为丁担保的是甲与乙的主债权B.可以,因为丁担保的不是甲与乙的主债权C.不能,因为丁担保的是甲与乙的主债权 [单选]舵下支承的位置在舵的半高处的舵是()。①双支承舵②半悬挂舵③悬挂舵A.①B.②C.③D.①②③都不对 [单选]锁骨骨折常用的治疗方法是()A.切开复位,内固定B.手法复位,横"8"字绷带固定C.牵引治疗D.手法复位,夹板固定E.手法复位,石膏外固定 [单选]公安消防机构在消防监督检查中,发现生产、储存易燃易爆化学物品的单位等存在重大火灾隐患,单位自身确无能力解决的,应当书面报请()协调解决。A、上一级公安消防机构B、主管公安机关C、当地人民政府D、主管行政机关 [单选,B1型题]蟾酥的功效是()A.杀虫,解毒,截疟B.杀虫,解毒,通便C.杀虫止痒,燥湿,温肾壮阳D.解毒,止痛,开窍醒神E.解毒,杀虫,止血 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]肺结核患者咳痰带血,最恰当的处理是()A.可待因0.03gB.垂体后叶素5~10UC.6-氨基己酸4~6gD.10%葡萄糖酸钙10mlE.安静休息,避免紧张情绪 [单选]急性化脓性胃炎最常见的致病菌是()A.沙门菌B.嗜盐菌C.幽门螺杆菌D.金黄色葡萄球菌E.甲型溶血性链球菌 [单选]铁路电话交换网有些号码用于特殊业务,如113表示人工记录台,()故障申告电话。A.110B.117C.116D.112 [单选]以下脏器中,与小网膜囊和胃后壁不相邻的是()。A.膈脚B.肝尾叶C.胰D.左肾E.左肾上腺 [单选]下列属于解决代理问题,降低代理成本途径的是()。A.组织机制方面的安排B.经理阶层的雄心壮志C.对公司可供支配和利用资源的控制D.协调效应 [单选]HIV入侵T细胞的主要门户是()。A.CD3分子B.CD43分子CD45分子D.CD4分子E.CD8分子 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]休克患者使用血管扩张药物,说法正确的是()A.补充血容量同时即可使用B.血容量基本补足,但末梢血运未见好转时使用C.血压及中心静脉压完全恢复正常D.血容量恢复,毛细血管充盈后方可使用E.血容量完全补足时方可使用 [单选]婴儿期保健预防传染病的最有效措施是()A.增加户外活动时间B.提倡母乳喂养C.补充各种微量元素、预防贫血D.及时添加辅食E.预防接种 [单选]纵舱壁、纵围壁以()为理论线。A.基线B.船中心线C.图纸要求 [单选]下列哪项不是烧伤脓毒症的早期表现()A.高热或低温B.呼吸增快,浅促C.烦躁不安D.腹胀E.出现坏死斑 [单选]二次仪表按结构和功能特点可分类为就地显示仪表、单元组合仪表、()、智能化仪表。A、机械化仪表B、指示仪表C、微机化仪表D、虚拟化仪表 [单选,A型题]十二指肠壶腹部溃疡的说法不正确的是()A.位于十二指肠腔外B.边缘清晰C.壶腹部形态不正常变形D.周围黏膜显示中断紊乱E.壶腹部管腔钡剂量较正常人少 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]以下说法错误的是()A.离心式分析仪的化学反应器装在离心机的转子位置B.分立式分析仪按手工操作的方式编排程序,各个样品和试剂在各自的试管中起反应C.管道式分析仪测定项目相同的各待测样品与试剂混合后的化学反应,在各自管道中完成。D.自动生化分析仪 [单选,A1型题]连续使用后易产生生理依赖性、能成瘾癖的药品属于()A.依赖药品B.麻醉药品C.精神药品D.医药用毒性药品E.放射性药品 [单选]如果上市公司以其应付票据作为股利支付给股东,则这种股利的方式称为()。A、现金股利B、股票股利C、财产股利D、负债股利 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]男,30岁,呼吸困难、气促、尿少半年余,体检示颈静脉怒张,心浊音界扩大,肝肋下3cm,脾肋下2cm,移动性浊音阳性,两下肢凹陷性浮肿;血压110/90mmHg,诊断考虑为()。A.肝癌B.肝硬化C.心包积液D.结核性腹膜炎E.下腔静脉阻塞
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电信企业的品牌分为、技术品牌、业务品牌、服务品牌和五种类型。 以风化的Na2B4O7∙nH2O标定HCl,则HCl的浓度将。A.偏高B.偏低C.无影响D.不能确定 男,3岁,发现右阴囊内无痛性包块1个月。检查:左侧睾丸存在,右侧阴囊为囊性包块所占据,质软,挤压无变化,该包块的诊断首先的检查方法是()A.包块穿刺检查B.活检术C.CT检查D.透光试验E.B型超声检查 商业银行应按()准备理财产品各投资工具的账务报表、市场表现情况及相关资料,相关客户有权查询或要求商业银行向其提供上述信息。A.月度B.季度C.半年度D.年度 我国对于社会工作有三种不同的理解,下列关于专业社会工作的叙述正确的是。A.在政府部门和专业团体中专门从事的助人活动B.指导思想及工作方法带有一定行政色彩C.社会工作者接受过专业化的训练D.从事专业社会工作的人员不计报酬、无私奉献 下列对于nCloth布料的动态质感说法错误的是。A、增加布料的精度可以让布料看起来更软B、提高布料形状节点里的friction摩擦力属性可以让布料显得粗糙C、提高布料形状节点里的StretchResistance抗拉伸属性可以让布料更容易变形拉伸D、提高布料形状节点里的Rigidity刚体化属性可以让 对于现行刑法第116条的“汽车”一次,学理上往往解释包括作为交通工具使用的大型拖拉机,这一解释属于()A.历史解释B.当然解释C.限制解释D.扩张解释 在Excel中按文件名查找时,可用单个字符代替任意。A.?B.*C.!D.% 假设你在宇宙飞船上烧一壶水,烧多少时间才会烧开呢? 嵌体洞形洞缘斜面的临床要求应与洞壁呈A.15°B.30°C.45°D.60°E.90° [单选,共用题干题]男性,27岁,农民。11月23日以"发热、头痛、腰痛2天"入院,自行口服"感冒药"无好转。查体:醉酒貌,腋下见条痕状出血点,上腹部压痛。该病的传染源主要是。A.犬B.黑线姬鼠C.螨类D.东方田鼠E.黑家鼠 常量元素是指矿物质在人体内含量大于。A.0.1%B.0.01%C.0.001%D.0.0001%E.1.0% 称取工业K2Cr2O720g,配制铬酸洗液,应选择。A.台式天平B.电光天平C.半微量天平D.微量天平 为避免输血相关性急性肺损伤,应淘汰的献血者是。A.1次妊娠的女性献血者B.2次妊娠的女性献血者C.≥3次妊娠的女性献血者D.多次献血的女性献血者E.有1次输血史的男性献血者 高中数学课程中有哪几条主线? 预防尿路感染的护理措施不正确()A.间歇性夹管,每4h开放1次B.按医嘱进行膀胱冲洗C.每周更换导尿管1次D.定时挤压集尿袋以防引流不畅E.每日更换集尿袋并记录尿量 右室室壁激动和左室室壁激动时间分别为()A.0.01~0.02秒,0.02~0.05秒B.0.01~0.02秒,0.02~0.05秒C.0.01~0.04秒,0.02~0.06秒D.0.01~0.05秒,0.02~0.04秒E.0.01~O.15秒,0.02~0.04秒 情感高涨与欣快症的区别点,下列哪项是错误的A.前者对任何事都感兴趣,表现出轻松愉快,洋洋自得;后者给人以呆傻、愚蠢的印象B.前者有较大的感染力;后者缺乏感染力,不能与正常人产生共鸣C.前者对知识和智力的利用增加;后者则下降D.前者与环境的协调性保持完整;后者与环境保持 简述概念获得的两种方式并给出每种方式的教学重点。 小儿出生后生长发育速度最快的时期是。A、新生儿期B、婴儿期C、幼儿期D、学龄前期E、学龄期 膀胱镜检查的适应证不包括A.观察后尿道及膀胱病变B.取活体组织做病理检查C.急性膀胱炎的治疗D.肿瘤电灼E.膀胱碎石 通信网的直接影响通信的效果。 某办公楼项目实行旋工总承包,装饰部分施工实行专业分包,在装饰施工中发生重大安全生产事故,则应由()将事故情况上报安全监督部门。A.建设单位B.施工总承包单位C.分包单位D.现场监理单位 多发性抽动症的基本病理改变是A.瘀血阻窍B.痰瘀互阻C.肝风内动D.肝风痰火胶结成疾E.痰蒙清窍 ___是整个电子政务的源头,是各部门电子政务系统实现信息共享、资源优化的前提。A.信息资源数据库B.全融管理信息库C.海关管理信息库D.财政管理信息库 患者,女性70岁,因双眼视力骤降半天就诊。检查:右眼视力0.02,左眼0.03,结膜无充血,角膜透明,角膜后沉着物阴性,瞳孔对光反射对称、迟钝,晶状体轻度混浊,玻璃体无混浊;视乳头充血水肿。请问首选需行哪种检查()A.VEPB.眼底荧光造影C.视野检查D.CTE.验光 一般情况下,羔羊体温的正常范围是A、35~37B、37~39C、39~40D、40~42 社会保险具有补偿性应如何理解? 患者,46岁。近3个月来出现厌食、恶心、腹胀、肝区不适,为明确诊断需做肝功能检验。下述中标本采集不正确的步骤是()A.用干燥试管B.空腹采血C.采血后取下针头缓慢注入试管D.血液注入试管后轻轻摇动E.血液泡沫不能注入试管 对于正常产褥,下列哪项是不恰当的A.一般在产后24小时内体温轻度升高,不超过38℃B.出汗量多,睡眠和初醒时更为明显C.子宫复旧主要是肌细胞数目减少及体积缩小D.浆液恶露内含细菌E.产后约2周经腹部检查不易触及宫底 洁净手术室控制“尘源”应做到下列那几项A、严格执行手卫生规范B、戴口罩、帽子、穿洁净服C、室内放置必备设施和家具D、控制人员数量E、有外包装的物品拆去外包装,无外包装的物品应彻底清洁后方可入室 以下不是利用小鼠下颌骨形态测量进行遗传监测的原因。A、各品系间下颌骨形状和大小有显著差异。B、一般环境因素对下颌骨形态、大小几乎不影响。C、下颌骨即可用于近交系,也可用于F1动物和封闭群动物的遗传检测。D、下颌骨分析是一种定性分析,简单、易行。 最大持续量原理 甲亢病人2小时内甲状腺摄取131I超过人体总量的A.10%B.15%C.20%D.25%E.30% 睾丸间质细胞的功能是。A.营养和支持生殖细胞B.产生精子C.分泌雄激素D.分泌抑制素E.分泌雄激素结合蛋白 急淋血病首选治疗方案是A.VPB.DA或HAC.HOAPD.小剂量阿糖胞苷E.左旋门冬酰胺 设有一团湿空气,其中水汽压强占0.8%,温度为17.0℃,问其虚温为多少K?(保留两位小数)。设当时的压强为1000hpa,问湿空气的密度为多少kg/m3?(保留三位小数) 不符合分子式:C4H8的物质是。A、丁烷B、丁烯C、环丁烷D、2-甲基丙烯 下面哪项不是弥漫性轴索损伤的特征性影像学表现A.胼胝体小出血灶B.脑室出血C.脑挫裂伤D.脑白质内单发或多发无占位效应的小出血灶E.硬膜外血肿 下列哪项不属于脑血栓形成溶栓治疗的适应证A.发病年龄小于75岁,发病时间未超过6h,无出血性疾病及出血素质,并争得患者及家属同意B.无意识障碍,但椎-基底动脉系统血栓形成即使昏迷较深也可考虑C.治疗前收缩压<26.6kPa(200mmHg)或舒张压<16.0kPa(120mmHg)D.CT排除颅内