

XJ湘教版 初一七年级数学 上册第一学期秋季(教学设计 教案)第二章 代数式(全章 分课时 含反思)

XJ湘教版 初一七年级数学 上册第一学期秋季(教学设计 教案)第二章 代数式(全章 分课时 含反思)

第二章代数式2.1用字母表示数1.知道现实情境中字母表示数的意义,形成初步符号感;2.会用字母表示一些简单问题情境中的数量关系和变化规律;(重点,难点)3.初步培养学生观察、分析、抽象、概括等思维能力和应用意识.一、情境导入我们不少同学都是唱着儿歌长大的,朗朗上口、童趣横生的儿歌有的至今难以忘怀.其中有一首名叫《数蛤蟆》的儿歌,你想起来了吗?一只青蛙一张嘴,两只眼睛四条腿,一声扑通跳下水;两只青蛙两张嘴,四只眼睛八条腿,两声扑通跳下水;三只青蛙三张嘴,六只眼睛……,a只青蛙a张嘴,2a只眼睛4a条腿,由此看出a是一个字母,它代表“很多只”的数量,用字母a可以清楚地表示出青蛙、嘴、眼睛、腿和跳水声之间的数量关系.今天我们就学习用字母表示数.二、合作探究探究点一:含字母式子的书写要求下列各式中,符合代数式书写要求的有( )(1)134x2y; (2)a×3;(3)ab÷2; (4)a2-b23.A.4个 B.3个C.2个 D.1个解析:(1)正确的书写格式是74x2y,不符合要求;(2)正确的书写格式是3a,不符合要求;(3)正确的书写格式是12ab,不符合要求;(4)符合要求.符合代数式书写要求的共1个.故选D.方法总结:代数式的书写要求:(1)在代数式中出现的乘号,通常简写成“·”或者省略不写;(2)数字与字母相乘时,数字要写在字母的前面;(3)在代数式中出现的除法运算,一般按照分数的写法来写.带分数要写成假分数的形式.探究点二:用含字母的式子表示数量关系用字母表示下列问题中的数量关系:(1)为落实“阳光体育”工程,某校计划购买m个篮球和n个排球,已知篮球每个80元,排球每个60元,购买这些篮球和排球的总费用为__________元.(2)在运动会中,一班总成绩为m 分,二班比一班总成绩的23还多5分,则二班的总成绩为________.(3)某商店压了一批商品,为尽快售出,该商店采取如下销售方案:将原来每件m 元,加价50%,再做两次降价处理,第一次降价30%,第二次降价10%.经过两次降价后的价格为______________元.解析:(1)用购买m 个篮球的总价加上n 个排球的总价表示.所以购买这些篮球和排球的总费用为(80m +60n )元.(2)二班的总成绩=23m +5.(3)根据题意得m (1+50%)(1-30%)(1-10%)=0.945m (元).方法总结:像这样的实际问题要先找出各个量之间的关系.要抓住关键词语,明确它们之间的意义及它们之间的关系,如和、差、积、商、大、小、多、少、倍、分等,注意数量关系的运算顺序,正确使用运算符号及括号.三、板书设计1.用字母表示数:字母和数一样,可以参与运算,可以用式子把数量关系简明地表示出来. 2.列式的注意事项:①数与字母、字母和字母相乘省略乘号; ②数与字母相乘时数字写在前面.通过本课时的教学要让学生经历从实际问题中用字母表示数,初步理解用字母表示数的意义及目的,可以先用数,后用字母来表示.让学生循序渐进的学习本部分内容,让学生在现实情境中去理解、感悟、体会字母能够代替数,发展学生的符号感.在数学教学中,让学生逐步学会用代数的思想方法分析和解决问题.2.2 列代数式1.在具体情境中进一步理解用字母表示数的意义,了解代数式的概念,知道单独的一个数或字母也是代数式;2.会根据实际问题列出代数式,进一步规范代数式的书写格式;(难点) 3.能理解一些简单代数式的实际背景,培养符号感;4.通过具体情境,培养把实际问题抽象为数学问题的能力.(重点、难点)一、情境导入青藏铁路线上,在格尔木到拉萨之间有一段很长的冻土地段.列车在冻土地段的行驶速度是100千米/时,在非冻土地段的行驶速度可以达到120千米/时,请根据这些数据回答下列问题:列车在冻土地段行驶时,2小时能行驶多少千米?3小时呢?t小时呢?1.思考:(1)若正方形的边长为a,则正方形的面积是________,体积是________.(2)设n表示一个数,则它的相反数是________;(3)铅笔的单价是x元,钢笔的单价是铅笔单价的2.5倍,则钢笔的单价是________元.(4)一辆汽车的速度是v千米/时,行驶t小时所走过的路程为________千米.2.观察所列代数式包含哪些运算,有何共同的运算特征.二、合作探究探究点一:代数式的识别有下列式子:x2,m-n>1,p+q,12ab,S=πR2,2016,代数式有( ) A.3个 B.4个 C.5个 D.6个解析:代数式是用运算符号把数和字母连接而成的式子,m-n>1是用不等号“>”连接而成的式子、S=πR2是用等号“=”连接而成的式子,它们都不是代数式.而x2,p+q,12ab,2016都是代数式.故选B.方法总结:明确代数式的意义是正确识别代数式的前提.式子中有关系符号(如等号或不等号)的都不是代数式.探究点二:列代数式用代数式表示:(1)x与2的平方和;(2)x与2的和的平方;(3)x的平方与2的和;(4)x与2的平方的和.解析:这四个小题,都有关键词“平方”和“和”,但这两个词在四个小题中的语序不一样.(1)中是先平方再求和,即x2-22;(2)中是先求和再平方,即(x+2)2;(3)中是先x 的平方再求和,即x2+2;(4)中是先2的平方再求和,即x+22.解:(1)x2-4;(2)(x+2)2;(3)x2+2;(4)x+4.方法总结:用代数式表示数量关系时,一般要将句子分层,逐层分析,一步步列出代数式.探究点三:代数式的意义下列代数式可以表示什么?(1)2a-b;(2)2(a-b).解析:解释代数式的意义,可以从两个方面入手,一是从字母表示数的角度考虑;二是可以联系生活实际来举例说明.不管采用哪种方式,一定要注意运算形式和运算顺序.解:(1)2a与b的差;或a的2倍与b的差;或用a表示一本作业本的价格,用b表示一支铅笔的价格,则2a-b表示买两本作业本比买一支铅笔多的钱数;(2)2与a-b的积;或a 与b 的差的2倍.方法总结:描述一个代数式的意义,可以从字母本身出发来描述字母之间的数量关系,也可以联系生活实际或几何背景赋予其中字母一定的实际意义加以描述.探究点四:代数式的应用【类型一】根据实际问题列代数式用代数式表示下列各式.(1)王明同学买2本练习册花了n 元,那么买m 本练习册要花多少元? (2)正方体的棱长为a ,那么它的表面积是多少?体积呢?解析:(1)根据买2本练习册花了n 元,得出买1本练习册花n2元,再根据买了m 本练习册,即可列出算式.(2)根据正方体的棱长为a 和表面积公式、体积公式列出式子.解:(1)因为买2本练习册花了n 元,所以买1本练习册花n2元,所以买m 本练习册要花12mn 元; (2)因为正方体的棱长为a ,所以它的表面积是6a 2;它的体积是a 3.方法总结:此题考查了列代数式,用到的知识点包括正方体的表面积公式和体积公式,根据题意列出式子是解本题的关键.【类型二】用字母表示几何图形中的数量关系用字母表示图中阴影部分的面积:解析:(1)图中阴影部分是正方形中挖去一个圆后剩下的部分,且正方形的边长是a ,圆的直径也是a ,圆的半径是a2;(2)图中阴影部分是长方形中挖去4个小正方形后剩下的部分,且长方形的长为a ,宽为b ,小正方形的边长为x .解:(1)S =a 2-π·(a2)2;(2)S =ab -4x 2.方法总结:将不规则图形的面积转化为规则图形(如长方形、圆、三角形等)的面积的和或差是解决求阴影部分面积问题的关键.探究点五:探求规律性问题观察下列图形:它们是按一定规律排列的.(1)依照此规律,第20个图形共有几个五角星? (2)摆成第n 个图案需要几个五角星? (3)摆成第2016个图案需要几个五角星?解析:通过观察已知图形可得:每个图形都比其前一个图形多3个五角星,根据此规律即可解答.解:(1)根据题意得,因为第1个图中,五角星有3个(3×1);第2个图中,有五角星6个(3×2);第3个图中,有五角星9个(3×3);第4个图中,有五角星12个(3×4);所以第n 个图中有五角星3n 个.所以第20个图中五角星有3×20=60(个);(2)由(1)中摆成第n 个图案需要3n 个五角星;(3)摆成第2016个图案需要五角星2016×3=6048(个).方法总结:此题首先要结合图形具体数出几个值.注意由特殊到一般的分析方法.此题的规律为摆成第n 个图案需要3n 个五角星.三、板书设计代数式⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧概念→用运算符号把数和表示数的字母连接而成的式子叫代数式代数式的意义及列代数式→用字母和数表示实际问题中的数量关系教学过程中,应拓展学生的思维,培养他们观察、分析及抽象思维能力、语言能力、创造能力和类比联想能力.2.3 代数式的值1.理解代数式的值是由代数式中字母的取值确定的; 2.掌握求代数式的值的方法;(重点)3.利用求代数式的值解决较简单的实际问题;(重点)4.继续探索用代数式表示数量关系的问题,培养良好的学习习惯.一、情境导入 谁说数学学不好,这不,先前数学成绩很差的小胡,经过不断努力,不但成绩直线上升,而且现在还能设计程序计算呢!如图就是小胡设计的一个程序.当输入x 的值为3时,你能求出输出的值吗?二、合作探究探究点一:求代数式的值【类型一】根据条件直接求代数式的值当a =12,b =3时,求代数式2a 2+6b -3ab 的值.解析:直接将a =12,b =3代入2a 2+6b -3ab 中即可求得.解:原式=2×⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫122+6×3-3×12×3=12+18-92=14. 方法总结:(1)代入时要“对号入座”,避免代错字母;(2)代入后要恢复省略的乘号;(3)分数的立方、平方运算,要用括号括起来.【类型二】利用整体思想求代数式的值已知x -2y =3,则代数式6-2x +4y 的值为( ) A .0 B .-1 C .-3 D .3解析:此题无法直接求出x 、y 的值,这时,我们就要考虑特殊的求值方法.根据已知x -2y =3及所求6-2x +4y ,只要把6-2x +4y 变形后,再整体代入即可求解.因为x -2y =3,所以6-2x +4y =6-2(x -2y )=6-2×3=0.故选A.方法总结:整体代入法是数学中一种重要的方法,同学们应加以关注. 探究点二:代数式求值的应用【类型一】代数式求值的实际应用如图所示,某水渠的横断面为梯形,如果水渠的上口宽为a m ,水渠的下口宽和深都为b m.(1)请你用代数式表示水渠的横断面面积;(2)计算当a =3、b =1时,水渠的横断面面积.解析:(1)根据梯形面积=12(上底+下底)×高,即可用含有a 、b 的代数式表示水渠横断面面积;(2)把a =3、b =1带入到(1)中求出的代数式中,其结果即为水渠的横断面面积.解:(1)因为梯形面积=12(上底+下底)×高,所以水渠的横断面面积为12(a +b )b m 2;(2)当a =3,b =1时水渠的横断面面积为12(3+1)×1=2(m 2).方法总结:解答本题时需搞清下列几个问题:(1)题目中给出的是什么图形?(2)这种图形的面积公式是什么?(3)根据公式求图形的面积需要知道哪几个量?(4)这些量是否已知或能求出?搞清楚了这些问题,求解就水到渠成.【类型二】程序设计中的求值有一数值转换器,原理如图所示.若开始输入的x 的值是5,则发现第1次输出的结果是8,第2次输出的结果是4,…,则第2016次输出的结果是________.解析:按如图所示的程序,当输入x =5时,第1次输出5+3=8;当输入x =8时,第2次输出12×8=4;当输入x =4时,第3次输出12×4=2;当输入x =2时,第4次输出12×2=1;当输入x =1时,第5次输出1+3=4;则第6次输出12×4=2,第7次输出12×2=1,…,不难看出,从第2次开始,其运算结果按4,2,1三个数排列循环出现.因为(2016-1)÷3=671…2,所以第2016次输出的结果为2.方法总结:这种程序运算的特点是程序有多个分支,要先对输入的数据进行判断,再选择适当的某个分支按照指明的程序进行运算.【类型三】依照规律求代数式的值(2015·重庆中考)下列图形都是由几个黑色和白色的正方形按一定规律组成,图①中有2个黑色正方形,图②中有5个黑色正方形,图③中有8个黑色正方形,图④中有11个黑色正方形,…,依此规律,图⑪中黑色正方形的个数是( )A .32B .29C .28D .26解析:观察图形可知,所有图形都去掉最左边一列两个黑色正方形后,其余黑色正方形个数和都是3的倍数,图①中黑色正方形的个数为2=2+3×(1-1);图②中黑色正方形的个数为5=2+3×(2-1);图③中黑色正方形的个数为8=2+3×(3-1);…;图n 中黑色正方形的个数为2+3(n -1).所以图⑪中黑色正方形的个数为2+3×(11-1)=32.故选A.方法总结:一般应经历四个阶级“特例引路”、“对比分析”、“总结规律”、“反思检验”.有些选择题可直接采用验证法,把各个选项代入检验,看哪一个符合规律即可.三、板书设计求代数式的值⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧代入:用具体数值代替代数式里的字母计算:按代数式指明的运算计算出结果教学过程中,应通过活动使学生感知代数式运算在判断和推理上的意义,增强学生学习数学的兴趣,培养学生积极的情感和态度,为进一步学习奠定坚实的基础.2.4整式1.理解单项式、多项式及整式的概念,会判断单项式及整式.2.掌握单项式的系数与次数、多项式的次数与项的概念,明确它们之间的关系,并能灵活运用.一、情境导入方方和圆圆的房间窗帘的装饰物如图所示,它们分别由两个四分之一圆和四个半圆组成(半径都分别相同),现在方方和圆圆想算出窗帘的装饰物的面积分别是多少?窗户能射进阳光的面积分别是多少(窗框面积不计)?要解决这些问题,我们来学习下面的内容,就会知道答案.二、合作探究探究点一:单项式、多项式与整式的识别指出下列各式中哪些是单项式?哪些是多项式?哪些是整式?x2+y2,-x,a+b3,10,6xy+1,1x,17m2n,2x2-x-5,2x2+x,a7.解析:根据整式、单项式、多项式的概念和区别来进行判断.解:2x2+x,1x的分母中含有字母,既不是单项式,也不是多项式,更不是整式.单项式有-x,10,17m2n,a7;多项式有x2+y2,a+b3,6xy+1,2x2-x-5;整式有x2+y2,-x,a+b3,10,6xy+1,17m2n,2x2-x-5,a7.方法总结:(1)分母中含有字母的式子不是整式;(2)单项式和多项式都是整式;(3)单项式不含加、减运算,多项式必含加、减运算.探究点二:单项式与多项式【类型一】确定单项式的系数和次数分别写出下列单项式的系数和次数.(1)-ab2; (2)5ab3c27; (3)2πxy23.解析:单项式的系数就是单项式中的数字因数;单项式的次数就是单项式中所有字母指数的和,只要将这些字母的指数相加即可.解:(1)单项式的系数是-1,次数是3; (2)单项式的系数是57,次数是6;(3)单项式的系数是2π3,次数是3.方法总结:(1)当单项式的系数是1或-1时,“1”通常省略不写;单项式的系数是带分数时,通常写成假分数.单项式的系数包括前面的符号.(2)我们把常数项的次数看作0.确定单项式的次数时,单项式中单独一个字母的指数1不能忽略,如-3x 3y ,它的指数是4而不是3.(3)π是圆周率,是一个确定的数,不是字母.【类型二】确定多项式的项和次数写出下列各多项式的项数和次数,并指出是几次几项式.(1)23x 2-3x +5;(2)a +b +c -d ; (3)-a 2+a 2b +2a 2b 2. 解析:根据多项式的项数是多项式中单项式的个数,多项式的次数是多项式中次数最高的单项式的次数,可得答案.解:(1)23x 2-3x +5的项数为3,次数为2,是二次三项式;(2)a +b +c -d 的项数为4,次数为1,是一次四项式;(3)-a 2+a 2b +2a 2b 2的项数为3,次数为4,是四次三项式. 方法总结:(1)多项式的项包括它的符号;(2)多项式的次数是多项式里次数最高项的次数,而不是各项次数的和;(3)几次项是指多项式中次数是几的项.探究点三:与多项式有关的探究性问题已知-5x m +104x m -4x m y 2是关于x 、y 的六次多项式,求m 的值,并写出该多项式. 解析:根据多项式中次数最高的项的次数叫做多项式的次数可得m +2=6,解得m =4,进而可得此多项式.解:由题意得m +2=6, 解得m =4,此多项式是-5x 4+104x 4-4x 4y 2. 方法总结:此题考查了多项式,解题的关键是弄清多项式次数是多项式中次数最高的项的次数.若关于x 的多项式-5x 3-mx 2+(n -1)x -1不含二次项和一次项,求m 、n 的值. 解析:多项式不含二次项和一次项,则二次项和一次项系数为0.解:因为关于x 的多项式-5x 3-mx 2+(n -1)x -1不含二次项和一次项, 所以m =0,n -1=0,则m =0,n =1.方法总结:多项式不含哪一项,则哪一项的系数为0.探究点四:多项式的应用如图,某居民小区有一块宽为2a 米,长为b 米的长方形空地,为了美化环境,准备在此空地的四个顶点处各修建一个半径为a 米的扇形花台,在花台内种花,其余种草.如果建造花台及种花费用每平方米为100元,种草费用每平方米为50元.那么美化这块空地共需多少元?解析:四个角围成一个半径为a米的圆,阴影部分面积是长方形面积减去一个圆面积.解:花台面积和为πa2平方米,草地面积为(2ab-πa2)平方米.所以需资金为[100πa2+50(2ab-πa2)]元.方法总结:用式子表示实际问题中的数量关系时,首先要分清语言叙述中关键词的含义,理清它们之间的数量关系和运算顺序.探究点五:规律探究问题如图所示,这是由边长为1的等边三角形摆出的一系列图形,按这种方式摆下去,则第n个图形的周长是________.解析:第(1)个图形的周长为3,;第(2)个图形的周长为4=3+1;第(3)个图形的周长为5=3+1×2;第(4)个图形的周长为6=3+1×3.故第(n)个图形的周长为3+1(n-1)=2+n.方法总结:解答此类问题应采用比较归纳的方法和由特殊到一般的方法.通过探究特例,从中发现一些基本规律,然后推广到一般情况.三、板书设计整式⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧单项式⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧系数:单项式中的数字因数次数:所有字母的指数和多项式⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧项数:单项式的个数次数:次数最高的项的次数教学过程中,应通过丰富的现实情景,使学生经历从具体问题中抽象出数量关系,在解决问题中了解数学的价值,发展“用数学”的信心,培养学生认识特殊与一般的辩证关系.2.5 整式的加法和减法第1课时 合并同类项1.使学生理解多项式中同类项的概念,会识别同类项;(重点)2.使学生掌握合并同类项法则,能进行同类项的合并.(重点、难点)一、情境导入周末,你和爸爸妈妈要外出游玩,中午决定在外面用餐,爸爸、妈妈和你各自选了要吃的东西,爸爸选了一个汉堡和一杯可乐,妈妈选了一个汉堡和一个冰淇淋,你选了一对蛋挞和一杯可乐,买的时候你该怎么向服务员点餐?生活中处处有数学的存在.可以把具有相同特征的事物归为一类,在多项式中也可以把具有相同特征的单项式归为一类.自主探索:把下列单项式归类,并说说你的分类依据.-7ab 、2x 、3、4ab 2、6ab . 二、合作探究 探究点一:同类项【类型一】同类项的识别指出下列各题的两项是不是同类项,请分别说明理由.(1)-x 2y 与12x 2y ;(2)23与-34;(3)2a 3b 2与3a 2b 3; (4)13xyz 与3xy . 解析:根据同类项的定义:所含字母相同,并且相同字母的指数也相同,对各式进行判断即可.解:(1)是同类项,因为-x 2y 与12x 2y 都含有x 和y ,且x 的指数都是2,y 的指数都是1;(2)是同类项,因为23与-34都不含字母,为常数项.常数项都是同类项;(3)不是同类项,因为2a 3b 2与3a 2b 3中,a 的指数分别是3和2,b 的指数分别为2和3,所以不是同类项;(4)不是同类项,因为13xyz 与3xy 中所含字母不同,13xyz 含有字母x 、y 、z ,而3xy 中含有字母x 、y .所以不是同类项.方法总结:(1)判断几个单项式是否是同类项的条件:a .所含字母相同;b .相同字母的指数分别相同.(2)同类项与系数无关,与字母的排列顺序无关.(3)常数项都是同类项.【类型二】已知两个单项式是同类项,求字母指数的值若-5x y 与x y 是同类项,则m +n 的值为( ) A .1 B .2 C .3 D .4解析:因为-5x2y m和x n y是同类项,所以n=2,m=1,m+n=1+2=3,故选C.方法总结:注意掌握同类项定义中的两个“相同”:(1)所含字母相同;(2)相同字母的指数相同,解题时易混淆,因此成了中考的常考点.探究点二:合并同类项将下列各式合并同类项.(1)-x-x-x;(2)2x2y-3x2y+5x2y;(3)2a2-3ab+4b2-5ab-6b2;(4)-ab3+2a3b+3ab3-4a3b.解析:利用乘法的分配律,再根据合并同类项的法则“把同类项的系数相加,所得结果作为系数,字母和字母的指数不变”进行计算.解:(1)-x-x-x=(-1-1-1)x=-3x;(2)2x2y-3x2y+5x2y=(2-3+5)x2y=4x2y;(3)2a2-3ab+4b2-5ab-6b2=2a2+(4-6)b2+(-3-5)ab=2a2-2b2-8ab;(4)-ab3+2a3b+3ab3-4a3b=(-1+3)ab3+(2-4)a3b=2ab3-2a3b.方法总结:合并同类项的时候,为了不漏项,可用不同的符号(如直线、曲线、圆圈)标记不同的同类项.探究点三:化简求值化简求值:2a2b-2ab+3-3a2b+4ab,其中a=-2,b=12.解析:先将原式合并同类项得到最简结果,再把a与b的值代入计算即可求出值.解:2a2b-2ab+3-3a2b+4ab=(2-3)a2b+(-2+4)ab+3=-a2b+2ab+3.将a=-2,b=12代入得:原式=-(-2)2×12+2×(-2)×12+3=-1.方法总结:对多项式化简求值时,一般先化简,即先合并同类项,再代入值计算结果,在算式中代入负数时,要注意符号.探究点四:合并同类项的应用有一批货物,甲可以3天运完,乙可以6天运完,若共有x吨货物,甲乙合作运输一天后还有________吨没有运完.解析:甲每天运货物的13,乙每天运货物的16,则两个合作运输一天后剩余的货物为x-13x-16x=12x(吨),故填12x.方法总结:体现了数学在生活中的运用.解决问题的关键是读懂题意,找到所求的量之间的关系.三、板书设计1.同类项:所含字母相同,并且相同的字母指数也分别相同. 判断同类项的条件:两相同,两无关2.合并同类项法则:合并同类项后,所得项的系数是合并前各同类项的系数的和,且字母和字母的指数不变.数学教学要紧密联系学生的生活实际,本节课从学生已有的知识和经验出发,从实际问题入手,引出合并同类项的概念.通过独立思考、讨论交流等方式归纳出合并同类项的法则,通过例题教学、练习等方式巩固相关知识.教学中应激发学生主动参与的学习动机,培养学生思维的灵活性.第2课时 去括号1.在具体情境中体会去括号的必要性,能运用运算律去括号;(重点) 2.掌握去括号的法则,并能利用法则解决简单的问题.(难点)一、情境导入还记得用火柴棒像如图那样搭x 个正方形时,怎样计算火柴的根数吗?方法1:第一个正方形用四根,以后每增加一个正方形火柴棒就增加三根,那么搭x 个正方形需要火柴棒________根.方法2:把每个正方形都看成是用四根火柴棒搭成的,然后再减多出的根数,那么搭x 个正方形需要火柴棒________根.方法3:第一个正方形可以看成是一根火柴棒加3根火柴棒搭成的,此后每增加一个正方形就增加3根,搭x 个正方形共需____________根.二、合作探究 探究点一:去括号下列去括号正确吗?如有错误,请改正. (1)+(-a -b )=a -b ;(2)5x -(2x -1)-xy =5x -2x +1+xy ; (3)3xy -2(xy -y )=3xy -2xy -2y ; (4)(a +b )-3(2a -3b )=a +b -6a +3b .解析:先判断括号外面的符号,再根据去括号法则选用适当的方法去括号.解:(1)错误,括号外面是“+”号,括号内不变号,应该是:+(-a -b )=-a -b ; (2)错误,-xy 没在括号内,不应变号,应该是:5x -(2x -1)-xy =5x -2x +1-xy ; (3)错误,括号外是“-”号,括号内应该变号,应该是:3xy -2(xy -y )=3xy -2xy +2y ;(4)错误,有乘法的分配律使用错误,应该是:(a +b )-3(2a -3b )=a +b -6a +9b . 方法总结:本题考查去括号的方法:去括号时,运用乘法的分配律,先把括号前的数字与括号里各项相乘,再运用括号前是“+”,去括号后,括号里的各项都不改变符号;括号前是“-”,去括号后,括号里的各项都改变符号.探究点二:去括号运算【类型一】去括号后进行整式的化简先去括号,后合并同类项: (1)x +[-x -2(x -2y )]; (2)12a -⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫a +23b 2+3⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫-12a +13b 2;(3)2a -(5a -3b )+3(2a -b );(4)-3{-3[-3(2x +x 2)-3(x -x 2)-3]}.解析:去括号时注意去括号后符号的变化,然后找出同类项,根据合并同类项的法则进行计算,即系数相加作为系数,字母和字母的指数不变.解:(1)原式=x -x -2x +4y =-2x +4y ;(2)原式=12a -a -23b 2-32a +b 2=-2a +b 23;(3)原式=2a -5a +3b +6a -3b =3a ;(4)原式=-3{9(2x +x 2)+9(x -x 2)+9}=-27(2x +x 2)-27(x -x 2)-27=-54x -27x 2-27x +27x 2-27=-81x -27.方法总结:解决本题是要注意去括号时符号的变化,并且不要漏乘.有多个括号时要注意去各个括号时的顺序.【类型二】与绝对值、数轴相结合,去括号代数式的化简有理数a ,b ,c 在数轴上的位置如图所示,化简|a +c |+|a +b +c |-|a -b |+|b+c |.解析:根据数轴上的数,右边的数总是大于左边的数,即可确定a ,b ,c 的符号,进而确定式子中绝对值内的式子的符号,根据正数的绝对值是本身,负数的绝对值是它的相反数,即可去掉绝对值符号,对式子进行化简.解:由图可知a >0,b <0,c <0,|a |<|b |<|c |,所以a +c <0,a +b +c <0,a -b >0,b +c <0,所以原式=-(a +c )-(a +b +c )-(a -b )-(b +c )=-3a -b -3c .方法总结:本题考查了利用数轴,比较数的大小关系,对于含有绝对值的式子的化简,要根据绝对值内的式子的符号,去掉绝对值符号.探究点三:含括号的整式的化简求值 【类型一】化简求值先化简,再求值:已知x =-4,y =12,求5xy 2-[3xy 2-(4xy 2-2x 2y )]+2x 2y -xy 2.解析:原式去括号合并得到最简结果,把x 与y 的值代入计算即可求出值.。



迈克·弗雷斯查尔著xna@/pages/XNABook.aspx第二章 进入二维世界在第一章中我们讲述了游戏创建和运行的基本知识,但是到目前为止,还没有进行实质性的工作。









如下图所示:打开刚刚重命名为Sprites的文件夹,双击MyFirstGame.sln,这样就会启动Visual C# Express,在第一章里所创建的游戏的内容也会显示出来。

现在,打开Solution Explorer,右击项目MyFirstGame,将其重命名为Sprites。










正如我前面所讲,键盘是一种驱动游戏状态的设备。也就是说每次场景Update()被调用时,你就能获得键 盘当前的按键状态。如果你想跟踪某个按键的变化,则需要保存它上一次的读键状态。 在本章前面讲到的代码中做如下更改: 1.增加以下变量: _____________________________________________________________________
// Get an array of all currently pressed keys Keys[] currentlyPressed = currentState.GetPressedKeys();
第 5 页 共 17 页
XNA 入门指南 —— 迈克·弗雷斯查尔 中国 XNA 开发网
此时你应该相当熟悉这些代码。本章我们所关注的关键之处就是Update()函数。现在,正如你所见,这个 函数中什么也没有。下面我们会在里面加一些东西。如果你上述代码中每一步都是正确的,那么程序运行的结果 就会如下图所示:
别激动!下面我们再让这个红球在屏幕上移动。在XNA中,游戏状态的驱动大部分是由输入完成的。每次你 检测手柄或键盘状态时,它都会告诉你它现在的内部状态。例如,如果你按下“A”键,它就会告诉你现在“A” 键被按下去了。然而,如果你想知道“A”键是否已经被释放,就需要继续跟踪上一次的状态。下面让我们看看 如何用键盘控制这个红球。
4.最后,用以下代码替换Update()函数: _____________________________________________________________________ protected override void Update() { // Check the current state of the keyboard KeyboardState currentState = Keyboard.GetState();



第一节:面板介绍[经典教程]XNormal使用手册2009-11-05 19:09:05 浏览次数:2690下图为XNormal起始面板:1.版本显示栏:显示当前XNormal版本信息2.主工具栏:包括XNromal的各种常用模块。

3. 最小化,关闭声音,关闭程序:4. 插件管理器按钮:点开这里可以对XNoraml加载的插件做岀一些调整5.烘焙按钮:最后我们要通过点击它来得到我们想要贴图第二节:主工具栏介绍:1高模加载:这样我们就可以把高模加载进去了2低模加载:把低模加载进去3烘焙选项:伽■卯屮Fflt1^4*rhirkmii ■«>Output Fili图像输岀路径及格式pHaps to irEiideT■ Normal map ■«K A .Height gp■ Bake base texture ■■■■ Ambient occlusic*n■ Bent normal imap■ *»■ FRTpnirif V■Convexi ty map■Thi cknesE maph _________________________________ ■ ”vlSize512512Background color H Flip verti cally口Closest hit if ray Edge padding Q Di scard back-faces hits Bucket size图像种类渲染引擎及抗锯齿敲sn M旗/b m#»^敲sn M 旗引擎查看器第三节:XNormal 生成Normal map , Ambient occlusion map(高低模烘焙法)1.1开启终端盂1 ^Normal ►囱 3.16.2 ►应j Romm s hwGrid*口Vni nEt&ll nUser do cun ent&ti on rxlM xlTormal1.2加载高模和低模(低模uv要分好)1.3调节烘焙选项提示:Xnormal可以连续输岀图片1.4获取图片点击这个就可以开始生成图片了第四节:单一模型烘焙Ambient occlusion map切换到工具集选项单,选择如图所示的AO烘焙按钮调整好参数后就可以获取图片了(可按图中所示参数设置)。



3.4.6 本征值和本征向量 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4 微积分
4.1 微分 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.7.1 常用变换 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.7.2 控制变量 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2.8 解方程 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2.8.1 单个方程 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2.8.2 方程组 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2.8.3 数值解 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2.9 复数 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2.9.1 实部与虚部 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2.9.2 复共轭 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2.9.3 复数模和辐角 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2.9.4 直角形式和极坐标形式 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16








Microsoft XNA Game Studio Express中文教程

Microsoft XNA Game Studio Express中文教程

(一)XNA Build入门中文教程-Hello world为配合XNA的推出,我们特地翻译和润色了XNA的HELLO WORLD例子,对于入门来说是不可多得的靓文. 另外我们群里会有更多资料(中文, 英文, 视频, 群友开发的XNA游戏例子等共享和交流信息) 欢迎一起研究和发展XNA, 在这里您也可以找到合作的对象呀(比如美工等).Creating a Basic XNA Build Project我们这个教程将向您演示如何使用XNA Build建立一个新的工程项目, 并为其添加一个任务(task), 并对这个任务(task)组件的参数和属性做一些设置, 最后就是编译XNA工程项目并查看编译报告.整个教程包括以下步骤:1. 建立一个全新的XNB Build项目2. 给项目添加一个任务(task)组件.3. 修改message任务(task)组件的属性.4. 编译这个XNB Build项目5. 最后是查看编译的报告具体操作细节如下:建立一个全新的XNB Build项目按照下面的步骤创建XNA Build 项目1. 启动Visual Studio2. 选择File -->New, 并按下Project菜单.3. 按下Project Types 面板的XNA Build Project4. 为新项目输入一个项目名称.由于这次是HELLO WORLD演示,所以您可以把项目取名为HELLO WORLD(HELLO和WORLD之间可以有空格)5. 按下OK.现在你将能看到XNA Build标准的开发面板给项目添加一个任务(task)组件一个XNA Build项目包含一个或者多个按照设定顺序执行的任务(tasks)组件, 这些任务组件可以是由MSBuild提供的标准任务组件, 也可以是XNA Build提供的XNA特殊专用任务组件, 还可以是由您或者第三方提供的客户化组件. 所有的这些组件都会在XNA Build里按照功能分组并在左侧的Toolbox面板里显示候用.请您按照下面的步骤给XNA项目添加任务(task)组件1. 在左侧的Toolbox窗口里选择XNA任务组件面板.2. 把其中的Message 任务组件用鼠标拖到中间的设计面板上.3. 选择Message 任务组件的框图(任务组件图).现在右侧的属性窗口(Properties window)将显示出当前所选组件的相关属性. 如果您看不到属性窗口(Properties window), 请您按下F4即可显示.4. 修改任务组件的名词.具体的操作方法是右键选择任务组件,并在弹出的菜单里选择Rename选项, 接着就可以输入Helloworld一词作为该组件的名称(注意,Hello和World之间不能右空格).修改message任务(task)的属性当您选择了一个任务组件,则该组件默认的属性值会显示在右侧的属性(Properties)窗口里, 这些属性值将用来告诉相应的任务组件做怎样的动作. 您也可以修改这些属性值,具体的操作步骤如下:1. 用鼠标点击选择HelloWorld任务组件图.属性(Properties)窗口将显示两个相应的属性: Importance 和Text.2. 在属性窗口上修改Text 属性的值为”HelloWorld”(注意,Hello和World之间不能右空格). 接着按下回车键即可.编译这个XNB Build项目现在我们这个XNA Build项目包含了一个任务组件. 接着请您按照下面的步骤编译这个项目,体验一下XNA Build的功能示例.1. 选择File --> Save HelloWorld 菜单.2. 如果您没看到Output 窗口, 请按下View --> Output即可.3. 接着请您选择Build --> Build Solution 菜单.编译开始了, 这样您就可以在Output窗口实时地看到编译状态了. 在这个教程粒子里,您应该可以在Output窗口看到”HelloWorld”信息的输出.最后是查看编译的报告经过成功的编译后,您应该可以在设计窗口中央看到一个显示编译报告的新窗口. 你可以使用TAB键来回切换设计窗口和编译报告窗口.在编译报告里我们可以注意到,在我们这次的演示里只使用了一个任务组件,而这个任务组件在编译过程中输出了”HelloWorld”信息.(二)Tutorial 2:基本构造和追加模型我们这个教程将接着向您演示Tutorial 1的XNA建立的项目,是关于怎样创建一个资源组(asset group)并使他在任务中发挥用处整个教程包括以下步骤:1.打开一个已有的XNA建立的项目2.在本项目上增加资源组(asset group)3.将刚建立的资源组(asset group)同现有的任务联系起来4.在组里添加标签(items)5.浏览HelloWorld 任务里的道具修改。






PC和Xbox 360平台都支持全屏反锯齿(FSAA) 模式,额外的数据会渲染到一个渲染目标并用来作为创建最终图像的采样器。

4x FSAA通过将场景渲染到一个长宽都为后备缓冲两倍的渲染目标,实现每个像素使用4个采样点,使用渲染目标中的额外采样点创建最终的反锯齿的图像。

PC上2x FSAA也很常见并被Xbox 360平台支持。


更多的信息可见How To: Enable Antialiasing (Multisampling)。


你可以使用RenderState 属性实时启用/禁用multisampling。

2、什么是颜色混合(Color Blending)颜色混合是指将两个颜色混合在一起产生第三个颜色的处理过程。

第一个颜色叫做源颜色(source color)。

第二个颜色叫做目标颜色(destination color),这个颜色已经存在(例如在后备缓冲中)。



Navatron 导航管理器扩展说明书

Navatron 导航管理器扩展说明书

01Contents (1)Installation Process (3)Instructions for Installation (4)1. Installation via composer (4)2. Manual Installation (5)3. Database (5)Instructions for Setup/Configuration (6)General Configuration (6)Module Enable/Disable (6)Menu Breakpoint (6)Mobile Menu: Type (7)Mobile Menu: Page Dim (8)Mobile Menu: Direction (8)Mobile Menu: Parent Link (8)Mobile Menu: Parent Link Prefix (8)Desktop Menu: Mouse Event (9)Desktop Menu: Animation (9)Custom CSS (9)Menu Builder (10)Instructions for Building your Menu (11)Adding a New Menu Item (11)Warning Notification Messages (15)Preview before pushing LIVE (15)Autosave / Restore (15)Removing a Category or Static Block referenced in the Navatron (15)Magento Version (16)Support (16)0203Instructions for Installation1. Installation via composerYou can install the extension via System >Web Setup Wizard > Extension Manager like other extensions in the Marketplace. You will need to have your access keys on hand as you will be prompted to enter them.1.Select Review and Install, select the module to install and follow the Setup Wizard2.In the CLI (Command Line Interface) the following needs to be enteredcomposer require nublue/navatron3.Enable ModuleTo get the module to appear in your Magento instance it needs to beenabled. To do this via the CLI you need to run:php bin/magento module:enable Nublue_NavatronThen, to upgrade the module you need to run:php bin/magento setup:upgradeFinally, to compile run:php bin/magento setup:di:compile042. Manual Installation1.Download the FilesDownload the files from Magento Marketplace.2.Place the Downloaded Files in the app > code FolderIn the app > code folder (If you do not have the code folder, then you willneed to create it), place the extension folder and files into this. If the files arezipped, they will need to be extracted before placing in app > code.When successful, you should see the following structure:app > code > Nublue > Navatron > Module Folders3.Enable ModuleTo get the module to appear in your Magento instance it needs to beenabled. To do this via the CLI you need to run:php bin/magento module:enable Nublue_NavatronThen, to upgrade the module you need to run:php bin/magento setup:upgradeFinally, to compile run:php bin/magento setup:di:compile3. DatabaseDuring installation the extension creates default data. Configuration for the extension can be found in the core_config_data table, the eav attributes made for the extension can be found in the eav_attribute table and it creates a custom table in the database called Nublue_Navatron.05Instructions for Setup/ConfigurationGeneral ConfigurationGeneral Configuration can be found in the Stores > Configuration > NaVAtron > GlobalOptions menu in your Magento admin panel.These are the main settings for the NaVAtron, to enable/disable it on the frontend, as well as the global styles and animation for the mobile and desktop version of the menu.Module Enable/DisableTo enable/disable the module (to show or hide the NaVAtron on the frontend – on your website), you can either select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ from the Enabled dropdown that appears in Stores > Configuration > NaVAtron.Selecting ‘Yes’: On the frontend, the NaVAtron menu will appear across your site.Selecting ‘No’: On the frontend, the NaVAtron will not show anywhere until the extension is enabled again.Note: Disabling the module via the General Configuration does not remove the modulefiles from app > code. For this you will need to use module:disable Nublue_Navatron via the CLI. If you then need to enable the module again, then you will need to follow Step 3 fromthe Installation Process.Menu BreakpointA text field to specify the point (the width of the browser window or device) at which theNaVAtron menu changes from the Desktop version to the Mobile version.06The following group of settings are specifically for the Mobile version of the NaVAtron: Mobile Menu: TypeChoose the type of menu for the mobile version of NaVAtron:Flyout Panel: The menu will have a flyout animation which displays only the current category on the menu at one time, see below left.Accordion: The menu will have an accordion animation which displays the full menu, initially collapsed, where you can expand each section to reveal it’s sub-categories, see below right.Choosing theAccordion option will display 4 extra settings:Accordion Duration: the speed at which the accordion menu opens the sub-menu.Accordion Single: ‘True’ allows only one sub-menu accordion to be open at one time. ‘False’ allows multiple menus to be open at the same time.Accordion Scroll: ‘True’ scrolls to the top of the opened accordion.Accordion Scroll Offset: in pixels, the height above the opened accordion to which the menu will automatically scroll to, providing Accordion Scroll = True. For example, 0 = will scroll to the top of the opened menu ‘Jewelry’ (left) and 100 = will scroll to 100px above the opened menu (right).07Mobile Menu: Page DimThe option to dim the background behind the menu when it is active. True = the background is dimmed (left) or False =the background remains fully visible (right).Mobile Menu: DirectionThe direction from which the menu opens, either from the left or right-hand side.Mobile Menu: Parent LinkChoose whether or not to display the ‘Parent’ category link. In the example below, True = will show the ‘Go To Men’ category link and False = will hide this link.Mobile Menu: Parent Link PrefixRelated to the above setting, this free text field determines what is displayed before the parent link, providing this setting is enabled above. In the example above, the text here would be ‘Go To’.08The following group of settings are specifically for the Desktop version of the NaVAtron: Desktop Menu: Mouse EventChoose the type of mouse event required to open the dropdowns on the Desktop menu, either: Hover over the menu to open or Click the menu to open.Desktop Menu: AnimationChoose the transition animation for displaying the dropdown menus.The last Global Setting is Custom CSS.Custom CSSThis allows you to edit the CSS of the NaVAtron to customise it to suit the style and design of your own website.09010Instructions for Building your MenuThe Menu Builder can be found in the Stores > Configuration > NaVAtron > Menu Builder in your Magento admin panel.This is where you can build your menu and make use of the drag & drop functionality to organise your category structure. There are 5 different menu types you can choose from when building your navigation; Category Link; CMS Page Link; Static Block (for includingpromotional banners etc. within the navigation); Custom URL and Blank Link.Adding a New Menu ItemTo add a new menu item click the ‘New Menu Item’ button at the top of the page to reveal the form. The main form fields are as follows:011Enabled: Yes = the menu item will be visible on the front-end of your website. No = the menu item will not show on the front-end of your website.Title: the title of your menu item, as it appears on the front-end of your website.Parent Item: this defines where the new menu item is placed in the navigation. To add an item to the main navigation bar you can add it to the Root parent item. To add an item to a drop-down as a child item to a main menu item, add them to the relevant Parent Category.Root Parent Item: If an item is added to the Root, 2 additional fields will show: Desktop Drop Down Panel Width: This value determines how wide the drop-down menu will be. If no value is entered, the drop-down will span the fullwidth. If a value is entered, an additional field will show called Desktop DropDown Position which determines whether the drop-down appears to theright or left of the main menu item.CTA Image: If added, this image appears to the right of the drop-down.Child Sub-Menu Item: If an item is added to a parent item other than the Root (forexample Root/Men), one additional field will show called Container ID which is used to separate the menu drop-down into columns.If the menu is a direct child of the Rootyou can add a numerical ‘Container ID’. AllIDs that are the same will be grouped and stacked in the same column. For example, if TOPS menu had container ID 1, TROUSERS menu had container ID 1 and SHOES menu had container ID 2, the drop-down menu will be split into 2 columns with TOPS and TROUSERS sharing column 1 and SHOES taking up column 2, like follows:012Menu Type: this determines the type of menu item that will be placed in your navigation, from the following 5 options:Category: this displays a link to the Magento Category, which can be chosen fromthe additional Select Category field that appears when this menu type is selected.CMS Page: this displays a link to a CMS Page, which can be chosen from theadditional Select CMS Page field that appears when this menu type is selected.Static Block: this displays the content of a Static Block, which can be chosen from the additional Select Static Block field that appears when this menu type is selected.Custom URL: this allows you to enter any URL link, which can be specified from theadditional Custom URL field that appears when this menu type is selected.Blank Link: this displays the text as a blank link within the menu.Custom Class: this allows you to specify a custom class for your menu item.The next fields on the form allow you to add a custom label next to a menu item:Label Title: this is the text displayed on the label, for example ‘New!’.Font Label Size: this is the size of the text displayed on the label.Label Background Colour: this displays a pop-up colour choose to allow you to specify a colour for the label.Label Text Colour: this displays a pop-up colour choose to allow you to specify a colour for the text on the label.013When a new menu item is added it is added to the table below:Clicking the +icon next to a menu item will expand it to show the associated sub-menus.Using the arrows you can drag and drop menu items to change their position in the menu. When moving a menu item that has associated sub-menus, all sub-menus will move as well. Also using the arrows you can drag and drop menu items to the left and right. Dragging a menu item to the right makes it a child item of the menu item directly above it. Dragging a menu item to the left makes it a child item or a parent item depending on what the relationship between the menu items are.014Warning Notification MessagesWhen making any changes, a warning message will appear above the table to remind you to save the config changes before navigating away from the page. When the config changes are saved in the admin they are also updated on the front-end of your website.These notification messages can be closed by clicking the cross to the right of the message.Preview before pushing LIVEYou can also Preview the changes on your menu before saving them and putting it live. This can be done by clicking the Preview Live link next to the Save Config button. This will open up another browser window with the Navatron menu on. The preview will automatically update whenever a change is made.Autosave / RestoreShould any errors occur, such as with your internet connection or Magento session, a Restore Last Session button will display above the table, allowing you to restore the menu back to its last saved state.Removing a Category or Static Block referenced in the NavatronIf you delete a category or static block that you have previously used within your mega menu, a message will appear upon deletion to inform you that the link to this category was removed from the Navatron and replaced with a blank link, giving you the specific menu item/s affected (in this case the Test delete menu item).This ensures your mega menu is still visible on the front-end, without errors.Similar messages appear when deleting a static block that is referenced in the mega menu.015Magento VersionThis extension works with Magento v2.1.x, v2.2.x and v2.3.x despite v2.1.x and v2.2.x and above using different formats for storing data in the database (v2.1.x serialises data whilst v2.2.x andabove uses JSON). A Helper is used to compare the Magento version in the composer.json fileagainst a string, with the data being parsed according to how it is stored.SupportIfyourequiresupport,*************************************************.uk016。



XNA学习(一) XNA游戏框架收藏/changjiangboy从今天开始,我打算学XNA 。

我的开发环境:Microsoft Visual Studio 2008,Microsoft XNA Game Studio 3.0(CTP)。




启动VS2008,新建项目(左边选Visual C#下面XNA Game Strdio 3.0节点,右边选Windows Game (3.0))。






下面是代码://---------Game1.cs-----------//using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio;using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content;using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices;using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input;using ;using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Storage;namespace XnaStudy01{public class Game1 : Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game{GraphicsDeviceManager graphics; //声明一个图形设备管理器SpriteBatch spriteBatch; //声明一个精灵集群.可以以相同的设置操纵(draw)一组精灵public Game1(){graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this); //实例化图形设备管理器Content.RootDirectory = "Content"; //设置材质管理器的根目录}// 在这里初始化(所需设备,参数,资源等)protected override void Initialize(){base.Initialize();}// 在这里加载游戏中的资源,如模型和纹理等protected override void LoadContent(){spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); //新建一个精灵对象,用来画纹理}// 在这里释放游戏中的资源protected override void UnloadContent(){}// 在这里编辑游戏逻辑,如更新,检测碰撞,收集输入,播放声音等(循环方法)protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime){//XBOX游戏手柄触发,关闭窗口//如果将if语句改成//if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed// || Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Escape))//则在Windows运行时,按下Escape键,屏幕窗口也会关闭if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed)this.Exit();base.Update(gameTime);}// 在这里渲染对象和屏幕背景(循环方法)protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime){//用浅蓝色清理画板,graphics.GraphicsDevice.Clear(Color.CornflowerBlue);base.Draw(gameTime);}}}关于XNA,百度百科上说:“美国微软于8 月13 日发表针对业余创作者所设计的游戏开发套件「XNA Game Studio Express」,提供没有专门开发器材的一般PC Windows XP 使用者开发跨Xbox 360 与PC 平台游戏的管道.XNA是Microsoft的下一代软件开发平台,致力于帮助开发者更快地开发更好的游戏。

SimSafari 初学者指南说明书

SimSafari 初学者指南说明书

TMThis product has been rated by the Entertainment Software Rating Board. For information about the ESRB rating, or to comment about the appropriateness of the rating, please contactthe ESRB at 1-800-771-3772.SimSafari BasicsRoger, Ranger. Welcome to Africa. We’ve got a few things to tell you, then you’re on your own. Well, that’s not totally true. The advisors in SimSafari are eager to help you. But as the Safari Ranger, the people and wildlife of the savanna are depending on you!So fill up your water bottle, stock up on sunscreen and put on your hat—it’s time for your walk in the wild!G ETTING S TARTED1.For help with installation, minimum system requirements andstarting the game, see the SimSafari Reference Card.2.When you start SimSafari, the short intro will get you grooving inthe vibe of the African savanna. Click to skip it.4.Pick a game type: Start a new park, Play a saved park, or Play a mission. A mission is a challenge like reviving an endangered species or bringing back a burned safari camp. If you choose to Play a saved park or Play a mission, skip to A Quick Look Around on page 6.5.If you’ve chosen to start a new park, you will be prompted to choose a park map. Clicking on Display a new map will show you maps with varying amounts of water. (You can add or take away water later in the game…at a price.) When you’re happy with the map that’s showing,click it to move on.7.Decide whether you want to start your park with or without plants and animals. Starting with some plants and animals is a little truer to life, and it gives you a head start. Starting with no plants and animals is more work, but it lets you control every plant and animal in your park. (You never have total control. Certain plants and animals will attract other species into your park.) When you click your selection, thegame will start.The camp.people on a safari vacation. If you manage it well, you’ll make money that will allow you to buy more plants and animals for your park.You’ll spend most of your time in the main screens of your park, camp and village. They have similar controls, so once you get the hang of the park screen, you’ll probably be able to get around the camp and thevillage pretty well.M OVING A ROUNDS c ro l l i n gWhen you move the cursor to any edge of your screen, it willbecome an arrow with a zebra pattern. Click to scroll in that direction. Or click and hold to keep scrolling. You can move up, down, sideways, and diagonally.Using the MapIf you want to jump to a certain spot (or if you want to figure outbring up an overview of the whole area.S a f a r iPrint Dialog BoxIn SimSafari, disasters happen when you least expect them.If you want a disaster and you want it now, unleash theIf you don’t want any uninvited disasters, select NoDisasters.able to build, but the park won’t grow, and you won’tany money.)Sound Off if you’d rather build your park withoutBackground Sounds Off to turn off sounds like music.Hide Interface if you’d like to kick back and watchworld go by without buttons blocking your view.Tutorial Off, it is off. If you’dAboutthe Apple menu of your Macintosh) if your cousin helpeddesign this game and you want to see her name, or ifyou’re just curious about the fascinating folks who putSimSafari together.Go to the field guide to learn about your favorite plants and animals. Find out how they got their names. Listen to animal sounds.Back to ecologistClick one of thesecategories to see alist of related speciesClick on the specificplant or animal you wantto learn more aboutPrintBack to field guide indexSpecies nameLatin nameDescriptionGameplay informationPrintPark CensusVisit the park census to see how many of each species there are in your park. Select a species and click the food web button to see which species it eats and which species eat it.Food We bBack to ecologistBack to ecologist.Click to select species tograph. You can graph up tofive species at once.Print.Click on the number thatshows the number of yearsyou want to graph.Graphing can be particularly helpful if you want to see how different species affect each other. Pick a species to investigate and then plot it along with its food sources and predators to see how they interact. Or if you suspect that two species are competing with each other for food, plotthem together to confirm.Need something to do while you’re waiting for your camp to make money? Safari Smarts is a good place to hang out while you test your knowledge of African species.Back to ecologist.Try to getthe high score.Play a game of20 questions.Race the clock.Time remaining orquestion number.Back to start.Score.Click here for ahint,but you’llgive up one point.Pick an answer.Get it right and you’llget two points. Nopoints if you’re wrong.Back to the business manager.Click here to getmore or less detail.Your overall star rating is based on how well you’re doing in all three of the safari areas: the park, the village, and the camp.A TTRACTING H APPY C AMPERS•Some accommodations require staff to run them. Hire staff in the village.•You need to take care of all of people’s basic needs before they’ll come. (This includes eating, sleeping, bathroom, and transportation.)• For each kind of “need” there are three different ways to fulfill it: a simple way, an improved way, and a luxury way. People are happier (and you can charge more) with more luxurious accommodations. • People care about seeing five species, sometimes referred to as “The Big Five”: lions, buffalo, elephants, rhinos, and leopards. Try to havea decent number of each so that people have a good chance of seeingthem during their visits.• People care about seeing a variety of species. The greater the variety, the happier they are.• People in the camp can't drive through the park unless you build roads that go to the edge of the camp and the edge of the park.•If there are no paths to accommodations, people won’t use them.W ant more?Get more obvious hints on page 25.• You can get a good idea of how your village is doing by looking at it.If the village has been able to build things like schools and wells, it’s probably doing pretty well.• If you have a thriving camp, the village will make money from land rent and profit sharing that will allow them to expand.• If villagers lose their jobs too many times (because you run out of money or lay them off), they won’t want to work for you any more.• If you have a lot of big animals in your park, they may destroy the villagers’ crops. If so, you’ll need to make sure that you have plenty of jobs for villagers in your camp.•If there is a drought, crops may be destroyed.•If the village is not thriving, villagers may poach your park’sanimals to make money.• Species will appear in your park even if you didn’t place them there.That’s because you have placed something that attracted them.• Consult the food web to find out who eats what. When you place an animal, make sure there’s food for it.• Watch your populations closely. If a species is spreading too quickly, you may have to place more of its predators.• There are two main seasons in Africa: rainy season and dry season.Many plant species turn brown during dry season. But if a plant, shrub or tree stays brown through the wet season, it’s probably dead.• Some animals eat insects, but you can’t place insects in your park.Insects come with grasses, shrubs and trees.• You don’t have to watch your park go up in flames. Keep a fire under wraps by bulldozing or placing water around it.• Ground devastated by a locust invasion can be cleared up with the bulldozer.• Some animals like to herd. If there aren't enough of its species around to herd with, they'll be less happy.• Animals need to be able to find food nearby.• If there are too many animals in a small area, they will be competingfor the same food.the Troubled RangerM Y W ARTHOGS ARE D YINGSo you’re having trouble keeping a species alive? (Let’s say it’s the warthogs.) Reach in to your bag of tricks to figure out the problem. 1.Maybe it’s a finicky eater.Go to the food web to find out what it eats.Select your species in the census, and click the food web button to see more. (Warthogs think that grass is scrumptious.)2.What’s eating you, warthog?While you’re in the food web, find outwhat other animals eat this species. (Wild dogs are one of a warthog’s predators.)3.Dinner: I want it now and I want plenty of it.Note how much foodis available. (Most species aren’t too picky. They’ll eat anything on their list, even if they had it the night before!)4.Yikes! Don’t let them get me!Also note how many of the species’predators are in your park. It’s okay to have a few predators. But if your wild dog population outnumbers your warthogs, it spells big trouble for warthogs.5.Fix it.Go back to your park and change whatever you think willmake a difference. Figure out how to support species that warthogs eat. Remove wild dogs with the net or try to find predators that willeat wild dogs but not warthogs.your park. Get the play-by-play update in the census or the graph.7.Hey! She took my food!If your warthogs still aren’t doing well, it’spossible that they’re competing for food with another species that eats the same thing. This is where the detective work gets a little trickier. Go to the census and try to discover which species might be hogging all the food. Check their food webs to see whether they eat the same things as warthogs.W HERE H AVE A LL THE C AMPERS G ONE?If you build it, they will come. But sometimes they don’t. And that’s just plain frustrating. If you’re having trouble getting people to come to your camp, read the Attracting Happy Campers section on page 21. Some people think that part of the fun of a simulation is trying to guess whatall the rules are. If you’re not one of these people, read on.B ASIC I MPROVED L UXURYL IVING tent cottage lodgeserves up to2430staffing needs0 1 attendant10 attendantsE ATING picnic table dining hall luxury dining hall serves up to82030staffing needs0 2 cooks 5 cooksB ATHROOM outhouse shower(included in lodge) serves up to108-staffing needs00-T RANSPORT ATION2-door4-door vanserves up to885staffing needs 1 driver 1 driver 1 driverE XTRA S TAFFScout 1 for each 8 tourists 1 for each 6 tourists 1 for each 4 tourists Naturalist 1 for each 24 tourists 1 for each 12 tourists 1 for each 6 tourists E XTRA I TEMSPool 1 attendant 1 attendant 1 attendantHot Tub 1 attendant 1 attendant 1 attendantAmphitheater 1 attendant 1 attendant 1 attendantSo you've created a park that's bursting with hippos and can't figure out why you only have one star? Read on to find out what matters in the star rating. If you'd like to try to figure out how to get five stars yourself, skip it. Or if you want to do your own thing and ignore the stars completely, more power to you.STAR BY STAR: WHAT THE RATINGS REQUIRER ATING R EQUIREMENTS515 or more different speciesorsome tourists in the camp5515 or more different speciesandsome tourists in the camp555TO55555one extra star for each advisor who is happyWhat Makes the Advisors Happy• The ecologist likes your park to have high biodiversity, five of each of the Big Five species, and low poaching.• The business manager likes your camp to have low vacancies, a good number of visitors, and adequate staff. And she likes for you to make more money than you spend.• The village elder likes the village to have health and public servicesfor people and likes the villagers to be employed.Designed by: Roxana WolosenkoDesign Assistance: Claire Curtin, Debra Larson, Kana RyanProduced by: Kana RyanProduction Assistance: Roxana Wolosenko, Claire Curtin, Chris Trottier, Marc Meyer Lead Programmer: Vasyl TsvirkunovProgramming: Cisco Lopez-Fresquet, Mick Foley, Arlene Waller, Jon Wolfe, Ed Nanale Programming Assistance: Jeff Feil, Nolan ErckArt Design: Bonnie Borucki, Alpha Omega ProductionsLead Artist: Bonnie BoruckiComputer Artists and Animators: Serdar “Quicksilver” Copur; Alpha Omega Productions: Arlette Heule, Duncan Pond, Shawn McCulley, Marian O'Neal, Mike Badillo, Kerry Smith, Kim Payne, Tom SpeersComposer and Lead Sound Designer: Jerry MartinSound Design: Robi Kauker, Louise Land, Andrew Edlen, Kent JollyAfrican Percussion: Richard DeGraffenreidOnscreen Writing and Documentation: Debra Larson, Roxana Wolosenko, Claire Curtin, Chris Trottier, Kana RyanResearch: Alissa Levenberg, Darren LevenbergLead Tester: Shannon "The Polar Bear" GrayTesters: Zir-Paul "BULLDOG" Macaraeg, Keith “It’s a Croc” Meyer, Sean “Goofy” Blair, Myka"The Porcupine" Macaraeg, Owen "The Moose" Nelson, Marc "The Dolphin" Meyer, John Ylinen, Liam "The Bear" Patterson, Michael Lawson, Russell Johnson,Daniela Castillo, Rob IveyTesting Manager: Frank "The Puma" VigilCourtney Rascano, Carla Lerner, Jaren Lerner, Tyler DerberSupervising Producer: Laura MurrayExecutive in Charge of Production: Rob MartynGeneral Manager: Luc BartheletMarketing Director: Lorraine WoodruffProduct Marketing Manager: Lisa LavertyPackaging Design Manager: Rhea YostPackaging Design: Lisa MotzkinPackaging Illustration: Amy NingDocumentation Layout: Cherylonda FitzgeraldMany thanks: Robin Harper, Ila Kriplani, Patrick Buechner, Michael Perry,Kevin O’Hare, Sharon Barr, Steve Goldin, Corey Keller, Mimi Macaraeg, Shrox,Variny Yim, Corinne Finegan, Nancy Stuart, Larry Lee, Aimee Howe, Lisa Kindred; Oakland Zoo; San Jose Zoo; Wisdom FoundationQuality Assurance: Anatol Somerville, Benjamin Crick, Etienne Grunenwald, Daniel Hiatt,Bobby Joe, Michael Jung/GAMES/SIMSAFARI/ ActivitiesGamesOff computer activitiesMore ways to find out aboutthe African savannaP ARENTS AND T EACHERS!Download the Teacher’s Guide for more activitiesto try with your kids.Maxis warrants to the original purchaser of the computer software product, for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of original purchase (the “Warranty Period”), that under normal use, the media and the user documentation are free from defects in materials and workmanship.WARRANTY CLAIMSTo make a warranty claim under this limited warranty, please return the product to the point of purchase, accompanied by proof of purchase (i.e., purchase receipt), your name, your return address, and a statement of the defect. OR send the compact disc(s) to us at the address below within 90 days of purchase. Include a copy of the dated purchase receipt, your name, your return address, and a statement of the defect. Maxis or its authorized dealer will replace the product and return it to you (postage prepaid) or issue you with a credit equal to the purchase price.RETURNS WITHIN 90 DAY WARRANTY PERIOD—To replace defective media within the 90-day warranty period, send the defective media, a copy of the original sales receipt, a return address, and a small note describing the difficulties you are experiencing to the address below. If the software media was damaged through misuse or accident, you will need to follow the returns after warranty policy detailed below. RETURNS AFTER WARRANTY—To replace defective media after the 90-day warranty period has expired, send the original disc(s) to the address below. Enclose a statement of the defect, your name, your return address, and a check or money order for $7.50 per replacement compact disc.The foregoing states the purchaser’s sole and exclusive remedy for any breach of warranty with respect to the software product.Electronic Arts Customer WarrantyP.O. Box 9025Redwood City, California 94063-9025IFYOUHAVEWARRANTYQUESTIONS,************************************************************* or by phone at (650) 628-1900.LIMITATIONSThis warranty is in lieu of all other warranties and no other representations or claims of any nature shall be binding on or obligate Maxis. Any implied warranties applicable to this software product, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are limited to the ninety (90) day period described above. In no event will Maxis be liable for any special, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from possession,use, or malfunction of this Maxis software product.。

网易路由器 NETGEAR ProSafe 无线N访问点 WNAP210 配置指南说明书

网易路由器 NETGEAR ProSafe 无线N访问点 WNAP210 配置指南说明书

Para empezarSiga estas instrucciones para configurar su punto de acceso Wireless-N. También puede consultar los enlaces a la documentación del CD de recursos o la información en línea de NETGEAR en la dirección . Si desea obtener más datos sobre las opciones avanzadas de configuración, consulte la información incluida en el CD de recursos o siga el enlace Documentation (Documentación) de la interfaz de usuario para acceder al Manual de referencia.Tiempo de instalación y configuración: 20 minutos.Consejo: Si va a montar el WNAP210 Wireless-N Access Point en un lugar elevado, configúrelo y pruébelo primero para comprobar la conexión a una red inalámbrica. Contenido del productoEl WNAP210 contiene:•Punto de acceso inalámbrico•Cable Ethernet•Fuente de alimentación•Kit de montaje en pared (2 soportes, 2 tacos y 2 tornillos)•Guía de instalación•CD de recursosEn primer lugar, configure el WNAP2101.C ONECTE EL W IRELESS-N A CCESS P OINT A SU EQUIPOa.Abra la caja y compruebe el contenido.b.Asegúrese de que su equipo dispone de acceso a Internet y de un adaptadorEthernet. Si dicho equipo ya forma parte de su red, anote sus parámetros deconfiguración TCP/IP. Configure el PC con la dirección IP estática192.168.0.210 y la máscara de subred un cable Ethernet delWNAP210 al PC.d.Inserte con firmeza el otro extremo delcable en el puerto Ethernet delWNAP210.e.Conecte el punto de acceso Wireless-N auna toma de corriente de CA a través dela fuente de alimentación conmutada deNETGEAR.Nota: Utilice únicamente la fuente dealimentación conmutada incluida en el WNAP210 para conectar el punto deacceso Wireless-N. Compruebe que se iluminan correctamente los indicadoresdel panel frontal del punto de acceso Wireless-N:•Encendido: La luz de encendido debería estar iluminada. En casocontrario, compruebe las conexiones y cualquier interruptor en la toma decorriente que pudiera estar apagado.• Prueba: La luz de prueba se encenderá durante un instante alencender el WNAP210 por primera vez.•Ethernet: Al realizarse la conexión, se iluminará el indicador deEthernet (LAN) (en ámbar para una conexión de 10/100 Mbps y en verdepara 1000 Mbps). De no ser así, asegúrese de que el cable Ethernet estáfirmemente conectado en ambos extremos.• WLAN: Es posible que el indicador azul parpadee cuando la conexióninalámbrica esté activa.2.C ONFIGURE LOS ACCESOS LAN E INALÁMBRICOa.Configure el puerto Ethernet del WNAP210 para el acceso LAN. Para conectarsea este, abra el navegador e introduzca la dirección abrirá una ventana como la que semuestra a la derecha.b. A continuación, escriba enminúsculas admin como nombre deusuario (user name) y passwordcomo contraseña (password).Se mostrará la interfaz de usuario delNETGEAR ProSafe Wireless-NAccess Point WNAP210.c.Seleccione Wireless Settings(Configuración inalámbrica) en el menú Setup (Configuración) que aparece en elpanel de navegación izquierdo y configure la interfaz para el acceso inalámbrico.d. A continuación, seleccione Security (Seguridad) > WEP/WPA Settings(Configuración de WEP/WPA) y configure el nivel de seguridad del cifrado dedatos en su red.Consulte la ayuda en línea o el Manual de referencia en línea para obtenerinstrucciones detalladas.e.Por último, seleccione Basic Settings (Configuración básica) en el menú Setup(Configuración) que aparece en el panel de navegación izquierdo y configure losajustes de IP de su red.Nota: Si cambia la subred predeterminada correspondiente a la dirección IP de laLAN, perderá la conexión con la interfaz del WNAP210 Wireless-N AccessPoint. Para conectarse de nuevo, vuelva a configurar su ordenador con unadirección IP estática dentro de la nueva subred IP de la LAN.Consejo: Antes de instalar en su red el punto de acceso Wireless-N, reserve unadirección IP (basada en la dirección MAC del WNAP210) en el servidor DHCP.De ese modo, podrá configurar el punto de acceso Wireless-N con una direcciónIP estática que podrá utilizar para iniciar sesión cuando desee realizar cambios enla configuración.201-11589-02201-11589-02Febrero de 2009Este símbolo se ha colocado conforme a la Directiva 2002/96/CE sobre residuos de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos (RAEE). Si se tuviera que desechar este producto dentro de la Unión Europea, se tratará y se reciclará de conformidad con lo dispuesto en las leyes locales pertinentes, en aplicación de la Directiva RAEE.© 2009 NETGEAR, Inc. Todos los derechos reservados. NETGEAR y el logotipo de NETGEAR son marcas comerciales registradas de NETGEAR, Inc. en Estados Unidos y en otros países. El resto de marcas y nombres de productos son marcas comerciales o marcas comerciales registradas por sus respectivos titulares. La información contenida en el documento puede sufrir modificaciones sin previo aviso.Instale el WNAP210Ahora que ha completado los pasos necesarios para la configuración, ya puede instalar el WNAP210 en su red. Si es necesario, ya puede devolver a sus parámetros originales la configuración de TCP/IP del PC que utilizó en el paso 1.1.Desconecte el WNAP210 del equipo y sitúelo donde desee instalarlo.Se recomienda colocarlo en lugares elevados, como en la pared, en el techo o encima de un aparador. El punto de acceso deberá estar situado en el centro de la zona de cobertura y sin que se interpongan obstáculos entre este y los dispositivos móviles.Nota: El WNAP210 incluye un kit de montaje en pared. El WNAP210 puede montarse en vertical en una pared o en horizontal en el techo. Encontrará instrucciones de uso del kit de montaje en el Manual de referencia en línea.2.Conecte un cable Ethernet del punto de acceso Wireless-N WNAP210 a un puertoLAN de su router, switch o concentrador.3.Conecte la fuente de alimentación al punto de acceso Wireless-N y, seguidamente,a una toma de corriente. A continuación, deberían encenderse los indicadores de encendido, WLAN y Ethernet.Consejo: El WNAP210 es compatible con tecnologías de alimentación a través de Ethernet (PoE). Si dispone de un conmutador con PoE, no necesitará utilizar la fuente de alimentación para conectar el WNAP210. Esto puede resultar muy adecuado cuando el WNAP210 se encuentra instalado en un lugar elevado y alejado de una toma de corriente.Ahora compruebe la conectividad inalámbricaAntes de instalar el dispositivo donde desee situarlo, compruebe la conexión a Internet mediante un equipo con adaptador inalámbrico 802.11g, 802.11b, o 802.11n y un navegador como Netscape®, Internet Explorer, o Mozilla Firefox®, y compruebe el acceso a los archivos e impresoras de su red.Nota : Si no logra conectarse, consulte la sección Solución de problemas de esta guía o siga el enlace al Manual de referencia del CD de recursos .Solución de problemasEn esta sección se incluye una serie de consejos para corregir algunos de los problemas más sencillos con los que se puede encontrar.No se enciende ningún indicador en el punto de acceso.El punto de acceso no recibe corriente.•Asegúrese de que la fuente de alimentación está conectada al punto de acceso yenchufada a una toma de corriente o a una regleta que reciba alimentación eléctrica.•Utilice solo la fuente de alimentación de NETGEAR que se incluye con el punto de acceso o, si utiliza PoE, compruebe que el interruptor de encendido del WNAP210 funciona correctamente.El indicador de Ethernet no se ilumina.Hay un problema de conexión del hardware.•Asegúrese de que los conectores del cable están insertados firmemente en el punto deacceso y en el dispositivo de red correspondiente (concentrador, switch, o router).•Compruebe que el dispositivo está encendido.El indicador de WLAN no se ilumina.Las antenas del punto de acceso inalámbrico no funcionan.•Si el indicador de actividad de la LAN inalámbrica permanece apagado, desenchufe lafuente de alimentación de la toma de corriente y enchúfela de nuevo.•Póngase en contacto con NETGEAR si el indicador de WLAN sigue sin encenderse.No consigo configurar el punto de acceso desde un navegador de Internet.Compruebe lo siguiente:•El WNAP210 se ha instalado y encendido correctamente. Compruebe que elindicador de puerto Ethernet se ilumina en verde para verificar que la conexión Ethernet funciona de forma adecuada.•Si su PC tiene asignada una dirección IP fija (estática), asegúrese de que esta seencuentra en el intervalo del WNAP210. La dirección IP predeterminada delWNAP210 es y la máscara de subred es La configu-ración predeterminada del WNAP210 es adecuada para una dirección IP estática. Si la red a la que conecta el punto de acceso inalámbrico utiliza DHCP, configúrela de forma correspondiente. Si desea obtener más información, consulte el Manual de referencia del CD de recursos del punto de acceso inalámbrico.Nota: El botón para restablecer la configuración predeterminada y los ajustespredeterminados del punto de acceso Wireless-N se encuentran en la etiqueta situada en la parte trasera del WNAP210.No consigo acceder a Internet o a la LAN con un ordenador preparado para conexión inalámbrica.Compruebe que la red está conectada a Internet. Es posible que el problema radique en el router y no en el punto de acceso.Hay un problema de configuración. Compruebe lo siguiente:•Puede que no haya reiniciado el ordenador provisto de adaptador inalámbrico paraque surtan efecto los cambios en la configuración TCP/IP. Reinicie el ordenador.•Es posible que el ordenador provisto de adaptador inalámbrico no tenga losparámetros de TCP/IP correctos para comunicarse con la red. Reinicie el ordenador y compruebe que el TCP/IP está configurado correctamente para su red. En Propie-dades de Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) de Windows, el ajuste habitual es "Obtener una dirección IP automáticamente".•Puede que los valores predeterminados del punto de acceso no funcionen con su red. Compruebe la configuración predeterminada del punto de acceso comparándola con la del resto de los dispositivos de su red.•Si desea instrucciones completas sobre cómo modificar los parámetros predetermi-nados del punto de acceso, consulte los enlaces de documentación del CD de recursos o en el menú de la interfaz del punto de acceso Wireless-N.Servicio técnicoGracias por elegir un producto NETGEAR.Una vez instalado el dispositivo, busque en la etiqueta inferior del producto el número de serie y regístrelo en /register . De lo contrario, no podrá hacer uso de nuestro servicio telefónico de asistencia. Le recomendamos que se registre a través de nuestro sitio web.Podrá encontrar actualizaciones del producto y asistencia técnica en la página. Si desea recibir información sobre la garantía y el servicio de atención al cliente, consulte el CD de recursos que se adjunta con el producto.。



迈克·弗雷斯查尔著x na@h ttp:///pages/XNABook.aspx引言几年前微软公司最初宣布XNA时(译者注:微软几年前已经宣布开始开发XNA,但今年8月31日才正式公布这个令世人赞叹的产品),起初我很高兴,然后又有几分疑惑,最后却变得对它无动于衷。

















当然,本书中难免有不妥之处,欢迎广大读者朋友批评指正,可以将你的意见或建议发至: x na@(译者注:同时也请和本书的翻译者联系:w ebmaster@,或者到中国XNA开发网社区h ttp://发贴提出你对本书中文版的建议或意见)。


XNA用户输入处理 XNA碰撞检测 XNA声音输出

XNA中的用户输入可以由多种设备组合而成:键盘、鼠标、Xbox 360 手柄、Xbox 360周边设备和Windows Phone触摸屏和加速器。注意鼠 标输入在Xbox 360和Windows Phone上不可用。 本节课将讲解如何为游戏添加对键盘,鼠标的支持。 在之前的课程中,我们讨论了轮询和事件注册。两者之间的不同在处 理输入设备的时候最明显。传统的Windows程序员习惯于对事件进行 注册,比如某个键被按下或着鼠标移动。在这个编程模型中,应用程 序执行一些功能,然后当它空闲时,消息泵将消息送入应用程序并且 事件被处理。在游戏开发中,没有所谓的空闲时间,所以允许开发者 进行事件注册的开销过大。取而代之是由开发者对输入设备进行轮询 以得知玩家是否对这些设备进行了操作。
如果希望对音效有更多的控制权,诸如在结束之前循环、停止声音播 放的能力,您需要调用SoundEffectInstance对象。它被 SoundEffect类所调用的一个叫CreateInstance的对象捕获了。通过 SoundEffectInstance,您可以循环播放声音、调节音量、停止和恢 复声音播放甚至更多。 SoundEffect soundEffect = Content.Load<SoundEffect>(@"Audio\Start"); SoundEffectInstance soundEffectInstance = soundEffect.CreateInstance(); soundEffect.Play();



XNA游戏:手势触控在XNA游戏中使用到手势触控操作时,需要引入using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Touch;空间,在该空间下下面两个类在触控编程中会用到。

TouchLocation 用来保存某一个触摸点的状态信息。

TouchCollectionN 是保存了当前所有触控状态(TouchLocation)的集合。


那么这三个操作在WP7的XNA里如何获取呢?我们就需要了解XNA里的TouchPanel和TouchCollection这两个类TouchCollection touchState= TouchPanel.GetState();Foreach(TouchLocation location in touchState){switch(location.State){case TouchLocationState.Pressed://按下……break;case TouchLocationState.Moved://移动……break;case TouchLocationState.Released://释放……break;}}TouchLocation :NNN StateN 触摸状态,包含4个状态NNNNNNNN > TouchLocationState.Pressed 表示屏幕被触摸时手指按下的一瞬间NNNNNNNN > TouchLocationState.Moved 表示手指按下后正在移动,经过测试可知,在手指按下的一瞬间State为Pressed ,在手指按下后抬起前这段时间内的状态均是MovedNNNNNNNN > TouchLocationState.Invalid 无效状态NNNNNNNN > TouchLocationState.Released 表示手指抬起的一瞬间NNN ID 表示当前触摸事件的ID,一个完成的触控事件的过程应该是“PressedN -> MovedN -> Released ”在这个过程中ID是一致的,用来在多点触摸时区分触摸的每个点。

xna 教程(第五章)

xna 教程(第五章)

第五章 声音和音效好了,您已经有了一个可靠的设计并准备继续前进了。





我们对傻瓜般的应用程序不感兴趣——我们是XNA 开发者,这意味着我们将做出一些很酷的东西。



对于XNA Framework 3.0,有好几种方法来实现声音效果。

在之前的XNA版本中,开发者使用一个名为Microsoft Cross-Platform Audio Creation Tool(XACT)的专有声音工具。

使用XACT,开发者可以汇集音乐文件来被内容管线处理并且使用XNA Framework的声音API来实现声音效果。

在XNA 3.0中,仍然可以使用XACT为PC和XBox360实现声音。




既然简化的声音API支持所有的平台,为什么还要用更复杂的XACT呢?在许多方面,X ACT为您提供了一个迷你的"录音室",您可以简单的编辑声音的音量,音调,循环和其他属性而不用处理任何代码。







CadnaA 讲解提纲1.1 CadnaA 简介1、CadnaA 软件介绍,介绍正式版与 demo 版区别;2、CadnaA 模块介绍;3、CadnaA 软件学习方法(利用英文参考手册,光盘例子及随时应用帮助系统学习);4、软件基本界面,介绍软件将声源分为 4 大类及各类所采用的计算规范或标准;5、重点介绍软件工具箱(toolbox),工具箱使用频率很高,主要介绍声源、障碍物、预测点及辅助功能等,简介快捷键,介绍闭合及非闭合物体。

1.2 CadnaA 基本操作以新建道路及道路两侧分布有居民区为例,讲解以下内容: 1、介绍通过工具箱输入物体;2、介绍物体的 geometry 属性,区分 relative,absolute 及 roof 的区别;3、重点介绍道路(road)的各个属性;4、在道路旁插入房屋,介绍 duplicate 命令;5、介绍利用预测点(receiver)预测敏感点噪声;6、介绍 table 菜单中的相关操作,所有物体均在 table 菜单中有所显示;7、介绍 CadnaA 产生 3 种声场的方法,分别为水平声场、断面声场及建筑物立面声场;8、介绍道路高度变化时的设置方法,了解 change column 操作;9、介绍声屏障的设置方法,了解悬浮型与折型配置的区别; 10、右键菜单在操作中使用频率很高,介绍常用的 modify objects(非常重要), generate label, generate floors, paralell object 命令,介绍软件中用到的部分内置变量; 11、介绍三维模型的浏览方法(通过选中物体右键的 3-d special 命令),介绍鸟瞰视图,介绍动画生成方法,了解三维模型的实时性; 12、介绍 Grid 菜单的相关命令,了解 Grid 含义; 13、介绍铁路噪声的设置。


14、介绍点声源、线生源及面声源的设置方法,声源设置方面较交通噪声或铁路噪声要复杂很多,关键是源强的确定,介绍源强确定的方法(直接输入或反推法),15、了解Lw、Lp、Li等的区别; 16、重点介绍工厂厂房内噪声由室内声场向室外传播而对环境产生的影响,前提是内声场假设为混响声,通过窗户、门乃至墙壁向室外传播,从而将窗户、门等模拟为垂直面声源,了解垂直面声源 geometry 高度设置与一般物体的不同,介绍 generate building 命令。

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迈克·弗雷斯查尔著xna@/pages/XNABook.aspx第二章 进入二维世界在第一章中我们讲述了游戏创建和运行的基本知识,但是到目前为止,还没有进行实质性的工作。









如下图所示:打开刚刚重命名为Sprites的文件夹,双击MyFirstGame.sln,这样就会启动Visual C# Express,在第一章里所创建的游戏的内容也会显示出来。

现在,打开Solution Explorer,右击项目MyFirstGame,将其重命名为Sprites。








在Solution Explorer中,右击Sprites并且选择【Add】->【New Folder】,新建一个名为Graphics的文件夹。

然后,右击Graphics文件夹并选择【Add】->【Existing Item…】,将文件类型选为Image Files,浏览你安装了MC2源代码的文件夹,然后打开该文件夹下的 Source\Data\Art 文件夹,打开文件“mcl_splashscreen_planet_2.tga ”。


现在,在Solution Explorer中有一个Graphics的子文件夹,而里面只有一个图像文件,如下图:然后按如下更新你的代码(以斜体和黑体高亮显示的行有变化)______________________________________________________________________________________ using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio;using ponents;using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input;using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Storage;namespace MySecondGame{/// <summary>/// This is the main type for your game/// </summary>partial class Sprites : Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game{private Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch _sb;private Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D _sprite;public Sprites(){InitializeComponent();_sb = new SpriteBatch(this.graphics.GraphicsDevice);_sprite =Texture2D.FromFile(this.graphics.GraphicsDevice,"../../Graphics/mcl_splashscreen_planet_2.tga");}protected override void Update(){float elapsed = (float)ElapsedTime.TotalSeconds;UpdateComponents();}protected override void Draw(){if (!graphics.EnsureDevice())return;graphics.GraphicsDevice.Clear(Color.Black);graphics.GraphicsDevice.BeginScene();_sb.Begin();_sb.Draw(_sprite,new Vector2(0.0f,0.0f),Color.Red);_sb.End();DrawComponents();graphics.GraphicsDevice.EndScene();graphics.GraphicsDevice.Present();}}}—————————————————————————————————————————————我们都改了什么地方呢?首先:我们在Sprite类添加了两个私有成员变量,如下:—————————————————————————————————————————————private Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch _sb;private Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D _sprite;—————————————————————————————————————————————注意,我们没有必要去把这两个变量刨根挖底,我将他们单独放在这里纯粹是为了阅读方便。

_sb 是一个SpriteBatch类的对象,而SpriteBatch就是用同样方法渲染的一组精灵。


_sprite 实际上就是2D纹理。




再看下面一句:______________________________________________________________________________ _sb = new SpriteBatch(this.graphics.GraphicsDevice);______________________________________________________________________________这里仅仅简单地将GraphicsDevice作为一个参数对SpriteBuff进行了实例化。

下一句:______________________________________________________________________________ sprite =Texture2D.FromFile(this.graphics.GraphicsDevice,"../../Graphics/mcl_splashscreen_p lanet_2.tga");______________________________________________________________________________ 这是将当前图形设备和图像文件路径作为参数从硬盘加载2D纹理。

符号“../ ”表示转到父目录。



符号“../ ../”表示从bin\debug向上返回两级目录到“Graphics”文件夹所在的<Game>目录。



然而,你也可以将“Graphics”文件夹复制到bin\debug,这样你就可以去掉“../ ../”了。

下一个更改的地方是:__________________________________________________________________________________ graphics.GraphicsDevice.Clear(Color.Black);__________________________________________________________________________________我已经厌倦了浅蓝色(译者注:作者写书至此,所有例子的运行结果都是浅蓝色的纯色背景,他会不厌倦吗?他只是想换一下口味,虽然品味有点差,应该可以理解吧?呵呵,你也可以改成红色,绿色,还有黄色哦!☺),而该句就是将背景由浅蓝色涂成黑色。

__________________________________________________________________________________ _sb.Begin();sb.D r aw(_sprite,new Vector2(0.0f,0.0f),Color.Red);_sb.End();__________________________________________________________________________________如以前所讲,graphics.GraphicsDevice.BeginScene(); 和 graphics.GraphicsDevice.EndScene(); 两句分别是告诉显卡开始绘制图形和结束绘制图形。
