美国签证的常用英语(2009-03-26 10:57:27)标签:旅游Admission Number (准许入境编号): I-94表上所用编号(或在F-1 M-1非移民签证的情则是I-20ID印件上所用编号),供移民归化局( INS)查询此人时备用.也称“身份编号”(Identification Number).Alien Registration Number (外侨登记号码):简称“A”号码( “A”Number).本来是美国政府给予移民的身份编号(Identificationnumber),在某些情况下,由美国移民归化局斟酌决定,这种登记号码也可能给予非移民学生和交流学者.不过,多数持有F-1, J-1M-1和签证留学美国的学生没有A号码.Arrival / Departure record (Form I-94)(I-94表,入境-出境记录):移民归化局文件,在美国入境地点签发,作为外国国民合法进入美国的证明.表上明确注明证件持有者许可在逗留的期限,或是确定一个固定的"截止日期" (expiration date),或是注上“D / S”字样. “D / S”“意为身份有效期”(duration of status),允许证件持有者在美国逗留到达成业经批准的目的为止.“Certificate ofCompliance”(守法证书):付税情况审查记录文件,签发给离境外国国民,以证明当事人业已付清全部所得税.在一般情况下, F-1, J-1M-1和非移民签证的持有者需要守法证书.守法证书也称离境签证(Exit Visa)或“离境许可证”(Sailing Permit).“Certificate of Eligibility ”(身份合格证书):即表I-20 AB, MNI-20表或表IAP-66.表I-20A-BI-20和表MN由同意录取该外国学生为正规全日制学生来美学习的得到承认的美国高等院校,职业学校或其他非学术性院校签发.表IAP-66(交流学者身份合格证)则由组织该项交流活动的单位或同意其进入该校的美国高等院校签发.I-20表和表IAP-66均非签证,它们只是申请签证的先决条件,仅仅说明持有者具有申请非移民学生签证的资格.Change of Status (改变身份):即变换所持非移民签证的种类.改变身份务必得到移民归化局的批准.Dependent (家属):需依靠另一人支持者.从移民归化局处理有关事项的角度说, “家属”(仅指本人的配偶和十八岁以下的未婚子女.Deportation (驱逐出境):指从一个国家将另一国被认定为非法入境或其居住有碍公共利益的公民强行赶走.Duration of Status (身份有效期):简称“D / S.”移民归化局在表I-94 (参阅入境-“出境记录”(Arrival/ DepartureRecord栏目)上的用词,意为该外国留学生或交流学者在美国逗留的期限为完成一个(或若干个)业已批准项目的需用时间另加三十天.Employment (就业):一个人参加挣工资的工作通称就业.为了保障美国公民的就业,外国留学生,交流学者及其配偶的就业须受有关条例的限制.Exchange Visitor (交流学者): J-1签证持有,根据某个“交流学者项目来美从事文化”,教育方面活动的外国公民.Exit Visa (离境签证):参阅"Certificate of Compliance" (守法证书)栏目Extension of Stay (延长居留期):签证持有者在美国逗留时间超过表入境I-94 -出境记录所注明的截止日期须经移民归化局批准.F-1签证:美国非移民签证的一种,专门签发给由一座得到承认的美国高等院校同意录取来美进行学术性正规学习的正式学生.F-2签证:美国非移民签证的一种,专门签发给F-1签证持有者的家属(指配偶和十八岁以下的未婚子女).Foreign Student Office(外国留学生办公室)设在各大学的校园内办事处,负责为外国学生和交流学者提供帮助和谘询服务.有些地方称为国际服务办公室(Office ofInternational Services),国际教育事宜办公室(Office of International Education),国际交流项目办公室(Office ofInternational Programs)等. Form I-20 AB (I-20表AB):Certificate of Eligibility(身份合格证书)Form I-20 ID Copy(I-20表ID印件):签发给持有F-1 M-1和非移民签证者,他们或是在入境地点领取,或是在美国境内获得这种身份时领取,用以记录与F-1M-1或学生非移民身份有关的一切事项. F-1对持非移民签证的学生, I-20表ID印件可纳入表I-20 AB,成为它的一个部份.M-1对持非移民签证的学生, I-20表ID印件则可纳入表I-20 MN,成为它的一个部份.Form I-20 MN (I-20表MN): “Certificate of Eligibility”(身份合格证书)Form I-94 (I-94表):即"Arrival / Departure Record" (入境-出境记录).Form I-538 (I-538表)或持有F-1 M-1非移民签证者,要求延长在美国逗留期限,申请部份时间就业,从事实习或转换学校时,需要填写的申请表.Form IAP-66 (表IAP-66):由授权组织交流学者在美国活动的学校,单位,代理机构或基金会签发给安排在美国从事某项特定教育或文化项目的学生的表格.必须先得到这一表格才能申请进入美国所需的J-1 "交流学者"非移民签证.Full-time Student(全部时间用于学习的正规学生):正规入学,念满学校规定的全部课程的学生.一般情况下,大学本科生至少要念满12个学分课时(credithours)或学分( units),研究生至少要念满9个学分课时或学分.持有F-1, J-1M-1和非移民签证的学生必须在学年的每个学期(不包括暑期)遵守这一规定.Home-ResidenceRequirement(学成归国的规定):某些持有J-1签证的交流学者,在美国完成其“交流学者”项目后,必须回祖国至少两年,然后才有资格以移民身份或者"H“或”L类非移民身份( “H”or “L”non-immigrant classifications)再来美国.Identification Number (身份编号):参阅"Admission Number (准允入境编号)栏目.Immigrant (移民):到不是本人祖国的另一国家长期定居的人.Immigration and Naturalization Service (移民归化局)缩写为INS.美国司法部所属的一个政府机构,主管移民事宜,并执行有关法律.INS:美国移民归化局(U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service)的缩写.J-1签证:美国非移民签证的一种,专门签发给交流学者,即为某个教育或文化目的来美国从事指定交流项目的人.J-2签证:美国非移民签证的一种,专门签发给J-1签证持有者的家属(指配偶和十八岁以下的未婚子女).Notarization (公证):由一名执行公务的官员(在美国称为公证人Notary public)出具的证明,证明某个文件,声明,报告书或签名的真实可靠.Naturalization (归化):加入另一国家(非本人祖国)的国籍.Part-time Employment(部份时间就业):每周工作时间达20小时的有偿就业.持F-1签证的外国学生不得从事部份时间就业.在某种情况下,可以允许学习时间超过一年并取得优良成绩的持F-1签证的外国学生从事部份时间就业,也可允许持J-1签证的"交流学者"从事部份时间就业. Part-timeStudent (只有部份时间用于学习的非正规学生):正规注册入学,但所修课程少于正规学生应修的全部课程的学生(参阅Full-timeStudent, “正规学生”栏目).不允许外国留学生仅用部份时间学习,他们必须在学年的所有学期(暑期除外)念满学校规定的课时.Passport(护照):一种正式文件,用以证明持有该文件者的身份和国籍,由一个国家的政府有关机构(诸如:外交部)发给本国的公民.有效(而非过期)的护照允许持有该文件者出境和重新进入他(或她)拥有国籍的国家.在另一个国家签发签证的情况下,护照持有者可以在这一国家境内旅行.注意:在美国的外国留学生和交流学者所持护照必须保持至少六个月的有效期.Permanent Resident (长期定居者):得到许可在美国无限期居留的外国国民,也即移民(immigrant).Practical Training (实习):一个学生在其专业领域内从事的获得批准的全部时间的就业(full-timeemployment),可以是在一个教育项目执行期间,也可以是在该项目完成之后.具有-F 1非移民身份的外国学生最多可以从事12个月的实习,J-1 “交流学者”最多可以从事18个月的实习,称为“学业培训”( “academictraining”).具有非M-1移民身份的外国学生,只有在他们的教育项目完成之后才能申请实习,每在校正规学习4个月可允许其从事1个月的实习.持有F-1, J-1签证和M-1的学生都必须具备大学或交流项目主管机构的推荐书. F-1学生自愿从事实习(optional practicaltraining) M-1和学生完成学业之后的实习(post-completion practicaltraining)都必须得到移民归化局的批准.Responsible Officer (负责人):按照美国新闻署(rmation Agency)的规定,负责主管一个具体的“交流学者”项目的人员,称之为“负责人”(ResponsibleOfficer).此人应在诸如同意就业,延长签证期,改变J-1签证类别,转换学校之类事宜上协助J-1签证持有者.Sailing Permit (离境通行证): "Certificate of Compliance" (守法证书)Transfer(转科或转学):包括改换学业项目,学习赞助人和学习单位.学生要求开始一项全新的学业项目必须事先得到移民归化局的批准.仅仅转换学习单位而不改变学业项目则不需要申请同意.但无论出于何种考虑,任何转科或转学都应事先征得有关学习单位外国学生谘询顾问的同意,并须领取一份新的"身份合格证书"(Certificate of Eligibility)Admission Number(准许入境编号):表I-94上所用编号(在F-1或M-1非移民签证的情况下,则是I-20 ID印件上所用编号),供移民归化局(INS)查询此人时备用。
那么确认和验证到底有什么区别?要搞清楚这个问题,就必须要理解三个词Validation,Qualification 和Verification的英语原意。
意思是“to find out a fact or statements…etc. is true去核实一个事实或说法是真实的”,也就是查验(check)的意思。
其原意是指"to pass an exam or meet the standards of something", 即"达到了一定的标准,从而能够做某种事情"。
外贸英语表达法串联记忆Goods 商品同义:commodity,merchandise,lot,parcel,shipment,consignment,cargo,itemstanding资信情况,信誉standing cost 长期成本standing order 长期订单credit standing 信誉情况financial (or: business, commercial)standing信用情况with regard to同义:in regard to, as regards, regardingdeal with经营一般可以换用handle,deal in,trade in,be in the line (We express our desire to trade with you in this line ),Note: in line, e.g. If your price is in line, we’ll order 5,000 sets)forward vt 转交,传递。
同义:transmit,refer,pass on,hand over,rush(rush us samples by airmail)enjoy great popularity 享有盛誉同义:command a good market,sell fast(enjoy fast sales),be most popular with,be universally acknowledged,be unanimously acclaimed byready seller 畅销品同义:quick seller,quick-selling product,a ready market 销路好fall within the scope of our business activities 属于我们的经营范围。
Validation(有效性鉴定Process Validation有效性鉴定P rocess V alidation 有效性鉴定About The Course关于该培训Background for the training背景–P&G QAKE KE6Not a Training but a forum讨论?Raise question any time欢迎提问?Time:2-3hrsObjective学习本课程要求达到的⽬标1.有效性鉴定的基本概念和其重要性2.有效性鉴定的种类和⽅法。
3.有效性鉴定系统和主计划4.编写与执⾏有效性鉴定协议草案与报告What is Validation?什么是有效性签定什么是有效性签定??Validation is establishing documented evidence that a specific process will consistently produce a product meeting its pre-determined specifications and quality attributes.有效性签定是⽂件化地证实⼀个⼯艺过程能够持续地⽣产符合既定规格或质量要求的产品. ProcessMaterial Machine MethodProductEquipmentdesign features(e.g.ProcessConditions(e.g,temp,Physical property orfunction of material(e.g.,thickness,Actions criticalfor quality(e.g.,positioning,Skillsrelated toQ-TasksMachine Material Methods huMan What is Process?什么是⼯艺过程Why Important为什么有效性鉴定重要Cost(minimize re-work,reduce scrap)by process control成本(减少返⼯,报废)Those not be able to be verified by inspection某些不能事后检验Quality(guarantee quality product to the consumer–same quality every time)保证向⽤户提供优质稳定产品Speed to the market(do it right1st time)加速进⼊市场(⼀次做好)Regulatory Basis(the law)法规的需要Food and Drug Requirement(Drugs&Devices)药品和医疗器械要求Required by P&G(via the Key Elements)Any system that is designed to deliver specific conditions for the production of a specified product.任何设计⽤于为⼀个专门产品的⽣产提供专门条件的系统。
1 询盘提出常用英语We addressed our inquiry to the firm。
我们已向该公司提出询价( 询盘)。
We answered the inquiry received from the firm.对该公司的询价信, 我们已经回复.We have an inquiry for the goods received from the firm。
我公司已收到, 该公司关于这类商品的询盘。
We invited inquiries for the goods from the customers.我们已邀请客户对该商品提出询价.Will you please let us have a list of items that are imported by you.敬请将贵公司的进口商品目录寄来为荷。
We shall be glad to have your specific inquiry。
Would you care to send us some samples with the quotations。
Please put us on your best terms,as this order forms part of a contract.由于这一次订购是合同的组成部分,请提供最好的条件。
Please state your best terms and discount for cash。
请告知以现金支付的优惠条款和折扣比例.Please put us on your very best shipping terms as regards discount。
We have received your letter of July 1, enquiring about the best terms of the goods.贵公司7月1日来函就该商品优惠条件的询盘敬悉。
表格W-9 (最后更新时间为2011年1月)美国财政部国家税务局请将这一表格直接交到要求你填写这一表格的个人和机构。
税申报表上所示的姓名填写)3e^uo suouon -sul OEOeds®®10edAMOlulJd纳税人身份识别号 (TIN) 请在适当的方框中的指定位置填写你的纳税人身份认证号。
社会保障编号 声明保证根据美国伪证罪的各项处罚条例规定,本人特在此作出以下承诺与声明: 1、本人在这张表格上所填写的纳税人识别号码是本人目前所使用的真实正确的纳税人身份认证号(或者本人目前还处于正在等待相关部门向本人颁发一个纳税人身份认证号的阶段);并且 2、本人不需要遵守有关备用预扣税款方面的规定,因为:(a)本人有权申请备用预扣税款免除政策;或者(b)本人没有接到任何由美国国税局(IRS)在这方面向本人发出的通知,告诉本人由于本人未能按照要求及时将本人所获得的所有利息或股息向相关部门予以上报,因而本人需要遵守有关备用预扣税款方面的规定;或者(c)本人已经接到由美国国税局(IRS)向本人发出的通知,告诉本人不再需要遵守有关备用预扣税款方面的规定;以及 3、本人是一个美国公民或其他类型的美国人(相关方面的定义请参见下文中的具体介绍)。
(完整word版)外贸英文书信复习资料外贸英文书信复习资料专业名词解释:建立贸易关系establishment of business relations询盘enquiry 实盘firm offer虚盘non-firm offer 还盘-offer催证urging the establishment of L/C 信用证展期限extension of L/C装运和包装shipment and packing 保险insurance目录,价格表catalogue 得到的,可得到的available汇款remittance 设立,建立,确立establishment确定,确认comfirmation 修改,修正amendment(期限等的)延长,延期extension 小册子brochure pamphlet 提供furnish 附上attach 或enclose报价quotation 纺织品textile出口export 进口import高级代表senior representative 向某人提供….. to provide sb to (for) sb 交付,交货delivery 不要可撤销的irrevocable已确认的confirmed 其它条款和条件Other terms and conditions 信用情况credit standing 有效期……valid for a period of 60 days可行的价格workable / acceptable/ reasonable / favourable price买卖,经营deal in 以…..为条件,视….而定subject to营业额,总量,产量turnover 佣金commisson代理agent 后期,下旬the latter part of July装箱单packing list 综合险All-Risks保险金额value to be insured 投保cover合资企业joint venture 以….为条件(为准)subject to代为….问候,转达extend my greetings to sb 库存无货out of stock与某人建立业务关系to enter into business relation with sb与…..进行交易to deal with ……建议某人去做某事to recommend sb to do sth如果某人能够….,我们将会十分感激we shall would appreciate it if sb .will….告知某人某事,告知某人可以得到….. to let sb. Have/know sth 告知某人某事to inform/sb.of sth ./that以我方最后的确认为准/为有效subject to our comfirmation向某人订购货物to place an order with sb. for sth给某人百分之几的佣金折扣to give/offer sb a commission /discount of….%on sth向某人保证……to assure sb of sth /that提及in regard to / referring to请某人参阅,请某人询问to refer sb to sth /to doing sth通过银行开出的以….为受益人,金额为…..的信用证To open /establish an L/C in sb`s favor for an amount with/throung a bank在…..地方转船to be transshipped at分批装运to make a partial shipment报盘make/ send /give /fax/offer for例如,以下as follows= as what follows ,无论什么情况都要用follows值得的good value for money=worthy of the money充分利用take advtantage of = make use of sth properly中译英1.盼望早日收到你方来信We are looking forword to your early reply2.如你方报最低价,我们将非常感激We will appreciate if you offer us the lowest quotation3.随函附上我方价目单供你方参考We enclose the catalogues for your reference4.现向你们自我介绍,我们是一家中国国营公司专门经营轻工产品。
标书中英文翻译样本及常用词汇1. 投标书Tender1.1 投标人应完整地填写招标文件中提供的商务投标书、技术投标书、投标一览表和投标报价表(包括投标报价汇总表和分项报价表)。
Among the tender documents, tenderers shall fill out completely the Business Tender, Technical Tender, Tender List and Tender Quotation. The Quotation (all items in the Quotation shall be filled out except for the prices) and three copies (one Original and two Duplicates) of the Instructions to Quotations as well as the letter of guarantee from the bank of tenderers must be sealed separately, and be submitted together with the tender documents.1.2 在投标文件澄清后提交的附件6价格表部分正、副本应用信封单独密封,封面上注明项目名称、招标编号、投标人名址、“正本”“副本”字样及“分项价格”和“保密”字样。
The Attachment 6 to be submitted after the tender documents have been clarified the Original and Duplicate copies of the Quotation must be sealed separately in different envelops, on which the item names, tender codes, tenderer addresses, words of ‘Original’, ‘Duplicate’ and ‘Item Price’ and ‘Confidential’ must be written. An e-version of the Quotation (in WORD format) that is separately sealed must be furnished at the same time.2. 投标报价Tender Offers2.1 投标人应在投标报价汇总表和投标分项报价表上标明本合同拟提供货物的单价(如适用)和总价。
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一、课文序言介绍1-1 课文:Customs clearance in the import-export trade is one of the traditional functions of a freight forwarder. A freight forwarder should have a working knowledge of procedures prevalent in ports in order to provide an efficient service to clients.注释:customs clearance: 结关,清关,通关import-export trade: 进出口贸易 traditional: 传统的,惯例的 function: 功能,作用,职责 working knowledge: 能够实际应用的 procedure: 程序,手续 prevalent: 普遍的,流行的 efficient: 有效率的,生效的 client: 客户课文意思:在进出口贸易中,清关是货运代理的一项传统职能。
1-2 课文:The basic customs laws or regulations applicable to the arrival and departure of ships and to goods imported or exported are more or less the same in most countries although they may differ in procedural and documentary details.注释:customs laws: 海关法规 regulation: 规则,规章 applicable: 适用的 arrival: 到港 departure: 离港 more or less: 或多或少 differ: 不同,不一致 procedural and documentary details: 程序和文件的细节课文意思:尽管各国在程序和文件的细节上可能会有不同,但在许多国家,对于船舶的到港和离港适用的基本的海关法规或多或少总有相同之处。
一、报价单的头部(Head)01,卖家基本资料(举例)工厂标志(Factory Logo)公司名称(Company)详细地址(Detailed Address)邮政编码(Post Code)联系人名(Contact)职位名称(Job title)电话号码(Telephone No.)传真号码(Fax No.)手机号码(Mobile No.)邮箱地址(E-mail Address)聊天方式(Messenger Online)公司网址(Website Address)02,买家基本资料(举例)工厂标志(Factory Logo)公司名称(Company)详细地址(Detailed Address)邮政编码(Post Code)联系人名(Contact)职位名称(Job title)电话号码(Telephone No.)传真号码(Fax No.)手机号码(Mobile No.)邮箱地址(E-mail Address)聊天方式(Messenger Online)公司网址(Website Address)03,报价单的抬头:报价单标题(Quotation/Quotation Form/Price List)参考编号(Reference No.)报价日期(Date)有效日期(Valid date)二、产品基本资料(Product’s Basic in formation)序号(No.)货号(Item No.)型号(Type)产品名称(Product’s Name)产品图片(Photo)产品描述(Description)原材料(Materials)规格(Specification)尺寸(Size)长度(Length)宽度(Width)高度(Height)厚度(Thickness)管径(Tube’s Diameter)口径(Caliber)形状(Shape)外观颜色(Colors)光源类型(Type of Lamp-house)光源数量(Nos. of lamp-house)光源颜色(Colors of lamp-house)三、产品技术参数(Product’s Technical Parameters)01,电力类产品技术参数:电流、电压、电阻、电弧、功率、频率、负载等。
A/C = Account 账号AC. = Acceptance 承兑acc = acceptance,accepted 承兑,承诺a/c.A/C = account 帐,帐户AWB=Airway bill** AQL Advanced Quicklook* AQL Acceptable/Acceptance Quality Level * AQL Aeroquest LtdSUB-CONTRACTOR转包商, 次承包者标点符号读法:infinity无限大号customs declaration 报关customs liquidation 清关Arrivals 进港还可以是entry吧报关员:customs declarer/broker/declarant报检员:inspector/CCIB Clerk(CCIB=China Commodity Inspection Bureau)customs clearance agentcustomhouse broker指专门代办进出口业务的企业。
qoutequoation sheet 报价单B/l 提单bill of landing CNTR container 集装箱,货柜BG=BANK GUARANTEELC IS ONE KIND OF BG.quotation valid within 10 days. 报价有效期10天Over stowage爆舱提单补料:SI=SUPPLEMENT INFORMATION. 补料auxiliary material1. Bank Guarantee银行保函2. advance payment guarantee预付款保函3. backward letter担保函4. letter of guarantee保证书保函C/N C.N.:credit note 贷方通知covering note 保险承兑单consignment note 发货通知书箱号,carton no集装箱货物的交接,根据贸易条件所规定的交接地点不同一般分为:(1)门到门(Door to Door):从发货人工厂或仓库至收货人工厂或仓库;(2)门到场(Door to CY):从发货人工厂或仓库至目的地或卸箱港的集装箱堆场;(3)门到站(Door to CFS):从发货人工厂或仓库至目的地或卸箱港的集装箱货运站;(4)场到门(CY to Door):从起运地或装箱港的集装箱堆场至收货人工厂或仓库;(5)场到场(CY to CY):从起运地或装箱港的堆场至目的地或卸箱港的集装箱堆场;(6)场到站(CY to CFS):从起运地或装箱港的集装箱堆场至目的地或卸箱港的集装箱货运站;(7)站到门(CFS to DOor):从起运地或装箱港的集装箱货运站至收货人工厂或仓库;(8)站到场(CFS to CY):从起运地或装箱港的集装箱货运站至目的地或卸箱港的集装箱堆场;(9)站到站(CFS to CFS):从起运地或装箱港的集装箱货运站至目的地或卸箱港的集装箱货运站。
报关员资格考试常用英语1、Account No. :帐号2、Action Form:动作申请书3、Active NOS:有效项目4、Additional Fee:附加费5、Agent:代理6、AMS:美国自动进口统计系统7、API:美国石油协会8、ARC:美国铁路协会9、ATTN:收件人10、AWB:空运提单11、B/L:海运提单12、Barrel:桶(美制)13、Basket:篮,篓14、Batch:批号15、B/C:商业发票16、B/L No:海运提单号17、C/A:商事认证18、C/O:领事发票(通常为CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN)19、C/R:持证人(通常指产地证申请人)20、C/S:规格(通常为商品规格)报关员资格考试模拟试题一、单项选择题1、下列哪个选项正确地描述了报关的基本概念?A.报关是指进出口货物收发货人向海关办理货物进出境的一种手续。
每小题1分,共20分)1. There is ________ doubt that the defective goods were damped before packing、 ()A. withoutB. littleC. someD. a little2. Our quotation ________ Tiantan Brand Shirts is valid for 10 days、 ()A. toB. afterC. inD. for3. We cannot see any possible of business ________ your price is on the high side、 ()A. whichB. sinceC. thatD. though4. We assure that the goods can be supplied from stock ________ you order early、 ()A. whetherB. thatC. afterD. if5. We ________ well ________ with the demand of Asia market、 ()A. shall…acquaintB. can…acquaintC. are…acquaintingD. are…acquainted6. We will see to ________ that the L/C is opened within the stipulated time、 ()A. itB. makeC. letD. them7、 After inspection of the above shipment we found 5 cases ________、 ()A. MissedB. missingC. lostD. losing8、 ________ your terms and conditions be accepted by our clients, we will place a la rge order withyou、 ()A. ShouldB. IfC. UnlessD. That9、 Sometimes, transshipment and partial shipment are ________ by the buyer、 ()A. permissionB. permittingC. prohibitedD. prohibiting10、 We offer you our lowest price, ________ we have done a lot of business with ot her customers、()A. whichB. thatC. with whichD. at which11. Because of the weak market, we have to decline our price ________ 5%、 ()A. withB. toC. byD. for12、 As the selling season is approaching, please ship the goods with the least _____ ___ delay、()A. possibleB. profitableC. impossible D、 portable13、 Enclosed is a copy of our price list ________ for in your letter of December 12. ()A. askB. asksC. asked D、 asking14、________ to our regret, at present we cannot entertain any fresh orders、 ()A. manyB. muchC. more D、 most15、 We wish to receive your shipping advice soon for the goods under the captioned ________、()A. letterB. cableC、 contractD、 munication16. We have ________ stated that we are not in a position to supply at the moment、()A. stronglyB. expresslyC、 seriouslyD、 gladly17、 The importer will go to the wharf and ________ delivery of the goods、 ()A. makeB. effectC、 fulfillD、 take18、 ________ shipment, please amend the L/C to allow transshipment、 ()A. RegardingB. CoveringC、 ConcerningD、 Referring19、 The seller should be responsible for the losses due to the improper ________、 ()A. packageB. packagingC、 packingD、 pack20、 Please do your best to ship our order ________ S、 S、“Dongfeng”、 ()A. byB. ofC、 toD、 at二、填空题(每空1分,共25分)21. Increased production results ________ the adoption of new production method、22. We assure you ________ our close cooperation in pushing the sales of your produ cts、23、 Our usual terms of payment are ________ L/C and we hope they will be accepta ble ________you、24. We shall pack each pen ________ a box, 24 boxes ________ a carton、25、 Please open as soon as possible the relevant L/C ________ our favor 、26、 We consider it necessary to bring this matter ________ your notice、27、 Please keep us informed ________ the customer’s response ________ our new products、28、 You should avail ________ of our favorable offer ________ your own interest、29、 We are already represented by Hussian & Co、 ________ the sales of our rainc oats ________ your district、30、 Any changes of specification would involve us ________ a great deal of trouble 、31. We have to ship the goods from Shanghai to New York ________ Hong Kong, as there is nodirect steamer、32. The time of delivery is approaching, we haven’t received your shipping instructions ________date、33. ________ reply, we regret that we are not in a positio n to be responsible ________ the loss、34. Our clients are in urgent ________ of the ordered goods 、35. Such insurance should be provided ________ your cost、36. Our head office has passed your order ________ to us _ _______ attention and reply、37、We have only 100 sets of sewing machines ________ stoc k, so we make you this offer subject to ______ __ sale、三、英汉翻译(每小题2分,共20分)38、We are a statedoperated corporation, specializing in the export of electric goods、我们就是一个statedoperated有限公司就是专业从事电器产品得出口。
1 询盘提出常用英语We addressed our inquiry to the firm.我们已向该公司提出询价( 询盘)。
We answered the inquiry received from the firm.对该公司的询价信,我们已经回复。
We have an inquiry for the goods received from the firm。
我公司已收到,该公司关于这类商品的询盘.We invited inquiries for the goods from the customers.我们已邀请客户对该商品提出询价.Will you please let us have a list of items that are imported by you。
We shall be glad to have your specific inquiry。
如能得到贵方特殊的询价, 则甚为感谢。
Would you care to send us some samples with the quotations.敬请惠寄报价单和样品可否?请酌.Please put us on your best terms,as this order forms part of a contract.由于这一次订购是合同的组成部分,请提供最好的条件.Please state your best terms and discount for cash。
请告知以现金支付的优惠条款和折扣比例.Please put us on your very best shipping terms as regards discount。
We have received your letter of July 1,enquiring about the best terms of the goods.贵公司7月1日来函就该商品优惠条件的询盘敬悉。
【关键字】指示国际结算(International settlement)贸易(Trade Settlement)非贸易(Non-Trade Settlement)EDI(Electronic Data Intercharge)电子数据交换,控制文件(Control Documents)有权签字人的印鉴(Specimen Signatures)密押(Test Key)费率表(Terms and Condition)货物单据化,履约证书化,( cargo documentation , guarantee certification)权利单据(document of title)流通转让性(Negotiability)让与(Assignment)转让(Transfer)流通转让(Negotiation)汇票的定义是:A bill of exchange is an unconditional order in writing, addressed by one person to another, signed by the person giving it, requiring the person to whom it is addressed to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money to the order or specified person or to bearer.“汇票” (bill of e xchange,exchange或draft)无条件支付命令(unconditional order to pay)出票条款(drawn clause)利息条款(with interest)分期付款(by stated instalment)支付等值其它货币( pay the other currency according to an indicated rate of exchange)付款人(payer)受票人(drawee)付款期限(time of payment)或(tenor)即期(at sight, on demand, on presentation)付款。
Terms used in Pricing报价常用单词Quotation 报价,在标书文件中也可称为投标书Cover Letter 投标函Bidding, Tendering 投标(过程)Bid, Tender 指所投的这份标Owner, Employer, Client, Customer 客户, 业主,建设单位Tenderer, offeror, vendor, bidder 投标单位Party A 甲方Party B 乙方Invitation 邀请Closing date 截标日期Clarification 澄清Q&A (Question and Answer) 答疑Secrecy agreement 保密协议Legal person 法人Legal person representative 法人代表Letter of Attorney 委仼狀Quantity 数量Unit (报价项目之)单位Rate 单价Sub-total 小结Total 总金额, 总价Contract amount, contract sum, grand total 合同总价Bill of Quantity (简称BOQ,BQ) 工程量清单Contract 合同,合约Letter of Acceptance 中标通知书Letter of Intent (合同签署前)意向书Valid 有效Void 无效Open a bid 开标Breakdown 分项报价Contractor 承建商(指中标之后)General Contractor 总承包Sub-contractor 分包単位Payment 付款Payment application 付款申请Approval批准Pre-tender Estimate 标底1 Quotation Specification 报价说明anti-molding white emulsion paint 防霉白色乳胶漆Mould proofing white latex paintingfloor drain 地漏General Building综合楼sanitary ware卫生洁具distribution panel配电箱fan pipe风机管air exhaust pipe排风管outdoor sewage pump cable室外污水泵电缆2 Summary汇总PROFESSIONAL FEES 专业费用Detail Design Fee 深化设计费Drawing Approval图纸审批费Sub-total 小计:PRELIMINARIES 开办费INTERIOR DECORATION 室内装修工程Ceiling Works 吊顶工程Partitions Works 隔间工程Floor Finishes 地面工程Wall Finishes 墙面工程Doors and Windows 门窗工程Joinery Works 木作工程Miscellaneous Works 其它工程Plumbing & Drainage and Fire Protection Work 给排水及消防安装工程Electrical Work 电气工程GRAND TOTAL 总价Curtain Wall 玻璃幕墙3 Preliminary fee 开办费BILL OF QUANTITIES 工程量清单Builder's All Risk (including Third Party liability) 建筑工程一切险 (包括第三者责任险)Insurance against damage to Persons and Property人身财产意外伤害险Employer Liability雇主责任险Automobile Insurance机动车辆险SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS技术规范要求Site conditions and limitations现场条件及限制Safety, health,welfare and PPE安全,健康,福利和个人防护设备HSE staffing安全健康环保人员配置Security services保安管理General cleaning staffing (one fulltime cleaner per 50 works)常规清洁人员(每50个工人配一个专职清洁员)Uniform work clothing统一的工作服Footwear(steel-toe safety shoes) 安全鞋(钢头安全鞋)hard hats安全帽Eye protection眼睛保护Full body harness for work at height高空作业时使用的全身式安全带)Work gloves appropriate to the assigned task特定工作时的工作手套Respiratory protective equipment呼吸保护设备Site clinic/physician, first aid supplies现场诊所/医生,紧急救护品Fire extinguishers灭火器Fall protection accessories incl. tie-off adapters, retractable lifelines, rope grabs, lifeline, beamers跌落保护附件包括卡环,伸缩式救生索,绳套,保险绳,卷轴机等Monitoring equipment(if necessary)监测设备(如必要)Safety fencing, barricade pipe, paint, tape安全围栏,路障管线,油漆,警示带Safety boarding for each entrance每个进出口的安全警示牌Safety signage for work area, storage area and lay down施工区域,材料存放区域和加工区域的安全标语LOTO locks and tags, adapters, ties挂牌上锁所需锁具,挂牌及配件Eye wash/shower stations(if necessary)洗眼器/淋浴间(如必要)Substance abuse testing (if required by client)药品酒精测试(如业主要求)Orientation and training,安全指导和培训Sanitation & Environmental,卫生和环境保护Drinking water supply饮用水供应Adequate temporary site toilet facilities and maintenance足够的现场临时厕所设施和维护Record drawings (As-built) 竣工图纸Site housekeeping % cleanup现场清洁及文明施工Government Approval Fee政府审批费用Water & Power Supply Fee水电费4 Interior Decoration室内装修Twice coating of anti-molding emulsion paint防霉乳胶漆二道gypsum panel suspended ceiling板吊顶light steel standard frame轻钢龙骨标准骨架moisture proof gypsum panel防潮石膏板The mineral panel suspended ceiling矿棉板吊顶A-alloy panel suspended ceiling: 铝合金饰面板吊顶light steel standard ceiling frame with a-alloy panel 轻钢龙骨标准骨架,铝合金饰面板Curtain installation安装窗帘Sub-total 小计:Washing pool洗涤池Marble washing desk, stone thickness 20mm大理石洗手台石材厚20mm Toilet partition卫生间成品隔断Glass mirror front washing desk thickness 5洗手台前5厚玻璃银镜Toilet squatting厕所蹲位Tissue box 手纸盒Soap rack 香皂架Towel horse 毛巾架Induced hand dryer感应式烘手机cement mortar水泥砂浆Black marble wallbase黑金刚石材踢脚线Conductive terrazzo wallbase防静电水磨石踢脚线Stainless steel railing 不锈钢楼梯扶手Red acajou finishes door 红桃木纹面模压门White plastic-steel window 白色塑钢平开窗Class III fire rated wooden door 木制丙级防火门Class II fire rated metal door钢制乙级防火门Colored metal door (celandine green)玻镁彩色钢板门(浅灰绿色)Inter scaffold (steel pipe) industry construction里脚手架(钢管) 工业建筑Full scaffold满堂脚手架Vertical transmit work垂直运输工程Trash settlement 建筑垃圾外运Kitchen facility厨房设备Company LOGO 公司招牌Stainless steel bar 拉丝不锈钢条5 Plumbing Work 给排水及消防Hot water pipe 热水管Electrical water heater 商用电热水器Domestic electrical water heater 家用电热水器Lavatory 洗手盆WC Pan座便器Squat蹲便器Urinal 小便器Bathtub 浴盆Shower淋浴器Automatic exhaust steam valve自动排气阀Stop valve截止阀6 Electrical Work电气工程Kitchen ventilator control panel 抽油烟机控制箱Distribution panel配电箱Electric wiring电气配线Control cable控制电缆Concealed Metal tube 暗敷金属软管Cable bridge钢制篮式电缆桥架Cable support fabrication and installation (galvanized steel angle) 电缆支架制作、安装(镀锌角钢)Chisel groove, dig trench, brick structure, 70mm width × 70mm depth凿槽、刨沟砖结构宽×深(mm以内)70×70Single phase, two and three poles socket 250V,10A 单相二三极插座250V,10ASingle phase, three poles socket 单相三极插座Two-way single-control switch 单联单控开关Three-way double-control switch双联双控开关Wall light壁灯Mirror light 镜前灯Fog light 防雾灯Recessed light panel 嵌入式格栅灯盘Single waterproof and dustproof electronic support防水防尘单支电子支架Ceiling-mounted light 吸顶灯Recessed tube-light 嵌入式筒灯tube-light 筒灯Single light 单头斗胆灯Spot light 射灯Light belt 灯带Emergency fire light, PAK-Y10-208 2×3W 1.5h Emergency time 消防应急照明灯 PAK-Y10-208 2×3W 应急时间1.5hExit direction light, LED light, Emergency time≥1.5h 疏散指示标志灯 LED发光应急时间≥1.5hSwitch connection box开关接线盒7 TV System电视系统TV System 电视系统Video joint视频接头Video socket视频插座CATV amplifier有线电视放大器Concealed galvanized wire duct 暗敷镀锌电线管Curtain wall 幕墙公司8 DAYWORK - SCHEDULE OF RATES 日工--时工作费率表Unskilled labor杂工Skilled labor技工Soil excavator挖土工Bricklayer泥水匠Formwork fixer模板工Rebar fixer钢筋工Drainlayer管道敷设工Painter油漆工Steel & Metal worker铁工和金工Carpenter & Joiner木工Electrician电工Scaffolder脚手架工Plumber水管工Ventilation worker通风工Instrument worker仪表工Electric welding worker电焊工Gas welding worker气焊工Insulation worker保温工Non-destructive test worker非破坏性试验工Decoration Drawings 装修图纸楼梯间 STAIRCASE门厅 HALL等候室 WAITING ROOM会议室 MEETING ROOM走廊 CORRIDOR8厚防滑面砖8mm thick non-slip tile25厚灰麻石材25mm thick gray crushed granite8厚抛光耐磨砖8mm thick polish wear resisting tiles 娱乐室 RECREATION ROOM餐厅CANTEEN小餐厅 DINING ROOM卫生间 SANITARY淋浴 SHOWER更衣 CHANGING ROOM热水间 HOT WATER ROOM备用办公室SPARE OFFICE总经理室 GENERAL MANAGER JV1休息室 REST ROOM库房 STORE ROOM铝合金饰面板Alu-alloy finishes panel承载龙骨矿棉板Ceiling grid mineral wool board胡桃木饰面Walnut wooden finishes防霉白色乳胶漆Mould proofing white latex painting 5厘银镜5mm silver glass12厘底喷漆玻璃12mm painting glass25厚灰麻石材25mm thick gray crushed granite双层9厘石膏板Double-layer plasterboard decorative ceiling with 8 thick 8厘磨沙玻璃8mm frosted glass防静电水磨石地面Conductive terrazo flooring黑金刚石材Black diamond蒙古黑石材Mongolia black marble当张立面号Elevation NO.单个立面所在图纸号Elevation drawing NO立面所在图纸号Elevation drawing NO.当张剖面号Section NO.剖切位置Section direction当张大样图号Detail No.大样图范围Detail scope饰面材料类别Decoration material type材料名Type Detail-D高柜High cabinets消防栓Fire hydrant悬挂活动帘Hanging movable curtains金属卷闸Metal rolling shutter地弹玻璃门及支点Ground spring glass door and pivot实心双扇门、单扇门Solid double swing door single墙身上玻璃窗Window in wall玻璃内隔墙或饰面Glass partition wall or finishing玻璃外围护墙Glass fence剖建筑边线Decoration line材料起铺点Material start laying point上、下楼梯或上、下坡方向stairs or stop direction装修均分中心线Decoration centerline平面标高Plane elevation建筑柱轴线及编号Construction column axis and ref日光灯盘Fluorescent lamp panel吊灯Hanging light吸顶灯Ceiling light筒灯Downlight方型小筒灯Small square downlight石英灯Quartz lamp双头豆胆灯Double spot lamp导轨、射灯Rail spotlights日光灯藏光Fluorescent lamp with hidden light壁灯Wall lamp镜前灯Mirror headlight出风口Exhaust air vent回风口Return air vent鲜风口Fresh air vent风向Wind direction排气扇Exhaust fan监控器及支点Monitor and pivot纲丝网Steel mesh砌块Building blocks砾石、卵石Gravel,Pebbles石材Stone material夹板Clamping plank轻质砖Light -weight brick砖饰面Brick finishing水泥沙浆Cement mortar纤维质隔音吸音层Fiber sound -insulated sound absorption layer 隔音板Celotex acoustic board石膏板Plaster board实木方Solid flitch木饰面Wooden facing空调机具或空调机房HVAC equipment & room防火卷闸Five rapid rolling doorE&M Disciplines 机电专业分类名词(一)化工工艺及系统chemical process and system1管道Pipeline无缝钢管Seamless steel tube2球阀Ball valve止回阀Check valve呼吸阀Breathing valve蝶阀butterfly valve截止阀stop valve直埋式闸阀Directly-buried gate valve3管件Fitting90°弯头90°Elbow等经三通straight tee异经三通reduced tee异径管Reducing pipe4法兰Flange带颈对焊钢法兰Welding neck Flange带颈平焊钢法兰Slip On Flange法兰盖blind flange5垫片Gasket无石棉垫片without asbestos gasket•增强聚四氟乙烯垫片Solidified PTFE gasket丁氰橡胶垫片butadiene-acrylonitrile rubber gasket6螺栓和螺母Bolt and nut单头螺栓Single-end bolt双头螺柱Double-end bolt螺母Nut7 others金属软管Metallic flexible hose篮式过滤器Basket type filter阳接头quick connector阴接头female connector8保温Insulation硅酸铝镁管壳Aluminum silicate fiber pipe shell硅酸铝镁弯头Aluminum silicate fiber elbow铝合金板Aluminum alloy plate•9油漆Coatings环氧富锌底漆Epoxy zinc rich primer环氧富锌中间漆Epoxy zinc rich intermediate paint环氧富锌面漆Epoxy zinc rich finish paint(二)布置与配管layout and piping保冷材料cold preservation表面处理Surface treatment管道公称压力Nominal pressure of pipeline(三)供配电power supply1 罐区Tank Farm输送泵Transfer Pump卸料泵Discharge Pump树脂卸料泵Resin Discharge Pump溶剂卸料泵Solvent Discharge Pump电加热器Electric Heater贮槽电伴热Electric Heat Tracing2消防站Fire Fighting Station潜水排污泵submerged sewage pump闸门Gate消防稳压泵Fire fighting constant pressure pump柴油机消防泵Diesel Engine Fire Fighting Pump电动消防泵Electric Fire Fighting Pump轴流风机Axial-flow Air-blower照明Lighting3溶剂涂料生产车间Solvent Coating Production Workshop 高速分散机High Speed Dispersion Machine砂磨机Grinding Machine混合罐搅拌器Agitator of Blending Tank包装机Packing Machine电动葫芦Electric Block装料线Charging Line乳胶输送泵Latex Transfer Pump4洗桶间Barrel Washing House溶剂回收装置Solvent Recycling Unit清洗装置Cleaning Unit5生产车间通风用电Power for ventilation in workshop防爆除尘器机组Explosion-proof Dust-separation Unit防爆型送风箱Explosion-proof Wind Box防爆型排风机Explosion-proof Exhaust Blower分体式空调wall split type air conditioner6生产车间照明用电换气扇Ventilator挂壁式空调Wall-type Air Conditioner自行车棚Bicycle Shed仪表电源Instrumentation Power Supply7废水处理站Waste water treatment station雨水泵Rain Water Pump污水提升泵Sewage Lifting Pump厌氧循环泵anaerobic circulation pump生物污泥回流泵Active mud reflux pump污泥螺杆泵Mud Screw Pump污泥压滤机Mud pressing machine投药泵Charging Pump鼓风机Blower其它予留Reserved8废气处理站Waste gas treatment station溶剂涂料低浓度有机废气系统low concentration organic waste gas system in solvent coating workshop实验室低浓度有机废气系统low concentration organic waste gas system in laboratory研发大楼喷漆废气系统spray paint waste gas system in R&D building粉尘涂料粉尘废气系统Dust-contained waste gas system in powder coating unit水性涂料粉尘废气系统Dust-contained waste gas system in water-based coating unit喷粉室粉尘废气系统Dust-contained waste gas system in powder-spray house除尘配套风机Auxiliary blower in dust-removal unit热水器Heater有机废气处理配套风机Auxiliary blower in organic waste gas treatment unit9配料工段Pre-mixing Unit配料工段用电Power for Pre-mixing Unit轴流风机axial flow blower10仓库warehouse防爆屋顶通风机Explosion-proof roof blower11辅助生产设施Auxiliary Production Equipments全性能水冷螺杆空压机Integrated water-cooled screw air compressor风冷螺杆冷水机组Air-cooled chiller冷水机循环泵Water chiller circulation pump冷水泵Cold water pump水冷螺杆空压机Water-cooled screw air compressor防爆轴流通风机Explosion-proof axis-flow blower轴流通风机axis-flow blower风能恒温恒湿机Air-cooled thermostatic and humidstatic air conditioner挂壁式空调Wall-type Air Conditioner风冷式风管机Wind cooled Air conditioner柜式机空调packaged air conditioner冷却塔Cooling Column循环水泵Water Circulating Pump太阳能热水系统Solar Heating System综合水处理器Integrated Water Treatment Unit机修用电Power for maintenance workshop12办公大楼/研发中心Office Building/R&D Center模块风冷冷水机组Module Packaged Air-Cooled Water Cooling Unit冷冻水泵Chilled Water Pump定压装置补水泵Water make-up pump for Press Equipment空调末端通风换气设备Ventilation equipment at the outlet of air conditioner 喷泉潜水泵Submerged Pump for Fountain研发中心研发用电Power for R&D Center13设备材料equipment material变电所及辅助生产设施Substation and Auxiliary Facilities开关柜switch cabinet干式变压器Dry type transformer低压抽屉式开关柜low voltage drawer type switch cabinet直流电源屏DC power supply screen照明配电箱lighting distribution box插座箱socket box热镀锌钢制电缆桥架hot galvanizing steel cable tray电缆cable低压电缆low voltage cable柴油发电机diesel generator diesel generator检修电源箱maintenance switch box不间断电源装置uninterrupted power supply equipment密集型母线intensive bus按钮盒button box防爆按钮盒explosion proof button box总等电位接地箱equal potential grounding box局部等电位接地箱local equal potential grounding box防爆检修电源箱explosion proof maintenance switch box防爆照明配电箱explosion proof lighting distribution box防爆按钮explosion proof button防爆照明开关explosion proof lighting switch全塑防爆平台荧光灯full plastic explosion proof fluorescent lamp全塑防爆单项壁式插座full plastic explosion proof single wall type socket等电位接地箱equal potential grounding box动力配电箱power distribution box工厂罩隔爆金卤灯explosion proof halogen light低压抽屉式开关柜low voltage drawer type switch cabinet全塑防爆三项壁式插座full plastic explosion proof three phase wall type socket 铁壳开关metal shell switch滑触线grinding lines全塑防爆单项壁式插座full plastic explosion proof single wall type socket KBO系列控制与保护开关电器KBO series control and protect switch甲类仓库Class A warehouse防爆路灯(钠灯) explosion proof street light (sodium light)钢管Steel pipe四给排水supply and drainage of water生活给水系统(卫生间)Domestic water supply system(toilet)钢衬塑三通Plastic lining steel tee钢衬塑异径管Plastic lining steel Reducer中水给水系统(卫生间)Reclaimed water supply system(toilet)实验室生产给水Production water supply for laboratory卫生器具sanitary ware低水箱坐便器lower cistern sitting wc pan自闭式冲洗阀小便器self-closing urinal flusher urinal洗手盆wash-basin拖布盆Mop Tub basin生活排水domestic water drainage直通式地漏straight floor drain堵头pipe stopper检查口checking point通气帽Ventilated Caps雨水排水Rain water drainage同心异径接头Concentric reducer带锁定装置蝶阀Butterfly Valve with Locking Device卡箍接头Clasp Joint沟槽式同心异径接头Grooved concentric reducer洗眼器排水Eye Washer Drainage材料球墨铸铁ductile cast iron锻钢Forged Steel可锻铸铁malleable iron陶瓷ceramic五采暖通风与空气调节HV AC system镀锌钢板Galvanized Steel Panel栅格送风口Grid Supply Port网式风口Net Supply Port多叶阀multi-blade Valve斜插板阀slope plug valve伞形罩Umbrella style cover带筋软接吸风罩Soft exhaust cover三防布软接管canvas soft connection六消防Fire fighting system消防站Fire fighting Station泡沫罐Foam tank消防稳压罐Steady pressure fire fighting tank手提式磷酸铵盐干粉灭火器Portable dry powder fire extinguishers 推车式磷酸铵盐干粉灭火器Wheel dry powder fire extinguishersClassification of Building Products建筑产品分类一. .结构structure1 钢结构steel structure屋盖roof钢梁steel beam钢柱steel column钢结构房屋体系steel structure building system构筑件components钢结构防腐steel structure corrosion防火材料fire protection钢结构连接steel structure joints and fasteners2 混凝土结构concrete structure预应力混凝土板prestressed concrete slab钢筋steel wire钢绞线steel strand锚具anchorage桩及桩技术pile and generic information预制混凝土建筑构件precast concrete混凝土外加剂concrete additives混凝土模板concrete forms构配件accessories钢筋连接concrete reinforcement fastenings钢筋与水泥concrete reinforcement and cement3 铝合金结构aluminum structure4 索,模结构cable-supported, stress-skin structure5 木结构wood structure6塑料结构plastics structure7 工程软件engineering software8 建筑隔振器building vibration isolator9 锚固连接anchoring10 结构加固structure reinforcing11 砌体结构masonry structure12 特种施工设备,机具,脚手架construction facilities,tools and scaffolding13 施工专用技术construction engineering14 市政工程municipal engineering二. 维护,分隔结构及防护材料envelop, partition structure and protection materials1 墙体材料wall materials砖brick砌块block板材panels墙体配套材料wall auxiliary materials2 外墙保温exterior insulation and finish system for walls3 门和窗doors and windows特种门窗special door and windows天窗skylights门窗配件door and windows hardwares4 建筑幕墙curtain walls5 屋面roofing屋面板roof panels瓦tiles采光屋顶unit skylights种植屋面planted roof6 防水材料water-proof materials防水卷材sheet waterproofing防水涂料fluid-applied water-proofing金属防水板metal roofing sheet密封材料sealants and sealers混凝土注浆和堵漏材料concrete filling and caulking materials刚性防水材料rigid waterproofing materials复合防水compound waterproofing materials7 绝热材料thermal insulation materials8 防火材料fireproofing materials9吸声材料acoustical insulation materials10 建筑玻璃glazing11 建筑部品building components排气道air exhaust duct变形缝expansion joint assemblies12 防控地下室防护设备air-raid basement protection equipment13 建筑用不锈钢stainless steel三. 室内外装修finishes1 装修材料finish material木材,木质人造板wood ,polywood board装饰板decorative board装饰石材decorative building stone地板flooring地毯carpet陶瓷墙地砖ceramic tile建筑涂料coating古建装修材料ancient building finish materials装饰玻璃ornamental glass建筑胶粘剂adhesives壁纸/壁布wall paper , cloth装修腻子lacquer putty2 装饰饰品decorative parts吊顶suspended ceilings装饰门窗ornamental door/windows遮阳雨棚sun shade canopy装饰楼梯ornamental stairs隔断partitions装饰构件ornamental structure accessories3 家具furniture四室外设施道路及室外地坪road and pavements大门,围栏,挡墙土gate, fence, retaining wall标识sign旗杆,灯杆,工艺塔flag pole, light pole, process tower娱乐,健身场地设施entertainment, health facilities景观设施Landscaping facilities室外照明exterior lighting五厨房,卫生间设备kitchen equipment厨房设备kitchen equipment家用厨房设备residential kitchen equipment业务厨房设备business kitchen equipment卫生间设备bathroom and toilet fixtures洗衣设备laundry equipments附件及配件accessories六建筑附属机械设备building accessories equipment电梯elevators电动扶梯自动人行道escalator, moving walks机械停车设备mechanical parking facilities擦窗机scrub windows equipment舞台机械设备stage mechanical equipment七建筑给水排水设备pumping/drainage fixtures and equipment1 建筑给水设备pumping equipment水泵water pumps给水箱water tank增压给水设备boosters建筑给水处理设备water treatment equipment2 建筑排水设备water drainage equipment潜水排污泵submerged sewage equipment小区生活污水处理设备community domestic sewage treatment equipment中水设施equipment and facilities of reclaimed water屋面雨水收集处理装置roof rainwater collection/treatment equipment医院污水处理设备hospital sewage treatment equipment特殊单立管排水系统special dingle-stack water drainage equipment新型土工合成排水材料new type earth synthetic drainage materials同层排水系统same floor drainage system3 建筑供热水设备building hot water supply equipment集中供热水设备central heating water supply systems局部供热水设备terminal water heaters4 建筑消防设备building fire-fighting equipment室内外消火栓indoor/outdoor hydrant自动喷水灭火系统automated fire suppression sprinkler system气体消防灭火系统gas fire –extinguishing system消防水泵,消防气压罐fire pump fire membrane tank大空间智能型主动喷水灭火系统large-space intelligent active control sprinkler system 消防配件fire-fighting accessories5 特殊建筑给水排水设备water supply/drainage specialties水景设备,喷泉,喷灌设备waterscape facility, fountain, sprinkler irrigation游泳池设备swimming pool facilities医疗用气系统及设备medical gas supply system and equipment6 循环冷却水系统circuiting cooling water system冷却塔cooling tower循环水水质处理设备circuiting water quality treatment equipment7消声隔振系统noise and vibration isolation equipment隔振元件vibration isolation component水锤吸纳器water hammer absorber8 管材与管件pipes, tubes and pipe specialties混凝土管,水泥管concrete and cement pipe金属管metal pipe塑料管plastic pipe复合管composite pipe金属软管flexible metal hose特殊用途管附件special tube fittings保温防结露thermal insulation/ anti-condensation9阀门仪表valve and meters10 防空地下室专用设备air-raid basement special equipment八供热,通风,制冷及空调设备heating ventilation &refrigeration and air conditioner instrument1 冷热源设备cooling and heating production equipment锅炉boiler电动压缩式冷水机组compression-cycle chiller driven by electricity热泵型冷热谁装置heat pump冷水机组chiller直然型溴化锂吸收式冷温水机组direct-fired libr absorption chillerBromize 溴化Lithium 锂蓄冷装置thermal storage equipment换热机组heating exchange unit2 供热设备heating equipment户用燃气供暖设备gas-fired heater室内散热设备thermal heating equipment3 通风及防排烟设备ventilation and smoke exhaust equipment通风机fan室内换气设备indoor air exchanger消防专用通风设备ventilation equipment for fire protection引射通风管ejection fan消声器muffler风管duct风口air opening4 空调设备air conditioner equipment组合式空调机组packaged air conditioner集中式空调机组central air conditioner unit机房专用空调机precision air conditioner unit for computer room洁净手术室用空调机组air conditioner unit for clean operation room除湿机加湿器dehumidifier humidifier空气热回收装置air-heat-recovery device空调末端装置terminal device房间空气调节剂room air conditioner5 空气净化设备air cleaning equipment空气过滤器air filter6 阀门,仪表及管材valve meter and pipe7 防空地下室通风设备air-raid defense basement ventilation equipment九燃气设备gas-fired equipment1 中,低压燃气设备medium/low pressure gas-fired equipment中低压燃气调压装置medium/low pressure regulator中低压燃气管道medium/low pressure gas-fired pipe中低压燃气调压站及管道的附属设备medium/low pressure gas-fired regulator station and piping auxiliary equipment2 室内燃气设备indoor gas-fired equipment室内燃气管道indoor gas-fired piping燃气计量仪表gas-fired meter燃气用具gas-fired appliance安全装置safety apparatus十建筑电气设备electrical equipment1 高压配电装置及高压电器high-voltage power distribution equipment and high-voltage electrical equipment高压配电装置high-voltage power distribution equipment高压电器high-voltage electrical equipment控制及继电保护装置control and relay protection equipment2低压配电装置及低压电器low-voltage power distribution equipment and low-voltage electrical equipment低压配电装置low-voltage power distribution equipment低压断路器,剩余电流保护器low-voltage circuit breaker, residual current protector接触器,电机启动器contactor, starter (starting box)电源切换系统及元器件power supply switch system and component热继电器电机保护器thermorelay and motor protector隔离器,隔离开关,熔断器组合电器disconnector , switch-disconnnector , low-voltage fuse cutout低压负荷开光low-voltage switches电工测量及自动控制仪表electrotechnical measurement and automatic control instrument3 变压器及电源系统transformer and power system配电变压器transformer预装式变电站transformer substation柴油发电机组diesel generation unit应急电源装置emergency power supply直流电源屏DC current panel热点联供co-generation电力测控设备power measurement and control4 防雷及接电装置lighting protection and earthing device防雷及过电压保护装置lightning protection and overvoltage protector接地装置earthing device降阻器resistance reducer5 照明开关,插座lighting switch and sockets6照明装置及调光设备lighting system and lighting dimmer电光源electric light sources照明灯具lighting instrument调光设备lighting dimmer照明配件lighting accessories舞台设备stage equipment7 输,配电器材power transmission/distribution equipment电线电缆wire/cable母线electrical bus预制分支电力电缆pre-branching cable电缆桥架及线槽cable bridge and wire casing电线电缆附件wire /cable accessories电线电缆配线管材wire/cable layout tubing网络地板network floor boarding8 电器信号装置及光电显示设备electric signaling device and photoelectricity display device 医院呼叫系统hospital call bell system体育比赛计时计分系统sports match timing/scoring显示设备display facilities9 电器消防及报警装置detection and alarm火灾自动报警系统fire automatic alarm system指示标志identification devices10 广播及有限电视系统,同声传译及会议系统broadcast and CATV system , simultaneous interpretation and conference system扩声及有限广播系统public address and wire broadcasting system同声传译及会议系统simultaneous interpretation and conference system有限电视系统CA TV system卫星电视系统satellite TV system11 建筑设备自动化系统building automation system建筑设备监控系统building control system智能家具运行系统intelligent house control system远程秒表及计费系统long-distance meter reading and billing system照明设施控制系统lighting equipment control system停车场管理系统parking lot management system12 安全防范系统security protection system电视监控系统CCTV system楼宇对讲系统building talkback system入侵报警系统intrude alarm system巡更系统patrol system门禁系统access system13 通讯网络系统communication network system程控数字交换系统program control digital switching equipment综合布线系统integrated wiring system通讯电缆communication cable通讯配线设备communication cable device计算机网络设备network equipment无线移动通讯设备wireless communication equipment14 智能化系统集成intelligent system integration15 工程软件engineering software。