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托福听力笔记 一、听力场景 (一)娱乐场景 1 音乐会 -永远好听 -喜欢 classical music, 不喜欢 Rock&Roll -去不了因为要学习 -提前买票 2 剧院演出 -有票没票 -座位是否调换 *在卖 on sale;卖完了 be sold out *正前方的位置 orchestra section;楼座 balcony 3 美术馆 -喜欢去且最好是 modern art *油画 oils;版画 prints;水彩画 water color;壁画 fresco;素描 sketch;肖像画 portrait;山 水画 landscape 4 电影 -不好看,不值 money *It was hardly worth the wait price of admission 5 买东西 -买什么:invest in, stock up on, 以旧换新 trade it in,分期付款 pay by installment, 头期款 down payment,卖东西 cash in on sth. -买没买(注意虚拟语气),退货 refund,预付 in advance/deposit -喜欢便宜货: on sale; good bargain/deal/price/buy; discount; %off *东西巨贵 cost you an arm and a leg, cost sb dearly, dear sth, make a fortune,cost a bundle *价钱公道 fair, reasonable, affordable, acceptable. 6 养花种草 -花草长势 -阳光水份: sunlight; water regularly -摆哪儿合适:窗前 sunlight;角落里 shade 7 照相 -效果:模糊 blurry -用光,胶卷:闪光灯 flash, 焦距 focus, out of focus, adjust the focus, 照相 shot, a roll of film, 冲卷 develop, 放大 enlarge 8 邮局 -不满意:It took forever to arrive. 9 外出吃饭(go out for lunch, dine out) -上哪儿吃:一角 dime, 五分 nickel, 1 分 penny, 分 cent -爱尝鲜 appetizer 开胃物,打包酒菜 carryout,腌制 souse, -喜欢安静:prefer a quiet place -谁请客:我请客 This is my treat; Let me treat you; Let me pick up the bill. Foot the bill
AA 制:go fifty fifty, Let’s spit the check, two bills -点错菜:order,菜单 recipe *侍者常用语: ①Bring the menu-are you ready to order now? ②take your order-I’ll be with you in a moment③recommend sth-specialty 特色④serve food- I’ll take care of it. I’ll see to it. 10 贪吃场景 -吃完:eat up, clean out, empty, go out. -谁打扫:残羹冷炙 leftover *饭量小 eat like a bird, 饭量大 eat like a horse, 酒量大 drink like a fish, 能睡 sleep like a log, 能抽烟 smoke like a chimney 11 吃 -apple-pie 好吃 out of the world, pizza 难吃 taste awful, *一份 helping/serving/bite,吃一点 take a bite of 12 咖啡 -爱喝,别上瘾 be addicted to,戒掉 be off -不喝不加奶的咖啡 not drink it black -不喝因为咖啡因 caffeine 13 着装 *style,正装 formal suit, 休闲装 casual jeans. *Color (蓝色最好),navy (blue), solid blue, deep/light blue.褪色 fade, faint, lose the color.不褪色 retain its color. *Size: 松 loose,紧 tight, It’s tight on waist. 缩水 shrink *Design: 条 stripped,点 dotte
d,格 plaid,做工精细 elegant, 短裤 shots 14 减肥 on diet -身体好,身材好 perfect shape, good/excellent condition -要坚持,需锻炼 I’ve got to get a shape. *slim①苗条②机会少 15 理发 -价贵,去哪儿理 -换发型,不好认 make out/recognize *理发店:hair salon, hairdresser,发型师 stylist *修流海 trim the bangs, 鬓角 side,中分 parting in the middle, 左分 parting to the left, 耳朵上 over the ear,到后背 in the back. 16 渡假 -宠物:谁看 have sb to do sth, 与宠物相处,宠物喜欢你 be attached to,掉毛 shed -旅行社:订机票 book/reserve, 房间:取消 cancel, 换房 switch room *乖一点 be good *Hotel or Motel: ashtray, 肥皂和手巾 soap and towel, front desk. 17 海滩 -爱去 -干什么 *enjoy lying on the beach, take a sun bath, play sand volleyball, swimming, surfing(冲浪) -没钱去不了 18 晚会 party -the more the merrier
19 天气 -天气变化:多云 overcast,大风 high wind,暴风雪 blizzar,倾盆大雨 downpour/pouring, 阵雨 shower, (雨雪) light up, 停 放晴 clear up, (好天气) 持续 keep up/hold on,变暖 warm up -picnic/barbecue 总在下雨天 sunshine. -天气好,心情好:It’s nice/good to have sth for a change. -天气与穿衣:收衣服 put away/pack,找出衣服 get out -是不是要买衣服:羊毛衫 wool sweater,羽绒服 down jacket,靴子 boot,手套 glove,围 巾 scarf *美国天气预报三项指标:湿度 humility,降雨量 precipitation,温度 temperature 20 机场 -天气不好影响航班:the flight was delayed/canceled due to the bad weather 21 运动 -爱运动,耽误学习 -喜欢所有 beach/gym activities.冰球 ice hockey,棒球 base ball, football * hiking 远足, cycling 骑车, rock-climbing 攀岩, skiing 滑雪, jogging 跑步, golf * tennis 网球:正/反手 fore/back hand,续弦 restring,球场 court,接/发球 serve/refurn,出界 go out of bounds. (二)学习场景 1 论文 -题目难定(太大)too broad a topic -资料难查(太多)too much material to cover -多找教授(时间) -打字困难(机房)机少人多,想买机 2 笔记 -考笔记 be based on the lecture/notes -字难认 make out/recognize handwriting 3 考试 -永远难 was supposed to be easy -不推迟 put it off, hold off, delay, postpone -分数低:及格 passing grade,不及格 failing grade,好分数 perfect grade -心里不好受 down *take-home exam 开卷考试,workshop 研讨会, seminar 研究会 4 评价教授 -小对话中(不好) ,段子题中(好) -不迟到 punctual/prompt,不早退,常拖堂 run over time/late, -要求严,出题难,给分低 *听不懂:be lost/be all at sea/in the dark *听懂:figure out/make sense/catch/follow words *打瞌睡:drop off/doze off, keep watching the clock, keep counting the time. 5 作业 -作业多:I‘ve
had enough of it.(I’ll never have enough of it.高兴语气) *have one’s hands full, be tied up, be booked, be up to one’s eyes/ears/neck with work. Have a million things to do. Study 48 hours in a day. -想迟交,不迟交:交作业 hand in/ turn in, 迟交 extension, 多给时间 extra/more time
6 熬夜 -常熬夜:sit up, stay doing sth -不熬夜 get out of it, wise 7 书店 -有货没货 in stock/ out of stock -印,不印 in /out of print -过时 out-dated, 最新的 updated/current -平装 paper back,精装 hard back 8 图书馆 -还书:recall a book, library loan, 续借 renew, 传记作者 biographer, 微缩胶片 microfiche -罚钱:overdue, late return, fine , moratorium(暂停,推迟), 9 电话 -定主题,听语气,背套话 *电话号码本:yellow pages, telephone directory,干扰 static,接通 put through *占着电话 tie up, be off 下线断线,过会打给你 get back to sb. 10 选课 -先学入门课 intro/basic/prerequisite,再学高级课,教授得同意 approval/permission/signiture -三大顾虑:too much, too difficult, intro course -课程难,心情不好 -少选明智,多选犯傻,时刻准备退课 drop (三)生活场景 1 找房 -抱怨:dormitory①太小太脏②太吵③管的太严;apartment①东西老坏②室友难处 neat, considerate. -找房难,不愿搬,抱怨多,怕涨价,减装修 -房东 landlord,租户 tenant 2 噪音 -室内:调音 turn down,隔音 sound proof,没意识到 -室外:airport, highway, traffic 3 空气污染 -室内:开窗,空气窒息 stuffy,卡住了 window is stuck -室外:没办法,抱怨多 4 装修 -少花钱 afford,新床 new couch -旧家具往哪放 where do you want it to go? 5 修理 -什么坏了, 找谁:管道工 plumber, 水龙头/管子漏 leaky faucet/pipe, 下水道堵塞 clogged drain, 灯泡 bulb, 电线 wiring, 电灯 light , 电工 electrician -修理贵,修不如买:以旧换新 trade it in *修理工的总称:maintenance people, technician, repair person 6 高速路 highway -长塞车 be tied up/ backed up in traffic, traffic jam, rush hour. -拐错弯:should have turned, miss the turn
-从哪儿出 get out , exit -违章:超速 speeding, 闯红灯 go through the red light, 违章停车 illegal parking, 停车场 lot, 罚单 ticket, 交通队 traffic court 7 迷路,问路 *中南 central south,左上角 upper left hand,右下角 lower right hand,沿着走 go down, walk along. Off to *你去哪儿:where are you heading for leaving for 8 外伤 -易受伤 -伤哪里:twist, strain, hurt, injure, shoulder, wrist, ankle, knee -能不能动 -原因:搬东西或锻炼 9 看病 -症状:feel under the weather 身体不适,catch a cold, have ringing in the ears, running nose, sneeze 喷嚏。感染…病 come down with, get a touch of, catch -禁忌 -药管不管用:药起了作用 it works/help
s. It does good. It does the trick. It make difference. *药片 pill,剂量 dosage,入院 be admitted to hospital, 出院 check out of/release from *医务室 infirmary,clinic. 药房 pharmacy,棉团 floss, 打针 shots,抓药 fill 10 打工 -时间,工资,经验 -职责,感受 11 借钱,还钱 -不愿借 -不想还 -(语气)why 12 帮忙 -帮或不帮 -为何不帮 lack of 13 捎东西 low on sth -缺什么 be short of -要或不要,原因 run out of 14 搭车 -搭不上,听原因:接 sb. pick sb up, 下车到哪儿 drop sb off at sw 15 等人 -等不着 -不想等 -why (四)特色场景-女尊男卑 1 男生宿舍总是脏(女生脏,因为学习) *mess, a real dump/mess, messed up, messy,乱七八槽 at sixs and sevens, chaos, chaotic
*I haven’t done much cleaning recently. My room is like a tornado hit it. *吸尘器 vacuum/rag cleaner 2 男生爱花钱 *have money to burn, burn the candle at both ends, spend money like water *花完 go through = use up *破产 I was broke, I never seem to have enough money. *save for rainy days.存钱以备不时之需 3 男生害羞 -内向 keep sth to oneself, not sociable, feel embarrassed, self-conscious 4 男生爱紧张 -考试 -presentation stand/sit -宣布谁得奖学金 restless quietly *坐立不安 too excited to be still ,be on edge, on pins and needles, like a cat on hot bricks, pace the floor(来回踱步) 5 男生各种环习惯 *睡过头 oversleep, be late for class, miss the class *失眠 insomnia/wake up,辗转反侧 toss and turn, twist, 安眠药 sleeping pills *Never hand in the paper on time. Extension, extra time, be behind in(落后),be backed up(堆积 作业),临考抱佛脚 crem for the exam *补考 fail the exam, make up the exam. 6 女生 Mystery, 爱学习 *make no sense to me. Sth I’ll never figure out. Over my head. Beyond me/my understanding. *How she manage to do it is a mystery to me. 答案中:wonder, surprised *拉都拉不走 tear sb away from the books 7 女生不记仇 *故意 mean to do,记恨 hold the grudge, forgive, forgiving, tolerant,忘掉 get over it *broad-minded, open heart, a heart of gold. Think much/little of sb. Look up to /down upon sb 8 常考女生的优点(参看男生缺点) 。好女帮男场景:说教 二、听力句型总结 -as…as… as cool as a cucumber, as fit as fiddle, as healthy as horse, as poor as a church mouse, as strong as an ox, as like as two peas(长得象),peas and carrots(形影不离),apples and oranges(大不相同), as proud as peacock, as changeable as moon, as punctual as a church clock, as sly as fox, as light as feather, as hungry as a wolf. -be the last thing +定从,最不希望的,最不需要的,最不愿意的。 -hasn’t he, isn’t it +ever/though.可不是吗!(很同意) -if only 要是…就好了。答案的标志是虚拟语气和 wish. -not that, not as…adj….as you think 不至
于那么过分吧 -不辞辛苦做某事 go out of one’s way to do. Take great trouble to do sth. Go extra miles to do sth. -吃惊:Jees. Boy! Man! Jesus christ! Dear me! Wow! -对我都一样:It makes no difference to me. Does it make any difference. What differencedoes it make. It’s all the same to me.
-感觉如何:What do you think of sth? How do you like sth? How do you find sth? How do you feel about sth? Would you like A or B? Do you feel like sth? Are you in a mood for anything? -开玩笑吧:So you say. Pull my leg. -流泪 my eyes swim in tears, shed tears of remorse, I can’t hold back my tears -你真了不起:You are somebody. You are a big potato. -提醒: don’t think you’ll do… I was wondering if you will do sth. I don’t imagine if you do. You I have not done sth, have you? -听我说:You know why. Tell me why. -我本想做某事(但没做)I meant to do.. should have given. Was supposed to do sth. I have been meaning to.. -赞同:You bet. Sure thing. And how. Isn’t it though/ever. Go ahead. By all means. -责备:When will you ever do sth? Do I have to tell you? Don’t I tell you sth? Why didn’t you… - 怎 么 了 ? What’s up/matter/wrong with sb? how have you been? How are you coming along/doing? What’s new with you? 三、习语 lose his cool 失去冷静 -冷静 cool off 冷静,天气变冷 play it cool -不介意:not at all, not a bit/little, not in the slightest, not in the least -不愿让人做某事:make sb uncomfortable to do sth -对人宽容 go easy on sb. Be lenient with. Be kind to -挤时间做某事: around to do sth, take time out/off from doing sth,spare time to do sth, afford get time to do sth, squeeze/steal time to do -健忘 slip one’s mind/memory. Have a shot memory, not good with.. be terrible with.. forgetful, absent-minded, scatter-brain, go in one ear and out the other. Wops. -快, 马上: no time, by and by, on short notice, right now/away/off, in a moment/minute/second in -去哪里,朝哪里去 head to/for sw, make for, leave for, set out for, be off to , be away to -生气:be put out with sb, be burned up at sb, get one’s back up, hit/raise the roof/ceiling, be enraged, get on one’s nerve, rub sb the wrong way, annoy/irritate sb. -顺便看望:drop/stop/come by/over/in -太忙 heavy/busy/tight schedule -太热 super/burning/blazing/unbearable/scorcher hot -听某人的建议:go by/follow/listen to one’s suggestion -一点也不奇怪:no wonder. Little surprise. -有时, 偶而: occasionally, sometimes, every so often, every now and them, every once in a while, at times, from time to time, on and off. -在某方面擅长:know the stuff/ropes/tricks/one’s beans -逐步地: gradually, step by step, bit by bit, little by little, inch by inch, piece by piece, line by line, word by word. -bottom line 说话的核心,well, the bottom line is that… -check out①检查,询问②借书③出院④退房 -come in h
andy 派上用场,会有用的 -for the life of sb 无论如何 -get over: ①完成作业②病全愈③忘掉(不愉快) -go through ①用完②检查③经历过④办手续
-我认为 I suspect, 我确认 I bet, 我估计 I expect, 我不认为 I doubt, 我原以为 I thought, 我原 以为 I was hoping, 我曾经是 I used to be, 我本应该 I was supposed to -on one’s way 马上出发; on the way 已经在路 -pick up ①取东西②接人③买东西 -put up ①挂起②住宿 -up to :胜任: up to sb to do sth, sb is up to doing sth②熬夜 sit/be up to do sth③达到 up to sth it’s 四、单词 -beat①超过,胜过②难倒③很累 -care①take care of it 处理,照顾②care to 愿意③care about 关心④care for 喜欢 -catch①赶上②听懂③传染 -commitment ①约会=engagement, appointment ②承担责任 -due①n.费用 ②a 过期 -fountain 街头饮水机 -line①行车路线 bus line②横线 line paper ③电线 power line -meet①上课 ②接人 ③见面 -order①点菜 ②订购,邮购 ③顺序 -pack ①收拾行李,②拥挤 -serve ①发球 ②上菜 -rapids 中等城市的环铁 -rehearse①练习②排演 -return ①回球(网球) ②回电话 -take a rain check 改天一定去 -电脑词汇: 显示器 monitor, 存盘 save it on disk, 屏幕 screen, 全部丢失 wipe out, 色带 ribon -取消(课) :cut, cancel, call off -忍受:stand, bear, put up with, tolerate, withstand. -涨价:rising, go up, increase, soaring, rocketing, -职位空缺:opening, vacancy, post