Critical Thinking 6


critical thinking

critical thinking

Critical thinking一、分析性;策略性;全面性;独立性;正确性。























⼤学英语四criticalthinking题⽬整理第⼀单元Text A1. How would you describe the three characters in the story of Text A: the narrator, Rob, and Polly? Why?2. What logical fallacy is included in the story itself? Why do you think so?3. What does the story tell us about love? And what does it tell us about smart people?4. Should Logic be taught as a compulsory course in school? Why do you think so?5. Can you think of a logical fallacy you have committed? Why is it a fallacy and what caused it?Text B1. Can you give an example to illustrate that you have also been affected by cognitive biases when making a decision? What do you think are the best ways to avoid these biases?2. Do you often listen to experts when you are in doubt of something? Why or why not?3. Are people smart in the same way or in different ways? Explain your answer with details.4. How do you comment on the quote "Knowing a lot of facts is not the same as being smart"?5. What do you think determines one's intelligence? Is it genes or is it environment?第⼆单元Text A1. What are the factors that make women pay much greater attention to their appearance than do men?2. Are there any occasions in life where it is necessary for a person, either a woman or a man, to look good? Why or why not?3. What do you consider as the most important traits that make a person beautiful?4. What do you think of the relationship between wearing makeup and female beauty? In other words, do women have to apply cosmetics in order to look beautiful? Why or why not?5. If you were the head of a cosmetics company, how would you market or promote a new product?Text B1. What is your attitude toward plastic surgery?2. Some people think that beauty is essential for success. What do you think of the relationship between the two?3. Life consists of not only joy and successes but also difficulties and failures. How do you generally respond when you encounter difficulties or failures?4. What is your definition of true beauty? Explain your view with one or more examples.5. How may culture influence the understanding of beauty? Give some examples to explain your view.第三单元Text A1. Why is the express delivery service popular today?2. What challenges do you think the express delivery services in China are presently faced with?3. Smith overcame many difficulties in his life to achieve success. How do you deal with negative experiences in your life?4. Owing to the harsh competition in the job market, would you consider starting your own business instead of looking for a job when you graduate? Why or why not?5. What elements do you consider as most important for business success?Text B1. In what way(s) can poverty influence one's life positively?2. Do you think the service model of Starbucks fits the Chinese way of life well? Why or why not?3. Do you agree with Schultz that service is an art? Why or why not?4. How do you understand the relationship between enterprises and communities?5. In your opinion, what is an ideal relationship between employers and employees?第四单元Text A1. What do you think of the author's classification of "environmental necessity" and "environmental luxury"? Why?2. What nature-related disasters are brought about by human activities? Are there any ways to reduce such disasters?3. What do you think is the relationship between man and nature? Why do you think so?4. What environmental problems does the world face? What are the causes of these problems?5. There are often conflicts between economic development and environmental protection. How should we balance the two and ensure sustainable development?Text B1. According to the media, many sites of tourist interest have been excessively explored. How do you think we can protect the environment while developing tourist attractions?2. Do you agree that modernization has isolated us from nature? Why or why not?3. Do you think you can stay in the wilderness for a week without any modern conveniences? Why or why not?4. Nowadays, many people are eager to go back to nature. Why? What do you think they really want?6. If a course about environmental protection is to be included in a school curriculum, what do you think it should teach students?第五单元Text A1. What would you suggest as good ways for people to avoid misunderstandings of foreign cultures?2. Do you know of any stereotype of a foreign country, its people, or its language? Have you ever met anyone who either fits or contradicts this image, and in what way?3. Some Westerners think that Chinese people tend to avoid saying "no" directly. What are the common ways in which the Chinese express disagreement, rejection or refusal in daily communication? Give one or two examples to explain your idea.4. If you are going to live in a foreign country for a number of years, what would you prefer to do: to adapt your behavior and manners to the culture of that country, or to stick to the norms of your own culture?5. If you are going to learn another foreign language, which language would you like to learn, and why?Text B1. Suppose you are representing a company at a business meeting to finalize a deal with another company. You are trying to seal the deal, but the manager of that company seems to avoid giving you a definite decision. What would you do in this situation?2. If you were in the position of Kevin Johnston, the person in one of the examples discussed in the text, what would you do to make your trip to the UAE successful?3. Suppose you are an expert on Chinese business culture and you are invited by a TV program to give American businessmen some tips for doing business in China. What knowledge about Chinese culture do you think is necessary for them to know?4. How important are relationship building and face saving for business success in China?5. If you are going to set up a business in a foreign country in the future, which country would you like to do business in andhow would you make yourself competent at conducting business dealings in that culture?第六单元Text A1. Do you agree with the view that men carry more weight in life than women? Why or why not?2. Do you think the men and women you knew when growing up had equal rights? Why do you think so?3. Is a woman's economic status related to her status at home? Why or why not?4. Do you think gender inequality exists in China today? If yes, what do you suggest to solve the problem?5. What do you consider as the most important elements of gender equality?Text B1. What's your opinion of the life of a "trophy wife"? Do you think it is a good life choice for a woman?2. What do you think is an ideal relationship between husband and wife in modern families?3. Compare women's status in today's China with that before 1949. What do you think are the most significant progresses in women's rights?4. Suppose you were a man working in a large company. How would you feel if a woman were your boss?5. There are much fewer women than men in top political positions. What do you think are the reasons for this?第七单元Text A1. Do you think the world will experience an energy crisis in the near future? Why or why not?2. What problems may occur if there is an energy crisis?3. World oil prices are changing all the time. What do you think are the key factors that cause the changes of oil prices?4. Should nuclear energy be banned? Why or why not?5. Do you agree China is facing a serious energy problem? Why or why not?Text B1. Besides the factors mentioned in the text, what other factors do you think can cause food prices to rise?2. What problems can be caused if food prices rise too quickly?3. What do you think of the current food prices in China? How is your life being affected by them?4. What effective measures can be taken for China to avoid food crises?5. Today, saving on food is greatly important due to food shortage and high food prices. How can we save on food wisely?第⼋单元Text A1. Do you agree with the author that Henry Spira's life is meaningful? Why or why not?2. What do you think are the characteristics of a meaningful life?3. Do you think the animal rights movement is necessary? Why or why not?4. What do you think are essential to a good life?5. Do you know of anyone who has done meaningful deeds at the cost of their own comfort or interests? Do you think it is worthwhile to do so? Why or why not?Text B1. What do you think are the most important factors for success?2. Sometimes our life may be changed significantly by something unexpected. In case of a sudden change, how should we handle the situation?3. Do you agree with the author's view that "your passion will always enable you to make a difference in whatever you do" (Para.13)? Why or why not?4. What goal do you want to achieve in the next five years? How do you plan to realize it?5. When you choose a life career, what will you consider as most important? Why?。



Part III: (Paras. 7 – 10): The task of developing critical societies is a Herculean one.
Para. 7: topic sentence and background information.
Paras. 8 -- 10: There are many barriers to critical thought.
• 'Being critical' in academic terms refers to two broad characteristics of a researcher's way of thinking.
The last two paras.: conclusion
Our students should learn to think critically so as to know how to change their thinking in keeping with the changes of the world.
Para. 4: In other words, critical thinking, …, transforms thinking in two directions: more systematically and more comprehensively.
Part II: (Paras. 5 – 6) Critical thinking is important.
Para. 5: It’s important because we, as creatures, are deeply determined … by our thinking.


44、卓越的人一大优点是:在不利与艰 难的遭遇里百折不饶。——贝多芬
41、学问是异常珍贵的东西,从任何源泉吸 收都不可耻。——阿卜·日·法拉兹
42、只有在人群中间,只需要教育; 而要挑战别人所说的话,则需要头脑。—— 玛丽·佩蒂博恩·普尔
6、法律的基础有两个,而且只有两个……公平和实用。——伯克 7、有两种和平的暴力,那就是法律和礼节。——歌德
8、法律就是秩序,有好的法律才有好的秩序。——亚里士多德 9、上帝把法律和公平凑合在一起,可是人类却把它拆开。——查·科尔顿 10、一切法律都是无用的,因为好人用不着它们,而坏人又不会因为它们而变得规矩起来。——德谟耶克斯

Critical Thinking 6

Critical Thinking 6
1) 如果知识分子待遇好,科研会进步;现在知识分子待遇不 高,这是学术落后的原因。
2) 公安部官员:对企业高管要慎用拘留逮捕措施。 网友:这样说表明对老百姓就可以任意拘留逮捕! 对普通老百姓就可以随便拘留或者逮捕了是吗? 非企业高管是否可以随意拘捕,而不必慎重?
3) 我们知道,球体可以产生圆形的阴影。地球在月食时在 月亮上的阴影是圆形的,这证明地球是球体。 4)只有大臣被刺的时刻在银行大厦三楼逗留过的人,才能 作案;而冯特被人证明当时正在银行大厦三楼,所以冯特 是凶手。
• 根据上述三个条件作为分类标准,把谬误分为 三大类:前提谬误;不相干谬误和支持谬误。
• 不一致谬误( Inconsistency ) • 规则1:一个好论证必须所有前提都同时为真。 违背这条规则的谬误被称为不一致谬误。 例:某人的邻居指控某人把借去的锅子弄坏, 某人反驳:第一,我归还锅子时,锅子还是好 的。第二,我借走锅子时,锅子已经坏了。第 三,我根本没有借锅子。 • 前提不一致有两种情形: (1)前提集里有两个相互否定的命题; (2)同一个命题在前提中出现两次,但两个真 值却不一样。
如果下雨,地上会湿; pq 现在没有下雨; p ────────────────────
• 充分条件假言命题肯定后件
如果下雨,地上会湿; pq 地上湿了; q ─────────────────── ──────── 所以,下雨了。 ∴p
• 检验推理的有效性:
• 前提不可接受谬误 • 规则2:一个好论证其每个前提都必须是可 接受的。 违背这条规则的谬误被称为“虚假理由” 或“虚假前提”谬误。罗素曾说:“从虚 假的前提出发,狗屁都可以推出来”。 • 前提不可接受有三种情形: (1)前提所描述的事件与客观事实不相符, 即前提虚假谬误; (2)前提的可接受性还有待被证实,即预期 理由谬误; (3)前提是自我欺骗性语句,即前提自相矛 盾谬误。

critical thinking课后答案英语泛读

critical thinking课后答案英语泛读

critical thinking课后答案英语泛读1.Reading the fllowing statements and decide whether they are true(T)or false(F)according to the text.1 The author says that he prefers to stay with pople who keep silent rather thanwith people who are too talkative.(T)2 the author believes that if one talks too much,he is more likely toer.(F)3 what the author really hates is long-winded and pointless talks full of repetitions.(T)4 According to the author,silence is gold and can always bring respect.(F)5 the author's experience with the group of visiting Chinese scholars taught him sohard a lesson that he never went to Stratford afterwards.(F)6 the author failed如get back his money because he was ashamed of beingregarded as too mean.(F)7 the author changed his mind later and decided to keep silent most of the time,which proved to be as useless as talking too much.(T)8 what made things worse is that the author's failure in timely communication withthe doctor put him almost in danger of loasing his life.(T)2.Choosethebestanswertoeachofthefollowingquestionsbasedonthei nformation from the text.1 we learn from thetextthattheauthordoesn'tlikepeoplewhotalktoomuchsimply because.A he is to impatient personB he believes that silence is goldC he hates a long-winded speakerD he is too busy to mix with gasbags2 TheauthorlearnedfromhisbitterexperienceasaguideforagroupofvisitingC hinese scholars that_A__.A one has to make use of speech and silence alternatelyB silence may sometimes lead to misunderstandingc talking too much may land one in troubleD money is a serious master that allows no negligence3 By saying that trip to Stratford“was certainly the most miserable one",the authormeans that_D_.A he didn't gain anythingB he resented the head visitor for his abruptnessC he couldn't satisfy the visitorsD he felt he was helplessly stupid4 The author liked the nurse better than the doctor in that_C__A she took good care of himB she spoke less authoritativelyc she was more frank than the doctor D she saved him at the critical moment。

critical thinking 期末复习题总结4-6单元

critical thinking 期末复习题总结4-6单元

第四单元:可信度1:the first is that of claims themselves; the second is the claims' sources.2:There are degrees of credibility and incredibility3:A claim lacks inherent credibility to the extent that it conflicts with what we have observed or what we think we know—our background information—or with other credible claims. (一个断言缺少内在的可信度,而这种不可信度已经到了一种我们难以接受的程度,比如和我们所观察到的或是能想到的------也就是我们掌握的背景知识信息,或者我们所知的其他的可信的断言完全相违背,那我们就很难相信这样的断言了。

)4.But observations and short-term memory are far from infallible.5.Our observations(观测/体验)and our recollections of them(记忆)can go wrong for all manner of reasons. An observer might be tired, distracted(分心), worried about an unrelated (无关联)matter, emotionally upset(情绪低落), feeling ill(感到身体不适), and so on. Further, physical conditions(身体健康的状态)can affect our observations such as bad lighting, noise, and the speed of events.6.It's also important to remember that people are not all created equal(生而各方面都一模一样)when it comes to making observations. We hate to say it, dear reader, but there are lots of people who see better, hear better, and remember better than you. Of course, that goes for us as well(我们每个人都会遇到类似的状况).7.we discuss a very common error called wishful thinking, (一厢情愿的思考)which occurs when we allow hopes and desires to influence our judgment and color our beliefs.8.memory, as most of us know, can be deceptive.9.Reports must always be evaluated against our background information/ knowledge—that immense body of justified beliefs(大量的被证明是正确的想法/信念)that consists of facts we learn from our own direct observations (直接的观测)and facts we learn from others. (我们学到的被证明了的事实)10.The authority of experience. (各个经验的权威性,也就是我们相信自己所经历的一切作为判读的依据)11. this is an example of how we usually treat claims when we first encounter them: We begin by assigning them a certain initial plausibility (初信度), a rough assessment of how credible a claim seems to us.12.This assessment depends on how consistent the claim is with our background information (与我们的背景知识相吻合)—how well it “fits” with that information. If it fits very well, we give the claim some reasonable degree of initial plausibility—there is a reasonable expectation of its being true. If, however,the claim conflicts with our background information, we give it low initial plausibility and lean toward rejecting it (给出很低的可信度,倾向于拒绝接受)unless very strong evidence can be produced on its behalf.13.Background information:The body of justified beliefs that consists of facts we learn from our own direct observations and facts we learn from others.14.Initial plausibility:One's rough assessment of how credible a claim seems.15.A person who stands to gain from our belief in a claim is known as an interested party, (有利可图的一方)16.interested parties must be viewed with much more suspicion(有利益的一方所说的话接受起来要更加小心)than disinterested parties(无利可图的一方), who have no stake in our beliefone way or another.17.We often base our judgments on irrelevant considerations(我们对人可信度的判读经常建立在一些无关的因素上。

critical thinking 书

critical thinking 书

critical thinking 书Critical Thinking: Empowering the Mind for SuccessIntroductionIn today's rapidly changing world, critical thinking has become an indispensable skill for success in various aspects of life. Whether in academics, professional roles, or personal decision-making, the ability to think critically enables individuals to analyze information, evaluate arguments, and make informed choices. This article aims to explore the importance of critical thinking and how it can be developed and applied effectively.Definition of Critical ThinkingCritical thinking can be defined as the systematic analysis, evaluation, and interpretation of information, ideas, and arguments. It involves the ability to objectively assess the credibility and relevance of information, identify logical fallacies, and use reasoning skills to reach well-informed conclusions. Critical thinkers question assumptions, challenge biases, and seek evidence before accepting or rejecting a viewpoint.Importance of Critical Thinking1. Enhancing problem-solving skillsCritical thinking equips individuals with the necessary skills to identify and solve complex problems. It enables them to break down problems into smaller components, analyze each component systematically, and consider various alternative solutions. By applying logical reasoning and evaluatingevidence, critical thinkers can identify the most effective strategies to address challenges.2. Promoting sound decision-makingIn a world inundated with vast amounts of information, critical thinking plays a vital role in decision-making. It helps individuals sift through the noise and discern reliable sources of information. By critically evaluating options, considering potential consequences, and weighing the pros and cons, critical thinkers can make informed decisions that align with their goals and values.3. Fostering creativity and innovationCritical thinking encourages individuals to question conventional wisdom, challenge existing beliefs, and explore new possibilities. By thinking critically, individuals can identify innovative solutions, challenge the status quo, and develop groundbreaking ideas. The ability to think outside the box and connect seemingly unrelated concepts is a hallmark of creative thinkers who have made significant contributions to various fields.4. Building strong communication skillsEffective communication relies on the ability to articulate ideas clearly and persuasively. Critical thinking helps individuals organize their thoughts, evaluate the validity of arguments, and present evidence-based viewpoints. Through critical thinking, individuals can construct well-reasoned arguments, analyze others' perspectives, and engage in meaningful discussions that foster mutual understanding and collaboration.Developing Critical Thinking Skills1. Asking thought-provoking questionsTo develop critical thinking skills, individuals should learn to ask thought-provoking questions. By seeking clarification, challenging assumptions, and probing deeper into the subject matter, critical thinkers can uncover underlying biases, logical fallacies, and weaknesses in arguments.2. Seeking diverse perspectivesExposing oneself to diverse perspectives is essential to broadening one's thinking. By actively seeking out alternative viewpoints and considering conflicting opinions, individuals can challenge their own beliefs and expand their understanding of complex issues.3. Analyzing and evaluating informationCritical thinkers develop the ability to analyze and evaluate information objectively. They examine the credibility and accuracy of sources, verify facts, and consider the context in which information is presented. By distinguishing between reliable and unreliable information, critical thinkers can make more informed judgments.4. Practicing reflection and self-awarenessReflection is crucial for developing critical thinking skills. It allows individuals to assess their own biases, recognize personal limitations, and consider alternative viewpoints. Self-awareness helps individuals overcome cognitive biases and approach problems with an open and objective mindset.Application of Critical Thinking1. EducationCritical thinking is fundamental to successful learning. It enables students to engage actively with course material, evaluate different perspectives, and develop their analytical and problem-solving skills. Incorporating critical thinking into educational curricula empowers students to become lifelong learners equipped with the skills necessary for academic success and personal growth.2. WorkplaceCritical thinking is highly valued in the workplace. Employers seek individuals who can analyze complex issues, propose innovative solutions, and make sound decisions. Critical thinkers are more likely to identify inefficiencies, adapt to change, and contribute to the overall success of organizations.3. Personal lifeCritical thinking is not limited to academic and professional settings; it is equally important in personal life. It helps individuals make informed choices about their health, relationships, finances, and societal issues. By critically evaluating information, individuals can avoid scams, navigate complex relationships, and actively contribute to their communities.ConclusionIn an increasingly complex and information-driven world, critical thinking is an essential skill for success. It empowers individuals to objectively analyze information, evaluate arguments, and make well-informed decisions. By developing critical thinking skills, individuals can enhance problem-solving abilities, foster innovation, and build strongerrelationships. Incorporating critical thinking in education, the workplace, and personal life can lead to greater success and fulfillment. Embrace critical thinking and unlock the potential of your mind today.。

Critical Thinking 批判性思维

Critical Thinking 批判性思维

Critical ThinkingIn this class,the most meaningful things I learned is critical thinking.I think it is very important for Chinese students.Every time when you leave question,I can find the trace of critical thinking.These questions such as what is eternal,why am I here and how to become a honorable man?When we had critical thinking this class,this question"why are there no girls playing "gave me a deep impression.When I saw only man play on field,I have never thought about this question.In China,we have learned some knowledge from our teacher. Chinese teacher never made us get knowledge from our self thinking.Especially in high school,graduation rates is standard to teacher quality.Teacher never allowed us thinking other things except study.Chinese education is training us change to test machine.In senior high school,my geography is better.When I found wrong things in my class,I would tell teacher what is wrong.But when there is some wrong,I didn't know what is right,I didn't have courage to tell the teacher.If that time critical thinking in my mind,maybe I didn't always believe the teacher.In this class,I through learning critical thinking,I had some change in my though.Critical thinking make me have tolerant manner to different ideas.Critical thinking helped me to see that the world we live in is diversity.In our world,we have variety of value.Everyone has different idea with same thing.Through learning these lessons,I got as a human we should have though.Critical thinking is a manner about thinking one thing.It told us that when we should thinking one thing with careful logical.This manner can make me look at the world with an open mind.Critical thinking is an effective way of improving the thinking skill. In a life ever after,I will to use critical thinking to think every thing,every point.When a problem came to me,first of all,I should use logical thinking to analyze this problem,find out what it contains,through its internal to solve this problem.In Chinese society,there is a very serious problem is people believe leading expert even he say what is wrong.As a student,I should have different views think with one thing.So,I can get different views from one thing.Critical thinking as a kind of thinking method helps us how better and more profound thinking in our life,study and work.When I reach a conclusion with one thing,I will think with critical thinking.。



criticalthinkingCritical thinkingIn recent years “critical thinking” has become something of a buzz word not only in education circles but also in economy or any other areas. For many reasons, educators have become very interested in teaching “thinking skills” of various kinds in contrast with teaching information and content. Of course, you can do both, but in the past the emphasis in most people?s teaching has been on the teaching content.Everyone thinks. It is our nature to do so. But much of our thinking, left to itself, is biased,distorted, partial, uninformed, or downright prejudiced. Yet the quality of our life and that of what we produce, make, or build depends precisely on the quality of our thought.Shoddy thinking is costly, both in money and in quality of life. Excellence in thought, however,must be systematically cultivated.Critical thinking is that mode of thinking—about any subject, content, or problem—in which the thinker improves the quality of his or her thinking by skillfully taking charge of the structures inherent in thinking and imposing intellectual standards upon them.1 what is critical thinking and its history1.1 John Dewey and ‘reflective thinking’In fact, people have been thinking about …critical thinking? and have been researching how to teach it for about a hundred years. In a way, Socrates began this approach to learning over 2000years ago,but John Dewey, the American philosopher, psychologist and educator, is widely regarded as the …father?of the modern critical thinking tradition. He called it …reflective thinking? and defined it as:Active, persistent, and careful consideration of a belief or supposed form of knowledge in the light of the grounds which support it and the further conclusions to which it tends.To express this in more familiar language, he is saying that what matters are the reasons we have for believing something and the implications of our beliefs. It is no exaggeration to say that critical thinking attaches huge importance to reasoning, to giving reasons and to evaluating reasoning as well as possible.1.2 Edward Glaser, building on Dewey’s ideasEdward Glaser, co-author of what has become the world?s most widely used test of critical thinking, the Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal,defined critical thinking as:(1)an attitude of being disposed to consider in a thoughtful way the problems an subjects that come within the range of one’s experience;(2)Knowledge of the methods of logical enquiry and reasoning;(3)Some skill in applying those methods.Critical thinking calls for a persistent effort to examine any belief or supposed form of knowledge in the light of evidence that supports it and the further conclusion to which it tends1.3 Robert Ennis-a widely used definitionOne of the most famous contributors to the development of the critical thinking tradition is Robert Ennis; his definition, which has gained wide currency in the field, is:Critical thinking is reasonable, reflective thinking that is focused on deciding what to believe or do.Unlike Dewey?s definition, this definition needs no further explanation because the words are familiar to us.1.4 Richard Paul and ‘thinking about your thinking’Richard paul gave a definition of critical thinking which looks rather different from the other definitions given above. It is: Critical thinking is that mode of thinking-about any subject, content or problem-in which the thinker improves the quality of his or her thinking by skilfully taking charge of the structures inherent in thinking and imposing intellectual standards upon them. This definition is interesting because it draws attention to a feature of critical thinking on which teachers and researchers inthe field seem to be largely agreed, that the only realistic way to develop one’s critical thinking ability is thr ough ‘thinking about one’s thinking’, and consciously aiming to improve it by reference to some model of good thinking in that domain.1.5 A final definition of critical thinkingOne last definition is worth reviewing. Michael Scriven has recently argued that critical thinking is an …academic competency? akin to reading and writing? and is of similarly fundamental importance. He defines it thus:Critical thinking is skilled and active interpretation and evaluation of observations and communications, information and argumentation.It is unusual to include explicit reference to …observation?in a definition of critical thinking, but what one sees or hears often requires interpretation and evaluation and this may well require the use of critical thinking skills. Scriven takes the term? information?to refer to factual claims, and the term …communications?to go beyond information to include questions, commands, other linguistic utterance, signals, etc. Finally …argumentation?consists of language presenting reasons for conclusions. Perhaps the most striking feature of this definition is the way it recognizes that …observations? can be matters for critical thinking.To summarize all the contents mentioned above, picture can best describe the core critical thinking skills:Why would it be of value to you to have the cognitive skills of interpretation, analysis, evaluation, inference, explanation, and self-regulation?Why would it be of value to you to learn to approach life and to approach specific concerns with the affective dispositions listed above. Would you have greater success in your work? Would you get better grades? To answer these questions, let?s come to the next part-w hy is critical thinking of value.2 w hy is critical thinking of valueActually the answer to the grades question, scientifically speaking, is very possibly, Yes! A study of over 1100 college students shows that scores on a college level critical thinking skills test significantly correlated with college GPA.2 It has also been shown that critical thinking skills can belearned, which suggests that as one learns them one?s GPA might well improve. In further support of this hypothesis is the significant correlation between critical thinking and reading comprehension. Improvements in the one are paralleled by improvements in the other. Now if you can read better and think better, might you not do better in your classes, learn more, and get better grades. It is, to say the least, very plausibleBut what a limited benefit - better grades.Right now college level technical and professional programs have a half-life of about four years, which means that the technical content is expanding so fast and changing so much that in about four years after graduation your professional training will be in serious need of renewal. So, if the only thing college is good for is to get the professional training and credential you want for some job, then you should know that what you are getting has a very time limited value.There should be other values.Critical thinking is the process of purposeful, self-regulatory judgment. This process reasoned consideration to evidence, context, conceptualizations, methods, and criteria.There is an understanding of the methods, principles, theories and ways of achieving knowledge which are proper to the different intellectual realms. There is an encounter with the cultural, artistic and spiritual dimensions of life. There is the evolution of one?s decision making to the level of principled integrity. There is the realization of the ways all our lives are shaped by global as well as local political, social, psychological, economic, environmental, and physical forces. There is the growth that comes from the interaction with cultures, languages, ethnic groups, religions, nationalities, and social classes other than one?s own. There is the refinement of one?s humane sensibilities through reflection on the recurring questions of human existence, meaning, love, life and death. There is the sensitivity, appreciation and critical appraisal of all that is good and to all that is bad in the human condition. As the mind awakens and matures, and the proper nurturing and educational nourishment is provided, these others central parts of a liberal education develop as well. Critical thinking plays an essential role in achieving these purposes.Any thing else? What about going beyond the individual to the community?。

critical thinking

critical thinking

Raise critical questions
logically sound逻辑合理
1 2
Formulate your question. Gather your information. Apply the information. Consider the implications.
4ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
explore full spectrum of viewpoints 探索所有的观点
valid to 有效 appeal to 吸引 informed decision 明智的决定
1 2
Formulate your question. Gather your information. Apply the information. Consider the implications. Explore other points of view.
Weight loss Purposes Better nutrition Having more energy Results in just two weeks.
obscure : to make something difficult to
know or understand vt.搞混
leisure time



The last two paras.: conclusion
Our students should learn to think critically so as to know how to change their thinking in keeping with the changes of the world.
• 'Being critical' in academic terms refers to two broad characteristics of a researcher's way of thinking.
1. A critical researcher is always questioning.
Para. 2: Or, critical thinking is thinking that analyzes thought, that assesses thought, and that transforms thought for the better.
Para. 2: (There is a third way to talk about
Paras. 13 – 15: What standards do you use to assess your thinking and the thinking of others?
“I use the standards of clarity, accuracy, precision, relevance, depth, breadth, logic and fairness.”
generalizations Part III: (Paras.
carefully about what you read and 6: Our future as a species is dependent on whether we can develop the wherewithal to raise our collective thinking so as to produce positive

Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking

Ⅵ Critical Thinking (10%)unit 1 课本Page 14(Step One:1.– Yes, I agree with Fetzer. The business environment often demands much more teamwork than academia. Before I came to study for the master’s degree, I used to work as a software engineer in an IT company. My job was writing programs, which was not the kind of job I could do well simply on my own. Usually, my supervisor would divide the staff into several groups, and assign each to work on different projects. As you know, a program can never operate smoothly unless every detail is properly designed. When one of the members runs into a problem, the rest of us would have to help him out by trying even harder. In a sense, I think personal achievement depends much on the joint efforts of the group.–Maybe Fetzer is correct on what he knows about academia and industry. But as far as I am concerned I don’t think the campus laboratory now I am studying in is less collaborative than the industry.There are five master candidates and two PHD candidates in my team. Our leader is a young associate professor and he is under the supervision of a prestigious professor in his 50’s. We would hold seminars once every week. Everybody introduces academic issues they are interested in or they have been working on recently. We would invite questions, asking for advice from each other and the leaders would listen to the presentations and give comments and point out the right direction for further work. Besides the seminars, there are practical projects that we need to work on. I just feel teamwork is also indispensable in our team. And nowadays, it is quite natural for a graduate or even a post-doctoral to fail to find a good job if he has no experience with successful practical research. So for the sake of our job opportunity, we should be collaborative and selfless.2.– I agree with Haut’s insight into the importance of failure tolerance and the relationship between failure and taking risks. One’s experience of failure helps build his character. Only through failure can one find his weakness, which is the starting point of self-improvement. Those who grow after failures are more broad-minded than those used to an easy life. They are able to accept personal limitations as part of their character and take failures or difficulties as part of life itself. Hence, they are not afraid of experiencing failures, nor afraid of talking about them.– I am afraid I can only partially agree with Haut. People’s real experience of failure comes from the experience of taking risks. That’s true. Taking risk, by definition, means doing something that could result in harm or loss. It the result turns out to be negative, the risk-taking will end in failure. Since risk-taking doesn’t always produce positive results, people who have taken enough risks undoubtedly will have some real failures. However, I don’t understand why he requires his candidates to talk about failures with ease and comfort. Sometimes people just don’t want to mention those unhappy experiences to strangers.)Step Two:1.– If I were a recruiter, I would hire key players. “Key players” are well trained, much experienced, and adaptive to the new environment in a short time. Besides, most of them are cooperative, risk-tolerant and good at interpersonal relationships. They can be counted on to take up certain responsibilities. If I could find such people and talk them into working for my company, I wouldsave both money and time which otherwise would be spent in the training of newbies. Furthermore, not every employee will grow into a key player, so I prefer “Key players”.– I would make my choice among newbies. It may be costly to train them into skillful workers, but they have some advantages over the key players. Newbies are young, and they can endure hardship. It’s easier to shape them into the sort of workers that the company wants. They often demand less. They are more obedient. And above all, newbies with good qualities are easier to find than key players.2.– I’d like to work in academia after graduation. I am more interested in individual research than teamwork, not because I’m selfish or hate to contribute my wisdom or energy to the group, but I don’t like to work with people who can’t think quickly and comprehensively. Sometimes I just feel frustrated when some of the collaborators keep making mistakes. And it’s a waste of my time and energy to work with an inefficiency group. I think I’m more comfortable being a professor on campus rather than a scientist in industry.– I’d rather go to work in industry, and it’ll be better if there’s opportunity to do business work instead of research. Working on campus as a professor is highly challenging and demanding. One must be extremely intelligent and creative, as well as being ambitious and painstaking. For me, it’s painful to bury myself in the laboratory or library concentrating on my studies. I like making friends. To build up as many social relationships as possible is one of the things that excite me. But that seems to be of less value if I choose to work on campus.unit 2 课本Page 451.In Zhejiang cuisine, there’s a famous dish called Beggar’s Chicken. Legend has it thatBeggar’s Chicken was invented by a Hangzhou thief. The story goes that because the thief had no stove, he wrapped the stolen bird in clay and baked it in a hole on the ground. Another version explains that he was a hungry thief who found a way to cook his bird and keep it and its aroma secret.2.Yes. Some Chinese dishes cannot be translated literally into English and if so, they won’tmake any sense to foreigners. For instance, “蚂蚁上树”cannot be literally translated into “Ants up the Tree”. In this case, an acceptable English version will be the one that indicates the ingredients and preparation of the dish.3.I agree that culinary customs have had a certain influence on the character of Chinese people.China covers a very vast area of land and people in different regions have different food preference. For example, northerners take noodles as the staple food while southerners rice;northerners like drinking alcohol while southerners don’t. We may see noticeable differences in characters of northerners and southerners. The former are straight-forward while the latter are somewhat reserved.4.No. Today many Chinese celebrate Western festivals, but they will still be concerned aboutwhat food they eat at traditional Chinese festivals. For example, on the eve of the Spring Festival, people in the north always eat jiaozi, meat and vegetable dumplings, at family reunions. This is a way of bidding farewell to the old year and welcoming the New Year. At the Duanwu Festival, people eat zongzi,glutinous rice wrapped in triangular shape in reed leaves, to commemorate the beloved poet Qu Yuan.unit 3 课本Page 74参考答案:Step One:When I was a child, my parents often took me to various places of interest in my hometown. Then they would tell me many stories of these places. The most beautiful one was about Xishi: How she came to Wu Kingdom and where she used to live and play. There were also stories about the kings of Wu, such as the story of the Red Cliff (赤壁). It was said that 1,000 workers were killed on it because the king didn’t want them to let out the secret of the tomb. Before a stone which seems to be split in half, they told me the story of Ganjiang and Moye. Beside an old well, they talked about a little boy. He carried water for his mother from far away every day and one day he was too tired and fell asleep near his home. When he woke up, there was a well before him! These interesting stories often came into the dreams of the little child. They taught me a lot.Step Two:To me, there are a few factors which help to separate the classic children’s books from the less enduring ones.1) Wide appeal. The “classics”are the ones that the “parents”define as classics, by and large, which means that they must appeal to the parents at least as much as to the kids. They must be simple for the younger readers to understand, while at the same time not too superficial to the older readers. Preferably they also offer some additional layers of meaning which the parent can pick up on while reading the books aloud to his or her children. For example, Alice in Wonderland, with its brilliant social satire and coined words and phrases – all of which may be neglected by the younger readers, who may be interested only in the characters and plot. Or The Wizard of Oz, about which serious scholars have been arguing over alternate meanings for years. Many of the popular children’s books spark fond memories in the parents, but don’t really hold up that well upon re-reading.2) Memorable characters - both juvenile and adult. It’s been universally acknowledged that kids like books with strong and interesting juvenile characters. This is true, but the real popular ones usually have at least one adult character of significance as well. Where would Peter Pan be without Captain Hook? Or Alice in Wonderland without all of the adults that she runs into on her travels? Willy Wonka is arguably the single most interesting character in Dahl’s series of books –Charlie Bucket is sympathetic, but a bit boring ultimately. Harry Potter passes this test with flying colors. From the teachers at Hogwarts to V oldemort and his aliens, to the parents (and other guardians…) of Harry and his classmates, the adults are all as interesting and unique as the kids.3) Fad quotient. When was the last time you saw a Nancy Drew or Tom Swift novel holding your kid’s attention? They had their period of popularity, and then more or less died. Fives years from now, Pokemon books will suffer the same fate. The more a book’s popularity has to do with its being “cool” and part of a current fad, the faster it will be dropped like a rock when the fad dies. Unquestionably Harry Potter is hot right now, but that surge in popularity will not last forever. Eventually, interest will settle into a more stable pattern, and when that happens, will Harry still capture attention? I think the answer is yes. With interesting characters, themes that are universal and timeless, and a basic premise that readers will always love, this is a series of books which I think will last for a good long time.unit 4 课本Page 106参考答案:Step One:1.Human beings can’t survive without love. We have seen too many times a patient survived aterrible disease because of the love from his/her family members. We have also seen cases in which the homeless died on the cold street alone. There were several reports of people saving someone on the Internet by keeping talking to him/her and finding out where this person was located. Then they turned to the local police to save this person from committing suicide.From what have been mentioned above, we can safely say that live is essential to human survival.2.It is hard to imagine that one person will love others if he/she doesn’t love himself/herself.Everyone should love themselves but he/she should not be selfish.If someone loves himself/herself too much, it is very hard for him/her to love others. He/She will be selfish and put his/her self interest in the first place. If there are too many people of this kind, I don’t think the society will develop fast enough, and the world will not be a warm place to live in.3.Love is hard to define. There might be millions of answers to the question of what is love.Different people may have different ideas about it. It can be affection, care, passion, lust, and devotion. Sometimes people may love and hate the same person at the same time.4.Love may have many dimensions. Young people may feel jealous when they see their lovedones intimately being with those of the opposite gender. Others may feel excited or sometimes scared when they fall in love for the first time. A young girl in love may cry and smile at the same time. People of old age may appear calm and peaceful with their loved ones.Step Two:1.My idea relationship is one in which both parties show respect, love and understanding foreach other. The two people should come from the same background, or at least have received similar education. They had better have similar values so they will not argue over trivial things. They should have one or two common interests and take part in the same activities from time to time.2.–I believe respect is a most important quality to maintain a long-term relationship. Peoplemay be crazily in love with each other at first, yet with the passage of time, love may cool down and be replaced by affection and respect.–In my opinion, money is essential in keeping a long-term relationship. People without adequate money will have to struggle very hard for a living. They seldom have time to love each other. Their love will die eventually.– Having common interests is essential for long-term relationships. I have seen many couples break up because they don’t have common interests. They pursue different hobbies or interests, for example, the husband loves playing mahjong and the wife likes dancing. They meet somebody else with the same interests. Then the marriage comes to an end.3.–I think it is harder to maintain a long-term relationship now than before. It is simply becausewe have more temptations than before. It is easier now for us to meet new people, see more of the world, and try different things. It is difficult for us to focus on one thing or one person.That is why we see the divorce rate rising.–I don’t think it is harder to maintain a long-term relationship now than before. I think most people are kind and loving just as what people were in the past. Most people I know are happilymarried and keep their marriage stable.unit 5 课本Page 134参考答案:1.–I agree with the statement that mind can shape and heal the body. We have seen many times that what one thinks can affect his/her health. For example, if someone has a low self-image, it is very hard for this person to stay in good health. For another example, if a patient learns that he/she has been diagnosed to have a fatal disease, for example cancer, his health condition is likely to go from bad to worse. Likewise, people in good health are most likely to have a high self-confidence. –I don’t agree with the statement, because I believe human body has its own system that is hardly affected by the owner’s mind. Many people have a strong mind but a weak body and other people have a strong body but a weak mind. So it is not true that mind can shape and heal the body.2. In practicing yoga, the mental part is as important as the physical part. I think the mental part refers to a peaceful mind and slow breathing. If a yoga practitioner is not able to calm down while doing stretch or alignment, it is very hard for them to achieve a final goal of having a healthy life. That is why meditation and breathing are vital in yoga practice.3. Yoga originated from a very different culture from the one that we are used to. We need an open and tolerant mind to get to understand the principle and discipline that is behind the practice. It one keeps a critical mind, he is unlikely to understand and accept other cultures.4.–Yes, I think yoga is more effective than lifting weights or running. It is true that one can lose weight quickly by lifting weights or running. However, yoga can bring your mind and body together and it is more effective to keep yourself in a better state.–No, I don’t think so. I think lifting weights and running are more effective for someone to lose weight. You burn more calories and lose more sweat when you are lifting weights or running. Even if you stop lifting weights, your body keeps burning calories.。

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如果下雨,地上会湿; pq 现在没有下雨; p ────────────────────
• 充分条件假言命题肯定后件
如果下雨,地上会湿; pq 地上湿了; q ─────────────────── ──────── 所以,下雨了。 ∴p
• 检验推理的有效性:
4月26日,从加德满都回国的旅客通过成都双流国际机场 边防检查站。新华社发记者从外交部领事司获悉,中国政 府全力接运滞留尼泊尔公民,昨日中国民航9班客机赴尼 接回滞留中外公民千余人。对昨日网传“持中国护照可免 费乘坐航班”的说法,外交部相关部门表示,目前尚未接 到有关“持中国护照可免费乘坐航班”的通知。许多同胞 安全迅速回国,这让很多网友不禁为祖国的“速度”点赞。
• 充分条件假言命题肯定前件式
如果天下雨,地上会湿, 现在天下雨了,
──────────────── ─────────
pq p ∴q
• 充分条件假言命题否定后件式
如果你在爱之中,一切你都不会在乎 pq 而你在乎这戒指, q ───────────────────────── ─────── ──────────
1) 如果知识分子待遇好,科研会进步;现在知识分子待遇不 高,这是学术落后的原因。
2) 拘留逮捕! 对普通老百姓就可以随便拘留或者逮捕了是吗? 非企业高管是否可以随意拘捕,而不必慎重?
3) 我们知道,球体可以产生圆形的阴影。地球在月食时在 月亮上的阴影是圆形的,这证明地球是球体。 4)只有大臣被刺的时刻在银行大厦三楼逗留过的人,才能 作案;而冯特被人证明当时正在银行大厦三楼,所以冯特 是凶手。
6.1 谬误的含义
根据维基百科全书的观点,在逻辑中,谬 误(fallacy)就是指看起来令人相信但实际上 并不是逻辑上可靠的推理或论证。当一个人提 出的理由并不足以支持其所提出的主张时,我 们就说他犯了谬误。因此,我们把谬误定义为 逻辑上有缺陷的、可以误导人们认为它是逻辑 上正确的推理或论证。在这里,谬误有三个层 次的含义: (1)它的形式是一种推理或论证; (2)这种推理或论证在逻辑上是有缺陷的; (3)这种推理会诱使人们认为其逻辑上是正确 的。
• 选言推理否定肯定式
小张或者擅长英语,或者擅长日语, pq 既然他日语不好, p ───────────────────────── ──────── ──────── 那他英语应该不错。 ∴q
• 假言连锁推理
如果凶手是甲,则甲有作案时间, pq 如果甲有作案时间,则有线索可以查, q r ───────────────────────── ───────── ───────── 那么假如甲是凶手,则有迹可循。 ∴pr
• 2006年在全国曾轰动一时的彭宇案,一审判决书中关于 “原、被告是否相撞”的论证如下: “如果被告是助人为乐做好事,那么,他应该抓到撞倒原 告的人;而现在被告没有抓到撞倒原告的人,因此,被告 不是助人为乐做好事。” 首先,这个论证似乎满足了演绎有效性标准,即采用了否 定后件式(MT.)。但实际上,其论证形式是 p→◇q ﹁q ∴﹁p 而不是 p→q ﹁q ∴﹁p 前一个论证形式显然不是演绎有效的。同时,这个论证并 不满足可靠性标准,即第一个前提“如果被告是助人为乐 做好事,那么,他应该抓到撞倒原告的人”并不必然为真。
Critical Thinking 6
第六讲 好推理:正确的推理和论证
好推理的首要要求,即是正确性。所谓推理的 正确性,就是指推理在形式上要遵循逻辑规则的要 求,在实质上要做到前提内容为真或至少是可接受。 除此之外,还要避免逻辑谬误的干扰。 在我国哲学教科书中,“谬误”通常被视为 “真理”的对立面,即认为谬误是同客观事物及其 发展规律相违背的认识,是对客观事物本来面目的 歪曲反映,因此,“谬误”通常被用“错误”或 “差错”来解释。但是,在逻辑学中,谬误是一种 看起来令人相信但实际上并不是逻辑上可靠的推理 或论证。按照RSA论证评价标准,谬误可分为前提 谬误、不相干谬误和支持谬误。
□回应 游客回国仍需购票登机昨日,中国驻尼泊尔大使馆刘晓光 怒斥部分航空公司抬高票价的行为,因一句“请大家不要 上当、持中国护照全部免费登机”,被理解为滞留尼泊尔
的中国公民可免费乘坐回国班机。对 此,京华时报记者多次电话连线刘晓 光核实,一直未能接通。昨晚,外交 部全球领事保护与服务应急呼叫中心 向京华时报记者表示,领保中心目前 并未接到“持中国护照可免费乘坐航 班”的通知,若滞留尼泊尔的中国公 民要乘坐回国航班,可联系东航、国 航、川航、南航4家航空公司,与之相 对应的订票事宜需要自行和航空公司 联系。“对于炒作的高价票行为,如 果旅客认为预订的票价确实虚高,可 以与尼泊尔大使馆联系反映。”网友@ 阿缎微博称,从昨晚开始,首批乘坐 国航、东航航班返回国内的乘客,均 是持当日有效机票的乘客,而即便临 时赶上了当次飞机的乘客,也是买了 票才登机的。4月26日,有媒体报道称, 个别航空公司将回国机票炒到1000美 元。该报道虽未提及航空公司名字,不 过社交网站上的舆论将矛头指向国航。 对此,国航相关工作人员否认了抬价行 为,称这样的事情不可能在国航发生。 另一名国航内部人士认为,不排除有 个别票务代理在炒作。
• 三段论
所有大学毕业生都能教学, 所有的M是P 张丽大学毕业了, 所有 S是M ─────────────────────── ──────────────── 所以,张丽能胜任教学任务。 所以,所有S是P
• 除开逻辑上的形式谬误外,其他与逻辑形式无关的谬 误均可算作非形式谬误。
几个群众喜闻乐见的无效推理形式 • 充分条件假言命题否定前件
“浙江省仙居县人民法院(2008)仙刑初字第78号”刑事判 决书中的一个法律论证:
• “经审理查明,2007年年初,被告人张小招、郑彩平经营的恒 科工艺品厂出现经济问题。同年1月,被告人张小招、郑彩平伪 造了房地产买卖契约,编造了其租住的位于本县建设西路23号 吴忠和所有的房屋已被其购买的事实,在陆续向张红娟借款无 力偿还时,以40万元人民币的价格转卖给张红娟。被告人欲以 40万元人民币以上的价格出售该屋,遂于同年6月25日到仙居县 电视台做出卖该房屋广告。广告播出后被屋主吴忠和发现报案 而案发。上述事实,被告人张小招、郑彩平在开庭审理过程中 亦无实质性异议,并有证人张红娟、吴忠和证言,房地产买卖 契约、房屋断卖契、门牌证、转让广告等书证,两被告的户籍 证明及抓获经过等证据相互印证所证实,足以认定。本院认为, 被告人张小招、郑彩平以非法占有为目的,采用隐瞒真相、虚 构事实的手段出卖房屋,骗取他人财物,数额特别巨大,其行 为已构成诈骗罪。公诉机关指控罪名成立。两被告人为实施犯 罪创造条件,属犯罪预备,结合两被告人认罪态度和犯罪情节, 依法均予以减轻处罚。依照《中华人民共和国刑法》第二百六 十六条、第二十五条第一款、第二十二条……之规定,判决如下: 一、被告人张小招犯诈骗罪,判处有期徒刑一年,处罚金2万元。 二、被告人郑彩平犯诈骗罪,判处有期徒刑九个月,处罚金5 000元。”
• 乞题谬误 • 规则3:一个好的论证前提的可接受性必须 不依赖于结论的可接受性。 • 乞题谬误来源于拉丁语“petitio principii”。 其中,“petitio”指“请求”之意, “principii”指“基础”之意,从字面上这 是指一个论点“证明其基础”,在英语中 它被翻译为“begging the question”。乞 题谬误又被称为循环论证,它是指这样一 种谬误论证:其前提包括了主张结论为真, 或者直接或间接认为结论为真。循环论证 有两种形式:(1)直接循环;(2)间接 循环。
6.2 谬误的分类
• 根据传统的分类,谬误分为形式谬误与非 形式谬误。其中,形式谬误源于不正确的 逻辑推理,如果论证者使用了前面所讲到 的无效论证形式,那就使用了不正确的逻 辑推论步骤。而非形式谬误则与逻辑正确 与否或与论证形式有效与否无关。
• 一个演绎推理是有效的(valid),只要它不是前提真且结论 假。 一个演绎推理是可靠的(sound),只要它是有效的并且前 提为真。 • 一些有效的演绎推理形式
• 根据上述三个条件作为分类标准,把谬误分为 三大类:前提谬误;不相干谬误和支持谬误。
• 不一致谬误( Inconsistency ) • 规则1:一个好论证必须所有前提都同时为真。 违背这条规则的谬误被称为不一致谬误。 例:某人的邻居指控某人把借去的锅子弄坏, 某人反驳:第一,我归还锅子时,锅子还是好 的。第二,我借走锅子时,锅子已经坏了。第 三,我根本没有借锅子。 • 前提不一致有两种情形: (1)前提集里有两个相互否定的命题; (2)同一个命题在前提中出现两次,但两个真 值却不一样。
• 前提不可接受谬误 • 规则2:一个好论证其每个前提都必须是可 接受的。 违背这条规则的谬误被称为“虚假理由” 或“虚假前提”谬误。罗素曾说:“从虚 假的前提出发,狗屁都可以推出来”。 • 前提不可接受有三种情形: (1)前提所描述的事件与客观事实不相符, 即前提虚假谬误; (2)前提的可接受性还有待被证实,即预期 理由谬误; (3)前提是自我欺骗性语句,即前提自相矛 盾谬误。
• 一个论证是好的,必须同时满足下列三个条件: (1) 所有前提都必须是真的。更进一步说,每个前 提都必须是可接受的。违背这条规则的谬误有“不 一致谬误”、“虚假前提谬误”、“预期理由谬误” 等。 (2) 前提与结论必须是相干的。违背这条规则的谬 误被统称为不相干谬误,如“稻草人谬误”、“人 身攻击谬误”、“诉诸权威谬误”、“诉诸情感谬 误”、“诉诸武力谬误”、“非黑即白谬误”等等。 (3) 所有前提加起来必须为结论提供充分的支持。 这里的支持有两种:一是演绎支持,二是归纳支持。 前者用演绎有效性标准来进行评价,后者用归纳强 度标准来评价。除了前面所讲的各种形式谬误都属 于违背这条规则之外,还有一些非形式谬误也属于 这个范畴,如“乞题谬误”、“合成谬误”、“分 解谬误”等等。