



Klimaanlage Komfortab Modelljahr2007Hinweise:InformationenüberRelaisplatz-und Sicherungsbelegungen MehrfachsteckverbindungenSteuergeräte und RelaisMasseverbindungenÃEinbauorte in derÜbersicht!InformationenüberFehlersuchprogrammeÃgeführte Fehlersuchews =weißsw =schwarz ro =rot br =braun gn =grün bl =blau gr =grau li =lila ge =gelb or =orangeT16d -Steckverbindung,16fach,schwarz,Stecker D,am Steuergerät für ClimatronicT17k-Steckverbindung,17fach,schwarz,hinter der Schalttafel rechts,Klimaanlage V2-Frischluftgebläse43-Massepunkt Säule A rechts untenB272-Plusverbindung (30)im Hauptleitungsstrang ✱-Relais-und Sicherungsträger Schalttafel Mitte ✱✱-Relais-und Sicherungsträger unter dem Fahrersitzws =weißsw =schwarz ro =rot br =braun gn =grün bl =blau gr =grau li =lila ge =gelb or =orangeT10f -Steckverbindung,10fach,rot,KupplungsstationE-Box WasserkastenT16c -Steckverbindung,16fach,braun,Stecker C,amSteuergerät für ClimatronicT16d -Steckverbindung,16fach,schwarz,Stecker D,am Steuergerät für Climatronic 379-Masseverbindung 14im Hauptleitungsstrang ✱-Ausgang Gebermassews =weißsw =schwarz ro =rot br =braun gn =grün bl =blau gr =grau li =lila ge =gelb or =orangeG386-Temperaturfühler für Mannanströmer vorn rechtsJ255-Steuergerät für ClimatronicT12g -Steckverbindung,12fach,Stecker A,am Steuergerät für ClimatronicT16d -Steckverbindung,16fach,schwarz,Stecker D,am Steuergerät für ClimatronicT17k-Steckverbindung,17fach,schwarz,hinter der Schalttafel rechts,KlimaanlageT20i-Steckverbindung,20fach,rot,Stecker B,am Steuergerät für Climatronic97-Masseverbindung 1im Leitungsstrang Klimaanlage✱-Ausgang Gebermassews =weißsw =schwarz ro =rot br =braun gn =grün bl =blau gr =grau li =lila ge =gelb or =orangeTemperaturklappe rechts J255-Steuergerät für ClimatronicT12g -Steckverbindung,12fach,Stecker A,am Steuergerät für ClimatronicT16c-Steckverbindung,16fach,braun,Stecker C,am Steuergerät für ClimatronicT16d -Steckverbindung,16fach,schwarz,Stecker D,am Steuergerät für ClimatronicT17k -Steckverbindung,17fach,schwarz,hinter der Schalttafel rechts,KlimaanlageT20i-Steckverbindung,20fach,rot,Stecker B,am Steuergerät für Climatronic V42-Gebläse für Temperaturfühler V107-Stellmotor der Defrostklappe V113-Stellmotor der UmluftklappeV159-Stellmotor der Temperaturklappe rechts97-Masseverbindung 1im Leitungsstrang KlimaanlageL31-Verbindung (5Volt)im Leitungsstrang Klimaanlage/ws =weißsw =schwarz ro =rot br =braun gn =grün bl =blau gr =grau li =lila ge =gelb or =orange rs =rosaT12g -Steckverbindung,12fach,Stecker A,amSteuergerät für ClimatronicT16c -Steckverbindung,16fach,braun,Stecker C,amSteuergerät für ClimatronicT17k -Steckverbindung,17fach,schwarz,hinter derSchalttafel rechts,KlimaanlageT20i -Steckverbindung,20fach,rot,Stecker B,amSteuergerät für ClimatronicV111-Stellmotor des Mittenausströmers rechts V213-Stellmotor der indirekten Belüftungsklappe 97-Masseverbindung 1im Leitungsstrang KlimaanlageL9-Verbindung 1im Leitungsstrang Klimaanlage L10-Verbindung 2im Leitungsstrang Klimaanlage L31-Verbindung (5Volt)im Leitungsstrang Klimaanlage ✱-Linkslenker ✱✱-Rechtslenker///ws =weißsw =schwarz ro =rot br =braun gn =grün bl =blau gr =grau li =lila ge =gelb or =orange rs =rosaG523-Potenziometer für Stellmotor desSeitenausströmers rechtsJ255-Steuergerät für ClimatronicT12g -Steckverbindung,12fach,Stecker A,amSteuergerät für ClimatronicT20i -Steckverbindung,20fach,rot,Stecker B,amSteuergerät für ClimatronicV109-Stellmotor der Fußraumklappe rechts V299-Stellmotor des Seitenausströmers links V300-Stellmotor des Seitenausströmers rechts 97-Masseverbindung 1im Leitungsstrang KlimaanlageL10-Verbindung 2im Leitungsstrang Klimaanlage L11-Verbindung 3im Leitungsstrang Klimaanlage L31-Verbindung (5Volt)im Leitungsstrang Klimaanlage//ws =weißsw =schwarz ro =rot br =braun gn =grün bl =blau gr =grau li =lila ge =gelb or =orangeG220-Potenziometer für Stellmotor derTemperaturklappe linksJ255-Steuergerät für ClimatronicT12g -Steckverbindung,12fach,Stecker A,amSteuergerät für ClimatronicT20i -Steckverbindung,20fach,rot,Stecker B,amSteuergerät für ClimatronicV108-Stellmotor der Fußraumklappe links V110-Stellmotor des Mittenausströmers links V158-Stellmotor der Temperaturklappe links 97-Masseverbindung 1im Leitungsstrang KlimaanlageL31-Verbindung (5Volt)im Leitungsstrang Klimaanlagews =weißsw =schwarz ro =rot br =braun gn =grün bl =blau gr =grau li =lila ge =gelb or =orangeT46b -Steckverbindung,46fach,schwarz,CAN-Trennstecker rechts 687-Massepunkt 1auf dem MitteltunnelB319-Plusverbindung 5(30a)im Hauptleitungsstrang-CAN-Bus (Datenleitung)✱-Mehrausstattung✱ws =weißsw =schwarz ro =rot br =braun gn =grün bl =blau gr =grau li =lila ge =gelb or =orangeG178-Sitzbelegungssensor hinten BeifahrerseiteT3h -Steckverbindung,3fach,schwarz,Stecker E,ander Bedienungs-und Anzeigeeinheit für Climatronic hintenT6i -Steckverbindung,6fach,grün,unter demRücksitz rechtsT8t -Steckverbindung,8fach,schwarz,im RücksitzrechtsT12h -Steckverbindung,12fach,Stecker A,an derBedienungs-und Anzeigeeinheit für Climatronic hintenT16h -Steckverbindung,16fach,Stecker D,an derBedienungs-und Anzeigeeinheit für Climatronic hintenZ12-beheizbare Rücksitzbank rechts Z13-beheizbare Rücksitzlehne rechts 78-Massepunkt an der Säule B rechts unten 391-Masseverbindung 26im Hauptleitungsstrang 411-Masseverbindung 2(Gebermasse)imHauptleitungsstrang ✱-Mehrausstattung✱✱-Fahrzeuge mit Sitzheizung✱ws =weißsw =schwarz ro =rot br =braun gn =grün bl =blau gr =grau li =lila ge =gelb or =orangeJ391-Steuergerät für Frischluftgebläse hinten T2r -Steckverbindung,2fach,am Steuergerät fürFrischluftgebläse hintenT4u -Steckverbindung,4fach,am Steuergerät fürFrischluftgebläse hintenT12h -Steckverbindung,12fach,Stecker A,an derBedienungs-und Anzeigeeinheit für Climatronic hintenT16h -Steckverbindung,16fach,Stecker D,an derBedienungs-und Anzeigeeinheit für Climatronic hintenT17h -Steckverbindung,17fach,schwarz,Mittelkonsole hintenV80-Frischluftgebläse hinten 61-Massepunkt an der C-Säule links 112-Masseverbindung 2im Leitungsstrang Klimaanlage ✱-Mehrausstattung/✱ws =weißsw =schwarz ro =rot br =braun gn =grün bl =blau gr =grau li =lila ge =gelb or =orangerechtsG391-Potenziometer für Temperaturklappe hintenlinksT12h -Steckverbindung,12fach,Stecker A,an derBedienungs-und Anzeigeeinheit für Climatronic hintenT12k -Steckverbindung,12fach,Mittelkonsole hinten T20h -Steckverbindung,20fach,rot,Stecker B,an derBedienungs-und Anzeigeeinheit für Climatronic hintenV239-Stellmotor der Luftmengenklappe hinten links V240-Stellmotor der Luftmengenklappe hinten rechts V313-Stellmotor der Temperaturklappe hinten links L46-Verbindung (5Volt)im Leitungsstrang Betätigung ClimatronicL68-Verbindung 2(Geber)im Leitungsstrang Climatronic ✱-Mehrausstattung///✱ws =weißsw =schwarz ro =rot br =braun gn =grün bl =blau gr =grau li =lila ge =gelb or =orangeT12h -Steckverbindung,12fach,Stecker A,an derBedienungs-und Anzeigeeinheit für Climatronic hintenT12k -Steckverbindung,12fach,Mittelkonsole hinten T17h -Steckverbindung,17fach,schwarz,Mittelkonsole hintenT20h -Steckverbindung,20fach,rot,Stecker B,an derBedienungs-und Anzeigeeinheit für Climatronic hintenV314-Stellmotor der Temperaturklappe hinten rechts V315-Stellmotor des Mannanströmers hinten links376-Masseverbindung 11im Hauptleitungsstrang B369-Verbindung 1(5V)im Hauptleitungsstrang L46-Verbindung (5Volt)im Leitungsstrang Betätigung ClimatronicL68-Verbindung 2(Geber)im Leitungsstrang Climatronic✱-Mehrausstattung✱✱-Ausgang Signalmasse/%✱ws =weißsw =schwarz ro =rot br =braun gn =grün bl =blau gr =grau li =lila ge =gelb or =orangeAbsperrklappe in B-Säule und Fußraum linksG472-Potenziometer für Mannanströmer hintenrechtsT12h -Steckverbindung,12fach,Stecker A,an derBedienungs-und Anzeigeeinheit für Climatronic hintenT20h -Steckverbindung,20fach,rot,Stecker B,an derBedienungs-und Anzeigeeinheit für Climatronic hintenV211-Stellmotor der Absperrklappe der B-Säule unddes Fußraums rechtsV212-Stellmotor der Absperrklappe der B-Säule unddes Fußraums linksV316-Stellmotor des Mannanströmers hinten rechts 376-Masseverbindung 11im Hauptleitungsstrang B369-Verbindung 1(5V)im Hauptleitungsstrang ✱-Mehrausstattungws=weißsw=schwarzro=rotbr=braungn=grünbl=blaugr=grauli=lilage=gelbor=orange L68-Lampe für Beleuchtung desSchalttafelausströmers MitteL69-Lampe für Beleuchtung desSchalttafelausströmers rechtsL87-Lampe für Beleuchtung des Ausströmers im Fahrgastraum MitteT32a-Steckverbindung,32fach,grau,am Steuergerät im Schalttafeleinsatz43-Massepunkt Säule A rechts unten44-Massepunkt Säule A links unten67-Massepunkt am Querträger vorn links371-Masseverbindung6im Hauptleitungsstrang 377-Masseverbindung12im Hauptleitungsstrang 383-Masseverbindung18im Hauptleitungsstrang B340-Verbindung1(58s)im HauptleitungsstrangB341-Verbindung2(58s)im Hauptleitungsstrang。

Q7 RSE Plus 电路图

Q7 RSE Plus 电路图

版本 2008 年 4 月Rear Seat Entertainment (RSE)plus / 高级版后座 DVD 多媒体系统自 2007 年 11 月起说明:关于继电器及保险丝位置多芯插头连接控制器和继电器接地连接→安装位置一览!关于故障查找程序→导航型故障查询程序ws=白色sw =黑色ro =红色br =褐色gn =绿色bl =蓝色gr =灰色li =淡紫色ge =黄色or =橘黄色rs=粉红色拖车识别装置控制器,保险丝J345 -拖车识别装置控制器SD5 - 保险丝架 D 上的保险丝 5SF5 - 保险丝架 F 上的保险丝 5SF8 - 保险丝架 F 上的保险丝 8SF9 - 保险丝架 F 上的保险丝 9SF12 - 保险丝架 F 上的保险丝 12T12c - 12 芯蓝色插头连接,在拖车识别控制器上T12d - 12 芯红色插头连接,在拖车识别控制器上T16e - 16 芯插头连接,在拖车行驶识别装置控制器上51-行李箱内的右侧接地点 390 -接地连接 25,在主导线束中 B302-正极连接 6(30),在主导线束中* - 不带拖车挂钩的车辆** - 带拖车挂钩的车辆# -继电器,在驾驶员座椅下的保险丝架上ws=白色sw=黑色ro=红色br=褐色gn=绿色bl=蓝色gr=灰色li=淡紫色ge=黄色or=橘黄色rs=粉红色多媒体系统控制器J329 -端子 Kl. 15 供电继电器J650 -多媒体系统控制器SB6 -保险丝架 B 上的保险丝 6T2be -2芯黑色插头连接,在拖车识别控制器上T4ai -4芯黑色插头连接,在行李箱内右侧T26e -26 芯黑色插头连接,在多媒体系统控制器上U10 -带拖车行驶插座B165-正极连接 2(15),在车内导线束中B273-正极连接(15),在主导线束中B492-正极连接 3(15),在车内导线束中X78-连接 1,在选装装备导线束中* -不带拖车挂钩的车辆** -带拖车挂钩的车辆# -继电器,在驾驶员座椅下的保险丝架上ws=白色sw=黑色ro=红色br=褐色gn=绿色bl=蓝色gr=灰色li=淡紫色ge=黄色or=橘黄色rs=粉红色多媒体系统控制器、多媒体系统左耳机J650 -多媒体系统控制器R123 -多媒体系统左耳机T12x -12 芯黑色插头连接,在后中控台中T26e -26 芯黑色插头连接,在多媒体系统控制器上ws=白色sw=黑色ro=红色br=褐色gn=绿色bl=蓝色gr=灰色li=淡紫色ge=黄色or=橘黄色rs=粉红色多媒体系统控制器、多媒体系统右耳机、图像和音频辅助连接单元J650 -多媒体系统控制器R124 -多媒体系统右耳机R176 -音像系统辅助连接单元T12x -12 芯黑色插头连接,在后中控台中T12y -12 芯黑色插头连接,在后中控台中T26e -26 芯黑色插头连接,在多媒体系统控制器上ws=白色sw=黑色ro=红色br=褐色gn=绿色bl=蓝色gr=灰色li=淡紫色ge=黄色or=橘黄色rs=粉红色多媒体系统控制器、图像和音频辅助连接单元J650 -多媒体系统控制器R176 -音像系统辅助连接单元T12y -12 芯黑色插头连接,在后中控台中T26e -26 芯黑色插头连接,在多媒体系统控制器上ws=白色sw=黑色ro=红色br=褐色gn=绿色bl=蓝色gr=灰色li=淡紫色ge=黄色or=橘黄色rs=粉红色多媒体控制器、后部 DVD 转换盒J650 -多媒体系统控制器R162 -后部 DVD 转换盒T12v -12 芯黑色插头连接,在 DVD 光盘转换盒上T26d -26 芯绿色插头连接,在多媒体系统控制器上ws=白色sw=黑色ro=红色br=褐色gn=绿色bl=蓝色gr=灰色li=淡紫色ge=黄色or=橘黄色rs=粉红色多媒体系统控制器、多媒体系统显示单元 1J650 -多媒体系统控制器T2ba -2芯黑色插头连接,在驾驶员座椅下T6ak -6芯黑色插头连接,在驾驶员座椅下T7a -7芯插头连接,在驾驶员座椅靠背中T12w -12 芯黑色插头连接,在行李箱中后左侧T26d -26 芯绿色插头连接,在多媒体系统控制器上Y22 -多媒体系统显示单元 1ws=白色sw=黑色ro=红色br=褐色gn=绿色bl=蓝色gr=灰色li=淡紫色ge=黄色or=橘黄色rs=粉红色多媒体系统控制器、多媒体系统显示单元 2J650 -多媒体系统控制器T2bb -2芯黑色插头连接,在副驾驶员座椅下T6al -6芯黑色插头连接,在副驾驶员座椅下T7b -7芯插头连接,在副驾驶员座椅靠背中T26d -26 芯绿色插头连接,在多媒体系统控制器上Y23 -多媒体系统显示单元 2ws=白色sw=黑色ro=红色br=褐色gn=绿色bl=蓝色gr=灰色li=淡紫色ge=黄色or=橘黄色rs=粉红色多媒体系统控制器、电视调谐器J650 -多媒体系统控制器R78 -电视调谐器T18a -18 芯黑色插头连接,在多媒体系统控制器上T20p -20 芯插头连接,在电视调谐器上ws=白色sw=黑色ro=红色br=褐色gn=绿色bl=蓝色gr=灰色li=淡紫色ge=黄色or=橘黄色rs=粉红色多媒体系统控制器、电视调谐器J650 -多媒体系统控制器R78 -电视调谐器SD3 -保险丝架 D 上的保险丝 3SF6 -保险丝架 F 上的保险丝 6SF8 -保险丝架 F 上的保险丝 8T6am -6芯蓝色插头连接,在行李箱中左侧T18a -18 芯黑色插头连接,在多媒体系统控制器上T20p -20 芯插头连接,在电视调谐器上370-接地连接 5,在主导线束中675-接地点 2,在行李箱中右侧* -继电器,在驾驶员座椅下的保险丝架上? -L WL - 光缆,见信息娱乐系统数据总线(Most Ring)电路图ws=白色sw=黑色ro=红色br=褐色gn=绿色bl=蓝色gr=灰色li=淡紫色ge=黄色or=橘黄色rs=粉红色前部信息显示和操作单元的控制器,保险丝J523 -前部信息显示和操作单元的控制器J533 -数据总线诊断接口J685 -前部信息显示和操作单元控制器的显示单元SC6 -保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 6SD2 -保险丝架 D 上的保险丝 2T20k -20 芯红色插头连接,插头 A,在前部信息显示和操作单元的控制器上T22a -22 芯插头连接,在前部信息显示和操作单元控制器的显示单元上T22b -22 芯插头连接,插头 C,在前部信息显示和操作单元的控制器上T26b -26 芯黑色插头连接,插头 B,在数据总线诊断接口上45-中部仪表板后面的接地点373-接地连接 8,在主导线束中B300-正极连接 4(30),在主导线束中B444-连接 1(诊断),在主导线束中(环形结构断裂诊断)* -继电器,在驾驶员座椅下的保险丝架上? -L WL - 光缆,见信息娱乐系统数据总线(Most Ring)电路图ws=白色sw=黑色ro=红色br=褐色gn=绿色bl=蓝色gr=灰色li=淡紫色ge=黄色or=橘黄色rs=粉红色前部信息显示和操作单元的控制器,多媒体系统操作单元,手套箱按键,显示单元按键E316 -手套箱按钮E380 -多媒体系统操作单元E506 -显示单元按钮J285 -仪表板中的控制器J520 -车载电网控制器 2J523 -前部信息显示和操作单元的控制器T6w -6芯黑色插头连接,在开关模块侧面T16f -16 芯棕色插头连接, 在多媒体系统操作单元上T20k -20 芯红色插头连接,插头 A,在前部信息显示和操作单元的控制器上T32a -32 芯灰色插头连接,在组合仪表中的控制器上T40a -40 芯黑色插头连接,在车载电网控制器 2 上45-中部仪表板后面的接地点378-接地连接 13,在主导线束中B340-连接 1(58s),在主导线束中B341-连接 2(58s),在主导线束中。



Edition 02.2006 Convenience air conditioning systemfrom model year 2007Notes:For information concerningPosition of relays and fusesMulti-pin connectionsControl units and relaysEarth connections→ List of Fitting Locations!For information concerningFault Finding Programs→ guided fault findingws=white sw =black ro =red br =brown gn =green bl =blue gr =grey li =purple ge =yellow or =orange rs=pinkClimatronic control unit, fuses J255 - C limatronic control unit J329 - T erminal 15 voltage supply relay SC8 - F use 8 on fuse holder C SC10 - F use 10 on fuse holder C SC12 - F use 12 on fuse holder C SD2 - F use 2 on fuse holder DT16c - 16-pin connector, brown, connector C, on Climatronic controlunitT16d - 16-pin connector, black, connector D, on Climatronic controlunitT46b - 46-pin connector, black, CAN separating connector right45-Earth point, centre behind dash panel 378 -Earth connection 13, in main wiring harness B163 -Positive connection 1 (15), in interior wiring harness B273 -Positive connection (15), in main wiring harness B280-Positive connection 4 (15a), in main wiring harness B300 -Positive connection 4 (30), in main wiring harness B322-Positive connection 8 (30a), in main wiring harness• - C AN bus (data wire)* - o nly with operating and display unit for rear Climatronic ** - F use and relay carrier under driver seatws=whitesw=blackro=redbr=browngn=greenbl=bluegr=greyli=purplege=yellowor=orangers=pinkClimatronic control unit, air quality sensor, fresh air blowercontrol unit, fresh air blower, fresh air blower fuse 1 and 2C24 -S uppression filterG238 -A ir quality sensorJ126 -F resh air blower control unitJ255 -C limatronic control unitS97 -F resh air blower fuse 1S98 -F resh air blower fuse 2S123 -A BS control unit fuse 1SD1 -F use 1 on fuse holder DT2q -2-pin connector, on fresh air blower control unitT4t -4-pin connector, on fresh air blower control unitT16c -16-pin connector, brown, connector C, on Climatronic controlunitT16d -16-pin connector, black, connector D, on Climatronic controlunitT17k -17-pin connector, black, behind the dash panel, right, airconditioning systemV2 -F resh air blower43-Earth point, lower part of right A-pillarB272-Positive connection (30), in main wiring harness* -r elay and fuse carrier centre dash panel** -R elay and fuse carrier under driver seatws=whitesw=blackro=redbr=browngn=greenbl=bluegr=greyli=purplege=yellowor=orangers=pinkClimatronic control unit, front seat temperature sender, front seatheatingG344 -F ront left seat temperature senderG345 -F ront right seat temperature senderJ255 -C limatronic control unitSC3 -F use 3 on fuse holder CT2ao -2-pin connector, black, under the seat on front leftT2ap -2-pin connector, black, under the seat on front rightT3c -3-pin connector, black, connector E, on Climatronic controlunitT6f -6-pin connector, green, under driver seatT6g -6-pin connector, green, under front passenger seatT16d -16-pin connector, black, connector D, on Climatronic controlunitZ7 -H eated driver seat backrestZ9 -H eated front passenger seat backrestZ45 -F ront left seat heatingZ46 -F ront right seat heating77-Earth point, lower part of left B-pillar78-Earth point, lower part of right B-pillar366-Earth connection 1, in main wiring harness379-Earth connection 14, in main wiring harnessB299-Positive connection 3 (30), in main wiring harness* -m odels with seat heatingws=whitesw=blackro=redbr=browngn=greenbl=bluegr=greyli=purplege=yellowor=orangers=pinkClimatronic control unit, sunlight penetration photosensor,refrigerant temperature sender, compressor regulating valve, airconditioning system compressor regulating valveG107 -S unlight penetration photosensorG454 -R efrigerant temperature senderJ255 -C limatronic control unitN280 -A ir conditioning system compressor regulating valveT10d -10-pin connector, blue, coupling station on electronics box,plenum chamberT10f -10-pin connector, red, coupling station on electronics box,plenum chamberT16c -16-pin connector, brown, connector C, on Climatronic controlunitT16d -16-pin connector, black, connector D, on Climatronic controlunit379-Earth connection 14, in main wiring harness* -O utput sender earthws =white sw =black ro =red br =brown gn =green bl =blue gr =grey li =purple ge =yellow or =orange rs =pinkClimatronic control unit, high pressure sender G65 - H igh pressure sender J255 - C limatronic control unit J271 - M otronic current supply relay J317 - T erminal 30 voltage supply relay S10 - F uses in relay plate fuse holder S13 - F uses in relay plate fuse holderT10d - 10-pin connector, blue, coupling station on electronics box,plenum chamberT16d - 16-pin connector, black, connector D, on Climatronic controlunit85-Earth connection 1, in engine compartment wiring harness609 -Earth point, on right in plenum chamberD101 -Connection 1, in engine compartment wiring harness D102 -Connection 2, in engine compartment wiring harness D107-Connection 5, in engine compartment wiring harnessD109-Connection 7, in engine compartment wiring harness * - 4.2 l engine, engine code BAR** - 3,0 l Diesel engine, engine codes BUN, BUG # - R elay and fuse carrier, electronics box plenum chamberws=whitesw=blackro=redbr=browngn=greenbl=bluegr=greyli=purplege=yellowor=orangers=pinkClimatronic control unit, continued coolant circulation relay,coolant circulation pumpJ151 -C ontinued coolant circulation relayJ255 -C limatronic control unitJ623 -E ngine control unitJ749 -F uel pump relay for auxiliary heaterT6k -6-pin connector, brown, coupling station on electronics box,plenum chamberT10c -10-pin connector, pink, coupling station on electronics box,plenum chamberT10d -10-pin connector, blue, coupling station on electronics box,plenum chamberT16c -16-pin connector, brown, connector C, on Climatronic controlunitT16d -16-pin connector, black, connector D, on Climatronic controlunitT94 -94-pin connector, black, on engine control unitV50 -C oolant circulation pump368-Earth connection 3, in main wiring harness640-Earth point, left in engine compartmentB537-Connection 28, in main wiring harness* -4.2 l engine, engine code BAR** -3,0 l Diesel engine, engine codes BUN, BUG# -r elay and fuse carrier centre dash panel## -m odels with auxiliary heater### -R elay and fuse carrier, electronics box plenum chamberws=whitesw=blackro=redbr=browngn=greenbl=bluegr=greyli=purplege=yellowor=orangers=pinkClimatronic control unit, fresh air intake duct temperature sensor,footwell vent temperature sender, evaporator output temperaturesender, front chest vent temperature sensorG89 -F resh air intake duct temperature sensorG261 -L eft footwell vent temperature senderG262 -R ight footwell vent temperature senderG263 -E vaporator output temperature senderG385 -F ront left chest vent temperature sensorG386 -F ront right chest vent temperature sensorJ255 -C limatronic control unitT12g -12-pin connector, connector A, on Climatronic control unitT16d -16-pin connector, black, connector D, on Climatronic controlunitT17k -17-pin connector, black, behind the dash panel, right, airconditioning systemT20i -20-pin connector, red, connector B, on Climatronic controlunit97-Earth connection 1, in air conditioning system wiring harness * -O utput sender earthws=whitesw=blackro=redbr=browngn=greenbl=bluegr=greyli=purplege=yellowor=orangers=pinkClimatronic control unit, defroster flap control motorpotentiometer, air recirculation flap control motor potentiometer,potentiometer for right temperature flap control motor, dash paneltemperature sensorG56 -D ash panel temperature sensorG135 -D efroster flap control motor potentiometerG143 -A ir recirculation flap control motor potentiometerG221 -P otentiometer for right temperature flap control motorJ255 -C limatronic control unitT12g -12-pin connector, connector A, on Climatronic control unitT16c -16-pin connector, brown, connector C, on Climatronic controlunitT16d -16-pin connector, black, connector D, on Climatronic controlunitT17k -17-pin connector, black, behind the dash panel, right, airconditioning systemT20i -20-pin connector, red, connector B, on Climatronic controlunitV42 -T emperature sensor blowerV107 -D efroster flap control motorV113 -A ir recirculation flap control motorV159 -R ight temperature flap control motor97-E arth connection 1, in air conditioning system wiring harness L31-Connection (5V), in air conditioning system wiring harnessws=whitesw=blackro=redbr=browngn=greenbl=bluegr=greyli=purplege=yellowor=orangers=pinkClimatronic control unit, potentiometer for right centre ventcontrol motor, potentiometer for indirect ventilation flap controlmotorG137 -P otentiometer for right centre vent control motorG330 -P otentiometer for indirect ventilation flap control motorJ255 -C limatronic control unitT12g -12-pin connector, connector A, on Climatronic control unitT16c -16-pin connector, brown, connector C, on Climatronic controlunitT17k -17-pin connector, black, behind the dash panel, right, airconditioning systemT20i -20-pin connector, red, connector B, on Climatronic controlunitV111 -R ight central vents control motorV213 -I ndirect ventilation flap control motor97-Earth connection 1, in air conditioning system wiring harness L9-Connection 1, in air conditioning system wiring harness L10-Connection 2, in air conditioning system wiring harness L31-Connection (5V), in air conditioning system wiring harness* -l eft-hand drive** -R ight-hand drivews=whitesw=blackro=redbr=browngn=greenbl=bluegr=greyli=purplege=yellowor=orangers=pinkClimatronic control unit, potentiometer for right footwell flapcontrol motor, potentiometer for left side vent control motor,potentiometer for right side vent control motorG140 -P otentiometer for right footwell flap control motorG164 -P otentiometer for left side vent control motorG523 -P otentiometer for right side vent control motorJ255 -C limatronic control unitT12g -12-pin connector, connector A, on Climatronic control unitT20i -20-pin connector, red, connector B, on Climatronic controlunitV109 -R ight footwell flap control motorV299 -L eft side vent control motorV300 -R ight side vent control motor97-Earth connection 1, in air conditioning system wiring harness L10-Connection 2, in air conditioning system wiring harness L11-Connection 3, in air conditioning system wiring harness L31-Connection (5V), in air conditioning system wiring harnessws=whitesw=blackro=redbr=browngn=greenbl=bluegr=greyli=purplege=yellowor=orangers=pinkClimatronic control unit, potentiometer for left centre vent controlmotor, potentiometer for left footwell flap control motor,potentiometer for left temperature flap control motorG136 -P otentiometer for left centre vent control motorG139 -P otentiometer for left footwell flap control motorG220 -P otentiometer for left temperature flap control motorJ255 -C limatronic control unitT12g -12-pin connector, connector A, on Climatronic control unitT20i -20-pin connector, red, connector B, on Climatronic controlunitV108 -L eft footwell flap control motorV110 -L eft centre vent control motorV158 -L eft temperature flap control motor97-Earth connection 1, in air conditioning system wiring harness L31-Connection (5V), in air conditioning system wiring harnessws=whitesw=blackro=redbr=browngn=greenbl=bluegr=greyli=purplege=yellowor=orangers=pinkOperating and display unit for rear Climatronic, fusesE265 -O perating and display unit for rear ClimatronicSC8 -F use 8 on fuse holder CSC12 -F use 12 on fuse holder CT16h -16-pin connector, connector D, on rear Climatronic operatingand display unitT46b -46-pin connector, black, CAN separating connector right687-Earth point 1, on centre tunnelB319-Positive connection 5 (30a), in main wiring harness• -C AN bus (data wire)* -o ptional equipmentws=white sw =black ro =red br =brown gn =green bl =blue gr =grey li =purple ge =yellow or =orange rs=pinkRear Climatronic operating and display unit, rear left seattemperature sensor, rear seat occupied sensor on driver side, heated rear left seat E128 - H eated rear left seat switch with regulator E265 - O perating and display unit for rear Climatronic G94 - R ear left seat temperature sensor G177 - R ear seat occupied sensor on driver side SC1 - F use 1 on fuse holder CT3h - 3-pin connector, black, connector E, on rear Climatronicoperating and display unitT6h - 6-pin connector, green, under rear seat, left T8s - 8-connector, black, in rear seat, leftT12h - 12-pin connector, connector A, on rear Climatronic operatingand display unitT16h - 16-pin connector, connector D, on rear Climatronic operatingand display unitZ10 - H eated rear left seat Z11 - H eated rear left seat backrest61-Earth point, left C-pillar 411-Earth connection 2 (sender earth), in main wiring harness* - o ptional equipment ** - m odels with seat heatingws=whitesw=blackro=redbr=browngn=greenbl=bluegr=greyli=purplege=yellowor=orangers=pinkRear Climatronic operating and display unit, rear right seattemperature sensor, rear seat occupied sensor on front passengerside, heated rear right seatE129 -H eated rear right seat switch with regulatorE265 -O perating and display unit for rear ClimatronicG95 -R ear right seat temperature sensorG178 -R ear seat occupied sensor on front passenger sideT3h -3-pin connector, black, connector E, on rear Climatronicoperating and display unitT6i -6-pin connector, green, under rear seat, rightT8t -8-connector, black, in rear seat, rightT12h -12-pin connector, connector A, on rear Climatronic operatingand display unitT16h -16-pin connector, connector D, on rear Climatronic operatingand display unitZ12 -H eated rear right seatZ13 -H eated rear right seat backrest78-Earth point, lower part of right B-pillar391-Earth connection 26, in main wiring harness411-Earth connection 2 (sender earth), in main wiring harness* -o ptional equipment** -m odels with seat heatingws=whitesw=blackro=redbr=browngn=greenbl=bluegr=greyli=purplege=yellowor=orangers=pinkOperating and display unit for rear Climatronic, rear fresh airblower control unit, rear vent temperature sender, rear fresh airblowerC24 -S uppression filterE265 -O perating and display unit for rear ClimatronicG405 -R ear left vent temperature senderG406 -R ear right vent temperature senderJ391 -R ear fresh air blower control unitT2r -2-pin connector, on rear fresh air blower control unitT4u -4-pin connector, on rear fresh air blower control unitT12h -12-pin connector, connector A, on rear Climatronic operatingand display unitT16h -16-pin connector, connector D, on rear Climatronic operatingand display unitT17h -17-pin connector, black, rear centre consoleV80 -R ear fresh air blower61-Earth point, left C-pillar112-Earth connection 2, in air conditioning system wiring harness * -o ptional equipmentws=whitesw=blackro=redbr=browngn=greenbl=bluegr=greyli=purplege=yellowor=orangers=pinkRear Climatronic operating and display unit, potentiometer forrear left air quantity flap, rear left temperature flap potentiometerE265 -O perating and display unit for rear ClimatronicG389 -R ear left air quantity flap potentiometerG390 -R ear right air quantity flap potentiometerG391 -R ear left temperature flap potentiometerT12h -12-pin connector, connector A, on rear Climatronic operatingand display unitT12k -12-pin connector, rear centre consoleT20h -20-pin connector, red, connector B, on rear Climatronicoperating and display unitV239 -R ear left air quantity flap control motorV240 -R ear right air quantity flap control motorV313 -R ear left temperature flap control motorL46-Connection (5 Volt), in Climatronic operating unit wiringharnessL68-Connection 2 (sender), in Climatronic wiring harness* -o ptional equipmentws=whitesw=blackro=redbr=browngn=greenbl=bluegr=greyli=purplege=yellowor=orangers=pinkRear Climatronic operating and display unit, rear righttemperature flap potentiometer, rear left chest vent potentiometerE265 -O perating and display unit for rear ClimatronicG392 -R ear right temperature flap potentiometerG471 -R ear left chest vent potentiometerT12h -12-pin connector, connector A, on rear Climatronic operatingand display unitT12k -12-pin connector, rear centre consoleT17h -17-pin connector, black, rear centre consoleT20h -20-pin connector, red, connector B, on rear Climatronicoperating and display unitV314 -R ear right temperature flap control motorV315 -R ear left chest vent control motor376-Earth connection 11, in main wiring harnessB369-Connection 1 (5V), in main wiring harnessL46-Connection (5 Volt), in Climatronic operating unit wiringharnessL68-Connection 2 (sender), in Climatronic wiring harness* -o ptional equipment** -o utput signal earthws=whitesw=blackro=redbr=browngn=greenbl=bluegr=greyli=purplege=yellowor=orangers=pinkOperating and display unit for rear Climatronic, potentiometer forright B-pillar and footwell shut-off flap control motor, rear rightchest vent potentiometerE265 -O perating and display unit for rear ClimatronicG328 -Potentiometer for right B-pillar and footwell shut-off flapcontrol motorG329 -Potentiometer for left B-pillar and footwell shut-off flap controlmotorG472 -R ear right chest vent potentiometerT12h -12-pin connector, connector A, on rear Climatronic operatingand display unitT20h -20-pin connector, red, connector B, on rear Climatronicoperating and display unitV211 -R ight B-pillar and footwell shut-off flap control motorV212 -L eft B-pillar and footwell shut-off flap control motorV316 -R ear right chest vent control motor376-Earth connection 11, in main wiring harnessB369-Connection 1 (5V), in main wiring harness* -o ptional equipmentws =white sw =black ro =red br =brown gn =green bl =blue gr =grey li =purple ge =yellow or =orange rs=pinkDash panel left vent illumination bulb, dash panel central vent illumination bulb, dash panel right vent illumination bulb, central rear vent illumination bulb J285 - C ontrol unit in dash panel insert L67 - D ash panel left vent illumination bulb L68 - D ash panel central vent illumination bulb L69 - D ash panel right vent illumination bulb L87 - C entral rear vent illumination bulb T32a - 32-pin connector, grey, on control unit in dash panel insert43-Earth point, lower part of right A-pillar44 -Earth point, lower part of left A-pillar 67 -Earth point, on left of front cross member 371 -Earth connection 6, in main wiring harness 377 -Earth connection 12, in main wiring harness 383-Earth connection 18, in main wiring harnessB340-Connection 1 (58s), in main wiring harness B341-Connection 2 (58s), in main wiring harness。



栏目编辑:桂江一 ********************Maintenance Cases维修实例52-CHINA ·January◆文/中鑫之宝 户鹏飞2013年一汽大众奥迪Q7漏电故障现象一辆2013年生产的一汽大众奥迪Q7,搭载CJT 3.0T发动机,行驶里程为15 6254km,停放一夜后蓄电池亏电,发动机无法启动。



通过实车了解,发现该车加装有电动踏板和GPS 定位。









接着,我们又插上右侧CAN 节点,持续观察3min左右,电流也未见异常;最后,我们又装上左侧CAN节点,大约过了170s左右,电流突然上升至7A。




• CAN 驱动的总线端 15 惯性运转 • 数据总线系统的睡眠和唤醒 • MOST 总线的环形结构断裂诊断 • 安装列表
奥迪 Q7 的数据总线诊断接口有两个不同的型号。从零部 件编号上通过索引可以区分。两种型号的区别在于是否可 提供一个 CAN 总线扩展接口。当车辆上安装有自适应定 速巡航 (ACC)装置或换道辅助装置时该接口是必须的。
364_011 11
- 机油油压开关 - 机油温度和机油油位传感器 - 无线电时钟信号 - 制动摩擦片磨损指示导线 - 油箱传感器 1 和油箱传感器 2 - 清洗液储量低显示开关 - 制动液储量低显示开关 - 驻车制动器操纵识别开关 - 车外温度传感器 - 自动检测按钮 - 总线端 30 - 总线端 31



Edition 02.2006Position of relays and fusesPosition of fuses in fuse carrier, left dash panelFuse colours40 A - orange 30 A - green 25 A - white 20 A - yellow 15 A - blue 10 A - red 7,5 A - brown 5 A - beige 3 A - purple1 - Fuse carrier ST1 (red)2 - Fuse carrier ST2 (brown)3 - Fuse carrier ST3 (black)4 - CAN separating connector T46a - A up to D - vacantPosition of fuses in fuse carrier, left dash panel (left-hand drive)No.Current Flow Diagram designation Fuse carrier ST1 (red)NominalvalueFunction/component Terminal1-SB1 - Fuse 1 on fuse holder B--Vacant2-SB2 - Fuse 2 on fuse holder B--Vacant3-SB3 - Fuse 3 on fuse holder B--Vacant4-SB4 - Fuse 4 on fuse holder B 5 A-J502-Tyre pressure monitor control unit30 5-SB5 - Fuse 5 on fuse holder B20 A-J364 -Auxiliary heater control unit30 6-SB6 - Fuse 6 on fuse holder B10 A-E176-Driver seat lumbar support adjustment switch30 7-SB7 - Fuse 7 on fuse holder B35 A-J386-Driver door control unitV147-Driver side window regulator motorJ388-Rear left door control unitV26-Rear left window regulator motor308-SB8 - Fuse 8 on fuse holder B15 A-J386-Driver door control unitJ388-Rear left door control unit30 9-SB9 - Fuse 9 on fuse holder B 5 A-J644-Energy management control unit3010-SB10 - Fuse 10 on fuse holder B30 A-J518-Entry and start authorisation control unitE415-Entry and start authorisation switch30 11-SB11 - Fuse 11 on fuse holder B10 A-J527-Steering column electronics control unit3012-SB12 - Fuse 12 on fuse holder B 5 A-G273- Interior monitoring sensorH12- Alarm horn30Position of fuses in fuse carrier, left dash panel (left-hand drive)No.Current Flow Diagram designation Fuse carrier ST2 (brown)NominalvalueFunction/component Terminal1-SB1 - Fuse 1 on fuse holder B--Vacant2-SB2 - Fuse 2 on fuse holder B--Vacant3-SB3 - Fuse 3 on fuse holder B--Vacant4-SB4 - Fuse 4 on fuse holder B30 A-J400-Wiper motor control unitV-Windscreen wiper motor30 5-SB5 - Fuse 5 on fuse holder B 5 A-G397- Rain and light detector sensor306-SB6 - Fuse 6 on fuse holder B25 A-J4-Dual tone horn relayH2-Treble tone hornH7-Bass tone horn307-SB7 - Fuse 7 on fuse holder B30 A-J519-Onboard power supply control unit30 8-SB8 - Fuse 8 on fuse holder B25 A-J519-Onboard power supply control unit30 9-SB9 - Fuse 9 on fuse holder B25 A-J519-Onboard power supply control unit30 10-SB10 - Fuse 10 on fuse holder B10 A-J285-Control unit in dash panel insertY24-Display in dash panel insert30 11-SB11 - Fuse 11 on fuse holder B30 A-J39 -Headlight washer system relay30 12-SB12 - Fuse 12 on fuse holder B10 A-T16-Diagnostic connector30Position of fuses in fuse carrier, left dash panel (left-hand drive)No.Current Flow Diagram designation Fuse carrier ST3 (black)NominalvalueFunction/component Terminal1-SB1 - Fuse 1 on fuse holder B10 A-J745-Cornering light and headlight rangecontrol unit152-SB2 - Fuse 2 on fuse holder B 5 A-J428-Adaptive cruise control unitZ47-Sensor heater for adaptive cruisecontrol system153-SB3 - Fuse 3 on fuse holder B--Vacant4-SB4 - Fuse 4 on fuse holder B10 A-Lane-Departure-WarningJ759-Lane departure warning control unitZ67-Windscreen heater for lanedeparture warning155-SB5 - Fuse 5 on fuse holder B--Vacant6-SB6 - Fuse 6 on fuse holder B 5 A-J527-Steering column electronics controlunitJ518-Entry and start authorisation controlunitE1-Light switchJ393-Convenience system central controlunitJ345-Trailer detector control unit157-SB7 - Fuse 7 on fuse holder B 5 A-G226 -Oil level and oil temperaturesender15 8-SB8 - Fuse 8 on fuse holder B 5 A-T16-Diagnostic connector15 9-SB9 - Fuse 9 on fuse holder B 5 A-Y7 -Automatic anti-dazzle interior mirror15 10-SB10 - Fuse 10 on fuse holder B 5 A-J530-Garage door operation control unitE284-Garage door operating unit15 11-SB11 - Fuse 11 on fuse holder B 5 A-J533-Data bus diagnostic interface1512-SB12 - Fuse 12 on fuse holder B 5 A-E102-Headlight range control regulatorV48 -Left headlight range control motorV49 -Right headlight range control motor15Position of fuses in fuse carrier, left dash panel (right-hand drive)No.Current Flow Diagram designation Fuse carrier ST1 (red)NominalvalueFunction/component Terminal1-SB1 - Fuse 1 on fuse holder B--Vacant2-SB2 - Fuse 2 on fuse holder B--Vacant3-SB3 - Fuse 3 on fuse holder B--Vacant4-SB4 - Fuse 4 on fuse holder B 5 A-J502-Tyre pressure monitor control unit30 5-SB5 - Fuse 5 on fuse holder B20 A-J364 -Auxiliary heater control unit30 6-SB6 - Fuse 6 on fuse holder B10 A-E177-Front passenger seat lumbarsupport adjustment switch307-SB7 - Fuse 7 on fuse holder B35 A-J387-Front passenger side door controlunit308-SB8 - Fuse 8 on fuse holder B15 A-J387-Front passenger door control unitV148-Front passenger side windowregulator motorJ389-Rear right door control unitV27-Rear right window regulator motor309-SB9 - Fuse 9 on fuse holder B 5 A-J644-Energy management control unitJ389-Rear right door control unit3010-SB10 - Fuse 10 on fuse holder B 5 A-R118-Media player in position 1R119-Media player in position 2R41-CD changerR153-Mini Disc playerR129-Video recorder and DVD player3011-SB11 - Fuse 11 on fuse holder B10 A-E265-Rear Climatronic operating anddisplay unitJ391-Rear fresh air blower control unit3012-SB12 - Fuse 12 on fuse holder B 5 A-J393-Convenience system central controlunit30Position of fuses in fuse carrier, left dash panel (right-hand drive)No.Current Flow Diagram designation Fuse carrier ST2 (brown)NominalvalueFunction/component Terminal1-SB1 - Fuse 1 on fuse holder B--Vacant2-SB2 - Fuse 2 on fuse holder B--Vacant3-SB3 - Fuse 3 on fuse holder B--Vacant4-SB4 - Fuse 4 on fuse holder B30 A-J400-Wiper motor control unitV-Windscreen wiper motor30 5-SB5 - Fuse 5 on fuse holder B 5 A-G397- Rain and light detector sensor306-SB6 - Fuse 6 on fuse holder B25 A-H2 -Treble tone hornH7 - Bass tone hornJ4 -Dual tone horn relay307SB7 - Fuse 7 on fuse holder B--Vacant8-SB8 - Fuse 8 on fuse holder B20 A-U1-Cigarette lighter30 9-SB9 - Fuse 9 on fuse holder B25 A-U5 -12 V socketU18 -12 V socket 23010-SB10 - Fuse 10 on fuse holder B10 A-J255-Climatronic control unitJ126-Fresh air blower control unit30 11-SB11 - Fuse 11 on fuse holder B30 A-J39 -Headlight washer system relay30 12-SB12 - Fuse 12 on fuse holder B10 A-T16-Diagnostic connector30Position of fuses in fuse carrier, left dash panel (right-hand drive)No.Current Flow Diagram designation Fuse carrier ST3 (black)NominalvalueFunction/component Terminal1-SB1 - Fuse 1 on fuse holder B10 A-J745-Cornering light and headlight rangecontrol unit152-SB2 - Fuse 2 on fuse holder B 5 A-J428-Adaptive cruise control unitZ47-Sensor heater for adaptive cruisecontrol system153-SB3 - Fuse 3 on fuse holder B--Vacant4-SB4 - Fuse 4 on fuse holder B10 A-J759-Lane departure warning control unitZ67-Windscreen heater for lanedeparture warning155-SB5 - Fuse 5 on fuse holder B--Vacant6- SB6 - Fuse 6 on fuse holder B 5 A-Z10-Heated bench seat cushion for rearleft seatZ11-Heated rear left seat backrestZ12-Heated bench seat cushion for rearright seatZ13-Heated backrest for rear right seat157-SB7 - Fuse 7 on fuse holder B 5 A-G226 -Oil level and oil temperaturesender15 8-SB8 - Fuse 8 on fuse holder B 5 A-T16-Diagnostic connector15 9-SB9 - Fuse 9 on fuse holder B 5 A-Y7 -Automatic anti-dazzle interior mirror15 10-SB10 - Fuse 10 on fuse holder B 5 A-J530-Garage door operation control unitE284-Garage door operating unit15 11-SB11 - Fuse 11 on fuse holder B 5 A-J234-Airbag control unit1512-SB12 - Fuse 12 on fuse holder B 5 A-G238-Air quality sensorE265-Rear Climatronic operating anddisplay unitJ255-Climatronic control unit15Position of fuses in fuse carrier, right dash panelFuse colours40 A - orange 30 A - green 25 A - white 20 A - yellow 15 A - blue 10 A - red 7,5 A - brown 5 A - beige 3 A - purple1 - Fuse carrier ST1 (black)2 - Fuse carrier ST2 (brown)3 - Fuse carrier ST3 (red)4 - CAN separating connector T46b - A up to D - vacantPosition of fuses in fuse carrier, right dash panel (left-hand drive)No.Current Flow Diagram designation Fuse carrier ST1 (black)NominalvalueFunction/component Terminal1-SC1 - Fuse 1 on fuse holder C20 A-Z10-Heated bench seat cushion for rearleft seatZ11-Heated rear left seat backrestZ12-Heated bench seat cushion for rearright seatZ13-Heated backrest for rear right seat302-SC2-Fuse 2 on fuse holder C 10 A-J217-Automatic gearbox control unit(0AT)305 A-J217-Automatic gearbox control unit(09D)303-SC3 - Fuse 3 on fuse holder C30 A-Z45-Heated seat cushion for front leftseatZ46-Heated seat cushion for front rightseat304-SC4 - Fuse 4 on fuse holder C20 A-J104 -ABS control unit30 5-SC5 - Fuse 5 on fuse holder C15 A-J387-Front passenger door control unitJ389-Rear right door control unit306-SC6 - Fuse 6 on fuse holder C25 A-U19-12 V socket 3U20-12 V socket 4307-SC7 - Fuse 7 on fuse holder C10 A-E177-Front passenger seat lumbarsupport adjustment switch30 8-SC8 - Fuse 8 on fuse holder C20 A-U1-Cigarette lighter309-SC9 - Fuse 9 on fuse holder C25 A-U5 -12 V socketU18 -12 V socket 23010-SC10 - Fuse 10 on fuse holder C10 A-J255-Climatronic control unitJ126-Fresh air blower control unit3011- SC11 - Fuse 11 on fuse holder C 5 A-F-Brake light switchF47-Brake pedal switchJ104-ABS control unit30 12-SC12 - Fuse 12 on fuse holder C15 A-J520-Onboard supply control unit 230Position of fuses in fuse carrier, right dash panel (left-hand drive)No.Current Flow Diagram designation Fuse carrier ST2 (brown)NominalvalueFunction/component Terminal1-SC1 - Fuse 1 on fuse holder C10 A-J745-Cornering light and headlight rangecontrol unit152-SC2 - Fuse 2 on fuse holder C 5 A-J197-Adaptive suspension control unit15 3-SC3 - Fuse 3 on fuse holder C--Vacant4-SC4 - Fuse 4 on fuse holder C 5 A-J769-Lane change assist control unitJ770-Lane change assist control unit 2155-SC5 - Fuse 5 on fuse holder C 5 A-J508-Brake light suppression relayF36-Clutch pedal switch156-SC6-Fuse 6 on fuse holder C5 A-J217-Automatic gearbox control unit(0AT)1520 A-J217-Automatic gearbox control unit(09D)157-SC7 - Fuse 7 on fuse holder C 5 A-J104 -ABS control unit15 8-SC8 - Fuse 8 on fuse holder C 5 A-F125-Multifunction switchF189-Tiptronic switchJ587-Selector lever sensors control unit159-SC9 - Fuse 9 on fuse holder C 5 A-J446-Parking aid control unit15 10-SC10 - Fuse 10 on fuse holder C 5 A-J234-Airbag control unit15 11-SC11 - Fuse 11 on fuse holder C 5 A-E128-Heated rear left seat switch withregulatorE129-Heated rear right seat switch withregulator1512-SC12 - Fuse 12 on fuse holder C 5 A-G238-Air quality sensorE265-Rear Climatronic operating anddisplay unitJ255-Climatronic control unit15Position of fuses in fuse carrier, right dash panel (left-hand drive)No.Current Flow Diagram designation Fuse carrier ST3 (red)NominalvalueFunction/component Terminal1-SC1 - Fuse 1 on fuse holder C15 A-V12 -Rear window wiper motor75 2-SC2 - Fuse 2 on fuse holder C 5 A-Z20 -Left washer jet heater elementZ21 -Right washer jet heater element75 3-SC3 - Fuse 3 on fuse holder C--Vacant4-SC4 - Fuse 4 on fuse holder C--Vacant5-SC5 - Fuse 5 on fuse holder C 5 A-R36-Telephone transmitter and receiverunit306-SC6-Fuse 6 on fuse holder C 15 A-J523-Front information display andoperating unit control unitR24-Aerial amplifier305 A-J523-Front information display andoperating unit control unit307-SC7 - Fuse 7 on fuse holder C20 A-J245-Sliding sunroof adjustment controlunit30 8-SC8 - Fuse 8 on fuse holder C20 A-J392-Rear sliding sunroof control unit30 9-SC9 - Fuse 9 on fuse holder C20 A-J394-Sunroof roller blind control unit30 10-SC10 - Fuse 10 on fuse holder C 5 A-R118-Media player in position 1R119-Media player in position 2R41-CD changerR153-Mini Disc playerR129-Video recorder and DVD player3011-SC11 - Fuse 11 on fuse holder C35 A-J387-Front passenger door control unitV148-Front passenger side windowregulator motorJ389-Rear right door control unitV27-Rear right window regulator motor3012-SC12 - Fuse 12 on fuse holder C10 A-E265-Rear Climatronic operating anddisplay unitJ391-Rear fresh air blower control unit30Position of fuses in fuse carrier, right dash panel (right-hand drive)No.Current Flow Diagram designation Fuse carrier ST1 (black)NominalvalueFunction/component Terminal1-SC1 - Fuse 1 on fuse holder C20 A-Z10-Heated bench seat cushion for rearleft seatZ11-Heated rear left seat backrestZ12-Heated bench seat cushion for rearright seatZ13-Heated backrest for rear right seat302-SC2-Fuse 2 on fuse holder C 10 A-J217-Automatic gearbox control unit(0AT)305 A-J217-Automatic gearbox control unit(09D)303-SC3 - Fuse 3 on fuse holder C30 A-Z45-Heated seat cushion for front leftseatZ46-Heated seat cushion for front rightseat304-SC4 - Fuse 4 on fuse holder C20 A-J104 -ABS control unit30 5-SC5 - Fuse 5 on fuse holder C15 A-J386-Driver door control unitJ388-Rear left door control unit306-SC6 - Fuse 6 on fuse holder C25 A-U19-12 V socket 3U20-12 V socket 4307-SC7 - Fuse 7 on fuse holder C10 A-E176-Driver seat lumbar supportadjustment switch30 8-SC8 - Fuse 8 on fuse holder C25 A-J519-Onboard power supply control unit30 9-SC9 - Fuse 9 on fuse holder C25 A-J519-Onboard power supply control unit30 10-SC10 - Fuse 10 on fuse holder C10 A-J285 - Control unit in dash panel insert30 11-SC11 - Fuse 11 on fuse holder C 5 A-F-Brake light switchF47-Brake pedal switchJ104-ABS control unit30Position of fuses in fuse carrier, right dash panel (right-hand drive)No.Current Flow Diagram designation Fuse carrier ST2 (brown)NominalvalueFunction/component Terminal1-SC1 - Fuse 1 on fuse holder C10 A-J745-Cornering light and headlight rangecontrol unit152-SC2 - Fuse 2 on fuse holder C 5 A-J197-Adaptive suspension control unit15 3-SC3 - Fuse 3 on fuse holder C--Vacant4-SC4 - Fuse 4 on fuse holder C 5 A-J769-Lane change assist control unitJ770-Lane change assist control unit 2155-SC5 - Fuse 5 on fuse holder C 5 A-J508-Brake light suppression relayF36-Clutch pedal switch156-SC6-Fuse 6 on fuse holder C5 A-J217-Automatic gearbox control unit(0AT)1520 A-J217-Automatic gearbox control unit(09D)157-SC7 - Fuse 7 on fuse holder C 5 A-J104 -ABS control unit15 8-SC8 - Fuse 8 on fuse holder C 5 A-F125-Multifunction switchF189-Tiptronic switchJ587-Selector lever sensors control unit159-SC9 - Fuse 9 on fuse holder C 5 A-J446-Parking aid control unit15 10-SC10 - Fuse 10 on fuse holder C 5 A-J533-Data bus diagnostic interface15 11-SC11 - Fuse 11 on fuse holder C 5 A-J527-Steering column electronics controlunitJ518-Entry and start authorisation controlunitE1-Light switchJ393-Convenience system central controlunitJ345-Trailer detector control unit15 12-SC12 - Fuse 12 on fuse holder C 5 A-E102-Headlight range control regulator 15Position of fuses in fuse carrier, right dash panel (right-hand drive)No.Current Flow Diagram designation Fuse carrier ST3 (red)NominalvalueFunction/component Terminal1-SC1 - Fuse 1 on fuse holder C15 A-V12 -Rear window wiper motor75 2-SC2 - Fuse 2 on fuse holder C 5 A-Z20 -Left washer jet heater elementZ21 -Right washer jet heater element75 3-SC3 - Fuse 3 on fuse holder C30 A-J519-Onboard power supply control unit30 4-SC4 - Fuse 4 on fuse holder C--Vacant5-SC5 - Fuse 5 on fuse holder C 5 A-R36-Telephone transmitter and receiverunit306-SC6-Fuse 6 on fuse holder C 15 A-J523-Front information display andoperating unit control unitR24-Aerial amplifier305 A-J523-Front information display andoperating unit control unit307-SC7 - Fuse 7 on fuse holder C20 A-J245-Sliding sunroof adjustment controlunit30 8-SC8 - Fuse 8 on fuse holder C20 A-J392-Rear sliding sunroof control unit30 9-SC9 - Fuse 9 on fuse holder C20 A-J394-Sunroof roller blind control unit30 10-SC10 - Fuse 10 on fuse holder C30 A-J518-Entry and start authorisation controlunitE415-Entry and start authorisation switch3011-SC11 - Fuse 11 on fuse holder C35 A-J386-Driver door control unitV147-Driver side window regulator motorJ388-Rear left door control unitV26-Rear left window regulator motor3012-SC12 - Fuse 12 on fuse holder C10 A-J527-Steering column electronics controlunit30relay and fuse carrier centre dash panelFuse colours30 A - green 25 A - white 20 A - yellow 15 A - blue 10 A - red 7,5 A - brown 5 A - beige1 - Adaptive suspension compressor relay - J4032.1 - Terminal 75x voltage supply relay - J6942.2 - Dual tone horn relay - J43 - Headlight washer system relay - J394 - Brake light suppression relay - J5085 - Vacant6 - Heated rear window relay - J97.1 - Continued coolant circulation relay - J151 (V6 TDI; V8 MPI/FSI)8 - VacantA - VacantB - VacantC - VacantD - Driver seat adjustment thermal fuse 1 - S44, 30 AE - VacantF - VacantG - Vacant1b - Fresh air blower fuse 1 - S97, 40A2b - ABS control unit fuse 1 - S123, 40A3b - Fresh air blower fuse 2 - S98, 40A4b - Heated rear window single fuse - S41, 40A5b - Vacant Array 6b - Vacant A1 - Vacant B1 - Vacant C1 - Vacant D1 - Vacant 1a - Vacant 2a - Vacant3a - VacantRelay and fuse carrier right in luggage compartmentFuse colours30 A - green 25 A - white 20 A - yellow 15 A - blue 10 A - red 7,5 A - brown 5 A - beige 1 - Vacant 2 - Vacant 3 - Vacant4 - Fuse carrier ST1 (black)5 - Fuse carrier ST2 (brown)6 - Fuse carrier ST2 (red)Position of fuses in fuse carrier, right luggage compartmentNo.Current Flow Diagram designation Fuse carrier ST1 (black)NominalvalueFunction/component Terminal1-SF1 - Fuse 1 on fuse holder F--Vacant2-SF2 - Fuse 2 on fuse holder F--Vacant3-SF3 - Fuse 3 on fuse holder F15 A-J197-Adaptive suspension control unit30 4-SF4 - Fuse 4 on fuse holder F--Vacant5-SF5-Fuse 5 on fuse holder F 5 A-J446-Parking aid control unit30 6-SF6-Fuse 6 on fuse holder F15 A-J773-Convenience system central controlunit 2307-SF7-Fuse 7 on fuse holder15 A-J773-Convenience system central controlunit 2308-SF8-Fuse 8 on fuse holder F 5 A-R64-Remote control receiver for auxiliaryheating30 9-SF9-Fuse 9 on fuse holder F20 A-U26-12 V socket 53010-SF10-Fuse 10 on fuse holder F20 A-J393-Convenience system central controlunit3011-SF11-Fuse 11 on fuse holder F15 A-J723-Aerial reader unit for keyless entrysystem3012-SF12-Fuse 12 on fuse holder F30 A-J393-Convenience system central controlunit30Position of fuses in fuse carrier, right luggage compartmentNo.Current Flow Diagram designation Fuse carrier ST2 (brown)NominalvalueFunction/component Terminal1-SF1 - Fuse 1 on fuse holder F--Vacant2-SF2 - Fuse 2 on fuse holder F--Vacant3-SF3 - Fuse 3 on fuse holder F--Vacant4-SF4 - Fuse 4 on fuse holder F--Vacant5-SF5-Fuse 5 on fuse holder F 5 A-R-RadioR24-Aerial amplifier30 6-SF6-Fuse 6 on fuse holder F 5 A-R78-TV tuner307-SF7-Fuse 7 on fuse holder 5 A-J401-Navigation system with CD drivecontrol unit30 8-SF8-Fuse 8 on fuse holder F30 A-J525 - Digital sound package control unit30 9-SF9-Fuse 9 on fuse holder F 5 A-R147-Digital radio30 10-SF10-Fuse 10 on fuse holder F--Vacant11-SF11-Fuse 11 on fuse holder F 5 A-J772-Reversing camera system controlunitR189-Reversing camera30 12-SF12-Fuse 12 on fuse holder F--VacantPosition of fuses in fuse carrier, right luggage compartmentNo.Current Flow Diagram designation Fuse carrier ST3 (red)NominalvalueFunction/component Terminal1-SF1 - Fuse 1 on fuse holder F--Vacant2-SF2 - Fuse 2 on fuse holder F--Vacant3-SF3 - Fuse 3 on fuse holder F--Vacant4-SF4 - Fuse 4 on fuse holder F--Vacant5-SF5-Fuse 5 on fuse holder F--Vacant6-SF6-Fuse 6 on fuse holder F20 A-J393-Convenience system central controlunit307-SF7-Fuse 7 on fuse holder30 A-J605-Rear lid control unitV375-Motor in rear lid control unit308-SF8-Fuse 8 on fuse holder F30 A-J756-Rear lid control unit 2V376-Motor in rear lid control unit 230 9-SF9-Fuse 9 on fuse holder F15 A-J345-Trailer detector control unit30 10-SF10-Fuse 10 on fuse holder F15 A-J345-Trailer detector control unit30 11-SF11-Fuse 11 on fuse holder F15 A-J345-Trailer detector control unit30 12-SF12-Fuse 12 on fuse holder F30 A-J345-Trailer detector control unitV317-Hinged tow attachment ball headmotor30Relay and fuse carrier under driver seatFuse colours30 A - green 25 A - white 20 A - yellow 15 A - blue 10 A - red 7,5 A - brown 5 A - beige1 - Terminal 15 voltage supply relay - J3292 - Battery isolation igniter - N253A - Levelling system fuse - S110 40A SD1 - Strip fuse 150A SD2 - Strip fuse 125A SD3 - Strip fuse 50A SD4 - Strip fuse 60A SD5 - Strip fuse 125AFuse assignment and relay locations in E-box, left in plenum chamber -petrol eginesFuse colours60 A - blue 50 A - red 40 A - orange 30 A - green 25 A - white 20 A - yellow 15 A - blue 10 A - red 7,5 A - brown 5 A - beige 3 A - purpleA1 - Starter motor relay - J53A2 - Starter motor relay 2 - J695A3 - Engine component current supply relay - J757A4 - Secondary air pump relay - J299A5 - Brake servo relay - J569A6 - Continued coolant circulation relay - J151 Array B1 - VacantB2 - VacantB3 - Fuel pump relay - J17B4 - VacantB5 - Fuel cooling pump relay - J445B6 - Circulation pump relay - J160C1 - Additional coolant pump relay - J496C2 - Motronic current supply relay - J271D1 - 6-pin connector T6k, brownD2 - 10-pin connector T10e, greenD3 - 10-pin connector T10d, blueD4 - 10-pin connector T10c, pinkD5 - 6-pin connector T6m, whiteD6 - 10-pin connector T10m, blackS1 - Radiator fan - V7, 60A Array S2 - Secondary air pump motor - V101, 50AS3 - VacantS4 - Radiator fan 2 - V177, 60AS5 - Secondary air pump motor 2 - V189, 50AS6 - VacantS7 - Ignition coils, 30AS8 - Radiator fan control unit - J293, radiator fan control unit 2 - J671, 5AS9 - Injectors, 15AS10 - High pressure sender - G65, coolant circulation pump - V50, exhaust camshaftcontrol valve 1 - N318, 10AS11 - Engine control unit - J623, 5A Array S12 - Heater element for crankcase breather - N79, 5AS13 - Active charcoal filter system solenoid valve 1 - N80, fuel metering valve -N290, air mass meter - G70, 15AS14 - Lambda probe - G39, lambda probe 2 - G108, 15AS15 - Lambda probe after catalytic converter - G130, lambda probe 2 after catalytic converter - G131, 15AS16 - Fuel pump control unit - J538, 30AS17 - Engine control unit - J623, 5AS18 - Vacuum pump for brakes - V192, 15AFuse assignment and relay locations in E-box, left in plenum chamber -diesel enginesFuse colours60 A - blue 50 A - red 40 A - orange 30 A - green 25 A - white 20 A - yellow 15 A - blue 10 A - red 7,5 A - brown 5 A - beige 3 A - purpleA1 - Automatic glow period control unit - J179A2 - Starter motor relay - J53A3 - Glow period control unit 2 - J703A4 - Starter motor relay 2 - J695A5 - Brake servo relay - J569A6 - Continued coolant circulation relay - J151 Array B1 - VacantB2 - VacantB3 - Fuel pump relay - J17B4 - VacantB5 - Fuel cooling pump relay - J445B6 - Circulation pump relay - J160C1 - Fuel pump relay for auxiliary heater - J749 C2 - Terminal 30 voltage supply relay - J317D1 - 6-pin connector T6k, brownD2 - 10-pin connector T10e, greenD3 - 10-pin connector T10d, blueD4 - 10-pin connector T10c, pinkD5 - 6-pin connector T6m, whiteD6 - 10-pin connector T10m, blackS1 - Radiator fan - V7, 60A Array S2 - Automatic glow period control unit - J179, 80AS3 - VacantS4 - Radiator fan 2 - V177, 60AS5 - Glow period control unit 2 - J703, 80AS6 - VacantS7 - Exhaust gas recirculation valve - N18, intake manifold flap motor - V157, 15A S8 - Radiator fan control unit - J293, radiator fan control unit 2 - J671, 5AS9 - Engine control unit - J623, 15AS10 - Fuel metering valve - N290, fuel pressure regulating valve - N276, 10AS11 - Lambda probe - G39, 15A Array S12 - VacantS13 - Fuel cooling pump - V166, 10AS14 - Air mass meter- G70, 5AS15 - Engine control unit - J623, 5AS16 - Fuel system pressurisation pump - G6, 20AS17 - Fuel pump - G23, 20AS18 - Heater element for crankcase breather - N79, 7.5A。


Audi Service Training
小组实践: 电路图阅读练习 19
任务: 奥迪 Q7 3.6 年型 2007, • 轮胎压力监控 记录:
Audi Service Training
小组实践: 电路图阅读练习 20
任务: 奥迪 Q7 3.6 年型 2007, • 安全气囊系统 记录:
Audi Service Training
小组实践: 电路图阅读练习 12
任务: 奥迪 TT3.2 年型 2007, • 油量传感器 记录:
Audi Service Training
小组实践: 电路图阅读练习 13
奥迪A4 3.0 2003 年型 前窗雨刮器电路
Audi Service Training
小组实践: 电路图阅读练习 8
任务: Audi TT 2.0T , 年型 2007 燃油压力系统 • •
Audi Service Training
小组实践: 电路图阅读练习 9
任务: 奥迪 TT3.2 2007年型 •标出左氙灯的电气控制回路 记录:
小组实践: 电路图阅读练习 15
任务: Audi A4, 年型 2003 • 司机侧门上的玻璃升降开关E107插头有几个针脚? • 开关导通时是同正极相连还是同端子31(地)相连.
Audi Service Training
小组实践: 电路图阅读练习 16
任务: Audi A4 3.0 , 年型 2003 带记忆功能的座椅与后视镜调节 •
Audi Service Training

Q7 TDI CAS 发动机线路图

Q7 TDI CAS 发动机线路图

版本 09.2009 3.0 l TDI 共轨发动机(155kW - 6 缸),发动机标识字母 CASB自 2007 年 9 月起3.0 l TDI 共轨发动机(176kW - 6 缸),发动机标识字母 CASA自 2007 年 9 月起3.0 l TDI 共轨发动机(176kW - 6 缸),发动机标识字母 CCMA自 2007 年 9 月起说明:关于♦继电器及保险丝位置♦多芯插头连接♦控制器和继电器♦接地连接→安装位置一览!关于♦故障查找程序→引导型故障查询ws =白色sw =黑色ro =红色rt =红色br =褐色gn =绿色bl =蓝色gr =灰色li =淡紫色vi =淡紫色ge =黄色or =橘黄色rs =粉红色蓄电池、电源管理系统控制器、蓄电池监控控制器、蓄电池断路引爆装置、保险丝A -蓄电池J234 - 安全气囊控制器J329 - 供电继电器,端子15J367 -蓄电池监控控制器J518 -进入及起动许可控制器J644 -电源管理系统控制器N253 - 蓄电池断路引爆装置SD1 - 保险丝座 D 上的保险丝1SD2 - 保险丝座 D 上的保险丝2SD3 - 保险丝座 D 上的保险丝 3SD4 - 保险丝座 D 上的保险丝 4SD5 - 保险丝座 D 上的保险丝 5T2au - 2 芯黄色插头,在蓄电池中断点火器上T2az -2 芯插头连接,在蓄电池控制器上T10d - 10芯蓝色插头连接,排水槽电控箱接线板T20e - 20芯黑色插头连接,在进入和起动许可控制器上T46a - 46 芯黑色插头连接,左侧 CAN 分离插头T75 - 75 芯灰色插头连接,在安全气囊控制器上(美国:白色)624 -起动蓄电池旁边的接地点B273-正极连接(15),在主导线束中• - C AN 总线(数据导线)* -继电器,在驾驶员座椅下的保险丝架上** - 驾驶员座椅前蓄电池导线螺栓连接 (31)# - 至 2008 年 5 月## -自 2008 年 6 月起Audi Q7电路图编号 56 / 3ws=白色sw=黑色ro=红色rt=红色br=褐色gn=绿色bl=蓝色gr=灰色li=淡紫色vi=淡紫色ge=黄色or=橘黄色rs=粉红色起动机,交流发电机,起动机继电器,起动机继电器 2,辅助启动插座B -起动机C -发电机C1 -电压调节器J53 -起动机继电器J533 -数据总线诊断接口J695 -起动机继电器 2SB6 -保险丝座 B 上的保险丝 6SB9 -保险丝座 B 上的保险丝 9T2 -2芯黑色插头连接,在发电机上T10f -10 芯红色插头连接,排水槽电控箱接线板T10z -10 芯白色插头连接,排水槽电控箱接线板T20 -20 芯黑色插头连接,在数据总线诊断接口上TV22 -端子 Kl.30 的导线分配器 2U6 -辅助起动插座13-发动机舱内右侧接地点18-发动机缸体上的接地点B177-连接(61),在车内导线束中B272-正极连接(30),在主导线束中D51-正极连接 1(15),在发动机舱导线束中D97-连接 50,在发动机舱导线束中* -排水槽电控箱继电器座和保险丝架# -至2008 年 5 月## -自2008 年 6 月起? -至2009 年 5 月?? -自2009 年 6 月起Audi Q7电路图编号56 / 4ws=白色sw=黑色ro=红色rt=红色br=褐色gn=绿色bl=蓝色gr=灰色li=淡紫色vi=淡紫色ge=黄色or=橘黄色rs=粉红色预热时间自动装置控制器,预热塞J179 -预热时间自动装置控制器Q10 -预热塞 1Q11 -预热塞 2Q12 -预热塞 3Q13 -预热塞 4Q14 -预热塞 5Q15 -预热塞 6S2 -保险丝座/继电器板上的保险丝S7 -保险丝座/继电器板上的保险丝T6t -6芯黑色插头连接,在发动机舱内右侧D108-连接 6,在发动机舱导线束中* -排水槽电控箱继电器座和保险丝架** -逐步更改Audi Q7电路图编号 56 / 5ws=白色sw=黑色ro=红色rt=红色br=褐色gn=绿色bl=蓝色gr=灰色li=淡紫色vi=淡紫色ge=黄色or=橘黄色rs=粉红色发动机控制器、供电继电器 -总线端 Kl. 30J317 -供电继电器,端子 30J623 -发动机控制器T94 -94 芯黑色插头连接,在发动机控制器上 85-接地连接 1,在发动机舱导线束中609-接地点,在排水槽右侧B303-正极连接 7(30),在主导线束中D50-正极连接(30),在发动机舱导线束中 D75-正极连接 2(30),在发动机舱导线束中 D101-连接 1,在发动机舱导线束中D102-连接 2,在发动机舱导线束中* -排水槽电控箱继电器座和保险丝架** -排水槽电控箱中的螺栓连接? -带驻车暖风的车辆# -至2009 年 5 月## -自2009 年 6 月起Audi Q7电路图编号56 / 6ws=白色sw=黑色ro=红色rt=红色br=褐色gn=绿色bl=蓝色gr=灰色li=淡紫色vi=淡紫色ge=黄色or=橘黄色rs=粉红色发动机控制器E45 -G RA 开关F125 -多功能开关J518 -进入及起动许可控制器J527 -转向柱电子装置控制器J623 -发动机控制器S9 -保险丝座/继电器板上的保险丝S15 -保险丝座/继电器板上的保险丝T10c -10 芯粉色插头连接,排水槽电控箱接线板T10d -10 芯蓝色插头连接,排水槽电控箱接线板T10p -10 芯黑色插头连接,在变速箱上T16a -16芯插头连接,在转向柱电子装置控制器上T20e -20芯黑色插头连接,在进入和起动许可控制器上T46a -46 芯黑色插头连接,左侧 CAN分离插头T94 -94 芯黑色插头连接,在发动机控制器上B482-接地连接 18,在主导线束中D103-连接 3,在发动机舱导线束中• -C AN 总线(数据导线)Audi Q7电路图编号 56 / 7ws=白色sw =黑色ro =红色rt =红色br =褐色gn =绿色bl =蓝色gr =灰色li =淡紫色vi =淡紫色ge =黄色or =橘黄色rs =粉红色发动机控制器、气缸 1 - 6 喷油阀、空气质量流量计G70 -空气质量流量计J623 - 发动机控制器N30 - 气缸 1 喷油阀N31 - 气缸 2 喷油阀N32 - 气缸 3 喷油阀N33 - 气缸 4 喷油阀N83 - 气缸 5 喷油阀N84 - 气缸 6 喷油阀S14 - 保险丝座/继电器板上的保险丝T60 - 60 芯黑色插头连接,在发动机控制器上T94 - 94 芯黑色插头连接,在发动机控制器上Audi Q7电路图编号56 / 8ws=白色sw=黑色ro=红色rt=红色br=褐色gn=绿色bl=蓝色gr=灰色li=淡紫色vi=淡紫色ge=黄色or=橘黄色rs=粉红色发动机控制器、油门踏板位置传感器、增压空气传感器、进气温度传感器、燃油压力调节阀、燃油定量阀、G31 -增压压力传感器G42 -进气温度传感器G79 -油门踏板位置传感器G185 -油门踏板位置传感器 2J623 -发动机控制器J843 -车辆定位系统连接控制器N276 -燃油压力调节阀N290 -燃油定量阀S10 -保险丝座/继电器板上的保险丝T10e -10芯绿色插头连接,排水槽电控箱接线板T10m -10 芯黑色插头连接,排水槽电控箱接线板T10z -10 芯白色插头连接,排水槽电控箱接线板T12z -12芯棕色插头连接,在车辆定位系统连接控制器上T60 -60 芯黑色插头连接,在发动机控制器上T94 -94 芯黑色插头连接,在发动机控制器上B564-接地连接 31,在主导线束中D111-连接 9,在发动机舱导线束中D112-连接 10,在发动机舱导线束中D113-连接 11,在发动机舱导线束中* -带特殊功能连接口的车辆Audi Q7电路图编号 56 / 9ws =白色sw =黑色ro =红色rt =红色br =褐色gn =绿色bl =蓝色gr =灰色li =淡紫色vi =淡紫色ge =黄色or =橘黄色rs =粉红色发动机控制器、燃油压力传感器、进气风门马达 2、尾气循环伺服马达G247 - 燃油压力传感器J623 - 发动机控制器T60 -60 芯黑色插头连接,在发动机控制器上V275 - 进气管风门 2 马达V338 -废气再循环伺服马达 D112 -连接 10,在发动机舱导线束中D113-连接 11,在发动机舱导线束中Audi Q7电路图编号56 / 10ws=白色sw=黑色ro=红色rt=红色br=褐色gn=绿色bl=蓝色gr=灰色li=淡紫色vi=淡紫色ge=黄色or=橘黄色rs=粉红色发动机控制器、废气压力传感器 1、尾气涡轮增压控制单元 1、进气管风门马达G450 -废气压力传感器1J623 -发动机控制器J724 -废气涡轮增压器 1 控制器T10m -10芯黑色插头连接,排水槽电控箱接线板T60 -60芯黑色插头连接,在发动机控制器上T94 -94 芯黑色插头连接,在发动机控制器上V157 -进气管风门马达D112-连接 10,在发动机舱导线束中D113-连接 11,在发动机舱导线束中D116-连接 14,在发动机舱导线束中D117-连接 15,在发动机舱导线束中Audi Q7电路图编号 56 / 11ws =白色sw =黑色ro =红色rt =红色br =褐色gn =绿色bl =蓝色gr =灰色li =淡紫色vi =淡紫色ge =黄色or =橘黄色rs =粉红色发动机控制器,发动机转速传感器、霍尔传感器、冷凝器出口上的冷却液温度传感器G28 - 发动机转速传感器G40 - 霍尔传感器G62 - 冷却液温度传感器G81 - 燃油温度传感器G83 -冷凝器出口上的冷却液温度传感器J623 - 发动机控制器T3i - 3 芯灰色插头连接,在发动机转速传感器上T60 - 60 芯黑色插头连接,在发动机控制器上281 -接地连接 1-,在发动机预接线导线束中609 -接地点,在排水槽右侧 D114-连接 12,在发动机舱导线束中Audi Q7电路图编号56 / 12ws=白色sw=黑色ro=红色rt=红色br=褐色gn=绿色bl=蓝色gr=灰色li=淡紫色vi=淡紫色ge=黄色or=橘黄色rs=粉红色发动机控制器、节气门控制单元、废气再循环冷却器转换阀J338 -节气门控制单元J623 -发动机控制器N345 -废气再循环冷却器转换阀T10m -10 芯黑色插头连接,排水槽电控箱接线板T10z -10芯白色插头连接,排水槽电控箱接线板T94 -94 芯黑色插头连接,在发动机控制器上281-接地连接 1-,在发动机预接线导线束中D115-连接 13,在发动机舱导线束中Audi Q7电路图编号 56 / 13ws =白色sw =黑色ro =红色rt =红色br =褐色gn =绿色bl =蓝色gr =灰色li =淡紫色vi =淡紫色ge =黄色or =橘黄色rs=粉红色发动机控制器、制动信号灯开关、离合器踏板开关、制动踏板开关F - 刹车灯开关F47 -制动踏板开关J104 - A BS 控制器J508 -制动灯抑制继电器J623 - 发动机控制器SC5 - 保险丝座 C 上的保险丝 5SC6 - 保险丝座 C 上的保险丝 6SC11 - 保险丝座 C 上的保险丝 11T10c - 10芯粉色插头连接,排水槽电控箱接线板T10d - 10 芯蓝色插头连接,排水槽电控箱接线板T47a - 47 芯插头连接,在 ABS控制器上T94 - 94 芯黑色插头连接,在发动机控制器上44-左侧 A 柱下部的接地点372 -接地连接 7,在主导线束中 377-接地连接12,在主导线束中 664 -左侧仪表板后面的接地点B163 -正极连接 1(15),在车内导线束中 B300 -正极连接 4(30),在主导线束中 B336-连接 2(54),在主导线束中* -中央仪表板后面的继电器和保险丝座# - 至 2008 年 5 月## - 自 2008 年 6 月起Audi Q7电路图编号56 / 14ws=白色sw=黑色ro=红色rt=红色br=褐色gn=绿色bl=蓝色gr=灰色li=淡紫色vi=淡紫色ge=黄色or=橘黄色rs=粉红色发动控制器、氧传感器、尾气温度传感器 1、尾气温度传感器 3、尾气再循环温度传感器G39 -氧传感器G98 -尾气再循环温度传感器G235 -废气温度传感器 1G495 -废气温度传感器 3J623 -发动机控制器S11 -保险丝座/继电器板上的保险丝T6r -6芯黑色插头连接,用于氧传感器T10m -10 芯黑色插头连接,排水槽电控箱接线板T94 -94 芯黑色插头连接,在发动机控制器上Z19 -氧传感器加热D106-连接 4,在发动机舱导线束中Audi Q7电路图编号 56 / 15ws =白色sw =黑色ro =红色rt =红色br =褐色gn =绿色bl =蓝色gr =灰色li =淡紫色vi =淡紫色ge =黄色or =橘黄色rs =粉红色发动机控制器、燃油冷却泵继电器、高压传感器、燃油冷却泵、尾气再循环冷却器马达G65 -高压传感器J255 - Climatronic控制器J445 - 燃油冷却泵继电器J623 - 发动机控制器S13 - 保险丝座/继电器板上的保险丝T10d -10 芯蓝色插头连接,排水槽电控箱接线板T10z - 10 芯白色插头连接,排水槽电控箱接线板T16d - 16 芯黑色插头连接,插头D ,在 Climatronic 自动空调控制器上T94 - 94 芯黑色插头连接,在发动机控制器上V166 -燃油冷却泵V400 -废气再循环冷却器马达 685-接地点 1,左前纵梁上D107-连接 5,在发动机舱导线束中* -排水槽电控箱继电器座和保险丝架# - 至 2009 年 5 月## -自 2009 年 6 月起Audi Q7电路图编号56 / 16ws=白色sw=黑色ro=红色rt=红色br=褐色gn=绿色bl=蓝色gr=灰色li=淡紫色vi=淡紫色ge=黄色or=橘黄色rs=粉红色发动机控制器,冷却液续流继电器,冷却液续流泵,辅助暖气燃油泵继电器J151 -冷却液继续补给继电器J255 -Climatronic控制器J623 -发动机控制器J749 -辅助加热装置燃油泵继电器T6k - 6芯棕色插头连接,排水槽电控箱接线板T10c -10 芯粉色插头连接,排水槽电控箱接线板T10d -10 芯蓝色插头连接,排水槽电控箱接线板T16c -16芯棕色插头连接,插头 C,在 Climatronic 自动空调控制器上T16d -16芯黑色插头连接,插头 D,在 Climatronic 自动空调控制器上T94 -94 芯黑色插头连接,在发动机控制器上V50 -冷却液循环泵368-接地连接 3,在主导线束中640-接地点,在发动机舱内左侧B537-接地连接 28,在主导线束中* -中央仪表板后面的继电器和保险丝座** -排水槽电控箱继电器座和保险丝架? -带驻车暖风的车辆?? -基础型空调器??? -舒适型空调器# -至2009 年 5 月## -自2009 年 6 月起Audi Q7电路图编号 56 / 17ws =白色sw =黑色ro =红色rt =红色br =褐色gn =绿色bl =蓝色gr =灰色li =淡紫色vi =淡紫色ge =黄色or =橘黄色rs=粉红色发动机控制器、然油泵继电器、散热器风扇控制器,散热器风扇 J17 - 燃油泵继电器J293 -散热器风扇控制器J623 - 发动机控制器J671 - 散热器风扇控制器 2S1 - 保险丝座/继电器板上的保险丝S4 - 保险丝座/继电器板上的保险丝S8 - 保险丝座/继电器板上的保险丝S16 - 保险丝座/继电器板上的保险丝S17 - 保险丝座/继电器板上的保险丝S18 - 保险丝座/继电器板上的保险丝T10c - 10芯粉色插头连接,排水槽电控箱接线板T94 - 94 芯黑色插头连接,在发动机控制器上V7 -散热器风扇V177 - 散热器风扇 2671-接地点 1,左前纵梁上D109-连接 7,在发动机舱导线束中* - 排水槽电控箱继电器座和保险丝架? -带驻车暖风的车辆# - 至 2009 年 5 月## -自 2009 年 6 月起Audi Q7电路图编号56 / 18ws=白色sw=黑色ro=红色rt=红色br=褐色gn=绿色bl=蓝色gr=灰色li=淡紫色vi=淡紫色ge=黄色or=橘黄色rs=粉红色组合仪表中的控制器,辅助燃油泵继电器、燃油泵控制器,燃油存量表传感器,预供给燃油泵,燃油存量传感器 2G -燃油存量表传感器G1 -燃油存量表G6 -预供给燃油泵G23 -燃油泵G169 -燃油存量传感器 2J285 -仪表板中的控制器J832 -辅助燃油泵继电器T2ci -2芯黑色插头连接,在发动机舱内左侧T4l -4芯黑色插头连接,燃油箱上左侧T4m -4芯黑色插头连接,燃油箱上右侧T32a -32 芯灰色插头连接,在组合仪表中的控制器上V393 -辅助燃油泵Y24 -组合仪表显示单元61-左侧 C 柱上的接地点62-右侧 C 柱上的接地点410-接地连接 1(传感器接地),在主导线束中671-接地点 1,左前纵梁上D118-连接 16,在发动机舱导线束中* -传感器接地输出端** -排水槽电控箱继电器座和保险丝架# -至2009 年 5 月## -自2009 年 6 月起### -逐步取消Audi Q7电路图编号 56 / 19ws =白色sw =黑色ro =红色rt =红色br =褐色gn =绿色bl =蓝色gr =灰色li =淡紫色vi =淡紫色ge =黄色or =橘黄色rs=粉红色组合仪表中的控制器,机油压力开关,冷却液不足显示开关,机油油位及温度温度传感器,机油压力控制器,冷却液温度和冷却液不足显示指示灯F1 - 机油压力开关F66 - 冷却液不足显示开关G266 - 机油油位和机油温度传感器J285 - 仪表板中的控制器J533 - 数据总线诊断接口K3 -机油压力指示灯K28 -冷却液温度和冷却液不足显示指示灯SB6 - 保险丝座 B 上的保险丝 6SB7 - 保险丝座 B 上的保险丝 7T10f - 10 芯红色插头连接,排水槽电控箱接线板T20 - 20 芯黑色插头连接,在数据总线诊断接口上T26b -26 芯黑色插头连接,在数据总线诊断接口上T32a - 32 芯灰色插头连接,在组合仪表中的控制器上Y24 -组合仪表显示单元 45-中部仪表板后面的接地点378-接地连接 13,在主导线束中• - C AN 总线(数据导线)* - 至 2008 年 5 月** - 自 2008 年 6 月起。



Edition 02.2006 Audi Q7 4.2 l Fuel injection engine (257 kW - 8 cylinder), engine code BARfrom model year 2007Notes:For information concerningPosition of relays and fusesMulti-pin connectionsControl units and relaysEarth connections→ List of Fitting Locations!For information concerningFault Finding Programs→ guided fault findingws =white sw =black ro =red br =brown gn =green bl =blue gr =grey li =purple ge =yellow or =orange rs =pinkBattery, terminal 15 voltage supply relay, energy management control unit, battery isolation igniter, fuses A - B atteryJ234 -A irbag control unit J329 - T erminal 15 voltage supply relay J518 - E ntry and start authorisation control unit J644 - E nergy management control unit N253 -B attery isolation igniter SB8 - F use 8 on fuse holder B SB9 - F use 9 on fuse holder B SD1 - F use 1 on fuse holder D SD2 - F use 2 on fuse holder D SD3 - F use 3 on fuse holder D SD4 - F use 4 on fuse holder D SD5 - F use 5 on fuse holder D SD7 - F use 7 on fuse holder DT10d - 10-pin connector, blue, coupling station on electronics box,plenum chamberT20e - 20-pin connector, black, on entry and start authorisationcontrol unitT46a - 46-pin connector, black, CAN separating connector left T75 - 75-pin connector, grey, on airbag control unit (USA: white)B272-P ositive connection (30), in main wiring harness B273-P ositive connection (15), in main wiring harness• - C AN bus (data wire)* - R elay and fuse carrier under driver seat ** - s crew connection (31) battery wire before driver seatws=white sw =black ro =red br =brown gn =green bl =blue gr =grey li =purple ge =yellow or =orange rs=pinkStarter, alternator, starter motor relay, starter motor relay 2, slave start socket B - S tarter C - A lternator C1 - V oltage regulator J53 - S tarter motor relay J695 - S tarter motor relay 2T2 - 2-pin connector, black, on alternatorT6m - 6-pin connector, white, coupling station on electronics box,plenum chamberT10f - 10-pin connector, red, coupling station on electronics box,plenum chamberTV22 - T erminal 30 wiring junction 2U6 - S lave start socket13-E arth point, on right in engine compartment 18 -E arth point on engine blockD51 - Positive connection 1 (15), in engine compartment wiring harnessD97-C onnection (50), in engine compartment wiring harness* - R elay and fuse carrier, electronics box plenum chamberws=white sw =black ro =red br =brown gn =green bl =blue gr =grey li =purple ge =yellow or =orange rs =pinkEngine control unit, Motronic current supply relay J271 - M otronic current supply relay J623 - E ngine control unit S17 - F uses in relay plate fuse holder T94 - 94-pin connector, black, on engine control unit85 -E arth connection 1, in engine compartment wiring harness609 -E arth point, on right in plenum chamberD50 - Positive connection (30), in engine compartment wiring harnessD75 - Positive connection 2 (30), in engine compartment wiring harnessD101 -C onnection 1, in engine compartment wiring harness D102-C onnection 2, in engine compartment wiring harness* - R elay and fuse carrier, electronics box plenum chamberws=white sw =black ro =red br =brown gn =green bl =blue gr =grey li =purple ge =yellow or =orange rs=pinkEngine control unit E45 - C ruise control system switch J518 - E ntry and start authorisation control unit J527 - S teering column electronics control unit J623 - E ngine control unit S9 - F uses in relay plate fuse holder S11 - F uses in relay plate fuse holderT10c - 10-pin connector, pink, coupling station on electronics box,plenum chamberT10d - 10-pin connector, blue, coupling station on electronics box,plenum chamberT16a - 16-pin connector, on steering column electronics control unit T20e - 20-pin connector, black, on entry and start authorisationcontrol unitT46a - 46-pin connector, black, CAN separating connector left T94 - 94-pin connector, black, on engine control unitD100- Positive connection 2 (15), in engine compartment wiringharnessD103-C onnection 3, in engine compartment wiring harness• - C AN bus (data wire)ws=whitesw=blackro=redbr=browngn=greenbl=bluegr=greyli=purplege=yellowor=orangers=pinkEngine control unit, ignition coil 1 - 4 with output stageJ623 -E ngine control unitN70 -I gnition coil 1 with output stageN127 -I gnition coil 2 with output stageN291 -I gnition coil 3 with output stageN292 -I gnition coil 4 with output stageP -S park plug connectorQ -S park plugsS7 -F uses in relay plate fuse holderT6m -6-pin connector, white, coupling station on electronics box,plenum chamberT60 -60-pin connector, black, on engine control unit281-E arth connection 1, in engine harness283-E arth connection 2, in engine harness600-E arth point, on right of cylinder head609-E arth point, on right in plenum chamberD173-C onnection (87), in engine wiring harnessws=whitesw=blackro=redbr=browngn=greenbl=bluegr=greyli=purplege=yellowor=orangers=pinkEngine control unit, ignition coil 5 -8 with output stageJ623 -E ngine control unitN323 -I gnition coil 5 with output stageN324 -I gnition coil 6 with output stageN325 -I gnition coil 7 with output stageN326 -I gnition coil 8 with output stageP -S park plug connectorQ -S park plugsT60 -60-pin connector, black, on engine control unit281-E arth connection 1, in engine harness458-E arth connection 3, in engine harness601-E arth point, on left of cylinder headD173-C onnection (87), in engine wiring harnessws=whitesw=blackro=redbr=browngn=greenbl=bluegr=greyli=purplege=yellowor=orangers=pinkEngine control unit, injector for cylinders 1, 2, 6, 8J623 -E ngine control unitN30 -I njector, cylinder 1N31 -I njector, cylinder 2N84 -I njector, cylinder 6N86 -I njector, cylinder 8T14m -14-pin connector, black, in engine compartment, bank 1T14n -14-pin connector, black, in engine compartment, bank 2T60 -60-pin connector, black, on engine control unitD119-C onnection 17, in engine compartment wiring harness D120-C onnection 18, in engine compartment wiring harnessws=whitesw=blackro=redbr=browngn=greenbl=bluegr=greyli=purplege=yellowor=orangers=pinkEngine control unit, injector for cylinders 3, 4, 5, 7J623 -E ngine control unitN32 -I njector, cylinder 3N33 -I njector, cylinder 4N83 -I njector, cylinder 5N85 -I njector, cylinder 7T14m -14-pin connector, black, in engine compartment, bank 1T14n -14-pin connector, black, in engine compartment, bank 2T60 -60-pin connector, black, on engine control unitD117-C onnection 15, in engine compartment wiring harness D118-C onnection 16, in engine compartment wiring harnessws=whitesw=blackro=redbr=browngn=greenbl=bluegr=greyli=purplege=yellowor=orangers=pinkEngine control unit, knock sensorG61 -K nock sensor 1G66 -K nock sensor 2G198 -K nock sensor 3G199 -K nock sensor 4J623 -E ngine control unitT3k -3-pin connector, black, on knock sensor 1T3n -3-pin connector, brown, on knock sensor 2T3o -3-pin connector, black, on knock sensor 3T3p -3-pin connector, brown, on knock sensor 4T60 -60-pin connector, black, on engine control unit220-E arth connection (sender earth), in engine wiring harnessws=whitesw=blackro=redbr=browngn=greenbl=bluegr=greyli=purplege=yellowor=orangers=pinkEngine control unit, engine speed sender, Hall senderG28 -E ngine speed senderG40 -H all senderG300 -H all sender 3J623 -E ngine control unitT60 -60-pin connector, black, on engine control unit220-E arth connection (sender earth), in engine wiring harness D141-C onnection (5V), in engine wiring harnessws=whitesw=blackro=redbr=browngn=greenbl=bluegr=greyli=purplege=yellowor=orangers=pinkEngine control unit, coolant temperature sender, fuel pressuresender, intake manifold flap potentiometerG62 -C oolant temperature senderG247 -F uel pressure senderG336 -I ntake manifold flap potentiometerG512 -I ntake manifold flap 2 potentiometerJ623 -E ngine control unitT14m -14-pin connector, black, in engine compartment, bank 1T60 -60-pin connector, black, on engine control unit327-Earth connection (sender earth), in engine compartmentwiring harnessD141-C onnection (5V), in engine wiring harnessws=whitesw=blackro=redbr=browngn=greenbl=bluegr=greyli=purplege=yellowor=orangers=pinkEngine control unit, air mass meter, radiator outlet coolanttemperature sender, Hall sender, fuel pressure sender for lowpressure, intake air temperature senderG42 -I ntake air temperature senderG70 -A ir mass meterG83 -R adiator outlet coolant temperature senderG163 -H all sender 2G246 -A ir mass meter 2G301 -H all sender 4G410 -F uel pressure sender for low pressureJ623 -E ngine control unitT6m -6-pin connector, white, coupling station on electronics box,plenum chamberT10m -10-pin connector, black, coupling station on electronics box,plenum chamberT94 -94-pin connector, black, on engine control unitD112-C onnection 10, in engine compartment wiring harnessD113-C onnection 11, in engine compartment wiring harnessD114-C onnection 12, in engine compartment wiring harnessD174-E arth connection 2 (5V), in engine wiring harnessD195-C onnection 1 (5V), in engine compartment wiring harnessws=white sw =black ro =red br =brown gn =green bl =blue gr =grey li =purple ge =yellow or =orange rs =pinkEngine control unit, high pressure sender, brake servo pressure sensor, active charcoal filter system solenoid valve 1, fuel metering valve G65 - H igh pressure sender G294 - B rake servo pressure sensor。



Edition 02.2006 Communication●MMI●Multimedia system operating unit●Digital radio, radio (K-box)●Navigation system●Telephone, preparation for mobile telephone, Bluetooth●TV tuner●Media playerfrom model year 2007Notes:For information concerningPosition of relays and fusesMulti-pin connectionsControl units and relaysEarth connections→ List of Fitting Locations!For information concerningFault Finding Programs→ guided fault findingws=white sw =black ro =red br =brown gn =green bl =blue gr =grey li =purple ge =yellow or =orange rs =pinkData bus diagnostic interface, fuses J329 - T erminal 15 voltage supply relay J533 - D ata bus diagnostic interface SB8 - F use 8 on fuse holder B SB10 - F use 10 on fuse holder B SB11 - F use 11 on fuse holder B SD1 - F use 1 on fuse holder D T16 - 16-pin connector, diagnosis socketT26b - 26-pin connector, black, connector B, on data bus diagnosticinterface374-Earth connection 9, in main wiring harness 664 -Earth point, on left behind dash panelB272 -Positive connection (30), in main wiring harness B273 -Positive connection (15), in main wiring harness B325-Positive connection 11 (30a), in main wiring harness• - C AN bus (data wire)* - R elay and fuse carrier under driver seatws =white sw =black ro =red br =brown gn =green bl =blue gr =grey li =purple ge =yellow or =orange rs =pinkData bus diagnostic interface, control unit in dash panel insert J285 - C ontrol unit in dash panel insertJ428 -A daptive cruise control unit J533 - D ata bus diagnostic interface T8c - 8-pin connector, black, in front left engine compartmentT26b - 26-pin connector, black, connector B, on data bus diagnosticinterfaceT32a - 32-pin connector, grey, on control unit in dash panel insert T46a - 46-pin connector, black, CAN separating connector leftB398- Connection 2 (convenience CAN bus, high), in main wiring harnessB407 - Connection 2 (convenience CAN bus, low), in main wiring harnessB444- Connection 1 (diagnosis), in main wiring harness (ring brake diagnosis)• - C AN bus (data wire)* - m odels with adaptive cruise ♦ - Fibre optic conductor, see Current Flow Diagram infotainmentdata bus (Most Ring)ws =white sw =black ro =red br =brown gn =green bl =blue gr =grey li =purple ge =yellow or =orange rs =pinkFront information display and operating unit control unit, fuses J523 - F ront information display and operating unit control unit SC5 - F use 5 on fuse holder C SC6 - F use 6 on fuse holder C SC8 - F use 8 on fuse holder C SC10 - F use 10 on fuse holder C SD2 - F use 2 on fuse holder DT20k - 20-pin connector, red, connector A, on front informationdisplay and operating unit control unit 45-Earth point, centre behind dash panel 373 -Earth connection 8, in main wiring harness B300 -Positive connection 4 (30), in main wiring harnessB444- Connection 1 (diagnosis), in main wiring harness (ring brake diagnosis)* - R elay and fuse carrier under driver seat # - m odels with telephone ## - m odels with preparation for mobile telephone ### -m odels with Bluetooth car phone ♦ - Fibre optic conductor, see Current Flow Diagram infotainment data bus (Most Ring)ws =white sw =black ro =red br =brown gn =green bl =blue gr =grey li =purple ge =yellow or =orange rs=pinkFront information display and operating unit control unit,multimedia system operating unit, glove compartment button, display unit button E316 - G love compartment button E380 - M ultimedia system operating unit E506 - D isplay unit button J520 - O nboard supply control unit 2J523 - F ront information display and operating unit control unit T6w - 6-pin connector, black, on switch module, side T16f - 16-pin connector, brown, on multimedia system operatingunitT20k - 20-pin connector, red, connector A, on front informationdisplay and operating unit control unitT40a - 40-pin connector, black, on onboard supply control unit 245-Earth point, centre behind dash panel378 -Earth connection 13, in main wiring harness B340 -Connection 1 (58s), in main wiring harness B341-Connection 2 (58s), in main wiring harnessws=whitesw=blackro=redbr=browngn=greenbl=bluegr=greyli=purplege=yellowor=orangers=pinkFront information display and operating unit control unit, displayunit for front information display and operating unit control unitJ523 -F ront information display and operating unit control unitJ685 -Display unit for front information display and operating unitcontrol unitT22a -22-pin connector, on display unit for front information displayand operating unit control unitT22b -22-pin connector, black, connector C, on front informationdisplay and operating unit control unitws=white sw =black ro =red br =brown gn =green bl =blue gr =grey li =purple ge =yellow or =orange rs =pinkFront information display and operating unit control unit, display unit for front information display and operating unit control unit J523 - F ront information display and operating unit control unit J685 - Display unit for front information display and operating unitcontrol unitT22a - 22-pin connector, on display unit for front information displayand operating unit control unitT22b - 22-pin connector, black, connector C, on front informationdisplay and operating unit control unit* - m odels without DVD player ** - m odels with DVD player *** - s creening on connector housingws =white sw =black ro =red br =brown gn =green bl =blue gr =grey li =purple ge =yellow or =orange rs=pinkMedia player in position 1 and 2 R41 - C D changer R118 - M edia player in position 1R119 - M edia player in position 2R129 - V ideo recorder and DVD player R153 - M ini Disc player T8h - 8-pin connector, black, on media player in position 1T8i - 8-pin connector, black, on media player in position 2687-Earth point 1, on centre tunnel * - m odels with CD changer** - m odels with DVD player *** - m odels with MiniDisc player ♦ - Fibre optic conductor, see Current Flow Diagram infotainmentdata bus (Most Ring)ws =white sw =black ro =red br =brown gn =green bl =blue gr =grey li =purple ge =yellow or =orange rs=pinkTelephone (9ZJ), telephone transmitter and receiver unit, aerial for Bluetooth R36 - T elephone transmitter and receiver unitR152 -A erial for Bluetooth T42 - 42-pin connector, blue, on telephone transmitter and receiverunit35-Earth point, under front passenger seat 386 -Earth connection 21, in main wiring harness B330-Positive connection 16 (30a), in main wiring harness♦- Fibre optic conductor, see Current Flow Diagram infotainment data bus (Most Ring)ws=whitesw=blackro=redbr=browngn=greenbl=bluegr=greyli=purplege=yellowor=orangers=pinkTelephone transmitter and receiver unit, telephone handset,microphone unit in front roof module, radio, telephone andnavigation system aerialR36 -T elephone transmitter and receiver unitR37 -T elephone handsetR52 -R adio, telephone and navigation system aerialR126 -T elephone bracketR164 -M icrophone unit in front roof moduleT6x -6-pin connector, blue, on microphone unit in front roofmoduleT12n -12-pin connector, black, on telephone bracketT42 -42-pin connector, blue, on telephone transmitter and receiverunit35-Earth point, under front passenger seat* -r oof aerialws=whitesw=blackro=redbr=browngn=greenbl=bluegr=greyli=purplege=yellowor=orangers=pinkPreparation for mobile telephone (9ZF / 9ZG), telephonetransmitter and receiver unit, microphone unit in front roofmodule, aerial for BluetoothR36 -T elephone transmitter and receiver unitR152 -A erial for BluetoothR164 -M icrophone unit in front roof moduleT6x -6-pin connector, blue, on microphone unit in front roofmoduleT54a -54-pin connector, on telephone transmitter and receiver unit35-Earth point, under front passenger seatB330-Positive connection 16 (30a), in main wiring harness♦-Fibre optic conductor, see Current Flow Diagram infotainmentdata bus (Most Ring)ws=whitesw=blackro=redbr=browngn=greenbl=bluegr=greyli=purplege=yellowor=orangers=pinkTelephone transmitter and receiver unit, mobile telephone,telephone bracketR36 -T elephone transmitter and receiver unitR54 -M obile telephoneR126 -T elephone bracketT12n -12-pin connector, black, on telephone bracketT54a -54-pin connector, on telephone transmitter and receiver unitws=white sw =black ro =red br =brown gn =green bl =blue gr =grey li =purple ge =yellow or =orange rs=pinkBluetooth car phone(9ZW), telephone transmitter and receiver unit, telephone transmitter and receiver unit, aerial amplifier for mobile telephone, aerial for Bluetooth R36 - T elephone transmitter and receiver unit R52 - R adio, telephone and navigation system aerialR86 -A erial amplifier for mobile telephone R152 -A erial for Bluetooth T3r - 3-pin connector, black, on aerial amplifier for mobiletelephoneT54a - 54-pin connector, on telephone transmitter and receiver unit35-Earth point, under front passenger seat 51 -Earth point, on right in luggage compartment 386 -Earth connection 21, in main wiring harness B330-Positive connection 16 (30a), in main wiring harness* - m odels with preparation for mobile telephone** - m odels with Bluetooth car phone ♦ -Fibre optic conductor, see Current Flow Diagram infotainmentdata bus (Most Ring)ws=white sw =black ro =red br =brown gn =green bl =blue gr =grey li =purple ge =yellow or =orange rs=pinkTelephone transmitter and receiver unit, radio, telephone and navigation system aerial, mobile telephone, telephone bracket, microphone unit in front roof module R36 - T elephone transmitter and receiver unit R52 - R adio, telephone and navigation system aerial R54 - M obile telephone R126 - T elephone bracket R164 - M icrophone unit in front roof module T6x - 6-pin connector, blue, on microphone unit in front roofmoduleT12n - 12-pin connector, black, on telephone bracket T54a - 54-pin connector, on telephone transmitter and receiver unit35-Earth point, under front passenger seat * - r oof aerial** - m odels with Bluetooth car phonews=white sw =black ro =red br =brown gn =green bl =blue gr =grey li =purple ge =yellow or =orange rs=pinkRadio, fuses J525 - D igital sound package control unit R - R adio SD3 - F use 3 on fuse holder D SF5 - F use 5 on fuse holder F SF6 - F use 6 on fuse holder F SF7 - F use 7 on fuse holder F SF8 - F use 8 on fuse holder F SF9 - F use 9 on fuse holder F T8k - 8-connector, black, on radio T32c - 32-pin connector, black, on digital sound package control unit675-Earth point 2, on right in luggage compartmentB331-Positive connection 17 (30a), in main wiring harness* - R elay and fuse carrier under driver seatws=whitesw=blackro=redbr=browngn=greenbl=bluegr=greyli=purplege=yellowor=orangers=pinkRadio, language input control unitJ507 -L anguage input control unitR -R adioT12o -12-pin connector, on radio* -m odels with voice control♦-Fibre optic conductor, see Current Flow Diagram infotainmentdata bus (Most Ring)ws =white sw =black ro =red br =brown gn =green bl =blue gr =grey li =purple ge =yellow or =orange rs=pinkTV tuner, aerial amplifierR24 -A erial amplifier R78 - T V tuner T3q - 3-pin connector, black, on aerial amplifier T20p - 20-pin connector, on TV tuner370 -Earth connection 5, in main wiring harness666 -Earth point, on rear right of roof675-Earth point 2, on right in luggage compartment* - m odels with TV tuner ** - m odels without CD changer or video recorder and DVDplayer*** - m odels with CD changer or video recorder and DVD player ♦ - Fibre optic conductor, see Current Flow Diagram infotainmentdata bus (Most Ring)ws=whitesw=blackro=redbr=browngn=greenbl=bluegr=greyli=purplege=yellowor=orangers=pinkTV tuner, aerial amplifierR24 -A erial amplifierR78 -T V tunerR111 -A erial amplifier 2R112 -A erial amplifier 3666-Earth point, on rear right of roof669-Earth point 2, right D-pillar* -m odels with TV tuner# -r ear window aerial## -a erial on spoiler### -s ide window aerial rightws=whitesw=blackro=redbr=browngn=greenbl=bluegr=greyli=purplege=yellowor=orangers=pinkTV tuner, digital radio, aerial amplifierE415 -E ntry and start authorisation switchR24 -A erial amplifierR78 -T V tunerR113 -A erial amplifier 4R147 -D igital radioT8m -8-pin connector, black, on digital radio667-Earth point, on rear left of roof* -m odels with TV tuner** -m odels with digital radio# -s ide window aerial left♦-Fibre optic conductor, see Current Flow Diagram infotainmentdata bus (Most Ring)ws =white sw =black ro =red br =brown gn =green bl =blue gr =grey li =purple ge =yellow or =orange rs=pinkNavigation system with CD drive control unit, radio, telephone and navigation system aerial J401 - N avigation system with CD drive control unit R36 - T elephone transmitter and receiver unit R52 - R adio, telephone and navigation system aerialT8n - 8-pin connector, black, on navigation system with CD drivecontrol unit35-Earth point, under front passenger seat 675 -Earth point 2, on right in luggage compartment 681-Earth point 1, in rear right side panel* - r oof aerial♦ - Fibre optic conductor, see Current Flow Diagram infotainmentdata bus (Most Ring)。



Edition 02.2006 Automatic gearbox 0ATfrom model year 2007Notes:For information concerningPosition of relays and fusesMulti-pin connectionsControl units and relaysEarth connections→ List of Fitting Locations!For information concerningFault Finding Programs→ guided fault findingws=white sw =black ro =red br =brown gn =green bl =blue gr =grey li =purple ge =yellow or =orange rs=pinkAutomatic gearbox control unit, fusesJ217 -A utomatic gearbox control unit J329 - T erminal 15 voltage supply relay SC2 - F use 2 on fuse holder C SC6 - F use 6 on fuse holder C SC8 - F use 8 on fuse holder C SD5 - F use 5 on fuse holder D T16 - 16-pin connector, diagnosis socket T16g - 16-pin connector, black, on automatic gearbox control unit T46b - 46-pin connector, black, CAN separating connector right35-Earth point, under front passenger seat 387 -Earth connection 22, in main wiring harness B163 -Positive connection 1 (15), in interior wiring harness B273 -Positive connection (15), in main wiring harness B283 -Positive connection 7 (15a), in main wiring harness B299-Positive connection 3 (30), in main wiring harness B300-Positive connection 4 (30), in main wiring harness• - C AN bus (data wire)* - R elay and fuse carrier under driver seatws=white sw =black ro =red br =brown gn =green bl =blue gr =grey li =purple ge =yellow or =orange rs=pinkAutomatic gearbox control unit, selector lever sensors control unit, Tiptronic switch, selector lever position display E408 - E ntry and start authorisation button F189 - T iptronic switchJ217 -A utomatic gearbox control unit J285 - C ontrol unit in dash panel insert J587 - S elector lever sensors control unit T10h - 10-pin connector, black, on selector lever sensors control unit T16g - 16-pin connector, black, on automatic gearbox control unit T32a - 32-pin connector, grey, on control unit in dash panel insert Y26 - S elector lever position display45-Earth point, centre behind dash panel 378 -Earth connection 13, in main wiring harness B476-Connection 12, in main wiring harnessws=white sw =black ro =red br =brown gn =green bl =blue gr =grey li =purple ge =yellow or =orange rs=pinkAutomatic gearbox control unit, gear selector position P switch, selector lever lock solenoid E415 - E ntry and start authorisation switch F305 - G ear selector position P switchJ217 -A utomatic gearbox control unit J518 - E ntry and start authorisation control unit J623 - E ngine control unit N110 - S elector lever lock solenoidT4c - 4-pin connector, black, in centre console on selector leverconsoleT6a - 6-pin connector, on entry and start authorisation switch T10c - 10-pin connector, pink, coupling station on electronics box,plenum chamberT16g - 16-pin connector, black, on automatic gearbox control unit T20e - 20-pin connector, black, on entry and start authorisationcontrol unitB482-Connection 18, in main wiring harness * - s ee engine Current Flow Diagram。




熔丝支架:(a) 微型中央电器盒:(b)13孔继电器盘:(c)熔丝颜色:30A-绿色25A-白色20A-黄色15A-蓝色10A-红色7.5A-棕色5A-米色熔丝支架上的熔丝从23号位置开始,在电路图上标有号码223,依次类推。

断电器布局:1-双音喇叭继电器(J4)2-×触点卸荷继电器(J59)4-燃油泵继电器(J17)5-清洗刮水自动间歇继电器(J31)6-清洗刮水自动间歇继电器(J31)继电器布局:4-起动锁止继电器(J207)图23-1 熔丝支架、微型中央电器盒、13孔继电器盘(2)接地点(图23-2)。

ws=白色sw=黑色ro=红色br=棕色gn=绿色bi=蓝色gr=灰色li=紫色ge=黄色3-地线,发动机-车身12-接地点,发动机舱左侧13-接地点,发动机舱右侧43-接地点,右侧A柱,下部44-接地点,左侧A柱,下部81-拉地连接1,在仪表板线束内85-接地连接1,在发动机舱线束内86-接地连接1,在后部线束内135-接地连接2,在仪表板线束内176-接地连线,在右大灯线束内179-接地连线,在左大灯线束内图23-2 接地点(3)点火开关、X触点卸荷继电器(图23-3)。

ws=白色sw=黑色ro=红色br=棕色gn=绿色bi=蓝色gr=灰色li=紫色ge=黄色D-点火开关J59-×触点卸荷继电器J217-自动变速器控制单元J429-中央门锁控制单元R-收录机T8f-插头,8孔,黑色,收录机插头ⅢT15v-插头,15孔,橙色,右侧A柱分线器A2-正极连接(15),在仪表板线束内A21-连接(86S),在仪表板线束内A52-正极连接2(30),在仪表板线束内﹡带手动变速器的车**带自动变速器的车图23-3 点火开关、X触点卸荷继电器(4)蓄电池、起动机、交流发电机、起动锁止继电器(图23-4)。

ws=白色sw=黑色ro=红色br=棕色gn=绿色bi=蓝色gr=灰色li=紫色ge=黄色A-蓄电池B-起动机C-交流发电机C1-电压调节器F125-多功能开关J31-清洗-刮水自动间歇继电器J207-起动锁止继电器T2-插头,2孔,灰色,在发动机舱右侧T9-插头,9孔,棕色,在起动锁止继电器上T100-插头,10孔,棕色,压力舱电器盒分线器T10p-插头,10孔,黑色,压力舱电器盒分线器T15r-插头,15孔,棕色,右侧A柱分线器1-接地线,蓄电池-车身44-接地点,左侧A柱,下部81-接地连接1,在仪表板线束内199-接地连接3,在仪表板线束内A17-连接(61),在仪表板线束内A41-正极连接(50),在仪表板线束内*带手动变速器的车**带自动变速器的车图23-4 蓄电池、起动机、交流发电机、起动锁止继电器(5)灯开关、左侧转向灯开关、前后雾灯开关(图23-5)。



文/山东 刘春晖奥迪Q7 e-tron quattro采用并联混合动力设计,同时也是全世界首款将6缸柴油发动机和quattro全时四驱系统结合在一起的插电式混合动力车。


在奥迪Q7 e-tron quattro中,客户同样也可在内饰照明灯方面从不同的种类之中进行选择。


奥迪Q7 e-tron quattro的电气系统和电子系统架构得到了调整和扩展。

与传统驱动形式的奥迪Q7(4M车型)相比,奥迪Q7 e-tron quattro上取消的控制器有:第3排座椅调节控制器J857、后轴转向控制器J1019、DVD换碟机R161、副驾驶员侧后部离子发生器J1108以及发电机C。

与传统驱动形式的奥迪Q7(4M车型)相比,奥迪Q7 e-tron quattro上额外投用的控制器(图1)有:温度管理系统控制器J1024、蓄电池调节装置控制器J840及电解槽控制器1~14和高电压蓄电池开关盒SX6、电驱动系统控制器J841、温度管理系统控制器及空调压缩机控制器J842、制冷剂压力及温度传感器、制冷剂膨胀阀和截止阀、高电压加热装置(PTC)控制器J848、高电压蓄电池充电器控制器J1050、制动助力控制器J539及制动系统蓄压器VX70、发动机声效发生控制器J943、启动发电机C29、动力机组支承控制器J931、变压器A19、分离离合器作动器V606、主动式油门踏板控制器J1115以及车载电网断开绝缘二极管J1165。



在奥迪Q7 e-tron quattro上,占用了6个FlexRay支路。





不愧是奥迪大哥,全新奥迪Q7整车竟然高达上百个控制电脑...1,颗粒感应器 -G784-在中央通道横支架左侧。

2,ABS 控制器 -J104-发动机舱内左侧,在发动机控制器 -J623- 前。

3,预热时间自动装置控制器 -J179-排水槽内中部。

4,自动变速箱控制器 -J217-内置在变速箱中。

5,冷却风扇控制器 -J293- /-J671-在散热器上。

6,辅助暖风控制器 -J364-在前右车轮罩中的纵梁上。

7,雨刮马达控制器 -J400-在驾驶员侧集水槽中。

8,车距调节控制器 -J428-在前保险杠后的前围板前右。

9,转向辅助控制器 -J500-在转向机上。

10,NOx 感应器控制器 -J583-在发动机舱内左侧减震支柱上。

11,NOx 感应器控制器 -J583- 发动机舱内左侧,在发动机控制器 -J623- 前。


12,发动机控制器 -J623-发动机舱内左侧。

13,空调压缩机控制器 -J842-内置在发动机前左部的电子空调压缩机 -V470- 中。

14,高电压加热装置(PTC)的控制器-J848-内置在右侧排水槽中的高电压加热装置(PTC) -Z115- 中。

15,车距调节控制器 2 -J850-在前保险杠后的前围板前左。

16,固体声波控制器 -J869-排水槽内中部。

17,NOx 传感器控制器 2 -J881-在中央通道横支架左侧。

18,动力总成支承控制器 -J931-在右侧翼子板下面 A 柱右上部位。

19,温度管理装置控制器 -J1024-在右侧翼子板下面 A 柱右上部位。

20,左侧车灯操控控制器 -J1018- /右侧车灯操控控制器 -J1023-在车辆前部。

21,左侧 LED 大灯功率模块 1 -A31- /右侧 LED 大灯功率模块 1 -A27-在车辆前部。

22,制动助力器 -NX6-排水槽中部左侧。

23,高电压系统保养插头 -TW-在前左大灯 -MX1- 上方的连接板上。























奥迪A6LA7Q5Q7电源管理系统详解奥迪A6L/A7/Q5/Q7电源管理系统详解2015-10-19 奔时宝汽车技术点击:2042新朋友请点击图片上面蓝色字“奔时宝汽车技术”,进入公众号,即可随时分享经典阿技术案例,技术通报、新技术信息等,老朋友请点击右上角 ... 分享到朋友圈一起分享,互学共进,谢谢!奥迪A6L/A7/Q5/Q7电源管理如果车上装备有起动-停止系统,那么由于起动频繁,就使得蓄电池的负荷增大且会导致起动时蓄电池电压降至12V 以下。



Q5稳压器电压稳定器 -J532- 安装位置:在备用车轮槽中、蓄电池左侧。

仪器进入J533数据总线诊断界面引导功能——匹配蓄电池A——选择蓄电池类型(安培数)——选择蓄电池制造商——输入10位蓄电池序列号匹配蓄电池描述:> 5051测试地址码 61 - 蓄电池调整> 服务:J 644 - 用于蓄电池能量管理的控制器任务:? 电池充电状态监控(蓄电池诊断)为保持发动机起动性能,关闭相关用电器件耗电流管理器(休眠状态管理)发电机电压调整(动态管理)耗电量大的用电器件的功率调节(减小耗电件)怠速提升要求较高的能量需求蓄电池能量管理系统BEM蓄电池稳定放电与历史数据l当蓄电池充满电时,蓄电池状态显示为100%,在断开值1被接通后,MMI显示屏上的“蓄电池状态”值就降到90%,最后逐步降到60%。



l 使用诊断仪器可以从电能管理控制单元中读出数据,这些数据对于分析车上供电状态和蓄电池有很大帮助。

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