
A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 42.估算203×18,下面结果比较合理的是()。
A. 6000B. 9999C. 40003.已知a×0.99=b×1.01=c×0.85(a、b、c都不为0),a、b、c三个数相比较,()。
A. 一样大 B. c最大 C. b最大 D. a最大4.如果直角三角形的一个锐角是20°,那么另一个角一定是()。
A. 20°B. 70°C. 160°5.当6:00时,时针和分针成()。
A. 直角B. 锐角C. 平角6.如图,根据∠1的度数估计∠2。
A. 20°B. 40°C. 55°D. 80°7.边长为200米的正方形草地,占地面积是 4()。
A. 平方米B. 公顷C. 平方千米8.下面说法中,有()个是正确的.①一个八位数,它的最高位是亿位.②两条平行线长都是4千米.③梯形只有一组对边是平行的.④1平方千米=100公顷=10000平方米.A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 49.河北省的土地面积约为19万平方千米,则河北省的土地面积约为()公顷。
A. 1900万B. 19万C. 190010.求一个数的近似数,常用()。
A. 去尾法B. 四舍五入法C. 进一法11.在47□438≈48万中,□里可以填的数是()。
A. 5~9B. 0~5C. 0~4D. 1~4 12.下面各数中,一个零都不读出来的是()。
A. 3000300B. 3000030C. 330000二、填空题13.230×40的积是________位数,460×45积的末尾有________个0。

A. 0.56÷0.65B. 0.56÷1.5C. 7.8×0.1D. 7.8÷0.1 2.下列各式中,得数最大的是()。
A. 5÷0.12B. 5×0.12C. 5÷1.23.下面算式中,得数最小的是()。
A. 1.25×1.6B. 1.2÷0.8C. 2.4÷1.54.得数为5.1的算式是()。
A. 0.51×10B. 5.1×0.1C. 5.1÷105.王明坐在教室第4列第4排,用数对(4,4)表示。
A. (3,2)B. (4,5)C. (5,4)6.点A的位置在(2,7),点B的位置在(2,1),点C的位置在(6,1),那么三角形ABC是一个()三角形。
A. 锐角B. 直角C. 钝角7.小红的位置用数对表示是(4,6),小冬的位置用数对表示是(6,6),而小丽的位置刚好在小红和小冬中间,小丽的位置用数对表示是()A. (5,6)B. (4,5)C. ( 3,6)8.如图,如果点X的位置表示为(2,3),则点Y的位置可以表示为( )。
A. (4,4)B. (4,5)C. (5,4)D. (3,3) 9.A×0.94=B(A、B都不为0),A和B相比,A()B。
A. 大于B. 小于C. 等于10.将8.65×0.3的积保留两位小数,正确的是()A. 2.60B. 2.59C. 2.59511.计算0.35×0.4×0.5时,用简便算法应先算()。
A. 0.35×0.4B. 0.35×0.5C. 0.4×0.512.下列算式中,结果与5.6×4的积不同的是()A. 5.6+5.6+5.6+5.6B. 5.6×1+5.6×4C. 5×4+0.6×4二、填空题13.在下面的横线上填上“>”、“<”或“=”。

2020-2021成都市实验外国语学校(西区)小学数学小升初第一次模拟试题(附答案)一、选择题1.如图:r=3dm,这个扇形的面积是()dm2.A. 28.26B. 9.42C. 7.065D. 4.71 2.在下面边长是10cm的正方形纸中,剪去一个长6cm、宽4cm的长方形,下列四种方法中,剩下的部分()的周长最长.A. B. C.D.3.分别用5个大小相同的小正方体搭成下面的三个立体模型,从()看这三个立体模型的形状是完全一样的。
A. 前面B. 上面C. 左面4.甲、乙两数的比是3:4,那么甲比乙少().A. B. C. D.5.如图,阴影部分的面积相当于甲圆面积的,相当于乙圆面积的,那么甲、乙两个圆的面积是().A. 6: 1B. 5: 1C. 5: 6D. 6: 5 6.用6个同样大小的正方体拼成一个立体图形,从上面、正面和左面看到的形状完全一样,这个立体图形是()。
A. B. C.D.7.当a表示所有的自然数0,1,2,3,…时,2a表示()。
A. 奇数B. 偶数C. 质数D. 合数8.钟面上,时针经过1小时旋转了()度。
A. 30B. 60C. 180D. 3609.下列描述正确的是()A. 在图上可以找到-5、20、3.5三个数对应的点。
B. 上图中,直线上的数不是正数就是负数。
C. 在0和3之间的数只有1和2.10.把正方体的表面展开,可能得到的展开图是()。
A. B. C. D.11.一个零件长4毫米,画在图上长12厘米。
A. 1:30B. 1:3C. 30:1D. 3:1 12.在一个圆中剪掉一个圆心角是90°的扇形,其余部分占整个圆面积的()A. B. C. D.二、填空题13.一个直角三角形两个锐角度数的比是1:4,则这两个锐角分别是________度和________度。

成都市实验外国语学校(西区)一年级数学上册第七单元《认识钟表》单元测试题(包含答案解析)一、选择题1.钟面上9时整,时针和分针组成的角是()A. 锐角B. 钝角C. 直角2.A. 7时B. 8时C. 7时半3.A. 9时半B. 10时半C. 9时4.A. 4时半B. 3时半C. 4时5.分针指着12,时针指着1,这时是()。
A. 12时B. 1时C. 12时过一点儿6.下面这个时钟比准确时间快10分,准确时间是()。
A. 9时45分B. 8时45分C. 9时05分7.小鸭从家里出发,到小鸡家去做客,路上用了()分钟。
A. 55B. 50C. 458.分针转一圈,时间()是1小时。
A. 一定B. 可能9.下面正确的时间是()A. 2时B. 3时10.看图回答A. B.11.钟面上时针和分针成直角是,这时的时间是()。
A. 2时B. 3时或9时C. 6时12.分针走一圈,时针走()。
A. 1大格B. 1小格C. 12大格二、填空题13.写出钟面上的时间。
分针从一个数字走到下一个数字,经过的时间是:1分□ 5分□ 1时□22.认一认。
26.钟面上12个数的和是多少?你能在钟面上画两条线,把钟面分成三部分,使每一部分数字的个数相等,数字和也相等吗?【参考答案】***试卷处理标记,请不要删除一、选择题1.C解析: C【解析】【解答】解:9时整,时针指向9,分针指向12,时针和分针组成的角是直角。
成都市实验外国语学校(西区)小升初数学期末试卷真题汇编[解析版] 一、选择题1.小明在教室里的位置是第4列,第3行,用数对表示是()。
A.(4,3)B.(3,4)C.(3,3)D.(4,4)2.一堆煤的34是120吨,求这堆煤有多重.不正确的算式是()A.120×34B.120÷3×4 C.120÷343.等腰三角形的一个顶角和一个底角的比是2∶1,这个三角形也是()三角形。
A.女生人数是男生的43B.女生是全班的47C.男生比女生少14 D.女生比男生多147.下面各题中的两种相关联的量,成反比例关系的是()。
A.圆柱的体积一定,圆柱的底面半径和高B.汽车行驶的速度一定,时间和路程C.平行四边形的面积一定,它的底和高8.一种商品提价20%后,又降价20%,现价()原价.A.大于 B.小于 C.等于9.如图,按一定的流量向放在水槽底部的圆柱体玻璃杯注水,注满玻璃杯后,继续注水,直至注满水槽,水槽中水面上升的高度与注水时间的关系图象大致是()A .B .C .D .二、填空题10.0.35时=(______)分 680m =(______)km 0.55L =(______)mL 11.()5=0.4=( )÷20=( )∶15=( )%。
12.已知b =3a (a 和b 都是非0自然数),那么a 和b 的最大公因数是_______,最小公倍数是________。
13.已知图中阴影三角形的面积是5cm 2,那么圆的面积是(________)cm 2。

一、单选题1.( 2分 ) —What's your name?—___________A. What's your name?B. Goodbye.C. My name's Pipi.2.( 2分 ) Clap your _________.A. handB. handsC. a hand3.( 2分) I can see “B”.A. B.4.( 2分 ) 选出不同类的单词()A. rulerB. eraserC. mouth5.( 2分 ) —What's that?—__________A. It's a panda.B. I like it.C. It is big.6.( 2分 ) 选出不同类的单词()A. whiteB. pencilC. brown7.( 2分 ) 书包A. bagB. pencilC. ruler8.( 2分 ) 当你对第一次认识的人说:“Nice to meet you.”你听到的回答是:_________A. Nice to meet you, too.B. Me, too.C. OK!9.( 2分 ) I have a pencil.A. B.10.( 2分 ) —What's your name?—__________.A. HelloB. My name's JohnC. I have a pen二、填空题11.( 5分 ) 选出相应的答语。
⑴________Hello! A. Bye.⑵________What's your name? B. Hi!⑶________Let's play. C. Me too!⑷________I have a pencil. D. OK!⑸________Goodbye. E. I'm Leo.12.( 2分 ) 选出与所给例子是同类的单词。

成都实验外国语学校(西区)2013年小升初数学试题(本地生)(试卷满分120分 考试时间90分钟)一、计算题(共46分)1、(每题1分,共10分)直接写出结果(1)35.435+=________ (2)10.53-=_________ (3)54125⨯=________ (4)55 3.56÷=_________ (5)11112468⎛⎫⨯+-= ⎪⎝⎭_______ (6)17.32 5.66 4.34--=________ (7)3534 2.2557884+++=_________ (8)1717171443272719⎛⎫--= ⎪⎝⎭_______ (9)2.94 1.2570.60.125⨯+⨯=_________ (10)2006200620062007÷=________ 2、(第(1)、(2)题每小题2分,第(3)、(4)题每小题3分,共10分)选用恰当的方法计算。
(1)4183.8752 1.16258--- (2)511316823423⎡⎤⎛⎫-+⨯÷ ⎪⎢⎥⎝⎭⎣⎦(3)7.810.10.578.10.049781⨯+⨯+⨯ (4)131415415161344556⨯+⨯+⨯3、(每题2分,共4分)解方程。
(1)3655x x -= (2)115::3208x =(1)如图,以直角三角形的直角边长20厘米为直径画一个半圆,阴影部分①的面积比②的面积小23平方厘米,求BC 的长。
(π取3.14)(2)如图,已知四边形ABCD 是平行四边形,15ABC ∠=︒,圆的周长为125.6厘米,点A 、B 、C 都在圆上,AB 是直径,点O 是圆心,求阴影部分的面积。
(2)一个数的815加上60等于400的34,这个数是多少?(1)对整数a b 、定义一种新运算“∇”,a b ∇等于由a 开始的连续b 个正整数的和,如232349∇=++=,54567826∇=+++=,则()2315∇∇∇=⎡⎤⎣⎦___________。

一、单选题1.He is twenty.A. elevenB. tenC. funny2.That's ________ cousin.A. AmyB. Amy'sC. Amy is3.选出与所给单词同类的一项()parentsA. cousinB. treeC. little4.选出不同类的单词()A. meB. andC. she5.________ would you like?A. What'sB. WhatC. What is6.What would you like ________ dinner?A. forB. onC. to7.Dinner's ready.A. 晚餐要吃什么?B. 晚餐准备好了。
8.—How _______ is it?—Five yuan.A. oldB. muchC. many9.选出不同类的一项()A. friendB. breadC. soup10.—Is this your pencil?—________.A. Yes, it isB. No, it isC. It's my pen11.Go to the ________. Have a snack.A. bedroomB. bathroomC. kitchen12.I _____ in the study. My father ______ in the kitchen.A. am; amB. am; isC. is; is13.She is in the kitchen.A. 她在书房里。
B. 她在厨房里。
14. it in your hand?A. IsB. is15.I a cat.A. hasB. have二、填空题16.判断下面每组单词画线部分读音是否相同,相同用(T)表示,不相同用(F)表示。
①________ A.duck B.mum②________ A.cut B.cute③________ A.sofa B.phone④________ A.bed B.red⑤________ A.table B.have⑥________ A.excuse B.pupil17.The glasses are on the ________.18.判断下列每组单词是(T)否(F)同类。

14.根据图形填空. (1)圆形是 号. (2)有 个三角形,分别是 .(填序号)
15.小芳用不同的图形拼成了一幅美丽的画.请数一数每种图形的个数. 图中一共有 个三角形、 个正方形、 个长方形、 个平行四边形、 个圆.
(2)如图中,使用的 形最多,使用的 形最少. (3)算一算,一共用了 个平面图形. (4)淘淘如果还要设计3棵和图中一样的树,需要添加 个三角形和 个长方形. 17.这本书我今天从第14页读到第20页,今天我读了 页.
(2)美术小组去掉7人后,和 小组的人数同样多. (3)如果每人只参加1个课外小组,则二(1)班共有 人. 13.在横线上填上“>”“<”或“=”.
19﹣3 9
11﹣4 15
14﹣4 11﹣2
7 13﹣6
16﹣7 12
13﹣9 15﹣7
,这个数添1是 .

[2一(?一o .s )×2f J÷3t 2.(三)小升初招生真卷精编满分:100分时间:60分钟(2017年)’l!!ll!//l!/l/l/l/l/l/llll/l//l/l/l/l/!/l/l/!/lll/l/llll!/l/l/l/l/!/l/l/l/l/l/l/l////ll/l/l/l/l/l/l/l/l/l/l/l/l/l/!//II/I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I///I/IIII//I/III/I/I/I/7.81×o .1十o.5×78. 1十0.049×7813. 总分理S一、填空题(每空2分,共20分)5.4+3J = 1� 4起17.22-5. 66-4. 34=12×(t 寸一支)=1. 1 1 1 1 1 1十3一十5二十7二十9二十116 12 20 30 424.2.小明语文、英语的平均分是81分。
4.观察表一,寻找规律,表二、表三、表四分别是从表一中截取的一部分,其中α=!= 1 3 2 5 7 9 10 11 19 一+一++一十一十一十一十一十一3 4 5 7 8 20 21 24 355.国国回回国b = ,c =。
1 234 ...2 4 6 8 ...3 6 9 12 ...4 8, 12 16 ... ... ... ... ... ... (α十b-l )。
如果表四×…× 表三(α十2)× 表二(α+u 表-5.对于正整数α与b ,规定:α※b =α×(x ※3)※2 =3660,那么,x =h町周府组··剧情22 42 62 82 102 122一一+一一+一一十一一+一一一十1×3 3×5 5×7 7×9 9×11 11×13 6.二、计算题(每小题6分,共36分)8 _!_-3. 875一2主-11625巳1. mw棋成都实验外国语学校(西区)。

成都市实验外国语学校西区2020-2021学年度上期初三年级英语学科期中考试题出题人:李颖琪王康审题人:杨琼考试时间120分钟,满分150分Listening Part (35 scores)Ⅰ.Listen to the sentences and choose the right pictures.Each sentence will be read only once.(4 scores)A.B.C.D.1._________________ 2._________________ 3._________________4._________________Ⅱ.Listen to the sentences and choose the correct responses.Each sentence will be read only once.(5scores) 5.A.Yes, please.B.I'd like to.C.That’s OK.6.A.Bad luck.B.That's awful.C.I'm sorry to hear that.7.A.For two hours.B.In two hours.C.Two hours' drive.8.A.It's OK.B.Yes, I do.I'll turn it off.C.Of course not.I'll turn it off.9.A.Congratulations!B.Good luck.C.It's good for you.Ⅲ.Listen to the short dialogues and choose the best answer to the question.Each dialogue will be read twice.(6 scores)10.What does the girl think of the cake?A.Spicy.B.Cold.C.Sweet.11.Where is Longjing tea from?A.Fujian.B.Zhejiang.C.Yunnan.12.Where is the post office?A.Opposite the bank.B.Next to the Library.C.Between the supermarket and the bank.13.When will Candy leave the party?A.At 8:20 p.m.B.At 8:40 p.m.C.At 9:00 p.m.14.What does the girl want to be?A.An inventor.B.A pianist.C.A doctor.15.Why does the boy want to do a part-time job?A.To make money.B.To keep healthy.C.To improve himself.Ⅳ.Listen to the long dialogue and judge the sentences true or false.If it is true, please choose A.If it is false, please choose B.The dialogue will be read twice.(5 scores)16.Miss Johnson fell on the snow from the 18th floor.17.When Miss Johnson was found, she was frozen.18.Doctors said Miss Johnson couldn't be better.19.Miss Johnson now can't live without others' help.20.Miss Johnson uses her Weibo to help the ones who are also in trouble.Ⅴ.Listen to the two passages carefully and choose the best answer to each question.Each passage will be read twice.(10 scores)Passage A21.How many steps are there when we do online shopping?A.2B.3C.422.Why do people like online shopping?A.Because you can shop at anytime.B.Because you can always buy the products at the lowest price.C.Because it always takes you less time than shopping in the stores.23.Why do people like going out to shop in the stores?A.They can try the clothes on.B.Going out to shop is a kind of exercise.C.They can have delicious food in the stores.24.What's the writer's opinion of online shopping?A.The products you buy are usually cheaper.B.People can't buy things from very faraway places.C.There will be no shops in the streets any more.25.From the passage, what problem does online shopping have right now?A.People have less communication.B.It's hard for old people to do it.C.Paying online isn't always safe.Passage B26.In what aspect can volunteering help you?A.Make a decision.B.See the world clearly.C.Make people's life better.27.How often is National V olunteer Week held?A.Every week.B.Every month.C.Every year.28.Why do people hold the National V olunteer Week?A.To raise money for people in need.B.To show thanks to the volunteers for their work.C.To create a chance for volunteers to make friends with each other.29.What may be the reason stopping people taking the first step to become a volunteer?A.They don't have enough time.B.Their families don't let them do it.C.They fear that their abilities are shared.30.How many tips are mentioned in this passage?A.3B.4C.5Ⅵ.Listen to the passage and complete the chart with no more than three words.The passage will be read three times.(5 scores)笔试部分Paper A(共45分)Ⅰ.Multiple choices.(10 scores)36.It will be difficult for you to pass the test, ____________ you work hard every day.A.if B.unless C.as soon as37.Two small power stations ____________by the local government since the scheme was started last year.A.have closed B.were closed.C.have been closed38.I wonder if failing the oral test is ____________experience in his life.He looks so worried.A.a sad B.the sad C.the saddest39.It was in the 1960s ____________the first cassette recorders became popular.A.when B.that C.where40.The shop assistant advises me ____________the milk in the fridge, or it can go ____________easily.A.putting, badly B.to put, worse C.to put, bad41.____________catching the virus, we'd better wear masks when going out.A.To avoid B.Avoiding C.Avoid42.Zhong Nanshan with his workmates ____________all the efforts to help the sick since last January.A.have made B.has made C.made43.It is said the sea levels will ____________by 13 to 22cm in 30 years because of climate changes?A.rise B.raises C.be risen44.——Steve, will you go to the Strawberry Music Festival this weekend?——It depends on you.If you don't go, ____________.A.so will I B.neither do I C.neither will I45.——I haven't seen Lucy for a long time.Where is she?——She ____________Britain to have a ____________education.A.has gone to; further B.has been to; furtherC.Will go to; furtherⅡ.Cloze test.(15 scores)A thousand years ago, Hong Kong was covered by a thick forest.As more and more people came to ___46___in Hong Kong, these trees were cut down and burnt.Now there is___47___ forest left, though there are still some small areas covered with trees.We call these woods.Elephants, tigers and many___48___ animals were living in the thick forest.When people came to live in Hong Kong, they grew rice andy___49___ pigs and chickens in the valleys.They cut down the trees and burnt them.They needed fire to keep themselves warm in winter, to cook their food and to keep away the dangerous animals.Elephants quickly disappeared because there was not enough food for them.___50___ did most of the wolves and tigers.Monkeys and the other animals soon___51___ in the same way.You might think that there are no longer any animals in Hong Kong___52___ in the zoos.There are still about 36 different animals,___53___there.One of the most interesting animals in Hong Kong is the barking deer.These are beautiful little animals___54___ a rich brown coat and a white patch(补丁)under the tail.They look like deer but they are much like a dog barking.In HongKong the barking deer has only a real enemy-___55___ People hunt these little animals though it is illegal.There aren't many barking deer left in Hong Kong now.46.A.work B.study C.live47.A.many B.a few C.no48.A.other B.others C.the other49.A.rose B.raised C.raising50.A.So B.Such C.Nor51.A.lived B.died C.came52.A.A besides B.except C.and53.A.live B.to live C.living54.A.have B.without C.with55.A.wolves B.humans C.tigersⅢ.Reading comprehension.Read the passages and choose the best answers.(20 scores)Passage AA couple of weeks ago, I went on a camping trip at Pitt Lake, I spent three days and two nights there.It was a new experience for me, so I felt both nervous and excited at first.Fortunately, the weather was beautiful, so we got off to a good Start.There were so many people to take part in, including both instructors and students-we had one big canoe and one smaller canoe.I chose to be in the smaller canoe with my friend Mitra but ye soon found that this was not a wise choice.In order to keep up with the bigger canoe, both of us had to paddle (划桨) hard.My arms quickly became sore and my hands had no feelings.To take off our minds of the pain, Mitra and I played “20questions” while paddling, In this game, one person thinks of an object and the other person asks 20 questions to try and figure out what the object is.We had a good laugh before we finally arrived at the campsite.We started a campfire soon after we arrived.At night, we stayed together around the fire, listening to scary stories.Some of the other campers put their wet shoes and socks beside the fire to dry.However, because of the wind, one pair of socks almost caught on fire.Everyone panicked(惊慌).One person got so scared that he fell out of his folding chair.Everyone thought it was pretty funny! The time flew quickly.Soon, it was time to go back.We didn't want to leave and agreed that we would hang out together again sometime soon.56.The writer realized that the smaller canoe was a bad choice because__________.A.they couldn't move at all in the smaller canoeB.it was difficult to control the direction of the canoeC.they had to paddle much harder than in the bigger one57.Mitra and the writer played “20 questions” game in order to__________.A.forget their pain B.build up their brainsC.keep their minds active58.What didn't the writer do at the campsite?A.Gathering around the fire.B.Listening to scary storiesC.Putting the wet shoes and socks beside the fire to make them dry.59.They panicked(惊慌) at the campsite because____________.A.they were scared by a scary story B.one student fell out of his folding chairC.the wind almost set someone's socks on fire60.How did the writer feel at the end of the trip?A.Sad to leave.B.Excited to go home.C.Nervous and excited.Passage BHow has technology made your life easier? When you go to a shopping mall, you can enjoy free Wi-Fi there.When you want to take a taxi, you can book one with your phone.In fact, all of these things can be seen as the first building blocks of a mart city The idea of a smart city was first suggested by tech company IBM in 2010.Generally, a smart city is a city that uses digital (数字的)technology, such as 5G networks and the “internet of things”, to improve city planning, save money and resources, and make our lives more convenient.Cities like Boston, Amsterdam and Copenhagen are already using smart technology to improve public services.In the US cities of Boston and Baltimore, smart trash bins can tell how full they are and tell workers when they need to be cleaned.In Amsterdam, traffic is monitored and adjusted (调整) according to real-time facts and figures with the help of digital cameras around the city.There is less traffic jam.Smart cities will allow us to save resources.Byusing special equipment and 5G networks to check the use of water, gas and electricity, city governors can find out how to use these resources more efficiently.For example, water and gas pipes could remind repair workers when there is something wrong.Air pollution could be more closely monitored, too.Of course, it will take time to build the smart cities of the future.But since we've already seen successful examples, it won't be long until more cities join in.Tech Republic predicts that by 2050, about 60 percent of people worldwide will live in smart cities.61.A smart city is a city___________.A.that is full of smart people B.that uses digital technologyC.which has a lot of building blocks62.From the examples given of smart cities, we know that___________.A.there will be no traffic jams in the futureB.smart cities can make our lives more convenientC.people can make a lot of resources in smart cities63.Smart trash bins in Boston and Baltimore___________.A.cost the local government much moneyB.can tell the cleaners when to clean them in any languageC.can tell how full they are and tell workers to clean them in time64.The underlined word monitored means___________.A.developed B.improved C.watched65.What can we infer(推断) from the passage?A.There are few advantages to live in smart cities.B.It won't be long before more cities become smart cities.C.60percent of cities will be turned into smart cities by 2050.笔试部分Paper B(共70分)Ⅰ.Complete the sentences with the right forms of the given words.(10 scores)1.As we all know, Steve Jobs was one of the most famous ___________in the computer market.(innovate) 2.What made the boy upset was that his father was too angry to listen to his ___________.(explain)3.The Comic Relief charity ___________many activities to raise money in the past few years.(organiser) 4.Tour ___________job is to organize different kinds of holidays for people with different needs.(operate) 5.The doctor dealt with his head injury ___________, which made the situation from bad to worse.(patience) 6.The TV producers make the series as ___________as possible to attract the viewers' attention.(drama)7.The ___________one uses a language the easier it is to express one's thoughts in it.(frequent)8.The waste paper and plastic ___________by citizens can be easily made into something new.(recycle) 9.Some students find giving a speech in public ___________, so they aren't willing to do it.(embarrass) 10.The COVID-19 pandemic ___________China seriously last winter, but we're now nearly back to normal.(hit)Ⅱ.Pattern shift.(5 scores)11.No other student in my class can sneak English more fluently than him.(Same meaning) =He can speak English________ ________ ________ ________ ________students in my class.12.Miss Williams gave us the speech instead of her colleague.(Same meaning)=Miss Williams________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________to give us the speech.13.Kevin killed time by watching TV while waiting for his friends.(Same meaning)=Kevin killed time by watching TV while________ ________ ________ for his friends.14.I noticed Tina practice oral English with her classmate in the classroom.(Passive voice) ________________________________________________________________________________________ 15.The cottage caught fire two minutes ago.(Rewrite the sentence with “for two minutes”.) ________________________________________________________________________________________Ⅲ.Complete the dialogues with only one word.(10 scores)A:Guess what? I've got a new pet-a pet spider!B:I don't believe you.____16____ me for saying so but I do remember you used to be really afraid of spiders.A:That's true.I didn't just cry ‘Uurgghh’ but suddenly, 1 froze(惊呆) ____17____--I can't move at all.B:Once you shouted so loudly that your neighbors would worry about you and think about calling the police.A:To avoid such a bad_____18_____on others, I decided to make a change.So I went to a doctor who can deal with my problem in a more scientific way.It's called the “behavioral method”(行头治疗法).B:What's that?A:It's like this…For the first time, the doctor took out a small plastic spider from his drawer.However, I shouted loudly even though it wasn't real.A:What's more, my doctor told me to touch the plastic spider.I tried my best but I could_____19_____touch it for more than two seconds.B:Wow, sounds like a good_____20_____.Once you take the first step, you will get better and better.A:That's not all.I went back the next day, and this time the plastic spider was already on the_____21_____desk and I was asked to hold it for five minutes.Then; for the third day, the spider was already on my chair!B:I got to know the behavioral method.It seemed to_____22_____well on you.A:It still takes time.The spider needed putting away so I could sit down.The following days I held the spider while I sat in my chair.The_____23_____day, the doctor told me to take it home and put it in the place where spiders usually_____24_____in my house—then everywhere! That’s all for my treatment.B:It is really a long process_____25_____you can face the spiders bravely.A:Yeah, now I only feel a little bit afraid so that I can keep the real one as my pet!Ⅳ.Complete the texts with the correct words according to the first letters.(10 scores)1.Some people believe that talent is the only f_____26_____that can help make i_____27_____possible.But in fact, this idea is not right.Besides the u_____28_____ability to do well in musical composition, Mozart practiced hard every day as well.In Edison's opinion, it was diligence as well as i_____29_____that made an inventor Successful.In addition, age is not a big problem to create something new.Never think you are too young to create it.Louise Braille invented a s_____30_____of reading and writing for the blind at the age of 15.And George Nissen got an idea to invent trampoline by watching the artists' performance in the circus when he was young.2.It is said that although the bicycle scheme won't solve all the traffic problems, it can help to r_____31_____pollution levels in the air.The d_____32_____of rainforests together with the pollution, has caused global warming and climate changes, Besides, the traffic problems in cities are also serious.With the help of bikes, people might lead a h_____33_____life than before.However, the answers to traffic problems are not s_____34_____.If we do nothing, the e_____35_____will get worse because of the heavy traffic and high temperature?Ⅴ.Choose ten words from the twelve words and fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words.(10 scores)Do you like shopping? For shopping-lovers in the UK, the place that they used to go was the “high street”.This location refers to the streets in the ___36___of a town where businesses and popular stores could be found.It was also the place where you could find familiar fashion brands and necessary everyday___37___.But the British high street is suffering because of changes in our shopping habits.News about shops losing money and shutting down is now___38____.You may read and watch it every day on TV or in newspapers.A large number ofdepartment stores kept___39___for a year.Even long-established stores such as Marks & Spencer have reported a drop in profits.As the BBC's journalist Emma Simpson writes, things ___40___ much harder for traditional stores already.They have faced___41___costs from rents, wages and business rates than before.But the biggest problem has come from online shopping.Some shoppers would like___42___things online for less money.___43___, what we know now is that, for cheaper price and more convenience of online shopping, shoppers are making fewer visits to high streets.Therefore, town centers could become places ____44____ghost towns.If people aren't out or going shopping, they won't go to other businesses, like cafes, restaurants and cinemas, either.It will also result in job losses.The British Retail Consortium(英国零售商协会) has already warned that at least 900,000 people in UK___45___their jobs connected with shopping in 2025.Ⅵ.Read the following passage and complete it with the right sentences in the box.(5 scores) The earth is our home.We must take care of it.This means keeping the land, air and water clean.Pollution is a dirty word.To pollute means to make things unfit or unclean to use.Pollution comes in many ways.___46___Pollution is beginning to threaten(威胁)our health, our happiness and our life.Man has been polluting the earth from the time he first made fire, washed his clothes in the river and threw his waste on the ground.When land was used up or water became dirty, men moved on to another place.___47___.There weren’t so many people then and their wants were fewer.All the dirty things could be absorbed(吸收) by nature and soon covered over.But this is no longer true.___48___Man is slowly poisoning(毒害) his environment.Through the use of poison, man has polluted the land, killing the animals.___49___Obriously, our increasing population is part of the problem.More people, more waste.Where is this all to end? Are we turning the world into a big rubbish dump, or is there any hope that we can get rid of the pollution? ___50___Large numbers of people are now working hard to bring pollution under control.Ⅶ.Task-based reading.Finish each task according to the requirement.(5 scores)As the global pandemic(流行病)speeds up, many are wondering about the effectiveness of masks and whenit's proper to wear them.Most people from the East believe that wearing a mask is important to control the spread of the COVID-19.But people in the West generally would argue that, unless one is already ill, wearing a mask is unnecessary.In Eastern countries like China, mask-wearing has a long history in their cultures.In fact, people in the East wear masks not just to protect themselves from illness but also for a variety of other reasons.In many Asian countries, masks are worn in many situations in daily life, such as doing housework or ____________in the hospital.They can give people the comfort of being protected.In recent years, they are worn simply for beauty.Young people in Japan, for example, wear masks as a fashion statement, expressing their personal style through unique designs and patterns.In Asia, wearing a face mask is also an expression of group-oriented values(集体主义).Wearing a mask, one becomes part of a giant group.People show their responsibilities to the social group of which they were members.In Western countries, however, individual values are the most important.As a citizen, it is one's duty to prevent the spread of illness in following ways, such as washing one's hands and limiting one's contact with others.A face mask is kept only for those showing symptoms of illness.Whether from the East or the West, social culture has played an important role in one's decision about whether or not to wear a mask.That's because human beings are social creatures who consider much about what other members of society think of us.The most important thing is to respect others' opinions, no matter how different they are.51.List two reasons for people in Asian countries wearing masks.(each reason with no more than 5 words) 52.Complete the sentence in paragraph 3 with only two words.53.What stops people in Western countries wearing the masks?54.The writer disagrees with the idea western people have for masks, does he?55.What do the East and the West have in common on wearing a mask?Ⅷ.Composition.(15 scores)During the pandemic of COVID-19, students study at home all day.As a result, their eyesight gets poorer and poorer.Now write a short report about 100 words according to the two charts below to analyze the major reasons and give some proper suggestions to this problem.The following aspects must be included:1.The report must cover all the information in the two charts.2.Give at least two suggestions to the problem.3.Give a proper title to your report.。

A. 条形统计图B. 折线统计图C. 扇形统计图2.下面的百分率中,可以超过100%的是()。
A. 增长率B. 成活率C. 合格率D. 出勤率3.在含盐30%的盐水中,加入6g盐和14g水,这时盐水含盐的百分比()。
A. 等于30%B. 小于30%C. 大于30%D. 无法计算4.一个圆的半径由4厘米增加到9厘米,面积增加了()平方厘米.A. 25πB. 16πC. 65πD. 169π5.长方形、正方形、圆的周长都相等,则面积最大的是()。
A. 长方形B. 正方形C. 圆D. 无法比较6.某工厂甲车间人数是乙车间人数的5倍,甲车间男工人数是女工人数的倍,乙车间男工人数是女工人数的,全长工人中男工人数和女工人数的比是()。
A. 3:4B. 7:9C. 4:37.水结成冰,体积增加;冰化成水,体积减少( )。
A. B. C.8.观察下图的位置关系,其中说法错误的是()。
A. 学校在公园北偏西 40°方向400m处B. 公园在少年宫东偏北 70°方向300m处C. 公园在学校东偏南 40°方向400m处[D. 少年宫在公园北偏东 20°方向300m处9.如图,设大长方形的面积为“1”,阴影部分的面积=()。
A. 3×B. ×C. ×D. 4×二、填空题10.六(1)班学生今天的缺席人数与出勤人数比是1:24,那么六(1)班同学今天的出勤率是________。

2020-2021成都市外国语学校小学一年级数学上期末试卷(附答案) 一、选择题1.妈妈先买了7个,又买了5个,一共买了________个.()A. 2B. 12C. 6D. 14 2.选择题(1)不计算,得数大的算式是()A.8+5B.8+7(2)不计算,得数大的算式是()A.4+6B.4+3(3)不计算,得数大的算式是()A.13-9B.12-9(4)不计算,得数大的算式是()A.11-7B.11-93.“7+8 16”,比较大小,在里应填的符号是()A. >B. <C. =D. + 4.停车场原来停了9辆汽车,后来又开来了5辆,停车场现在停了( )A. 4B. 5C. 14D. 13 5.分针走一圈,时针走()。
A. 1大格B. 1小格C. 12大格6.12>9+()A. 2B. 3C. 47.列式计算,正确的是()A. 14-9=5(个)B. 9+5=14(个)C. 9-5=4(个)D. 9-4=5(个)8.下图中,有________个球。
( )A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 5 9.小朋友排队,从前数,小小是第4个人,从后数,她是第3个人,这一队共有()A. 5人 B. 6人 C. 7人 D. 8人10.小明家后门朝北,前门朝( )A. 东B. 西C. 南11.少的是()A. B.二、填空题12.填一填,算一算。
8________11 17________12 19________2017________7+7 13+3________16 18-6________1516.填“+”或“-”。
4________5=9 8________2=6 0=6________63________4=7 0________5=5 9 ________ 7=217.数一数,填一填________个,________个,________个,________个。

2020-2021成都市实验外国语学校(西区)小学六年级数学上期中第一次模拟试题(附答案)一、选择题1.甲有图书130本,乙有图书70本,乙给甲()后,甲与乙的本书比是4:1. A. 40本 B. 30本 C. 20本 D. 25本2.水结成冰,体积增加;冰化成水,体积减少( )。
A. B. C.3.以小红家为观测点。
A. 东偏南50°B. 北偏西50°C. 北偏西40°D. 西偏北50”4.小方每天上学先向北偏东40°方向走200米,再向正东方向走300米到学校,他每天放学先向正西方向走300米,再向()方向走200米到家。
A. 北偏东40°B. 南偏西40°C. 西偏南40°5.早晨,小亮从家沿西偏南方向走1000米到学校,晚上放学原路返回应沿方向走1000米到家.A. 西偏南B. 西偏南C. 东偏北D. 东偏北6.同一根2米长的绳子,小明剪去了,李东剪去了米,两人剪的相比较,()。
A. 小明剪的多 B. 李东剪的多 C. 一样多 D. 无法比较7.下面哪个问题可以用算式120×(1- )来解决()A. 六1班采集植物标本120件,采集的昆虫标本比植物标本多,昆虫标本有多少件?B. 淘气班级聚会,准备包120个饺子,已经包了其中,已经包了多少个?C. 四年级有120人,六年级比四年级少,六年级有多少人?D. 以上都可以8.修同一段路,甲队需要8天,乙队需要10天,甲乙两队的工效比是()。
A. 4:5B. 1:1C. 5:49.一个数(0除外)除以,这个数就()。
A. 增加6倍B. 扩大6倍C. 缩小到原数的10.如图,设大长方形的面积为“1”,阴影部分的面积=()。
A. 3×B. ×C. ×D. 4×11.一个比的比值是,如果它的前项乘4,要使比值不变,后项应该()A. 加4B. 减4C. 乘4D. 除以412.小华体重的与小红体重的相等,那么()。

成都市实验外国语学校(西区)2019-2020学年度上期初三年级物理学科期中测试卷考试时间:90分钟试卷满分:120分命题人:刘琦审题人:林建(注意:本卷中g均取10N/kg)A卷 100分一、选择题(只有一个选项最符合题意,每小题2分,共30分)1、下列数据是小明对身边的一些物理量值的估计,其中符合实际情况的是A、书桌上的台灯正常工作时的电流约为1AB、成都市一环路公交车的时速大约130 km/hC、一般洗澡水的温度大约是70 ℃D、对人体的安全电压是不超过36V2、今年是中华人民共和国成立70周年,小册一家吃着汤圆看着阅兵式。
有关煮汤圆过程中的物理知识,下列说法正确的是A、刚从冰箱冷冻室取出的速冻汤圆没有内能B、汤圆内能增大是通过热传递方式来实现的C、汤圆在煮的过程中体积变大是因为分子间存在斥力D、汤圆煮熟关火后水不再沸腾是因为水分子停止运动3、小媛在整理热学笔记时得到了以下几个结论,其中正确的是A、将一杯水倒掉一半,剩下的水的比热容不变B、燃料若没有完全燃烧,燃料的热值变小C、我们不敢大口地喝热气腾腾的汤,是因为汤含有的热量较多D、为了节约能源,需要提高热机的效率,应该尽量增加热机的工作时间4、在①陶瓷②铜③盐水④水银⑤玻璃⑥塑料六种物质中,通常情况下属于导体的是A、①④⑤B、①⑤⑥C、②③④D、②③⑥5、如图1是汽车四冲程发动机的一个冲程示意图,下列说法正确的是A、该冲程是做功冲程B、该冲程机械能转化为内能C、这种汽车对环境没有污染D、此发动机的效率可达90%图1 图26、对图2中物理现象,下列说法不正确...的是A、图甲,用丝绸摩擦过的玻璃棒靠近碎纸屑,纸屑能被吸引,说明带电体能吸引轻小物体;B、将摩擦过的玻璃棒接触图乙的验电器,发现金属箔片张开,这是因为异种电荷相互排斥;C、用手不停地捋图丙中塑料细丝,会越捋越蓬松,说明细丝带上了同种电荷;D、图丁,往盛有一半水的试管中注满酒精并密封,翻转几次,发现水和酒精的总体积减小,说明分子间有空隙7、小聪观察家里的冰箱,发现冰箱的灯在开冰箱门时亮,关冰箱门时灭;冰箱的压缩机则在需要制冷时才工作.关于冰箱里的灯和压缩机的连接方式,下列判断正确的是A、一定是串联B、有时是串联,有时是并联C、一定是并联D、不能判断是串联还是并联8、电流表与电压表都是重要的测量仪表,在电路中是有一定的连接要求的.如图3所示,下列四个电路图中,连接正确的是图3 图49、如图4所示电路,是老师在课堂上演示过的一个实验,下列有关该实验说法正确的是A、断开S, 通过L1 的电流比L2大B、闭合S, L2会更亮C、闭合S, L1和L2都会亮D、断开S, 通过L1与L2的电流一样大10、飞机黑匣子的电路等效为两部分,一部分为信号发射电路,可用等效电阻R1表示,用开关S1控制,30天后自动断开,R1停止工作.另一部分为信号存储电路,可用等效电阻R2表示,用开关S2控制,能持续工作6年,如图5所示,等效电路正确的是A B 图5 C D11、小青在探究“怎样用变阻器改变灯泡的亮度”时,连接的电路如图6所示.闭合开关后,A、开关断路B、开关短路C、变阻器断路D、灯泡断路图612、如图7电源电压不变,开关S闭合后各电流表的示数分别是I1、I2、I3,它们的关系为A、I1=I2=I3B、I1>I2>I3C、I2>I3>I1D、I3>I2>I113、有两个电阻,R1=4Ω,R2=6Ω,如果把它们并联在电路中,通过它们的电流分别为I1、I2,它们两端的电压分别为U1,U2,则,I1:I2和U1:U2分别为A、1:1 2:3B、2:3 1:1C、1:1 1:1D、3:2 1:114、如图8所示,当开关S闭合后,电压表V1和V2的示数分别为6V和3V,则A、电源电压为9VB、灯L2两端的电压为3VC、灯L1和L2 两端的总电压为3VD、以上都不正确15、如图9是一种自动测定油箱内油面高度的装置,R是转动式滑动变阻器,它的金属滑片P是杠杆的一端,下列说法正确的是A、油位越高,流过R的电流越小B、油量表是由电流表改装而成的C、电路中R和R0是并联的D、油位越低,R两端的电压越大图7 图8 图9二、填空题(每空2分,共32分)16、小陈经常到麓山国际的小店吃砂锅米线,路过米线馆可以闻见汤的香味,这是现象;“汤钵烫手”是通过的方式使手的内能增加,温度升高的。

2020-2021学年四川省成都实验外国语学校西区八年级(上)入学数学试卷一、选抨题(每小题3分、共30分)1.(3分)下列计算正确的是()A.a2+a3=a5B.a6÷a3=a2C.5x﹣3x=2D.(﹣2a2b)3=﹣8a6b32.(3分)2015年4月,生物学家发现一种病毒的长度约为0.0000043米,利用科学记数法表示为()A.4.3×106米B.4.3×10﹣5米C.4.3×10﹣6米D.43×107米3.(3分)随着生活水平的不断提高,汽车越来越普及,在下面的汽车标志图中,不属于轴对称的图形是()A.B.C.D.4.(3分)计算结果为a2﹣5a﹣6的是()A.(a﹣6)(a+1)B.(a﹣2)(a+3)C.(a+6)(a﹣1)D.(a+2)(a﹣3)5.(3分)已知三角形的三边长分别为4,5,x,则x不可能是()A.3B.5C.7D.96.(3分)如图,在下列条件中,能判断AB∥CD的是()A.∠DAC=∠ACB B.∠DCB+∠ADC=180°C.∠ABD=∠BDC D.∠BAC=∠ADC7.(3分)下列算式不能用平方差公式计算的是()A.(2x+y)(2y﹣x)B.(3x﹣y)(3x+y)C.(x+1)(﹣x+1)D.(x﹣y)(y+x)8.(3分)如图,已知∠BAC=∠DAC,那么添加下列一个条件后,仍无法判定△ABC≌△ADC的是()A.CB=CD B.AB=AD C.∠BCA=∠DCA D.∠B=∠D9.(3分)某学习小组做“用频率估计概率的试验时,统计了某一结果出现的频率,绘制了如图所示折线统计图,则符合这一结果的试验最有可能的是()A.掷一枚正六面体的骰子,出现1点朝上B.任意写一个整数,它能被2整除C.不透明袋中装有大小和质地都相同的1个红球和2个黄球,从中随机取一个,取到红球D.先后两次掷一枚质地均匀的硬币,两次都出现反面10.(3分)如图,AD是△ABC的角平分线,DF⊥AB,垂足为F,DE=DM,△ADM和△AED的面积分别为58和40,则△EDF的面积为()A.11B.10C.9D.8二、填空题(本大题共4个小题,每小题4分,共16分)11.(4分)已知5a=2,5b=3,则52a+b=.12.(4分)若(2a﹣1)2=4a2+ma+1,则m的值是.13.(4分)如图,以△ABC的顶点A为圆心,以BC长为半径作弧,再以顶点C为圆心,以AB长为半径作弧,两弧交于点D;连接AD、CD,若∠B=56°,则∠ADC的大小为度.14.(4分)如图,射线OA、BA分别表示甲、乙两人骑自行车运动过程的一次函数的图象,图中s、t分别表示行驶距离和时间,则这两人骑自行车的速度相差km/h.三、解答题(共54分)15.(15分)化简或计算(1)|﹣2|+(﹣)﹣1﹣(π﹣3)0+(﹣1)2020;(2)(﹣2xy2)3•3x2y÷(xy)5;(3)2ab+2a(3a﹣b)﹣(a﹣b)(a+b).16.(7分)先化简,再求值:(2x+1)(2x﹣1)﹣(x+2)2,其中x=﹣.四、解答题17.(6分)如图,方格子的边长为1,△ABC的顶点在格点上.(1)画出△ABC关于直线l对称的△A1B1C1;(2)求△ABC的面积.18.(8分)如图,在△ABC中,CA=CB,D为边AB的中点,E,F分别为边CA,CB上的一点,且∠CED =∠CFD.(1)△AED与△BFD全等吗?请说明理由.(2)当∠C=110°,BD=BF时,求∠EDF的度数.19.(8分)“六一”儿童节小明上班开展娱乐活动,在不透明的盒子中装有除颜色外完全相同的小球若干个,其中红球2个,绿球3个,黑球5个.(1)混合均匀后从盒子中随机摸出一个小球,恰好摸到红色小球的概率为多少?(2)若小明又放入若干个黑球(除颜色外与盒中其他小球完全相同),与原来的小球均匀混合在一起,使从盒中随机摸出一个黑色小球的概率是,求后来小明又放入多少个黑色小球?20.(10分)已知:在四边形ABCD中,AC,BD相交于点E,且点E是AC的中点,AC⊥BD,过点B作BF⊥CD,垂足为点F,BF与AC交于点G.(1)如图1,求证:∠BGE=∠ADE;(2)如图2,若∠ABC=90°;①求证:DE=EG;②若AC=8,△BCG的面积为4,求四边形ABCD的面积.一、填空题(本大题共5个小题,每小题4分,共20分)B卷(共50分)21.(4分)若关于x的二次三项式9x2+2(a﹣4)x+16是一个完全平方式,则a的值为.22.(4分)若多项式x2+2mx﹣1与x2﹣2x+n的乘积中不含x2和x3项,则m2﹣mn+n2=.23.(4分)有7张正面分别标有数字1,0,﹣1,﹣2,﹣3,﹣4,﹣5的卡片,它们除数字不同外其余全部相同.现将它们背面朝上,洗匀后从中随机抽取一张,记卡片上的数字为m,则使(m+4)m+1=1成立的概率是.24.(4分)如图,∠ABC=30°,点D是∠ABC内的一点,且DB=9,若点E,F分别是射线BA,BC上异于点B的动点,则△DEF的周长的最小值是.25.(4分)如图,已知四边形ABCD中,AB=12厘米,BC=8厘米,CD=14厘米,∠B=∠C,点E为线段AB的中点.如果点P在线段BC上以3厘米/秒的速度由B点向C点运动,同时,点Q在线段CD上由C点向D点运动.当点Q的运动速度为厘米/秒时,能够使△BPE与以C、P、Q三点所构成的三角形全等.二.解答题(本大题共3个小题,共30分)26.(8分)对于一个图形,通过两种不同的方法计算它的面积,可以得到一个数学等式,例如图1可以得到(a+b)2=a2+2ab+b2,请解答下列问题:(1)图2所表示的数学等式为;(2)利用(1)得到的结论,解决问题:若a+b+c=12,a2+b2+c2=60,求ab+ac+bc的值;(3)如图3,将两个边长分别为a和b的正方形拼在一起,B,C,D三点在同一直线上,连接AE,EG,若两正方形的边长满足a+b=15,ab=35,求阴影部分面积.27.(10分)某公司开发出一款新的节能产品,成本价为6元/件,该产品在正式投放市场前通过代销点进行了为期一个月(30天)的试销售,销售价为8元/件,工作人员对销售情况进行了跟踪记录,并将记录情况绘制成如图的图象,图中的折线ODE表示日销售量y(件)与销售时间第x(天)之间的函数关系,已知线段DE表示的关系中,时间每增加1天,日销售量减少5件.(1)第20天的日销售量是件,日销售利润是元.(2)求y与x之间的函数关系式;(3)日销售利润不低于640元的天数共有多少天?28.(12分)已知,如图AD为△ABC的中线,分别以AB和AC为一边在△ABC的外部作等腰三角形ABE 和等腰三角形ACF,且AE=AB,AF=AC,连接EF,∠EAF+∠BAC=180°(1)如图1,若∠ABE=63°,∠BAC=45°,求∠F AC的度数;(2)如图1,请探究线段EF和线段AD有何数量关系?并证明你的结论;(3)如图2,设EF交AB于点G,交AC于点R,延长FC,EB交于点M,若点G为线段EF的中点,且∠BAE=70°,请探究∠ACB和∠CAF的数量关系,并证明你的结论.参考答案一、选抨题(每小题3分、共30分)1.D;2.C;3.D;4.A;5.D;6.C;7.A;8.A;9.C;10.C;二、填空题(本大题共4个小题,每小题4分,共16分)11.12;12.﹣4;13.56;14.;三、解答题(共54分)15.(1)﹣1;(2)﹣24y2;(3)5a2+b2.;16.;四、解答题17.;18.;19.;20.(1)证明过程请看解答;(2)①证明过程请看解答;②24.;一、填空题(本大题共5个小题,每小题4分,共20分)B卷(共50分)21.16或﹣8;22.;23.;24.9;25.3或;二.解答题(本大题共3个小题,共30分)26.(a+b+c)2=a2+b2+c2+2ab+2bc+2ac;27.350;700。

A. 5006B. 5060C. 5600C解析: C【解析】【解答】选项A,5006读作五千零六,读一个“零”;选项B,5060读作五千零六十,读一个“零”;选项C,5600读作五千六百,一个“零”也不读。
A. 9B. 3C. 4B解析: B【解析】【解答】解:5□24<5419,□里最大可以填3。
A. 5B. 6C. 7C解析: C【解析】【解答】706>□01,□里最大能填7。
A. 它们的和比1000大一些。
B. 它们的和700小一些。
C. 576<600,284<300,它们的和一定小于900。
C解析: C【解析】【解答】576+284≈600+300=900故答案为:C。
A. 小于800B. 大于900C. 小于900B解析: B【解析】【解答】解:596+387≈1000,得数一定大于900。

2020-2021成都市实验外国语学校(西区)小学三年级数学下期中模拟试卷(及答案)一、选择题1.积的末尾有3个0的算式是()A. 14×50B. 60×50C. 800×42.28×42的结果最接近()A. 1200B. 1000C. 800D. 1500 3.一个足球25元,学校买了13个,一共花了多少钱?右边竖式中,箭头所指的表示()。
A. 1个足球要花多少钱B. 3个足球要花多少钱C. 10个足球要花多少钱D. 13个足球要花多少钱4.食堂买来5箱豆油,每箱12桶,每桶52元,每箱豆油()元。
A. 260B. 624C. 31205.下面的算式中,商是三位数的是()。
A. 211÷3B. 458÷4C. 598÷76.648>()×8,括号里最大填()。
A. 79B. 80C. 817.小明1分钟打55个字,小新8分钟打800个字,谁打字快?( )。
A. 小明B. 小新C. 一样快8.小刚家在学校的西南方,上学时小刚向()方向走。
A. 东南B. 西南C. 西北D. 东北9.三(2)班教室的黑板在教室的西面,那么老师讲课时面向()面.A. 东B. 南C. 西10.把手表平放在桌面上,用数字12正对着北。
A. 东B. 西C. 北二、填空题11.如图,在计算18×24的竖式中,箭头所指的数,实际表示36个________,是________乘________的积。
新华村水稻、小麦产量统计图(1996年~1998年) 1999年1月制根据上图的数据填写下表14.下面是2015年北京、杭州各季度平均气温情况。
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2020-2021成都市实验外国语学校(西区)小学一年级数学下期中模拟试卷(及答案)一、选择题1.( )比13少7。
A. 5B. 6C. 72.从15里减去9,还剩下()。
A. 6B. 73.8添上()变为11。
A. 2B. 3C. 5D. 1 4.“16-( )=9”,在( )里应填的数是()A. 3B. 7C. 8D. 9 5.“17-9 9”,比较大小,在里应填的符号是()A. >B. <C. =D. -6.“16-7 9”,比较大小,在里应填的符号是()A. >B. <C. =D. -7.教室黑板的表面是()。
A. 圆形B. 长方形C. 三角形8.下面图形中与其他图形不是同类的是()。
A. B. C.9.下面()个不是平行四边形。
A. B. C. D.10.用一定不能画出()。
A. B.11.把一个长方形框架拉成一个平行四边形后,它的周长( )。
A. 变长;B. 变短;C. 没变化12.圆有()条对称轴。
A. 1B. 4C. 无数二、填空题13.在横线上填上>、<或=。
5+3________6 16-9________10 16+2________1714.在横线上填上“>”、“<”或“=”。
16-9________8 16-7________11 13-4________10+17+7________13 15-6________8 12-8________13-915.我认识你们,我会数。
15-________=9 17=________+7 4+________=10________+7=16 ________-5=2 ________-________=817.我会填数。
12-________=8 15-________=9 13-________=9 11-________=760+________=68 29-________=20 ________-7=6 ________-5=818.这辆小火车一共有________个图形。
”妈妈吃了几条虫子?【参考答案】***试卷处理标记,请不要删除一、选择题1.B解析: B【解析】【解答】13-7=6故答案为:B【分析】比一个数少几,运用减法计算。
2.A解析: A【解析】3.B解析: B【解析】【解答】从8 以后开始数数,每数一个数就伸出一个手指,一直数到11,9、10、11,伸出3 个手指,所以 8 添上 3是11,选择B选项。
4.B解析: B【解析】【解答】16-9=7,选B.5.B解析: B【解析】【解答】因为17-9=8, 8<9, 所以17-9<9, 选B.【分析】要先计算出左边算式的结果,再比较大小6.C解析: C【解析】【解答】因为16-7=9, 9=9, 所以16-7=9, 选C.【分析】要先计算出左边算式的结果,再比较大小7.B解析: B【解析】【解答】教室黑板的表面是长方形。
8.B解析: B【解析】【解答】选项A,是平面图形;选项B,是立体图形;选项C,是平面图形.故答案为:B.【分析】根据对平面图形和立体图形的认识可知,长方形、三角形、正方形、圆、平行四边形、梯形是常见的平面图形,长方体、正方体、球、圆柱、圆锥是常见的立体图形,据此分类.9.B解析: B【解析】10.A解析: A【解析】11.C解析: C【解析】【解答】分析:因长方形的四条边,拉成平行四边形后,没有发生变化,所以它的周长不发生变化,所以答案为C。
12.C解析: C【解析】【解答】依据轴对称图形的定义即可作答,圆有无数条对称轴。
15.2;2;7;4【解析】【解答】解:有2个;有2个;有7个;有4个故答案为:2;2;7;4【分析】弄清楚每种图形的特征依次数出每种图形的个数并填入表格即可注意数出组合而成的长方形个数解析: 2;2;7;4【解析】【解答】解:有2个;有2个;有7个;有4个。
16.6;10;6;9;7;9;1【解析】【解答】解:15-6=9;17=10+7;4+6=10;9+7=16;7-5=2;9-1=8(答案不唯一)故答案为:6;10;6;9;7;9;1【分析】根据20以解析: 6;10;6;9;7;9;1【解析】【解答】解:15-6=9;17=10+7;4+6=10;9+7=16;7-5=2;9-1=8(答案不唯一)。
17.4;6;4;4;8;9;13;13【解析】【解答】解:12-8=4所以12-4=8;15-9=6所以15-6=9;13-9=4所以13-4=9;11-7=4所以11-4=9;68-60=8所以60+ 解析: 4;6;4;4;8;9;13;13【解析】【解答】解:12-8=4,所以12-4=8;15-9=6,所以15-6=9;13-9=4,所以13-4=9;11-7=4,所以11-4=9;68-60=8,所以60+8=68;29-20=9,所以29-9=20;6+7=13,所以13-7=6;8+5=13,所以13-5=8故答案为:4;6;4;4;8;9;13;13。
18.22;6;5;6;5【解析】【解答】这辆小火车一共有22个图形其中有6个□有5个△有6个○有5个故答案为:22;6;5;6;5【分析】按从左往右的顺序依次数一数各种形状的图形即可得到一共有几个图形;解析: 22;6;5;6;5【解析】【解答】这辆小火车一共有22个图形。
19.3;4;3;3;3【解析】【解答】解:根据图形的特征可知三角形有3个;长方形有4个;正方形有3个;平行四边形有3个;圆形有3个故答案为:3;4;3;3;3【分析】观察每种图形的特征确定每种图形的个数解析: 3;4;3;3;3【解析】【解答】解:根据图形的特征可知,三角形有3个;长方形有4个;正方形有3个;平行四边形有3个;圆形有3个。
20.1;1;4;1;3【解析】【解答】数一数可得1个1个4个1个3个故答案为:1;1;4;1;3【分析】此题主要考查了平面图形的识别根据图形的特征按顺序数出每种图形的个数;解析: 1;1;4;1;3【解析】【解答】数一数可得,1个1个4个1个3个【分析】此题主要考查了平面图形的识别,根据图形的特征,按顺序数出每种图形的个数;平行四边形的特征是两组对边互相平行且相等;正方形的特征是对边平行,四边相等,四个角都是直角;三角形是由三条线段围成的封闭图形;圆是由曲线围成的封闭图形;长方形的特征是对边平行,对边相等,四个角都是直角。