IC datasheet pdf-TLC320AC01,pdf(TLC320AC01C Single-Supply Analog Interface Circuit)


IC datasheet pdf-NCL30001 pdf,detasheet

IC datasheet pdf-NCL30001 pdf,detasheet

NCL30001High-Efficiency Single Stage Power FactorCorrection and Step-Down Offline LED DriverThe NCL30001 is a highly integrated controller for implementing power factor correction (PFC) and isolated step down ac −dc power conversion in a single stage, resulting in a lower cost and reduced part count solution. This controller is ideal for LED Driver power supplies with power requirements between 40 W and 150 W. The single stage is based on the flyback converter and it is designed to operate in continuous conduction (CCM).The NCL30001 can be configured as as constant current driver or a fixed output driver for two stage LED lighting applications. In addition, the controller features a proprietary Soft −Skip ™ to reduce acoustic noise at light loads. Other features found in the NCL30001include a high voltage startup circuit, voltage feedforward, brown out detector, internal overload timer, latch input and a high accuracy multiplier. The multi −function latch off pin can also be used to implement an overtemperature shutdown circuit.Features•V oltage Feedforward Improves Loop Response •Frequency Jittering Reduces EMI Signature•Proprietary Soft −Skip at Light Loads Reduces Acoustic Noise •Brown Out Detector•Internal 160 ms Fault Timer•Independent Latch −Off Input Facilitates Implementation of Overvoltage and Overtemperature Fault Detectors•Average Current Mode Control (ACMC), Fixed Frequency Operation •High Accuracy Multiplier Reduces Input Line Harmonics •Adjustable Operating Frequency from 20 kHz to 250 kHz •These Devices are Pb −Free and are RoHS Compliant Typical Applications•LED Street Lights•Low Bay LED Lighting •High Power LED Drivers •Architectural LED LightingMARKINGDIAGRAMA = Assembly Location WL = Wafer Lot YY = YearWW = Work WeekG= Pb −Free PackageSOIC −16D SUFFIX CASE 751BNCL30001G AWLYWWSee detailed ordering and shipping information in the package dimensions section on page 30 of this data sheet.ORDERING INFORMATION(Top View )V FF CT Ramp Comp AC IN FB CM AC COMP Latch −Off Startup V CC I spos TESTI avg DRV GND NC PIN CONNECTIONSStartupI sposGNDV CCLatch −DRVI avgTESTV Figure 1. Detailed Block DiagramPIN FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONPin Symbol Description1C T An external timing capacitor (C T) sets the oscillator frequency. A sawtooth between 0.2 V and 4 V sets the oscillator frequency and the gain of the multiplier.2RAMP COMP A resistor (R RC) between this pin and ground adjust the amount of ramp compensation that is added to the current signal. Ramp compensation is required to prevent subharmonic oscillations. This pin should not beleft open.3AC IN The scaled version of the full wave rectified input ac wave is connected to this pin by means of a resistive voltage divider. The line voltage information is used by the multiplier.4FB An error signal from an external error amplifier circuit is fed to this pin via an optocoupler or other isolation circuit. The FB voltage is a proportional of the load of the converter. If the voltage on the FB pin drops be-low 0.41 V (typical) the controller enters Soft−Skip to reduce acoustic noise.5VFF Feedforward input. A scaled version of the filtered rectified line voltage is applied by means of a resistive divider and an averaging capacitor. The information is used by the Reference Generator to regulate thecontroller.6CM Multiplier output. A capacitor is connected between this pin and ground to filter the modulated output of the multiplier.7AC COMP Sets the pole for the ac reference amplifier. The reference amplifier compares the low frequency compon-ent of the input current to the ac reference signal. The response must be slow enough to filter out most ofthe high frequency content of the current signal that is injected from the current sense amplifier, but fastenough to cause minimal distortion to the line frequency information. The pin should not be left open.8Latch Latch−Off input. Pulling this pin below 1.0 V (typical) or pulling it above 7.0 V (typical) latches the controller.This input can be used to implement an overvoltage detector, an overtemperature detector or both. Referto Figure 60 for a typical implementation.9TEST This pin is a TEST pin. A nominal 50K $10% resistor must be connected to GND for proper operation. 10I AVG An external resistor and capacitor connected from this terminal to ground, to set and stabilizes the gain of the current sense amplifier output that drives the ac error amplifier.11I Spos Positive current sense input. Connects to the positive side of the current sense resistor.12V CC Positive input supply. This pin connects to an external capacitor for energy storage. An internal current source supplies current from the STARTUP pin V CC. Once the voltage on V CC reaches approximately 15.3V, the current source turns off and the outputs are enabled. The drivers are disabled once V CC reachesapproximately 10.2 V. If V CC drops below 0.83 V (typical), the startup current is reduced to less than500 m A.13DRV Drive output for the main flyback power MOSFET or IGBT. DRV has a source resistance of 10.8 W (typical) and a sink resistance of 8 W (typical).14NC No Connect15GND Ground reference for the circuit.16HV Connect the rectified input line voltage directly to this pin to enable the internal startup regulator. A con-stant current source supplies current from this pin to the capacitor connected to the V CC pin, eliminatingthe need for a startup resistor. The charge current is typically 5.5 mA. Maximum input voltage is 500 V.MAXIMUM RATINGS (Notes 1 and 2)Rating Symbol Value UnitStart_up Input Voltage Start_up Input Current V HVI HV−0.3 to 500$100VmAPower Supply Input Voltage Power Supply Input Current V CCI CC−0.3 to 20$100VmALatch Input Voltage Latch Input Current V LatchI Latch−0.3 to 10$100VmAAll Other Pins Voltage All Other Pins Current −0.3 to 6.5$100VmAThermal Resistance, Junction−to−Air 0.1 in” Copper0.5 in” Copper q JA130110°C/WThermal Resistance, Junction−to−Lead RΘJL50°C/W Maximum Power Dissipation @ T A = 25°C P MAX0.77W Operating Temperature Range T J−40 to 125°C Storage Temperature Range T STG−55 to 150°C Stresses exceeding Maximum Ratings may damage the device. Maximum Ratings are stress ratings only. Functional operation above the Recommended Operating Conditions is not implied. Extended exposure to stresses above the Recommended Operating Conditions may affect device reliability.1.This device contains ESD protection and exceeds the following tests:Pin 1−15: Human Body Model 2000 V per MIL−Std−883, Method 3015.Machine Model Method 200 VPin 16 is the high voltage startup of the device and is rated to the maximum rating of the part, 500 V.2.This device contains Latchup protection and exceeds ±100 mA per JEDEC Standard JESD78.NCL30001Figure 2. Typical Application SchematicR L E DTEST RC J JParameter Test Condition Symbol Min Typ Max Unit OSCILLATORFrequency f osc90100110kHz– 6.8–% Frequency Modulation in Percentageof f OSCFrequency Modulation Period– 6.8–ms Ramp Peak Voltage V CT(peak)– 4.0–V Ramp Valley Voltage V CT(valley)–0.10–V Maximum Duty Ratio R TEST = open D94−–% Ramp Compensation Peak Voltage V RCOMP(peak)–4–V AC ERROR AMPLIFIERInput Offset Voltage (Note 3)Ramp I AVG, V FB = 0 V ACV IO40–mV Error Amplifier Transconductance g m–100–m SI EA(source)2570–m A Source Current V AC COMP = 2.0 V, V AC IN = 2.0 V,V FF = 1.0 VSink Current V AC COMP = 2.0 V, V A C_IN = 2.0 V,I EA(sink)−25−70–m AV FF = 5.0 VCURRENT AMPLIFIERTEST RC J JParameter UnitMaxTypMinSymbolTest ConditionAC INPUTInput Bias Current Into ReferenceMultiplier & Current CompensationAmplifierI AC IN(IB)–0.01–m A DRIVE OUTPUTDrive Resistance (Thermally Limited)DRV SinkDRV SourceV DRV = 1 VI DRV = 100 mAR SNKR SRC––810.81824WRise Time (10% to 90%)DRV t r–40–ns Fall Time (90% to 10%)DRV t f–20–ns Driver Out Low VoltageDRV I DRV = 100 m A V DRV(low)– 1.0100mV Soft−SkipSkip Synchronization to ac LineVoltage ThresholdV ACIN Increasing, V FB = 1.5 V V SSKIP(SYNC)210267325mVSkip Synchronization to ac Line Voltage Threshold Hysteresis V ACIN Decreasing V SSKIP(SYNCHYS)–40–mVSkip Ramp Period (Note 3)t SSKIP− 2.5–ms Skip Voltage Threshold V SSKIP360410460V Skip Voltage Hysteresis V SSKIP(HYS)4590140mV Skip Transient Load Detect Threshold(Note 3)V SSKIP(TLD)− 1.75−V FEEDBACK INPUTPull−Up Current Source V FB = 0.5 V I FB600750920m A Pull−Up Resistor R FB– 6.7–k W Open Circuit Voltage V FB(open) 5.3 5.7 6.3V STARTUP AND SUPPLY CIRCUITSSupply VoltageStartup ThresholdMinimum Operating VoltageLogic Reset Voltage V CC IncreasingV CC DecreasingV CC DecreasingV CC(on)V CC(off)V CC(reset)14.39.3–15.410.27.016.311.3–VInhibit Threshold Voltage V HV = 40 V, I inhibit = 500 m A V inhibit−0.83 1.15V Inhibit Bias Current V HV = 40 V, V CC = 0.8 * V inhibit I inhibit40-500m A Minimum Startup Voltage I start = 0.5 mA, V CC = V CC(on) – 0.5 V V start(min)––40V Startup Current V CC = V CC(on) – 0.5 V, V FB = Open I start 3.0 5.628.0mAOff−State Leakage Current V HV = 400 V, T J = 25°CT J = −40°C to 125°C I HV(off)––17154080m ASupply CurrentDevice Disabled (Overload) Device SwitchingV FB = Openf OSC[ 100 kHzI CC1I CC2––0.726.251.27.2mAFAULT PROTECTIONOverload Timer t OVLD120160360ms Overload Detect Threshold V OVLD 4.7 4.9 5.2V 3.Guaranteed by DesignTEST RC J JParameter UnitMaxTypMinSymbolTest ConditionFAULT PROTECTIONBrown−Out Detect Threshold (entering fault mode)V FF Decreasing, V FB = 2.5 V,V AC IN = 2.0 VV BO(low)0.410.450.49VBrown−Out Exit Threshold (exiting fault mode)V FF Increasing, V FB = 2.5 V,V AC IN = 2.0 VV BO(high)0.570.630.69VBrown−Out Hysteresis V BO(HYS)−174−mV LATCH INPUTPull−Down Latch Voltage Threshold V Latch Decreasing V latch(low)0.90.98 1.1V Pull−Up Latch Voltage Threshold V Latch Increasing V latch(high) Latch Propagation Delay V Latch =V latch(high)t latch(delay)305690m s Latch Clamp Current (Going Out)V Latch = 1.5 V I latch(clamp)425158m A Latch Clamp Voltage (I Latch Going In)I Latch = 50 m A V latch(clamp) 2.5 3.27 4.5V Latch−Off Current Shutdown(Going In)V Latch Increasing I latch(shdn)−95−m A 3.Guaranteed by DesignFigure 3. Oscillator Frequency (f OSC ) vs.Junction Temperature6.−50−250255075100125150Figure 4. Oscillator Frequency Modulation in Percentage of f OSC vs. Junction TemperatureT J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)−50−250255075100125150T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)Figure 5. Oscillator Frequency ModulationPeriod vs. Junction Temperature3.83.853.93.954.04.054.1−50−250255075100125150T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)Figure 6. Ramp Peak Voltage vs. JunctionTemperatureV C T (p e a k ), O S C I L L A T O R R A M P P E A K V O L T A G E (V )9092949698100−50−250255075100125150D , M A X I M U M D U T Y R A T I O (%)Figure 7. Maximum Duty Ratio vs. JunctionTemperature T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)−50−2502550751001251503.83.853.93.954.04.054.1T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)V C O M P (p e a k ), R A M P C O M P P E A K V O L T A G E (V )Figure 8. Ramp Compensation Peak Voltagevs. Junction Temperature9095100105110−50−25255075100125150T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)f O S C , O S C I L L A T O R F R E Q U E N C Y (k H z )O S C I L L A T O R F R E Q U E N C Y M O D U L A T I O N P E R I O D (m s )O S C I L L A T O R F R E Q U E N C Y M O D U L A T I O N (%)505560657075808590−50−25255075100125150T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)I E A (S O U R C E ), E R R O R A M P L I F I E R S O U R C E C U R R E N T (m A )Figure 9. Error Amplifier Source Current vs.Junction Temperature505560657075808590−50−25255075100125150Figure 10. Error Amplifier Sink Current vs.Junction TemperatureT J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)I E A (S I N K ), E R R O R A M P L I F I E R S I N K C U R R E N T (m A )40.042.545.047.550.052.555.057.560.0−50−25255075100125150Figure 11. Current Amplifier Input Bias Current vs. Junction TemperatureT J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)C A V B I A S , C U R R E N T A M P L I F I E R I N P U T B I A S C U R R E N T (m A )700710720730740750760770−50−25255075100125150T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)Figure 12. Current Limit Threshold vs.Junction Temperature V I L I M , C U R R E N T L I M I T T H R E S H O L D (m V )−50−250255075100125150T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)P W M k , P W M V O L T A G E G A I N (V /V )Figure 13. PWM Output Voltage Gain vs.Junction TemperatureFigure 14. Oscillator CS Limit Voltage Gain vs.Junction Temperature16171819202122−50−250255075100125150T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)I S V k , C U R R E N T L I M I T V O L T A G E G A I N (V /V )5.25T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)Figure 15. Oscillator Reference Generator Output Voltage vs. Junction TemperatureR G o u t , R E F E R E N C E G E N E R A T O R O U T P U T V O L T A G E (V )−50−250255075100125150T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)R S N K 1, D R V S I N K D R I V E R E S I S T A N C E (W )Figure 16. DRV Sink Resistance vs. JunctionTemperature 6.08.010121416−50−250255075100125150Figure 17. DRV Source Drive Resistance vs.Junction TemperatureT J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)R S R C 1, D R V S O U R C E R E S I S T A N C E (W )T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)V D R V (l o w ), D R V L O W V O L T A G E (m V )Figure 18. DRV Low Voltage vs. JunctionTemperature200220240260280300−−250255075100125150Figure 19. Skip Synchronization to ac Line Voltage Threshold vs. Junction Temperature T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)V S S K I P (S Y N C ), S K I P S Y N C T O A C L I N E V O L T A G E T H R E S H O L D (m V )T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)V S S K I P , S K I P V O L T A G E T H R E S H O L D (V )Figure 20. Skip Voltage Threshold vs. JunctionTemperature30507090110130−50−2502550751001251500.3900.3920.3940.3960.3980.4000.4020.4040.4060.4080.41080859095100−50−25255075100125150Figure 21. Skip Voltage Hysteresis vs.Junction TemperatureT J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)V S S K I P , S K I P V O L T A G E H Y S T E R E S I S (m V )680705730755780−50−250255075100125150T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)I F B , F E E D B A C K P U L L −U P C U R R E N T S O U R C E (m A )Figure 22. Feedback Pull −Up Current Sourcevs. Junction Temperature5.−50−250255075100125150V F B (o p e n ), F E E D B A C K O P E N C I R C U I T V O L T A G E (V )T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)Figure 23. Feedback Open Circuit Voltage vs.Junction Temperature14.7514.9515.1515.3515.5515.75−50−250255075100125150T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)V C C (o n ), S T A R T U P T H R E S H O L D (V )Figure 24. Startup Threshold vs. JunctionTemperature9.59.79.910.110.310.5−50−250255075100125150Figure 25. Minimum Operating Voltage vs.Junction TemperatureV C C (o f f ), M I N I M U M O P E R A T I N G V O L T A G E (V )T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)Figure 26. Inhibit Threshold Voltage vs.Junction Temperature6507007508008509009501000−50−25T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)V i n h i b i t , I N H I B I T T H R E S H O L D V O L T A G E (V )250270290310330350−50−250255075100125150I i n h i b i t , I N H I B I T B I A S C U R R E N T (m A )T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)Figure 27. Inhibit Bias Current vs. JunctionTemperature22.022.523.023.524.024.525.0V s t a r t u p (m i n ), M I N I M U M S T A R T U P V O L T A G E (V )T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)Figure 28. Minimum Startup Voltage vs.Junction Temperature5.−50−250255075100125150T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)s t a r t Figure 29. Startup Current vs. JunctionTemperature1015202530−50−250255075100125150Figure 30. Off −State Leakage Current vs.Junction Temperature T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)I H V (o f f ), O F F −S T A T E L E A K A G E C U R R E N T (m A )650675700725750775800825850−50−250255075100125150T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)Figure 31. Supply Current Device Disabled (Overload) vs. Junction TemperatureI C C 1, S U P P L Y C U R R E N T D E V I C E D I S A B L E D (m A )5.755.956.156.356.556.75−50−25255075100125150T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)I C C 2, S U P P L Y C U R R E N T D E V I C E S W I T C H I N G (m A )Figure 32. Supply Current Device Switchingvs. Junction Temperature100120140160180200−50−250255075100125150Figure 33. Overload Timer vs. JunctionTemperatureT J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)t O V L D , O V E R L O A D T I M E R (m s )−50−250255075100125150T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)V O V L D , O V E R L O A D D E T E C T T H R E S H O L D (V )Figure 34. Overload Detect Threshold vs.Junction Temperature400420440460480500−50−250255075100125150Figure 35. Brown −Out Detect Threshold vs.Junction TemperatureT J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)V B O (l o w ), B R O W N −O U T D E T E C T T H R E S H O L D (m V )600610620630640650−50−250255075100125150V B O (h i g h ), B R O W N −O U T E X I T T H R E S H O L D (m V )Figure 36. Brown −Out Exit Threshold vs.Junction Temperature T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)160165170175180−50−250255075100125150T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)V B O (H Y S ), B R O W N −O U T H Y S T E R E S I S (m V )Figure 37. Brown −Out Hysteresis vs. JunctionTemperature9009209409609801000−50−25255075100125150V L A T C H (l o w ), L A T C H P U L L −D O W N V O L T A G E T H R E S H O L D (m V )Figure 38. Latch Pull −Down Voltage Thresholdvs. Junction TemperatureT J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)−50−2502550751001251506. J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)V L A T C H (l o w _H Y S ), L A T C H P U L L −U P T H R E S H O L D (V )Figure 39. Latch Pull −Up Threshold vs.Junction Temperature6.−50−250255075100125150Figure 40. Latch Pull −Up Voltage Thresholdvs. Junction TemperatureT J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)V L A T C H (l h i g h ), L A T C H P U L L −U P V O L T A G E T H R E S H O L D (V )505254565860−50−250255075100125150T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)V L A T C H (d e l a y ), L A T C H P R O P A G A T I O N D E L A Y (m s )Figure 41. Latch Propagation Delay vs.Junction Temperature505152535455−50−250255075100125150Figure 42. Latch Clamp Current vs. JunctionTemperatureT J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)I L A T C H (c l a m p ), L A T C H C L A M P C U R R E N T (m A )−50−25255075100125150T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)V L A T C H (c l a m p ), L A T C H C L A M P V O L T A G E (V )Figure 43. Latch Clamp Voltage vs. JunctionTemperature 9092949698100−50−250255075100125150T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)V L A T C H (s h d n ), L A T C H −O F F C U R R E N T S H U T D O W N (m A )Figure 44. Latch −Off Current Shutdown vs.Junction TemperatureDETAILED DEVICE DESCRIPTIONIntroductionThe NCL30001 is a highly integrated controller combining PFC and isolated step down power conversion in a single stage, resulting in a lower cost and reduced part count solution. This controller is ideal for LED Lighting applications with power requirements between 40 W and 150 W with an output voltage greater than 12 V . The single stage is based on the flyback converter and it is designed to operate in CCM mode.Power Factor Correction (PFC) IntroductionPower factor correction shapes the input current of off −line power supplies to maximize the real power available from the mains. Ideally, the electrical appliance should present a load that emulates a pure resistor, in which case the reactive power drawn by the device is zero. Inherent in this scenario is the freedom from input current harmonics.The current is a perfect replica of the input voltage (usually a sine wave) and is exactly in phase with it. In this case the current drawn from the mains is at a minimum for the real power required to perform the needed work, and this minimizes losses and costs associated not only with the distribution of the power, but also with the generation of the power and the capital equipment involved in the process.The freedom from harmonics also minimizes interference with other devices being powered from the same source.Another reason to employ PFC in many of today’s power supplies is to comply with regulatory requirements. Today,lighting equipment in Europe must comply with IEC61000−3−2 Class C. This requirement applies to most lighting applications with input power of 25 W or greater,and it specifies the maximum amplitude of line −frequency harmonics up to and including the 39th harmonic. Moreover power factor requirements for commercial lighting is included within the ENERGY STAR ® Solid State Lighting Luminaire standard regardless of the applications power level.Typical Power Supply with PFCA typical power supply consists of a boost PFC preregulator creating an intermediate X 400 V bus and an isolated dc −dc converter producing the desired output voltage as shown in Figure 45. This architecture has two power stages.Figure 45. Typical Two Stage Power ConverterRectifier &FilterPFC PreregulatorDC −DC Converter with isolationAC Input V outA two stage architecture allows optimization of each individual power stage. It is commonly used because of designer familiarity and a vast range of availablecomponents. But, because it processes the power twice, the search is always on for a more compact and power efficient solution.The NCL30001 controller offers the convenience of shrinking the front −end converter (PFC preregulator) and the dc −dc converter into a single power processing stage as shown in Figure 46.Figure 46. Single Stage Power ConverterRectifier &FilterNCL30001 Based Single −Stage Flyback ConverterAC InputV outThis approach significantly reduces the component count.The NCL30001 based solution requires only one each of MOSFET, magnetic element, output rectifier (low voltage)and output capacitor (low voltage). In contrast, the 2−stage solution requires two or more of the above −listed components. Elimination of certain high −voltage components (e.g. high voltage capacitor and high voltage PFC diode) has significant impact on the system design. The resultant cost savings and reliability improvement are often worth the effort of designing a new converter.Single PFC StageWhile the single stage offers certain benefits, it is important to recognize that it is not a recommended solution for all requirements. The following three limitations apply to the single stage approach:•The output voltage ripple will have a 2x line frequency component (120 Hz for North American applications)that can not be eliminated easily. The cause of this ripple is the elimination of the energy storage element that is typically the boost output capacitor in the2−stage solution. The only way to reduce the ripple is to increase the output filter capacitance. The required value of capacitance is inversely proportional to the output voltage. Normally the presence of this ripple is not a issue for most LED lighting applications.•The hold −up time will not be as good as the 2−stage approach – again due to the lack of an intermediate energy storage element.•In a single stage converter, one FET processes all the power – that is both a benefit and a limitation as the stress on that main MOSFET is relatively higher.Similarly, the magnetic component (flybacktransformer/inductor) can not be optimized as well as in the 2−stage solution. As a result, potentially higher leakage inductance induces higher voltage spikes (like the one shown in Figure 47) on the MOSFET drain.This may require a MOSFET with a higher voltagerating compared to similar dc −input flybackapplications.Figure 47. Typical Drain Voltage Waveform of aFlyback Main SwitchThere are two methods to clamp the voltage spike on the main switch, a resistor −capacitor −diode (RCD) clamp or a transient voltage suppressor (TVS).RCD V outTVS V outFigure 49. TVS ClampBoth methods result in dissipation of the leakage energy in the clamping circuits – the dissipation is proportional to LI 2 where L is the leakage inductance of the transformer and I is the peak of the switch current at turn −off. An RCD snubber is simple and has the lowest cost, but constantly dissipates power. A TVS provides good voltage clamping ata slightly higher cost and dissipates power only when the drain voltage exceeds the voltage rating of the TVS.Other features found in the NCL30001 include a high voltage startup circuit, voltage feedforward, brown out detector, internal overload timer, latch input and a high accuracy multiplier.NCL30001 PFC LoopThe NCL30001 incorporates a modified version of average current mode control used for achieving the unity power factor. The PFC section includes a variable reference generator, a low frequency voltage regulation error amplifier (AC error AMP), ramp compensation (Ramp Comp) and current shaping network. These blocks are shown in the lower portion of the bock diagram (Figure 45).The inputs to the reference generator include feedback signal (FB), scaled AC input signal (AC_IN) and feedforward input (V FF ). The output of the reference generator is a rectified version of the input sine −wave scaled by the FB and V FF values. The reference amplitude is proportional to the FB and inversely proportional to the square of the V FF . This, for higher load levels and/or lower input voltage, the signal would be higher.The function of the AC error amp is to force the average current output of the current sense amplifier to match the reference generator output. The output of the AC error amplifier is compensated to prevent response to fast events.This output (V error ) is fed into the PWM comparator through a reference buffer. The PWM comparator sums the V error and the instantaneous current and compares it to a 4.0 V threshold to provide the desired duty cycle control. Ramp compensation is also added to the input signal to allow CCM operation above 50% duty cycle.High Voltage Startup CircuitThe NCL30001 internal high voltage startup circuit eliminates the need for external startup components and provides a faster startup time compared to an external startup resistor. The startup circuit consists of a constant current source that supplies current from the HV pin to the supply capacitor on the V CC pin (C CC ). The startup current (I start ) is typically 5.5 mA.The DRV driver is enabled and the startup current source is disabled once the V CC voltage reaches V CC(on), typically 15.4 V . The controller is then biased by the V CC capacitor.The drivers are disabled if V CC decays to its minimum operating threshold (V CC(off)) typically 10.2 V . Upon reaching V CC(off) the gate driver is disabled. The V CC capacitor should be sized such V CC is kept above V CC(off)while the auxiliary voltage is building up. Otherwise, the system will not start.The controller operates in double hiccup mode while in overload or V CC(off). A double hiccup fault disables the drivers, sets the controller in a low current mode and allows V CC to discharge to V CC(off). This cycle is repeated twice to minimize power dissipation in external components during。



I OUT = 100mAI IN = 205mAV IN = 3.6V1/LTC320123201fABSOLUTE AXI U RATI GSW W WU PACKAGE/ORDER I FOR ATIOUUW (Note 1)ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSThe q denotes the specifications which apply over the full operatingtemperature range, otherwise specifications are at T A = 25°C. V IN = 3.6V, C FILTER = C FLY = 0.22µF, C IN = C OUT = 1µF,t MIN to t MAX unless otherwise noted.V IN , V FILTER , V OUT , CP, CM to GND..............–0.3V to 6V D0, D1, D2, FB to GND .................–0.3V to (V IN + 0.3V)V OUT Short-Circuit Duration.............................Indefinite I OUT ......................................................................................150mA Operating Temperature Range (Note 2)...–40°C to 85°C Storage Temperature Range.................–65°C to 150°C Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec)..................300°CORDER PART NUMBER MS PART MARKING T JMAX = 150°CθJA = 130°C/W (1 LAYER BOARD)θJA = 100°C/W (4 LAYER BOARD)Consult LTC Marketing for parts specified with wider operating temperature ranges.LTC3201EMS PARAMETER CONDITIONSMIN TYP MAX UNITSV IN Operating Voltage q2.74.5V V IN Operating Current I OUT = 0mAq 4 6.5mA V IN Shutdown Current D0, D1, D2 = 0V, V OUT = 0V q1µA Open-Loop Output Impedance I OUT = 100mA 8ΩInput Current Ripple I IN = 200mA30mA P-P Output Ripple I OUT = 100mA, C OUT = 1µF 30mV P-PV FB Regulation Voltage D0 = D1 = D2 = V INq 0.570.630.66V V FB DAC Step Size 90mV Switching Frequency Oscillator Free Running1.4 1.8MHzD0 to D2 Input Threshold q 0.4 1.1V D0 to D2 Input Current q–11µA V OUT Short-Circuit Current V OUT = 0V 150mA V OUT Turn-On TimeI OUT = 0mA1msLTVB12345V OUT CP FILTER CM GND109876FB V IN D2D1D0TOP VIEWMS PACKAGE10-LEAD PLASTIC MSOP Note 1: Absolute Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which the life of a device may be impaired.Note 2: The LTC3201E is guaranteed to meet performance specifications from 0°C to 70°C. Specifications over the –40°C to 85°C operatingtemperature range are assured by design, characterization and correlation with statistical process controls./3 /4/LTC320153201fAPPLICATIO S I FOR ATIOW UUU Operation (Refer to Simplified Block Diagram)The LTC3201 is a switched capacitor boost charge pump especially designed to drive white LEDs in backlighting applications. The LTC3201’s internal regulation loop maintains constant LED output current by monitoring the voltage at the FB pin. The device has a novel internal filter that, along with an external 0.22µF capacitor, significantly reduces input current ripple. An internal 7-state DAC allows the user to lower the regulation voltage at the FB pin, thus lowering the LED current. To regulate the output current, the user places a sense resistor between FB and GND. The white LED is then placed between V OUT and FB.The value at the FB pin is then compared to the output of the DAC. The charge pump output voltage is then changed to equalize the DAC output and the FB pin. The value of the sense resistor determines the maximum value of the output current.When the charge pump is enabled, a two-phase nonoverlapping clock activates the charge pump switches.The flying capacitor is charged to V IN on phase one of the clock. On phase two of the clock, it is stacked in series with V IN and connected to V OUT . This sequence of charging and discharging the flying capacitor continues at a free run-ning frequency of 1.8MHz (typ) until the FB pin voltage reaches the value of the DAC.In shutdown mode all circuitry is turned off and the LTC3201 draws only leakage current (<1µA) from the V IN supply. Furthermore, V OUT is disconnected from V IN . The LTC3201 is in shutdown when a logic low is applied to all three D0:D2 pins. Note that if V OUT floats to >1.5V,shutdown current will increase to 10µA max. In normal operation, the quiescent supply current of the LTC3201will be slightly higher if any of the D0:D2 pins is driven high with a signal that is below V IN than if it is driven all the way to V IN . Since the D0:D2 pins are high impedance CMOS inputs, they should never be allowed to float.Input Current RippleThe LTC3201 is designed to minimize the current ripple at V IN . Typical charge pump boost converters draw large amounts of current from V IN during both phase 1 and phase 2 of the clocking. If there is a large nonoverlap time between the two phases, the current being drawn from V INcan go down to zero during this time. At the full load of 100mA at the output, this means that the input could potentially go from 200mA down to 0mA during the nonoverlap time. The LTC3201 mitigates this problem by minimizing the nonoverlap time, using a high (1.8MHz)frequency clock, and employing a novel noise FILTER network. The noise filter consists of internal circuitry plus external capacitors at the FILTER and V IN pins. The filter capacitor serves to cancel the higher frequency compo-nents of the noise, while the V IN capacitor cancels out the lower frequency components. The recommended values are 0.22µF for the FILTER capacitor and 1µF for the V IN capacitor. Note that these capacitors must be of the highest possible resonant frequencies. See Layout Considerations.3-Bit DAC for Output Current ControlDigital pins D0, D1, D2 are used to control the output current level. D0 = D1 = D2 = V IN allows the user to program an output LED current that is equal to 0.63V/R SENSE , where R SENSE is the resistor connected to any single LED and connected between FB and ground. Due to the finite transconductance of the regulation loop, for a given diode setting, the voltage at the FB Pin will decrease as output current increases. All LEDs subsequently connected in parallel should then have similar currents. The mismatch-ing of the LED V F and the mismatching of the sense resistors will cause a differential current error between LEDs connected to the same output. Once the sense resistor is selected, the user can then control the voltage applied across that resistor by changing the digital values at D0:D2. This in turn controls the current into the LED.Note that there are only 7 available current states. The 8th is reserved to shutdown. This is the all 0s code. Refer to Table below.D0D1D2FB HIGH HIGH HIGH 0.63V HIGH HIGH LOW 0.54V HIGH LOW HIGH 0.45V HIGH LOW LOW 0.36V LOW HIGH HIGH 0.27V LOW HIGH LOW 0.18V LOW LOW HIGH 0.09V LOWLOWLOWShutdown/LTC320163201fPower EfficiencyThe power efficiency (η) of the LTC3201 is similar to that of a linear regulator with an effective input voltage of twice the actual input voltage. This occurs because the input current for a voltage doubling charge pump is approxi-mately twice the output current. In an ideal regulator the power efficiency would be given by:η===P P V I V I V V OUT IN OUT OUT IN OUTOUTIN ••22At moderate to high output power the switching lossesand quiescent current of LTC3201 are relatively low. Due to the high clocking frequency, however, the current used for charging and discharging the switches starts to reduce efficiency. Furthermore, due to the low V F of the LEDs,power delivered will remain low.Short-Circuit/Thermal ProtectionThe LTC3201 has short-circuit current limiting as well as overtemperature protection. During short-circuit condi-tions, the output current is limited to typically 150mA.On-chip thermal shutdown circuitry disables the charge pump once the junction temperature exceeds approxi-mately 160°C and re-enables the charge pump once the junction temperature drops back to approximately 150°C.The LTC3201 will cycle in and out of thermal shutdown indefinitely without latchup or damage until the short-circuit on V OUT is removed.V OUT Capacitor SelectionThe style and value of capacitors used with the LTC3201determine several important parameters such as output ripple, charge pump strength and minimum start-up time.To reduce noise and ripple, it is recommended that low ESR (<0.1Ω) capacitors be used for C FILTER , C IN , C OUT .These capacitors should be ceramic.The value of C OUT controls the amount of output ripple.Increasing the size of C OUT to 10µF or greater will reduce the output ripple at the expense of higher turn-on times and start-up current. See the section Output Ripple. A 1µF C OUT is recommended.V IN , V FILTER Capacitor SelectionThe value and resonant frequency of C FILTER and C IN greatly determine the current noise profile at V IN . C FILTER should be a high frequency 0.22µF capacitor with a reso-nant frequency over 30MHz. Input capacitor C IN should be a 1µF ceramic capacitor with a resonant frequency over 1MHz. The X5R capacitor is a good choice for both. The values of C FILTER (0.22µF) and C IN (1µF) provide optimum high and low frequency input current filtering. A higher filter cap value will result in lower low frequency input current ripple, but with increased high frequency ripple.The key at the FILTER node is that the capacitor has to be very high frequency. If capacitor technology improves the bandwidth, then higher values should be used. Similarly,increasing the input capacitor value but decreasing its resonant frequency will not really help. Decreasing it will help the high frequency performance while increasing the low frequency current ripple.Direct Connection to BatteryDue to the ultra low input current ripple, it is possible to connect the LTC3201 directly to the battery without using regulators or high frequency chokes.Flying Capacitor SelectionWarning: A polarized capacitor such as tantalum or alumi-num should never be used for the flying capacitor since its voltage can reverse upon start-up. Low ESR ceramic capacitors should always be used for the flying capacitor.The flying capacitor controls the strength of the charge pump. In order to achieve the rated output current it is necessary to have at least 0.22µF of capacitance for the flying capacitor. Capacitors of different materials lose their capacitance with higher temperature and voltage at different rates. For example, a ceramic capacitor made of X7R material will retain most of its capacitance from –40°C to 85°C whereas a Z5U and Y5V style capacitor will lose considerable capacitance over that range. Z5U and Y5V capacitors may also have a very strong voltage coefficient causing them to lose 60% or more of their capacitance when the rated voltage is applied. Therefore,when comparing different capacitors it is often moreAPPLICATIO S I FOR ATIOW UUU /LTC320173201fappropriate to compare the achievable capacitance for a given case size rather than discussing the specified ca-pacitance value. For example, over the rated voltage and temperature, a 1µF, 10V, Y5V ceramic capacitor in an 0603case may not provide any more capacitance than a 0.22µF 10V X7R available in the same 0603 case. The capacitor manufacturer’s data sheet should be consulted to deter-mine what value of capacitor is needed to ensure 0.22µF at all temperatures and voltages.Below is a list of ceramic capacitor manufacturers and how to contact them:AVX (843) Kemet (864) Murata (770) Taiyo Yuden (800) Vishay(610) 644-1300Open-Loop Output ImpedanceThe theoretical minimum open-loop output impedance of a voltage doubling charge pump is given by:R V V I FCOUT MIN IN OUT OUT ()–==21where F if the switching frequency (1.8MHz typ) and C isthe value of the flying capacitor. (Using units of MHz and µF is convenient since they cancel each other). Note that the charge pump will typically be weaker than the theoreti-cal limit due to additional switch resistance. Under normal operation, however, with V OUT ≈ 4V, I OUT < 100mA,V IN > 3V, the output impedance is given by the closed-loop value of ~0.5Ω.Output RippleThe value of C OUT directly controls the amount of ripple for a given load current. Increasing the size of C OUT will reduce the output ripple at the expense of higher minimum turn-on time and higher start-up current. The peak-to-peak output ripple is approximated by the expression:V I F C RIPPLE P P OUT OUT()•−≅2 F is the switching frequency (1.8MHz typ).Loop StabilityBoth the style and the value of C OUT can affect the stability of the LTC3201. The device uses a closed loop to adjust the strength of the charge pump to match the required output current. The error signal of this loop is directly stored on the output capacitor. The output capacitor also serves to form the dominant pole of the loop. To prevent ringing or instability, it is important for the output capaci-tor to maintain at least 0.47µF over all ambient and operating conditions.Excessive ESR on the output capacitor will degrade the loop stability of the LTC3201. The closed loop DC imped-ance is nominally 0.5Ω. The output will thus change by 50mV with a 100mA load. Output capacitors with ESR of 0.3Ω or greater could cause instability or poor transient response. To avoid these problems, ceramic capacitors should be used. A tight board layout with good ground plane is also recommended.Soft-StartThe LTC3201 has built-in soft-start circuitry to prevent excessive input current flow at V IN during start-up. The soft-start time is programmed at approximately 30µyout ConsiderationsDue to the high switching frequency and large transient currents produced by the LTC3201, careful board layout is necessary. A true ground plane is a must. To minimize high frequency input noise ripple, it is especially important that the filter capacitor be placed with the shortest dis-tance to the LTC3201 (1/8 inch or less). The filter capacitor should have the highest possible resonant frequency.Conversely, the input capacitor does not need to be placed close to the pin. The input capacitor serves to cancel out the lower frequency input noise ripple. Extra inductance on the V IN line actually helps input current ripple. Note that if the V IN trace is lengthened to add parasitic inductance,it starts to look like an antenna and worsen the radiated noise. It is recommended that the filter capacitor be placed on the left hand side next to Pin 3. The flying capacitor can then be placed on the top of the device. It is also importantAPPLICATIO S I FOR ATIOW UUU Information furnished by Linear Technology Corporation is believed to be accurate and reliable.However, no responsibility is assumed for its use. Linear Technology Corporation makes no represen-tation that the interconnection of its circuits as described herein will not infringe on existing patent rights./8Linear Technology Corporation1630 McCarthy Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035-7417(408) 432-1900 qFAX: (408) 434-0507 q © LINEAR TECHNOLOGY CORPORA TION 2001/分销商库存信息:LINEAR-TECHNOLOGYLTC3201EMS LTC3201EMS#PBF LTC3201EMS#TR LTC3201EMS#TRPBF。



FOR APPROVALSPECIFICATION32.0”WXGA TFT LCDTitleMODELGeneralBUYER *When you obtain standard approval,please use the above model name without suffixLC320WXN*MODEL SAC1 (RoHS Verified)SUFFIXLG.Philips LCD Co., Ltd.SUPPLIER ))((Final SpecificationPreliminary Specification ●Please return 1 copy for your confirmation withyour signature and comments.///SIGNATUREDATEAPPROVED BYThis Product must be used for a TV ApplicationThis is not designed for the public display.TV Product Development Dept.LG. Philips LCD Co., LtdD.K. OH / EngineerH.I. JANG / Senior ManagerJ.H. Lee / Senior ManagerSIGNATUREDATEREVIEWED BYPREPARED BYAPPROVED BYRECORD OF REVISIONS1. General DescriptionThe LC320WXN is a Color Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display with an integral External Electrode Fluorescent Lamp(EEFL) backlight system. The matrix employs a-Si Thin Film Transistor as the active element. It is a transmissive type display operating in the normally black mode. It has a 31.51 inch diagonally measured active display area with W XGA resolution (768 vertical by 1366 horizontal pixel array). Each pixel is divided into Red, Green and Blue sub-pixels or dots which are arranged in vertical stripes. Gray scale or the luminance of the sub-pixel color is determined with a 8-bit gray scale signal for each dot, thus presenting a palette of more than 16.7M(true) colors.It has been designed to apply the 8-bit 1-port LVDS interface.It is intended to support LCD TV, PCTV where high brightness, super wide viewing angle, high color gamut, high color depth and fast response time are important.The following items are maximum values which, if exceeded, may cause faulty operation or damage to the LCD module.Table 1. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS2. Absolute Maximum RatingsNotes : 1. Temperature and relative humidity range are shown in the figure below.Wet bulb temperature should be 39 °C Max. and no condensation of water.2. Gravity mura can be guaranteed under 40℃condition.90%1020304050607080-2001020304050Dry Bulb Temperature [°C ]Wet BulbTemperature [°C ]StorageOperationH u m i d i t y [(%)R H ]10%40%60%60It requires two power inputs. One is employed to power for the LCD circuit. The other Is used for the EEFL backlight and inverter circuit.3. Electrical Specifications3-1. Electrical CharacteristicsNotes : 1. The specified current and power consumption are under the V LCD=12.0V, 25 ±2°C, f V =60Hzcondition whereas mosaic pattern(8 x 6) is displayed and f V is the frame frequency.2. The current is specified at full white pattern.3. The duration of rush current is about 2ms and rising time of power input is 1ms (min.).Mosaic Pattern(8 x 6)White : 255 GrayBlack : 0 GrayFull White patternWhite : 255 GrayTable 3. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Continue)Notes :1. Electrical characteristics are determined after the unit has been ‘ON’and stable for approximately 120minutes at 25±2°C. The specified current and power consumption are under the typical supply Input voltage 24Vand V BR(V BR-A: 1.65V & V BR-B :3.3V), it is total power consumption.The ripple voltage of the power supply input voltage is under 0.5 Vp-p. LPL recommend Input Voltage is24.0V ±5%.2. Electrical characteristics are determined within 30 minutes at 25±2°C.The specified currents are under the typical supply Input voltage 24V.3. The brightness of the lamp after lighted for 5minutes is defined as 100%.TS is the time required for the brightness of the center of the lamp to be not less than 95% at typical current.The screen of LCD module may be partially dark by the time the brightness of lamp is stable after turn on.4. Specified Values are for a single lamp which is aligned horizontally.The life time is determined as the time which luminance of the lamp is 50% compared to that of initial value at the typical lamp current (V BR-A : 1.65V & V BR-B:3.3V), on condition of continuous operating at 25±2°C 5. The duration of rush current is about 20 ms.This LCD module employs two kinds of interface connection, a 30-pin connector is used for the module electronics and One connectors(14-pin) are used for the integral backlight system. 3-2-1. LCD Module3-2. Interface ConnectionsTable 4. MODULE CONNECTOR(CN1) PIN CONFIGURATION-LCD Connector(CN1) : FI-X30SSL-HF (Manufactured by JAE) or Equivalent -Mating Connector : FI-X30C2L (Manufactured by JAE) or Equivalent 2Dynamic CR Enable ( ‘L ’= Disable , ‘H ’= Enable )DCR Enable 10LVDS Receiver Signal(+)RD+25LVDS Receiver Signal(-)RD-24GroundGND 23LVDS Receiver Clock Signal(+)RCLK+22LVDS Receiver Clock Signal(-)RCLK-21LVDS Receiver Signal(-)RB-15GroundGND 14LVDS Receiver Signal(+)RA+13LVDS Receiver Signal(-)RA-12GroundGND 11External VBR input from System to LCD module VBR_EXT 28Low : Normal Operating High : Interlace Free Mode Reserved 293GroundGND30Power Supply +12.0V VLCD 2Power Supply +12.0V VLCD 3Power Supply +12.0V VLCD 4Ground GND 5Ground GND 6Ground GND 7GroundGND 71Select LVDS Data formatSelect 9LVDS Receiver Signal(+)RB+16GroundGND 17LVDS Receiver Signal(-)RC-18LVDS Receiver Signal(+)RC+19GroundGND 20GroundGND 26VBR output form LCD moduleVBR_OUT 27NoteDescriptionSymbol Pin No.VLCD Power Supply +12.0V 1Notes: 1. The pin no 9 is an option pin for DISM or LG format. (VESA Format = “GND”/ JEIDA Format =“VCC”)Please refer to Appendix for further details.2. The pin no 10 is an option pin for DCR Function (Enable = “VCC”/ Disable =“GND”)3. The pin no 30 is LCD Test option.LCM operates “AGP”(Auto Generation Pattern) or “NSB”(No Signal Black) is case that LVDS signals are out of frequency or abnormal condition in spite of 12 volt power supply. LPL recommends “NSB”. ( AGP : “VCC”or “OPEN”/ NSB : “GND”)4. All GND (ground) pins should be connected together, which should be also connected to the LCD module’s metal frame.5. All V LCD (power input) pins should be connected together.6. Input Levels of LVDS signals are based on the IEA 664 Standard.Master-Inverter Connector : 20022WR-14B1(manufactured by Yeon-Ho)or Equivalent-Mating Connector : PHR-14 or EquivalentTable 7. INVERTER CONNECTOR PIN CONFIGULATION 3-2-2. Backlight Inverter2, 3V BR-A Analog dimming voltageDC 0.0V ~ 3.3V (Typ : 1.65V)V BR-A 11On/Off 0.0V ~ 5.0VV ON/OFF 124StatusNormal : Upper 3.0V Abnormal : Under 0.7VStatus14V BR -B GND GND GND GND GND V BL V BL V BL V BL V BL Master3Backlight GroundGND 7Backlight GroundGND 81Burst dimming voltage DC 0.0V ~ 3.3V V BR -B 13Backlight GroundGND 10Backlight Ground GND 9Backlight Ground GND 6Power Supply +24.0VV BL 5Power Supply +24.0V V BL 4Power Supply +24.0V V BL 3Power Supply +24.0V V BL 2Power Supply +24.0V V BL 1NoteDescriptionSymbolPin No ◆Rear view of LCMPCBNotes : 1. GND should be connected to the LCD module’s metal frame.2. If Pin #11 is open, V BR -A = 1.65V. When apply over 1.65V( ~3.3V) continuously, its luminance is increasing however lamp’s life time is decreasing.It could be usable for boost up luminance when using DCR (=Dynamic contrast ratio) function only.3. Minimum Brightness : V BR -B =0V Maximum Brightness : V BR -B = 3.3V4. Even though Pin #14 is open, there is no effect on inverter operating, The output terminal of inverter.5. Each impedance of pin #11,12 and 13 is 147[㏀], 38[㏀], 118[㏀]Table 6 shows the signal timing required at the input of the LVDS transmitter. All of the interface signal timings should be satisfied with the following specification for normal operation.3-3. Signal Timing SpecificationsNote :1. The performance of the electro-optical characteristics may be influenced by variance of the vertical refresh rate.2. Above Timing Tables are only valid for DE Mode.Table 6. TIMING TABLE for NTSC &PAL[ DE (Data Enable) Only ]3-4. Signal Timing Waveforms* Reference : Sync. Relation* t HB = t HFP + t WH +t HBP * t VB = t VFP + t WV +t VBP0.7VDD0.3VDDDE, Data3-5. Color Data ReferenceThe brightness of each primary color(red,green,blue) is based on the 8-bit gray scale data input for the color. The higher binary input, the brighter the color. Table 7 provides a reference for color versus data input.3-6. Power Sequence3-6-1. LCD Driving circuitNote : 1. Please avoid floating state of interface signal at invalid period.2. When the interface signal is invalid, be sure to pull down the power supply V LCD to 0V.3. The case when the T2/T5 exceed 3x(1/fv), it operates protection pattern (Black pattern) till valid signal inputted. There is no reliability problem. (ex. 60Hz : 3x(1/60Hz) = 50ms)4. The T3/T4 is recommended value, the case when failed to meet a minimum specification, abnormal display would be shown. There is no reliability problem.5. If the on time of signals(Interface signal and Option signals) precedes the on time of Power(V LCD ),check the LCD logic Power(Vcc) is under 0.8V, otherwise it will be happened abnormal display.6. T6 should be measured after the Module has been fully discharged between power off and on period.T5T2--552,63,5443,5Notess --2.0T6msT8ms 0T7ms 3 x (1/f V )-0.5T2ms ms --200T3--200T4ms --0T5ms 20-0.5T1Max Typ Min Unit ValueParameterTable 9. POWER SEQUENCEInterface Signal (Tx)Power for LampPower Supply For LCD VLCD0VOption SignalNote : 1. T1 describes rising time of 0V to 24V and this parameter does not applied at restarting time2. T4(max) is less than T2.3. In T7 section, V BR -B should be max level(3.3V) and V BR -A should be 1.65V.3-6-2. Sequence for InverterPower Supply For InverterV ON/OFFV BL0VTable 12. Power Sequence for Inverter3-6-3. Deep condition for InverterV BL (Typ.) x 0.80 VBL : 24VV BL (Typ) x 0.8ms 10--T63ms--1000T7-ms --10T52ms 0T41Remarksms --500T2ms --200T3ms --20T1Max Typ Min Units ValuesParameterV BR-A & V BR-BTable 10. OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICSLCD ModuleOptical Stage(x,y)Pritchard 880 orequivalentFIG. 1 Optical Characteristic Measurement Equipment and Method4. Optical SpecificationOptical characteristics are determined after the unit has been ‘ON’and for 30 minutes in a dark environment at 25±2°C. The values are specified at an approximate distance 50cm from the LCD surface at a viewing angle of Φand θequal to 0 °.FIG. 1 shows additional information concerning the measurement equipment and method.Table 11. GRAY SCALE SPECIFICATION10088.075.864.153.343.935.428.021.616.712.18.104.902.601.100.320.10Luminance [%] (Typ.)L239L255L159L175L191L207L111L127L143L223L47L63L79L95L31L15L0Gray LevelNotes :1. Contrast Ratio(CR) is defined mathematically as :CR(Contrast Ratio) = Maximum CRn (n=1, 2, 3, 4, 5)Surface Luminance at position n with all white pixelsCRn =Surface Luminance at position n with all black pixelsn = the Position number(1, 2, 3, 4, 5). For more information, see FIG 2.2. Surface luminance are determined after the unit has been ‘ON’and 30min after lighting the backlight in a dark environment at 25±2°C. Surface luminance is the luminance value at center 1-point across the LCD surface 50cm from the surface with all pixels displaying white.For more information see the FIG. 2.3. The variation in surface luminance , δWHITE is defined as :δWHITE(5P) = Maximum(L on1,L on2, L on3, L on4, L on5) / Minimum(L on1,L on2, L on3, L on4, L on5)Where L on1to L on5are the luminance with all pixels displaying white at 5 locations . For more information, see the FIG. 2.4. Response time is the time required for the display to transition from G(N) to G(M) (Rise Time, Tr R ) and from G(M) to G(N) (Decay Time, Tr D ). For additional information see the FIG. 3. (N<M)5. Viewing angle is the angle at which the contrast ratio is greater than 10. The angles are determined for the horizontal or x axis and the vertical or y axis with respect to the z axis which is normal to the LCD module surface. For more information, see the FIG. 4.6. Gray scale specificationGamma Value is approximately 2.2. For more information, see the Table 11.FIG. 3 Response TimeResponse time is defined as the following figure and shall be measured by switching the input signal for “Gray(N)”and “Gray(M)”.Measuring point for surface luminance & measuring point for luminance variation.FIG. 2 5 Points for Luminance Measure10090100Optical ResponseA : H / 4 mmB : V / 4 mmH : 697.685mm V : 392.256mm@ H,V : Active AreaDimension of viewing angle rangeFIG. 4 Viewing Angle5. Mechanical CharacteristicsTable 12 provides general mechanical characteristics.Table 12. MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICSNote : 1.Please refer to a mechanic drawing in terms of tolerance at the next page.<FRONT VIEW><REAR VIEW>Notes : It should be recommended that any exterior materials do not go passing up the red area slanted.( For example, electrical cable, system board , etc ). Otherwise, it could cause that abnormaldisplay happens.6. ReliabilityTable 13. ENVIRONMENT TEST CONDITIONNote : Before and after Reliability test, LCM should be operated with normal function.7. International Standards7-1. Safetya) UL 60065, 7th Edition, dated June 30, 2003, Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.,Standard for Audio, Video and Similar Electronic Apparatus.b) CAN/CSA C22.2, No. 60065:03, Canadian Standards Association,Standard for Audio, Video and Similar Electronic Apparatus.c) IEC60065:2001, 7th Edition CB-scheme and EN 60065:2002,Safety requirements for Audio, Video and Similar Electronic Apparatus..7-2. EMCa) ANSI C63.4 “Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical andElectrical Equipment in the Range of 9kHZ to 40GHz. “American National Standards Institute(ANSI), 1992b) CISPR13 "Limits and Methods of Measurement of Radio interference characteristics of Soundand Television broadcast receivers and associated equipment"CISPR22 "Limits and Methods of Measurement of Radio interference characteristics of Information Technology Equipment" International Special Committee on Radio Interference.c) EN55013 "Limits and Methods of Measurement of Radio interference characteristics of Sound andTelevision broadcast receivers and associated equipment"EN55022 "Limits and Methods of Measurement of Radio interference characteristics of Information Technology Equipment" European Committee for Electro Technical Standardization.(CENELEC), 1988(Including A1:2000)8-1. Designation of Lot Marka) Lot MarkA B C D E F G H I J K L MA,B,C : SIZE(INCH) D : YEARE : MONTHF ~ M : SERIAL NO.Note1. YEAR2. MONTHMarkYear 02010620067200782008920094200452005321200320022001BNov MarkMonth AOct 6Jun 7Jul 8Aug 9Sep 4Apr 5May C321Dec Mar Feb Jan b) Location of Lot MarkSerial No. is printed on the label. The label is attached to the backside of the LCD module.This is subject to change without prior notice.8. Packing8-2. Packing Forma) LCM quantity in one pallet : 12 pcs b) Pallet Size : 1030mm X 870mm X 740mm9. PrecautionsPlease pay attention to the followings when you use this TFT LCD module.9-1. Mounting Precautions(1)You must mount a module using specified mounting holes (Details refer to the drawings).(2) You should consider the mounting structure so that uneven force (ex. Twisted stress) is not applied to themodule. And the case on which a module is mounted should have sufficient strength so that external force is not transmitted directly to the module.(3) Please attach the surface transparent protective plate to the surface in order to protect the polarizer.Transparent protective plate should have sufficient strength in order to the resist external force.(4) You should adopt radiation structure to satisfy the temperature specification.(5) Acetic acid type and chlorine type materials for the cover case are not desirable because the formergenerates corrosive gas of attacking the polarizer at high temperature and the latter causes circuit break by electro-chemical reaction.(6) Do not touch, push or rub the exposed polarizers with glass,tweezers or anything harder than HBpencil lead. And please do not rub with dust clothes with chemical treatment.Do not touch the surface of polarizer for bare hand or greasy cloth.(Some cosmetics are detrimental to the polarizer.)(7) When the surface becomes dusty, please wipe gently with absorbent cotton or other soft materials likechamois soaks with petroleum benzine. Normal-hexane is recommended for cleaning the adhesives used to attach front / rear polarizers. Do not use acetone, toluene and alcohol because they cause chemical damage to the polarizer. * Panel push force can be guaranteed under 5kgf / φ10mm(8) Wipe off saliva or water drops as soon as possible. Their long time contact with polarizer causesdeformations and color fading.(9) Do not open the case because inside circuits do not have sufficient strength.9-2. Operating Precautions(1) The spike noise causes the mis-operation of circuits. It should be lower than following voltage:V=±200mV(Over and under shoot voltage)(2) Response time depends on the temperature.(In lower temperature, it becomes longer.)(3) Brightness depends on the temperature. (In lower temperature, it becomes lower.)And in lower temperature, response time(required time that brightness is stable after turned on) becomes longer.(4) Be careful for condensation at sudden temperature change. Condensation makes damage to polarizer orelectrical contacted parts. And after fading condensation, smear or spot will occur.(5) When fixed patterns are displayed for a long time, remnant image is likely to occur.(6) Module has high frequency circuits. Sufficient suppression to the electromagnetic interference shall bedone by system manufacturers. Grounding and shielding methods may be important to minimized the interference.(7) Please do not give any mechanical and/or acoustical impact to LCM. Otherwise, LCM can’t be operatedits full characteristics perfectly.(8) A screw which is fastened up the steels should be a machine screw.(if not, it causes metallic foreign material and deal LCM a fatal blow)(9)Please do not set LCD on its edge.(10) It is recommended to avoid the signal cable and conductive material over the inverter transformerfor it can cause the abnormal display and temperature rising.(11) Partial darkness may happen during 3~5 minutes when LCM is operated initially in condition thatluminance is under 40% at low temperature (under 5℃). This phenomenon which disappears naturally after 3~5 minutes is not a problem about reliability but LCD characteristic.9-3. Electrostatic Discharge ControlSince a module is composed of electronic circuits, it is not strong to electrostatic discharge. Make certain that treatment persons are connected to ground through wrist band etc. And don’t touch interface pin directly.9-4. Precautions for Strong Light ExposureStrong light exposure causes degradation of polarizer and color filter.9-5. StorageWhen storing modules as spares for a long time, the following precautions are necessary.(1) Store them in a dark place. Do not expose the module to sunlight or fluorescent light. Keep the temperaturebetween 5°C and 35°C at normal humidity.(2) The polarizer surface should not come in contact with any other object.It is recommended that they be stored in the container in which they were shipped.9-6. Handling Precautions for Protection Film(1) The protection film is attached to the bezel with a small masking tape.When the protection film is peeled off, static electricity is generated between the film and polarizer.This should be peeled off slowly and carefully by people who are electrically grounded and with well ion-blown equipment or in such a condition, etc.(2) When the module with protection film attached is stored for a long time, sometimes there remains a verysmall amount of glue still on the bezel after the protection film is peeled off.(3) You can remove the glue easily. When the glue remains on the bezel surface or its vestige is recognized,please wipe them off with absorbent cotton waste or other soft material like chamois soaked with normal-hexane.# APPENDIX-I-1■Required signal assignment for Flat Link (DS90C385) Transmitter(Pin9=“L”)Notes:1. The LCD module uses a 100 Ohm(Ω) resistor between positive and negative linesof each receiver input.2. Refer to LVDS transmitter data sheet for detail descriptions. (THC63LVD823 or Compatible)3. ‘7’means MSB and ‘0’means LSB at R,G,B pixel data.# APPENDIX-I-2■Required signal assignment for Flat Link (DS90C385) Transmitter(Pin9=“H”)Notes:1. The LCD module uses a 100 Ohm(Ω) resistor between positive and negative linesof each receiver input.2. Refer to LVDS transmitter data sheet for detail descriptions. (THC63LVD823 or Compatible)3. ‘7’means MSB and ‘0’means LSB at R,G,B pixel data.# APPENDIX-Ⅱ-1■LC320WXN—SAC1 Packing Ass’yPAPER_DW3BOX 6OPP 70MMX300M TAPE 7YUPO PAPER 100X100LABEL8EPS PACKING, TOP R_L5EPS PACKING, BOTTOM 4MASKING 20MM X 50MTAPE3ALBAG 2LCD MODULE1MATERIALDESCRIPTION NO.# APPENDIX-Ⅱ-2■LC320WXN-SAC1 Pallet Ass’yPAPERLABEL6PAPER (DW3)ANGLE, Cover5STEEL CLIP, BAND 4PP BAND 3PlywoodPALLET 2PACKING ASS’Y1MATERIALDESCRIPTIONNO.Box quantity per pallet: 2eaPallet size: L1030 x W870 x H740 Pallet gross weight: 113.0kgLC320WXN■LCM Label■Serial No. (See CAS 26page for more information)InchM Ass’y Factory codeSerial No.MonthYear ModelSerial No.UL, TUV MarkLPL LogoUS PATENT No .# # APPENDIX-III-2■Box Label■Pallet Label# APPENDIX-IV■Option Pin Circuit Block DiagramCircuit Block Diagram of LVDS Format Selection pin。

IC datasheet pdf-REF3012,REF3020,REF3025,REF3033,REF3040,REF3030,pdf(50ppm_°C Max, 50μA in SOT23-3

IC datasheet pdf-REF3012,REF3020,REF3025,REF3033,REF3040,REF3030,pdf(50ppm_°C Max, 50μA in SOT23-3

VOLTAGE (V) 1.25 2.048 2.5 3.0 3.3 4.096
IN 1 REF3012 REF3020 REF3025 REF3030 REF3033 REF3040 SOT23-3
Dropout Voltage (mV)
REF3012 REF3020 REF3025 REF3030 REF3033 REF3040
50ppm/°C Max, 50µA in SOT23-3 CMOS VOLTAGE REFERENCE
–40°C to +125°C
–40°C to +125°C
NOTE: (1) For the most current package and ordering information, see the Package Option Addendum at the end of this document, or see the TI website at .



附录一DES5402PP-U性能介绍★基本配置:1.使用100MIPS的TMS320VC5402,片上有16K Words的存储器,外部扩展32K字的数据存储器,外部扩展64K字的程序存储器。

2.使用TLC320AC01作为模拟接口(AIC)电路,提供A/D和D/A各1个通道(14 bit),最高采样率为25K Sa/s。











同时该实验设备还提供并口型XDS510仿真器功能,全面支持‘C2000,‘C5000,‘C6000,‘VC33各个系列DSP,并全面兼容CCS 2.0。

本实验系统同时具有EVM 评估板和XDS510仿真器两种功能,真正实现一板多用。





(P, SN)
CS 1 SO 2 WP 3 VSS 4
X-Rotated TSSOP (X/ST)
HOLD 1 VCC 2 CS 3 SO 4
† NOTICE: Stresses above those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at those or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational listings of this specification is not implied. Exposure to maximum rating conditions for an extended period of time may affect device reliability.
- Standby Current: 5 μA at 5.5V
• 4096 x 8-bit Organization
• 32-Byte Page
• Self-Timed Erase and Write Cycles (5 ms max.)
• Block Write Protection
- Protect none, 1/4, 1/2 or all of array














第一章安全信息与使用注意事项 (1)1.1安全注意事项 (1)1.2使用范围 (1)1.3使用注意事项 (2)1.4报废注意事项 (3)第二章变频器的型号与规格 (4)2.1购入检查 (4)2.2变频器型号说明 (4)2.3变频器铭牌说明 (4)2.4变频器系列型号说明 (5)2.5变频器外观及部位名称说明 (7)2.6外形尺寸 (8)2.7产品技术指标及规格 (13)第三章变频器的安装及配线 (15)3.1机械安装 (15)3.2电气安装 (16)第四章变频器的运行和操作说明 (29)4.1操作面板说明 (29)4.2功能码查看、修改方法说明: (30)4.3状态参数的查看方法: (31)4.4密码设置: (31)4.5电机参数自学习(请参考功能码F1.11的详细说明) (32)第五章功能参数一览表 (33)5.1表中符号说明 (33)5.2功能参数一览表 (33)第六章功能参数详解 (46)6.1F0基本功能组 (46)6.2F1电机参数组 (54)6.3F2输入输出端子组 (58)6.4F3人机界面组 (65)6.5F4应用功能组 (68)6.6F5保护功能组 (75)6.7F6串行通讯组 (78)6.8F7高级功能组 (81)6.9F8补充功能组1 (84)6.10F9补充功能组2 (86)第七章故障对策及异常处理 (88)7.1故障现象及对策 (88)7.2常见故障及处理方法 (91)7.3故障记录查寻 (99)7.4故障复位 (100)第八章保养和维护 (101)8.1日常保养及维护 (101)8.2易损部件的检查与更换 (101)8.3变频器的保修 (101)8.4变频器的存贮 (102)第九章附录 (103)附录一ACD320系列串行通讯协议 (103)附录二制动单元及其制动电阻的选用 (115)附录三一拖一恒压供水专用变频器参数说明 (116)附录四一拖二恒压供水控制卡及一用一补(一拖二循环)供水模式举例 . 118第一章 安全信息与使用注意事项为了确保您的人身与设备的安全,请您在使用变频器之前,务必认真阅读本章内容。


台 4 字的 片内 ROM 和 1 K 字 的 双 存取 RAM . 1个 K 6 HP l s P r nefc )接 口 ,2个 多通 道缓 冲 串 I Ho t o tI tra e
口 MC P ( l . h n e fee e il ot . 单 BS Mut C a n l i Bu rdS ra P r)
接 口 电路 的 设 计 。 本 文 介绍 一 种 单 片 内集 成 了 A DC通道 和 D AC通 道 的模 拟 接 口电 路 T C 2 A 0 L 30 C 1 与 T S 2 VC5 0 M 0 3 4 2缓 冲 串 口的接 口的 设计 实瑚 方
TL 3 0 C 2 AC0 1的典型应用包括调制解调 器 、语音处 理 、工业 过 程控 制 、光谱 丹析 、作 为 DS P的模 拟 接
圭从模式的 T C 2A O 与 D P L 3 0 C I S 的接口设计
一 江 汉石 油 学 院 朱 正 平 刘 益 成
关 键词
T C E A O T S 2 V 5 0 I P A C D C 主 从模 式 缓冲 串口 L B O C I  ̄ 3 0 C 4 2 ) D A S 同 步 并 用 于 单 机 的 数 据 传 输 j主 从 模 式 下 . 1个
据 是以 2的补码格式 进行传输 的 。有 3个基本的操 作模式 :单机模 式 、主 从模 式 、线性编解 码模式 。 在单机模 式下 .T C3 0 C0 L 2 A 1能生成移位时钟和 帧
新 器 件 新 技 术
从模 式 的 T 3 0 LC 2 AC0 的 M/ 1 g接地 S M # 1hI T 00, MR


SGLS031 – MAY 1990
• • • • • • •
Advanced LinCMOS™ Silicon-Gate Process Technology 14-Bit Dynamic Range ADC and DAC Variable ADC and DAC Sampling Rate up to 19 200 Samples Per Second Switched-Capacitor Antialiasing Input Filter and Output-Reconstruction Filter Serial Port for Direct Interface to SMJ320E14, SMJ32020, SMJ320C25, and SMJ320C30 Digital Processors Synchronous or Asynchronous ADC and DAC Conversion Rates With Programmable Incremental ADC and DAC Conversion Timing Adjustments Serial Port Interface to SN54299 Serial-to-Parallel Shift Register for Parallel Interface to SMJ320C10, SMJ320C15, SMJ320E15, or Other Digital Processors
5 6 7 8 9

IC datasheet pdf-TLV320AIC1103,pdf(PCM Codec)

IC datasheet pdf-TLV320AIC1103,pdf(PCM Codec)
PCMO (16) EAR1OP (29) EAR1ON (27) EAR2O (31) BUZZCON (19)
Ear Amp1
Ear Amp2 PWRUPSEL (20) VSS AV DD AVSS Power and RESET DV DD DVSS (23) (32) (8) (13) (14)
PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date. Products conform to specifications per the terms of Texas Instruments standard warranty. Production processing does not necessarily include testing of all parameters.
24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17
Digital Modulator and Filter
Buzzer Control
PLLV DD (25) PLLV SS (24)
RX Filter and PGA g = –6 dB to +6 dB
EARV DD (28) EARV SS (30, 26) RESET (21)
RX Volume Control g = –18 dB to 0 dB PLL PCM Interface Sidetone g = –24 dB to –12 dB DTMF Generator TX Filter and PGA g = –10 dB to 0 dB REXT (6) MBIAS (1) MCLK (22)


Absr c : Th atce i lme t t e ol to n s n ig f s e c sg a b h r wa e n s f re ta t e ril mp e ns h c le in a d e dn o p e h in l y ad r a d o t c wa d sg so ein fTMS 2 VC 4 2 a d T 3 0 5 0 LC3 0 n 2 AD5 I smpy n rae h up s ft e olcin a d s n ig 0. t i l a rts t e p ro e o h c le t n e dn o
XI N A G n ,WU i g Jn
( co l f no mt c neadE gneig Wum nvri f i c n e n l y W ua 30 1C ia Sh o o Ife i Si c n n i r , l nU iesyo ee adT c o g , h n40 8 , h ) n e n e e n t S n c h o n
语音信号 的采集 和播放是语音 信号处理 的基
础 , 基 于 D P的 语 音 处 理 系 统 中 , S 在 S D P通 过 控 制 AD芯 片采集 和播 放 语 音 信号 , / 再通 过 D P实现 各 S
种语音 处理算法 。在 1 各个系列 DP芯 片中 ,6 r I S l
位 的 C4 X因其指令 简 单 、 口连 接方 便 而 在语 音 5X 接
TLC 2 AD5 . s d o e d f r n e f p rp ea ic i a d s e c rc si g a t mei , t e wh l 30 0 Ba e n t i e e c s o i h r lcr ut n p e h p o e sn r h tc h oe h e i

IC datasheet pdf-IP3102,pdf datasheet (Versatile Gate Driver)

IC datasheet pdf-IP3102,pdf datasheet (Versatile Gate Driver)
Versatile Gate Driver
NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SYMBOL CIGN CT RPHF CPH GND LO HO VCC I/O I I I I O O DESCRIPTION Ignition Time Control Pin with external Capacitor Internal Oscillator Timing Control Pin with Capacitor Preheating Frequency Control Pin with external Resistor Preheating Time Control Pin with external Capacitor Ground Low Side Gate Drive Output High Side Gate Drive Output Supply Voltage
CHARACTERISTICS Maximum Supply Voltage Maximum Operating Supply Voltage Totem-pole Output Peak Current Power Dissipation(8DIP) PIN1,2,3,4 Voltage Output Clamp Diode Current Operating Junction Temperature Storage Temperature SYMBOL VCCMAX VOPMAX IPEAK Pd VIN ICLAMP Tj Tstg VALUE 30 24 +1 800 -0.4 ~ 6 30 -25 ~ +125 -65 ~ 150 UNIT V V A mW V mA

IC datasheet pdf-TAS5613,pdf(150W Stereo_300W Mono PurePath HD Analog-Input Power Stage)

IC datasheet pdf-TAS5613,pdf(150W Stereo_300W Mono PurePath HD Analog-Input Power Stage)
PurePath™ HD technology enables traditional AB-Amplifier performance (<0.03% THD) levels while providing the power efficiency of traditional class D amplifiers.
•23 Active Enabled Integrated Feedback Provides: (PurePath™ HD) – Signal Bandwidth up to 80kHz for High Frequency Content From HD Sources – Ultra Low 0.03% THD at 1W into 4Ω – Flat THD at all Frequencies for Natural Sound – 80dB PSRR (BTL, No Input Signal) – >100dB (A Weighted) SNR – Click and Pop Free Startup and Stop
• EMI Compliant When Used With Recommended System Design
• Two Thermally Enhanced Package Options: – PHD (64-pin QFP) – DKD (44-pin PSOP3)
• Home Theater Systems • AV Receivers • DVD/ Blu-ray Disk™ Receivers • Mini Combo Systems • Active Speakers and Subwoofers
PO - Output Power - W



TLC320AIC23在音频处理中的应用摘要介绍了高性能立体声音频编解码芯片TLV320AIC23 的基本特点、性能以及使用方法,并结合DSP芯片TMS 3 2 0 VC5 5 0 9与音频CODEC芯片TLV320AIC23的接口设计,详细阐述了如何通过I2C总线对TLV320AIC23进行初始化设置的过程以及如何根据TLV320AIC23的特点对DSP的串口进行设计等一系列问题。

关键词DSP 音频处理编解码1TLV320AIC23芯片简介TLV320AIC23是TI公司生产的一种高性能立体声音频编解码器该芯片同时高度集成了模拟电路功能。

TLV320AIC23中的模数与数模转换器使用了多比特si gma-deltaX艺,并在内部集成了高采样率的数字内插滤波器。

该器件的数字传输字长可以是16、20、24、32Eit,它支持8〜9 6kHz的采样率。

模数转换器的sigma-delta调制器决定了其三阶多比特结构,这种结构在采样率为9 6kHz的情况下,能够达到90dB信噪比,从而可在小型低功耗设计中实现咼保真录音。

同样在数模转换器中的二阶多比特结构还可在采样率为9 6kHZ的情况下使信躁比达到10 OdE,从而使得高质量的数字音频回放成为可能。





1.EPP并口与ADSP2181 DSP的接口设计 [J], 陈培玉;阙沛文
2.主从模式的TLC320AC01与DSP的接口设计 [J], 朱正平;刘益成
3.主从模式的TLC320AC01与DSP的接口设计 [J], 朱正平;刘益成
4.基于McBSP实现DSPs与串行AD/DA的接口设计 [J], 杨雪;牟燕妮
5.TLC320AC01与TMS320C5402 DSP接口电路分析 [J], 孙长贵;李兴国;刘磊因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。





仍然感谢这次机会,因为被拒绝是面试后的两种结 果之一。 被拒绝是招聘单位对我们综合考虑的结果,因为我 们最关心的是自己什么地方与用人要求不一致,而 不仅仅是面试中的表现。 不要欺骗自己,说“我本来就不想去”等等。 认真考虑是否有必要再做努力。
多通道缓冲串行口McBSP(Multi-channel Buffered Serial Port)是在标准串行口的基 础上发展起来的,其硬件部分就有与标准串 行口相同的引脚连接界面。

在现有的C54x DSP中,大多配有McBSP,而 VC5402、VC5410和VC5420则分别配有2、3和6 个McBSP。
Байду номын сангаасDSP原理与应用
电子信息工程学院 李海林

CCS软件环境上机例题讲解 DSP硬件设计基础



求职时最礼貌的修饰是淡妆 面试时最关键的神情是郑重

无论站还是坐,不能摇动和抖动 对话时目光不能游弋不定 要控制小动作 不要为掩饰紧张情绪而散淡


IC datasheet pdf-TLV320AIC20, TLV320AIC21,TLV320AIC24, TLV320AIC25,TLV320AIC20K,TLV320AIC24K,pdf(Low

IC datasheet pdf-TLV320AIC20, TLV320AIC21,TLV320AIC24, TLV320AIC25,TLV320AIC20K,TLV320AIC24K,pdf(Low

FEATURESAPPLICATIONSTLV320AIC20,TLV320AIC21TLV320AIC24,TLV320AIC25TLV320AIC20K,TLV320AIC24KSLAS363D–MARCH2002–REVISED APRIL2005 Low-Power,Highly-Integrated,Programmable16-Bit,26-KSPS,Dual-Channel CODEC•Differential and Single-Ended AnalogInput/Output•Stereo16-Bit Oversampling Sigma-Delta A/DConverter•Built-In Analog Functions:•Stereo16-Bit Oversampling Sigma-Delta D/A–Analog and Digital Sidetone Converter–Antialiasing Filter(AAF)•Support Maximum Master Clock of100MHz to–Programmable Input and Output Gain Allow DSPs Output Clock to be Used as a Control(PGA)Master Clock–Microphone/Handset/Headset Amplifiers •Selectable FIR/IIR Filter With Bypassing–AIC20/21/20K Have a Built-In8-ΩSpeaker Option Driver•Programmable Sampling Rate up to:–Power Management With Hardware/Software –Max26Ksps With On-Chip IIR/FIR Filter Power-Down Modes30µW–Max104Ksps With IIR/FIR Bypassed•Separate Software Control for ADC and DAC •On-Chip FIR Produced84-dB SNR for ADC Power Downand92-dB SNR for DAC over13-Khz BW•Fully Compatible With Common TMS320®DSP •Smart Time Division Multiplexed(SMARTDM®)Family and Microcontroller Power Supplies Serial Port–1.65-V-1.95-V Digital Core Power–Glueless4-Wire Interface to DSP–1.1-V-3.6-V Digital I/O–Automatic Cascade Detection(ACD)–2.7-V-3.6-V AnalogSelf-Generates Master/Slave Device•Internal Reference Voltage(Vref) Addresses•2s Complement Data Format –Programming Mode to Allow On-The-Fly•Test Mode Which Includes Digital Loopback Reconfigurationand Analog Loopback–Continuous Data Transfer Mode to MinimizeBit Clock Speed–Support Different Sampling Rate for Each•Wireless AccessoriesDevice•Hands-Free Car Kits–Turbo Mode to Maximize Bit Clock For•VOIPFaster Data Transfer and Allow Multiple•Cable ModemSerial Devices to Share the Same Bus•Speech Processing–Allows up to Eight Devices to be Connectedto a Single Serial Port•Host port–2-Wire Interface–Selectable I2C or S2CPlease be aware that an important notice concerning availability,standard warranty,and use in critical applications of TexasInstruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.SMARTDM,TMS320,TMS320C5000,TMS320C6000are registered trademarks of Texas Instruments.PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date.Copyright©2002–2005,Texas Instruments Incorporated Products conform to specifications per the terms of the TexasInstruments standard warranty.Production processing does notnecessarily include testing of all parameters. TLV320AIC20,TLV320AIC21TLV320AIC24,TLV320AIC25TLV320AIC20K,TLV320AIC24KSLAS363D–MARCH2002–REVISED APRIL2005These devices have limited built-in ESD protection.The leads should be shorted together or the device placed in conductive foam during storage or handling to prevent electrostatic damage to the MOS gates.The TLV320AIC2x is a low-cost,low-power,highly-integrated,high-performance,dual-voice codec.It features two16-bit analog-to-digital(A/D)channels and two16-bit digital-to-analog(D/A)channels,which can be connected to a handset,headset,speaker,microphone,or a subscriber line via a programmable analog crosspoint.The TLV320AIC2x provides high resolution signal conversion from digital-to-analog(D/A)and from analog-to-digital(A/D)using oversampling sigma-delta technology with programmable sampling rate.The TLV320AIC2x implements the smart time division multiplexed serial port(SMARTDM™).The SMARTDM port is a synchronous4-wire serial port in TDM format for glue-free interface to TI DSPs(i.e.,TMS320C5000®, TMS320C6000®DSP platforms)and microcontrollers.The SMARTDM™supports both continuous data transfer mode and on-the-fly reconfiguration programming mode.The TLV320AIC2x can be gluelessly cascaded to any SMARTDM-based device to form a multichannel codec,and up to eight TLV320AIC2x codecs can be cascaded to a single serial port.The TLV320AIC2x provides a flexible host port.The host port interface is a two-wire serial interface that can be programmed to be either an industrial standard I2C or a simple S2C(start-stop communication protocol).The TLV320AIC2x integrates all of the critical functions needed for most voice-band applications including MIC preamplifier,handset amplifier headset amplifier,8-Ωspeaker driver,sidetone control,antialiasing filter(AAF), input/output programmable gain amplifier(PGA),and selectable low-pass IIR/FIR filters.The TLV320AIC2x implements an extensive power management;including device power-down,independent software control for turning off ADC,DAC,operational-amplifiers,and IIR/FIR filter(bypassable)to maximize system power conservation.The TLV320AIC2x consumes only14.9mW per channel at3V.The TLV320AIC2x low power operation from 2.7-V to 3.6-V power supplies along with extensive power management make it ideal for portable applications including wireless accessories,hands-free car kits,VOIP, cable modem,and speech processing.Its low group delay characteristic makes it suitable for single or multichannel active control applications.The TLV320AIC2x is characterized for commercial operation from0°C to70°C,and industrial operation from -40°C to85°C.The TLV320AIC2xk is characterized for industrial operation from-40°C to85°C.ORDERING INFORMATIONT A48-TQFP PFB PACKAGE(1)0°C to70°C TLV320AIC2xC-40°C to85°C TLV320AIC2xI(1)For the most current package and ordering information,see the Package Option Addendum at theend of this document,or see the TI website at .2PFB T OP VIEW123456789101112131415161718192021222324363534333231302928272625373839404142434445464748M I C B I A SM I C I +M I C I -A V D D 1A V S S 1C ID I +C ID I -D R V S S 2S P K O -D R V D DS P K O +D R V S S 1VSS RESET MCLK M/S SCLK FS DIN DOUT DVSS DVDD FSD IOVSSLCDAC HNSO-HNSO+HNSI-HNSI+A VDD A VSS LINEI+LINEI-LINEO-LINEO+NCH D S I -H D S I +H D S O -H D S O +A V D D 2A V S S 2T E S T PN CP W R D NS D AS C LI O V D DTLV320AIC20,TLV320AIC21TLV320AIC24,TLV320AIC25TLV320AIC20K,TLV320AIC24KSLAS363D–MARCH 2002–REVISED APRIL 2005Terminal FunctionsTERMINAL NAMENO.I/O DESCRIPTIONHDSI-1I Head-set input.The Head-set input can be treated similar to the Line-input pins HDSI+2HDSO-3O 150-Ωoutput HDSO+4AVDD25I Analog power supply AVSS26I Analog groundTESTP 7ITest pin.Should be connected to digital ground.NC 8,48Not connected PWRDN 9I Power down SDA 10I/O I 2C/S 2C data SCL 11I I 2C/S 2C clock IOVDD 12I I/O power supply IOVSS 13I I/O groundFSD 14O Frame sync delayed DVDD 15I Digital supply (1.8V)DVSS 16I Digital ground DOUT 17O Data OUT DIN 18I Data IN FS 19I/O Frame sync SCLK20I/O Serial clock3TLV320AIC20,TLV320AIC21TLV320AIC24,TLV320AIC25TLV320AIC20K,TLV320AIC24KSLAS363D–MARCH 2002–REVISED APRIL 2005Terminal Functions (continued)TERMINAL NAMENO.I/O DESCRIPTIONM/S 21I Master slave select applied to CODEC1only.CODEC2is always a slave.MCLK 22I Master clock RESET 23I ResetVSS 24I Device ground.Typically this should be connected to the Analog Ground.DRVSS125I Driver ground SPKO+26O 8-Ωoutput SPKO-28DRVDD 27I Driver supply DRVSS229I Driver groundCIDI-30I Caller-ID input.The Caller-ID input can be treated similar to the Line-input pins CIDI+31AVDD133I Analog supply AVSS132I Analog ground MICI-34I Microphone input MICI+35I Microphone input MICBIAS 36I Microphone biasLCDAC 37O 6-Bit DAC output may be used to drive LCDAC HNSO-38O 150-ΩoutputHNSO+39HNSI-40I Hand-set input.The Hand-set input can be treated similar to the Line-input pins HNSI+41AVDD 42I Analog supply AVSS 43I Analog ground LINEI+44I Line input LINEI-45LINEO-46O600-ΩoutputLINEO+474Electrical CharacteristicsAbsolute Maximum Ratings(1) Recommended Operating ConditionsTLV320AIC20,TLV320AIC21TLV320AIC24,TLV320AIC25 TLV320AIC20K,TLV320AIC24K SLAS363D–MARCH2002–REVISED APRIL2005All specifications are common across the AIC20,AIC21,AIC24,AIC25,AIC20K,and AIC24K except where explicitly stated.AIC20/21/24/25:Over Recommended Operating Free-Air Temperature Range,AVDD=3.3V,DVDD=1.8V, IOVDD=3.3V(Unless Otherwise Noted)AIC20K/24K:Over Recommended Operating Free-Air Temperature Range,AVDD=3.3V,DVDD=1.8V, IOVDD=3.3V(Unless Otherwise Noted)over Operating Free-Air Temperature Range(Unless Otherwise Noted)TLV320AIC2xV CC Supply voltage range:DVDD(2)-0.3V to2.25VAVDD,IOVDD,DRVDD(2)-0.3V to4VV O Output voltage range,all digital output signals-0.3V to IOVDD+0.3VV I Input voltage range,all digital input signals-0.3V to IOVDD+0.3VT A Operating free-air temperature range-40°C to85°CT stg Storage temperature range-65°C to150°C Case temperature for10seconds:package260°C(1)Stresses beyond those listed under absolute maximum ratings may cause permanent damage to the device.These are stress ratingsonly and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under recommended operating conditions is not implied.Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.(2)All voltage values are with respect to V SS.MIN NOM MAX UNITAnalog,AVDD 2.7 3.3 3.6VAnalog output driver,DRVDD(1) 2.7 3.3 3.6VV CC Supply voltageDigital core,DVDD 1.65 1.8 1.95VDigital I/O,IOVDD 1.1 3.3 3.6V Analog single-ended peak-to-peak input voltage,V I(analog)2VBetween LINEO+and LINEO-(differential)600Between HDSO+and HDSO-(differential)150R L Output load resistance,ΩBetween HNSO+and HDSO-(differential)150Between SPKO+and SPKO-(differential)8C L Analog output load capacitance20pFDigital output capacitance20pF Master clock100MHz ADC or DAC conversion rate26kHzT A Operating free-air temperature,-4085°C (1)DRVDD should be kept at the same voltage as AVDD.5Digital Inputs and OutputsADC PATH FILTERADC DYNAMIC PERFORMANCETLV320AIC20,TLV320AIC21TLV320AIC24,TLV320AIC25TLV320AIC20K,TLV320AIC24KSLAS363D–MARCH 2002–REVISED APRIL 2005FS =8KHz,outputs not loadedPARAMETERMINTYPMAXUNIT V OH High-level output voltage,DOUT 0.8IOVDDV V OL Low-level output voltage,DOUT 0.1IOVDDV I IH High-level input current,any digital input 5µA I IL Low-level input current,any digital input 5µA C i Input capacitance 3pF C oOutput capacitance5pFFS =8KHz(1)(2)TEST PARAMETERMIN TYP MAX MIN TYP MAX UNITCONDITIONS PATH FILTERFIR FILTERIIR FILTER0Hz to 60Hz -27/0.07-27/0.1560Hz to 200Hz -1/0.07-0.75/0.15200Hz to 300Hz -0.03/0.050.11/0.15300Hz to 2.4KHz-0.10.15-0.10.25Filter gain relative to gain2.4kHz to 3kHz -0.050.15-0.50.2dBat 1020Hz3kHz to 3.4KHz -0.50.1- to 3.6KHz-0.40.154KHz -26-424.5KHz to 72kHz-52-52(1)The filter gain outside of the passband is measured with respect to the gain at 1020Hz.The analog input test signal is a sine wave with 0dB =4V I(PP)as the reference level for the analog input signal.The pass band is 0to 3600Hz for an 8-KHz sample rate.This pass band scales linearly with the sample rate.(2)The filter characteristics are specified by design and are not tested in production.In places where more than one value is specified,the first value is with the High Pass Filter on and the second value is with the HPF offWith FIR Filter,FS =8KHz(1)TEST PARAMETERMIN TYP MAX MIN TYP MAX UNITCONDITIONSLine In Driver AIC20/21/24/25AIC20k/24kV I =-3dB 81847084SNR Signal-to-noise ratio V I =-9dB 737676V I =-3dB 83907090THD Total harmonic distortion dBV I =-9dB 818888V I =-3dB 808383Signal-to-harmonic THD+N distortion +noiseV I =-9dB737676(1)The test condition is a differential 1020-Hz input signal with an 8-KHz conversion rate.Input and output common mode is 1.35V.6ADC DYNAMIC PERFORMANCE ADC CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS DAC PATH FILTERTLV320AIC20,TLV320AIC21TLV320AIC24,TLV320AIC25 TLV320AIC20K,TLV320AIC24K SLAS363D–MARCH2002–REVISED APRIL2005With IIR Filter,FS=8KHzTESTPARAMETER MIN TYP MAX MIN TYP MAX UNITCONDITIONSAIC20/21/24/25AIC20k/24kV I=-3dB8282 SNR Signal-to-noise ratioV I=-9dB7676V I=-3dB8383 THD Total harmonic distortion dBV I=-9dB7777V I=-3dB7878Signal-to-harmonicTHD+Ndistortion+noise VI=-9dB7070AIC20/21/24/25/20k/24kPARAMETER TEST CONDITIONSMIN TYP MAX UNITV I(pp)Differential-ended input level PGA gain=0dB4VV IO Input offset voltage±5mVI B Input bias current125µACommon mode voltage 1.35VDynamic range V I=-3dB87dBZero DigitalMute attenuation PGA=MUTE dBCodeIntrachannel isolation87dBE G Gain error V I=-3dB at1020Hz-0.45dBE O(ADC)ADC converter offset error±15mVCommon-mode rejection ratio at INMx andCMRR V I=-100mV at1020Hz50dB INPxIdle channel noise V(INP,INM,MICIN)=0V70µVrmsR i Input resistance T A=25°C10kΩC i Input capacitance T A=25°C2pFIIR5/f s S Channel delayFIR17/f s SFS=8KHz(1)(2)FIR FILTER IIR FILTER PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONSMIN TYP MAX MIN TYP MAX UNITPATH FILTER,FS=8KHz0Hz to200Hz0.10.05200Hz to300Hz-0.050.05300Hz to2.4KHz-0.250.15- to3kHz-0.30.1-0.20.1Filter gain relative to gaindB at1020Hz3kHz to3.4KHz-0.550.05- to3.6KHz-3004KHz-28-344.5KHz to72KHZ-70-70(1)The filter gain outside of the passband is measured with respect to the gain at1020Hz.The input signal is the digital equivalent of asine wave(digital full scale=0dB).The nominal differential DAC channel output with this input condition is4V I(PP).The pass band is 0to3600Hz for an8-kHz sample rate.This pass band scales linearly with the conversion rate.(2)The filter characteristics are specified by design and are not tested in production.7DAC DYNAMIC PERFORMANCETLV320AIC20,TLV320AIC21TLV320AIC24,TLV320AIC25TLV320AIC20K,TLV320AIC24KSLAS363D–MARCH 2002–REVISED APRIL 2005AIC20/21/24/25AIC20k/24k PARAMETERTEST CONDITIONSMINTYPMAXMINTYPMAXUNITThe test condition is the digital equivalent of a 1020-Hz input signal with an 8-kHz conversion rate.DAC Line Output (LINEO-,LINEO+)The test is measured at output of the application schematic low-pass filter.The test is conducted inUsing FIR Filter16-bit mode.V I =0dB 88928092SNR Signal-to-noise ratio V I =-9dB 818383V I =0dB 84907090THD Total Harmonic Distortion dBV I =-9dB 778484V I =0dB 828888Signal-to-total Harmonic THD+NDistortion +noiseV I =-9dB768080The test condition is the digital equivalent of a 1020-Hz input signal with an 8-kHz conversion rate.DAC Line Output (LINEO-,LINEO+)The test is measured at output of the application schematic low-pass filter.The test is conducted inUsing IIR Filter16-bit mode.V I =0dB 8383SNR Signal-to-noise ratio V I =-9dB 7474V I =0dB 8585THD Total Harmonic Distortion dBV I =-9dB 8080V I =0dB 8080Signal-to-total Harmonic THD+NDistortion +noiseV I =-9dB7373The test condition is the digital equivalent of a 1020-Hz input signal with an 8-kHz conversion rate.DAC Headphone Output (HDSO-,The test is measured at output of the application schematic low-pass filter.The test is conducted in HDSO+),(HNSO-,HNSO+)(1)16-bit mode.V I =0dB 9292SNR Signal-to-noise ratio V I =-9dB 8383V I =0dB 9090THD Total Harmonic Distortion dBV I =-9dB 8989V I =0dB 8888Signal-to-total Harmonic THD+NDistortion +noiseV I =-9dB8282The test condition is the digital equivalent of a 1020-Hz input signal with an 8-kHz conversion rate.DAC Speaker Output (SPKO-,The test is measured at output of the application schematic low-pass filter.The test is conducted in SPKO+)(1)(2)16-bit mode.V I =0dB 9191SNR Signal-to-noise ratio V I =-9dB 8383V I =0dB 9191THD Total Harmonic Distortion dBV I =-9dB 9191V I =0dB 8888Signal-to-total Harmonic THD+N Distortion +noiseV I =-9dB8282(1)The conversion rate is 8kHz.(2)The speaker driver is valid only for the AIC20/21/20K.8DAC CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS OUTPUT AMPLIFIER CHARACTERISTICS BIAS AMPLIFIER CHARACTERISTICS POWER-SUPPLY REJECTION(1)TLV320AIC20,TLV320AIC21TLV320AIC24,TLV320AIC25 TLV320AIC20K,TLV320AIC24K SLAS363D–MARCH2002–REVISED APRIL2005PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITDynamic range V I=0dB at1020Hz92dBInterchannel isolation90dBE G Gain error,0dB V O=0dB at1020Hz-0.7dBMute attenuation PGA=Mute90dBCommon-mode voltage 1.35VIdle channel narrow band noise0-4kHz(1)40V rmsOutput offset voltage at OUTP1_150V OO DIN=All zeros±8V (differential)V O Analog output voltage,(3.3V)HDSO+0.35 2.35VIIR5/f s s Channel delayFIR18/f s s (1)The conversion rate is8kHz.AIC20/21/24/25/20k/24kPARAMETER TEST CONDITIONSMIN TYP MAX UNIT SPEAKER INTERFACE(1)Speaker output power250mWV CC=3.3V,fullydifferential,8-ΩloadMaximum output current250mA HANDSET AND HEADSET INTERFACESpeaker output power13mWV CC=3.3V,fullydifferential,150-ΩloadMaximum output current13mA LINE INTERFACESpeaker output power 3.5mWV CC=3.3V,fullydifferential,600-ΩloadMaximum output current 3.5mA (1)The speaker driver is valid only for the AIC20/21/20k.AIC20/21/24/25/20k/24kPARAMETER TEST CONDITIONSMIN TYP MAX UNITV O Output voltage 1.35/2.35V Integrated noise300Hz–13KHz20µVV S Offset voltage10mV Current drive5mA Unity gain bandwith1MHz DC gain90dBPSRR70dBPARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITSupply-voltage rejection ratio,analog supplyAV DD Differential75(fj=0to f s/2)(1)Power supply rejection measurements are made with both the ADC and the DAC channels idle and a200mV peak-to-peak signalapplied to the appropriate supply.9POWER-CONSUMPTIONLCD DACTypical ADC performance With PGA Gain Setting Using FIR (1)TLV320AIC20,TLV320AIC21TLV320AIC24,TLV320AIC25TLV320AIC20K,TLV320AIC24KSLAS363D–MARCH 2002–REVISED APRIL 2005AIC20/21/24/25/20k/24k PARAMETERTEST CONDITIONSMINTYP MAXUNITADC (single channel) 5.7DAC (single channel)Without drivers 3.5Speaker driver (1)No signal 9.3Handset driver No signal 2Headset driver No signal 2Lineout driver No signal2mWReference 2.3Digital PLL off 3.4Analog 4.6PLLDigital 1.8Total Analog with all sections on No signal,PLL off35.8POWER DOWN CURRENT Hardware power-down (no clock)1Analog,PLL off2µASoftware power-down Digital650(1)The speaker driver is valid only for the AIC20/21/20k.AIC20/21/20kPARAMETERMIN TYPMAX UNIT V OOutput range 0.352.35V Sampling rate 104kHz INL ±0.5LSB DNL±0.25LSB V S Offset voltage ±25mV E GGain error±0.02dBPGA GAIN SETTINGSNR THD SINAD UNIT9dB 83908118dB 839783dB 24dB 78957736dB729572(1)Test condition is a 1020-Hz input differential signal with an 8-kHz conversion rate.Input amplitude is given such that output of PGA is at -3dB level.10Speaker8 Ω OutputLine Output600 ΩHandset 150 Ω OutputHandsetInputHeadset 150 Ω OutputHeadsetInputMicrophoneInputLineInput Functional Block Diagram-AIC20/21/20KLine Output600 Ω150 Ω OutputInput150 Ω OutputInputMicrophoneInputInputInputSLAS363D–MARCH 2002–REVISED APRIL 2005Functional Block Diagram -AIC24/25/24KFunctional Block Diagram(One of Two Channels Shown)DOUTDINFSSCLKFSDDefinitions and TerminologyData Transfer The time during which data is transferred from DOUT and to DIN. Interval The interval is16shift clocks,and the data transfer is initiated bythe falling edge of the FS signal.Signal Data This refers to the input signal and all of the converted representationsthrough the ADC channel and the signal through the DAC channel to theanalog output.This is contrasted with the purely digital software controldata.Frame Sync Frame sync refers only to the falling edge of the signal FS that initiatesthe data transfer intervalFrame Sync and Sampling Period Frame sync and sampling period is the time between falling edges ofsuccessive FS signals.The sampling frequencyfsADC Channel ADC channel refers to all signal processing circuits between the analoginput and the digital conversion result at DOUT.DAC channel DAC channel refers to all signal processing circuits between the digitaldata word applied to DIN and the differential output analog signalavailable at OUTP and OUTM.Dxx Bit position in the primary data word(xx is the bit number)DSxx Bit position in the secondary data word(xx is the bit number)d The alpha character d represents valid programmed or default data in thecontrol register format(see Section3.2,Secondary Serial Communi-cation)when discussing other data bit portions of the register.PGA Programmable gain amplifierIIR Infinite impulse responseFIR Finite impulse responseTIMING REQUIREMENTSSCLKFSFSDDOUTDINSLAS363D–MARCH 2002–REVISED APRIL 2005Figure 1.Hardware Reset TimingFigure 2.Serial Communication TimingFigure3.I2C/S2C Timing DiagramPARAMETER SYMBOL MIN MAX UNIT SCL clock frequency t SCL0900kHz Hold time(repeated START condition.After this period,the first clock pulse is t HD;STA100generated.Low period of the SCL clock t LOW560High period of the SCL clock t HIGH560Set-up time for a repeated START condition t SU;STA100Data hold time t HD;DAT50ns Data set-up time t SU;DAT50Rise time of both SDA and SCL signals t r300Fall time of both SDA and SCL signals t f100Set-up time for STOP condition t SU;STO100Bus free time between a STOP and START condition t BUF500PARAMETER MEASUREMENTINFORMATIONA m p l i t u d e − d Bf − Frequency − Hz−140−120−100−80−60−40−20005001000150020002500300035004000A m p l i t u d e − d Bf − Frequency − HzA m p l i t u d e − d Bf − Frequency − HzSLAS363D–MARCH 2002–REVISED APRIL 2005Figure 4.FFT—ADC Channel (-3dB input)Figure 5.FFT—ADC Channel (-9dB input)Figure 6.FFT—DAC Channel (0dB input)A m p l i t u d e − d Bf − Frequency − HzA m p l i t u d e − d Bf − Frequency − HzA m p l i t u d e − d Bf − Frequency − HzPARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION (continued)Figure 7.FFT—DAC Channel (-9dB input)Figure 8.FFT—ADC Channel in FIR/IIR Bypass Mode (-3dB input)Figure 9.FFT—DAC Channel in FIR/IIR Bypass Mode (0dB input)F i l t e rG a i n − d Bf − Frequency − Hz05001000150020002500300035004000−80−70−50−20−10010−40F i l t e r G a i n − d Bf − Frequency − Hz−30−60−40−50F i l t e r G a i n − d Bf − Frequency − Hz5SLAS363D–MARCH 2002–REVISED APRIL 2005PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION (continued)Figure 10.ADC FIR Frequency Response -HPF OffFigure 11.ADC FIR Frequency Response -HPF OnFigure 12.ADC IIR Frequency Response -HPF Off5001000150020002500300035004000F i l t e rG a i n − d Bf − Frequency − Hz−14−12−10−8−6−4−2020200040006000800010000120001400016000F i l t e rG a i n − d Bf − Frequency − Hz20010002000300040005000600070008000−20−40−60−80−100−120−140−160F i l t e rG a i n − d Bf − Frequency − HzPARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION (continued)Figure 13.ADC IIR Frequency Response -HPF OnFigure 14.ADC Frequency Response -FIR/IIR Bypass ModeFigure 15.DAC FIR Frequency Response10002000300040005000600070008000200−20−40−60−80−100−120−140−160F i l t e rG a i n − d Bf − Frequency − Hz20040008000120001600020000240002800032000F i l t e rG a i n − d Bf − Frequency − HzSLAS363D–MARCH 2002–REVISED APRIL 2005PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION (continued)Figure 16.DAC IIR Frequency ResponseFigure 17.DAC Channel Frequency Response -FIR/IIR Bypass ModeFunctional DescriptionOperating FrequenciesSCLK may not be a uniform clock depending upon value of devnum, mode, and MNP..M = 1 - 128 N = 1 - 16 P= 1 - 8When:P1 = 8, DLL(PLL) is Enableddevnum = Number of Channels in Cascade. Note That for a Standalone Device, devnum = 2. Mode = 1 (For Continious Data Transfer Mode) Mode = 2 (For Programming Mode)The sampling frequency is the frequency of the frame sync(FS)signal where falling edge starts digital-data transfer for both ADC and DAC.The sampling frequency is derived from the master clock(MCLK)input by the following equations:•Coarse sampling frequency(default):–The coarse sampling is selected by programming P=8in the control register4,which is the default configuration of AIC2x on power-up or reset.–FS=Sampling(conversion)frequency=MCLK/(16x M x N x8)•Fine sampling frequency(see Note5):–FS=Sampling(conversion)frequency=MCLK/(16x M x N x P)NOTE:e control register4to set the following values of M,N,and P2.M=1,2,...,1283.N=1,2,...,164.P=1,2,...,85.The fine sampling rate needs an on-chip phase lock loop(frequency multiplier)togenerate internal clocks.The output of the PLL is only used to generate internalclocks that are needed by the data converters.Other clocks such as the serialinterface clocks in master mode are not generated from the PLL output.The clockgeneration scheme is as shown in Figure18.The PLL requires the relationshipbetween MCLK and P to meet the following condition:10MHz≤(MCLK/P)≤25MHz.Figure18.Clock Timing6.Selecting the Fine sampling mode turns on the analog PLL,which startsgenerating after a finite time delay.The internal clocks are required to be presentin order to enable the DAC output drivers.Therefore,turning on any output driversimmediately after turning on the PLL causes the output of the DAC to go to thecommon-mode voltage.While using the PLL,the output drivers must first beenabled before the PLL is enabled in order to ensure correct operation of the part.This implies that register6B for channel1and channel2in the codec must beprogrammed before register4.SLAS363D–MARCH2002–REVISED APRIL2005Functional Description(continued)7.Both equations of FS require that the following conditions should be met–(M x N x P)≤(devnum mode)if the FIR/IIR filter is not bypassed.–[Integer(M/4)x N x P]≥(devnum mode)if the FIR/IIR filter is bypassed.Where:devnum is the number of codec channels connecting in cascade(devnum=2forstandalone AIC20)mode is equal to1for continuous data transfer mode and2forprogramming mode.8.If the DAC OSR is set to512,then M needs to be a multiple of4.If the DAC OSRis set to256,then M needs to be a multiple of2.M can take any value between1and128if the OSR is set to128.Example:The MCLK comes from the DSP C5402CLKOUT and equals to20.48MHz and theconversion rate of8kHz is desired.First,set P=1to satisfy condition5so that(MCLK/P)=20.48MHz/1=20.48MHz.Next,pick M=10and N=16to satisfycondition65and derive8kHz for FS.That is,FS=20.48MHz/(16x10x16x1)=8kHz.Internal ArchitectureAnalog Low Pass FilterThe built-in analog low pass antialiasing filter is a two-pole filter that has a20-dB attenuation at1MHz.Sigma-Delta ADCThe sigma-delta analog-to-digital converter is a sigma-delta modulator with128x oversampling.The ADC provides high-resolution,low-noise performance using oversampling techniques.Decimation FilterThe decimation filters consist of a sinc filter stage followed by either FIR filters or IIR filters selected by bit D5of the control register1.The FIR filter provides linear-phase output with17/f s group delay,whereas the IIR filter generates nonlinear phase output with negligible group delay.The decimation filters reduce the digital data rate to the sampling rate.This is accomplished by decimating with a ratio of1:128.The output of the decimation filter is a16-bit2s-complement data word clocking at the sample rate selected for that particular data channel.The BW of the filter is(0.45×FS)and scales linearly with the sample rate.Sigma-Delta DACThe sigma-delta digital-to-analog converter is a sigma-delta modulator with128x oversampling.The DAC provides high-resolution,low-noise performance using oversampling techniques.The oversampling ratio(OSR) in DAC is programmable to256/512using bits D0-D1of register3C,the default being128.The OSR of512is recommended when the FS is a maximum of8Ksps,and an OSR of256is recommended when the FS is a maximum of16Ksps.It is also required that the value of M used in programming the PLL be a multiple of4if the OSR is set to512and2if the OSR is set to256Interpolation FilterThe interpolation filters consist of either FIR or IIR filters selected by bit D5of control register1followed by a sinc filter stage.The FIR filter provides linear-phase output with18/f s group delay,whereas the IIR filter generates nonlinear phase output with negligible group delay.The interpolation filter resamples the digital data at a rate of 128times the incoming sample rate.The high-speed data output from the interpolation filter is then used in the sigma-delta DAC.The BW of the filter is(0.45×FS)and scales linearly with the sample rate.。

OPF320A,OPF320B,OPF320C, 规格书,Datasheet 资料

OPF320A,OPF320B,OPF320C, 规格书,Datasheet 资料

OPTEK Technology Inc.— 1645 Wallace Drive, Carrollton, Texas 75006Phone: (800) 341-4747 FAX: (972) 323– 2396 sensors@ Issue A 03/2011Page 1 of 3OPTEK reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and to supply the best product possible.Applications♦ Industrial Ethernet equipment ♦ Copper-to-fiber media conversion ♦ Intra-system fiber optic links ♦ Video surveillance systemsThe OPF320 series fiber optic transmitters are high performance devices packaged for data communication links. This trans-mitter is an 850 nm GaAlAs LED and is specifically designed to efficiently launch optical power into fibers ranging in size from 50/125µm up to 200/300µm diameter fiber. Multiple power ranges with upper and lower limits are offered which allows the de-signer to select a device best suited for the application.This product’s combination of features including high speed and efficient coupled power makes it an ideal transmitter for inte-gration into all types of data communications equipment.RoHSOPTEK Technology Inc.— 1645 Wallace Drive, Carrollton, Texas 75006Phone: (800) 341-4747 FAX: (972) 323– 2396 sensors@ Issue A 03/2011Page 2 of 3OPTEK reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and to supply the best product possible.Electrical/Optical Characteristics (T A = 25°C unless otherwise noted)Absolute Maximum RatingsT A = 25o C unless otherwise notedStorage Temperature Range -55° C to +150° C Operating Temperature Range -40° C to +125° CLead Soldering Temperature (1) 260° C Continuous Forward Current (2) 100 mA Maximum Reverse Voltage1.0 VNotes:1. Maximum of 5 seconds with soldering iron. Duration can be extended to 10 seconds when flow soldering. RMA flux is recommended.2. De-rate linearly at 1.0mA /°C above 25°C .3. The component must be actively aligned into the mating fiber cable assembly to achieve optimal performance.4. No Pre-bias.5. All Optek fiber optic LED products are subjected to 100% burn-in as part of its quality control process. The burn-in conditions are 96hours at 100mA drive current and 25°C ambient temperature.SYMBOLPARAMETERMINTYPMAX UNITSCONDITIONSP T50(3) Total Coupled Power OPF320A15.0 19.0 µWI F = 100 mAOPF320B 10.0 12.5 50/125 mm Fiber NA = 0.20OPF320C 5.0 7.5 V F Forward Voltage 1.8 2.2 V I F = 100 mA V R Reverse Voltage 1.8 V I R = 100 µA λ Wavelength 830 850 870 nm I F = 50 mA Δλ Optical Bandwidth 35 nm I F = 50 mAt r ,t fRise and Fall Time6.010.0ns I F = 100 mA; 10% to 90%(4)-40°C80°CTemperatures are Steppedin 20°C increments. 0204060801000 0.2 1.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.4 Relative Coupled Power vs.Forward CurrentForward Current (mA) R e l a t i v e C o u p l e d P o w e r-40°C80°CTemperatures are Stepped in 20°C increments.20 40 60 80 1001.21.3 1.8 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.72.0Typical Forward Voltage vs.Forward CurrentForward Current (mA)R e l a t i v e C o u p l e d P o w e r1.9OPTEK Technology Inc.— 1645 Wallace Drive, Carrollton, Texas 75006Phone: (800) 341-4747 FAX: (972) 323– 2396 sensors@ Issue A 03/2011Page 3 of 3OPTEK reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and to supply the best product possible.Mechanical DataDIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES (MILLIMETERS)。




本采用10MHz 的有源晶振作主时钟源,以消除噪声并保持DSP 芯片与TLC320AC01 接口电路的协调工作。

主模式时,TLC320AC01 的M/S 端接高电平;从模式时,TLC320AC01 的M/S 接地。

3 软件设计3.1 软件编制过程在完成了正确的硬件连接后,接下来就可以进地软件编程调试了。

该过程要完成的工作主要包括以下几方面:(1)两个通道的区分TLC320AC01 的运行模式是主从模式:一个TLC320AC01 是主,另一个是从。

硬件上可通过设置M/S 的高低电平来分配主从模式的TLC320AC01,而软件上则通过检测从TLC320AC01 所接收的信息字中的最低有效位来分析主与从。


主从模式下,TLC320AC01 与TMS320VC5402 的缓冲串口通信轮流进行。

(2)初始化初始化操作过程包括通过TMS320VC5402 的同步串口发送两串16 位的数字信息到TLC320AC01。

第一串为0000 0000 0000 0011B,其中14 个最高有效位(bits 15~2)定义输出采样值为0,而2 个最低有效位(bits1~0)用于说明下一个要传输的数据字是否属于二次通信(关于一次通信和二次通信的内容请参阅TLC320AC01 的数据手册)。

第二串数据值用来对TLC320AC01 的9 个数据寄存器的某一个进行配置。

其中Bit15、14 用来控制Modem 中的相移,这里设置为0;bit13 为0 表示这个数据值将写到TLC320AC01 的某个寄存器;bit12~8 用于要配置的寄存器地址;bit7~0 为要写到寄存器的值。

9 个寄存器的描述如下:R0 在大多数应用时设为0,R1 用于设置采样频率,R2 用于设置低通滤波器的截止频率,R3 用于进行相移控制,R4 用于进行模拟输入输出的。

IC datasheet pdf-TPA6013A4,pdf(3-W Stereo Audio Power Amplifier)

IC datasheet pdf-TPA6013A4,pdf(3-W Stereo Audio Power Amplifier)

APPLICATION CIRCUITS001DC VOLUME CONTROLVolume [Pin 21]−VG a i n −d B0.−90−80−70−60−50−40−30−20−1001020GAIN (BTL)vsVOLUME VOLTAGETPA6013A4SLOS635–NOVEMBER 20093-W STEREO AUDIO POWER AMPLIFIER WITH ADVANCED DC VOLUME CONTROLCheck for Samples :TPA6013A4FEATURESDESCRIPTION•Advanced 32-Steps DC Volume Control –Steps from –40to 18dB The TPA6013A4is a stereo audio power amplifier that drives 3W/channel of continuous RMS power –Fade Modeinto a 3-Ωload.Advanced dc volume control –Maximum Volume Setting for SE Mode minimizes external components and allows BTL –Adjustable SE Volume Control(speaker)volume control and SE (headphone)Referenced to BTL Volume Control volume control.Notebook and pocket PCs benefit from the integrated feature set that minimizes •3W Into 3-ΩSpeakers external components without sacrificing functionality.•Stereo Input MUX To simplify design,the speaker volume level is •Headphone Modeadjusted by applying a dc voltage to the VOLUME •Pin-to-pin compatible with TPA6011A4and terminal.Likewise,the delta between speaker volume TPA6012A4and headphone volume can be adjusted by applying a dc voltage to the SEDIFF terminal.To avoid an •24-pin PowerPAD™Package (PWP)unexpected high volume level through the headphones,a third terminal,SEMAX,limits the APPLICATIONSheadphone volume level when a dc voltage is •Notebook PC applied.Finally,to ensure a smooth transition •LCD Monitors between active and shutdown modes,a fade mode •Pocket PCramps the volume up and down.Figure 1.Application Circuit and DC Volume ControlPlease be aware that an important notice concerning availability,standard warranty,and use in critical applications of Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.PowerPAD is a trademark of Texas Instruments.PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date.Copyright ©2009,Texas Instruments IncorporatedProducts conform to specifications per the terms of the Texas Instruments standard warranty.Production processing does not necessarily include testing of all parameters.TPA6013A4SLOS635–This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD.Texas Instruments recommends that all integrated circuits be handled with appropriate precautions.Failure to observe proper handling and installation procedures can cause damage.ESD damage can range from subtle performance degradation to complete device failure.Precision integrated circuits may be more susceptible to damage because very small parametric changes could cause the device not to meet its published specifications.AVAILABLE OPTIONSPACKAGET A24-PIN TSSOP(PWP)(1)–40°C to85°C TPA6013A4PWP(1)The PWP package is available taped and reeled.To order a tapedand reeled part,add the suffix R to the part number(e.g.,TPA6013A4PWPR).LEAD(PB-FREE)ORDERING INFORMATIONORDERABLE DEVICE STATUS(1)ECO-STATUS(2)TPA6013A4PWPG4Active Pb-Freeand Green TPA6013A4PWPRG4Active(1)The marketing status values are defined as follows:(a)ACTIVE:This device recommended for new designs.(b)LIFEBUY:TI has announced that the device will be discontinued,and a lifetime-buy period is in effect.(c)NRND:Not recommended for new designs.Device is in production to support existing customers,but TI does not recommend usingthis part in a new design.(d)PREVIEW:Device has been announced but is not in production.Samples may or may not be available.(e)OBSOLETE:TI has discontinued production of the device.(2)Eco-Status Information–Additional details including specific material content can be accessed at /leadfree(a)N/A:Not yet available Lead(Pb)-Free,for estimated conversion dates go to /leadfree.(b)Pb-Free:TI defines"Lead(Pb)-Free"or"Pb-Free"to mean RoHS compatible,including a lead concentration that does not exceed0.1%of total product weight,and,if designed to be soldered,suitable for use in specified lead-free soldering processes.(c)Green:TI devices"Green"to mean Lead(Pb)-Free and in addition,uses package materials that do not contain halogens,includingbromine(Br),or antimony(Sb)above0.1%of total product weight.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSover operating free-air temperature range(unless otherwise noted)(1)UNITV SS Supply voltage,V DD,PV DD–0.3V to6VV I Input voltage–0.3V to V DD+0.3V Continuous total power dissipation See Dissipation Rating TableT A Operating free-air temperature range–40°C to85°CT J Operating junction temperature range–40°C to150°CT stg Storage temperature range–65°C to150°C(1)Stresses beyond those listed under"absolute maximum ratings"may cause permanent damage to the device.These are stress ratingsonly,and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under"recommended operating conditions"is not implied.Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.DISSIPATION RATING TABLET A≤25°C DERATING FACTOR T A=70°C T A=85°CPACKAGEPOWER RATING ABOVE T A=25°C POWER RATING POWER RATINGPWP 2.7mW21.8mW/°C 1.7W 1.4W2Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright©2009,Texas Instruments IncorporatedProduct Folder Link(s):TPA6013A4TPA6013A4 SLOS635–NOVEMBER2009RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONSMIN MAX UNITV SS Supply voltage,V DD,PV DD 4.0 5.5VSE/BTL,HP/LINE,FADE0.8×V DD VV IH High-level input voltageSHUTDOWN2VSE/BTL,HP/LINE,FADE0.6×V DD VV IL Low-level input voltageSHUTDOWN0.8VT A Operating free-air temperature–4085°C ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICST A=25°C,V DD=PV DD=5.5V(unless otherwise noted)PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITV DD=5.5V,Gain=0dB,SE/BTL=0V230mV|V OO|Output offset voltage(measured differentially)V DD=5.5V,Gain=18dB,SE/BTL=0V 2.650mV PSRR Power supply rejection ratio V DD=PV DD=4.0V to5.5V,Gain=0dB–80dBHigh-level input current(SE/BTL,FADE,HP/LINE,V DD=PV DD=5.5V,|I IH|1μA SHUTDOWN,SEDIFF,SEMAX,VOLUME)V I=V DD=PV DDLow-level input current(SE/BTL,FADE,HP/LINE,|I IL|V DD=PV DD=5.5V,V I=0V1μA SHUTDOWN,SEDIFF,SEMAX,VOLUME)V DD=PV DD=5V,SE/BTL=0V,6.79.0SHUTDOWN=2VI DD Supply current,no load mAV DD=PV DD=5V,SE/BTL=5V,4.56SHUTDOWN=2VV DD=5V=PV DD,SE/BTL=0V,I DD Supply current,max power into a3-Ωload SHUTDOWN=2V,R L=3Ω, 1.5A RMSP O=2W,stereoI DD(SD)Supply current,shutdown mode SHUTDOWN=0.0V1025μA OPERATING CHARACTERISTICST A=25°C,V DD=PV DD=5V,R L=3Ω,Gain=6dB,Stereo(unless otherwise noted)PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITTHD=1%,f=1kHz,R L=16Ω(SE)195mWTHD=10%,f=1kHz,R L=16Ω(SE)235mWP O Output powerTHD=1%,f=1kHz,R L=3Ω(BTL) 2.0WTHD=10%,f=1kHz,V DD=5.5V,R L=3Ω(BTL) 3.2THD+N Total harmonic distortion+noise P O=0.9W,R L=8Ω(BTL),f=20Hz to20kHz<0.1%P O=0.1W,R L=16Ω(SE),f=20Hz to20kHz0.03%V OH High-level output voltage R L=8Ω,Measured between output and V DD=5.5V700mVR L=8Ω,Measured between output and GND,V OL Low-level output voltage400mVV DD=5.5VV(Bypass)Bypass voltage(Nominally V DD/2)Measured at pin17,No load,V DD=5.5V 2.65 2.75 2.85VBTL(4Ω)–66dB Supply ripple rejection ratio f=1kHz,Gain=0dB,C(BYP)=1µFSE(32Ω)–60dBBTL110dB CrosstalkSE102dBf=20Hz to20kHz,Gain=0dB,Noise output voltage BTL36µV RMSC(BYP)=1µFZ I Input impedance(see Figure17)VOLUME=5V12kΩCopyright©2009,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback3Product Folder Link(s):TPA6013A4PWP Package (Top View)P0110-01PV PV V TPA6013A4SLOS635–NOVEMBER 2009PIN FunctionsPIN I/O DESCRIPTIONNAME NO.PGND 1,13–Power groundLOUT–12O Left channel negative audio output PV DD 3,11–Supply voltage terminal for power stageLHPIN 10I Left channel headphone input,selected when HP/LINE is held high LLINEIN 9I Left channel line input,selected when HP/LINE is held lowLIN 8I Common left channel input for fully differential input.AC ground for single-ended inputs.V DD 7–Supply voltage terminalRIN 6I Common right channel input for fully differential input.AC ground for single-ended inputs.RLINEIN 5I Right channel line input,selected when HP/LINE is held low RHPIN 4I Right channel headphone input,selected when HP/LINE is held high ROUT–2O Right channel negative audio output ROUT+24O Right channel positive audio outputSHUTDOWN 15I Places the amplifier in shutdown mode if a TTL logic low is placed on this terminalPlaces the amplifier in fade mode if a logic low is placed on this terminal;normal operation if a logic FADE 16I high is placed on this terminalBYPASS 17I Tap to voltage divider for internal mid-supply bias generator used for analog reference AGND 18–Analog power supply groundSEMAX 19I Sets the maximum volume for single ended operation.DC voltage range is 0to V DD .SEDIFF 20I Sets the difference between BTL volume and SE volume.DC voltage range is 0to V DD .VOLUME 21I Terminal for dc volume control.DC voltage range is 0to V DD .Input MUX control.When logic high,RHPIN and LHPIN inputs are selected.When logic low,RLINEIN HP/LINE 22I and LLINEIN inputs are selected.Output MUX control.When this terminal is high,SE outputs are selected.When this terminal is low,SE/BTL 23I BTL outputs are selected.LOUT+14OLeft channel positive audio output.4Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright ©2009,Texas Instruments IncorporatedProduct Folder Link(s):TPA6013A4RHPIN RLINEINRINHP/LINEVOLUME SEDIFF SEMAXFADE SE/BTLLHPIN LLINEINLIN TPA6013A4 SLOS635–NOVEMBER2009FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAMNOTE:All resistorCopyright©2009,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback5Product Folder Link(s):TPA6013A4TPA6013A4SLOS635–Table1.DC Volume Control(BTL Mode,V DD=5V)(1)VOLUME(PIN21)GAIN OF AMPLIFIER(Typ)(2)FROM(V)TO(V)0.000.26–850.330.37–400.440.48–340.560.59–310.670.70–280.780.82–250.890.93–221.01 1.04–191.12 1.16–161.23 1.27–131.35 1.38–101.46 1.49–71.57 1.60–41.68 1.72–21.79 1.83–01.91 1.9422.02 2.0642.13 2.1762.25 2.2882.36 2.39102.47 2.50112.58 2.61122.70 2.73132.81 2.83142.92 2.9514.53.04 3.06153.15 3.1715.53.26 3.29163.38 3.4016.53.49 3.51173.60 3.6317.53.71 5.0018(1)For other values of V DD,scale the voltage values in the table by a factor of V DD/5.(2)Tested in production.Remaining gain steps are specified by design.6Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright©2009,Texas Instruments IncorporatedProduct Folder Link(s):TPA6013A4TPA6013A4 SLOS635–NOVEMBER2009Table2.DC Volume Control(SE Mode,V DD=5V)(1)SE_VOLUME=VOLUME-SEDIFF or SEMAX GAIN OF AMPLIFIER(Typ)FROM(V)TO(V)0.000.26–85(2)0.330.37–460.440.48–400.560.59–370.670.70–340.780.82–310.890.93–281.01 1.04–251.12 1.16–221.23 1.27–191.35 1.38–161.46 1.49–131.57 1.60–101.68 1.72–81.79 1.83–6(2)1.91 1.94–42.02 2.06–22.13 2.170(2)2.25 2.2822.36 2.3942.47 2.5052.58 2.616(2)2.70 2.7372.81 2.8382.92 2.958.53.04 3.0693.15 3.29103.38 3.4010.53.49 3.51113.60 3.6311.53.71 5.0012(1)For other values of V DD,scale the voltage values in the table by a factor of V DD/5.(2)Tested in production.Remaining gain steps are specified by design.Copyright©2009,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback7Product Folder Link(s):TPA6013A4f − Frequency − HzT H D +N − T o t a l H a r m o n i c D i s t o r t i o n + N o i s e − %201001k10k20k0.0010.010.1110f − Frequency − HzT H D +N − T o t a l H a r m o n i c D i s t o r t i o n + N o i s e − %201001k10k20k0.0010.010.1110TPA6013A4SLOS635–NOVEMBER 2009TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICSTest conditions (unless otherwise noted)for typical operating performance:V DD =5.0V,C IN =1µF,C BYPASS =1µF,T A =27°C,SHUTDOWN =V DDTable of GraphsGain (BTL)vs Volume voltage Figure 1vs Frequency Figure 2,Figure 3,Figure 4THD+NTotal harmonic distortion plus noise (BTL)vs Output power Figure 7,Figure 8,Figure 9vs FrequencyFigure 5,Figure 6THD+N Total harmonic distortion plus noise (SE)vs Output power Figure 10vs Output voltage Figure 11P D Total power dissipation (BTL)vs Total output power Figure 12P DTotal power dissipation (SE)vs Total output power Figure 13Crosstalk (BTL)vs Frequency Figure 14Crosstalk (SE)vs Frequency Figure 15Inter-channel crosstalk vs Frequency Figure 16Input impedancevs Gain Figure 17PSRR Power supply rejection ratio (BTL)vs Frequency Figure 18PSRR Power supply rejection ratio (SE)vs Frequency Figure 19I DD Supply current (BTL)vs Total output power Figure 20I DDSupply current (SE)vs Total output powerFigure 21TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION +NOISE (BTL)TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION +NOISE (BTL)vsvsFREQUENCYFREQUENCYFigure 2.Figure 3.8Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright ©2009,Texas Instruments IncorporatedProduct Folder Link(s):TPA6013A4f − Frequency − HzT H D +N − T o t a l H a r m o n i c D i s t o r t i o n + N o i s e − %201001k10k20k0.0010.010.1110f − Frequency − HzT H D +N − T o t a l H a r m o n i c D i s t o r t i o n + N o i s e − %201001k10k20k0.0010.010.1110f − Frequency − HzT H D +N − T o t a l H a r m o n i c D i s t o r t i o n + N o i s e − %201001k10k20k0.0010.010.1110P O − Output Power − WT H D +N − T o t a l H a r m o n i c D i s t o r t i o n + N o i s e − %1m10m 100m14P O − Output Power − WT H D +N − T o t a l H a r m o n i c D i s t o r t i o n + N o i s e − %1m10m 100m13P O − Output Power − WT H D +N − T o t a l H a r m o n i c D i s t o r t i o n + N o i s e − %1m10m 100m 12TPA6013A4SLOS635–NOVEMBER 2009TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION +NOISE (BTL)TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION +NOISE (SE)vsvsFREQUENCYFREQUENCYFigure 4.Figure 5.TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION +NOISE (SE)TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION +NOISE (BTL)vsvsFREQUENCYOUTPUT POWERFigure 6.Figure 7.TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION +NOISE (BTL)TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION +NOISE (BTL)vsvsOUTPUT POWEROUTPUT POWERFigure 8.Figure 9.Copyright ©2009,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback9Product Folder Link(s):TPA6013A4P O − Output Power − WT H D +N − T o t a l H a r m o n i c D i s t o r t i o n + N o i s e − %100u1m 10m100m 300mV O − Output Voltage − V RMST H D +N − T o t a l H a r m o n i c D i s t o r t i o n + N o i s e −%0.0500.0m 1.0 1.5 2.00.0010.010.1110100P O − Total Output Power − WP D − T o t a l P o w e r D i s s i p a t i o n − W100m200m300m400m500m025m 50m 75m100m 125m 150m 175m 200m P O − Total Output Power − WP D − T o t a l P o w e r D i s s i p a t i o n − W0. − Frequency − HzC r o s s t a l k − dB201001k10k20k−140−120−100−80−60−40−200 f − Frequency − HzC r o s s t a l k − dB201001k10k 20k−140−120−100−80−60−40−200TPA6013A4SLOS635–NOVEMBER 2009TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION +NOISE (SE)TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION +NOISE (SE)vsvsOUTPUT POWEROUTPUT VOLTAGEFigure 10.Figure 11.TOTAL POWER DISSIPATION (BTL)TOTAL POWER DISSIPATION (SE)vsvsTOTAL OUTPUT POWERTOTAL OUTPUT POWERFigure 12.Figure 13.CROSSTALK (BTL)CROSSTALK (SE)vsvsFREQUENCYFREQUENCYFigure 14.Figure 15.10Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright ©2009,Texas Instruments IncorporatedProduct Folder Link(s):TPA6013A4Gain − dB−40−35−30−25−20−15−10−505101520f − Frequency − HzI n t e r −C h a n n e l C r o ss t a l k − d B201001k10k20k −120−100−80−60−40−200f − Frequency − HzP S R R − P o w e r S u p p l y R e j ec t i o n R a t i o −d B201001k10k20k−80−60−40−200f − Frequency − HzP S R R − P o w e r S u p p l y R e j e ct i o n R a t i o − d B201001k10k20k−80−60−40−20P O − Total Output Power − W I D D − S u p p l y C u r r e n t −A0. − Total Output Power − WI D D − S u p p l y C u r r e n t − A100m200m300m400m500m025m50m75m100m 125mINTER-CHANNEL CROSSTALKINPUT IMPEDANCEvsvs FREQUENCYGAINFigure 16.Figure 17.POWER SUPPLY REJECTION RATIO (BTL)POWER SUPPLY REJECTION RATIO (SE)vsvsFREQUENCYFREQUENCYFigure 18.Figure 19.SUPPLY CURRENT (BTL)SUPPLY CURRENT (SE)vsvsTOTAL OUTPUT POWERTOTAL OUTPUT POWERFigure 20.Figure 21.APPLICATION INFORMATIONSELECTION OF COMPONENTSFigure22and Figure23are schematic diagrams of typical notebook computer application circuits.A.A0.1-μF ceramic capacitor should be placed as close as possible to the IC.For filtering lower-frequency noisesignals,a larger electrolytic capacitor of10μF or greater should be placed near the audio power amplifier.Figure22.Typical TPA6013A4Application Circuit Using Single-Ended Inputs and Input MUXA.A0.1-μF ceramic capacitor should be placed as close as possible to the IC.For filtering lower-frequency noisesignals,a larger electrolytic capacitor of10μF or greater should be placed near the audio power amplifier.Figure23.Typical TPA6013A4Application Circuit Using Differential InputsSE/BTL OPERATIONThe ability of the TPA6013A4to easily switch between BTL and SE modes is one of its most important cost saving features.This feature eliminates the requirement for an additional headphone amplifier in applications where internal stereo speakers are driven in BTL mode but external headphone or speakers must be accommodated.Internal to the TPA6013A4,two separate amplifiers drive OUT+and OUT–.The SE/BTL input controls the operation of the follower amplifier that drives LOUT–and ROUT–.When is held low,the amplifier is on and the TPA6013A4is in the BTL mode.When SE/BTL is held high,the OUT–amplifiers are in a high output impedance state,which configures the TPA6013A4as an SE driver from LOUT+and ROUT+.I DD is reduced by approximately one-third in SE mode.Control of the SE/BTL input can be from a logic-level CMOS source or,more typically,from a resistor divider network as shown in Figure24.The trip level for theinput can be found in the recommended operating conditions table.Figure24.TPA6013A4Resistor Divider Network CircuitUsing a1/8-in.(3,5mm)stereo headphone jack,the control switch is closed when no plug is inserted.When closed the100-kΩ/1-kΩdivider pulls the input low.When a plug is inserted,the1-kΩresistor is disconnected and the SE/BTL input is pulled high.When the input goes high,the OUT–amplifier is shut down causing the speaker to mute(open-circuits the speaker).The OUT+amplifier then drives through the output capacitor(C o)into the headphone jack.OPERATIONThe HP/LINE input controls the internal input multiplexer(MUX).Refer to the block diagram in Figure24.This allows the device to switch between two separate stereo inputs to the amplifier.For design flexibility,the HP/LINE control is independent of the output mode,SE or BTL,which is controlled by the aforementioned pin.To allow the amplifier to switch from the LINE inputs to the HP inputs when the output switches from BTL mode to SE mode,simply connect the SE/BTL control input to the HP/LINE input.When this input is logic high,the RHPIN and LHPIN inputs are selected.When this terminal is logic low,the RLINEIN and LLINEIN inputs are selected.This operation is also detailed in Table3and the trip levels for a logic low(V IL)or logic high(V IH)can be found in the recommended operating conditions table.SHUTDOWN MODESThe TPA6013A4employs a shutdown mode of operation designed to reduce supply current(I DD)to the absolute minimum level during periods of nonuse for battery-power conservation.The SHUTDOWN input terminal should be held high during normal operation when the amplifier is in use.Pulling SHUTDOWN low causes the outputs to mute and the amplifier to enter a low-current state,I DD=20μA.SHUTDOWN should never be left unconnected because amplifier operation would be unpredictable.Table3.HP/LINE,SE/BTL,and Shutdown FunctionsINPUTS(1)AMPLIFIER STATEHP/LINE SE/BTL SHUTDOWN INPUT OUTPUTX X Low X MuteLow Low High Line BTLLow High High Line SEHigh Low High HP BTLHigh High High HP SE(1)Inputs should never be left unconnected.FADE OPERATIONFor design flexibility,a fade mode is provided to slowly ramp up the amplifier gain when coming out of shutdown mode and conversely ramp the gain down when going into shutdown.This mode provides a smooth transition between the active and shutdown states and virtually eliminates any pops or clicks on the outputs.When the input is a logic low,the device is placed into fade-on mode.A logic high on this pin places the amplifier in the fade-off mode.The voltage trip levels for a logic low(V IL)or logic high(V IH)can be found in the recommended operating conditions table.When a logic low is applied to the FADE pin and a logic low is then applied on the SHUTDOWNpin,the channel gain steps down from gain step to gain step at a rate of two clock cycles per step.With a nominal internal clock frequency of58Hz,this equates to34ms(1/24Hz)per step.The gain steps down until the lowest gain step is reached.The time it takes to reach this step depends on the gain setting prior to placing the device in shutdown. For example,if the amplifier is in the highest gain mode of18dB,the time it takes to ramp down the channel gain is1.05seconds.This number is calculated by taking the number of steps to reach the lowest gain from the highest gain,or31steps,and multiplying by the time per step,or34ms.After the channel gain is stepped down to the lowest gain,the amplifier begins discharging the bypass capacitor from the nominal voltage of V DD/2to ground.This time is dependent on the value of the bypass capacitor.For a 0.47-μF capacitor that is used in the application diagram in Figure22,the time is approximately500ms.This time scales linearly with the value of bypass capacitor.For example,if a1-μF capacitor is used for bypass,the time period to discharge the capacitor to ground is twice that of the0.47-μF capacitor,or1second.Figure25is a waveform captured at the output during the shutdown sequence when the part is in fade-on mode.The gain is set to the highest level and the output is at V DD when the amplifier is shut down.When a logic high is placed on the SHUTDOWN pin and the FADE pin is still held low,the device begins the start-up process.The bypass capacitor will begin charging.Once the bypass voltage reaches the final value of V DD/2,the gain increases from the lowest gain level to the gain level set by the dc voltage applied to the VOLUME,SEDIFF,and SEMAX pins.In the fade-off mode,the amplifier stores the gain value prior to starting the shutdown sequence.The output of the amplifier immediately drops to V DD/2and the bypass capacitor begins a smooth discharge to ground.When shutdown is released,the bypass capacitor charges up to V DD/2and the channel gain returns immediately to the value stored in memory.Figure26is a waveform captured at the output during the shutdown sequence when the part is in the fade-off mode.The gain is set to the highest level,and the output is at V DD when the amplifier is shut down.The power-up sequence is different from the shutdown sequence and the voltage on the FADEpin does not change the power-up sequence.Upon a power-up condition,the TPA6013A4begins in the lowest gain setting and steps up every2clock cycles until the final value is reached as determined by the dc voltage applied to the VOLUME,SEDIFF,and SEMAX pins.ROUT+Figure25.Shutdown Sequence in the Fade-on Figure26.Shutdown Sequence in the Fade-offMode ModeVOLUME,SEDIFF,AND SEMAX OPERATIONThree pins labeled VOLUME,SEDIFF,and SEMAX control the BTL volume when driving speakers and the SE volume when driving headphones.All of these pins are controlled with a dc voltage,which should not exceed V DD.When driving speakers in BTL mode,the VOLUME pin is the only pin that controls the gain.Table1shows the gain for the BTL mode.The voltages listed in the table are for V DD=5V.For a different V DD,the values in the table scale linearly.If V DD=4V,multiply all the voltages in the table by4V/5V,or0.8.The TPA6013A4allows the user to specify a difference between BTL gain and SE gain.This is desirable to avoid any listening discomfort when plugging in headphones.When switching to SE mode,the SEDIFF and SEMAX pins control the singe-ended gain proportional to the gain set by the voltage on the VOLUME pin.When SEDIFF =0V,the difference between the BTL gain and the SE gain is6dB.Refer to the section labeled bridge-tied load versus single-ended load for an explanation on why the gain in BTL mode is2x that of single-ended mode,or 6dB greater.As the voltage on the SEDIFF terminal is increased,the gain in SE mode decreases.The voltage on the SEDIFF terminal is subtracted from the voltage on the VOLUME terminal and this value is used to determine the SE gain.Some audio systems require that the gain be limited in the single-ended mode to a level that is comfortable for headphone listening.Most volume control devices only have one terminal for setting the gain.For example,if the speaker gain is18dB,the gain in the headphone channel is fixed at12dB.This level of gain could cause discomfort to listeners and the SEMAX pin allows the designer to limit this discomfort when plugging in headphones.The SEMAX terminal controls the maximum gain for single-ended mode.The functionality of the SEDIFF and SEMAX pin are combined to set the SE gain.A block diagram of the combined functionality is shown in Figure27.The value obtained from the block diagram for SE_VOLUME is a dc voltage that can be used in conjunction with Table2to determine the SE gain.Again,the voltages listed in the table are for V DD=5V.The values must be scaled for other values of V DD.Table1and Table2show a range of voltages for each gain step.There is a gap in the voltage between each gain step.This gap represents the hysteresis about each trip point in the internal comparator.The hysteresis ensures that the gain control is monotonic and does not oscillate from one gain step to another.If a potentiometer is used to adjust the voltage on the control terminals,the gain increases as the potentiometer is turned in one direction and decreases as it is turned back the other direction.The trip point,where the gainSEDIFF (V)VOLUME (V)1213142.702.61 2.732.81B T L G a i n - d BVoltage on VOLUME Pin - Vactually changes,is different depending on whether the voltage is increased or decreased as a result of the hysteresis about each trip point.The gaps in Table 1and Table 2can also be thought of as indeterminate states where the gain could be in the next higher gain step or the lower gain step depending on the direction the voltage is changing.If using a DAC to control the volume,set the voltage in the middle of each range to ensure that the desired gain is achieved.A pictorial representation of the volume control can be found in Figure 28.The graph focuses on three gain steps with the trip points defined in Table 1for BTL gain.The dotted line represents the hysteresis about each gain step.Figure 27.Block Diagram of SE Volume ControlFigure 28.DC Volume Control Operation。

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IMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments (TI) reserves the right to make changes to its products or to discontinue any semiconductor product or service without notice, and advises its customers to obtain the latest version of relevant information to verify, before placing orders, that the information being relied on is current.TI warrants performance of its semiconductor products and related software to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI’s standard warranty. Testing and other quality control techniques are utilized to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Specific testing of all parameters of each device is not necessarily performed, except those mandated by government requirements.Certain applications using semiconductor products may involve potential risks of death, personal injury, or severe property or environmental damage (“Critical Applications”).TI SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS ARE NOT DESIGNED, INTENDED, AUTHORIZED, OR WARRANTED TO BE SUITABLE FOR USE IN LIFE-SUPPORT APPLICATIONS, DEVICES OR SYSTEMS OR OTHER CRITICAL APPLICATIONS.Inclusion of TI products in such applications is understood to be fully at the risk of the customer. Use of TI products in such applications requires the written approval of an appropriate TI officer. Questions concerning potential risk applications should be directed to TI through a local SC sales office.In order to minimize risks associated with the customer’s applications, adequate design and operating safeguards should be provided by the customer to minimize inherent or procedural hazards.TI assumes no liability for applications assistance, customer product design, software performance, or infringement of patents or services described herein. Nor does TI warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right of TI covering or relating to any combination, machine, or process in which such semiconductor products or services might be or are used.Copyright 1996, Texas Instruments IncorporatedContents (Continued)Section Title Page3.5Electrical Characteristics Over Recommended Range of OperatingFree-Air Temperature, V DD = 5 V, ADC and DAC Channels3–2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.5.1ADC Channel Filter Transfer Function,FCLK = 144 kHz, f s = 8 kHz3–2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.5.2ADC Channel Input, V DD = 5 V,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Input Amplifier Gain = 0 dB3–33.5.3ADC Channel Signal-to-Distortion Ratio,V DD = 5 V, f s = 8 kHz3–3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.5.4DAC Channel Filter Transfer Function,FCLK = 144 kHz, f s = 9.6 kHz, V DD = 5 V3–3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.5.5DAC Channel Signal-to-Distortion Ratio,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .V DD = 5 V, f s = 8 kHz3–43.5.6System Distortion, V DD = 5 V, f s = 8 kHz,FCLK = 144 kHz3–4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.5.7Noise, Low-Pass and Band-Pass Switched-Capacitor Filters Included, V DD= 5 V3–5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.5.8Absolute Gain Error, V DD = 5 V, f s = 8 kHz 3–5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .3.5.9Relative Gain and Dynamic Range, V DD = 5 V, f s = 8 kHz3–53.5.10Power-Supply Rejection, V DD = 5 V3–6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.5.11Crosstalk Attenuation, V DD = 5 V3–6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.5.12Monitor Output Characteristics, V DD= 5 V3–73.6Timing Requirements and Specifications in Master Mode3–8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.6.1Recommended Input Timing Requirements forMaster Mode, V DD = 5 V3–8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.6.2Operating Characteristics Over Recommended Range ofOperating Free-Air Temperature, V DD = 5 V3–8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.7Timing Requirements and Specifications in Slave Mode andCodec Emulation Mode3–9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.7.1Recommended Input Timing Requirements forSlave Mode, V DD = 5 V3–9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.7.2Operating Characteristics Over Recommended Range of OperatingFree-Air Temperature, V DD = 5 V3–9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4Parameter Measurement Information4–15Typical Characteristics5–1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6Application Information6–1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix A Primary Control Bits A–1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix B Secondary Communications B–1. . . . . . . Appendix C TLC320AC01C/TLC320AC02C Specification Comparisons C–1 Appendix D Multiple TLC320AC01/TLC320AC02 Analog Interface Circuits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .on One TMS320C5X DSP Serial Port D–1 Appendix E Mechanical Data E–1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .v1–11IntroductionThe TLC320AC01† analog interface circuit (AIC) is an audio-band processor that provides an analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog input/output interface system on a single monolithic CMOS chip. This device integrates a band-pass switched-capacitor antialiasing input filter, a 14-bit-resolution analog-to-digital converter (ADC), a 14-bit-resolution digital-to-analog converter (DAC), a low-pass switched-capacitor output-reconstruction filter, (sin x)/x compensation, and a serial port for data and control transfers.The internal circuit configuration and performance parameters are determined by reading control information into the eight available data registers. The register data sets up the device for a given mode of operation and application.The major functions of the TLC320AC01 are:1.To convert audio-signal data to digital format by the ADC channel2.To provide the interface and control logic to transfer data between its serial input and output terminals and a digital signal processor (DSP) or microprocessor3.To convert received digital data back to an audio signal through the DAC channelThe antialiasing input low-pass filter is a switched-capacitor filter with a sixth-order elliptic characteristic. The high-pass filter is a single-pole filter to preserve low-frequency response as the low-pass filter cutoff is adjusted. There is a three-pole continuous-time filter that precedes this filter to eliminate any aliasing caused by the filter clock signal.The output-reconstruction switched-capacitor filter is a sixth-order elliptic transitional low-pass filter followed by a second-order (sin x)/x correction filter. This filter is followed by a three-pole continuous-time filter to eliminate images of the filter clock signal.The TLC320AC01 consists of two signal-processing channels, an ADC channel and a DAC channel, and the associated digital control. The two channels operate synchronously; data reception at the DAC channel and data transmission from the ADC channel occur during the same time interval. The data transfer is in 2s-complement format.There are three basic modes of operation available: the stand-alone analog-interface mode, the master-slave mode, and the linear-codec mode. In the stand-alone mode, the TLC320AC01 generates the shift clock and frame synchronization for the data transfers and is the only AIC used. The master-slave mode has one TLC320AC01 as the master that generates the master-shift clock and frame synchronization; the remaining AICs are slaves to these signals. In the linear-codec mode, the shift clock and the frame-synchronization signals are externally generated and the timing can be any of the standard codec-timing patterns.Typical applications for this device include modems, speech processing, analog interface for DSPs,industrial-process control, acoustical-signal processing, spectral analysis, data acquisition, and instrumentation recorders.The TLC320AC01C is characterized for operation from 0°C to 70°C.†The TLC320AC01 is functionally equivalent to the TLC320AC02 and differs in the electrical specifications as shown in Appendix C.1.1Features•General-Purpose Signal-Processing Analog Front End (AFE)•Single 5-V Power Supply•Power Dissipation...100 mW Typ•Signal-to-Distortion Ratio...70 dB Typ•Programmable Filter Bandwidths (Up to 10.8 kHz) and Synchronous ADC and DAC Sampling •Serial-Port Interface•Monitor Output With Programmable Gains of 0 dB, –8 dB, –18 dB, and Squelch•Two Sets of Differential Inputs With Programmable Gains of 0 dB, 6 dB, 12 dB, and Squelch •Differential or Single-Ended Analog Output With Programmable Gains of 0 dB, –6 dB, –12 dB, and Squelch•Differential Outputs Drive 3-V Peak Into a 600-Ω Differential Load•Differential Architecture Throughout•1-µm Advanced LinEPIC Process•14-Bit Dynamic-Range ADC and DAC•2s-Complement Data Format•Application Report Available††Designing with the TLC320AC01 Analog Interface for DSPs (SLAA006)LinEPIC is a trademark of Texas Instruments Incorporated.1–22–72.8.2Notes on TLC320AC01/02 AIC Master-Slave OperationMaster/slave operational detail is summarized in the following notes:1.The slave devices can be programmed independently of the master as long as the clock divideregister numbers are not changed. The gain settings, for example, can be changed independently.2.The method that is used to program a slave independently is to request a secondarycommunication of the master and all slaves and ripple the delayed frame sync to the desired slave device to be programmed.3.Secondary frame syncs must be requested for all devices in the system or none. This is requiredso that the master generates secondary frames for the slaves and allows the slaves to know that the second frame syncs they receive are secondary frame syncs. Each device in the system must receive a secondary frame request in its corresponding primary frame sync period (11 in the last 2 LSBs).4.Calculation of the sampling frequency in terms of the master clock and the shift clock and therespective register ratios is (see equations 4–6):Sampling frequency +f s +FCLKB register value+f(MCLK)2(A register value) (B register value)(4)Therefore,f(MCLK)f s +2 (A register value) (B register value)(5)and in terms of the shift clock frequency, since(6)f(SCLK)f s +(A register value) (B register value)2+Number of SCLK periodsSampling period f(MCLK)+4 f(SCLK)then5.The minimum number of shift clocks between falling edges of any two frame syncs is 18 becausethe frame sync delay register minimum number is 18.When a secondary communication is requested by the host, the master secondary frame sync begins at the middle of the sampling period (followed by the slave secondary frame syncs), so all primary frame sync intervals (master and slave) must occur within one-half the sampling time.The first secondary frame-sync falling edge, therefore, occurs at the following time (see equation 7):Time to first secondary frame sync+B register value2(FCLK periods)+(7)A register valueB register value(number of MCLK periods)+A register valueB register value4(number of SCLK periods)6.Number of frame sync intervals using equation 8.All master and slave primary frame sync intervals must occur within the time of equation 7.Since 18 shift clocks are required for each frame sync interval, then the number of frame sync intervals from equation 8 is:Number of frame sync intervals+A register value B register value418(SCLKsńframe sync interval)(8)+A register value B register value727.Number of devices, master and slave, in terms of f(MCLK) and f s.Substituting the value from equation 5 for the A ×B register value product gives the total number of devices, including the master and all slaves that can be used, for a given master clock and sampling frequency. Therefore, using equation 9:Number of devices+f(MCLK)144f s(9)8.Number of devices, master and slave, if slave devices are reprogrammed.Equation 9 does not include reprogramming the slave devices after the frame sync delay occurs.So if programming is required after shifting the slave frame syncs by the FSD register, then the total number of devices is given by equation 10 is:Number of devices+f(MCLK)288f s(10)9.Example of the maximum number of devices if the slave devices are reprogrammed assumingthe following values:f(MCLK)+10.368MHz,f s+8kHzthen from equation 10,Maximum number of devices+10.368MHz288(8kHz)+4.5therefore, one master and three slaves can be used.2–8The amount of time shift in the entire sampling period (1/f s) is as follows:When the sampling period is set to 125 µs (8 kHz), the A′ register is loaded with decimal 10 and the TLC320AC01 master clock frequency is 10.386 MHz. The amount of time each sampling period is increased or decreased, when requested, is given in equation 17:Time shift = (A′ register value) × (MCLK period)(17) The device changes the entire sampling period by only the MCLK period times the A′ register value as given in equation 18:Change in sampling period= contents of A′ register× master clock period= 10 × 96.45 ns = 964 ns (less than 1% of the sampling period)(18) The sampling period changes by 964.5 ns each time the phase adjustment is requested by the primary data word (i.e., once per sampling period).It is evident then that the change in sampling period is very small compared to the sampling period. To observe this effect over a long period of time (> sampling period), this change must be continuously requested by the primary data word. If the adjustment is not requested again, the sampling period changes only once and it may appear that there was no execution of the command. This is especially true when bench testing the device. Automatic test equipment can test for results within a single sampling period. Internally, the A′ register value only affects one cycle (period) of the A counter. The A and A′ values are additive, but only for one A-counter period. The A counter begins the first count at the default or programmed A-register value and counts down to the A′-register value. As the A′ value increases or decreases, the first clock cycle from the A counter is lengthened or shortened. The initial A-counter period is the only counter period affected by the A′ register such that only this single period is increased or decreased.2.15.2Analog LoopbackThis function allows the circuit to be tested remotely. In loopback, OUT+ and OUT– are internally connected to IN+ and IN–. The DAC data bits D15 to D02 that are applied to DIN can be compared with the ADC output data bits D15 to D02 at DOUT. There are some differences due to the ADC and DAC channel offset. The loopback function is implemented by setting DS01 and DS00 to zero in control register 5 (see Section 2.19). When analog loopback is enabled, the external inputs to IN+ and IN– are disconnected, but the signals at OUT+ and OUT– may still be read.2.15.316-Bit ModeIn the 16-bit mode, the device ignores the last two control bits (D01 and D00) of the primary word and requests continual secondary communications to occur. By ignoring the last two primary communication bits, compatibility with existing 16-bit software can be maintained. This function is implemented by setting bit DS03 to 1 in register 6. To return to normal operation, DS03 must be reprogrammed to ModeWith the free-run bit set in register 6, the external shift clock and frame sync control only the data transfer. The ADC and DAC timing are controlled by the A and B register values, and the phase-shift adjustment must be done as if the device is in stand-alone mode (by the software or the state of FC1 and FC0).Phase adjustment cannot be made by adjustment of the frame-sync timing. The external frame sync must occur within 1/2 FCLK period of the internal frame sync (FCLK as determined by the values of the A and B registers).When the external frame sync occurs simultaneously with the internal load, the data-transfer request by the external frame sync takes precedence over an internal load command. The latching of the ADC conversion data in the output register is inhibited until the current 16 bits are shifted out of the register by the shift clock.2.15.5Force Secondary CommunicationWith bit 2 in register 6 set to 1, secondary communication is requested continuously. It overrides all software and hardware requests concerning secondary communication. Phase shifting, however, can still be performed with the software and hardware.2–142–172.17Request for Secondary Serial Communication and Phase ShiftThe following paragraphs describe a request for secondary serial communication and phase shift using hardware control inputs FC1 and FC0, primary data bits D01 and D00, and secondary data bits DS15 and DS14.2.17.1Initiating a RequestCombinations of FC1 and FC0 input conditions, bits D01 and D00 in the primary serial data word, FC1 and FC0, and bits DS15 and DS14 in the secondary serial data word can initiate a secondary serial communication or request a phase shift according to the following rules (see Table 2–3).1.Primary word phase shifts can be requested by either the hardware or software when the otherset of signals are 11 or 00. If both hardware and software request phase shifts, the software request is performed.2.Secondary words can be requested by either the software or hardware at the same time that theother set of signals is requesting a phase shift.3.Hardware inputs FC1 and FC0 are ignored during the secondary word unless DS15 and DS14are 11. When DS15 and DS14 are 01 or 10, the corresponding phase shift is performed. When DS15 and DS14 are 00, no phase shift is performed even when the hardware requests a phase shift.2.17.2Normal Combinations of ControlThe normal combinations of control are as follows:e D01 and D00 and DS15 and DS14 to request phase shifts and secondary words by holdingFC1 and FC0 to 00.e FC1 and FC0 exclusively to request phase shifts and secondary words by holding D01 andD00 to 00 and DS15 and DS14 to 11.e D01 and D00 only to request secondary words and FC1 and FC0 to perform phase shiftsonce per period by holding DS15 and DS14 to Control OptionsAdditional control options are unusual and are rarely needed or used; however, they are as follows:e D01 and D00 only to request secondary words and FC1 and FC0 to perform phase shiftstwice per period by holding DS15 and DS14 to 11.e FC1 and FC0 exclusively to request secondary words and D01 and D00 and DS15 and DS14to perform phase shifts twice per period.e FC1 and FC0 to perform the phase shift after the primary word and DS15 and DS14 toperform a phase shift after the secondary word by holding D01 and D00 to 11.3–10。
