Lesson1 A puma at largePumas are large, cat-like animals which are found in America. When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London, they were not taken seriously. However, as the evidence began to accumulate,experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate, for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar.The hunt for the puma began in a small village where a woman picking blackberries saw 'a large cat' only five yards away from her. It immediately ran away when she saw it, and experts confirmed that a puma will not attack a human being unless it is cornered. The search proved difficult, for the puma was often observed at one place in the morning and at another place twenty miles away in the evening. Wherever it went, it left behind it a trail of dead deer and small animals like rabbits. Paw prints were seen in a number of places and puma fur was found clinging to bushes. Several people complained of 'cat-like noises' at night and a businessman on a fishing trip saw the puma up a tree. The experts were now fully convinced that the animal was a puma, but where had it come from ? As no pumas had been reported missing from any zoo in the country, this one must have been in the possession of a private collector and somehow managed to escape. The hunt went on for several weeks, but the puma was not caught. It is disturbing to think that a dangerous wild animal is still at large in the quiet countryside.美洲狮是一种体形似猫的大动物,产于美洲。
26No one can avoid being influenced by advertisements. nəʊ wʌn kæn əˈvɔɪd ˈbiːɪŋˈɪnflʊənst baɪədˈvɜːtɪs mənts.没有人能避免受广告的影响。
Much as we may pride ourselves on our good taste, we are no longer free to choose the things we want, mʌʧ æz wiː meɪ praɪd ˌaʊəˈselvz ɒn ˈaʊəɡʊd teɪst, wiːɑːnəʊˈlɒŋɡəfriːtuːʧuːzðəθɪŋz wiːwɒnt,尽管我们可以自夸自己的鉴赏力如何敏锐,但我们已经无法独立自主地选购自己所需的东西了。
for advertising exerts a subtle influence on us. fɔːrˈædvətaɪzɪŋɪɡˈzɜːtsəˈsʌtl ˈɪnflʊəns ɒn ʌs.这是因为广告在我们身上施加着一种潜移默化的影响。
In their efforts to persuade us to buy this or that product, ɪn ðeər ˈefəts tuː pəˈsweɪd ʌs tuː baɪ ðɪs ɔː ðæt ˈpr ɒdʌkt,做广告的人在力图劝说我们买下这种产品或那种产品之前,做广告的人在力图劝说我们买下这种产品或那种产品之前,advertisers have made a close study of human nature and have classified all our little weaknesses. ˈædvətaɪzəz hæv meɪd ə kləʊs ˈstʌdi ɒv ˈhjuːmən ˈneɪʧər ænd hæv ˈklæsɪfaɪd ɔːlˈaʊəˈlɪtl ˈwiːknɪsɪz.已经仔细地研究了人的本性,并把人的弱点进行了分类。
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__: He telephoned the office yesterday morning and yesterday afternoon. My boss answered the telephone.波淋:他昨天上午和下午把电话打到了我的办公室,是我的老板接的。
新概念英语第三册mp3附带lrc(英音版)打包下载篇一:新概念英语学习汇总新概念英语学习汇总《新概念英语》(New Concept English)是闻名世界的英语教程。
本文搜罗了新概念英语的超多汇总,包括文本、音频下载等等,供大家学习![大家网首发]外研社全四册新概念英语练习详解电子书下载(新版的详解)1985NCE全四册竹影无风英音版(附旧版课本)新概念英语85年上外美音版第1-4册 (单复数课都有)1997NCE(1-4册)英音CD转录版新概念英语1到3册词汇随身听(MP3+LRC)[1]新概念四册所需知识背景如下:NCE1从零开始,无需任何基础知识。
NCE21.对动词be和have的现在时和过去时会基本的应用;2.能识别和构造现在进行时;3.能识别和构成第三人称单数的一般现在时;4.能识别和构成常规的和少数非常规动词的一般过去时;5.能识别过去进行时;6.能识别简单的现在完成时和过去完成时;7.能识别和用going to,shall和will构造将来时;8.会基本应用情态动词can,may和must,能识别情态动词could,might,would。
9.能用情态动词(包括do/does,did)构造疑问句和否定句;10.能用情态动词和疑问词开头回答疑问句;11.能用-ly,-ily构造副词,以及一些例外(如well,hard,fast);12.定冠词和不定冠词,掌握a/an,the的基本应用,以及some,any,no,much,many,a lot of与可数及不可数名词的搭配;13.能用-s,-es,-ves构造名词,一些例外:men,women,children,teeth等;14.代词的基本应用:人称代词,物主代词,反身代词;15.形容词的基本应用:规则比较级,不规则比较级: good,bad,much/many,little;16.基本介词的应用:表示地点,时间,方向;17.关系代词:识别和应用who/whom,which,that;18.句型:This/that;these/those;There is/it is;there are/they are;19.缩写:it's,I'm,isn't,didn't等;20.描述日期,星期,季节,数量,昨天,今天,明天,时间。
新概念英语第三册(共60课)Lesson1 A puma at largePumas are large, cat-like animals which are found in America. When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London, they were not taken seriously. However, as the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate, for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar.The hunt for the puma began in a small village where a woman picking blackberries saw 'a large cat' only five yards away from her. It immediately ran away when she saw it, and experts confirmed that a puma will not attack a human being unless it is cornered(adj.被困得走投无路的). The search proved difficult, for the puma was often observed at one place in the morning and at another place twenty miles away in the evening. Wherever it went, it left behind it a trail of dead deer and small animals like rabbits. Paw prints were seen in a number of places and puma fur was found clinging to bushes. Several people complained of 'cat-like noises' at night and a businessman on a fishing trip saw the puma up a tree. The experts were now fully convinced that the animal was a puma, but where had it come from ? As no pumas had been reported missing from any zoo in the country, this one must have been in the possession of a private collector and somehow managed to escape. The hunt went on for several weeks, but the puma was not caught. It is disturbing to think that a dangerous wild animal is still at large in the quiet countryside.美洲狮是一种体形似猫的大动物,产于美洲。
12.定冠词和不定冠词,掌握a/an,the的基本应用,以及some,any,no,much,many,a lot of与可数及不可数名词的搭配;
新概念英语第三册1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 puma spot evidence accumulate oblige hunt blackberry human corner trail print cling convince somehow disturb vicar raise torchlight archaeologist Aegean explore promontory prosperous n. 美洲狮 n. 污点,地点,斑点; a. 当场的,现实买卖的; v. 污点,认出,用灯光照射 n. 根据,证据; vt. vi. 证实,证明 v. 积聚,堆积 v. 强制,赐,施恩惠 n. 狩猎,追捕,搜寻; v. 狩猎,打猎,搜索 n. 黑莓 a. 人的,人类的; n. 人 n. 角落,转角,窘境; v. 将…逼入困境,使...陷 入绝境,垄断; [计算机] 角点 n. 踪迹,小径,尾; v. 拖,尾随,追踪 n. 版,印刷物,印迹; v. 印刷,出版,打印 v. 粘紧,附~,紧贴 v. 说服,使...相信 ad. 不知怎么地,设法 v. 扰乱,妨碍,使...不安 n. 教区牧师,教堂牧师,传教牧师 n. 上升,高地,增高; v. 升起,举起,饲养 n. 电筒光 n. 考古学家 a. 爱琴海的 v. 探险,探测,探究; [计算机] 探讨 n. 海角,岬 a. 繁荣的,兴旺的24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46civilization storey drainage worship sacred fragment remains classical reconstruct rest hip full-length graceful identity collar sacrifice privilege dustman corporation overalls shower secret statusn. 文明,文化 n. 楼层 v. 排水; n. 排水系统,污水 n. 崇拜,礼拜; v. 崇拜,敬仰; vi. 做礼拜; vt. 崇拜 a. 神圣的 n. 碎片,破片,断片; [计算机] 碎片 n. 剩余物; 残余 a. 古典的 v. 重建,改造,复兴 a. 其余的; v.&n. 休息; vi. 搁(在),休息; vt. 使休息 n. 臀部,屋脊,忧郁; a. 非常时尚的 a. 全长的, 全身的, 标淮长度的, 未经删节 的, 大型的 a. 优雅的 n. 身份 n. 衣领; v. (非正式)抓住 n. 牺牲,供俸,祭品; v. 牺牲,祭祀,贱卖 n. 特权,特别恩典,基本人权; v. 给与...特权 n. 清洁工 n. 公司 n.工作服 n. 阵雨,淋浴; v. 淋浴,淋湿,下骤雨 a. 秘密的,机密的; ad. 秘密地; n. 秘密 n. 地位,身份,情形,状况47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70extreme statistics journalist president palace publish fax impatient fire originally arcade piccadilly jewellery necklace ring background velvet headlight blare staff raid scramble fantastic ashtraya. 极度的,极端的,尽头的,末端的; n. 极端 n. 统计,统计数字,统计学 n. 记者,新闻工作者 n. (国家)总统,(公司)总裁,总经理,社长(日本) n. 宫殿 v. 出版; vt. 出版,发行 n. 传真; v. 传真 a. 不耐烦的,急躁的 n. 火,火灾,射击; v. 点燃,解职,开枪 ad. 本来,原来,最初; 重要的 n. 拱廊,有拱廊的街道 n. 皮卡迪利大街 n. 珠宝; 首饰 n. 项链 n. 环,戒指,铃声; v. 响,鸣,回响 n. 背景 n. 天鹅绒; a. 天鹅绒的 n. 前灯,桅灯 n. 巨响,吼叫声,颜色的鲜艳; v. 高声鸣叫,大 叫 n. 全体人员,同事; n. 杆,棒; vt. 配备员工 n. 突然袭击,搜捕; v. 劫掠,攫取,突击搜捕,袭 击; vt. / n. 攀缘,争取; v. 攀缘,搅炒,混杂一起 a. 极好的,难以相信的,奇异的,幻想的 n. 烟灰缸71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95chew fiance microwave oven safekeeping Newcastle identify spokeswoman St.Bernard pass watchdog rashly enclosure monk privacy skier Easter affectionate mysterious submissive feline independence high-rise windowsill paratrooperv. 咀嚼,嚼碎,细想 n. 未婚夫 n. 微波 n. 烤炉,烤箱 n. 妥善保管 n. 纽卡斯尔(英国港市) v. 识别,认明,鉴定 n. 女发言人 圣伯纳德 n. 途径,通行,及格; v. 经过,消逝,传递 n. 看门狗,忠实的看守人 a.莽撞地,冒失地 n. 附件,围墙,围绕 n. 僧侣,修道士 n. 隐私,隐居,秘密 n. 滑雪者 n. 复活节 a. 情深的,充满情爱的 a. 神秘的 a. 服从的,顺从的,柔顺的 a. 猫科的; n. 猫,猫科动物 n. 独立,自主,自立 a. (建筑物)超高层的, 高楼的; n. 高楼, 大厦 n. 窗槛(窗盘) n. 伞兵96 97 98 99squirrel air-resistance impact colossal 100 101 watertight compartmentn. 松鼠 n.空气阻力 n. 冲击,冲突,影响; v. 挤入,撞击,对...发生 影响 a. 巨大的 a. 不漏水的(无懈可击的) n. 间隔,个别室,小事 n. 洪水,水灾; v. 淹没,溢出; vi. 大量涌到, 泛滥; vt. 灌溉,淹没 n. 漂流物,浮舟,浮萍; v. 浮动,飘,散播 a. 悲剧的,悲惨的 n. 班机,班轮 n. 航行,旅程 n. 冰山 n. 注意,前途,了望台 n. 碰撞,冲突 ad. 狭窄地(勉强地,严密地) n. 小姐; vt. 想念; vt. 漏掉,错过 n. 轻蔑; a. 轻微的,纤细的,脆弱的; v. 轻视, 忽略 n. 战悚,颤抖; v. 战悚,忧虑,微动 n. 昏厥,昏倒; a. 微弱的,无力的,模糊的; v. 昏倒 a. (电影等)意在引起恐怖的; n. 恐怖,战栗 v. 放弃,遗弃,沉溺 n. 钻进,跳进,跳水; v. 投入,跳进,使...陷入 n. 救生船102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118flood float tragic liner voyage iceberg lookout collision narrowly miss slight tremble faint horror abandon plunge lifeboat119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142tolerant declare hardened professional smuggler officious confidently dreadful pounce perfume sarcastically exempt duty gel mixture unscrew nostril chalk baggage unrealistic paradise wretched starve elementa. 宽容的,容忍的 v. 宣布,声明,申报 a. 有经验的 a. 职业的,专业的; n. 专业人员 n. 走私者 a. 多管闲事的,非官方的 ad.自信地 a. 可怕的 n. 印花粉; vt 用印花粉印出(猛扑) n. 香水,香气; v. 洒香水于,薰香 ad. 讽刺地(嘲笑地,挖苦地) n. 免税者,被免除义务者; a. 免除的; v. 使免 除 n. 责任,职责 n. 凝胶 n. 混合,混合物 v. 拧开 n. 鼻孔 n. 粉笔; v. 用粉笔写,记录 n. 行李 a. 不切实际的,不实在的 n. 天堂 a. 可怜的,不幸的,卑鄙的 v. 使饿死,饿得要死 n. 成分,要素,元素143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166opportunity coral virgin Miami dinghy Caribbean spear lobster tanker genuinely Robinson Crusoe consist sheet effective comfortable storeroom electricity ammeter pace flee slam Chicago protection promptlyn. 机会,时机 a. 珊瑚(色)的; n. 珊瑚 n. 处女; a. 纯洁的, 原始的; 维尔京群岛 n. 迈阿密 n. 小船 n. 加勒比海; a. 加勒比海的,加勒比族的 n. 矛(正负电子对撞机); vt 用矛刺 n. 龙虾 n. 油轮 真抱歉. 鲁滨孙·克鲁索(《鲁滨孙漂流记》主人公) v. 组成,存在,一致 n. 床单,张,片; v. 盖上被单,遍布 a. 有效的,有影响的 a. 舒适的 n. 储藏室 n. 电 n. 电表 n. 速度,步调,步法; v. 踱步,缓慢的走,引导 v. 逃避,逃跑,逃走 n. 砰然声,猛然; v. 猛然关上,砰地关上 n. 芝加哥 n. 保护 ad. 敏捷地,迅速地167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190destroy remarkable band Florence city-state hire prince Florentine funeral dedicate memory valiant pocket rattle thrifty nephew bounce pavement stick brigade grease tie theft accusev. 破坏,毁坏; [计算机] 撤消 a. 显著的,异常的,非凡的,值得注意的 n. 带子,队,乐队; v. 联合,结合 n. 女子名,意大利都市名 n. (古代)城邦 n. 租金,租用,雇用; v. 雇请,出租 n. 王子,亲王 n. 佛罗伦萨人 a. 葬礼(的); n. 葬礼 v. 献出 n. 记忆 a. 勇敢的 n. 口袋,钱,袋; v. 装...在口袋里,隐藏,私吞 v. 使...嘎嘎响,喋喋不休地说,急促地谈; vt 使...慌乱, 激动 a. 节俭的,节约的 n. 侄子,外甥 n. 跳,反跃,弹力; v. 弹跳,使...跳 n. 人行道 n. 枝,杆,手杖; v. 插于,刺入,竖起; v. 钉住, 粘贴,坚持 n. 旅,队,组 n. 兽脂,油脂; v. 涂脂,贿赂 n. 结,束缚,不分胜负,领带, 领结,鞋带; v. 系,打结,约束 n. 偷窃 v. 责备,控告191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199deny ashamed apologize dye agreeable situation locate immortal Brooklyn 200 201 span cablev. 否认 a. 惭愧,害臊 v. 道歉; vi. 道歉,谢罪; vt. 道歉,谢罪,辩白 n. 染料,染色; v. 染,染色 a. 愉快的,和蔼可亲的 n. 位置,形势,局面,处境,状况,职位 v. 找出,设于,位于 a. 不朽的; n. 不朽的人物 n. 纽约市西南部的一区 n. 跨度,跨距,范围; v. 持续,贯穿,跨越 n. 电缆,海底电报; v. 打海底电报 n. 水泥,混凝土; a. 具体的,实在的,水泥的; v. 凝结,结合 v. 推迟,悬(浮),挂,暂停,取消; vi. 吊,悬浮; vt. 悬,挂,吊,暂停,中止 n. 长度 n. 估计,估价; v. 估计,估价,评价 n. 能力,容量,容积 n. 无限(巨大,无限的空间,巨大之物) a. 优雅的,精美的,俊美的 ad.微弱地,轻微地 n. 雕塑; v. 雕刻,雕塑 a. 犯错的,错误的; vbl. 误认,弄错 n. 美术馆,画廊 n. 展览品,陈列品,展览; v. 展现,陈列,展览; [计算机] 呈现 ad. 奇妙地,奇怪地,单数地202concrete203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214suspend length estimate capacity immensity elegant faintly sculpture mistaken gallery exhibit oddly215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237attach sphere magnetize repel flicker emit flash prehistoric electronic peculiar shock emotionally kidnapper considerable wealthy orderly disappearance anonymous ransom cardboard withdraw punctually astoundv. 附上,系上,贴上,使依恋 a. 球体的; n. 范围,领域,球,球体 v. 使带磁力,磁化,附磁 v. 逐退,使...厌恶,反驳 n. 闪烁,闪光,颤动; v. 闪动,闪烁,摇动 v. 发出,放射,吐露; [计算机] 发射 n. 闪光,闪现,一瞬间; v. 闪光,闪现,闪烁; [计 算机]Adobe 公司的动画技术 a. 史前的 a. 电子的; n. [-s]电子学,电子设备 a. 奇怪的,古怪的,特殊的,独特的 n. 震动,冲突,震惊; v. 震动,冲突,使...受电 击 ad. 感情上 绑架的歹徒索要 100 万英镑赎金才放他. a. 相当的,可观的,重要的 a. 富有的; n. 富人 a. 有秩序的,整齐的; ad. 依次地,顺序地; n. 勤务兵 n. 消失 a. 匿名的,无名的 n. 赎金,赎身,赎回 n. 厚纸板 v. 撤回,取回,撤退 ad. 准时地 v. 惊骇,使...大吃一惊238lord int.主,天啊;n.上帝,主239Calais n.加来240overland a.陆路的,经过陆地的,陆上的;ad.经陆路241boxer n.拳击手242bare a.赤裸的,极少的;v.使赤裸,露出243prizefighter n.职业拳击手(尤指古时赤手拳击手)244crude a.粗鲁的,简陋的,天然的,未加工的;n.原油245marquis n.侯爵246technically ad.技术上,学术上,专门地247science n.科学248popularity n.普及,流行249adore v.崇拜,爱慕,喜爱250alike a.相似的,同样的;ad.一样,以同样的方式251fame n.名声,名望252eminent a.著名的,卓越的253bitterly ad.怨恨地,悲痛地,残酷地254bet n.打赌,赌注;v.打赌;vbl.打赌255academy n.学院,学术,学会256extravagant a.奢侈的,浪费的257poverty n.贫穷,贫困258lines n.(剧本中的)台词259part n.部份,零件,角色;v.分开,分离,分配;ad.部份地,有几分260falter v.支吾地说,迟疑,蹒跚地走;My mother'staste never falters.我妈是个相当有品味的人.261cast n.演员阵容,投掷;v.投,掷,抛262role n.角色263aristocrat n.贵族264imprison v.使...下狱,关闭,拘禁265bastille n.巴士底狱266gaoler n.监狱长,看守267colleague n.同事268curtain n.窗帘269reveal v.显示,透露270cell n.细胞,电池,单人牢房,蜂房271blank a.空白的;n.空白(处);vi.消失;vt.使模糊不清272squint n.斜视眼,斜著; a.斜视的;v.使变斜视眼,斜视273dim adj.暗淡的,模糊的;vt.使暗淡,使失去光泽;n.<美俚>笨蛋、傻子274sire n.(古用法)陛下;vt.产生,创作275proceed v.著手进行,继续进行276illogical a.不合逻辑的,不合理的277octopus n.章鱼278delicacy n.精密(优美,敏感,微妙)279repulsive a.逐退的,辞退的,冷淡的,恶心的280stomach n.胃;v.忍受,容忍;vt.承受,忍受281turnn.转弯;v.旋转;n.行为,举止,(依次轮流的)顺序282fry n.(美)法式炸薯条;v.油煎,油炸283fat a.肥胖的;n.脂肪284abuse n.滥用,恶习;v.滥用,辱骂,虐待285snail n.蜗牛286luxury n.奢侈,豪华287associate n.同伴,伙伴;v.联合,联想; a.副的288despise v.轻视289appeal n.恳求,上诉,吸引力;v.求助,诉请,呼吁290shower n.阵雨,淋浴;v.淋浴,淋湿,下骤雨291stroll n.闲逛,漫步;v.闲逛,漫步292impulse n.冲动;v.推动293dozen n.(一)打,十二个294fancy n.想像力,幻想,喜好;a.想像的,精美的,新奇的295seemingly ad.表面上(看上去)296respectable n.品格高尚的人; a.值得尊重的,人格高尚的,不少的297conceal v.隐藏298vivid a.生动的,栩栩如生的,鲜艳的299dramatic a.戏剧性的,引人注目的,给人深刻印象的;n.(pl.)戏剧作品,戏曲300ruin n.(pl.)废墟,毁灭;v.毁坏,破坏;vi.(使)破产,毁灭;vt.毁坏,毁灭301heroine a.英雄式的,英勇的;n.女英雄,女主角302fiction n.小说,虚构303varying a.不同的304medicine n.药,医学305guestroom n.(家庭中的)来客住房306unpack v.卸下307stack n.堆叠,堆;v.堆积,做牌,选派308underclothes n.内衣309drawer n.抽屉310petrify vt.硬化(使...石质化,使...发呆)311dangle v.摇晃地悬挂着312sway n.摇,影响力,支配;v.使摇动,支配313unsympathetic a.冷漠无情的,不表同情的314medical a.医疗的,医学的315steamship n.汽船,轮船316vessel n.船,容器,脉管317era n.纪元,时代,年代318Java n.爪哇岛(印尼)319rudder n.舵,方向舵320roll n.卷,滚动,名单;v.滚,使...转动,摇摆321steer v.引导,驾驶,航行322temporary a.暂时的,临时的;n.临时工323plank n.厚木板,支架;v.铺板,立刻付款324fit a.适宜的,对的,准备好的;v.适合,安装;n.适宜,发作,一阵325equator n.赤道326delay n.耽搁,迟滞;v.耽搁,延迟327pride n.自傲,自豪,自尊;v.以...自豪328taste n.味道,品味,味觉;v.尝,体会329exert v.发挥,运用,施以影响330subtle a.微妙的,敏感的,精细的,狡猾的331advertiser n.广告者,广告客户332classify v.分类,归类,分等333magic a.有魔力的;n.魔法,魔术334sample n.样品,标本;v.抽取样品335devise v.设计336capture n.抓取,战利品,捕获之物;v.抓取,获得,迷住337manufacturer n.制造商338wheelbarrow n.独轮手推车339boot n.靴子,[英]汽车行李箱;vt.踢340ingredient n.成分,因素341crane n.鹤,起重机;v.引颈,伸长(脖子);vt.伸长(脖子等)342anticipate v.预期,期待;占....之先,抢....之先;提前使用343wisdom n.智慧344priest n.教士,神父345spiritual a.精神的,心灵的;n.(尤指美国南部黑人的)圣歌346grudge n.怨恨,恶意;v.怀恨,嫉妒,吝惜347surgeon n.外科医生348passer-by过路人;(尤指)偶然路过的人349dignity n.尊严350deliberately ad.故意地351consequence ad.因而,所以;n.结果,后果352afflict v.使苦恼,折磨353ease n.安乐,安逸,悠闲;v.使...安乐,使...安心,减轻,放松354nature n.自然,自然界,自然状态;本性,天性,性质;质;性格;性;本质355contempt n.轻视,轻蔑356envious a.嫉妒的357anchor n.铁锚;v.停泊,抛锚,用锚系住358deck n.甲板;v.装饰359silverware n.银器360tempt v.诱惑,引起,冒...之险361bargain n.交易,买卖,物美价廉的东西;v.议价,交易,讨价还价362disembark v.起岸,使登陆,登陆363assail v.攻击364marble a.大理石的,冷酷的;n.大理石;vt.使有大理石的花纹365inscribe v.登记,铭记于,题献366favour n.帮助(促进,好感,证实,来信,礼物);vt促进367gesticulate v.用手势谈话,做姿势表达368outrageous a.暴虐的,极无礼的,可恶的;惊人的,肆无忌惮的,毫无节制的369thrust n.推力,刺,力推;v.插入,推挤,刺370comic n.连环图画,杂耍滑稽演员; a.滑稽的,有趣的,喜剧的371universal a.普遍的,通用的,宇宙的372comedian n.喜剧演员373distasteful a.味道差的,不愉快的,讨厌的374pester v.使烦恼,使苦恼375dread n.恐惧,可怕的人,可怕的事; a.可怕的,可怖的;v.恐惧,害怕376recovery n.恢复,复原,痊愈377plaster n.石膏,灰泥,膏药;v.涂以灰泥,敷以膏药,使...平378console v.安慰,慰藉;n.控制台,操纵台379hobble v.蹒跚,跛行;vi.跛行380compensate v.偿还,补偿,付报酬381mumble n.喃喃而语,咕哝;v.喃喃而语,咕哝382overnight n.前晚;a.通宵的,晚上的,前夜的;ad.在前一夜,整夜,昨晚一晚上383hay n.干草384corn n.(美)玉米,(英)小麦,谷物(中)包裹385moonlight a.月光(的);n.月光386conscientious a.审慎正直的,认真的,本着良心的387suspect n.嫌疑犯; a.令人怀疑的,不可信的;v.怀疑,猜想388desert n.沙漠;v.放弃,遗弃389regiment n.团,多数,管理;v.组织,编成团,统制390action n.行动,情节,表现,战斗391recluse a.隐居的;n.隐士392eccentric n.怪人; a.古怪的,反常的393disregard n.忽视;v.忽视,不顾394convention n.大会,协定,惯例;[计算机]约定395conscious a.神志清醒的,意识到的,自觉的,有意的396invariably ad.不变化地,一定不变地,常常地397routine a.常规的,例行的;n.例行公事,常规398shrewd a.精明的399eccentricity n.古怪,古怪的行为,怪癖400legendary a.传说的401snob n.势利小人402intensely ad.强烈地;极度地403bedraggled a.全身泥污的,满身湿透的,荒废的404dump n.垃圾场;v.倾卸,切断电源,倾倒405apologetic a.道歉的,认错的,赔罪的406reprimand v.&n.训诫,谴责;vt.责难407stage n.阶段,舞台,驿站;v.上演,表演,乘驿车旅行408elaboratea.精细的,详尽的,精心的;v.详细地说明,用心地作,推敲409Barents n.巴伦支(海)410sunken v.使...下沉(降,挖,打进,丧失,不重视)411cargo n.船货,货物412bullion n.金银,金银块,纯金413scourvt.擦洗(疏浚,腐蚀,搜索,飞快地跑过);n.摩擦(冲洗)414chest n.胸,胸部,衣柜415contents n.(常用复数)内有的物品416belongings n.动产(即指除土地、建筑物等之外的财产)417item n.项目,条款418cruiser n.巡洋舰419find v.发现,感觉到,认为420log book航海日志421piece n.块,片,篇;v.修补,结合422convoy n.护送,护卫,警护;v.护航,护送423torpedo n.水雷,地雷;v.用鱼雷破坏424submarine a.水底的,海底的;n.潜水艇425naval a.海军的,军舰的426ministry n.(政府的)部427unforeseen未预见到的;意料之外的428series n.连续,系列429catastrophe n.大灾难,大祸430crockery n.陶器,瓦器431suburb n.郊区432collide v.碰撞,互撞,砥触433learner n.学习者434panic n.恐慌,惊惶; a.惊慌的,没有理由的,恐慌的;v.使...惊慌435windscreen n.(汽车的)挡风玻璃436alongside ad.在旁边;prep.在...旁边437slide n.滑,幻灯片,雪崩;v.使滑,滑,跌落438stray n.走失的家畜,浪子; a.迷途的,偶然的;v.迷路,彷徨439confusion n.混乱,混淆440greedily ad.贪食地,贪婪地441devour v.吞食442fascination n.魔力,~迷,魅力443forbidding a.可怕的,令人难亲近的444muster n.召集,集合,点阅;v.召集,集合,应召445pretentious a.自负的,自命不凡的446labyrinth n.迷宫447musty a.发霉的,霉臬的,落伍的448rarity n.稀薄(稀有,珍品)449assorted a.配合的,组合的,各色俱备的450junk n.垃圾451carve v.雕刻,切452dagger n.短剑,匕首453litter n.垃圾,杂乱;v.乱丢垃圾,弄乱454dedicated a.专注的,献身的; a.专用的455bargain hunter到处找便宜货买的人456dealer v.&n.商人457cherish v.珍爱,抚育,珍藏458amply ad.足够地459masterpiece n.杰作460mere a.纯粹的,仅仅的,只不过的;ad.仅仅,只不过;n.小湖461prize n.奖,奖品,战利品;v.珍视,捕获462miniature n.缩图,小画像; a.小规模的,纤小的463composition n.作文,著作,组织,合成物,成份464court n.法院,庭院,奉承,球场;v.献殷勤,追求,招致危险465law n.法律466innocence n.无罪,无知,天真无邪467undertake v.从事,保证468arduous a.费力的,辛勤的,险峻的469abstract n.摘要; a.抽象的;v.摘要,抽炼470concept n.概念,观念471mete v.量,测量,分配;n.边界,界石472interference n.冲突,干涉;[计算机]于涉473accord n.一致,调和,协议,自愿;vi.(与)一致(accordwith);vt.使一致,调解;给予,赠予474premises (包括附属建筑、土地等在内的)房屋或其他建筑物475convert v.使转变,使...改变信仰,倒置;n.皈依者,改宗者476disused a.不再用的,废弃的477fireplace n.壁炉478muffle n.低沉的声音,消音器,上唇;v.围裹,抑制,发低沉的声音479chip n.薄片,芯片;v.削,切,削成碎片480blacken v.使...黑,变黑,损坏481emerge v.浮现,(由某种状态)脱出,(事实)显现出来482improbable a.未必然的,不像会发生的,似不可信的483obscure a.微暗的,难解的,不著名的;v.使...阴暗,隐藏,使...含糊484maidservant n.女仆,女佣485presume v.假定,推测,占便宜486wickedly那把刀在月光下闪著凶光.487plot n.图,阴谋,情节;v.绘图,密谋,计划488downfall n.衰败,大雨489naive a.天真的,幼稚的490unacceptable a.不能接受的491conspire v.阴谋,协力,共谋492incredible a.难以置信的493resemblance n.相像494scorn n.轻蔑,被叱责的人;v.轻蔑,不屑做495acquaint v.使...熟知496reunite vt.再结合(统一,使...重聚)497assume vt.假定,设想,承担498punctual a.严守时刻的,准时的,正点的499condition n.情况,条件;v.以...为条件,决定,支配,训练500unshakable a.不可动摇的501faith n.信任,信仰502cancel n.取消,撤消;v.取消,删去503exceptionally ad.例外地(格外,特别)504dislocate v.脱臼,弄乱505blame n.过失,责备;v.责备506consult v.商讨,向...请教,查阅507direct a.笔直的,直接的,坦白的;v.指示,指挥,命令508odd a.奇数的,古怪的,剩余的;.奇数509reflect v.反映,归咎510advantage n.优势,有利条件511mighty a.强有力的;ad.[口]很512dawdle v.游手好闲,混日子513chug v.咔嚓咔嚓地响514lodge n.小屋,门房,支部;v.临时住宿,安顿515complaint n.抱怨516triumph n.凯旋,欢欣;v.得胜,成功517asterisk n.星号(*)518conduct n.行为,举动,品行;vt.引导,指挥,管理;vt.导电,传热519historian n.历史学家520unique a.独一无二的,独特的,稀罕的521steadily ad.稳定地,稳固地522solely ad.独自地,单独地523video a.录像的;n.录像(机);vt.制作...的录像524CD-ROM只读存储光盘;n.(只读)光盘驱动器525bewilder v.使...不知所措526deduce v.推论,演绎出527scanty a.缺乏的,仅有的,不够的528mammoth n.长毛象; a.长毛象似的,巨大的529tusk n.牙,暴牙,牙状物;v.以牙刺戳,以牙掘,用牙碰伤530nomad n.游牧民族,流浪者; a.游牧的,流浪的531correlate n.有相互关系的东西,相关物;v.使有相互关系,互相有关系532clue n.线索;v.提示533insignificant a.无关紧要的,可忽略的534shed n.车棚,小屋,脱落之物;v.使...流出,放射,脱毛535advent n.出现,到来536agriculture n.农业537assumption n.假定,设想538dot n.点,圆点,小孩子,小东西;v.作小点记号,加小点于,点缀;[计算机]点539symbol n.符号,标志,象征540engrave v.雕刻541ivory n.象牙,乳白色; a.象牙制的,乳白色的542phasen.相,相位,时期,局面,阶段;v.逐步执行,实行,按计划进行543primitive a.原始的;n.原始人544depict v.描述545boulder n.大圆石546pitn.深坑,核,矿井,陷阱,(英国剧场的)正厅后排;v.使...有伤痕,去...之核,使...竞争547perturb v.扰乱,使混乱,使心慌548underestimate n.低估;v.低估549swervevi.; 1.突然转向;转弯;偏离方向 2.背离[(+from)];vt.1.使突然转向;使转弯2.使背离[(+from)];n.[C]1.转向;偏离方向 2.偏离的程度550scoopn.铲子,舀取,独家新闻;v.汲取,舀取,抢先登出551hammer n.锤,榔头;v.锤击,敲打552ominously ad.有预兆的,不祥的553rip n.裂痕,破绽,拉裂;v.拉开,划开,裂开554zigzagn.曲折,Z字形; a.曲折的,锯齿形的;ad.曲折地,成锯齿形地555shallow a.浅的;n.(pl.)浅滩,浅处556grind n.磨,碾,苦工作;v.磨擦,磨碎557petrol n.汽油558stretchn.伸展,张开;a.可伸缩的;v.伸展,张开,延伸559obstacle n.障碍560clump n.丛,块,笨重的脚步声561fissure n.裂缝,裂沟;v.裂开,分裂,裂成缝562renew v.更新,复始,恢复563pleading n.恳求564gear n.齿轮,传动装置,工具,用具;v.以齿轮连起,配搭活动,安排565astride prep.骑,跨566crack n.裂缝,声变;v.打开,破裂,变声567haltn.停止,立定,休息;v.使...停止,使...立定,犹豫568dashboard n.(汽车上的)仪表盘569deception n.骗局,诡计,欺骗,欺诈570self-respecting a.自重的571indulge v.纵情于,放任,迁就572pneumatic a.气动的(有空气的,气体学的);n.气胎573drill n.钻孔机,钻子,播种机;v.训练,钻孔574silly a.愚蠢的575advance n.前进,进步,预支;v.前进,增加,上涨576archway n.拱门,拱道577remonstrate v.表示异议,抗议,责备578ironically ad.说反话地,讽刺地579permission n.同意,许可,允许580grant n.拨款;vt.授予,同意,承认581pastoraln.牧歌,田园诗; a.牧人的,田园生活的,牧师的582breed n.品种,族类;v.养育,繁殖,引起583rapture n.狂喜;v.使狂喜584extol v.颂杨,称赞585superior n.长者,高手; a.上好的,出众的,高傲的586cockcrow n.鸡叫587twitter n.鸟鸣;v.(鸟)吱吱叫,嘁嘁喳喳叫;vi.(鸟)吱吱叫588glint n.闪烁;v.闪耀,闪闪发光,反映589pasture n.牧场;v.吃(草);vt.放牧590idyllic a.田园诗的591virtually a.几乎,差不多;ad.几乎,实际上592dubious a.怀疑的,可疑的593privilege n.特权,特别恩典,基本人权;v.给与...特权594misery n.痛苦,悲惨595acquaintance n.熟人,相识596treat n.宴飨,款待;v.视为,对待,处理,治疗597dweller n.居民598stagger n.蹒跚,踌躇;v.蹒跚,使...摇摆,踌躇599exotic a.异国的,外来的600glow n.赤热,光辉,热情;v.发红光,红光焕发601descend v.降,传602tuck n.缝摺,船尾突出部下方,食品;v.打摺,卷起,挤进603obstinately ad.固执地,顽固地604potholing n.洞穴探险,洞穴探险运动605solitude n.孤独;独居,荒僻之地,幽静的地方606lure n.饵,诱惑;v.引诱,诱惑607pot-holer n.洞穴探险者608rambler n.漫步者,无目的地移动之物,攀缘蔷薇609undertaking n.事业,企业,保证610foresight n.远见,深谋远虑611foretell v.预言,预告,预示612chasm n.深坑,裂口613flaw n.缺点,裂纹,瑕疵614distinguished a.卓著的;v.区别;vbl.区别615everest n.珠穆朗玛峰616wade v.跋涉617waterfall n.瀑布618gear n.齿轮,传动装置,工具,用具;v.以齿轮连起,配搭活动,安排619inflatable a.可充气的620rubble n.粗石,破碎的砖,粗石堆621insistent a.坚持的,迫切的622boom n.繁荣,隆隆声;v.急速发展623waterspout n.强大的水柱624cleft a.裂开的;n.裂缝625cavern n.大洞穴626stalagmite n.石笋627stalactite n.钟乳石628limestone n.石灰石629glisten v.闪亮,使...辉耀630eerie a.怪诞的,可怕的,奇异的631dome n.圆屋顶632fete n.庆祝,祭祀,节日;v.宴请,招待633admittedly ad.公认地,显然634purchase n.购买,购买的物品;v.购买635annual a.每年的,年度的;n.年刊,年鉴636teenager n.13岁到19岁的年轻人637capsize v.翻覆,倾覆638shiver vt.颤动(碎裂);n.冷颤(碎块)639dive n.潜水,跳水;v.跳水,俯冲640haul n.用力拖拉,努力的结果;v.拖,改变方向641hawser n.大缆,系船索,曳船索642rim n.边,轮缘,框;v.镶边,为...之边643winch n.绞车644premium n.额外费用,奖金,保险费645recover v.恢复,复原,补偿646agonizing a.苦恼的,痛苦难忍的647perch n.栖木,高位,杆;v.栖息,就位,位于648precariously adv.不确定地649overbalance v.失去平衡650clamp n.螺丝钳,夹子;vt.夹住,固定651vertically ad.垂直地652torrent n.激流,山洪653rebound v.弹回;vi.&n.弹回,跳回654compartment n.间隔,个别室,小事655cramped a.狭促的,难懂的,难辨的656stuffy a.不通气的(固步自封的)657monotonous a.单调的658rhythm n.节奏,韵律659click n.点击,滴答声,拍答声;v.点击,作滴答声,使...作拍答声660lull n.暂停,间歇,稍息;v.平息,使...平静,哄661snatch n.抢夺,碎片,一阵;v.夺取,想抢走,侥幸获得662sleeper n.枕木(卧车)663fumble n.摸索,漏接;v.摸索,摸弄,笨拙的处理664inspection n.检查,视察665inevitably ad.不可避免地666destination n.目的地,终点667exhaust n.排气,排气装置;v.用尽,耗尽,使...精疲力尽;[计算机]排除668motorway n.高速公路669ferry n.渡船,渡口670cruise n.巡航,巡弋,漫游;v.巡航,巡弋,漫游671civilize v.使...开化672spacious a.广阔的,宽敞的673seasick a.晕船的674intimidate v.威胁,恐吓,胁迫675disadvantage n.不利,不利条件,损害,损失676exhilaration a.使人高兴的,令人兴奋的;n.高兴,兴奋677escapist n.逍遥者678sip n.啜饮;v.啜饮,啜679champagne n.香槟酒680refinement n.精致,高尚,精巧681breathtaking a.惊险的(吃惊的)682soar n.高扬;v.往上飞舞,高耸683effortlessly ad.不费力地,容易地684landscape n.风景,山水,风景画;v.美化…的景观,进行造园工程685fresh a.新鲜的,无经验的,淡(水)的686uncrumpled a.没有垮下来687restrict n.限制、限定、约束;v.限制,约束688abuse n.滥用,恶习;v.滥用,辱骂,虐待689contention n.争论,争辩,所持的论点;[计算机]线路争夺690quintuplet n.五胞胎之一691obscurity n.阴暗,不分明,身份低微692radically ad.根本地,完全地693exclusive a.独占的,唯一的,排外的;[计算机]互斥的694untold a.数不清的(没有说到的)695south a.南方的;ad.在南方;n.南,南方696perpetual a.永恒的,永久的697nursery n.托儿所698commercialization n.商品化699commodity n.商品,日用品700ignorance n.无知701publication n.出版,发行,出版物,公布,发表702newlyweds n.新婚夫妇703gaily ad.华丽地,欢乐地704leisure a.空闲的;n.空闲,闲暇705keen a.锋利的,敏锐的,强烈的706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723advisory novice consumer assemble outlet creative handyman resourceful fuse rickety clog delusion lawn mower adjustment screw dismantle chunk snapa. 劝告的,顾问的,谘询的 n. 新手,初学者 n. 消费者,用户 v. 聚集,集合,装配 n. 出口,出路,通风口,批发商店 a. 创造性的 n. 手巧的人,能工巧匠 a. 资源(人力、物力)丰富的; 有机智的; 多策 略的,足智多谋的 n. 保险丝; v. 融化,融合 a. 患软骨病的,驼背的,摇摆的 n. 阻塞(止轮器); vt 阻塞(粘住,塞满) n. 错觉 割草机 n. 调整 n. 螺丝钉,吝啬鬼,压迫; v. 扭紧,压榨 v. 拆除...的设备,分解 n. 大块,矮胖的人或物 n. 啪地移动,突然断掉; v. 猛咬,咬断,谩骂,砰 然关上 a. 不能克服的,难以对付的 n. 缕花锯 ;竖锯; vt. 用竖锯锯 n. 小马,驽马,竞赛马; v. 不断地唠叨恼人,说 话唠叨 n. 锈; v. 生锈; vt. 生锈,使...生锈 a.人口多的724 725 726 727 728insurmountable jigsaw nag rust overpopulated729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753over-industrialized sheer worldwide overwhelm pollute pesticide fertilizer salmonella listeria vegetarian organically-grown insidious urban burglar burgle scream profound irritation incessantly whine helicopter maximum technology contribution mobilea.过度工业化的 a. 绝对的,全然的,峻峭的; v. 躲开,躲避, 使...避开; ad. 完全,全然,峻峭 a. 全世界的 v. 淹没,受打击,压倒 v. 弄脏,污染; vt. 污染 n. 杀虫剂 n. 肥料 n. 沙门氏菌 n. 利斯特杆菌 n. 素食者; a. 素食的 a.有机培植的(不施化肥和其他化学药品培植) a. 隐伏的,阴险的,狡猾的 a. 城市的 n. 窃贼 v. 偷窃 n. 尖叫声; v. 尖叫,大笑 a. 极深的,深奥的,深厚的 n. 刺激,烦恼,刺激物 不停地抱怨. n. 抱怨,牢骚; v. 哭诉,发牢骚 n. 直升飞机 n. 极点,最大量,极大; a. 最高的,最大极限的 n. 技术,工艺 n. 贡献 a. 可移动的,易变的; n. 活动装置754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777snore offender staggering trumpet partner hospitable hostile a. vicinity architectural fresco abruptly tramp moor ferry straggle dilapidated sardine rag motionless procession shawl peer quicken sentimentallyn. 鼾声; v. 打鼾 n. 罪犯,无礼的人,得罪人的人 a. 摇晃欲倒的,犹豫的,惊人的 n. 喇叭,喇叭声; v. 吹喇叭,吹嘘 n. 合作者,搭档; v. 同...合作,做...的搭档 a. 好客的 不友好的,有敌意的 n. 邻近,附近 a. 建筑的,建筑学的,建筑术的 n. 壁画 ad. 突然地 n. 重步声,流浪者; v. 践踏,重步行走 n. 荒野,旷野; n. 摩尔人 n. 渡船,渡口 vt. 分散(零零落落,落后) a. 毁坏的,荒废的,要塌似的 n. 沙丁鱼 n. 破布,碎布; 鲁尔煤矿(财富 500 强公司之一, 总部所在地德国,主要经营采矿) a. 不动的,静止的 n. 队伍,行列; v. 列队行进 n. 披肩,围巾 n. 同侪,匹敌,贵族; v. 凝视,窥视 v. 加快,使...有生气,鼓舞 ad.感情上,多情地778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802lavishly immaculate parquet gleam preside invisible scrub enlightened fickleness unrelenting disillusion industriousness qualification mirth stack cellar mentally compile formidable recur regularity accomplishment attainment inveterate self-improvementad.慷慨地,大方地 a. 洁白的(无缺点的,无瑕疵的) n. 镶木地板 n. 微弱的闪光,瞬息的一现; v. 闪烁,隐约地闪 现 v. 任主席,统辖,当主人 a. 看不见的,无形的 n. 用力擦洗,矮树,渺小之物; v. 用力擦洗 a. 被启发的,进步的,文明的 n.变化无常 a. 不屈不挠的,不松懈的 n. 觉醒,幻减; v. 醒悟,使幻想破减 adj. 勤勉的, 刻苦的 n. 资格,条件,限制 n. 欢乐,欢笑 n. 堆叠,堆; v. 堆积,做牌,选派 n. 地窖,地下室; vt. 把...藏入地窑(或酒窑) ad. 心理上,精神上,用脑筋 v. 编译,编辑,编纂; [计算机] 编译 a. 强大的,可怕的,艰难的 v. 回到,重现,再来 n. 有规则,匀整,调和 n. 成就 n. 达到,成就,造诣 a. 根深的,成癖的,积习的 n.自我完善803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823scheme ambitious pitfall modest assiduously self-discipline frame betray troop unsettle taunt jibe good-humouredly wane diminish hypnotize undoing screen technician software IBMn. 方案,计划,阴谋; v. 计画,设计,体系, 结构, 图谋 a. 热望的,有雄心的,有抱负的 n. 陷阱,诱惑,阴谋 a. 谦虚的;适度的;端庄的 ad.刻苦地 n. 自我训练, 自我修养, 自律, 自我约束 n. 框,结构,骨架; v. 构成,设计,陷害 v. 出卖,背叛 n. 群,组,多数; v. 群集,结队,成群而行 v. 使不安; vt. 打扰,使(某人)不安或担忧 n. 辱骂,嘲弄; v. 嘲弄 v. 移转 ad.和气地,心情好地 n. 衰微,亏缺,变弱; v. 变小,亏缺,呈下弦 v. 减少,变小 v. 施催眠术,使恍惚,使着迷 n. 祸根,毁灭的原因 n. 屏,幕,银幕,屏风; v. 选拔,掩蔽,遮蔽 n. 技术员,技师 n. 软件 缩写 = International Business Machines 国际 商用机器公司(一家大型计算机公司) n.[计算机] 磁盘操作系统; DOS 命令 : 在常 规、扩展或保留内存中装入操作系统 微软(财富 500 强公司之一, 总部所在地美国,主824 825dos microsoft。
新概念英语第三册(共60课Lesson1 A puma at largePumas are large, cat-like animals which are found in America. When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London, they were not taken seriously. However, as the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate, for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar.The hunt for the puma began in a small village where a woman picking blackberries saw 'a large cat' only five yards away from her. It immediately ran away when she saw it, and experts confirmed that a puma will not attack a human being unless it is cornered(adj.被困得走投无路的. The search proved difficult, for the puma was often observed at one place in the morning and at another place twenty miles away in the evening. Wherever it went, it left behind it a trail of dead deer and small animals like rabbits. Paw prints were seen in a number of places and puma fur was found clinging to bushes. Several people complained of 'cat-like noises' at night and a businessman on a fishing trip saw the puma up a tree. The experts were now fully convinced that the animal was a puma, but where had it come from ? As no pumas had been reported missing from any zoo in the country, this one must have been in the possession of a private collector and somehow managed to escape. The hunt went on for several weeks, but the puma was not caught. It is disturbing to think that a dangerous wild animal is still at large in the quiet countryside.美洲狮是一种体形似猫的大动物,产于美洲。
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Lesson 01 A Puma at large 逃遁的美洲狮New words and expression 生词和短语学习词汇时仅知道汉语语义是不够的,要把单词放在语句中体会其应用学习关键句结构是则要把它放在段落结构或文章里puma n.美洲狮spot v.看出, 发现= see, pick out, recognize, catch sight of 强调结果, 辨别出, 看见, 识别, 发现-- A tall man is easy to spot in the crowd.-- He has good eye for spotting mistakes.同意词:-- find:强调发现的结果/ find out:查出事实真相-- discover:做出重大发现/ notice:注意到-- observe:观察/ watch:观察活动中的人或画面Spot n.斑点-- There is a white spot on the shirt.on the spot 有两个含义:1> 立刻, 马上(at once, immediately)-- Anyone breaking the rules will be asked to leave on the spot.2> at the place of the action 在现场-- Wherever she is needed, she is quickly on the spot.Evidence n.证据(不可数名词)Evident adj.明显的, 显然的/ evidently adv.明显地, 显然Evidence = proof (n.证据)-- When the police arrived, he had already destroyed the evidence.in evidence 显而易见的-- He was in evidence at the party.Accumulate v.积累, 积聚(强调积累的过程)-- As the evidence accumulates, experts from the zoo felt obliged to investigate.Gather vt.聚集, 把某人召集在某处-- The teacher gathered his students in the classCollect vt.搜集, 采集-- Do you collect stamps Yes, I collect stamps as my hobby.(n.业余爱好)Assemble v.集合, 集会/ 装配-- A large number of people assemble on the square.Hoard vt.大量的储存(-- hoard up = store up 储藏)-- The squirrel hoards up nuts for the cold winter (squirrel n.松鼠)nut n.坚果)amass vt.积聚(主要用于诗歌和文学作品)-- The clouds amassed above the hillsOblige v.使…感到必须feel obliged to do sth 感觉有必要做某事-- I feel obliged to say no to his demand(n.要求, 需要)be obliged to do sth 被迫做某事-- They were obliged to sell their car to pay their debts off.(debt n.债务)hunt v.n.追猎, 寻找(hunt for)-- The experts from London zoo began to hunt (v.) for a puma.-- The hunt (n.) for the puma proved the difficult. (prove vt.证明, 证实)search 搜寻某处为了寻找到某人或某物-- The police were searching the forest for the missing boy.run after 强调追赶, 追求-- look, a dog is running after a cat-- what are you run after in your lifeseek = pursue v.追寻(理想)chase v.追赶(-- They are chasing a thief / They are running after a thief)blackberry n.黑莓/ berry n.浆果human being 人类corner v.使走投无路, 使陷入困境作为动词, 经常使用被动语态-- The thief was cornered at last-- The problem cornered me.corner n.角落-- at the corner of the street-- in the corner of the room-- on the corner of the deskTrail n.一串, 一系列trail vt. 跟踪, 追踪(= follow)-- The police trailed the criminal to the place where he was hiding (criminal n.罪犯)Print n.印痕Cling v.粘(clung, clung, clinging)-- She is always clinging to her mother.-- He clung to the hope that he would succeed. 他怀有成功的希望stick v.粘住(-- stick the envelop)n.信封stick to 坚持(-- stick to the plan / stick to one’s promise)n.许诺sticky adj.粘的(-- sticky fingers)convince v.使…信服1>convince sb of sth-- I convince him of my honesty.(n.诚实, 正直)我使他相信我的诚实。
A Puma at large 逃遁的美洲狮 Listen to the tape then answer the question below. 听录⾳,然后回答以下问题。
Where must the puma have come from? Pumas are large, cat-like animals which are found in America. When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London, they were not taken seriously. However, as the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate, for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar. The hunt for the puma began in a small village where a woman picking blackberries saw 'a large cat' only five yards away from her. It immediately ran away when she saw it, and experts confirmed that a puma will not attack a human being unless it is cornered. The search proved difficult, for the puma was often observed at one place in the morning and at another place twenty miles away in the evening. Wherever it went, it left behind it a trail of dead deer and small animals like rabbits. Paw prints were seen in a number of places and puma fur was found clinging to bushes. Several people complained of "cat-like noises' at night and a businessman on a fishing trip saw the puma up a tree. The experts were now fully convinced that the animal was a puma, but where had it come from? As no pumas had been reported missing from any zoo in the country, this one must have been in the possession of a private collector and somehow managed to escape. The hunt went on for several weeks, but the puma was not caught. It is disturbing to think that a dangerous wild animal is still at large in the quiet countryside. New words and expressions ⽣词和短语 puma n. 美洲狮spot v. 看出,发现 evidence n. 证据 accumulate v. 积累,积聚 oblige v. 使……感到必须 hunt n. 追猎;寻找 blackberry n. ⿊莓 human being ⼈类 corner v. 使⾛投⽆路,使陷⼊困境 trail n. ⼀串,⼀系列 print n. 印痕 cling v. 粘 convince v. 使……信服somehow adv. 不知怎么搞地,不知什么原因 disturb v. 令⼈不安参考译⽂美洲狮是⼀种体形似猫的⼤动物,产于美洲。
新概念英语第三册 epub
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新概念英语第三册epub全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1New Concept English is a popular English language learning series that has been used by millions of people around the world. The third book in the series, New Concept English Book Three, is a comprehensive guide to intermediate-level English grammar, vocabulary, and conversation.One of the key features of New Concept English Book Three is its use of authentic, real-life dialogues and texts to help learners understand how English is used in everyday situations. This not only helps students improve their language skills but also gives them a better understanding of English-speaking cultures.The book covers a wide range of topics, including travel, shopping, health, hobbies, and more, with each chapter focusing on a different aspect of English language and culture. It also includes exercises and activities to help students practice what they have learned and improve their fluency in English.In addition to grammar and vocabulary, New Concept English Book Three also teaches important language skills such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing. This helps students become more confident in using English in a variety of situations, from casual conversations to formal presentations.Overall, New Concept English Book Three is a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their English language skills. Whether you are a student, a professional, or a casual learner, this book can help you take your English to the next level and communicate effectively in a globalized world.篇2New Concept English Book Three is the third installment in the popular English language learning series by L.G. Alexander. This book continues to build on the foundation laid in the first two books, introducing more complex grammar structures, vocabulary, and reading passages for intermediate learners.The epub version of New Concept English Book Three is a convenient and portable way to access the material on-the-go. With an electronic version of the book, learners can easily study and review the content on their computers, tablets, or e-readers without the need to carry around a physical copy.The book is divided into 96 units, each focusing on a different aspect of the English language. Units cover topics such as verb tenses, phrasal verbs, idiomatic expressions, and more. Each unit includes a dialogue, vocabulary exercises, grammar explanations, and reading passages to help reinforce the material.One of the key features of New Concept English Book Three is its focus on practical English usage. The dialogues and reading passages are designed to simulate real-life conversations and situations, giving learners a chance to practice their English in context.In addition to the main content, the epub version of the book may also include audio recordings of the dialogues and reading passages. This can be a valuable resource for learners to practice their listening and pronunciation skills.Overall, New Concept English Book Three in epub format is a valuable tool for intermediate English learners looking to improve their language skills. With its comprehensive content, practical approach, and convenient format, this book is sure to help learners make progress in their English studies.篇3New Concept English Book 3 - EpubNew Concept English Book 3 is the third book in the popular English learning series written by L.G. Alexander. This book is designed for intermediate level English learners who want to enhance their language skills and fluency. The epub version of this book provides a convenient and portable way to access the content on various electronic devices.The book comprises 96 units, each focusing on different aspects of English language learning such as vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension. Each unit consists of a dialogue, vocabulary exercises, grammar points, and comprehension questions to help learners improve their reading, listening, and writing skills.One of the key features of New Concept English Book 3 is the emphasis on practical and real-life scenarios, making it easier for learners to understand and apply the language in everyday situations. The book covers a wide range of topics including work, travel, shopping, and social interactions, allowing learners to develop a rich vocabulary and learn how to communicate effectively in English.Moreover, the epub format of the book offers interactive features such as hyperlinks, bookmarks, and annotations, makingit easier for learners to navigate through the content and customize their learning experience. Learners can also listen to the audio recordings of the dialogues and exercises, helping them improve their pronunciation and listening skills.In conclusion, New Concept English Book 3 in epub format is a valuable resource for intermediate English learners who want to enhance their language proficiency and communication skills. By using this book, learners can develop a strong foundation in English and progress to higher levels of fluency in the language.。
新概念英语第一册mp3附带lrc(美音版)打包下载篇一:新概念英语mp3同步音频新概念英语mp3同步音频【美音版】美音版MP3下载 LRC字幕下载[新版高清楚]听录音,然后回答问题: How did Pauline answer the telephone at nine o'clock? 波淋在9点接电话时是如何说的?JANE: What's Ron Marston like, Pauline? 简:波淋,朗.马顿是怎样一个人?PAULINE: He's awful! 波淋:他讨厌透了!He telephoned me four times Yesterday, and three times the day before yesterday. 他昨天给我打了4次电话前天打了3次。
PAULINE: He telephoned the office yesterday morning and yesterday afternoon. My boss answered the telephone.波淋:他昨天上午和下午把电话打到了我的办公室,是我的老板接的。
JANE: What did your boss say to him? 简:你老板是怎么对他说的?PAULINE: He said, "Pauline is typing typing letters. She can't speak toyou now!" 波淋:他说:“波淋正在打信,她现在不能同你讲话!”PAULINE: Then I arrived home at six o'clock yesterday evening. He telephonedagain. But I didn't answer the phone!波淋:后来,我昨晚6点钟回到家里。
35The word justice is usually associated with courts of law. ðə wɜːdˈʤʌstɪs ɪz ˈjuːʒʊəli əˈsəʊʃɪeɪtɪd wɪð kɔːtsɒv lɔː."正义"这个词常常是同法庭连在一起的。
We might say that justice has been done when a man's innocence or guilt has been proved beyond doubt. wiː maɪt seɪ ðæt ˈʤʌstɪs hæz biːn dʌn wen ə mænz ˈɪnəsəns ɔːɡɪlt hæz biːn pruːvd bɪˈjɒnd daʊt.当某人被证据确凿地证明无罪的时候,我们也许会说正义得到了伸张。
Justice is part of the complex machinery of the law. ˈʤʌstɪs ɪz pɑːtɒvðəˈkɒmpleks məˈʃiːnəriɒvðəlɔː.正义是复杂的法律机器组成部分。
Those who seek it undertake an arduous journey and can never be sure that they will find it. ðəʊz huːsiːkɪt ˌʌndəˈteɪk ən ˈɑːdjʊəsˈʤɜːni ænd k æn ˈnevəbiːʃʊə ðæt ðeɪ wɪl faɪnd ɪt.那些寻求正义的人走的是一条崎岖的道路,从来没有把握他们最终将到正义。
新概念英语英音版比较好听,比平淡无节奏的美音版更有抑扬顿挫之感. 新版新概念英语英音版全套MP3为____年北京外语音像出版社出版的全4册11张CD无损转换而成,为网络上最清晰的版本。
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新概念英语第三册 Lesson 48 The silent village课文音标版讲义
![新概念英语第三册 Lesson 48 The silent village课文音标版讲义](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e2179a1db80d6c85ec3a87c24028915f804d8462.png)
48In this much-travelled world, there are still thousands of places which are inaccessible to tourists. ɪn ðɪs mʌʧ-ˈtrævld wɜːld, ðeər ɑːstɪlˈθaʊzəndzɒv ˈpleɪsɪz wɪʧɑːrˌɪnækˈsesəbᵊl tuːˈtʊərɪsts.在这个旅游频繁的世界上,仍有成千上万个游人足迹未至的地方。
We always assume that villagers in remote places are friendly and hospitable. wiːˈɔːlweɪz əˈsjuːm ðæt ˈvɪlɪʤəz ɪn rɪˈməʊt ˈpleɪsɪz ɑːˈfrendli ænd ˈhɒspɪtəbᵊl.人们总是以为偏僻的地方的村民们热情好客。
But people who are cut off not only from foreign tourists, but even from their own countrymen can be hostile to travellers. bʌt ˈpiːpl huːɑːkʌtɒf nɒtˈəʊnli frɒmˈfɒrɪnˈtʊərɪs ts, bʌtˈiːvən frɒmðeərəʊnˈkʌntrɪmən kæn biːˈhɒstaɪl tuːˈtrævᵊləz.但是,那些不但与外国旅游者隔绝,而且与本国同胞隔绝的人们有可能对游客抱有敌意。
新概念英语第一册mp3附带lrc(美音版)打包下载各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢篇一:新概念英语mp3同步音频新概念英语mp3同步音频美音版美音版MP3下载LRC字幕下载[新版高清楚]听录音,然后回答问题: How did Pauline answer the telephone at nine o’clock? 波淋在9点接电话时是如何说的?JANE: What’s Ron Marston like, Pauline? 简:波淋,朗.马顿是怎样一个人?PAULINE: He’s awful! 波淋:他讨厌透了!He telephoned me four times Yesterday, and three times the day before yesterday. 他昨天给我打了4次电话前天打了3次。
PAULINE: He telephoned the office yesterday morning and yesterday afternoon. My boss answered the telephone.波淋:他昨天上午和下午把电话打到了我的办公室,是我的老板接的。
JANE: What did your boss say to him? 简:你老板是怎么对他说的?PAULINE: He said, “Pauline is typing typing letters. She can’t speak to you now!” 波淋:他说:“波淋正在打信,她现在不能同你讲话!”PAULINE: Then I arrived home at six o’clo ck yesterday evening. He telephoned again. But I didn’t answer the phone!波淋:后来,我昨晚6点钟回到家里。
JANE: Did he telephone again last night? 简:他昨夜里又打电话了吗?PAULINE: Yes, he did. He telephoned at nine o’clock. 波淋:是的,打了。
新概念英语第一册mp3附带lrc(美音版)打包下载各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢篇一:新概念英语mp3同步音频新概念英语mp3同步音频美音版美音版MP3下载LRC字幕下载[新版高清楚]听录音,然后回答问题: How did Pauline answer the telephone at nine o’clock? 波淋在9点接电话时是如何说的?JANE: What’s Ron Marston like, Pauline? 简:波淋,朗.马顿是怎样一个人?PAULINE: He’s awful! 波淋:他讨厌透了!He telephoned me four times Yesterday, and three times the day before yesterday. 他昨天给我打了4次电话前天打了3次。
PAULINE: He telephoned the office yesterday morning and yesterday afternoon. My boss answered the telephone.波淋:他昨天上午和下午把电话打到了我的办公室,是我的老板接的。
JANE: What did your boss say to him? 简:你老板是怎么对他说的?PAULINE: He said, “Pauline is typing typing letters. She can’t speak to you now!” 波淋:他说:“波淋正在打信,她现在不能同你讲话!”PAULINE: Then I arrived home at six o’clo ck yesterday evening. He telephoned again. But I didn’t answer the phone!波淋:后来,我昨晚6点钟回到家里。
JANE: Did he telephone again last night? 简:他昨夜里又打电话了吗?PAULINE: Yes, he did. He telephoned at nine o’clock. 波淋:是的,打了。
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新概念英语第三册mp3附带lrc(英音版)打包下载篇一:新概念英语学习汇总新概念英语学习汇总《新概念英语》(New Concept English)是闻名世界的英语教程。
本文搜罗了新概念英语的超多汇总,包括文本、音频下载等等,供大家学习! [大家网首发]外研社全四册新概念英语练习详解电子书下载(新版的详解) 1985NCE全四册竹影无风英音版(附旧版课本)新概念英语85年上外美音版第1-4册 (单复数课都有) 1997NCE(1-4册)英音CD转录版新概念英语1到3册词汇随身听(MP3+LRC) [1]新概念四册所需知识背景如下: NCE1 从零开始,无需任何基础知识。
NCE2 1.对动词be和have的现在时和过去时会基本的应用; 2.能识别和构造现在进行时; 3.能识别和构成第三人称单数的一般现在时; 4.能识别和构成常规的和少数非常规动词的一般过去时; 5.能识别过去进行时; 6.能识别简单的现在完成时和过去完成时; 7.能识别和用going to,shall和will构造将来时; 8.会基本应用情态动词can,may和must,能识别情态动词could,might,would。
9.能用情态动词(包括do/does,did)构造疑问句和否定句; 10.能用情态动词和疑问词开头回答疑问句; 11.能用-ly,-ily构造副词,以及一些例外(如well,hard,fast); 12.定冠词和不定冠词,掌握a/an,the的基本应用,以及some,any,no,much,many,a lot of与可数及不可数名词的搭配;13.能用-s,-es,-ves构造名词,一些例外:men,women,children,teeth等; 14.代词的基本应用:人称代词,物主代词,反身代词;15.形容词的基本应用:规则比较级,不规则比较级:good,bad,much/many,little; 16.基本介词的应用:表示地点,时间,方向; 17.关系代词:识别和应用who/whom,which,that;18.句型:This/that;these/those;There is/it is;there are/they are;19.缩写:it s,I m,isn t,didn t等; 20.描述日期,星期,季节,数量,昨天,今天,明天,时间。
NCE3 口语方面: 1.能听懂用一般语速陈述的叙述和描述性的英语短文;2.能回答需要简短回答的问题;3.能提出需要简短回答的问题;4.能使用少量基本句型;5.在听过或读过一段英文短文后能叙述出主要内容。
阅读方面: 1.能朗读一段不长于200字的短文,在允许不能完全发音准确的前提下掌握文章的节奏; 2.能阅读理解一段中等程度的文章,学生词汇量应为2000词。
写作方面: 1.能写作简单,复合和复杂的句子; 2.能回答英语文章中的简单问题; 3.能将一段表述完整段落的观点连接起来; 4.能写作一段简单给命题的作文; 5.清楚个人书信的格式,能写作给命题书信。
语言方面: 1.语法:对所有初级和中级语法有认知能力,还需要强化训练。
NCE4 口语方面: 1.能听懂以正常语速表述的日常生活主题; 2.能用简单或扩展词句提问及回答问题; 3.能应用较多基本句型; 4.在听过或读过一段英文短文后能叙述出主要内容; 5.能进行表述日常生活的对话; 6.能做一段关于日常生活的不长于4分钟的简短谈话。
新概念英语 1-4册txt文本打包下载全套阅读方面: 1.能朗读一段英语文章,在允许对不熟悉的单词发音不准确的前提下掌握文章的节奏; 2.能阅读理解一段中高等程度的文章,学生词汇量应为3000词。
写作方面: 1.能写作简单,复合和复杂的句子;能用连词构成复合句,注意英语的词序; 2.能写出一段文章或段落的大意,并用其他词汇和短语解释; 3.能明晰文章的结构和组织,列出文章的提纲,将架构串连成完整的文章。
; 4.能列出提纲,组织并写作300字的叙述性或描述性文章; 5.能写作100字的个人书信。
语言方面: 1.语法:对基本语法现象很熟练。
2011新概念英语学习大全~~ [2] 新概念常见问题学习的路上总会有各种各样的问题,也许会让你觉得茫然不知所措,来看看这里是否有你想要的答案吧。
问:为什么要学新概念英语?答:如何判断你是否适合学习新概念英语呢?如果你是属于以下的情况,可以考虑学习新概念: ?不满足于只是应付四六级,想全面的提高自己的英语水平; ?短期内没有出国留学的打算,可是又对自己的英语水平感到不满意; ?在校的大中学生,打算在学习课业的同时选择广泛的阅读材料; ?已经毕业多年,不经常接触英语,想重新充电; ?素质的全力拥护者;自学是一种可以选择的学习方式,尤其是当你只是把新概念英语作为一种泛读材料的话,就无需费心多花时间了。
1985NCE全四册竹影无风英音版(附旧版课本)新概念英语85年上外美音版第1-4册 (单复数课都有)新版新概念英语全四册CD转128K高音质mp3(美音版)下载问:学习《新概念》该从第一册开始,还是从第二册开始?怎么去背诵课文?答:对于《新概念》的学习,首先要告诉你的是一定要下苦功夫,不能嫌烦,坚持下去。
比如说: Last week I went to the theatre.你在写出来的时候,你想的是“上个星期我去看戏”这么一个事情的场景,而不会去想中文“Last week 代表上个礼拜,I是我的意思,went to是去的意思,而且它还是go to的过去时,更不会去想the theatre是剧院。
看到了 the theatre,你就把它想像成北京的长安大戏院嘛,或者大华电影院之类的。
新版新概念英语全四册CD转128K高音质mp3下载的歌词 [ 新版新概念英语视频教程(全4册)下载汇总还有不明白的,就看看这个步骤: 1.先整体听一遍课文。