










2、JDTH-A0919-A2地磅秤台和引坡或基坑的交界处应有10-25mm 间隙,不得发生碰撞和摩擦。









Contents目 录Appearance外观说明---------------------------------------------1Product Features产品特点---------------------------------------------1Installation Notes and Conditions of Usage安装注意事项及使用条件--------------------------------3Installation Steps安装步骤说明-----------------------------------------4Product Selection Table产品选型表-------------------------------------------5Control Mode and Application Load控制方式及适用负载------------------------------------7Wiring and Layout Considerations配线及布局注意事项------------------------------------7Terminal Wiring端子接线说明-----------------------------------------8Load and the Controller Wiring Diagram负载接线图和控制器接线图------------------------------9Product Parameters产品参数--------------------------------------------10Product Dimensions产品尺寸示意图--------------------------------------11Appendix :Electric Heating Wiring Diagram Examples附录:电加热接线实例图Product Pictures产品图片示例----------------------------------------12Thyristor power regulator is one kind of digital power controller,which is based on power semiconductor module (SCR ) and the digital processor core technology .It is also called Voltage Regulation for short .As a result of phase angle control and zero crossing control technology, the products has intelligence integration of voltage and power regulation significant features.可控硅电力调整器是一种以电力半导体模块(晶闸管)为基础,以数字处理器技术为核心的数字电力功率控制器。



(1)在线监测状态下按“MODE”键,液晶显示 请输密码:0000
※系统设置功能※ 1.设置系统时间
(2)输入正确密码,按“ENTER”键液晶显示 (3)按“<”“>”键选择,使液晶显示 (4)按“ENTER”键液晶显示 (5) 用“<”“>”键移动光标,
※系统设置功能※ 3.设置额定电压
被监测额定电压 :XXX.XV
时间 XX 年 XX 月
【<】 【>】
典型日数据 ENTER 典型日
XX 月 典型日 XX
进入数据查看菜单可用 【+】【-】键翻页查看各 项统计数据 【 < 】【 > 】 键 选 择 时 间 如:点、天、月
在线 监测 MODE
设置上 ENTER 被监测上限电压
1.将掌上抄表机的连接电缆插头插入电压监测仪的相应插座。 2.将掌上抄表机的电源打开,按<抄表>键进入通讯模式进行数据读取,此 时“超高”“超低”指示灯同时点亮。 3.“超高”“超低”指示灯同时熄灭,此时数据已采集完毕。 4.将掌上抄表机的电源关闭,可拔出连接电缆插头。
【<】 【>】
设置下 ENTER 被监测下限电压
【<】 【>】
设置 ENTER 典型日设定
1)XX 2)XX 3)XX
【<】 【>】
设置 ENTER 月抄表日:XX
【<】 【>】
设置系 ENTER 系统编号:XXXX

JDSU MTS-4000 操作指南

JDSU MTS-4000 操作指南




图1 MTS-4000接口二、仪表开关机4000仪表有电池供电和交流电源供电两种方式,按下“ON/OFF”(如图2)键后,仪表会发出提示音,表明仪表开始启动,开机指示灯“ON”从闪烁状态变为持续发出绿光,显示屏出现JDSU公司的LOGO后,然后仪表执行自检程序,之后,显示屏出现短暂的黑屏,随后,出现“帮助”显示屏,最后,显示屏出现主页界面或显示平台关闭前所选功能的结果页。







JD Drive 用户手册说明书

JD Drive 用户手册说明书

JD Drive User Manual USB Lightning Flash DriveFor iPhone, iPad, iPod andComputersMenuApp Installation----------------------------------------------------------4 JD Drive Overview------------------------------------------------------7 APP Main Instructional Icons----------------------------------------9 ●Photos SectionCopy Photos------------------------------------------------------------10 Share Photos-----------------------------------------------------------16 Rename Photos--------------------------------------------------------17 Organize Photos-------------------------------------------------------18 ●Videos SectionCopy Videos-------------------------------------------------------------19 Share Videos------------------------------------------------------------24 Rename Videos --------------------------------------------------------26 Organize Videos--------------------------------------------------------27 ●Music SectionCopy Music--------------------------------------------------------------28 Share Music-------------------------------------------------------------33 Rename Music----------------------------------------------------------34 Organize Music---------------------------------------------------------34 ●Backup Section-------------------------------------------------35●File/Folder SectionCopy File/Folder--------------------------------------------------------37Rename File/Folder---------------------------------------------------39 Organize File/Folder--------------------------------------------------40 ●Camera SectionTake Photos & Videos------------------------------------------------41 View Photos & Videos------------------------------------------------43 ●Back Up Contacts SectionBack Up Contacts-----------------------------------------------------46 View Backup Contacts-----------------------------------------------47 Replace iPhone to Reduce Backup Contacts------------------49 ●Setting SectionOverview----------------------------------------------------------------53 Cache--------------------------------------------------------------------54 Language---------------------------------------------------------------55 Disk Folder Encryption----------------------------------------------56 Third-party Open Setting-------------------------------------- -----66 Format-------------------------------------------------------------------67 Backup-------------------------------------------------------------------68 About---------------------------------------------------------------------72 ●Q&A-----------------------------------------------------------------73●NOTE----------------------------------------------------------------78●Warranty----------------------------------------------------------80●Contact US-------------------------------------------------------80JD Drive InstallationWhen Plugging the JD Flash Drive into your Appledevice for the first time, there will be installation message pop-up. Please click "App Store" to download and install. You can also download the app from the App Store. Search for "JD Drive".(Please Note: search from APP store, not Apple Store)Apple MFi Product Plan ID (PPID): 252080-0001 Licensed Components: Lightning ConnectorIt is normal to receive the following message when the JD Drive connected to your iPhone or iPad. JD Drive (Manufacturer: Shenzhen Jiangda Technology Co., Ltd.) is Apple MFi certified product and this message is required for any external device to iPhone or iPad. Please click Allow to go ahead.JD Drive OverviewBackup photosto the flash drive(organize/delete/copy/share photos)Backup videos to the flash drive(organize/delete/copy/share photos)Play the music stored in the flash driveOne-click backup all photos/videos in Camera rollTake photos/videosand automaticbackup to the flashdriveFolders/files management sectionSettings:(Cache/ Language/ Disk FolderEncryption/Third-party opensetting/Format/ Backup/ About)One-click backupcontactsiPhone storageJD Flash Drive storageAPP Main Instructional Icons:Represents “Int ernal storage of iPhone/iPad”Represents“External storageof the flash drive” Back to Homepage Browse layout Create newfolder●Photos Section✧Copy Photos1. Click into photos section:Click for selectionSelect “iPhone”2. Select photos: select all or select one by oneThe internal storage only displays 1000 photos each time. Ifthere are more than 1000 photos, even if you select all, it only displays 1000 photos. In this situation, please pull up the page or pull down the Drop-down box button to refresh the display. Then increase by a multiple of 1000, all your photos will be pulled to the end display.The external storage displays 499 pcs, please pull down to refresh the display, too.Please pull up thepage or pull downthe Drop-down boxbutton to refreshthe display.3. Copy selected photos to the JD Flash Drive3.1:Click “CopyTO”Choose “External storage”iPhone storageJD Flash Drive storage3.2:Click “Create Folder”3.3:Click “Past e”Share Photos1. Select photos and then click icon “Share”Max quantity for photos sharing will depend on different third-party mediaphoto uploaded limitation. (Facebook, Email, Instagram etc.)1.Go to “File/Folder” section and click into the folder and click “More”:You can only change the names of photos and folders in JD Drive.You can go back to the folder to browse and organize the photos. ClickPhotos will keep original information (data, name) and canbe organized by time, name or type as below:● Videos Section✧ Copy VideosOnly videos or photos stored in the iPhone/iPad internal storage (camera roll or album) can be transferred into the flash drives, the music or movies, videos files are DRM (Digital Rights Management) protected. So you arenot able to download directly into the flash drives from iTunes, iCloud or Netflix.1. Click into videos section:Click for selectionSelect “iPhone”Browse layout2. Select videos: select all or select one by one3. Copy selected videos to the JD Flash Drive3.1:Click “CopyTO”Choose “External storage”iPhone storageJD Flash Drive storage3.2:Click “Create Folder”3.3:Click “Paste”Share Videos1. Select videos and then click icon “Share”Max quantity for photos sharing will depend on different third-party mediaphoto uploaded limitation. (Facebook, Email, Instagram etc.)✧Rename Videos1. Go to “File/Folder” section and click into the folder andclick “More”:You can only change the names of videos and folders in JD Drive.✧Organize VideosYou can go back to the folder to browse and organize the videos. ClickPhotos will keep original information (data, name) and can beorganized by time, name or type as below:Music SectionCopy Music1. Click into music section:Click for selectionSelect “iPhone”2.Select music: select all or select one by one3.Copy selected music to the JD Flash Drive3.1:Click “CopyTO”Choose “External storage”iPhone storageJD Flash Drive storage3.2:Click “Create Folder”3.3:Click “Paste”Share Music1. Select music and then click icon “Share”Max quantity for photos sharing will depend on different third-party mediamusic uploaded limitation. (Facebook, Email, Instagram etc.)✧Rename Music✧Organize MusicThe procedures for renaming and organizing music are the same as those for photos and videos.You can refer to the photo Rename Steps on page 17 and the Organize Steps on page 18.Backup Section1. Click to enter the one-click backup function:Apple MFi Product Plan ID (PPID): 252080-0001 Licensed Components: Lightning Connector●File/Folder SectionAll folders can be managed here✧Copy File/Folder1. Click into File/Folder section:12 3Transfer Successfully✧Rename File/Folder1. Go to “File/Folder” section and click the folder and click “More” :✧Organize File/FolderYou can go back to the folder to browse and organize the file/folder. ClickCamera SectionTake photos/videos and automatic backup to the flash drive. Take Photos & Take Videos:1. Click into photos section:Click OK to allow access.View Photos & Videos1.Click into File/Folder section and Click “Camera”1 22. Click “K elly’s iPhone”. Then you can view the photosand videos.The photos and videos will be automatically stored to theflash drive (JD Drive ). You can go to "Photos" or "Videos" section to browse. When you manage them on your PC , please find the folder named as "Camera ".Back Up Contacts SectionBack Up Contacts1. Click into Back Up Contacts SectionView Backup Contacts1.Click into File/Folder section and Click “Backup”21Apple MFi Product Plan ID (PPID): 252080-0001 Licensed Components: Lightning ConnectorReplace iPhone to Reduce Backup ContactsYou can reduce the backup of contacts from iPhone A to iPhone B 1.The contact of backup phone A is complete, click the icon in the upper right corner.1 22. Click on phone B and select the contact to be reduced.3 45。



文华财经随身行下单系统使用说明书、下载安装(安卓智能手机)如果你的手机已经安装有下列电子市场, 可以直接在市场内搜索“随身行”并下否则,请按以下步骤操作:方法1:用手机浏览网页,下载到卡上(推荐) 方法2:通过USB 数据线复制文件到卡上下一步注:本节的截图以Motorola Milestone 为例,其他手机略有不同,请参考手机的 说明。


[见下图]Google Talk Incemer Jwa步骤仁卜载日冰文件到手机卡上载安装。

电子市场 爰智市场 安卓市场 机锋市场从卡上安装且pk 文件容竝』口?5 F 午5:50OKurnents T& Godroid VNC £5文祥浏宛 FacebookFM 收脣 11 FootprirtsFrierd StreamGmail■ o ■MSNTiilk h4y Backup NotePDF 应・8!(2)进入下载界面,点击下载体验按钮。




见图2-10 ® ◎ ◎(3)选中[存储卡读取]模式,点击按钮[确定]。


见图2-2團2-2(4)将应用程序的文件复制到手机磁盘的根目录下,设置手机的连接模式为201im^27H中国移功正在进行旳CBA 1 _旨RD.初卫[仅充电]模式。

见图2-3备注:下载完成或拷贝 APK 文件到手机后,在“文件管理器”里运行该安装程 序即可安装。

二、 下载安装(苹果手机 )苹果手机在Appstore (苹果商店)搜索“随身行”,找到软件直接安装即可三、 登陆与退出交易系统1、如何登陆下单系统 步骤1:在手机导航列表中点击叽ME 連接图表,进入登录界面中国移动A 已連擔USB iliaikE9SffljV ii ;5i步骤2:在“开户公司”中选择所对应的期货公司步骤3:选择好期货公司后,输入资金账户和密码即可。


JDH- Ⅲ 型 就 地 点 火 控 制 系 统
使 用 说 明 书
一、 系统组成 本系统由 DHK-III 就地点火控制柜、JGD-20 高能点火装置、
JDTZ-400 电动推进装置、JHJ-Ⅰ-2 火焰检测装置等组成,能够安 全可靠地完成就地点火功能,同时为 DCS 远程控制提供了接口信号, 是中小型锅炉点火较为理想的选择。 l 就地点火系统设备表(单台炉)
五、操作过程 l 就地点火方式 检查线路→合上就地控制柜总开关(电源指示灯亮)→合上需点
火的角所对应的空气开关→将旋钮旋到就地点火状态→ 检查点火枪 原位指示灯、油阀关位指示灯应该点亮;点火枪到位指示灯、油阀开 位指示灯和火检信号指示灯应不亮,此时点火条件具备。
点火过程:打开吹扫阀,吹扫点火管路 2~3 分钟,然后关闭吹扫阀 →按下进点火枪按钮→待点火枪进到位指示灯亮时→将旋钮打到油 阀开位(油阀开到指示灯亮),同时按下点火按钮开始点火→当火检 信号指示灯亮时(或通过观火孔看油枪是否着火),点火枪伴烧 10 秒→按下退点火枪按钮→待点火枪退到位指示灯亮后,完成点火过 程。若伴烧结束仍没着火,则点失败迅速关断油阀(油阀关位指示灯 亮)。当油枪停投后,请务必进行吹扫;同时下次点火前应进行吹扫。
3 负荷调节(油枪流量调节) 3.1 油枪点着后,如果炉膛温度升的太快可降低油压或者适量加 大引风量。 3.2 如果启燃室温度升得太快,可降低油压,或者加大燃烧风门 和混合风门开度,特别是混合风门开度。 3.3 如果风室温度升得太快,可降低油压或者加大混合风门开度, 或者少量开启风室一次风风门开度但必须保证油枪火焰基本不受影 响。 4 油枪停止使用后应先关闭油阀,然后务必吹扫3-5分钟。



JD 警示灯Tower Light 安全、值得信赖产品手册TAYEEBrand legend1997200220072012201703JD警示灯产品综述上海天逸电器有限公司一直以创新及产品的高品质在低压主令电器领域享有盛誉。




警示灯JD T ower Light目录 / CONTENTSΦ50单体式警示灯 06Φ70单体式警示灯 10JD70AP中心安装警示灯 18Φ90单体式警示灯 20Φ150单体式警示灯 27单体式警示灯 一体式警示灯Φ36mm一体式警示灯 65Φ50mm一体式警示灯 69Φ50F声光一体式警示灯 72JD110P多音报警器 89JD150P多音报警器 91成套报警器Φ50组合式警示灯 33Φ22mm安装警示灯 40Φ70组合式警示灯 42Φ90组合式警示灯 52JD90F方形组合式警示灯 59组合式警示灯Φ50单层多色警示灯 75Φ70单层多色警示灯 79JD90A-C单体多色警示灯 84多色警示灯警示灯JD T ower Light05单体警示灯为了确保产品能够不受限制的应用于各行各业,JD 系列单体式警示灯在设计制造过程中遵循天逸电器一贯的高标准,防护等级最高可达IP65,满足您的高要求。

防护等级竞争的时代需要更多创意,JD 系列单体式警示灯提供多样化的外观供您选择,分别为JD50A 、JD50CA 、J D70A 、J D70C A 、J D90A 、J D90B 、J D150A 、JD150B 让您拥有个性化的产品。





FM数显电梯无线对讲系统用户手册JDT-S系列深圳市精达泰科技有限公司目录一、FM数显电梯无线对讲系统(JDT-S)概述 (3)1、系统简介 (3)2、产品优势 (3)二、FM数显电梯无线对讲系统功能介绍 (3)1、系统功能简述 (3)2、值班室主机功能介绍 (4)3、机房分机功能介绍 (5)三、FM数显电梯无线对讲系统原理图 (6)四、FM数显示电梯无线对讲系统使用方法 (6)1、电梯呼叫主机 (7)2、主机接听电梯呼叫 (7)3、主机呼叫电梯 (7)4、挂断呼叫 (7)五、FM数显电梯无线对讲系统安装方法及注意事项 (7)1、值班室主机安装方法 (8)2、FM数显分机安装及注意事项 (8)3、机房电话安装方法 (10)4、轿厢通话器安装方法 (10)5、轿顶、底通话器安装方法 (11)六、FM数显电梯无线对讲系统主要设备技术参数 (12)七、常见问题及解决方法 (13)1、轿厢通话器啸叫 (13)2、通话器接按钮后,自动呼叫,警铃长鸣 (13)3、通话过程中出现杂音 (13)4、呼叫信号中断 (14)5、只能单方通话 (14)6、音量小 (14)八、注意事项 (14)九、售后服务政策 (14)一、FM数显电梯无线对讲系统(JDT-S)概述1、系统简介JDT-S型FM数显无线电梯对讲呼叫系统是我公司推出的FM无线的升级产品,是在成熟的FM 调频的基础上设计的一款针对中端市场的一款产品,在原有FM的基础上增加了显示功能,能以阿拉伯FM数显的形式显示具体电梯号码。







关键词:离合器;调整技术;拖拉机中图分类号:S218.5文献标识码:A doi:10.14031/ki.njwx.2019.10.0441东方红-802型拖拉机离合器东方红-802型拖拉机的离合器,为单片、单作用、干式、弹簧压紧常接合式摩擦离合器。


为保证先分离后制动,其原始状态不仅要保证制动压盘与制动盘间有7~8mm 制动间隙,而且应保证有3~4mm的离合器间隙(相当于踏板自由行程为30-40mm),踏板踩到制动器间隙消除后为制动阶段。



踏板的自由行程为30 ~40mm(即对应离合器间隙3~4mm),全行程为150~ 160mm o在调整离合器间隙时,应使三个分离杠杆头部的圆弧面位于同一个平面内,相差不得大于0.3mm。









Issue DateINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSPublication No.Honda Dealer: Please give a copy of these instructions to your customer.© 2016 American Honda Motor Co., Inc - All Rights Reserved.0SA30-HL4-100Application Accessory PARTS LIST(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(11)(12)(8)(9)(10)SWITCH PLATE/VOLT METER/WIRE HARNESS P/N 0SA30-HL4-100SXS1000M3/M3P/M5D/M5PMII 15262-15734REVISED:February 2016No.Description Qty (1)Switchplate 1(2)Volt meter 1(3)Power harness 1(4)Switch harness1(5)Accessory fuse box 1(6)Power circuit board (PCB)1(7)Grommet 1(8)Trim clip5(9)Fuses (one 10A, one 7.5A, two 5A)4(10)Switch blanking plate 3(11) 5 x 35 mm screw 2(12) 5 mm washer2(13)Installation Instruction URL (not shown)1ACCESSORY FUSE BOX RELOCATION BRACKET P/N 0SA30-HL4-100BSold Separately - For use only when installing this TOOLS REQUIREDFlat blade screwdriver #2 Phillips screwdriver 3/8 inch (9 mm) drill bit 7/32 inch (5.6 mm) drill bit 1 ½ inch (38 mm) hole saw Power drill Pliers Awl MarkerTORQUE CHARTTighten all screws, bolts, and nuts to their specified torque values. Refer to the Service Manual for the torque values of the removed parts.© 2016 American Honda Motor Co., Inc - All Rights Reserved.0SA30-HL4-1002. Place the accessory fuse box relocation bracketagainst the front fender (right side) as shown. Make two drill marks on the front fender, through thebracket holes as shown.3. Drill an 8 mm hole at the center of each markedpoint on the front fender.4. Install the accessory fuse box relocation bracketwith the supplied trim clips as shown. Proceed to Step 4 of the installation.USE AND CARE INFORMATION• The accessory power distribution kit adds a relay controlled, fused electrical distribution panel for Honda Signature accessories only. Connecting components other than those approved by Honda may result in damage to the wire harness or accessory. Damage caused by the connection of non-approved accessories is not covered by Honda Warranty.• The distribution system activates when the ignition switch is turned ON and automatically turns off all connected accessories when the ignition switch is turned OFF.• The system is fused at the battery and each accessory has a fuse to prevent system disruption if there is a fault with a single accessory.• The integrated volt meter allows the user to manage the electrical loads to prevent discharging the battery during use.INSTALLATION1. Refer to the Service M anual for the vehicle andremove the front hood. Disconnect the battery negative (-) terminal.When Installing With Winch Mount1. Install the rubber stop to the bottom of theaccessory fuse box relocation bracket as shown.BRACKETRUBBER STOPBRACKETMARKER(8 mm bit)TRIM CLIPBRACKET© 2016 American Honda Motor Co., Inc - All Rights Reserved.0SA30-HL4-100Without Winch Mount2. Place the accessory fuse box into the pocket ofthe body panel as shown. Transfer the location of the three mounting holes from the fuse box into the body panel with a marker.Mark here.3. With the accessory fuse box removed, drill3/8 inch (9 mm) holes at the marked locations. Note: Be careful when drilling through the panel thatyou don’t damage anything behind it.4. Empty all contents from the instrument panel centercubby.From the hood opening, locate the rear of the cubby and drill a 1-1/2 inch (38 mm) hole using a hole saw at the location shown. Be sure the entire hole is located in the flat top of the cubby.5. Inside the cabin, remove the center two screws andtwo trim clips holding the instrument panel to the front floor cover.6. Remove the panel nuts from the center two holesand set them aside for re-use later. Re-install the two outer screws.SCREWTRIM CLIPTRIM CLIPPANEL NUT7. Drill two 7/32 inch (5.6 mm) holes into the cubbypanel by passing the drill bit through the open holes in the front floor cover at the positions shown.HOLE8. Route the switch harness from the passenger cabthrough the large hole in the cubby to the under-hood bay so that the 12-pin and 2-pin connectors are inside the under-hood bay as shown. Install the grommet in the cubby hole.GROMMETSWITCH HARNESS© 2016 American Honda Motor Co., Inc - All Rights Reserved.0SA30-HL4-1009. Install the two panel nuts onto the lower tabs of theswitch plate as shown. The flat portion of the nutshould face down.TABPANEL NUT10. Position the panel into the cubby and loosely installthe two provided 5 x 35 mm screws through the instrument panel into the switch plate panel nuts.11. With the lower screws in place, hold the switchplate into the cubby and transfer the location of the two mounting tabs onto the top panel of the cubby with a marker as shown.MOUNTING TAB5 x 35 mm SCREWMARKER12. Remove the switch plate and drill a 3/8 inch holethrough each mark on the cubby.13. Install the volt meter and switches (providedwith each accessory) into the switch plate in the preferred configuration.Connect the switch harness to each switch asindicated by the label on each switch connector.Connect the volt meter wire to the volt meter. If anyswitch positions are left open, install a blanking plate in the opening.14. Install the switch plate with the two 5 x 35 mmscrews, washers, and two trim clips as shown.TRIM CLIP5 x 35 mm SCREW15. Under the hood, remove the original equipmentfuse panel cover and remove the fuse panel from the body.Locate the White/black wire exiting the 15A accessory circuit fuse.16. Install the power harness wire-tap connectoronto the White/black wire. Be sure the wire tap connector is locked closed.Replace fuse panel and cover.W/Bl WIRE Install wire tap.© 2016 American Honda Motor Co., Inc - All Rights Reserved.0SA30-HL4-10017. Connect the power harness red wire to the batteryside of the starter relay switch as shown.Route the power harness towards the accessory fuse box location.POWER HARNESSRED WIRE18a. W hen Installing With Winch MountInstall the accessory fuse box to the bracket withthree trim clips as shown.18b. W hen Installing Without Winch MountInstall the accessory fuse box with three trim clips as shown.TRIM CLIPT 19. Install all other switched Honda Signature electricalaccessories at this time before proceeding.20. Route all accessory wire harnesses according totheir Installation Instructions and then connect them to their corresponding terminal on the Power Circuit Board (PCB).PCBPOWER HARNESS VOLT METERAUX LIGHTPOWER HARNESSLIGHT BARWIPER MOTORHEATERSWITCH HARNESS21. Install the fusebox grommet over the wires, andslide the PCB into the slots of the fusebox.PCBGROMMETTRIM CLIPSTARTER RELAY SWITCH© 2016 American Honda Motor Co., Inc - All Rights Reserved.0SA30-HL4-10022. Snap the lid onto the fusebox, securing the PCBand grommet in place.Install the fuses for the installed accessories into the face of the PCB as shown.• M ake sure the fuse rating matches the value printed on the fuse box lid. Install the fuse cover.FUSE BOX LIDFUSEInstall into front of PCB.FUSE RATING23. Install the ring terminal of the power harness blackwire over the battery negative (-) terminal bolt.Reconnect the battery negative (-) terminal.24. Turn the ignition switch to ON and test the functionof all connected accessories.25. Use the included zip-ties to secure the switch andpower harnesses.26. Re-install the front hood.。

JDSU 多线路同步测试仪用户指南说明书

JDSU 多线路同步测试仪用户指南说明书

test performed. If no failures are detected, the remote(s) will be identified in the PASS area by lighting an LED for each remote found (multiple LEDs with DC passing spliters). If no remote is found, or the cable is shorted, the OPEN or SHORT LEDs will light, respectively. Note: The Coax mapping tester will not test cable runs with AC or DC voltage present. Also it will not test through amplifiers, DC blocking devices or isolation splitters.
Terminator for coax mapping tester - #1 Brown
Terminator for coax mapping tester - #2 Red
Terminator for coax mapping tester - #3 Orange
Terminator for coax mapping tester - #4 Yellow
Open/Short LEDs
Remote I.D. detected LEDs
F Connector
The Coax mapping tester is a small hand held tester designed for CATV and security system installers who test multi-run coax systems terminated with F-connectors or those who wish to map runs to a central bundle. It has the ability to put a tone signal on a coax cable as well as find and identify multiple coax cables connected to a coax splitter. With four unique identifier test terminators, it is ideal for mapping coax installations.



JDSUmts4000-OTDR中文说明文件JDSU MTS-4000光测试平台主要特性多任务、多功能集于一体的FTTx光测试设备,包括OTDR、IL、PON功率计。




灵活的连接性,包括USB、高速1G以太网、Wifi和蓝牙接口JDSU MTS-4000是紧凑便携式多任务测试平台,重量轻,用于安装和维护Access/FTTx 平台。


JDSU MTS-4000采用双模块设计,能够对各种测试功能进行完美组合,适用于所有Access/FTTx光网络。




MTS是一个高度集成的平台,具有两个模块插槽、一个高清晰度大彩色屏幕(可选触摸屏)、高容量锂电池、一个可选的视频检查显微镜(通过USB端口)、可选的内置光测试功能,如可视化故障定位器(VFL)、功率计和一个Wifi/蓝牙接口应用:接入网,FTTx网络基于光纤网络和铜缆网络的障碍排除测试、开通PON网络或点对点光纤网络基于DSL接入或以太网接入的IPTV和VoIP开通OTDR模块其他功能特点:①远程协助与Intranet/Internet连接-在线帮助功能-从数据库中下载参考资料和设置-用电子邮件发送测试结果远程控制②②控制MTS-4000设备-利用PC(无需安装特殊的应用程序)对MTS-4000设备进行完全控制(设置、结果分析等)-从MTS-4000ftp服务器下载结果文件③测试自动化-利用脚本文件简化现场技术人员的操作时间-定义测试过程实现测试过程自动化操作(脚本文件)并简化技术人员的操作-数据报表自动生成④无线连接-可以很方便地将结果文件传送到您的PC或PDA中-直接从MTS-4000下载结果文件并传输到笔记本电脑或PDA中,不需电缆或客户端应用程序⑤其它工具-集成了HTML和PDF-以HTML、XML、文本或PDF文件格式保存带有测试记录信息的测试结果-对MTS-4000所有文档进行分析(快速指导等)技术参数:OTDR特性主机特性:显示:标准:TFT color,7-in,LCD 800×480,适用于户外的高可视度显示屏可选:触摸屏,TFT color,7-in,LCD 800×480适用于户外的高可视度显示屏中心波长13100nm±20nm 1550nm±20nm 1625nm±10nm 1625nm ±20nm(含滤波器)激光器安全级1类1类1类1类脉冲宽度3ns 到10μs 3ns 到10μs 3ns 到10μs 3ns 到10μs 动态范围32dB 30dB30dB28dB数据点数高至128000个数据点群折射率范围1.30000到1.70000,步长为0.00001距离测量自动或双光标显示分辨力1cm 光标分辨力1cm以上采样分辨力4cm 以上距离精度±1m±采样分辨力±1x10-5距离(不包括群折射率不确定度)衰减测量自动,手动,2点测试和5点测试以及LSA显示显示分辨力0.001dB 光标分辨力0.001dB 以上精度±0.05dB反射/ORL 测量自动或手动阈值:-11到-99dB,步长为1dB 内存典型值为内存中可以存贮1000条迹线线性度±0.05dB 事件盲区(典型为0.8m)1m 衰减盲区4m存储和I/O接口:内部存储器:32M,可存储1000条测试结果可扩展存储器:最小1G2×USB2.0,1×RJ45以太网(1Gb/s)以太网:10/100/1000MHz,全双工WiFi无线局域网:标准IEEE802.11b/g 蓝牙:Class2,范围10m音频接口:2.5mm电源:电池:锂离子电池,6600mAh交流适配器:输入100-250V,50-60Hz;输出12-15V DC/3.7A 电磁兼容:符合EN60950电池操作时间:超过11小时;符合Telcordia GR-196-CORE外形与重量:外形尺寸:260x135x90mm(包含主机,两个模块和电池)重量:1.4kg(仅主机和电池)、<2.0kg(主机、一个模块和电池)环境温度:操作温度:0~+40°C(含所有选项)储存温度:-20~+60°C湿度:95%基于主机平台的选件:光功率计(40PM):功率范围:+10~-60dBm校准波长:850nm、1310nm、1550nm光接口连接器:通用UPP接口,可选2.5mm和1.25mm可见光故障探测器VFL(40VFL):波长:635n m±15nm输出功率:<1mw激光安全:Class2光接口连接器:通用UPP接口,可选2.5mm和1.25mm快速捕获光纤检查显微镜工具组:放大倍率:200倍和400倍接口:USB光接口检查适配器:FC,SC,SC-APC,LC,U25,U25MA,U12订货信息上一页下一页。



JDTest (PCI 控制卡)简单说明JDTest 是针对精雕设备的调试软件,可以通过JDTest 测试精雕雕刻机的故障原因,解决在EN3D 中无法判断的问题。

正确使用JDTest 需要分以下几个步骤进行:一、 认识JDTest 的界面二、 安装PCI40控制卡及其驱动程正确安装PCI40控制卡及其驱动程之后会在设备管理器中显示有“精雕设备”;如果没有正确安装控制卡或其驱动程序,打开JDTest 后会出现下面这个对话框:这时应该检查: ①Win98设备管理器中是否安装控制卡驱动或是禁用控制卡设备;解决方法:重新安装驱动程序,安装方法见下文;②控制卡是否插紧;解决方法:关闭电脑,然后重新插拔控制卡;③电脑PCI插槽是否损坏;解决方法:关闭电脑,检查控制卡金手指及PCI插槽是否洁净,可用橡皮搽拭控制卡的金手指,用毛刷刷净PCI插槽,如果还是报错就换个PCI插槽插控制卡;尽量不要选择靠近AGP显卡插槽的那个PCI插槽;④PCI控制卡是否完好;解决方法:检查控制卡的金手指及印刷电路有无明显烧毁痕迹,电子元器件有无特别烫等现象,如果有请更换控制卡)。





JDT-B 型单相接地故障探测仪说明书

JDT-B 型单相接地故障探测仪说明书
2、 寻找故障点。现以图 2 的#3 线路为例, 介绍测法:
1) 在接地线(#3)的 AB 段上随意选 2~3 个测点,测量时仍需面 向负荷侧。显而易见因故障点位于操作者前方,所以在每个测点上“前 方”灯都亮,图 2 中用实箭头“→”表明故障点方向。
2) 在 BC 段(离 B 点 50 米以远)上测量一点,同样要面向负荷侧 (即面向 C 点),此时“前方”灯不上,图 2 中用虚箭头“ ”表明故障点的方向。 3) BD 段的测法与 AB 段相同,DE 段与 BC 段相同。 4) DG 段分两部分,接地点 F 与 D 之间,即 DF 段测量结果与 AB 相同,F 点与 G 之间测量结果与 BC 相同。当操作者从 D 向 G 方向 之间测量时 F 是分界点,过了 F 点“前方”灯就灭了。 综上所述:寻找接地点的方法可归纳为:面向负荷方向,按照“前方”
JDT-B 型单相接地故障探测仪使用说明书
概 述:
在中性点绝缘及经消弧线圈接地(即非有效接地)的高中压配电网中,单相接地故障是一种常见的故 障形式。上述电网发生单相接地故障后,通常仍可继续运行一段时间(规定为 2 小时)。然而电网带接地 故障运行却存在着引发两相或三相接地短路故障的危险性,而且接地时间越长,这种危险性越大。因此, 快速找到接地点并予以消除是几十年来国内外同行十分关注的重大课题。
我公司生产的 JDT-B 型单相接地故障探测仪(适用于 3~66KV 架空线路),是一种快速查找故障点的 智能型、超小型的手提机。它具有两项基本功能和一项校验功能.
基本功能: ①选线:通过依次对带电运行的各配出线的离线测量,可正确选出接地线路。 ②找接地点:沿接地故障线路进行有限次数的跳跃式测量,可快速、准确地找到接地故障点。 效验功能:如果变电站已装有单相接地自动选线装置,则不必进行“选线”,但可对自动“选线”结果的正确性 进行校验,当校验结果可疑时可重新进行“选线”。


















目录一概述……………………………………………1产品型号特点………………………………2主机与重要附件旳名称……………………3性能参数……………………………………4使用环境条件………………………………5安全及安全标记……………………………6合用范畴………………………………………二产品原理与构造………………………………… 1基本原理………………………………………2诊病原理………………………………………3治疗原理……………………………………4工作原理……………………………………三使用措施…………………………………1诊断疾病措施……………………………… 2治疗疾病措施…………………………………四故障分析与排除……………………………五产品旳配套…………………………………六售后服务、承诺……………………………一、概述DJT-4A型诊断健身仪是我公司研制生产旳诊断健身仪系列产品之一。

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Operating instructions for attachment swivels "THEIPA"- Point (TP), "THEIPA"-Point-S (TP-S), "THEIPA"-Point-F (TP-F),TAWGK, EAWGK, TAWSKGeneral principles regarding the utilisation of lifting accessories and their components:The operating instructions are to be stored together with the certificate and the EC declaration of conformity.The falling of loads, caused by the failure and / or incorrect utilisation and handling of lifting equipment or its individual parts constitutes a direct risk to the life or health of the people who are present in the danger zone of lifting processes.These operating instructions contain information with regard to the safe utilisation and handling of the lifting accessories and their components. Before using the lifting equipment, the assigned persons are to be briefed with regard to handling and utilisation by a qualified person. The following principles apply:- The Working Load Limit (WLL) (see label) of the lifting equipment must correspond to the load. The lifting equipment may not be used if the label is missing or isillegible.- No danger areas (e.g. crushing points, cutting points, trapping or impact points) may occur that may hinder or endanger the person carrying out the slinging processand / or the transport.- The base material and the constructive design of the load must be able to hold the applied forces without deformation.- Stress that leads to a non-uniform load distribution, e.g. which is caused as a result of an off-centre introduction of force must be taken into account when selecting thelifting accessories and their components.- In the event that extreme stress or strong dynamic strain (shock influences) may occur, this must be taken into account when selecting the lifting equipment and theWorking Load Limit (WLL).- The lifting equipment may not be used for the transportation of persons. No persons are ever permitted to remain present in the danger area of a suspended load. - The lifting equipment may not come into contact with acids and other aggressive agents. Attention must also be paid to the fact that acid fumes may occur in certainproduction processes.- Never make unauthorised amendments to the lifting equipment (e.g. grinding, welding, bending, and attachment of parts)! - The lifting equipment may not be exposed to any forbidden manipulation of temperature. - Only original spare parts may be used.- The relevant additional regulations must be observed when transporting hazardous substances.- Lifting accessories and their components must be stored in such a manner that they are protected against being damaged and do not cause any danger. - If damaged, the lifting equipment must be immediately taken out of circulation and has to undergo maintenance work.- When ready to be discarded, lifting equipment is to be correctly disposed of. Attention: Any substances present that are hazardous to the environment (e.g. greasesand oils) are to be disposed of separately.Inspection and maintenance:On a regular basis before being used, lifting equipment is to be closely inspected with regard to correct utilisation and faultless condition (e.g. screw fit, absence of strong corrosion and deformation, etc.), for example by the person carrying out the slinging process. Defective lifting equipment may not be used. It has to be tested at least once a year by a qualified person whilst taking the relevant standards and trade association regulations (e.g. BGR 500) into account. Every three years lifting equipment must be tested by a qualified person using a proper testing device in order to check that the product is free of cracks. The user must observe the results of the risk assessment in accordance with the occupational safety directives. The re-testing period is shortened in the event that the products are exposed to critical operating conditions. Inspection records are to be kept.The testing coefficient (EC-Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC point 4.4.1) is defined according to the respective standards and corresponds to 2.5.Wear measurement concerning withdrawal from service:Grade 10 THEIPA Point20.0 – 30.0 t 4.5 mmA gap becomes visible, max. the thickness of the WLL tableAttention: In the event of violation, the operating permission will become void.General assembly instructionsThe lifting swivels must be easily recognisable on the load (e.g. by means of colour marking). The attachment swivels are to be positioned on the load in such a manner that a flat bearing surface is large enough to carry the applied forces. At the very least, this bearing surface must correspond to the complete diameter (b) of the usedattachment swivel body (respectively larger when dealing with the weldable attachment swivels). The thread hole must be perpendicular to the bearing surface. The thread hole must be countersunk. The quantity and arrangement of the attachment points on the load must be selected so that the load can be carried safely and that it cannot unexpectedly change its position during transport. The chain link of the attachment swivel must be correctly adjusted in the direction of force and it must be freely movable.The swing range of the chain link and, as a result, the angle range of the force application is equal to 180°.The following applies in principle for attachment swivels to bolt-on:Inspect visually the screw connection paying particular attention to screw size, thread size and screw-in length. Special threads (not listed in catalog) are additionallylabelled with a thread marking on the rear side of the swivel body. When dealing with blind holes, the thread depth on the load must be at least 1.1 times of the screw-in length (e). We recommend the following as the minimum screw-in lengths (e): in steel 1 x d in cast iron 1.25 x d, in cast iron with strengths < 200 MPa min. 1.5 x d in aluminium 2 x d in aluminium-magnesium alloys 2.5 x d(whereby d = thread size, e.g. when M 24 d = 24 mm)For TP-F, crack-testedscrews of strength class 10.9 are to be used.In the event that TPs are secured with screw nuts, these nuts must correspond to strength class 10 and be crack-tested.Tighten by hand with a spanner until flush with the bearing surface, e.g. open-ended wrench according to DIN 895 / DIN 894, in the event of a one-off transportprocedure. Should the attachment swivel remain in the load on a permanent basis or should it be used to rotate and turn loads, the tightening is to be carried out with a higher tightening torque in accordance with the following Table 1:Using an open-ended wrench, all Theipa Points (TP, TP-F) must at least be hand-tight !When dealing with weldable sling points (TP-S), the separate welding instructions are to be observed.Working load limit and temperature useThe attachment swivels are labelled with the respective working load limit and are listed below in the technical data sheet to the respective nominal size in tabular and graphic form. These working load limits may not be exceeded.Table 1Anschlagartkind of attachment0°90°0°90°0°-45° 45°-60° 0°-45° 45°-60° TP 0.7 M 10 10- 40 1 0 .5 2 1 0 .7 0 .5 1 0 .75 M 12 15- 40 1 .4 0 .7 2 .8 1 .4 1 0 .7 1 .4 1 M 14 30- 40 2 1 4 2 1 .4 1 2 .12 1 .5 TP 1.4 M 16 45- 130 2 .8 1 .4 5 .6 2 .8 2 1 .4 3 2 .12 M 20 75- 130 3 .4 1 .7 6 .8 3 .4 2 .4 1 .7 3 .55 2 .5 M 24 90- 130 3 .4 1 .7 6 .8 3 .4 2 .4 1 .7 3 .55 2 .5 TP 2.5 M 20 100- 170 5 2 .5 1053 .552 .5 5.3 3 .75 TP4 M 24 / M 30 190- 280 8 4 16 85 .6 4 8 .5 6 TP 6.7 M 30 230- 400 12 6 .7 24 13 .4 9 .5 6 .7 14 10 TP 8 M 30 270- 600 12 8 24 16 11 .2 8 16 12 TP 10 M 36 270- 600 15 10 30 20 14 10 21 .2 15 TP 12.5 M 42 / M 48 270- 700 15 12 .5 30 25 17 12 .5 25 18 TP 17 M 42 350- 800 20 13 40 26 18 13 27 19 TP 17 M 45 350- 800 25 17 50 34 23 .5 17 35 25 TP 17 M 48 350- 800 25 17 50 34 23 .5 17 35 25 TP 17 M56 350- 900 25 18 50 36 25 18 37 .5 26 .5 TP 20 M64 350- 800 25 20 50 40 28 20 40 30 TAWGK 20 M 64 500- 1000 25 20 50 40 28 20 42 .5 30 TAWGK 25 M 72 / M 80 500- 1200 31 .5 25 63 50 33 .5 25 50 37 .5 TAWQK 30 M 90 500- 1200 40 31 .5806342 .531 .56347 .5Anschlagartkind of attachmentInclination angle0°90°0°90°0°-45° 45°-60° 0°-45° 45°-60° Bezeichnung Marking Anziehdreh-moment Tightening torque Tragfähigkeit WLL TragfähigkeitWLL TragfähigkeitWLL TragfähigkeitWLL[ Nm ] [ t ] [ t ] [ t ] [ t ][ t ] [ t ] [ t ][ t ]TP-F 0.5 M 12x15 15- 40 1 .4 0 .5 2 .8 1 0 .7 0 .5 1 0 .75 TP-F 1 M 16x20 45- 130 2 .8 1 5 .6 2 1 .4 1 2 .12 1 .5 TP-F 1.7 M 20x25 100- 170 5 1 .7 10 3 .4 2 .4 1 .7 3 .55 2 .5 TP-F 2.1 M 24x30 190- 280 8 2 .1 16 4 2 .8 2 .1 4 .25 3 .15 TP-F 3.2 M 30x40 230- 400 12 3 .2 24 6 .4 4 .25 3 .15 6 .7 4 .75 TP-F 5M 36x45270- 600 15 530106 .75 107 .5Anschlagartkind of attachmentInclination angle 0°90°0°90°0°-45° 45°-60° 0°-45° 45°-60° Bezeichnung Marking TragfähigkeitWLL TragfähigkeitWLL TragfähigkeitWLL TragfähigkeitWLL [ t ] [ t ][ t ] [ t ][ t ] [ t ][ t ] [ t ]TP-S 2.5 5 2 .5 10 5 3 .55 2 .5 5 .3 3 .75 TP-S 4 8 4 16 8 5 .6 4 8 .5 6 TP-S 6.7 12 6 .7 24 13 .4 9 .5 6 .7 14 10 TP-S 10 15 10 30 20 14 10 21 .2 15 TP-S 172517503423 .5173525In case of an asymmetrical load distribution, the working load limit applicable to the 2- to 4- leg sling types is the same as for 1-leg sling type with an inclination angle of 90°. This corresponds to the working load limit marking on the attachment point.After use by the temperatures above 200°C, the working load limit must be permanently reduced for further usage according to the following table 2. An accelerated wear in the ball bearings is also possible in this case and must be monitored by the user.Table 2Working temperature in °C WLL* in %minus 40°C – plus 200°C 100plus 200°C – plus 300°C 90plus 300°C – plus 400°C 75above 400°C not allowed* The working temperature of the TP-F can be further restricted as a result of the used screw, the screw supplier must be questioned with regard to this matter.In the event that the TP is secured by a screw nut, the working temperatures can also be further restricted.Conformity DeclarationTranslation of the original operating instructionsIn case of doubts or misunderstanding, the German version of the document is decisive.。
