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17. 【文化】Which of the following is usually used to begin and end a letter from a reader to an editor of a newspaper? A. Dear Susan; Love. B. Dear Tom; yours Alice. C.. Dear Sir/Madam; Yours faithfully. D. Dear Sir/Madam; Best wishes.
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18.【文化】Which symbol meansgood luck
in Britain?
A.. A horseshoe. C. A key.
B. A stork. D. Bells.
19.【生活】Which of the following blood
type is called the universal receiver?
B.Nanjing D.Beijing
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15. 【时事】 On Des.5.2017, Saihanba
Afforestation Community塞( 罕坝林场)
was awarded(被授予) the UN's highest
environmental honor, the campions of
A. Mo Yan
B. Schiller
C. Shelley
D.. Yu Guangzhong
28. 【时事】December 13, 2017 marks China's _____ National Memorial Day for Nanjing Massacre Victims( 南京大 屠杀遇难者), a day to mourn(哀悼) the more than 300,000 Chinese who lost their lives at the hands of Japanese
“The Kingdom Of Education( 教育王国) ”
in the world?
C.. 以色列
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5. 【体育】What is English equivalent
( 对应词) of “国际奥委会”?
it is the emblem标( 志) of the ____
BRICS summit.
B.nine C.tenth D..ninth
[ 拓 ]The BRICS Summit was held in
_______ in September 2017.
A..Xiamen C.Shenzhen
27. 【名人】Do you konw the poem“When
I was a child, Nostalgia( 乡愁) seemed
a tiny stamp: "Here wasI. And there …
my mother." ”?
It was written by ______.
of the year and the third one of winter.
It falls around December 7 each year.
C.. 大雪 D.小寒
8. 【 历 史 】 Zhuge Kong Ming was a historical personage(历史人物) from which of the following books? A. A Dream of Red Mansions B.. Romanceof Three Kingdoms C. Water Margin D. Journey to the west
A. 莎士比亚
B. 巴尔扎克
C. 高尔基
D.. 托尔斯泰
25. 【文学】Who was the first Chinese
writer to win the honor of “人民艺术
A.巴金 B.冰心
D.. 老舍
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26.【文化】Which of the following “不辞而别”? A.take a Chinese leave B..take a French leave C.take a Eglish leave D.take a Germany leave
35. 【体育】The Olympic motto( 格言) is ________. A.. faster,higher,stronger B. higher,faster,stronger C. stronger,faster,higher D. stronger,higher,faster
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22. 【文学】Do you know the poem “李
杜文章在,光焰万丈长 ” by Han Yu?
Whomdo the “李杜” refer to?
A.. 李白; 杜甫 C.李商隐; 杜甫
B.李白; 杜牧 D.李商隐; 杜牧
23【. 名人】Seeing the Chinese idiom “高
6. 【生活】In Britain, people put their
clocks ___one hour whenspring begins.
A. back by
B. back of
C.. forward by
D. forward of
7. 【节气】____ is the 21st solar term
山流水”, I couldn't help thinking of
the hero( 主 人 公 ) _______ and
_______in it.
钟子期 俞伯牙
24. 【历史】Who was called “the mirror
of Russian revolution( 俄国革命的镜
子) ”by Lenin( 列宁).
13. 【音乐】Which song originated( 起 源于) in China? A. Swan Lake 天鹅湖 B.. Jasmine 茉莉花 C. Symphony of Destiny 命运交响曲 D. the Marseillaise 马赛曲
14. 【时事】Look at the picture
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9. 【文学】The underlined word in the
following poem is a kind of _____.
A.. plant C. insect
B. skirt D. jewellery
1. 【文学】Which of the following works
was not written by Hemingway海( 明威)?
B.《永别了, 武器》
C.《太阳照常升起》 D.. 《等待戈多》
2. 【节日】Which is also called “圣瓦
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invaders( 侵略者) 80 years ago.
A.. fourth C. third
B. second D. first
29. 【文学】“让暴风雨来得更猛烈些吧” comes from Gorky(高尔基)’s works ____. A. Mother B. In the World C. Childhood D.. song of salangane ( 海燕)
32.【交通】In Australia, the distances
to towns are shown in ______.
A. miles
B. mile
C.. kilometers
D. kilometer
33. 【交通】Cars drive on the ____ of the road in China, but in Britain, cars drive on the ______ of the road. A. left-hand side, right-hand side B.. right-hand side, left-hand side C. right-hand side, right-hand side D. left-hand side, left-hand side
earth award.
A.. 地球卫士奖 C.地球保护奖
B.地球荣誉奖 D.保护地球奖
16. 【文学】The poem“林暗草惊风”was
written by _____ in Tang Dynasty.
A. Li Bai
B. WangZhihuan
C. Wang Changling D.. Lu Lun
34.【文学】Who's the winner of the 2017 Nobel Prize for Literature( 文学奖). A.. Kazuo Ishiguro( 石黒一雄)
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B.Mo Yan(莫言) C.Murakami Haruki( 村上春树) D.Bob Dylan( 鲍勃·迪伦)
10.【文学】Which is not a famous saying of Confucius( 孔子)? A. 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎! B. 学而时习之,不亦乐乎! C. 三人行,必有我师焉! D.. 天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志
11. 【历史】Which country is not one of
the four civilized countries( 四大文
A. China
B. Egypt
C.. Japan
D. India
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12. 【节日】When is Mother’s Day? A. The first Sunday in May. B.. The second Sunday in May. C. The third Sunday in June. D. The fourth Sunday in June.
30. 【文学】“问渠那得清如许 ?为有源头
活水来”was written by ____ in Song
A. Li Qingzhao C. Wang Anshi
B.. Zhu Xi D. Su Shi
31. 【体育】Look at the picture
it is the emblem of the 2022 Winter
A. 狂欢节 C. 万圣节
B.. 情人节 D.感恩节
3. 【天文】The Great Dipper( 北斗七星)
is from the seven stars of ________.
A.半人马座 C.狮子星座
B.. 大熊星座 D.小熊星座
4. 【教育】Which country is known as
A. B
B. A
C. O
D.. AB
20. 【文学】Do you know the poem “故
Who is the “故人” in the poem?
A.. Meng Haoran C. Wang Wei
B. Li Bai D. He Zhizhang
21. 【自然】The pine tree, the plum blossom and the ______ are associated with winter, being knownas the “Three Friends of Winter( 岁寒三友) ”.
Olympics. The uppermost part( 最上部)
of the emblem comes from the Chinese
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character _______.(填写汉字“冬”) [ 拓 ]The _____ Olympic Winter Games will be held in 2022. A..XXIV B.XIV C.XXV D.XXI