




下列相关叙述不正确的是( )A.甲为组成乙的基本单位,且乙中最多含有20种甲B.由不同的甲形成乙后,相对分子质量比原来减少了4832C.丙主要存在于细胞核中,且在乙的生物合成中具有重要作用D.如果甲中的R为C3H5O2,那么由两分子甲形成的化合物中含有16个H2.在细胞的生命活动中,下列有关基因和染色体的叙述正确的是()A.同源染色体上每个基因一定有其等位基因B.同源染色体上一定有非等位基因C.非同源染色体上一定没有等位基因D.姐妹染色单体上一定没有等位基因3.生物是一门实验学科,生物学经典实验有很多,下列相关叙述错误的是()A.赫尔希和蔡斯实验所用材料噬菌体能在肺炎双球菌中增殖B.卡尔文用放射性同位素标记法研究CO2中的C在光合作用中的转移途径C.摩尔根运用假说一演绎法证明了控制果蝇红眼与白眼的等位基因位于X染色体上D.温特实验证明了胚芽鞘弯曲生长是由化学物质引起的,并把这种物质命名为生长素4.超级细菌艰难梭状芽孢杆菌(CDI)通过分泌两种蛋白毒素TcdA、TcdB感染人类,目前的治疗手段主要是抗生素,最有效的是万古霉素,约有80%CDI可以用抗生素有效控制,但易复发,复发后CDI可能威胁生命。







3.考生应用2B 铅笔、钢笔或圆珠笔将答案直接写在答题纸上。


每小题只有一个答案)1.欲分离筛选出土壤中的自生固氮菌,应选择下列固体培养基(仅列出了碳氮源)中的A.葡萄糖,蛋白胨B.葡萄糖,缺氮源C.缺碳源,缺氮源D.乳糖,硫酸铵2.某植物叶肉细胞质内含有的多糖和核酸主要是A.糖原和RNAB.蔗糖和RNAC.淀粉和RNAD.糖原和DNA 3.雌性家兔体细胞中高尔基体数量最多的是A.神经细胞B.心肌细胞C.乳腺细胞D.红细胞4.将紫色洋葱鳞叶外表皮细胞置于30%蔗糖溶液数分钟后,结果如图1所示,紫色分布的区域是A.①B.②C.③D.①和②5.下列关于细胞核的叙述,正确的是A.颤藻和水绵细胞都具有核膜B.染色质储存着大量遗传信息C.核膜、核仁在有丝分裂末期解体D.蛋白质和DNA 通过核孔进出细胞核6.图2显示物质X 和Y 跨膜出细胞,下列叙述正确的是A.物质X 可能是碘B.物质Y 一定是二氧化碳C.物质X 和Y 出细胞都需要能量D.物质X 出细胞的数量取决于相应载体数量7.下列不属于艾滋病的主要传播途径是A.血液传播B.胎盘传播C.空气传播D.体液传播8.细胞内的能量供应机制可表示为图3,下列说法中错误的是A.图中X 代表的是ATPB.ATP 中含两个高能磷酸键C.ATP 是生命活动的直接能源物质D.酶Ⅰ促进光合作用,酶Ⅱ促进呼吸作用9.一学生在15分钟内相继进行四次俯卧撑。

图4表示每次俯卧撑数,对这一结果最合理的解释是A.肝糖原不足B.葡萄糖转化为酒精C.供氧不足,乳酸积累D.肌肉组织中CO 2过剩图310.酵母菌在无氧状态和有氧状态下均可存活。






下列有关叙述错误的是()A.底物浓度为a时,增加底物浓度,酶-底物复合物的形成速率加快B.底物浓度为b时,增加酶的浓度,酶的活性会增大C.底物浓度为a时,增大pH,酶发生形变速率下降D.底物浓度为b时,限制反应速率的因素是酶浓度6.下列关于生物技术实践的叙述,正确的是()A.制作果醋时,通气的直角玻璃管内塞有脱脂棉球,用以过滤空气B.振荡培养能增大微生物与培养液的接触面积,从而促进微生物对营养物质的吸收C.测定样品中亚硝酸盐含量时,将水放入比色杯中,直接测其OD值,作为空白对照D.亚硝酸盐可在碱性条件下与对氨基苯磺酸发生重氮化反应,产物再与N-1-萘基乙二胺偶联,形成紫红色产物7.下列关于胚胎工程的叙述,正确的是()A.在胚胎干细胞培养时需将干细胞接种在饲养层上B.分割的胚胎需经胚胎体外培养才能进行胚胎移植C.需要选择性状优良的母畜作为胚胎移植的受体D.胚胎移植前需使用免疫抑制剂处理受体8.下列关于变形虫生命活动的叙述,正确的是()A.变形虫去除细胞核以后只能存活几天B.变形虫通过胞吞摄食的都是大分子物质C.变形虫正常代谢的必要条件是内环境稳态D.置于清水中的变形虫会因渗透吸水而胀破9.某对表现型正常的夫妇生出了一个红绿色盲的儿子和一个表现型正常的女儿,该女儿与一个表现型正常的男子结婚,生出一个红绿色盲基因携带者的概率是A.1/2 B.1/4 C.1/6 D.1/810.下列关于高中生物学实验,不正确的是()A.用荧光标记法研究生物膜的流动性B.用构建物理模型的方法研究DNA分子结构特点C.用3H标记胸腺嘧啶研究基因的表达过程D.用差速离心法分离细胞中的不同的细胞器11.细颗粒物(PM2.5)可影响免疫系统功能,下表相关推论错误的是A.A B.B C.C D.D12.能分泌促激素支配其他内部腺活动的内分泌腺是()A.垂体B.下丘脑C.甲状腺D.性腺13.内质网对细胞损伤因素(如缺氧)极为敏感,当细胞受到损伤因素作用时,内质网腔内出现错误折叠蛋白和未折叠蛋白聚集等现象,称为内质网应激(ERS)。



2018年上海市崇明区地理二模参考答案---崇明区 2018 年等级考第二次模拟考试高二地理参考答案一、选择题(共 40 分,每小题 2 分,每小题只有一个正确答案)1.C2.C3.A4.C5.B6.D7.A8.B9.B 10.B11.C 12.A 13.C 14.A 15.C 16.D 17.B 18.A 19.C 20.D二、综合分析题(共 60 分)(一)山西、陕西两省为我国北方主要农业区。


(20 分)21. 热量纬度地带性(4 分)22.两省土地利用以耕地为主( 2 分),而由于地处黄土高原,土质疏松,过度开发耕地容易加重水土流失,使土壤肥力下降(2 分);该区域主要为旱地,水资源少,春旱严重,农业灌溉需水量大易引发水资源短缺。

( 2 分)23.地处温带季风气候区,夏季降水集中,雨热同期;地势低平;土壤肥沃;灌溉便利。

( 4 分)24.延长产业链,增加附加值;(2 分)打破贸易壁垒,拓展国内外市场。

( 2 分)发展经济,提高人民收入。

林果业比重上升,种植业比重下降,( 2 分)有利于保持水土,保护生态环境。


( 20 分)25.中亚以温带大陆性气候为主,天然植被以温带荒漠为主。

(4 分)26.分布特点:河流沿岸的平原地区(或地势低平的河流沿岸)。

( 2 分)原因:该地降水稀少,棉花生长发育需要水分,河流沿岸,接近水源,灌溉便利;(2 分)平原地区(地势低平),便于大规模种植;土层深厚疏松,利于棉花生长等(任答一点 2 分)。

27.春汛:气温回升,有积雪融水补给;(2 分)夏汛:气温高,有大量冰川融水补给。


( 4 分) [ 28.引水灌溉,入湖水量减少,湖水水位下降;湖水含盐量增加;水质污染。

(任答一点 2 分,共 4 分)。


(20 分)29.洛比托降水总量较少,气温年较差大。







一、选择题(本题共40分,每小题2分,只有一个正确选项)1. 有机物是生命体重要的结构物质,下列关于有机物的叙述,正确的是A. 抗体的水解产物是核苷酸B. 葡萄糖水解产物是糖原C. 核苷酸的水解产物是核酸D. 麦芽糖水解产物是葡萄糖2. 病毒的形态呈多样化。

图1表示的是烟草花叶病毒,其遗传物质是A. DNAB. RNAC. DNA或RNAD. DNA和RNA图1 3. 酶分子与其催化的底物在结构上完全吻合时才能发挥催化作用。

下列酶分子与底物之间相吻合的是A. 淀粉酶—葡萄糖B. 限制酶—DNAC. 蛋白酶—氨基酸D. DNA连接酶—RNA4. 下表是某中年男子血液化验单中的部分数据,据所学知识判断下列表述正确的是项目测定值单位参考范围促甲状腺激素 5.9 U/mL 1.4~4.4A. 该男子可能甲状腺功能亢进B. 该男子可能胰岛功能亢进C. 该男子可能甲状腺功能减退D. 该男子可能垂体功能减退5. “超级细菌”拥有NDM基因,耐药性极强,现存抗生素均不能将其杀灭。

下列有关细菌进化的表述,正确的是A. 超级细菌抗性基因形成的原因可能是基因突变B. 抗生素的滥用导致NDM基因的产生及其基因频率的增加C. 不同细菌群体之间的地理隔离是超级细菌进化的必要条件D. 超级细菌耐药性的产生属于不利变异,在生存竞争中会被淘汰6. 抗原入侵机体后,会诱导机体产生相应的抗体。

下图关于抗原、抗体的物质属性,表述 正确的是A.B.C.D.7. 在通常情况下,下列生殖方式中所产生的后代基因型不同于亲本的是A. 酵母出芽生殖B. 花药离体培养C. 根霉孢子生殖D. 马铃薯块茎繁殖8. 图2为种子发育和萌发过程中内源激素、种子含水量以及营养物质积累量的变化趋势。










每小题只有一个正确答案)1.生物细胞内的下列物质中,既含N元素又属于生物大分子的一组是A.核苷酸和糖原B.血红蛋白和核酸C.氨基酸和葡萄糖D.胆固醇和纤维素2.坏血病、脚气病等都属于维生素缺乏症,这些症状出现是因为膳食中缺少①维生素B 1 ②维生素C ③维生素A ④维生素DA.②①B.③②C.③④D.④①3.原核细胞具有的结构特点或生理过程是A.没有细胞器B.有成形的细胞核C.能进行转录、翻译过程D.进行有丝分裂 4.下表为四种不同微生物的比较结果,正确的是5.某种植物细胞的正常形态和在浓度为m 的淡盐水中的形态如图1。

以下能够正确反映细胞由正常形态转变为淡盐水中形态的过程中水分子进出细胞的图示是(说明:图中箭头表示水分子的运动方向,箭头多少表示水分子进出细胞的数目)正常形态 淡盐水中的形态图1图26.下列结构的成分与艾滋病病原体的化学成分最相似的是 A.核糖体 B.中心体 C.溶酶体 D.染色体7.下列关于皮肤感受器的叙述,错误..的是 A.是传入神经末梢 B.能将刺激转变为电信号 C.能形成感觉 D.含有多种感受器 8.图2为不同pH 值条件下唾液淀粉酶对淀粉的分解作用结果,下列相关分析正确的是A.B.pH 值为4和pH 值为8C.pH 值由13调节到7,淀粉酶的活性迅速升高 D.弱酸环境对酶活性的影响小于弱碱环境的影响9.图3确的是A.能转换光能的色素位于色素带①中B.低温对色素带④的破坏率最高C.镁元素缺乏影响色素带①②的含量D.能吸收红橙光的色素带是③④ ③② ①图310.在1、3、5号试管中分别加入2 mL 蒸馏水,2、4、6号试管中分别加入2 mL量滴加班氏试剂,5、6期观察到的实验现象是①呈蓝色的是1、2、3、5号 ②三组实验中甲组和乙组的实验结果相同 ③2、 4号呈紫色,6号呈红黄色 ④ 4号呈红黄色,6号呈紫色A.①④B.①③C.②③D.②④11.验结果如图5所示。








每小题只有一个正确答案)1.图1为丙氨酸结构式,依据氨基酸结构通式,判定它的R基是()A.—H B.—CH3C.—NH2D.—COOH2.据报道:2018年,我国又发现了5个新物种。



题中的特定部位指()A.耳蜗B.鼓膜C.半规管D.听小骨5.据表1,关于三组实验的推断,正确的是()A.甲溶液含有淀粉B.乙溶液含有葡萄糖C.混合溶液不含淀粉D.混合溶液含有淀粉酶6.将基因型为AABB的豌豆枝条嫁接在基因型为aabb的另一种豆科植物植株上,一段时间后嫁接的枝条开花结果,将果实中的种子播种长成新植株,新植株的基因型为()A.AABB B.AaBbC.AABb或aaBb D.aabb7.1913年,丹麦植物学家波森·詹森为证明促进生长的物质由苗尖端向下传递,进行了实验。





【2018-宝山区-二模】Section CDirections: Complete the following passage by using the sentences in the box. Each sentence can only be used once.Note that there are two sentences more than you need.Seeking feedback not always sufficient for stimulating creativity It is widely believed that seeking feedback from colleagues, managers, friends and family enhances employees' creativity. But is this always the case? No, a positive effect depends on the work environment. This is the conclusion of new joint research study led by UAA work and organizational psychologist Roy Sijbom.(67)________For example, managers are encouraged to engage customers in order to confirm whether their business model is workable and scholars attend conferences to obtain feedback on their research results. A definite assumption is that individuals who have obtained feedback will also actually (be able to) use it.“The idea i s simple: seeking feedback from different sources -- also known as feedback source variety -- benefits one's creativity since it leads to a greater diversity of viewpoints”, says Sijbom. “And the more diverse the viewpoints, the more it benefits one's crea tivity because by combining all the different viewpoints new perspectives will emerge that in turn will result in more creativity.(68)________ ”The researchers examined how specific characteristics of the immediate work environment influence the relationship between feedback source variety and creative performance.(69)________ One is the recognized rate of change of performance standards. The other is the extent to which employees feel they have sufficient time to develop creative ideas at work (experien ced creative time pressure). “We discovered a growing relationship between the search for input from a variety of feedback sources and creativity, but only when performance standardswithin an organization are changing and when a relatively low creative time pressure is experienced”, says Sijbom.Sijbom offers several recommendations: “(70)________In a more concrete sense, organizations can, for example, consider using feedback workshops in which employees are encouraged to reflect on diverse feedback and equipped with techniques and strategies on how to absorb feedback in their daily work. In addition, managers should not only stimulate their employees to actively cultivate relationships with potential feedback sources within and outside the organization, but also provide sufficient time to process the feedback obtained from these relationships.”67--70 CEAD【2018-崇明区-高三英语-二模】Section CDirections: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.Feel Y oung at Heart and Y ou’ll Enjoy a Longer LifeAge-liars and birthday-deniers... you’d best learn a thing or two from those who are young at heart. People who feel younger than their actual age may live longer than those who feel older than they truly are, a new study says.67_______ Results from the study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, suggest that people who feel a year or more older than they truly are could have around 41 percent greater risk for death.Researchers looked at nearly 6,500 older adults, with an average age of 65.8 for the study. Around70 percent of them felt younger than they were, about a quarter felt their precise age and just under 5 percent felt a year or more older than they were, when asked “How old do you feel you are?”Those who felt older than they were had a higher death rate after a follow-up period of 99 months. While just 14.3 and 18.5 percent of people who felt younger or felt their age, respectively, died during those 99 months, 24.6 percent of those who felt aged beyond their years had died.The authors say more research is needed on the topic, but suggest it could be that those who feel “young at heart” have healthier behaviors and a stronger will to live. “ 68______Individuals who feel older could be targeted with health messages promoting positive health behaviors and attitudes toward aging,” the authors write in the study.The good news is that you can change your feeling of how young you are. 69______One recent study found that helping participants have positive feelings toward age, by showing them positive word associations, helped older adults improve in physical tasks like balancing and getting up out of a chair, in as little as four weeks. Another study found that negative feeling of aging andpoor memory can make older adults feel up to five years older, regardless of their actual mental abilities.There you have it.70 BDEA【2018-奉贤区-二模】Section CDirections: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in theYou won’t have any excuse to skip class anymore. French startup OpenClassrooms is offering the first State-recognized bachelor degree in France that uses only MOOCs (massive open online courses). The startup partnered with IESA Multimédia to create this program.There are three learning paths in engineering, design and marketing. Students will have to complete all the courses and required projects in order to get their degree. 67______ IESA is already working on 40 different MOOCs for this program.On average, it will take a year of hard work in order to complete all the classes. As always, it’s hard to keep going when you sign up for a MOOC. 68_______This kind of degree has many key advantages. For IESA, it gives the school more students. IESA is a private school, and its end goal is to make as much money as possible. So with these new MOOC students, IESA will be able to get more money per teacher on average.69______The startup already offers a course for €20 per month, but you need to pay €300 per month for the Premium Plus offering to use the state-recognized program. It’s unclear ho w much OpenClassrooms will keep, but it should be more than €20 per month.For students, it’s a cheaper way to get a degree. Maybe you can’t afford to study for three years at IESA and pay €6,950 per year. 70______ Sure, it’s probably a less enjoyable experience than going to your school and spending time with other students and teachers, but it makes sense for some students.It’s an interesting new direction for OpenClassrooms, and I can’t wait to see whether other schools will start working with the startup to provide online courses. It will be interesting to see whether the first students are satisfied with this kind of degree as well.C D A F【2018-虹口区-二模】Directions: Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.Ways to Be More EfficientNot all tasks of the day are inspiring, fun or exciting. But you still have to wash those dishes and take care of those routine tasks at work or in school. So what can you do not to get lost in procrastination (拖延) ?I’ll share how I do it, how I get some motivation and find more pleasure in what may seem to be a boring task.Instead of focusing your mind on how boring a task may feel, focus your thoughts on why you are doing this and how good it will feel when you are done with it. If needed, sit down for a few minutes, close your eyes and see in your mind. Then go to work with that motivation and those positive feelings in your body.Do it attentively. 67______Focus 100% on just the work with all your senses—how it feels, looks and smells—as you are scrubbing it and nothing else. Don’t get lost in daydreams. If you are just there, I have found that even such a simple task becomes more enjoyable and something that can bring inner calm rather than distress.Make a deal with yourself and set a timer for 10 minutes. It is often easier to do tasks like these in small bursts. So make a deal with yourself to just spend 10 minutes on your reading or cleaning the house.68_____When the timer rings you can continue doing it if you feel like it (this often happens to me because getting started is the hard part) . Or you can stop and go do something more interesting instead.Create a pleasurable distraction. If possible, try to listen to the radio, your favorite songs, an audio book or watch a movie or TV episode while doing your boring task. 69_____I often listen to music or watch an episode of the Simpsons while doing the dishes or other routine work at home.70_____ Take a walk in the sun. Move on to a more fun or creative task at work or in school. Have a tasty treat. This habit can make it easier to get started and to keep going each day. Because you know that you can look forward to not just being done and the long-term payoff from that but also your immediate reward right after you are finished.E D F A【2018-黄浦区-二模】Section CDirections: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.For Self-driving Cars, Car Washes are a NightmareCar washes have been automated for decades, but companies developing fully self-driving vehicles must rely on a human touch to keep their cars and trucks in working condition.__67__ For example, soap remainder or water spots could effectively “blind” a self-driving car. A traditional car wash’s heavy brushes could jar the vehicle’s sensors, disturbing their standardization and accuracy. Even worse, sensors, which can cost over $100,000, could be broken. __68__ Dirt, dead bugs, bird droppings or water spots can impact the vehicle’s ability to drive safely.Avis, which has years of experience managing rental cars, has been tasked with cleaning and refueling the self-driving vans of Waymo, the self-driving arm of Google’s parent company. Avis chief innovation officer Arthur Orduña told CNN, “There a re special processes that definitely require a lot more care and focus, and you have to clean the vans quite often.”__69__ But other self-driving car companies such as Toyota, Aptiv, Drive, AI and Uber described to CNN that they use microfiber (微纤维) cloths along with rubbing alcohol, water or glass cleaner for manual cleanings.__70__ This should ease some need for manual cleaning. But because self-driving vehicles can have doze ns of sensors, Seeva CEO Diane Lansinger doesn’t imagine products like this will be able to clean every camera, radar or LIDAR, a laser sensor that most experts see as essential for self-driving vehicles. EFBD【2018-嘉定区-二模】Section CDirections: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.The Minoans: A Forgotten PeopleThe first advanced culture in ancient Greece was the Minoan culture. For thousands of years, knowledge of these people survived only in Greek myths. In the late 19th century, archaeologists began to unearth ruins. This inspired Arthur Evans to begin digging on the island of Crete near mainland Greece. On a dig in Kbossos, Evans found an ancient palace. Experts think that it was the palace of King Minos, a central figure in many Greek myths.67_____With his team, he uncovered a vast structure, varied works of art, and many hieroglyphic records. These finds, together with later finds, comprise all that experts know about Minoan culture.From the evidence experts gathered, it is clear that the Minoans were ahead of their time. The palace at Knossos was five floors high with hundreds of rooms. Buildings throughout the ancient city had plumbing and flush toilets. Stone pavement lined the surfaces of the roads. In addition, the Minoans possessed a highly developed naval fleet for long-distance trade. 68_____ These records confirm the central role of commerce in culture. Expert analysis of the evidence also offers insight into some aspects of Minoan society.69_____Ruins and artwork suggest that people of all classes enjoyed a high degree of social and gender equality. Religious icons show that Minoans worshiped bulls, the natural world, and many female gods.An unusual feature of Minoans culture was the pursuit of leisure interests. Sport and visual arts were central to Minoan life. Boxing and bull jumping, a sport in which players jumped over live bulls, were popular. Although bull jumping may have served some ritual purpose, experts believe that it was done mostly for fun. Similarly, although some works of art showed political and religious themes, other works served only as pleasant décor (装饰品).70_____ The Minoans met their demise after a series of natural disasters. Experts believe that group from the Greek mainland capitalized on these events and looked over the island.67-70. DFBA【2018-金山区-二模】Section CDirections: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.No one enjoys the moment. You are stuck at the back of a queue and as those in other lines move ahead and get served, the time to decide arrives. ____67____This question has now been solved by researchers at Harvard Business School. According to what they have found in a new study, they suggestpeople think twice before switching queues.The research was led by Ryan Buell, an expert in service management. He looked intoconsumer queuing behavior after working with economists on what is known as “last-place aversion,” the discomfort people feel when they know they earn less than others or consider themselves at the bottom of the social pile for some other reason. As a result of this aversion to being the last, when a person finds himself at the end of a queue, he can make decisions that he will later regret.Buell began by observing people at a multi-checkout grocery store and then set up an online survey. People who took part in the survey were told it would take about five minutes. In reality, it took only one minute, but when participants logged in for the survey, they were forced to wait in a virtual queue displayed on the screen. They started at the back and could wait, switch to a second queue or choose to leave.____68____ On average, however, those who switched waited 10 percent longer than if they had stayed put. Those who switched twice ended up waiting 67 percent longer than if they had never moved.“When we join a queue, we tend to make the most rational choice we can, which means joining the shortest queue. ____69____ Unfortunately, we can often get it wrong,” said Buell.____70____ After that, the aversion fades. The researcher suggests people have a chat with the person in front so that they can pass the time more comfortably until someone else joins behind them. “Remember that the person in front of you was the last until you arrived, so someone will show up if you h ang around long enough,” Buell said.67-70: CBAE【2018-静安区-二模】Section CDirections: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.Most people don’t need science to appreciate the importance of a mother’s love. But to und erstand how early maltreatment can derail a child’s development requires careful study.In a famous research, Harry Harlow had demonstrated that proper psychological and physical development of infants requires nurturing and attention from a parent. ___67___ In that research, socially isolated monkey babies that were removed from their mothers were found to be clinging to a cloth-covered surrogate (替代的) mother for comfort.Such experimentations sound cruel. They, however, have been critical in helping change policies in human orphanages ( 孤儿院) in the U.S. For centuries some orphanages treated infants equally inhumanely. Despite early evidence that orphanage infants were far more likely to die than others, supporters argued that it didn’t matter whether children had “parents” specially devoted to them at the orphanage. ___68___ Orphans were supposed to be in positive mental and physical health until adoptive parents were found. Babies,they said, couldn’t remember anyway.The harrowing consequences of these theories were most vividly brought to light in Romania in the 1980s and ‘90s. A ban on abortion(流产) led to a surge in orphanage babies. Simply being fed and changed without individualized affection, some babies present serious problems. Many developed violent behaviors, repetitively rocking or banging their heads. Some were cold and withdrawn or indiscriminately affectionate. ___69___ Their head sizes were especially small. They even had problems with attention and comprehension. The longer these children were left alone, the more damage was seen.The lack of a secure attachment relationship in the early years has destructive consequences for both physical and mental health later in life, with long-lasting effects. The persistence of these effects emphasizes the need to intervene early in life. The Nobel-prize-winning economist James Heckman, has long argued that investing in early childhood education provides a greater return for society than virtually any other type of spending. It is obviously reflected in increased educational success and productivity,. The reduced crime, addiction, distress and disorder point to the same theory. Early life conditions critically affect adult life. ___70___ Remove it and theharm is great.67-70 EBFD【2018-闵行区-松江区-二模】Section CDirections: Read the following passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.Rhythm of LifeChoosing the right time to sleep, the correct moment to make decisions, the best hour to eat—and even go into hospital—could be your key to perfect health.Centuries after man discovered the rhythms of the planets and the cycles of crops, scientists have learned that we too live by precise rhythms that govern everything from our basic bodily functions to mental skills. Man is a prisoner of time.But it’s not just the experts who are switching on to the way our bodies w ork. 67Prince Charles consults a chart which tells him when he will be at his peak on a physical, emotional and intellectual level. Boxer Frank Bruno is another who charts his bio-rhythms to plan for big fights.68 Sleep, blood pressure, hormone levels and heartbeat all follow their own clocks, which may bear only slight relation to our man-made 24-hour cycle.Research shows that in laboratory experiments when social signals and, most importantly, light indicators such as dawn are taken away, people lose touch with the 24-hour clock and sleeping patterns change. Temperature and heartbeat cycles lengthen and settle into “days” lasting about 25 hours.In the real world, light and dark keep adjusting internal clock to the 24-hour day. But the best indicator of performance is body temperature. As it falls from a 10 p.m. high of 37.2°C to a pre-dawn low of 36.1°C, mental functions fall too. 69______The most famous example is the nuclear accident at Three Mile Island in the US. The three operators in the control room worked alternating weeks of day, evening and night shifts.70_____ Investigators believe this caused the workers to overlook a warning light and fail to close an open valve.Finding the secret of what makes us tick has long fascinated scientists and work done over the last decade has yielded important clues. The aim is to help us become more efficient. For example, the time we eat may be important if we want to maximize intellectual or sporting performance. There is already evidence suggesting that the time when medicine is given to patients affects how well it works.【2018-浦东区-二模】Section CDirections: Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box.Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.Retro GamingThere’s no doubt that in today’s digital world, computer games are extremely sophisticated and capable of creating virtual reality experiences that were unimaginable only a few years ago.So I am interested to see that the simplistic games that I grew up with, are making a revival. But Why?In the 1970s, the original place to play a computer game was at an arcade. Here, you and your mates could try out the new big names in games such as Space Invaders and Pacman. _____67_____ And because of the technology involved, the gaming machines were too big to fit into your house.But in the 1980s and 90s, gaming arrived in our homes and people like me were addicted. The sound of beeping became a familiar sound emanating from bedrooms across the land! Names such as Tetris, Sonic and Street Fighter became popular language in the playground -- and now they are being talked about -- and played again. One of the reasons is the low cost. The BBC spoke to gamer, Gemma Wood, who says that: _____68_____ I understand that a lot of hard work has gone into the design etc., but how can anyone justify £50 to £60 for a game that you might not even enjoy?_____69_____ The graphics on old games may not compare with the detail and definition of modern games but they are fun and easy to use by children and adults alike. And of course, nostalgia plays its part. Some people want to relive their childhood while for others, it is a chance to show their children the computer games they grew up with.Technology journalist, KG Orphanides, says “it's important to recognize how well-designed many of those classic games are... the developers had so little space to work with -- your average Sega Mega Drive or SNES cartridge had a maximum capacity of just 4mb -- and limited graphics and sound capabilities.” This compares to an average capacity of 40G in today's games. _____70_____This craze for using retro hardware and grabbing an old joystick is certainly catching on. And to persuade those of us who are not sure about downgrading the gaming experience, manufacturers such as Nintendo, are bringing back some of their older consoles in new style casing.67-70B E A C【2018-普陀区-二模】Section C 8%Directions: Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.A.In daily life, imitation can hurt us if we subconsciously hold poor role models.B.Creative people have an endless resource of ideas.C.It is how to use imagination creatively that troubles us.D.Why follow someone else’s way of cooking when I could create my own?E.But if you begin to enter this field, imitation proves useful.F.If you are going to follow someone, focus on their talent, not their bad character orunacceptable behaviors.Blind imitation is self-destruction. To those who do not recognize their unique worth, imitation appears attractive; to those who know their strength, imitation is unacceptable.In the early stages of skill or character development, imitation is helpful. When I first learned to cook, I used recipes and turned out some tasty dishes. But soon I grew bored. ______67______Imitat ing role models is like using training wheels on a child’s bicycle; they help you get going, but once you find your own balance, you fly faster and farther without relying on them.______68______ If, as a child, you observed people whose lives were bad, you may have accepted their fear and pain as normal and gone on to follow what they did. If you do not make strong choices for yourself, you will get the results of the weak choices of others.In the field of entertainment, our culture glorifies celebrities. Those stars look great on screen. But when they step off screen, their personal lives may be disastrous. ______69______Blessed is the person willing to act on their sudden desire to create something unique. Think of the movies, books, teachers, and friends that have affected you most deeply. They touched you because their creations were motivated by inspiration, not desperation. The world is changed not by those who do what has been done before them, but by those who do what has been done inside them. ______70______ The problem a creator faces is not running out of material; it is what to do with the material knocking at the door of imagination.Study your role models, accept the gifts they have given, and leave behind what does not serve you. Then yo u can say, “I stand on the shoulders of my ancestors’ tragedies and declare victory, and know that they are cheering me on.”67-70 D A F B【2018-青浦区-二模】Directions:Read the following passage.Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.Make traditional treasures come aliveThe Palace Museum Director Shan Jixiang delivered a cultural heritage speech on Feb 27 in Beijing, which was co-organized by the Beijing Diplomatic Service Bureau and Beijing Housing Service Corporation for Diplomatic Missions. 67_____On the theme The World of the Palace Museum and the Palace Museum of the World, the 64-year-old director shared his ideas about how to make traditional treasures come alive again. During the speech, which lasted two and a half hours, Shan touched on topics including upgrading museum infrastructure(基础设施), restoring cultural sites, digitalizing online museums, setting up restoration hospitals, providing better visitor experiences and promoting the Palace Museum’s cultural items.“The abundant collection of cultural o bjects at the Palace Museum is the inspiration for the creative souvenirs and cultural items available,” Shan said. “ 68_____ ” Throughout 2017, the total sales of Palace Museum’s cultural items have been more than 1 billion yuan ($158million). Explaining the huge success of Palace Museum’s cultural souvenirs, Shan said: “The museum opened a shop on the e-commerce website Taobao in 2008, but sales remained neither high nor low for years, as more than 80 percent of the souvenirs sold in stores in the past were not related to our museum.” “Therefore, I wanted to change the situation. Now, souvenirs from the Palace Museum cover almost every aspect of life. After all, what matters to a museum is not how many visitors they have, but how close they are to people’s daily lives.”69______ Around 200 “doctors” are employed to analyze, examine, detect flaws or damage in ancient objects and restore them using more than 100 pieces of specialized equipment, including 3-D printers and scanners. The restoration hospital covers 13,000 square meters and boasts the nation’s most advanced restoration workshops.John Aquilina, Malta’s ambassador to China said that Shan’s speech showed a totally differentPalace Museum to foreign people. “China enjoys a long and profound culture a nd many of the national treasures have been preserved at the Palace Museum. It is no easy task to preserve them well. 70 ____”67-70 CEBA【2018-徐汇区-二模】Section CDirections: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.People discuss their problems with friends in the hope that they’ll gain some insight into how to solve them. And even if they don’t find a way to solve their problems, it feels good to let off some steam. (67)_______________ How problems are discussed, though, can be the difference between halving a problem or doubling it.The term psychologists use for negative problem sharing is “co-rumination”. Co-rumination is the mutual encouragement to discuss problems repeatedly going over the same problems, anticipating future problems and focusing on negative feelings.(68)________________ In a study involving children aged seven to 15 years of age, researchers found that co-rumination in both boys and girls is associated with “high-quality” and close friendships. However, in girls, it was also associated with anxiety and depression (the same association was not found with the boys). And studies suggest that co-rumination isn’t just a problem for girls. Co-rumination with work colleagues can increase the risk of stress and burn out, one study suggests.(69)________________ In a group of adults, the effects of co-rumination was compared between face-to-face contact, telephone contact, texting and social media. The positive effects of co-rumination were found in face-to-face contact, telephone contact and texting, but not in social media. The negative aspects of co-rumination (anxiety) was found in face-to-face communication。





所有考生应完成第一大题和第二大题的共同部分试题;第二大题的选择部分分为A、B 两组,两组试题分值相同:A组(47-50小题)为考试手册中“任选模块一”的试题,B组(51-54小题)为“任选模块二”的试题;考生须任选一组答题,如果考生应答了两组试题,只对A组的应答进行评分。

















根据下表数据判断物种多样性最丰富的地区是A. 甲B. 乙C. 丙D. 丁3.(徐汇区2018二模)要调查某区域内植物物种的丰富度以及物种分布的均匀度,需要采用的方法是A.聚合酶链反应B.测定基因组全序列C.样方法D.标记重捕法4. (松江区2018二模)图11示某植物群落的一部分(各种符号代表不同的物种),现需计算样方地的辛普森指数。

下列叙述错误的是A. 应随机选择样方地B. 要记录的物种数有5种C. 需统计样方内植物总数D. 辛普森指数越高,物种多样性程度越高5.(青浦区2018届二模)图12 为某地植物群落示意图,不同树的轮廓表示不同的树种。

相关叙述正确的是()A.树木A 与B 的差异属于物种多样性B.树木A 与D 的差异属于遗传多样性C.图中全部植株构成生态系统多样性D.树木E 与F 之间存在生殖隔离6. (闵行区2018届二模)图11示意一个植物群落,不同的树轮廓表示不同的树种。

下列关于该群落的生物多样性的分析和样方法调查的叙述,正确的有①树木A 和B之间、D和G 之间的差异都属于遗传多样性②样方法调查需随机取样③确定样方面积应视植物密度高低④需要统计样方内植物物种数和每一种植物的个体数A. 1项B. 2项C. 3项D. 4项7.(金山区2018届二模)人类培育的动植物品种数量十分繁多,如月季品种在我国有1000 个左右,这体现了A.生态多样性B.物种多样性C.遗传多样性D.生境多样性8. (嘉定区2018届二模)我国辽河水系和长江水系的中华绒螯蟹成蟹大小、体色、蛋白质含量有着一定的差异,这种差异体现了A.遗传多样性B.物种多样性C.群落多样性D.生态系统多样性9.(奉贤区2018届二模)某同学在一片面积为100 公顷的草地上对植物物种多样性进行调查,他设计的调查方案中最可行的是()A.在该草地植物密集处设置lm2 样方若干,计数每个样方中植物的个体数B.设置1 个lm2 样方,计数样方中植物的个体数目C.随机设置1m2 样方若干,计数样方中每种植物的个体数目及种类数D.调查植物多样性需要准备的工具有:卷尺和绳子、竹桩、显微镜、纸和笔10.(崇明区2018 年二模)植物凋落物的分解是生态系统物质循环中必不可少的环节。










形成这次降雪的天气系统是A.冷锋B.暖锋C.气旋D.反气旋7. 下列气压带或风带,全年以下沉气流为主,水汽难以冷凝形成降水的是A.副极地低气压带B.副热带高压带C.中纬西风带D.低纬信风带8.非洲附近的四个海域中,有利于渔场形成的是A.①B.②C.③D.④9.我国劳动人口(16~59岁)数量从2012年开始下降,2015年首次出现了流动人口减少的现象。










以下有关实验的分析中,合理的是()A.两个纺锤体可能分别牵引来自双亲的两组染色体,最终合二为一B.细胞A最终可能将分裂成为1个双核细胞,1个单核细胞C.细胞B最终形成的子细胞中每个核的染色体条数为40D.药物N能抑制两个纺锤体的相互作用,可能是秋水仙素4.如图所示为M 基因控制物质C 的合成以及物质C 形成特定空间结构的物质D 的流程图解。

下列相关叙述,正确的是( )A.图中①④过程参与碱基配对的碱基种类较多的是①过程B.基因转录得到的产物均可直接作为蛋白质合成的控制模板C.组成物质C 的氨基酸数与组成M 基因的核苷酸数的比值大于1/6D.图中经过⑤过程形成物质D 时需依次经过高尔基体和内质网的加工与修饰5.下列有关实验技术的叙述,错误的是()A.用健那绿染色法观察线粒体时,需保证细胞处于生活状态B.证明光合作用产物中的氧气来自水时利用了同位素标记法C.分离细胞中的各种细胞器常用差速离心法D.酶的保存应在最适温度和最适pH条件下6.白花三叶草有两个品种:叶片内含较高水平氰(HCN)的品种和不含氰的品种,由两对独立遗传的基因控制。



上海市黄浦区达标名校2018年高考二月调研生物试卷一、单选题(本题包括35个小题,1-20题每小题1分,21-35题每小题2分,共50分.每小题只有一个选项符合题意)1.下列有关生物学研究和实验方法的叙述,不正确的是A.采用标志重捕法调查种群密度时,若部分标志物脱落,则实验所得到数值与实际数值相比偏大B.在探究淀粉酶的最适温度时,为了减小误差需要设置预实验C.用纸层析法分离色素,滤纸条上的色素带颜色自下而上依次呈黄绿色、蓝绿色、黄色、橙黄色D.“建立血糖调节的模型”采用的实验方法是模型方法,模拟活动本身就是构建动态的物理模型2.下列可以称为种群密度的是()A.浙江省嘉兴市的人口数量B.池塘中一立方米内鱼的数量C.一个蜂巢中所有工蜂数量D.稳定型生物种群的个体数量3.如图为用分光光度计测定叶片中两类色素A和B吸收不同光波的曲线图,请判定A和B分别为()A.叶绿素a、类胡萝卜素B.类胡萝卜素、叶绿素bC.叶黄素、叶绿素a D.叶绿素a、叶绿素b4.下列关于生物进化的叙述,正确的是()A.种群间的双向迁移,会使种群间的遗传差异变大B.只要种群的个体间存在变异,自然选择就发生作用C.生物界在类型上具有多样性,模式上具有统一性D.达尔文在自然选择的基础上发现了人工选择5.生物学中,解释顶端优势产生原因的学说主要有三种:第一种是生长素直接抑制学说,第二种是生长素间接抑制学说,第三种是营养学说。












每小题只有一个答案)1.下列各组物质所含化学元素完全相同的是A. 核糖和核酸B. 淀粉和糖原C. 蔗糖和抗体D. 脂肪和磷脂2.下列结构中与烟草花叶病毒的组成成分最相似的是A. 细胞膜B. 染色体C. 核糖体D. 细胞壁3.下列哪种生物的细胞与其他三种生物的细胞有明显区别的是A .黏菌B .酵母菌C .霉菌D .乳酸菌 4.在用显微镜观察黑藻叶肉细胞细胞质流动的实验中,观察到如图1所示结果,那么在载玻片上的黑藻细胞质的流动方向以及观察到的带有颜色的细胞器是A.顺时针,叶绿体B.逆时针,叶绿体C.顺时针,液泡D.逆时针,液泡 5.下列关于酶催化特性的叙述,正确的是A. 低温降低分子运动速度,抑制酶的活性B. 高温激发酶的活性,提高酶促反应速度C. 增大底物的浓度,酶促反应速度可以持续上升D. 增加酶的物质量,酶促反应的产物量随之增加6.图2为人体的生命活动调节示意图。

有关叙述中不能正确....描述其调节过程的是图1内外刺激A 神经系统B 效应器或靶器官E内分泌腺C 激素D图2A.该图表示体温调节过程,则体温调节属于神经-体液调节B.通过C→D→E的过程可以调节糖平衡,这一过程属于体液调节C.人的手被针扎时,其调节过程可能通过A→B→E来实现,属于神经调节D.水和电解质平衡调节的过程可通过A→B→C→D→E来实现,属于神经调节7.下列关于酶工程的叙述,正确的是A.酶的分离提纯要依次经过过滤、层析、沉淀、提纯等步骤B.尿糖试纸中含有葡萄糖羧化酶和过氧化氢酶C.酶的固定是酶分离纯化的常用方法D .酶的固定化技术是指将酶固定在不溶于水的承载物上,或者使酶交联在一起8. LDL 是一种脂蛋白。



上海市虹口区2018届高三二模生物试题一、选择题1. 只能在电子显微镜下观察到的细胞结构是A. 细胞核B. 液泡C. 染色体D. 核糖体【答案】D【解析】细胞核与液泡体积较大,在光学显微镜下即可观察到,A、B不符合题意;染色体经过染色后可以在光学显微镜下观察到,C不符合题意;核糖体是细胞中最小的一种细胞器,属于亚显微结构,在光学显微镜下观察不到,只能在电子显微镜下才能观察到,D符合题意。





2. 在高温等不良环境中蛋白质的生物活性下降或功能丧失。

蛋白质功能丧失的主要原因是A. 氨基酸种类减少B. 氨基酸的排列顺序发生改变C. 空间结构发生改变D. 氨基酸数目改变【答案】C【解析】蛋白质变性是指蛋白质分子的天然构象(空间结构)遭到破坏导致其生物活性下降、功能丧失的现象。



3. 下图为ATP转化为ADP示意图,图中X代表A. H2OB. H+C. AMPD. 能量【答案】D【解析】根据ATP的水解的方程式可以看出:A TP的水解除生成ADP、磷酸外,还有能量的生成。


4. 下图为酵母菌呼吸实验装置示意图。

1-4号试管中加入等量0.5%的BTB试剂,一段时间后颜色明显变黄的试管是A. 1号B. 2号C. 3号D. 4号【答案】C【解析】据图可知,乙装置是测定酵母菌有氧呼吸的装置,有氧呼吸释放的CO2使3号试管的BTB溶液颜色逐渐变为黄色,而甲装置是测定酵母菌无氧呼吸的装置,由于酵母菌无氧呼吸也能产生二氧化碳,故1号试管也会变为黄色。



金山区2017学年第二学期质量调研咼二地理 试卷1.500米口径球面射电望远镜(简称FAST ,被誉为“中国天眼”(图 1-1), 位于贵州省黔南布依族苗族自治州喀斯 特地形区,这个世界最大射电望远镜会选 在该地形区的原因是因为这里 ........................ ( ) ①地形崎岖②不易积水③洼地地形④晴天多⑤少数民族众多A.①④B.②③C.③⑤D.②④2.从岩石成因分类看,东岳泰山是由哪种岩石构成的A. 花岗岩B. 玄武岩 C 沉积岩 D.变质岩4•一定时间内的河流径流总量平铺在流域地面的 水层深度叫径流深度。

图1-4是 我国某地气温、降雨量和所在流域径流深度统计图 ”。

读图判断该 流域河流夏季补给来源主要是雨水和…… ( )3.根据图1-3所示,两条河流下游各有一个小岛,最终小岛可能连接的堤岸是 .....28"15.2*A.①④①河流15° N图 河流B.②③1-3C.①③D.②④、选择题(40 分)■ in/o ]o m< 毗)4 m io M 3 加图1-42018年4月图1-1A. 湖泊水B.地下水C•冰川融水 D.沼泽水5. 北京时间2017年10月18日上午9:00,中国共产党第十九次全国代表大会在人民大会堂开幕。

此时在纽约(西五区)的华人华侨观看十九大开幕式现场直播,是当地时间是……()A. 10 月19 日22:00B.10 月18 日22:00C. 10 月17 日20:00D.10月17 日6:006. 读中国人口数量增长分组趋势图(图1-6),分析1950年至2015年,我国人口的变化趋势是( )A. 0-4岁人口逐渐增加B. 5-19岁人口的比重逐渐上升C. 20-49岁人口逐渐增加D. 总人口在2015年达到顶峰图1-67. 下列农业类型的排列顺序中,反映我国降水量从东南向西北变化规律的是……()A. 水田为主的农业--- 旱地为主的农业---- 灌溉农业B. 草原牧业--- 灌溉农业----- 高山牧业C. ----------------------------- 水田为主的农业灌溉农业旱地为主的农业D. 草原牧业——高山牧业——农耕区牧业8. .................................................................. 读图1-8,结合有关大潮、小潮出现日期的月相的叙述,正确的一组是( )①图中大潮出现当天的月相是新月②图中大潮出现当天的月相是满月③图中小潮出现当天的月相是上弦月④图中小潮出现当天的月相是下弦月A.①②B.②③C.①③D.②④9. 美国小麦年产量一直比加拿大高,其原因不包括........................ ( )C.气候温暖湿润D.黑土土壤肥沃A.耕地面积广大B.人口数量多10. 剪纸(图1-10)所反映的地域文化是……(A. 四川盆地文化B. 华北平原文化C. 云贵高原文化D. 江南水乡文化11. 下列不属于 太空资源的是A.太阳能资源B •矿产资源C 风能资源D •环境资源12. 目前,我国已经建成 数字中国”的地理空间框架,天上看,地上查,网上管 ”的国土资源管理运行体系初步形成,大大提升了国土监管能力。













“超级月亮”的形成是由于A.小潮 B. 农历月初 C. 地球位于近日点 D. 月球位于近地点2.据报道,地球将在2018年遭受数十场磁暴,其中包括两到四场特大磁暴。

磁暴形成的原因是A.地球自转B. 地球公转C. 太阳活动D. 流星现象3.2018年6月14日至7月15日俄罗斯世界杯期间,上海和北京相比较A.北京昼比上海长 B.上海正午人影先朝北再朝南C.上海正午太阳高度始终小于北京 D.两城市都昼长夜短,昼渐长夜渐短4.2018年2月6日23时50分,台湾花莲发生6.5级地震,关于此次地震说法正确的是A.地震发生在亚欧板块与太平洋板块的张裂处B.地震发生在亚欧板块与印度洋板块的张裂处C.地震发生在亚欧板块与印度洋板块的碰撞处D.地震发生在亚欧板块与太平洋板块的碰撞处5.浙江舟山群岛的普陀山有一块著名的“金刚宝石”,看似摇摇欲坠,实则稳如泰山。


下列岩石中与“金刚宝石”成因相同的是A.石灰岩B.花岗岩C.玄武岩D.大理岩6.2018年3月10日凌晨,位于日本鹿儿岛县和宫崎县交界的新燃岳火山再次喷发,这将导致A .“遮阳伞”作用减弱 B.“保温被”作用增强 C.“防弹衣”作用消失 D. 昼夜温差变大7.2018年2月28日,受“江淮气旋”影响,上海地区风力达7到8级,局部地区达9级。

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A. 甲
B. 乙
C. 丙
D. 丁

A. 应随机选择样方地
B. 要记录的物种数有5种
C. 需统计样方内植物总数
D. 辛普森指数越高,物种多样性程度越高
5.(青浦区2018届二模)图12 为某地植物群落示意图,不同树的轮廓表示不同的树种。

A.树木A 与B 的差异属于物种多样性
B.树木A 与D 的差异属于遗传多样性
D.树木E 与F 之间存在生殖隔离

①树木A 和B之间、D和G 之间的差异都属于遗传多样性
A. 1项
B. 2项
C. 3项
D. 4项
7.(金山区2018届二模)人类培育的动植物品种数量十分繁多,如月季品种在我国有1000 个左右,这体现了
8. (嘉定区2018届二模)我国辽河水系和长江水系的中华绒螯蟹成蟹大小、体色、蛋白质含量有着一定的差异,这种差异体现了
9.(奉贤区2018届二模)某同学在一片面积为100 公顷的草地上对植物物种多样性进行调查,他设计的调查方案中最可行的是()
A.在该草地植物密集处设置lm2 样方若干,计数每个样方中植物的个体数
B.设置1 个lm2 样方,计数样方中植物的个体数目
C.随机设置1m2 样方若干,计数样方中每种植物的个体数目及种类数
10.(崇明区2018 年二模)植物凋落物的分解是生态系统物质循环中必不可少的环节。

研究者采集了4 个物种的乔木以及每一物种的多个家系的叶片,以不同形式混合并检测分解速率,探索凋落物分解对生态系统功能的影响。

