141502PEW E1
Pro E各种材质参考参数你好:339286167过程金属的属性金属 颜色RGB 色彩亮度 光亮度 慢射 镜面 光泽度 反射 BMP(分形噪声)单位:英寸 凹凸% 铝箔 180,180,180 有 0 32 90 中 65 .0002,.00002,.0002 8铝箔(钝) 180,180,180 有 0 50 45 低 35 .0002,.00002,.0002 15铝 220,223,227 有 0 35 25 低 40 .0002,.00002,.0002 15磨亮的铝 220,223,227 有 0 35 65 中 50 .0002,.00002,.0002 12黄铜 191,173,111 有 0 40 40 中 40 .0002,.00002,.0002 20磨亮的黄铜 191,173,111 有 0 40 65 中 50 .0002,.00002,.0002 10镀铬合金 150,150,150 无 0 40 40 低 25 .0002,.00002,.0002 35镀铬合金2 220,230,240 有 0 25 30 低 50 .0002,.00002,.0002 20镀铬铝 220,230,240 有 0 15 60 中 65 .0002,.00002,.0002 15镀铬塑料 220,230,240 有 0 15 60 低 50 .0002,.00002,.0002 15镀铬钢220,230,240 有 0 15 60 中 70 .0002,.00002,.0002 5纯铬 220,230,240 有 0 15 60 低 85 .0002,.00002,.0002 5铜 186,110,64 有 0 45 50 中 40 .0002,.00002,.0002 1018K金 234,199,135 有 0 45 50 中 65 .0002,.00002,.0002 1024K金 218,178,115 有 0 35 50 中 65 .0002,.00002,.0002 10未精练的金 255,180,66 有 0 35 50 中 45 .0002,.00002,.0002 25黄金 242,192,86 有 0 45 50 中 65 .0002,.00002,.0002 10石墨 87,33,77 无 0 42 90 中 15 .0001,.0001,.0001 10铁 118,119,120 有 0 35 50 低 25 .0002,.00002,.0002 20铅锡锑合金 250,250,250 有 0 30 40 低 15 .0002,.00002,.0002 10银 233,233,216 有 0 15 90 中 45 .0002,.00002,.0002 15钠 250,250,250 有 0 50 90 低 25 .0002,.00002,.0002 10废白铁罐 229,223,206 有 0 30 40 低 45 .0002,.00002,.0002 30不锈钢 128,128,126 有 0 40 50 中 35 .0002,.00002,.0002 20磨亮的不锈钢 220,220,220 有 0 35 50 低 25 .0002,.00002,.0002 35锡 220,223,227 有 0 50 90 低 35 .0001,.0001,.0001 20透明材质的折射率材质 折射率真空 10000空气 10003液态二氧化碳 12000冰 13090水 13333丙酮 13600乙醇 13600糖溶液(30%) 13800酒精 13900萤石 14340融化的石英 14600 Calspar2 14860糖溶液(80%) 14900玻璃 15000玻璃,锌冠 15170玻璃,冠 15200氯化钠 15300氯化钠(食盐)1 15440 聚苯乙烯 15500石英2 15530绿宝石 15700轻火石玻璃 15750青金石,杂青金石 16100 黄玉 16100二硫化碳 16300石英1 16440氯化钠(食盐)2 16440 重火石玻璃 16500 Calspar2 16600二碘甲烷 17400红宝石 17700蓝宝石 17700超重火石玻璃 18900水晶 20000钻石 24170氧化铬27050非晶质硒 22920碘晶体 33400以K为单位的光色度对照表光源 K烛焰 1500家用白灯2500-300060瓦的充气钨丝灯 2800 100瓦的钨丝灯 29501000瓦的钨丝灯 3000500瓦的投影灯 2865500瓦钨丝灯 31753200K的泛光灯 3200琥珀闪光信号灯 3200R32反射镜泛光灯 3200锆制的浓弧光灯 32001号,2号,4号泛光灯,反射镜泛光灯 3400 暖色的白荧光灯 3500切碎箔片,清晰闪光灯信号 3800冷色的白荧光灯 4500白昼的泛光灯 4800白焰碳弧灯5000M2B闪光信号灯 5100正午的日光 5400高强度的太阳弧光灯 5550夏季的直射太阳光 5800早上10点到下午3点的直射太阳光 6000蓝闪光信号灯 6000白昼的荧光灯 6500正午晴空的太阳光 6500阴天的光线 6800-7000高速电子闪光管 7000来自灰蒙天空的光线 7500-8400来自晴空蓝天的光线 10000-20000在水域上空的晴朗蓝天 20000-27000。
ZIPPO材质类型编号对照表(10~1941)编号说明10 座机Barcroft Table Lighter ( 1-4代)11 座机Barcroft Table Lighter ( 1,2代) with initial(有大写字母)12 女式座机Lady Bradford Table Lighter12A 花纹纯银Floral Sterling Silver13 纯银沙子Brush Finish Sterling Silver14 切角纯银Vintage Sterling Silver15 纯银镜面High Polish Sterling Silver1500 纤巧纯银镜面16 所有纤细机都以16开头,后面的2个数字为外壳代码all Slim Zippos begin with 16, followed by finish number (2 digit)17 纯银砖Engine Turned Sterling Silver19 纯银条Engine Turned without Initial Panel Sterling Silver20 Sterling Silver Engine Turned (同上)21 回旋花纹的纯银Christy Swirl Sterling Silver21B 日版光板涂钛涂Japanese Titanium Coating without Logo22 回旋冬青树花纹纯银Christy Holly Sterling Silver23 1941年复刻纯银镜面1941 Replica Sterling Silver High Polish24 1941年复刻纯银绸纱1941 Replica Sterling Silver Brushed Finish31 经典镀金Classic Gold Plated32 典雅金色镀金Golden Elegance Gold Plated33 微光镀金Shimmer Gold Plated33S 微光镀银Shimmer Silver Plated33SS 微光纯银Shimmer Sterling Silver34 漩涡纹镀金Swirl Gold Plated ( Golden Elegance )35 金黑雅士Black Elegance Gold Plated36 金玳瑁Golden Tortoise Gold Plated(*纤细金玳瑁编号为3600,非16开头~)37 金凯尔特Celtic Design Gold Plated38 金丝网Gold Grill & Bars High Polish Gold Plated39 深雕金钻石Carved Diamonds High Polish Gold Plated100 银镜High Polish Silver Plate102WG 镀银并镶嵌24K金斜纹Silver Plate with 24K Gold Inlay Diagonal Patterns103WG 镀银并镶嵌24K金装饰竖纹Silver Plate with 24K Gold Inlay Decorative Column104WG 镀银并镶嵌24K金植物花纹Silver Plate with 24K Gold Inlay Inlaid Floral108WG 镀银并镶嵌24K金斜边Silver Plate with 24K Gold Inlay Diagonal Borders109WG 镀银镶嵌24K金Cattails花纹Silver Plate with 24K Gold Inlay Cattails110WG 镀银镶嵌24K金歌德式卷纹Silver Plate with 24K Gold Inlay Gothic Scroll110 纯钛Solid Titanium113 银沙子Brush Silver Plate114 银镜子High Polish Silver Plate121FB 古银Antique Silver Plate122 火焰标志的古银收藏系列Zippo Collection - Logo/Flame Antique Silver Plate124 芭芭拉座机65周年纪念Lady Barbara Table Lighter 65 Anniversary129 芭芭拉座机Lady Barbara Table Lighter141 切角古银Antique Silver Vintage143 镀银镶金Silver Plate with Gold Inlay- Snowstar144 镀银镶金Silver Plate with Gold Inlay- Rhythmical Ribbons145 镀银镶金Silver Plate with Gold Inlay- Feline Elegance146 镀银镶金Silver Plate with Gold Inlay- Carlisle Leaf147 镀银镶金Silver Plate with Gold Inlay- Vinca Vine148 镀银镶金Silver Plate with Gold Inlay- Oriental Blossom150 黑冰Black Ice151 金幻彩Spectrum161 铜沙子Brushed Copper162 铠甲沙子ARMAR Blushed Chrome165 14K紫金14K Solid Gold167 铠甲镜面ARMAR High Polish Chrome168 铠甲铜沙子ARMAR Blushed Brass169 铠甲铜镜子ARMAR High Polish Brass175** (早期)运动系列Sports Series (early)180** 200(即沙子)底的运动系列(200 base)195 18K纯金18K Solid Gold200 磨砂镀铬,即“沙子”200G 金沙子200RG 磨砂玫瑰金M200 暗铬镜子Midnight Chrome High Polish201FB 古铜Antique Brass202FB 切角古铜沙子带清晰涂层(只限日本)Brushed Antique Brass w/ Clear Coat (Japan Only)203 雪花刻系列(蚀刻造工)204 铜刻字沙子Brush Finish Solid Brass204B 铜沙子Brush Finish Solid Brass without lettering205 缎纱Satin Chrome206 (20690-20693)2004年新版“仕林说手绘系列”B206 复古沙子Antique Brushed Chrome (Pewter 白蜡)207 花沙Street Chrome207G 金花沙Gold Dust Street Gold207WD 207底的迪斯尼系列Walt Disney Collection(on Regular Street Chrome Zippo)208 骨饰-抛光铜并雕刻船只Scrimshaw-Scrimshaw Ship High Polish Brass209 Zippo游客中心的磨砂铜版本Zippo/Case Visitors Center Brushed Brass210 日本版钛涂层带主题标记或其他的Japanese Titanium Coating with logo or etc.211 铁矿石Iron Stone212 沙哑漆Sand Matte214 白哑漆White Matte215 鸭绿色哑漆Teal Matte215CW 卡森窝特印弟安人系列216 奶油色哑漆Cream Matte217双色浮雕铜镜TwoTone Cameo High Polish Brass218 黑哑漆Black Matte219 迷彩哑漆Camoflage Matte220 蓝哑漆Blue Matte221 绿哑漆Green Matte222 紫(如葡萄酒般紫)哑漆Burgundy Matte223 灰哑漆Gray Matte224 水银哑漆Quicksilver Matte227 赤哑漆Terra cotta228 褐哑漆Brown Matte229 天蓝哑漆Royal Matte (Royal Blue Matte)230 切角沙子Vintage Brush Finish230RG 玫瑰金切角沙子Vintage Brushed Rose Gold231 橙哑漆Orange Matte233 红哑漆Red Matte236 黑烤漆Black Crackle237 紫哑漆Purple Matte239 海军蓝哑漆Navy Matte ( Navy Blue Matte )240 切角铜沙子Vintage Brush Brass241 切角古铜Antique Brass Vintage245 托莱多(西班牙的一个城市)- 斗牛士Toledo-Matador Solid Brass(纯铜)246 托莱多(西班牙的一个城市)- 唐吉诃德Toledo-Don Quixote Solid Brass(纯铜)247 托莱多(西班牙的一个城市)- 八角星Toledo Octastar Solid Brass(纯铜)248托莱多(西班牙的一个城市)- 12星宿Toledo-12 Point Star Solid Brass (纯铜)250 镜面High Polish Chrome250G 金镜High Polish Gold Plated250RG 玫瑰金镜High Polish Rose GoldM250 暗铬沙子Midnight Chrome Brush Finish254 铜刻镜面High Polish Solid Brass254B 铜镜High Polish Solid Brass without lettering255 200底的临摹签名火机Facsimile Signature Lighter (200 base)260 切角镜面Vintage High Polish Chrome260S 切角镀银Vintage Silver Plated260RG 切角玫瑰金镜Vintage High Polished Rose Gold270 切角铜镜Vintage High Polish Brass271 94圣诞系列Christmas 94272 94圣诞系列Christmas 94273 94圣诞系列Christmas 94274 94圣诞系列Christmas 94275 沙子带防丢带(也叫“丢不了”)Brushed Chrome w/Loop&Lanyard (Loss Proof)277 95圣诞系列- 圣诞老人钻烟囱Santa in Chemney278 95圣诞系列- 圣诞树Christmas Tree280** 200底的军徽系列Military Insignas Series (200 base)281 白大理石(纹路)Marble - White Marble282 灰大理石(纹路)Marble - Gray Marble283 褐大理石(纹路)Marble - Brown Marble284 绿大理石(纹路)Marble - Green Marble285 红大理石(纹路)Marble - Red Marble286 蓝大理石(纹路)Marble - Blue Marble287 骨雕(仕林说手绘系列)-鹰Scrimshaw-Eagle Brushed Chrome(沙子)288 骨雕(仕林说手绘系列)-野鸭Scrimshaw-Duck Brushed Chrome(沙子)289 骨雕(仕林说手绘系列)-帆船Scrimshaw-Square-Rigger Brushed Chrome(沙子)290 骨雕(仕林说手绘系列)-野狼Scrimshaw-Howling Wolf Brushed Chrome(沙子)291 95情人节系列Valentine Collection 1995 - Two Cupids292 95情人节系列Valentine Collection 1995 - Be My Valentine293 95情人节系列Valentine Collection 1995 - Valentine Collection 1995 294 95情人节系列Valentine Collection 1995 - Valentine Collection 1995 300 200底的个人字母组合火机Personal Monogram Lighter (200 base) 301FB 仿古红铜Antique Copper302 1947zippo车Zippo Car Street Chrome (花沙)303 47号赛车TF Racing #47 Street Chrome (花沙)304 摩托运动Zippo MotorSports Red Matte (红哑漆)305 全美公路赛车Grand American Road Racing Street Chrome(花沙)306 全美公路赛车Grand American Road Racing High Polish Chrome(镜面)311 Metalique - Windy312 Metalique - The Reveler313 Metalique - Zippo Car314 Metalique - Five O'clock Club315 Metalique - 1939 World's Fair316 Metalique - A Week's Trial317 骨雕-宪章号战舰Scrimshaw-USS Constitution High Polish Chrome (镜面)318 骨雕-神秘(只限美国) Scrimshaw-Mystic High Polish Chrome (USA only) (镜面)319 骨雕-鲸鱼Scrimshaw-Whales High Polish Chrome (镜面)320A 金花纹Floral Gold Plated321 陶瓷饰物Mobile Ceramic322 蓝网套Blue Mesh323 橙色格子Orange Grid324 混和图样Assorted Symbols325 对称圆Symmetric Circles326 各种几何图形Varied Geometrics327 卡通抽象画Cartoon Abstract328 时髦抽象画Modern Abstract331 蛮荒大西南系列- 山狗啸月Coyote Moon High Polish Chrome(镜面)332 蛮荒大西南系列- 死亡谷Death Valley High Polish Chrome(镜面)333 蛮荒大西南系列- 仙人掌Cactus Fire High Polish Chrome(镜面)334 蛮荒大西南系列- 野牛硬币Buffalo Head High Polish Chrome(镜面)335 蛮荒大西南系列- Sundance High Polish Chrome(镜面)336 蛮荒大西南系列- Navajo印第安人High Polish Chrome(镜面)337 蛮荒大西南系列- 惊走之水牛Buffalo Stampede High Polish Chrome (镜面)341 切角古银Antique vintage Copper343 蛮荒大西南系列- 雷鸟Thunderbird High Polish Chrome(镜面)344 蛮荒大西南系列- 彩虹之上Over the Rainbow High Polish Chrome (镜面)345 蛮荒大西南系列- 圣达菲Santa Fe High Polish Chrome(镜面)346 蛮荒大西南系列- Cheyenne印第安人High Polish Chrome(镜面)347 蛮荒大西南系列- 美国鹰American Eagle High Polish Chrome(镜面)350 直纹High Polish Chrome Engine Turned (镜面)351RG 玫瑰Rose High Polish Rose Gold (玫瑰金镜面)352 威尼斯人High Polish Chrome Venetian (镜面)352B 威尼斯人High Polish Brass Venetian (铜镜)352S 威尼斯人Venetian Silver Plated (镀银)352RG 威尼斯人Venetian High Polish Rose Gold(玫瑰金镜面)M352 威尼斯人Midnight Chrome Venetian (暗铬)?雕刻签名Signature Engraved on Bright Chrome Lighter (亮铬)355 黑雅士Ultralite Black High Polish Chrome ( Black Onix )(镜面)356 超轻象牙色镜面Ultralite Ivory High Polish Chrome357 超轻暗褐镜面Ultralite Mocha Brown High Polish Chrome358 超轻品蓝镜面Ultralite Royal Blue High Polish Chrome359 骨雕(仕林说手绘系列)- 船与灯塔Scrinshaw-Ship High Polish Chrome(镜面)M359 骨雕(仕林说手绘系列)- 船Scrinshaw-Ship Midnight Chrome(暗铬)361G 镀金西部花纹Western Floral Gold Plated361RG 玫瑰金西洋植物纹Western Floral High Polish Rose Gold (镜面)362 ZIPPO四代铜Zippo Brass Emblem Black Crackle(黑烤漆)363 ZIPPO四代锡Zippo Pewter Emblem Black Crackle(黑烤漆)364 ZIPPO铜内部构造Zippo Iinsides-Brass Black Crackle(黑烤漆)366 Zippo车牌Zippo License Plate Street Chrome(花沙)367 Zippo内部构造Insides-Pewter Street Chrome (锡花沙)368 骨雕-船Scrinshaw-Ship Black Matte(黑哑漆)369 骨雕-航行中的船Scrinshaw-Sailing Ship High Polish Chrome(镜面)370 骨雕-海豚Scrinshaw-Dolphin High Polish Chrome(镜面)371 骨雕-灯塔Scrinshaw-Lighthouse High Polish Chrome(镜面)371 骨雕-海象Scrinshaw-Walrus Chrome (沙子)372 骨雕-自由神像Scrinshaw-Status of Liberty Chrome (沙子)373 骨雕-自由之鹰Scrinshaw-Liberty Eagle Chrome (沙子)375 Paloma 亚利桑拿Arizona High Polish Chrome (镜面)376 Paloma Kokopelli High Polish Chrome (镜面)377Paloma Rain Dance High Polish Chrome (镜面)378Paloma Elk High Polish Chrome (镜面)379Paloma 断箭Broken Arrow High Polish Chrome (镜面)380 夜猫子玩家系列- Tyson High Polish Brass(镜面)381 夜猫子玩家系列- Titan One High Polish Brass(铜镜)382 夜猫子玩家系列- Tryan High Polish Brass (铜镜)383 夜猫子玩家系列- Teluke High Polish Brass (铜镜)384 夜猫子玩家系列- 暗条纹Midnight Stripe High Polish Brass (铜镜)385 夜猫子玩家系列- 暗月Midnight Moon High Polish Brass (铜镜)386 夜猫子玩家系列- 曼哈顿之夜Manhattan Nights High Polish Brass (铜镜)387 夜猫子玩家系列- 暗星Midnight Stars High Polish Brass (铜镜)388 动脑抽象徽章系列-黑卵Techno-Black Ovals Satin Chrome (缎纱)389 动脑抽象徽章系列-银箭头Techno-Silver Spears Satin Chrome (缎纱)390 动脑抽象徽章系列-灰钻石Techno-Gray Diamonds Satin Chrome (缎纱)391 彩绘沙漠系列Painted Desert - 沙漠之花Desert Flower High Polish Chrome(铜镜)392 蛮荒大西南系列- 印第安羽毛Indian Feather High Polish Chrome (铜镜)393 彩绘沙漠- 太阳之火Sun Fire High Polish Chrome (铜镜)394 蛮荒大西南系列(Painted Desert) - 箭头Arrowhead High Polish Chrome(铜镜)395 彩绘沙漠- Pueblo 印第安人High Polish Chrome (铜镜)396 彩绘沙漠- Kokopelli 印第安人High Polish Chrome (铜镜)397 彩绘沙漠- Cherokee 印第安人High Polish Chrome (铜镜)398 彩绘沙漠- Zuni 印第安人High Polish Chrome (铜镜)432 紫色旅程Purple Journey High Polish Brass (铜镜)433 黄色旅程Yellow Journey High Polish Brass (铜镜)451 标乔丹真树系列- 真树硬木Realtree Hardwood452 标乔丹真树系列- 灰真树Realtree Extra Grey501 Black Tie系列- 框框The Frame502 Black Tie系列- 总统先生Mr.President503 Black Tie系列- 粗线条Bold Stripe504 Black Tie系列- Candy Cane505Black Tie系列- 国会议员The Congressman510 矿脉系列- 金矿脉Gold Rush511 矿脉系列- 铜矿脉Penny Vein512 矿脉系列- 银矿脉Silver Vain513 Checks系列- Checkered Flag514 Checks系列-Charcoal Checkers520 托莱多系列- 神秘狮子Toledo-Mystical Lion (托莱多是西班牙一个城市,历史上曾是西班牙首都)522 托莱多系列- 神秘鹰Mystical Eagle523 托莱多系列- 植物纹人像Floral Portrait524 托莱多系列- 公正之鹰Eagle of Justice525 托莱多系列- 中世纪骑士Medieval Knight526 托莱多系列- 自然乐曲Nature's Medley527 托莱多系列- 熊(抓到)的新鲜鱼Bear's Fresh Fish528 托莱多系列- 勇猛的理查德Richard the Lion-Hearted529 托莱多系列- 葡萄牙盾牌Portuguese Shield531托莱多系列- 凶猛的护卫Fierce Guardian532托莱多系列- 神秘狮子Mystical Lion High Polish Brass (铜镜子)534 托莱多系列- 神秘鹰Mystical Eagle High Polish Brass (铜镜子)535 托莱多系列- 植物纹人像Floral Portrait High Polish Brass (铜镜子)536 托莱多系列- 公正之鹰Eagle of Justice High Polish Brass (铜镜子)537 托莱多系列- 中世纪骑士Medieval Knight High Polish Brass (铜镜子)538 托莱多系列- 自然乐曲Nature's Medley High Polish Brass (铜镜子)539 托莱多系列- 鱼与熊Bear's Fresh Fish High Polish Brass (铜镜子)540 托莱多系列- 勇猛的理查德Richard the Lion-Hearted High Polish Brass(铜镜子)541 托莱多系列- 葡萄牙盾牌Portuguese Shield High Polish Brass (铜镜子)542 托莱多系列- 凶猛的护卫Fierce Guardian High Polish Brass (铜镜子)550 手工全皮,包皮系列Full Leather Crafted Series , Leather Wrap Series 551 夜猫子玩家系列- 哈佛条纹Harvard Stripe552 夜猫子玩家系列- Tic Tac Toe553 夜猫子玩家系列- 玉米地Corn Row554 夜猫子玩家系列- 纽约人New Yorker High Polish Brass (抛光铜)555 夜猫子玩家系列- 署名Autograph High Polish Brass (抛光铜)556 夜猫子玩家系列- 都市牛仔Urban Cowboy High Polish Brass (抛光铜)557 夜猫子玩家系列- 第5街Fifth Avenue558 夜猫子玩家系列- 金色辉煌Golden Glory559 夜猫子玩家系列- 中线Center Line560 夜猫子玩家系列- 银羚羊Silver Antelope561 夜猫子玩家系列- Titan Two561 Zippo搜集系列- 经典防风Windproof Classic Satin Chrome (缎纱)562 Zippo搜集系列- 美国传奇American Legend Satin Chrome (缎纱)563 Zippo搜集系列- 美国经典American Classic Satin Chrome (缎纱)564 Zippo搜集系列- 真正美国人Genuine American Satin Chrome (缎纱)565 Zippo名气系列- 来真的For Real High Polish Chrome (镜子)571 国际International Zippo High Polish Chrome (镜子)572 自由神像Statue of Liberty High Polish Chrome (镜子)573 美国国旗上的鹰USA Eagle on Flag High Polish Chrome (镜子)574 美国大学旗帜USA College Flag White Matte (白哑漆)577 古典钻石Antique Diamond Plate High Polish Chrome (镜子)578 Zippo访客中心Zippo/Case Visitors Center Brushed Chrome (沙子)579 美国传奇American Legend High Polish Chrome (镜子)581 Zippo搜集系列- 美国制造Made in USA-Brass Brushed Brass Vintage(切角铜沙子)582 Zippo搜集系列- 美国制造Made in USA-Pewter Brushed Chrome Vintage(切角锡沙子)583 Zippo搜集系列- 美国经典American Classic-Brass Brushed Brass Vintage(切角铜沙子)584 Zippo搜集系列- 美国经典American Classic-Pewter Brushed Chrome Vintage(切角锡沙子)590RG 叶子Leaves High Polish Rose Gold (玫瑰金镜子)590S 叶子Leaves Silver Plated (镀银)591G 条纹与花Stripes & Flowers Gold Plated (镀金)592 Passing Lines High Polish Chrome (镜子)592B Passing Lines High Polish Brass (铜镜子)592RG Passing Lines High Polish Rose Gold (玫瑰金镜子)。
DELL 料号对照 Relevance platforms and models for dell
发布时间:2010年1月10日 9时41分Relevance platforms and models forFor dell:Dell Latitude D430 Compal LA-3741PDell Inspiron 1100 Compal LA-1452DELL Inspiron 1150 Compal LA-1684Dell Inspiron 1300 WISTRON KeyWest Project code: 91.4D901.001 REVISION: 05209-SCDell Inspiron 1318 WISTRON Beyonce UMA Project code: 91.4C301.001 DELL Inspiron 1501 QUANTA FX2Dell Inspiron 1520 QUANTA M-08(FM5) UMA or DISRETEDELL Inspiron 1525 WISTRON DS2-AMD Project code: 91.4W001.001DELL Inspiron 1525 WISTRON Spears Intel Project code: 91.4W001.001 DELL Inspiron 1526 WISTRON DS2-AMD Project code: 91.4W001.001Dell Inspiron 1720 QUANTA M-08Dell Inspiron 2200 QUANTA VM7Dell Inspiron 4150 QUANTA TM8Dell Inspiron 500M QUANTA DM1Dell Inspiron 5100 Compal LA-1452Dell Inspiron 510M QUANTA DM1Dell Inspiron 5150 Compal LA-1682Dell Inspiron 600M QUANTA JM2Dell Inspiron 630M WISTRON Barbados Project code: 91.4C401.001 REVISION: SDDell Inspiron 6400 QUANTA FM1Dell Inspiron 640m WISTRON Bermuda Project code: 91.4E201.001Dell Inspiron 700M WISTRON MOLOKAI Project Code: 91.43E01.001Dell Inspiron 710M WISTRON MOLOKAI Rev: SCDELL Inspiron 8200 Compal LA-1221Dell Inspiron 8600 Compal LA-1901Dell Inspiron 9300 Compal LA-2171Dell Latitude C640 QUANTA TM8Dell latitude D400 WISTRON PEBBLE Project code: 91.42Y01.001 02203 Dell Latitude D410 Samsung VENICEDell Latitude D420 Compal LA-3071PDell Latitude D510 QUANTA DM1Dell Latitude D600 QUANTA JM2Dell Latitude D610 QUANTA JM5BDell Latitude D620 Compal LA-2792Dell Latitude D630 Compal LA-3301PDell Latitude D630 Compal LA-3302PDell Latitude D630 QUANTA JM7BDell Latitude D810 Compal LA-2112Dell Latitude D820 QUANTA JM6Dell Studio 1735 QUANTA GM3DELL XPS M1330 WISTRON Thurman Project code: 91.4C301.001Dell XPS M140 WISTRON Barbados Project code: 91.4C401.001 REVISION: SD Dell XPS M1530 WISTRON Hawke-Intel Project code: 91.4W1001.001 Revision: 07212-SADell XPS M1530 WISTRON Hawke-Intel Project code: 91.4W1001.001 PCB No. : 07212For toshiba:Toshiba A100 Inventec San Antonio 10 Document Number: TC8703 ??? Toshiba Portege M806 Quanta TE1Toshiba Satellite A110 Compal LA-3171PToshiba Satellite A200 Compal LA-3481PToshiba Satellite A30 Compal LA-1931Toshiba Satellite A300-14S Quanta BL5SToshiba Satellite A80 Compal LA-2491Toshiba Satellite A80 Compal LA-2871Toshiba Satellite L30 Quanta BL1Toshiba Satellite M100 Compal LA-3141PToshiba Satellite M18 Inventec Cricet 2.0 Model Number: FC8496 ??? Toshiba Satellite M40X Compal LA-2691Toshiba Satellite M50 Compal LA-2861Toshiba Satellite M55 Compal LA-2721Toshiba Satellite M65 Compal LA-2741Toshiba Satellite P35 Compal LA-2371 REV 1.0TOSHIBA SAT/ P10-833 -DAL01 LA2101 REV1.0for samsung:SAMSUNG NP-P60 Model Name: SEDONA BA41-XXXXASamsung NP-R70 Model Name: SANTA ROSA STD BA41-#####ASAMSUNG NP-X22 Model Name: SANTA ROSA BA41-00786A GCESAMSUNG NP-X22 Model Name: SANTA ROSA STD BA41-00753A NANYA SAMSUNG NP-X60 Model Name: SEDONA BA41-XXXXASAMSUNG NP-X60plus Model Name: SEDONA_plus BA41-00697ASamsung Q20 Model Name: CETUS Main BA41-00377ASamsung Q25 Model Name: CETUS-R Main BA41-00421ASamsung Q25 Model Name: CETUS-R Main BA41-00421ASamsung R18 R20 Model Name: HAINAN2 BA41-XXXXXASamsung R23 Model Name:Shanghai_santarosa BA41-00844ASamsung R23 Model Name:Shanghai_santarosa BA41-00845ASamsung R40 Model Name: FIRENZE II BA41-00659ASamsung R40 Model Name:FIRENZE II BA41-00671ASamsung R55 Model Name: FIRENZE-R BA41-00655A/B Samsung Sens G10 Model Name: MONACO BA41-00687A SAMSUNG X22 Model Name: SANTA ROSA BA41-00786A GCE SAMSUNG X22 Model Name: SANTA ROSA STD BA41-00753A NANYAfor HP:HP Compaq 2710p Wistron NORNHP PCompaq nx7400 INVENTEC GALLO 1.0HP Pavilion TX2500 Quanta TT9HP Compaq 6710s INVENTEC DD1.0HP Pavilion DV4 (Discrete) Compal LA-4102PHP Pavilion DV4(UMA) Compal LA-4101PHP Compaq NX6325 INVENTEC TAOS20HP Pavilion zd8000 Quanta NT2HP Compaq NX6130 INVENTEC HUANG SHANHP Pavilion zd7000 Quanta NT1HP Pavilion ze4900 Quanta KT2HP Compaq nx9010m Quanta KT9DHP Compaq nx9000 Quanta KT7IHP Compaq nx9030 Quanta KT7IHP Compaq nx9040 Quanta KT7IHP Presario 2100 Quanta KT7IHP Compaq nx7000 Compal LA-1701HP Compaq nx7010 Compal LA-1701HP HP Pavilion zt3000 Compal LA-1701Hp Presario x1000 Compal LA-1701HP Compaq nx6515 INVENTEC DD1.0HP Compaq nx6330 INVENTEC TIANSHANHP Compaq nx6320 INVENTEC DAVOS 3.0HP Compaq nx6120 INVENTEC DAVOS-DFHP Compaq nc8000 INVENTEC MODULES, RUBY1.0HP Compaq nc6400 Compal LA-2952HP compaq nc6000 INVENTEC DIAMONDHP Compaq CQ50 Wistron AstrosphereHP compaq nc4010 INVENTEC Sapphire 1.5HP Pavilion ZE2000(amd) Quanta CT8HP Compaq Presario M2000(amd) Quanta CT8HP Pavilion dv1000(amd) Quanta CT8HP Pavilion ZE2000(915) Quanta CT3HP Compaq Presario M2000(915) Quanta CT3HP Pavilion dv1000(915). Quanta CT3HP Pavilion ZE2000(855) Quanta CT1HP Compaq Presario M2000(855) Quanta CT1HP Pavilion dv1000(855). Quanta CT1HP Compaq dv9000 (amd) Quanta AT1HP COMPAQ F700 Quanta AT1HP Pavilion dv2000 (PM965) Wistron Pamirs-Discrete Project code:91.4S401.001HP Pavilion dv2000 (GM965) Wistron Pamirs Project code: 91.4S401.001 HP Pavilion dv2000(AMD) Wistron SHIBA Project Code: 91.4F701.001HP Pavilion dv3000(AMD) Wistron SHIBA Project Code: 91.4F701.001HP Pavilion dv2000(945pm) Wistron KAI Project code: 91.4F601.001HP Pavilion dv2000(945gm) Wistron Akita Project code: 91.4F501.001 HP Pavilion tx1000 Quanta TT8HP Pavilion dv1000(855) Quanta CT1HP Compaq NC4200 Compal LA-2211HP Compaq TC4200 Compal LA-2211HP 500 Compal LA-3361PHP Compaq Presario F500 Quanta AT8HP Pavilion DV6000 Quanta AT8HP Compaq presario v6000 Quanta AT8HP Compaq Evo N620C Inventec Fenway 3.0 PVR2HP Pavilion zv5000 Compal LA-1811HP Pavilion zx5000 Compal LA-1811Compaq Presario R3000(intel) Compal LA-1811HP Pavilion DV6000 Quanta AT6HP Pavilion DV6000(amd) Quanta AT8 Atlantis/ApolloHP Pavilion DV9000(amd) Quanta AT8 Atlantis/ApolloCompaq Presario V9000(amd) Quanta AT8 Atlantis/ApolloCompaq Presario V6000(amd) Quanta AT8 Atlantis/ApolloHP 520 Compal LA-3491PHP 530 Compal LA-3491PHP Compaq nc4000 Inventec SapphireHP Compaq nx6110 Inventec DAVOS-DF PV-1-BUILDHP Compaq nc8230 Inventec VAIL1.0HP Compaq nc6220 Inventec VAIL1.0HP Compaq nc6230 Inventec VAIL1.0HP Compaq 6515b Inventec TT1.0Compaq Presario B2000 LG MCKINLEY BL EntryHP Compaq 6720s Inventec DDD UMAHP Compaq 6520s Inventec DDD UMAHP 540 Inventec DDD UMAHP Pavilion dv1000(Intel) Quanta CT3HP Pav. DV4 JAL50 LA4102P。
M I C R O J A C K S98density packaging•Beryllium Copper multi-spring contact maintains retention after multiple insertions•Ideal for mounting transistors,re-sistors,diodes,IC’s and similar miniature components•Custom micro jacks manufactured to your specifications •Other platings available upon request.016 [0.41].083[2.11].055[1.40]L3-FINGER CLOSED ENTRY CONTACT.038[0.96].038[0.96]HEX ..020[0.50].130 [3.3].095 [2.4]L.072[1.9].045[1.14]4-FINGER CLOSED ENTRY CONTACT.056[1.42].049[1.24].041[1.04].063[1.60]4-FINGER CLOSED ENTRY CONTACT.205[5.2].089[2.23].248[6.3]4-FINGER CLOSED ENTRY CONTACT.120[3.1].259[6.6].233[5.9].060[1.52]DIA..014[0.4].077[2.0]DIA..015(.38)-.021(.53)PIN -SOLDER MOUNT.015(.38)-.021(.53)PIN -PRESS FIT.015(.38)-.025(.64)PIN -TAPER-FIT.022(.56)-.032(.81)PIN -SOLDER MOUNT.015(.38)-.025(.64)PIN -SOLDER MOUNT.015(.38)-.025(.64)PIN -SOLDER MOUNT.022(.56)-.034(.86)PIN -PRESS FIT.025(.64)-.037(.94)PIN -PRESS FIT.025(.64)-.037(.94)PIN -SOLDER MOUNT.055[1.39].072[1.83].016 [0.41]4-FINGER CLOSED ENTRY CONTACT.093 [2.36].142[3.6].161[4.1]RoHS NON-RoHS Mtg.GOLD/GOLD TIN/TIN TIN/GOLD L Hole CAT.NO.CAT.NO.CAT.NO.Length Dia.1411-11431-11420-1.140(3.6).0421411-21431-21420-2.170(4.3)(1.07)RoHS NON-RoHS Mtg.GOLD/GOLD TIN/TIN TIN/GOLD L Hole CAT.NO.CAT.NO.CAT.NO.Length Dia.1412-11432-11468-1.140(3.6).0401412-21432-21468-2.170(4.3)(1.02)1412-31432-31468-3.282(7.2)RoHS NON-RoHS Mtg.GOLD/GOLD TIN/TIN TIN/GOLD L Hole CAT.NO.CAT.NO.CAT.NO.Length Dia.1415-11435-11469-1.160(4.1).0551415-21435-21469-2.190(4.8)(1.40)RoHS NON-RoHS Mtg.GOLD/GOLD TIN/TIN TIN/GOLD Hole CAT.NO.CAT.NO.CAT.NO.Dia.169316941695.063(1.60)RoHS NON-RoHS Mtg.GOLD/GOLD TIN/TIN TIN/GOLD Hole CAT.NO.CAT.NO.CAT.NO.Dia.141314331470.059(1.50)RoHS NON-RoHS Mtg.GOLD/GOLD TIN/TIN TIN/GOLD Hole CAT.NO.CAT.NO.CAT.NO.Dia.160316061607.052(1.32).061 [1.55].015[0.38].028[0.71].091 [2.3].086[2.2].170[4.3].200[5.1].070 [1.78]KNURL6-FINGER CLOSEDENTRY CONTACT6-FINGER CLOSED ENTRY CONTACT.057[1.45].077[1.96].083[2.11].025[0.7]L.025(.64)-.037(.94)PIN -SOLDER MOUNTRoHS NON-RoHS Mtg.GOLD/GOLD TIN/TIN TIN/GOLD Hole CAT.NO.CAT.NO.CAT.NO.Dia.141614361471.067(1.70)RoHSNON-RoHS Mtg.GOLD/GOLD TIN/TIN TIN/GOLD L Hole CAT.NO.CAT.NO.CAT.NO.Length Dia.1626-11614-11619-1.095(2.4).0621626-21614-21619-2.105(2.7)(1.57)1626-31614-31619-3.155(3.9).045 [1.14].062[1.57].090[2.29]6-FINGER CLOSED ENTRY CONTACT.080 [2.03].083 [2.11].022(.56)-.034(.86)PIN -SOLDER MOUNTRoHS NON-RoHS Mtg.GOLD/GOLD TIN/TIN TIN/GOLD Hole CAT.NO.CAT.NO.CAT.NO.Dia.165816591673.065(1.65).128[3.3].168[4.3].040 [1.02].092 [2.34].065 [1.65]L.200[5.1].230[5.9]4-FINGER CLOSED ENTRY CONTACT.125 [3.2].032(.81)-.046(1.17)PIN -SWAGE MOUNTRoHS NON-RoHS Mtg.GOLD/GOLD TIN/TIN TIN/GOLD Hole CAT.NO.CAT.NO.CAT.NO.Dia.359035913592.065(1.65)RoHS NON-RoHS Mtg.GOLD/GOLD TIN/TIN TIN/GOLD Hole CAT.NO.CAT.NO.CAT.NO.Dia.169716981699.063(1.60)RoHSNON-RoHS Mtg.GOLD/GOLD TIN/TIN TIN/GOLD L Hole CAT.NO.CAT.NO.CAT.NO.Length Dia.1419-11439-11478-1.062(1.6).0691419-21439-21478-2.094(2.4)(1.75)PLATING OPTIONSCONTACT PLATING BODY SPRING RoHS Gold/Gold Gold Gold Compliant Tin/Tin Tin/Lead Tin/Lead Non-CompliantTin/GoldTin/LeadGoldBody:Brass,ASTM-B16Spring:Beryllium Copper(QQ-C-533).057[1.45]HEX.057[1.45]DIA..200[5.1].020[0.52].078[1.98]DIA.6-FINGER CLOSED ENTRY CONTACT.165[4.2].078[1.98].040[1.02].090[2.29].040[1.02].062[1.57].210[5.3].187[4.7].180[4.6]6-FINGER CLOSED ENTRY CONTACTRoHS Plating:Gold:.000010per MIL-G-45204(RoHS Compliant)Tin/Lead:.000200to.000300per MIL-T-10727,Type 1(Non-RoHS Compliant).038[0.96]3-FINGER CLOSED ENTRY CONTACTL .055[1.40].083[2.11].016[0.41]RoHS Tel (718)956-8900•Fax (718)956-9040(800)221-5510•kec@31-0720th Road –Astoria,NY 11105-2017RoHS COMPLIANT ~ISO 9001CERTIFIED®分销商库存信息:KEYSTONE-ELECTRONICS1435-21431-11431-2 1420-11420-21470 1411-11411-21435-1 1469-11469-21614-3 1468-11468-21607 16951619-31606 169414711699 1415-11415-21413 359116981659 359216031432-1 1432-21432-31673 1468-316581697 1614-214161619-1 1619-216933590 1626-11626-21626-3 1412-11412-21412-3 1439-11439-21478-2 1419-21419-1。
Manufacturing Site
Suwon Plant 206 Cheomdansaneop Road, Youngtong- gu, Suwon, Kyonggi Province 443- 743, Korea Te l: +82- 31- 210-6794 E-mail:randy.kim@ Busan Plant 1623 - 2, Songjeong - dong, Kangseo - gu, Busan 618 - 270, Korea Te l: +82- 51- 970 - 7671 E-mail:kyc.kweon@ Tianjin Plant 27, Heiniu, Cheng - Road, Tianjin, China 300210 Te l: +86 - 22 - 2830 - 3333(3450) E-mail:gk.ryu@ Philippines Plant Calamba Premiere International Park, Batino, Calamba, Laguna, Manila Te l: +63 - 2 - 809 - 2873 E-mail:ksj1445@
America sales office
Irvine Office 92612 3345 Michelson Drive, Suite 350,Irvine, CA Te l:1- 949 - 797- 8047 E-mail:sh386.kim@
All information indicated in this catalog is as of january. 2008 The specifications and designs contained herein may be subject to change without notice.
Parker Hannifin Corporation Sporlan Division - P-S
Parker Hannifin CorporationSporlan Division - Refrigeration Business Unit 2445 South 25th AvenueBroadview, IL 60155-3891 USA Phone: (708) 681-6300Fax: (708) 681-6306ISO 9001 CERTIFIED1234112341234X4X4X4Discard5OperationPrior to installing the P-Series Electronic Valve (PEV) the included safety bulletins must be read and understood.ENGLISHRefrigerantsSuitable for ammonia, CO 2, and other common refrigerantsLiquid Temperature Range -60ºC to 120ºC (-76ºF to 248ºF)Ambient Temperature Range -40ºC to 50ºC (-40ºF to 122ºF)Maximum Rated Pressure (MRP)52 barg (754 psig)Maximum Operating Pressure Differential (MOPD)Figure 1: Components 1 - Port Plate Assembly 2 - Bolts, Port Plate 3 - Valve Body4 - Gasket, Port Plate (New)PortBolt Size Nm Ft Lb 20 mm (3⁄4”) to 25 mm (1”)M12 x 1.75614532 mm (11⁄4”) to 40 mm (11⁄2”)M16 x 2149110Figure 5: Re-Assembly1 - Gasket, Port Plate (New)InstallationAll personnel working on valves must be qualified to work on refrigeration systems. If there are any questions contact Sporlan Division - Refrigeration Business Unit before proceeding with the work.All valves are packed for a maximum protection. Unpack carefully. Check the carton to make sure all items are unpacked, see Figure 1 for the list of items included. Do not remove the protective coverings from the inlet and outlet of the valve until the valve is ready to be installed. Protect the inside of the valve from dirt and chips before and during installation. In the event the valve is left disassembled for any length of time, protecting the components is essential. Place the components in a plastic bag and store them in an area where they will not be damaged.The valve should be installed in a location where it is easily accessible foradjustment and maintenance. The location should be such that the body cannot be easily damaged by material handing equipment. Proper indicating gauges should be installed to be easily visible to the operating engineer for system checks and adjustment purposes.The valve should be disassembled before welding to prevent damage to o-rings and teflon (PTFE) components. First remove the port plate by unbolting the bolts as shown in Figure 2. If the port plate does not come apart easily, rotate the port plate 45º and use the corners to pry the port plate out. If using a tool, such as a screw driver, it is important to be careful not to damage any gasket surfaces.The current port plate gasket must be removed, as shown in Figure 3, anddiscarded. A replacement gasket is provided with every purchase of a new valve.The PEV valves must be mounted in the upright horizontal position with the actuator on the top. The valve must be installed with the arrow pointing in the direction of flow for the valve to function properly.Installers need to follow a WPS (Welding Procedure Specification) for all welding. The procedure and welder doing the weld must be qualified to perform that procedure.The codes applicable to the welding of socket weld valves require that the pipe be inserted into the socket until bottomed against the stop, then backed out approximately 1⁄16 of an inch (1.6 mm) before welding. Use of welding rings isoptional but recommended for butt weld valves. They help alignment, control gap for full penetration welding, and reduce welding debris entry.Figure 6: Port Plate Torque SpecsPort MOPD 20 mm (3⁄4”) to 25 mm (1”)52 bard (754 psid)32 mm (11⁄4”) to 40 mm (11⁄2”)28 bard (406 psid)Connection TypesSW, BW ANSI, and BW Metric (DN)P/N 313906RSD B Date: 11-20 ECO: 0345229Parker Electronic Valve (PEV)Installation InformationWARNING – USER RESPONSIBILITY。
Maxi Heat 500IQ SERIAL NUMBER 14-000001 AND UP MH5
MH500 IQ Specs●Btu per burner- 515,000●CFM per burner- 3200●Fuel consumption per burner- 3.65 Gal/h●Recommended fuel consumption- K-1 Kerosene or No.1 Diesel●Operating power per burner- ~115 V, 1-PH, 60Hz 24 A (MAX 82 A)●Weight per burner- 357 lbs●Nozzles per burner- 2 GPH 60` Delavan Type A & 1 GPH 60` Delavan Type W ●Operating fuel pressure- 145 PSI/ 1000 kpa/ 10 barOverviewThe IQ system is a design that allows for the simplicity and ease ofoperation. At start up the IQ system will calibrate for the ambient air temperature and elevation to determine the air to fuel ratio setting for theair band. There are no more calibrations needed after this point and the IQsystem will recalculate the airband adjustment as ambient temperaturechanges.Control Screen Flickering/ Turning off & On❏The screen is a 12 volt system and receives power from the transformer box next to the IQ controller. Check power at the two terminal wires (blk & white) going into the right side of the IQ control. Check all connections on the main PC board and fuses.❏Check the Voltage regulator in the control box below Image (A). Make sure all voltage is proper.❏Make sure the rocker switch on the heater outlet door is working (Picture below).The switch is a two pole switch that closes once the door is opened. Power is sent to the screen for illumination.❏❏❏If the problem persists and power at the converter box showing 12 volts to the screen, then replace the screen.Engine Does Not Run**M axi Heat 500IQ will not start ( The engine will crank over ,but not run) Isuzu GensetNote:I f the unit has a shocker valve, check the value and make sure the shocker is open.** ❏Ensure the unit has enough fuel.❏Go through and check all the connections and most importantly check the emergency shutdown connection to make sure the connection is secure.(IsuzuEngine Timer Module-921432/ Cat C1.5 T4F- 650302)❏If all connections are secure then check to see if the engine is getting fuel.❏Pull the return line on the fuel pump and turn the engine over to see if the fuel pump is working correctly. Loosen the injector line at the injector to see if there is further fuel flow.❏The unit is getting fuel and the Fuel pump is working, find the fuel solenoid on the engine. Check the fuel shut off solenoid to ensure plunger retracts (example “A”, solenoid plunger retracts from voltage on hold wire)❏If the pump works when an auxiliary power source is applied then trace through wiring for loss of voltage. Power is pulled from the engine starter and goesthrough the temp and oil pressure switches. Check schematic for further testing.❏Burner Cycles On & Off**Maxi Heat 500IQ has one burner that will begin to run and then shuts down for High Temp Fault. ( Message appears on the IQ screen).**❏Each burner or both cycling on and off indicates that there is a possibility of backpressure. Back pressure occurs when the flow of heat is restricted and notmoved which accumulates at the outlet or in the burner itself. Kinks in the ducting can cause this issue. Make sure the ducting is straight with limited bends and no elevated lifts or descending of the ducting.❏Check ducting for proper flow.❏Ensure the high limit sensor is working at the end of the outlet.❏Check the main blower fans connection and ensure it is turning on as needed.Faulty connections or loss of power can cause a stall in fan operation which inturn causes the heater to increase temperature.❏Make sure heat going into the area is ventilated so heat does not accumulate and raises temperature to increase output.Blower Fan Stops Circulating or gets a Red “X” over fan:**MH 500 IQ has a burner that will start up and the fan will not turn on. Fan not running will cause the unit to shut down.**❏When this fault occurs it is an indication the fan is losing power.❏Check all the circuits to the fan. Power comes from 120 plug in into the bottom of the IQ controller.❏Start with going to the IQ control box for the burner that is having the issue. Open the cover of the box and over to the side is a wrench icon, press it. After pressing the icon type the password 123 then press the Enter button. You can control the fan manually from this point.❏Note: If you turn the fan on manually and the fan doesn't run, then the motor for the fan could be faulty and need to be replaced (#107194) ❏If the fan runs while in manual mode then the fan is working and power going to fan is ok. The circuit into the IQ controller that controls the blower fan has a loose or faulty connection.❏Check the red terminal block at the bottom of the IQ controller (See examples below). 120 volts into the terminal block feeds the relay above it and into the fan circuit during the purge process.No Power To IQ Control**Maxi Heat 500IQ Controller does not turn on or has no power to the IQ box.**❏No power into the IQ controller will not activate the LCD screen for further operation. Make sure the door on the outlet (heat out of burner) side isopen. The micro switch in the corner of the door activates power to eachscreen. * Switch is a two pole switch, if one side fails then the other couldstill open and provide power to the other screen.*❏Check the relay in the transformer box next to the controller (Example “A”). Make sure connections are secure and the relay is functioningproperly.❏Check the heater element on top of the fuel water separator filter. If element shorts then it will draw too much amperage and not allow thescreen to power up.❏If the IQ controller has 12 volts on the two wire ( example “B” below) harnesses into the side of the controller. If the wire has 12 volts then thescreen needs to be replaced.❏Example “A”Example “B”❏Burner shuts off for “Burner Power Break” or will not turn on**Burner shuts off or always seeing “Burner Power Break “ fault on screen.**❏During the purge cycle at the initial start up the burner ignitor box receives all its power from the IQ controller. System is 120 volts and is used topower the burner and fuel system.❏“Power Break” refers to the break in power to the burner. Test for loss of voltage at the Ignitor box in the burner assembly. (See example “B”) ❏Terminal “N” & “L” are power in. If there is no voltage then check the IQ controller for power loss. Power into the controller red terminal blockdistributes voltage to the fan and burner.❏Check the red terminal block for power in and out (120 v). Make sure connections are secure.❏Check the 15 amp fuse on the left of the controller. (Example “C”). If it fails, replace it.❏Test for voltage into the power relay above the red terminal block. During purge power goes to relay and out into the thermal breaker. (Example“C”). If failed, replace it.Example “B”Reset Safety Thermostat fault:**Safety thermostat is a protection for the high limit. If the fan has failed or heater shut down incorrectly it creates trapped heat which trips the thermostat.**❏Look for the black cap on the heat exchanger below the main blower fan.(Example “A”)❏Remove the cap and you will expose a red button. This button isconnected to the safety thermostat and has to be reset. Push and hold forfive seconds.❏If the thermostat continues to trip then give it 5 to 10 minutes for the heat to dissipate.❏If the problem persists then replace the safety thermostat.❏Burner starts to smoke and build black smoke out of exhaust stack:** Black smoke is an indication the unit is not getting enough air, bad fuel or carbon build up in the chamber.**❏Make sure air setting is on a specified number that the IQ controller recommends at the time of start up. D O NOT adjust air setting duringoperation unless the IQ controller specifies. (Any change of ambienttemperature and elevation requires smaller or higher amounts of airmixture.)❏Check for any debris or material covering or blocking the air damper.Clean and clear.❏Check fuel pressure and maintain 140-145 PSI at the pump.❏Ensure fuel nozzle NO 1 & NO 2 are both clean and working correctly.Check the schematic for a list of wiring for each nozzle. IQ logic controlsboth nozzles to maintain temperature.❏Make sure the heat exchanger and burn chamber are clear of any soot build up. If there is a large amount of build up then take the burner apartand wash with hot water high pressure hose. Let the barrel air dry beforeusing.❏Make sure only NO 1 Diesel fuel is used. Any additives can cause more gel-like substances which will create fuel issues.Filters perengine option:MH 500IQ MCS W/ ISUZU T4F 3CE1BurnerFUEL FILTER (35MICRON) 107222 ****MH**\ 14-******EngineAIR FILTER 650290 ****MH**\ 14-****** OIL FILTER 22-000309 ****MH**\ 14-****** FUEL FILTER 22-000310 ****MH**\ 14-******FILTER KIT (ALLFILTERS) 108461 ****MH**\ 14-******MH 500IQ MCS W/ CAT 1.5 NA T4FFUEL FILTER (35MICRON ) 107222 ****MH**\ 14-******EngineAIR FILTER 102580 ****MH**\ 14-****** OIL FILTER 650304 ****MH**\ 14-****** FUEL FILTER 103155 ****MH**\ 14-******FILTER KIT (ALLFILTERS) 108464 ****MH**\ 14-******Oil Change Intervals:Caterpillar C1.5- Every 500 hoursIsuzu 3CE1- Every 500 hoursIsuzu T4F 3CE1 Parts:●Dipstick Tube EXT Assy- ( 100604 )●Starter-102465●AVR Board-103016●Stop Solenoid--22-000316●Stop Solenoid O Ring- 22-000329●Alternator Diode- 22-000324●Temp Switch- 22-000325●Oil Pressure Switch- 22-000326●Relay Assembly- 650423●Fuel Pump- 22-000317●Auto Shutdown Timer-921432●Filter Kit (Air Fuel & Oil)- 108959●Fuel Water Separator ( 35 Micron Fuel Filter)- 107222●Timer Module-921432Cat 1.5 T4F Parts:●Ignition Keys- 920474●Ignition/Cat- 920475●Hour Meter- 340014●Timer/Shutdown- 650302●Cat 1.5 Muffler-104867●Muffler Gasket- 650234● 3 way Fuel Gauge- 103205●Filter Kit (Air Fuel & Oil)- 108961●Fuel Water Separator ( 35 Micron Fuel Filter)- 107222●Timer Shutdown-650302*Check engine operators manual for specific recommended lubricants.*Additional warranty information & claim forms can be obtained on .*Please contact Allmand Tech line for additional help and troubleshooting @ (308)995-3431 / Parts (800) 562-1373.。
第53卷第1期表面技术2024年1月SURFACE TECHNOLOGY·153·表面强化技术航空齿轮钢强化工艺与表面完整性关联规律研究吴吉展,朱才朝,魏沛堂*,刘怀举,吴少杰(重庆大学 机械传动国家重点实验室,重庆 400044)摘要:目的探究不同加工工艺与表面完整性的关联规律。
方法对渗碳航空齿轮钢AISI9310 进行常规喷丸、二次喷丸、微粒喷丸、滚磨光整、喷丸光整等齿轮高表面完整性强化加工工艺处理,使用白光干涉仪、X 射线衍射应力仪和显微硬度计对不同工艺状态下的试件进行表面形貌、表面粗糙度、残余应力和显微硬度等表面完整性表征。
结果喷丸能使得航空齿轮钢的表面粗糙度S a值由磨削状态的0.68 μm增加到0.96 μm,而光整处理后,S a下降到0.2 μm以下;微粒喷丸使表面残余压应力提升到–1 300 MPa,相比于常规喷丸和磨削状态,其幅值分别增加了450、800 MPa;滚磨光整使得表面残余压应力幅值进一步增加到1 400 MPa 以上;二次喷丸及喷丸光整能显著提升表面硬度,相比磨削状态的645HV分别提升到718HV、721HV。
关键词:滚动接触疲劳;二次喷丸;微粒喷丸;滚磨光整;表面完整性中图分类号:TG176 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1001-3660(2024)01-0153-16DOI:10.16490/ki.issn.1001-3660.2024.01.015Correlation between Strengthening Process andSurface Integrity of Aviation Gear SteelWU Jizhan, ZHU Caichao, WEI Peitang*, LIU Huaiju, WU Shaojie(State Key Laboratory of Mechanical Transmission, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China)ABSTRACT: High surface integrity plays a key role in determining the service performance of basic components such as gears.How to obtain components with high surface integrity has become a focus of engineering and academic research. In this study, the carburizing aviation gear steel AISI9310 was treated by conventional shot peening, dual shot peening, fine particle peening, barrel finishing, barrel finishing after shot peening and other gear high surface integrity strengthening processes. For the conventional shot peening, a total of 3 groups of shot peening process were subject to different peening intensity, which were set to 0.2, 0.35, 0.5 mmA. Dual shot peening equipment was adopted for conventional shot peening atshot diameter of 0.6 mm, shot peening coverage of 200%, shot peening intensity of 0.35 mmA, and thendual shot peening at shot diameter 0.4 mm, shot收稿日期:2022-12-26;修订日期:2023-04-24Received:2022-12-26;Revised:2023-04-24基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(2022YFB3402801);中央高校基本科研业务费项目(2023CDJXY-021)Fund:The National Science and Technology Major Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (2022YFB3402801); The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (2023CDJXY-021)引文格式:吴吉展, 朱才朝, 魏沛堂, 等. 航空齿轮钢强化工艺与表面完整性关联规律研究[J]. 表面技术, 2024, 53(1): 153-168.WU Jizhan, ZHU Caichao, WEI Peitang, et al. Correlation between Strengthening Process and Surface Integrity of Aviation Gear Steel[J]. Surface Technology, 2024, 53(1): 153-168.*通信作者(Corresponding author)·154·表面技术 2024年1月peening coverage of 200%, shot peening intensity of 0.2 mmA. In addition, for the fine particle peening, the material of the shot was cast steel with an average shot diameter of 0.05 mm. Shot peening intensity was 0.1 mmN, shot peening coverage was 200%. As for the barrel finishing, the XL 400 vertical swirl finishing machine was used to carry out the finishing process test.The spindle speed was 147 r/min and the drum speed was 47 r/min. The positive and negative rotation time of the spindle was the same for 30 min in the whole process, and the embedded depth of the parts was 150 mm. The abrasive was made of TP3×3 white corundum, the loading amount of the barrel grinding block was 80%, and the grinding agent was HA-PC (3% concentration). The grinding agent was mainly used for black metal finishing, which could prevent the generation of sludge and had good dispersion function. The pH value was 8.3, which played a role in corrosion prevention and cleaning. And it was expected to give an active anti fatigue design method. White light interferometer, X-ray diffraction stress meter and micro-hardness tester were used to characterize the surface integrity such as surface morphology, surface roughness, residual stress and micro-hardness of specimens under different processing conditions, and to explore the relationship between different processing parameters and surface integrity. The results showed that conventional shot peening increased the surface roughness Sa value from 0.68 μm to 0.96 μm in the grinding state, while it decreased to below 0.2 μm after barrel finishing, which would effectively avoid micro pitting, near surface peeling, scuffing and other failures. The residual compressive stress on the surface of particle shot peening was –1 300 MPa, which was 450 MPa and 800 MPa higher than that of conventional shot peening and grinding, respectively. Barrel finishing further increased the surface residual compressive stress amplitude to above -1 400 MPa.Dual shot peening and conventional shot peening could significantly improve the surface hardness, compared with the grinding state of 645HV increased to 718HV, 721HV. Double shot peening, fine particle shot peening, barrel finishing and other processes affect the service performance such as lubrication state, stress state, stress concentration, and failure risk through surface integrity, thus directly affecting the service performance of gears.KEY WORDS: rolling contact fatigue; dual shot peening; fine particle peening; barrel finishing; surface integrity航空、航天、新能源汽车、舰艇等高端装备对齿轮的传动性能、服役状态及疲劳寿命提出了苛刻要求。
Eaton 电路保护器 Series G 目录说明书
2Catalog Number SelectionThis information is presented only as an aid to understanding catalog numbers. It is not to be used to build catalog numbers for circuit breakers or trip units.Series G—EG-Frame (15–125 Amperes)Notes1Cannot be UL rated.2Available only as 125 and 160A sizes.Terminations/Hardware Terminals Mounting Hardware M = Metric end caps E = Imperial end caps G = Line/load standard B = Bolt-on Metric Imperial Metric —FrameEPerformance 600Y/347480415240B —181825E 18252535S 22354085H 256570100C 35100100200KMolded case switch2Standard/Application G = IEC/CE/UL/CSAAmperes016 1015020025030032 1035040045050060063 1070080090100110125160 1Number of Poles1 = One2 = Two3 = Three4 = Four—neutral 0% protected 7 = Four—neutral 100% protectedTrip Unit FF = Fixed fixedAF = Adjustable thermal fixed magnetic KS = Molded case switchE G H 3 015 FF Ge s y of C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w2Product SelectionComplete Breaker (Includes Frame, Trip Unit, Standard Terminals and Mounting Hardware) IC Rating at 415/480 VoltsEG-Frame—18/18Notes1 16, 32, 63 and 160A are not UL listed ratings.2 Adjustable thermal are not UL listed.3 Change the fourth digit to 7 for 100% neutral protection. Neutral is on the LH side.Maximum Continuous Amps at 40°C 1 Single-Pole Two-Pole Three-Pole Four-Pole 3Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Adjustable 2 Thermal,Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Adjustable 2 Thermal,Fixed Magnetic Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number 15EGB1015FFG EGB2015FFG EGB3015FFG —EGB4015FFG —16EGB1016FFG EGB2016FFG EGB3016FFG —EGB4016FFG —20EGB1020FFG EGB2020FFG EGB3020FFG —EGB4020FFG EGB4020AFG25EGB1025FFG EGB2025FFG EGB3025FFG EGB3025AFG EGB4025FFG EGB4025AFG 30EGB1030FFG EGB2030FFG EGB3030FFG —EGB4030FFG —32EGB1032FFG EGB2032FFG EGB3032FFG EGB3032AFG EGB4032FFG EGB4032AFG 35EGB1035FFG EGB2035FFG EGB3035FFG —EGB4035FFG —40EGB1040FFG EGB2040FFG EGB3040FFG EGB3040AFG EGB4040FFG EGB4040AFG 45EGB1045FFG EGB2045FFG EGB3045FFG —EGB4045FFG —50EGB1050FFG EGB2050FFG EGB3050FFG EGB3050AFG EGB4050FFG EGB4050AFG 60EGB1060FFG EGB2060FFG EGB3060FFG —EGB4060FFG —63EGB1063FFG EGB2063FFG EGB3063FFG EGB3063AFG EGB4063FFG EGB4063AFG 70EGB1070FFG EGB2070FFG EGB3070FFG —EGB4070FFG —80EGB1080FFG EGB2080FFG EGB3080FFG EGB3080AFG EGB4080FFG EGB4080AFG 90EGB1090FFG EGB2090FFG EGB3090FFG —EGB4090FFG —100EGB1100FFG EGB2100FFG EGB3100FFG EGB3100AFG EGB4100FFG EGB4100AFG 125EGB1125FFG EGB2125FFG EGB3125FFG EGB3125AFG EGB4125FFG EGB4125AFG 160——EGB3160FFGEGB3160AFGEGB4160FFGEGB4160AFGEG-Framee s y of C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w2EG-Frame—25/25 Single-Pole UnavailableEG-Frame—25/25Notes1 16, 32, 63 and 160A are not UL listed ratings.2 Adjustable thermal are not UL listed.3 Change the fourth digit to 7 for 100% neutral protection. Neutral is on the LH side.Maximum Continuous Amps at 40°C 1 Two-Pole Three-PoleFour-Pole 3Fixed Thermal, Fixed MagneticFixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Adjustable 2Thermal,Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Adjustable 2Thermal,Fixed Magnetic Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number 15EGE2015FFG EGE3015FFG —EGE4015FFG —16EGE2016FFG EGE3016FFG —EGE4016FFG —20EGE2020FFG EGE3020FFG —EGE4020FFG EGE4020AFG 25EGE2025FFG EGE3025FFGEGE3025AFG EGE4025FFG EGE4025AFG 30EGE2030FFG EGE3030FFG —EGE4030FFG —32EGE2032FFG EGE3032FFG EGE3032AFG EGE4032FFG EGE4032AFG 35EGE2035FFG EGE3035FFG —EGE4035FFG —40EGE2040FFG EGE3040FFG EGE3040AFG EGE4040FFG EGE4040AFG 45EGE2045FFG EGE3045FFG EGE3050AFG EGE4045FFG —50EGE2050FFG EGE3050FFG —EGE4050FFG EGE4050AFG 60EGE2060FFG EGE3060FFG —EGE4060FFG —63EGE2063FFG EGE3063FFG EGE3063AFG EGE4063FFG EGE4063AFG 70EGE2070FFG EGE3070FFG —EGE4070FFG —80EGE2080FFG EGE3080FFG EGE3080AFG EGE4080FFG EGE4080AFG 90EGE2090FFG EGE3090FFG —EGE4090FFG —100EGE2100FFG EGE3100FFG EGE3100AFG EGE4100FFG EGE4100AFG 125EGE2125FFG EGE3125FFG EGE3125AFG EGE4125FFG EGE4125AFG 160—EGE3160FFGEGE3160AFGEGE4160FFG EGE4160AFGEG-Framee s y of C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w22.2Molded Case Circuit BreakersSeries GEG-Frame—40/35Notes1 16, 32, 63 and 160A are not UL listed ratings.2 Adjustable thermal are not UL listed.3 Change the fourth digit to 7 for 100% neutral protection. Neutral is on the LH side.Maximum Continuous Amps at 40°C 1Single-Pole Two-Pole Three-Pole Four-Pole 3Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Adjustable 2Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Adjustable 2Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number 15EGS1015FFG EGS2015FFG EGS3015FFG —EGS4015FFG —16EGS1016FFG EGS2016FFG EGS3016FFG —EGS4016FFG —20EGS1020FFG EGS2020FFG EGS3020FFG —EGS4020FFGEGS4020AFG 25EGS1025FFG EGS2025FFG EGS3025FFG EGS3025AFG EGS4025FFG EGS4025AFG 30EGS1030FFG EGS2030FFG EGS3030FFG —EGS4030FFG —32EGS1032FFG EGS2032FFG EGS3032FFG EGS3032AFG EGS4032FFG EGS4032AFG 35EGS1035FFG EGS2035FFG EGS3035FFG —EGS4035FFG —40EGS1040FFG EGS2040FFG EGS3040FFG EGS3040AFG EGS4040FFG EGS4040AFG 45EGS1045FFG EGS2045FFG EGS3045FFG —EGS4045FFG —50EGS1050FFG EGS2050FFG EGS3050FFG EGS3050AFG EGS4050FFG EGS4050AFG 60EGS1060FFG EGS2060FFG EGS3060FFG —EGS4060FFG —63EGS1063FFG EGS2063FFG EGS3063FFG EGS3063AFG EGS4063FFG EGS4063AFG 70EGS1070FFG EGS2070FFG EGS3070FFG —EGS4070FFG —80EGS1080FFG EGS2080FFG EGS3080FFG EGS3080AFG EGS4080FFG EGS4080AFG 90EGS1090FFG EGS2090FFG EGS3090FFG —EGS4090FFG —100EGS1100FFG EGS2100FFG EGS3100FFG EGS3100AFG EGS4100FFG EGS4100AFG 125EGS1125FFG EGS2125FFG EGS3125FFG EGS3125AFG EGS4125FFG EGS4125AFG 160——EGS3160FFGEGS3160AFGEGS4160FFGEGS4160AFGEG-Framee s y of C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w w .c m a f h .c o m2 2.2Molded Case Circuit BreakersSeries GEG-Frame—70/65Notes1 16, 32, 63A are not UL listed ratings.2 Adjustable thermal are not UL listed.3 Change the fourth digit to 7 for 100% neutral protection. Neutral is on the LH side.Maximum Continuous Amps at 40°C 1Single-Pole Two-Pole Three-Pole Four-Pole 3Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Adjustable 2Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Adjustable 2Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number 15EGH1015FFG EGH2015FFG EGH3015FFG —EGH4015FFG —16EGH1016FFG EGH2016FFG EGH3016FFG —EGH4016FFG —20EGH1020FFG EGH2020FFG EGH3020FFG EGH3020AFGEGH4020FFG EGH4020AFG 25EGH1025FFG EGH2025FFG EGH3025FFG EGH3025AFG EGH4025FFG EGH4025AFG 30EGH1030FFG EGH2030FFG EGH3030FFG —EGH4030FFG —32EGH1032FFG EGH2032FFG EGH3032FFG EGH3032AFG EGH4032FFG EGH4032AFG 35EGH1035FFG EGH2035FFG EGH3035FFG —EGH4035FFG —40EGH1040FFG EGH2040FFG EGH3040FFG EGH3040AFG EGH4040FFG EGH4040AFG 45EGH1045FFG EGH2045FFG EGH3045FFG —EGH4045FFG EGH4050AFG 50EGH1050FFG EGH2050FFG EGH3050FFG EGH3050AFG EGH4050FFG —60EGH1060FFG EGH2060FFG EGH3060FFG —EGH4060FFG —63EGH1063FFG EGH2063FFG EGH3063FFG EGH3063AFG EGH4063FFG EGH4063AFG 70EGH1070FFG EGH2070FFG EGH3070FFG —EGH4070FFG —80EGH1080FFG EGH2080FFG EGH3080FFG EGH3080AFG EGH4080FFG EGH4080AFG 90EGH1090FFG EGH2090FFG EGH3090FFG —EGH4090FFG —100EGH1100FFG EGH2100FFG EGH3100FFG EGH3100AFG EGH4100FFG EGH4100AFG 125EGH1125FFGEGH2125FFGEGH3125FFGEGH3125AFGEGH4125FFGEGH4125AFGEG-Framee s y of C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w w .c m a f h .c o m2EG-Frame—100/100 Current Limiting (Single-Pole and Two-Pole Unavailable)EG-Frame—100/100Molded Case Switches4Notes1 16, 32, 63A are not UL listed ratings.2 Adjustable thermal is not UL listed.3 Change the fourth digit to 7 for 100% neutral protection. Neutral is on LH side.4 Molded case switches may open above 1250A.Maximum Continuous Amps at 40°C 1Three-Pole Four-Pole 0% Protected Neutral 3Fixed Thermal, Fixed MagneticAdjustable 2Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Adjustable 2Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number 15EGC3015FFG —EGC7015FFG —16EGC3016FFG —EGC7016FFG —20EGC3020FFG EGC3020AFG EGC7020FFG EGC7020AFG 25EGC3025FFG EGC3025AFG EGC7025FFG EGC7025AFG 30EGC3030FFG —EGC7030FFG —32EGC3032FFG EGC3032AFG EGC7032FFG EGC7032AFG 35EGC3035FFG —EGC7035FFG —40EGC3040FFG EGC3040AFG EGC7040FFG EGC7040AFG 45EGC3045FFG —EGC7045FFG —50EGC3050FFG EGC3050AFG EGC7050FFG EGC7050AFG 60EGC3060FFG —EGC7060FFG —63EGC3063FFG EGC3063AFG EGC7063FFG EGC7063AFG 70EGC3070FFG —EGC7070FFG —80EGC3080FFG EGC3080AFG EGC7080FFG EGC7080AFG 90EGC3090FFG —EGC7090FFG —100EGC3100FFG EGC3100AFG EGC7100FFG EGC7100AFG 125EGC3125FFGEGC3125AFGEGC7125FFGEGC7125AFGCatalog Number EGK3125KSG EGK7125KSG EGK3160KSG EGK7160KSGEG-Framee s y of C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w2EG Bolt-On Complete Breaker (Includes Frame, Trip Unit and Mounting Hardware)EG-Frame—18 kAIC at 480 VacEG-Frame—35 kAIC at 480 VacNotes1 For bulk pack 24, add suffix BP24 and order quantities of 24.2 For bulk pack 12, add suffix BP12 and order quantities of 12.3 For bulk pack 8, add suffix BP8 and order quantities of 8.Maximum Continuous Amps at 40°C Single-PoleTwo-PoleThree-PoleFixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Catalog Number 1Catalog Number 2Catalog Number 315EGB1015FFB EGB2015FFB EGB3015FFB 20EGB1020FFB EGB2020FFB EGB3020FFB 25EGB1025FFB EGB2025FFB EGB3025FFB 30EGB1030FFB EGB2030FFB EGB3030FFB 35EGB1035FFB EGB2035FFB EGB3035FFB 40EGB1040FFB EGB2040FFB EGB3040FFB 45EGB1045FFB EGB2045FFB EGB3045FFB 50EGB1050FFB EGB2050FFB EGB3050FFB 60EGB1060FFBEGB2060FFB EGB3060FFB 70EGB1070FFB EGB2070FFBEGB3070FFB 80EGB1080FFB EGB2080FFB EGB3080FFB 90EGB1090FFB EGB2090FFB EGB3090FFB 100EGB1100FFB EGB2100FFB EGB3100FFB 110EGB1110FFB EGB2110FFB EGB3110FFB 125EGB1125FFBEGB2125FFBEGB3125FFBMaximum Continuous Amps at 40°C Single-PoleTwo-PoleThree-PoleFixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Catalog Number 1Catalog Number 2Catalog Number 315EGS1015FFB EGS2015FFB EGS3015FFB 20EGS1020FFB EGS2020FFB EGS3020FFB 25EGS1025FFB EGS2025FFB EGS3025FFB 30EGS1030FFB EGS2030FFB EGS3030FFB 35EGS1035FFB EGS2035FFB EGS3035FFB 40EGS1040FFB EGS2040FFB EGS3040FFB 45EGS1045FFB EGS2045FFB EGS3045FFB 50EGS1050FFB EGS2050FFB EGS3050FFB 60EGS1060FFB EGS2060FFB EGS3060FFB 70EGS1070FFB EGS2070FFB EGS3070FFB 80EGS1080FFB EGS2080FFB EGS3080FFB 90EGS1090FFB EGS2090FFB EGS3090FFB 100EGS1100FFB EGS2100FFB EGS3100FFB 110EGS1110FFB EGS2110FFB EGS3110FFB 125EGS1125FFBEGS2125FFBEGS3125FFBEG-FrameEG-Frame e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w22.2Molded Case Circuit BreakersSeries GEG-Frame—65 kAIC at 480 VacLoad T erminalsNotes1 For bulk pack 24, add suffix BP24 and order quantities of 24.2 For bulk pack 12, add suffix BP12 and order quantities of 12.3 For bulk pack 8, add suffix BP8 and order quantities of 8.Maximum Continuous Amps at 40°C Single-PoleTwo-PoleThree-PoleFixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Catalog Number 1Catalog Number 2Catalog Number 315EGH1015FFB EGH2015FFB EGH3015FFB 20EGH1020FFB EGH2020FFB EGH3020FFB 25EGH1025FFB EGH2025FFB EGH3025FFB 30EGH1030FFB EGH2030FFB EGH3030FFB 35EGH1035FFB EGH2035FFB EGH3035FFB 40EGH1040FFBEGH2040FFB EGH3040FFB 45EGH1045FFB EGH2045FFB EGH3045FFB 50EGH1050FFB EGH2050FFB EGH3050FFB 60EGH1060FFB EGH2060FFB EGH3060FFB 70EGH1070FFB EGH2070FFB EGH3070FFB 80EGH1080FFB EGH2080FFB EGH3080FFB 90EGH1090FFB EGH2090FFB EGH3090FFB 100EGH1100FFB EGH2100FFB EGH3100FFB 110EGH1110FFB EGH2110FFB EGH3110FFB 125EGH1125FFBEGH2125FFBEGH3125FFBMaximum Breaker AmpsTerminal, Body MaterialWire TypeMetric Wire Range mm 2AWG Wire Range(Package of Three Terminals)Catalog NumberStandard Cu/Al Pressure T ype T erminals 15–50Aluminum Cu/Al 2.5–50#14–1/03TA125EF 60–125AluminumCu/Al16–70#6–3/03TA150EFEG-Framee s y of C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w w .c m a f h .c o m2Accessories Selection Guide and Ordering InformationEG-FrameLine and Load T erminalsEG-Frame circuit breakers and molded case switches have line and load terminals as standard equipment.Insert collar enclosing conductor as shown. Locate nut on top of conductor and tighten securely with screw and washer.Caution : Collar must surround conductor.Insert collar enclosing conductor and center on extrusion. Tighten securely with screw and washer. Endcap kits are used on the E-Frame breaker line side to connect busbar or similar electrical connections. Includes hardware.Notes1Standard line and load terminals.2Four-pole kit with four terminals.3T125EF3TA125EF 3TA150EF 3TA160EFKEF2RTWK, Two-Pole–Metric EF3RTWK, Three-Pole–Metric EF4RTWK, Four-Pole–Metric EF2RTDK, Two-Pole–Imperial EF3RTDK, Three-Pole–Imperial EF4RTDK, Four-Pole–ImperialControl Wire Terminal Kit GCWTKMultiwire ConnectorsMaximum Breaker AmpsTerminal Body MaterialWire TypeMetric Wire Range mm 2AWG Wire Range(Package of Three Terminals)Catalog NumberStandard Cu/Al Pressure T ype T erminals 125Steel Al 4–6#12-103T125EF 1125Steel Cu 2.5–95#14-3/03T125EF 1125Aluminum Cu/Al 2.5–50#14-1/03TA125EF 160Aluminum Cu/Al 16–70#6-3/03TA150EF 160Aluminum Cu/Al 35–120#3-2503TA160EFK 160AluminumCu/Al35–120#3-2504TA160EFK2e s y of C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w2Control Wire T erminal KitFor use with steel or stainless steel standard line and load terminals only.Interphase BarriersThe interphase barrier is available for extended insulationbetween circuit breaker poles. Specify quantity when ordering.Base Mounting Hardware—DIN Rail MountingMetric base mounting hardware is included with a circuit breaker or molded case switch. (Included with breaker.) If required separately, order S/N 8703C80G08.Note: English mounting hardware kit can be supplied separate. Catalog number is BMHE #6–32 x 3 inches for two-, three- and four-pole. Single-pole mounting hardware metric order 8703C80G11. English hardware 8703C80G12. Both sold in quantities of 100.Terminal ShieldsThe terminal shield is available for line terminal areas in three- and four-pole circuit breakers. Special terminal shields are also available for use when an electrical (solenoid) operator ismounted on the circuit breaker. The standard style number by pole for each terminal shield is for a package of 10 and is priced per each package. Special terminal shields are packaged individually.T erminal Shields—IP30 ProtectionTerminal End Covers (Gas Barrier)The terminal end cover is available for three-pole circuit breakers only. Two conductor opening sizes are available. Specify quantity (one per circuit breaker) when ordering.T erminal End CoversMultiwire ConnectorsField-installed multiwire connectors for the load side (OFF) end terminals. They are used to distribute the load from the circuit breaker to multiple devices without the use of separate distribution terminal blocks.Multiwire lug kits include mounting hardware, terminal shield insulators and tin-plated aluminum connectors to replace three mechanical load lugs. UL listed as used on the load side (OFF) end.EG-Frame Multiwire Connectors Ordering Information (Package of 3) 1Note1For four-pole kit, change “3” at beginning of catalog number to “4.”Catalog NumberControl wire terminal kit 5652B38G01Package of 12—priced individuallyCatalog NumberInterphase barriersEIPBKPackage of 12—priced individuallyCatalog NumberDIN rail adapter—single-pole EF1DIN DIN rail adapter—two-pole EGDIN DIN rail adapter—three- or four-poleEF34DINNumber of Poles Catalog Number 3EFTS3K 4EFTS4KConductor Opening Diameter Inches (mm) Catalog Number 6.35 (0.25)EEC3K 10.41 (0.41)EEC4KMaximum Amperes Wires per Terminal Wire SizeRange AWG Cu Kit Catalog Number 125314–23TA125E3K 125614–63TA125E6Ke s y of C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w wV4-T2-26Volume 4—Circuit Protection CA08100005E—April 2AccessoriesAllowable Accessory CombinationsDifferent combinations of accessories can be supplied, depending on the types of accessories and the number of poles in the circuit breaker.EG-Frame AccessoriesLegend■ Applicable in indicated pole position❏ May be mounted on left or right pole—not both ● Accessory available/modification availableReference PageSingle-Pole Two-Pole Three-Pole Four-Pole DescriptionCenterLeftRightLeftCenterRightLeftCenterRightNeutralInternal Accessories(Only one internal accessory per pole)Alarm lockout (Make/Break)V4-T2-104——■——■——■—Alarm lockout (2Make/2Break)V4-T2-104——■——■——■—Auxiliary switch (1A, 1B)V4-T2-104——■——■——■—Auxiliary switch (2A, 2B)V4-T2-104——■——■——■—Auxiliary switch and alarm switch combination V4-T2-104——■——■——■—Shunt trip—standardV4-T2-104———■——■———Undervoltage release mechanism V4-T2-105———■——■———External Accessories End cap kitV4-T2-25—●●●●●●●●●Control wire terminal kit V4-T2-25●●●●●●●●●●Multiwire connectors V4-T2-25●●●●●●●●●●Base mounting hardware V4-T2-25●●●●●●●●●●Terminal shields V4-T2-25●●●●●●●●●●Terminal end covers V4-T2-25———●●●————Interphase barriersV4-T2-25—●●●●●●●●●Non-padlockable handle block V4-T2-102■■——■——■——Snap-on padlockable handle lock hasp V4-T2-102■■——■——■——Padlockable handle lock haspV4-T2-102——■❏—❏❏—❏—Walking beam interlock—requires two breakers V4-T2-102———●●●●●●●Plug-in adapters V4-T2-102—●●●●●●●●●Electrical operator V4-T2-102———●●●————Handle mechanismsV4-T2-407———●●●————Modifications (Refer to Eaton)Moisture fungus treatment V4-T2-100●●●●●●●●●●Freeze-tested circuit breakers—●●●●●●●●●●Marine/naval application, UL 489 Supplement SA and SB—●●●●●●●●●●C o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w wVolume 4—Circuit Protection CA08100005E—April V4-T2-272Technical Data and SpecificationsUL 489/IEC 60947-2 Interrupting Capacity (Symmetrical Amperes) (kA) RatingsDimensions and WeightsApproximate Dimensions in Inches (mm)EG-FrameEG-FrameApproximate Shipping Weight in Lbs (kg)EG-FrameNotes1DC ratings apply to substantially non-inductive circuits.2IEC only.3Two-pole circuit breaker, or two poles of three-pole circuit breaker.4Time constant is 3 milliseconds minimum at 10 kA and 8 milliseconds minimum at 42 kA.5Current limiting per UL 489.Circuit Breaker Type Number of Poles Volts AC (50/60 Hz)Volts DC 1120220–240277347380–415480600Y/ 347690 2125250 34I cu I cs I cu I cs I cu I cs I cu I cs I cu I cs EGB125135252518———————1010——2, 3, 4—2525——181818—————1010EGE1252, 3, 4—3535——25252518————1010EGS125110085433522——————3535——2, 3, 4—8543——40303522————3535EGH1251200100506530——————4242——2, 3, 4—10050——70356525————4242EGC125 53, 4—200200——10010010035————4242EGB160 23, 4—2525——181818—————1010EGE160 23, 4—3535——25252518————1010EGS160 23, 4—8543——40303522————3535Number of Poles Width Height Depth 1 1.00 (25.4) 5.50 (139.7) 2.99 (75.9)2 2.00 (50.8) 5.50 (139.7) 2.99 (75.9)3 3.00 (76.2) 5.50 (139.7) 2.99 (75.9)44.00 (101.6)5.50 (139.7)2.99 (75.9)Breaker Type Number of Poles 1234Breaker Type Number of Poles 34EGB125 1.5 (0.68) 2.0 (0.91) 3.0 (1.36) 4.9 (1.82)EGB160 3.0 (1.36) 4.9 (1.82)EGC125 1.5 (0.68) 2.0 (0.91) 3.0 (1.36) 4.9 (1.82)EGE160 3.0 (1.36) 4.9 (1.82)EGE125 1.5 (0.68) 2.0 (0.91) 3.0 (1.36) 4.9 (1.82)EGS1603.0 (1.36)4.9 (1.82)EGH125 1.5 (0.68) 2.0 (0.91) 3.0 (1.36) 4.9 (1.82)EGS1251.5 (0.68)2.0 (0.91)3.0 (1.36)4.9 (1.82)Front View Three-PoleFront Cover CutoutSide View(33.0)C LC o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w wV4-T2-28Volume 4—Circuit Protection CA08100005E—April 2EG-Frame With Earth Leakage ModuleEG-Frame With Current Limiter ModuleC o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w。
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
危害和风险控制计划 危害和风险评估表 管理计划确认记录 管理计划验证记录 标准更新管理记录 产品/工艺开发建议书 新产品开发时程表 新产品开发履历表 新产品验证记录 塑件工装计划表 非塑件工装计划表 塑胶零件确认单 非塑胶零件确认单 试产问题汇总 试产问题改善对策与确认
主导程序文件(BRC) 主导程序文件(BRC)
特殊过程确认表 领料单 纠正措施与预防措施单(QMS) 受控文件总览表 文件分发回收记录表 文件增/补发申请单 文件销毁记录表 表单总览表 技术资料借阅登记表 样品(封样件)管制表 不合格品处理通知单 内部审核计划表(内部审核程序QMS) 内部审核检查表(内部审核程序QMS)
F1400-2002 F1400-2005 F1400-2006 F1400-2007 F1400-1003 F7300-1014 B2000-1003 F2200-1008 F1000-1001 F1000-1002
内审不符合项报告(内部审核程序QMS) 内部审核总结报表(内部审核程序QMS) 内部审核统计表(内部审核程序QMS) 灯具及易碎物品检查记录 供应商基本资料调查表 供方考察记录表 供应商样品确认单 合格供应商名录 供应商评分表 危险废物转移联单 质量事故报告 灭鼠统计及害虫清理表 会客单 工作出门证 外来人员登记表 车辆进出登记表 快件登记表 财产出门证
HY- 5700硒鼓
HY- 1220
HY- 2180
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哈希公司的水质分析仪器产品在中国已经有超过20年的成功应用, 哈希在线水质分析仪器在中国水处理市场以及全球范围内都得到了广泛的应用,一直以来哈希在线浊度分析仪都是饮用水行业关键性运行指标-浊度测试的常用仪器。
目录水位监测 (2)流量监测 (12)雨量监测 (29)气象监测 (31)水质监测 (33)典型应用 (60)基本介绍用于连续测量水位的精巧型气泡水位计。
它具有高量程、高精度的特点,并带有4-20 mA 模拟输出和SDI12标准接口,最新设计的智能型气泵可以在满足测量精度的前提下减小打气体积,以便节省系统功耗。
施乐系列亮区浓度30—56—64V400,60照片模式浓度0—32—64V400,47曝光率(照片模式)0—5—31%V400,16AE偏压0—2—5V400,2650%垂直倍率调整0—4—8V400,V400,2770.7%垂直倍率调整0—4—82881.6%垂直倍率调整0—4—82987%垂直倍率调整0—4—830100%垂直倍率调整0—8—1631115%垂直倍率调整0—4—832122%垂直倍率调整0—4—833141%垂直倍率调整0—4—834200%垂直倍率调整0—4—83550%水平倍率调整0—4--83671%水平倍率调整0—4--83782%水平倍率调整0—4--83887%水平倍率调整0—4--839100%水平倍率调整0—8--1640115%水平倍率调整0—4--841122%水平倍率调整0—4--842141%水平倍率调整0—4--843200%水平倍率调整0—4--820定影温度(复印)13(180℃)30(194℃)49(210℃)21定影温度(待机)26(150℃)30(164℃)39(180℃)48鼓灵敏度设定(A方式)0—10—2049鼓灵敏度设定(B方式)0—5—1050鼓旋转圈数0--600000052水平扫描宽度设定0—99%53原稿定位0—49—9954二合一定位0—30—6055AC DC黑色校正(加粉时间)0—7—1756AC DC颜色校正(颜色粉)0—7—1757转印单面调整0—37—6458转印双面调整0—18—6459转印控制调整(手动方式)0—18—6467ADC极限调整(黑粉浓度水平)0—30-19968ADC极限调整(红粉浓度水平)0—30-19969ADC极限调整(蓝色浓度水平)0—30-19970ADC极限调整(棕粉浓度水平)0—30-19971ADC极限调整(绿粉浓度水平)0—30-19972ADC判别数据(不可改)73ADC判别数据(不可改,其他颜色)86热敏电阻等级设定0—293错误数据清零96NVM数据清除V400, V250, 2021/18, V2015/228,99ADC附加设置V400,1蜂鸣器0:开,1:关V400,纸盘1输纸计数器V250, V330, 2021/18, 2纸盘2输纸计数器V250, V330,副本比率0:100%,1:101%V400, 3密码选择0:无,1:开关,2:按键3:硬币工具4:分配器,5:复印卡,V400,纸盘3输纸计数器V250, V330,纸盘2输纸计数器2021/18, 4复印卡清除1:无,1:有V400,MSI输纸计数器V250, V330,30V400,控制选择DATE COLOR黑色颜色粉50ADC+ACDC ACDC1ACDC ACDC2*ADC+ACDC ACDC+ADC6从AE换到手动0:行,1:不行V400,ADF输纸计数器V250, V330, 2021/18, 7后薄纸选择0:薄,1:厚V400,纸盘4输纸计数器V330, 8曝光灵敏度修正0:行,1:不行V400,11法律用纸和信缄用纸选择0:信缄用,1:法律,2:两者都可V400,30鼓计数器0—15万V400,50帐单计数器V400,51所有计数器初始化V400,90主操作者代码V400,94鼓转动次数V250, V330,97120000锁机V400,98140000锁机V400,99150000锁机V400,1E1卡纸计数器V250, V330, 2021/18, 2E2卡纸计数器V250, V330, 2021/18, 5C1卡纸计数器V250, V330, 2021/18, 6C2卡纸计数器V250, V330, 2021/18, 7C3卡纸计数器V250, V330,8C4卡纸计数器V330,9C8卡纸计数器V330,4010C9卡纸计数器V250, V330,11一纸盘卡纸数V400,F1卡纸计数器V250, V330, 2021/18, 12二纸盘卡纸数V400,A1卡纸计数器V250, V330, 2021/18, 13三纸盘卡纸数V400,A2卡纸计数器V250, V330, 2021/18, 14四纸盘卡纸数V400,16双面盘纸盘卡纸数V400,卡纸计数器复位2021/18(从21—33依次)V250, V330, 2021/18, 19手送纸盘卡纸数V400,1色粉接触功能0(禁止),1*(允许)V250,V330, 2021/18, V2015/228,2国别设置0(XC),1(KX),2(AP)V250, 2021/18, V2015/228,3偏压支持330,4黑带生成功能0,1,2(允许),3*(禁止)V250, 330, 2021/18, V2015/228,6相关产品L6检测0*(NO),1(YES)V250, 330, 2021/18, V2015/228,7定影预热功能0*(禁止),1(允许)V250, 330, 2021/18, V2015/228,508副本密度选择0*(13级),1(7级)V250, 2021/18, V2015/228,9黑带功能(时间1)0—20—40V250, 2021/18, V2015/228,0—20--40V250, 2021/18,10黑带功能(时间2)0—64—402021/18, V2015/228,20定影过热故障清除0(删除),1(发生)V250, 330, V2015/228,V40021曝光灯故障清除0(删除),1(发生)V250, 330, 2021/18, V2015/228,86帐户管理者密码复位使恢复为”1111”2021/18, V2015/228,输出检查主副内容机型14蜂鸣器V400,2面板灯V400,1控制面板显示242—3位数字用来显示6位打印计数X315/201色粉计数1计数器2黑粉计数V400,13输纸总计数器V250, V330,311内部测试机打印—打印机X315/20,1主电机1主电机和消电灯4224V 输出V400,V250, V330, 2021/18, X315/20,V2015/228,1皮带电机V400,1ADF 皮带电机V250, V330,2021/18,2ADF 输稿电机V400,2ADF 输纸电机V250, V330, 2021/18,3ADF 出口电机V400,3ADF 出口电机V250, V330, 2021/18,20ADF 轻推轮电磁铁V400,26ADF 原稿放置V250, V330, 2021/18,21ADF 对位电磁铁V400,40ADF 测试模式V250, V330, 2021/18,22入口门电磁铁23ADF 卡纸灯24ADF 放稿灯25ADF 设置灯526ADF 设置灯V400,2灯架电机V400,3灯架电机(扫描)V330,2021/18,V2015/228,6曝光灯V400,4灯架电机(返回)V330, 2021/18,V2015/228,13灯架电机返回V400,7曝光灯(及主电机和消电灯)V330, 2021/18,V2015/228,14镜头电机V400,1曝光灯=65曝光灯值X315/20,2对位轮电磁铁1主电机和消电机V250, V330, 2021/18, V2015/228,3一纸盘手送输纸电机2纸盘1输纸电磁铁V250, V330, 2021/18, V2015/228,4一纸盘手送输纸电机高速3纸盘2输纸电磁铁V250, V330, 2021/18,5主电机4纸盘3输纸电磁铁V250, V330,8一盘输纸离合器5HCF 输纸离合器V250, V330,10一盘提升电机6定位门电磁铁V330, 2021/18, V2015/228,11一盘轻轮电磁铁7MSI 输纸离合器V250, V330, 2021/18, V2015/228,13对位移动电机(向前)13HCF 轻推电磁铁V330,14对位移动电机(向后)16HCF 升降电机V330,15二盘提升离合器20输纸电机(纸盘1,2)V250, V330,16三盘提升离合器21TM 输纸电机(纸盘3,HCF)V330,17二盘轻推轮电磁铁1纸盘1输纸电机18三盘轻推轮电磁铁2纸盘2输纸电机19预对位离合器3定位离合器25手送输纸离合器5盘路输送电磁铁28*二、三盘输纸电机16纸盘1排出电机829二、在盘输纸电机(高速)V400,17纸盘2排出电机X315/20,33四盘轻推轮电磁铁V400,34四盘输纸离合器35四盘输纸电机36四盘输纸电机(高速)37四盘提升电机42二盘输纸离合器44三盘输纸离合器45手送输纸电机50双面盘推进电机51双面推进电机(高速)53反转门电磁铁54反转前进电磁铁55反转离合器57双面入口电磁铁(1)58双面入口电磁铁(2)59双面入口电磁铁(3)60校准轮电磁铁62纸盘定位电磁铁63双面输纸离合器64双面轻推轮电磁铁68双面侧边电机69双面侧边电机(回转)73向下弯曲电磁铁74手送输纸电机82黑显影器解压电磁铁83红粉显影器电磁铁1预转印灯1主电机和消电灯V250, V330, 2021/18, V2015/228,V400,2双面盘24V输出2显影偏压V250, V330, 2021/18, V2015/228, 3黑显影器电机3像间像边消电灯V250, V330, 2021/18, V2015/228, 4红显影器电机21槽板偏压V250, V330,X315/20, 8消电灯5HVPS主驱动电机9主电机6消电灯13删边信号14纸道偏压917AC输出23显影偏压24分离25转印26充电27清洁布电机28显影电机29吸气电机30消边灯34ADC灯3光学冷却风扇电机1光学冷却风扇电机V250, V330, 2021/18,4定影吹风电机3真空风扇电机V330,5真空电机4定影风扇电机V250, V330, 2021/18,6定影吹风电机(前面)V400,3定影器温度热敏电阻温度值9冷却风扇 (低速工作)1010冷却风扇(高速成工作)X315/20,111分页器驱动电机1分页器驱动电机(10格)25非分页电磁铁15装订电机(10格)26分页器检索离合器16堆整器电机(10格)27分页器检索离电磁铁V400,17装订器页格驱动电机(10格)V250, V330, 2021/18,25无分页电磁铁(20格)26检索离合器(20格)27检索电磁铁(20格)V330,输入检查8灯架原位传(左边)9原稿尺寸传1V250, V330,9灯架原位传(右)10原稿尺寸传2V250, V330,10曝光传11原稿尺寸传3V250, V330,15原稿尺寸检测传112原稿尺寸传4V250, V330,16原稿尺寸检测传215稿台盖板联锁开关V250, V330,17原稿尺寸检测传316原稿尺寸传全检V250, V330,18原稿尺寸检测传417稿台盖板角度传V250, V330,172021/18, V2015/228,19所有原稿尺寸传18定影热敏电阻V250, V330,182021/18, V2015/228,21原稿盖传V400,19定影热敏电阻开路V250, V330,63扫描原位传感器X315/20,1一盘尺寸传11纸盘1尺寸开关V250, V330, 2021/18, V2015/228,2一盘尺寸传22纸盘2尺寸开关V250, V330, 2021/18,3一盘尺寸传33纸盘3尺寸开关V250, V330,4一盘尺寸传44HCF 尺寸开关V330,5手送盘尺寸传6纸盘1无纸传V250, V330, 2021/18, V2015/228,6二盘尺寸传17纸盘2无纸传V250, V330, 2021/18,7二盘尺寸传28纸盘3无纸传V250, V330,8二盘尺寸传39HCF 无纸传V330,9二盘尺寸传410MIS 无纸传V250, 2021/18, V2015/228,10三盘尺寸传112HCF 水平传V330,11三盘尺寸传220输纸传1V250,12三盘尺寸传321输纸传2V250, 2021/18,13三盘尺寸传422输纸传3V330,14四盘尺寸传151OTM 连接V250, 2021/18,15四盘尺寸传253TTM 连接V330,16四盘尺寸传31纸盘1联锁开关17四盘尺寸传4V400,2纸盘2联负开关3纸盘1纸张传4纸盘2纸张传5纸盘1排出传76纸盘2排出传X315/20,1对位轮传8定位门传6一盘输纸传9定影出口传7一盘无纸传10MIS 尺寸传V250, V330, 2021/18, V2015/228,9定影出口开关6定位传感器X315/20,12一纸盘高度传20预定位传22侧面转变对位传V400,23侧面转变对位传24手送无纸传26二纸盘高度传27三盘高度传30四盘无纸传31四盘输纸传32四盘高度传38二盘无纸传39三盘无纸传40二盘输纸传41三盘输纸传43双面盘输纸传52反转器传56双面入口传61双面无纸传65左侧门联锁开关67双面盘联锁开关870侧面导纸传V400,5黑粉不足传9色粉控制V250,6色粉不足传9色粉空传感器V330, 2021/18, V2015/228,7废粉满传7色粉传感器X315/20,10颜色信号传111颜色信号传212颜色信号传318黑粉自动配比开关20手控信号31定影部联锁开关33ADC 传35粉筒安装开关36鼓组件安装信号937鼓计数器信号V400,1热敏电阻高温信号6定影器开关102热敏电阻控制信号V400,7侧面出口开关X315/20,112分页器连接11垂直传(10格)V330, 2021/18,3分页器入位联锁开关12入位传(10格)V250, V330, 2021/18,4分页器前门联锁开关13手动装订扭(10格)V250, V330, 2021/18,5分页器顶盖联锁开关14装订安全开关V250, V330, 2021/18,21非分页传21无分页传(20格)V330,22上部传22检索上限开关(20格)V330,23下部传23检索下限开关(20格)V330,24垂直传V400,24分页器垂直传(20格)V330,2分页器连接V250, V330, 2021/18,31装订器原位开关V250, V330, 2021/18,3分页器入位联锁开关V250, V330,2021/18,32堆整器原位传(10格)V250, V330, 2021/18,4分页器前门联锁开关V250,V330,2021/18,33下降限位开关(10格)V250, V330, 2021/18,5分页器顶盖联锁开关(20格)V250, V330,34首凸轮位置传(10格)V250, V330, 2021/18,11主板内部测试打印XE315/20,35装订位置传(10格)V250, V330, 2021/18,3总页数36DIP 开头SW 1—1(10格)V250, V330, 2021/18,24打印页数XE315/20,37DIP 开关SW1—2(10格)V250, V330, 2021/18,1NVM 初始化38页格上升开关(10格)V250, V330, 2021/18,2错误历史39页格下降开关(10格)V250, V330, 2021/18,5盘2设置(0:无,1:有,)40驱动电机时钟传(10格)V250, V330, 2021/18,9使NIC 复位到缺省设置10NIC 按配置设置测试打印11打印机内部测试打印312清除故障历史XE315/20,5曝光灯值66扫描器停车位XE315/20,1CRUM ID 复位(0—设置主板CRUM 数据到原先安装的鼓架状态2主板上的CRUM 代码(加载在主板上预定的CRUM 标识码,这是当前需要的代码3鼓架上的CRUM 代码(鼓架上的CRUM 标识码)4CRUM 计数(总CRUM 计数)98鼓架担保(从旧的CRUM 向新的CRUM 转移数据)XE315/20,1U4复位(0:定影器操作有效;1:过热错误;2寿命故障;3预热时间超过)103热敏电阻(当前热敏电阻温度)XE315/20,控制面板数据程序功能按下键内容机型打印机RAM Stop+0显示的2位数代码表明打印RAM (单位:MB );16MB NIC 测试打印Stop+1产生来自NIC 的测试打印并运出输出盘剩余副本Stop+2鼓架剩余寿命的百分比(以5%为增量单位)被显示4秒鼓架Stop+3以一位数表示鼓架类型软件级Stop+52组3位数表示修订版本等级配置Stop+6以3位数代码显示机器硬件配置以2组3位数数字表示6位数计数,d6,d5,d4,d3,d2,d1第一组3位数被显示(d6,d5,d4……)4秒钟显示被清除1秒钟表后,3个剩余的数字被显示(……d3,d2,d1)总复印/打印计数Stop+7注:从总复印/打印计数中减去打印计数即为复印计数以2组3位数数字表示6位数打印计数第1组3位数被显示(d6,d5,d4……)4秒钟打印计数Stop+8显示被清除1秒钟表后,3个剩余的数字被显示(……d3,d2,d1)打印机测试打印Stop+9打印机产生测试打印并送至输出盘RIS 灯架停车位Stop+预置百分比RIS 灯架移向RIS 的右侧以使运输销能被装上.运输销存放在纸盘的左后侧XE315/320按Clear 以使灯架回到原位故障代码一览表子内容机型子内容机型11ADF 传静态卡纸1300, V2021/18,21ADF 定位传静态卡纸V400, V2021/18,330, 1300,22ADF 定位传静态卡纸V400, V330,2021/18, 1300,23ADF 定位传不触动卡纸V400, V330,2021/18, 1300,24ADF 定位传触动卡纸V400, V330,2021/18, 1300,31ADF 反转传不触动卡纸V400, 1300,A132ADF 反转传触动卡纸V400, 1300,1ADF 输出传静态卡纸2ADF 出口传静态卡纸A23ADF 出口传触动或不触动卡纸V400, V330, 2021/18, 1300,1超规格尺寸检测卡纸V400, V330, 2021/18,A32两合一卡纸V400, 1300,A51ADF 盖联锁开关开路V400, V330, 2021/18, 1300,A61原稿设置故障V400, V330, 2021/18, 1300,A71ADF 压纸轴故障(打开)V400,A81ADF 出口联锁开关开路V400, V330, 2021/18, 1300,2一纸盘供纸失败2纸盘1定位门传不触动卡纸2021/18,C13一纸盘定位传不触动卡纸V400,V330, V2015/228, 1300,0纸盘1输送电机失败X315/20,1二纸盘供纸失败0纸盘2输送电机失败X315/20,2二纸盘输出卡纸C23二纸盘定位门不触动卡纸V400, 2021/18, 1300,1三纸盘供纸失败0旁路输送电机失败(未启动)2三纸盘输出卡纸1旁路输送电机失败(过早启动)X315/20,C33三纸盘定位门不触动卡纸V400, V330, 1300,1四纸盘供纸失败1HCFA 卡纸2四纸盘输出卡纸2HCF 纸路卡纸3四纸盘定位门不触动卡纸V400,3HCF 传不触动卡纸V330,0纸盘1供纸失败(未释放传)1纸盘1供纸失败(未启动传)2纸盘2供纸失败(未启动传)3纸盘1输纸电机失败(过早)C44纸盘2输纸电机失败(过早)X315/20,C50纸盘1纸张开关未启动(纸完)X315/20,1双面纸盘供纸失败0纸盘2纸张开关未启动(纸用完)X315/20,2双面盘输出卡纸C63双面盘定位门不触动卡纸V400, 1300,0纸盘1联锁开关未启动(纸盘打开)X315/20,1大纸盒输纸失败(1200毫秒后)2大纸盒输纸失败(1700毫秒后)C73大纸盒对位门卡纸1300,1一纸盘输纸传静态卡纸V400, V330, 1300,0纸盘2联锁开关未启动(纸盘打开)X315/20,2二纸盘输纸传静态卡纸V400, V330,2021/18, 1300,3三纸盘输纸传静态卡纸V400, V330, 1300,4四纸盘输纸传静态卡纸V400,5双面纸盘输纸传静态卡纸V400, 1300,C86大纸盒传感器静态卡纸1300,3手送输送失败卡纸V400, V330,2021/18, V2015/228, 1300,C90纸盘1输送的纸张未能准时启动传X315/20,1,2定位门传触动卡纸2,1出口开关触动卡纸6定位门静态卡纸V400, V330, 2021/18, V2015/228, 1300,1定位离合器传触动卡纸4定定影器触动卡纸2定影器传不触卡纸5定影器不触动卡纸E13定位器输纸卡纸X315/20,1.6定位出口开关触动卡纸V400, V330, 2021/18, V2015/228, 1300,E36.3出口开关静态卡纸V400, V330, 2021/18, V2015/228, 1300,1反转传触动卡纸V400, 1300,2双面卡纸V400,4双面器入口传不触动卡纸V400, 1300,E46双面器入口传不触动卡纸V400, 1300,1前盖打开故障V400, V330,2021/18, V2015/228, 1300,,E52定影联锁开关打开V400,1右上侧开关故障V400, V330,2021/18, V2015/228, 1300,E62右下侧开关故障V400, V2021/18,330,1300,1双面盘开关打开2左下侧盖开关故障E73DDM纸盒设置故障V400, 1300,1DDM入位传触动卡纸E86DDM入位传静态卡纸V400, 1300,1非分页传触动卡纸V400, V330, 1300,1分页器传不触动卡纸2非分页传不触动卡纸V400, V330, 1300,2分页器传触动/静态卡纸2021/18, 3垂直传触动卡纸V400, V330, 1300,F14垂直传不触动卡纸V400, V330, 1300,1分页器引入开关打开故障1分页器入位联锁开路故障2分页器正面安全开关打开故障2分页盖联锁开关开路2021/18,F53分页器顶盖安全开关打开故障V400, V330, 1300,1供纸途径索引故障V400,22装订安全故障F923装订锁定故障V330, 2021/18,4HCF升降故障V330,1纸盘1提升故障2纸盘2提升故障H13纸盘3提升故障1300, 1大纸盒双面板与主板通信故障H22双面盘侧面导板移动故障1300,H31大纸盒提降失败1300,1ADF 尺寸传静态卡纸2ADF 轻推轮位置故障2ADF 轻推杆动作故障4ADF 通信故障V330,2021/18,3皮带电机动力故障1ADF 初始传失败41主板和ADF 通信故障2ADF 推进器内部传感器失败42主板和ADF 通信故障3皮带电机失效43主板和ADF 通信故障4通信不良1300,H645主板和ADF 通信故障V400,1双面盘板和主板通讯故障H85双面盘侧面倒向故障V400,主子内容机型子内容机型1色粉空V330,2021/18, V2015/228,2色粉组件寿命终止2021/18,J10鼓架色粉偏少X315/20,2色粉空1300,1鼓组件型号不符V400, V330,1鼓组件设置故障2021/18, V2015/228, 1300,0鼓架未安装,或安装不正确X315/20,2色粉组件设置故障2021/18, V2015/228,J33总计数器设置故障2021/18, V2015/228,J41清洁油布不到位故障V400,1鼓组件ID 故障1鼓寿命终止1300,2色粉组件ID 故障J63总计数器ID 故障2021/18, V2015/228,1废粉满故障V400, 1300(50—1清零)1鼓组件寿命终止V330, 2021/18, V2015/228,2鼓寿命终止V400,0鼓架达到寿命X315/20,3黑粉不足故障V400,J74红粉组件设置失败V400,1鼓组件类型故障V400,1鼓组件类型故障V330,1鼓组件类型不匹配2鼓组件EEPROM V330, 1300,2色粉组件不匹配0鼓架的类型不匹配X315/20,J83总计数器类型不匹配2021/18, V2015/228,1鼓组件身份号不符合要求2色粉组件身份号不符合要求J93总主数器身份号不符合要求2021/18, V2015/228,1一纸盒提升故障2二纸盒提升故障3三纸盒提升故障L14四纸盒提升故障V400,L61选购件设置故障V400, V330,11消边灯时序通信故障12消边灯时序通信故障13消边灯时序通信故障V400,14消边灯时序通信故障15消边灯时序通信故障16消边灯时序通信故障L917消边灯时序通信故障V400,U11主电机转动故障V400,1300,1机器时钟故障V330, 2021/18, V2015/228,0驱动组件通讯信号故障X315/20,11灯架原位故障(左右)1灯架故障(等待)V330, 2021/18, V2015/228,12灯架定位故障12灯架故障(位置)V330, 2021/18, V2015/228,13灯架定位故障23灯架故障(扫描)V330, 2021/18, V2015/228, 1300,14灯架故障4灯架故障(返程)V330, 2021/18, V2015/228,22灯架故障1扫描故障23灯架返回故障2曝光灯故障X315/20,U231灯架**输出故障V400,1镜头位置故障V400, V330, 2021/18, V2015/228,0没有在ROS 中检测到激光X315/20,1SOS 记录检测出错2激光器处于报警状态3第一射束的SOS 间隔比设定值长4第一射束的SOS 间隔比设定值短5激光ROS 电机转动不良U36激光器不良1300,1定影热敏电阻开路1定影热敏电阻开路2加热异常2定影预热故障3定影过热3定影过热故障14定影加热故障(待机中)4定影过热故障25热敏电阻过热开路6定影安全开关过热故障V330, 2021/18,V2015/228,6定影安全开关过热故障0U4状态码未清除7预热恢复故障V400, 1300,1定影温度过高2定影预热失败U43超出定影预热时间X315/20,1页格驱动故障120格分页器检索故障V330, 1300,2页格提升故障V400,2装订分页器驱动电机故障V330, 2021/18, 1300,0定影温度时间故障3装订分页器页格驱动电机故障V330, 2021/18, 1300,1AC 输入电源故障X315/20,4装订分页器堆整电机故障2021/18, 1300,U55装订分页器装订电机故障2021/18,11UI 只读存储器故障4NVM 故障2021/18, V2015/228,12主板ROM 故障0与打印机控制逻辑通迅失败13主板ROM 故障1与复印盒或纸盘通迅失败X315/20,21UI 存取储存器故障1ROM 错误22主板存取储存器故障2RAM 错误23主板存取储存器故障3NVM 电池错误24灯控板储存器4NVM 设置错误1300,32NVM 设置故障33NVM 设置故障V400,U634NVM 记忆故障(电池)V400,11--17分页器通信故障5分页器通讯故障2021/18, 1300,U721--25灯控板主板通信故障V400,控制面板与主PWB 通迅不正确X315/20,31--36UI和主板通信故障37--44主板内部通信故障1曝光控制故障V400,V330,2021/18,V2015/228,7曝光等待故障V330,2.7无零交叉信号V400, V330, V2015/228,0控制面板与主PWB通迅失败X315/20, U81300, 3曝光过量故障V400, V330, V2015/228,1曝光量不足4曝光电压过高故障V400, V330, 2021/18, V2015/228,5曝光电压过低故障V400, V330, 2021/18, V2015/228,6曝光过暗故障V400, V330,2无零交叉信号0HVPS输出短路或过载,或在HVPS输出电路中有间歇性故障X315/20, U91手动设置不良(传感器S2未关闭,向上)1300, 2手动设置不良(传感器S2未关闭,向下)V400,50--3ADC自动增益故障DIAG50—4ADC自动增益故障50--5ADC控制补偿故障用户代码一览表。
韩国LG PC所有产品牌号
韩国LG- Lupoy所有产品型号平川塑胶现货提供以下产品,咨询QQ623395653韩国LG-Lupoy 1080-70韩国LG-Lupoy 1200-03韩国LG-Lupoy 1200-08韩国LG-Lupoy 1200-10韩国LG-Lupoy 1200-15韩国LG-Lupoy 1200-15韩国LG-Lupoy 1200HP-15韩国LG-Lupoy 1201-05韩国LG-Lupoy 1201-08韩国LG-Lupoy 1201-10韩国LG-Lupoy 1201-15韩国LG-Lupoy 1201-18韩国LG-Lupoy 1201-22韩国LG-Lupoy 1201HP-21韩国LG-Lupoy 1201HP-22韩国LG-Lupoy 1206-03韩国LG-Lupoy 1300-03韩国LG-Lupoy 1300-10韩国LG-Lupoy 1300-12韩国LG-Lupoy 1300-15韩国LG-Lupoy 1300-22韩国LG-Lupoy 1301-10韩国LG-Lupoy 1301-12韩国LG-Lupoy 1301EP30韩国LG-Lupoy 1301V-10韩国LG-Lupoy 1301V-7韩国LG-Lupoy 1302-05韩国LG-Lupoy 1302-07韩国LG-Lupoy 1302-10韩国LG-Lupoy 1302EP-30韩国LG-Lupoy 1302HP-07韩国LG-Lupoy 1302HP-09韩国LG-Lupoy 1302HP-10韩国LG-Lupoy 1302HP-21韩国LG-Lupoy 1302HP-22韩国LG-Lupoy 1302HP-22韩国LG-Lupoy 1302UV-08韩国LG-Lupoy 1303-07韩国LG-Lupoy 1303-10韩国LG-Lupoy 1303-15韩国LG-Lupoy 1303AH-10韩国LG-Lupoy 1303AH-15韩国LG-Lupoy 1320C-07韩国LG-Lupoy 1600-03韩国LG-Lupoy 1603-06韩国LG-Lupoy 1621-02韩国LG-Lupoy 3010-10韩国LG-Lupoy 3010-15韩国LG-Lupoy 3010-22韩国LG-Lupoy 3010-30韩国LG-Lupoy 3030-30韩国LG-Lupoy 3030-10韩国LG-Lupoy 3030-15韩国LG-Lupoy EC5000A PC/PBT? 韩国LG-Lupoy EC5000AF PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy EF1006F韩国LG-Lupoy EF5001RFT PC/ABS? 韩国LG-Lupoy ER5001RF PC/ABS? 韩国LG-Lupoy ER5001RFA PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy ER5151RFA PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy EU5000 PC/ASA韩国LG-Lupoy EU5008 PC/ASA 韩国LG-Lupoy GN1000F PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GN1000FA PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GN1002FC韩国LG-Lupoy GN1002FH韩国LG-Lupoy GN1002FH韩国LG-Lupoy GN1002FL韩国LG-Lupoy GN1002FS韩国LG-Lupoy GN1004FA韩国LG-Lupoy GN1006FL韩国LG-Lupoy GN1006FM韩国LG-Lupoy GN1006FMR韩国LG-Lupoy GN1006FT韩国LG-Lupoy GN1008RF韩国LG-Lupoy GN2101F韩国LG-Lupoy GN2101FC韩国LG-Lupoy GN2201FC韩国LG-Lupoy GN2201FM韩国LG-Lupoy GN2301F韩国LG-Lupoy GN5001EF PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GN5001RF PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GN5001RFD PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GN5001RFH PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GN5001RFJ PC/ABS韩国LG-Lupoy GN5001RFM PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GN5001RFP PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GN5001RFS PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GN5001RFT PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GN5001SF PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GN5007FL PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GN5008HF PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GN5008LF PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GN5009F PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GN5101RF PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GN5151RF PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GN5151RFA PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GN5201F PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GN5301F PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GP1000HU韩国LG-Lupoy GP1000L韩国LG-Lupoy GP1000LG韩国LG-Lupoy GP1000LS韩国LG-Lupoy GP1000M韩国LG-Lupoy GP1000MD韩国LG-Lupoy GP1000ML韩国LG-Lupoy GP1000MR韩国LG-Lupoy GP1000MU韩国LG-Lupoy GP1000SW韩国LG-Lupoy GP1006FL韩国LG-Lupoy GP1006FM韩国LG-Lupoy GP2100韩国LG-Lupoy GP2102韩国LG-Lupoy GP2200韩国LG-Lupoy GP2300韩国LG-Lupoy GP5001AF PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GP5006AF PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GP5006B PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GP5006BH PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GP5008A PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GP5008BF PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GP5008BFH PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GP5056F PC/ABS韩国LG-Lupoy GP5100 PC/ABS韩国LG-Lupoy GP5106F PC/ABS韩国LG-Lupoy GP5200 PC/ABS韩国LG-Lupoy GP5206F PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy HG5000B PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy HI1002MLLupoy HI5002A PC/ABS Lupoy HP5004 PC/ABS Lupoy HP5004A PC/ABS Lupoy HP5004HF PC/ABS Lupoy HP5008 PC/ABS Lupoy HR5007A PC/ABS Lupoy HR5007AE PC/ABS Lupoy MP5000AM PC/ABS Lupoy NF1005F 03RLupoy NF1007F 10RLupoy NF1009F 08RLupoy NF1009F 15 Lupoy NS5000 PC/ABS Lupoy NS5000C PC/ABSLupoy RF3208FLupoy SC1004ALupoy SC1004AULupoy SC1004LLupoy SC1004MLLupoy SC2202Lupoy SC2302Lupoy SC3154Lupoy SC5004T Lupoy SG5009F PC/ABS?Lupoy SR3108FCLupoy SR3108FMLupoy SR3108L。
物料编号物料名称PI厚(UM)胶厚(UM)铜厚(UM)L01010001PI单面电解覆铜板 CGS1200MJ1/250(宏仁)252018L01010002PI单面电解覆铜板 AFISE12001RU/250(雅森)252018L01010003PI单面电解覆铜板 CGS1201MJ1/250(宏仁)252035L01010004PI单面电解覆铜板 LPI1ED18/S-250(九江)252018L01010005PI单面电解覆铜板 CGS0120NJ1/250(宏仁)12.51218L01010006PI单面电解覆铜板 LPI(Y)2ED35/S-500(九江)502035L01010007PI单面电解覆铜板 SIE100518PFK/250(华弘)251818L01010008PI单面电解覆铜板 PI(II)25ED18/S500D(东溢)252018L01010009PI单面电解覆铜板 AFISE12011RU/250(雅森)252035L01010010PI单面电解覆铜板 XSIE100520PWP (台虹)252018L01010011PI单面电解覆铜板 ASL-NS1201TS1 (新高)252035L01010012PI单面电解覆铜板 ASL-NS1202TF1 (新高)252070L01010013PI单面电解覆铜板 MC1075-RNN(INNOX corporation)251535L01020001PI单面压延覆铜板 CGS0120NB1/250(宏仁)12.51218L01020002PI单面压延覆铜板 CGS1200MB1/250(宏仁)252018L01020003PI单面压延覆铜板 XSIR050513HJY/250(台虹)12.51318L01020004PI单面压延覆铜板 XSIR100520HJY/250(台虹)252018L01020005PI单面压延覆铜板 XSIR101020TJY/250(台虹)252035L01020006PI单面压延覆铜板 CGS1201MB1/250(宏仁)252035L01020007PI单面压延覆铜板 SIR101025NOL/250(华弘)252535L01020008PI单面压延覆铜板 LVAS0535RA T10 W250(友沢)12.51035L01020009PI单面压延覆铜板 LVAS0518RD T10 (友沢)12.51018L01020010PI单面压延覆铜板 PSBR1209(N281-1PG)(律胜)12.51218L01020011PI单面压延覆铜板 ASL-NS0120IT1(新高)12.51218L01020012PI单面压延覆铜板 ASL-NS1201TT1(新高)252035L01020013PI单面压延覆铜板 AFISR01301MJ(雅森)12.51318L01020014PI单面压延覆铜板 AFISR12001MJ(雅森)252018L01030001PI双面电解覆铜板 CGD1200NJ1/250(宏仁)252018L01030002PI双面电解覆铜板 CGD1201NJ1(宏仁)252035L01030003PI双面电解覆铜板 NDIE101020HME/250(台虹)252035L01030004PI双面电解覆铜板 PDBE1501/250(律胜)251218L01030005PI双面电解覆铜板 PDBE1409/250(律胜)12.51212L01030006PI双面电解覆铜板 IDIE050313HW2/250(台虹)12.51312L01030007PI双面电解覆铜板 ASL-ND1201IS1(新高)252035L01030008PI双面电解覆铜板 ASL-ND0120IS1(新高)12.51218L01040001PI双面压延覆铜板 CGD0120NB1/250(宏仁)12.51218L01040002PI双面压延覆铜板 NDIR050513HJY/250(台虹)12.51318L01040003PI双面压延覆铜板 NDIR100520HJY/250 (台虹)252018L01040004PI双面压延覆铜板 NDIR101020HJY/250(台虹)252035L01040005PI双面压延覆铜板 CGD1201NB1/250(宏仁)252035L01040006PI双面压廷覆铜板 CGD1200NB1/250(宏仁)252018L01040007PI双面压廷覆铜板 PDBR1909(律胜)12.51212L01040008PI双面压廷覆铜板 IDIR050313HJY(台虹)12.51312L01040009PI双面压廷覆铜板 ASL-ND0120IT1(新高)12.51218L01040010PI双面压廷覆铜板 ASL-ND1200IT1(新高)252018L01040011PI双面压廷覆铜板 AFIDR01301MJ(雅森)12.51318L01040012PI双面压廷覆铜板 ATIDR01301PJ(雅森)12.51318L01040013PI双面压廷覆铜板 AHIDR01301PJ(雅森)12.51318物料编号物料名称PI厚(UM)胶厚(UM)铜厚(UM)物料编号物料名称PI厚(UM)胶厚(UM)铜厚(UM)。
到<停機操作注意項目> 到<成型不良要因表> 到<成型不良的原因及調節方法詳解>3、接觸型式: M=MALE(公)F=FEMALE(母) P=公母共用型(在無區別時)4、稱謂: A:本體;J:圓蓋;B:前殼;K:支架; C:後殼;L:後塞; D:壓條;N:側蓋; E:中蓋;O:止蓋; F:扣板;Q:下蓋; G:反折蓋;R:後蓋; H:分線蓋S:擋板; 、、、、、、5、特殊規格: A: ST:STANDARD(標准型) SA:ACADEMIC(傳統型) SS:SIMPLE(簡易型) SC:CRAMP(有彈片) SP:SPECIAL(特殊型) SE:E、M、I、錢粉芯(一般) 、、、、、、 C1:二合一X對9; C2:二合一X對15; C3:三合一X對9-9; C4:三合一X對9-15; C5:三合一X對15-9; C6:三合一X對15-15; 、、、、、、 AO:3.0;DO:9.4; BO:5.08;DE:9.4錢粉芯; CO:7.2;EO:13.84; CE:7.2錢粉芯;EE:13.84錢粉芯; FO:7.0;、、、、、 LA:0.625;LD:0.6; LB:0.75;LE:0.8; LC:0.9;、、、、 NI:新型1;N2:新型2; RI:RI;、、、、 JA:傳統JACK;LO:龍傑; JB:錢頭JACK;LC:瀝晟; CH:側兩孔;HO:高腳無JACK(有中柱); CS:琪祥;H1:高腳無JACD-1(無中柱); AT:A-TYPE;H2:高腳無JACD-2; BT:B-TYPE;H3:高腳對3個JACK; JD:介大:H4:高腳對4個JACK; 、、、、、、、、B: 00:一般形;10:平面長齒; 01:有檐;11:平面短齒; 02:無檐;12:平面-2; 03:有檐排PIN;13:介大平面-2; 04:無檐排PIN;、、、、 05:有檐芨PIN; 06:無檐芨PIN; 、、、、、、 20:長齒長耳;30:縮第九針; 21:短齒長耳;31:雙 22:長齒中耳;32:雙 23:短齒中耳;、、、、、、 24:缺耳; 25:長齒; 26:短齒; 27:無齒; 、、、、、、 41:支架-1; 42:支架-2; 43:支架-3; 44:支架-4; 45:支架-5; 、、、、、、DIN之標示如下:DNO-96 M A CT SO 05 A BA: BT:B-TYPE;FT:F-TYPE; CT:C-TYPE;GT:G-TYPE; DT:D-TYPE;RT:R-TYPE; ET:D-TYPE;QT:Q-TYPE; 、、、、B: SO:STRAIGHT(180度);RO:RIGHT ANGLE(90度); 、、、、6、顏色: 01、WHITE(白色) 02、BLACK(黑色) 03、BLUE(藍色)93、PC99 BLUE(661C藍色); 04、GREEN(綠色)94、PC99 GREEN(322C草綠色) 05、GRAY(灰色) 06、RED(紅色)96、PC99 RED(235C紫紅色); 07、YELLOW(黃色)97、PC99 YELLOW(131C金黃); 08、HOARINESS(灰白色)、、、、、。
MADE NI UK 是產自英國的意思後面的“III I”是它的生產代碼包括年份、季度代碼表如下Year Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4---------------------------------1970 - QE QC QL QI1971 - UE UC UL UI1972 - AE AC AL AI1973 - LE LC LL LI1974 - IE IC IL II Note that EI could also denote Q1 1984 or Q3 1988 etc 1975 - TE TC TL TI1976 - YE YC YL YI1977 - PE PC PL PI1978 - EE EC EL EI1979 - NE NC NL NI Date coding begins in the US1980 - QE QC QL QI1981 - UE UC UL UI1982 - AE AC AL AI1983 - LE LC LL LI1984 - IE IC IL II Note that EI could also denote Q1 1974 or Q3 1988 etc 1985 - TE TC TL TI1986 - YE YC YL YI(change)1987 - IIIP IIP IP P1988 - IIIE IIE IE E Note that EI could also denote Q1 1974 or Q1 1984 etc1989 - IIIN IIN IN N1990 - IIIQ IIQ IQ Q1991 - IIIU IIU IU U1992 - IIIA IIA IA A1993 - IIIL IIL IL L1994 - IIII III II I1995 - IIIT IIT IT T1996 - IIIY IIY IY Y1997 - IIIP IIP IP P1998 - IIIE IIE IE E1999 - IIIN IIN IN N(change)2000 - Q.III Q.II Q.I Q2001 - U.III U.II U.I U2002 - A.III A.II A.I A2003 - L.III L.II L.I L2004 - I.III I.II I.I I2005 - T.III T.II T.I T2006 - Y.III Y.II Y.I Y2007 - P.III P.II P.I P2008 - E.III E.II E.I E2009 - N.III N.II N.I N(资料素材和资料部分来自网络,供参考。
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• “写文章要讲逻辑。就是要注意整篇文章、整篇 讲话的结构,开头、中间、尾巴要有一种关系, 要有一种内部的联系,不要互相冲突。还要讲文 法。许多同志省掉了不应该省掉的主词、宾词, 或者把副词当动词用,甚至于省掉动词。这些都 是不合文法的。还要注意修辞,怎样写得生动一 点。总之,一个合逻辑,一个合文法,一个较好 的修辞,这三点请你们在写文章的时候注意。” • ——毛泽东 • 语法研究语言的结构和规律,管“通不通”。 • 逻辑研究思维的形式和规律,管“对不对”。 • 修辞研究语言运用的艺术及其规律,管“美不 8
• Recite Material In writing articles, one must pay attention to logic. That is to say, one must pay attention to the structure of an article or speech as a whole, and there must be some sort of relation between the beginning, the middle and the end, a sort of inner relationship, and the three must not be at variance with one another. One must also observe the rules of grammar. Many comrades tend to omitted the subject or the object of a sentence when it should not be omitted or use adverbs as verbs or even leave out verbs. All this is ungrammatical. Attention must also be paid to rhetoric, to how to write more vividly. In short, to be logical, to be grammatical and to have a better command of rhetoric—these are the three points I would like you to bear in mind when you write. 7 ——Mao Zedong
• Each one will have the opportunity to practice writing a variety of letters, reports, summaries and other essays both during class time and as homework assignments. • 考查课总评绩比例标准:期末考试60%;平时40%(考 勤20%,考绩20%)。考绩含练习、测验与堂上问答环 节主动举手回答问题的表现。 12
•P ra ctica l E nglish W riting
Lecture 1
Happy New Spring 2015!
A message as a gift may be cheap, But conveys from the heart my feelings deep: The Year of Goat holds my sincere bless To you and yours with every success.
• • • • •
Li Mingsheng RM 205, Rirong Bldg 209 Renmin Xilu Zhuhai, Guangdong 519017, PRC
• • • • • •
Mr. William Z. Smith 278 Green St. Freedom City,Ohio 57632, USA
• No wonder Part 1 of our textbook is English Letters. • But why we say letters something信, and sometime 书. But in English, it’s only Letter.
• 古人把信件特别是篇幅较长的信件叫“书” 。
李明生 先生收
国外亲友会汉语,信封也可如上写。有人写寄信人地址于信封后。 17
• Envelope Writing Exercise in Class
• 李明生先生地址: • 汉语:广东519071珠海市人民西路 209号日荣大 厦 205室李明生。 • 英语:Li Mingsheng, RM 205, Rirong Bldg, 209 Renmin Xilu, Zhuhai, Guangdong 519017, PRC • Mr. Huang Mingliang’s Address: • 278 Green St.,Freedom City,Ohio 57632, USA
15 据邮政规定,收信人地址处要写寄出国家名称的当地文字。
• • • •
• • • • • •
From:广东519071 珠海市人民西路 209号 日荣大厦 205室李明生 PR China
To: Mr. William G. Wong 298 Green St. Freedom City,Ohio 57632, USA 寄:美国 俄亥俄州
• • • • •
Li Mingsheng RM 205, Rirong Bldg 209 Renmin Xilu Zhuhai, Guangdong 519017, PRC
• • • • • •
Mr. William Z. Smith 278 Green St. Freedom City,Ohio 57632, USA 寄:美国 俄亥俄州
• To write a practical writing, it’s important to be careful with language so that the meaning is plain. Why? • A reader can’t ask questions. Practical writing shall be written in standard English, not slang and use correct grammar and accurate spelling. • Practical Writing • simple, effective communication. • with plain meaning • in standard English • using correct grammar and accurate spelling. 10
Create Your Own Message
• • • • • • • • 庆贺新春觅句吟, 不辞语拙唱佳音: 青山化展千年画, 绿水流弹万古琴; 马去羊来祥瑞起, 功成运达吉星临! 学期肇始祈君乐, 更祝前程胜万金!
何谓英语应用文写作 What’s Practical English Writing? • In Chinese, we can say, that is —— • 应付交流需要 • 用于实际事务 • 文从字顺之章 • 应用文者,重要事务文章也。 • (凡个人、团体机关之间公司往来,用约定 俗成的文体和术语写作,以资交际和信守的 文字,都叫应用文,用英语写作的,是英语 应用文:Practical English Writing ,字面 翻译,就是“英语应用文写作”。) 5
国外亲友会汉语,寄信人地址可写汉语,待他回信时在收信人地址为汉语。 16 但要用外语写出PR China。
• • • •
From:William G. Wong 298 Green St. Freedom City, Ohio 57632, USA 美国
• • • •
To:PR China 广东519071 珠海市人民西路 209号 日荣大厦 205室
• Exercise In Class 1
• 1、请写李明生寄往Huang Mingliang的信封。 • 2、请写Huang Mingliang寄往李明生的信封。
பைடு நூலகம்
• Since old time, the Chinese people have been paying great importance to practical writing or 尺牍/应用文in Chinese. • 尺牍is a name for all practical writings in old times.(古代应用文的总称) • Not everyone can be a literature writer. But everybody has to write practical writing to communicate with other people or carry out daily affairs. • In the past, many young people had to learn尺牍, which was mainly meaning letter writing or 写信in Chinese. 11
• Our course is Practical English Writing, short for PEW. What’s writing? • Writing is easy. Anyone who speaks English can write. Writing is just putting words on paper instead of speaking them. We are going to learn how to write so as to communicate our thoughts and ideas clearly to other people. • The end product will not be great literature but simple, effective communication. • A story on the writing of the Xijiang River Running Up Stream. 9