CCC_EEX_Product description old
终压力(Terminal pressure) 0, 4 N
,超程(super distance) 2 x 0,9 mm between operating and
stable contact / 12 mm between stable contacts 触头尺寸(Contact Dimension):NC/NO see stable and operating contacts 静 触 头 (stable contact) Diameter 2,4 mm , 0,50 mm Diameter. 2mm, 0,5 mm thickness 5). 电磁系统(Electromagnetic system) for mechenical it is N/A 控制线圈(Control coil):匝数(Number of the windings) 线径(Diameter of the winding wire) N/A N/A N/A , , thickness , 动 触 头 (operating contact)
电磁系统(magnetic system):铁心形式(Type of the core)
第 3 页 共 9 页
工厂编号 Factory Code:××××
(Product Description) 2. 主要技术参数(Main technical Parameter):(如不适用项用 “/” 表示 if not applicable, filled with “/ ”) 1). 额定绝缘电压(Rated insulation voltage Ui)(V): 250 V AC 2). 额定冲击耐受电压(Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp)(kV): 2,5 KV 3). 约定发热电流(Conventional free air thermal current Ith)(A): 10 A 4). 使用类别(Utilization category): AC 15, DC 13 5). 使用类别下的各个额定工作电压 Ue / 额定工作电流 Ie(Rated operational voltage and rated operational current for each utilization category Ue/Ie)(V/A): AC 15 240 V / 3A DC 13 250V / 0,27 A
Z86E3116KSC中文资料(zilog)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」
/AS 20
21 /复位
图3. 40引脚DIP引脚配置*
表1. 40引脚DIP引脚标识
1 2-4 5-7 8-9 10 11
12-13 14 15
16-18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
s 软件使能看门狗定时器(WDT)
s 推挽式/漏极开路可编程上 端口0,端口1和端口2
s 24/32输入/输出线
s 自动门锁
s 自动上电复位(POR)
s 可编程OTP选项: RC振荡器 EPROM防护护
晶体振荡器反馈电阻器禁用 内存防护护
s 低功耗:60毫瓦
s 快速指令指针:0.75
方向 产量
产量 产量 产量
Input 输入/输出 输入/输出 输入/输出
输入/输出 输入/输出 输入/输出
Z86E30/E31/E40 Z8 4K OTP微控制器
P21 P22 P23 P24 /DS NC R//W P25 P26 P27 P04
四个基本地址空间支持广泛MEM ORY配置.设计者访问三个额外
tional控制寄存器,可轻松访问寄存器映射外设和I / O电路.
311c-01 美国SEL-311C中文说明书
目录SECTION 1: 简介和特性........................................................................... 1-1 SEL-311C 继电器型号 ..................................................................................................... 1-1使用手册章节概述........................................................................................................... 1-1应用................................................................................................................................... 1-4 AC/DC交直流连接 ........................................................................................................... 1-4通讯连接........................................................................................................................... 1-7基本特性........................................................................................................................... 1-8数据处理特性 ......................................................................................................... 1-11继电器元件动作范围和精度 ................................................................................. 1-12计时器特性 ............................................................................................................. 1-14变电站电源电压监视器特性 ................................................................................. 1-14测量精度 ................................................................................................................. 1-14表格Table 1.1: SEL-311C 继电器型号............................................................................................... 1-1图形Figure 1.1:SEL-311C 继电器构成输电线路保护,具有纵联保护、M IRRORED B ITS、重合闸和同期检测 ............................................................................................. 1-4 Figure 1.2:SEL-311C 继电器输入、输出和通讯口(型号0311C00x 和0311C01x).............. 1-5 Figure 1.3: SEL-311C 继电器附加I/O板(型号0311C01x) ......................................................... 1-6 Figure 1.4: SEL-311C 继电器通讯连接举例.............................................................................. 1-7 Figure 1.5: SEL-311C 继电器通讯连接举例(续) ..................................................................... 1-8SECTION 1: 简介和特性SEL-311C继电器型号Table 1.1: SEL-311C 继电器型号以上仅供参考,如需定货,请参考实际定货清单。
Z8640B(C)型热芯盒射芯机使用说明书共30 页第1 页目录1.概述2.主要技术参数3.主要结构特点与工作原理4.机器的安装和调整5.机器的操作6.机器的维修和保养7.易损件目录8.主要外购件目录9.附图(1) 总图(2) 动作逻辑图(3) 工艺流程图(4) 气动原理图(5) 加热棒和热电偶分组图(6) 电气安装现场接线图(7) 接近开关位置示意图(8) 机器与芯盒、射板、顶芯板的关系(9) 机器与芯盒有关尺寸(10) 地基示意图(11) 电气原理图Z8640B(C)型热芯盒射芯机使用说明书共30 页第2 页1.概述Z8640B型射芯机是一种新型的射制40Kg以下砂芯的全自动高效率热芯盒射芯机。
2.主要技术参数2.1 最大芯盒尺寸(长×宽×高)1000×700×700 mm2.2 最大制芯尺寸(长×宽×高)900×600×230 mm2.3 最大制芯质量40 kg2.4 工作台至射头距离830 mm2.5 工作台面尺寸1200×980 mm2.6 工作台面高度1050 mm2.7 取芯车高度1775 mm2.8 顶升缸有效行程100 mm2.9 下顶芯有效行程330 mm2.10 抽模活块高度1575 mm 2.11 抽模活块间距最小704 mm最大1304 mm 2.12 每工位循环机动时间四开模45 s二开模42 s Z8640B(C)型热芯盒射芯机使用说明书共30 页第3 页2.13 每循环自由空气消耗量Z8640B型 1.2 m3Z8640C型 2.4 m32.14 工作气压0.5 ~ 0.6 MPa2.15 电功率Z8640B型75 kWZ8640C型150 kW2.16 机器总重Z8640B型7800 kgZ8640C型11000 kg2.17 机器最大外形尺寸(长×宽×高)Z8640B型4000×3900×4145 mmZ8640C型6450×3900×4145 mm3.主要结构特点及工作原理3.1 主要结构特点3.1.1Z8640B型射芯机Z8640B型射芯机具有一个射芯工位和一个起芯工位,一台驱动工作台穿梭于射芯、起芯工位之间。
第一部分技术说明书 (3)1 概述 (3)1.1 系统概述 (3)1.2 装置特点 (4)2 技术参数 (4)2.1 额定参数 (4)2.2 功率消耗 (5)2.3 直流工作电压 (5)2.4 过载能力 (5)2.5 测量元件精度 (5)2.6 允许环境温度 (5)2.7 电磁兼容性能 (6)2.8 绝缘耐压 (6)2.9 遥测计量等级 (6)3 保护功能 (6)3.1 3112C保护功能 (6)3.2 3113C保护功能 (7)3.3 3116C保护功能 (7)3.4 3117C保护功能 (8)3.5 3118C保护功能 (8)3.6 3119C保护功能 (9)4 测控功能 (9)5 通讯功能 (10)6 保护原理 (10)6.1三段式电流保护(3112C,3113C) (10)6.2分段开关充电保护(3112C) (10)6.3带低电压及方向闭锁的三段式电流保护(3117C,3118C,3119C) (11)6.4带复合电压及方向闭锁的三段式电流保护(3116C) (11)6.5过流反时限(3116C) (12)6.6三相一次重合闸(3112C,3113C,3117C,3118C,3119C) (13)6.7低周减载(3112C,3113C,3116C,3117C,3118C,3119C) (14)6.8低压减载(3112C,3113C,3116C,3117C,3118C,3119C) (14)6.9过负荷告警(3112C,3113C,3116C,3117C,3118C,3119C) (15)6.10零序方向告警(3112C,3113C,3116C,3118C,3119C) (15)6.11低压侧零序电流保护(3116C) (16)6.12四段零序方向保护(3117C) (16)6.13母线接地告警(3112C,3113C,3116C,3118C,3119C) (16)6.14电流越限告警(3112C,3113C,3116C,3117C,3118C,3119C) (17)6.15保护电流回路异常(3112C,3113C,3116C,3117C,3118C,3119C) (17)6.16 PT断线告警(3112C,3113C,3116C,3117C,3118C,3119C) (18)6.17断路器失灵告警(3112C,3113C,3116C,3117C,3118C,3119C) (18)7 保护定值表 (18)7.1 3112C定值表 (18)7.2 3113C定值表 (20)7.3 3116C定值表 (21)7.4 3117C定值表 (22)7.5 3118C定值表 (24)7.6 3119C定值表 (26)第二部分使用说明书 (28)1 人机界面介绍 (28)1.1液晶显示内容介绍 (29)1.2六个指示灯的含义 (29)1.3按键的功能及其使用 (30)2 装置菜单介绍 (30)2.1交直流量测量值 (32)2.2信息记录 (34)2.3单元定值整定 (36)2.4保护定值投退和保护定值整定 (39)2.5测量定值整定 (43)2.6交流量精度调节 (44)2.7系统复归 (44)2.8信号复归 (44)3 遥信量介绍 (44)3.1 3112C,3113C,3118C,3119C遥信定义表 (44)3.2 3116C遥信定义表 (46)3.3 3117C遥信定义表 (47)4 遥测量介绍 (48)5 背板端子介绍 (49)5.1交流采样板 (49)5.2操作板 (50)5.3输入输出板 (51)5.4通讯端子 (52)6 装置检查 (52)6.1通电前检查 (52)6.2通电后检查 (52)7 311XC操作回路原理图 (53)第一部分技术说明书1 概述1.1 系统概述随着国家电力事业快速而深入的发展,对电网运行和管理自动化水平的要求越来越高。
15W D类音频功率放大器-ZCC3110媲美TPA3110
15W 带扬声器保护功能的免滤波器D 类音频功率放大器产品概述是一款每声道可输出15W 的高效的桥接驱动的D 类立体声功率放大器。
先进的EMI 抑制技术使得该产品在使用中仅用廉价的磁珠滤波器即可达到EMC 的要求。
输入直流检测电路测量PWM 波的频率和幅度,如果输入信号异常,即切断功率输出。
主要特点z 工作电压范围:5V —26Vz 16V 供电,当负载为8Ω、总谐波失真为10%时,每通道输出15W z 13V 供电,当负载为8Ω、总谐波失真为10%时,每通道输出10W z 由于高达90%的效率可以不使用外部散热片z 免滤波器设计z 扬声器保护包括输出功率限制和直流输入检测z 直通线脚(Flow Through Pin Out )设计,便于PCB 布版z 具有自愈特性的短路保护、热保护z 谐波失真小,无噗噗声z 四个可选择的固定增益z 差分输入方式z封装形式:HTSSOP28典型应用z 电视机z消费类音频设备ZCC3110ZCC3110ZCC3110ZCC3110ZCC3110引出端排列ZCC3110应用线路图具有输出功率限制单端输入桥接输出的立体声D类功率放大器应用图具有PBTL 特性的单端输入桥接输出的D 类功率放大器应用图ZCC3110ZCC3110最大额定值热阻参数直流特性(除特别说明外,TA =+25°C,VCC=12V,RL=8Ω)交流特性(除特别说明外,T A=+25°C,PVCC=12V,R L=8Ω)功能说明1、GAIN0和GAIN1设置输入增益通过输入端GAIN0和GAIN1设置输入增益。
Z ILOG FEATURESROM RAM*SpeedPart(KB)(Byte)(MHz)Z86C30423716Z86C31212512Z86C32223712Z86C40423616* General-Purposes28-Pin DIP, 28-Pin SOIC, 28-Pin PLCC Packages (Z86C3X)40-Pin DIP, 44-Pin PLCC/QFP Packages (Z86C40) s 3.0V to 5.5V Operating Ranges Low-Power Consumptions–40°C to +105°C Operating Ranges Expanded Register File (ERF)s32 Input/Output Lines (C40)24 Input/Output Lines (C3X)s Vectored, Prioritized Interrupts withProgrammable Polaritys Two Analog Comparatorss Two Programmable 8-Bit Counter/Timers,Each with Two 6-Bit Programmable Prescalers Watch-Dog Timer/Power-On Resets On-Chip Oscillator that Accepts a Crystal, Ceramic Resonator, LC, RC, or External Clocks RAM and ROM ProtectZ86C30/C31/C32/C40 CMOS Z8® C ONSUMERC ONTROLLER P ROCESSORThe Z86C3X/C40 Consumer Controller Processors (CCP) are members of the Z8® single-chip microcontroller family offering a unique register-to-register architecture that avoids accumulator bottlenecks and offers fast execu-tion of code.Three address spaces (Program Memory, Register File, and Expanded Register File [ERF]), support a wide range of memory configurations. Through the ERF, the designer has access to three additional control registers that pro-vide extra peripheral devices, I/O ports, and register addresses. The rest of the ERF is not physically implemented and is open for future expansion.For applications demanding powerful I/O capabilities, the Z86C3X/C40's dedicated input and output lines are grouped into three and four ports, respectively, and are configurable under software control to provide timing, status signals, or parallel I/O.Two on-chip counter/timers, with a large number of select-able modes, offload the system of administering real-time tasks such as counting/timing and I/O data communica-tions.With ROM/ROMless selectivity, the Z86C40 provides both external memory and pre-programmed ROM, which enables these Z8 microcontrollers to be used in high-volume applications, or where code flexibility is required. Notes:All Signals with a preceding front slash, "/", are active Low, e.g.: B//W (WORD is active Low); /B/W (BYTE is active Low, only). Power connections follow conventional descriptions below:Connection Circuit Device Power VCCVDD Ground GND VSSGENERAL DESCRIPTION P RELIMINARYC USTOMER P ROCUREMENT S PECIFICATIONGENERAL DESCRIPTION (Continued)Functional Block DiagramZ ILOGXXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX P21P20P03VSS P02P01P00P05P06P07VDD XT2XT1P31P 32P 33P 34P 35P 37P 36P 3PIN DESCRIPTION28-Pin DIP/SOIC/PLCC Pin IdentificationPin #Symbol FunctionDirection 1-3P27-25Port 2, Pins 5,6,7In/Output 4-7P07-04Port 0, Pins 4,5,6,7In/Output 8V CC Power Supply 9XTAL2Crystal Oscillator Output 10XTAL1Crystal Oscillator Input11-13P33-31Port 3, Pins 1,2,3Fixed Input 14-15P35-4Port 3, Pins 4,5Fixed Output 16P37Port 3, Pin 7Fixed Output 17P36Port 3, Pin 6Fixed Output 18P30Port 3, Pin 0Fixed Input 19-21P02-00Port 0, Pins 0,1,2In/Output 22GND Ground, V SS 23P03Port 0, Pin 3In/Output P25P26P27P04P05P06P07VDD XTAL2P24P23P22P21P20P03VSS P02P01XTAL1P00P31P32P33P34P30P36P37P3528-Pin SOIC Configuration28-Pin DIP Configuration28-Pin PLCC ConfigurationP24P23P01P22P21P20P03GND P02P25P26XT AL2P27P04P05P06P07VCC XT AL1P31P32P33P34P00P30P36P37P35PIN DESCRIPTION (Continued)/DS P24P12P23P22P21P20P03P13R//W XT AL2P27P04P05P06P14XT AL1VCC P16P17P25GND P02P11P10P01P15P07P26P31P34/ASP33P32P36P00P30P37P35/RESET40-Pin DIP AssignmentsPin #Symbol Function Direction 1R//W Read/WriteOutput 2-4P25-27Port 2, Pins 5,6,7In/Output 5-7P04-06Port 0, Pins 4,5,6In/Output 8-9P14-15Port 1, Pins 4,5In/Output10P07Port 0, Pin 7In/Output 11V CCPower Supply 12-13P16-17Port 1, Pins 6,7In/Output 14XTAL2Crystal, Oscillator Clock Output 15XTAL1Crystal, Oscillator Clock Input 16-18P31-33Port 3, Pins 1,2,3Input 19P34Port 3, Pin 4Output 20/AS Address Strobe Output 21/RESETResetInput40-Pin Dual-In-Line Package Pin IdentificationPin #Symbol Function Direction 22P35Port 3, Pin 5Output 23P37Port 3, Pin 7Output 24P36Port 3, Pin 6Output 25P30Port 3, Pin 0Input 26-27P00-01Port 0, Pin 0,1In/Output 28-29P10-11Port 1, Pin 0,1In/Output 30P02Port 0, Pin 2In/Output 31GND Ground, GND 32-33P12-13Port 1, Pin 2,3In/Output 34P03Port 0, Pin 3In/Output 35-39P20-24Port 2, Pin 0,1,2,3,4In/Output 40/DSData StrobeOutputZ ILOGPIN DESCRIPTION(Continued)P 20P 03P 13P 12G N DG N DP 02P 11P 10P 01P 00P 05P 06P 14P 15P 07V C CV C CP 16P 17P30P36P37P35/RESET R//RL /AS P34P33P32P31P21P22P23P24/DS N/C R//W P25P26P27P04X T A L 1X T A L 244-Pin PLCC Pin AssignmentsPin #Symbol FunctionDirection 28XTAL1Crystal, Oscillator Clock Input 29-31P31-33Port 3, Pins 1,2,3Input 32P34Port 3, Pin 4Output 33/AS Address StrobeOutput 34R//RL ROM/ROMless Control Input 35/RESET ResetInput 36P35Port 3, Pin 5Output 37P37Port 3, Pin 7Output 38P36Port 3, Pin 6Output 39P30Port 3, Pin 0Input 40-41P00-01Port 0, Pins 0,1In/Output 42-43P10-11Port 1, Pins 0,1In/Output 44P02Port 0, Pin 2In/OutputPin #Symbol FunctionDirection 1-2GND Ground, GND 3-4P12-13Port 1, Pins 2,3In/Output 5P03Port 0, Pin 3In/Output 6-10P20-24Port 2, Pins 0,1,2,3,4In/Output 11/DS Data Strobe Output 12N/C Not Connected 13R//W Read/WriteOutput 14-16P25-27Port 2, Pins 5,6,7In/Output 17-19P04-06Port 0, Pins 4,5,6In/Output 20-21P14-15Port 1, Pins 4,5In/Output22P07Port 0, Pin 7In/Output 23-24V CCPower Supply 25-26P16-17Port 1, Pins 6,7In/Output 27XTAL2Crystal, Oscillator Clock Output44-Pin PLCC Pin IdentificationPIN DESCRIPTION (Continued)Pin #Symbol Function Direction 1-2P05-06Port 0, Pins 5,6In/Output 3-4P14-15Port 1, Pins 4,5In/Output 5P07Port 0, Pin 7In/Output 6-7V CCPower Supply 8-9P16-17Port 1 Pins 6,7In/Output 10XTAL2Crystal, Oscillator Clock Output 11XTAL1Crystal, Oscillator Clock Input 12-14P31-33Port 3, Pins 1,2,3Input 15P34Port 3, Pin 4Output 16/AS Address Strobe Output 17R//RL ROM/ROMless Control Input 18/RESET ResetInput 19P35Port 3, Pin 5Output 20P37Port 3, Pin 7OutputPin #Symbol Function Direction 21P36Port 3, Pin 6Output 22P30Port 3, Pin 0Input 23-24P00-01Port 0, Pins 0,1In/Output 25-26P10-11Port 1, Pins 0,1In/Output 27P02Port 0, Pin 2In/Output 28-29GND Ground, GND 30-31P12-13Port 1, Pins 2,3In/Output 32P03Port 0, Pin 3In/Output 33-37P20-24Port 2, Pins 0,1,2,3,4In/Output 38/DS Data Strobe Output 39N/C Not Connected 40R//W Read/WriteOutput 41-43P25-27Port 2, Pins 5,6,7In/Output 44P04Port 0, Pin 4In/Output44-Pin QFP Pin Assignments44-Pin QFP Pin IdentificationP 20P 03P 13P 12G N DG N DP 02P 11P 10P 01P 00P21P22P23P24/DS N/C R//W P25P26P27P04P30P36P37P35/RESET R//RL /AS P34P33P32P31P 05P 06P 14P 15P 07V C CV C CP 16P 17X T A L 1X T A L 2Z ILOGABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSParameterMin Max Units Ambient Temperature under Bias –40+105C Storage Temperature–65+150C Voltage on any Pin with Respect to V SS [Note 1]–0.6+7V Voltage on V DD Pin with Respect to V SS–0.3+7V Voltage on XTAL1 and /RESET Pins with Respect to V SS [Note 2]–0.6V DD +1V Total Power Dissipation1.21W Maximum Allowable Current out of V SS 220mA Maximum Allowable Current into V DD180mA Maximum Allowable Current into an Input Pin [Note 3]–600+600µA Maximum Allowable Current into an Open-Drain Pin [Note 4]–600+600µA Maximum Allowable Output Current Sinked by Any I/O Pin 25mA Maximum Allowable Output Current Sourced by Any I/O Pin25mASTANDARD TEST CONDITIONSThe characteristics listed below apply for standard test conditions as noted. All voltages are referenced to Ground.Positive current flows into the referenced pin (Test Load).CAPACITANCET A = 25°C, V CC = GND = 0V, f = 1.0 MHz; unmeasured pins returned to GND.ParameterMin Max Input capacitance012 pF Output capacitance 012 pF I/O capacitance12 pFNotes:[1] This applies to all pins except XTAL pins and where otherwise noted.[2] There is no input protection diode from pin to V DD .[3] This excludes XTAL pins.[4] Device pin is not at an output Low state.Total power dissipation should not exceed 1.21 W for the package. Power dissipation is calculated as follows:Total Power Dissipation = V DD x [ I DD – (sum of I OH ) ]+ sum of [ (V DD – V OH ) x I OH ]+ sum of (V 0L x I 0L )Notice:Stresses greater than those listed under Absolute Maxi-mum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the de-vice. This is a stress rating only; functional operation of the device at any condition above those indicated in the operational sections of these specifications is not implied.Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for an extended period may affect device reliability.Under T 150 pFTest Load DiagramDC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSTA = 0°C Typical [1]VCC to +70°C@Sym Parameter Note [3]Min Max25°C Units Conditions NotesV CH Clock Input High Voltage 3.0V0.7 VCCVCC+0.3 1.3V Driven by External Clock Generator5.5V0.7 VCCVCC+0.3 2.5V Driven by External Clock GeneratorV CL Clock Input Low Voltage 3.0V GND-0.30.2 VCC0.7V Driven by External Clock Generator5.5V GND-0.30.2 VCC1.5V Driven by External Clock GeneratorV IH Input High Voltage 3.0V0.7 VCCVCC+0.3 1.3V5.5V0.7 VCCVCC+0.3 2.5VV IL Input Low Voltage 3.0V GND-0.30.2 VCC0.7V5.5V GND-0.30.2 VCC1.5VV OH Output High Voltge 3.0V VCC–0.4 3.1V IOH= – 0.5 mA Low EMI Mode 5.5V VCC–0.4 4.8V IOH= – 0.5 mAV OH1Output High Voltage 3.0V VCC–0.4 3.1V IOH= – 2.0 mA[8]5.5V VCC–0.4 4.8V IOH= – 2.0 mA[8]V OL Output Low Voltage 3.0V0.60.3V IOL= 1.0 mA Low EMI Mode 5.5V0.40.2V IOL= 1.0 mAV OL1Output Low Voltage 3.0V0.60.2V IOL= + 4.0 mA[8]5.0V0.40.1V IOL= + 4.0 mA[8]V OL2Output Low Voltage 3.0V 1.20.5V IOL= + 6 mA[8]5.5V 1.20.5V IOL= + 12 mA[8]V RH Reset Input High Voltage 3.0V.8 VCCVCC1.5V[7]5.5V.8 VCCVCC2.1V[7]V RL Reset Input Low Voltage 3.0V GND–0.30.2 VCC1.1[7]5.5V GND–0.30.2 VCC1.7[7]V OLR Reset Outut Low Voltage 3.0V0.60.3V IOL= +1.0 mA[7]5.5V0.60.2V IOL= +1.0 mA[7]V OFFSET Comparator Input Offset 3.0V2510mV Voltage 5.5V2510mVV ICR Input Common Mode 3.0V GND-0.3VCC–1.0V V[10] Voltage Range 5.5V GND-0.3VCC–1.0V V[10]I IL Input Leakage 3.0V–120.064µA VIN= OV, VCC5.5V–120.064µA VIN= OV, VCCI OL Output Leakage 3.0V–120.114µA VIN= OV, VCC5.5V–120.114µA VIN= OV, VCCI IR Reset Input Current 3.0V–20–130–62µA5.5V–20–180–112µAI CC Supply Current 3.0V207mA@ 16 MHz[4,5]5.5V2520mA@ 16 MHz[4,5]3.0V155mA@ 12 MHz[4,5]5.5V2015mA@ 12 MHz[4,5]Z ILOGDC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Continued)T A = 0°C Typical [1]V CCto +70°C@Sym Parameter Note [3]Min Max25°C UnitsConditions Notes I CC1Standby Current 3.0V 4.52.0mA V IN = 0V, V CC @ 16 MHz [4,5](Halt Mode)5.5V 8 3.7mA V IN = 0V, V CC @ 16 MHz [4,5]3.0V 4 1.5mA V IN = 0V, V CC @ 12 MHz [4,5]5.5V 6 3.2mA V IN = 0V, V CC @ 12 MHz [4,5]3.0V 3.4 1.5mA Clock Divide by 16 @ 16 MHz [4,5]5.5V 7.0 2.9mA Clock Divide by 16 @ 16 MHz [4,5]3.0V 3 1.2mA Clock Divide by 16 @ 12 MHz [4,5]5.5V5 2.5mA Clock Divide by 16 @ 12 MHz [4,5]I CC2Standby Current 3.0V 82µA V IN = OV, V CC[6,11](Stop Mode)WDT is not Running 5.5V 104µA V IN = OV, V CC[6,11]WDT is not Running 3.0V 500310µA V IN = OV, V CC[6,11]WDT is Running 5.5V800600µA V IN = OV, V CC[6,11]WDT is Running I ALL Auto Latch 3.0V 0.78 2.4µA OV < V IN < V CC [9]Low Current 5.5V 1.415 4.7µA OV < V IN < V CC [9]I ALHAuto Latch 3.0V –0.6–5–1.8µA OV < V IN < V CC [9]High Current 5.5V–1–8–3.8µA OV < V IN < V CC[9]T POR Power On Reset3.0V 324 10mS 5.5V2.0134mS V LVLow Voltage Protection2.052.95 2.6V6 MHz max INT CLK Freq.[7]Note:[1] Typicals are at V CC = 5.0V and 3.3V.[2] GND = 0V.[3] The V CC voltage spec. of 3.0V guarantees 3.3V ± 0.3V and the V DD voltage spec. of 5.5V guarantees 5.0V ± 0.5V.[4] All outputs unloaded, I/O pins floating, inputs at rail.[5] CL1= CL2 = 10 pF.[6] Same as note [4] except inputs at V CC .[7] Z86C40 only.[8] STD Mode (not Low-EMI Mode).[9] Auto Latch (mask option) selected.[10] For analog comparator inputs when analog comparators are enabled.[11] Clock must be forced Low, when XTAL1 is clock driven and XTAL2 is floating.DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICST A =–40°C Typical [1]VCC to 105°C@Sym Parameter Note [3]Min Max25°C Units Conditions NotesV CH Clock Input High Voltage 3.0V0.7 VCCVCC+0.3 1.3V Driven by External Clock Generator5.5V0.7 VCCVCC+0.3 2.5V Driven by External Clock GeneratorV CL Clock Input Low Voltage 3.0V GND-0.30.2 VCC0.7V Driven by External Clock Generator5.5V GND-0.30.2 VCC1.5V Driven by External Clock GeneratorV IH Input High Voltage 3.0V0.7 VCCVCC+0.3 1.3V5.5V0.7 VCCVCC+0.3 2.5VV IL Input Low Voltage 3.0V GND-0.30.2 VCC0.7V5.5V GND-0.30.2 VCC1.5VV OH Output High Voltage 3.0V VCC–0.4 3.1V IOH= – 0.5 mA Low EMI Mode 5.5V VCC–0.4 4.8V IOH= – 0.5 mAV OH1Output High Voltage 3.0V VCC–0.4 3.1V IOH= – 2.0 mA[8]5.5V VCC–0.4 4.8V IOH= – 2.0 mA[8]V OL Output Low Voltage 3.0V0.60.3V IOL= 1.0 mA Low EMI Mode 5.5V0.40.2V IOL= 1.0 mAV OL1Output Low Voltage 3.0V0.60.2V IOL= + 4.0 mA[8]5.0V0.40.1V IOL= + 4.0 mA[8]V OL2Output Low Voltage 3.0V 1.20.5V IOL= + 6 mA[8]5.5V 1.20.5V IOL= + 12 mA[8]V RH Reset Input High Voltage 3.0V.8 VCCVCC1.5V[7]5.5V.8 VCCVCC2.1V[7]V RL Reset Input Low Voltage 3.0V GND–0.30.2 VCC1.1[7]5.5V GND–0.30.2 VCC1.7[7]V OLR Reset Output Low Voltage 3.0V0.60.4V IOL= + 1.0 mA[7]5.5V0.60.3V IOL= + 1.0 mA[7]V OFFSET Comparator Input Offset 3.0V2510mV Voltage 5.5V2510mVV ICR Input Common Mode 3.0V GND–0.3VCC–1.5V V[10] Voltage Range 5.5V GND–0.3VCC–1.5V V[10]I IL Input Leakage 3.0V–12<1µA VIN= OV, VCC5.5V–12<1µA VIN= OV, VCCI OL Output Leakage 3.0V–12<1µA VIN= OV, VCC5.5V–12<1µA VIN= OV, VCCI IR Reset Input Current 3.0V–18–130–62µA5.5V–18–180–112µAI CC Supply Current 3.0V207mA@ 16 MHz[4,5]5.5V2520mA@ 16 MHz[4,5]3.0V155mA@ 12 MHz[4,5]5.5V2015mA@ 12 MHz[4,5]Z ILOGDC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Continued)T A = –40°C Typical [1]V CCto 105°C @Sym Parameter Note [3]Min Max 25°C UnitsConditions Notes I CC1Standby Current 3.0V 4.52.0mA V IN = 0V, V CC @ 16 MHz [4,5](Halt Mode)5.5V 8 3.7mA V IN = 0V, V CC @ 16 MHz [4,5]3.0V 4 1.5mA V IN = 0V, V CC @ 12 MHz [4,5]5.5V 6 3.2mA V IN = 0V, V CC @ 12 MHz [4,5]3.0V 3.4 1.5mA Clock Divide by 16 @ 16 MHz [4,5]5.5V 7.0 2.9mA Clock Divide by 16 @ 16 MHz [4,5]3.0V 3 1.2mA Clock Divide by 16 @ 12 MHz [4,5]5.5V5 2.5mA Clock Divide by 16 @ 12 MHz [4,5]I CC2Standby Current 3.0V 82µA V IN = OV, V CC[6,11](Stop Mode)WDT is not Running 5.5V 104µA V IN = OV, V CC[6,11]WDT is not Running 3.0V 600310µA V IN = OV, V CC[6,11]WDT is Running 5.5V1000600µA V IN = OV, V CC[6,11]WDT is Running I ALL Auto Latch Low Current 3.0V 0.710 2.4µA OV < V IN < V CC [9]5.5V 1.420 4.7µA OV < V IN < V CC [9]I ALH Auto Latch High Current 3.0V –0.6–7–1.8µA OV < V IN < V CC [9]5.5V –1.0–10–3.8µA OV < V IN < V CC[9]T POR Power On Reset 3.0V 3.0257mS 5.5V2.0144mS V LVLow Voltage Protection1.83.32.6V4 MHz max INT CLK Freq.Note:[1] Typicals are at V CC = 5.0V and 3.3V.[2] GND=0V.[3] The V CC voltage spec. of 3.0V guarantees 3.3V ± 0.3V and the V DD voltage spec. of 5.5V guarantees 5.0V ± 0.5V.[4] All outputs unloaded, I/O pins floating, inputs at rail.[5] CL1= CL2 = 100pF.[6] Same as note [4] except inputs at V CC .[[7] Z86C40 only.[8] STD Mode (not Low EMI Mode).[9] Auto Latch (mask option) selected.[10] For analog comparator inputs when analog comparators are enabled.[11] Clock must be forced Low, when XTAL1 is clock driven and XTAL2 is floating.[7] Z86C40 only.AC CHARACTERISTICSExternal I/O or Memory Read and Write Timing Diagram (Z86C40 Only) ArrayR//W, /DMPort 0Port 1/AS/DS(Read)Port1/DS(Write)External I/O or Memory Read/Write Timing(Z86C40 Only)Z ILOGAC CHARACTERISTICSExternal I/O or Memory Read and Write Timing Table (Z86C40 Only) (SCLK/TCLK = XTAL/2)T A =–40°C to 105°C TA= –40°C to +105°CNote [3] 12 MHz16 MHz12 MHz16 MHzNo Symbol Parameter VCCMin Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Units Notes 1TdA(AS)Address Valid to /AS Rise Delay 3.035253525ns[2]5.535253525ns2TdAS(A)/AS Rise to Address Float Delay 3.045354535ns[2]5.545354535ns3TdAS(DR)/AS Rise to Read Data Req’d Valid 3.0250180250180ns[1,2]5.5250180250180ns4TwAS/AS Low Width 3.055405540ns[2]5.555405540ns5TdAS(DS)Address Float to /DS Fall 3.00000ns5.50000ns6TwDSR/DS (Read) Low Width 3.0200135200135ns[1,2]5.5200135200135ns7TwDSW/DS (Write) Low Width 3.01108011080ns[1,2]5.51108011080ns8TdDSR(DR)/DS Fall to Read Data Req’d Valid 3.01507515075ns[1,2]5.51507515075ns9ThDR(DS)Read Data to /DS Rise Hold Time 3.000000ns[2]5.50000ns10TdDS(A)/DS Rise to Address Active Delay 3.045504550ns[2]5.555505550ns11TdDS(AS)/DS Rise to /AS Fall Delay 3.0 30353035ns[2]5.5 45354555ns12TdR/W(AS)R//W Valid to /AS Rise Delay 3.0 45254525ns[2]5.5 45254525ns13TdDS(R/W)/DS Rise to R//W Not Valid 3.0 45354535ns[2]5.5 45354535ns14TdDW(DSW) Write Data Valid to /DS Fall (Write) Delay 3.0 55255525ns[2]5.5 55255525ns15TdDS(DW)/DS Rise to Write Data Not Valid Delay 3.045354535ns[2]5.545354535ns16TdA(DR)Address Valid to Read Data Req’d Valid 3.0310230310230ns[1,2]5.5310230310230ns17TdAS(DS)/AS Rise to /DS Fall Delay 3.065456545ns[2]5.565456545ns18TdDM(AS)/DM Valid to /AS Fall Delay 3.035303530ns[2]5.535303530ns19TdDS(DM)/DS Rise to DM Valid Delay 3.045354535ns5.545354535ns20ThDS(AS)/DS Valid to Address Valid Hold Time 3.045354535ns5.545354535nsNotes:[1] When using extended memory timing add 2 TpC.[2] Timing numbers given are for minimum TpC.[3] The VCC voltage specification of 3.0V guarantees 3.3V ± 0.3V, and theV DD voltage specification of 5.5V guarantees 5.0V ± 0.5V.Standard Test LoadAll timing references use 0.7 VCCfor a logic 1 and 0.2 VCCfor a logic 0.For Standard Mode (not Low-EMI Mode for outputs) with SMR D1 = 0,D0 = 0.AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Additional Timing DiagramAdditional TimingClockTINIRQNClock SetupStop Mode Recovery SourceZ ILOGAC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSAdditional Timing Table (Divide-By-One Mode)T A = 0°C to +70°CT A = 40°C to +105°C V CC4 MHz 4 MHz No Symbol Parameter Note [6]Min Max Min Max Units Notes 1TpC Input Clock Period 3.0V 250 DC 250DC ns [1,7,8]5.5V 250DC 250DC ns [1,7,8]2TrC,TfC Clock Input Rise & Fall Times 3.0V 2525ns [1,7,8]5.5V 2525ns [1,7,8]3TwC Input Clock Width 3.0V 100100ns [1,7,8]5.5V 100100ns [1,7,8]4TwTinL Timer Input Low Width 3.0V 100100ns [1,7,8]5.5V 7070ns[1,7,8]5TwTinH Timer Input High Width 3.0V 5TpC 5TpC [1,7,8]5.5V 5TpC 5TpC [1,7,8]6TpTin Timer Input Period 3.0V 8TpC 8TpC [1,7,8]5.5V 8TpC8TpC[1,7,8]7TrTin,Timer Input Rise & Fall Timer 3.0V 100100ns [1,7,8]TfTin 5.5V 100100ns [1,7,8]8A TwIL Int. Request Low Time 3.0V 100100ns [1,2,7,8]5.5V 7070ns[1,2,7,8]8B TwIL Int. Request Low Time 3.0V 5TpC 5TpC [1,3,7,8]5.5V 5TpC 5TpC [1,3,7,8]9TwIH Int. Request Input High Time3.0V 5TpC 5TpC [1,2,7,8]5.5V5TpC 5TpC [1,2,7,8]10Twsm STOP Mode Recovery Width Spec 3.0V12 12ns [4,8]5.5V1212ns [4,8]11TostOscillator Start-up Time 3.0V5TpC 5TpC [4,8,9]5.5V5TpC5TpC[4,8,9]Notes:[1] Timing Reference uses 0.7 V CC for a logic 1 and 0.2 V CC for a logic 0.[2] Interrupt request via Port 3 (P31-P33).[3] Interrupt request via Port 3 (P30).[4] SMR-D5 = 1, POR STOP Mode Delay is on.[5] Reg. WDTMR.[6] The V CC voltage specification of 3.0V guarantees 3.3V ± 0.3V, and the V DD voltage specification of 5.5V guarantees 5.0V ± 0.5V.[7] SMR D1 = 0.[8] Maximum frequency for internal system clock is 4 MHz when using XTAL divide-by-one mode.[9] For RC and LC oscillator, and for oscillator driven by clock driver.AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Additional Timing TableT A = –40°C to +105°C T A = 0°C to +70°C V CC16 MHz 12 MHz No Symbol Parameter Note [6] Min Max Min Max Units Notes 1TpC Input Clock Period 3.0V 62.5 DC 83 DC ns [1,7,8]5.5V 62.5DC 83DC ns [1,7,8]2TrC,TfC Clock Input Rise & Fall Times 3.0V 1515ns [1,7,8]5.5V 1515ns [1,7,8]3TwC Input Clock Width 3.0V 3126ns [1,7,8]5.5V 3126ns [1,7,8]4TwTinL Timer Input Low Width 3.0V 100100ns [1,7,8]5.5V 7070ns[1,7,8]5TwTinH Timer Input High Width 3.0V 5TpC 5TpC [1,7,8]5.5V 5TpC 5TpC [1,7,8]6TpTinTimer Input Period 3.0V 8TpC 8TpC [1,7,8]5.5V 8TpC8TpC[1,7,8]7TrTin,Timer Input Rise & Fall Timer 3.0V 100100ns [1,7,8]TfTin 5.5V 100100ns [1,7,8]8A TwIL Int. Request Low Time 3.0V 100100ns [1,2,7,8]5.5V 7070ns [1,2,7,8]8B TwIL Int. Request Low Time 3.0V 5TpC 5TpC [1,3,7,8]5.5V 5TpC 5TpC [1,3,7,8]9TwIHInt. Request Input High Time3.0V 5TpC 5TpC [1,2,7,8]5.5V5TpC 5TpC [1,2,7,8]10Twsm STOP Mode Recovery Width Spec 3.0V1212ns [4,8]5.5V1212ns[4,8]11Tost Oscillator Start-up Time 3.0V5TpC 5TpC [4,8]5.5V 5TpC5TpC[4,8]12TwdtWatch-Dog Timer Delay Time 3.0V 1010ms D0 = 0 [5,11]Before Refresh5.5V 5 5.0ms D1 = 0 [5,11]3.0V 2020ms D0 = 1 [5,11]5.5V 1010ms D1 = 0 [5,11]3.0V 4040ms D0 = 0 [5,11]5.5V 2020ms D1 = 1 [5,11]3.0V 160160ms D0 = 1 [5,11]5.5V8080msD1 = 1 [5,11]Notes:[1] Timing Reference uses 0.7 V CC for a logic 1 and 0.2 V CC for a logic 0.[2] Interrupt request via Port 3 (P31-P33).[3] Interrupt request via Port 3 (P30).[4] SMR-D5 = 1, POR STOP Mode Delay is on.[5] Reg. WDTMR.[6] The V CC voltage spec. of 3.0V guarantees 3.3V ± 0.3V and the V DD voltage spec. of 5.5V guarantees 5.0V ± 0.5V.[7] SMR D1 = 0.[8] Maximum frequency for internal system clock is 4 MHz when using XTAL divide-by-one mode.[9] For RC and LC oscillator, and for oscillator driven by clock driver.[10] Standard Mode (not Low EMI output ports).[11] Using internal RC.Z ILOGAC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Handshake Timing DiagramsInput Handshake TimingOutput Handshake TimingData Out /DA V (Output)RDY (Input)Data In /DA V (Input)RDY (Output)Zilog’s products are not authorized for use as critical compo-nents in life support devices or systems unless a specific written agreement pertaining to such intended use is executed between the customer and Zilog prior to use. Life support devices or systems are those which are intended for surgical implantation into the body, or which sustains life whose failure to perform,when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in significant injury to the user.Zilog, Inc. 210 East Hacienda Ave.Campbell, CA 95008-6600Telephone (408) 370-8000Telex 910-338-7621FAX 408 370-8056Internet: © 1997 by Zilog, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of Zilog, Inc. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Devices sold by Zilog, Inc. are covered by warranty and patent indemnification provisions appearing in Zilog, Inc. Terms and Conditions of Sale only. Zilog, Inc. makes no warranty, express, statutory, implied or by description, regarding the information set forth herein or regarding the freedom of the described devices from intellectual property infringement. Zilog, Inc. makes no warranty of mer-chantability or fitness for any purpose. Zilog, Inc. shall not be responsible for any errors that may appear in this document.Zilog, Inc. makes no commitment to update or keep current the information contained in this document.。
311C 简介
两个通讯串口都可以支持标准的MIRRORED BITS™通讯技术以及其它自动化功能。
显示面板、扩展I/O以及分布式网络规约(DNP Version 3.00 Level 2)可以作为可选的功能。
图1 功能框图F unc_O verviewi2019SEL-311C继电器包含所有保护架空输电线路和地下电缆所必须的保护元件和控制逻辑。
CCC证书及 设计专利证书
XE3112SL电气火灾监控探测器——性能 支持双电源工作
XE3112SL电气火灾监控探测器——性能 可设置联动输出
XE3112SL电气火灾监控探测器——性能 采用12位AD采样,精确度高
专用防静电PC透明 件,超国家标准
报警出声孔,嵌入 式安装不会影响报 警声音
XE3112SL电气火灾监控探测器——外观、结构升级 支持35mm导轨安装和嵌入式安装
XE3112SL电气火灾监控探测器——性能 支持同时测温、测电流功能
电气火灾监控探测器 XE3112SL
电气火灾监控探测器XE3112SL,是鑫豪斯新 一代的电气火灾监控探测器: 沿用DBUS通讯设计,但提高了通讯能力, 单回路带载可达200点; 升级外观、结构; 增加了至少4倍精度等等。
Z86C95中文资料(zilog)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」
Z86C95 80引 脚 QFP
84引 脚 PLCC引 脚 分 配
Z86C95 DSP CPS DC-4067-13
topmarked与"Z86C95 ASC / FSC / VSC."
1. ICC1在暂停模式将呈现17-18当前毫安, 然后会跳转到40-70毫安,而17-24毫安之间将落户.建 立时间约为10-15秒.
2. ICC2在停止模式下,DSP暂停显示1-2毫安 电流,然后会跳转到5-7毫安,并且将稳定在3-4毫 安.建立时间约为10-15秒.
所有信号与之前前斜杠"/",为低电平有效,如: 乙// W(字是低电平有效); / B / W(BYTE是低电平有效,只).电Leabharlann 连接请按照下面常规说明:触点
Three basic address spaces are available to support this wide range of configurations: Program Memory, Register File, and Expanded Register File. The Register File is composed of 61/125 bytes of General-Purpose Registers, two I/O Port registers, and 12/14 Control and Status registers. The Expanded Register File consists of three control registers in the Z86C03, and four control registers, a SPI Receive Buffer, and a SPI compare register in the Z86C06. With powerful peripheral features such, as on-board comparators, counter/timer(s), Watch-Dog Timer (WDT), and Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) (C06 only), the Z86C03/
Part Z86C03 Z86C06
s s s s
ROM 512 bytes 1 Kbyte
RAM 60 124
Speed 8 MHz 12 MHz
Z8640B(C)型热芯盒射芯机使用说明书共30 页第1 页目录1.概述2.主要技术参数3.主要结构特点与工作原理4.机器的安装和调整5.机器的操作6.机器的维修和保养7.易损件目录8.主要外购件目录9.附图(1) 总图(2) 动作逻辑图(3) 工艺流程图(4) 气动原理图(5) 加热棒和热电偶分组图(6) 电气安装现场接线图(7) 接近开关位置示意图(8) 机器与芯盒、射板、顶芯板的关系(9) 机器与芯盒有关尺寸(10) 地基示意图(11) 电气原理图Z8640B(C)型热芯盒射芯机使用说明书1.概述Z8640B型射芯机是一种新型的射制40Kg以下砂芯的全自动高效率热芯盒射芯机。
2.主要技术参数最大芯盒尺寸(长×宽×高)1000×700×700 mm最大制芯尺寸(长×宽×高)900×600×230 mm 最大制芯质量40 kg工作台至射头距离830 mm 工作台面尺寸1200×980 mm 工作台面高度1050 mm 取芯车高度1775 mm 顶升缸有效行程100 mm 下顶芯有效行程330 mm 抽模活块高度1575 mm抽模活块间距最小704 mm最大1304 mm每工位循环机动时间四开模45 s二开模42 s Z8640B(C)型热芯盒射芯机使用说明书每循环自由空气消耗量Z8640B型m3Z8640C型m3工作气压~ MPa电功率Z8640B型75 kWZ8640C型150 kW 机器总重Z8640B型7800 kgZ8640C型11000 kg机器最大外形尺寸(长×宽×高)Z8640B型4000×3900×4145 mmZ8640C型6450×3900×4145 mm 3.主要结构特点及工作原理主要结构特点3.1.1Z8640B型射芯机Z8640B型射芯机具有一个射芯工位和一个起芯工位,一台驱动工作台穿梭于射芯、起芯工位之间。
1/21 XC6210 ETR0317_002■FEATURESMaximum Output Current :Morethan700mA(800mA limit, TYP.)(1.6V<V OUT(T)<5.0V)Dropout Voltage :50mV@I OUT=100mAOperating Voltage Range: 1.5V ~ 6.0VOutput Voltage Range: 0.8V ~ 5.0V(50mVincrements)Highly Accurate :+2%(The setting voltage accuracy)Low Power Consumption :35µA (TYP.)High Ripple Rejection: 60dB @1kHzOperational Ambient Temperature: - 40℃ ~ 85℃Ultra Small Packages: SOT-25 (SOT-23-5)SOT-89-5USP-6B◆CMOS◆Low Power Consumption :35µA (TYP.)◆Maximum Output Current :More than 700mA(800mA limit, TYP.)◆Dropout Voltage :50mV @ 100mA:100mV@200mA◆Operating Voltage Range :1.5V ~ 6.0V◆Output Voltage Range :0.8V ~ 5.0V◆Low ESR Capacitor Compatible■GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe XC6210 series are precise, low noise, high current, positivevoltage low dropout regulators. They are fabricated usingTorex’s CMOS process.The series features a voltage reference, an error amplifier, a currentlimiter, and a phase compensation circuit plus a driver transistor.With a low ON resistance driver transistor built into, batteriescan be used until input-output voltage differential is minimal andcan accordingly be used for a longer time.The series is also compatible with low ESR ceramic capacitorswhich give added output stability.The output voltage of the LDO is selectable in 50mV incrementswithin the range of 0.8V to 5.0V.The current limiter's foldback circuit also operates as the outputcurrent limiter and the output pin protection.The IC's internal regulator circuit can be placed in stand-bymode via the CE function. In the stand-by mode, powerconsumption is greatly reduced.■APPLICATIONS●CD-ROMs, CD-R / RW drive●DVD drive●HDD drive●Cameras, Video recorders●Portable AV equipment●Battery powered equipment■TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUIT■TYPICAL PERFORMANCECHARACTERISTICS●Dropout Voltage vs. Output Current2/21XC6210 SeriesPIN NUMBERSOT-25 SOT-89-5 USP-6BPIN NAME FUNCTION3 1 1 CE ON/OFF Control 14 3 V IN Power Input 2 2 4 V SS Ground5 5 5 V OUT Output 4 3 2,6 NC No ConnectionSERIES CE INPUT LOGICXC6210A High Active with Pull-Down ResistorXC6210B High Active with No Pull-Down Resistor XC6210CLow Active with Pull-Up Resistor XC6210DLow Active with No Pull-Up ResistorDESIGNATORDESRIPTIONSYMBOLDESCRIPTIONA: High Active with pull-down resistor B : High Active with no pull-down resistor C : Low Active with pull-up resistor ①CE Pin FunctionsD: Low Active with no pull-up resistor ② ③Output Voltage08~50 : ex.) 3.0V → ②=3, ③=02: 100mV increments, +2% (V OUT<1.5V →less than +30mV) ex.) 2.80V →②=2, ③=8, ④=2④ Output Voltage AccuracyA : 50mV increments, +2% (V OUT <1.5V →less than +30mV) ex.) 2.85V →②=2, ③=8, ④=A M: SOT-25 (SOT-23-5)P : SOT-89-5⑤ Packages D : USP-6BR : Embossed tape, standard feed ⑥ Device OrientationL: Embossed tape, reverse feed■PIN CONFIGURATIONSOT-25 (TOP VIEW)NCVSS SOT-89-5 (TOP VIEW)■PIN ASSIGNMENT■PRODUCT CLASSIFICATION●Selection GuideCE Input Logic, Internal Pull-Up / Down Resistor●Ordering InformationXC6210 ①②③④⑤⑥ *The dissipation pad for the USP-6B package should be solder-plated in recommended mount pattern and metal masking so as to enhance mounting strength and heat release. If the pad needs to be connected to other pins, it should be connected to the V SS pins.USP-6B (BOTTOM VIEW)3/21XC6210Series●SOT-25 (SOT-23-5)●SOT-89-5●USP-6B■PACKAGING INFORMATION* Pin no. 1 is thicker than other pins.4/21XC6210SeriesMARKPRODUCT SERIES0 XC6210xxxxxxMARKVOLTAGE=0.1~3.0VVOLTAGE=3.1~6.0VVOLTAGE=0.15~3.05VVOLTAGE= 3.15~6.05VPRODUCT SERIESV A E L XC6210Axxxxx X B F M XC6210Bxxxxx Y C H N XC6210Cxxxxx Z D K P XC6210DxxxxxMARKOUTPUT VOLTAGE (V)MARKOUTPUT VOLTAGE (V)0 - 3.1 - 3.15 F 1.6 4.6 1.65 4.651 - 3.2 - 3.25H 1.7 4.7 1.75 4.752 - 3.3 - 3.35K 1.8 4.8 1.85 4.853 - 3.4 - 3.45L 1.9 4.9 1.95 4.954 - 3.5 - 3.55M 2.0 5.0 2.05- 5 - 3.6 - 3.65N 2.1 - 2.15- 6 - 3.7 - 3.75P 2.2 - 2.25- 7 0.8 3.8 - 3.85R 2.3 - 2.35- 8 0.9 3.9 0.85 3.95S 2.4 - 2.45- 9 1.0 4.0 0.95 4.05T 2.5 - 2.55- A 1.1 4.1 1.15 4.15U 2.6 - 2.65- B 1.2 4.2 1.25 4.25V 2.7 - 2.75- C 1.3 4.3 1.35 4.35X 2.8 - 2.85- D 1.4 4.4 1.45 4.45Y 2.9 - 2.95- E 1.5 4.5 1.554.55Z 3.0 - 3.05-■MARKING RULE①Represents product series②Represents CE function③Represents output voltage ④Represents production lot number0 to 9, A to Z reverse character 0 to 9, A to Z repeated (G, I, J, O, Q, W excepted)●SOT-25●SOT-89-5 SOT-89-5 (TOP VIEW)5/21XC6210SeriesMARKVOLTAGE(V)PRODUCT SERIESMARKVOLTAGE(V)PRODUCT SERIES0 x.0 XC6210xx02Dx A x.05 XC6210xx0ADx 1 x.1 XC6210xx12Dx B x.15 XC6210xx1ADx 2 x.2 XC6210xx22Dx C x.25 XC6210xx2ADx 3 x.3 XC6210xx32Dx D x.35 XC6210xx3ADx 4 x.4 XC6210xx42Dx E x.45 XC6210xx4ADx 5 x.5 XC6210xx52Dx F x.55 XC6210xx5ADx 6 x.6 XC6210xx62Dx H x.65 XC6210xx6ADx 7 x.7 XC6210xx72Dx K x.75 XC6210xx7ADx 8 x.8 XC6210xx82Dx L x.85 XC6210xx8ADx 9 x.9 XC6210xx92DxM x.95 XC6210xx9ADxMARK①②PRODUCT SERIES1 0 XC6210xxxxxxMARK TYPEPRODUCT SERIES A High Active With Pull-Down Resistor XC6210AxxxDx B High Active With No Pull-Down ResistorXC6210AxxxDx C Low Active With Pull-Up Resistor XC6210AxxxDx DLow Active With No Pull-Up ResistorXC6210AxxxDxS Custom XC6210AxxxDxMARKVOLTAGE (V)PRODUCT SERIES3 3.3 XC6210x3xxDx5 5.0 XC6210x5xxDx●USP-6B ①②Represents product series③Represents CE Function④Represents the integer number of output voltage⑥Represents production lot number0 to 9, A to Z repeated (G, I, J, O, Q, W, excepted) Note: No character inversion used.USP-6B(TOP VIEW)⑤Represents the decimal point of output voltage ■MARKING RULE (Continued)6/21XC6210SeriesPARAMETER SYMBOLRATINGSUNITSInput Voltage V IN 6.5 V Output Current * I OUT 900 mAOutput Voltage V OUT V SS -0.3 ~ V IN +0.3 V CE Pin VoltageV CEV SS -0.3 ~ 6.5VSOT-25 250 SOT-89-5 500 Power DissipationUSP-6BPd 100mW Operating Temperature Range Topr - 40 ~ + 85 ℃ Storage Temperature RangeTstg- 55 ~ + 125℃■BLOCK DIAGRAM■ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSTa=25℃* I OUT =Pd / (V IN – V OUT )7/21XC6210Series■ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS●XC6210 seriesNOTE:*1: Unless otherwise stated, V IN =V OUT(T)+1.0V *2: V OUT(T)=Specified output voltage *3: V OUT(E)=Effective output voltage(i.e. the output voltage when " V OUT(T)+1.0V" is provided while maintaining a certain I OUT value). *4: Vdif ={V IN1(*6)-V OUT1(*5)}*5: A voltage equal to 98% of the output voltage whenever a stabilized V OUT1=I OUT {V OUT(T)+1.0V} is input. *6: V IN 1= the input voltage when V OUT1, which appears as input voltage is gradually decreased. *7: V OUT(T)<1.50V MIN. : V OUT(T) - 30mV, MAX. : V OUT(T) +30mV *8: CE conditions:XC6210A / B type: ON=V IN , OFF=V SSXC6210C / D type: ON=V SS, OFF=V IN8/21XC6210 SeriesE-1 E-2 E-3 E-4 E-5 SETTINGOUTPUT VOL T AGEOUTPUT VOLTAGE (Accuracy: 2%)DROPOUT VOLTAGE 1 (I OUT =30mA)DROPOUT VOLTAGE 2 (I OUT =100mA)SUPPLY CURRENT CE “H” LEVEL CURRENTCE “L” LEVEL CURRENT(V) (V) (mV) (mV) (µA) (µA) (µA) V OUT Vdif1 Vdif2I DD I CEH I CELV OUT(T)MIN.MAX.TYP .MAX.TYP .MAX.TYP .MAX.MIN.MAX.MIN.MAX.0.80 0.770 0.8300.85 0.820 0.880700.0 800.00.90 0.870 0.9300.95 0.920 0.980 100.0 600.0 250.0700.038.0 60.0 1.50 5.00 -5.00-1.501.00 0.970 1.0301.05 1.020 1.080500.0 600.01.10 1.070 1.1301.15 1.120 1.180 50.0 400.0 150.0500.01.20 1.170 1.2301.25 1.220 1.280 300.0 400.01.30 1.270 1.3301.35 1.320 1.380 200.0 300.01.40 1.370 1.4301.45 1.420 1.480 30.0 100.0 100.0250.038.5 61.5 2.00 6.50 -6.50-2.001.50 1.470 1.530 1.55 1.519 1.581 1.60 1.568 1.632 1.65 1.617 1.683 1.70 1.666 1.7341.75 1.715 1.785 1.80 1.764 1.836 1.85 1.813 1.887 1.90 1.862 1.938 1.95 1.911 1.989 27.0 41.0 90.0 135.039.0 63.02.50 8.00 -8.00-2.502.00 1.960 2.040 2.05 2.009 2.091 2.10 2.058 2.142 2.15 2.107 2.193 2.20 2.156 2.2442.25 2.205 2.295 2.30 2.254 2.346 2.35 2.303 2.397 2.40 2.352 2.448 2.45 2.401 2.499 25.0 37.0 80.0 120.039.5 64.53.00 9.50 -9.50-3.002.50 2.450 2.550 2.55 2.499 2.601 2.60 2.548 2.652 2.65 2.597 2.703 2.70 2.646 2.7542.75 2.695 2.805 2.80 2.744 2.856 2.85 2.793 2.907 2.90 2.842 2.958 2.95 2.8913.00918.0 28.0 60.0 90.0 40.0 66.0 3.50 11.00 -11.00-3.50●Dropout Voltage, Supply Current, CE “H / L” Level Current Chart■VOLTAGE CHARTTa=25℃9/21XC6210SeriesE-1 E-2 E-3 E-4 E-5 SETTING OUTPUT VOL T AGEOUTPUT VOLTAGE (Accuracy: 2%)DROPOUT VOLTAGE 1 (I OUT =30mA)DROPOUT VOLTAGE 2 (I OUT =100mA)SUPPLYCURRENT CE “H” LEVEL CURRENTCE “L” LEVEL CURRENT(V) (V) (mV) (mV) (µA) (µA) (µA) V OUT Vdif1 Vdif2I DD I CEH I CELV OUT(T)MIN.MAX.TYP .MAX.TYP .MAX.TYP .MAX.MIN.MAX.MIN.MAX.3.00 2.940 3.060 3.05 2.989 3.111 3.10 3.038 3.162 3.15 3.087 3.213 3.20 3.136 3.2643.25 3.185 3.315 3.30 3.234 3.366 3.35 3.283 3.417 3.40 3.332 3.468 3.45 3.381 3.519 15.0 23.0 50.0 75.0 40.5 67.54.00 12.50 -12.50-4.003.50 3.430 3.570 3.55 3.479 3.621 3.60 3.528 3.672 3.65 3.577 3.723 3.70 3.626 3.7743.75 3.675 3.825 3.80 3.724 3.876 3.85 3.773 3.927 3.90 3.822 3.978 3.95 3.8714.029 15 23 50 75 41.0 69.0 4.40 14.00 -14.00-4.404.00 3.920 4.080 4.05 3.969 4.131 4.10 4.018 4.182 4.15 4.067 4.233 4.20 4.116 4.2844.25 4.165 4.335 4.30 4.214 4.386 4.30 4.214 4.386 4.40 4.312 4.488 4.45 4.361 4.539 41.5 70.5 4.85 15.50 -15.50-4.854.50 4.410 4.590 4.55 4.459 4.641 4.60 4.508 4.692 4.65 4.557 4.743 4.70 4.606 4.7944.75 4.655 4.8454.80 4.704 4.896 4.85 4.753 4.947 4.90 4.802 4.998 4.95 4.8515.049 5.00 4.900 5.10015.0 23.0 50.0 75.0 42.0 72.0 5.30 17.00 -17.00-5.30●Dropout Voltage, Supply Current, CE “H / L” Level Current Chart■VOLTAGE CHART (Continued)Ta=25℃10/21XC6210 SeriesVR OUTPUT VOLTAGE0.8V~1.45V 1.5V ~ 1.75V 1.8V ~ 5.0V C LMore than 6.8µFMore than 4.7µFMore than 1.0µF■TEST CIRCUITS●Circuit ①V IN●Circuit②●Circuit ③●Output Capacitor Corresponding ChartIOUT=30mASeries■OPERATIONAL EXPLANATION<Output Voltage Regulator Control>The voltage, divided by resistors R1 & R2, which are connected to the V OUT pin is compared with the internal reference voltage by the error amplifier. The P-channel MOSFET, which is connected to the V OUT pin, is then driven by the subsequent output signal. The output voltage at the V OUT pin is controlled & stabilized by negative feedback. The constant current limit circuit and short circuit protection operate in relation to the level of output current.<Low ESR Capacitor>With the XC6210 series regulator, a stable output voltage is achievable even if low ESR capacitors are used, as a phase compensation circuit is built into the regulator. In order to ensure the effectiveness of the phase compensation,we suggest that an output capacitor (C L) be connected as close as possible, between the output pin (V OUT) and the V SS pin.Please use an output capacitor (C L) with a capacitance, based on the chart below. We also suggest an input capacitor (CIN) of 1µF: this should be connected between V IN and V SS in order to stabilize input power source.Output Capacitor Corresponding ChartV OUT0.8V ~ 1.45V 1.5V ~ 1.75V 1.8V ~ 5.0VCL More than 6.8µF More than 4.7µF More than 1.0µF<Current Limiter, Short-Circuit Protection>The XC6210 series regulator offers a combination of current limit and short circuit protection by means of a built-in fixed current limiter circuit and a foldback circuit. When the load current reaches the current limit level, the fixed current limiter circuit operates and output voltage drops. As a result of this drop in output voltage, the foldback circuit operates, the output voltage drops further and output current decreases. When the output pin is shorted, a current of about 50mA flows.<CE Pin>The IC's internal regulator circuitry can be shut down via the signal from the CE pin with the XC6210series. In shutdown mode, output at the V OUT pin will be pulled down to the VSS level via R1 & R2. Options are available for the CE pin logic (See the product classification). Note that as the XC6210B types are 'High Active / No Pull-Down', operations will become unstable with the CE pin open. Although the CE pin is equal to an inverter input with CMOS hysteresis, with either the pull-up or pull-down options, the CE pin input current will increase when the IC is in operation.We suggest that you use this IC with either a V IN voltage or a V SS voltage input at the CE pin. If this IC is used with the correct specifications for the CE pin, the IC will operate normally. However, supply current may increase as a result of through current in the IC's internal circuitry if a voltage other than V IN or V SS is applied.■NOTES ON USE1. Please use this IC within the stated absolute maximum ratings. The IC is liable to malfunction should the ratings beexceeded.2. Where wiring impedance is high, operations may become unstable due to noise and/or phase lag depending on outputcurrent. Please strengthen V IN and V SS wiring in particular.3. Please wire the input capacitor (C IN) and the output capacitor (C L) as close to the IC as possible. Should rapid inputfluctuation or load fluctuation occur, please increase the capacitor value such as C IN or C L to stabilize the operation.■TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (1) Output Voltage vs. Output CurrentSeries ■TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (Continued)(2) Output Voltage vs. Input Voltage■TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) (3) Dropout Voltage vs. Output CurrentSeries■TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (Continued)(4) Supply Current vs. Input Voltage(5) Output Voltage vs. Ambient Temperature■TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) (6) Supply Current vs. Ambient Temperature(7) CE Pin Threshold Voltage vs. Ambient TemperatureSeries ■TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (Continued)(8) Input Transient Response 1■TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) (9) Load Transient ResponseSeries ■TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (Continued)(10) Ripple Rejection Rate■TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) (11) Input Transient Response 2元器件交易网XC6210Series21/21。
1C USTOMER P ROCUREMENT S PECIFICATIONGENERAL DESCRIPTIONZ86127L OW -C OST D IGITALT ELEVISION C ONTROLLER (LDTC)The Z86127 Low-Cost Digital Television Controller (LDTC)introduces a new level of sophistication to single-chip architecture. The Z86127 is a member of the Z8® single-chip microcontroller family with 8 Kbytes of ROM and 236bytes of RAM. The device is housed in a 64-pin DIP package, in which only 52 are active, and are CMOS compatible. The LDTC offers mask programmed ROM which enables the Z8 microcontroller to be used in a high volume production application device embedded with a custom program (customer supplied program).Zilog’s LDTC offers fast execution, efficient use of memory,sophisticated interrupts, input/output bit manipulation capabilities, and easy hardware/software system expansion along with low cost and low power consumption. The device provides an ideal performance and reliability solution for consumer and industrial television applications.The Z86127 architecture is characterized by utilizing Zilog’s advanced Superintegration™ design methodology. The device has an 8-bit internal data path controlled by a Z8microcontroller and On Screen Display (OSD) logic circuits/Pulse Width Modulators (PWM). On-chip peripherals include two register mapped I/O ports (Ports 2 and Port 3),interrupt control logic (one software, two external and three internal interrupts) and a standby mode recovery input port (Port 3, pin P30).The OSD control circuits support 8 rows by 20 columns of characters. The character color is specified by row. One of the eight rows is assigned to show two kinds of colors for bar type displays such as volume control. The OSD is capable of displaying either low resolution (5x7 dot pattern)or high resolution (11x15 dot pattern) characters. The Z86C97 currently supports high resolution characters only.DC-4063-00(10-16-91) A 14-bit PWM port provides enough voltage resolution for a voltage synthesizer tuning system. Three 6-bit PWM ports are used for controlling audio signal levels. Five 8-bit PWM ports are used to vary picture levels.The LDTC applications demand powerful I/O capabilities.The Z86127 fulfills this with 27 I/O pins dedicated to input and output. These lines are grouped into four ports, and are configurable under software control to provide timing,status signals, parallel I/O and an address/data bus for interfacing to external memory.There are three basic address spaces available to support this wide range of configurations: Program Memory, Video RAM, and Register File. The Register File is composed of 236 bytes of general purpose registers, two I/O Port registers, 15 control and status registers and three reserved registers.To unburden the program from coping with the real-time problems such as counting/timing and data communication,the LDTC offers two on-chip counter/timers with a large number of user selectable modes (Functional Block Diagram).Notes:All Signals with a preceding front slash, "/", are active Low, e.g.:B//W (WORD is active Low); /B/W (BYTE is active Low, only).Power connections follow conventional descriptions below:Connection Circuit DevicePower V CC V DDGroundGNDV SS2345DC CHARACTERISTICST A =0°C to +70°C; V CC =+4.5V to +5.5V; F OSC =4 MHz Sym ParameterT A =0°C to +70°CTypical Units ConditionsMin Max@ 25°C V IL Input Voltage Low00.2 V CC 1.48V V ILC Input XTAL/Osc In Low0.07 V CC0.98V External Clock Generator Driven V IH Input Voltage XTAL/Osc In High 0.7 V CC V CC3.2V External Clock Generator Driven V IHC Input XTAL/Osc in High 0.8 V CC V CC 3.0V External Clock Generator Driven V HY Schmitt Hysteresis0.1 V CC0.8V V PU Maximum Pull-up Voltage 12V [2]V OLOutput Voltage Low0.40.16V I OL =1.00mA 0.40.19V I OL =3.2mA, [1]0.40.19V I OL =0.75mA [2]1.51.00V I OL =10mA [1]V 00-01AFC Level 01 In 0.45 V CC 1.9V V 01-11AFC Level 11 In 0.5 V CC 0.75 V CC3.12V V OH Output Voltage High V CC -0.44.75V I OH =-0.75mA I IR Reset Input Current -80-46µA V RL =0V I IL Input Leakage -3.0 3.00.01µA 0V,V CC I OL Tri-State Leakage -µA 0V,V CCI CC Supply Current2013.2mA All inputs at rail I CC16 3.2mA All inputs at rail I CC210µAAll inputs at railNotes:[1] Port 5[2] PWM open drain678AC CHARACTERISTICST A =0° C to +70° C; V CC =+4.5V to +5.5V; F OSC =4 MHz,No Symbol ParameterMin Max Unit 1TpC Input Clock Period2501000ns 2TrC,TfC Clock Input Rise and Fall 15ns 3TwC Input Clock Width70ns 4TwTinL Timer Input Low Width 70ns5TwTinH Timer Input High Width 3TpC 6TpTinTimer Input Period8TpC7TrTin,TfTin Timer Input Rise and Fall 100ns 8a TwIL Int Req Input Low 70ns8b TwIL 3TpC 9TwIH Int Request Input High 3TpC 10TdPOR Power On Reset Delay 25100ms 11TdLVIRES Low Voltage Detect to 200nsInternal RESET Condition 12TwRES Reset Minimum Width 5TpC 13TdHsOI H sync Start to V osc Stop 2TpV3TpV 14TdHsOh H sync End to V osc Start 1TpV 15TdWDTWDT Refresh Time12msNote:Refer to DC Characteristics for details on switching levels.© 1991 by Zilog, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of Zilog, Inc. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Devices sold by Zilog, Inc. are covered by warranty and patent indemnification provisions appearing in Zilog, Inc. Terms and Conditions of Sale only. Zilog, Inc. makes no warranty, express, statutory, implied or by description, regarding the information set forth herein or regarding the freedom of the described devices from intellectual property infringement. Zilog, Inc. makes no warranty of mer-chantability or fitness for any purpose. Zilog, Inc. shall not be responsible for any errors that may appear in this document.Zilog, Inc. makes no commitment to update or keep current the information contained in this document.Zilog, Inc. 210 East Hacienda Ave.Campbell, CA 95008-6600Telephone (408) 370-8000Telex 171-980 A/B ZILOG CPTO FAX 408 370-8056/8027。
Z8640B(C)型热芯盒射芯机使用说明书共30 页第1 页目录1.概述2.主要技术参数3.主要结构特点与工作原理4.机器的安装和调整5.机器的操作6.机器的维修和保养7.易损件目录8.主要外购件目录9.附图(1) 总图(2) 动作逻辑图(3) 工艺流程图(4) 气动原理图(5) 加热棒和热电偶分组图(6) 电气安装现场接线图(7) 接近开关位置示意图(8) 机器与芯盒、射板、顶芯板的关系(9) 机器与芯盒有关尺寸(10) 地基示意图(11) 电气原理图Z8640B(C)型热芯盒射芯机使用说明书共30 页第2 页1.概述Z8640B型射芯机是一种新型的射制40Kg以下砂芯的全自动高效率热芯盒射芯机。
2.主要技术参数2.1 最大芯盒尺寸(长×宽×高)1000×700×700 mm2.2 最大制芯尺寸(长×宽×高)900×600×230 mm2.3 最大制芯质量40 kg2.4 工作台至射头距离830 mm2.5 工作台面尺寸1200×980 mm2.6 工作台面高度1050 mm2.7 取芯车高度1775 mm2.8 顶升缸有效行程100 mm2.9 下顶芯有效行程330 mm2.10 抽模活块高度1575 mm 2.11 抽模活块间距最小704 mm最大1304 mm 2.12 每工位循环机动时间四开模45 s二开模42 s Z8640B(C)型热芯盒射芯机使用说明书共30 页第3 页2.13 每循环自由空气消耗量Z8640B型 1.2 m3Z8640C型 2.4 m32.14 工作气压0.5 ~ 0.6 MPa2.15 电功率Z8640B型75 kWZ8640C型150 kW2.16 机器总重Z8640B型7800 kgZ8640C型11000 kg2.17 机器最大外形尺寸(长×宽×高)Z8640B型4000×3900×4145 mmZ8640C型6450×3900×4145 mm3.主要结构特点及工作原理3.1 主要结构特点3.1.1Z8640B型射芯机Z8640B型射芯机具有一个射芯工位和一个起芯工位,一台驱动工作台穿梭于射芯、起芯工位之间。