



缩宫素USP32C43H66N12012S2 分子量:1007.19缩宫素为多肽类激素药,刺激子宫平滑肌收缩,刺激乳腺的平滑肌收缩。




















卡培他滨kapeitabingCapecitabineC15H22FN3O6 359.35本品为氨基甲酸,[1-(5-脱氧-β-D-呋喃核糖)-5-氟-1 ,2-二氢-2 -氧-4-嘧啶]-,戊酯.戊烷基1-(5-脱氧-β-D-呋喃核糖-5-氟-1 ,2-二氢-2-氧代-4-胞嘧啶核苷。



依法测定(USP32-NF27,781S),比旋度为+96.0⁰至 +100.0⁰【鉴别】(1)红外吸收图谱——将2mg本品混合在300mg溴化钾中压片。



【检查】水分:依法检查(USP32-NF27,921,Method Ic),水分不得过0.3%炽灼残渣:依法检查(USP32-NF27,281),遗留残渣不得过0.1%重金属:依法检查(USP32-NF27,231,MethodⅡ),含重金属不得过百万分之二十有关物质:稀释液、溶液A、溶液B、峰鉴别溶液和色谱条件:按含量测定项下的要求对照溶液的制备:使用按含量测定项下的要求制备的对照品溶液供试溶液的制备:使用按含量测定项下的要求制备的供试品溶液测定法:分别量取等量的(约10μl)的对照溶液和供试溶液注入液相色谱仪,记录色谱图并测量各峰面积,按以下公式计算卡培他滨中各杂质的百分含量:100(1/F)(C S / C U)(r I/r S)式中,F是表1中各杂质的相对响应因子,C S是对照溶液中USP卡培他滨对照品的浓度,单位mg/ml;C U是供试溶液中卡培他滨的浓度,单位mg/ml; r I供试溶液中各杂质的峰面积;r S是对照溶液中卡培他滨的峰面积。


usp31nf26s2_Lead 251

usp31nf26s2_Lead 251

251 LEADThe imposition of stringent limits on the amounts of lead that may be present in pharmaceutical products has resulted in the use of two methods, of which the one set forth following depends upon extraction of lead by solutions of dithizone. For determination of the content of heavy metals generally, expressed as a lead equivalent, see Heavy Metals 231.Select all reagents for this test to have as low a content of lead as practicable, and store all reagent solutions in containers of borosilicate glass. Rinse thoroughly all glassware with warm dilute nitric acid (1 in 2), followed by water.Special Reagents—AMMONIA-CYANIDE SOLUTION— Dissolve 2 g of potassium cyanide in 15 mL of ammonium hydroxide, and dilute with water to 100 mL.AMMONIUM CITRATE SOLUTION— Dissolve 40 g of citric acid in 90 mL of water. Add 2 or 3 drops of phenol red TS, then cautiously add ammonium hydroxide until the solution acquires a reddish color. Remove any lead that may be present by extracting the solution with 20-mL portions of Dithizone Extraction Solution (see below), until the dithizone solution retains its orange-green color.DILUTED STANDARD LEAD SOLUTION— Dilute an accurately measured volume of StandardLead Solution (see Heavy Metals 231) [containing 10 µg of lead per mL], with 9 volumes of dilute nitric acid (1 in 100) to obtain a solution that contains 1 µg of lead per mL.DITHIZONE EXTRACTION SOLUTION— Dissolve 30 mg of dithizone in 1000 mL of chloroform, and add 5 mL of alcohol. Store the solution in a refrigerator.Before use, shake a suitable volume of the dithizone extraction solution with about half its volume of dilute nitric acid (1 in 100), discarding the nitric acid.HYDROXYLAMINE HYDROCHLORIDE SOLUTION— Dissolve 20 g of hydroxylamine hydrochloride in sufficient water to make approximately 65 mL. Transfer to a separator, add 5 drops of thymol blue TS, then add ammonium hydroxide until the solution assumes a yellow color. Add 10 mL of sodium diethyldithiocarbamate solution (1 in 25), mix, and allow to stand for 5 minutes. Extract this solution with successive 10- to 15-mL portions of chloroform until a 5-mL portion of the chloroform extract does not assume a yellow color when shaken with cupric sulfate TS. Add 3 N hydrochloric acid until the solution is pink (if necessary, add 1 or 2 drops more of thymol blue TS), and then dilute with water to 100 mL.POTASSIUM CYANIDE SOLUTION— Dissolve 50 g of potassium cyanide in sufficient water to make 100 mL. Remove the lead from this solution by extraction with successiveportions of Dithizone Extraction Solution, as described under Ammonium Citrate Solution above, then extract any dithizone remaining in the cyanide solution by shaking with chloroform. Finally dilute the cyanide solution with sufficient water so that each 100 mL contains 10 g of potassium cyanide.STANDARD DITHIZONE SOLUTION— Dissolve 10 mg of dithizone in 1000 mL of chloroform. Keep the solution in a glass-stoppered, lead-free bottle, suitably wrapped to protect it from light, and store in a refrigerator.Test Preparation— [NOTE—If, in the following preparation, the substance under test reacts too rapidly and begins charring with 5 mL of sulfuric acid before heating, use instead 10 mL of cooled dilute sulfuric acid (1 in 2), and add a few drops of the hydrogen peroxide before heating.] Where the monograph does not specify preparation of a solution, prepare a Test Preparation as follows. [Caution—Exercise safety precautions in this procedure, as some substances may react with explosive violence when digested with hydrogen peroxide. ] Transfer 1.0 g of the substance under test to a suitable flask, add 5 mL of sulfuric acid and a few glass beads, and digest on a hot plate in a hood until charring begins. Other suitable means of heating may be substituted. (Add additional sulfuric acid, if necessary, to wet the substance completely, but do not add more than a total of 10 mL.) Add, dropwise and with caution, 30 percent hydrogen peroxide, allowing the reaction to subside and again heating between drops. Add the first few drops very slowly, mix carefully to prevent a rapid reaction, and discontinue heating if foaming becomes excessive. Swirl the solution in the flask to prevent unreacted substance from caking on the walls of the flask. [NOTE—Add peroxide whenever the mixture turns brown or darkens.] Continue the digestion until the substance is completely destroyed, copious fumes of sulfur trioxide are evolved, and the solution is colorless. Cool, cautiously add 10 mL of water, evaporate until sulfur trioxide again is evolved, and cool. Repeat this procedure with another 10 mL of water to remove any traces of hydrogen peroxide. Cautiously dilute with 10 mL of water, and cool.Procedure— Transfer the Test Preparation, rinsing with 10 mL of water, or the volume of the prepared sample specified in the monograph to a separator, and, unless otherwise directed in the monograph, add 6 mL of Ammonium Citrate Solution and 2 mL of Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride Solution. (For the determination of lead in iron salts use 10 mL of Ammonium Citrate Solution.) Add 2 drops of phenol red TS, and make the solution just alkaline (red in color) by the addition of ammonium hydroxide. Cool the solution if necessary, and add 2 mL of Potassium Cyanide Solution. Immediately extract the solution with 5-mL portions of Dithizone Extraction Solution, draining off each extract into another separator, until the dithizone solution retains its green color. Shake the combined dithizone solutions for 30 seconds with 20 mL of dilute nitric acid (1 in 100), and discardthe chloroform layer. Add to the acid solution 5.0 mL of Standard Dithizone Solution and 4 mL of Ammonia-Cyanide Solution , and shake for 30 seconds: the color of the chloroform layer is of no deeper shade of violet than that of a control made with a volume of Diluted Standard Lead Solution equivalent to the amount of lead permitted in the sample under examination, and the same quantities of the same reagents and in the same manner as in the test with the sample.Auxiliary Information— Before contacting USP, have you checked for your question in the FAQs ?USP31–NF26 Page 135 Topic/Question Contact Expert Committee Monograph Kahkashan Zaidi, Ph.D.Senior Scientist1-301-816-8269(GC05) General Chapters 05。



美国药典USP31-NF26无菌检查法《71》.doc71 STERILITY TESTS 无菌检查法Portions of this general chapter have been harmonized with the corresponding texts of the European Pharmacopeia and/or the Japanese Pharmacopeia. Those portions that are not harmonized are marked with symbols () to specify this fact.此通则的各部分已经与欧洲药典和/或日本药典的对应部分做了协调。


The following procedures are applicable for determining whether a Pharmacopeial article purporting to be sterile complies with the requirements set forth in the individual monograph with respect to the test for sterility. Pharmacopeial articles are to be tested by the Membrane Filtration method under Test for Sterility of the Product to be Examined where the nature of the product permits. If the membrane filtration technique is unsuitable, use the Direct Inoculation of the Culture Medium method under Test for Sterility of the Product to be Examined. All devices, with the exception of Devices with Pathways Labeled Sterile, are tested using the Direct Inoculation of the Culture Medium method. Provisions for retesting are included under Observation and Interpretation of Results.下面这些步骤适用于测定是否某个用于无菌用途的药品是否符合其具体的各论中关于无菌检查的要求。



FinasterideC 23H 36N 2O 2 372.554-Azaandrost-1-ene-17-carboxamide, N -(1,1-dimethylethyl)-3-oxo-, (5,17)-. N -tert -Butyl-3-oxo-4-aza-5-androst-1-ene-17-carboxamide [98319-26-7]. » Finasteride contains not less than 98.5 percent and not more than 101.0 percent of C 23H 36N 2O 2, calculated on the anhydrous basis.Packaging and storage— Preserve in tight containers, and store at controlled room temperature. USP Reference standards 11—USP Finasteride RS .Identification—A: Infrared Absorption 197M .B: The retention time of the major peak in the chromatogram of the Assay preparation corresponds to that in the chromatogram of the Standard preparation, as obtained in the Assay . Specific rotation 781S : between 56.0 and 60.0, determined at 405 nm.Test solution: 10 mg per mL, in methanol.Water, Method I 921: not more than 0.3%. Residue on ignition 281: not more than 0.1%.Heavy metals, Method II 231: 0.001%.Chromatographic purity—Mobile phase— Prepare a filtered and degassed mixture of water, tetrahydrofuran, and acetonitrile (8:1:1). Make adjustments if necessary (see System Suitability under Chromatography 621).Diluting solution— Prepare a solution of water and acetonitrile (1:1). Standard solution— Dissolve an accurately weighed quantity of USP Finasteride RS in Diluting solution, and dilute quantitatively, and stepwise if necessary, with Diluting solution to obtain a solution having a known concentration of about 1.0 mg per mL.Test solution— Transfer about 100 mg of Finasteride, accurately weighed, to a 100-mL volumetric flask, dissolve in and dilute with Diluting solution to volume, and mix.Chromatographic system (see Chromatography 621)— The liquid chromatograph is equipped with a 210-nm detector and a 4.6-mm × 30-cm column that contains 4-µm packing L1. The flow rate is about 1.5 mL per minute. The column temperature is maintained at 60. Chromatograph the Standard solution, and record the peak responses as directed for Procedure: the column efficiency is not less than 10,000 theoretical plates; and the tailing factor is not more than 1.3.Procedure— Inject a volume (about 15 µL) of the Test solution into the chromatograph, record the chromatograms, and measure the peak responses. Calculate the percentage of each impurity in the portion of Finasteride taken by the formula:100(r i / r s)in which r i is the peak response for each impurity, and r s is the sum of the responses of all peaks: not more than 0.5% of any individual impurity is found; and not more than 1.0% of total impurities is found.Assay—Mobile phase— Prepare a filtered and degassed mixture of water and tetrahydrofuran (4:1). Make adjustments if necessary (see System Suitability under Chromatography 621).Diluting solution— Prepare a solution of water and acetonitrile (1:1). Standard preparation— Dissolve an accurately weighed quantity of USP Finasteride RS in Diluting solution, and dilute quantitatively, and stepwise if necessary, with Diluting solution to obtain a solution having a known concentration of about 200 µg per mL.Assay preparation— Transfer about 20 mg of Finasteride, accurately weighed, to a 100-mL volumetric flask, dissolve in and dilute with Diluting solution to volume, and mix.Chromatographic system (see Chromatography 621)— The liquid chromatograph is equipped with a 215-nm detector and a 3.0-mm × 3.0-cm column that contains 3-µm packing L7. The flow rate is about 3 mL per minute. Chromatograph the Standard preparation, and record the peak responses as directed for Procedure: the column efficiency is not less than 1800 theoretical plates; the tailing factor is not more than 1.3; and the relative standard deviation for replicate injections is not more than 1.0%.Procedure— Separately inject equal volumes (about 10 µL) of the Standard preparation and the Assay preparation into the chromatograph, record the chromatograms, and measure the responses for the major peaks. Calculate the quantity, in mg, of C23H36N2O2 in the portion of Finasteride taken by the formula:100C(r U / r S)in which C is the concentration, in mg per mL, of USP Finasteride RS in the Standard preparation; and r U and r S are the peak responses obtained from the Assay preparation and the Standard preparation, respectively.Auxiliary Information— Please check for your question in the FAQs before contacting USP.Topic/Question Contact ExpertCommitteeMonograph Daniel K. Bempong,Ph.D.Senior Scientist1-301-816-8143 (MDPS05) Monograph Development-Pulmonary and SteroidsReference Standards Lili Wang, Technical Services Scientist 1-301-816-8129 RSTech@USP32–NF27 Page 2377Pharmacopeial Forum: Volume No. 27(2) Page 2144Chromatographic Column—FINASTERIDEChromatographic columns text is not derived from, and not part of, USP 32 or NF 27.。



621CHROMATOGRAPHY色谱法INTRODUCTION介绍This chapter defines the terms and procedures used in chromatography and provides general information. Specific requirements for chromatographic procedures for drug substances and dosage forms, including adsorbent and developing solvents, are given in the individual monographs.此章节定义了色谱法中用到的术语和步骤,并提供了通用信息。


Chromatography is defined as a procedure by which solutes are separated by a dynamic differential migration process in a system consisting of two or more phases, one of which moves continuously in a given direction and in which the individual substances exhibit different mobilities by reason of differences in adsorption, partition, solubility, vapor pressure, molecular size, or ionic charge density. The individual substances thus separated can be identified or determined by analytical procedures.色谱法是应用溶质在两相或多相系统中的差速迁移来进行分离的技术,其中一相持续地向特定方向移动,而由于物质在吸附性、分配、溶解性、气体压力、分子大小、或离子电荷密度上的差异,会显示出不同的移动性。



美国USP色谱柱编号对照表L1:十八烷基键合多孔硅胶或无机氧化物微粒固定相,简称C18或ODSL2:30~50um表面多孔薄壳型键合C18(ODS)固定相L3:多孔硅胶微粒即一般的硅胶柱L4:30~50um表面多孔薄壳型硅胶L5:30~50um表面多孔薄壳型氧化铝L6:30~50um实心微球表面包覆磺化碳氟聚合物-强阳离子交换固定相L7:全多孔硅胶微粒键合C8官能团固定相简称C8柱L8:全多孔硅胶微粒键合非交联NH2固定相简称NH2柱L9:强酸性阳离子交换基团键合全多孔不规则形硅胶固定相L10:多孔硅胶微球键合氰基固定相(CN)简称CN柱L11:键合苯基多孔硅胶微球固定相简称苯基柱L12:无孔微球键合季胺功能团的强阴离子填料L13:三乙基硅烷化学键合全多孔硅胶微球固定相(C1)简称C1柱L14:10um硅胶化学键合强碱性季铵盐阴离子交换固定相简称SAX柱L15:已基硅烷化学键合全多孔硅胶微球固定相简称C6柱L16:二甲基硅烷化学键合全多孔硅胶微粒固定相L17:氢型磺化交联苯乙烯-二乙烯基苯共聚物,强阳离子交换树脂L18: 3~10um全多孔硅胶化学键合胺基(NH2)和氰基(CN)L19:钙型磺化交联苯乙烯-二乙烯基苯共聚物,强阳离子交换树脂L20:二羟基丙烷基化学键合多孔硅胶微球固定相(Diol)简称二醇基柱L21:刚性苯乙烯-二乙烯基苯共聚物微球L22:带有磺酸基团的多孔苯乙烯阳离子交换树脂L23:带有季胺基团的聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯或聚丙烯酸酯多孔离子交换树脂L24:表面含有大量羟基的半刚性聚乙烯醇亲水凝胶L25:聚甲基丙烯酸酯树脂交联羟基醚(表面含有残余羧基功能团)树脂。

能分离分子量100~5000MW范围的水溶性中性、阳离子型及阴离子型聚合物(用聚氧乙烯测定)的固定相L26:丁基硅烷化学键合全多孔硅胶微球固定相L27:30~50um的全多孔硅胶微粒L28:多功能载体,100?的高纯硅胶加以氨基键合以及C8反相键合的官能团L29: 氧化铝,反相键合,含碳量低,氧化铝基聚丁二稀小球,5um,孔径80?L30: 全多孔硅胶键合乙基硅烷固定相L31: 季胺基改性孔径2000?的交联苯乙烯和二乙烯基苯(55%)强阴离子交换树脂L32: L-脯氨酸铜配合物共价键合于不规则形硅胶微粒的配位体的交换手性色谱填料L33: 能够分离分子量4000~40000MW范围蛋白质分子的球形硅胶固定相,pH稳定性好L34:铅型磺化交联苯乙烯-二乙烯基苯共聚物强阳离子交换树脂,9um球形L35:锆稳定的硅胶微球键合二醇基亲水分子单层固定相,孔径150?L36: 5um胺丙基硅胶键合L-苯基氨基乙酸-3,5二硝基苯甲酰L37:适合分离分子量2000~40,000Mw的聚甲基丙烯酸酯凝胶L38:水溶性甲基丙烯酸酯基质SEC色谱柱L39:亲水全多孔聚羟基甲基丙烯酸酯色谱柱L40:Tris 3,5-二甲基苯基氨基甲酸酯纤维素涂覆多孔硅胶微球L41:球形硅胶表面固定α1酸糖蛋白固定相L42: C8和C18硅烷化学键合多孔硅胶固定相L43: 硅胶微球键合五氟代苯基固定相L44: 多功能固定相,60 ?高纯硅胶基质键合磺酸阳离子交换功能团和C8反相功能团L45: β-环糊精键合多孔硅胶微球L46: 季胺基改性苯乙烯-二乙烯基苯聚合物微球。



氨苄西林钠Ampicillin Sodium(USP31-NF26第1420页)C16H18N3NaO4S 371.39按无水物计算,氨苄西林钠的效价以氨苄西林(C16H19N3O4S)计,每1mg 应为845µg~988µg。


[标贴] 本品用于制备注射剂时,标贴上应注明本品无菌或本品在制备注射剂过程中须经进一步的处理。

[USP标准物质] <11> USP氨苄西林RS、USP氨苄西林钠RS、USP内毒素RS。

[鉴别] A:红外光吸收图谱<179M>。


[结晶性] <695> 应符合要求。

(注-如为冻干粉则可不检此项)[pH] <791> 取本品,加水制成每1mL中含10.0mg氨苄西林的溶液,振摇使溶解,pH值应为8.0~10.0。

[水分] <921> 不得过2.0%。


[二甲基苯胺] <223> 应符合要求。



供试品溶液:取本品1.0g,精密称定,置适宜的离心管中,加1.25mol/L 氢氧化钠溶液2mL,振摇使溶解,精密加入内标溶液1mL和环己烷1mL,强烈振摇1分钟然后离心,取上清液,作为供试品溶液。























USP35-NF-30结构整理vivi2010-10-02USP总目录:1 New Official Text修订文件加快修订过程包括勘误表,临时修订声明(IRAS),修订公告。

勘误表,临时修订声明,修订公告在USP网站上New Official Text部分刊出,勘误表,临时修订公告也会在PF上刊出2front matter前言药典与处方集增补删减情况,审核人员,辅料收录情况3凡例药典,1标题和修订2 药典地位和法律认可3标准复合性4专论和通则5 专论组成6 检验规范和检验方法7 测试结果8 术语和定义9 处方和配药10 包装存储与标签4通则4.1章节列表4.2一般检查和含量测定(章节编号小于1000)检查和含量分析的一般要求检查和含量分析的仪器,微生物检查,生物检查和含量测定,化学检查和含量测定,物理检查和测定4.3一般信息(章节号大于1000)5食物补充剂通则6试剂(试剂,指示剂,溶液等)7参考表性状描述和溶解性查询表(按字母顺序)8食品补充剂各论(字母顺序)9NF各论(辅料标准)10 USP各论11术语附件:通则的章节中文目录(使用起来比较方便,直接找对应章节号即可)一、通用试验和检定(1)试验和检定的总要求1 注射剂11 参比标准物(2)试验和检定的装置16 自动分析方法21 测温仪31 容量装置,如容量瓶、移液管、滴定管,各种规格的误差限度41 砝码和天平(3)微生物学试验51 抗菌效力试验55 生物指示剂:耐受性能试验61 微生物限度试验61 非灭菌制品的微生物检查:计数试验62 非灭菌制品的特定菌检查,如大肠杆菌、金葡菌、沙门氏菌等71 无菌试验(4)生物学试验和检定81 抗生素微生物检定85 细菌内毒素试验87 体外生物反应性试验:检查合成橡胶、塑料、高聚物对哺乳类细胞培养的影响88 体内生物反应性试验:检查上述物质对小鼠、兔iv、ip或肌内植入的影响91 泛酸钙检定111 生物检定法的设计和分析115 右泛醇检定121 胰岛素检定141 蛋白质——生物适应试验,用缺蛋白饲料大鼠,观察水解蛋白注射液和氨基酸混合物的作用151 热原检查法161 输血、输液器及类似医疗装置的内毒素、热原、无菌检查171 维生素B12 活性检定(5)化学试验和检定A 鉴别试验181 有机含氮碱的鉴别191 一般鉴别试验193 四环素类鉴别197 分光光度法鉴别试验201 薄层色谱鉴别试验B 限量试验206 铝211 砷221 氯化物和硫酸盐223 二甲基苯胺226 4-差向脱水四环素231 重金属241 铁251 铅261 汞271 易炭化物试验281 炽灼残渣291 硒C 其他试验和检定301 中和酸能力311 藻酸盐检定331 苯丙胺检定341 多剂量容器注射剂中所加防腐剂含量的气相色谱或极谱法测定345 枸橼酸与其盐以及磷酸盐检定351 甾体检定361 巴比妥酸盐检定371 维生素B12放射示踪物检定381 注射剂橡胶塞检查391 肾上腺素检定401 脂肪和固定油检查411 叶酸检定425 抗生素碘量法检定429 微粒大小的光衍射测量431 甲氧基测定441 烟酸或烟酰胺检定451 亚硝酸盐滴定461 氮测定466 普通杂质的薄层色谱法检查467 有机挥发性杂质检查法467 残留溶剂测定471 氧瓶燃烧法481 核黄素检定501 有机含氮碱的盐511 单一甾醇检定521 磺胺类的色谱法检定531 硫胺检定541 滴定法554 α-生育酚检定561 植物来源物品的一般检查项目563 植物来源物品的各种鉴别项目(植物学部分、显微鉴别、化学鉴别)565 植物提取物的一般提取方法和要求571 维生素A检定:化学法、色谱法581 维生素D检定:色谱法、化学法、生物法591 锌测定(6)物理试验和测定601 气雾剂、鼻喷雾剂、计量吸入剂和干粉吸入剂的各项检测611 乙醇含量测定:蒸馏法、气一液色谱法616 固体的疏松密度和叩击密度测定621 色谱法631 色度检查和标准641 溶解的完全性检查643 总有机炭测定645 水导电性测定651 冻凝温度的测定661 药用容器的检测项目要求671 盛装胶囊和片剂容器加盖后对湿气的通透性试验691 棉花吸附性和纤维长度测定695 结晶性检查696 用溶液测热法测定结晶度698 装量检查699 固体密度(粉粒密度测定法)701 崩解试验711 溶出试验721 蒸馏温度范围(馏程)测定724 通过透皮转运系统药物的释放726 电泳727 毛细管电泳730 等离子体光谱化学检查法731 干燥失重733 炽灼失重736 质谱法741 熔点范围或温度的测定751 眼膏中的金属颗粒测定755 最低装量检查法761 核磁共振771 眼用软膏的要求776 光学显微镜微粒检查法781 旋光度检查785 渗透压摩尔浓度测定法786 用分析筛测量颗粒大小的分布788 注射液中微粒物质测定法789 眼用溶液中微粒物质测定法791 PH测定法795 非灭菌制剂的药物配制要求797 灭菌制剂的药物配制要求801 极谱法811 粉末细度测定821 放射活性药物823 正电子发射层析X线摄影(PET)所用放射性药物的配制831 折光指数测定841 比重测定846 粉末的比表面积测定851 分光光度法与光散射861 外科缝合线直径检查871 附有针的缝合线检查881 外科缝合线、纺织品与膜片的弹力强度检查891 热分析:温度变化、热解重量分析、易熔杂质分析等905 剂量单位的均匀性检查(含量均匀度、装量差异)911 黏度测定921 药品含水量的测定941 结晶型药物的X线衍射分析二、通用资料1010 数据分析方法1015 诊断用放射药的自动合成装置1031 药用容器、医用装置和植入物所用材料的生物相容性检查1035 灭菌用生物指示剂1041 生物制品的批签发1043 细胞、基因和组织工程产品的辅助材料1045 生物技术产品1046 细胞和基因治疗产品1047 生物技术产品的检验法1048 生物技术产品的质量——重组DNA蛋白质产品生产所用细胞表达构成的分析1049 生物技术产品的稳定性试验1050 人或动物来源的细胞系所得生物技术产品的病毒安全性评价1051 玻璃仪器清洗方法1061 颜色的仪器测量1065 离子色谱1072 消毒剂与防腐剂1074 赋形剂生物学安全性评价指导原则1075 复方药物配制质量规范1078 大批量药用赋形剂的生产质量规范1079 储存与运输的质量规范1081 明胶的凝胶强度1086 药品中的杂质来源1087 特性溶出1088 剂型的体外和体内评价1090 体内生物等效性试验指导原则1091 剂型中含有无活性组分的标示1092 溶出试验方法的发展和验证1101 药用滴管1111 非灭菌药品的微生物特征1111 非灭菌药品的微生物特征检查:药用原料和药物制剂的判定标准1112 非灭菌药品中的水活性测定,即在同一温度时,药品中水的蒸气压与纯水蒸气压之比,它等于药品在密闭系统中产生相对湿度的1%1116 清洁室和其他受控环境的微生物评价1117 微生物实验室的质量规范(GLP)1118 监控装置:时间、温度、湿度1119 近红外分光光度法1120 拉曼(Raman)分光光度法1121 药品命名法1136 药品包装:应用单元1146 口服固体药分装在单疗程剂量容器中的检查方法1150 药物剂型的稳定性1151 药物剂型1160 处方调配的药学计算1171 原料药的位相溶解度分析1174 粉末流动性测定1176 处方天平和容量装置1177 包装质量规范1178 分装质量规范1181 扫描电子显微镜1191 调剂工作中的药品稳定性保持1196 药典协调(指欧洲药典、美国药典、日本药局方三方机构讨论协调的原则和方法)1207 灭菌产品包装:完整性评价1208 灭菌试验:隔离系统的验证1209 灭菌:化学和物理化学的指示剂与积分仪1211 药典收载品种的灭菌和灭菌保证1216 片剂脆性检查1221 茶匙(家用标准为5 ml,可作为病人口服液体药物的量具,误差应小于10%)1222 药品灭菌终点的放行参数1223 微生物替代方法的验证1225 药典方法的验证1227 在抗菌效力、微生物限度、灭菌等试验中,微生物的恢复验证1230 血液透析用水1231 药用水的制备和要求1241 在制药系统中,水—固体的相互作用1251 用分析天平称量的要求1265 书写药物处方的指导原则三、饮食增补剂2021 营养和饮食增补剂的微生物计数试验2022 营养和饮食增补剂中不允许存在的微生物(如金葡菌、沙门氏菌、大肠杆菌、梭状芽胞杆菌属)检查法2023 非灭菌的营养和饮食增补剂中的微生物特征2030 植物来源物品的增补资料2040 饮食增补剂的崩解和溶出检查2091 饮食增补剂的重(装)量差异检查2750 饮食增补剂的生产条件与质量要求(与药品有别)。


Endosulfan (sum of isomers and endosulfan sulfate)
பைடு நூலகம்29
Fenchlorophos (sum of fenchlorophos and fenchlorophos-oxon)
τ-Fluvalinate(Tau-Fluvalinate (F) )
Heptachlor (sum of heptachlor, cis-heptachlorepoxide and trans-heptachlorepoxide)
Quintozene (sum of quintozene, pentachloraniline and methyl penthachlorphenyl sulfide)
Bromide, inorganic (calculated as bromide ion)



Tartaric acid EUROPEAN PHARMACOPOEIA7.0TESTS Solution S .Dissolve 4.0g in carbon dioxide-free water R anddilute to 20mL with the same solvent.Appearance of solution .Solution S is not more opalescent than reference suspension II (2.2.1).Dextrins,gum,salts,sugars .To 2mL of solution S,add 2mL of ethanol (96per cent)R .The solution is clear.Add 1mL of ether R .The solution remains clear for at least 10min.Resins .To 5mL of solution S,add 5mL of water R .The mixture remains clear (2.2.1)for at least 15min.Loss on drying (2.2.32):maximum 12.0per cent,determined on 0.200g by drying at 105°C.Sulfated ash (2.4.14):maximum 0.1per cent,determined on 1.0g.STORAGEProtected from light.01/2008:0460corrected 6.0TARTARIC ACID Acidumtartaricum C 4H 6O 6M r 150.1[87-69-4]DEFINITION(2R ,3R )-2,3-Dihydroxybutanedioic acid.Content :99.5per cent to 101.0per cent (dried substance).CHARACTERSAppearance :white or almost white,crystalline powder orcolourless crystals.Solubility :very soluble in water,freely soluble in ethanol(96per cent).IDENTIFICATIONA.Solution S (see Tests)is strongly acid (2.2.4).B.It gives the reactions of tartrates (2.3.1).TESTSSolution S .Dissolve 5.0g in distilled water R and dilute to50mL with the same solvent.Appearance of solution .Solution S is clear (2.2.1)and not moreintensely coloured than reference solution Y 6(2.2.2,Method II ).Specific optical rotation (2.2.7):+12.0to +12.8(driedsubstance).Dissolve 5.00g in water R and dilute to 25.0mL with the same solvent.Oxalic acid :maximum 350ppm,calculated as anhydrous oxalicacid.Dissolve 0.80g in 4mL of water R .Add 3mL of hydrochloric acid R and 1g of zinc R in granules and boil for 1min.Allow to stand for 2min.Collect the liquid in a test-tube containing 0.25mL of a 10g/L solution of phenylhydrazine hydrochloride R and heat to boiling.Cool rapidly,transfer toa graduated cylinder and add an equal volume of hydrochloric acid R and 0.25mL of a 50g/L solutionofpotassium ferricyanide R .Shake and allow to stand for 30min.Any pink colour in the solution is not more intense than that in a standard prepared at the same time in the same manner using4mL of a 0.1g/L solution of oxalic acid R .Chlorides (2.4.4):maximum 100ppm.Dilute 5mL of solution S to 15mL with water R .Sulfates (2.4.13):maximum 150ppm.Dilute 10mL of solution S to 15mL with distilled water R .Calcium (2.4.3):maximum 200ppm.To 5mL of solution S add 10mL of a 50g/L solution of sodium acetate R in distilled water R .Heavy metals (2.4.8):maximum 10ppm.2.0g complies with test C.Prepare the reference solution using 2mL of lead standard solution (10ppm Pb)R .Losson drying (2.2.32):maximum 0.2per cent,determined on 1.000g by drying in an oven at 105°C.Sulfated ash (2.4.14):maximum 0.1per cent,determined on 1.0g.ASSAYDissolve 0.650g in 25mL of water R .Titrate with 1M sodium hydroxide using 0.5mL of phenolphthalein solution R as indicator,until a pink colour is obtained.1mL of 1M sodium hydroxide is equivalent to 75.05mgof C 4H 6O 6.01/2009:2358corrected 6.6TEICOPLANINTeicoplaninum3038See the information section on general monographs (cover pages)EUROPEAN PHARMACOPOEIA 7.0Teicoplanin DEFINITION Mixture of glycopeptides produced by certain strains of Actinoplanes teichomyceticus sp.;the 6principal components of the mixture are teicoplanin A 2-1to A 2-5and teicoplanin A 3-1.Fermentation product.Potency :minimum 900IU/mg (anhydrous and sodium chloride-free substance).CHARACTERS Appearance :yellowish,amorphous powder.Solubility :freely soluble in water,sparingly soluble in dimethylformamide,practically insoluble in ethanol (96per cent V/V ).IDENTIFICATION A.Infrared absorption spectrophotometry (2.2.24).Comparison :teicoplanin for identification CRS .B.Examine the chromatograms obtained in the test for composition and related substances.Results :the principal peaks (teicoplanins A 3-1,A 2-1,A 2-2,A 2-3,A 2-4and A 2-5)in the chromatogram obtained with the test solution are similar in retention time and size to the principal peaks in the chromatogram obtained with reference solution (a).TESTS Appearance of solution .The solution is clear (2.2.1)and not more intensely coloured than reference solution BY 3or B 4(2.2.2,Method I ).Dissolve 0.8g in 10mL of water R .pH (2.2.3):6.5to 7.5.Dissolve 0.50g in carbon dioxide-free water R and dilute to 10mL with the same solvent.Composition and related substances .Liquid chromatography (2.2.29):use the normalisation procedure.Test solution .Dissolve 0.100g of the substance to be examined in water R and dilute to 50.0mL with the same solvent.Reference solution (a).Dissolve 20mg of teicoplanin for identification CRS in water R and dilute to 10.0mL with the same solvent.Reference solution (b).Dilute 1.0mL of reference solution (a)to 10.0mL with water R .Dilute 1.0mL of this solution to 20.0mL with water R .Reference solution (c).Dissolve 50.0mg of mesityl oxide CRS in water R and dilute to 25.0mL with the same solvent.Dilute 1.0mL of the solution to 10.0mL with water R .Dilute 1.0mLof this solution to 100.0mL with water R .Column :—size :l =0.25m,Ø=4.6mm;—stationary phase :spherical end-capped octadecylsilyl silica gel for chromatography R (5μm).Mobile phase :—mobile phase A :mix 900mL of a 3.0g/L solution of anhydrous sodium dihydrogen phosphate R ,adjusted to pH 6.0with 1M sodium hydroxide ,and 100mL of acetonitrile R ;—mobile phase B :mix 300mL of a 3.0g/L solution of anhydrous sodium dihydrogen phosphate R ,adjusted to pH 6.0with 1M sodium hydroxide ,and 700mL of acetonitrile R ;Time(min)Mobile phase A (per cent V/V )Mobile phase B (per cent V/V )0-30100→500→5030-3150→1050→9031-351090Flow rate :2.3mL/min.Detection :spectrophotometer at 254nm.Injection :20μL.Identification:use the chromatogram supplied with teicoplaninfor identification CRS and the chromatogram obtained withreference solution (a)to identify the groups and impurities.Relative retention of groups and impurities with reference toteicoplanin A 2-2:—teicoplanin A 3group ≤0.70;—teicoplaninA 2group >0.70and ≤1.25and within this group:—teicoplanin A 2-2=1;—teicoplanin A 2-1group <1;—teicoplanin A 2-3group >1and <1.12;—teicoplanin A 2-4=about 1.12;—teicoplanin A 2-5group >1.12and ≤1.25;—impurities >1.25.Relative retention of principal peaks of the groups withreference to teicoplanin A 2-2(retentiontime =about 18min):teicoplanin A 3-1=about 0.43;teicoplanin A 2-1=about 0.93;teicoplanin A 2-3=about 1.04;teicoplanin A 2-4=about 1.12;teicoplanin A 2-5=about1.14.System suitability :reference solution (a):—the chromatogram obtained is similarto the chromatogramsupplied with teicoplanin for identification CRS ;—resolution :minimum 1.0between the peaks due to teicoplanin A2-4and teicoplanin A 2-5.Calculate the percentage content of the different components using the following equations:teicoplanin A 2group =teicoplanin A 2-2=teicoplanin A 2-1group =teicoplanin A 2-3group =teicoplanin A 2-4=teicoplanin A 2-5group =teicoplanin A 3group =impurities =S a =sum of the areas of the peaks due to teicoplanin A 2group in the chromatogram obtained with the test solution;S b =sum of the areas of the peaks due to teicoplanin A 3group in the chromatogram obtained with the test solution;disregard any peak due to mesityl oxide;S c =sumof the areas of the peaks with a relativeretention more than 1.25;S 1=sum of the areas of the peaks due to teicoplanin A 2-1group in the chromatogram obtained with the test solution;S 2=area of the peak due to teicoplanin A 2-2in thechromatogram obtained with the test solution;General Notices (1)apply to all monographs and other texts 3039Telmisartan EUROPEAN PHARMACOPOEIA7.0S 3=sum of the areas of the peaks due to teicoplanin A2-3 group in the chromatogram obtained with the testsolution;S 4=area of the peak due to teicoplanin A2-4in the chromatogram obtained with the test solution;S 5=sum of the areas of the peaks due to teicoplanin A2-5 group in the chromatogram obtained with the testsolution.Limits:—teicoplanin A2group:minimum80.0per cent;—teicoplanin A2-2:35.0per cent to55.0per cent;—teicoplanin A2-1group:maximum20.0per cent;—teicoplanin A2-3group:maximum20.0per cent;—teicoplanin A2-4:maximum20.0per cent;—teicoplanin A2-5group:maximum20.0per cent;—teicoplanin A3group:maximum15.0per cent;—total of impurities other than mesityl oxide with a relative retention more than1.25:maximum5.0per cent;—disregard limit:the area of the peak due to teicoplanin A2-2 in the chromatogram obtained with reference solution(b)(0.25per cent).Chlorides:maximum5.0per cent,expressed as sodium chloride (anhydrous substance).Dissolve1.000g in300mL of water R,stir and acidify with2mL of nitric acid R.Titrate with0.1M silver nitrate,determining the end-point potentiometrically(2.2.20).1mL of0.1M silver nitrate is equivalent to5.844mg of NaCl. Heavy metals(2.4.8):maximum20ppm.0.50g complies with test G.Prepare the reference solution using100μL of lead standard solution(100ppm Pb)R.Filter the solutions through a membrane filter(nominal pore size 0.45μm).Impurity A.Liquid chromatography(2.2.29)as described in the test for composition and related substances with the following modifications.Injection:20μL of the test solution and reference solution(c).Relative retention with reference to teicoplanin A2-2(retentiontime=about18min):impurity A=about0.6.Limits:—impurity A:maximum twice the area of the principal peak in the chromatogram obtained with reference solution(c)(0.2per cent).Water(2.5.12):maximum15.0per cent,determined on0.300g. Bacterial endotoxins(2.6.14):less than0.31IU/mg.ASSAYCarry out the microbiological assay of antibiotics(2.7.2),using the diffusion e teicoplanin CRS as the reference substance.STORAGEProtected from light,at a temperature of2°C to8°C.IMPURITIESSpecified impurities:A.A.4-methylpent-3-en-2-one(mesityl oxide).07/2008:2154corrected6.3TELMISARTANTelmisartanumC33H30N4O2Mr514.6 [144701-48-4]DEFINITION4′-[[4-Methyl-6-(1-methyl-1H-benzimidazol-2-yl)-2-propyl-1H-benzimidazol-1-yl]methyl]biphenyl-2-carboxylic acid. Content:99.0per cent to101.0per cent(dried substance). CHARACTERSAppearance:white or slightly yellowish,crystalline powder. Solubility:practically insoluble in water,slightly soluble in methanol,sparingly soluble in methylene chloride.It dissolves in1M sodium hydroxide.It shows polymorphism(5.9).IDENTIFICATIONInfrared absorption spectrophotometry(2.2.24). Comparison:telmisartan CRS.If the spectra obtained in the solid state show differences, dissolve the substance to be examined and the reference substance separately in hot anhydrous ethanol R,evaporate to dryness and record new spectra using the residues.TESTSAppearance of solution.The solution is not more intensely coloured than reference solution Y4(2.2.2,Method II). Dissolve0.5g in1M sodium hydroxide and dilute to10mL with the same solvent.Related substances.Liquid chromatography(2.2.29).Test solution.To25mg of the substance to be examined add about5mL of methanol R and100μL of a40g/L solution of sodium hydroxide R.Dissolve with the aid of ultrasound and dilute to50mL with methanol R.Reference solution(a).Dilute1.0mL of the test solution to 10.0mL with methanol R.Dilute1.0mL of this solution to 100.0mL with methanol R.Reference solution(b).Dissolve the contents of a vial of telmisartan for system suitability CRS(containing impurities A,B,C,E and F)in2mL of methanol R.Reference solution(c).To5mg of telmisartan for peak identification CRS(containing impurity D)add about5mLof methanol R and100μL of a40g/L solution of sodium hydroxide R.Dissolve with the aid of ultrasound and dilute to 10mL with methanol R.Column:—size:l=0.125m,Ø=4.0mm;—stationary phase:octadecylsilyl silica gel forchromatography R(5μm)with a pore size of10nm;—temperature:40°C.3040See the information section on general monographs(cover pages)。



Method Ib (Residual Titration) 方法Ib(残留滴定)Principle— See the information given in the section Principle under Method Ia. In the residual titration, excess Reagent is added to the test specimen, sufficient time is allowed for the reaction to reach completion, and the unconsumed Reagent is titrated with a standard solution of water in a solvent such as methanol. The residual titration procedure is applicable generally and avoids the difficulties that may be encountered in the direct titration of substances from which the bound water is released slowly.原理:见方法Ia项下原理部分给出的信息。



Apparatus, Reagent, and Test Preparation— Use Method Ia.仪器、试剂、供试配制液:同方法Ia。

Standardization of Water Solution for Residual Titration— Prepare a Water Solution by diluting 2 mL of water with methanol or other suitable solvent to 1000 mL. Standardize this solution by titrating 25.0 mL with the Reagent, previously standardized as directed under Standardization of the Reagent. Calculate the water content, in mg per mL, of the Water Solution taken by the formula:用于残留滴定的水溶液的标准化:以甲醇或其他适当溶剂将2mL水稀释至1000mL,以配制水溶液。



美国药典USP31-NF26无菌检查法《71》.doc71 STERILITY TESTS 无菌检查法Portions of this general chapter have been harmonized with the corresponding texts of the European Pharmacopeia and/or the Japanese Pharmacopeia. Those portions that are not harmonized are marked with symbols () to specify this fact.此通则的各部分已经与欧洲药典和/或日本药典的对应部分做了协调。


The following procedures are applicable for determining whether a Pharmacopeial article purporting to be sterile complies with the requirements set forth in the individual monograph with respect to the test for sterility. Pharmacopeial articles are to be tested by the Membrane Filtration method under Test for Sterility of the Product to be Examined where the nature of the product permits. If the membrane filtration technique is unsuitable, use the Direct Inoculation of the Culture Medium method under Test for Sterility of the Product to be Examined. All devices, with the exception of Devices with Pathways Labeled Sterile, are tested using the Direct Inoculation of the Culture Medium method. Provisions for retesting are included under Observation and Interpretation of Results.下面这些步骤适用于测定是否某个用于无菌用途的药品是否符合其具体的各论中关于无菌检查的要求。



苯甲基二 四基聚 硅氧烷 (10%苯 取代)
35% phenyl-65% dimet hylpolysiloxane G42
(percentages refer to molar substitution).
35%苯基 -6 5%乙烯 基硅烷 (百分比 参见分 子取代 度)
6% cyanopropylphenyl-94% G43 dimethylpolysiloxane (percentages refer to
compound of polyethylene glycol with a G16
物粘合物 的高分 子合物 。[注- -- -商名 聚乙二
diepoxide linker.
醇合物 20M,或 Carbowax 20M,色谱试剂
[note—A vailable commercially as
50% Phenyl-50% methylpolysiloxane.
50%苯基 -5 0%甲基 聚硅氧 烷
Diethylene glycol succinate poly ester.
聚丁二酸 乙二醇 酯
3-Cy anopropylpolysiloxane.
3-氰 丙基聚 氧硅烷
Trifl uo rop ro pylmethylpolysiloxa ne.
25% 2-Cyanoethyl-75% G26
25% 2-氰 基乙基 -7 5%甲 基聚硅 氧 烷
5% Phenyl-95% methylpolysiloxane.
5%苯基- 95%甲 基聚硅 氧烷



<1225>V ALIDATION OF COMPENDIAL PROCEDURES药典规程的验证Test procedures for assessment of the quality levels of pharmaceutical articles are subject to various requirements. According to Section 501 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, assays and specifications in monographs of the United States Pharmacopeia and the National Formulary constitute legal standards. The Current Good Manufacturing Practice regulations [21 CFR 211.194(a)] require that test methods, which are used for assessing compliance of pharmaceutical articles with established specifications, must meet proper standards of accuracy and reliability. Also, according to these regulations [21 CFR 211.194(a)(2)], users of analytical methods described in USP-NF are not required to validate the accuracy and reliability of these methods, but merely verify their suitability under actual conditions of use. Recognizing the legal status of USP and NF standards, it is essential, therefore, that proposal for adoption of new or revised compendial analytical procedures be supported by sufficient laboratory data to document their validity.用于评价药物质量水平的测试规程受到多种要求的影响。



Many Pharmacopeial articles either are hydrates or contain water in adsorbed form. As a result, the determination of the water content is important in demonstrating compliance with the Pharmacopeial standards. Generally one of the methods given below is called for in the individual monograph, depending upon the nature of the article. In rare cases, a choice is allowed between two methods. When the article contains water of hydration, the Method I (Titrimetric), the Method II (Azeotropic), or the Method III (Gravimetric) is employed, as directed in the individual monograph, and the requirement is given under the heading Water.很多药典物品要么是水合物,要么含有处于吸附状态的水。







usp美国药典等级美国药典级usp calss vi美国药典级(usp)实际上含义:美国药典(usp)是一个非政府组织,通过建立最新的标准来保证药品和其他保健技术的质量,从而支持公共卫生。



这些usp 标准发表在《美国药典》和《国家处方集》(usp nf)中。
























甜菜碱盐酸盐USP32检测方式和标准依照客户提供的资料,翻译情形如下:无水基础上测得甜菜碱盐酸盐含量:98%-100.5%包装和贮存:密闭性好的容器美国药典USP标准参考:辨别:A,红外线吸收(197)B,1比20的溶液符合氯化物的检测要求PH(791): PH 值应为0.8-1.2之间,溶液比为1:10水分测定,方式1(921):不超过0.5%炽灼残渣(281):不超过0.1%重金属(231):0.001%主含量:转移400mg精准称重过的甜菜碱盐酸盐到一个锥形瓶,加50ml冰乙酸,加热并搅拌直到溶液完全溶解,加入50ml乙酸汞检测溶液,冷的,加2滴结晶紫检测溶液,然后用0.1当量浓度的高氯酸滴定液滴定至一个绿色结点,进行一个空白对照,并做一些必要修正,每ml0.1当量浓度高氯酸相当于15.36mg甜菜碱盐酸盐。

<197> 分光光度辨别查验分光光度法检测关于很多药典化学物质的辨别做出了意味深远的奉献。





红外吸收光谱μm至15μm(3800 cm–1至650 cm–1)的光谱范围内记录供试样品和对应的USP标准品的光谱。




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CarrageenanCarrageenan.Carrageenan [9000-07-1].» Carrageenan is the hydrocolloid obtained by extraction with water or aqueous alkali, from some members of the class Rhodophyceae (red seaweeds). Carrageenan consists chiefly of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, and ammonium sulfate esters of galactose and 3,6-anhydrogalactose copolymers. These hexoses are alternately linked -1,3 and -1,4 in the polymer. The prevalent copolymers in the hydrocolloid are designated kappa-, iota-, and lambda-carrageenan. Kappa-carrageenan is mostly the alternating polymer of D-galactose-4-sulfate and 3,6-anhydro-D-galactose. Iota-carrageenan is similar, except that the 3,6-anhydrogalactose is sulfated at carbon 2. Between kappa-carrageenan and iota-carrageenan there is a continuum of intermediate compositions differing in degree of sulfation at carbon 2. In lambda-carrageenan, the alternating monomeric units are mostly D-galactose-2-sulfate (1,3-linked) and D-galactose-2,6-disulfate (1,4-linked). The ester sulfate content for Carrageenan ranges from 18 percent to 40 percent. In addition, it contains inorganic salts that originate from the seaweed and from the process of recovery from the extract.Carrageenan is recovered by alcohol precipitation, by drum drying, or by freezing. The alcohols used during recovery and purification are restricted to methanol, alcohol, and isopropyl alcohol. Carrageenan that is recovered by drum-roll drying may contain mono- and di-glycerides or up to 5 percent of polysorbate 80 used as roll-stripping agents.Packaging and storage— Preserve in tight containers, preferably in a cool place. Solubility in water— Not more than 30 mL of water is required to dissolve 1 g at a temperature of 80.Identification—A: A solution (1 in 50) prepared by heating a uniform dispersion in a hot water bath to 80 (Solution A) becomes more viscous upon cooling and may form a gel.B: To 10 mL of Solution A, while still hot, add 4 drops of potassium chloride solution (1 in 10), mix, and cool. A short-textured (“brittle”) gel indicates a carrageenan of a predominantly kappa type; a compliant (“elastic”) gel indicates a predominantly iota type. If the solution does not gel, the carrageenan is of a predominantly lambda type.C: Dilute a portion of Solution A with about 4 parts of water, and add 2 to 3 drops of methylene blue TS: a blue, stringy precipitate is formed (also positive for furcellaran, asimilar colloid).D: Obtain IR absorption spectra on the gelling and non-gelling fractions of the specimen by the following procedure. Disperse 2 g in 200 mL of potassium chloride solution (1 in40), and stir for 1 hour. Allow to stand for 18 hours, stir again for 1 hour, and transfer to a centrifuge tube. (If the transfer cannot be made because the dispersion is too viscous, dilute with up to 200 mL of the potassium chloride solution.) Centrifuge at approximately 1000 g for 15 minutes.Remove the clear supernatant, resuspend the residue in 200 mL of potassium chloride solution (1 in 40), and centrifuge again. Coagulate the combined supernatants by adding 2 volumes of dilute alcohol (9 in 10). (Retain the sediment for use subsequently asdirected.) Recover the coagulum, and wash with 250 mL of the dilute alcohol. Press the excess liquid from the coagulum, and dry it at 60 for 2 hours: the material so obtained is the nongelling fraction (lambda carrageenan).Disperse the sediment retained from the foregoing procedure in 250 mL of cold water, heat at 90 for 10 minutes, and cool to 60. Coagulate the mixture, then recover, wash, and dry the coagulum as described above: the material so obtained is the gelling fraction (kappa- and iota -carrageenan).Prepare a solution (1 in 500) of each fraction, cast films 5 µm thick (when dry) on a suitable nonsticking surface, and obtain the IR absorption spectrum of each film.Carrageenan has strong, broad absorption bands, typical of all polysaccharides, in the 1000 to 1100 cm 1 region. Absorption maxima are 1065 cm 1 and 1020 cm 1 for gelling and nongelling types, respectively. Other characteristic absorption bands and their intensities relative to the absorbance at 1050 cm1 are as shown in the accompanying table. Viscosity 911— Transfer 7.5 g to a tared, tall-form, 600-mL beaker, add 450 mL of water, and disperse with agitation for about 15 minutes. Add water to bring the weight to 500 g, and heat in a water bath, with continuous agitation, until a temperature of 80 is reached. Add water to adjust for loss by evaporation, cool to between 76 and 77, and place in a constant-temperature bath maintained at 75. Provide a suitable rotationalWave Number cm 1Molecular Assignment Absorbance Relative to 1050 cm 1Kappa Iota Lambda 1220 to 1260Ester sulfate 0.7 to 1.2 1.2 to 1.6 1.4 to 2.0928 to 9333,6-anhydrogalactose 0.3 to 0.60.2 to 0.40 to 0.2840 to 850Galactose-4-sulfate 0.3 to 0.50.2 to 0.4—825 to 830Galactose-2-sulfate ——0.2 to 0.4810 to 820Galactose-6-sulfate ——0.1 to 0.3800 to 8053,6-anhydrogalactose-2-sulfate 0 to 0.20.2 to 0.4—viscosimeter with a spindle 1.88 cm in diameter and 6.51 cm high, using an immersion depth of 8.10 cm (No. 1 spindle). Allow the spindle to rotate in the solution at 30 rpm for 6 revolutions, then observe the scale reading. Convert the scale reading to centipoises by multiplying by the constant for the spindle and speed employed. The viscosity at 75is not less than 5 centipoises. Microbial limits 61— The total bacterial count does not exceed 200 cfu per g, and the tests for Salmonella species and Escherichia coli are negative. Loss on drying 731— Dry it at a pressure not exceeding 10 mm of mercury at 70for 18 hours, cool in a desiccator, and weigh: it loses not more than 12.5% of its weight. Acid-insoluble matter— Transfer about 2 g, accurately weighed, to a 250-mL beaker containing 150 mL of water and 1.5 mL of sulfuric acid. Cover with a watch glass, and heat on a steam bath for 6 hours, rubbing down the wall of the beaker frequently with a rubber-tipped stirring rod, and replacing any water lost by evaporation. Transfer about 500 mg of a suitable filter aid, accurately weighed, to the beaker, and filter through a tared filtering crucible provided with a 2.4-cm glass fiber filter. Wash the residue several times with hot water, dry at 105 for 3 hours, cool in a desiccator, and weigh. The difference between the total weight and the sum of the weights of the filter aid, crucible, and glass fiber filter is the weight of the acid-insoluble matter. It is not more than 2.0% of the weight of Carrageenan taken. Total ash 561: not more than 35.0%. Arsenic 211: 3 ppm. Lead 251: 0.001%.Heavy metals, Method II 231: 0.004%.Auxiliary Information— Before contacting USP, have you checked for your question in the FAQs ?USP31–NF26 Page 1102Chromatographic Column— CARRAGEENANChromatographic columns text is not derived from, and not part of, USP 31 or NF 26. Topic/Question ContactExpert Committee Monograph Hong Wang, Ph.D.Scientist1-301-816-8351(EM205) Excipient Monographs 261Radhakrishna S Tirumalai, Ph.D.Scientist1-301-816-8339(MSA05) Microbiology and Sterility Assurance。
