



黄金英语900句01黄金英语900句(1)1.I s e e. 我明白了。

2.I q u i t!我不干了!3.L e t g o!放手!4.M e t o o. 我也是。

5.M y g o d!天哪!6.N o w a y!不行!7.C o m e o n. 来吧(赶快)8.H o l d o n. 等一等。

9.I a g r e e。


10.N o t b a d. 还不错。

11.N o t y e t. 还没。

12.S e e y o u. 再见。

13.S h u t u p!闭嘴!14.S o l o n g. 再见。

15.W h y n o t?好呀!(为什么不呢?)16.A l l o w m e. 让我来。

17.B e q u i e t!安静点!18.C h e e r u p!振作起来!19.G o o d j o b!做得好!20.H a v e f u n!玩得开心!21.H o w m u c h?多少钱?22.I'm f u l l. 我饱了。

23.I'm h o m e. 我回来了。

24.I'm l o s t. 我迷路了。

25.M y t r e a t. 我请客。

26.S o d o I. 我也一样。

27.T h i s w a y。


28.A f t e r y o u. 您先。

29.B l e s s y o u!祝福你!30.F o l l o w m e. 跟我来。

31.F o r g e t i t!休想!(算了!)32.G o o d l u c k!祝好运!33.I d e c l i n e!我拒绝!34.I p r o m i s e. 我保证。

35.O f c o u r s e!当然了!36.S l o w d o w n!慢点!37.T a k e c a r e!保重!38.T h e y h u r t. (伤口)疼。


Fig.4 Maximum average forward current as a function of ambient temperature (including losses due to reverse leakage).
Tamb (oC)
BYV26F and G a = 1.42; VR = VRRMmax; δ = 0.5. Device mounted as shown in Fig.19. Switched mode application.
handbook, 2 columns
BYV26 series Fast soft-recovery controlled avalanche rectifiers
Product specification Supersedes data of February 1994
handbook, h1alfpage I F(AV) (A)
Tamb (oC)
BYV26A to E a = 1.42; VR = VRRMmax; δ = 0.5. Device mounted as shown in Fig.19. Switched mode application.
Ttp = 85 °C; lead length = 10 mm; see Figs 2 and 3; averaged over any 20 ms period; see also Figs 10 and 11



第59卷 第5期2023年10月青岛大学学报(医学版)J O U R N A LO FQ I N G D A O U N I V E R S I T Y (M E D I C A LS C I E N C E S)V o l .59,N o .5O c t o b e r 2023[收稿日期]2022-01-08; [修订日期]2023-08-04[基金项目]空军军医大学学科助推计划(X J Z T 19M L 44)[第一作者]陈曦(1985-),女,硕士,主治医师㊂E -m a i l :c h e n -x i 851012@163.c o m ㊂[通信作者]刘丽文(1969-),女,博士,主任医师,博士生导师㊂E -m a i l :l i u l i w e n c r t @h o t m a i l .c o m ㊂超声参数静脉横截周长2/横截面积预测下肢深静脉血栓的价值陈曦,刘丽文,郑敏娟,安丽,谷芬(空军军医大学第一附属医院超声医学科,陕西西安 710032)[摘要] 目的 初步探讨超声参数静脉管腔横截周长2/横截面积(C 2/A )预测下肢深静脉血栓的价值㊂方法选择骨科无血栓住院病人100例,术前超声测量股总静脉(C F V )㊁股浅静脉(S F V )的横截面积(A )㊁横截周长(C )㊁C 2/A ㊁静脉流速及内径,术后超声监测血栓发生情况,评估新参数C 2/A 预测血栓的价值㊂结果 100例病人术后7d 内发生血栓26例,未发生血栓74例㊂与非血栓组比较,血栓组C F V -A ㊁C F V -C ㊁C F V -C 2/A ㊁C F V 内径以及S F V -C ㊁S F V -C 2/A ㊁S F V 内径均显著增加(t =2.170~9.195,P <0.05)㊂受试者工作特征(R O C )曲线分析显示,分别以C F V -C 2/A>16.1㊁S F V -C 2/A>16.5为截点值,二者的曲线下面积(A U C )分别为0.896(95%C I =0.819~0.948,P <0.001)㊁0.945(95%C I =0.880~0.981,P <0.001),预测血栓的灵敏度分别为88.53%㊁84.62%,特异度分别为81.12%㊁89.24%㊂结论 超声新参数C 2/A 有较高的预测下肢深静脉血栓价值,受干扰因素相对较少,可为临床早期干预血栓发生提供参考㊂[关键词] 超声检查;静脉血栓形成;下肢;预测[中图分类号] R 445.1;R 543 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 2096-5532(2023)05-0766-05d o i :10.11712/jm s .2096-5532.2023.59.143[开放科学(资源服务)标识码(O S I D )][网络出版] h t t ps ://l i n k .c n k i .n e t /u r l i d /37.1517.R.20231114.1021.002;2023-11-15 16:06:25V A L U EO FT H EU L T R A S O U N DP A R A M E T E RV E N O U SC R O S S -S E C T I O N A LP E R I M E T E R 2/C R O S S -S E C T I O N A LA R E A I NP R E -D I C T I N GDE E PV E N O U S T H R O M B O S I SO FT H EL O W E RE X T R E M I T I E S C H E N X i ,L I UL i w e n ,Z H E N G M i n ju a n ,A NL i ,G UF e n (D e p a r t m e n t o fU l t r a s o u n d ,T h eF i r s tA f f i l i a t e dH o s p i t a l o fT h eA i rF o r c eM e d i c a lU n i v e r s i t y,X i 'a n710032,C h i n a )[A B S T R A C T ] O b je c t i v e T o p r e l i m i n a r i l y i n v e s t i g a t e t h ev a l u eof t h eu l t r a s o u n d p a r a m e t e rv e n o u s c r o s s -s e c t i o n a l p e r i m e -t e r 2/c r o s s -s e c t i o n a l a r e a (C 2/A )i n p r e d i c t i ng d e e p v e n o u s th r o m b o si s o f t h e l o w e r e x t r e m i t i e s . M e t h o d s At o t a l o f 100h o s pi -t a l i z e d p a t i e n t sw i t h o u t t h r o m b o s i sw e r e s e l e c t e d f r o mt h e d e p a r t m e n t o f o r t h o p e d i c s .T h e p a t i e n t sw e r e t e s t e d f o r t h e c r o s s -s e c t i o -n a l a r e a (A ),c r o s s -s e c t i o n a l pe r i m e t e r (C ),C 2/A ,v e n o u sf l o wr a t e ,a n d i n t e r n a l d i a m e t e ro f t h e c o mm o n f e m o r a l v e i n (C F V )a n d s u p e r f i c i a l f e m o r a l v e i n (S F V )b y u l t r a s o u n db e f o r e o p e r a t i o na n dw e r em o n i t o r e d f o r t h r o m b o s i sb y u l t r a s o u n da f t e ro pe r a -t i o n .T h e v a l u e of t h en e w p a r a m e t e rC 2/Ai n p r e d i c t i ng th r o m b o si sw a s a s s e s s e d . R e s u l t s A m o n g th e100p a t i e n t s ,26h a d t h r o m b o s i s a n d 74h a dn o t h r o m b o s i s w i t h i n 7d a y s a f t e r s u r g e r y .C o m p a r e dw i t h t h e n o n -t h r o m b o s i s g r o u p ,t h e t h r o m b o s i s g r o u ph a d s i gn i f i c a n t i n c r e a s e s i nC F V -A ,C F V -C ,C F V -C 2/A ,i n t e r n a l d i a m e t e r o f t h eC F V ,S F V -C ,S F V -C 2/A ,a n d i n t e r n a l d i a m e t e r o f t h eS F V ,a n d t h e d i f f e r e n c e sw e r e s i g n i f i c a n t (t =2.170-9.195,P <0.05).T h e r e c e i v e r o p e r a t i n g ch a r a c t e r i s t i c (R O C )c u r v e a n a l ys i s s h o w e d t h a t t h e a r e a s u n d e r t h eR O Cc u r v e o f C F V -C 2/Aa n dS F V -C 2/A w e r e 0.896(95%C I =0.819-0.948,P <0.001)a n d 0.945(95%C I =0.880-0.981,P <0.001),r e s p e c t i v e l y ,i n p r e d i c t i n g th r o m b o s i s ,w i t hs e n s i t i v i t i e s o f 88.53%a n d84.62%,r e s p e c t i v e l y ,a n d s p e c i f i c i t i e s o f 81.12%a n d 89.24%,r e s p e c t i v e l y,a t c u t -o f f v a l u e so fC F V -C 2/A>16.1a n dS F V -C 2/A>16.5.C o n c l u s i o n T h en e wu l t r a s o u n d p a r a m e t e r C 2/A i s o f h i g h v a l u e i n p r e d i c t i n g d e e p ve n o u s t h r o m b o s i s of t h e l o w e r e x t r e m i t i e s d u e t o i t s p r o p e r t y o f b e i ng s u b j e c t t o r e l a t i v e l y f e w i n t e r f e r i n g f a c t o r s ,a n dm a y p r o v i d e a r e f e r e n c e f o r c l i n i c a l i n t e r v e n t i o n f o r th r o m -b o si s a t a ne a r l y s t a ge .[K E Y W O R D S ] u l t r a s o n o g r a p h y ;v e n o u s t h r o m b o s i s ;l o w e r e x t r e m i t y ;f o r e c a s t i n g下肢深静脉血栓(D V T )是临床常见病㊁多发病,常以患肢肿胀㊁疼痛为临床表现㊂美国每年新增D V T 病人超过60万人,在我国D V T 的患病率近年来呈逐年递增的趋势[1-4],D V T 也是住院病人院内非预期死亡的重要原因[5-11],因此对D V T 早期预防意义重大㊂目前关于D V T 预防的超声研究多集中于血栓前静脉内径增宽和流速减低[12-15],而下肢静脉内径㊁流速易受病人呼吸作用㊁水肿及压迫等多种干扰因素影响,超声测量值重复性不佳[16-17]㊂考5期陈曦,等.超声参数静脉横截周长2/横截面积预测下肢深静脉血栓的价值767虑到静脉发生形变时管腔横截周长(C )基本不变,较为稳定,本研究设想应用静脉管腔横截周长2/横截面积(C 2/A )来提高预测D V T 的准确性㊂本文初步探讨C 2/A 这一超声新参数预测D V T 发生的价值,从而为临床早期干预D V T 提供新的参考㊂1 资料与方法1.1 研究对象选择2020年6月-2021年6月在我院骨科拟行手术的无血栓住院病人100例作为研究对象,病人术前均行下肢血管彩色多普勒超声检查证实无D V T ㊂纳入标准:①无下肢动静脉损伤㊁畸形;②无下肢深静脉瓣膜功能不全;③无静脉瘤;④无心力衰竭或者盆腹腔肿瘤所致下肢静脉高压;⑤对本研究知情同意并自愿签署知情同意书㊂排除标准:①超声或者下肢静脉造影诊断为D V T ;②既往有D V T 病史者;③凝血功能异常或长期抗凝治疗者;④严重骨折或意识不清无法配合者㊂本文100例病人中,男性59例,女性41例;年龄15~78岁,平均年龄(47.4ʃ11.7)岁;行膝关节置换者34例,行髋关节置换者18例,骨折28例,腰椎间盘突出11例,运动损伤及其他9例㊂1.2 超声检查超声检查使用日立公司A L O K A10α超声诊断仪,线阵探头频率4~12MH z ㊂入选病人取仰卧位,下肢外旋外展,沿腹股沟区血管走行分别扫查双侧下肢股总静脉(C F V )㊁股浅静脉(S F V )㊂测量点分别位于C F V 中段(大隐静脉汇入处)和S F V 起始下方1~2c m 处㊂在病人平静呼吸时由一名医师于超声纵切面测量C F V 和S F V 内径㊁流速,连续录入3个呼吸周期,取平均值㊂探头旋转90ʎ,于吸气末时相超声横切面采用轨迹描记法测量C F V 和S F V 管腔A ㊁C 及C 2/A (图1A )㊂探头压力标准以静脉不发生形变为宜㊂1.3 术后随访全部病人均以术后第7天为监测终点,术后每12h 复查一次下肢血管彩色多普勒超声,观察病人是否发生D V T 并记录时间,如果出现D V T 则超声监测结束㊂正常下肢静脉超声表现:下肢深静脉管腔内呈无回声,彩色血流充盈完整,血流信号连续,平均流速>15c m /s ;D V T 超声表现:下肢深静脉内径正常或增宽,管腔内可见暗淡回声充填(图1B ),彩色血流信号充盈缺损,探头加压管腔不能压闭,远心端静脉血流速度减低(图1C )㊂A :C F V -C 为33.00mm ,C F V -A 为81.00mm 2,C F V -C 2/A 为13.44;B :股静脉完全充填型血栓形成,血栓包裹静脉瓣;C :腘静脉流速减低,红细胞聚集,呈自显影㊂图1 下肢深静脉超声声像图1.4 统计学处理采用M e d C a l c 15.2.2统计软件进行数据处理㊂定量资料采用O n e -S a m p l e K o l m o go r o v -S m i r n o v 检验和P -P 图进行正态性检验,符合正态分布者以 x ʃs 表示,组间比较采用独立样本t 检验㊂采用受试者工作特征(R O C )曲线分析超声参数预测D V T 的价值,计算灵敏度㊁特异度以及曲线下面积(A U C )㊂A U C <0.5时无明显价值,A U C 越接近1表示评价效能越优㊂P <0.05表示差异均具有统计学意义㊂2 结 果2.1 D V T 发生情况本文100例病人放置下腔静脉滤器者14例,术后7d 内发生D V T 者26例,74例未发生D V T ㊂D V T 中位血栓形成时间为36(24~48)h ㊂其中肌静脉血栓为16例(61.54%),腘静脉血栓为6例(23.08%),S F V 血栓为3例(11.54%),C F V 血栓为1例(3.85%)㊂26例D V T 病人7d 内均未发生肺栓塞㊂768青 岛 大 学 学 报 (医 学 版)59卷2.2 两组C F V 超声参数比较与非血栓组比较,血栓组病人C F V -A ㊁C F V -C ㊁C F V -C 2/A 以及C F V 内径均显著增加(t =2.170~8.034,P <0.05);两组C F V 平均流速比较差异无统计学意义(P >0.05)㊂见表1㊂2.3 两组S F V 超声参数比较与非血栓组比较,血栓组S F V -C ㊁S F V -C 2/A ㊁S F V 内径均显著增加(t =3.302~9.195,P <0.05);两组S F V -A ㊁S F V 平均流速比较差异无统计学意义(P >0.05)㊂见表2㊂2.4 不同超声参数预测D V T 的R O C 曲线分析R O C 曲线分析结果显示,各超声参数中C F V -A ㊁C F V -C ㊁C F V -C 2/A ㊁C F V 内径㊁S F V -C ㊁S F V -C2/A 对D V T 均具有一定的预测价值㊂分别以C F V -C 2/A>16.1㊁S F V -C 2/A>16.5为截点值,二者的A U C 分别为0.896(95%C I =0.819~0.948,P <0.001)㊁0.945(95%C I =0.880~0.981,P <0.001),二者预测D V T 的灵敏度分别为88.53%㊁84.62%,二者预测D V T 的特异度分别为81.12%㊁89.24%㊂见表3㊁图2㊂表1 两组C F V 超声参数比较( x ʃs )组别 n C F V -A (A /mm2)C F V -C (l /mm )C F V -C 2/A内径(d /mm )平均流速(v /c m ㊃s-1)非血栓组7497.02ʃ21.4837.48ʃ4.6914.71ʃ1.6010.21ʃ1.5319.01ʃ9.15血栓组26111.98ʃ24.66*44.07ʃ5.38*17.63ʃ2.25*11.16ʃ1.50*17.79ʃ7.34与非血栓组比较,*t =2.170~8.034,P <0.05㊂表2 两组S F V 超声参数比较( x ʃs )组别 n S F V -A (A /mm2)S F V -C (l /mm )S F V -C 2/A内径(d /mm )平均流速(v /c m ㊃s-1)非血栓组7464.92ʃ17.5431.04ʃ4.1715.36ʃ1.196.53ʃ1.4214.87ʃ7.81血栓组2667.94ʃ16.3234.17ʃ4.03*17.71ʃ1.15*7.01ʃ1.33*14.33ʃ6.02与非血栓组比较,*t =3.302~9.195,P <0.05㊂表3 不同超声参数预测D V T 的R O C 曲线分析参数截点值灵敏度(χ/%)特异度(χ/%)A U C (95%C I )PC F V -A (A /mm2)>113.569.2581.130.802(0.711~0.875)<0.001C F V -C (l /mm )>43.273.1293.260.916(0.844~0.962)<0.001C F V -C 2/A>16.188.5381.120.896(0.819~0.948)<0.001C F V 内径(d /mm )>10.873.0861.000.656(0.537~0.776) 0.018C F V 平均流速(v /c m ㊃s-1)<12.788.4624.000.482(0.362~0.603) 0.776S F V -A (A /mm 2)>77.538.5477.850.551(0.448~0.651) 0.446S F V -C (l /mm )>31.187.6350.000.717(0.618~0.803)<0.001S F V -C 2/A>16.584.6289.240.945(0.880~0.981)<0.001S F V 内径(d /mm )> 8.723.0899.970.598(0.475~0.722) 0.137S F V 平均流速(v /c m ㊃s-1)<17.134.6174.000.497(0.369~0.625) 0.962图2 各超声参数预测D V T 的R O C 曲线5期陈曦,等.超声参数静脉横截周长2/横截面积预测下肢深静脉血栓的价值7693讨论常规彩色多普勒超声检查下肢深静脉以其无创性㊁实时性㊁经济性㊁准确性等优势成为诊断D V T 的首选方法㊂下肢静脉造影虽然是诊断D V T的金标准,但因其有创操作病人普遍接受率不高[18-20]㊂彩色多普勒超声可以发现血栓病人在早期下肢静脉的血液淤滞,其主要表现为静脉内径增宽与血流速度变慢,也能显示出下肢静脉回心血流障碍,对预防D V T起一定提示作用[21-23]㊂有研究报道,在172例老年股骨转子间骨折病人中,发生D V T者股静脉㊁腘静脉内径显著增大,且股静脉㊁腘静脉流速显著降低,差异均有统计学意义;非条件L o g i s t i c回归分析显示,股静脉㊁腘静脉流速是发生D V T的独立危险因素(O R=2.495㊁1.235,P<0.05)[24]㊂J E N S E N等[25]回顾性分析了975例住院病人的下肢静脉多普勒超声检查结果,其中482例血流缓慢,493例血流正常,与血流正常的病人相比,血流缓慢的病人D V T患病率(2.23%和4.36%)几乎增加了1倍,表明多普勒超声检查中下肢静脉血流缓慢与D V T形成呈正相关㊂然而这项研究受到多种变量的影响,且没有给出预测D V T 的静脉血流速度截点值㊂与上述研究结果不同,本文研究结果显示,血栓组与非血栓组比较C F V和S F V平均流速差异均无统计学意义,C F V内径虽有统计学差异但预测D V T价值不高㊂考虑与骨科住院病人使用足底压力泵有关,远端肢体局部受压使近端静脉血容量增多,导致C F V㊁S F V内径和流速变化较大[26]㊂另外,超声测量下肢静脉的内径及流速易受病人体位㊁下肢水肿㊁呼吸作用㊁补液过量等因素的影响而产生测量误差[27-30]㊂除此之外,超声仪器的调节㊁取样线位置及角度的改变也会影响静脉流速的测值[31-32]㊂理论上,静脉的横截面为圆形,其管腔C2/A= (2πr)2/πr2=4π,它消除了管径大小的影响,结果是一个常数㊂当静脉管腔发生形变,实际测量的结果就会偏离这一常数,且偏离越大表明形变程度越严重㊂本研究结果显示,非血栓组C F V-C2/A㊁S F V-C2/A均值分别为14.71ʃ1.60和15.36ʃ1.19,血栓组C F V-C2/A㊁S F V-C2/A均值分别为17.63ʃ2.25和17.71ʃ1.15,血栓组C2/A均值较非血栓组更偏离常数4π,说明骨科病人术前静脉形变程度越大,即C2/A值越高,术后发生D V T的风险越大㊂本文R O C曲线分析结果显示,C F V-C2/A㊁S F V-C2/A分别以>16.1和>16.5为截点值时,其预测D V T效果最好㊂相较于常规超声参数下肢静脉内径及流速,超声新参数C2/A具有更高的预测D V T的价值,受干扰因素相对较少,且量化数值对下肢静脉管腔变化的描述更直观㊂医师在血栓临床危险因素的基础上参考C2/A值,能够更准确地对病人进行血栓风险分层分析,从而达到预防病人术后D V T发生㊁减少血栓后综合征及致死性肺栓塞的目的[33-37]㊂本研究具有一定的局限性:①超声扫查时探头压力由人力控制,力度稍大会导致下肢深静脉轻微形变,对实验的准确性有一定影响;②骨科少数病人因超声检查时体位受限,无法摆放标准的外旋外展位,测量数据或可受到影响㊂综上所述,超声新参数静脉管腔C2/A有较高的预测D V 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系, 分析 u A、 MP2 P M 一6表达 的相关性及其 与 M D的关系。方法 采用 免疫组织化学 s V P法检测 8 5例 I C D 组织 ( 观察组 ) 3 及 0例乳腺纤维腺瘤组织( 对照组 ) 中的 u A、 P MMP2 一 6的表达 , C 15标记 M D。u A、 以 D0 V P MMP2 白表达与各临床指标的关系采用 检验 , MV - 6蛋 因 D值为非正态分布, 且方差不齐 , 两组及多组 间 样本均数 比较采用非参数检验 , 白表达相关性分析采用 S er a 蛋 pam n等级相关检验。结果 ( ) P MMP 1 u A、 一 2 6的阳性率分别为观察组 6 .% ( 3 8 ) 6 . %( 5 8 ) 对照组 2 . %( / 0 、67 ( / 0 , 24 5 / 5 、4 7 5 / 5 , 6 7 8 3 ) 1 .% 53 ) 两组 比较 , 差异有统计 学意义 ( P均 < .5 。( )D 0 0 ) 2 I C组织 中 u A表 达与 IC的淋 巴结转 移 、 P D 组织学 分级 、 pN T M分期有关 ( P均< . 5 。MM 一6表达与 I C的淋 巴结转移 、 0O ) P2 D 组织学分级 、 雌激 素受体有关 。u A、 P
Co cu i n u A a d MMP 2 r v r e p e s d i DC t s e n l so P n - 6 ae o e —x r se n 1 i u ,whc a rno et mo go e e i. s ih c n p o lt u ra ig n ss n
s fwa e,t e ain hi t e lnc lpaa tr nd t o en e p e so fu ot r he rlto s p bewe n ci ia rmee sa heprt i x r sin o PA ,M MP- 6 wee a ay e 2 r n lz d

Sennheiser HME 26-II HD 26 PRO HMD 26-II 安全说明书

Sennheiser HME 26-II HD 26 PRO HMD 26-II 安全说明书

HME 26-II HD 26 PROHMD 26-II Broadcast HMDC 26-IIImportant safety instructionsImportant safety instructions•Please read this instruction manual carefully and com-pletely before using the product.•Make this instruction manual easily accessible to all users at all times.•Always include this instruction manual when passing the product on to third parties.•The product is capable of producing sound pressure levels exceeding 85 db (A). In many countries 85 db (A) is the maximum legally permissible level for continuous noise exposure during the working day. Exposure to sounds of higher volume levels or for longer durations can perma-nently damage your hearing.•Never repair or attempt to repair a defective product yourself. Contact your Sennheiser partner or the Sennheiser Service Department.•Only replace those parts of the product whose replace-ment is described in this instruction manual. Only use attachments, accessories or spare parts specified by Sennheiser. All other parts of the product must be replaced by your Sennheiser agent.•Protect the product from humidity. Use only a dry cloth to clean the product. For information on how to clean the headset, contact your Sennheiser partner.1Important safety instructionsIntended useIntended use includes :•having read and this instruction manual, especially the chapter “Important safety instructions”.•using the product within the operating conditions and limitations described in this instruction manual. Improper useImproper use means using the product other than as described in this instruction manual, or under operating con-ditions which differ from those described herein.2The 26-II headset series and the HD 26 PRO headphonesThe 26-II headset seriesand the HD 26 PRO headphonesThe HMD 26-II/HME 26-II/HMDC 26-II headsets and the HD 26 PRO headphones feature dynamic, closed head-phones. The noise-compensating microphone of the HMD 26-II and HMDC 26-II ensures excellent speech trans-mission even in noisy environments.The headsets have been designed for broadcast use, e.g. for outdoor broadcast or broadcast van applications. The HMDC 26-II features NoiseGard™ professional active noise compensation. The HME 26-II is available with an omni-direc-tional or a cardioid microphone, making it suitable for either outdoor or studio use.Features•Lightweight•Extremely comfortable to wear, even for extended lis-tening, due to the patented two-piece automatic head-band and soft ear pads•ActiveGard™ (switchable) safeguards you from volume peaks above 105 db (HME 26-II/HMD 26-II/HD 26 PRO)•NoiseGard™ professional active noise compensation reduces ambient noise by up to 18 db (HMDC 26-II)•“Flip-away” headphone allows single-sided listening3Package contents•Detailed, linear sound reproduction for demanding appli-cations•Flexible microphone boom, can be worn on either left or right-hand side•Noise-compensating dynamic microphone ensures excel-lent speech transmission (HMD 26-II/HMDC 26-II)•Omni-directional condenser microphone with extremely linear frequency response (HME 26-II)•Single-sided cable, easy to replacePackage contents1HMD 26-II / HME 26-II / HMDC 26-II / HD 26 PRO1cable clip1wind and pop screen (except HD 26 PRO)1headband padding, large1instruction manual4Operation5OperationTurning the microphone boomthe head.Putting on the headsetheadset, the patented two-automatically.Operation6Positioning the microphoneBend the flexible microphone boom so that the microphone is placed at the corner of the mouth. Maintain a distance of 2 cm between microphone and mouth. Always use the sup-plied wind and pop screen.Do not position the microphone directly in front of your mouth as it will pick up your breathing and plosive noises from your mouth. In addition, moisture can adversely affect the sound and performance of your microphone.sound inlet basket, makeplace with an audibleclick.the sound inlet.Operation7Flipping away one ear cupThe headset’s “flip-away” ear cup can be flipped backwards by approx. 45°, allowing for singled-sided listening.Connecting the HD 26 PRO headphones to the audio system ̈If necessary, screw the screw-on adapter for ¼“ (6.3 mm) jack plug onto the 3.5 mm jack plug.Operation8Adjusting the volume on the audio systemConnect the headset to the corresponding sockets of your audio system.̈Adjust the volume directly on the audio system.This headset is capable of producing high sound pressure levels. Higher volumes or longer durations can damage your hearing!̈Set the volume to a medium level. Make sure that you can hear critical environmental sounds.OperationSwitching ActiveGard™ on and off(HME 26-II/HMD 26-II/HD 26 PRO)ActiveGard™ safeguards your ears from volume peaks above 105 db, which can be transmitted via the audio system or radio equipment.9OperationControl unit for HMDC 26-II in conjunction with cable -B-7Switching NoiseGard™ on and off (HMDC 26-II)The NoiseGard™ ON /OFF switch 1 allows you to switch the NoiseGard™ active noise compensation on or off. With Noise-Gard™ switched off, the headset can be used as a conven-tional headset.̈Set the NoiseGard™ ON /OFF switch 1 to the desired position:1NoiseGard™ ON /OFFswitch2LED Position FunctionON NoiseGard™ is switched on.The LED 2 lights up, indicating the battery chargestatus.OFFNoiseGard™ is switched off.The LED 2is off.OperationPowering NoiseGard™ via two (rechargeable) batteries̈Insert two 1.5 V AA alkaline batteries (IEC LR 6) or two1.2 V AA rechargeable batteries (IEC LR 6). Observecorrect polarity when inserting the batteries.The operating time with batteries/rechargeable batteries is approx. 60 hours. With NoiseGard™ switched on, the LED 2 provides information on the remaining battery/ rechargeable battery capacity:LED 2Meaninglights up yellow The battery capacity is sufficient.lights up red The batteries are flat. Replace the batteries.Care and maintenanceCare and maintenanceCleaning and maintaining the headseẗOnly use a soft, dry cloth to clean the product.Replacing the ear padsFor reasons of hygiene, you should replace the ear pads annually.̈Grasp the edge of the ear pad and pull sharply.̈Attach the new ear pad to the ear cup by pressing firmly around the ear pad until you hear all 12 latches lock intoCAUTIONLiquids can damage the product!Liquids entering the product can short-circuit the electronics or damage the mechanics. Solvents or cleansing agents can damage the surface of the product.̈Keep all liquids far away from the product.Care and maintenanceReplacing the headband paddingsFor reasons of hygiene, you should replace the headband paddings at least once annually.̈Pull the Ziploc type fastening strips of the old headband̈̈Attach the new headband paddings by joining the fasten-ings strips.The tongue and groove of the fastening strips click into place.Care and maintenanceCleaning the sound inlet baskeẗCarefully pull the sound inlet basket from the capsule.̈Moisten a small brush (bristle brush or toothbrush) with isopropyl alcohol.̈inlet basket.̈Allow the sound inlet basket toair dry for approx. 1 hour sothat the remaining isopropylalcohol can evaporate.̈basket to the capsule so that itlocks into place with an audibleclick.When attaching the sound inletbasket, make sure not to coverthe sound inlet.SpecificationsSpecificationsHeadphonesTransducer principle dynamic, closedEar coupling supra-auralFrequency response20 to 18,000 HzImpedance HMD 26-II-600:300 Ω mono/600 Ω stereoHMD 26-II-600S:600 Ω monoHMD 26-II-100:50 Ω mono/100 Ω stereo Characteristic SPL ActiveGard™ switched on:105 dB SPL at 1 kHz, 1 mWActiveGard™ switched off:HMD 26-II-600/-600S:107 dB SPL at 1 kHz, 1 VHMD 26-II-100:115 dB SPL at 1 kHz, 1 V Max. SPL ActiveGard™ switched on:105 dB SPL at 1 kHzActiveGard™ switched off:HMD 26-II-600/-600S:127 dB SPL at 1 kHz, 200 mWHMD 26-II-100:128 dB SPL at 1 kHz, 200 mW THD< 0,5% at 1 kHzContact pressure HMD 26-II-600/-100:approx. 3.9 NHMD 26-II-600S:approx. 4.0 NMicrophoneType BMD 424Transducer principle dynamic, noise-compensating, hyper-cardioid Frequency response40 to 16,000 HzOutput voltage0.4 mV/Pa at 1 kHzImpedance300 ΩGeneral dataTemperature range operation:–15 °C to 55 °Cstorage:–55 °C to 70 °CWeight without cable HMD 26-II-600/-100:approx. 200 gHMD 26-II-600S:approx. 130 gHMD 26-II-600/-600S/-100SpecificationsHMDC 26-II-600HeadphonesTransducer principle dynamic, closedEar coupling supra-auralFrequency response20 to 18,000 HzImpedance600 Ω mono/1200 Ω stereoCharacteristic SPL ActiveGard™ switched on:108 dB SPL at 1 kHz, 1 mWActiveGard™ switched off:110 dB SPL at 1 kHz, 1 VMax. SPL120 dB SPL at 1 kHzActive noisecompensation≥ 18 dB (100 to 300 Hz)Attenuation(active/passive)15 to 30 dBTHD< 0.5% at 1 kHzContact pressure approx. 3.9 NMicrophoneType BMD 424Transducer principle dynamic, noise-compensating, hyper-cardioid Frequency response40 to 16,000 HzOutput voltage0.4 mV/Pa at 1 kHzImpedance300 ΩGeneral dataTemperature range operation: –15 °C to 55 °Cstorage: –55 °C to 70 °CWeight without cable approx. 210 gPower supply for Noise-Gard™2x 1.5 V AA alkaline battery (IEC LR 6) or2x 1.2 V AA rechargeable battery (IEC LR 6), operating time approx. 60 hSpecificationsHME 26-II-600/-100HeadphonesTransducer principle dynamic, closedEar coupling supra-auralFrequency response20 to 18,000 HzImpedance HME 26-II-600:300 Ω mono/600 Ω stereoHME 26-II-100:50 Ω mono/100 Ω stereo Characteristic SPL ActiveGard™ switched on:105 dB SPL at 1 kHz, 1 mWActiveGard™ switched off:HME 26-II-600:107 dB SPL at 1 kHz, 1 VHME 26-II-100:115 dB SPL at 1 kHz, 1 V Max. SPL ActiveGard™ switched on:105 dB SPL at 1 kHzActiveGard™ switched off:HME 26-II-600:127 dB SPL at 1 kHz, 200 mWHME 26-II-100:128 dB SPL at 1 kHz, 200 mW THD< 0.5% at 1 kHzContact pressure approx. 3.9 NMicrophoneType BKE 4-2Transducer principle pre-polarized condenser microphone,omni-directionalFrequency response40 to 20,000 HzOutput voltage 4 mV/Pa ±2.5 dBMax. SPL150 dB at 1 kHz, 0.5 % THDTerminating impedance min. 4.7 kΩSupply voltage 5 to 15 V DCGeneral dataTemperature range operation: –15 °C to 55 °Cstorage: –55 °C to 70 °CWeight without cable approx. 200 gSpecificationsHME 26-II-600(4)/-100(4)HeadphonesTransducer principle dynamic, closedEar coupling supra-auralFrequency response20 to 18,000 HzImpedance HME 26-II-600(4):300 Ω mono/600 Ω stereoHME 26-II-100(4):50 Ω mono/100 Ω stereo Characteristic SPL ActiveGard™ switched on:105 dB SPL at 1 kHz, 1 mWActiveGard™ switched off:HME 26-II-600(4):107 dB SPL at 1 kHz, 1 VHME 26-II-100(4):115 dB SPL at 1 kHz, 1 V Max. SPL ActiveGard™ switched on:105 dB SPL at 1 kHzActiveGard™ switched off:HME 26-II-600(4):127 dB SPL at 1 kHz, 200 mWHME 26-II-100(4):128 dB SPL at 1 kHz, 200 mW THD< 0.5% at 1 kHzContact pressure approx. 3.9 NMicrophoneType BKE 4-4Transducer principle pre-polarized condenser microphone, cardioid Frequency response40 to 20,000 HzOutput voltage 4 mV/Pa ±2.5 dBMax. SPL150 dB at 1 kHz, 0.5 % THDTerminating impedance min. 4.7 kΩSupply voltage 5 to 15 V DCGeneral dataTemperature range operation: –15 °C to 55 °Cstorage: –55 °C to 70 °CWeight without cable approx. 200 gSpecificationsHD 26 PROHeadphonesTransducer principle dynamic, closedEar coupling supra-auralFrequency response20 to 18,000 Hz Impedance100 Ω stereo Characteristic SPL ActiveGard™ switched on:105 dB SPL at 1 kHz, 1 mWActiveGard™ switched off:115 dB SPL at 1 kHz, 1 V Max. SPL ActiveGard™ switched on:105 dB SPL at 1 kHzActiveGard™ switched off:128 dB SPL at 1 kHz, 200 mW THD< 0.5% at 1 kHzContact pressure approx. 3.9 NGeneral dataTemperature range operation: –15 °C to 55 °Cstorage: –55 °C to 70 °C Weight without cable approx. 180 gManufacturer DeclarationsManufacturer DeclarationsWarrantySennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KG gives a warranty of 24 months on this product.For the current warranty conditions, please visit our website at or or contact your Sennheiser partner.FOR AUSTRALIA ONLYSennheiser goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. You are enti-tled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and com-pensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure.This warranty is in addition to other rights or remedies under law. Nothing in this warranty excludes, limits or modifies any liability of Sennheiser which is imposed by law, or limits or modifies any remedy available to the consumer which is granted by law.To make a claim under this warranty, contactSennheiser Australia Pty Ltd, Unit 3, 31 Gibbes Street Chatswood NSW 2067, AUSTRALIA.Phone:(02)99106700,email:**********************.au. 20Manufacturer DeclarationsAll expenses of claiming the warranty will be borne by the person making the claim.The Sennheiser International Warranty is provided by Sennheiser Australia Pty Ltd (ABN 68 165 388 312), Unit 3, 31 Gibbes Street Chatswood NSW 2067 Australia.CE Declaration of Conformity•RoHS Directive (2011/65/EU)•EMC Directive (2004/108/EC)The declaration is available at .In compliance withEurope EMC EN 55103-1/-2ChinaTrademarksSennheiser and NoiseGard TM professional are registered trademarks of Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KG.Other product and company names mentioned in this instruction manual may be the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.FCC User InformationNOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device of the FCC Rules, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules and ICES 003 of Industry21Manufacturer DeclarationsCanada. These limits are designed to provide reasonable pro-tection against harmful interference in a residential installa-tion. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or tele-vision reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:•Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.•Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.•Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit dif-ferent from that to which the receiver is connected.•Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/ TV technician for help.Changes or modifications made to this equipment not expressly approved by Sennheiser electronic Corp. may void FCC authorization to operate this equipment.22Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KGAm Labor 1, 30900 Wedemark, Germany Printed in Germany, Publ. 12/15, 552002/A02。

Sennheiser 26-II HD 26 PRO 头戴式耳机用户手册说明书

Sennheiser 26-II HD 26 PRO 头戴式耳机用户手册说明书

HME 26-II HD 26 PROHMD 26-II Broadcast HMDC 26-IIWichtige SicherheitshinweiseWichtige Sicherheitshinweise•Lesen Sie diese Bedienungsanleitung sorgfältig und voll-ständig, bevor Sie das Headset benutzen.•Bewahren Sie die Bedienungsanleitung für die weitere Nutzung so auf, dass sie jederzeit für alle Benutzer zugänglich ist.•Geben Sie das Produkt an Dritte stets zusammen mit der Bedienungsanleitung weiter.•Das Produkt kann Schalldrücke über 85 dB(A) erzeugen.Dies ist der maximal zulässige Wert, der über die Dauer eines Arbeitstages auf Ihr Gehör einwirken darf. Höhere Lautstärken oder eine längere Einwirkzeit können Ihr Gehör schädigen.•Reparieren Sie ein defektes Produkt nicht selbst. Wenden Sie sich an Ihren Sennheiser-Vertriebspartner oder den Sennheiser-Kundendienst.•Wechseln Sie nur die Teile aus, deren Austausch in dieser Bedienungsanleitung beschrieben ist. Verwenden Sie ausschließlich von Sennheiser zugelassene Anbau-, Zubehör- und Ersatzteile. Alle anderen Teile tauscht Ihnen Ihr Sennheiser-Vertriebspartner aus.•Schützen Sie das Produkt vor Nässe. Reinigen Sie es aus-schließlich mit einem trockenen Tuch. Fragen zur Reini-gung des Produkts besprechen Sie mit Ihrem Sennheiser-Vertriebspartner.1Wichtige SicherheitshinweiseBestimmungsgemäßer GebrauchDer bestimmungsgemäße Gebrauch schließt ein,•dass Sie diese Bedienungsanleitung und insbesondere das Kapitel …Wichtige Sicherheitshinweise“ gelesen haben.•dass Sie das Produkt innerhalb der Betriebsbedingungen, die in dieser Bedienungsanleitung beschrieben sind, einsetzen.Nicht bestimmungsgemäßer GebrauchAls nicht bestimmungsgemäßer Gebrauch gilt, wenn Sie das Produkt anders einsetzen, als es in dieser Bedienungsanlei-tung beschrieben ist oder die Betriebsbedingungen nicht einhalten.2Die Headsetserie 26-II und der Kopfhörer HD 26 PRODie Headsetserie 26-II undder Kopfhörer HD 26 PRODas Headset HMD 26-II/HME 26-II/HMDC 26-II und der Kopf-hörer HD 26 PRO sind mit dynamischen, geschlossenen Hörer-systemen ausgestattet. Das geräuschkompensierende Mik-rofon der Headsets HMD 26-II und HMDC 26-II gewährleistet auch in lärmerfüllter Umgebung hohe Sprachverständlichkeit. Die Headsets wurden für den Einsatz im Broadcast-Bereich, z. B. bei Außenübertragung oder im Ü-Wagen konzipiert. Das HMDC 26-II ist mit aktiver Lärmkompensation NoiseGard™ professional ausgestattet. Das HME 26-II ist, je nach Anwen-dung im Außen- oder Studiobereich, mit einem Mikrofon mit Kugel- oder Nierencharakteristik ausgestattet. Merkmale•geringes Gewicht•erstklassiger Tragekomfort über mehrere Stunden durch patentierten automatischen Spreizkopfbügel und weiche Ohrpolster•ActiveGard™ (abschaltbar) schützt vor Lautstärkespitzen über 105 dB (HME 26-II/HMD 26-II/HD 26 PRO)•aktive Lärmkompensation NoiseGard™ professional redu-ziert Lärm um bis zu 18 dB (HMDC 26-II)•schwenkbares Hörersystem für einohriges Hören3Lieferumfang•detailgetreue, lineare Wiedergabe für anspruchsvolle Anwendungen•flexibler Mikrofonarm, links oder rechts tragbar•geräuschkompensierendes, dynamisches Mikrofon für brillante Sprachübertragung (HMD 26-II/HMDC 26-II)•Kondensatormikrofon omnidirektional mit sehr linearem Frequenzgang (HME 26-II)•einseitige Kabelführung, Kabel leicht austauschbarLieferumfang1HMD 26-II / HME 26-II / HMDC 26-II / HD 26 PRO1Kabelklemme1Windschirm (nicht beim HD 26 PRO)1Kopfpolster, breit1Bedienungsanleitung4Bedienung5BedienungMikrofonarm drehenauch linksseitig tragen.Headset aufsetzenWenn Sie das Headset auf-setzen, klappt der paten-tierte Spreizkopfbügel auto-matisch auseinander.Bedienung6Mikrofon ausrichtenBiegen Sie den flexiblen Mikrofonarm so, dass das Mikrofon am Mundwinkel sitzt. Der Abstand zum Mund sollte 2 cm betragen. Verwenden Sie grundsätzlich den mitgelieferten Windschirm.Vermeiden Sie eine Positionierung direkt vor dem Mund, da das Mikrofon sonst verstärkt Atemgeräu-sche aufnimmt und Feuchtigkeit das Klangbild verän-dern kann.aufgesteckt wird.Beachten Sie dabei unbe-dingt die Einsprechrich-tung.Bedienung7Hörersystem nach hinten schwenkenDas Headset hat ein schwenkbares Hörersystem, das Sie für einohriges Hören ca. 45° nach hinten schwenken können.Kopfhörer HD 26 PRO mit Audiosystem verbinden̈Schrauben Sie ggf. den Schraubadapter für 6,3-mm-Klinkenstecker auf den 3,5-mm-Klinkenstecker.Bedienung8Lautstärke am Audiosystem einstellenVerbinden Sie das Headset mit den Buchsen des jeweiligen Audiosystems.̈Stellen Sie die Lautstärke direkt am Audiosystem ein.Das Headset kann hohe Schalldrücke erzeugen. Höhere Lautstärken oder eine längere Einwirkzeit können Ihr Gehör schädigen!̈Stellen Sie eine mittlere Lautstärke ein, sodass Sie wichtige Umgebungsgeräusche hören können.BedienungActiveGard™ ein- und ausschalten (HME 26-II/HMD 26-II/ HD 26 PRO)Die Funktion ActiveGard™ schützt vor Lautstärkespitzen über 105 dB, die über das Audiosystem oder Funkgerät über-tragen werden können.9BedienungBedienteil für HMDC 26-II in Verbindung mit Kabel -B-7NoiseGard™ ein- und ausschalten (HMDC 26-II)Mit dem ON /OFF -Schalter 1 können Sie die aktive Lärmkom-pensation NoiseGard™ ein- bzw. ausschalten. Ist NoiseGard™ ausgeschaltet, können Sie das Headset wie ein gewöhnliches Headset einsetzen.̈Schieben Sie den ON /OFF -Schalter 1 für die NoiseGard™-Funktion in die gewünschte Position:1ON /OFF -Schalter fürNoiseGard™2LED Position FunktionON NoiseGard™ ist eingeschaltet.Die LED 2 leuchtet und zeigt den Ladezustand derBatterien/Akkus an.OFFNoiseGard™ ist ausgeschaltet.Die LED 2leuchtet nicht.BedienungNoiseGard™ über Batterien oder Akkus mit Spannung versorgen̈Setzen Sie zwei Alkaline-Batterien (Typ LR 6 = AA, 1,5 V) oder zwei Akkus (Typ LR 6 = AA, 1,2 V) ein. Achten Sie dabei auf die Polarität.Die Betriebszeit mit Batterien oder Akkus beträgt ca. 60 Stunden. Ist NoiseGard™ eingeschaltet, informiert Sie die LED 2 über den Betriebszustand der Batterien oder Akkus:LED 2Bedeutungleuchtet gelb Der Ladezustand der Batterien oder Akkus istausreichend.leuchtet rot Der Ladezustand der Batterien oder Akkusreicht nur noch für eine kurze Betriebszeit.Pflege und WartungPflege und WartungHeadset reinigen und pflegen̈Reinigen Sie das Produkt ausschließlich mit einem weichen, trockenen Tuch.Ohrpolster austauschenAus hygienischen Gründen sollten Sie die Ohrpolster jährlich wechseln.̈Fassen Sie in das Ohrpolster und ziehen Sie kräftig.̈Befestigen Sie das neue Ohrpolster auf der Hörerkappe, indem Sie das Ohrpolster rundherum fest andrücken, bisVORSICHTProduktschäden durch Flüssigkeit!Flüssigkeit kann in das Produkt eindringen, einen Kurz-schluss in der Elektronik verursachen oder die Mechanik beschädigen. Löse- oder Reinigungsmittel können die Produktoberflächen beschädigen.̈Halten Sie Flüssigkeiten jeglicher Art vom Produkt fern.Pflege und WartungKopfpolster austauschenAus hygienischen Gründen sollten Sie die Kopfpolster min-destens 1 x jährlich wechseln.̈Lösen Sie von der Seite eines Kopfpolsters aus die Form-̈̈Befestigen Sie die neuen Kopfpolster, indem Sie die Form-profile auf der Oberseite zusammendrücken.Die Nut und Feder der Formprofile rasten hörbar ein.Pflege und WartungEinsprachekorb reinigen̈Ziehen Sie den Einsprachekorb vorsichtig von der Kapsel ab.̈Benetzen Sie eine kleine Bürste (Borstenpinsel oder Zahn-bürste) mit Isopropanol.̈Bürsten Sie den Einsprachekorbvorsichtig ab.̈etwa 1 Stunde offen trocknen,damit sich noch vorhandenesIsopropanol verflüchtigt.̈wieder auf den Mikrofonarm, biser hörbar mit einem Klick ein-rastet.die Einsprechrichtung.Technische DatenTechnische DatenHMD 26-II-600/-600S/-100 KopfhörerWandlerprinzip dynamisch, geschlossenAnkopplung an das Ohr ohraufliegendÜbertragungsbereich20 bis 18.000 HzImpedanz HMD 26-II-600:300 Ω mono/600 Ω stereoHMD 26-II-600S:600 Ω monoHMD 26-II-100:50 Ω mono/100 Ω stereo Kennschalldruckpegel ActiveGard™ eingeschaltet:105 db SPL bei 1 kHz, 1 mWActiveGard™ ausgeschaltet:HMD 26-II-600/-600S:107 db SPL bei 1 kHz, 1 VHMD 26-II-100:115 db SPL bei 1 kHz, 1 V Max. Schalldruckpegel ActiveGard™ eingeschaltet:105 db SPL bei 1 kHzActiveGard™ ausgeschaltet:HMD 26-II-600/-600S:127 db SPL bei 1 kHz, 200 mWHMD 26-II-100:128 db SPL bei 1 kHz, 200 mW Klirrfaktor< 0,5 % bei 1 kHzAndruckkraft HMD 26-II-600/-100:ca. 3,9 NHMD 26-II-600S:ca. 4,0 NMikrofonTyp BMD 424Wandlerprinzip dynamisch, geräuschkompensierend, Hyperniere Übertragungsbereich40 bis 16.000 HzAusgangsspannung0,4 mV/Pa bei 1 kHzImpedanz300 ΩAllgemeine DatenUmgebungstemperatur Betrieb:–15 °C bis 55 °CLagerung:–55 °C bis 70 °CGewicht ohne Kabel HMD 26-II-600/-100:ca. 200 gHMD 26-II-600S:ca. 130 gTechnische DatenHMDC 26-II-600KopfhörerWandlerprinzip dynamisch, geschlossenAnkopplung an das Ohr ohraufliegendÜbertragungsbereich20 bis 18.000 HzImpedanz600 Ω mono/1200 Ω stereo Kennschalldruckpegel ActiveGard™ eingeschaltet:108 db SPL bei 1 kHz, 1 mWActiveGard™ ausgeschaltet:110 db SPL bei 1 kHz, 1 VMax. Schalldruckpegel120 db SPL bei 1 kHzAktiveLärmkompensation≥ 18 db (100 bis 300 Hz)Lärmdämpfung(aktiv/passiv)15 bis 30 dbKlirrfaktor< 0,5 % bei 1 kHzAndruckkraft ca. 3,9 NMikrofonTyp BMD 424Wandlerprinzip dynamisch, geräuschkompensierend, Hyperniere Übertragungsbereich40 bis 16.000 HzAusgangsspannung0,4 mV/Pa bei 1 kHzImpedanz300 ΩAllgemeine DatenUmgebungstemperatur Betrieb: –15 °C bis 55 °CLagerung: –55 °C bis 70 °CGewicht ohne Kabel ca. 210 gStromversorgung für NoiseGard™2 x 1,5 V-Alkaline-Batterie (Typ LR 6 = AA) oder 2 x 1,2 V-Akku (Typ LR 6 = AA)Betriebszeit ca. 60 hTechnische DatenHME 26-II-600/-100KopfhörerWandlerprinzip dynamisch, geschlossenAnkopplung an das Ohr ohraufliegendÜbertragungsbereich20 bis 18.000 HzImpedanz HME 26-II-600:300 Ω mono/600 Ω stereoHME 26-II-100:50 Ω mono/100 Ω stereo Kennschalldruckpegel ActiveGard™ eingeschaltet:105 db SPL bei 1 kHz, 1 mWActiveGard™ ausgeschaltet:HME 26-II-600:107 db SPL bei 1 kHz, 1 VHME 26-II-100:115 db SPL bei 1 kHz, 1 V Max. Schalldruckpegel ActiveGard™ eingeschaltet:105 db SPL bei 1 kHzActiveGard™ ausgeschaltet:HME 26-II-600:127 db SPL bei 1 kHz, 200 mWHME 26-II-100:128 db SPL bei 1 kHz, 200 mW Klirrfaktor< 0,5 % bei 1 kHzAndruckkraft ca. 3,9 NMikrofonTyp BKE 4-2Wandlerprinzip dauerpolarisiertes Kondensatormikrofon,omnidirektionalÜbertragungsbereich40 bis 20.000 HzAusgangsspannung 4 mV/Pa ±2,5 dbGrenzschalldruckpegel150 db bei 1 kHz, 0,5 % THD Abschlussimpedanz min. 4,7 kΩVersorgungsspannung 5 bis 15 V DCAllgemeine DatenUmgebungstemperatur Betrieb: –15 °C bis 55 °CLagerung: –55 °C bis 70 °CGewicht ohne Kabel ca. 200 gTechnische DatenHME 26-II-600(4)/-100(4)KopfhörerWandlerprinzip dynamisch, geschlossenAnkopplung an das Ohr ohraufliegendÜbertragungsbereich20 bis 18.000 HzImpedanz HME 26-II-600(4):300 Ω mono/600 Ω stereoHME 26-II-100(4):50 Ω mono/100 Ω stereo Kennschalldruckpegel ActiveGard™ eingeschaltet:105 db SPL bei 1 kHz, 1 mWActiveGard™ ausgeschaltet:HME 26-II-600(4):107 db SPL bei 1 kHz, 1 VHME 26-II-100(4):115 db SPL bei 1 kHz, 1 V Max. Schalldruckpegel ActiveGard™ eingeschaltet:105 db SPL bei 1 kHzActiveGard™ ausgeschaltet:HME 26-II-600(4):127 db SPL bei 1 kHz, 200 mWHME 26-II-100(4):128 db SPL bei 1 kHz, 200 mW Klirrfaktor< 0,5 % bei 1 kHzAndruckkraft ca. 3,9 NMikrofonTyp BKE 4-4Wandlerprinzip dauerpolarisiertes Kondensatormikrofon,NierencharakteristikÜbertragungsbereich40 bis 20.000 HzAusgangsspannung 4 mV/Pa ±2,5 dbGrenzschalldruckpegel150 db bei 1 kHz, 0,5 % THD Abschlussimpedanz min. 4,7 kΩVersorgungsspannung 5 bis 15 V DCAllgemeine DatenUmgebungstemperatur Betrieb: –15 °C bis 55 °CLagerung: –55 °C bis 70 °CGewicht ohne Kabel ca. 200 gTechnische DatenHD 26 PROKopfhörerWandlerprinzip dynamisch, geschlossen Ankopplung an das Ohr ohraufliegendÜbertragungsbereich20 bis 18.000 HzImpedanz100 Ω stereo Kennschalldruckpegel ActiveGard™ eingeschaltet:105 db SPL bei 1 kHz, 1 mWActiveGard™ ausgeschaltet:115 db SPL bei 1 kHz, 1 V Max. Schalldruckpegel ActiveGard™ eingeschaltet:105 db SPL bei 1 kHzActiveGard™ ausgeschaltet:128 db SPL bei 1 kHz, 200 mW Klirrfaktor< 0,5 % bei 1 kHz Andruckkraft ca. 3,9 NAllgemeine DatenUmgebungstemperatur Betrieb: –15 °C bis 55 °CLagerung: –55 °C bis 70 °C Gewicht ohne Kabel ca. 180 gHerstellererklärungenHerstellererklärungenGarantieSennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KG übernimmt für dieses Produkt eine Garantie von 2 Jahren.Die aktuell geltenden Garantieleistungen können Sie über das Internet unter oder Ihren Sennheiser-Partner beziehen.CE-Konformität•RoHS-Richtlinie (2011/65/EU)•EMV-Richtlinie (2004/108/EG)Die Erklärung steht im Internet unter zur Verfügung.Anforderungen werden erfüllt fürEuropa EMV EN 55103-1/-2ChinaWarenzeichenSennheiser und NoiseGard TM professional sind eingetragene Warenzeichen der Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KG. Andere in dieser Bedienungsanleitung erwähnten Produkt- und Firmennamen können Marken- oder Handelsnamen ihrer jeweiligen Inhaber sein.20Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KGAm Labor 1, 30900 Wedemark, Germany Printed in Germany, Publ. 12/15, 552002/A02。

Perkadox 26 商品数据单(Dimyristyl peroxydicarbonate)说明书

Perkadox 26 商品数据单(Dimyristyl peroxydicarbonate)说明书

Product Data SheetPerkadox 26Dimyristyl peroxydicarbonatePerkadox® 26 is an initiator for (co)polymerization of (meth)acrylates.CAS number53220-22-7EINECS/ELINCS No.258-436-4TSCA statuslisted on inventoryMolecular weight514.8SpecificationsAppearance White flakesAssay≥96.0 %Inorganic + organic hydrolysable chloride≤ 100 mg/kgCharacteristicsBulk density480 kg/m³Melting point42 °CApplicationsPerkadox® 26 can be used for the market segments: polymer production, thermoset composites and acrylics production with their different applications/functions. For more information please check our website and/or contact us.Thermal stabilityOrganic peroxides are thermally unstable substances, which may undergo self-accelerating decomposition. The lowest temperature at which self-accelerating decomposition of a substance in the original packaging may occur is the Self-Accelerating Decomposition Temperature (SADT). The SADT is determined on the basis of the Heat Accumulation Storage Test.SADT35°C (95°C)Emergency temperature (Tₑ)25°C (77°F)Control temperature (Tc)20°C (68°F)Method The Heat Accumulation Storage Test is a recognized test method for the determinationof the SADT of organic peroxides (see Recommendations on the Transport ofDangerous Goods, Manual of Tests and Criteria - United Nations, New York andGeneva).StorageDue to the relatively unstable nature of organic peroxides a loss of quality can be detected over a period of time. To minimize the loss of quality, Nouryon recommends a maximum storage temperatureTs max.15°C (59°F)Note When stored under these recommended storage conditions, Perkadox® 26 will remainwithin the Nouryon specifications for a period of at least 3 months after delivery.Packaging and transportThe standard packaging is a cardboard box for 25 kg or 4 x 5 kg peroxide. Both packaging and transport meet the international regulations. For the availability of other packed quantities contact your Nouryon representative. Perkadox® 26 is classified as Organic peroxide type D; solid, temperature controlled, Division 5. 2; UN 3116.Safety and handlingKeep containers tightly closed. Store and handle Perkadox® 26 in a dry well-ventilated place away from sources of heat or ignition and direct sunlight. Never weigh out in the storage room. Avoid contact with reducing agents (e. g. amines), acids, alkalis and heavy metal compounds (e. g. accelerators, driers and metal soaps). Dissolving Perkadox® 26 in reactive monomer is not recommended. Please refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for further information on the safe storage, use and handling of Perkadox® 26. This information should be thoroughly reviewed prior to acceptance of this product. The SDS is available at /sds-search.Major decomposition productsCarbon dioxide, TetradecanolAll information concerning this product and/or suggestions for handling and use contained herein are offered in good faith and are believed to be reliable. Nouryon, however, makes no warranty as to accuracy and/or sufficiency of such information and/or suggestions, as to the product's merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose, or that any suggested use will not infringe any patent. Nouryon does not accept any liability whatsoever arising out of the use of or reliance on this information, or out of the use or the performance of the product. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as granting or extending any license under any patent.Customer must determine for himself, by preliminary tests or otherwise, the suitability of this product for his purposes. The information contained herein supersedes all previously issued information on the subject matter covered. The customer may forward, distribute, and/or photocopy this document only if unaltered and complete, including all of its headers and footers, and should refrain from any unauthorized use. Don’t copy this document to a website.Perkadox®, Trigonox and Laurox are registered trademarks of Nouryon Functional Chemicals B.V. or affiliates in one or more territories.Contact UsPolymer Specialties Americas************************Polymer Specialties Europe, Middle East, India and Africa*************************Polymer Specialties Asia Pacific************************2023-4-25© 2023Acrylics production Perkadox 26。

Palo Alto Networks PA-220 产品数据手册说明书

Palo Alto Networks PA-220 产品数据手册说明书

Palo Alto Networks | PA-220 | Datasheet1Key Security Features:Classifies all applications, on all ports, all the time• Identifies the application, regardless of port, encryption (SSL or SSH), or evasive technique employed • Uses the application, not the port, as the basis for all of your safe enablement policy decisions: allow, deny, schedule, inspect and apply traffic-shaping • Categorizes unidentified applications for policy control, threat forensics or App-ID™ application identification technology development Enforces security policies for any user, at any location• Deploys consistent policies to local and remote users running on the Windows ®, Mac ® OS X ®, Linux ®, Android ®, or Apple ® iOS platforms • Enables agentless integration with Microsoft ® Active Directory ® and T erminal Services, LDAP, Novell ® eDirectory™ and Citrix ®• Easily integrates your firewall policies with 802.1X wireless, proxies, NAC solutions, and any other source of user identity information Prevents known and unknown threats • Blocks a range of known threats, including exploits, malware and spyware, across all ports, regardless of common threat-evasion tactics employed • Limits the unauthorized transfer of files and sensitive data, and safely enables non-work-related web surfing • Identifies unknown malware, analyzes it based on hundreds of malicious behaviors, and then automatically creates and delivers protection The controlling element of the Palo AltoN etworks ® PA-220 is PAN-OS ®security operating system, which natively classifies alltraffic, inclusive of applications, threats and content, and then ties that traffic to the user, regardless of location or device type. The application, content and user – in other words, the business elements that run your business – are then used as the basis of your security policies, resulting in an improved security posture and a reduction in incident response time.Palo Alto Networks PA-220 brings next-generation firewall capabilities to distributed enterprise branch offices, retail locations and midsized businesses.PA-220Highlights• High availability with active/active and active/passive modes • Redundant power input for increased reliability• Fan-less design•Simplified deployments of large numbers of firewalls through USB 1 Performance and capacities are measured under ideal testing running PAN-OS 8.02Firewall and IPsec VPN throughput are measured with App-ID and User-IDfeatures enabled3Threat prevention throughput is measured with App-ID, User-ID, IPS, Antivirusand Anti-Spyware features enabled4 Throughput is measured with 64Kb HTTP transactions5 New sessions per second is measured with 4Kb HTTP transactionsPA-2204401 Great America Parkway Santa Clara, CA 95054Main: +1.408.753.4000Sales: +1.866.320.4788Support: + © 2017 Palo Alto Networks, Inc. Palo Alto Networks is a registered trademarkof Palo Alto Networks. A list of our trademarks can be found at http://www./company/trademarks.html. All other marks mentionedherein may be trademarks of their respective FeaturesHardware SpecificationsTo view additional information about the features and associated capacities of the PA-220, please visit /products .The PA-220 supports a wide range of networking features that enable you to more easily integrate our security features into your existing network.。

Mettler Toledo XP26微衡仪用户说明书

Mettler Toledo XP26微衡仪用户说明书

NewsWeighing and Analysis in the Laboratory1Machinery PlasticsElectronicsDiverse Tasks, One GoalHella KGaA Hueck & Co. runs its world-wide single chemical laboratory in Lipp-stadt, Germany. The site copes with an en-tire spectrum of the most diverse samples. The items which land on Peter Broske’s desk include complete headlight assem-blies, complex electronic components, circuit boards, single microchips, gran-ules, production containers and samples for air and water analysis for environ-mental protection and safety at work. Apart from in-process quality control, the lab also conducts analysis alongside the development of new products. It is also the central point of contact for troubleshoot-ing within production, processes and in the field.In the laboratory of Hella KGaA Hueck & Co., the daily routine of testing diverse samples used in the automotive industry is now greatly simpli-fied and far more efficient with the employment of METTLER TOLEDO’s XP26 microbalance. Peter Broske, head of the measurement and test centre in the chemical analytics division of Hella KGaA Hueck & Co. is very enthusiastic about this new purchase. Turning Up the Lights for a Real Problem SolverEfficient operations, high throughput, user-friendliness and flexible deployment of the relevant equipment are therefore essential. In addition, the automotive industry sets tight constraints in respect to accuracy, reproducibility and deadline adherence, in order to greatly reduce the risk of handling errors. Peter Broske ex-plains how well the XP26 microbalance from METTLER TOLEDO meets these requirements and shares some practical examples with us.Difficult Sample Handling Solved by Smart SolutionsFogging tests are now standard practice in the automotive industry, which is still by far the primary customer segment for Hella. These tests involve studying the2METTLER TOLEDO Machinery, Plastics & Electronics News 1PublisherMettler-Toledo AGLaboratory & Weighing Technologies Im LangacherCH-8606 Greifensee, Switzerland ProductionSegment Marketing LAB SwitzerlandTechnical articles Mettler-Toledo AG– Laboratory & Weighing Technologies – Analytical Instruments 11794274 40.12Subject to technical changes. © Mettler-Toledo AG 08/01 Printed in Switzerland.X P 26 M i c r o b a l a n c eemission of water, organic solvents, ad-ditives and plasticisers from components and assemblies. To perform the test the sample is heated and the volatile compo-nents are condensed onto a thin piece of cooled aluminum foil. These delicate foils are 50 - 80 mm in diameter and must not be bent or folded while determining tare weight, sample taking or back weighing. “The sensitivity and the size of the foil is the problem here”, explained Broske, just one crease or fold is enough to destroy the airtight seal between the sample and the sample holder. The luminous reflectance of the folded edges would prevent any sub-sequent visual inspection of the conden-sates intended to determine their reflec-tance or impede any direct analysis under the FTIR microscope. This problem was solved thanks to the XP microbalance’s large weighing chamber and the hanging support of the weighing pan, situated at the rear of the weighing chamber”.The grid-type weighing pan can be eas-ily removed and replaced with ErgoClips. The ErgoClip is a modified weighing pan tailor-made to the individual needs of fre-quently used tare containers (e.g. volu-metric flasks or Eppendorf tubes). In the case of fogging tests on aluminum foil, Mr. Broske helped to find an optimum solution with his own modified version of the ErgoClip micro basket.Peter Broske, head of the mea-surement and test centre in the chemical analytics division of Hella KGaA Hueck & CoMr. Broske also benefits from the bal-ance’s application software: “The dif-ferential weighing application in the balance enables us to rule out any errors occurring during manual notation of the tare weights. That’s a major plus!”3METTLER TOLEDO Machinery, Plastics & Electronics News 1Full Independency Thanks to METTLER TOLEDOMr. Broske sums up the advantages of the XP microbalance:n Large weighing area and high degreeof flexibility, thanks to SmartGrid and the ErgoClipsn High accuracy for small samples and up to 52 grams with the possibility of directly weighing into various tare vesselsn Differential weighing application accelerates work rate and lowers error riskn Short settling times and stable results within seconds thanks to the well-pro-tected weighing chamber with exter-nal/internal draft shields and unique hanging SmartGrid weighing pan n Automatic door opening facilitatesand accelerates operation procedureThe microbalance in its surroundings at the analytical laboratory at Hella.Intelligent grid-type weighing pan and up to 52 g extra weighing area allow direct weighing into a wide and diverse range of tare vessels - illustrated here with thermodesorption tube.High-precision sample weighing up to 0.2 mg, illustrated here with a scratched coating on a polymer component.Modified ErgoClipHe summarizes: “Given the constantly growing number and diversity of tasks and the required accuracy and reproduc-ibility, we would have had to outsource tests to other laboratories. But these labo-ratories do not share our material and process know-how. Therefore, not only would it be expensive but also extremely questionable in terms of the quality and significance of the results. The XP26 mi-crobalance is definitely the best invest-ment and overall solution.”} /micro。


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R6 10K
The amplifiers are especially well-suited for this application. The extended common mode range allows command inputs as low as 0V. Its superior output swing abilities let it drive within 2V of supply at an output current of 2A. This means that a command input that ranges from 0V to 10V will drive a 24V motor from full scale CCW to full scale CW at up to ±2A. A single power op amp with an output swing capability of Vs –6 would require ±30V supplies and would be required to swing 48V p-p at twice the speed to deliver an equivalent drive.



人教版必修1 UnitSl-5单词默写版人教版必修一Welcome unit一、单词默写1 .交换;交流__________2 .讲座;讲课;教训- _________3 .registration _________4 .登记;注册_______ ___________6 .female_ _________7 . m ale __ _____ _8 .国籍;民族__________9 .国家;民族;国民10 .designer ___________11 .设计;设计方案---------- [2.校园;校区 ___________13 .正式的;正规的14 .焦虑的;不安的15 .a∩noyed_________16 .使恼怒;打扰17 .惊吓的;害怕的18 .senior _________19 .爱交际的;外向的20 .印象;感想21 .使钦佩vi.留下印象;引人注目22 .guy__________23 .集中(注意力);聚集会神 ----24 .实验;试验入25 .令人尴尬的;难对付的_ _________26 .junior _______ ._27 .探索;勘探_________28 .自信的;有把握的29.confidence30 .forward__________31 .光;信号;V.闪耀;闪光;发出信号32 .组织;筹备vi.组建;成立anization34.目标;球门射门35.strategy __________36 .partner __________37 .改进;改善_________38 .好奇的_ ________39 .公司,商行,陪伴- _________40 .性格,个性41 .方式,作风42 .revise __________二、短语默写1 .逐渐了解...........2 .把…与…相匹配3 .愿意做某事_________4 .想要某人做某事5 .学生证_____6 .(来自••・的)交换生7 •在报告厅_________8 .在登记处_________ .9 .在食堂____________1 。

Sensata Technologies APL UPL系列产品说明说明书

Sensata Technologies APL UPL系列产品说明说明书

“Existing Design-In Only”A P L /U P LINTRODUCTIONIMPORTANT NOTICE: The APL/UPL is a legacy product and no new design-in orders are being accepted. We are also discontinuing the 205 series (APL with dust proof enclosure). If the specifications for any of these products are necessary for your system, Sensata T echnologies recommends utilizing the Airpax™ IAL series.The APL/UPL magnetic circuit protector provides reliable, low-cost power switching, circuit protection and circuit control. The handle opens and closes a circuit, under normal load conditions, similar to an ON-OFF switch. Upon overload, the internal mechanism trips, opens the contacts and forcibly returns the handle to the OFF position. Since the protector is “trip free,” the internal contacts will not remain closed in the presence of an overload, even though the handle is held in the ON position.The APL/UPL line offers many configurations including series, shunt and relay with a choice of delays and ratings. APL/UPL multi-pole assemblies are available with a mix of current ratings, delays and internal circuit configurations.While designed for industrial, military and information processing applications, the APL is suitable for use in any situation where precision operation is required. Most versions of the APL family are recognized by UL per UL STD. 1077 as supplementary protectors and certified by CSA per CSA STD. C22.2–No. 235as supplementary protectors and are designated with the UPL prefix..675Note: Tolerance ± .015 [.38]unless noted. Dimensions inbrackets [ ] are millimeters.MULTI-POLE CIRCUIT PROTECTORSMulti-pole protectors are combined in an assembly with the actuating handles linked and the trip mechanisms internally coupled. A fault in either protected circuit opens all poles simultaneously. Applications include use in two-phase circuits, single-phase three-wire systems or in two or more related but electrically isolated circuits. A mix of delays, ratings and configurations is possible, with the series type having any of the auxiliary switches listed. Combinations up to nine poles are available.(SEE TABLE)“A”.75 ± .015[19.05 ± .38](TYP)ONON1.448[36.78].432[10.97]2.280[57.91].750[19.05].432[10.97]1.448[36.78]2.060[52.32]1.530[38.86]Ø 4X .156[3.96].432[10.97]1.448[36.78]Ø 2X .156[3.96].755[19.18]2.060[52.32].750[19.05].750[19.05]2.060[52.32]Ø 6X .156[3.96]One PoleTwo PoleThree PoleMounting Details Panel Mounting Tolerances: ±.005 [.13] unless noted.MULTI-POLE DIMENSIONS2 pole “A” 1.515 [38.48] max3 pole “A” 2.265 [57.53] max4 pole “A” 3.015 [76.58] max 5 pole “A” 3.765 [95.63] max6 pole “A” 4.515 [114.68] max7 pole “A” 5.265 [133.73] max8 pole “A” 6.015 [152.78] max9 pole “A”6.765 [171.83] maxNote: Dimension “A” varies with # of polesA P L /U P LSeries TripThe most popular configuration for magnetic protectors is the series trip where the sensing coil and contacts are in series with the load being protected. The handle position conveniently indicates circuit status. In addition to providing conventional over-current protection, it’s simultaneously used as an on-off switch.Auxiliary Switch(Applies to Series Trip Only)This is furnished as an integral part of a series pole in single or multi-pole assemblies. Isolated electrically from the protector’s circuit, the switch works in unison with the power contacts and provides indication at a remote location of the protector’s on-off status.Auxiliary switch contacts actuate simultaneously with the main breaker contacts, and will open regardless of whether the breaker contacts are opened manually or electrically. For auxiliary switch ratings below 6Vac or 5Vdc, an auxiliary switch with gold contacts is available. Gold contacts are not recommended for load current above 100 milliamps.The contacts on our optional RS auxiliary switch will open only in the event of an electrical trip of the circuit breaker.Shunt TripThe shunt trip is designed for controlling two separate loads with one assembly. The control is established by providing overload protection for the critical load. When the current through this load becomes excessive and reaches the trip point, the protector will open and remove power from both loads simultaneously. The total current rating of both loads must not exceed the maximum contact rating.Relay TripThis permits the overload sensing coil to be placed in a circuit which is electrically isolated from the trip contacts. The coil may be actuated by sensors monitoring pressure, flow, temperature, speed, etc. Other typical applications include crowbar, interlock and emergency/rapid shutdown circuitry. Trip may be accomplished by voltage or current, which must be removed immediately upon tripping.Dual CoilDual coil protectors provide remote shut down option and normal overcurrent protection in the confines of a single breaker pole. This construction saves space by eliminating the need for an additional pole for the voltage trip function.Voltage TripSometimes called “dump circuits” or “panic trip circuits,” these units make it possible to open main power contacts with lower power inputs from one or more sources. This configuration is becoming increasingly more important for sensitive circuitry and denser packaging in automation systems. Available in series, shunt, relay or dual coil configurations.APL/UPL CONFIGURATIONS.187[4.75].312[7.92].187[4.75].110[2.79].295[7.49]REG 4REC 4REG 5REC 5RS.281 ± .020(7.14 ± 0.51)1.940[49.28]BREAKER IN OFFPOSITIONLINELOADNC NO C( 50 AMP)LOAD LINE (>50 AMP)LOADLINE.625 ± .031(15.88 ± 0.79).281 ± .020(7.14 ± 0.51).675 ± .050(17.15 ± 1.27).280(7.11)1.940(49.28)1.290 ± .031(32.77 ± 0.79).280 ± .031(7.11 ± 0.79)1.056 ± .031(26.82 ± 0.79).648 ± .031(16.46 ± 0.79).667 ± .020[16.94 ± 0.51]1.940[49.28].281 ± .020[7.14 ± 0.51].625 ± .031[15.88 ± 0.79].667 ± .020[16.94 ± 0.51]1.275 ± .020[32.38 ± 0.51]1.940[49.28].281 ± .020[7.14 ± 0.51].625 ± .031[15.88 ± 0.79]TRIP SHUNTTRIPNO VOLTAGECOIL DUAL RATING DUAL TRIP RELAY COIL DUAL LOADLINECOIL.V LINELOAD LOADLOAD LINE LOAD RELAYRELAYLINE COILCOIL LINE LOADCOIL COILLINELOADSeries Trip (See Note A)Series Trip with Auxiliary SwitchShunt, Relay and Dual CoilNotes:Tolerance ± .015 [.38] unless noted. Dimensions in brackets [ ]are millimeters.A T erminal sizes:10-32 THD (<50 AMP), ¼ -28 THD (>50 AMP) Metric Terminals (Optional), M5 x 0.8 THD (<50 AMP).B Minimum useable thread length: 10-32 THD (.250 on breakers without terminal boards, .160 with terminal boards) ¼ -28 THD (.200).A P L /U P LInrush Pulse Tolerance (typ)The following table provides a comparison of inrush pulse tolerance with and without the inertial delay feature for each of the 50/60Hz delays. Pulse tolerance is defined as a single pulse of half sine wave peak current amplitude of 8milliseconds duration that will not trip the circuit breaker.APL/UPL OPERATING CHARACTERISTICSAll trip curves and trip currents are specified with the breaker mounted in the normal vertical position at ambient temperature of +25°C. Protectors do not carry current prior to application of overload.Delays 64, 65 and 66Delays 64, 65 and 66 are the latest 50/60Hz delays with short, medium and long trip times respectively. The patented protector design provides both increased tolerance to high inrush induced nuisance tripping and longer trip times at 600 percent. These delays are ideally suited for applications where thermal devices are presently used, such as motor protection or where short duration, high inrush currents are experienced. As shown in a typical motor start-up curve, the delay 66 will provide locked rotor and overload protection. Nuisance tripping is avoided since acceptable short periods of overload will not trip the protector.where known inrush exists). Delay 71 has a short delay for general purpose applications. Delay 72 is long enough to start certain types of motors and most transformer and capacitor loads. Delay 73 is an extra long delay primarily for special motor applications.PERCENT OF RATED CURRENT .001.01110T I M E I N S E C O N D S125PERCENT OF RATED CURRENT.001.011001000110T I M E I N S E C O N D S125PERCENT OF RATED CURRENT.001.011001000.1110T I M E I N S E C O N D S125.001.011001000.1110T I M E I N S E C O N D SPERCENT OF RATED CURRENT.001.01100.1110T I M E I N S E C O N D SDC Delay Curves (typ)A choice of delays is offered for DC applications. Delays 50 and 59 provide fast acting, non-delayed tripping to protect sensitive electronic equipment (not recommended where known inrush exists). Delay 51 has a short delay for general purposeapplications. Delay 52 is long enough to start certain types of motors. Delay 53 is an extra long delay used primarily for special motor applications.DELAY 408007006005004003002001501251000T I M E I N S E C O N D S101.11000100.0110000.001PERCENT OF RATED CURRENT1000900DELAY 418007006005004003002001501251000T I M E I N S E C O N D S101.11000100.0110000.001PERCENT OF RATED CURRENT1000900DELAY 429001000PERCENT OF RATED CURRENT.00110000.011001000.1110T I M E I N S E C O N D S100125150200300400500600700800DELAY 439001000PERCENT OF RATED CURRENT.00110000.011001000.1110T I M E I N S E C O N D S100125150200300400500600700800DELAY 499001000PERCENT OF RATED CURRENT.00110000.011001000.1110T I M E I N S E C O N D S100130150200300400500600700800M A Y T R I PM A Y T R I PM A Y T R I PM A Y T R I PM A Y T R I P400Hz Delay Curves (typ)A choice of delays is offered for 400Hz applications. Delays 40 and 49 are fast acting, non-delayed tripping to protect sensitive electronic equipment (not recommended where known inrush exists). Delay 41 has a short delay for general purposeapplications. Delay 42 is long enough to start certain types of motor and most transformers and capacitor loads. Delay 43 is an extra long delay primarily for special motor applications.A P L /U P LTrip FreeWill trip open on overload, even when the handle is forcibly held on or restrained. This prevents operator from damaging the circuit by holding the handle in the ON position. Trip IndicationThe operating handle moves positively to the OFF position on overload.Ambient OperationOperates normally in temperatures between –40°C and +85°C.Insulation ResistanceNot less than 100 megohms at 500Vdc.Dielectric StrengthWithstands 1500Vac at 60Hz for 60 seconds or 1800Vac for one second from terminal to terminal, and from auxiliary switch terminal to main terminal.EndurancePer UL 1077 (6000 operations at rated load plus 4000operations with no load). Tested at a maximum rate of 6 times per minute. Rating above 50 amperes operate a minimum of 5000 operations.ShockWithstands 100G or more without tripping while carrying full rated current per MIL-Std-202, Method 213, Test Condition I. Instantaneous types (delay 40, 50, 60 and 49, 59, 69) and dual coil configurations are tested at 80% of rated current. Protectors mounted in the handle down position are to be tested with no current applied (per MIL-PRF-55629).VibrationWithstands 10G without tripping while carrying full rated current per MIL-Std-202, Method 204, Test Condition A.Instantaneous types (delay 40, 50, 60 and 49, 59, 69) and dual coil configurations are tested at 80% of rated current.Dual Coil Ratings5-65Vdc and 5-250Vac for three terminal configurations. 5-120Vac and 5-120Vdc for four terminal configurations. Not available in delays 64, 65 and 66.APL Ratings0.050-50 amperes, 65Vdc, 250Vac maximum, 50/60Hz or 400Hz. 51-100 amperes at 65Vdc and 120Vac maximum. Ratings of 0.050-20 amperes at 277Vac, 50/60Hz are available upon request.Auxiliary Switch RatingsREC4 and REC5 are rated at 10 amperes, 250Vac or 3amperes, 50Vdc. REG4 and REG5 are rated at 0.1 amperes, 125Vac.UPL RatingsUPL protectors are UL STD. 1077 (File No. E-66410) and CSA STD. C22.2–No. 235 (File No. LR-26229) recognized assupplementary protectors in the following configurations and ratings. Consult factory for further information.ConfigurationsSeries, Shunt, Relay, Auxiliary Switch, Switch Only, Dual Coil, No Voltage.PolesOne through nine.Moisture ResistanceDesigned to meet the requirements of MIL-PRF-55629 when tested in accordance with Method 106 of MIL-Std-202.Salt Spray (Corrosion)Designed to meet the requirements of MIL-PRF-55629 when tested in accordance with Method 101 of MIL-Std-202.APL/UPL SPECIFICATIONSMoisture ResistanceDesigned to meet the requirements of MIL-PRF-55629 when tested in accordance with Method 106 of MIL-Std-202.Salt Spray (Corrosion)Designed to meet the requirements of MIL-PRF-55629 when tested in accordance with Method 101 of MIL-Std-202.MPL RatingsMPL protectors are UL (File No. E-41607) and CSA (File No. LR-26229) recognized as manual, across the line starters, in the following configurations and ratings. Consult factory for further information.ConfigurationsSeries only with and without auxiliary switch.PolesOne, two or three.ShockWithstands 100G or more without tripping while carrying full rated current per MIL-Std-202, Method 213, Test Condition I. Instantaneous types (delay 40, 50, 60 and 49, 59, 69) are tested at 80% of rated current. Breakers mounted in the handle down position are to be tested with no current applied (per MIL-PRF-55629).VibrationWithstands 10G without tripping while carrying full rated current per MIL-Std-202, Method 204, Test Condition A. Instantaneous types (delay 40, 50, 60 and 49, 59, 69) are tested at 80% of rated current.MPL SPECIFICATIONSAPL/UPL DECISION TABLESHow to OrderThe ordering code for APL/UPL circuit protectors may be determined by following the steps in the decision tables shown here.The coding given permits a self-assigning part number; other configurations may require a factory assigned part number. Typical examples are units with mixed ratings, combinations of styles or constructions not listed in the third decision table, etc. With these, it is suggested that order entry be by description and/or drawings and a part number will be assigned. Additionally, it is a standard policy to establish a factory assigned part number wherever a descriptive drawing exists to provide cross reference, traceability and manufacturing control.When specifying a protector for AC motor start or high inrush applications, the peak amplitude and surge duration should be specified for factory assistance in rating selection.For example, the code shown is the code for a two pole UPL protector with series trip, 20 ampere rating, 50/60Hz. short time delay construction in all poles.To determine the ordering number for your particular APL/UPL unit, simply follow the steps shown. You may use this number to place an order or as a reference for further questions you may have.Notes:A T he most common current values for 100% of rated current arethose listed. Please consult an Airpax office orsales representa-tive for other values.B A ll APL/UPL protectors are constructed with stainless steelsprings and plated parts. As noted in the specifications, all meet normal requirements for moisture and salt spray resistance. If fungus resistance is required in addition to moisture and saltspray resistance, special procedures and markings are employed.C T erminals will be supplied as #10-32 threaded studs up to 50amperes. Above this amperage terminals will be ¼ -28 threaded studs. All standard units will be supplied with a hex nut and two flat washers on each threaded terminal.D W hen metric threaded inserts are specified, breakers rated at50 amperes and below will be supplied with metric threadedterminals. For breakers rated above 50 amperes, ¼ -28 threaded terminals will be supplied.E Black handle standard.Copyright © 2023 Sensata Technologies, Inc.Datasheets provided by Sensata Technologies, Inc., its subsidiaries and/or affiliates (“Sensata”) are solely intended to assist third parties (“Buyers”) who are developing systems that incorporate Sensata products (also referred to herein as “components”). Buyer understands and agrees that Buyer remains responsible for using its independent analysis, valuation, and judgment in designing Buyer’s systems and products. Sensata datasheets have been created using standard laboratory conditions and engineering practices. Sensata has not conducted any testing other than that specifically described in the published documentation for a particular datasheet. Sensata may make corrections, enhancements, improvements, and other changes to its datasheets or components without notice.Buyers are authorized to use Sensata datasheets with the Sensata component(s) identified in each particular datasheet. HOWEVER, NO OTHER LICENSE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BY ESTOPPEL OR OTHERWISE TO ANY OTHER SENSATA INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT, AND NO LICENSE TO ANY THIRD PARTY TECHNOLOGY OR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT, IS GRANTED HEREIN. SENSATA DATASHEETS ARE PROVIDED “AS IS”. SENSATA MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS WITH REGARD TO THE DATASHEETS OR USE OF THE DATASHEETS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY , INCLUDING ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS. SENSATA DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY OF TITLE AND ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY , FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT, QUIET POSSESSION, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF ANY THIRD PARTY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS WITH REGARD TO SENSATA DATASHEETS OR USE THEREOF.All products are sold subject to Sensata’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at .SENSATA ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR APPLICATIONS ASSISTANCE OR THE DESIGN OF BUYERS’ PRODUCTS. BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT IT IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLIANCE WITH ALL LEGAL, REGULATORY , AND SAFETY-RELATED REQUIREMENTS CONCERNING ITS PRODUCTS, AND ANY USE OF SENSATA COMPONENTS IN ITS APPLICATIONS, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY APPLICATIONS-RELATED INFORMATION OR SUPPORT THAT MAY BE PROVIDED BY SENSATA.Mailing Address: Sensata Technologies, Inc., 529 Pleasant Street, Attleboro, MA 02703, USARegional head offices:United States of America Sensata Technologies Attleboro, MAPhone: 508-236-3800E-mail:*******************NetherlandsSensata Technologies Holland B.V.HengeloPhone: +31 74 357 8000E-mail:*******************ChinaSensata Technologies China Co., Ltd.ShanghaiPhone: +8621 2306 1500E-mail: *******************CONTACT US。



南非沙索(SASOL)表面活性剂—异构C13脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚系列非离子表面活性剂Nonionic Surfactant直链脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚(Linear Alcohol Ethoxylates)系列:AEO2-24Z,AEO3-24S,AEO5-80,AEO7-24S,AEO9-24S,AEO80-68SSAFOL™23脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚(SAFOL™23 Alcohol Ethoxylates)系列:SAFOL™23E3,SAFOL™23E5,SAFOL™23E7,SAFOL™23E9MULTISO系列产品(异构C13脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚) 系列:MULTISO 13/30,MULTISO 13/40,MULTISO 13/50,MULTISO 13/60,MULTISO 13/70,MULTISO 13/80,MULTISO 13/90,MULTISO 13/100,MULTISO 13/110,MULTISO 13/120 ISALCHEM系列产品(异构C11脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚) 系列:ISALCHEM 11/30,ISALCHEM 11/50,ISALCHEM 11/70,ISALCHEM 11/80,ISALCHEM 11/150 脂肪酸聚氧乙烯酯(Fatty Acid Ethoxylates)FCE9-L98甘油醚(Glycerin Ethoxylates)GEO-18特殊产品FORMUL HS T791,SOLBL DA,SOLBL FB阴离子表面活性剂Anionic Surfactant脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚硫酸盐(Alcohol Ether Sulphates)系列:AES 270N,AES 370N,AAES 370N,SAFOL™23E2S脂肪醇硫酸盐(Fatty Alcohol Sulphates)型号:ALS-70蜡乳液W19、W30/300、HDL、1070、PE02/25/35等德国德固赛附着力促进树脂LTW、140V、U碳、OK520哑粉、R-972美国罗门哈斯树脂A11、B66法国罗地亚抗油剂47V50-1000, 己二酸(500KG/包), 尼龙酸南非沙索(SASOL)表面活性剂—异构C13脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚系列南非.沙索/ 荷兰.科莱恩:仲烷基磺酸钠PS 60, SAS 60韩国东洋气相二氧化硅(白碳黑) K200 K150韩国.韩华环氧氯丙烷美国道康宁二甲基硅油德国.汉姆NP-10 (壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚,10EO)马来西亚产甘油-医药级德国拜尔IPDI(异佛尔酮二异氰酸酯)法国罗地亚公司己二酸(500KG/包), 尼龙酸详细说明:一、SASOL脂肪醇:1、直链天然醇---Nacol 14-98 系列、NAFOL系列2、支链异构醇---Isaclehm 145,SASOL 233、格尔伯特醇系列---ISOFOL 12/16/18T/20 .4、 Nafol 20+---造纸消泡剂、皮革加脂剂二、SASOL脂肪酸系列---格尔伯特酸 Isocarb12、Isocarb24三、SASOL非离子表面活性剂1、 SASOL EN系列---用作硅油乳化剂、清洗剂、渗透剂2、 MULTISO 13系列---高效硅油乳化剂、脱脂剂、清洗剂。

ARIES ARIES-P -Ver.04- 8 0 2 7 9 0 8 1 1 3 7 4 0 产

ARIES ARIES-P -Ver.04- 8 0 2 7 9 0 8 1 1 3 7 4 0 产

ISTRUZIONI D'USO E DI INSTALLAZIONE INSTALLATION AND USER'S MANUALINSTRUCTIONS D'UTILISATION ET D'INSTALLATION INSTALLATIONS-UND GEBRAUCHSANLEITUNG INSTRUCCIONES DE USO Y DE INSTALACION INSTRUÇÕES DE USO E DE INSTALAÇÃOCENTRALINA DI COMANDO D811184A ver. 04 08-02-02I CONTROL UNIT GB UNITÉ DE COMMANDE F STEUERZENTRALE D CENTRAL DE MANDO E CENTRAL DO MANDOP ARIES - ARIES P8027908113740a“WARNINGS” leaflet and an “INSTRUCTION MANUAL”.These should both be read carefully as they provide important information about safety, installation, operation and maintenance. This product complies with the recognised technical standards and safety regulations. We declare that this product is in conformity with the following European Directives: 89/336/EEC and 73/23/EEC (and subsequent amendments).1) GENERAL OUTLINEThe ARIES control unit has been designed for swing gates. It can be used for one or two gate controllers.The control unit mod. ARIES P can also be used to perform opening of a single actuator while keeping the other one closed (pedestrian access).2) FUNCTIONSSTOP: In all cases: it stops the gate until a new start command is given.PHOT:Functions can be set with Dip-Switch.Activated during closing.Activated during opening and closing.Rapid closingON: When the position of the gate photocells is exceeded, during both opening and closing, the gate automatically starts to close even if TCA is activated. We recommend setting DIP3 to ON (photocells only activated during closing).Blocks impulsesON: During opening, START commands are not accepted.OFF: During opening, START commands are accepted.PhotocellsON: Photocells only activated during closing.OFF: Photocells activated during opening and closing.Automatic closing time (TCA)ON: Automatic closing activated (can be adjusted from 0 to 90s)Preallarm (mod. ARIES P only)ON: The flashing light turns on abt 3 seconds before the motors start.FOR THE INSTALLER: check the boxes you are interested in.START:four-step logic Gate closedGate openDuring openingDuring closingAfter stop START: two-step logic SCA: Gate open indicating lightit opens it opensit stops and activates TCAit closesit stops and does not activate TCAit starts opening it stops and activats TCA (if activated)it closesit opensit opensoffononflashingATTENTION:Dip non used in mod. ARIES (always in OFF set).3) MAINTENANCE AND DEMOLITIONThe maintenance of the system should only be carried out by qualified personnel regularly. The materials making up the set and its packing must be disposed of according to the regulations in force.Batteries must be properly disposed of.WARNINGSCorrect controller operation is only ensured when the data contained in the present manual are observed. The company is not to be held responsible for any damage resulting from failure to observe the installation standards and the instructions contained in the present manual.The descriptions and illustrations contained in the present manual are not binding. The Company reserves the right to make any alterations deemed appropriate for the technical, manufacturing and commercial improvement of the product, while leaving the essential product features unchanged, at any time and without undertaking to update the present publication.D 811184A _04Thank you for buying this product, our company is sure that you will be more than satisfied with the product ’s performance. The product is supplied with a “WARNINGS ” leaflet and an “INSTRUCTION MANUAL ”.These should both be read carefully as they provide important information about safety, installation, operation and maintenance.This product complies with the recognised technical standards and safety regulations. We declare that this product is in conformity with the following European Directives: 89/336/EEC and 73/23/EEC (and subsequent amendments).1) GENERAL OUTLINEThe ARIES control unit has been designed for swing gates. It can be used for one or two gate controllers.The control unit mod. ARIES P can also be used to perform opening of a single actuator while keeping the other one closed (pedestrian access).2) GENERAL SAFETYWARNING! An incorrect installation or improper use of the product can cause damage to persons, animals or things.•The “Warnings ” leaflet and “Instruction booklet ” supplied with this product should be read carefully as they provide important information about safety, installation, use and maintenance.•Scrap packing materials (plastic, cardboard, polystyrene etc) according to the provisions set out by current standards. Keep nylon or polystyrene bags out of children ’s reach.•Keep the instructions together with the technical brochure for future reference.•This product was exclusively designed and manufactured for the use specified in the present documentation. Any other use not specified in this documentation could damage the product and be dangerous.•The Company declines all responsibility for any consequences resulting from improper use of the product, or use which is different from that expected and specified in the present documentation.•Do not install the product in explosive atmosphere.•The Company declines all responsibility for any consequences resulting from failure to observe Good Technical Practice when constructing closing structures (door, gates etc.), as well as from any deformation which might occur during use.•The installation must comply with the provisions set out by the following European Directives: 89/336/EEC, 73/23/EEC, 98/37/ECC and subsequent amendments.•Disconnect the electrical power supply before carrying out any work on the installation. Also disconnect any buffer batteries, if fitted.•Fit an omnipolar or magnetothermal switch on the mains power supply,having a contact opening distance equal to or greater than 3mm.•Check that a differential switch with a 0.03A threshold is fitted just before the power supply mains.•Check that earthing is carried out correctly: connect all metal parts for closure (doors, gates etc.) and all system components provided with an earth terminal.•The Company declines all responsibility with respect to the automation safety and correct operation when other manufacturers ’ components are used.•Only use original parts for any maintenance or repair operation.•Do not modify the automation components, unless explicitly authorised by the company.•Instruct the product user about the control systems provided and the manual opening operation in case of emergency.•Do not allow persons or children to remain in the automation operation area.•Keep radio control or other control devices out of children ’s reach, in order to avoid unintentional automation activation.•The user must avoid any attempt to carry out work or repair on the automation system, and always request the assistance of qualified personnel.•Anything which is not expressly provided for in the present instructions,is not allowed.3) TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSPower supply:...............................................................230V ±10% 50Hz Absorption on empty:.................................................................0.5A max Output power for accessories:..........................................24V~ 6VA max Max relay current:................................................................................8A Max power of motors:...............................................................300 W x 2Torque limiter:.................................................Self-transformer with 4 pos Limit switch:................................................................Adjustable run timePanel dimensions:.........................................................................See fig.1Cabinet protection:............................................................................IP55Working temperature:...............................................................-20 +55°C 4) TERMINAL BOARD CONNECTIONS(Fig.2)CAUTION: Keep the low voltage connections completely separated from the power supply connections.Fig.3 shows the fixing and connection method of the drive condensers whenever they are not fitted to the motor.JP51-2 Single-phase power supply 230V ±10%, 50 Hz (1=L/2=N).For connection to the mains use a multiple-pole cable with a minimum cross section of 3x1.5mm 2 of the type indicated in the above-mentioned standard (by way of example, if the cable is not shielded it must be at least equivalent to H07 RN-F while, if shielded, it must be at least equivalent to H05 VV-F with a cross section of 3x1.5mm 2).JP33-4 (mod.ARIES-P) 230V 40W max. blinker connection.5-6 (mod.ARIES) 230V 40W max. blinker connection.7-8-9 Motor M1 connection - 8 common, 7-9 start.10-11-12 Motor M2(r) connection - 11 common, 10-12 start.JP413-14 Open-close button and key switch (N.O.).13-15 Stop button (N.C.). If unused, leave bridged.13-16 Photocell or pneumatic edge input (N.C.). If unused, leave bridged.17-18 24V 3W max. gate open warning light.18-19 24V~ 0.25A max. (6VA) output (for supplying photocell or other device).20-21 Antenna input for radio-receiver board (20 signal - 21 braid).22 Common terminal (equivalent to terminal 13).23 Terminal for pedestrian control. It moves the leaf of motor M2 connected to terminal 10-11-12. This terminal is available only in ARIES-P control unit.JP225-26 2nd radio channel output of the double-channel receiver board (terminals not fitted on ARIES but fitted on ARIES-P) contact N.O.JP1 Radio-receiver board connector 1-2 channels.5) FUNCTIONSDL1:Power-on LedIt is switched on when the board is electrically powered.START: four-step logic: (DIP5 OFF)gate opens during opening:............................................... it stops and activates TCA gate open:................................................................................... it closes during closing:.................................... it stops and does not activate TCA after starts opening START: two-step logic: (DIP5 ON)gate opens during stops and activats TCA (if activated)gate closes during opens after opens STOP: In all cases: it stops the gate until a new start command is given.PHOT:Functions can be set with DIP-SWITCH.Activated during closing if DIP3-ON.Activated during opening and closing if DIP3-OFF.SCA: Gate open indicating light.with gate when gate is opening:...........................................................................on with gate open:.......................................................................................on when gate is closing:.....................................................................flashing 6) DIP-SWITCH SELECTION DIP1 Rapid closingON: When the position of the gate photocells is exceeded, during both opening and closing, the gate automatically starts to close even if TCA is activated. We recommend setting DIP3 to ON (photocells only activated during closing).OFF: Function not activated.DIP2 Blocks impulsesON: During opening, START commands are not accepted.OFF: During opening, START commands are accepted.DIP3 PhotocellsON: Photocells only activated during closing.OFF: Photocells activated during opening and closing.D 811184A _04DIP4 Automatic closing time (TCA)ON: Automatic closing activated (can be adjusted from 0 to 90s).OFF: Automatic closing not activated.DIP5 Control logicON: 2-step logic is activated (see start paragraph).OFF: 4-step logic is activated (see start paragraph).DIP6: Preallarm (mod.ARIES P only)ON: The flashing light turns on abt 3 seconds before the motors start.OFF The flashing light turns on simultaneously with the start of the motors.ATTENTION:Dip non used in mod. ARIES (always in OFF set).7) TRIMMER ADJUSTMENTTCA This adjusts the automatic closing time, after which time the gate automatically closes (can be adjusted from 0 to 90s).TW This adjusts the motor working time, after which time the motor stops (can be adjusted from 0 to 40s).TDELAY This adjusts the closing delay time of the second motor (M2).8) MOTOR TORQUE ADJUSTMENTThe ARIES control unit has electric torque adjustment which allows the motor force to be adjusted.The adjustment should be set for the minimum force required to carry out the opening and closing strokes completely.Adjustment is carried out by moving the connection 55 (fig.3) on the tran-sformer sockets as described below:Pos.T1 1st TORQUE (MINIMUM TORQUE)Pos.T2 2nd TORQUE Pos.T3 3rd TORQUEPos.T4 4th TORQUE (MAXIMUM TORQUE)4 motor torque values can be obtained.To gain access to the torque adjustment sockets, disconnect the mains supply and remove the protective case “P ” of the transfomer.CAUTION: Excessive torque adjustment may jeopardise the anti-squash safety function. On the other hand insufficient torque adjustment may not guarantee correct opening or closing strokes.9) MAINTENANCE AND DEMOLITIONThe maintenance of the system should only be carried out by qualified personnel regularly. The materials making up the set and its packing must be disposed of according to the regulations in force.Batteries must be properly disposed of.WARNINGSCorrect controller operation is only ensured when the data contained in the present manual are observed. The company is not to be held responsible for any damage resulting from failure to observe the installation standards and the instructions contained in the present manual.The descriptions and illustrations contained in the present manual are not binding. The Company reserves the right to make any alterations deemed appropriate for the technical, manufacturing and commercial improvement of the product, while leaving the essential product features unchanged, at any time and without undertaking to update the present publication.D811184A_04ARIES/ARIES-P - Ver. 04 -23。



吗啡酮复合纳布啡 可 明 显 缓 解 剖 宫 产 术 后 疼 痛,副
。但氢 吗 啡 酮 复 合 纳 布 啡 用 于 腹 腔 镜 全
子宫切除术后 镇 痛 的 确 切 效 果 尚 不 清 楚。 基 于 此,
oups we



12 修回日期:


Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.
/L);复合吗啡酮组术后首次下床活动时 间 (
06h)短 于 复 合 舒 芬 太 尼 组
/L)。结论:纳布啡复合氢吗啡酮可提高腹腔镜全子宫切除术后镇痛效果,减轻术 后



The data on this sheet represent typical values. Since application variables are a major factor in product performance, this information should serve only as a general guide. Valspar assumes no obligation or liability for use of this information . UNLESS VALSPARAGREES OTHERWISE IN WRITING, VALSPAR MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE ORFREEDOM FROM PATENT INFRINGEMENT. VALSPAR WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL ORDate: September 21, 2011(supersedes all previous revisions)ValPro™ Self Seal Pre-Catalyzed Lacquers-680 VOC TECHNICAL DATA SHEETPHYSICAL PROPERTIES (objective specifications) NUF2204- Soft GlossNUF2202- Satin Viscosity: Weight Solids: Volume Solids: Weight/Gallon: Theoretical Coverage: Flash Point: Air Quality Information: VOC: AIM VOC: VOC Ratio VHAP: Photochemically Reactive?: 22-24 EZ Zahn 2 @77F 25.00%17.84-17.93%7.47-7.48 1bs/gal286.2-287.5 ft/gal @ 1 mil dry1ºF Closed Cup4.53-4.54lbs/gal of Product650.6 651.0 g/l2.43lb VOC/lb solid0.42lb VHAP/lb solidNOValspar’s ValPro TM Self-Seal Pre-Catalyzed Lacquers are an excellent workhorse product formulated to offer good durablilty and value. They are fast drying and easy to apply with excellent sanding properties. They offer good mar, solvent, chemical and moisture resistance. When properly applied as a self-seal system or with the companion sealers, the film properties of this system provide a tough, durable finish that passes KCMA performance standards. This product is designed for professional application only. For Wood Substrates Only.OTHER INFORMATION •Excellent Value • Good scratch, impact, mar, and general chemical resistance • Ready to spray • Easy sanding • Fast dry • May be used as a self seal system or with companion Valpro™ or Valtec™ sealers • Outstanding flow and leveling characteristics Dry Times (78°F, 50%RH): Air DryTo Touch/Handle: 15-20 minutesTo Sand/Recoat: 30-45 minutesTo Stack: 16-24 hours @77˚FForce DryTo Flash: 8-10 minutesTo Bake: 15 minutes @125°Cool Down: 10 minutesTo Stack: 2 hours after cool downShelf life: 9 months from the manufacturing dateReduction: No thinning is recommendedApplication Equipment:Use only equipment with plastic, stainless steel, orTeflon coated valves and partsRecommended Tip Sizes:Conventional Air 0.070-0.086HVLP 0.070-0.086Airless 10-15 thousandthsAir Assisted Airless 11-15 thousandthsNote: All information provided is typical (asformulated) and will not represent exact values forevery product. For specific Air Quality Data for eachproduct, VOC reports are available upon request.NVS0097 NUS3000 NVS3120 NVS3100 Graintone Plus™ stain system These products are recommended for professional application and are designed for interior use only. Always pre-test the system on your substrate and under your line conditions to verify suitability to the application and to avoid potential need for costly refinishing. Valspar Wood Finishes products are designed to protect and enhance the natural beauty of wood, but cannot eliminate natural discoloration or deterioration of wood as it ages. Additional notes: Do not mix with other finishing systems or deviatefrom these finishing recommendations. Valspar willnot be held liable for finish failures resulting fromthe mixing of products or deviations from finishingrecommendations.FINISHING RECOMMENDATIONSGeneral: Surface must be clean and dust free with moisture content of 6-8% prior to finishing. Remove all dirt, dust, wax and wood marks. Proper sanding and preparation of the wood is critical to achieving consistent results.New Wood: Finish sand surface (150-180 grit) and remove all sanding dust.Painted or Varnished Wood: Remove all paint or varnish then follow new wood instructions.Before using, mix product by hand, or use mechanical agitation such as an air mixer until there is no material on the bottom of the container. All products should be stirred well before use and, for best results, continuously agitated while in use.General: Always pre-test the system on your substrate to verify suitability of the application.Apply by spray only, using Conventional Air, HVLP, Airless, or Air Assisted Airless equipment. Apply at a rate of 3-4 wet mils per coat. Sand between coats with 240-320 grit, no fill sandpaper. Remove sanding dust before applying the next coat. This finish must be sanded between coats for proper adhesion. Whether using this product as a self seal system or using in conjunction with one of the companion sealers, a total of three coats will be necessary to pass KCMA performance standards. DO NOT APPLY more than four coats at 3-4 wet mils per coat. Maximum film thickness of the total coating system MUST NOT EXCEED 4 dry mils.Dry to touch: 15-20 minutesDry to sand and recoat: 30-45 minutes (depending on ambient conditions).Do not apply if the material or substrate temperature is below 55ºF.This product is best applied when surface and air temperatures are between 55º-90º F (~12-32°C) and when relative humidity is below 50% during application and drying time.Refer to your local regulations for compliance requirements for cleaning solvents. Dispose of dirty solvent and cleaning rags in a safe and compliant manner. Solvent or lacquer soaked rags should be stored in water-filled, closed containers prior to disposal.Store in a cool, dry place. Close all containers after use. Do not store near heat or sparks. Spills should be cleaned up with non-sparking tools. See the product MSDS for complete safety information.Always pre-test the system on your substrate and under your line conditions to verify suitability to the application and avoid potential need for costly refinishing. All dry times listed are as tested under ideal indoor environmental conditions of 78°F (26°C) with relative humidity not exceeding 50%. These products are recommended for use under temperature conditions of 55º-90º F (~12-32°C)and when relative humidity is below 50% during application and drying time. Low temperatures, poor air circulation or high humidity will extend dry times. Valspar strongly recommends against use of these products if temperatures of air, material, or surface to be coated are below 55°F (12°C) or below the dew point. Abnormal conditions of temperature or humidity may adversely affect product performance. Please contact your authorized Valspar Wood Finishes distributor for additional product use recommendations and finishing guidance.The data on this sheet represent typical values. Since application variables are a major factor in product performance, this information should serve only as a general guide. Valspar assumes no obligation or liability for use of this information. UNLESS VALSPARAGREES OTHERWISE IN WRITING, VALSPAR MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND DISCLAIMS ALLIMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE ORFREEDOM FROM PATENT INFRINGEMENT. VALSPAR WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR。



硬质聚氨酯泡沫废料轻骨料混凝土Amor Ben Fraj, Mohamed Kismi, Pierre Mounanga摘要:本研究探讨了力学性能和将硬质聚氨酯泡沫废料作为粗骨料(8 / 20mm)的轻骨料凝土的耐久性参数。





轻骨料混凝土的抗压强度在8~16 MPa,并且动态弹性模量在10~15GPa,这拥有较高性能混凝土拌合物几乎满足了结构轻质混凝土机械密度的标准。



Kayali [1]最近总结了以下好处:加入轻骨料的混凝土引起的低密度可降低结构自重,基脚的尺寸大小,板和横梁。
















2.3烟气流量NO x的脱除率对催化剂影响是在一定烟气条件下,取决于催化剂组成、比表面积、线速度LV和空速SV。



2.4中毒反应在脱硝同时也有副反应发生,如SO2氧化生成SO3,氨的分解氧化(>450℃)和在低温条件下(<280°C )SO2与氨反应生成NH4HSO3。









Technical Data SheetLOCTITE®Hysol®1C™September2007 PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONLOCTITE®Hysol®1C™provides the following productLOCTITE®Hysol®1C™is a general purpose adhesive andsealant that bonds,seals,and repairs a wide variety ofmaterials including metals,most plastics,and wood.TYPICAL PROPERTIES OF UNCURED MATERIALResin:Specific Gravity@ 25°C 1.55Flash Point-See MSDSViscosity@25°C,mPa·s(cP)140,000 to330,000Hardener:Specific Gravity@ 25°C 1.65Flash Point-See MSDSViscosity@25°C,mPa·s(cP)550,000 to870,000Mixed:Specific Gravity@ 25°C 1.55Viscosity@25°C,mPa·s(cP)200,000 to500,000Pot life @25°C, minutes≥20LMSTYPICAL PROPERTIES OF CURED MATERIALCured @ 25°C except where notedPhysical Properties:Coefficient of Thermal Expansion,ISO11359-2,K-163×10-6Coefficient of Thermal Conductivity, ISO8302,W/(m·K)0.544Shore Hardness, ISO868,Durometer D:Cured for2 hours @60°C≥65LMSGlass Transition Temperature,°C98Electrical Properties:Dielectric Breakdown Strength,IEC60243-1,kV/mm13.8Dielectric Constant/Dissipation Factor,IEC60250:1kHz 6.1/0.09Outgassing Properties:Total Mass Loss,%0.81Collected Volatile Condensable Material,%0.02TYPICAL PERFORMANCE OF CURED MATERIALAdhesive PropertiesCured for 3 days @25°CLap Shear Strength,ISO4587:Aluminum (etched):Tested@-55°C N/mm² 6.9(psi) (1,000)Tested@25°C N/mm² 12.1(psi) (1,750)Tested@82°C N/mm² 10.3(psi) (1,500)Tested@121°C N/mm² 4.8(psi) (700)Tested@149°C N/mm² 3.4(psi) (500)Cured for 2 hours @60°CLap Shear Strength,ISO4587:Aluminum (etched):Tested@-55°C N/mm² 10.3(psi) (1,500)Tested@25°C N/mm² 14.5(psi) (2,100)Tested@82°C N/mm² 11.7(psi) (1,700)Tested@121°C N/mm² 5.2(psi) (750)Tested@149°C N/mm² 3.8(psi) (550)GENERAL INFORMATIONThis product is not recommended for use in pure oxygenand/or oxygen rich systems and should not be selected asa sealant for chlorine or other strong oxidizing materialsFor safe handling information on this product,consult theMaterial Safety Data Sheet(MSDS).TDS LOCTITE®Hysol®1C™, September2007Directions for useMixing:1.When mixing by hand,combine Part A(Resin)and PartB(Hardener)in the correct ratio and mix thoroughly until the color and consistency are uniform.EPOXI-PATCH®Tube Kits have been designed so that squeezing EQUAL LENGTH BEADS of Part A&Part B will give the proper ratio.2.Mixing the adhesive just prior to use is recommended.The temperature of the separate components prior to mixing is not critical,but they should be close to room temperature.3.Heat buildup during and after mixing is normal.To reducethe likelihood of exothermic reaction or excessive heat buildup,mix less than 900grams at a time.Mixing smaller amounts will minimize heat buildup.Applying1.Bonding surfaces should be clean,dry,and free ofcontamination.2.Once the adhesive is applied,the bonded parts should beheld in contact until the part has developed handling strength(3 to4 hours @25°C)note:this can vary with different bond configurations.It is not necessary to clamp the parts unless movement during cure is likely.Cureplete cure is obtained after72 hours @25°C.LOCTITE®Hysol®1C™can also be fully cured with heat such as;2 hours at a maximum temperature of60°C.2.After24hours,approximately90%of full cure propertiesare attained at room temperature.3.This product can also be cured for1 hour@82°C or20 to30 minutes@121°C.4.Heat cures can be modified to achieve a desired degreeof cure from handling strength to full cure.Clean up1.It is important to clean up excess adhesive from the workarea and application equipment before it hardens.2.Denatured alcohol and many common industrial solventsare suitable for removing uncured adhesive.Loctite Material Specification LMSLMS dated April27,2005. Test reports for each batch are available for the indicated properties. LMS test reports include selected QC test parameters considered appropriate to specifications for customer use. Additionally,comprehensive controls are in place to assure product quality and consistency. Special customer specification requirements may be coordinated through Henkel Quality.StorageStore product in the unopened container in a dry location. Storage information may be indicated on the product container labeling.Optimal Storage: 8°C to21°C. Storage below8°C or greater than28°C can adversely affect product properties. Material removed from containers may be contaminated during use. Do not return product to the original container. Henkel Corporation cannot assume responsibility for product which has been contaminated or stored under conditions other than those previously indicated.If additional information is required, please contact your local Technical Service Center or Customer Service Representative.Conversions(°C x1.8)+32=°FkV/mm x25.4=V/milmm/25.4=inchesµm/25.4=milN x0.225=lbN/mm x5.71=lb/inN/mm²x145=psiMPa x145=psiN·m x 8.851= lb·inN·m x0.738=lb·ftN·mm x0.142=oz·inmPa·s=cPNoteThe data contained herein are furnished for information only and are believed to be reliable. We cannot assume responsibility for the results obtained by others over whose methods we have no control. It is the user's responsibility to determine suitability for the user's purpose of any production methods mentioned herein and to adopt such precautions as may be advisable for the protection of property and of persons against any hazards that may be involved in the handling and use thereof.In light of the foregoing,Henkel Corporation specifically disclaims all warranties expressed or implied, including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose,arising from sale or use of Henkel Corporation’s products. Henkel Corporation specifically disclaims any liability for consequential or incidental damages of any kind,including lost profits.The discussion herein of various processes or compositions is not to be interpreted as representation that they are free from domination of patents owned by others or as a license under any Henkel Corporation patents that may cover such processes or compositions. We recommend that each prospective user test his proposed application before repetitive use,using this data as a guide. This product may be covered by one or more United States or foreign patents or patent applications.Trademark usageExcept as otherwise noted,all trademarks in this document are trademarks of Henkel Corporation in the U.S.and elsewhere. ®denotes a trademark registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.Reference0.1Henkel Loctite Americas +860.571.5100Henkel Loctite Europe+49.89.320800.1800Henkel Loctite Asia Pacific+86.21.2891.8863For the most direct access to local sales and technical support visit:。

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