



500 SERIES MICROPHONE PREAMPLIFIER 502 500 Series Modular Midas Microphone Preamplifier with Classic XL4 FiltersV 1.0带有此标志的终端设备具有强大的电流, 存在触电危险。

仅限使用带有 1/4'' TS 或扭锁式插头的高品质专业扬声器线。


此标志提醒您,产品内存在未绝缘的危险电压, 有 触电危险。



小心为避免触电危险, 请勿打开机顶盖 (或背面挡板)。



小心为避免着火或触电危险, 请勿将此设备置于雨淋或潮湿中。

此设备也不可受液体滴溅, 盛有液体的容器也不可置于其上, 如花瓶等。


为 避免触电危险, 除了使用说明书提到的以外, 请勿进行任何其它维修。


1. 请阅读这些说明。

2. 请妥善保存这些说明。

3. 请注意所有的警示。

4. 请遵守所有的说明。

5. 请勿在靠近水的地方使用本产品。

6. 请用干布清洁本产品。

7. 请勿堵塞通风口。


8. 请勿将本产品安装在热源附近, 如 暖气片, 炉子或其它产生热量的设备 ( 包括功放器)。

9. 请勿移除极性插头或接地插头的安全装置。


若随货提供的插头不适合您的插座, 请找电工更换一个合适的插座。

10. 妥善保护电源线, 使其不被践踏或刺破, 尤其注意电源插头、多用途插座及设备连接处。

11. 请只使用厂家指定的附属设备和配 件。

12. 请只使用厂家指定的或随货销售的手推车, 架子, 三 角架, 支架和桌子。

若使用手推车来搬运设备, 请注意安全放置设备, 以 避免手推车和设备倾倒而受伤。



序号物料编号工程类天花灯开孔尺寸170008618NDL856 19/04天花灯145270004873NDL825 19天花灯140370004676NDL721 19天花灯114470004729NDL801 19天花灯113570004668NDL717 19天花灯108670008621NDL856S 19/04天花灯105770008620NDL856S 18/04天花灯105870022778NDL860A K16天花灯100970022779NDL860B K16天花灯1001070022780NDL860C K16天花灯1001170022781NDL860D K16天花灯1001270022782NDL860E K16天花灯1001370022783NDL860F K16天花灯1001470023195NDL860G K16天花灯1001570023196NDL860H K16天花灯1001670018262NDL859ZS 19/04天花灯1051770004670NDL720 19天花灯821870004956NDL842 18/06天花灯801970018261NDL859S 19/04天花灯952070018259NDL859 19/04天花灯125注:共19款产品,上半块展板也就是20个灯位,再加上县级市场天花灯1.5块展板,形成两序号物料编号工程筒灯开孔尺寸170023810NDLB91398270023811NDLB913A98370023812NDLB915-E/50W 19筒灯140470023813NDLB915A-E/50W 19筒灯140570005278NDL935-E/13W 19筒灯160870005663NDLE938-A/2x18W 19筒灯175970005305NDL938-E/2x18W 19筒灯2121070005309NDL944-A/9W 19筒灯(玻璃砂面)1251170005320NDL945-A/2x13W 19筒灯(玻璃砂面)1601270009786NDL946-E/2x13W 19筒灯(玻璃砂面)1751370005368NDL948-A/2x18W 19筒灯(玻璃砂面)2001470005377NDL948-E/2x18W 19筒灯(玻璃砂面)2001570005379NDL954-A 19筒灯1251670005396NDL955-A 19筒灯1601770005422NDL956-A/2 19筒灯1701870012438NDL316P-E 19筒灯1751970005431NDL964-A 19筒灯(玻璃砂面)1252070005436NDL965-A 19筒灯(玻璃砂面)1602170005445NDL974-A 19筒灯(玻璃砂面)1252270005448NDL975-A/2 19筒灯(玻璃砂面)160注:工程筒灯做一块展板展示,共22个灯位.黄色区域新产品优先.再加上家装类筒灯形序号物料编号格栅射灯开孔尺寸170004133NDL501SA 18格栅射灯/NDL501SB 105x105270004197NDL502SA 18格栅射灯/NDL502SB 215x105370004211NDL502SD 18格栅射灯202x98 470018230NDL502SE A4格栅射灯202x108 570004165NDL502AJ/50W 18格栅射灯345x172 670004280NDL503SD 18格栅射灯288x98 770004269NDL503SA 18格栅射灯/NDL503SB 320x105 870004230NDL503AJ/50W 18格栅射灯480x165 970004104NDL501AJ/50W 18格栅射灯/NDL501BJ/50W 162x162 1070004148NDL501SD-QR80 19格栅射灯129x129 1170004182NDL502BJ/50W 18格栅射灯345x172 1270004282NDL503SD-QR80 18格栅射灯378x129 1370023858NDL501SFJ 19格栅射灯90*90 1470023860NDL503SFJ 19格栅射灯90*270 1570023855NDL501SFJ-QR80129*129 1670023856NDL502SFJ-QR80129*262 1770023566NDL501FJ170*170 1870023567NDL502FJ320*170注:格栅射灯做一块展板展示, 不用再加县级市场产品.序号物料编号金卤系列筒灯和格栅射灯开孔尺寸170019095NDL591FP 19格栅射灯165x165 270004507NDL592BNH 18格栅射灯350x170 370004505NDL592BHH 18格栅射灯350x170 470004512NDL592BNP 18格栅射灯350x170 570004529NDL593BNHN 18格栅射灯480x165 670004535NDL593BNPN 18格栅射灯480x165 770023859NDL591FJH170*170 870023573NDL592FJNP320*170 970023571NDL593FJNHN490*170 1070004629NDL651H 19筒灯145 1170004636NDL651P/L 19筒灯145 1270019352NDL640 19金卤灯132*225 1370004639NDL652S/70W 19商业射灯167 1470019348NDL641S/70W 19金卤灯210 1570004562NDL603/70W 19金卤筒灯150 1670004591NDL630NG/70W 19金卤筒灯(内罩光外罩砂)200 1770004593NDL631NG/70W 19金卤筒灯(内罩光外罩砂)165 1870023293NDL654PB K2筒灯(酒店)205 1970023289NDL653PA K2筒灯(酒店)180 2070023300NDL645R/70W 19金卤灯215*215 2170024248NDL655 93金卤灯175 2270024249NDL655S 93金卤灯150注:此两产品线通过一块展板展示,上板为金卤筒灯,下板为金卤格栅射灯.序号物料编号T8/T5格栅灯盘开孔尺寸170022704NDL431SI/3x14W 19灯盘(天溢) T5598*598 370022703NDL432SI/2x28W 19灯盘(天溢) T51198*298 470004022NDL417JSI/3x18W-T 19灯盘 T8598*598 570004009NDL413JSI/3x36W-T 19灯盘 T81198*598 670004058NDL444/2x20W 19灯盘 (胶片灯盘) T8585*285770023257NDLE417SI/3x18W 19灯盘(天溢)598*598 870022901NDL412SI/2x36W 19灯盘(天溢)1198*298 970004057NDL443/3x18W 19灯盘(胶片)579*579注:此两产品线通过两块展板展示.序号物料编号T8支架170004076NDL482/1x40W T8支架270004069NDL473/2x40W T8支架370005629NDLE482/1x40W T8支架470017898NDLE489/1X36W T8支架570017901NDLE489/2X36W T8支架序号物料编号T5支架工程支架470023079NDL475/1x28W-T5 19支架670022449NDL484/1x28W-T5 19支架序号物料编号三防支架170026650NDL491/1x40W 05 T8支架370026649NDL491/2x40W 05 T8支架470026652NDL491/2x20W 05 T8支架注:T8,T5及三防支架吸顶悬吊在天花一块板上做为样品展示.序号物料编号导轨金卤灯170013271TLH297P/L 70W 04导轨金卤灯270022049TLH299A/70W 19导轨金卤灯370022043TLH300/70W 19导轨金卤灯470006872TLH293H/70W 19导轨金卤灯570022041TLH300/70W 04导轨金卤灯670013268TLH297H/70W 04导轨金卤灯770022098TLH301/70W 04导轨金卤灯870019364TLH299/70W 19导轨金卤灯970022101TLH302/70W 04导轨金卤灯1070022100TLH301/70W 19导轨金卤灯序号物料编号小射灯安装方式170012511TLN148/300L 19/50射灯轨道式270011306TLN127/300L 19/50射灯轨道式370012527TLN148/190L 19/50射灯轨道式470012503TLN148/65L 19/50射灯轨道式570011734TLN127 19/50射灯轨道式670006614SLN150/190L 19射灯吸顶式770006665SLND126/65L 19射灯吸顶式870012489SLN127/65L 19/50射灯吸顶式970012196SLN127/190L 19/50射灯吸顶式1070012252SLN148/65L 19/50射灯吸顶式注:导轨金卤射灯和小射灯吸顶展示在天花同一块展板上.序号物料编号应急照明170023898NEM101-D应急照明灯270007699NEM102-G-02A应急标志灯370007700NEM102-G-02B应急标志灯470007655NEM101-A应急照明灯570023890NEM102-K-02C应急标志灯670007656NEM101-B应急照明灯770007658NEM102-A-02A应急标志灯870024474NEM103-Z136-A应急电源(分体式)注:应急照明上一块展板.序号物料编号明装筒灯和悬吊式格栅射灯170005737NDLM915-A 04筒灯270005743NDLM916-A 04筒灯370005729NDLM914-A 19筒灯470005734NDLM914-E 19筒灯570005727NDLM9135-E 19筒灯670005739NDLM915-A 19筒灯770005742NDLM915-E 19筒灯870005744NDLM916-A 19筒灯970004568NDL606/70W 19筒灯1070004570NDL607/70W 19商业射灯170008838NDL618H/16E27-BE筒灯1770004361NDL512E/50W 18格栅射灯1870004376NDL514E/50W 18格栅射灯注:明装筒灯和悬吊式格栅射灯吸顶,悬吊展示在天花一块展板上.序号物料编号投光灯170026849NFM013-A11/150W 6泛光灯2NFM013-A11/70W 6泛光灯370026892NFS037/70W/E27 米黄色 泛光灯注:展台展示序号物料编号金卤光源170003312HND70/NDL金卤光源270003314HND70/WDL金卤光源注:中岛展示序号物料编号铝杯170000469NHDJ50/24°铝杯270000469NHDJ50/24°铝杯370008707NHDW50-QR80铝杯470008707NHDW50-QR80铝杯570007724NHDW50/24°铝杯670007724NHDW50/24°铝杯770006133NHDJ50/10°铝杯870006133NHDJ50/10°铝杯注:中岛展示GE产品明细序号物料编号金卤光源 HID尺寸17002474421682 CMH70/PAR30/830/FL 陶瓷金卤PAR全长:120序号物料编号单端陶瓷金卤灯 Single End CMH尺寸17002557243272 CMH35/T/UVC/U/830/G12 陶瓷金卤全长:11827002473920005 CMH70/T/UVC/U/830/G12 陶瓷金卤全长:8837002474220014 CMH150/T/UVC/U/942/G12 陶瓷金卤全长:98序号物料编号国产卤粉T8 Local尺寸17002473224844 F18T8/WW荧光灯管(2900K)全长:600 27002473024842 F30T8/CW荧光灯管(4200K)全长:900 37002472824840 F36T8/DL荧光灯管(6500K)全长:1200序号物料编号国产白炽灯尺寸17002474595735 EDISON25W/CL/RO/E27 (水晶/透明球泡直径:45 27002475811516E EDISON40W/CL/CAN/E14 (透明烛泡)直径:35 37002627070347 Edison 230V/60W柔白E27蘑菇泡GE直径:50序号物料编号电子节能灯尺寸17002546924172 FLE14HLX/827/E27 05电子节能灯GE长度:126 直径:41 27002547695558 FLE6DBX/864/E27 05电子节能灯GE长度:107 直径:40 37002549611458E FLT6DBX/827/E27 05电子节能灯GE长度:116 直径:41颜色数量运营价白/黑125.87亮光白115.19亮光白116.53亮光白124.8亮光白114.32白/黑120.06银灰/黑120.65砂面白124.31砂面白124.31砂面白124.31砂面白124.31砂面白124.31砂面白124.31砂面白122.31砂面白126.58亮光白122.74亮光白17.57银灰/铬18.66亮光白118.36亮光白123.89形成两块展板.颜色数量运营价亮光白117.5亮光白117.5亮光白136.4亮光白136.4亮光白127.79亮光白163.49亮光白150.06亮光白128.63亮光白135.45亮光白138.38亮光白166.59亮光白166.59亮光白121.99亮光白123.56亮光白128.45亮光白112.81亮光白117.88亮光白121.15亮光白123.56亮光白129.15筒灯形成两块板.颜色数量运营价亮银灰136.48亮银灰159.56亮银灰160.86发黑182.67亮银灰172.1亮银灰188.68亮银灰178.68亮银灰1112.6亮银灰145.89亮光白138.28亮银灰172.1亮银灰199.89亮光白118.1亮光白148.6亮光白122.4亮光白142.4亮光白127亮光白149.3颜色数量运营价亮光白163.98亮银灰188.78亮银灰192.74亮银灰192.74亮银灰1106.28亮银灰1106.28亮光白134.2亮光白158.1亮光白198.5亮光白140.17亮光白129.78亮光白180.8亮光白128.56亮光白147.1亮光白130.02亮光白141.79亮光白130.16奶油白195.68奶油白185.68亮光白182.33奶油白141.1奶油白132.4颜色数量运营价1134.621113.6185.801131.22190.31117.351831122.1数量运营价119.58137.56130.92124.21135.02颜色数量运营价133.89129.79颜色数量运营价188.41190.0颜色数量运营价平光黑1158.68亮光白1194.68亮光白1190.68亮光白1199.56平光黑1190.68平光黑1163.68平光黑1187.89亮光白1211.2平光黑1210.89亮光白1187.89颜色数量运营价亮光白125.53亮光白125.53亮光白123.83亮光白120.44亮光白119.18亮光白123.83亮光白120.44亮光白120.44亮光白123.83亮光白120.44数量运营价183153.8153.81138178.61145181.81128颜色数量运营价平光黑119.73平光黑126.68亮光白114.86亮光白114.86亮光白110.57亮光白119.73亮光白119.73亮光白126.68亮光白1216.89亮光白1198.56砂铝131.26亮银灰1137.36亮银灰1227.56数量运营价1个185.21个1个163.9数量运营价1045.51045.5数量运营价20只7.4220只7.4220只9.0620只9.0620只 6.2620只 6.2620只7.4220只7.42飞利浦含税经销价数量运营价180.00178.00飞利浦含税经销价数量运营价216.62150.13129.97125.00141.79113.00飞利浦含税经销价数量运营价4.70 3.955.20 4.304.80 4.00飞利浦含税经销价数量运营价1.80 1.302.15 1.30暂无 2.03飞利浦含税经销价数量运营价15.1516.50暂无10.20暂无8.70。

BOSE 502 A, 502 B型 Panaray系列专业扬声器 说明书

BOSE 502 A, 502 B型 Panaray系列专业扬声器 说明书
502A 扬声器可以单独使用于语言扩声系统,或与 502B Acoustimass®“音响气量流”低音箱一起用于全频带扩声。
502A 列阵扬声器设计用于不同的安装场合,使用其 10 倍于 安全额定值的连接安装点及 Bose 悬吊和安装附件。障板与后 面板用高强度塑料制成,扬声器面罩格网用耐用钢板网制成, 罩面有专业灰和北极白两种颜色可选择,箱体和面罩均可按 室内装饰要求重新涂色。
100 小时后,该扬声器必须无明显可见的损坏,或产生可测量的缺陷。 4 国际版本使用XLR型接口。
Bose® Panaray® 502® 系统是一个全模块化系统,体现了 扬声器列阵、低频换能器和系统控制技术的巨大进步。 基本的 502 系统由单独出售的 2 只 502A 受控列阵扬声 器,1 只 502B Acoustimass®“音响气量流”低音音箱和 1台 Panaray 系统控制器组成,在 55Hz 至 15kHz 范围 提供最大 122 dB 的峰值 SPL (距离 1m,以最大推荐放 大功率驱动)。
Panaray系统数字控制器占据一个机架单位高度,为502A 和502B提供分频功能、有源电子均衡和双声道信号处理 功能。
选配的插卡可插入Panaray® 系统数字控制器,使 502A 列 阵扬声器可与 Bose AcousticWave® 声波大炮组合使用。
Panaray502 系统拥有完整的吊装和安装附件,适于广泛 的场合吊装和安装 502A、502B 扬声器。
箱体由高强度高密度树脂浸泡乙烯包层颗粒板制成, 外壳尺寸为:78.7cm 高 x 35.6cm 宽 x 39.4cm 深 重量为 38.6 公斤。
低音音箱在 55Hz至150Hz 的最大声输出为 115dB-SPL, 测量时输入全频粉红噪声,达到额定功率时距扬声器 1m 处测得。其功率处理能力为 450W 连续功率,按 IEC 噪 声 100 小时为基准。



产品英文说明书产品‎英文说明书‎篇一:‎产品说明书‎——超级胶水产品中英‎文说明书产品说明书‎髙材**** ***‎**** 原英文说‎明书 High gr‎a de Super ‎G lue Suppl‎i er: Yiu X‎i nqi Super‎Glue Prdu‎c t Factry ‎B asic inf ‎T ype: Liqu‎i d Glue 图‎片已关闭显示,点此查‎看图片已关闭显示‎,点此查看 Bran‎d Name: Be‎s t glue Md‎e l Number:‎BG-1200 P‎l ace f rig‎i n: Zhejia‎n g China (‎M ainland) ‎M aterial: ‎C yanacryla‎t e adhesiv‎e ther nam‎e:502,sup‎e r glue Pa‎c king: Cus‎t mized Vlu‎m e: 3g--30‎g Packagin‎g Delivery‎Packaging‎Detail:3g‎r ams/pc,12‎p cs/card,7‎2cards/bx ‎D elivery D‎e tail:7-30‎d ays Speci‎f icatins H‎i gh grade ‎s uper glue‎used fr d‎,rubber ,p‎l astics,me‎t al,leathe‎r,ceramic.‎..etc Supe‎r glue bnd‎s is insta‎n t bnding ‎s ingle pne‎n t adhesiv‎e that bnd‎almst all‎clse fitt‎i ng smth s‎u rface in ‎s ecnds.it ‎r equires n‎mixing ,n‎heating ,‎n lamping.‎(1) Fe‎a ture: Mat‎e rial:‎C yanacryla‎t e adhesiv‎e Glue perc‎e nt:≥7‎0% r custm‎i zed Cutti‎n g strengt‎h:≥10M‎p a peratin‎g temperat‎u re:Ar‎u nd 25°c C‎e rtificati‎n:SGS ‎,MSDS Bnds‎in:Ar‎u nd in 10s‎e cnds Spec‎i fic gravi‎t y:as ‎c ustmized ‎V alidity:‎ 12 mnt‎h s (20°c) ‎(2) Cau‎t in : 1:‎ Strng ad‎h esin t sk‎i n, dn’t p‎e el it dir‎e ctly if b‎e ing glued‎, bathing ‎i thin ht a‎t er fr a h‎i le r ipe ‎i t ff ith ‎a cetne. 2:‎ Strng ‎s mell hen ‎v latilize ‎,make sure‎t use it ‎u nder ide ‎a nd air-fl‎i ng circum‎s tance hen‎rking ith‎it fr a l‎n g time. 3‎:Seal ‎t he pen en‎d tightly ‎t prevent ‎v latilizat‎i n. 4:‎S trage und‎e r the req‎u ired cndi‎t in strict‎l y, hight‎e mperature‎r etness ‎i ll shrten‎the strag‎e perid. 5‎:Pleas‎e keep ut ‎f reach f ‎c hildren. ‎高级瞬间胶供应商:‎义乌市新奇超‎级胶水生产厂基本信‎息类型:液‎体胶品牌名称:‎最佳胶水型号:‎BG- 12‎00 产地:‎浙江中国(内地)材‎质:氰基丙烯‎酸盐黏合剂其他名称‎:502,超‎级胶水包装:‎定制容量:‎3克 - 30克‎包装及送货包装说明‎:3克/瓶,‎12瓶/卡,72卡/‎箱递货时间详情:‎ 7~30天产‎品说明高级瞬间胶适‎用于木材,橡胶,塑料‎,金属,皮革,陶瓷.‎..等超级胶水可以‎在几乎所有紧贴的光滑‎表面通过粘合剂组分几‎秒内粘结,不需要混合‎,不需要加热,不需要‎光照。




1. 配置IG502网络参数1.1 访问IG5021.2 IG502连接Internet2. 更新软件版本2.1 更新IG502固件版本2.2 更新IG502 Python SDK版本3. Pyhon边缘计算3.1 安装和运行Python App3.2 更新Python App运行配置3.3 更新Python App版本3.4 开启调试模式4. 设备云平台5. 数据采集及数据上云6.IO模块附录恢复出厂设置1. 配置IG502网络参数1.1 访问IG502步骤1:IG502的WAN口的默认ip地址为192.168.1.1,LAN口的默认ip地址为192.168.2.1。








1.2 IG502连接Internet方法一:使用SIM卡拨号连接Internet步骤1:将SIM卡插入卡槽(注意:插拔SIM卡操作时,必须拔掉电源,以免造成数据丢失或设备损坏)。

插入SIM卡后将4G LTE天线与ANT口连接,接通IG502的电源。

MR-502S控制器说明书 V1.1

MR-502S控制器说明书 V1.1

7 / 17

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← 等待模式
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← 某个片段循环模式

键,可选择其 Loop 模式、Wait 模式及单片段循环模式,按
同步线负极输出端 同步线正极输出端 地线
同步线负极输入端 同步线正极输入端 地线
DC 5V 供电正极输入端 供电负极输入端 DC 7V-24V 供电正极输入端
AC 9V 供电正极输入端
MR-502S 正视图
MR-502S 俯视图
MR-502S 后视图
地址:北京市通州区九棵树西路 78 号瑞都国际中心 1105 室
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← 工作状态为停止播放
在 MR-502S 控制器处于播放状态下,按键
← 控制器编号
← 所播放的节目片段编号



UT502A Insulation Resistance Tester is designed with brand-newdesign and combination of massive integrated and digital circuits; itcan measure insulation resistance, low resistance, AC voltage, etc,and enjoys high degree of accuracy, stable performance, easyoperation and reliability. It is used for insulation resistancemeasurement for insulation materials and various kinds of electricequipments such as transformer, electric machines, cables, switches,electrical appliances, a ideal tool for electric equipment maintenance,testing and inspection.2. Safety InformationThe instrument is designed and manufactured in compliance withIEC61010 standard. The manual covers safety information related tothe safe operations and conditions of the instrument. please readWarningUse always as specified in the manual, and keep it for future use.voltage over 750VAC.leadsWhen test leads are shorted and connected to the instrument, donot press TEST key.during test.Do not touch the tested line during insulation measurement.Eg: theinstrument was damaged or had exposed metal.isdischarged.between test leads3. Electrical SymbolsAccuracy: ±(a% of reading + b digits), calibration per year.Insulation Resistance MeasurementPolarization Index/Dielectric Absorption Ratio MeasurementLow Resistance MeasurementcOpen-circuit voltageMeasurement rangeResolution ratioAccuracyApprox. 5.0V0.00~200Ω0.01Ω± (2%+3)ΩCriterion BestBestGoodGoodBadBadDAR ValueCriterionDAR MeasurementDAR MeasurementPI MeasurementPI Value10min insulation resistance/1min insulation resistanceGreater thanor equal to 44---2 2.0---1.0Less than orequal to 1.0WarningGreater thanor equal to 1.4 1.25--1.0Less than orequal to 1.01min insulation resistance/30s insulation resistance1min insulation resistance/15s insulation resistance500V1000V2500VRated voltageShort circuit currentAccuracy rangeMeasurementrangeOpen circuitvoltageRated measurementcurrent0.00MΩ ~ 5.00GΩ0.00MΩ ~ 5.00GΩ0.00MΩ ~ 20.0GΩDC 500V+10%DC 1000V+10%DC 2500V+10%Under 500KΩ1.00mA~1.10mAUnder 1MΩ1.00mA~1.10mAUnder 2.5MΩ1.00mA~1.10mAApprox. Less than 1.8mA0.00MΩ~99.9MΩ: ±(3%+5)100MΩ~10GΩ: ±(5%+5)10.0GΩ~20.0GΩ: ±(10%+5)Voltage MeasurementAC voltageMeasurement rangeResolutionAccuracy30~750V (50/60Hz)1V± (2%+3)Low battery indication:resistance measurement.display the unit and function simultaneously● Automatic voltage release●Backlight for work on dark sites● Red light for warning(Altitude: <2000m)under normal condition)operating manual, carrying case.test leads,Degree 2 as per IEC61010LCD Display6. Buttons and Rotary Knob1. PI/DAR button: measures polarization index/dielectric absorptionratio.2. ZERO/LIGHT button: turns on/off the backlight or resets thedisplay to zero for low resistance measurement.3. TEST button: turns on/off insulation and low resistancemeasurement.4. Rotary knob set to ACV: to measure AC voltage.5. Rotary knob set to CONTINUITY: to measure low resistance.6. Rotary knob set to 500V/1000V/2500V:to select test voltage for insulation resistance measurement.If low battery indicator shows on upper left corner of LCD after themeter is turned on, it means battery is almost used up and need tobe replaced.(See Figure 1)Figure 1(1) Set the rotary knob to ACV.(2) Insert the red test lead into "V" jack and the black test lead into"G" jack.Disconnect test leads and tested circuits and remove test leadsaway from input jacks after completing the measurement.Please take extreme caution in order to avoid electric shock whenmeasuring high voltage.(See Figure 2)With the instrument connected to tested circuit as described above,lead leadtest probe with the circuitunder test.Figure 2(See Figure 3)Figure 3● Turn the knob to select test voltage 500V/1000V/2500V.Do not short-circuit the test leads under high-voltage output status ormake insulation measurement after high voltage has already beenoutput.lead leadWith the knob already set to test voltage 500V/1000V/2500V, thenpress TEST button,the instrument will be self-locked to measurecontinuously. The test voltage will be output and TEST button willlight up. With the measurement finished, press TEST button tounlock and stop the measurement.When red and black clips are connected to the circuit under test,high voltage is output from LINE jack and the current from EARTHjack.Dielectric absorption ratio measurementUnder insulation measurement mode, press PI/DAR button twotimes to select DAR parameter, the screen displays Time 1(30s)/Time2(1min), then press TEST to start DAR measurement. PressTEST three times to select another DAR, the screen shows Time1(15s)/Time2(1min), press to begin another DAR measurement.Under insulation measurement mode, press PI/DAR button onceto select PI parameter, the screen displays Time 1(1min)/Time2(10mins), then press TEST to start PI measurement.replacingbatteriesinstallingset the knob tothe housingTo avoid damage to the instrument, do not submerge it intothe water.Clean the instrument surface with soft cloth or spongedampened with clean water.When it is necessary to verify or repair instrument, pleasedeliver the instrument to qualified professional servicemanor designated repairing department.MR*END*。

YAMAHA MR502操作指引及说明

YAMAHA MR502操作指引及说明

操作指引及说明适用机种:YAMAHA FINE MR502一、新建测试程序1、点击下图左边命令栏中的“Work Data Settings”,进入“Work Data Settings”界面。

如下图:2、在“Work Data Settings”界面下选择“New”,输入新程序的文件名,之后点击屏幕右下方的“Start”,进入下一界面=>> “Work Data”。

如下图:3、在“Work Data”界面中输入FPC板的拼板数据。

如:拼板数(Layout num),拼板方向(Opposedlayout/Block layout),拼板间距(Forward Layout Pitch/Reverse Layout offset)等。


4、同时在“Work Data”界面中还要输入治具及治具对位点坐标的数据。


5、确认以上数据无误后,点击屏幕右下角的“Next”进入下一界面=>> “Check Data”。

6、在“Check Data”界面中,点击屏幕中的“Import ”,导入新程序的网络关系文件。


7、同时确认开短路测试的条件(Conduction Check),即开路电压,开路阻值,短路电压,短路阻值。

之后点击屏幕右下角的“Next”,进入下一界面=>> “Retry Table”。

8、在“Retry Table”界面中,设定治具在测试时的复测条件,之后点击屏幕右下角的“Next”进入下一界面=>> “Operation Options”9、在“Operation Options”界面中,可以设定对板子的标记位置。


●“Use Result Marking”――是对单个NG板的标记设定●“Use Checked Marking”――是对测试过的整板作标记(无论是否OK)10、同时在“Operation Options”界面中还可以设定对位方式等参数。



雷士-LEDLED光源:DC12V-LED MR16C:6W ,PF≧0.6。

DC12V-SMD 5050LED软灯带:14.4W/M。

DC12V-SMD 3528LED软灯带:4.8W/M。

LED T5B:7W、10W、14W,PF≧0.9。

LED T8A:18W,PF≧0.9。


DC12V-COB-LED MR16B:4W,PF≧0.6。

DC12V-LED QR111C:15W, PF≧0.6。

LED T8B:9W、18W,PF≧0.9。

LED T8H:9W、18W。

NLED T5A:4W、7W、10W、12W、14W。

E27-LEDA60A球泡:8W.LED PAR20A:7W。



DC12V-LED QR111B:12W。

DC12V-LED QR111A:10W。


LED天花灯:NLED139,12W/ 30°,PF≧0.9。


NLED135 7W/30°,PF≧0.8。

NLED133 4W/30°,PF≧0.7。

单颗COB-NLED125D 15W/24°,PF≧0.9。

单颗COB-NLED125D 18W/38°,PF≧0.9。

单颗COB-NLED124D 9W、12W/24°,PF≧0.9。

单颗COB-NLED123D 4W、7W/24°,PF≧0.5。

NLED149 12W/30°,PF≧0.9。

NLED147 9W/30°,PF≧0.8。

NLED145 7W/30°,PF≧0.8。

NLED143 4W/30°,PF≧0.7。

NLED114 30W/30°,PF≧0.9。

NLED115 30W/30°,PF≧0.9。

星辰电器 STAR-MAX 电热平板 502Z 和 502FZ 型号 用户指南说明书

星辰电器 STAR-MAX 电热平板 502Z 和 502FZ 型号 用户指南说明书

StarManufacturing Inter national Inc.10 Sunnen DriveSt. Louis, MO 63143Phone: (314) 781-2777Fax: (314) 781-3636Installation and Operating InstructionsSTAR-MAXELECTRIC HOT PLATEMODELS 502Z and 502FZ2M-Z1436 Rev. C 1/8/03Model 502ZModel 502FZThis symbol is intended to alert the user to the presence of important operating and maintenance instructions in the manual accompanying the appliance.RETAIN THIS MANUAL FOR FUTURE REFERENCENOTICEUsing any part other than genuine Star factory supplied parts relieves the manufacturer of all liability.NOTICEStar reserves the right to change specifications and product design without notice. Such revisions do not entitle the buyer to corre-sponding changes, improvements, additions or replacements for previously purchased equipment.MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRSContact your local authorized service agent for service or required maintenance. Refer to the authorized service center listing provided with the unit. The Star Service Help Desk (1-800-807-9054) is available during normal business hours to answer any questions that may arise. Please have your model number and serial number for faster service.SAFETY SYMBOLLOCATE THE UNITDo not install the unit closer than 1 inch from a side wall and/or closer than 1 inch from a rear wall.LEVELING UNITLevel unit by adjusting the (4) feet for accurate and perfect line up with other Star-Max series units.CAUTIONDO NOT INSTALL WITHOUT FEET.CAUTIONUSE ONLY FLAT BOTTOM PANS AND POTS! DO NOT USE RAISED BOTTOM UTENSILS OR BUCKETS! GOOD HEAT TRANSFER DEPENDS UPON GOOD CONTACT BETWEEN THE ELEMENT AND POT.Two (2) heating elements are used. For the 502FZ each element draws 2600 watts on 240 Volts and 1950 watts on 208 Volts. For the 502Z each element draws 2100 watts on 240 Volts and 1575 watts on 208Volts. Each element is controlled by an infinite position switch. The right control knob controls the rear cooking element and the left control knob controls the front cooking element. On "HI" the element delivers uninterrupted full heat. Between "LO" and "5"any desired amount of heat can be obtained between 6% and 60% of full heat.Signal lights are provided above the control knobs to give a visual check if either one or both heating units are turned on.CAUTIONThis equipment is designed and sold for commercial use only by personnel trained and experienced in its operation and is not sold for consumer use in and around the home nor for use directly by the general public in food service locations. For equipment to be used by the general public, please contact the factory.The Star-Max models 502Z and 502FZ Electric Hot Plates are equipped for the voltage indicated on the nameplate mounted on the front panel. This unit is designed to operate on alternating current (A.C.), two wire single phase service only. DO NOT CONNECT TO DIRECT CURRENT (D.C.).Total Connected Load502FZ - at 240 Volts, Wattage is 5200.at 208 Volts, Wattage is 3900.502Z - at 240 Volts, Wattage is 4200. at 208 Volts, Wattage is 3150.INSTALLATIONFor your protection, we recommend that a qualified electrician install this appliance. The electrician should be familiar with electrical installations and your local electrical requirements. The external wiring should be in conduit or an approved type of flexible cable and of suitable size to carry the load. The supply circuit should be properly fused and equipped with a means of disconnecting as required by local electrical code.The body of the hot plate should be grounded (Do not ground to a gas supply pipe). The connections are made in this unit at the pigtail leads located in the junction box on the back of the unit. To gain access to the pigtail leads remove cover on junction box.GENERAL OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSCLEANINGThe exterior surfaces can be kept clean and attractive by regularly wiping with a clean soft cloth. Any discoloration can be removed with a non-abrasive cleaner.For model 502Z, the heating elements may be raised for access to the drip pans, which may be removed for cleaning and the bottom pan may be removed by sliding pan forward.REPLACEMENT OF INFINITE CONTROL BE SURE POWER IS DISCONNECTED BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO SERVICE UNIT.1.Pull control knobs on front panel forward toremove.2.Remove 4 screws from front panel and tilt frontpanel forwards.3.Remove the nut that mounts the inoperativecontrol and pull the control to the side.4.Remove one wire at a time from the inoperativecontrol and connect at the same terminal on the new control. Carefully check to see that proper wires have been connected to the terminals of the control. See attached wiring diagram.5.Assemble new control to the front panel. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRSContact the factory or one of its representatives or a local service company for service or maintenance if required.RETAIN THIS MANUAL FOR FUTURE REFERENCE Part No. 2M-Z1436 Rev. C 1/8/03The foregoing warranty is in lieu of any and all other warranties expressed or implied and constitutes the entire warranty.FOR ASSISTANCEShould you need any assistance regarding the Operation or Maintenance of any Star equipment; write, phone, fax or email our Service Department.In all correspondence mention the Model number and the Serial number of your unit, and the voltage or type of gas you are using.ALL:* Pop-Up Toasters * Butter Dispensers * Pretzel Merchandisers * Pastry Display Cabinets * Nacho Chip Merchandisers * Accessories of any kind * Sneeze Guards * Pizza Ovens * Heat Lamps * Hot Cups * PumpsVisit our Website at: Email: **********************************************:(800) 807-9814THOROUGHLY INSPECT YOUR UNIT ON ARRIVALThis unit has been tested for proper operation before leaving our plant to insure delivery of your unit in perfect condition. However, there are instances in which the unit may be damaged in transit. In the event you discover any type of damage to your product upon receipt, you must immediately contact the transportation company who delivered the item to you and initiate your claim with same. If this procedure is not followed, it may affect the warranty status of the unit.LIMITED EQUIPMENT WARRANTYAll workmanship and material in Star products have a one (1) year limited warranty on parts & labor in the United States and Canada. Such warranty is limited to the original purchaser only and shall be effective from the date the equipment is placed in service. Star's obligation under this warranty is limited to the repair of defects without charge, by the factory authorized service agency or one of its sub-agencies. Models that are considered portable (see below) should be taken to the closest Star service agency, transportation prepaid.>Star will not assume any responsibility for loss of revenue.>On all shipments outside the United States and Canada, see International Warranty.*The warranty period for the JetStar series six (6) ounce popcorn machines is two (2) years.*The warranty period for the Chrome-Max Griddles is five (5) years on the griddle surface. See detailed warranty provided with unit.* The warranty period for Teflon/Dura-Tec coatings is one year under normal use and reasonable care. This warranty does not apply if damage occurs to Teflon/Dura-Tec coatings from improper cleaning, maintenance, use of metallic utensils, or abrasive cleaners. This warranty does not apply to the “non-stick”properties of such materials.> This warranty does not apply to "Special Products" but to regular catalog items only. Star's warranty on "Special Products" is six (6) months on parts andninety (90) days on labor.> This warranty does not apply to any item that is disassembled or tampered with for any purpose other than repair by a Star Authorized Service Center or theService Center's sub-agency.> This warranty does not apply if damage occurs from improper installation, misuse, wrong voltage, wrong gas or operated contrary to the Installation and Operatinginstructions.>This warranty is not valid on Conveyor Ovens unless a "start-up/check-out" has been performed by a Factory Authorized Technician.PARTS WARRANTYParts that are sold to repair out of warranty equipment are warranted for ninety (90) days. The part only is warranted. Labor to replace the part is chargeable to the customer.SERVICES NOT COVERED BY WARRANTYPORTABLE EQUIPMENTStar will not honor service bills that include travel time and mileage charges for servicing any products considered "Portable" including items listed below. These products should be taken to the Service Agency for repair:1.Travel time and mileage rendered beyond the 50 mile radius limiteage and travel time on portable equipment (see below)bor to replace such items that can be replaced easily during a daily cleaning routine, ie; removable kettles on fryers, knobs, grease drawers on griddles, etc.4.Installation of equipment5.Damages due to improper installation6.Damages from abuse or misuse7.Operated contrary to the Operating and Installation Instructions 8.Cleaning of equipment 9.Seasoning of griddle plates10.Voltage conversions 11.Gas conversions12.Pilot light adjustment 13.Miscellaneous adjustments14.Thermostat calibration and by-pass adjustment 15.Resetting of circuit breakers or safety controls 16.Replacement of bulbs 17.Replacement of fuses18.Repair of damage created during transit, delivery, &installation OR created by acts of God* The Model 510F Fryer.* The Model 526TO Toaster Oven.* The Model J4R, 4 oz. Popcorn Machine.* The Model CFS Series Food Steamer.* The Model 526WO Warming Oven.* The Model 518CM & 526CM Cheese Melter.* The Model 12MC & 15MC & 18MCP Hot Food Merchandisers.* The Model 12NCPW & 15NCPW Nacho Chip/Popcorn Warmer.* All Hot Dog Equipment except Roller Grills & Drawer Bun Warmers.* All Nacho Cheese Warmers except Model 11WLA Series Nacho Cheese Warmer.* All Condiment Dispensers except the Model CSD & HPD Series Dispenser.* All Specialty Food Warmers except Model 130R, 500, 11RW Series, and 11WSA Series.PARTS LISTEFFECTIVEIMPORTANT: WHEN ORDERING, SPECIFY VOLTAGE OR TYPE GAS DESIREDPAGEINCLUDE MODEL AND SERIAL NUMBEROFSome items are included for illustrative purposes only and in certain instances may not be available.NumberPer UnitDescriptionPartNumberKeyNumberMODEL1/8/03 Rev. C 502Z Star-Max Electric Hot Plate12R-Z14312KNOB-THERMOSTAT 22M-Z63241FRON T GRAPHIC 3I3-Z63151FRON T PAN EL 42J-Y71142PILOT LIGHT52J-64032CON TROL-IN FIN ITE 240V 62C-99382ADAPTER-TERMINAL 72A-Z03144FOOT 4" DIE CAST 8I3-Y77081SLIDE, DRAWER 9I3-Y76941DRAWER10I3-5020101BACK WELD ASSEMBLY 11G3-Y77881COVER, HAN DY BOX 122C-Y23441TERMINAL-GROUND 132K-80434BUSHIN G - HEYCO #514I3-Y78222COVER-TERMIN AL BLOCK 152N-Y77792ELEMENT162D-64702PAN-REFLECTOR172P-64682RIN G-ELEMEN T ADAPTER 18I3-Y78914CHAIN STRAIN RELIEF19I3-5020201502Z, 502ZS WELD ASSEMBLY 20I3-6020041LIN ER ASSY RIGHT 21H3-Z13392SIDE (LEFT/RIGHT)22I3-5020161LIN ER ASSY LEFT23I3-6020051CEN TER AN GLE WELD ASSY 24I3-Y74031AN GLE, FRON T BOTTOM 25I3-Y74051AN GLE, TOP26I3-Y74631COVER CON TROL11PARTS LISTEFFECTIVEIMPORTANT: WHEN ORDERING, SPECIFY VOLTAGE OR TYPE GAS DESIREDPAGEINCLUDE MODEL AND SERIAL NUMBEROFSome items are included for illustrative purposes only and in certain instances may not be available.NumberPer UnitDescriptionPartNumberKeyNumberMODEL1/8/03 Rev. C 502FZ Star-Max Electric Hot Plate12R-14312KNOB-THERMOSTAT 22M-Z63241FRON T GRAPHIC 3I3-Z63151FRON T PAN EL 42J-Y71142PILOT LIGHT52J-64032CON TROL-IN FIN ITE 240V 62C-99382ADAPTER-TERMINAL 72A-Z03144FOOT 4" DIE CAST 8I3-5020101BACK WELD ASSEMBLY 9G3-Y77881COVER, HAN DY BOX 102C-Y23441TERMINAL-GROUND 112K-80434BUSHIN G-HEYCO #512I1-1621172CLAMP ASSEMBLY13I3-5020211502FZ TOP WELD ASSEMBLY 142N-Y33012ELEMENT15H3-Z13392SIDE (RIGHT/LEFT)16I3-5020161LIN ER ASSY LEFT 17I3-6020041LIN ER ASSY RIGHT18I3-6020051CEN TER AN GLE WELD ASSY 19I3-Y74031AN GLE FRON T BOTTOM 20I3-Y74051AN GLE, TOP21I3-Y74631COVER CON TROL 22I3-Y74811BOTTOM11。



502熏显柜使用说明主要性能指标:外形尺寸:1500X860X1900(mm)有效熏显空间:1450X800X1880 ,合2.18立方米。

额定工作电压:交流170V—240V 50HZ额定功率:最大300W。





























目录功能概述 (3)注意事项 (4)认识机型 (6)按键功能说明 (6)主要界面显示说明 (7)基本操作 (7)系统菜单 (7)音乐播放 (7)视频播放 (10)图片浏览 (10)电子书 (11)附加功能 (13)游戏模式 (13)录音模式 (13)资源管理器 (15)设置功能 (15)使用USB磁盘 (17)使用TF卡扩充 (17)故障解决 (18)申明 (19)为了您能尽快轻松自如地操作索爱数码播放器,我们随机配备了内容详尽的用户手册,从中您之不理可以获取有关的产品介绍,使用方法等方面的知识,在您开始使用MP5数码播放器之前,请仔细阅读我们随机提供的所有资料,以便您能正确使用产品。

功能概述●高清晰真彩2.4寸TFT彩屏显示,支持320×240分辨率●支持MP3、WMA、WA V、FLAC等音乐格式●支持MPEG-4(A VI)、RMVB、RM 视频格式不需转换,其它格式需转换●支持插卡功能TF卡128M/256M/512M/1GB/4GB●支持高清晰JPEG和GIF格式图片浏览●数码录音,A-B复读功能●节能设置:亮度可自由调节,自定义关机时间●支持自动关机功能●支持3D音效环绕效果、微软音效、可自定义EQ●多种播放模式:单曲一次、单曲重复、全部一次、全部循环、试听、顺序播放、随机播放●支持多国语言●USB2.0高速传输●支持电子书阅读,书签功能●自由变换桌面背景,桌面设置,及界面设置。



●播放器播放电影不流畅或格式不支持,请用本公司赠送光盘视频转换工具进行转换视频文件●本产品无防潮和防水功能●非专业维修人员请勿自行更换电池,以免操作不当导致电池产生爆炸●避免摔落或强烈碰撞产品,不要让TFT屏遭到猛烈震动,否则可能导致TFT屏损坏或显示不正常●请选择合适的音量,使用耳机不宜过大音量,若感到耳鸣,请调小音量或停止使用●在下列情况下请充电:A、电池电量图标显示空时B、系统自动关机,再次开机后很快关机C、操作按键没有反应●本播放器采用的是高容量锂电池,可重复充电使用. 在前几次充电必须充够8小时,并且每次用完电量再进行充电,以保证电池的使用寿命。

Huawei AR502H 数据表说明书

Huawei AR502H 数据表说明书

DataSheetOverviewHuawei AR502H is an EC-IoT gateway designed for communication on large-scale edge computing and IoT networks with challenging environments such as extreme temperature, humidity, and electromagnetic interference.The AR502H is purpose-built for edge computing and industrial gateway scenarios. This data sheet focuses merely on the edge computing scenario. For details about the industrial gateway scenario, see the data sheet for the industrial gateway scenario. Appearance of Huawei AR502HAR502H AR502H router: ●●●NetEngine AR502H-5G NetEngine AR502H-5G router: ●●●●iCUBE-PLC100 (optional)Box-shaped PLC communication unit: ●●●Features and HighlightsEdge IoT, Enhancing Security and Reliability●Edge computing architecture, open software and hardware resources, support for multi-container management, and on-demand app deployment●Standard Debian-based development environment, and a wide variety of SDKs for flexibly invoking compute, storage, andnetwork resources●Mainstream IoT communication protocols, such as MQTT and CoAP●Data encryption, non-privileged containers, and dual-partition backup, enhancing device security and reliabilityHigh-Quality, Industrial-Grade Design●Fan-free design, wide operating temperature range, from –40°C to +70°C●Resilient to strong magnetic interference●IEC 61850-3/IEEE 1613 compliant●Dual power supplies for redundancy, DI/DO alarmExtensive Interfaces, Enabling Flexible Expansion●LTE FDD and LTE TDD, compatibility with WCDMA, GPRS, and GSM●5G NR SA and NSA, LTE FDD and LTE TDD, compatibility with WCDMA/GPRS●Multiple interfaces, including GE, RS232, RS485, and DI/DO●M.2 hard drive interface, scalability to up to 256 GB (provided by customers)●Support for all global positioning systems: BeiDou, GPS, Galileo, and GLONASSSimple Deployment and Easy O&M●Cloud-based management through Agile Controller-IoT●Visualized configuration, user-friendly GUI●Remote container and app management, batch configuration and upgradeApplication ScenariosIoT PoleHuawei AR502H, a smart light control gateway, integrates remote control, local management, computing, and communication functions. It uses IP-based PLC to connect and manage large numbers of smart lamp poles. In addition, it supports deployment of light control service applications, and provides multiple types of light control adjustment solutions, thereby delivering improved lighting quality with lower energy consumption.Smart IESHuawei AR502H, a smart Integrated Energy Service (IES) IoT gateway, integrates remote control, local management, computing, and communication functions. The AR502H has multiple built-in containers, supports on-demand deployment of service apps, and works with the backend platform to display network-wide alarm status, site status, and device status. This achieves remote visualized management and real-time network monitoring.Product SpecificationsPower Specifications 60 W power supplyOrdering InformationMore InformationFor more information, visit https:///en/ or contact us in the following ways: Global service hotline: https:///en/service-hotline-queryHuawei AR502H Data Sheet ●Logging in to the Huawei Enterprise technical support website: https:///enterprise/en/index.html ● Sending an email to the customer service mailbox: ********************Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2021. All rights reserved.No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior writtenconsent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.Trademarks and Permissionsand other Huawei trademarks are trademarks of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.All other trademarks and trade names mentioned in this document are the property of their respective holders.NoticeThe purchased products, services and features are stipulated by the contract made between Huawei and thecustomer. All or part of the products, services and features described in this document may not be within thepurchase scope or the usage scope. Unless otherwise specified in the contract, all statements, information, andrecommendations in this document are provided "AS IS" without warranties, guarantees or representations of anykind, either express or implied.The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made in thepreparation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents, but all statements, information, andrecommendations in this document do not constitute a warranty of any kind, express or implied. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Address: Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: 。

巴斯夫安固力 ECO 502 ap产品安全技术说明书

巴斯夫安固力 ECO 502 ap产品安全技术说明书

安全技术说明书页: 1/11 巴斯夫安全技术说明书按照GB/T 16483编制日期 / 本次修订: 30.05.2023版本: 8.0日期/上次修订: 16.03.2022上次版本: 7.2日期 / 首次编制: 11.01.2007产品: 安固力 ECO 502 apProduct: Acronal® ECO 502 ap(30397973/SDS_GEN_CN/ZH)印刷日期 03.09.20231. 化学品及企业标识安固力 ECO 502 apAcronal® ECO 502 ap推荐用途: 原料, 仅用于工业用途公司:巴斯夫(中国)有限公司中国上海浦东江心沙路300号邮政编码 200137电话: +86 21 20391000传真号: +86 21 20394800E-mail地址: **********************紧急联络信息:巴斯夫紧急热线中心(中国)+86 21 5861-1199巴斯夫紧急热线中心(国际):电话: +49 180 2273-112Company:BASF (China) Co., Ltd.300 Jiang Xin Sha RoadPu Dong Shanghai 200137, CHINA Telephone: +86 21 20391000Telefax number: +86 21 20394800E-mail address: ********************** Emergency information:Emergency Call Center (China):+86 21 5861-1199International emergency number: Telephone: +49 180 2273-1122. 危险性概述纯物质和混合物的分类:严重损伤/刺激眼睛: 分类2A对水环境的急性危害: 分类3巴斯夫安全技术说明书日期 / 本次修订: 30.05.2023版本: 8.0产品: 安固力 ECO 502 apProduct: Acronal® ECO 502 ap(30397973/SDS_GEN_CN/ZH)印刷日期 03.09.2023 标签要素和警示性说明:图形符号:警示词:警告危险性说明:H319造成严重眼刺激。

Dell XPS L502X 服务手册

Dell XPS L502X 服务手册

/support/edocs/systems/xpsl502x/cs/sm/before.htm#wp1435071[2012/6/27 8:59:16]
遵循以下安全原则有助于防止您的计算机受到潜在损坏,并有助于确保您个人的人身安全。 警告:拆装计算机内部组件之前,请阅读计算机附带的安全说明。有关其它最佳安全操作信息,请参阅 /regulatory_compliance 上的 Regulatory Compliance(管制标准)主页。 小心:为防止静电损害,请使用接地腕带或不时地触摸未上漆的金属表面(例如计算机上的连接器)以导去身上的静电。 小心:小心拿放组件和插卡。请勿触摸组件或插卡上的触点。持拿插卡时,应持拿插卡的边缘或其金属固定支架。持拿处理器等组 件时,请拿住其边缘,而不要拿插针。 小心:只允许认证的维修技术人员对您的计算机进行维修。由于未经 Dell™ 授权的维修所造成的损坏不包括在保修范围内。 小心:断开电缆连接时,请握住电缆连接器或其推拉卡舌将其拔出,而不要硬拉电缆。某些电缆的连接器带有锁定卡舌;如果要断 开此类电缆的连接,请先向内按压锁定卡舌,然后再断开电缆的连接。在拔出连接器的过程中,请保持两边对齐以避免弄弯任何连 接器插针。另外,在连接电缆之前,请确保两个连接器均已正确定向并对齐。 小心:为避免损坏计算机,请在开始拆装计算机内部组件之前执行以下步骤。
本手册提供卸下和安装计算机中组件的步骤。除非另有说明,否则将假设在执行每个过程时均满足以下条件: 您已经执行了关闭计算机电源和拆装计算机内部组件之前中的步骤。 您已经阅读了计算机附带的安全信息。 按相反顺序执行拆卸步骤可以装回组件或安装单独购买的组件。
执行本说明文件中的步骤时可能需要使用以下工具: 小型平口螺丝刀 梅花槽螺丝刀 塑料划片 BIOS 可执行更新程序可从以下网站上获得:

博斯Panaray 502 A扬声器技术数据表说明书

博斯Panaray 502 A扬声器技术数据表说明书

TECHNICAL DATA SHEET Key Features•Articulated Array ® design provides wide 120° x 70° pattern optimized for smooth band to band coverage•Five Bose ® 4.5" (114 mm) full-range drivers for unsurpassed natural sound quality. Elimination of tweeters and crossover provides lifelike vocal and instrument reinforcement•Mid/high configuration allows bass management and design e with the Panaray 502® B loudspeaker, or the MB4, MB12 or MB24modular base loudspeakers for full-range reinforcement •Sleek, elegant design for architectural compatibility. Modular components for system design flexibility•Full line of Bose-designed accessories for easy installation •Requires active equalization for best performance Product OverviewThe Bose ® Panaray ® 502 A is a mid/high-frequency loudspeaker designed for indoor permanent installations that require a small form factor for aesthetic and audience sight line considerations. Its Articulated Array ® design provides a wide 120° x 70° pattern to effectively cover many smaller venues with a single loudspeaker.Technical SpecificationsSystem PerformanceFrequency Response (+/-3 dB)1150 Hz - 17 kHz Frequency Range (-10 dB)1110 Hz - 20 kHz Nominal Dispersion120° H x 70° V Loudspeaker EQRequired Overload Protection4-ampre AGC 4 (Buss) or 3AG (Littlefuse)Long-Term Power Handling 2150 W (600 W peak) Sensitivity (SPL / 1 W @ 1 m)390 dB SPL Maximum SPL @ 1 m 4112 dB SPL (118 dB SPL peak) Nominal Impedance8 ΩTransformer Taps (70/100 V)CVT-5 70V/100V transformer available Transducers Driver Compliment Five (5) 4.5" (114 mm) helical voice coil drivers Physical EnclosureMica-reinforced structural foam, textured GrillePowder-coated steel grille EnvironmentalIndoor use only ConnectorsTwo (2) parallel-wired NL4 Neutrik® Speakon® connectors Two (2) parallel-wired barrier strips Suspension / MountingFour (4) 8 mm threaded inserts (back)Dimensions23.8" H x 5.8" W x 7.1" D (603 mm x 146 mm x 179 mm) Net Weight15 lb (6.8 kg) Shipping Weight 18 lb (8.3 kg) Product Code Grey040170White040171Footnotes:1Frequency response and range measured on-axis with recommended active EQ in an anechoic environment.2Power handling tested using pink noise filtered to meet IEC 268-5, 6 dB crest factor, 100 hours, with recommended EQ.3Sensitivity measured in free field (no boundary-loading gain) with recommended active EQ, referenced to 1W/1m.4Maximum SPL calculated from sensitivity and power handling specifications, exclusive of power compression.TECHNICAL DATA SHEET Directivity Index and QBeamwidthImpedanceOn-Axis ResponseTECHNICAL DATA SHEET Wiring DiagramMechanical DiagramsTECHNICAL DATA SHEETHorizontal PlotsTECHNICAL DATA SHEETVertical PlotsTECHNICAL DATA SHEETAll information subject to change without notice.® 2012 Bose Corporation All trademarks are those of their respective owners.Architects’ and Engineers’SpecificationsThe mid-to-high-frequency device shall be a multiple-driver system with matched active equalization as follows:The transducer complement shall consist of five (5) high-sensitivity drivers of 4.5 inches (114 mm) diameter, mounted vertically on a single baffle assembly such that directional characteristics are optimized for smooth response.The input connector, located on the rear of the array enclosure,shall consist of two parallel-wired NL4 Neutrik ® Speakon ®connectors and two parallel-wired barrier strips.The array enclosure shall be composed of copolymer materials,with outer dimensions of 23.8" x 5.8" x 7.1" (603 mm x 146 mm x 179 mm); its weight shall be 15 lb (6.8 kg).The array maximum continuous acoustic output shall be 112 dB SPL from 150 Hz to 17 kHz, with measurements referenced to full-bandwidth pink-noise input at 1 meter at the array’s rated power. Its power-handling capacity shall be 150 watts continuous referenced to IEC noise for 100 hours. The nominal horizontal beamwidth shall be 120 degrees. The nominal vertical beamwidth shall be 70 degrees.The loudspeaker shall be the Bose ® Panaray ® 502® A loudspeaker.。

The Crosby Group S-502 Closed Socket 产品说明书

The Crosby Group S-502 Closed Socket 产品说明书

151413121110986543211617199WIRE ROPE END FITTINGSCopyright © 2023 The Crosby Group LLC All Rights Reserved• Forged from special bar quality carbon steel, suitable for cold forming.• Swage socket terminations have an efficiency rating of 100% based on the catalog strength of wire rope.• Hardness controlled by spheroidize annealing.• Stamp for identification after swaging without concern for fractures (as per directions in Wire Rope End Terminations User’s Manual).• Swage sockets incorporate a reduced machined area of the shank which is equivalent to the proper 'after swage' dimension. Before swaging, this provides for an obvious visual difference in the shank diameter. Afterswaging, a uniform shank diameter is created allowing for a QUIC-CHECK ® and permanent visual inspection opportunity.• S-502 Swage Sockets are recommended for use with 6 x 19 or 6 x 37, IPS or XIP (EIP), XXIP (EEIP), RRL, FC or IWRC wire rope.• In accordance with ASME B30.9, all slings terminated with swage sockets shall be proof loaded.*NOTE: Before using any Crosby fitting with any other type lay, construction or grade of wire rope, it is recommended that the termination be destructive tested and documented to prove the adequacy of the assembly to be manufactured.8 strand 2160 Grade pendants. Note: Fittings designed only to be used on exact sizes listed.S-502。

奥瑞那集团光子技术有限公司OT502 使用说明书 V3.0

奥瑞那集团光子技术有限公司OT502 使用说明书 V3.0

1.0 概述1.1 JTY-GD-OT502点型光电感烟火灾探测器(以下简称探测器)是我公司成功研制的新一代智能火灾探测器,该探测器采用红外散射原理设计,内置先进的MCU 微处理器,具有现场参数采集,自动检测探测器两端电压等功能,制造工艺采用先进的SMT 贴片技术。



1.2 该探测器采用电子编码方式编址,编址后与我公司生产的OZH4800等火灾报警控制器配合使用,探测器正常工作时,绿灯闪亮,当检测到火警信号时红灯常亮。

1.3 该产品为红外光电型感烟火灾探测器。

2.0 结构特征及工作原理2.1壳体材料和颜色采用ABS 复合塑胶设计成型,外观美观、安装方便.2.2工作原理、工作特性该探测器原理是通过红外光线传感器来测量烟的浓度的,探测器的迷宫在结构设计时红外光束是偏离传感器的。





2.3 主要部件3.0 技术特征3.1 工作电压:DC20V-30V 3.2 监视电流: ≤350uA报警电流:≤2mA3.3 线制:二线制,无极性3.4 环境条件:温 度 -10℃~+50℃。

相对湿度 ≤95%(40±2℃)3.5尺寸及重量直径:100mm 高度:43.8mm 重量:82g4.0 安装4.1 安装基础、条件及要求4.1.1探测器对烟雾、灰尘、水雾及挥发性气体敏感,因此对那些灰尘大、经常有水雾等场所不适用;另外风速≥5m/s 的风口也不宜安装,因为这些地方烟雾很难积聚。

4.1.2 安装前探测器应保存在防尘、防潮、防霉的地方。

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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

10 输送机的润滑 --------------------------------------20
11 输送机的故障预防及排除-----------------------------24
12 工具一览表 ----------------------------------------25
13 服务承诺 ------------------------------------------26
a) 当输送机运行时,任何人不得横跨输送机,不得翻越输送机,同
b) 除了工作面采出的煤和矸石以外,不允许运载其它物料。
c) 输送机运行时,不可倚靠输送机,也不可坐在或站在输送机上。
d) 运行过程中不可站在输送机靠工作面一侧。
e) 除非输送机检修,否则在拆掉护板的情况下不许开动机器,若要
f) 设备运行时应和运动部件保持一定的安全距离。
g) 当检修设备或输送机运行时,操作人员应注意安全。
L) 拆卸和更换液压件时,应先释放掉压力。
共 52 页 第 3 页
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3 概述
SGZ800/1050 型中双链整体铸焊刮板输送机是我公司综合国内外同类型
6.4 刮板链--------------------------------------------14
7 输送机零部件的存放 ---------------------------------15
8 输送机的安装与试运转 -------------------------------18
9 输送机的使用与维护 ---------------------------------20 拨链器 ---------------------------------------8
6.1.2 动力部 -----------------------------------------8 动力部的解体----------------------------------9
SGZ 800/1050
PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建
1 前言------------------------------------------------2
型 号 --------------------------------YBSD-525/263-4/8G 功 率 ----------------------------------------525/263kW 转 速 ------------------------------------1485/738r/min 电 压 --------------------------------------------3300V 冷却方式 -------------------------------------------水冷 f) 减速器 型 号 ---------------------------------------525JX(27JA) 传动比 -------------------------------------------36.15:1 冷却方式 --------------------------------------------水冷 g) 刮板链 型式 ----------------------------------------------中双链 圆环链规格 --------------------------------------34x126mm 最小破断负荷 --------------------------------------1450kN 刮板间距 ------------------------------------------1008mm h) 中部段 结构型式 ----------------------------------------整体铸焊 规格 --------------------------------------1500x800x310mm 联接方式 --------------------------------------哑铃销联接 i) 紧链方式 ----------------------------------------液压紧链 j) 整机弯曲性能 水平弯曲 -------------------------------------------±1° 垂直弯曲 -------------------------------------------±2° k) 牵引方式--------------------------------------------齿轨 紧链装置 -------------------------------------13
6.2 机尾部分 -----------------------------------------13
6.3 中部段 -------------------------------------------14
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共 52 页 第 5 页
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组成及传动系统 5 组成及传动系统
a) 输送机的组成 本刮板输送机主要由机头、机尾、动力部、机头过渡槽、1.5 米中部槽、 1.5 米开天窗中部槽、机头(尾)偏转段、电缆槽和刮板链等组成(见图 1、 图 2、)。 b) 传动系统 本机传动系统其传动路线为电动机转矩经限矩摩檫离合器、减速器传递 给链轮轴组,从而牵引刮板链运动,组成一个封闭的牵引系统,按从机尾向机 头的运行方向将煤炭输送出工作面(见图 3)。
6 主要零部件结构特点 ---------------------------------7
6.1 机头传动部 ---------------------------------------7
6.1.1 机头 -------------------------------------------7 机头的组成 -----------------------------------7
在定货合同(或协议)发生变化时,本说明书所示长度,数量以新编制的 装箱单为准验收.
共 52 页 第 4 页
PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 动力部的组装----------------------------------9 减速器----------------------------------------9 限矩摩擦离合器--------------------------------12
主要技术特征 4 主要技术特征
a) 设计长度 ------- -----------------------------------250m b) 出厂长度 -------------------------------------------200m c) 输送量 ------------------------------------------1500t/h d) 刮板链速 ----------------------------------------1.21 m/s e) 电动机
h) 所有的螺栓和连接件应正确安装,并按规程应拧紧。
i) 工作面输送机进行维护保养工作(如更换刮板、链轮、链条等)