



焊 接 材 料 选 用 标 准2006-0424(代替1999-0424)焊条电弧焊埋弧自动焊电渣焊熔化极气体保护焊钨极氩弧焊序号钢材牌号选用焊材型号标注方法焊 条焊 丝焊剂焊 丝焊剂焊 丝保护气体焊 丝10Q215B 1Q235A ·F E43E4303(J422) H08MnAH10Mn2Q235A(B,C)20(g,G,R)SA210A12SA285C E5015(J507)E4303(J422) (1)*SB410St45.8325H08MnAH10Mn2 (2)*HJ431H08Mn2Si(A)HJ4314SA106BE5015(J507)H10Mn2HJ350H08Mn2Si(A)TGS-50516Mn(g,,R)Q345A(B,C)E50E5015(J507)E5515-G(J557(4)*H10Mn2H08MnMo(A)(5)*HJ431SJ101(3)*H10MnMo(A)H10Mn2Mo(A)(5)*HJ431H08Mn2Si(A)MG49-1ER70S-6ER70S-G TWE-711(E71T-1)C02Ar+C02H08Mn2Si(A)焊条电弧焊埋弧自动焊电渣焊熔化极气体保护焊钨极氩弧焊序号钢材牌号选用焊材型号标注方法焊 条焊 丝焊剂焊 丝焊剂焊 丝保护气体焊 丝SA106CSA210C SA105SA516Gr706P355GH(19Mn6)E50E5015(J507)E6015-D1(J607 )(6 )*H08MnMo(A)H08Mn2Mo(A) (6)*HJ350SJ101 (3)*H10MnMo(A)H10Mn2Mo(A)(5)*H08Mn2SiMo(A)C02Ar+C027SA299E50-A1(11)*E50E7018-A1(11)*E5015(J507)E6015-D1(J607)(6)*E7015-D2(J707) (19)*H08MnMo(A)(S3Mo)H08Mn2Mo(A)(S4Mo)(6)*15Mn2Ni1MoE(18)*SJ101(3)*HJ350H10Mn2Mo(A)HJ431H08MnMo(A)H08Mn2SiMo(A)SA209T1815Mo3E50-A1E7018-A1E5015-G(J507Mo)MGS-MC02Ar+C02 TGS-M焊条电弧焊埋弧自动焊电渣焊熔化极气体保护焊钨极氩弧焊序号钢材牌号选用焊材型号标注方法焊 条焊 丝焊剂焊 丝焊剂焊 丝保护气体焊 丝15MnV(g,R)15MnVN(R)925MnE5515-G (J557)E6015-D1(J607) (6)*H10Mn2Mo(A)HJ4311020MnMoE55E5515-D3(J557Mo)H08MnMo(A)H08Mn2Mo(A)(6)*HJ350H08Mn2SiMo(A)H08MnMo(A)H08Mn2SiMo(A)13MnNiMoNb(R)11DIWA353(BHW35)E6015-D1(J607)E6015-G (J607Ni)E7015-D2(J707)(7)*(19)*H08Mn2Mo(A)H08Mn2NiMo(A)(7)*15Mn2Ni1MoE (18)*HJ350SJ101H10Mn2NiMo(A)(S3NiMo1)H10Mn2Mo(A)(7)*15Mn2Ni1Mo(20)*HJ431H08Mn2SiMo(A)CO 2Ar+CO 2H08Mn2Mo(A)H08Mn2SiMo(A)12WB36(15NiCuMoNb5)E60E6015-D1(J607)FOX EV65H10Mn2Mo(A)3NiMo1-UPHJ350BB24H10Mn2Mo(A)H08Mn2Mo(A)(21)*DMO-IG(21)*14MnMoVg 15MnMoV 20MnMoNb HJ3501315MnMoVN(调质状态 )E70E7015-D2(J707)E7015-G (J707Ni) (8)*(9) *H08Mn2NiMo(A)H10Mn2NiMo(A)(8)*15Mn2Ni1MoE(18)*HJ250+HJ350(2:1)H10Mn2NiMo(A)15Mn2Ni1MoE(20)*HJ431H08Mn2NiSiMo(A)CO 2Ar+CO 2H08Mn2NiSiMo(A)H08Mn2NiMo (A)焊条电弧焊埋弧自动焊电渣焊熔化极气体保护焊钨极氩弧焊序号钢材牌号选用焊材型号标注方法焊 条焊 丝焊剂焊 丝焊剂焊 丝保护气体焊 丝1412CrMoE55-B1E5515-B1(R207)H10CrMo(A)H08CrMo(A)H08CrMnSiMo(A)15CrMo(R,G)13CrMo44SA335P12SA387Gr12CL1SA387Gr12CL2SA387Gr11CL115SA387Gr11CL2E5515-B2(R307)CMA96CMA96MB ETCPH KV5HRH13CrMo(A) EB2US-511N(D)ETCAS2CrMo1HJ350SJ101PF-200(D)ETC FX 76BH13CrMo(A)HJ431SJ101H08CrMnSiMo(A)MGS-1CMH08CrMo(A)H08CrMnSiMo(A)TGS-1CM ER70S-B2L (10)*16SA213T12E55-B2E5515-B2(R307)MGS-1CMH08CrMnSiMo(A)TGS-1CM 12Cr1MoV(G)1713CrMoV42E55-B2-V E5515-B2-V (R317) H08CrMoV(A)HJ350H12CrMnSiMoV(A)H08CrMnSiMoV(A)H08CrMoV(A)H08CrMnSiMoV(A)21/4Cr-1Mo SA335P22SA387Gr22CL110CrMo910H08Cr3MoMnA EB3US-521S HJ350+HJ250(1:1)PF200(D)H10Cr3MoMnA HJ431H08Cr3MoMnA MGS-2CMH08Cr3MoMnA TGS-2CM ER80S-B3L (10)*18SA213T22E60-B3E6015-B3(R407)CMA-106NMGS-2CMCO 2Ar+CO 2TGS-2CM焊条电弧焊埋弧自动焊电渣焊熔化极气体保护焊钨极氩弧焊序号钢材牌号选用焊材型号标注方法焊 条焊 丝焊剂焊丝焊剂焊 丝保护气体焊 丝19SA213T23E60-B3-WV CM-2CWMGS-2CWTGS-2CW 2012Cr2MoWVTiB (钢102)E55-B3-VWB E5515-B3-VWB(R347)H08Cr2MoWVTiBH08Cr2MoWVTiBSA213T9121SA335P91E60-B9CM-9Cb CM-96B9Chromet 9MV-N US-9Cb PF-200SMGS-9CbAr+CO 2TGS-9Cb TGS-90B9H06Cr9Mo1V 1Cr5Mo221Cr6SiMo E1-5MoVE5MoV-15(R507)E309Mo-16(A312) (12)* H1Cr5Mo HJ250H1Cr5Mo230Cr13E410-15(G207)(13)*1Cr13242Cr13E410E410-15(G217)H0Cr14H0Cr141Cr17251Cr17TiE430E430-16(G302)H0Cr18Mo2H0Cr18Mo20Cr18Ni90Cr19Ni91Cr18Ni9SA213TP304(H)26SA240TP304(H)E308E308-16(A102) H0Cr21Ni10ER308(H) (17)*HJ260H0Cr21Ni10SiER308SiCO 2Ar+CO 2H0Cr21Ni10ER308(H)焊条电弧焊埋弧自动焊电渣焊熔化极气体保护焊钨极氩弧焊序号钢材牌号选用焊材型号标注方法焊 条焊 丝焊剂焊丝焊剂焊 丝保护气体焊 丝0Cr19Ni9Ti1Cr18Ni9Ti 1Cr18Ni11TiSA213TP347(H)SA240TP347(H)SA213TP321(H)27SA240TP321(H)E347E347-16(A132)H0Cr20Ni10NbER347(H) (17)*H0Cr20Ni10NbSi ER347SiCO 2Ar+CO 2H0Cr20Ni10Nb ER347(H)00Cr19Ni10SA213TP304L28SA240TP304L E308LE308L-16(A002)H00Cr21Ni10ER308LH00Cr21Ni10ER308L0Cr17Ni11Mo2SA213TP31629SA240TP316E316E316-16(A202)H0Cr19Ni12Mo2ER316HJ260H0Cr19Ni12Mo2 ER316焊条电弧焊埋弧自动焊电渣焊熔化极气体保护焊钨极氩弧焊序号钢材牌号选用焊材型号标注方法焊 条焊 丝焊剂焊丝焊剂焊丝保护气体焊 丝00Cr17Ni11Mo2SA213TP316L30SA240TP316L E316LE316L-16(A022)H00Cr19Ni12Mo2ER316LH00Cr19Ni12Mo2ER316L0Cr19Ni13Mo3SA213TP31731SA240TP317E317E317-16 (A242)H0Cr20Ni14Mo3ER317H0Cr20Ni14Mo3ER31700Cr19Ni13Mo3SA213TP317L32SA240TP317L E317LE317L-16H00Cr20Ni14Mo3ER317L H00Cr20Ni14Mo3ER317L330Cr18Ni12Mo2TiE318E318-16(A212)ER318ER3183400Cr17Ni14Mo2E309-MoLE309MoL-16(A042)H00Cr20Ni14Mo 3ER309MoL H00Cr20Ni14Mo3 ER309MoL 35 1Cr20Ni14Si2E309Mo E309Mo-16 (A312)H1Cr24Ni13Mo2 ER309Mo 0Cr25Ni20SA213TP310S 36 SA240TP310SE310Mo E310Mo-16(A412)HJ260H0Cr26Ni21 ER310焊条电弧焊埋弧自动焊电渣焊熔化极气体保护焊钨极氩弧焊序号钢材牌号选用焊材型号标注方法焊 条焊 丝焊剂焊丝焊剂焊丝保护气体焊 丝工作温度37570℃以下EDCrNi- A EDCrNi-A-15(D547)38600℃以下EDCrNi-B EDCrNi-B-15(D547Mo)39阀门密封面堆焊650℃以下EDCoCr-A EDCoCr-B EDCoCr-C (14)*EDCoCr-A-03 (D802)EDCOCr-B-03( D812) EDCoCr-C-03(D822) (14)*40TA1HTA141TA2HTA2HTA 1 (15)*42TA3TAHTA3HTA2 (15)*焊条电弧焊埋弧自动焊电渣焊熔化极气体保护焊钨极氩弧焊序号钢材牌号选用焊材型号标注方法焊 条焊 丝焊剂焊 丝焊剂焊 丝保护气体焊 丝4316Mn( R),P355GH (19Mn6)SA299+Q235A 20(g,G,R)4415MnV(g,R)20MnMo +20(g,G,R)St45.8H08MnAH08Mn2Si(A)4515MnV(g,R)20MnMo +16Mn(R)H10MnMo(A)4620MnMo +SA106B H10Mn2HJ4314720MnMo +P355GH (19Mn6)E50E5015(J507)4820MnMo SA106C SA210C SA105+SA299E50E50-A1 (11)*E5015(J507)E7018-A1 (11)*H08MnMo(A)HJ350SJ101(22)*HJ431H08Mn2Si(A)TWE-711(E71T-1)CO 2Ar+CO 2H08Mn2Si(A)焊条电弧焊埋弧自动焊电渣焊熔化极气体保护焊钨极氩弧焊序号钢材牌号选用焊材型号标注方法焊 条焊 丝焊剂焊 丝焊剂焊 丝保护气体焊 丝4914MnMoVg13MnNiMoNb(R )DIWA353(BHW35)20MnMoNb + Q235A 20(g,G,R)H08MnA H08Mn2Si(A)5014MnMoVg13MnNiMoNb(R )DIWA353(BHW35)20MnMoNb+16Mn(R)H10Mn2H10MnMo(A)HJ431H08Mn2Si(A)TWE-711(E71T-1)5115CrMo(R,G)13CrMo44SA387Gr12CL2+20(g,G,R)H08MnA H08Mn2Si(A)MGS-50TWE-711(E71T-1)52Cr5Mo15CrMo(R,G)SA387Gr12CL 2+16Mn(R )E50E5015(J507)H10Mn2HJ350SJ101(22)*H10MnMo(A)HJ431H08Mn2Si(A)CO 2Ar+CO 2H08Mn2Si(A)焊条电弧焊埋弧自动焊电渣焊熔化极气体保护焊钨极氩弧焊序号钢材牌号选用焊材型号标注方法焊 条焊 丝焊剂焊 丝焊剂焊 丝保护气体焊 丝53P355GH(19Mn6)+WB36(15NiCuMoNb5)E50E5015 (J507)H08MnMo(A)H08Mn2SiMo (A)H08MnMo(A)H08Mn2SiMo(A)5414MnMoVg 14MnMoVNig 13MnNiMoNb(R)DIWA353(BHW35)+20MnMoH08Mn2SiMo(A)H08MnMo(A)H08Mn2SiMo(A)5514MnMoVg+15MnV(g,R)E55E5515-G(J557) H08MnMo(A)H10Mn2Mo(A)HJ431H08Mn2SiMo(A)H08MnMo(A)H08Mn2SiMo(A)56DIWA353(BHW35)+WB36(15NiCuMoNb5)E60E6015-D1(J607)H08Mn2Mo(A)H08Mn2SiMo (A)H08Mn2Mo(A)H08Mn2SiMo(A)5714MnMoVg +15CrMo(R,G)13CrMo44SA387Gr12CL2E55-B2E5515-B2(R307)H13CrMo(A)HJ350SJ101(22)*H13CrMo(A)HJ431H08CrMnSiMo(A)CO 2Ar+ CO 2H13CrMo(A)H08CrMnSiMo(A)焊条电弧焊埋弧自动焊电渣焊熔化极气体保护焊钨极氩弧焊序号钢材牌号选用焊材型号标注方法焊 条焊 丝焊剂焊 丝焊剂焊 丝保护气体焊 丝5812Cr1MoV(G) +15CrMo(R,G)13CrMo44 SA335P12E55-B2E5515-B2(R307)EB2HJ350SJ101(22)*H08CrMnSiMo(A)MGS-1CMH08CrMnSiMo(A) H08CrMo(A) TGS-1CM5912Cr1MoV(G)+12Cr2MoWVTiB (钢102)6012Cr1MoV(G)+21/4Cr1Mo SA335P22 SA213T22H08CrMoV(A)HJ3506112Cr1MoV(G) +SA213T23E55-B2-V E5515-B2-V (R317)H08CrMnSiMoV (A)CO 2Ar+ CO 2H08CrMnSiMoV(A)H08CrMoV(A)62碳钢63低合金钢64耐热钢65奥氏体 +不锈钢铁素体及马 氏体不锈钢锈 ENi(16)*E309Mo E310(Mo)ENiCrFe-2ENiCrFe-3WELDC182Sanicro71 (16)*E309Mo-16E310(Mo)ERNiCr-3 WELTIG82Sanicro72HP(16)*H1Cr24Ni13H0Cr26Ni21ER309Mo ER310焊接材料选用表中的注解(1) E4303(J422)焊条只适用于第一类压力容器中的非重要结构件.(2)序号2-3项钢号工件如果焊后需进行正火温度范围内热加工时,埋弧自动焊选用H10Mn2焊丝。



T% = 200%
200 − 100 o' E = E1 + 0 .059 lg = E1 100
E = 1.44v
T% = 100.1%
E = E − 0.059 × 3
o' 1
E = 1.26v
特征点 T% = 50%
o′ o′ Ce4+ + Fe2+ = Ce3+ + Fe3+ E 1 = 1 . 44 v E 2 = 0 . 68 v
200Байду номын сангаас
如果滴定中涉及不对称电对,化学计量点的电位计算,还 应加上浓度对数项。如:
2 Cr2O 7 − + 6Fe 2+ + 14H + = 6Fe 3+ + 2Cr 3+ + 7 H 2O
E sp =
+E 6+1
Fe(III)/Fe (II)
E1 + E 2 E sp = 2
o' o'
C Fe(III) = C Ce(III)
E sp = 1.06v
+ Fe
= Ce
+ Fe
E = E1 + 0.059 lg



[转载]序列号⼤全+CDK⼤全(3)原⽂地址:序列号⼤全+CDK⼤全 (3)作者:柏拉图的朋友※ EA板球2002/Cricket 2002 (2002-6-26)4792-1088041-9269636-4601※ The Fate(韩⽂A-RPG) (2002-6-22)68CD687-E8449C5B-E8I388AC48※⽆冬之夜 / Neverwinter Nights(带Cdkey⽣成器)CH37D-QXPRX-34U7F-9FL3N-QLKTC-CFGCT-3J9DG3QJ9A-EJMW9-CR7UE-64D9Q-J9KKE-FDKDR-U3DQ3YTKH9-MYLJX-X77RJ-KFMXF-Y9XQ9-39NVV-C4VU9※ Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Game of the Year Edition (2002-6-17)SL3H-SSPG-B3JL-LPCC-A5※ MechWarrior 4: Inner Sphere Mech Pak (2002-6-16)gf8tg-t6gtt-h667t-p9qg7-67bcw※魔兽争霸3 / Warcraft III(带Cdkey⽣成器) (2002-6-15)1JEPYU-ZIOF-WTQH40-CDBK-1VLJTH35M7SW-NB42-I96B78-CBAE-0D211SBVDO9C-A65T-0Z34R7-C4E1-2PXMYE※⼩李飞⼑ (2002-6-15)CN66-764D-4DDK-HDO0※三国群侠传 (2002-6-8)繁体版:WA939R-KK74PC-BXPYMB-7KVH4H简体版:FCM34Z-JVP2BM-CKKKVB-7KK59Y※末⽇世界(⼜名淤⾎)/Gore(带Cdkey⽣成器)5FFE-62A6-BE89-C15B6FF8-0772-FC04-237F6FF9-0437-8FA9-9874※淤⾎/GORE (2002-6-5)5a67-8eaf-8863-e05e※⼀级⽅程式⼤赛 2002/F1 2002 (2002-6-5)7931-9865028-6024865-1156※郑问之三国志 (2002-6-1)CNAB-3963-A2H8-Q6H2※⼤富翁6(带Cdkey⽣成器)7UR969TF8M8FF46JRVA12NN69TF8M8FF46JRVA3PTF69TF8M8FF46JRVA※团队⾏动/Team Factor(带Cdkey⽣成器)DCAZ7ZZ-9DBFDU1YPZY8C3-9D538FE※⼤富翁6 (2002-5-29)114369TF8M8FF46JRVA※冒牌⼤英雄 (2002-5-27)QFE752BQ0G99※命运战⼠2 *正式版*(带Cdkey⽣成器)3EJM-JH7H-KP8X-RMXK-5FFWFT-J7WE-EKKK-83MT-52H4KX-8JXT-F87R-M3EE-AB※命运战⼠2 *正式版*/Soldier Of Fortune II Double Helix (2002-5-23) MTKW-FTMK-EMFE-W3P3-B7※全球⾏动/Global Operations (2002-5-6)5501-0000000-0000000-45498427-5179437-7505878-58065000-0000000-0000000-5021※深海惊魂/Aquanox (2002-5-4)7111-02a1-db82-0b063111-3982-49d0-1eb35111-39d9-b3e7-8819※棒球2002/Triple Play Baseball 2002 (2002-5-2)0204-3939889-8825252-20022500-7240579-3830751-5535※三国之星海风云2/Three Kingdoms 2 (2002-5-2)00724-60871-24289-0905300730-00504-53989-89682※模拟城市3000/Simcity 3000 (2002-5-2)2001-5076965-7787848-39622001-9345001-2906628-61662001-0047391-0117848-2719※星际争霸:母巢之战/Star Craft: Brood War (2002-5-2)3423-72091-21073423-72093-27583423-73086-2128※星际争霸/Star Craft (2002-5-2)2602-89590-69612602-94589-69702603-28588-6845※⼀级⽅程式⼤赛2001/F1 2001 (2002-5-2)4502-9028156-8500964-3534※勇者⽃恶魔 (2002-5-2)14000068※微软模拟飞⾏2000疯狗版/Maddog 2000 (2002-5-2) 6754-IPZZ4XY※⼯⼈物语4/The Settlers IV (2002-5-2)1576-5655-2355-6565※魔法门传奇/Legends of Might & Magic (2002-5-2) 2b09-24c6-9894-c18f※天使之都/Angel (2002-5-2)ATT-0948-812※救世传说/Nox (2002-5-2)017934-718048-114782-5775※花⽊兰 (2002-5-2)HML980318P※热⾎躲避球 (2002-5-2)GDM1A15TDJ22E※霹雳⿇将 (2002-5-2)2005NTPGKK28※烈焰帝国/Kingdom Under Fire (2002-5-2)A1AH-CQFA-T0LE-LVK3※死亡打字员/The Typing of the Dead (2002-5-2)TDK02200-176403-17407※⼯⼈物语3/The Settlers 3 (2002-5-2)3416-3922-3505-3216-1252※星海争霸 (2002-5-2)3131-85031-0738※神雕侠侣完结篇 (2002-5-2)TW9E6S73JCED73※魔域争霸 (2002-5-2)8061-1378-4916-19160※世嘉GT赛车/Sega GT (2002-5-2)GTJ08010-322007-01723※篮球2001/NBA Live 2001 (2002-5-2)2001-0020601-0010978-6694※家园:灾难/Home World : Cata Ciysm (2002-5-2)GAF6-CAB4-SEX5-ZYL6-2622※终极猎⼿/Ultimate Hunt (2002-5-2)14067 CHOW VATS SLAP CLAY※活祭/Sacrifice (2002-5-2)29NF-WJTL-7OIZ-NYRS※⼤富翁5/Rich5 (2002-5-2)GB:6ef9d-33rut49ei6-dd8rtBig:5J02MF-2J9UM-I1FHA※侠客游4/Lunatic IV (2002-5-2)281-EBE02-93E-BF9A1※⿊与⽩/Black & White (2002-5-2)0901-*******-4702210-2081※模拟⼈⽣之家庭派对/The Sims : House Party (2002-5-2)0901 ******* 2064872 3510※模拟主题乐园 SimCoaster (2002-5-2)2001-0013101-0010978-2823※模拟⼈⽣之美好⽣活/The Sims Livin' Large (2002-5-2)2500-5149691-2267453-0556※可汗:不朽君王/Kohan: Immortal Sovereigns (2002-5-2)6bd9-9a56-bc85-455a※模拟空中管制2/Real Air Traffic Controller 2 (2002-5-2)044-0800-23000007152226※主权战争/Deep Space Nine Dominion Wars (2002-5-2)1000-7064※持久战/Outlive (2002-5-2)c61e41-a3f465-4674c1-ace71f※云丝顿赛车4/Nascar Racing 4 (2002-5-2)GAC7-REB8-TUX6-DAC2-7833※冒险弹⼦球:遗忘之岛/Adventure Pinball: Forgotten Island (2002-5-2) 0901-*******-3327010-9227※星际迷航:精英⼒量任务扩充版/Elite Force Expansion Pack (2002-5-2)※星际迷航:星舰指挥官2-帝国战争/Star Trek Starfleet Command 2:Empires at War (2002-5-2) RYS8-LAB4-JEF8-BYM3-4652※星舰指挥官:劫杀猎户座/Orion Pirates (2002-5-2)70b2-b6c7-28c5-0c4a※枪⼿历代记/Gunman Chronicles (2002-5-2)2609-57245-0368※雷神之锤3资料⽚-团队竞技场/Quake 3: Team Arena (2002-5-2)TSBH-7CCG-DPWP-B2LT-84※致命⼀击/The Typing of the Dead (2002-5-2)TDK02200-176403-17407※⽼虎伍兹2001/Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2001 (2002-5-2)1500-3202255-2068109-2932※ SBK超级机车赛2001/Superbikes 2001 (2002-5-2)1500-4288423-2982915-3163※艾丽斯漫游奇境/American McGee's Alice (2002-5-2)2500-5248097-9624846-2118※半条命:针锋相对/Half-Life: Opposing Force (2002-5-2)DYP6-MYL8-GYG4-BET3-6283※反恐精英零点⾏动CD-KEY:5RP2E-EPH3K-BR3LG-KMGTE-FN8PY※荣誉勋章-突出重围L5KB-32WY-B6G5-6747-YQ49Age of Mythology神话时代 by genius78:P3HM4-WDM27-662XW-9BPTV-CFVMQAge of Mythology神话时代繁体版 by chao der j:GPHT7-MT7VM-KWPFK-686GC-R7RV8Battlefield 1942:5000-0000000-0000000-1318流星蝴蝶剑.net by kirua :198789-9089767-0090。



11.2 Explanation of All Function GroupsBasic function group explanation (b group)[b00]=0: Digital panel RUN/STOP control, associated setting [b02], [b16], [b17][b02] decides frequency setting channel; [b16], [b17] decide Acc./Dec. time.When [b02]=0~9 and 11,12, the operation direction is determined bySF/SR-COM;SF-COM close: forward; SR-COM close: reverse.If the SF, SR close or open at the same time, the converter does not run evenpressing RUN.If the SF, SR close or open at the same time, the converter stops even withoutpressing STOP.When [b02]=10, the operation direction will be decided by the set voltage of theconverter, not by the SF/SR.[b00]=1: UP/Down increase/decrease control, associated setting [E37]Digital panel RUN disabled, digital panel STOP enabled.Operation mode is decided by the circuit given by [E37] .When “R UN” is enabled, close X1-COM, output frequency increases; close X2-COM, output frequency decreases.increase the frequency by “” and decrease the frequency by “ ”.Single press: add/subtract 0.01Hz every time; continuous press: first add/subtract0.01Hz every time. When the time span is over 2s, the changing rate is decidedby Acc/Dec time.If X1, X2 are defined with other functions, [b00] can not be set as 1.Host Computer Control RUN/STOP and Running Direction[b00]=1, giving the initial value of the frequency, also can set the frequency directly with this function code.[b00]=2/3, is the frequency setting source of the 0-phase speed.[b00]=2: External terminals (including multi-phase terminals) control, associated [E37] setting; P-group parameters; STOP enabled.RUN disabled, STOP enabled.The source of operation mode and command are decided by the given circuit from [E37]=0,1, 2.The multi-phase speed 0~7 is selected by the binary combination of terminals X3, X2, X1-COM. The multi-phase speed holding time isdecided by the continuous combination duration of X3, X2, X1-COM; the running direction is decided by the given circuit from [E37]; frequency Acc./Dec. time is decided by P-group parameters.Press the RUN or close SF-COM to start; press the STOP or close SR-COM to stop.For the phase that has no relation to programming, set the function code of the holding time as OFF; for the phase related to programming, set the function code of holding time and the P-group parameters like the frequency, the running direction, Acc./Dec. etc.RUN disabled, STOP enabledThe operation mode is decided by the given circuit from [E37].When X3-COM is closed, the frequency is set by the external signal; the action of [b02] =0~2 is the same as [b02]=5; other values of [b02] are set normally.When X3-COM is open, the frequency is set by the potentiometer on the panel.[b00]=4: External terminal; internal/externl frequency source is switched by X3; STOP enabled; associated setting, [b02] If X1, X2, X3 are defined with other functions, [b00] can not be set as 2; The default input of the occupied terminal X is 0.[b00]=5: RUN/STOP is controlled by the host computer; STOP enabled; associated settings, [H08], [H09], [H10], [H11].The host computer controls the RUN/STOP and the running direction; STOP enabled.[b00]=6:RUN/STOP is controlled by the host computer; STOP disabled. associated settings, [H08], [H09], [H10].The host computer controls the RUN/STOP and the running direction; STOP disabled.[b00]=3: Embedded PLC control; associated setting, P-group parametersInput current 4-20mA+10V Panel potentiometer control 0-5VDC Analog voltage control 0-10VDC· [b02]=10, input the -10V~+10V analog signal by terminal VRC, at the same time, input voltage determines the running direction. When the input signal is “+”, it represents forward; otherwise it represents rever se. [b02]=5, 6, 9,10, set jumper JP5 2-3.· A-, set jumper Jp2 as 1-2.When [b02]=11, the [E25]=4/5 disabled.In this mode, set [b40] properly, making sure the [b40] setting value and the corresponding Max.Given frequency of [b30] curve.· [b02]=12, the frequency setting is determined by the host computer. In this option, please set the function codes [H08], [H09], [H10] , [H11] properly.Note: See also in Chapter 14.1, the operation and setting diagram.Setting the Max. output frequency of the frequency converter. .The rated frequency of the motor is set based on the nameplate content.The rated voltage of the load motor is set based on the nameplate content.OFF: The user-defined V/F curve mode, at the same time, shows the hidden function code [b07]~[b13].It is the Min. frequency that motor allows. This function sets the Min. frequency of user-defined V/F curve.It is the Min. voltage that motor allows. It is a percentage of the base voltage. This function sets the Min.voltage of the user-defined V/F curve.The middle frequency 1 of the user-defined V/F curve.The corresponding voltage of the middle frequency 1 (Mf1) of the user-defined V/F curve, is a percentageThe middle frequency 2 of the user-defined V/F curve.The corresponding voltage of the middle frequency 2 (Mf2) of the user defined V/F curve.The corresponding voltage of the highest frequency (HF) of the user-defined V/F curve, range: 0~120%BV.· automatically the V/F output voltage at the set value even the voltage of the power supply which connects to the input of the frequency converter varies.It has to be mentioned that the output voltag e can not be hig her that the input voltag e of the frequency converter even the constant voltage control is on.When this parameter is set OFF, the constant voltage control function is disabled and the output voltage will be proportional to the input voltage.General V/F curve settings are as follows:(a) General applicationH-0~H-15 constant torque characteristicP-00~P-15 square rate decreased torqueParameter setting description of fan and pump typesH curve, P curve voltage(C) User-defined V/F curve[b06]=oFF, can be defined the following V/Fcurve by [b03]- [b05], [b07]~[b13].[b13] HV [b05] BV [b08] LLV[b07][b09][b04][b11][b03]According to the requirements of the load motor, the following common use V/F curves are available.BVMF1MF2MF2BVMV1LLVConstant torque curveFan, pump energy saving curve MF2BVLLV MV MF1MF2BVHV High startup torque curveVariable frequency motor with increased voltage, higher than the frequency requirement[b15] Acc./Dec. curve modeAcc timeDec timeAcc timeDec timeThe selection of b15 also decides the curve mode of JOG Acc./Dec.[b16] Acceleration timeWhen the programmable mode is disabled (b 3), it represents the output frequency increasing time from 0.00Hz to HF .When the programmable mode is enabled (b=3) and the operation is under multi-phase 0, it represents the output frequency increasing time from 0.00Hz to the frequency command [b01].[b17] Deceleration timeWhen the programmable mode is disabled (b 3), it represents the output frequency decreasing time from HF to 0.00Hz.When the programmable mode is enabled (b=3) and the operation is under multi-phase 0, it represents the output frequency decreasing time from the frequency command [b01] to 0.00Hz. (1) Programmable operation disabled ([b00]3)· This parameter is used to set the delay time between the deceleration, stop and the start of reversed acceleration when the motor rotating speed changes. The parameter should be set according to load inertia, and Acc./Dec. time.(2) Programmable operation enabled ([b00] =3)TimeOutput frequency· When the forward and reverse signals are input simultaneously, the motor will decelerate and stop. When “0.0s” is set, the reverse operation is forbidden and only the forward operation is allowed.Output frequencyReversedForward· Electronic thermal relay setting value (%)=(motor rated current /frequency converter rated current) ×100%. When single motor is connected to single converter, overload relay needs not to be connected externally, and set the parameter according to motor characteristic.· When driving several motors or motor rated current is lower than the set value Et, the motor is not protected actively. In that case, please equip each motor with thermal protection relay.· As the figure of overload protection reverse time-limit shows, for general series: 150% rated current for 1 minute, 110% rated current for 1 hour.· If it is not set as OFF, the range is “50~110%”.frequency and over excitation of the motor can also be avoided while it is running without load.In the real operation, the voltage increase percentage is decided by the frequency converter based on the present output frequency and the load current.[b19] should be increased step by step. Too big value of the parameter may cause over current ofthe motor or enable the Auto Current Limit function. If it is not set as “oFF”, the setting range is “1~10%”. · When “oFF” is set effective, the automatic torque increase function is disabled; when other values are set, the values are the percentag e of the increased voltag e at 0 output frequency, rated current. This parameter is to improve the torque characteristic when the motor is running at low frequency. With that function, the output voltag e of the frequency converter can be adjusted· UF is the Max. frequency which the frequency converter outputs during steady running.· LF is the Min. frequency which the frequency converters outputs during steady running.· When the input frequency command is lower than the set value of the lower limit frequency (LF), the frequency converter has two working modes:[b23]=0, the output frequency is decreased directly from the lower limit frequency to 0.00Hz; the hysteresis frequency width needs to be set in order to prevent frequency converter from the frequency RUN/STOP around the lower limit frequency.[b23]=1, the frequency converter is kept running at the lower limit frequency.General series[b26] defines the time constant of the first inertia to conduct the first inertia filter of the analoginput reference sig nal. The big g er the time constant, the more obvious the restraining effect, but the slower the response. [b26] is also the filter time constant of FB channel.Reference frequency signal is filtered and amplified, and then its relationship with the set frequency is determined by the Curve (defined by [b27]~[b30]), which is shown in the right hand figure.compensation, and decrease the slip so that the motor can run at the rated current and the speed is close to the synchronous speed. Consumer will set slip frequency compensation according to load. Customers can use the slip frequency compensation according to the load situation.Note: when using the slip frequency compensation, [H35]must be disabled, [H35]=0.00.Note: If the compensation is set too big, the motorspeed will exceed the synchronous speed. In this case: Upper limit frequency=output frequency + K ×slipfrequency [b31].K is associated with load current and is not bigger than 1.· The relationship between frequency source and frequency setting is shown in the next figure, when VRC,+I pulse or panel potentiometer are set as open-loop frequency setting channels.· Using analog signal (0~5V, 0~10V, 4~20mA, panel potentiometer 0~5V) and pulse frequency to set frequency, outputfrequency can be set freely by setting [b25] and [b27], [b 28],[b29], [b30].The motor has two stop modes: Deceleration stop and inertia slide stop.[b34]=0: Inertia stop disabled, deceleration stop active.[b34]=1~3: external terminals X1,X2 or X3-COM are closed to realize inertia slip stop with. When other stop orders are set, deceleration stop is active.[b34]=4: inertia slide stop.If the setting is 1~3, when the selected terminal and the COM terminal are closed during operation,the converter will be stopped in inertia stop mode immediately and F.r .on will be displayed at the same time as the external terminals are closed. Once the terminals and COM are open, the output accelerates again from 0.00H to the set frequency. If there is stop signal, but the selected terminal and the COM open, then the motor decelerates to stop. If X1, X2 or X3 have alreadybeen defined with other functions, then the [b34] does not show the corresponding parameter in order to avoid repeated definition ofterminals.[b32] This function could regulate starting torque characteristic with torque compensation, but if the setvalue is too big, over current may happen.[b33] Start up hold time is the running holding time with the start up frequency.If the running frequency is lower than start up frequency, the output frequency is the start up frequency.After the holding time of the start up frequency, the output frequency will be decreased to the running· [b35]=0: Cannot carry on the Jog operation.· [b35]=1~3: Selection terminals X1~X3 as the jog operation signal input terminals, close is enabled. When the jog operation signal and the operation signal are enabled at the same time, then the jog operation is effective.Jog operation is forbidden in the programmable mode.Jog operation acceleration time[b37] is time for frequency increase from 0.00Hz to HF. Jog operation deceleration time [b38] is time for frequency decrease from HF to 0.00Hz.When the Jog operation stops, if the jog operation frequency is higher than the set operation frequency, then decrease the frequency to the set frequency according to the Jog deceleration time.If the Jog frequency is lower than the operation frequency, then increase the frequency to the set frequency according to the normal acceleration time. Three common modes of Jog.· When [b02]=11, this functional code provides [b30] value corresponding to external input pulse frequency. (200.0kHz).· When [b02]=11, [E24]=0, [E25]=4 or 5 (PI control), this functional code provides the biggest engineering value corresponding to feedback pulse frequency.The jog operation at the operation frequency as 0.00HzAccelerate frequency increase speed by jog operationThe jog operation at frequency lower than the operation frequency· When [b00]=0, [b02]=0 or [b00]=1 or [b00]=2, [b02]=0, if [b42]=1, then the present set frequency will be saved in function code [b01] before the system power is off. After the power is on nextExtended function group description (E group )This function is used to prevent from load mechanic vibration (noise) and resonance etc; Three skip frequencies can be set in the range of 0.00Hz-HF;Set the range of skip frequency to 0.00Hz when the skip frequency function is not used;This function is inactive during acceleration and deceleration;The function is suitable for any frequency setting selected by [b02].· A 0~20mA DC ammeter or a 0~10V DC voltmeter can be connected between FM1 or FM2 and GND to monitor the inverter output frequency, output voltage or output current.· When 2-3 of JP3 is shorted, the output of FM2 is 0-10V, please connect the voltmeter or cymometer with full range of 10V and impedance of 10K .· When 1~2 of JP4 is shorted, the output of FM1 is 0~20mA, please connect the ammeter or frequency indicator with the full range of 20mA.[E04]=0: output frequency, when the output reaches HF, terminal FM1 outputs 20mA or 10V; [E04]=1: output voltage, when the output reaches AC 500V, terminal FM1 outputs 20mA or 10V;[E04]=2: output current, when the output reaches 2 times of rated current, terminal FM1 outputs 20mA or 10V;[E04]=3: PI feed-back signal [E05] adjusts the FM gain.· When 2~3 of JP3 is shorted, FM2 outputs 0~10v; when 1~2 of JP3 is shorted, FM2 outputs 0~20mA. The output and gain of FM2 are selected by [E06] and [E07] respectively.20mA· DO pulse frequency output range: 0 ~ [E10].[E09] =0 output frequency, when the output reaches HF, DO outputs [E10] kHz.[E09] =1 output voltage, when the output reaches 500V, DO outputs [E10] kHz.[E09] =2 output current, when the output reaches rated current, DO outputs ([E10]/2) kHz.When output frequency exceeds [E11], the digital output “Frequency level detection 1” (FDT1) is active till the output frequency is less than the frequency set by [E11]-[E12].When output frequency exceeds [E13], the digital output “Frequency level detection 2” (FDT2) isactive till the output frequency is less than the frequency set by [E13]-[E14].Frequency arrival detectionOutput frequencyFrequency leveldetection FDT1/2Delay frequencyTimeFrequency leveldetection FDT1/2TimearrivalE1612345678910111213141516171819202122232425RunFDT1FDT2FARReservedUnder voltageOver loadReserved0 speed(less than starting frequency)EMSLower voltageAuto current limit actionFaultProgramable program operationProgramable program operation overOne phase operation overOCOVForwardReverse0 speed (including stop)BrakingAccelerationDecelerationFan activeReservedOpen collectoroutputOUT1Open collectoroutputOUT2Relay RyoutputSelectionE17 E18SettingrangeFactory settingFactory settingFactory setting612Power supply[E16], [E17], [E18] setting description:0: RunWhen the frequency converter has output, OUT or Ry is active.1: FDT1When the output frequency is higher than frequency level [E11], OUT or Ry is active till the output frequency is less than the frequency set by [E11]-[E12].2: FDT2When the output frequency is higher than frequency level [E13], OUT or Ry is active till the output frequency is less than the frequency set by [E13]-[E14].3: FARWhen the output frequency is in the range of ±[E15], OUT or Ry is active.4: Reserved5: Under voltageWhen the frequency converter detects the input voltage is too low, OUT or Ry is active.6: Over load (OL)When the frequency converter detects overload, OUT or Ry is active.7: Reserved8: Output frequency 0 speed (less than starting frequency)When the output frequency of the frequency converter is lower than the operation frequency [b32], OUT or Ry is active.9: EMSWhen the terminal EMS is closed and [E32]=0, [E33]=1, OUT or Ry is active.10: Lower voltage (BUS voltage is lower than 90% of rated voltage)When the frequency converter detects the DC bus voltag e is lower than 90% of the rated value, OUT or Ry is active.11: Auto current limit function is active.When the auto current limit function is active, OUT or Ry is active.12: FaultWhen the frequency converter detects fault, OUT or Ry is active.13: Programable program in operation ([b00]=3)When the programable program of the frequency converter is in auto operation, OUT or Ry is active. 14: Programable program operation ([b00]=3) is completed.When the programable program auto operation of the frequency converter ([b00]=3) is completed, OUT or Ry is active.15: One phase of the programable program operation ([b00]=3) is completed.When the programable ([b00]=3) is in auto operation, OUT or Ry active time is 0.5 secretary. For each phase.16: Over currentWhen the frequency converter is under over current protection at the steady state stall or the acceleration stall, OUT or Ry is active; associated parameters, [E19] and [E20].17: Over voltage stallWhen the frequency converter is under over-voltage stall protection, OUT or Ry is active; associated parameter, [H25].18: ForwardWhen the frequency converter operates forward, OUT or Ry is active.19: ReverseWhen the frequency converter operates reverse, OUT or Ry is active.20: 0 speed (including stop)21: BrakingWhen the output frequency is less than the starting frequency setting [b32] and stops, OUT or Ry is active.22: AccelerationWhen the output frequency of the frequency converter is in acceleration, OUT or Ry is active.23: DecelerationWhen inverter output frequency is in deceleration, OUT or Ry action24: Fan actionWhen the inverter's fan is in work, OUT or Ry actionThe stall OC prevention level during acceleration [E20] can be set between 50~200% of the rated current of the frequency converter. When oFF is set, this function is inactive.Shown as the figure below, the frequency stops increasing once the output current is higher than the stall OC level [E20] during acceleration; the frequency will continue increasing if the output current decreases, in this way, the stall OC is prevented. As a result, this makes the actual Acc. time longer than the set value.Note: The disabled, [H33]=OFF. If the non-trip control [H33]=ON, then set [E19]=OFF , [E20]=OFF.Output frequencyOutput currentShown as the figure below, when running under the set frequency , once the current is higher than the stall OC level, the frequency converter will decrease the output frequency automatically to control the output current below the stall OC level.The stall OC prevention level [E19] can be set between 50~200% of the rated current of the frequency converter. If oFF is set, this function is inactive· The first function of display coefficients A and B is to transform the output frequency of thefrequency converter to the corresponding value of physical variable in engineering application, which will be shown on the digital panel.In the d group of the digital panel, “oUtF”=output frequency *A+B “SEtF”= set frequency *A+BIf [E22], and [E23] are as default, “oUtF” and “SEtF” show the actual output frequency and set frequency respectively.The second function of coefficient A and coefficient B is to display the given and the feedback variables when PI function embedded in the frequency converter is selected to control the motor with close-loop.Coefficient A [E22]: Corresponding value of physical variable in engineering application to the Max. analog given or feedback variable (e.g.:5V).Coefficient B [E23]: Min. analog giving or feedback (e.g.: 0V) corresponding to project physical quantity· The PI function embedded in the frequency converter detects the sensor feedback of the control object, and compare it with the given value. If difference exists, it will be reduced to or to be 0 by the PI adjustment function. This function applies to flow, pressure, temperature, rotatingl speed controls, etc.· PI mode selection, [E24]=0: PI is not selected; 1: Forward; 2: ReverseThis function can select the forward or the revere action of the PI adjustment output, therefore the motor rotating speed can be increased or decreased according to the PI adjustment output. can cause .[E25]=5· Setting range of proportional gain [E26]: 0.00~99.99 timesThe bigger the proportional gain, the faster the response, the easier oscillation may occur.Setting range of integral time constant [E27]: 0.10~60.0s.The bigger the integral time constant, the slower the response; and the less capability to control the external disturbance, but the better the stability.The smaller the integral time constant, the faster the response, the smaller the oscillation.Only using proportional adjustment, deviation can not be eliminated. PI control is used toremove the steady state deviation in the close loop system. If the integral time constant is too big, the response to the fast changing deviation will be slow. The P adjustment can be used alone for the load system with internal component.· Simplified adjustment method of PI parameters:(1) [E26] (P)- increase value in the case of no oscillation.(2) [E27] (I)- reduce value in the case of no oscillation.[E25]=0, 1[E25]=2, 3[E25]=4[E25]=5· [E37]=2, the terminal X selected by [E30] combined with the input by the SF or SR, the self-holding is effective.[E30]=0: “Self-holding selection” is disabled.[E32]=0: Inertia sliding stop is also called free wheel stop. Alarm output selection is allowed.[E33]=0: is the non alarm state. In the valid duration of EMS input, the band brake and other machinery may be used in coordination. The display of “EMS” will disappear after awhile.[E33]=1: is the alarm state, the stop command when external abnormality exists. “EMS” will be displayed all the time till fault reset or STOP reset and then the frequency is allowed tobe operated again. The alarm signal can be output by OUT/Ry when setting [E16]=9,[E17]=9, [E18]=9.[E32]=1: Decelerates to stop according to the present set deceleration time without “EMS”displayed. The alarm state is not allowed to be set, which is invalid even[E32] =1.The low voltage protection is a kind of fault prevention measure when the voltage of the power supply is lower than 10% of the rated voltage. The motor will work based on the different setting of [ E34 ].The under voltage protection is when the voltage of the power supply is lower than 20% of the rated voltage, the frequency converter will block the output immediately and the motor will do the free wheel stop with P.OFF displayed.If [ E35 ] =1, the alarm state will be displayed till the voltage of the power supply increases up to 90% of the rated voltage, then the alarm state will be reset.The alarm signal can be output by OUT1, OUT2, when setting [E16]=5, [E17]=5, [E18]=5.[E37]=1,Operation on/stop, reverse/forward mode SF-COM close: operation SF-COM open: stop SR-COM close: reverse SR-COM open: forward[E 37]=2, With auto-protection function to the button operation [E30] selects one of X1, X2, X3 as the stop terminal SF-COM close: forwardSR-COM close: reverse X1~X3-COM open: stopWhen the frequency converter is under the forward (reverse) operation, press the reverse[E37]=1SRCOMSFforward/stopreverse action/stop[E37]=0, Forward/stop, reverse/stop modeSF-COM close: forward SR-COM close: reverse SF, SR close or open at the same time: stopWhen the operation is controlled by the digital panel ([b00]=0/3) and without stop signal, if[E36]=1, the frequency converter will start automatically without pressing RUN after the power is on; if [E36]=0, press RUN to start the frequency converter.When other operation commands are selected, if [E36]=1, the frequency converter will start immediately when there is an operation command (e.g., SF-COM close) after the power is on; if [E36]=0, even there is an operation command when power is on, the frequency converter will not start. The operation command has to be cancelled and set again (SF-COM “OPEN”and “Close” again).· [E39] is the fault retry waiting time of the frequency converter after the fault appears and [E38] is set effective ([E38] is not 0).· [E40] is the Max. allowed retry times of the frequency converter after power is on.[E45] setting the upper coefficient for close loopPI adjustment[E46] setting the lower coefficient for close loop PI adjust.In the PI adjustment process, shown as the chart: when the feedback>=Feedback upper limit (t1 point), it exits PI, reduces the output frequency according to Dec. time to the lower limit ([b23]=1) or 0.00Hz ([b23]=0);when feedback<lower (t2 point), it will be in PI process again.Feedback upper value=[E22][E45]/100Feedback lower value=[E22][E46]/100/。

美国Eaton公司产品说明书:Eaton Moeller系列xPole - mRB4 6 RCBO

美国Eaton公司产品说明书:Eaton Moeller系列xPole - mRB4 6 RCBO

Eaton 120654Eaton Moeller series xPole - mRB4/6 RCBO - residual-current circuit breaker with overcurrent protection. RCD/MCB, 16A, 100mA, B-LS-Char, 3N pole, FI-Char: AGeneral specificationsEaton Moeller series xPole - mRB4/6 RCBO - residual-current circuit breaker with overcurrent protection120654401508118484280 mm 75.5 mm 70 mm 0.446 kg CE Marked RoHS conformCE mRB6-16/3N/B/01-AProduct NameCatalog Number EANProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Compliances Certifications Model CodeSwitchgear for residential and commercial applicationsmRB6Combined RCD/MCB devicesSwitchgear for industrial and advanced commercial applications Three-pole + N44BB16 A6 - 25 Ampere0.1 AType A, pulse-current sensitiveRCBO AC400 V230 V / 400 V400 V500 V4 kV30, 100, 300 MilliAmpere Partly surge-proof, 250 A 50 HzA6 kA6 kA6 kA0.5 x I∆n6 kA6 kA6 kAApplicationProduct rangeBasic functionProduct applicationNumber of polesNumber of poles (protected) Number of poles (total) Tripping characteristic Release characteristicRated currentRated current of product range Fault current rating Sensitivity typeType Voltage typeVoltage ratingVoltage rating at ACRated operational voltage (Ue) - maxRated insulation voltage (Ui)Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp)Rated fault currents of product rangeImpulse withstand currentFrequency ratingLeakage current typeRated switching capacityRated switching capacity (IEC/EN 60947-2)Rated switching capacity (IEC/EN 61009)Rated non-tripping currentRated short-circuit breaking capacity (EN 60947-2) Rated short-circuit breaking capacity (EN 61009) Rated short-circuit breaking capacity (EN 61009-1) Rated short-circuit breaking capacity (IEC 60947-2)0 kA 0.25 kAUndelayed Non-delayed 100 Ampere gL 3III245 mm480 mm70 mmTri-stable slide catch - enables removal from existing busbar combinationIP20IP40Twin-purpose1 - 25 Square MillimeterBusbar tag shroud to VBG41 mm²25 mm²1 mm²25 mm²2 mmIEC 68-2: 25 °C - 55 °C at 90 % - 95 % humiditySurge current capacityDisconnection characteristic TrippingBack-up fuseSelectivity class Overvoltage category Pollution degree FrameWidth in number of modular spacingsDevice heightBuilt-in depthMounting styleDegree of protectionDegree of protection (built in)Terminals (top and bottom)Solid terminal capacitiesTerminal protectionConnectable conductor cross section (solid-core) - min Connectable conductor cross section (solid-core) - max Connectable conductor cross section (multi-wired) - min Connectable conductor cross section (multi-wired) - max Material thicknessClimatic proofing16 A0 W 11.6 W 0 W0 W-25 °C 40 °C Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Rated operational current for specified heat dissipation (In) Heat dissipation per pole, current-dependentEquipment heat dissipation, current-dependentStatic heat dissipation, non-current-dependentHeat dissipation capacityAmbient operating temperature - minAmbient operating temperature - max 10.2.2 Corrosion resistance10.2.3.1 Verification of thermal stability of enclosures10.2.3.2 Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat10.2.3.3 Resist. of insul. mat. to abnormal heat/fire by internal elect. effects10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation10.2.5 Lifting10.2.6 Mechanical impact10.2.7 Inscriptions10.3 Degree of protection of assemblies10.4 Clearances and creepage distances10.5 Protection against electric shock10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections10.8 Connections for external conductors10.9.2 Power-frequency electric strengthIs the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.The panel builder is responsible for the temperature rise calculation. Eaton will provide heat dissipation data for the devices.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.The device meets the requirements, provided the information in the instruction leaflet (IL) is observed.3Concurrently switching N-neutralIEC/EN 61009eaton-xpole-mrb4-rcbo-catalog-ca019058en-en-us.pdfeaton-xpole-mrb6-rcbo-catalog-ca019057en-en-us.pdfDA-DC-03_mRB-3N03_mRB-3p_20041603_mRB-3N_281118eaton-mcb-xpole-mrb4-6-characteristic-curve.epseaton-xeffect-frbm6/m-characteristic-curve-002.jpgDimensions xPole mRB4/mRB6 3Neaton-xeffect-frbm6/m-dimensions-004.jpgeaton-mcb-xpole-mrb4-6-dimensions.eps3D Drawing xPole mRB4/mRB6 3Neaton-xpole-combined-mcb-rcd-device-rcbo-packaging-manual-multilingual.pdfIL019140ZUDA-CS-faz_3pn_4pDA-CD-faz_3pn_4pCharacteristics xPole mRB4/mRB6 3Neaton-mcb-xpole-mrb4-6-wiring-diagram.epsContact Sequence xPole mRB4/mRB6 3N10.9.3 Impulse withstand voltage10.9.4 Testing of enclosures made of insulating material 10.10 Temperature rise10.11 Short-circuit rating10.12 Electromagnetic compatibility10.13 Mechanical function Current limiting class FeaturesStandards Catalogues Certification reports Characteristic curve DrawingsInstallation instructions mCAD modelTime/current curves Wiring diagramsEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All rights reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmediaeaton-xeffect-frbm6/m-wiring-diagram-002.jpg。



第 54 卷第 7 期2023 年 7 月中南大学学报(自然科学版)Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology)V ol.54 No.7Jul. 2023B 质量分数对620 ℃时效中FB2钢组织和力学性能的影响陶学儒1,耿鑫1,姜周华1,李扬1,彭雷朕2(1. 东北大学 冶金学院,辽宁 沈阳,110819;2. 中国第二重型机械集团有限公司,四川 德阳,618000)摘要:通过扫描电镜、拉伸性能测试和硬度测试等对620 ℃长期时效中不同B 质量分数的FB2钢进行组织观察和力学性能分析。

研究结果表明:在FB2钢620 ℃长期时效中,M 23C 6相的平均尺寸随时效时间的延长逐渐增大,其平均尺寸随B 质量分数的增加而逐渐减小;Laves 相在时效1 000 h 后析出,并且随着时效时间的延长不断长大粗化,其平均尺寸随B 质量分数的增加而逐渐减小;BN 夹杂物的析出量随B 质量分数的增加而逐渐增大。

FB2钢的拉伸性能随着时效时间的延长而逐渐减弱,随B 质量分数的增加先增强后减弱,并且在B 质量分数为0.010%时拉伸性能达到最强。

FB2钢的硬度随着时效时间的延长而逐渐减小,随B 质量分数的增加先增大后减小,并且在B 质量分数为0.010%时硬度达到最大。

当B 质量分数由0增加到0.010%时,拉伸性能和硬度的增大是M 23C 6相和Laves 相的平均尺寸的减小所引起的;当B 质量分数由0.010%增加到0.030%时,拉伸性能和硬度的减小是BN 夹杂物析出量的增加所导致的。

为充分发挥钢中B 、N 的强化作用,同时提高FB2钢的高温性能及稳定性,钢中较优的B 质量分数控制在0.010%左右。

关键词:FB2钢;M 23C 6相;Laves 相;BN 夹杂物;拉伸性能;硬度中图分类号:TF7 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1672-7207(2023)07-2642-09Effect of B mass fraction on microstructure and mechanicalproperties of FB2 steel aged at 620 ℃TAO Xueru 1, GENG Xin 1, JIANG Zhouhua 1, LI Yang 1, PENG Leizhen 2(1. School of Metallurgy, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China;2. China Second Heavy Machinery Group Co. Ltd., Deyang 618000, China)Abstract: The organization observation and mechanical property analysis of FB2 steel with different B mass fractions in long-term aging at 620 ℃ were performed by scanning electron microscopy , tensile property test and hardness test. The results show that the average size of M 23C 6 phase gradually increases with the increase of aging time, and its average size gradually decreases with the increase of B mass fraction; the Laves phase precipitates收稿日期: 2022 −09 −13; 修回日期: 2022 −11 −02基金项目(Foundation item):国家自然科学基金资助项目(51974076);国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFB0300203) (Project(51974076) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China; Project(2016YFB0300203) supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China)通信作者:耿鑫,博士,副教授,从事特殊钢冶金研究;E-mail :*************DOI: 10.11817/j.issn.1672-7207.2023.07.011引用格式: 陶学儒, 耿鑫, 姜周华, 等. B 质量分数对620 ℃时效中FB2钢组织和力学性能的影响[J]. 中南大学学报(自然科学版), 2023, 54(7): 2642−2650.Citation: TAO Xueru, GENG Xin, JIANG Zhouhua, et al. Effect of B mass fraction on microstructure and mechanical properties of FB2 steel aged at 620 ℃[J]. Journal of Central South University(Science and Technology), 2023, 54(7): 2642−2650.第 7 期陶学儒,等:B质量分数对620 ℃时效中FB2钢组织和力学性能的影响after aging for 1 000 h, and grows and coarsens with the increase of aging time, and its average size gradually decreases with the increase of B mass fraction; the precipitation of BN inclusions gradually increases with the increase of B mass fraction. The tensile properties of FB2 steel gradually decrease with the increase of aging time, increasing first and then decreasing with the increase of B mass fraction, and the tensile properties reach the maximum at 0.010% of B mass fraction. The hardness of FB2 steel gradually decreases with the increase of aging time, increasing first and then decreasing with the increase of B mass fraction, and reaches the maximum at0.010% of B mass fraction. When the B mass fraction increases from 0 to 0.010%, the increase of tensileproperties and hardness is caused by the decrease of the average size of M23C6and Laves phases; when the B massfraction increases from 0.010% to 0.030%, the decrease of tensile properties and hardness is caused by the increase of BN inclusions precipitation. In order to give full play to the strengthening effect of B and N in steel, and at the same time improve the high temperature performance and stability of FB2 steel, the better control of B mass fraction in steel is around 0.010%.Key words: FB2 steel; M23C6phase; Laves phase; BN inclusions; tensile properties; hardness当前,大力发展超超临界火电机组是进行煤电机组结构优化的主要方向[1−3]。



化学学科代码及名称B01 无机化学B0101 无机合成和制备化学B010101 合成技术B010102 合成化学B010103 特殊聚集态制备B0102 丰产元素化学B010201 稀土化学B010202 钨化学B010203 钼化学B010204 锡化学B010205 锑化学B010206 钛化学B010207 钒化学B010208 稀有碱金属化学B010209 稀散元素化学B0103 配位化学B010301 固体配位化学B010302 溶液配位化学B010303 金属有机化学B010304 原子簇化学B010305 功能配合物化学B0104 生物无机化学B010401 金属酶化学及其化学模拟B010402 金属蛋白化学及其化学模拟B010403 生物体内微量元素的状态及功能、受体底物相互作用B010404 金属离子与生物膜的作用及其机理B010405 金属离子与核酸化学B0105 固体无机化学B010501 缺陷化学B010502 固体反应B010503 固体表面化学B010504 无机固体材料化学B0106 分离化学B010601 萃取化学B010602 无机色层B010603 无机膜分离B0107 物理无机化学B010701 无机化合物结构与性质B010702 理论无机化学B010703 无机反应机制及反应动力学B010704 熔盐化学及相平衡B0108 同位素化学B010801 同位素分离B010802 同位素分析B010803 同位素应用B0109 放射化学B010901 核燃料化学B010902 超铀元素化学B010903 裂片元素化学B010904 放射性核素及其标记化合物的制备和应用B010905 放射分析化学B010906 放射性废物处理和综合利用B0110 核化学B011001 低能核化学B011002 高能核化学B011003 裂变化学B011004 重离子核化学B011005 核天体化学B02 有机化学B0201 有机合成B020101 有机合成反应B020102 新化合物和复杂化合物的设计与合成B020103 高选择性有机合成试剂B020104 不对称合成B0202 金属有机及元素有机化学B020201 有机磷化学B020202 有机硅化学B020203 有机硼化学B020204 有机氟化学B020205 金属有机化合物的合成及其应用B0203 天然有机化学B020301 甾体及萜类化学B020302 糖类黄酮类化学B020303 中草药有效成份B020304 具有重要应用价值的天然产物的研究B0204 物理有机化学B020401 活泼中间体化学B020402 化学动态学B020403 有机光化学B020404 立体化学B020405 有机分子结构与活性关系B020406 具有光、电、磁特性的化合物研究B020407 计算有机化学B0205 药物化学B020501 新药物分子设计和合成B020502 药物构效关系B0206 生物有机化学B020601 多肽化学B020602 核酸化学B020603 仿生及模拟酶B020604 天然酶的化学修饰及应用B020605 生物合成及生物转化B0207 有机分析B020701 新化合物和复杂化合物的结构研究B020702 有机分析、分离新方法新技术研究B020703 有机化合物结构波谱学B0208 应用有机化学B020801 除草剂B020802 植物生长促进剂B020803 害虫引诱剂、昆虫信息素B020804 高效、低毒、低抗性农药B020805 食品化学B020806 香料化学B020807 染料化学B03 物理化学B0301 结构化学B030101 体相静态结构B030102 表面结构B030103 溶液结构B030104 动态结构B030105 谱学B030106 结构化学方法和理论B0302 量子化学B030201 基础量子化学B030202 应用量子化学B0303 催化B030301 多相催化B030302 均相催化B030303 人工酶催化B030304 光催化B0304 化学动力学B030401 宏观反应动力学B030402 分子动态学B030403 反应途径和过渡态B030404 快速反应动力学B030405 结晶过程动力学B0305 胶体与界面化学B030501 表面活性剂B030502 分散体系B030503 流变性能B030504 界面吸附现象B030505 超细粉和颗粒B0306 电化学B030601 电极过程及其动力学B030602 腐蚀电化学B030603 熔盐电化学B030604 光电化学B030605 半导体电化学B030606 生物电化学B030607 表面电化学B030608 电化学技术B030609 电催化B0307 光化学B030701 激光闪光光解B030702 激发态化学B030703 电子转移光化学、光敏化B030704 光合作用B030705 大气光化学B0308 热化学B030801 热力学参数B030802 相平衡B030803 电解质溶液化学B030804 非电解质溶液化学B030805 生物热化学B030806 量热学B0309 高能化学B030901 辐射化学B030902 等离子体化学B030903 激光化学B0310 计算化学B031001 化学信息的运筹B031002 计算模拟B031003 计算控制B031004 计算方法的最优化B04 高分子化学B0401 高分子合成B040101 催化剂、聚合反应及聚合方法B040102 高分子设计和合成B040103 新单体及单体的新合成方法B040104 聚合反应动力学B040105 高分子光化学、辐射化学、等离子体化学B040106 微生物参与的聚合反应、酶催化聚合反应B0402 高分子反应B040201 高分子老化、降解、交联B040202 高分子接枝、嵌段改性B040203 高分子功能化改性B040204 粒子注入、辐射、激光等方法对高分子的改性B0403 功能高分子B040301 吸附、分离、离子交换、螯合功能的高分子B040302 用于有机合成、医疗、分析等领域的高分子试剂B040303 医用高分子、高分子药物B040304 液晶态高分子B040305 有机固体电子材料、磁性高分子B040306 储能、换能、敏感材料及高分子催化剂B040307 高分子功能膜B040308 微电子材料、分子组装材料及器件B0404 天然高分子B0405 高分子物理及高分子物理化学B040501 高分子溶液性质和溶液热力学B040502 高分子链结构B040503 高分子流变学B040504 高聚物聚集态结构B040505 高分子结构与性能关系B040506 高聚物测试及表征方法B040507 高分子材料的传质理论、强度理论、破坏机理B040508 高分子多相体系B0406 高分子理论化学B040601 高分子聚合、交联、聚集态统计理论B040602 数学、计算机方法在高分子凝聚态、分子动态学方面的应用B0407 聚合物工程及材料B040701 聚合工程反应动力学及聚合反应控制B040702 聚合物成型理论及成型方法B040703 塑料、纤维、橡胶及成型研究B040704 涂料、粘合剂及高分子助剂B040705 可生物降解薄膜B040706 高分子润滑材料B040707 其它领域中应用的高分子材料B040708 高分子资源的再生和综合利用B05 分析化学B0501 色谱分析B050101 气相色谱B050102 液相色谱B050103 薄层色谱B050104 离子色谱B050105 超临界液体色谱B050106 毛细管电泳B0502 电化学分析B050201 伏安法B050202 极谱法B050203 化学修饰电极B050204 库伦分析B050205 光谱电化学分析B050206 电化学传感器B0503 光谱分析B050301 原子发射光谱(包括ICP)B050302 原子吸收光谱B050303 原子荧光光谱B050304 X射线荧光光谱B050305 分子发射光谱(包括荧光光谱、磷光光谱和化学发光)B050306 紫外和可见光谱B050307 光声光谱B050308 红外光谱B050309 拉曼光谱B0504 波谱分析B050401 顺磁B050402 核磁B0505 质谱分析B050501 有机质谱B050502 无机质谱B0506 化学分析B050601 萃取剂、显色剂、特殊功能试剂B050602 色谱柱固定相、分离膜B0507 热分析B0508 放射分析B050801 活化分析B050802 质子荧光B0509 生化分析及生物传感B0510 联用技术B0511 采样、分离和富集方法B0512 化学计量学B051201 分析方法与计算机技术B051202 分析讯号与数据解析B0513 表面、微区、形态分析B051301 表面分析B051302 微区分析B051303 形态分析B06 化学工程及工业化学B0601 化工热力学和基础数据B060101 状态方程与溶液理论B060102 相平衡B060103 热化学B060104 化学平衡B060105 热力学理论模型和分子系统的计算机模拟B060106 热力学数据和数据库B0602 传递过程B060201 化工流体力学和传递性质B060202 传热过程及设备B060203 传质过程B060204 流变学B060205 颗粒学及浆料化学B0603 分离过程及设备B060301 蒸馏B060302 蒸发与结晶B060303 干燥B060304 吸收B060305 萃取B060306 吸附与离子交换B060307 机械分离过程B060308 膜分离B060309 其它分离技术B0604 化学反应工程B060401 化学(催化)反应动力学B060402 反应器原理及传递特性B060403 反应器的模型化和优化B060404 流态化技术和多相流反应工程B060405 固定床反应工程B060406 聚合反应工程B060407 电化学反应工程B060408 生化反应工程B060409 催化剂工程B0605 化工系统工程B060501 化学过程的控制与模拟B060502 化工系统的优化B060503 化工过程动态学B0606 无机化工B060601 常规无机化工B060602 工业电化学(电解、电镀、化学腐蚀与防腐)B060603 精细无机(无机颜料、吸附剂及表面活性剂等)B060604 核化工与放射化工B0607 有机化工B060701 工业有机化工B060702 精细有机化工(染料、涂料、感光剂、粘合剂与日用化工等)B0608 生物化工与食品化工B060801 生化反应动力学及反应器B060802 发酵物的提取和纯化B060803 生化过程的化工模拟及人工器官B060804 酶化工B060805 天然产物和农副产品的化学改性及深度加工B060806 生物医药工程B0609 能源化工B060901 煤化工B060902 石油化工B060903 燃料电池B060904 其它能源化工B0610 化工冶金B061001 矿产资源的利用研究B061002 化学选矿与浸出B061003 湿法冶金物理化学B061004 等离子体冶金B061005 化学涂层B0611 环境化工B061101 环境治理中的物理化学原理B061102 三废治理技术中的化工基础B061103 环境友好的化工过程B061104 可持续发展环境化工的新概念B07 环境化学B0701 环境分析化学B070101 环境中微量生命元素及其化合物的分离、分析技术B070102 环境中微量有机污染物的分离、分析技术B0702 环境污染化学B070201 大气污染化学B070202 水污染化学B070203 土壤污染化学B070204 固体废弃物及放射性核素污染化学B0703 污染控制化学B070301 化学控制、防治新工艺、新技术及其基础性研究B070302 无害化工艺(原料、能源和资源的综合利用)B0704 污染生态化学B0705 理论环境化学B0706 全球性环境化学问题当我被上帝造出来时,上帝问我想在人间当一个怎样的人,我不假思索的说,我要做一个伟大的世人皆知的人。



静态认证(SDA)详解步骤1. CA公钥已下载这一步是前提。



例:(发往银联的获取公钥报文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报文解析如下:解析如下:ic卡公钥参数下载返回BMP:00 18 00 00 0a c0 00 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00TPDU:60 00 09 00 01MSGTYPE:08 10Fields: 12,13,37,39,41,42,60,63,域长度字节域类数类数据[012] 006 003 FIX Half 设备时间10 51 08[013] 004 002 FIX Half 设备日期12 01[037] 012 012 FIX Full 检索参考号32 32 36 31 34 33 32 37 39 30 32 33 [226143279023][039] 002 002 FIX Full 应答码30 30 [00][041] 008 008 FIX Full 终端标识码31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 [12345678][042] 015 015 FIX Full 受卡方标识码39 30 30 31 31 32 33 37 37 36 34 31 31 39 30 [900112377641190][060] 011 006 LLL Half 自定义域60 00 00 00 08 37 00[063] 203 203 LLL Full 自定义域63 31 9f 06 05 a0 00 00 03 33 9f 22 01 08 df 05 04 20 20 12 31 df 06 01 01 df 07 01 01 df 02 81 90 b6 16 45 ed fd 54 98 fb 24 64 44 03 7a 0f a1 8c 0f 10 1e bd 8e fa 54 57 3c e6 e6 a7 fb f6 3e d2 1d 66 34 08 52 b0 21 1c f5 ee f6 a1 cd 98 9f 66 af 21 a8 eb 19 db d8 db c3 70 6d 13 53 63 a0 d6 83 d0 46 30 4f 5a 83 6b c1 bc 63 28 21 af e7 a2 f7 5d a3 c5 0a c7 4c 54 5a 75 45 62 20 41 37 16 96 63 cf cc 0b 06 e6 7e 21 09 eb a4 1b c6 7f f2 0c c8 ac 80 d7 b6 ee 1a 95 46 5b 3b 26 57 53 3e a5 6d 92 d5 39 e5 06 43 60 ea 48 50 fe d2 d1 bf df 04 01 03 df 03 14 ee 23 b6 16 c9 5c 02 65 2a d1 88 60 e4 87 87 c0 79 e8 e8 5a参考协议,63域: 公钥就长这样:-)31 9f 06 05 a0 00 00 03 33 9f 22 01 08 df 05 04 20 20 12 31 df 06 01 01 df 07 01 01 df 02 81 90 b6 16 45 ed fd 54 98 fb 24 64 44 03 7a 0f a1 8c 0f 10 1e bd 8e fa 54 57 3c e6 e6 a7 fb f6 3e d2 1d 66 34 08 52 b0 21 1c f5 ee f6 a1 cd 98 9f 66 af 21 a8 eb 19 db d8 db c3 70 6d 13 53 63 a0 d6 83 d0 46 30 4f 5a 83 6b c1 bc 63 28 21 af e7 a2 f7 5d a3 c5 0a c7 4c 54 5a 75 45 62 20 41 37 16 96 63 cf cc 0b 06 e6 7e 21 09 eb a4 1b c6 7f f2 0c c8 ac 80 d7 b6 ee 1a 95 46 5b 3b 26 57 53 3e a5 6d 92 d5 39 e5 06 43 60 ea 48 50 fe d2 d1 bf df 04 01 03 df 03 14 ee 23 b6 16 c9 5c 02 65 2a d1 88 60 e4 87 87 c0 79 e8 e8 5a这个31表示后面还有密钥需取。

GB3836.2-2000爆炸性环境用防爆电气设备 第2部分-隔爆型”d“

GB3836.2-2000爆炸性环境用防爆电气设备 第2部分-隔爆型”d“

31 隔爆外壳 f m pof l ue . l ero ec sr a no 电气设备的一种防姆型式, 其外壳能够承受通过外壳任何接合面或结构间隙渗透到外壳内部的可
本标准主要起草人: 马经纲、 李双会、 王文召、 张长顺、 桑高元、 项云林、 王平堂。 本标准于 9 3年 8 18 月首次发布 ,00年 1 20 月第一次修订。 本标准委托全国防爆电气设备标准化技术委员会 负责解释。
G 33 .-20 s 8 62 0 0
I C前言 E
1 )国际电工委员会(E 关于技术问题 的正式决议或协议都是 由技术委员会制定 的, I C) 对于该专题 特别感兴趣的各国家委员会在该技术委员会中都有代表参加 , 因此 , 关于该专题的决议和协议都尽可能 反映国际间的一致意见。 2 )这些决议和协议都采用国际上通用的推荐形式 , 并且得到了各国委员会的接受。 3 )为了促进 国际间的统一 , 国际电工委员会表示 , 希望各国家委员会在条件允许 的情况下应采用
IC的推荐标准作为本国的标准。E E IC的推荐标准与各国相应的国家标准如有差别, 均应在各国家标准
中尽可能加以详细说 明。 本标准由 E 3 I C 1技术委员会“ 爆炸性气体环境用电气设备”C A 分技术委员会“ 3 1 隔爆外壳” 制 定。 本标准是 E 6 7- I C 091出版物第 3版, 0 它代替 17 91年颁布的第 2版和 17 年颁布的 1号修改。 99 本标准的内容是以下述文件为基础的:
— 本质安全型及其关联电气设备的结构和试验(07-118) 6091 :94
— 按照气体 和蒸汽 的最大试验安全间隙和最小点燃 电流对气体或蒸汽与空气混合物 的分级
( 0 91 : 9 8 7 - 2 1 7 ) 60

















中石化标准SH 3064《石油化工钢制通用阀门选用、检验及验收》规定碳素钢制阀门的适用温度范围为-20~425℃,其下限定为—20℃的依据是GB 150《钢制压力容器》.但当以WCB、WCC这两种钢作阀体、阀盖、闸板(阀瓣)、支架时,这两种钢的适用温度下限为—29℃.常用的碳素钢铸件和锻件材料见表1—1。

注:(1)表1中WCA、WCB、WCC是按美国标准表示的牌号,ZG 205-415、ZG 250-485、ZG 275—485是按GB/T 5631铸钢牌号表示方法分别对应WCA、WCB、WCC的牌号.UNS J02502、UNS J03002、UNS J02503是以美国金属与合金统一系统编号方法,分别对应WCA、WCB、WCC的牌号。







二硫化铁二硫化亚铁英文名:ferrous disulfide化学式:FeS2结构:由亚铁离子和Sˉ—Sˉ构成分子量:119.97性状:黄色立方晶体。








主要化学成分为Fe2O3,一般含铁40%~55%,含硫1.5%~2.0%,另外还含有Cu、Pb、Zn及少量A u和Ag。






硫化铁矿(Sulphide iron)这种矿石含有FeS2,含Fe只有46.6%而S的含量达到53.4%。

呈现灰黄色,比重大约为 4.95~5.10。





本品体外对人红细胞、血浆中胆碱酯酶有轻度抑制作用。 人经口约100ml,可引起呼吸困难、抽搐、麻痹、昏睡等症状。对皮肤有刺激作用。蒸气和雾对眼睛、粘膜和上呼吸道有刺激作用。
接触限值:中国:PC-TWA(mg/m3): 0.5[按Ni计](可溶性镍化合物)
美国:TLV-TWA(mg/m3): 0.1[按Ni计]
急性毒性:急性毒性:LD50(mg/kg): 105(大鼠经口)LC50
致突变性:细胞遗传学分析:小鼠乳腺800μmol/L。姐妹染色单体互换:仓鼠成纤维细胞32mg/L。DNA损伤:人HeLa细胞250 umol/L。致癌性:IARC致癌性评论:动物致癌性证据有限。
英名:tributyl phosphate



85 115
43 140
18 100 140
18 100
49 150
18 110 150
18 110
61 165
18 125 165
18 125
77 185
18 145 185
18 145 1.5
89 200
18 160 200
18 160
100 115 220
中华人民共和国化学工业部 1997-11-27 发布 1998-02-O1 实施
HG 20606-97 钢制管法兰用非金属平垫片
表 3.0.3 不同密封面法兰用垫片的公称压力范围
公称压力 PN,MPa(bar)
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Andrew Roosen Class 2: February 06, 2013
CISC106: General Computer Science
Plagiarism is (choose one on your clicker):
A. Acceptable if practiced in moderation. B. Copying someone else's work for your own. C. A religion practiced by the Plagiar people of eastern Wheristan. D. Getting ideas or inspiration by consulting others. E. Likely to result in an Academic Honesty prosecution.
Andrew Roosen Class 2: February 06, 2013
Assignment 0: read the syllabus
It's an easy 5 points. Also, mandatory.
Textbook reading
• Chapter 1 (skip 1.3 for now) • Chapter 2
– English, French, Chinese, etc. – Developed “organically” – Full of ambiguity, redundancy, implicit meaning
• Programming languages
– FORTRAN, BASIC, C, Java, Python, etc. – Developed deliberately – Formally defined – Heirarchical
Assembly language
Binary Machine Code
Number of instructions required
Using the IDLE programming environment
– Inputs (from user, from world) – Processing (doing something with the inputs) – Outputs (what we really want)
Programmiபைடு நூலகம்g languages
• Natural languages
CISC106: General Computer Science
Plagiarism is (choose one on your clicker):
A. Acceptable if practiced in moderation. B. Copying someone else's work for your own. C. A religion practiced by the Plagiar people of eastern Wheristan. D. Getting ideas or inspiration by consulting others. E. Likely to result in an Academic Honesty prosecution.
Language hierarchy
Natural language (e.g. Swahili, Tongan)
Interpreted language (e.g.: Python, Perl)
Easier for humans to understand
Compiled language (e.g.: C, Fortran)
You've scared me!
Why should I take this class?
the WORLD!
Introduction to Programming
• A program is a list of instructions to a computer to tell it “what to do”. • Most programs share three parts:
Additional computer labs
• • • • • /ecalc/index.html 101d Pearson 046 CLB (Colburn Lab) 120 DUP (DuPont Hall) 010 SPL (Spencer Lab)