4-Software Architecture




软件架构师书籍收藏一、Software Architecture篇这个领域没有什么"畅销书",可能读者中本来就是开发设计人员与项目经理占了多数,真正定位为架构师而且做的也是架构师工作的不多吧。

1.《Software Architect Bootcamp--软件架构师教程》架构师新手训练营,可惜常以Corba做例子。


2. 《Large-Scale Software Architecture-A Practical Guide using UML --大型软件体系结构:使用UML实践指南》如果看不惯上一本,可以改以这本作为入行指南。

3. 《The Art of Software Architecture: Design Methods and Technique s--软件体系结构的艺术》薄薄的一本,架构理论的抽象与提升。

4.《Documenting Software Architectures: Views and Beyond--软件构架编档》第13届JOLT大奖作品,市面上介绍UML描述架构的书很多,但捕获架构的过程,为什么这样捕获的书籍就少了,所以它拿JOLT。


1. 《Head First Design Patterns》最好的GOF23经典设计模式讲解。

2. 《Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture--企业应用架构模式》Martin Fowler经典。

3. 《Analysis Patterns: Reusable Object Models --分析模式》Martin Fowler作品,但需要刚好有那个经验的人才看得进去。

4. 《Domain-Specific Application Frameworks: Frameworks Experience b y Industry--特定领域应用框架:行业的框架体验》介绍了特定领域特定框架的设计,我自己最喜欢看人家的设计与思考。









1. Software(软件):这个词最基本的含义就是指计算机程序,它是由一系列指令和数据组成的。


2. Program(程序):这个术语通常用来指一个可执行的软件程序,它是由一系列指令组成的,用于实现特定的功能或任务。

3. Coding(编码):在软件开发过程中,编码指的是将设计好的算法和功能,根据计算机可识别的语言(如C++、Java等)转化为计算机能够执行的代码。

4. Debugging(调试):调试是指在软件开发过程中,通过排除程序中的错误和问题,确保程序能够按照预期的方式执行。

5. Testing(测试):软件测试是指通过运行软件,检查其功能和性能,以确保其质量和正确性的过程。


6. User Interface(用户界面):用户界面是指用户与软件进行交互的界面。



1. Software Development(软件开发):软件开发是指通过规划、设计、编码、测试和维护等一系列过程,创建和维护软件的过程。

2. Agile Development(敏捷开发):敏捷开发是一种以迭代和递增方式进行软件开发的方法论。




计算机093 09416612 恽小燕软件体系结构评估近几年来,软件体系结构(Software Architecture ,SA) 成为软件工程发展的一个热门方向。





这三种方法是: 基于场景的体系结构分析方法(SAAM) 、体系结构权衡分析方法(ATAM) 、体系结构级别上的软件维护预测(ALPSM) 。



这个定义具有如下的含义:①SA 是一个或多个系统的抽象。

SA 以抽象的组件(Com2ponent) 来表示系统,这些组件具有外部可见属性,并且相互之间是有联系的,这种联系有时被称为连接件(Connector) 。

②SA 是一种可重用、可传递的系统抽象,而组件的细节部分不属于体系结构的范畴。

③系统由多个结构组成,通常也称为视图(View) 。

任何一个视图只能表示SA 的部分内容,而不是全部。


软件质量在IEEE 1061中定义,它体现了软件拥有所期望的属性组合的程度。

另一个标准ISO/IEC Draft 91262 1定义了一个软件质量模型。



UDC分类号-中英文对照史上最全UDC大纲中英文对照版英文的在后面本大纲UDC类从多语种国际十进分类汇总(udcc 088号出版物)公布的由UDC联盟知识共享署名3许可下一样(第一版本2009,后续的更新2012)。








出版物[编辑] 00绪论。




















新闻概论08 polygraphies。




本体论122 / 129特殊的形而上学13精神和精神的哲学。





fundamentals of software architecture 笔记总结

fundamentals of software architecture 笔记总结

fundamentals of software architecture 笔记总结Fundamentals of Software Architecture: A SummarySoftware architecture plays a critical role in the development of any software system. It provides a blueprint for designing, implementing, and maintaining the overall structure of the software. In this article, we will delve into the fundamentals of software architecture and explore its key components and best practices.1. Introduction to Software ArchitectureSoftware architecture is the process of defining a structured solution to meet technical and operational requirements. It involves making strategic decisions about software components, interactions, and behaviors to ensure a system's desired qualities such as reliability, scalability, and maintainability.2. Key Components of Software Architecture2.1. Architectural StylesArchitectural styles define the overall structure and behavior of a software system. Examples of popular architectural styles include client-server, layered, microservices, and event-driven architectures. Each style has its unique characteristics and is suited for specific types of applications.2.2. Components and ConnectorsComponents refer to the different parts of a system that perform specific functions. Connectors, on the other hand, define how thesecomponents communicate and interact with each other. Examples of connectors include HTTP, message queues, and databases. Proper identification and understanding of components and connectors are crucial for designing an effective software architecture.2.3. Design PrinciplesDesign principles guide software architects in making sound architectural decisions. These principles include modularity, separation of concerns, encapsulation, and abstraction. Adhering to these principles results in a more modular, maintainable, and flexible software architecture.3. Best Practices in Software Architecture3.1. Scalability and PerformanceA well-designed software architecture should be scalable to handle increased workload and maintain optimal performance. This can be achieved through techniques such as load balancing, caching, and vertical or horizontal scaling.3.2. SecuritySecurity is a crucial aspect of software architecture. Architects must take into account security measures such as authentication, authorization, and secure communication protocols during the design phase to protect the system from potential threats.3.3. MaintainabilityThe architecture should be designed with maintainability in mind. This includes modularizing the system into smaller components, adhering tocoding standards, and providing proper documentation. A maintainable architecture enables easier bug fixing, enhancements, and future system updates.4. Tools and TechnologiesVarious tools and technologies are available to assist in software architecture design and implementation. These include modeling languages like UML (Unified Modeling Language), design patterns, and architectural frameworks such as TOGAF (The Open Group Architecture Framework) and Zachman Framework.5. Case StudiesCase studies provide real-life examples of successful software architectures. Analyzing case studies can help understand the practical application of architectural concepts and learn from the experiences of others.6. ConclusionIn conclusion, software architecture is a fundamental aspect of software development, encompassing the design, structure, and behavior of a software system. By following best practices and understanding key components, architects can create robust, scalable, and maintainable architectures that meet the requirements of modern software systems.Remember, software architecture is a vast field, and this article provides only a summary of its fundamentals. Further exploration and learning are essential to master this important discipline in the software development lifecycle.。



模拟试题(一)第一题: 名词解释(每题5分, 共20分)1.软件体系构造(Software Architecture)2.软件体系构造风格(Software Architecture Style)3.软件质量属性4.质量属性驱动旳设计措施(ADD)第二题: 单项选择(每题4分, 共20分)1. 下面哪种方略可以用来满足可测试性(Testability)旳质量属性?A) 心跳(Heartbeat) B) 模块旳抽象化(Generalize the module)C) 记录/重放 D) 授权顾客2. “系统在提供服务给合法顾客旳同步抵制未授权使用旳能力”这是哪种质量属性关怀旳问题?A) 性能 B) 可测试性C) 可移植性 D) 安全性3. 下面哪种视图不属于软件体系构造中定义旳“4+1”视图?A) 物理视图 B) 设计视图C) 场景视图 D) 开发视图4. 下面旳图是什么图?A) 序列图 B) 组件图C) 对象图 D) 用例图5. 下面旳图形描述了何种体系构造风格?A) C/S B) 有序批处理 C) 主程序/子程序 D) 面向对象第三题:简答(每题5分, 共20分)1.请描述管道-过滤器体系构造风格旳特点并给出适合使用这种风格旳一种应用场景。



4. 什么是“4+1视图”, 分别给出每个视图旳名称和重要关注点。

软件体系构造分析: 效用树(20分)某企业要开发一种在线交易系统, 该系统重要关注性能、可更改性、可用性和安全这五个质量属性。

负责开发旳团体分析了各个质量属性, 设计了一种参照旳体系构造。

该团体欲采用效用树技术对体系构造进行评估, 下面是有关旳场景: ☎∙∙站点 断电后 可以在 秒内完毕流量到站点 旳迁移;●信用卡交易需要有99.999% 旳安全性;●顾客旳授权数据库需要在 99.999% 旳状况下保证可用;●视频必须实时传播;●可以在4人-周内完毕对Web顾客界面旳变化网络失效和恢复必须在1.5分钟内完毕;●减少对客户数据库访问旳时间至200毫秒以内;请根据以上描述, 构建对应旳效用树2. 软件体系构造构建(20分)Travelling 是一家新兴旳旅游服务提供商, 可以在线为顾客提供在线旳实时旅游信息服务, 包括路线信息, 景点简介, 公交线路查询等, 其系统旳基本旳功能如下所示:☎∙∙顾客可以在网站上注册帐号和密码 成为该站点旳客户;☎∙∙客户可以使用浏览器访问网上旳站点 搜索并返回感爱好旳景点信息;☎∙∙该企业需要集成来自旅游线路提供商旳数据库 提供旅游线路支持;需要集成来自景点旳信息提供商旳数据库提供景点信息;需要集成公交企业旳应用系统提供公交信息查询能力。



《软件体系结构》教学大纲课程英文名称: Software Architecture课程编号:050302一、课程说明1.课程性质《软件体系结构》课程,是软件工程专业硕士研究生的主干课程。




3.适用专业软件工程,计算机科学与技术专业4.学时与学分学分:3 学时:45 讲授学时:45 实践学时:05.先修课程软件工程,数据结构与算法,操作系统,程序设计6.推荐教材或参考书目教材名称:《软件体系结构》张友生编著清华大学出版社ISBN:7302078106 2004版主要参考书目:《软件体系结构理论与实践》冯冲,江贺,冯静芳编著人民邮电出版社2004版7.主要教学方法与多媒体要求主要教学方法:理论和技术教学,案例驱动教学多媒体要求:多媒体教学占80%8.考核方式1、平时成绩(书面作业+上机实验+考勤)2、课程大作业3、期末闭卷笔试4、总成绩 = 笔试成绩(60/100)+ 平时成绩(20/100)+ 大作业成绩(20/100)9.课外自学要求书本上没讲过的内容,让学生自学。







Software Architecture Document (SAD)软件开发文档

Software Architecture Document (SAD)软件开发文档

SEI “Views and Beyond” Architecture Documentation Template 05 February 2006<Insert OrganizationName><Insert Project Name>Software Architecture Document (SAD) CONTENT OWNER: <Insert Name>DOCUMENT NUMBER: RELEASE/REVISION: RELEASE/REVISION DATE:∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙All future revisions to this document shall be approved by the content owner prior to release.Template 02November2004BACKGROUNDThis template is based on the Software Engineering Institute’s “View and Beyond” method for documenting software architectures, as described in Clements, et al., Documenting Software Architecture: Views and Beyond (Addison Wesley, 2002). The current version is available for free download from the SEI’s architecture web site.TIPS FOR USING THIS TEMPLATETo create an instance of this document:∙Insert relevant information on cover sheet and in placeholders throughout.∙Insert relevant information in page header: Move to a page of the body of the report, select View > Header and Footer from the main menu, and then replace relevant information in the header box at the top of the page.To update the contents and page numbers in the Table of Contents, List of Figures, and List of Tables:∙Position the cursor anywhere in the table to be updated.∙Click the F9 function key.∙Answer “Update entire table”.To insert a figure or table caption:∙From the main menu, choose Insert > Reference > Caption and then either Figure or Table as needed.∙Click the OK button.∙Add a colon and a tab stop after the figure number in the caption itself.∙The caption should use the Caption style.∙Add a colon and a tab stop after the table/figure number in the caption itself.TIPS FOR MAKING YOUR DOCUMENT MORE READABLE∙ A gray box containing CONTENTS OF THIS SECTION is provided at the beginning of most sections and subsections. After determining what specific information will be included in your document, you can remove this gray box or leave it to serve as a quick-reference section overview for your readers. In the case that text has been provided in the template, inspect it for relevance and revised as necessary.∙Consider hyperlinking key words used in the document with their entries in the Glossary or other location in which they are defined. Choose Insert > Hyperlink.∙Don’t leave blank sections in the document. Mark them “To be determined” (ideally with a promise of a date or release number by which the information will be provided) or “Not applicable.”∙Consider packaging your SAD as a multi-volume set of documentation.It is often helpful to break your documentation into more than one volume so that the document does not become unwieldy. There are many ways that this can be accomplished. The structuring of the document must support the needs of the intended audience and must be determined in the context of the project. Each document that you produce should include the date of issue and status; draft, baseline, version number, name of issuing organization; change history; anda summary. A few decomposition options are:∙ A 2-Volume approach: Separate the documentation into two volumes; one that contains the views of the software architecture and one that contains everything else. A common variant of this approach has onevolume per view, and one volume for everything else.∙ A 3-Volume approach: Document organizational policies, procedures, and the directory in one volume, system specific overview material in a second, and view documentation in a third.∙ A 4-Volume approach: Create one volume for each viewtype [Clements 2002] (module, component-and-connector, allocation) that contains the documentation for the relevant views. Include all of the otherinformation in the fourth volume.∙Software interfaces are often documented in a separate volume.In any case, the information should be arranged so that readers begin with the volume containing theDocumentation Roadmap (Section 1 in this template).<Insert OrganizationName> <Insert OrganizationName> Table of Contents1Documentation Roadmap (3)1.1Document Management and Configuration Control Information .. 3 1.2Purpose and Scope of the SAD (4)1.3How the SAD Is Organized (5)1.4Stakeholder Representation (6)1.5Viewpoint Definitions (7)1.5.1<Insert name of viewpoint> Viewpoint Definition (9) (10) and Their Concerns Addressed (10), Relations, Properties, and Constraints (10) to Model/Represent Conforming Views Evaluation/Analysis Techniques andConsistency/Completeness Criteria (10) Source (10)1.6How a View is Documented (10)1.7Relationship to Other SADs (12)1.8Process for Updating this SAD (12)2Architecture Background (13)2.1Problem Background (13)2.1.1System Overview (13)2.1.2Goals and Context (13)2.1.3Significant Driving Requirements (13)2.2Solution Background (13)2.2.1Architectural Approaches (14)2.2.2Analysis Results (14)last saved: Saturday, April 13, 2013 i<Insert OrganizationName> <Insert OrganizationName>2.2.3Requirements Coverage (14)2.2.4Summary of Background Changes Reflected in Current Version (14)2.3Product Line Reuse Considerations (14)3Views (15)3.1<Insert view name> View (16)3.1.1View Description (16)3.1.2View Packet Overview (16)3.1.3Architecture Background (17)3.1.4Variability Mechanisms (17)3.1.5View Packets (17) packet # j (17) Presentation (17) Catalog (17) Diagram (17) Mechanisms (17) Background (17) View Packets (17)4Relations Among Views (18)4.1General Relations Among Views (18)4.2View-to-View Relations (18)5Referenced Materials (19)6Directory (20)6.1Index (20)6.2Glossary (20)6.3Acronym List (21)ii last saved: Saturday, April 13, 2013<Insert OrganizationName> <Insert OrganizationName> 7Sample Figures & Tables (23)last saved: Saturday, April 13, 2013 iii<Insert OrganizationName> <Insert OrganizationName> List of FiguresFigure 1:Sample Figure (23)last saved: Saturday, April 13, 2013 1<Insert OrganizationName> <Insert OrganizationName> List of TablesTable 1:Stakeholders and Relevant Viewpoints (8)Table 2:Sample Table (23)2 last saved: Saturday, April 13, 2013<Insert OrganizationName> <Insert OrganizationName>1 Documentation RoadmapThe Documentation Roadmap should be the first place a new reader of the SAD begins. But for new and returning readers, it is intended to describe how the SAD is organized so that a reader with specific interests who does not wish to read the SAD cover-to-cover can find desired infor-mation quickly and directly.Sub-sections of Section 1 include the following.∙Section 1.1 (“Document Management and Configuration Control Information”) explains revision history. This tells you if you’re looking at the correct version of the SAD.∙Section 1.2 (“Purpose and Scope of the SAD”) explains the purpose and scope of the SAD, and indicates what information is and is not included. This tells you if the informa-tion you’re seeking is likely to be in this document.∙Section 1.3 (“How the SAD Is Organized”) explains the information that is found in each section of the SAD. This tells you what section(s) in this SAD are most likely to contain the information you seek.∙Section 1.4 (“Stakeholder Representation”) explains the stakeholders for which the SAD has been particularly aimed. This tells you how you might use the SAD to do your job.∙Section 1.5 (“Viewpoint Definitions”) explains the viewpoints (as defined by IEEE Stan-dard 1471-2000) used in this SAD. For each viewpoint defined in Section 1.5, there is a corresponding view defined in Section 3 (“Views”). This tells you how the architectural information has been partitioned, and what views are most likely to contain the informa-tion you seek.∙Section 1.6 (“How a View is Documented”) explains the standard organization used to document architectural views in this SAD. This tells you what section within a view you should read in order to find the information you seek.1.1 Document Management and Configuration ControlInformation∙Revision Release Date: <<>>∙Purpose of Revision: <<>>∙Scope of Revision: <<list sections or page numbers that have been revised; provide a summary overview of the differences between this release and the previous one.>>last saved: Saturday, April 13, 2013 3<Insert OrganizationName> <Insert OrganizationName> 1.2 Purpose and Scope of the SADThis SAD specifies the software architecture for <insert scope of SAD>. All information regard-ing the software architecture may be found in this document, although much information is incor-porated by reference to other documents.What is software architecture?The software architecture for a system1 is the structure or struc-tures of that system, which comprise software elements, the externally-visible properties of those elements, and the relationships among them [Bass 2003]. "Externall y visible” properties refers to those assumptions other elements can make of an element, such as its provided services, perfor-mance characteristics, fault handling, shared resource usage, and so on. This definition provides the basic litmus test for what information is included in this SAD, and what information is rele-gated to downstream documentation.Elements and relationships. The software architecture first and foremost embodies information about how the elements relate to each other. This means that architecture specifically omits cer-tain information about elements that does not pertain to their interaction. Thus, a software archi-tecture is an abstraction of a system that suppresses details of elements that do not affect how they use, are used by, relate to, or interact with other elements. Elements interact with each other by means of interfaces that partition details about an element into public and private parts. Soft-ware architecture is concerned with the public side of this division, and that will be documented in this SAD accordingly. On the other hand, private details of elements—details having to do solely with internal implementation—are not architectural and will not be documented in a SAD.Multiple structures.The definition of software architecture makes it clear that systems can and do comprise more than one structure and that no one structure holds the irrefutable claim to being the architecture. The neurologist, the orthopedist, the hematologist, and the dermatologist all take a different perspective on the structure of a human body. Ophthalmologists, cardiologists, and podiatrists concentrate on subsystems. And the kinesiologist and psychiatrist are concerned with different aspects of the entire arrangement’s behavior. Although these perspectives are pictured differently and have very different properties, all are inherently related; together they describe the architecture of the human body. So it is with software. Modern systems are more than complex enough to make it difficult to grasp them all at once. Instead, we restrict our attention at any one moment to one (or a small number) of the software system’s structures. To communicate me a-ningfully about an architecture, we must make clear which structure or structures we are discuss-ing at the moment—which view we are taking of the architecture. Thus, this SAD follows the principle that documenting a software architecture is a matter of documenting the relevant views and then documenting information that applies to more than one view.1 Here, a system may refer to a system of systems.4 last saved: Saturday, April 13, 2013For example, all non-trivial software systems are partitioned into implementation units; these units are given specific responsibilities, and are the basis of work assignments for programming teams. This kind of element will comprise programs and data that software in other implementa-tion units can call or access, and programs and data that are private. In large projects, the ele-ments will almost certainly be subdivided for assignment to sub-teams. This is one kind of struc-ture often used to describe a system. It is a very static structure, in that it focuses on the way the system’s functionality is divided up and assigned to implementation teams.Other structures are much more focused on the way the elements interact with each other at run-time to carry out the system’s function. Suppose the system is to be built as a set of parallel processes. The set of processes that will exist at runtime, the programs in the various implementa-tion units described previously that are strung together sequentially to form each process, and the synchronization relations among the processes form another kind of structure often used to de-scribe a system.None of these structures alone is the architecture, although they all convey architectural informa-tion. The architecture consists of these structures as well as many others. This example shows that since architecture can comprise more than one kind of structure, there is more than one kind of element (e.g., implementation unit and processes), more than one kind of interaction among ele-ments (e.g., subdivision and synchronization), and even more than one context (e.g., development time versus runtime). By intention, the definition does not specify what the architectural elements and relationships are. Is a software element an object? A process? A library? A database? A com-mercial product? It can be any of these things and more.These structures will be represented in the views of the software architecture that are provided in Section 3.Behavior.Although software architecture tends to focus on structural information, behavior of each element is part of the software architecture insofar as that behavior can be observed or dis-cerned from the point of view of another element. This behavior is what allows elements to inte-ract with each other, which is clearly part of the software architecture and will be documented in the SAD as such. Behavior is documented in the element catalog of each view.1.3 How the SAD Is OrganizedThis SAD is organized into the following sections:Section 1(“Documentation Roadmap”)provides information about this document and its intended audience. It provides the roadmap and document overview. Every reader who wishes to find information relevant to the software architecture described in this document should begin by reading Section 1, which describes how the document is organized, which stakeholder viewpoints are represented, how stakeholders are expected to use it, and where information may be found. Section 1 also provides information about the views that are used by this SAD to communicate the software architecture.∙Section 2 (“Architecture Background”) explains why the architecture is what it is. It provides a system overview, establishing the context and goals for the development. Itdescribes the background and rationale for the software architecture. It explains theconstraints and influences that led to the current architecture, and it describes the majorarchitectural approaches that have been utilized in the architecture. It includes information about evaluation or validation performed on the architecture to provide assurance it meets its goals.∙Section 3(Views”) and Section 4(“Relations Among Views”) specify the software architecture. Views specify elements of software and the relationships between them. A view corresponds to a viewpoint (see Section 1.5), and is a representation of one or more structures present in the software (see Section 1.2).∙Sections 5(“Referenced Materials”) and6(“Directory”) provide reference information for the reader. Section 5 provides look-up information for documents that are citedelsewhere in this SAD. Section 6 is a directory, which is an index of architectural elements and relations telling where each one is defined and used in this SAD. The section alsoincludes a glossary and acronym list.1.4 Stakeholder RepresentationThis section provides a list of the stakeholder roles considered in the development of the architec-ture described by this SAD. For each, the section lists the concerns that the stakeholder has that can be addressed by the information in this SAD.Each stakeholder of a software system—customer, user, project manager, coder, analyst, tester, and so on—is concerned with different characteristics of the system that are affected by its soft-ware architecture. For example, the user is concerned that the system is reliable and available when needed; the customer is concerned that the architecture can be implemented on schedule and to budget; the manager is worried (in addition to cost and schedule) that the architecture will allow teams to work largely independently, interacting in disciplined and controlled ways. The developer is worried about strategies to achieve all of those goals. The security analyst is con-cerned that the system will meet its information assurance requirements, and the performance analyst is similarly concerned with it satisfying real-time deadlines.This information is represented as a matrix, where the rows list stakeholder roles, the columns list concerns, and a cell in the matrix contains an indication of how serious the concern is to a stake-holder in that role. This information is used to motivate the choice of viewpoints chosen in Sec-tion Viewpoint DefinitionsThe SAD employs a stakeholder-focused, multiple view approach to architecture documentation, as required by ANSI/IEEE 1471-2000, the recommended best practice for documenting the archi-tecture of software-intensive systems [IEEE 1471].As described in Section 1.2, a software architecture comprises more than one software structure, each of which provides an engineering handle on different system qualities. A view is the specifi-cation of one or more of these structures, and documenting a software architecture, then, is a mat-ter of documenting the relevant views and then documenting information that applies to more than one view [Clements 2002].ANSI/IEEE 1471-2000 provides guidance for choosing the best set of views to document, by bringing stakeholder interests to bear. It prescribes defining a set of viewpoints to satisfy the stakeholder community. A viewpoint identifies the set of concerns to be addressed, and identifies the modeling techniques, evaluation techniques, consistency checking techniques, etc., used by any conforming view. A view, then, is a viewpoint applied to a system. It is a representation of a set of software elements, their properties, and the relationships among them that conform to a de-fining viewpoint. Together, the chosen set of views show the entire architecture and all of its re-levant properties. A SAD contains the viewpoints, relevant views, and information that applies to more than one view to give a holistic description of the system.The remainder of Section 1.5 defines the viewpoints used in this SAD. The following table sum-marizes the stakeholders in this project and the viewpoints that have been included to address their concerns.1.5.1 <Insert name of viewpoint> Viewpoint DefinitionThere will be one of these subsections for each viewpoint defined. The subsections are as follows:∙Abstract: A brief overview of the viewpoint∙Stakeholders and their concerns addressed: This section describes the stakeholders and their concerns that this viewpoint is intended to address. Listed are questions that can be answered by consulting views thatconform to this viewpoint. Optionally, the section includes significant questions that cannot be answered byconsulting views conforming to this viewpoint.∙Elements, relations, properties, and constraints: This section defines the types of elements, the relations among them, the significant properties they exhibit, and the constraints they obey for views conforming to thisviewpoint.∙Language(s) to model/represent conforming views: This section lists the language or languages that will be used to model or represent views conforming to this viewpoint, and cite a definition document for each.∙Applicable evaluation/analysis techniques and consistency/completeness criteria: This section describes rules for consistency and completeness that apply to views in this viewpoint, as well as any analysis of evaluationtechniques that apply to the view that can be used to predict qualities of the system whose architecture is beingspecified.∙Viewpoint source: This section provides a citation for the source of this viewpoint definition, if any.Following is an example of a viewpoint definition.Vie1.5.1 Module decomposition viewpoint definition1.5.1.1 Abstract. Views conforming to the module decomposition viewpoint partition the system into a unique non-overlapping set of hierarchically decomposable implementation units (modules). Stakeholders and Their Concerns Addressed. Stakeholders and their concerns addressed by this viewpointinclude∙project managers, who must define work assignments, form teams, and formulate project plans and budg-ets and schedules;∙COTS specialists, who need to have software elements defined as units of functionality, so they can search the marketplace and perform trade studies to find suitable COTS candidates;∙testers and integrators who use the modules as their unit of work;∙configuration management specialists who are in charge of maintaining current and past versions of the elements;∙system build engineers who use the elements to produce a running version of the system;∙maintainers, who are tasked with modifying the software elements;∙implementers, who are required to implement the elements;∙software architects for those software elements sufficiently large or complex enough to warrant their own software architectures;∙the customer, who is concerned that projected changes to the system over its lifetime can be made eco-nomically by confining the effects of each change to a small number of elements. Elements, Relations, Properties, and Constraints. Elements of the module decomposition viewpoint aremodules, which are units of implementation that provide defined functionality. Modules are hierarchically de-compo sable; hence, the relation is “is-part-of.” Properties of elements include their names, the functionality a s-signed to them (including a statement of the quality attributes associated with that functionality), and their soft-ware-to-software interfaces. The module properties may include requirements allocation, supportingrequirements traceability. Language(s) to Model/Represent Conforming Views. Views conforming to the module decomposition view-point may be represented by (a) plain text using indentation or outline form [Clements 2002]; (b) UML, usingsubsystems or classes to represent elements and “is part of” or nesting to represent the decomposition relation. Applicable Evaluation/Analysis Techniques and Consistency/Completeness Criteria. Complete-ness/consistency criteria include (a) no element has more than one parent; (b) major functionality is provided forby exactly one element; (c) the union of all elements’ functionality covers the requirements for the system; (d)every piece of source code can be mapped to an element in the module decomposition view (if not, the view isnot complete); (e) the selection of module aligns with current and proposed procurement decisions. Additionalconsistency/completeness criteria apply to the specif ications of the elements’ interfaces. Applicable evalu a-tion/analysis techniques include (a) scenario-based evaluation techniques such as ATAM [Clements 2001] toassure that projected changes are supported economically by the decomposition; (b) disciplined and detailedmapping to requirements to assure coverage and non-overlapping functionality; (c) cost-based techniques thatdetermine the number and composition of modules for efficient procurement. Viewpoint Source. [Clements 2002, Section2.1] describes the module decomposition style, which corres-ponds in large measure to this viewpoint. Abstract1.5.1.2 Stakeholders and Their Concerns Addressed1.5.1.3 Elements, Relations, Properties, and Constraints1.5.1.4 Language(s) to Model/Represent Conforming Views1.5.1.5 Applicable Evaluation/Analysis Techniques andConsistency/Completeness Criteria1.5.1.6 Viewpoint Source1.6 How a View is DocumentedCONTENTS OF THIS SECTION: This section describes how the documentation for a view is structured and organized. If you change the organization of information in Section 3, then you should also change its description in here. Otherwise, this section is all boilerplate.If you choose to document all information in a view in a single presentation, then you will not need view packets. In that case, the template is as follows:∙Section 3.i: Name of view∙Section 3.i.1: View description∙Section 3.i.2: Primary presentation. This section presents the elements and the relations among them that populate this view packet, using an appropriate language, languages, notation, or tool-based representation.∙Section 3.i.3: Element catalog. Whereas the primary presentation shows the important elements and relations of the view packet, this section provides additional information needed to complete the architectural picture. It consists of subsections for (respectively) elements, relations, interfaces, behavior, and constraints.∙Section 3.i.4: Context diagram. This section provides a context diagram showing the context of the part of the system represented by this v iew packet. It also designates the view packet’s scope with a distinguished symbol, and shows interactions with external entities in the vocabulary of the view.∙Section 3.i.5: Variability mechanisms. This section describes any variabilities that are available in the portion of the system shown in the view packet, along with how and when those mechanisms may be exercised.∙Section 3.i.6: Architecture background. This section provides rationale for any significant design decisions whose scope is limited to this view packet.Section 3 of this SAD contains one view for each viewpoint listed in Section 1.5. Each view is documented as a set of view packets. A view packet is the smallest bundle of architectural docu-mentation that might be given to an individual stakeholder.Each view is documented as follows, where the letter i stands for the number of the view: 1, 2, etc.:∙Section 3.i: Name of view.∙Section 3.i.1: View description. This section describes the purpose and contents of the view.It should refer to (and match) the viewpoint description in Section 1.5 to which this view conforms.∙Section 3.i.2: View packet overview. This section shows the set of view packets in this view, and provides rationale that explains why the chosen set is complete and non-duplicative. Theset of view packets may be listed textually, or shown graphically in terms of how theypartition the entire architecture being shown in the view.∙Section 3.i.3: Architecture background. Whereas the architecture background of Section 2 pertains to those constraints and decisions whose scope is the entire architecture, this section provides any architecture background (including significant driving requirements, designapproaches, patterns, analysis results, and requirements coverage) that applies to this view.∙Section 3.i.4: Variability mechanisms. This section describes any architectural variability mechanisms (e.g., adaptation data, compile-time parameters, variable replication, and so forth) described by this view, including a description of how and when those mechanisms may be exercised and any constraints on their use.∙Section 3.i.5: View packets. This section presents all of the view packets given for this view.Each view packet is described using the following outline, where the letter j stands for the number of the view packet being described: 1, 2, etc.-Section 3.i.5.j: View packet #j.-Section 3.i.5.j.1: Primary presentation. This section presents the elements and the rela-tions among them that populate this view packet, using an appropriate language, languag-es, notation, or tool-based representation.-Section 3.i.5.j.2: Element catalog. Whereas the primary presentation shows the important elements and relations of the view packet, this section provides additional informationneeded to complete the architectural picture. It consists of the following subsections:-Section 3.i.5.j.2.1: Elements.This section describes each element shown in the pri-mary presentation, details its responsibilities of each element, and specifies values ofthe elements’ relevant properties, which are defined in the viewpoint to which thisview conforms.-Section 3.i.5.j.2.2: Relations.This section describes any additional relations among elements shown in the primary presentation, or specializations or restrictions on therelations shown in the primary presentation.-Section 3.i.5.j.2.3: Interfaces.This section specifies the software interfaces to any elements shown in the primary presentation that must be visible to other elements.-Section 3.i.5.j.2.4: Behavior. This section specifies any significant behavior of ele-ments or groups of interacting elements shown in the primary presentation.-Section 3.i.5.j.2.5: Constraints: This section lists any constraints on elements or rela-tions not otherwise described.-Section 3.i.5.j.3: Context diagram. This section provides a context diagram showing the context of the part of the system represented by this view packet. It also designates theview packet’s scope with a distinguished symbol, and shows interact ions with externalentities in the vocabulary of the view.-Section 3.i.5.j.4: Variability mechanisms. This section describes any variabilities that are available in the portion of the system shown in the view packet, along with how andwhen those mechanisms may be exercised.-Section 3.i.5.j.5: Architecture background. This section provides rationale for any signif-icant design decisions whose scope is limited to this view packet.。



12 软件体系结构概述
12.1.1 什么是“体系结构”
The art and science of designing and erecting buildings (建 筑学:设计和建造建筑物的艺术与科学); A style and method of design and construction (设计及构造 的方式和方法); Orderly arrangement of parts; structure (部件的有序安排;结 构); The overall design or structure of a computer system, including the hardware and the software required to run it, especially the internal structure of the microprocessor (计算 机系统的总体设计或结构,包括其硬件和支持硬件运行的软 件,尤其是微处理器内部的结构)。
12 软件体系结构概述
基本的建筑模块:砖、瓦、灰、沙、石、预制梁、柱、屋面 板… 建筑模块之间的粘接关系:如何把这些“砖、瓦、灰、沙、石、 预制梁、柱、屋面板”有机的组合起来形成整体建筑?
连接发生和维持的机制——实现连接的物质基础(连接的机 制); 连接能够正确、无二义、无冲突进行的保证——连接正确有 效的进行信息交换的规则(连接的协议)。 简称“机制”(mechanism)和“协议”(protocol)。
12 软件体系结构概述

fundamentals of software architecture 笔记总结

fundamentals of software architecture 笔记总结

fundamentals of software architecture 笔记总结软件架构的基本原则是指导软件系统设计和开发的基本规则和指南。

以下是关于软件架构基本原则的笔记总结:1. 分离关注点(Separation of Concerns):将一个软件系统的不同功能和关注点分离开,使得每个模块都专注于一个特定的任务。


2. 单一责任原则(Single Responsibility Principle):每个软件模块应该只负责完成一个特定的任务或功能,不要将多个职责耦合在一起。


3. 开闭原则(Open-Closed Principle):软件模块应该是可扩展的,即当系统需要添加新功能时,应该通过扩展已有模块的行为来实现,而不是修改现有模块的代码。


4. 依赖倒置原则(Dependency Inversion Principle):高层模块不应该依赖于低层模块,它们应该依赖于抽象接口或抽象类。


5. 接口隔离原则(Interface Segregation Principle):客户端不应该依赖于它们不需要的接口。



6. 里氏替换原则(Liskov Substitution Principle):任何接口实现者都应该可以安全地替代该接口。



7. 迪米特法则(Law of Demeter):一个对象应该对其他对象保持最小的了解。



市场时机(Time to Market)
ARCH4软件框架不是一个概念中的框架,而是实际存在的,拿来就可以基于其 上开发应用系统的框架
ARCH4 逻辑架构
ARCH4 逻辑架构——分层架构
P C机
层描述 展现界面
活动组织 负责向用户展现信息以及解释用户命令 安全控制 领域 服务 接口 领域 服务 实现
是一个轻量级的软件框架。通过对软件按SOA思想的功能分割、水平 切分、避免分布式事务、用异步策略解藕程序、将过程变成异步的流、 虚拟化所有的层次、适当地使用缓存等方式来达成可伸缩性的目的
可定制化 (Customizable)
是一个可定制化的框架。ARCH4软件框架提出自己的一套最佳实践, 同时客户可以按照自己的需要进行定制化,在各种技术之间进行选择, 最终形成一套有客户特色的的框架
可扩展性 (Extensible)
是一个动态的框架,在新技术、新组件出现的时候,ARCH4软件框架可以将其 收归己用,由于ARCH4软件框架是一个基于组件的框架,替换同类型的组件对 应用的影响降到最小,从而能很好地对采用此框架开发的系统进行功能和性能的 扩展
可维护性 (Maintainable)
ARCH4架构概述与特性 ARCH4逻辑架构视图
ARCH4组件选型最佳实践 ARCH4成功案例
ARCH4 是中科软第四代基础架构(Sinosoft Foundation Architecture 4)的简写,它并不是一个可以
即时看见和运行的应用系统,它为构建于J2EE之上的应用系统定义了一个固定而有效的设计 开发框架,简化J2EE应用。

【计算机科学】_software architecture_期刊发文热词逐年推荐_20140724

【计算机科学】_software architecture_期刊发文热词逐年推荐_20140724

科研热词 推荐指数 软件体系结构 4 物联网 2 体系结构描述语言 2 面向服务的体系结构(soa) 1 面向服务架构 1 面向方面软件体系结构描述语言 1 面向方面软件体系结构 1 运行支撑平台体系结构 1 软件架构 1 软件安全性 1 资源敏感 1 语义web服务 1 访问控制 1 计算统一设备架构 1 计算机程序 1 行政服务中心 1 自适应能力 1 自治组件架构 1 网络中心化仿真 1 编程语言 1 综合模块化航空电子 1 线程池 1 管理成本 1 管理平台 1 移动机器人中间件 1 模态 1 模型驱动 1 模型开发环境 1 模块 1 框架 1 服务质量保证 1 服务质量 1 普适计算 1 方面编织 1 数据挖掘 1 插件 1 描述模型 1 排队petri网 1 异构平台 1 开发利用 1 延迟加载 1 应用程序 1 嵌入式实时软件 1 属性特征 1 实时性 1 安全性需求 1 存储性能测试 1 多维线性哈希 1 多本体体系 1 基础 1 图形处理器 1 可移植性 1
2009年 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
科研热词 软件体系结构 领域业务本体 面向服务计算 面向方面软件体系结构 非功能属性 重用 软件生产线 软件架构 软件构件 软件复用 软件再工程 软件体系结构重用 软件体系结构设计决策 软件体系结构设计 软件体系结构建模 模型驱动架构 模块化 架构描述语言 形式化 工作流模板 工作流 安全分析 反射机制 反射 协作系统 动态软件架构 分散式元组空间 关注点多维分离 元信息模型 π 演算 xml uml安全扩展 osgi框架 obiect-z
2008年 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


• 基于模式的体系结构设计方法使用丰富的风格知识库, 指导体系结构的设计,有助于分析冲突的需求和不同设 计的折衷
• 设计模式概述
– 模式是指从某个具体的形式中得到的一种抽象 ,在特殊的非任意性的环境中,该形式不断地 重复出现。
– 一个软件体系结构的模式描述了一个出现在特 定设计语境中的特殊的再现设计问题,并为它 的解决方案提供了一个经过充分验证的通用图 示。解决方案图示通过描述其组成构件及其责 任和相互关系以及它们的协作方式来具体指定 。
企业系统规划法(Business System Planning, BSP)
企业系统规划法是一种对企业信息系统进行规划和设计的结构 化方法,由IBM公司于20世纪70年代提出。这里所说的“企业 ”也可以是非盈利的单位或部门。 基本思想 :
信息支持企业运行。通过自上而下地识别系统目标、企业过 程和数据,然后对数据进行分析,自下而上地设计管理信息系 统。该管理信息系统支持企业目标的实现,表达所有管理层次 的要求,向企业提供一致性信息,对组织机构的变动具有适应 性。 优点: – 企业系统规划法的优点在于利用它能保证管理信息系统独立
于企业的组织机构,也就是能够使信息系统具有对环境变更 的适应性。
• 战略集合转移法提供一种建立起企业信 息战略规划与组织战略相关联的方法, 将组织战略转化为信息系统战略,它首 先识别组织的战略集合,然后转化为信 息系统战略,包括信息系统的目标、约 束和设计原则等,最后提交整个信息系 统的结构。
• 一个好的模式必须做到以下几点:

Lecture 2_Introduction to Software Architecture

Lecture 2_Introduction to Software Architecture

Hardest to change Most critical to get right

Communicate back to Customer Avoid problems during integration Testing Planning Assess risks and budgets.
Architecting a dog house
Can be developed or build by one person as it requires:• Minimal modeling • Simple Process • Simple tools
Architecting a house
Software Architecture (Continuous)

Poorly defined or ill defined architecture makes it nearly impossible to meet the product requirements. Without proper planning in the architecture design stages, software production may be very inefficient in terms of time and cost.
An average software project: - 5-10 people - 10-15 month duration - 3-5 external interfaces - Some unknowns & risks Defense Weapon System National Air Traffic Control System

Performance Analysis of Software Architectures

Performance Analysis of Software Architectures

rr Q re 10
Other average performance indices can be derived from π and depend on the blocking type Exact solution becomes soon numerically untractable Product-form solution in special cases approximate analysis
• Network Topology
– models how service centers are interconnected and how customers move among them
Queueing networks with finite capacity queues
•Queueing network models to represent – sharing of resources with finite capacity queues – population constraints – synchronization constraints
Lack of information
How do we measure
How do we interpret the measures?
Performance Evaluation
Quantitative analysis of systems; based on models and methods both deterministic and stochastic
• Analytic techniques can be exact (e.g. numerical), approximated or bound



Paper published in IEEE Software 12 (6)November 1995, pp. 42-50架构蓝图——软件架构“4+1”视图模型Philippe KruchtenRational Software Corp.摘要本文基于多个并发视图的使用情况来说明描述软件密集型系统架构的模型。




关键字:software architecture, view, object-oriented design, software development process引言我们已经看到在许多文章和书籍中,作者欲使用单张视图来捕捉所有的系统架构要点。





许多作者都提及了这个问题:Garlan & Shaw1、CMU的Abowd & Allen、SEI的Clements。



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事务回滚 认证 授权 状态管理(Session / Application / Lock)
用于显示的业务 数据
用于业务数据的 显示
根据用户的操作 控制业务逻辑 (通过数据及其 显示来表示)
第四章 软件体系结构
南开大学 软件学院
软件体系结构 软件系统的层次体系结构 数据访问层 业务逻辑层 页面展现层中的MVC
软件功能便于扩展 开发模式规范,统一 软件体系结构是人们能对一个复杂系统的巨大 复杂性进行思维控制的关键和寄托
降低系统分析的复杂度 提供组件的边界划分依据 提供组件间的沟通规范
横向分割:子系统/模块划分 纵向分割:分层抽象
软件体系结构的定义 -1
1992 Dewayne Perry和Alex Wolf: 软件体系结 构由具有特定形式的体系结构元素(elements) 或设计元素构成,包括处理元素,数据元素和连接 元素三类.(或模块间的控制关系) Soni, Nord和Hofmeister在研究了工业应用中有 影响的一些流行结构后提出:软件体系结构至少有 四个从不同方面描述系统的实例化描述:
Chapter3 : | Dataset
临时 会话 系统 持久层
保持当前状态持久 保持所有历史状态持久
数据的生命周期是一件影响长久的因素,在系统分 析与设计的时候要仔细考虑.
DAL 数据访问层 其他技术
基于XML的数据集成 与环境无关的数据访问层
根据用户交互UI和业务逻辑的衔接来制定功能 及对应的参数
将业务逻辑层封装的服务(功能)以不同的访 问方式共享出去
Web Service(Web服务) RPC (远程过程调用)
支持事务 (Spring, MS MTS)
MVC最早由Trygve Reenskaug在1974年提 出,是施乐帕罗奥多研究中心(Xerox PARC)在20世纪80年代为程序语言 Smalltalk发明的一种软件设计模式.模 型—视图—控制器模式的目的是实现一种动 态的程序设计,使后续对程序的修改和扩展 简化,并且使程序某一部分的重复利用成为 可能.
是软件的问题分析和设计实施的基本和具有普 遍适用的思想方法.
有利于降低复杂度的分割方法 经过很多案例的实践得到的
ISO/OSI网络模型 软件的三层结构+MVC结构
物理层:定义了所有电子及 物理设备的规范.其中特别 定义了设备与物理媒介之间 的关系,这包括了针脚,电 压,线缆规范,集线器,中 继器,网卡,主机适配器以 及其他的设备的设计定义. 数据链路层:网络上资料封 包如何传送的方式. 网络层:为资料传送的目的 地寻址,再选择出传送资料 的最佳路线.
在数据操作/显示阶段,与数 据库的连接始终保持 1.打开连接 2.打开访问器,执行数据库访 问指令 3.操作/显示数据 4.关闭访问器 5.关闭数据库连接
数据库访问 – 非连接方式
DataSet DataSet SqlDataAdapter SqlDataAdapter SqlConnection SqlConnection
数据库的回滚 异常的统一处理 事务是指一个单元的工作,这些工作要么全做,要 么全部不做.数据库中的事务必须具备四个属性 (ACID) :原子性(Atomicity),一致性 (Consistency),隔离性(Isolation)和持久性 (Durability).
原子性:整个事务中的所有操作,要么全部完成,要么全部 不完成,不可能停滞在中间某个环节.事务在执行过程中发 生错误,会被回复(Rollback)到事务开始前的状态,就像 这个事务从来没有执行过一样. 一致性:在事务开始之前和事务结束以后,数据库的完整性 限制没有被破坏. 隔离性:两个事务的执行是互不干扰的,一个事务不可能看 到其他事务运行时,中间某一时刻的数据. 持久性:在事务完成以后,该事务对数据库所作的更改便持 久地保存在数据库之中,并不会被回复.
设计元素和他们之间的关系; 两个相互耦合功能分解和分层结构; 反映系统动态性能的执行结构; 描述源代码,二进制和库的组织的代码结构.
软件体系结构的定义 -2
1997年,Bass, Clements和Kazman: 软件体系结构包括部件,部件的外部可见性 以及相互的关系.可见性是指部件提供的服 务,性能,特性,错误处理,共享资源使用 等.该定义强调体系结构须从系统中抽象出 用于分析,决策的信息
模型中的每一层都为其上层提供一些服务, 而不需了解上层的相关信息 同时每层都使用下层提供的服务来完成本层 的功能. 结构特点:
每层集中解决一个问题 通过封装和提供服务的接口,能屏蔽不需外界 关心的细节 层与层之间相互独立,层内更改实现(不修改 接口),相互之间不构成影响.
直接调用数据库API函数(如 / JDO) 将这些API封装起来,以ORMapping方式提供(对象/ 关系映射)
DAL - 开发步骤
主要是对象的属性(剥离数据访问的方法) 若为PO(Persistent Object,持久对象,多指存储在 数据库中的实体),属性多为数据库表中的列 在定义上,如若遇到数据库表有继承关系,在类设计上 要遵循这种继承关系 可以借助一些自动工具
Model:数据对象 View:用户交互对象 Controller:用户行为(以键盘/鼠标方式体现)
目的:将系统所需信息从各种存储介质/格式中读 取,并转换成内存中的对象. 常见的来源
数据库(Oracle,SQL Server,DB2) XML 文档 / 普通文件 Message Queue
传输层:用于控制资料流 量,并且进行侦错及错误处 理,以确保通讯顺利.而传 送端的传输层会为封包加上 序号,方便接收端把封包重 组为有用的资料或档案. 会话层:用于为通讯双方制 定通讯方式,并建立,拆除 会话(双方通讯). 表示层:能为不同的用户端 提供数据和信息的语法转换 内码,使系统能解读成正确 的数据.同时,也能提供压 缩解压,加密解密. 应用层:能与应用程式接口 沟通,以达至展示给用户. 10
如Rational Rose VBA in Excel
DAL - 数据库访问
连接方式:适合长时间独占式数据操作 非连接方式:适合大并发的短时间任务
DataSet DataReader Command Connection Command Connection
MVC in ASP .NET / Java
public class Solution :: System.Web.UI.Page public class Solution System.Web.UI.Page {{ private void Page_Load(…) {…} private void Page_Load(…) {…} void SubmitBtn_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) void SubmitBtn_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) DataSet ds == DatabaseGateway.GetTracks (…) DataSet ds DatabaseGateway.GetTracks (…) MyDataGrid.DataSource == ds; MyDataGrid.DataSource ds; MyDataGrid.DataBind MyDataGrid.DataBind …… }} }}
软件体系结构的定义虽然描述不同,但都支 持如下观点:
软件体系结构包括系统总体组织,全局控制, 通信协议,同步,数据存储,设计元素的功 能,设计元素的组织,规模,性能,设计方案 选择等. 体系结构是关于软件的系统级层次上的组成和 行为的,是设计过程中不可缺少的一个阶段, 对复杂软件的后期设计起着重要的决定作用. 体系结构是由软部件和部件间的联系组成的, 而软部件又有它自身的体系结构;
Database such as SQL, Oracle
数据库访问 - 连接方式
SqlDataReader SqlDataReader SqlCommand SqlCommand SqlConnection SqlConnection
SQL Server 7.0 (and later)
将与环境有关的部分剥离出来,放在配置文件 中,如数据库连接字符串,数据库服务器的认 证信息等
使用反射(Reflection),通过从配置文件中读取 的访问层部件 动态装载和启动