







一些用来表达抱怨的单词和短语:1. That traffic here really sucks! 这里的交通糟透了!2. I am sick and tired of doing homework. 我对做作业感到厌烦。

3. The food is terrible/horrible. 食物很难吃。

4. That movie was a turn-off. 那部电影真是让我倒尽胃口。

5. You scared/frightened me! 你吓到我了。

6. That's a stupid idea.愚蠢的提议。

7. I'm so pissed off with his attitude. 我对他的态度感到非常反感。

8. You are mean. 你很坏。

9. He is shaky. 他不太可靠。

下面是一些抱怨事情做得不好的表达:1. I'm afraid it just isn't good enough.恐怕这不够好。

2. It's not what I had in mind.我想要的可不是这个。

3. It's not what I hoped for.我期待的可不是这样的。

4. That leaves a lot to be desired.太不让人满意了。

5. That doesn't quite suit me.我对这不怎么满意。

6. I was hoping for more.我原以为会比这要好。

7. I was counting on more.我期待着会比这要好。

8. I expected something better.我所期望的比这要好。



关于抱怨英语交际口语篇Janice:I’d like to see the manager, please. I have a plaint!Manager:I’m the manager. What seems to be the problem, ma’am?Janice:Did you have housekeeping check our room before we checked in??Manager:Why? What is wrong?Janice:The toilet is broken and the water is not running in the shower.Manager:What’s your room number? I’m terribly sorry about the inconvenience. We’ll move you into xx immediately?. That’s a suite?, but we’ll charge? the regular room rate‘. Please aept our apologies.Janice:Certainly. Thanks very much for helping.Manager:It was my pleasure,我有一些不满。

I have a plaint.= I want to plain about something.我要跟你讲多少遍才行呢?How many times do I have totell you?= If I’ve told you once, I’ve told yo u a thousand times.你不能设身处地为我想想吗?Can’t you try puttingyourself in my shoes?○ Don't you have any thought for anyone but yourself? 除了你自己,你就不替他人想一想吗?你们这么做是错的。

英语专题-上班族专用 七句抱怨英文

英语专题-上班族专用 七句抱怨英文



A glutton for work 工作狂Glutton原意是「贪食的人」,贪食的人整天吃个不停,glutton for work是整天工作个不停的人,也可用workaholic。

例:My supervisor is a glutton for work. That’s why I can never get off work on ti me.(我的上司是个工作狂,所以我总是无法准时下班。

)Pull rank (on somebody) 拿职位压人Rank是个常见的字,阶级的意思。

Pull rank是摆架子,特别指用位阶压人。

例如:I don’t like to work with somebody who likes to pull rank.(我不喜欢和摆架子的人一起工作。

)Don’t pull rank on this poor girl.(别拿职位来压这个可怜的女孩。

)Head cook and bottle-washer 校长兼工友美国有一句常见俚语叫What’s cooking?,是问人「到底出了什么事?」不是问人在煮什么。

Head cook and bottle-washer跟厨子无关,是指什么都管的人。

例:In a small company, I have to be the head cook and the bottle-washer.(在小公司里,我必须校长兼工友。

)Work like a plow horse/a horse 马不停蹄地工作中文说工作是做牛做马,英文有work like a plow horse的说法,意思是不停地工作。

例:In order to afford this apartment, I work like a plow horse every day.(为了负担这栋公寓,我每天马不停蹄地工作。



有关于抱怨一件事的英语口语一你对自己太严格了AI'm busy year in and year out, but now I've done nothing.我忙了一年又一年,但是现在我还是一事无成。

BYou've done a lot, my darling!你已经做了很多事了,亲爱的!AI may have done a lot, but none is to my satisfaction.我可能应该做了很多事,但是没有一件让我满意的。

BYou're too strict with yourself.你对自己太严格了。

APerhaps.I'm dead tired.或许吧。


二对不起让你失望了AYou didn't ring me last night. You said you would.你昨晚没有打电话给我。


BI'm sorry to have made you disappointed.对不起,我让你失望了。

AThat's all right. But why were you so rude to me at lunch.没关系。


BWas I? Sorry, I didn’t mean to be. I do apologize.我有吗?对不起,我不是故意的。


AAnd why are you yarning now? Are you bored?为什么你现在缠纱线啊?你很无聊吗?BForgive me darling. I'm very tired.亲爱的,原谅我。


三我真想搬家I’m itching for movingAI’m itching for moving!我真想搬家!BWhat’s the matter? What annoy you?怎么了?什么惹着你了?AIt’s so wet and dark, I’m just fed up.这里又暗又湿,我都受够了。



英语口语话题大全:抱怨1. Our team sucks.我们这个队很烂.Suck 这个字在美国用的很多, 它就是指很烂, 很差的意思. Suck 是一个动词, 所以在使用上跟烂这个形容词是不太一样的, 例如你能够说, That traffic here really sucks! 就是说这里的交通糟透了的意思. 有时也听得到人家用 suck 的形容词 sucky. 例如有一次我室友的女朋友先是车子抛锚, 然后又下起大雨, 更糟的是她还找不到电话能够求救. 所以她那天一来我们这, 就说了一句, Today is very sucky, everything sucks. 说得很好吧!Suck 这个字的原意是指用嘴巴吸的意思, 所以有人就设计了这么一个吸果冻的比赛. 规则很简单, 就是不能用手, 只能用嘴巴把果冻吸光. 所以比赛一开始, 只听到观众大喊, Hey, you suck! 表面上听来是说, 你快点吸的意思, 事实上则是暗地里骂人烂的意思.2. I am sick and tired of doing homework.我对做作业感到厌烦.Sick and tired of something 能够视之为一个片语, 所以并没有 sick (生病) 的意思在里面! 例如贩卖机老是吃钱, 你也能够说 I am sick and tired of this vending machine. 还有一句话也很有趣, I am so sick and tired of being sick and tired. 就是说你对于老是感到厌烦已经感到十分厌烦了, 我想这是很多都市人共同的心声吧.3. I am terrible.I am horrible我很糟糕.这句并不是说我很可怕或恐怖的意思. terrible 翻成中文的意思是糟糕. 像是有次我问班上同学上次为什么没来上课? 他的回答是, I am so terrible. I keep skipping my classes. 他的意思是说他很糟糕, 常常在跷课. 有时他们也会用 terrible 来形容一个教授, Heis so terrible, 就是说这个老师教的很烂, 而不是说他很会当人.要是用 terrible 来形容一样东西, 则表示该样东西很糟糕, 例如形容食物, 如 The food is terrible, 说的当然就是食物很难吃了!Horrible 跟 terrible 的意思可说是一模一样, 两者能够互换使用, 例如, The coffee is horrible. 或是 Our professor is horrible.4. That movie was a turn-off.那部电影真是让我倒尽胃口.Turn-off 就是让你倒胃口的东西, 而 turn-on 则是你非常喜欢的东西. 例如你说 She is a turn-off. 就表示说你对她是一点兴趣都没有. 要是 She is a turn-on, 那就表示你对她蛮有兴趣的. 此外, turn-on 跟 turn-off 也能够当成一种个人喜好上的标准, 比如说徵友吧, 你说, 我不想要低于 160 cm 的, 则低于 160 就是你的 turn-off, 也等于 What's not. 如果说我喜欢住在美国的, 那 "住在美国" 就是你的 turn-on. 另也有人说把 turn-on 说成 What's hot. 把turn off 说成 What's not. 大家能够看情况自行使用.Turn on 当成动词的时候也非常普遍, 例如你能够说, The movie totally turns me off. 或是 she turns me off.5. You scared me!You frightened me!你吓到我了.被惊吓到时就是这么说的, 或是也能够说, I am scared. 记得我刚到美国第二天就在 Washington D.C 迷路了. 想问路又怕自己英文不好, 所以犹豫了好久, 好不容易偷偷走到一个中年妇人的背后, 鼓起我全部的勇气, 大声地说了一句: Excuse me.. 结果你猜如何? 她居然哇的一声, 说 You scared me! 害我觉得十分地不好意思.此外, 自己被吓到你也能够说, I am scared 或是 I am frightened. Scare 跟 frightene 的意思完全相同, 能够随便选一个来用.6. That's so stupid.真是愚蠢.Stupid 这个字很好用, 它含有轻视, 不以为然的味道在里面, 比如说考试题目出的很烂, 你就能够说, that's a stupid test. 或是有人在冬天的时候提议去游泳, 你的反应大概就会是, That's a stupid idea. 个人觉得 stupid 不单仅仅笨的意思, 还有愚蠢的味道在里面. 中文里说: "笨笨的"还有点可爱的味道, 但英文中的stupid 则比较像是我们说的愚蠢的意思, 听来一点也不可爱.7. I'm so pissed-off with his attitude.我对他的态度感到非常反感.Piss 原意是上小号的意思, 但是现在几乎没有人会用 piss 来代表上小号的意思了, 反而是常用在 pissed-off 这个片语上, 指的是反感, 厌恶的意思. 例如老美会说 He pissed me off. 就是说他把我给惹毛了.补充一点就是上小号能够有很多讲法, 例如 pee, take a piss, take a slash, relieve myself, take a number one, urinate 等等.8. You are mean.你很坏.Mean 这个字当形容词能够有二种解释, 一种是指别人很坏, 这种坏并不是说是坏人的坏, 而是像有时候男生喜欢耍贫嘴, 亏女孩子, 这种行为你就能够说他, You are so mean.另外一种 mean 则是解释成 "贱". 我想就是指它的行为很让人瞧不起, 比如说吧! 有一只猫, 你拿东西给它吃, 它就过来跟你亲热, 你没东西给它吃它就躲的远远的, 这样的行为你就能够用 mean 来形容. 你能够说 The cat is so mean.有时候 mean 在口语中也能够当成 cool 的意思喔! 例如别人看到一辆很拉风的跑车, 他说, "Wow, look at that car, that is mean!" 在这里不可能说一部车很贱, 所以这个 mean 就是当成 cool 来解释.9. He is shaky.他不太可靠.Shaky 是指动摇不稳定, 不太确定, 通常就是指一个人不太可靠. 另外 Shaky 也能够用来形容数据, 像是有一次教授就在课常上说, The data is shaky, 就是说这些 data 怪怪的, 不太可靠. Shaky 另外有一个惯用法, He has a shaky start. 就是说有人要上台报告准备却不够充份, 以致一上去就开始紧张, 冒冷汗, 不知所云, 这种情况老美就会说, He has a shaky start. 或是另一个很意思很接近的说法, "He has a bumpy ride."10. Don't act black.不要跟黑人一样.虽然现在都已经快要迈入二十一世纪了, 不过时至今日还是有些白人会歧视黑人的, 尤其是老一辈的白人, 有时候他们的孩子作错了什么事, 他们还会骂说 Don't act black. 但是这是句非常有种族歧视的话, 不要乱用, 当然也希望各位国人来到国外时要为华人争一点面子, 不要让老美说 Don't act Chinese. 那样就很不好了.附记:曾有人写了一封信跟我谈到, 关于 'suck' 这个字该不该用. 大家参考看看.I noticed something that I wanna tell you.. Maybe it's not a big deal actually. In your message, I saw a word "sucks" um.. I think that's not a good word though... you know I think girls souldn't say that words.. even a guy (I)don't know I can hear that word all over the place but Istill can't get used to it.. in my opinion, that's worser than say "fuck" or "shit" but that are all bad words anyway.. ok, don't say those words ok? cause I have very expectation on you and I don't want to hear those words from you ok? maybe it's not that big deal though.... don't know..。



抱怨用的英语口语1. Our team sucks. 我们这一队很烂。

Suck 这个字在美国用的很多,它就是指很烂,很差的意思。

Suck 是一个动词,所以在使用上跟"烂"这个形容词是不太一样的,例如你可以说,That traffic here really sucks! 就是说这里的交通糟透了的意思。

有时也听得到人家用suck 的形容词sucky. 例如有一次我室友的女朋友先是车子抛锚,然后又下起大雨,更糟的是她还找不到可以求救.。

所以她那天一来我们这,就说了一句,Today is very sucky,everything sucks. 说得很好吧!Suck 这个字的原意是指用嘴巴吸的意思,所以有人就设计了这么一个吸果冻的比赛。


所以比赛一开始,只听到观众大喊,Hey,you suck! 表面上听来是说,你快点吸的意思,事实上则是暗地里骂人烂的意思。

笔者是觉得在美国说suck 或许没有shit 或fuck 来的这么槽,但是没把握还是不要乱用这个字比较好。


2. I am sick and tired of doing homework. 我对做作业感到厌烦。

Sick and tired of something 可以视之为一个片语,所以并没有sick (生病) 的意思在里面!例如贩卖机老是吃钱,你也可以说I am sick and tired of this vending machine. 还有一句话也很有趣,I am so sick and tired of being sick and tired. 就是说你对于老是感到厌烦已经感到十分厌烦了,我想这是很多都市人共同的心声吧。

3. I am terrible/ horrible. 我很糟糕。


terrible 翻成中文的意思是糟糕。

美语口语分类知识(二): 抱怨

美语口语分类知识(二): 抱怨

美语口语分类知识(二):抱怨1. Our team sucks. 我们这一队很烂。

Suck 这个字在美国用的很多,它就是指很烂,很差的意思。

Suck 是一个动词,所以在使用上跟"烂"这个形容词是不太一样的,例如你可以说,That traffic here really sucks! 就是说这里的交通糟透了的意思。

有时也听得到人家用suck 的形容词sucky. 例如有一次我室友的女朋友先是车子抛锚,然后又下起大雨,更糟的是她还找不到可以求救.。

所以她那天一来我们这,就说了一句,Today is very sucky,everything sucks. 说得很好吧!Suck 这个字的原意是指用嘴巴吸的意思,所以有人就设计了这么一个吸果冻的比赛。


所以比赛一开始,只听到观众大喊,Hey,you suck! 表面上听来是说,你快点吸的意思,事实上则是暗地里骂人烂的意思。

笔者是觉得在美国说suck 或许没有shit 或fuck 来的这么槽,但是没把握还是不要乱用这个字比较好。


2. I am sick and tired of doing homework. 我对做作业感到厌烦。

Sick and tired of something 可以视之为一个片语,所以并没有sick (生病) 的意思在里面!例如贩卖机老是吃钱,你也可以说I am sick and tired of this vending machine. 还有一句话也很有趣,I am so sick and tired of being sick and tired. 就是说你对于老是感到厌烦已经感到十分厌烦了,我想这是很多都市人共同的心声吧。

3. I am terrible/ horrible. 我很糟糕。




办公室里的抱怨英语口语英语是我们生活中很重要的,大家要多多学习一下,小编今天就给大家整理了有关于办公室的英语,欢迎大家阅读,快点行动起来吧办公室英语1.Y e c h...i t i s a b e a u t i f u l d a y o u t.A n d h e r eI a m s t u c k i n s i d e t h e o f f i c e w i t h a l l t h i s p a p e r w o r k.(哎,外面天气那么好,我却得守在办公室内处理这些文件。

)2.H o w a m I t o k n o w w h a t I m s u p p o s e d t o d o i f t h e r e s n o o r g a n i z a t i o n a r o u n d h e r e?(如果这里那么没有条理,我怎么晓得该做些什麽好呢?)3.T h e c o m p a n y i s s o c h e a p w e h a v e t o s h a r p e n o u r p e n c i l s u n t i l t h e y r e d o w n t o l i t t l e s t u b s l i k et h i s.(公司这么吝啬,害得我们得把铅笔用到这么短。

)4.N o w w h e r e d i d m y e r a s e r g o t h i s t i m e?D o n t t a k e t h i n g s o f f o t h e r p e o p l e s d e s k s w i t h o u t a s k i n gt h e m,O.K.?(这回我的橡皮又到哪里去了?不要不说一声就拿别人桌子上的东西,好吗?)5.I w a n t y o u t o s t o p h o g g i n g m y d e s k s p a c e,a l l r i g h t?(你不要再占用我的桌子,好吗?)6.T u r n t h e o t h e r w a y w h e n y o u s m o k e,s o I w o n th a v e t o b r e a t h e i t,a l l r i g h t?(你抽烟时转向那一边,免得我吸到,行不行?)7.D o n t t a l k t o m e w h i l e I m i n t h e m i d d l e o fc a l c u l a t i n g.(我在计算时,别跟我说话。



英语口语如何抱怨和投诉英语口语如何抱怨和投诉口语:教你学会如何“抱怨”和“投诉”Complaint n.抱怨,诉苦;投诉,控告Where is my Complaint Box? This isn't happening.我的意见箱跑哪去了,怎么会发生这种事。

You have no real grounds for complaint.你没有真正的理由发牢骚。

Can I see the manager, please? I have a complaint.请问,我可以见经理吗?我有意见。

I am afraid I have a complaint about the shirt.恐怕我要说说这件衬衫的事。

To lodge a complaint (against A with B) 向B投诉A:Our neighbors lodged a complaint against us with the police.我们的.邻居向警方投诉我们。

I'm here to lodge a complaint against my roommate.我是来投诉我的室友的。

If you wish to lodge a complaint you'd better get on to the manager.你有什麽不满最好找经理提。

Complain vt. & vi. 抱怨,诉苦;投诉I have to complain to the manager about it.对这件事我不得不向经理申诉。

You have no reason to complain.你没有理由抱怨。

She often complains that he is dishonest.她常埋怨说他不诚实。




英语抱怨100句1. stop complaining! 别发牢骚!2. you make me sick! 你真让我惭愧!3. what’s wrong with you? 你怎么啦?4. you shouldn’t have done that! 你真不应该那样做!5. you’re a jerk! 你是个废物/混球!6. don’t talk to me like that! 别那样和我说话!7. who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁?8. what’s your problem? 你怎么回事啊?9. i hate you! 我很烦(讨厌)你!10. i don’t want to see your face! 我不愿再见到你!11. you’re crazy! 你疯了!12. are you insane/crazy/out of your mind? 你疯了吗?(对美国人的专用语)13. don’t bother me. 别烦我。

14. knock it off. 少来这一套。

15. get out of my face. 离我远点儿!16. leave me alone. 走开。

17. get lost.滚开!18. take a hike! 哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。

19. you piss me off. 你气死我了。

20. it’s none of your business. 你真让我气愤!21. what’s the meaning of this? 这是什么意思?22. how dare you! 你敢!23. cut it out. 省省吧。

24. you stupid jerk! 你太不配合了!25. you have a lot of nerve. 脸皮真厚。

26. i’m fed up. 我厌倦了。

27. i can’t take it anymore. 我受不了了!28. i’ve had enough of your garbage. 我听腻了(你的胡说)。



1. Stop complaining! 别发牢骚!
2. What's wrong with you? 你怎么回事?
3. You shouldn't have done that! 你真不应该那样做!
4. Don't talk to me like that! 别那样和我说话!
5. I’d like to do that, but I’d rather tell you ….. 我很乐意效劳,但是我还是告诉你。

6. Are you nuts/insane/crazy/out of your mind? 你疯了吗?
7. Don't bother me. 别烦我。

8. Knock it off. 少来这一套。

9. Leave me alone. 让我一个人静一静。

10. Cut it out. 省省吧。

11. I'm fed up. 我厌倦了。

12. I can't take it anymore. 我受不了了!
13. It is more than I could bear. 超出我能忍受的范围。

14. I have never seen such a terrible movie! 我从来没有看过这么糟糕的电影。

【2018-2019】关于抱怨的英语口语-范文word版 (4页)

【2018-2019】关于抱怨的英语口语-范文word版 (4页)

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2. i'm sorry to say this, but there seems to be a mistake. 对不起。


3. do you have to act like that?你非得那么做吗?4. would you mind not doing it?你能不能别那么做?5. i do wish you wouldn't do that.我希望你别那么做。

6. please don't do it without asking.未经允许请不要那么做。

7. can't you do something about it ?你就不能想点办法吗?8. i hate to bring this up, but this is a nonsmoking zone. 对不起提醒一下,这儿是禁烟区。

9. would you please try to keep quiet at this hour?这么晚了。


Saying That You are Dissatisfied With Something 表示对某事不满意1. that won't do.这可不行。

2. is that it?就这个吗?3. is that all?就这些吗?4. i'm afraid it just isn't good enough.恐怕这不够好。

5. that's not what i had in mind.我想要的可不是这个。



Complaining about overtime
A:You won’t believe who’s been elected to do overtime on the Baker account! Me! I’ve already logged in 20 hours of overtime!
B: Wow! Why so much? I thought they were getting you an assistant.
A:They were supposed to, but so far nobody’s turned up, and I’m left on my own to do the work. This is the first break I’ve had all day.
B:They’re really running you into the ground. Why
don’t you ask for some time off? You could take a long weekend and go away somewhere.










Hi, Francis, how was your business trip?Francis,你好,你出差的情况怎么样了?It was a nightmare.噩梦一个。

What’s up?发生什么事?Actually, the business trip itself was very suessful. We arrived on time, we had nice conversations and wesettled some important issues for the next year.事实上,这次的出差是非常成功的。


Sounds quite fruitful, why do you call it still a nightmare then?听起来很成功,为什么你说仍然是个噩梦?Well, the air line lost my luggage on the return flight and then I lost my carry on bag when I was tackling with the officers in charge. I left the airport three hourslater than I expected and then I was caught in a traffic jam. When I finally got home, I was totally exhausted. But I found the elevator was out of service due to a blackout.额,在返程班机上,航空公司把我的行李弄丢了,然后我在和主管人员谈话时,我的手提包丧失了。




Complaining about overtime
A: You won’t believe who’s been elected to do overtime on the Baker account! Me! I’ve already logged in 20 hours of overtime!
B: Wow! Why so much? I thought they were getting you an assistant.
A: They were supposed to, but so far nobody’s turned up, and I’m left on my own to do the work. This is the first break I’ve had all day.
B: They’re really running you into the ground. Why don’t you ask for some time off? You could take a long weekend and go away somewhere.










接下来小编为大家整理了怎样用英语抱怨工作,希望对你有帮助哦!1. Doing this mindless work all day is going to drive me crazy. 整天做这种不用动脑筋的工作,会让我发疯的。

2. Why do I have to do all these extra needless little jobs anyway? 不管怎样,为什么我得做所有这些多余的、不必要的琐碎工作?3. How come everyone in our company is middle-aged and stuffy? 为什么我们公司都是一些古板的中年人?4. Now where did my eraser go this time? Don't take things off other people's desks withoutasking them, OK? 这回我的橡皮又到哪里去了?不要不说一声就拿别人桌子上的东西,好吗?5. I want you to stop hogging my desk space, all right? 你不要再占用我的桌子,好吗?6. Turn the other way when you smoke, so I won't have to breathe it in, all right? 你抽烟时转向那一边,免得我吸到,行不行?7. Don't talk to me while I'm in the middle of calculating. 我在计算时,别跟我说话。

8. Ah, heck! Another mistake. The staff here can't even use their calculators right! 真见鬼!又错了。



【抱怨的英语口语情景对话】英语情景口语对话【抱怨的英语口语情景对话】英语情景口语对话Making acomplaint 提出抱怨提出抱怨1. I ’m afraid I have a complaint to make. 恐怕我要提点意见.2. I ’m sorry to say this, but there seems to be a mistake. 对不起,这儿好像有个错.3. Do you have to act like that? 你非得那么做吗?4. Would you mind not doing it? 你能不能别那么做?5. I do wish you wouldn ’t do that. 我希望你别那么做.6. Please don ’t do it without asking. 未经允许请不要那么做.7. Can ’t you do something about it ? 你就不能想点办法吗?8. I hate to bring this up, but this is a nonsmoking zone. 对不起提醒一下,这儿是禁烟区. 9. Would you please try to keep quiet at this hour? 这么晚了,你能不能尽量保持安静. Saying that you are dissatisfied with something 表示对某事不满意表示对某事不满意1. That won ’t do. 这可不行.2. Is that it? 就这个吗?3. Is that all? 就这些吗?4. I ’m afraid it just isn ’t good enough.恐怕这不够好.5. That ’s not what I had in mind. 我想要的可不是这个.6. It ’s not what I hoped for. 我期待的可不是这样的.7. That leaves a lot to be desired.太不让人满意了.8. That doesn ’t quite suit me. 我对次不甚满意.9. I was hoping for more. 我原以为会比这要好.10. I was counting on more. 我期待着会比这要要.11. I expected something better. 我所期望的比这要好.12. It ’s a far cry from what I expected. 这离我想要的差远了.13. I am not getting what I bargained for. 当时说好的可不是这个样子.14. I got a bum deal. 我被骗了.15. IComplaining about a messy place 抱怨地方脏乱抱怨地方脏乱1. What a mess! 太乱了!2. What a junk heap.真是个垃圾堆.3. This place is a mess. 这地方真够乱的.4. Never in my life have I seen such a mess! 我这辈子没见过这么乱的地方.5. This place is a pigsty. 这地方像个猪圈。



抱怨的英语情景对话 在英语考试的听⼒中,英语情景对话是必考的⼀类问题,今天店铺在这⾥为⼤家分享⼀些抱怨的英语情景对话,希望对⼤家有所帮助! 抱怨的英语情景对话 1. A: I wish you wouldn't play the TV so loud. B: Sorry. Where you trying to sleep? A: Yes, And while I think of it, please ask when you want to borrow my records. B: I'm sorry. You're right. I should have asked. 2. A: Do you think you could keep the noise down? B: I'm sorry. Am I keeping you awake? A: Yes. And another thing, would you mind not making long distance calls. B: I'm sorry. I thought you wouldn't mind. 3. A: That radio's pretty loud. Could you turn it down, please? B: Sorry. Was I disturbing you? A: Yes. And something else, please don't borrow my clothes without asking. B: Sorry. I guess I wasn't thinking. I won't do it again. 4. A: You don't have to play that record so loud, do you? B: I'm sorry. Has it been bothering you? A: Yes. And please ask me the next time you want to use something. B: I'm sorry. I meant to ask you. 抱怨的英语情景对话:抱怨⼯作Complaining about work AYou look really wiped out. 你好像全垮了。



1. I just want to get this mess straightened? out. 我想整理⼀下这乱糟糟的⼀团。

2. I hate this weather? 我讨厌这天⽓。

3 It’s sucked. 糟透了。

4. I have had it up to here with this guy. 我受够这个家伙了。

5. I’ve got a real problem? with one of my co-workers. 我有个同事真让我受不了。

6. This is awful?. 这太糟糕了。

7. I can’t stand this. 我忍受不了这个。

8. I’m going to complain? about this. 我想对此进⾏抱怨。

9. I’m fed up with your behavior?. 你的⾏为让我受够了。

10. I’ve had it up to here with you. 我受够你了。

11. This is intolerable. 这⽆法容忍。

12. I will not accept this situation. 我对此不能容忍。

13. I will not stand for this. 我对此⽆法容忍。

14. I’m going to give him a piece of my mind. 我将向他抱怨⼀番。

15. I want to make a complaint. 我想抱怨⼀番。

【⽣词解读】 1. straighten v.整顿;清理 2. weather n.天⽓ 3. problem n.问题;疑难问题 4. awful adj.可怕的;吓⼈的 5. complain vi.抱怨;发牢骚 6. behavior n.⾏为;举⽌;态度。

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1. Yech...it is a beautiful day out. And here I am stuck inside the office with all this paper work.

2. How am I to know what I'm supposed to do if there's no organization around here?
3.The company is so cheap we have to sharpen our pencils until they're down to little stubs like this.

4.Now where did my eraser go this time? Don't take things off other people's desks without asking them,O.K.?
5.I want you to stop hogging my desk space, all right?
6.Turn the other way when you smoke, so I won't have to breathe it, all right?
7.Don't talk to me while I'm in the middle of calculating.

8.Ah, heck! Another mistake.The staff here can't even use their calculators right!


9.Oh,why did he have to give me this rush job now that it's almost time for my lunch break!
10.I know I made a mistake. I just wish he wouldn't keep hammering away at it.


11.Doing this mindless work all day is going to drive me crazy.

12.Why do I have to do all these extra needless little jobs anyway? (不管怎样,为什么我得做所有这些多余的、不必要的琐碎工作?)
13.How come everyone in our company is middle-aged stuffy?
14.Everytime he gets drunk,he goes into lousy preaching routine.

15.I don't understand what's going on inside these young people's heads. (我不了解这些年轻人的脑子里想的是什么。

16.Say, don't you think Miss Black is using the phone too much for personal calls?
