ERJ3RED150V中文资料(PANASONIC)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」
●安全规格:IEC1010 CAT. II DC/AC500V MAX.
LC1F150i s c l a ime r : T h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n i s n o t i n t e n d e d a s a s u b s t i t u t ef o r a n d i s n o t t o b e u s e d f o r d e t e r m i n i ng s u i t a b i l i t y o r r e l i a b i l i t y o f th e s e p r o d u c t s f o r s p e ci f i c u s e r a p p l i c a t i o n sProduct data sheetCharacteristicsLC1F150TeSys F contactor - 3P(3 NO) - AC-3 - <= 440 V 150 A - without coilMainRange TeSys Product nameTeSys F Product or component type Contactor Device short name LC1F Contactor application Motor control Resistive load Utilisation categoryAC-4AC-1AC-3Poles description 3P Pole contact composition 3 NO[Ue] rated operational voltage <= 1000 V AC 50/60 Hz <= 460 V DC[Ie] rated operational current 250 A (<= 40 °C) at <= 440 V AC AC-1150 A (<= 55 °C) at <= 440 V AC AC-3Motor power kW65 kW at 1000 V AC 50/60 Hz AC-375 kW at 380...400 V AC 50/60 Hz AC-390 kW at 500 V AC 50/60 Hz AC-3100 kW at 660...690 V AC 50/60 Hz AC-322 kW at 400 V AC 50/60 Hz AC-480 kW at 415 V AC 50/60 Hz AC-380 kW at 440 V AC 50/60 Hz AC-340 kW at 220...240 V AC 50/60 Hz AC-3Complementary[Uimp] rated impulse withstand voltage 8 kV Overvoltage categoryIII[Ith] conventional free air thermal current250 A at <= 40 °CIrms rated making capacity 1500 A AC conforming to IEC 60947-4-1Rated breaking capacity1200 A conforming to IEC 60947-4-1[Icw] rated short-time withstand current1200 A <= 40 °C 10 s700 A <= 40 °C 30 s600 A <= 40 °C 1 min450 A <= 40 °C 3 min350 A <= 40 °C 10 minAssociated fuse rating160 A aM at <= 440 V250 A gG at <= 440 VAverage impedance0.35 mOhm at 50 Hz - Ith 250 A[Ui] rated insulation voltage1000 V conforming to IEC 60947-4-11500 V conforming to VDE 0110 group CPower dissipation per pole22 W AC-18 W AC-3Mounting support PlateStandards JIS C8201-4-1IEC 60947-4-1EN 60947-4-1EN 60947-1IEC 60947-1Product certifications LROS (Lloyds register of shipping)CSAULDNVABSBVRMRoSRINACBConnections - terminals Power circuit : connector 1 cable(s) 120 mm²Power circuit : lugs-ring terminals 1 cable(s) 120 mm²Power circuit : bolted connectionPower circuit : bar 2 x (25 x 3 mm)Tightening torque Power circuit : 18 N.mEnvironmentIP degree of protection IP2x front face with shrouds (ordered separately) conforming to IEC 60529IP2x front face with shrouds (ordered separately) conforming to VDE 0106 Protective treatment THAmbient air temperature for operation-5...55 °CAmbient air temperature for storage-60...80 °C-40...70 °CPermissible ambient air temperaturearound the deviceOperating altitude3000 m without derating in temperatureMechanical robustness Vibrations contactor closed 6 Gn, 5...300 HzShocks contactor open 9 Gn for 11 msVibrations contactor open 2 Gn, 5...300 HzShocks contactor closed 15 Gn for 11 msHeight170 mmWidth163.5 mmDepth171 mmProduct weight 3.83 kgOffer SustainabilitySustainable offer status Green Premium productRoHS (date code: YYWW)Compliant - since 0843 - Schneider Electric declaration of conformitySchneider Electric declaration of conformityREACh Reference not containing SVHC above the thresholdReference not containing SVHC above the thresholdProduct environmental profile AvailableProduct environmentalProduct end of life instructions AvailableEnd of life manual Contractual warrantyWarranty period18 monthsLC1F150。
主要特点 ............................................................................................................ 1
主机面板介绍 .................................................................................................... 2
2.6.2. 控制连接 ............................................................................................................ 6
2.6.3. 采样连接 ............................................................................................................ 6
控制模式 ............................................................................................................ 8
恒电流测试功能(CC) ................................................................................... 8
连接方式 ............................................................................................................ 5
● 测试前,使用高压电流仪确认被测回路中无电荷。 ● 必须戴上高压绝缘手套。 ● 绝缘电阻量程时,按测试开关后测试线头部和被测回路中产生高压电,请注意避免触摸。 ● 电池盖打开时,请不要进行测量。 ● 打雷时,请不要进行测量。
注意 显示带电线路警告或蜂鸣器发出警告声时,即使按下测试开关也不能进行测量。 使用本仪器可检查电气设备或电路的绝缘状况。测量时,请确认施加于被测回路的电压是否良好。 (注意) * 由于被测物不同,其绝缘电阻值可能不稳定,而可能造成显示的电阻值也不稳定。
电池电压在操作电压下限以下,不能保证精确度。更换方法请参考 8 章。 5-2 连接测试线
将测试线稳固插入仪器端口,测试线(红色)连接到测试端口,接地线(黑色)连接到接地端口和保护线(绿色)连接到保护 端口。
危险 ● 绝缘测量量程时按下测试开关后,测试线产生高压电,若碰触可能导致触电事故。
6. 测量
0.0~99.9MΩ 100~999MΩ 1.00~9.99GΩ 10.0~99.9GΩ 100~1000GΩ
DC 5000V +20%,-0% 5MΩ 负荷时 1mA—1.2mA
30~600V(分辨率 10V): ±10%rdg±10dgt
●精确度保证温湿度范围: 23ºC±5ºC/相对湿度 85%以下(无结露)
●操作温度与湿度范围: 0ºC-40ºC /相对湿度 85% 以下(无结露)
●存储温度与湿度范围: -20ºC-60ºC /相对湿度 75% 以下(无结露)
●过载保护: 绝缘抵抗范围: AC1200V/10 秒。
ECQE2474RJ3中文资料(Panasonic)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」
) 5.60 26.0 8.3 17.5 22.5 22.5 15.0 ) 6.80 26.0 9.0 18.5 23.5 22.5 15.0
1.0 0.80 1.0 0.80
) 8.20 26.0 10.0 20.0 25.0 22.5 15.0
1.5 0.80
— 1,000
ECQE2683MF( ) 0.068 10.3 4.5 7.5 12.5 7.5 7.5 1.0 0.60
ECQE2823MF( ) 0.082 10.3 4.9 8.0 13.0 7.5 7.5 1.0 0.60
ECQE2104MF( ) 0.1 10.3 5.8 8.4 13.4 7.5 7.5 1.0 0.60
设计和规格若有变更,恕不另行通知.向工厂购买和/或使用前技术规格. 每当对安全产生疑问,本产品,请即刻与我们触点进行技术咨询.
■外形尺寸 以毫米(不按比例)
Type-1 L max.
Type-2 (Suffix B) L max.
1000VDC 1250VDC
Cap. range (µF)
0.56 to 0.68 0.56 to 0.68 0.82 to 1.0 1.2 to 3.3 1.2 to 3.3 0.01 to 0.27 0.33 0.39 to 1.5 0.01 to 0.33 0.39 to 1.5 0.01 to 0.1 0.12 to 0.47 0.01 to 0.1 0.01 to 0.1 0.12 to 0.47 0.01 to 0.033 0.039 to 0.047 0.056 to 0.22 0.01 to 0.047 0.01 to 0.047 0.056 to 0.22 0.001 to 0.1 0.001 to 0.022
T h e i n f o r m a t i o n p r o v i d e d i n t h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n c o n t a i n s g e n e r a l d e s c r i p t i o n s a n d /o r t e c h n i c a l c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f t h e p e r f o r m a n c e o f t h e p r o d u c t s c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n .T h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n i s n o t i n t e n d e d a s a s u b s t i t u t e f o r a n d i s n o t t o b e u s e d f o r d e t e r m i n i n g s u i t a b i l i t y o r r e l i a b i l i t y o f t h e s e p r o d u c t s f o r s p e c i f i c u s e r a p p l i c a t i o n s .I t i s t h e d u t y o f a n y s u c h u s e r o r i n t e g r a t o r t o p e r f o r m t h e a p p r o p r i a t e a n d c o m p l e t e r i s k a n a l y s i s , e v a l u a t i o n a n d t e s t i n g o f t h e p r o d u c t s w i t h r e s p e c t t o t h e r e l e v a n t s p e c i f i c a p p l i c a t i o n o r u s e t h e r e o f .N e i t h e r S c h n e i d e r E l e c t r i c I n d u s t r i e s S A S n o r a n y o f i t s a f f i l i a t e s o r s u b s i d i a r i e s s h a l l b e r e s p o n s i b l e o r l i a b l e f o r m i s u s e o f t h e i n f o r m a t i o n c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n .Product data sheetCharacteristicsLR9D32KITD18BDTESYS motor starter kit, LC1D18BD contactor,LR9D32 thermal overload relayProduct availability: Non-Stock - Not normally stocked in distribution facility MainRange TeSysProduct or componenttypeMotor starterContactor application Motor controlResistive loadUtilisation category AC-4AC-1AC-3Poles description3PPower pole contactcomposition3 NO[Ue] rated operationalvoltagePower circuit <= 690 V AC 25...400 HzPower circuit <= 300 V DC[Ie] rated operationalcurrent18 A 140 °F (60 °C)) <= 440 V AC AC-3 power cir-cuit32 A 140 °F (60 °C)) <= 440 V AC AC-1 power circuit Motor power kW4 KW 220...230 V AC 50/60 Hz AC-3)7.5 KW 380...400 V AC 50/60 Hz AC-3)9 KW 415...440 V AC 50/60 Hz AC-3)10 KW 500 V AC 50/60 Hz AC-3)10 KW 660...690 V AC 50/60 Hz AC-3)4 kW 400 V AC 50/60 Hz AC-4)Motor power HP (UL /CSA)1 Hp 115 V AC 50/60 Hz 1 phase3 Hp 230/240 V AC 50/60 Hz 1 phase5 Hp 200/208 V AC 50/60 Hz 3 phase5 Hp 230/240 V AC 50/60 Hz 3 phase10 Hp 460/480 V AC 50/60 Hz 3 phase15 hp 575/600 V AC 50/60 Hz 3 phaseControl circuit type DC standard[Uc] control circuit volt-age24 V DCAuxiliary contact com-position1 NO + 1 NC[Uimp] rated impulsewithstand voltage6 kV IEC 60947Overvoltage category III[Ith] conventional freeair thermal current10 A 140 °F (60 °C) signalling circuit32 A 140 °F (60 °C) power circuitIrms rated making ca-pacity140 A AC signalling circuit IEC 60947-5-1250 A DC signalling circuit IEC 60947-5-1300 A 440 V power circuit IEC 60947Rated breaking capacity300 A 440 V power circuit IEC 60947[Icw] rated short-timewithstand current145 A 104 °F (40 °C) - 10 s power circuit240 A 104 °F (40 °C) - 1 s power circuit40 A 104 °F (40 °C) - 10 min power circuit84 A 104 °F (40 °C) - 1 min power circuit100 A - 1 s signalling circuit120 A - 500 ms signalling circuit140 A - 100 ms signalling circuitAssociated fuse rating10 A gG signalling circuit IEC 60947-5-150 A gG <= 690 V type 1 power circuit35 A gG <= 690 V type 2 power circuitAverage impedance 2.5 mOhm - Ith 32 A 50 Hz power circuit[Ui] rated insulation volt-agePower circuit 690 V IEC 60947-4-1Power circuit 600 V CSAPower circuit 600 V ULSignalling circuit 690 V IEC 60947-1Signalling circuit 600 V CSASignalling circuit 600 V ULElectrical durability 1.65 Mcycles 18 A AC-3 <= 440 V1 Mcycles 32 A AC-1 <= 440 VPower dissipation perpole2.5 W AC-10.8 W AC-3Safety cover WithMounting support PlateRailStandards CSA C22.2 No 14EN 60947-4-1EN 60947-5-1IEC 60947-4-1IEC 60947-5-1UL 508Product certifications LROS (Lloyds register of shipping)DNVGLRINABVCCCULCSAGOSTConnections - terminals Control circuit screw clamp terminals 1 0.00…0.01 in² (1…4 mm²)flexible without cable endControl circuit screw clamp terminals 2 0.00…0.01 in² (1…4 mm²)flexible without cable endControl circuit screw clamp terminals 1 0.00…0.01 in² (1…4 mm²)flexible with cable endControl circuit screw clamp terminals 2 0.00…0.00 in² (1…2.5 mm²)flexible with cable endControl circuit screw clamp terminals 1 0.00…0.01 in² (1…4 mm²)solid without cable endControl circuit screw clamp terminals 2 0.00…0.01 in² (1…4 mm²)solid without cable endPower circuit screw clamp terminals 1 0.00…0.01 in²(1.5…6 mm²)flexible without cable endPower circuit screw clamp terminals 2 0.00…0.01 in²(1.5…6 mm²)flexible without cable endPower circuit screw clamp terminals 1 0.00…0.01 in²(1…6 mm²)flexible with cable endPower circuit screw clamp terminals 2 0.00…0.01 in²(1…4 mm²)flexible with cable endPower circuit screw clamp terminals 1 0.00…0.01 in²(1.5…6 mm²)solid without cable endPower circuit screw clamp terminals 2 0.00…0.01 in²(1.5…6 mm²)solid without cable endTightening torque Power circuit 15.05 (1.7 N.m) screw clamp ter-minals flat Ø 6 mmPower circuit 15.05 (1.7 N.m) screw clamp ter-minals Philips No 2Control circuit 15.05 (1.7 N.m) screw clampterminals flat Ø 6 mmControl circuit 15.05 (1.7 N.m) screw clamp ter-minals Philips No 2Operating time53.55...72.45 ms closing16...24 ms openingSafety reliability level B10d = 1369863 cycles contactor with nominal loadEN/ISO 13849-1B10d = 20000000 cycles contactor with mechanicalload EN/ISO 13849-1Mechanical durability30 McyclesMaximum operating rate3600 cyc/h 140 °F (60 °C)Relay application Motor protectionPhase failure sensitivity Phase difference > 40% 3 s IEC 60947-4-1 ComplementaryCoil technology With integral suppression deviceControl circuit voltage limits Drop-out 0.1...0.25 Uc DC 140 °F (60 °C))Operational 0.7...1.25 Uc DC 140 °F (60 °C))Time constant28 msInrush power in W 5.4 W 68 °F (20 °C))Hold-in power consumption in W 5.4 W 68 °F (20 °C)Auxiliary contacts type Mechanically linked 1 NO + 1 NC IEC 60947-5-1Mirror contact 1 NC IEC 60947-4-1Signalling circuit frequency25...400 HzMinimum switching current5 mA signalling circuitMinimum switching voltage17 V signalling circuitNon-overlap time 1.5 Ms on de-energisation between NC and NO contact1.5 ms on energisation between NC and NO contactInsulation resistance> 10 MOhm signalling circuitContact compatibility M4Motor power range4…6 KW 200…240 V 3 phase7…11 KW 380…440 V 3 phase7…11 kW 480…500 V 3 phaseMotor starter type Direct on-line contactorContactor coil voltage24 V DC standardThermal overload class Class 5 (30)Thermal protection adjustment range 6.4…32 AMaximum power consumption in W300 mWMounting support Under contactorPlate, with specific accessoriesRail, with specific accessories[Ue] rated operational voltage690 V power circuit660 V signalling circuit[Ui] rated insulation voltage Power circuit 1000 VSignalling circuit 690 VTripping threshold 1.25 In IEC 60947-4-1Control type Red push-button stop and manual resetWhite 2 microswitches adjustable trip classRed knob automatic resetGrey dial full-load current adjustmentTime range 1.5...4 min - automatic reset time[Ith] conventional free air thermal current5 A signalling circuitAssociated fuse rating5 A gG signalling circuit5 A BS signalling circuit[Uimp] rated impulse withstand voltage6 kVIP degree of protection Front face IP20 IEC 60529Front face IP20 VDE 0106Mechanical robustness Vibrations 10...150 Hz 6 Gn) IEC 60068-2-6Shocks 11 ms 15 gn) IEC 60068-2-7Connections - terminals Control circuit screw clamp terminals 1 0.00 in² (2.5 mm²) solid or flexible - with-out cable endPower circuit screw clamp terminals 1 0.02 in² (16 mm²) solid or flexible - withoutcable endTightening torque Control circuit 0.8 N.m screw clamp terminalsPower circuit 3.1 N.m screw clamp terminalsEnvironmentIP degree of protection IP20 front face IEC 60529Protective treatment TH IEC 60068-2-30Pollution degree3Ambient air temperature for operation23…140 °F (-5…60 °C)-40…158 °F (-40…70 °C) at UcPermissible ambient air temperature around the de-viceOperating altitude9842.52 ft (3000 m) withoutMechanical robustness Vibrations contactor open2 Gn, 5...300 HzVibrations contactor closed4 Gn, 5...300 HzShocks contactor open10 Gn for 11 msShocks contactor closed15 Gn for 11 msHeight 3.03 in (77 mm)Width 1.77 in (45 mm)Depth 3.74 in (95 mm)Net weight 1.08 lb(US) (0.49 kg)Standards UL 60947-4-1IEC 60947-4-1CSA C22.2GB 14048.4Product certifications CSACCCTÜVCULusAmbient air temperature for operation-13…158 °F (-25…70 °C) IEC 60255-8Ambient air temperature for storage-76…176 °F (-60…80 °C)Ambient air temperature for storage-67…176 °F (-55…80 °C)Operating altitude6561.68 ft (2000 m) without deratingFire resistance1562 °F (850 °C) IEC 60695-2-1Flame retardance V1 UL 94Electromagnetic compatibility Surge withstand 2 kV common mode IEC 61000-4-5Resistance to electrostatic discharge 8 kV IEC 61000-4-2Immunity to radiated radio-electrical interference 10 V/m IEC 61000-4-3Immunity to fast transients 2 kV IEC 61000-4-4Dielectric strength6 kV 50 Hz IEC 60255-5Height 2.85 in (72.5 mm)Width 1.77 in (45 mm)Depth 3.15 in (79.9 mm)Net weight0.40 lb(US) (0.18 kg)Ordering and shipping detailsCategory22350 - LR9D AND TESYS D STARTER KITSDiscount Schedule I12Package weight(Lbs)0.80 kg (1.76 lb(US))Returnability YesCountry of origin CNOffer SustainabilityEU RoHS Directive Under investigation。
ERJ-S08F2432V中文资料(panasonic)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」
× Resistance Values, or Limiting Element Voltage × Power Rating or max. Overload Voltage listed above
ERJS6S (0805) ERJS6Q (0805)
在70℃下 公差
Ambient Temperature (°C)
Type: ERJ S02,S03,S06,S08,S14中 S12中,S1D,S1T(Au类内电极型)
Type: ERJ S6S,S6Q(银钯基内电极型)
Type: ERJ U01, U02, U03, U06, U08, U14, U12,U1D,U1T(银钯基内电极型)
■ 特征
● 高抗硫化通过采用金基内电极来实现(ERJS0 / S1型)
ERJS1T ERJU1T (2512)
在70℃下 (W) 0.05 0.1
限制 因素 电压
(V) 25 50
极大 超载 电压
(V) 50 100
抵抗性 公差
Example: 222 2.2 k, 1002 10 k
Packaging Methods
Code Packaging C 2 mPrmesspeitdchC,a1r5ri,e0r0T0appcins.g
在RD-3X Dytronic设计过程时,许多Radian公司的设计特色被加入并得到了提高,附加了A/D和 DSP技术,加入了计算机支持功能,提高了Radian公司的电压电流互感器输入设计版本,这些技 RD-3X利用Radian设计的A/D线路结合了DSP的技术,这些 术使RD-3X成为便携式标准表的基准。 进步提供给用户高度的灵活性,包括同时、多参数的测量和谐波分析的能力。 A/D和DSP技术 为了加速测试进程,Radian公司已经将特制的A/D积分转换器设计在RD-3X中,有独立的电压和 电流的A/D线路,结合DSP技术的应用,使得RD-3X的性能得到了极大的提高。在独立采集电压 和电流数据时,RD-3X能非常容易采集A/D转换出的数字信号,处理数据,显示各种测量功能。 PC支持 为了增强分析测试能力,每一个RD-3X都有通讯口,这接口允许用户连接个人计算机运行Radian
3.0 技术条件
3.1 准确度 3.2 输入/输出 3.3 一般操作条件 3.4 准确度影响量 3.5 保护 3.6 外观描述
10 10 11 11 12 12
4.0 操作概述
4.1 测量原理 4.2 内部参考标准 4.3 输出方式 4.4 电压电流输入 4.5 辅助电源输入 4.6 钳形电流夹输入 4.7 脉冲输入 4.8 脉冲输出 4.9 模拟信号输入 4.10 串行通讯 4.11 传感器端子l 4.12 机壳接地、地、中性线 4.13 内置计算机 4.14 键盘 4.15 USB 4.16 LVDS 4.17 显示 4.18 RD-3X 电压电流量程划分
RD-3X 三相便携式电量标准表操作手册
1.1 强化的设计特点 1.2 实验室应用 1.3 测试装置中应用 1.4 现场测试应用 1.5 功率分析 1.6 用户负载测试 1.7 自动计算功能 1.8 软件包 1.9 安全设计
345 电能质量钳表 用户手册 (简体中文)说明书
®345Power Quality Clamp Meter用户手册(Simplified Chinese)October 2006© 2006 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved.Product names are trademarks of their respective companies.有限担保和有限责任Fluke担保在正常使用和保养的情况下,其产品没有材料和工艺上的缺陷。
只有通过Fluke 授权的销售店购买的产品或买方已经按适的国际格付款才能享受Fluke的担保支持。
额定电流 K2611 K1358 K3878 K2847 K4207 K1168/1167 K2698 9 9 9 8 13 15 15
额定电压 900 900 900 900 900 500 500
K3235 K2370
15 20
13 14
800 800
场管9Z24是一P沟道型 红笔接② 黑笔接③ ,测得压降约为0.5400
1 2 3 1 2 3
源 极
场管Z24是一N沟道型 黑笔接② 红笔接③ ,测得压降约为0.5300
P 沟 道
漏 极
N 沟 道
5 2
2.黑表笔接④ 红表笔依次接① ②③,测量压降均约为0.4400 3.黑表笔接④ 红表笔接⑤ ,测量压降约为0.800
4 3
FF100R12KS4(快速) FF150R12KS4(快速) FF200R12KS4(快速) BSM100GB120D BSM150GB120D BSM200GB120D FGL60N100BNTD(单管) 100A 150A 200A 100A 1 B
8550是PNP型三极管 黑笔接B极,红笔依次接E极与C极,测得压降均约0.7000
PA/V A SOLUTIONSVARIODYN D1Digital Public Address andVoice Alarm System2 | Voice Alarm is increasingly important in the safe management of buildings. A voice message informs occupants exactly what to do in an emergency and it is a long established fact that people respond more quickly and are more likely to take the correct action during an evacuation if voice messages are used instead of tone sounders.THE ROLE OF VOICE ALARM• Clear directions to people in the building• Live messages giving exactinstructions to people whoare not familiar with the surroundings • Customised pre-recordedmessages (available inmultiple languages)• Up to 20 minutes shorter response time to fire alarm• Serial Interface toHoneywell fire panels for EVAC guidance and time-controlled evacuation • High-end non-emergency features such asequalizing, automatic volume control and multi-channel announcements as well as backgroundmusic • Alarm cancellation and manual evacuation override controlBENEFITS | 3PUBLIC ADDRESS -MORE THAN VOICE ALARMVoice Alarm systems are more frequently used as public address and entertainment systems than only as automatic evacuation system inpublic buildings with a high number of visitors.• Paging and evacuation with zone-dependent messages • Integration with airport/train station managementsystems• Multiple channel/zone music broadcasting • Sport/concert hall and stadium sound systemintegration • Time-scheduled announcements• Touch screen operation panels• Operation from intuitive computer management systems • High quality background music for high class shopping experienceFEATURES PUBLIC ADDRESS PROVIDES ADDITIONALL Y:4 |Selecting, designing and commissioning a PA/VA system can be challenging. At Honeywell we have a team of experts that will help you build the most suitable system for your building.The first step is to decide exactly what type of PA/VA system you will need. This will largely depend on the size and functional complexity of your building.The following two types of systems are available that start from small ‘Compact Solution’ packages suitable for single storey buildings such as shops and offices and move up to a custommade ‘Modular System’ that will consist of a number of distributed systems linked together for large structures such as exhibition fairgrounds and airports.VOICE ALARMCOMPETENCE FOR YOU• Controlling and indicating equipment certified to EN 54-16 and EN 54-4• Complete range of EN 54-24 certified loudspeakers • Flexible systems that supports both simple and the most complex communication needs • High quality digital audio matrix• Intuitive touchscreen Graphical User Interface that manages the entire system • Phased evacuation scenarios • Situation, location & evacuation phasedependent voice messages • Exact guidance regarding evacuation routes• Freely configurableevacuation scenarios with logical dependencies • Dedicated Honeywelldesign and project supportSYSTEMS KEY FEATURES |5 LEISURE COMPLEXES SCHOOLS SMALL HOTELS OFFICESTHE COMPACT SOLUTION:COMPRIO D1An easy-to-install PA/VA system.Suitable for small to medium buildingswith up to 24 loudspeaker zones.APPLICATIONS• Leisure complexes• Supermarkets• Schools• Hotels• OfficesBENEFITS• Amplifier with build-in PSU available• ‘Off the Shelf’ Package• Installation within two hours• Only 8 HU rack space incl. amplifier,charger and batteries• Ensured compliance to ENstandards• Complete solution for up to 24zones• max. 2000 W output powerexpandable with additional DOM/AMPs6 | Our PA/VA systems can be distributed and networked together to deliver the most comprehensive and powerful solution for a wide range of applications. Suitable for mid to large and complex sites.THE MODULAR SOLUTION V ARIODYN D1• Industrial facilities • Universities• Airports and transport hubs • Stadiums• Exhibition halls and fairgrounds • Mega Shopping Malls • Large Office buildingsAPPLICATIONS• Scalable and modular to adapt to constant changes and demands• Supports a large number of evacuation and/or paging zones • Manages complicated evacuation strategies in the event of an emergency • IP connectivity tolink multiple nodes (VARIODYN D1 DOM)BENEFITS• Up to 120 announcements at the same time• Pre-recording and playbackof messages• Secured data link to various Honeywell Fire Alarm Systems• Decentralized and redundant system architecture• Interface to BuildingManagement Systems (e.g. Honeywell EBI)• Redundant network and Call Stations linksComputer Management Station (PAMMI)Decentralized | 7STADIUMS AIRPORTS SHOPPING MALLS RAILWAY STATIONSCUSTOMISED CONTROLThe PAMMI (Public Announcement Man Machine Interface) software provides monitoring and control of the Honeywell Voice Alarm System via a graphical user interface on a Microsoft Windows® based personal computer.PERFECT SYMBIOSIS VOICE ALARM AND FIRE ALARMAREA BY AREA, TARGETED AND ORDERL Y:EVACUATION PROCEDURE EXAMPLE AT THE AIRPORT• There is a short-circuit in the baggage sortingarea on the 1st sub-level,section B of the airport. • The fire detector detects the formation of smokeand transmits theinformation to the firealarm control panel.• The fire alarm system simultaneously initiatesalarms to the securityservices and the voicealarm system.• The security inspectorassesses the situation viathe video camera installedon-site and then activatesa stored a nnouncementto the personnel with thepush of a button.• Due to the increasingformation of smoke,the fire alarm systemautomatically closes thefire door in the affectedarea.Synergies arise through digital coupling of the fire alarm system with the voice alarm system, thus facilitating an orderly, area-specific evacuation during emergencies: If a fire is detected by the connected fire detectors and then received by the fire alarm control panel, this automatically activates the voice alarm system. The endangered areas are then selected automatically and informed via the PA/VA system, while at the same time the fire alarm control panel activates fire protection systems, for example, fire doors, air-conditioning and ventilating systems, elevator controls or smoke dampers.The combination of voice alarm and fire alarm technology not only offers functional advantages, there are economical advantages as well: PA/VA reduces the total EVAC time significantly, a PA/VA system is not much more expensive than standard sounders, while it adds valuable support by increasing productivity of building occupants.8 | | 9VARIODYN D1 AND COMPRIO PA/VA SYSTEM DIAGRAM Thanks to its modular construction and the varioussystem components, the VARIODYN D1 system can easily DCS Digital Call Station DSCF DSC for Firefighter Fire Alarm Control PanelInterfaceDOMAMP PSUDCSF 1/12Configuration via LaptopCD playerETCSDCS PlusCentral Operating Terminal(PAMMI, WINMAG, Honeywell EBI etc)Loop Isolator ModuleAdvanced,Automatic Volume Control10 | WINMAGPLUSONE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR ALLPERFORMANCE FEATURES OF THE VARIODYN D1 INTERFACE WINMAGPLUS DRIVER• System configuration readout of a VARIODYN D1 network to take it over via import files to WINMAGplus application.• Fault and status indication of the VARIODYN D1 system components: • DOM, SCU, DAL bus devices like DCS and • UIM, Amplifiers (each channel)• Audio and control contact inputs and outputsThe WINMAGplus hazard management system lets you create a scalable software solution with superb levels of integration with different sub-systems.In case of Voice Alarm system, VARIODYN D1 is connected via Ethernet/RJ45 to the same network as the WINMAGplus server. This enables the VARIODYN D1 integration with systems such as: fire alarm, fire extinguishing, smoke and heat control, escape routes, CCTV, access control, intrusion detection, emergency lighting as well as BMS and others via open protocols.• Call station function: • Microphone switched to pre-selectable or fixed targets for live-spoken announcements• Playback of pre-recorded announcements onselectable or fixed targets• Display, update and controlof: • Volume• Volume presettings (min., max., alarm)• Audio signal levels • Control contacts | 11Client Ma chinesHazardManagementVideo SystemsIntrusion Detection SystemsAccess ControlPublic Address & Voice AlarmFire AlarmFireExtinguishingFireControlsEmergency LightingBuildingManagement Systems12 | CHALLENGING PROJECTS REQUIRE BEST DESIGN AND EXPERTISEBY CEN/TS 54-32 EUROPEAN STANDARD VA SYSTEM CAN BE DESIGNED IN 2 WAYS TO ACHIEVE REQUIRED INTELLIGIBILITY: 1. Simplified, prescriptive method, requiring loudspeakers mounted every 6 meters or less.2. Detailed method, requiring in practice acoustics simulations as VA system design base regarding spacing, location, type selection, audio equalizing and proper orientation of loudspeakers.Acoustic simulations are paramount for a proper PA/VA system design in complex, tough and large areas. EN 50489 and CEN/TS 54-32 require minimum intelligibility level from installed VA systems. Installing and planning VA systems bears a risk of failure during intelligibily measurements in the handover phase. Toprevent such critical situations and underbudgeting of VA systems acoustic simulations are the only guarantee. |13EXAMPLE OF THE ACOUSTIC SIMULATION OF AN AUDITORIUM Acoustic simulation software provides to precisely and reliably assess sound pressure level (dB) and intelligibility level (STI/CIS). The software calculates the simulatedroom as a space map in 3D, enabling the user to verify the selected type, location and setting of loudspeakers.Voice Alarm system design for acoustically challenging areas must be based on professional, quality simulations,prepared by experienced acoustic experts.Our Technical Support Team provides expertise, experience, tools and wide portfolio of certified VA loudspeakers to assure our partners and system designers that Variodyn D1 system designs will pass acceptance tests.14 | VARIODYN D1 PRODUCT FAMIL YAll of the components of the VARIODYN D1 product family are compatible, interchangeable and optimally adapted to the customers growing needs. As varied as the requirements may be, all of the components are modular designed andcan be combined with each other quick and easy.ComprioComprio is a voice alarm system optimised for small and medium-size facilities such as schools,hotels, leisure centres and offices. It's characterised by its compact design, wide performance range and its flexibility.Digital Output Module (DOM)The Digital Output Module (DOM) is the heart of the Honeywell Voice Alarm and Public Address system. Managing either 8 or 24 zones the DOM routes up to 4 channels of audio from amplifiers to any individual zone or group of zones.Class D Power AmplifiersCombining the latest in digitalaudio technology with the integrity necessary for emergency Voice Alarm systems to satisfy the requirements of EN54 part 16.Direct Drive Power Amplifier4-channel Direct Drive Amplifier 4 x 300 W or 4 x 500 W power outputs or unit providing 4 x 125 W or 4 x 250 W power outputs with integral EN 54-4 certified battery charger.Paging Microphone DCSPlus The paging microphone allows for the selection of loudspeakerzones, and the transmission of voice announcements via programmable buttons.Ethernet Touch Call Station (ETCS)This EN 54-16 certified touch screen call station provides a user friendly, multilingual and multi-user interface support with high failure safety due to redundant transmission routes via Ethernet (PoE possible). It includes audio memory up to 27 hour and a USB stick can be connected to play audio files as well.Universal Interface Module (UIM)Interface module enables audio or control connection to third party systems such as CD players, security systems and other PA/VA or building management control systems.System Communication Unit (SCU)The System Communication Unit (SCU) is an integrated digital audio memory source able to simultaneously record and play back multiple audio data streams.PAMMI PublicAnnouncement User Interface The PAMMI software provides connection and control of the Honeywell Voice Alarm System via a graphical user interface on a Microsoft Windows ® based PC.Emergency Microphones Emergency Microphone used to select and broadcast pre-programmed alarm messages and live voice announcements during emergency situations by security operator or fire brigade commander. | 15LOUDSPEAKERSHoneywell offers loudspeakers, specially designed to meet various requirements and specifications in many project types e.g.Excellent acoustic performance to realize clear, understandable voice announcements or high quality background music.• Cost-effective types• Well designed, modern appearance• Easy for installation to reduce time, efforts and costs • Robust material to offer long lifetime•Models with ceramic terminal block and thermofuseCeiling Loudspeaker• Metal or plastic ceilingloudspeakers• Several power tappings withsimple setting• Partly dual-cone speaker toensure best audio performance • Appropriate for indoorapplications such as offices, warehouses, schools etcHorn Speaker• Clear voice messagereproduction for open and outside areas• Offers a high sound pressureand long-lasting weather resistanceSound Projector• Wide frequency response range,low distortion• Robust aluminum housing • IP65 rating• Best option for applicationssuch as corridors and railway platformsColumn Loudspeaker • Flat, directed soundpropagation, minimized reverberation• Intelligible voice and superiorsound reproduction • IP65 rating• Great choice for theme parks ,exhibition halls and any open, high-volume rooms with high reverberation time.Cabinet Loudspeaker• Simple power setting and easyinstallation• Practicable for wall mountapplication• Plastic, MDF or metal vandal-proof cabinetSpherical Loudspeaker• Where wall mount or ceilingmounting is not possible • Variable hanging height • 360° sound propagationSpecial Loudspeaker for tunnels• Specially designed and EN 54-24certified for tunnel applications • Boundary effect and loudspeakerphasing for best intelligibility inextremely difficult tunnel projectsEXTRACT FROM OUR EXTENSIVE PRODUCT OFFERINGS:00-0000 | DI | 01/ 21© 2021 Honeywell International Inc.Honeywell Building Technologies 715 Peachtree St. NE Atlanta, GA 。
DMC230 系列
在安装使用前,请详细阅读本手册,遵循以下注意事项。否则可能发生危险,严重时可能造成设 备损坏,甚至人身伤亡!
◆ 严格遵照执行国家及电力行业相关安全规程,严肃认真对待,以避免设备损坏以及人身伤害 ◆ 如果电流/电压回路经互感器输入,要确保电流回路接线时不能开路;电压回路接线时不能短路 ◆ 在拆卸装置面板时,应避免触及电路,包含电子电路,如果遭受静电,可能会受到损坏,电子电路也可能含
有致命的高电压 ◆ 装置带电工作时,请不要接触装置端子,以防触电 ◆ 装置接线完成后,请上紧螺丝,以防松动 ◆ 装置检修时,请确认是否已停电,不允许带电拆拔端子 ◆ 本手册仅限于相配套的DMC230系列数字式三相测控装置
2 装置使用与设置操作....................................................................................................................................................................... 4 2.1 显示屏与操作按键.................................................................................................................................................................... 4 2.2 测量数据的查看........................................................................................................................................................................ 6 2.2.1 电流/电压值的显示........................................................................................................................................................ 7 2.2.2 功率的显示..................................................................................................................................................................... 8 2.2.3 电度量的显示................................................................................................................................................................. 9 2.2.4 谐波/不平衡度的显示.................................................................................................................................................. 11 2.2.5 最大/最小值的显示...................................................................................................................................................... 12 2.3 参数设置的操作...................................................................................................................................................................... 14 2.3.1 地址的设置................................................................................................................................................................... 15 2.3.2 通信速率的设置........................................................................................................................................................... 15 2.3.3 CT/PT 变比设置 ........................................................................................................................................................... 15 2.3.4 电流额定值设置........................................................................................................................................................... 16 2.3.5 需量时间窗设置........................................................................................................................................................... 16 2.3.6 有功/无功电度清零...................................................................................................................................................... 16 2.3.7 最大/最小值清除.......................................................................................................................................................... 17 2.3.8 AO 通道设置 ................................................................................................................................................................ 17 2.3.9 告警限值设置............................................................................................................................................................... 17 2.3.10 通信口令的设置........................................................................................................................................................... 18
For other service manuals visit our website at:/service_manuals.aspDORNER MFG. CORP .INSIDE THE USA OUTSIDE THE USA P.O. Box 20 • 975 Cottonwood Ave.TEL: 1-800-397-8664TEL: 262-367-7600Hartland, WI 53029-0020 USA FAX: 1-800-369-2440FAX: 262-367-5827851-642 Rev. C7400 Series and 7400 Ultimate Series CE Drive PackagesInstallation, Maintenance and Parts ManualHorizontal Mount Vertical Mount Nose Bar MountDorner Mfg. Corp.2851-642 Rev. C7400 Series and 7400 Ultimate Series CE Drive PackagesTable of ContentsIntroduction........................................................................ 2Warnings – General Safety................................................. 3Product Description............................................................ 4Specifications..................................................................... 47400 Series Gearmotor Mounting Package Models....... 47400 Series Gearmotor Specifications............................ 5Fixed Speed Gearmotors............................................. 5Variable Speed Gearmotors ........................................ 5Installation.......................................................................... 6Required Tools................................................................ 6Drive Package Installation.............................................. 6Horizontal Drive Package........................................... 6Vertical Drive Package (8)Nose Bar Drive Package............................................... 10Preventive Maintenance and Adjustment......................... 12Required Tools.............................................................. 12Checklist........................................................................ 12Gearmotor Replacement............................................... 12Service Parts..................................................................... 14Horizontal Drive........................................................... 14Vertical Drive................................................................ 15Nose Bar Drive.............................................................. 16Return Policy.. (18)Upon receipt of shipment:•Compare shipment with packing slip. Contact factory regarding discrepancies.•Inspect packages for shipping damage. Contact carrier regarding damage.Accessories may be shipped loose.• See accessory instructions for installation.The Dorner Limited Warranty applies.Dorner AquaPruf conveyors are covered by Patent Numbers 7,207,435, 7,246,697, 7,383,944, additional patent pending applications, and corresponding patents in other countries.Dorner reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice or obligation.Dorner has convenient, pre-configured kits of Key ServiceParts for all conveyor products. These time saving kits are easy to order, designed for fast installation, and guarantee you will have what you need when you need it. Key PartsIntralox is a registered trademark of Laitram L.L.C. in the United States and / or other countries.IntroductionCAUTIONSome illustrations may show guardsremoved. DO NOT operate equipment without guards.851-642 Rev. C3Dorner Mfg. Corp.7400 Series and 7400 Ultimate Series CE Drive PackagesWarnings – General SafetySEVERE HAZARD!KEEP OFF CONVEYORS. Climbing, sitting, walking or riding on conveyor will result in death or serious injury.EXPLOSION HAZARD!•DO NOT OPERATE CONVEYORS IN AN EXPLOSIVE ENVIRONMENT. The electric gearmotor generates heat and could ignite combustible vapors.•Failure to comply will result in death or serious injury.WARNINGCRUSH HAZARD!•DO NOT place hands or fingers inside the conveyor while it is running.•DO NOT wear loose garments whileoperating the conveyor. Loose garments can become caught up in the conveyor.•Failure to comply could result in serious injury.WARNINGCRUSH HAZARD!•SUPPORT CONVEYOR SECTIONS PRIOR TO LOOSENING STAND HEIGHT OR ANGLE ADJUSTMENT SCREWS.•Loosening stand height or angleadjustment screws may cause conveyor sections to drop down, causing serious injury.WARNINGSEVERE HAZARD!LOCK OUT POWER before removing guards or performing maintenance. Exposed moving parts can cause serious injury.WARNINGBURN HAZARD!DO NOT TOUCH the motor while operating, or shortly after being turned off. Motors may be HOT and can cause serious burn injuries.WARNINGPUNCTURE HAZARD!Handle drive shaft keyway with care. It may be sharp and could puncture the skin, causing serious injury.WARNINGSEVERE HAZARD!•Dorner cannot control the physicalinstallation and application of conveyors. Taking protective measures is the responsibility of the user.•When conveyors are used in conjunction with other equipment or as part of a multiple conveyor system, CHECK FOR POTENTIAL PINCH POINTS and othermechanical hazards before system start-up.•Failure to comply could result in serious injury.Dorner Mfg. Corp.4851-642 Rev. C7400 Series and 7400 Ultimate Series CE Drive PackagesProduct DescriptionRefer to (Figure 1) for typical gearmotor assembly components.Figure 17400 Series Gearmotor Mounting Package ModelsExample:* Refer to “Ordering and Specifications” Catalog for details.Typical Components1Conveyor 2Mounting bars 3Gearmotor 4Motor BracketNOTEthe vertical drive package is shown above, but the horizontal and nose bar drive packages contain similar components.3214Specifications851-642 Rev. C5Dorner Mfg. Corp.7400 Series and 7400 Ultimate Series CE Drive PackagesSpecifications7400 Series Gearmotor SpecificationsFixed Speed GearmotorsVariable Speed GearmotorsThree PhaseOutput Power 0.37 kW / 0.74 KW / 1.11 kW / 1.49 kWInput Voltage 230 / 400 V .A.C.Input Frequency 50 Hz Motor RPM See BelowGearmotor Ratios 5:1, 7:1, 10:1, 15:1, 25:1, 30:1, 60:1Frame Size IECMotor TypeTotally Enclosed, Fan Cooled* Refer to “Ordering and Specifications” Catalog for details.Part Number m / min RPM@50 Hz N • mOutput Power Input Voltage Input Frequency Gearmotor Ratios Motor Type74U060HS423FN 7.02380.90.37 Kw 230/40017-58 Hz 60:1CE Rated, Painted Gearmotor 74U030HS423FN 14.046101.90.74 Kw 230/40012-80 Hz 30:1CE Rated, Painted Gearmotor 74U025HS423FN 16.85593.90.74 Kw 230/40012-80 Hz 25:1CE Rated, Painted Gearmotor 74U015HS423FN 28.39388.9 1.11 Kw 230/40012-80 Hz 15:1CE Rated, Painted Gearmotor 74U010HS423FN 42.714063.9 1.11 Kw 230/40012-72 Hz 10:1CE Rated, Painted Gearmotor 74U007HS423FN 56.718667.0 1.49 Kw 230/40012-72 Hz 7:1CE Rated, Painted Gearmotor 74U005HS423FN85.027946.01.49 Kw 230/40025-50 Hz5:1CE Rated, Painted GearmotorPart Number m / min RPM@50 hz N • m Output Power Input Voltage Input Frequency Gearmotor Ratios Motor Type74U060HS423EN2.2 - 7.32380.90.37 Kw 230/40017-58 Hz 60:1CE Rated, Painted Gearmotor 74U030HS423EN 3.0 - 20.446101.90.74 Kw 230/40012-80 Hz 30:1CE Rated, Painted Gearmotor 74U025HS423EN 3.7 - 24.45593.90.74 Kw 230/40012-80 Hz 25:1CE Rated, Painted Gearmotor 74U015HS423EN 6.1 - 41.59388.9 1.11 Kw 230/40012-80 Hz 15:1CE Rated, Painted Gearmotor 74U010HS423EN 9.4 - 56.114063.9 1.11 Kw 230/40012-72 Hz 10:1CE Rated, Painted Gearmotor 74U007HS423EN 12.5 - 77.718667.0 1.49 Kw 230/40012-72 Hz 7:1CE Rated, Painted Gearmotor 74U005HS423EN 39.0 - 78.027946.01.49 Kw 230/40025-50 Hz5:1CE Rated, Painted GearmotorNOTEContact the factory for details about beltspeeds other than those listed.Dorner Mfg. Corp.6851-642 Rev. C7400 Series and 7400 Ultimate Series CE Drive PackagesInstallationRequired Tools• 4 mm Hex Key Wrench •8 mm Hex Key Wrench •13 mm Open End Wrench •Flat Blade Screw DriverDrive Package InstallationHorizontal Drive PackageHorizontal Drive Mounting PositionsFigure 2Typical Horizontal Drive Package Components (Figure 3)Figure 31.Insert the drive spindle key (Figure 4, item 1) into the drive spindle keyway (Figure 4, item 2).Figure 42.Slide the gearmotor assembly (Figure 5, item 1) ontothe drive spindle (Figure 5, item 2).WARNINGSEVERE HAZARD!LOCK OUT POWER before removing guards or performing maintenance. Exposed moving parts can cause serious injury.WARNINGPUNCTURE HAZARD!Handle drive shaft keyway with care. It may be sharp and could puncture the skin, causing serious injury.1Motor Mounting bracket 2Upper Gearhead Mounting Bar 3Lower Gearhead Mounting Bar 4Upper Mounting Drive Spacer (x2) 5Lower Mounting Drive Spacer 6Bore Plug7Gearmotor Assembly8Hex head cap screw 5 / 16 - 18 x 0.75 9Hex head cap screw 5 / 16 - 18 x 1.50 10Socket head screw M10 - 0.50 x 35 mm 11Hex head cap screw M8 - 1.25 x 20 mm (x8)122314851-642 Rev. C7Dorner Mfg. Corp.7400 Series and 7400 Ultimate Series CE Drive PackagesInstallationFigure 53.Attach the upper gearhead mounting bar(Figure 6, item 1) to the motor mounting bracket (Figure 6, item 2).Figure 64.Attach the lower gearhead mounting bar(Figure 6, item 3) to the motor mounting bracket (Figure 6, item 2). Use Spacer (Figure 6, item 4)5.Attach the bore plug (Figure 7, item 1) and tighten the socket head screw (Figure 7, item 2). Snap cover onto bore plug (Figure 7, item 1).Figure 71212Dorner Mfg. Corp.8851-642 Rev. C7400 Series and 7400 Ultimate Series CE Drive PackagesInstallationVertical Drive PackageVertical Drive Mounting PositionsFigure 8Typical Vertical Drive Package Components (Figure 9)Figure 91.Insert the drive spindle key (Figure 10, item 1) into the drive spindle keyway (Figure 10, item 2).Figure 10WARNINGSEVERE HAZARD!LOCK OUT POWER before removing guards or performing maintenance. Exposed moving parts can cause serious injury.WARNINGPUNCTURE HAZARD!Handle drive shaft keyway with care. It may be sharp and could puncture the skin, causing serious injury.1Motor Mounting Bracket (Installed on Conveyor) 2Vertical Drive Bent Bar, Left 3Vertical Drive Bent Bar, Right 4Bore Plug5Gearmotor Assembly6Hex Head Cap Screw, 5 / 16 - 18 x 1.00 (x2) 7Socket Head Screw, M10 - 0.50 x 35 mm 8Hex Head Cap Screw, M8 - 1.25 x 25 mm (x4)127400 Series and 7400 Ultimate Series CE Drive Packages Installation2.Slide the gearmotor assembly (Figure 11, item 1) ontothe drive spindle (Figure 11, item 2).Figure 113.Attach the bent bars (Figure 12, item 1) to the motormounting bracket (Figure 12, item 2).Figure 124.Attach the bore plug (Figure 13, item 1) and tighten thesocket head screw (Figure 13, item 2). Snap cover onto bore plug (Figure 13, item 1).Figure 13211211 2851-642 Rev. C9Dorner Mfg. Corp.Dorner Mfg. Corp.10851-642 Rev. C7400 Series and 7400 Ultimate Series CE Drive PackagesInstallationNose Bar Drive PackageNose Bar Drive Mounting PositionsFigure 14Typical Nose Bar Drive Package Components (Figure 15)Figure 151.Attach the gear reducer mounting posts(Figure 16, item 1) to the nose bar side plate (Figure 16, item 2).Figure 16WARNINGSEVERE HAZARD!LOCK OUT POWER before removing guards or performing maintenance. Exposed moving parts can cause serious injury.WARNINGPUNCTURE HAZARD!Handle drive shaft keyway with care. It may be sharp and could puncture the skin, causing serious injury.1Bore Plug2Nose Bar Side Plate (Installed on Conveyor) 3Gearhead Mounting Post (x2) 4Gearmotor assembly5Socket head screw, M10 - 0.50 x 35 mm 6Hex head cap screw, M8 - 1.25 x 30 mm (x4) 7Hex head cap screw M10 - 1.50 x 16 mm (x2)217400 Series and 7400 Ultimate Series CE Drive Packages Installation2.Insert the drive spindle key (Figure 17, item 1) into thedrive spindle keyway (Figure 17, item 2).Figure 173.Slide the gearmotor assembly (Figure 18, item 1) ontothe drive spindle (Figure 18, item 2).Figure 184.Attach the gearmotor assembly (Figure 19, item 1) tothe gearhead mounting posts (Figure 19, item 2).Figure 195.Attach the bore plug (Figure 20, item 1) and tighten thesocket head screw (Figure 20, item 2). Snap cover onto bore plug (Figure 20, item 1).Figure 201212211 2851-642 Rev. C11Dorner Mfg. Corp.Dorner Mfg. Corp.12851-642 Rev. C7400 Series and 7400 Ultimate Series CE Drive PackagesPreventive Maintenance and AdjustmentRequired Tools• 4 mm Hex Key Wrench •8 mm Hex Key Wrench •13 mm Open End Wrench •Flat Blade Screw DriverChecklist•Keep service parts on hand. Refer to the "Service Parts" section starting on page 14 for recommendations.•Replace any worn or damaged parts.Gearmotor Replacement1.Loosen the screws and remove the cover(Figure 21, item 1) from the junction box located on the side of the motor (Figure 21, item 2).Figure 212.Refer to the wiring diagram (Figure 22, item 1) on the inside of the junction box cover.Figure 223.Loosen the wire terminals and disconnect the wires.4.Loosen the cord grip and remove the cord.WARNINGSEVERE HAZARD!LOCK OUT POWER before removing guards or performing maintenance. Exposed moving parts can cause serious injury.WARNINGBURN HAZARD!DO NOT TOUCH the motor while operating, or shortly after being turned off. Motors may be HOT and can cause serious burn injuries.ELECTRICAL HAZARD!LOCK OUT POWER BEFORE WIRING.Exposure to high voltage current can cause death or serious injury.WARNINGCRUSH HAZARD!•SUPPORT MOTOR PRIOR TO LOOSENING THE BOLTS.•Loosening motor bolts may cause it to drop down, causing serious injury.121851-642 Rev. C13Dorner Mfg. Corp.7400 Series and 7400 Ultimate Series CE Drive PackagesPreventive Maintenance and Adjustment5.Remove the bolts that connect the gearmotor(Figure 23, item 1) to the gearhead mounting posts (Figure 23, item 2).Figure 236.Remove the plastic cap on the end of the motor and remove the socket head screw (Figure 24, item 1) and the bore plug (Figure 24, item 2).Figure 247.Slide the gearmotor off of the drive spindle.1212NOTEBe sure to retain the motor output shaft key.Dorner Mfg. Corp.14851-642 Rev. C7400 Series and 7400 Ultimate Series CE Drive PackagesService PartsHorizontal DriveItem Part Number Description 1500379Motor Mounting Bracket(7400 Series)501193Motor Mounting Bracket(7400 Ultimate Series)2506202Upper Gearhead Mounting Bar 3506203Lower Gearhead Mounting Bar 4506204Upper Mounting Drive Spacer 5506205Lower Mounting Drive Spacer6807-1458Set Screw Collar 7906-061SS Hex Head Cap Screw,5/16-18 x 0.758906-064SS Hex Head Cap Screw,5/16-18 x 1.509921040MSS Socket Head Screw,M10 - 0.50 x 35 mm10960820MSS Hex Head Cap Screw,M8 - 1.25 x 20 mmItem Part Number Description7400 Series and 7400 Ultimate Series CE Drive Packages Service PartsVertical DriveItem Part Number Description1500379Motor Mounting Bracket(7400 Series)501193Motor Mounting Bracket(7400 Ultimate Series)2506200Vertical Drive Bent Bar, Left 3506201Vertical Drive Bent Bar, Right 4807-1458Set Screw Collar 5906-063SS Hex Head Cap Screw,5/16 - 18 x 1.006921040MSS Socket Head Screw,M10 - 0.50 x 35 mm7960825MSS Hex Head Cap Screw,M8 - 1.25 x 25 mmItem Part Number Description851-642 Rev. C15Dorner Mfg. Corp.Dorner Mfg. Corp.16851-642 Rev. C7400 Series and 7400 Ultimate Series CE Drive PackagesService PartsNose Bar DriveItem Part Number Description 1807-1458Set Screw Collar 2506206Gearhead Mounting Post(7400 Series Only)3506214Nose Bar Side Plate,for 7400 Series, Straight Conveyors506207Nose Bar Side Plate,for 7400 Series, Curve Conveyors506224Nose Bar Side Plate, A-Position,for 7400 Ultimate, Straight Conveyors506225Nose Bar Side Plate, D-Position,for 7400 Ultimate, Straight Conveyors506226Nose Bar Side Plate, A-Position,for 7400 Ultimate, Curve Conveyors506227Nose Bar Side Plate, D-Position,for 7400 Ultimate, Curve Conveyors4921040MSS Socket Head Screw,M10 - 0.50 x 35 mm5960830MSS Hex Head Cap Screw,M8 - 1.25 x 30 mm6961016MSS Hex Head Cap Screw,M10 - 1.50 x 16 mm (7400 Series Only)Item Part Number Description7400 Series and 7400 Ultimate Series CE Drive Packages Service PartsGearmotor Assembly1851-642 Rev. C17Dorner Mfg. Corp.851-642 Rev. C Printed in the U.S.A.Return PolicyReturns must have prior written factory authorization or they will not be accepted. Items that are returned to Dorner without authorization will not be credited nor returned to the original sender. When calling for authorization, please have the following information ready for the Dorner factory representative or your local distributor:1. Name and address of customer.2. Dorner part number(s) of item(s) being returned.3. Reason for return.4. Customer's original order number used when ordering the item(s).5. Dorner or distributor invoice number.A representative will discuss action to be taken on the returned items and provide a Returned Goods Authorization number for reference.There will be a return charge on all new undamaged items returned for credit where Dorner was not at fault. Dorner is not responsible for return freight on such items.Conveyors and conveyor accessories Standard catalog conveyors30%MPB Series, cleated and specialty belt conveyors 50%7400 & 7600 Series conveyors non-returnable itemsEngineered special products case by caseDrives and accessories 30%Sanitary stand supports non-returnable items PartsStandard stock parts30%MPB, cleated and specialty beltsnon-returnable itemsReturns will not be accepted after 60 days from original invoice date.The return charge covers inspection, cleaning, disassembly, disposal and reissuing of components to inventory.If a replacement is needed prior to evaluation of returned item, a purchase order must be issued. Credit (if any) is issued only after return and evaluation is complete.Dorner has representatives throughout the world. Contact Dorner for the name of your local representative. Our Technical Sales, Catalog Sales and Service Teams will gladly help with your questions on Dorner products.For a copy of Dorner's Warranty, contact factory, distributor, service center or visit our website at .For replacement parts, contact an authorized Dorner Service Center or the factory.Dorner Mfg. Corp. reserves the right to change or discontinue products without notice. All products and services are covered in accordance with our standard warranty. All rights reserved. © Dorner Mfg. Corp. 2008DORNER MFG. CORP .975 Cottonwood Ave., PO Box 20 Hartland, WI 53029-0020 USA USATEL 1-800-397-8664 (USA) FAX 1-800-369-2440 (USA) Internet: Outside the USA: TEL 1-262-367-7600 FAX 1-262-367-5827。
refrigeration dryer PRD125 PRD150 PRD175 用户操作手册 说
! IMPORTANT: The manufacturer reserves the right to mo-
dify this manual at any time. For the most comprehensive and updated information, the user is advised to consult the manual supplied with the unit.
b) on receiving the machine check its condition: immediately notify the transport company in case of any damage;
c) unpack the unit as close as possible to the place of installation.
, There are symbols whose meaning is given in the para.8.
1.3 Safety instructions
! AAllwwaayyssddisiscocnonnencetctthtehaepdprliyaenrcferofrmomthtehemmaaininppoowweerrssuupp--
The manufacturer declines any liability for damage due to alterations and/or changes to the packing.
Internal Structure:
A 0.006 0.011 0.15 0.30
B 0.043 0.051 1.10 1.30
C 0.059 0.067 1.50 1.70
G 0.035 0.043 0.90 1.10
松下 电动剃须刀 ES-LV53 使用说明书
使用电源适配器进行操作的情况下,不要用水清 洁剃须刀。 - 否则可能造成触电或因短路引发火灾。
本产品不宜供肢体、感官或精神上有残疾者、或缺 乏经验和知识者(包括儿童)使用,必须有监护者 从旁监督,并对本产品的使用加以指导,且对使用 者的安全能承担责任。并应照看好儿童,确保他们 不玩耍本产品。 - 否则可能导致意外的发生或受伤。
未命名-1.indd 1
2017/7/3 11:25:58
未命名-1.indd 2
2017/7/3 11:25:58
(家用) 电动剃须刀
型号 ES‑LV53
安全注意事项................................. 4
使用须知................................................. 7 部件名称................................................. 8 给剃须刀充电.......................................... 9 剃须...................................................... 10
未命名-1.indd 10
2017/7/3 11:26:06
►►使用修剪刀 向上滑动修剪刀操纵杆至“ ”位置, 使修剪刀直立。
按住解锁按钮 ( a ),向下滑动修 剪刀操纵杆,降下修剪刀。
修剪鬓角 将修剪刀操纵杆往上推,以打开修剪刀。 打开电源,将修剪刀放置在与皮肤成直 角(90度)的位置,然后从上向下移动 进行修剪。 预修剪 修剪刀可对较长的胡须进行 预修剪。
SGV SerieS 三栓式泵规格说明书
SGV SerieSSpecificationSbore x strokein 1.25 x 1.38 1.625 x 1.38 1.97 x 1.38(mm)(32 x 35)(41 x 35)(50 x 35)Flow Rategpm0.94 – 15.3 1.6 – 25.9 2.35 – 38.1lpm 3.56 – 57.9 6.1 – 98.08.9 – 144.2LH 2 gpm0.90 – 10.8 1.52 – 18.3 2.25 – 26.9Pump Design Ratinghp 15 – 20015 – 20015 – 200kw 11 – 15011 – 15011 – 150MaximumDischarge Pressurepsi 10,0006,0006,000bar 690420420NPSPRpsi1055bar0.700.350.353-cylinder SGV1-cylinder SGV• M odular, compact displacement pumps available in 1, 2, or 3 cylinder configura-tions provide a wide range of flows • V acuum jacketed cold end for minimal cooldown losses and economical operation, ideal for liquid hydrogen • P ressurized oil lubricated drive with integral oil pump and reservoir, allows higher bearing loads/prevent oil leakage • B elt driven by electric drive motors allows for extended pump duty • I mproved cold end assembly design extends seal life• S pecially designed for storage filling • S pecial medium to heavy duty applications• L NG, LN 2, LH 2 process• N 2, O 2, Ar, H 2• M ethane (LNG)• V acuum jacketed cold end withpressure oil lubricated drive end • P ositive locking coupling • S tandard suction adapter with Monel strainer• D istance piece with purge ports • H ot dipped galvanized steel skid • T EFC motor• H igh pressure relief valve with discharge line and surge chamber • D rip pan kit for LH2 only • S uction/vapor return manifold for multiple cylindersfeatureS & BenefitSapplicationSliquidS pumped typical Scope of Supply StoRaGe FilliNG PuMP60 HZ performanceManufacturingglobal service2321 S. Pullman Street Santa Ana, CA 92705 USA Tel 800.525.4216 (USA only)Tel +1.949.261.7533 Fax +1.949.261.6285**************•Gutenbergstrasse 1CH-4142 Muenchenstein Switzerland Tel: +41.61.413.0230Fax: +41.61.413.0233*****************•north americaatlantaAtlanta, Georgia, USA+1 404.696.8113 • Fax +1 404.696.8116*********************• californiaSanta Ana, California, USA+1 949.724.8636 • Fax +1 714.641.1921*****************• houstonHouston, Texas, USA+1 281.590.4800 • Fax +1 281.590.4801*******************• pittsburghImperial, Pennsylvania, USA+1 724.695.1910 • Fax +1 724.695.1926**************************• red deerRed Deer, Alberta, Canada+1.403.352.4436 • Fax +1.403.352.4439********************•torontoToronto, Ontario, Canada+1 416.502.1950 • Fax +1 416.502.1952*******************• internationalaustraliaDandenong, Victoria, Australia+61.3.9791.7888 • Fax +61.3.9769.2788*********************• BrasilSão Paulo - SP , Brasil +55 11 2341.7474********************• chinaHangzhou, China+86.571.8869.0788 • Fax +86.571.8869.0715***********• europeD-79415 Bad Bellingen Germany+49.7635.8105.0 • Fax: +49.7635.8965****************• indiaVadodara, Gujarat, India+91.265.283 0113 • Fax +91.265.283 0112*****************•KoreaYongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea+ • Fax +****************.kr• malaysiaShah Alam, Selangor D.Ehsan, Malaysia +603.5740.8770 • Fax +603.5740.8775********************• Bulletin No. ACD SGV-R3.09SGV SerieSoverall dimenSionS: TYPICAl 1 AND 3 CYlINDER – SKID MOUNTED• V acuum jacketed suction adapter (standard for LH 2)• P iping manifolds• C ontrol panel, manual or auto• L oss of prime detector (cavitation protection)• C ooldown lock-up controloptional acceSSorieS pump performance map1 SGV1 SGV2 SGV3 SGV2 SGV3 SGV1.625 x 1.381 SGV2 SGV3 SGV1.25 x 1.381.97 x 1.3810K 8K 6K 4K 2K 9K7K 5K 3K 1K 670552414276138621483345207695 101520253035402040 55 75 95 115 135 155Flow Rate – gpm Flow Rate – lpmD i s c h a r g e P r e s s u r e – p s iD i s c h a r g e P r e s s u r e – b a r1.50 [38]20.00 [508]10.75 [273]37.00 [940]34.00 [864]24.92 [633]19.42 [493]3.44 [87]28.00 [711]22.50 [572]59.50 [1511]7.08 [180]29.00 [737]27.00 [686]59.50 [1511]4.50 [114]7.00 [178]7.00 [178]9.50 [241]7.05 [179]12.79 [325]28.31 [719]1.94 [49](LH 2) 1 Cylinder SGV3 Cylinder SGV89.00 [2261]4.50 [114]REFinch/[mm]60 HZ performance。
492 27.4h17=465.8f0.6 13.1 4.5 R1.7 3.4
+0.2 0
5.1 39.7f0.2
86.4 39.7f0.2
72䭓ᄨ 21.6 492 27.4h17=465.8f0.6 f0.15 13.1 27.4 4.5 R1.7 3.4
插座型号 PY08, PY14 PYP-1 适用于1个插座 PYP-18 适用于18个插座 PYP-36 适用于36个插座 PYC-S 夹子
注. PYP-18和PYP-36可根据插座数目切成任何希望的长度。
MY2J (阻性负载)
ᇓੑ 嗻h
10000 110VAC
MY2J (感性负载)
ᇓੑ 嗻h
10000 110VAC
220VAC 1000
220VAC 1000
24VDC 100
PYP-A1 (1套2个)
5ҹϟ 5 29ҹϟ 36.3 3.3 38.5 4.5
DIN导轨/表面安装插座 背面安装插座
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ERJ G: 0201 ERJ R : 0402, 0603, 0805 ERJ E : 0603, 0805, 1206,
1210, 1812, 2010, 2512
Type: ERJ 1G ERJ 2R, 3R, 6R ERJ 3E, 6E, 8E, 14, 12, 1T
ÖPower Rating ´ Resistance Values, or Limiting Element Voltage
(max. RCWV) listed above, whichever less. (2) Overload (Short-time Overload) Test Voltage (SOTV) shall be determined from SOTV=2.5
n 特征
l 体产品小,重量轻 对于PCB尺寸缩小,重量轻产品
l 高可靠性 金属釉厚膜电阻元件和高可靠性三层电极结果.
l 与贴片机匹配 散装,编带和杂志包装
l 可焊性
l 低电阻容差 ERJ1G,2R,3E,6E,8E,14,12,1T系列...±1% ERJ2R,3R,6R系列............................±0.5%
and the last one denotesnumber of zerosfollowing.
Example: 103 ® 10 kW 1002 ®10 kW
l ERJ1G系列,±1%类型
ER J 1 GEF 1 0 0 2 C
ERJ3R1, ERJ3EK 1.10
ERJ6R1, ERJ6EN 1.65
4.00 1.50
-55 to +125
-55 to +125
-55 to +125
-55 to +125
-55 to +125
-55 to +125
电压 (V) 公差(%)
抵抗性 范围
T.C.R. [´10 /ûC (ppm/ûC)]
10至1M (E24, E96)
-55 to +125
10至1M (E24, E96)
-55 to +125
10至1M (E24, E96)
-55 to +125
(1) Rated ContinuousWorking Voltage (RCWV) shall be determined from RCWV=
l 参考标准 IEC 60115-8, JIS C 5201-8
n 零件编号说明
l ERJ2R,3R,6R系列,±0.5%类型
ERJ 3RBD1 0 2
Product Code
Thick Film Chip Resistors
Size, Power Rating Type: inchesPower R. 2R : 0402 0.063 W 3R : 0603 0.063 W 6R : 0805 0.1 W
ERJ3R1 (0603)
ERJ6R1 (0805)
ERJ3EK (0603)
ERJ6EN (0805)
ERJ8EN (1206)
ERJ14N (1210)
ERJ12N (1812)
ERJ12S (2010)
ERJ1TN (2512)
3.50 8.00
5.30 12.00 5.50
l 编带卷
B+ *B
Category Temperature Range (Operating Temperature Range) (¡C)
ERJ1G (0201)
10至1M (E24, E96)
-55 to +125
ERJ2RK (0402)
10至1M (E24, E96)
The first two or three digitsare significant figuresof resistance and the last one denotesnumber of zerosfollowing.
Packaging Methods
Pressed Carrier Taping 2 mm pitch, 15000 pcs.
Dimensions (mm)
0.30 0.10 0.15
0.50 0.20 0.25
0.80 0.30 0.30
1.25 0.40 0.40
0.80 0.30 0.30
1.25 0.40 0.40
1.60 0.50 0.50
2.50 0.50 0.50
3.20 0.50 0.50
2.50 0.60 0.60
T.C.R. Marking
±50 ´10 /ûC(ppm/ûC)
H (2R)
±50 ´10 /ûC(ppm/ûC)
(3R, 6R)
K ±100 ´ 10 /ûC(ppm/ûC)
±100 ´ 10 /ûC(ppm/ûC)
(3R, 6R)
Resistance Tolerance
l ERJ2R,3E,6E,8E,14,12,1T系列,±1%类型
ERJ 8 ENF 1 0 0 2V
Product Code Thick Film Chip Resistors
Size, Power Rating
Type: inchesPower R. 2R : 0402 0.063 W 3E : 0603 0.1 W 6E : 0805 0.125 W 8E : 1206 0.25 W 14 : 1210 0.25 W 12 : 1812 0.5 W 12 : 2010 0.5 W 1T : 2512 1W
60分钟. 13.0
(Unit : mm)
9.0 11.4
13.0 15.4
Product Code Thick Film Chip Resistors
Size, Power Rating Type : inchesPower R.
1GE : 0201 0.05 W
Resistance Tolerance
Code Tolerance
± 1%
Resistance Value
No marking K (2R, 3E)
4 digit marking (6E, 8E, 14, 12, 1T)
4 digit marking [12(2010 inches)]
Resistance Tolerance
Code Tolerance
±1 %
Resistance Value
´ Power Rating or max. Overload Voltage listed above
whichever less.
10Ð055 ¡C
70 ¡C
额定42负00 荷(%)
1G, 2R, 3R, 6R 14, 12, 1T
The first three digitsare significant figuresof resistance and the 4th one denotesnumber of zerosfollowing.