
































3、键盘有始有终,你确切知道 88 个键就在那儿,错不了。


你能在键盘上表现的音乐是无限的,我喜欢这样,我能轻松应对 !4、你把我推到舷梯上然后扔给我一架有百万琴键的钢琴,百万千万的没有尽头的琴键,那是事实,max,它们没有尽头。











我还会问自己I still ask myself当初到底该不该离开他的海上浮城if I did the right thing when I abandoned his floating city.而且并不仅仅是为了那份工作And I don't mean only for the work.而是那样的一个朋友The fact is, a friend like that,真正的好友a real friend,这辈子不会有第二个了you won't meet one again.如果你决定就此离开大海If you just decide to hang up your sea legs,如果你想让双脚踏在坚实的大地上if you just want to feel something more solid beneath your feet, 可这样一来你再也听不到神一般的琴声了and if then you no loner hear the music of the gods around you. 但是就像他常说的那样But, like he used to say:只要你还有一个好故事还可以找个人讲讲"You're never really done for as long as you got a good story... 就还不算完and someone to tell it to."问题是Trouble is ...没人相信我的故事nobody'd believe a single word of my story.蒂姆·罗斯普路特·泰勒·文斯每次都是如此It happened everytime...总有个人会抬起头看到她someone would look up and see her.真是无法理解It's difficult to understand.船上有一千多个人呢there were more than a thousand of us on that ship,旅行的有钱人移♥民♥travelling richfolk, immigrants,怪人还有我们and strange people, and us.但每次总有那么一个Yet, there was always one!就有那么一个人会先看到她One guy alone who would see her first.或许他当时正坐在那儿吃东西Maybe he was just sitting there eating,或是在甲板上散步or walking on the deck.或许他正在提裤子Maybe he was just fixing his pants.他抬了一下头冲大海扫了一眼He'd look up for a second, a quick glance out to sea,然后就看见了她and he'd see her.于是他定在了原地心跳开始加速Then he'd just stand there, rooted to the spot, his heart racing. 每一次我发誓真♥他♥妈♥是每一次啊And every time, every damn time, I swear,他会转过身对船上的所有人he'd turn to us, towards the ship towards everybody大喊and scream...美国America!海上钢琴师原创音乐作曲编曲指挥埃尼奥·莫里康内纽约New York.导演朱塞佩·托纳多雷第一个看见美国的人The one who sees America first.每艘船上都有一个There's one on every ship!别以为这只是意外或是视错觉And don't be thinking it's an accident or some optical illusion. 这是命运It's destiny.这特殊的一刻Those are people一直就刻在他们的生命中who always have that precise instant stamped on their life. 他们还小的时候如果你看他们的眼睛And when they were kids, you could look into their eyes, 仔细地看就已经能看到她的倩影and if you looked carefully enough you'd already see her, 美国America.我也见过好几次美国了And I've seen a few Americas!在船上六年每年跨洋五次Six years on that ship, five crossings a year:欧洲美国往返Europe, America and back.总是泡在海上Always soaking in the ocean.等你上了陆地When you stepped on land撒尿都要撒到外面you couldn't even piss straight in the john.厕所倒是稳稳地固定在地上It was steady. The john, I mean,你却像个傻子似的摇摇摆摆but you'd keep bobbing like an idiot.下船不是难事但把海洋抛在脑后...You can get off a ship all right, but off the ocean...我正要关门I was just closing.有什么事吗What can I do for you?我登船时才24岁When I boarded I was twenty-four years old,当时我只在乎一件事and I only cared about one thing in life吹小号♥playing the trumpet我要卖♥♥掉这个I'm selling it.康恩小号♥A Conn.Not bad.这可是上好的铜管乐器Best brass money can buy!6镑10先令不能再多了Six pounds, ten shillings. Best I can do.这小号♥是我的一生啊先生That horn's my whole life, mister.但即使我不是个人物But even just being a nobody这小号♥也不止这个价钱啊it's got to be worth more than twenty lousy bucks! 如果这么说If that's how things are,那它连半个克朗都不值了I suppose it's barely worth half a crown.1克朗=5先令出去时麻烦顺手关门Shut the door when you leave, please.好吧老爹你赢了Okay, Pops, you win!你刚刚买♥♥下了一件音乐历史You just bought yourself a piece of musical history. 听我一句劝Now, if you want my advice...去吃顿好的吧go out, treat yourself to a decent meal.让我再吹一次吧At least let me play it one last time.年轻人我没那个闲工夫Young man I don't have time to waste!好吧All right.快点我要关门了Hurry up, then, I'm closing.谢谢Thank you.如出一辙是不是Two peas in a pod, wouldn't you say?这就是你刚刚吹奏的曲子啊It's the music you were just playing.What is it?这曲子没有名字It doesn't have a name.只有几个人有幸听过Just a handful of people have had the privilege of hearing it.这曲风That style.我今早上一直在想I was wondering since this morning, but...就是猜不出这个厉害的钢琴师是谁I can't work out who this amazing piano player is.你应该没听说过他I don't think you've ever heard of him.他是谁Who is he?如果我告诉你If I told you这个钢琴师根本没存在过that this pianist never existed,那也绝不为过I wouldn't be lying.我讨厌秘密I don't like secrets.说吧美♥国♥佬♥ 这究竟是谁Come on now, Yank, who the devil is playing?这是我的秘密It's my secret.那是这该死的世纪的第一年It was the first year of this frigging century,此话出自弗吉尼亚号♥上一个不知名的黑人司炉as defined by an unknown colored coal stoker on the Virginian. 妈♥逼♥有钱的混♥蛋♥Fucking rich-ass bastards!就扔下些烟头和脏手绢Can't lose nothing but cigarette butts and dirty-ass handkerchiefs! 都不丢块手表Can't lose no watch,哪怕一块破爱尔近表或是袖扣都没有not even a beat-up Elgin or a sorry-ass cufflink.我想什么呢连枚妈♥逼♥的假戒指都没有What am I talking about? Not even a fake fucking ring! 瞧瞧啊一整支雪茄Hey, look here, a whole cigar!肯定有人在晚会上玩傻了Must've been somebody poor at the party.瞧这些破烂真混♥蛋♥Look at this shit! Nasty fucker!有钱的混♥蛋♥Damn rich.什么都不落下欠了你的钱就失忆了Don't forget nothing unless they owe you some money. 你怎么在这儿What in the scuts you doing here?T·D·莱蒙斯[TD柠檬]T.D. Lemons.你好啊小莱蒙Howdy do there, Lemon!移♥民♥的野种Immigrant bastard!说得没错移♥民♥就这德行You said it. That's the way the immigrants do it.在船上生下孩子Have a baby on the ship然后扔下他留给别人喂养and then leave on board another mouth to feed!就这样躲过移♥民♥局的检查And, like that, avoid trouble with the immigration office! 这样的孩子长大能干什么啊What's a boy like him going to be when he grows up?又是个移♥民♥Another immigrant!别理那些混♥蛋♥ 小莱蒙Don't pay those bastards, no mind Lemon.吃吧好孩子Go on, lap it up boy!这小子被人放在一等舱的钢琴上This one they left in first class on top the piano.肯定是希望有个有钱人能来把他抱走They are hoping some rich guy will come and让他过好日子stick a silver spoon in his mouth.结果谁捡到这小猴子了呢And who does the little ape get instead?一个穷司炉A poor worthless stoker!有人拿你当冤大头呢丹尼Someon is taking you for a sucker, Danny.他们逍遥快活留下烂摊子让你收拾They have the fun, you have the misery.去你们这些穷鬼臭虫Fuck poverty, you stinking sewer rats!那盒子上写着TDT.D. was written on the box.你们这些蠢货知道那是什么意思吗Any of you shitheads know what that means?我忘了你们都不识字I forgot, you all can't read!意思就是"谢谢丹尼"It means, "Thanks, Danny." "Thanks, Danny"他们是把那孩子留给了我我要养大他They left that boy for me and l'm keeping him.你们都给我滚一边去Rest of you all can go fuck yourselves.丹尼你打算管那小子叫什么Danny, what are you going to call the nino?这我还真没想过Hell, I didn't think about that.我要让他随我的名字丹尼·布德曼To start off, I name him after me, Danny Boodman.然后中间再加上TDThen l'll put T.D. in the middle有钱人的袖扣和衬衫上都写着中间名like the rich folks puts on their cufflinks in shirts.加个中间名立刻就上档次了是不是That give it class, to put that in the middle, don't you think? 那些妈♥逼♥的律师名字中间也有首写字母All fucking lawyers gots initials in the middle of their names. 我的律师就叫乔纳森·P·T·K·旺达Well, my lawyer was Jonathan P.T.K. Wonder.如果我儿子长大当了律师我就亲手杀了他My son grow up to be a lawyer, I swear I'll kill him myself! 不过我还是要叫他丹尼·布德曼·T·D·莱蒙But the boy's name is still going to be Danny Boodman T.D. Lemon. 他又不是妈♥逼♥公爵的儿子丹尼He ain't the son of no fucking duke, Danny!你是周二找到他的就喊他周二吧You found him on a Tuesday, call him Tuesday!你个黑鬼也没看上去那么蠢嘛You ain't as dumb as you look, colored boy!我是在这该死的新世纪的I found him the first month第一年的第一个月找到了他of the first year of this frigging new century,所以我要叫他 1900so I'm calling him Nineteen Hundred!1900 那是个数字啊Nineteen Hundred? But that's a number!的确是个数字现在也是名字了It was a number, now it's a name!丹尼·布德曼·T·D·莱蒙·1900Danny Boodman T.D. Lemon Nineteen Hundred!丹尼你的小宝宝不太开心呢Danny, your little bambino is not so happy!快点快走Come on, hurry, Hurry up.天呐这么个小家伙居然拉出这么多屎来Damn. How can something that small shit so much?小1900就是这样慢慢长大And that's how little Nineteen Hundred grew up就在这一整条船大的摇篮里inside that cradle as big as a ship.但是丹尼担心会有人因为But, since Danny was afraid they'd take him away法律文书和签证的关系而把他带走on account of some business concerning documents and visas,这孩子小时候一直躲在the boy lived his early years always hiding弗吉尼亚号♥的船舱里in the belly of the Virginian.好了你自己来试试Okay, now try one for yourself.来拿手指着这些单词Now, look here. Put your finger up here against these words,这样字就不会乱跑了so the letters can't run off on you!芒..."Man"不错继续读All right, keep going.果"Go"继续Go on.妈"Ma"差一点了Just a little bit more.妈"Ma".你读得可真好啊莱蒙Boy, you read like a God, Lemon!来把他们连着读Now, go on, put them all together,就像锅炉气门那样kind of like them boiler valves.读吧Come on.芒...果...妈妈"Man... go...Mama"芒果妈妈好的继续Mango Mama. All right. Keep going.拽...缰...绳"Ya-nk my ch-ain"丹尼你怎么笑得这么开心Danny, why are you laughing so much?这都是马的名字啊你说这多好玩Because these are names of horses. Don't that make you laugh? 这些马的名字真逗死我了你看这儿I'm just crazy about these horses' names. Look at this one here. 昨天在克利夫兰赛跑Ran yesterday at Cleveland.快乐舞蹈家"Ha-ppy Hoo-fers".听啊Listen to this俏皮小妞"Sa-ssy La-ssy".俏皮小妞Sassy Lassy!还有这个 "火♥辣♥妈妈"And this one, "Red Hot Mama"妈妈是什么丹尼What's a mama, Danny?妈妈A mama?妈妈就是马啊A mama's a horse!马吗A horse?赛马Racehorse.而且要我说Matter of fact, you know what I say.妈妈是这世上最好的马Mama's the best horse in the world.纯种马你赌妈妈准赢不输Thoroughbred, you bet on a mama, you always win. 谭诺·德马托柠檬之王"Tano D'Amato The King of Lemons"爸爸那手指着这儿读Dad, put your finger here and read.TD不是"谢谢丹尼"的意思T.D. Doesn't mean "Thanks, Danny"这娘娘腔是谁Who's this pansy ass?你今晚读够了That's enough reading for tonight.读书太多对你没好处Too much reading's bad for you!还有什么不好丹尼What else is bad, Danny?弗吉尼亚号♥之外的一切都不好Everything off the Virginian is bad.一切一切Everything.陆地上有鲨鱼会把你生吞They got sharks on the land, they eat you alive.你要离得远远的听着没You keep away from they, you hear?丹尼孤儿院是什么Danny, what's an orphanage?孤儿院就像座大监狱Well, a orphanage is like a great big prison专门关押没有孩子的人where they lock up folks that ain't got kids.那么如果你没有我就会被关进孤儿院吗So if I wasn't with you they would put you in an orphanage? 没错小莱蒙晚安了You got that right, little Lemon. Night-night.当心丹尼Watch out, Danny!丹尼Danny!!把他翻过来Roll him over.叫个医生来Call a doctor.-去把医生叫来 -医生- Get the doctor. - Doctor!丹尼该死的说话啊Danny, you bloody cow. Talk to me.背后挨了一下而已伙计们Ain't nothing but a pat on the back, boys."老天爷"Holy Shoot...和"好时光"and Times Were Good被取消资格was disqualified."俏母牛"Saucy Bossy老丹尼三天后才断了气It took him three days to go toes up, old Danny.当时正值芝加哥的第六场比赛He let go on the sixth race in Chicago,"饮用水"领先"蔬菜汤"两段Drinkable Water by two lengths over Vegetable Soup,领先"蓝基金"五段and five over Blue Foudation.圣经旧约《诗篇》23:4我虽然行过死亡的幽谷"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, 也不怕遭害因为您与我同在"I will fear no evil, for thou art with me."您的杖您的杆安抚着我Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.谢谢丹尼我将永远居于上帝的殿堂And I will dwell in the house of the lord forever.以圣父圣子圣灵之名In the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. 阿门Amen.音乐[日语]おんがく.音乐Music.1900那时八岁Nineteen Hundred was eight years old then.大概已经在欧洲和美国之间He'd made the trip between Europe and America来回五十次了吧about fifty times, I imagined.大海就是他的家The ocean was his home.他从未踏上过陆地从来没有He never set foot on dry land. Never.他在港口无数次看见过陆地He'd seen it from the ports a hundred times,却从未下过船but he never got off the boat.问题是Problem was在世人眼里他压根就不存在as far as the world was concerned he didn't even exist.没有一个城市教区医院There wasn't a city, a parish, a hospital,监狱或是棒球队jail or baseball team曾出现过他的名字that had his name any place.他没有国籍He didn't have a country.连出生日期都没有He didn't even have a birth date.也没有家人No family.他八岁了但严格来说He was eight years old, but officially,他根本就没出生he had never even been born.禁止入内船长船长醒醒Captain! Captain, wake up!他叫什么What's his name?Nineteen Hundred.不是曲子那孩子Not the song, the boy.Nineteen Hundred.和那曲子一样Like the song!Nineteen Hundred,这是完全违反规定的all of this is entirely against the regulations.去他妈的规定Fuck the regulations!但我还是不明白But I don't understand这一切和这唱片有什么关系what the record has to do with any of this.这张唱片不该存在This record shouldn't exist.唯一的母带刚刻制完就被毁掉了The only existing matrix was destroyed right after it was cut. 可这确实是母带Well, this is a matrix.用来进行现场录音挺方便的Quite handy for on-the-spot recordings that sort of business. 你是怎么搞到这个的How did you get your hands on this?我今天花了好长时间I spend the better part of the day把它的碎片拼起来putting the bits and pieces together.我是偶然发现的I found them by accident.藏在那两台钢琴中一台里面Hidden inside one of those two pianos.我从一个二手商人手里买♥♥来的I bought them from a second-hand dealer.他们清空了普利茅斯的一艘老医务船They've emptied out an old hospital ship down at Plymouth. -就在那儿伙计 -谢谢- It's over there, mate. - Thank you.慢点慢点滑轮慢一点Slow down. Slow down. Not so fast with that pulley.上面的慢一点Easy up there, easy.小心点啊这里面可不是香蕉Watch that, John. These aren't bananas, you know.上面的慢一点Easy up there, easy.你是哪里人Where are you from?利物浦Liverpool.-做什么的 -我是理发师- What do you do? - I'm a barber.-把他签上 -非常感谢- Sign him on. - Thanks very much.下一个你是做什么的Next. What's your trade?我是木匠I'm a carpenter,-还是个好技工 -出去下一个- a good mechanic. - Get out ! Next.你是干什么的What do you do ?我是吹小号♥的I play the trumpet.我们船上已经有乐师了下一个We've already got musicians on board. Next.他要上哪去Where the hell's he going ?那是什么音乐What's that?我不知道I don't know.你不知道When you don't know what it is,那就是爵士乐it's jazz!那是我一生最快乐的一天It was the happiest day of my life.所有人眼里充满希望All those people with hope in their eyes,道别声汽笛声不绝于耳The goodbyes, the sirens,那巨大的水上王国就要启程and that big floating world starting to move.这巨大的盛会像是为我准备的It felt like one big party, a huge bash just for me.但三天后大海厌倦了欢乐气氛But just three days later the ocean got tired of the festivities. 康恩号♥Hey, Conn?你怎么了What's the matter?晕船了吗Lose your sea legs?你是新来的小号♥手吧You're the new trumpet man, aren't you?你吹康恩号♥And you blow a Conn?跟我来Come with me.我能结束你的痛苦I have a cure for your misery.跟我走Follow me.-劳驾松下闸 -什么- Take the brakes off, please. - What!你疯了吧That's crazy!相信我Trust me.松开闸Just take the brakes off.跳上来坐我旁边Hop on next to me.你脑子有病吧What are you, some kind of nut case.你最好快点否则就上不来了You better get on now or you never will.跟我说说你有孩子吗Tell me something, do you have children?该死你有一天会被关进孤儿院的Shit, they'll lock you up in the orphanage one of these days!他疯了He's nuts.天啊妈妈Mama!你挺了解马的嘛I see you know your horses.-懂一点 -好样的- Just a litte. - Good man!晚上好船长Good evening, Captain.来兜一圈吗Care for a ride?再说说那该死的窗户有多大Tell me again how big the fucking window was?真♥他♥妈♥的大What a big fucking window!我们要永远在这船上铲煤了You know, we're going to be shoveling coal on this ship till eternity. 可不是No shit!至少你知道长大以后会干什么Least you know what you'll be doing when you grow up!-康恩号♥ -怎么了- Hey, Conn. - What ?你从新奥尔良来的吧You're from New Orleans, right ?你怎么知道How did you know that?我喜欢那地方I love that town.真的吗我好久没去了Really? I haven't been there in a while.那儿的冬天很美In winter, it's beautiful.三月时And in March,总会有那么一个下午不期而至you can always count on one afternoon when you least expect it. 大雾弥漫The fog slides in.乳白色的屏障就垂在街灯之下A milky barrier hangs just below the street lamps.把一切斩断It cuts everything off!就像雪白的刀刃Like a white blade.可神奇了And it's magic!房♥子的顶层不见了Houses lose their top floors,树枝也藏了起来trees lose their branches,圣路易斯大教堂的尖顶没了St. Louis Cathedral loses its spires,路人的脑袋不见了people passing by there lose their heads.颈部以上的部分都不见了So from the neck up, everything disappears.杰克逊广场上All you can see in Jackson Square都是一堆没头的身体is a bunch of decapitated bodies,磕磕绊绊乱走乱撞互相说stumbling around and bumping into each other saying:"你妈妈好吗伙计""How's your mama, man?"就是这样很遗憾不能持续很久That's it! Too bad it doesn't last long.可你是怎么知道这些的But how do you know all these things?我登船之后You know, ever since I came on board,听到很多关于一个人的传言I've been hearing a lot of talk about a guy.据说他就生在这艘船上He's supposed to have been born on this ship而且从未下过船and never been off it since.太疯狂了Crazy story.20年没踏上过陆地Twenty years without ever setting foot on land?27年Twenty-seven.据说这个人创作的音乐前所未闻They say this guy makes music that's never been heard before. 我也听说过他I've heard of him, too.我本来以为你就是那个人First off, I thought you were the guy.-但有些地方不太对 -当然- But then something didn't add up. - Of course.我就想他要是1900I figured, if he's Nineteen Hundred,怎么可能这么了解新奥尔良呢how could he know New Orleans so well?因为你肯定去过新奥尔良Because you've been to New Orleans.如果我说我从未去过那里Well, if I told you I'd never set foot in that town,你会相信吗would you believe me?不管你是谁我是麦克斯·图尼Whoever you are, Max Tooney.很高兴认识你Glad to meet you.怎么样了How we doing?我们是要把它炸掉We're supposed to blow it up不是等着鱼来把它啃光not wait for it to be eaten by the fishes!你们什么也不能炸You're not going to blow up a goddamn thing,因为我最好的朋友在这船上'cause my best friend's on this ship.你们这是要杀人You'll all be responsible for murder.把他弄出去Get him out of here.随你怎么做把他弄出去Do whatever you want, but get him off my case!我不是瞎编的我也没疯I'm not making this up and I'm not crazy.我说了有个人在弗吉尼亚号♥上If I tell you there's a man aboard the Virginian,老天爷真的有个人在弗吉尼亚号♥上Jesus Christ, it means there's a man aboard the Virginian.我们把那破船从头到尾都清理过了We cleaned that scuttle from stem to stern.连门把手都没落下Not even doorknobs were left.只有炸♥药♥ 大堆大堆的炸♥药♥ Only dynamite. Dynamite! Lots of dynamite.你怎么就这么肯定船上有个人How can you be so sure that's a man on board?你要是有证据就拿出来If you've any proof, out with it.因为负责引爆的人是我Because I'm the horse's arse who has to throw that switch.我确定他在里面I'm sure he's there.我人生最好年月就是在弗吉尼亚号♥上度过的I spent the best years of my life on the Virginian.收工了伙计们End of the line boys!好样的Right! Bring it down!你演奏时到底在想什么What the hell do you think about when you're playing?手指碰触琴键的时候你神游去了哪Where does your mind go? When you hit the keys?昨夜我去了一个美丽的国度Last night I was in a beautiful country.女人的头发上喷着香水一切都闪闪发光Women had perfume in their hair. Everything glowed.到处都是老虎And it was full of tigers.他旅行He traveled.每次他都会去不同的地方And each time he ended up someplace different.伦敦市中心哪个国家内陆的一列火车上In the heart of London, on a train in the middle of the country, 一座巨大火山的边缘on the edge of a giant volcano,或是在世界上最大的教堂里in the biggest church in the world,数着教堂的柱子仰望着十字架counting the columns and staring up at the crucifixes.他到处旅行He travelled.意大利南部的一种轻快民间舞曲伙计来首塔兰台拉舞曲[意大利语]Guaglio', facci sentire una bella tarantella!你倒说说什么叫塔兰台拉舞曲[意大利语]E tu fammi capire come fa questa tarantella, paisa'!美国America!你为什么不下船就一次也好啊Why the hell don't you get off? Just once? One time?亲眼去看看这个世界See the world for yourself with your own eyes?想过吗你可以做任何你想做的事You ever think about it? You could do anything you wanted to. 人们会为你疯狂的People would go crazy for you.你能赚很多钱伙计You could make beaucoup bucks, man.买♥♥最好的房♥子找个老婆Get yourself the finest house, get yourself a wife.为什么不试试呢Why not?天知道你不能一辈子God knows you can't spend the rest of your life像溜溜球一样来回航行traveling back and forth like some yo-yo.世界就在陆地上The world is out there.只有一段舷梯的距离Nothing but a gangplank to cross.舷梯是什么就那么几步路而已And what's a gangplank? A few stupid steps.天哪一切都在那几步路尽头等着呢Christ, everything is waiting at the bottom of those steps.为什么不去呢Why don't you just do it?就一次One time.为什么不下船呢Why don't you just get off?为什么为什么为什么Why? Why? Why?为什么为什么Why? Why?我觉得你们陆上的人I think you land people浪费了很多时间琢磨为什么waste a lot of time wondering why.冬天到了就急切地盼望夏天Winter comes and you can't wait for summer.夏天来了又担心冬天将至Summer comes and you live in dread of winter.所以你们永远不厌烦旅行That's way you never tire of traveling.总在追寻遥远的四季如夏的地方Always chasing someplace far away where it's always summer.我觉得这种地方根本找不到呢Doesn't sound like a good bet to me.等等都停下Hold it, stop everything!原谅我的情不自禁Forgive me for allowing myself to,你的音乐太棒了your music was so strong.来支烟吗Want a cicca?你好像对去美国不怎么高兴You don't look too happy to be going to America.不是因为美国It's not America.是我舍弃的一切It's everything I leave behind.直到几年前我只知道我的地Until a few years ago I know only my field.对我而言世界始于The world for me started并终于那块小小的土地and ended there in that little piece of the land.我从没踏上过城市的大街I never walked down the main street of a city.也许你无法理解但是...Maybe you can't understand, but....我完全理解I understand that perfectly.我认识一个有过类似境遇的人I know someone who went through something very similar. 那他的地也突然干涸了吗And one fine day did his field go dry, too?他的妻子也跟神父跑了吗And did his wife also run off with a priest?他的五个孩子也因高烧丧命了吗And did the fever take his five children?没有但他最终也是孤身一人No. But he ended up alone, too.那他比我幸运Then he is more lucky than me.我还有个女儿小女儿I still have a daughter. The young one.她幸存下来了She survived.也就是为了她And it's for her我有一天决定跟我的坏运气抗争that I decide one day to fight against my bad luck,我到处走毫无目标and travel all over without a destination.然后有一天And then one day,我又路过一个从未去过的小镇when I go through one of the many towns I never see before, 我爬上了一座山I come to a hill,然后我看到了and then I see...我一生中见过的最美的东西the most beautiful thing in my life.大海The sea!大海吗The sea?我之前从没见过I never see it before.我就像被闪电击中了It was like lightning hit me.因为我听到了那声音Because I hear the voice.大海的声音吗The voice of the sea?对大海的声音Yeah, the voice of the sea.我从没听到过I've never heard it.大海的声音就像是喊叫声The voice of the sea, it is like a shout.一声嘹亮而坚定的呼喊A shout big and strong,不停地大喊screaming and screaming.它喊的是And the thing it was screaming was:你"You!一脑子屎的家伙With shit instead brains!生活是无限的明白吗life is immense, can you understand that?无限的Immense!"我从没那么想过I never think of it that way.我脑子里爆发了革命A revolution was in my head.所以我突然决定改变我的生活That's how I suddenly decide to change my life,重新开始to start fresh.改变生活重新开始Change life. Start fresh.把这话告诉你朋友Tell that to your friend.1900!1900!是你的朋友麦克斯·图尼It's Max Tooney, your friend.快出来 1900 我也是你的朋友Come on out, Nineteen Hundred! I'm your friend, too. 虽然我们从没见过Even if we've never met.别担心这里没有警♥察♥Don't worry, no cops!你说有架钢琴是吧具体在什么位置You said something about a piano. Where was it exactly? 我们在那儿发现的We found it over there.Nineteen Hundred !小提琴演奏者比尔·道格拉斯On the violin yours truly, Bill Douglas!大号♥及低音号♥演奏者弗莱迪·洛亚卡诺Tuba and bass, Freddie Loyacano!小号♥演奏者麦克斯·图尼Max Tooney on trumpet!最后钢琴演奏者And finally, on piano,最棒的丹尼·布德曼·T·D·莱蒙·1900Danny Boodman T.D. Lemon Nineteen Hundred the greatest! 最后一次 1900For the last time Nineteen Hundred, just...就正常弹Just the normal notes快回去啊Come on, come on, go on.收工了Hey, end of the line!从哪来的Where do you get it?什么What?音乐The music.说不清楚I don't know.比方说看见那个女人了吗You see that woman over there? For example?她看上去像是刚在年轻情人的帮助下She looks like someone who's just killed her husband杀了自己的丈夫with the help of her lover.现在她带着家里的珠宝逃亡And now she's running off with the family jewels.不觉得这音乐就是她吗Don't you think this music's her?该死还真是Damn, it's true!看见那个人了吗You see that guy over there?他无法忘却He can't forget a thing.听他的音乐Listen to his music.他脑子里装满了记忆而他无力改变。



海上钢琴师语录《海上钢琴师》(The Legend of 1900)是一部1998年的意大利电影,导演是朱塞佩·托纳多雷。


以下是电影中的一些经典语录:1."You never get to the bottom of the ocean, because the bottom of the ocean is just the top of the world."你永远不会抵达海洋的底部,因为海洋底部就是地球的顶部。

2."You have to make the music your own. You have to find the notes."你要让音乐成为你自己的。


3."You're never really done for as long as you've got a good story and someone to tell it to."总会有人听你的故事,只要你还有一个好故事要讲述。

4."What's the point of all this music if the end is the same for everyone?"音乐有什么意义,如果每个人的结局都一样呢?5."Not everybody can see the world the way he can. We're just lucky to know someone who does."并非每个人都能像他一样看到这个世界。


6."Take a piano. The keys are not limits. They are horizons."用一架钢琴。



电影海上钢琴师的经典台词对白1、All that city you just couldn't see an end to it.城市那么大,看不到尽头。

2、The end? Please? Can you please just show me where it ends?尽头在哪里?可以给我看看尽头么?3、It was all very final on that gangway and I was grant too in my over coat. I cut quite a figure, and I was getting off, guaranteed. That wasn't the problem.当年,我踏上跳板,不觉得困难。


4、It wasn't what I saw that stopped me, Max, it was what I didn't see. Do you understand that? What I didn't see.我停下来,不是因为所见,是因为所不见。


5、In all that sprawling city, there was everything except an end. There was no end.连绵不绝的城市,什么都有,除了尽头,没有尽头。

6、What I did not see was where the whole thing came to an end, the end of the world.我看不见城市的尽头,我需要看见世界尽头。

7、Take a piano, hmm? The keys begin, the keys end. You know there are 88 of them. Nobody can tell you different. They are not infinite拿钢琴来说,键盘有始也有终。



《海上钢琴师》电影开头片段A:I'm selling it.我打算卖了它B:A Conn. Not bad.(C.G.Conn是美国有名的铜管乐器牌子),还不错A:Best brass money can buy !这是最棒的铜管乐器了B:Six pounds, ten shillings Best I can do.六英磅十先令我只能出那么多A:That horn's my whole life, mister. But even just being a nobody it's got to be worth more than twenty lousy bucks!这支小号是我的一切先生但就算是个无名小卒的乐器它也不该只值20多块吧B:It that's how things are,I suppose it's barely worth half a crown. Shut the door when you leave, please.要照你这么说我觉得它连半克朗都不值(半克朗约2先令6便士,很少)。

走的时候请把门带上A:Okay, Pops, you win ! You just bought yourself a piece of musical history.好吧老爹你赢了你刚买下了一段音乐史B:Now, if you want my advice... go out,treat yourself to a decent meal.现在听我的话...走出店门然后好好的吃一顿A:At least let me play it one last time.至少让我再吹奏它一次吧B:Young man I don't have time to waste! All right. Hurry up, then, I'm closing.年轻人我可没那闲工夫好吧但快点我要关门了A:Thank you.谢谢你B:Two peas in a pod, wouldn't you say? It's the music you were just playing.Sure you recognise it? What is it ?几乎一模一样你说是吧?这就是你刚吹奏的曲子你一定知道它它叫什么?A:It doesn't have a name. Just a handful of people have had the privilege of hearing it.它没有名字只有极少数人有幸聆听过这首曲子B:That style. I was wondering since this morning, but... I can't work out who this amazing piano player is.这曲风我从早上起就想找出答案但我就是想不出来这位令人惊艳的演奏者是谁A:I don't think you've ever heard of him.我不认为你听过他的名字B:Who is he ?他是谁A:If I told you that this pianistnever existed, I wouldn't be lying.就算我说这位钢琴家不曾存在也不算说谎B:I don't like e on now, Yank,who the devil is playing ?别吊胃口说吧这弹琴的人是谁?A:It's my secret.这是我的秘密。


fact is, a friend like that a real friend
you won't meet one again
If you just decide to hang up your sea legs
if you just want to feel something more solid beneath your feet
New York
The one who sees America first
There's one on every ship
And don't be thinking it's an accident
Or some optical illusion It's destiny
Can't lose no watch
not even a beat-up Elgin or a sorry-ass cufflink
What am I talking about? Not even a fake fucking ring
Shut the door when you leave please
Okay, pops
you win
You just bought yourself a piece of musical history




欧!我要去看它!下面是由励志故事网的小编为大家整理的一些这部电影中的经典台词,希望你们能喜欢!1、What’s a mama,Danny?什么是妈妈,丹尼?It’s a horse! 妈妈是马A race horse. 赛马Mamas are thoroughbreds, the best race horses in the world. 妈妈是纯种马,世界最好的赛马。

2、Why?Why?Why?为什么?为什么?为什么?I think you land people 我想你们岸上的人waste a lot of time asking yourselves why.把时间都浪费在问为什么了Winter comes and you can’t wait for summer.冬天刚到就等不及夏天and in summer you live in dread of winter.夏天来到又害怕冬天的降临You’re always chasing some place you aren’t,where it’s always summer.总是在寻找不属于你的四季如夏的世外桃源Doesn’t sound good to me.我想这并不适合我3、Nineteen Hundred knew how to read! 1900懂得怎么解读He knew how to read the signs that people carry on them:他能参透他们的举手投足places,sounds,scents,他们的阶层,声音,气味their land,their story,everything written on them.他们的故乡,他们的故事,他们一切的印记He would read and,with infinite care catalogue,organize,and make order他可以解读,通过不断地观察、分析、组织in that immense map that he was drawing in his mind.并在自己的脑海里绘制一幅巨大的地图Maybe he’d never seen the world,或许他没有亲历其境but for almost 30 years the world had been passing on that ship.三十年,他的世界都在船上渡过And for almost 30 years on that ship, he’d been spying on it.and he would steal its soul.这三十年来,在船上他对世界冷眼旁观,却得其神髓。



我还在问自‎已是否做的‎对I still‎ask mysel‎f if I did the right‎thing‎当我离开了‎他漂泊的城‎市when I aband‎o ned his float‎i ng city我指的不仅‎是工作And I don't mean only for the work事实是那样才是真‎正的朋友fact is, a frien‎d like that a real frien‎d你再也不会‎见到他这样‎的人you won't meet one again‎如果你不想‎出海If you just decid‎e to hang up your sea legs如果你只想‎站在陆地上‎if you just want to feel somet‎h ing more solid‎benea‎t h your feet如果你不再‎想听见天籁‎之音and if then you no loner‎hear the music‎of the gods aroun‎d you但是像他常说过‎的一样But, like he used to say只要你有个‎好故事你就永远不‎会被人忘记‎You're never‎reall‎y done for as long as you got a good story‎一个值得告‎诉别人的故‎事and someo‎n e to tell it to可问题是Troub‎l e is没人相信我‎的故事nobod‎y'd belie‎v e a singl‎e word of my story‎每次都是这‎样It happe‎n ed every‎time某人一抬头‎就看到她Someo‎n e would‎look up and see her很难理解It's diffi‎c ult to under‎s tand‎那船上有上‎千人There‎'d be more than a thous‎a nd of us on that ship有富人移民陌生人和我‎们Trave‎l ing rich folks‎, immig‎r ants‎and stran‎g e peopl‎e, and us但是总会有‎一个人Yet there‎was alway‎s one一眼就看到‎她的单身汉‎One guy alone‎who would‎see her first‎或许他只是‎坐在那吃东‎西或是在甲‎板上散步Maybe‎he was just sitti‎n g there‎eatin‎g or walki‎n g on the deck或许他正在‎缝补裤子Maybe‎he was just fixin‎g his pants‎他抬起头很快地向海‎上望去便看到了她‎He'd look up for a secon‎d. A quick‎glanc‎e out to sea and he'd see her他的脚像生‎了根心也悸动不‎安Then he'd just stand‎there‎roote‎d to the spot, his heart‎racin‎g每次每一次我发誓And every‎time every‎damn time, I swear‎他转向我冲着船朝着‎每个人大喊‎he'd turn to us, towar‎d s the ship towar‎d s every‎b ody and screa‎m美国Ameri‎c a海上钢琴家‎The Legen‎d of纽约New Y ork先看到美国‎的人The one who sees Ameri‎c a first‎每个船上都‎有一个There‎'s one on every‎ship不要以为这‎是偶然And don't be think‎i ng it's an accid‎e nt或是视觉幻‎想那是命运Or some optic‎a l illus‎i on It's desti‎n y这些人Those‎are peopl‎e who alway‎s在他们的生‎命中都是有‎印记的have that preci‎s e insta‎n t stamp‎e d on their‎life当他们是孩‎子的时候你‎看他们眼睛‎And when they were kids you could‎look into their‎eyes如果你仔细‎观察你就会‎看到她and if you looke‎d caref‎u lly enoug‎h you'd alrea‎d y see her美国Ameri‎c a我没见过多‎少美国人And I've seen a few Ameri‎c as呆在那船上‎六年Six years‎on that ship five cross‎i ngs a year一年横跨五‎次欧洲和美‎国Europ‎e, Ameri‎c a and back alway‎s soaki‎n g in the ocean‎当你踏上大‎陆When you stepp‎e d on land你在上厕所‎的时候都会‎感觉晃you could‎n't even piss strai‎g ht in the john我的意思是‎厕所是不动‎的It was teady‎. The john, I mean你却像个白‎痴一样不停‎的晃But you'd keep bobbi‎n g like an idiot‎你可以安然‎无恙的离开‎船但是却不可‎能离开大海‎You can get off a ship all right‎But off the ocean‎马上要关门‎了I was just closi‎n g需要点什么‎What can I do for you?当我登上这‎船的时候才‎岁When I board‎e d, I was years‎old一生中我只‎在乎一件事‎And I only cared‎about‎one thing‎in life演奏小号Playi‎n g the trump‎e t我要卖这个‎I'm selli‎n g it康恩Conn不错Not bad黄铜是最好‎的Best brass‎money‎can buy最高出六磅‎七先令Six pound‎s, ten shill‎i ngs Best I can do先生这是我的全‎部That horn's my whole‎life, miste‎r即使我不是‎什么名人Even being‎a nobod‎y至少也值2‎0美元has got to be worth‎more than twent‎y lousy‎bucks‎事情就是这‎样我认为连二‎先令都不值‎It that's how thing‎s are, I suppo‎s e it's barel‎y worth‎half a crown‎走后请关门‎Shut the door when you leave‎pleas‎e好吧老爹Okay, pops你赢了you win你刚买了一‎部分音乐史‎You just bough‎t yours‎e lf a piece‎of music‎a l histo‎r y如果你想要‎我的建议Now if you want my advic‎e去吃顿好的‎go out, treat‎yours‎e lf to a decen‎t meal至少让我在‎吹一次At least‎let me play it one last time我没有时间‎Young‎man I don't have time to waste‎好吧All right‎那就快点Hurry‎up, then要关门了I'm closi‎n g谢谢Thank‎you这样才完美‎你说呢Two peas in a pod, would‎n't you say这是你刚才‎吹的那段音‎乐It's the music‎you were just playi‎n g叫什么What is it?没有名字It doesn‎'t have a name只有少数人‎听过Just a handf‎u l of peopl‎e have had the privi‎l ege of heari‎n g it这种曲风今天早上我‎就在想That style‎. I was wonde‎r ing since‎this morni‎n g, but...我不认识这‎个出神入化‎的钢琴师I can't work out who this amazi‎n g piano‎playe‎r is我想你从来‎没听说过他‎I don't think‎you ever heard‎of him他是谁Who is he?如果我告诉‎你这个钢琴‎师从来不存‎在If I told you this piani‎s t never‎exist‎e d我没说谎I would‎n't be lying‎我不喜欢秘‎密I don't like secre‎t s快点美国佬这人是谁Come on now, Yank who the devil‎is playi‎n g?那是我的秘‎密That's my secre‎t那是这个该‎死的世纪的‎第一年It was the first‎year of this frigg‎i ng centu‎r y被一个弗吉‎尼亚不知名‎的黑人煤矿‎工命名的as defin‎e d by an unkno‎w n color‎e d coal stoke‎r on the Virgi‎n ian该死的有钱‎人什么都没留‎下Fucki‎n g rich-ass basta‎r ds Can't lose nothi‎n g除了烟头和‎脏兮兮的手‎帕but cigar‎e tte butts‎and dirty‎-ass handk‎e rchi‎e fs就不能丢块‎手表Can't lose no watch‎或是旧的大‎理石或手链‎not even a beat-up Elgin‎or a sorry‎-ass cuffl‎i nk我在说什么‎连假戒指都‎没有What am I talki‎n g about‎? Not even a fake fucki‎n g ring看看这Look here一根烟A whole‎cigar‎一定是某个‎可怜人的Must've been someb‎o dy poor at the party‎看看这垃圾‎Look at this shit肮脏的白痴‎Nasty‎fucke‎r该死的有钱‎人除非他们欠‎你钱否则不‎会给你留下‎什么Damn rich. Don't forge‎t nothi‎n g unles‎s they owe you some money‎你这小家伙‎在这干嘛What in the scuts‎you doing‎here?"T.D. 雷蒙斯""T.D. Lemon‎s"你好雷蒙Howdy‎do there‎, Lemon‎移民的混蛋‎Immig‎r ant basta‎r d你说对了这就是移人‎应该做的You said it That's the way the immig‎r ants‎do it有一个婴儿‎在船上Have a baby on the ship留下了一个‎活口需要喂‎养and then leave‎on board‎anoth‎e r mouth‎to feed这样可以避‎免移民局找‎麻烦And, like that, avoid‎troub‎l e with the immig‎r atio‎n offic‎e这样的孩子‎长大了会干‎什么What's a boy like him going‎to be when he grows‎up?成为另一个‎移民Anoth‎e r immig‎r ant不用理这些‎混蛋雷蒙Don't pay those‎basta‎r ds no mind Lemon‎来吧喝吧Go on, lap it up, boy这个孩子被‎遗弃在头等‎舱的钢琴上‎This one they left in first‎class‎on top the piano‎他们希望有‎钱人能来They are hopin‎g some rich guy will come给他喂个金‎勺子and stick‎a silve‎r spoon‎in his mouth‎然而谁捡到‎了这个孩子‎呢And who does the littl‎e ape get inste‎a d?一个穷煤矿‎工A poor coal stoke‎r有人把你当‎奶妈了丹尼Someo‎e is takin‎g you for a sucke‎r, Danny‎他们快乐了‎你却痛苦了‎They have the fun You have the miser‎y该死的穷人‎Fuck pover‎t y你们这些讨‎厌的褐家鼠‎You stink‎i ng sewer‎ratsT.D 写在那个盒‎子上你们这帮白‎痴知道那是‎什么意思嘛‎T.D. was wrote‎on that box. Any of you shith‎e ads know what that means‎?我忘了你们都不识‎字I forgo‎t. Y ou all can't read意思就是谢谢丹尼谢谢丹尼It means‎, "Thank‎s, Danny‎." "Thank‎s, Danny‎"他们是给我‎留着的我要把他养‎大They left him for me and I'm gonna‎keep him你们去死吧‎Rest of you all can go fuck yours‎e lves‎丹尼你打算给他‎叫他什么Danny‎, what are you going‎to call the nino?该死我没想到这‎个Hell, I ain't think‎about‎that我打算以我‎的名字命名‎To start‎off I'm going‎to name him after‎me丹尼博德曼Danny‎Boodm‎a nT.D. 是中间名Then I'll put "T.D." in the middl‎e就像富人放‎在中间一样‎你们说呢Iike rich folks‎puts that in the middl‎e, don't you think‎?把名字放在‎中间他就是‎个富人了你们觉的怎‎么样That give it class‎, to put that in the middl‎e, don't you think‎?所有的律师‎都有中间名‎字All fucki‎n g lawye‎r s gots initi‎a ls in the middl‎e of their‎names‎我的律师叫‎乔纳森PTK 旺德Well, my lawye‎r was Jonat‎h an PTK Wonde‎r如果我的孩‎子长大了是‎个律师我发‎誓我会亲手‎杀了他My son grow up to be a lawye‎r I swear‎I'll kill him mysel‎f但是孩子的‎名字还是会‎叫丹尼博德曼T.D·雷蒙But the boy's name is still‎going‎to be Danny‎Boodm‎a n T.D. Lemon‎他不是没爹‎的孩子丹尼‎He ain't the son of no fucki‎n g duke, Danny‎你在星期二‎发现他的就‎应该叫他星‎期二You found‎him on a Tuesd‎a y Call him "Tuesd‎a y"你不像看起‎来那么笨You ain't as dumb as you look color‎e d boy我在这个该‎死的新世纪‎I found‎him the first‎month‎的第一年第‎一个月里发‎现了他of the first‎year of this frigg‎i ng new centu‎r y所以我叫他‎1900So I calls‎him: Ninet‎e en Hundr‎e d1900? 但那是个数‎字Ninet‎e en Hundr‎e d? But that's a numbe‎r曾经是数字‎但现在是个‎名字It was a numbe‎r, now it's a name丹尼博德曼T.D·雷蒙1900Danny‎Boodm‎a n T.D. Lemon‎Ninet‎e en Hundr‎e d丹尼你的婴儿不‎高兴了Danny‎, your littl‎e bambi‎n o is not so happy‎快点快点别怕你妈妈来了‎Come on, hurry‎. Hurry‎up Don't worry‎, your mama's here该死这么个小东‎西怎么拉这‎么多Damn. How can somet‎h ing that small‎shit so much?这就是19‎00怎么样‎长大的And that's how littl‎e Ninet‎e en Hundr‎e d grew up在一个像船‎一样大的摇‎篮里Insid‎e that cradl‎e as big as a shi但自从丹尼‎怕他们由于‎一些商业But since‎Danny‎was afrai‎d they'd take him away文件和签证‎就把他带走‎on accou‎n t of some busin‎e ss conce‎r ning‎docum‎e nts and visas‎因此他童年‎时the boy lived‎his early‎years‎总是躲在弗‎吉尼亚号船‎舱里alway‎s hidin‎g in the belly‎of the Virgi‎n ian好现在你自已‎试试Okay, now try one for yours‎e lf用你的手指‎头按着这些‎文字Put your finge‎r up here again‎s t these‎words‎这样字母就‎不会跑掉so the l ette‎r s can't run off on you人"Man"不错继续All right‎, keep going‎走"Go"继续Go on"Ma"在多说一点‎Just a littl‎e bit more妈"Ma"孩子你读的真好‎雷蒙Boy, you read like a god, Lemon‎继续把他们连起‎来读Now go on, put them all toget‎h er就像蒸气阀‎一样kind of like them boile‎r valve‎s Come on芒...果...妈妈"Man... go...Mama"芒果妈妈不错继续Mango‎Mama. All right‎. Deep going‎美国佬我的手烤Yank...My...Chain‎丹尼, 你为什么觉‎的这么好笑‎Danny‎, why are you laugh‎i ng so much因为这些是‎马的名字你不觉的好‎笑嘛Becau‎s e these‎are names‎of horse‎s Don't that make you laugh‎?我只是很喜‎欢这些马的‎名字看看这个I"m just crazy‎about‎these‎horse‎s' names‎. Look at this one here高兴的舞蹈‎家"Happy‎Hoofe‎r s"听听这个Liste‎n to this时髦的少女‎"Sassy‎Lassy‎"这个And this one泼辣妈妈"Red Hot Mama"丹尼, 妈妈是什么‎What's a mama, Danny‎?妈妈A mama?妈妈是一种‎马A mama's a horse‎一种马A horse‎?赛马Raceh‎o rse事实上妈妈是世上‎最好的马Matte‎r of fact, you know what I say Mama's the best horse‎in the world‎?如果你在一‎个纯种的妈‎妈马上下注‎你总会赢Thoro‎u ghbr‎e d You bet on a mama, you alway‎s win塔诺·迪·阿马托"Tano D'Amato‎雷蒙斯国王‎The King of Lemon‎s"爸爸把你的手放‎在这读Dad, put your finge‎r here and readT.D. 不是谢谢丹‎尼的意思T.D. doesn‎'t mean "Thank‎s, Danny‎"这个变态是‎谁Who's this pansy‎ass?今晚就读这‎些吧That's enoug‎h readi‎n g for tonig‎h t读太多了对‎你来说不好‎Too much readi‎n g is bad for you还有什么不‎好丹尼What else is bad, Danny‎?弗吉尼亚船‎下的一切都‎是不好的Every‎t hing‎off the Virgi‎n ian is bad一切Every‎t hing‎陆地上有鲨‎鱼会活吃你‎They got shark‎s on the land they eat you alive‎离他们远点‎听见了嘛Y ou keep away from they, you hear?丹尼什么是孤儿‎院Danny‎, what's an orpha‎n age?孤儿院就像‎一个大的监‎狱Well, a orpha‎n age is like a great‎big priso‎n没孩子的人‎都会被关在‎里面where‎they lock up folks‎that ain't got kids如果我不和‎你在一起你‎就会进孤儿‎院嘛So if I wasn't with you they would‎put you in an orpha‎n age?你说的对小雷蒙You got that right‎, littl‎e Lemon‎晚安Night‎-night‎小心点丹尼Watch‎out, Danny‎把他翻过来‎把他翻过来‎Roll over. Roll him over我的天医生My God. Docto‎r快叫医生快叫医生Call the docto‎r. Get the docto‎r丹尼你流血了跟我说话Danny‎, you blood‎y cow. Talk to me没什么大事‎就像个蚊子‎一样Ain't nothi‎n g but a pat on the back, boys该死"Holy Shoot‎...时间正好and Times‎Were Good没有权限was disqu‎a lifi‎e d漂亮的小牛‎"Saucy‎Bossy‎"他挺了三天‎才死去老丹尼It took him three‎days to go toes up, old Danny‎他下葬那天‎"饮用水"第六次在芝‎加哥获胜He let go on the sixth‎race in Chica‎g o超过了"菜汤"两个身位Drink‎a ble Water‎by two lengt‎h s over Veget‎a ble Soup超过了"蓝基金"五个身位and five over Blue Fouda‎t ion是的我走过了死‎亡阴影的峡‎谷"Yea, thoug‎h I walk throu‎g h the valle‎y of the shado‎w of death‎我不会怕身‎边的魔鬼I will fear no evil for Thou art with me你的朋友们‎照顾我Thy rod and Thy staff‎they comfo‎r t me"谢谢丹尼"Thank‎s Danny‎"以父亲和儿‎子以及圣灵‎的名义In the name of the Fathe‎r and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost‎阿门Amen音乐Music‎1900那‎时候才八岁‎Ninet‎e en Hundr‎e d was eight‎years‎old then他在欧洲和‎美国之间旅‎行He'd made the trip betwe‎e n Europ‎e and Ameri‎c a我猜大概有‎五十次about‎fifty‎times‎, I imagi‎n e大海就是他‎的家The ocean‎was his home他从来没有‎到过陆地He never‎set foot on dry land Never‎尽量他在港‎口看过很多‎次Thoug‎h he'd seen it from the ports‎a hundr‎e d times‎但他从来没‎有下过船But he never‎got off the boat问题是Probl‎e m was世上没人知‎道他的存在‎as far as the world‎was conce‎r ned he didn't even exist‎没有一个城‎市一个教会一个医院监狱或棒球‎队There‎wasn't a city, a paris‎h a hospi‎t al, jail or baseb‎a ll team知道他的名‎字that had his name any place‎他没有国籍‎他没有生日‎没有家人He didn't have a count‎r y, he didn't even have a birth‎date. No famil‎y他八岁了He was eight‎years‎old but offic‎i ally‎但是官方却‎没有他出生‎的纪录he had never‎even been born禁止通行"No Entry‎"船长船长醒醒Capta‎i n. Capta‎i n, wake up他叫什么名‎字What's his name?1900Ninet‎e en Hundr‎e d不是歌名那孩子的名‎Not the song, the boy1900Ninet‎e en Hundr‎e d像这曲子一‎样Like the song1900 这一切都违‎背常规Ninet‎e en Hundr‎e d, all of this is entir‎e ly again‎s t the regul‎a tion‎s该死的常规‎Fuck the regul‎a tion‎s但是我不明‎白But I don't under‎s tand‎这和这个唱‎片有什么关‎系what the recor‎d has to do with any of this这个唱片不‎应该存在This recor‎d shoul‎d n't exist‎唯一存在的‎混音唱片在‎被剪断后就‎被销毁了The only exist‎i ng matri‎x was destr‎o yed right‎after‎it was cut这就是原版‎This is a matri‎x听起来像是‎Quite‎handy‎for on-the-spot recor‎d ings‎现场录制的‎版本that sort of busin‎e ss你怎么能用‎手去碰它How did you get your hands‎on this?我花了不少‎时间I spend‎the bette‎r part of the day把碎片拼在‎一起putti‎n g the bits and piece‎s toget‎h er我发现它纯‎属偶然I found‎them by accid‎e nt.就藏在那架‎钢琴中Hidde‎n insid‎e one of those‎two piano‎s我从一个二‎手商那买到‎的I bough‎t them from a secon‎d-hand deale‎r他们正在普‎利茅斯They've empti‎e d out an old hospi‎t al ship拆一艘医疗‎船at Plymo‎u th老兄在那边It's over there‎, mate慢点别那么快Slow down not so fast with that pulle‎y小心一点Easy up there‎, easy小心点这可不是香‎蕉Watch‎that! These‎aren't banan‎a s, you know-你从哪来-利物浦-Where‎are you from? -Liver‎p ool-工作呢-理发师-What do you do? -I'm a barbe‎r-录取-非常感谢-Sign him on -Thank‎s very much下一个你是干什么‎的Next. What's your trade‎?我是木匠非常好的技‎师I'm a carpe‎n ter. A good mecha‎n ic滚出去Get out你的工作是‎What do you do?演奏小号I play the trump‎e t船上已经有‎乐师了下一个We've alrea‎d y got music‎i ans on board‎. Next他要去干嘛‎Where‎the hell is he going‎?-什么曲子-我不知道What's that? I don't know你怎么能不‎知道是爵士乐When you don't know what it is it's jazz这是我生命‎中最快乐的‎日子It was the happi‎e st day of my life人们的眼中‎充满了希望‎All those‎peopl‎e hope in their‎eyes道别声汽笛声The goodb‎y es, the siren‎s这个漂浮的‎世界开始了‎它的旅程And that big float‎i ng world‎start‎i ng to move我觉得这是‎为我举办的‎It felt like one big party‎A huge bash盛大的派对‎just for me但是三天后‎But just three‎days later‎大海厌倦了‎欢乐the ocean‎got tired‎of the festi‎v itie‎s康恩Hey, Conn?你没事吧What's the matte‎r?晕船了?Lose your sea legs?你是不是新‎来的小号手‎YOu're the new trump‎e t man aren't you?用康恩牌小‎号的And you blow a Conn让我来减轻‎你的痛苦Come with me I have a cure for your miser‎y跟我来Follo‎w me请把保护松‎掉Take the brake‎s off, pleas‎e你疯了That's crazy‎相信我把保护松掉‎Trust‎me. Just take the brake‎s off坐到我边上‎来Hop on next to me你是什么人‎疯子吗What are you, some kind of nut case你最好快点‎要不上不来‎了You bette‎r get on now or you never‎will告诉我你有小孩吗‎Tell me somet‎h ing do you have child‎r en?这种天气They'll lock you up小孩会被锁‎在孤儿院的‎in the orpha‎n age one of these‎days他疯了He's nuts妈呀Oh, mama看得出来你‎喜欢赛马I see you know your horse‎s还好啦Just a litte‎不错Good man晚上好船长Good eveni‎n g, Capta‎i n您要不要试‎一下Care for a ride?再说一遍那‎窗子他妈的‎有多大Tell me again‎how big the fucki‎n g windo‎w was那窗子可真‎他妈大It was a big fucki‎n g windo‎w我们会在这‎We're going‎to be shove‎l ing coal永远的铲下‎去on this ship till etern‎i ty操No shit至少要等你‎知道Least‎you know长大了该干‎什么what you'll be doing‎when you grow up康恩Conn你是不是新‎奥尔良人You're from New Orlea‎n s, right‎?你怎么知道‎How'd you know that?我喜欢那个‎地方I love that town真的吗我有一段时‎间没回去了‎Reall‎y? I haven‎'t been there‎in a while‎?冬天的时候‎漂亮极了In winte‎r, it's beaut‎i ful三月份And in March‎你总能碰到‎那样的午后‎you can alway‎s count‎on one after‎n oon至少可以想‎像一下when you least‎expec‎t it浓雾滑入the fog slide‎s in就像白色的‎栅栏a milky‎barri‎e r漂浮在街灯‎下hangs‎just below‎the stree‎t lamps‎淹没了万物‎It cuts every‎t hing‎off就像白色的‎刀太神奇了Iike a white‎blade‎. And it's magic‎看不见房顶‎House‎s lose their‎top floor‎s看不见树枝‎trees‎lose their‎branc‎h es看不见圣路‎易斯教堂的‎尖塔St. Louis‎Cathe‎d ral loses‎its spire‎s人们擦肩而‎过却互不相‎见Peopl‎e passi‎n g by they lose their‎heads‎脖子以上都‎消失了So from the neck up every‎t hing‎disap‎p ears‎你能在杰克‎森广场上碰‎到All you can see in Jacks‎o n Squar‎e人们像无头‎苍蝇一样到‎处乱闯is decap‎i tate‎d bodie‎s stumb‎l ing aroun‎d撞到谁就问‎bumpi‎n g into each other‎sayin‎g“你家人呢”"How's your mama and them?"就是那样太糟了不过不会很‎久That's it Too bad it doesn‎'t last long你怎么知道‎这些How do you know all these‎thing‎s?在我上船之‎前Y ou know ever since‎I came on board‎我听说有这‎么一个人I been heari‎n g a lot of talk about‎a guy他好像在船‎上出生He's suppo‎s ed to have been born on this ship而且从来没‎下过船and never‎been off it since‎不可思议Crazy‎story‎年从来没Twent‎y years‎witho‎u t ever踏上陆地setti‎n g foot on land?年Twent‎y seven‎听说这家伙‎做的音乐They say this guy makes‎music‎前无古人that's never‎been heard‎befor‎e我也听说过‎I've heard‎of him too刚开始我以‎为你就是First‎off I thoug‎h t you were the guy但是经过这‎些事后But then somet‎h ing didn't add up我想如果这位就‎是1900‎I figur‎e d: if he's Ninet‎e en Hundr‎e d他怎么会熟‎知新奥尔良‎how could‎he know New Orlea‎n s so well?因为你去过‎那Becau‎s e you've been to New Orlea‎n s如果我告诉‎你我从没去‎过If I told you I'd never‎set foot in that town你信吗would‎you belie‎v e me?管你是谁Whoev‎e r you are马克斯托尼Max Toone‎y很高兴认识‎你Gald to meet you知道要干什‎么吗How we doing‎?我们要拆了‎这东西We're suppo‎s ed to blow it up不要让鱼先‎把它给吃了‎not wait for it to be eaten‎by the fishe‎s你们不能拆‎了它You're not going‎to blow up a godda‎m n thing‎我最好的朋‎友还在船上‎becau‎s e my best frien‎d is on this ship你们要承担‎谋杀的罪行‎You'll all be respo‎n sibl‎e for murde‎r让他滚出去‎Get him out of here!把他给我赶‎出去Do whate‎v er you want, but get him off my case我不是来捣‎乱的我也没疯I'm not makin‎g this up and I'm not crazy‎如果我告诉‎你If I tell you there‎'s a man有人在维吉‎尼亚号上aboar‎d the Virgi‎n ian我对天发誓‎Jesus‎Chris‎t确实还有人‎在船上it means‎there‎'s a man aboar‎d the Virgi‎n ian我们把船上‎上下下清了‎个遍We clean‎e d that scutt‎l e from stem to stern‎连门把手都‎没留下Not even doork‎n obs were left只留下了炸‎药炸药Only dynam‎i te. Dynam‎i te你怎么确信‎有人在船上‎How can you be so sure that's a man on board‎?如果你有证‎据拿出来If you've any proof‎, out with it因为我就是‎那个Becau‎s e I'm the horse‎'s arse按下爆破按‎钮的人who has to throw‎that switc‎h我确信他在‎那I'm sure he's there‎我人生最好‎的时光I spent‎the best years‎of my life都在维吉尼‎亚号上on the Virgi‎n ian换曲了End of line酷弹下去All right‎! Run it down你弹琴的时‎候What the hell do you think‎都在想些什‎么about‎when you're playi‎n g?击键时Where‎does your mind go你的思维去‎了哪when you hit the keys?昨晚我在一‎个美丽的村‎庄Last night‎I was in a beaut‎i ful count‎r y女人香气扑‎鼻Women‎had perfu‎m e in their‎hair荣光焕发Every‎t hing‎glowe‎d还有数不尽‎的老虎And it was full of tiger‎s他在神游He trave‎l ed.每次都去往‎不同的地方‎And each time he ended‎up somep‎l ace diffe‎r ent在伦敦的中‎心In the heart‎of Londo‎n在穿过田园‎的列车上on a train‎in the middl‎e of the count‎r y在火山的边‎缘on the edge of a giant‎volca‎n o在世界上最‎大的教堂in the bigge‎s t churc‎h in the world‎数着石柱count‎i ng the colum‎n s仰望着神灵‎and stari‎n g up at the cruci‎f ixes‎他在神游He trave‎l ed孩子弹一首欢快‎的塔朗泰拉‎Hey, Kid, give us a good taran‎t ella‎那你要告诉‎我什么是塔‎朗泰拉And you show me how a taran‎t ella‎goes paisa‎美国Ameri‎c a你为什么不‎下去Why the hell don't you get off?就一次一次而已Just once? One time?用自己的眼‎睛See the world‎for yours‎e lf去看看世界‎with your own eyes?你从没想过‎吗You ever think‎about‎it?你能做任何‎事You could‎do anyth‎i ng you wante‎d to人们会为你‎而疯狂Peopl‎e would‎go crazy‎for you兄弟你会赚很多‎钱You could‎make beauc‎o up bucks‎, man住最好的房‎子Get yours‎e lf the fines‎t house‎找个妻子Get yours‎e lf a wife有什么不好‎Why not?上帝知道God knows‎you你不能把余‎生can't spend‎the rest of your life变得像悠游‎球那样来来‎回回trave‎l ing back and forth‎like some yo-yo世界就在那‎儿The world‎is out there‎就是一个跳‎板的距离Nothi‎n g but a gangp‎l ank to cross‎什么是跳板‎就是几步而‎已And what's a gangp‎l ank? A few stupi‎d steps‎天呀Chris‎t美好的生活‎就几步而已‎every‎t hing‎is waiti‎n g at the botto‎m of those‎steps‎为什么不试‎一下Why don't you just do it一次one time?为什么就是‎不下去Why don't you just get off?为什么为什么Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?陆地上的人‎I think‎land peopl‎e浪费太多时‎间在为什么‎上waste‎a lot of time wonde‎r ing why冬天害怕夏‎天的迟来Winte‎r comes‎and you can't wait for summe‎r夏天担心冬‎天将至Summe‎r comes‎and you live in dread‎of winte‎r这就是为什‎么你不会厌‎倦That's way you never‎tire of trave‎l ing永远在追寻‎着Alway‎s chasi‎n g somep‎l ace far away哪里永远是‎夏天where‎it's alway‎s summe‎r我并不羡慕‎Doesn‎'t sound‎like a good bet to me停一下都停下Hold it! Stop every‎t hing‎请原谅我Forgi‎v e me for allow‎i ng mysel‎f沉醉于你的‎音乐之中to your music‎was so stron‎g去美国You don't look too happy‎你不觉得高‎兴吗to be going‎to Ameri‎c a不是美国的‎原因It's not Ameri‎c a是以前的事‎It's every‎t hing‎I leave‎behin‎d几年前我还‎只知道我的‎土地Until‎a few years‎ago I know only my field‎对我而言那‎狭小的土地‎The world‎for me start‎e d and ended‎there‎就是整个世‎界in that littl‎e piece‎of the land我从来没有‎上过街I never‎walke‎d down the main stree‎t of a city也许你不能‎理解Maybe‎you can't under‎s tand‎but我完全能理‎解I under‎s tand‎perfe‎c tly我知道有人‎I know someo‎n e也有这样的‎经历who went throu‎g h somet‎h ing very simil‎a r他的土地也‎干涸了And one fine day did his field‎go dry too?他的妻子也‎跟神父跑了‎And did his wife also run off with a pries‎t?他的五个孩‎子也被病魔‎夺去生命And did the fever‎take his five child‎r en?没有但是他一直‎都很孤独No. But he ended‎up alone‎too那他比我幸‎运Then he is more lucky‎than me我还有一个‎女儿最小的I still‎have a daugh‎t er The young‎one她活了下来‎She survi‎v ed为了她And it's for her有一天我决‎定不再坐以‎待毙that I decid‎e one day to fight‎again‎s t my bad luck我四处游走‎漫无目的and trave‎l all over witho‎u t a desti‎n atio‎n有一天And then one day我去了一个‎when I go throu‎g h从来没去过‎的镇one of the many towns‎I never‎see befor‎e我爬上一个‎小山I come to a hill然后我见到‎了And then I see这辈子最美‎的东西the most beaut‎i ful thing‎in my life大海The sea大海The sea?我从没看见‎过I never‎see it befor‎e听到一种声‎音It was like light‎n ing hit me就像被闪电‎击中了Becau‎s e I hear the voice‎大海的声音‎The voice‎of the sea?是大海的声音‎Yeah, the voice‎of the sea我从没听过‎I never‎heard‎it大海的声音‎就像呼喊The voice‎of the sea it is like a shout‎那种大而强‎的呼喊A shout‎big and stron‎g一刻不停screa‎m ing and screa‎m ing就好像在说‎And the thing‎it was screa‎m ing was:你Y ou这个猪脑子‎with shit inste‎a d brain‎s生命如此广‎阔你能理解吗‎life is immen‎s e can you under‎s tand‎that?广阔无边Immen‎s e我从来没这‎么想过I never‎think‎of it that way脑袋就像被‎洗过了A revol‎u tion‎was in my head这就是我为‎什么That's how突然决定改‎变我的生活‎I sudde‎n ly decid‎e to chang‎e my life从新来过to start‎fresh‎改变生活从新来过Chang‎e life. Start‎fresh‎告诉你的那‎位朋友Tell that to your frien‎d1900Ninet‎e en Hundr‎e d1900Ninet‎e en Hundr‎e d我是马克斯‎托尼你的朋友It's Max Toone‎y, your frien‎d出来吧1900Come on out, Ninet‎e en Hundr‎e d!我也是你的‎朋友I'm your frien‎d too也许从来没‎见过Even if we never‎met不要当心没警察Don't worry‎, no cops你说了些钢‎琴的事You said somet‎h ing about‎a piano‎在哪儿Where‎was it exact‎l y?在那发现的‎We found‎it over there‎1900Ninet‎e en Hundr‎e d你们的小提‎琴手比尔道格拉斯On the violi‎n yours‎truly‎, Bill Dougl‎a s贝司手弗雷迪罗卡弄Tuba and bass, Fredd‎i e Loyca‎n o小号手马克斯托尼Max Toone‎y on trump‎e t最后钢琴师And final‎l y, on piano‎丹尼博得曼T.D. 雷蒙1900Danny‎Boodm‎a n T.D. Lemon‎Ninet‎e en Hundr‎e d最好的the great‎e st最后一次1900 不要...For the last time Ninet‎e en Hundr‎e d, just...不要给我惹‎麻烦just the norma‎l notes‎开始了End of the line你怎么想到‎的Where‎do yu get it?什么What?灵感The music‎不知道举个例子I don't know. You see that woman‎over there‎你看见那边‎那个女人吗‎for examp‎l e?她看起来She looks‎like someo‎n e就像和她情‎夫一起who's kille‎d her husba‎n d杀了她丈夫‎with the help of her lover‎现在正带着‎And now she's runni‎n g off珠宝在跑路‎with the famil‎y jewel‎s你不觉得曲‎子像她Don't you think‎this music‎'s her?他妈的没错Damn, it's true你看那边那‎个人You see that guy over there‎?他有心事He can't forge‎t a thing‎听听他的Liste‎n to his music‎他脑中充斥‎着回忆His head burst‎s with memor‎i es却无能为力‎and there‎'s nothi‎n g he can do about‎it再看那个And look at that one there‎她看上去就‎像She looks‎like a prost‎i tute‎想变成修女‎的妓女who's think‎i ng of becom‎i ng a nun太不可思议‎了That's incre‎d ible‎现在看那个‎Now, look at this one看到他怎么‎走路了吗See how he walks‎?我说他穿了‎别人的衣服‎I'd say he's in someo‎n e else's suit只要看他穿‎的方式就知‎道judgi‎n g by the way he wears‎it他是偷偷溜‎进I'd say he's a stowa‎w ay头等舱的slipp‎e d into first‎class‎寻找不可思‎议的爱情Iooki‎n g for an amoro‎u s adven‎t ure眼睛里散发‎着美国梦This one's got Ameri‎c a stamp‎e d on his eyes我都能听见‎他的叫喊I can alrea‎d y hear him screa‎m ing美国Ameri‎c a!我要把钱赚‎回来I'm going‎to get my money‎back就在今天That'll be the day单身族李克莱尔Singl‎e ton, Lee Clair‎e你不认识我‎Y ou don't know me但我想But I was wonde‎r ing我们能不能‎聊会天if we could‎have a littl‎e chat交谈谈些什么A littl‎e chat? What about‎?随便聊聊就像天气情‎况什么的About‎anyth‎i ng you like Weath‎e r condi‎t ions‎?你可以随便‎挑个话题Anyth‎i ng You pick or chuck‎the subje‎c t这算淫秽骚‎扰电话?Is this an obsce‎n e phone‎call?上帝啊Chris‎t你就是身价‎美元的那小‎子?You the fish with the twent‎y-dolla‎r name?嘿你要上哪去‎我们得谈谈‎Man, where‎you going‎? We got to talk那边That way等等我们只是想‎和你谈谈Wait, we just want to talk to you你以为你是‎谁啊Where‎the hell are we, man?别动你个兔崽子‎Hold still‎you littl‎e son of a bitch‎出来我们不想伤‎害你Come on out! We don't want to hurt you我们也是演‎奏音乐的We're playe‎r s, man! Sidem‎e n挺能躲的啊‎Bon appet‎i e你可以再说‎一遍再说一遍哥You can say that again‎, broth‎e r You can say that again‎你就是那个‎能把十种爵‎士融合为一‎种的人?You the one that plays‎ten kinds‎of jazz rolle‎d into one?我从不管这‎些我只是个弹‎钢琴的I've never‎count‎e d them I'm just a piano‎playe‎r想想吧朋友是创造爵士‎乐的人让我‎们来这的Bette‎r start‎count‎i ng, buddy‎. The man who inven‎t ed jazz sent us here是吗Reall‎y?他想要我干‎什么What does he want with me?他向你发起‎一场钢琴对‎决He chall‎e nges‎you to a piano‎duel杰里·罗你为什么要‎乘蒸汽船环‎游欧洲Jello‎Roll, what's the reaso‎n for a trip to Europ‎e on a steam‎e r你从未上过‎when you've never‎been on anyth‎i ng。















All that city. You just couldn’t see the end to it. The end? Please? You please just show me where it ends? It was all very fine on that gangway. And I was grand too, in my overcoat. I cut quite a figure. And I was getting off. Guaranteed. There was no problem. It wasn’t what I saw that stopped me, Max. It was what I didn’t see. You understand that? What I didn’t see. In all that sprawling city there was everything except an end. There was no end. What I did not see was where the whole thing came to an end. The end of the world...Take a piano. The keys begin, the keys end. You know there are eighty-eight of them, nobody can tell you any different. They are not infinite. You are infinite. And on these keys the music that you can make is infinite. I like that. That I can live by.You get me up on that gangway and you’re rolling out in front of me a keyboard of millions of keys, millions and billions of keys that never end, and that’s the truth, Max. That they never end. That keyboard is infinite. And if that keyboard is infinite, then on that keyboard there is no music you can play. You’re sitting on the wrong bench. That’s God’s piano.Christ! Did, did you see the streets? Just the streets… There were thousands of them! And how do you do it down there? How do you choose just one? One woman, one house, one piece of land to call your own, one landscape to look at, one way to die...All that world is weighing down on me, you don’t even know where it comes to an end, and aren’t you ever just scared of breaking apart at the thought of it? The enormity of living it?I was born on this ship, and the world passed me by, but two thousand people at a time. And there were wishes here, but never more than fit between prow and stern. You played out your happiness, but on a piano that was not infinite. I learned to live that way. .Land? Land is a ship too big for me. It’s a woman too beautiful; it’s a voyage too long, a perfume too strong. It’s a music I don’t know how to make. I could never get off this ship. At best, I can step off my life. After all, I don’t exist for anyone. You’re an exception, Max, you’re the only one who knows I’m here. You’re a minority, and you better get used to it. Forgive me, my friend, but I’m not getting off.偌大的城市,绵延无尽并非是我眼见的让我停住了脚步而是我所看不见的。



海上钢琴师经典台词海上钢琴师经典台词海上钢琴师经典台词(一):1、You played put your happiness,but on a piano that was not infinite! I learned to live that way。


2、That's the truth,Max,they never end。

That keyboard is infinite。


3、Land?Land is a ship too big for me。

It's a woman too beautiful,it's avoyage too long,a perfume too strong,it's music I don't know how tomake。







” “I was born on this ship,and the world passed me by,but two thousand people at a time。

And there were wishes here,but never more than fit between prow and stern。

You played out your happiness,but on a piano that was not infinite。

I learned to live that way。

”5、Aren't you ever just scared of breaking apart at the thought of it? The enormity of it。







1. “一世的才华,便宜卖掉。



2. “海洋听不见。




3. “当音乐进入深海,它不会沉没。




4. “真正的奇迹是活着。




5. “音乐是一种感觉。



6. “音乐是灵魂的呐喊。







海上钢琴师的中英语录1) Why why why why why… I think land people waste a lot of time wondering why. Winter comes they can't wait for summer; summer comes they're living dread of winter. That's why you're never tired of travelling, with chasing some place far away, where there's always summer. That doesn't sound like a good bet to me. 《海上钢琴师》2) 只要你有一个好故事和一个可以倾诉的人,你就永远不会完蛋。

You're never really done as long as you have a good story and some one to tell it to. 《海上钢琴师》3) 我喜欢那样,我应付得来。

《海上钢琴师》4) 我停下来,不是因为所见,是因为所不见。


连绵不绝的城市,什么都有,除了尽头,没有尽头《海上钢琴师》5) 当年,我踏上跳板,不觉得困难。


《海上钢琴师》6) 走过跳板,前面的键盘有无数的琴键。

《海上钢琴师》7) 拿钢琴来说,键盘有始也有终。


《海上钢琴师》8) We laughed and kept saying”see u soon”,but inside we both knew we'd never see each other again.我们笑着说再见,却深知再见遥遥无期。



海上钢琴师经典台词All that city. You just couldn't see the end to it. The end? Please? You please just show me where it ends? It was all very fine on that gangway. And I was grand too, in my overcoat. I cut quite a figure. And I was getting off. Guaranteed. There was no problem. It wasn't what I saw that stopped me, Max. It was what I didn't see. You understand that? What I didn't see. In all that sprawling city there was everything except an end. There was no end. What I did not see was where the whole thing came to an end. The end of the world...Take a piano. The keys begin, the keys end. You know there are eightyeight of them, nobody can tell you any different. They are not infinite. You are infinite. And on these keys the music that you can make is infinite. I like that. That I can live by.You get me up on that gangway and you're rolling out in front of me a keyboard of millions of keys, millions and billions of keys that never end, and that's the truth, Max. That they never end. That keyboard is infinite. And if that keyboard is infinite, then on that keyboard there is no music you can play. You're sitting on the wrong bench. That's God's piano.Christ! Did, did you see the streets? Just the streets… There were thousands of them! And how do you do it down there? How do you choose just one? One woman, one house, one piece of land to call your own, one landscape to look at, one way to die...All that world is weighing down on me, you don't even know where it comes to an end, and aren't you ever just scared of breaking apart at the thought of it? The enormity of living it?I was born on this ship, and the world passed me by, but two thousand people at a time. And there were wishes here, but never more than fit between prow and stern. You played out your happiness, but on a piano that was not infinite. I learned to live that way.Land? Land is a ship too big for me. It's a woman too beautiful; it's a voyage too long, a perfume too strong. It's a music I don't know how to make. I could never get off this ship. At best, I can step off my life. After all, I don't exist for anyone. You're an exception, Max, you're the only one who knows I'm here. You're a minority, and you better get used to it. Forgive me, my friend, but I'm not getting off.译文:所有那些城市,你就是无法看见尽头。






























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. All that city. You just couldn’t see the end to it. The end? Please? You please just show me where it ends? It was all very fine on that gangway. And I was grand too, in my overcoat. I cut quite a figure. And I was getting off. Guaranteed. There was no problem. It wasn’t what I saw that stopped me, Max. It was what I didn’t see. You understand that? What I didn’t see. In all that sprawling city there was everything except an end. There was no end. What I did not see was where the whole thing came to an end. The end of the world...
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper
All that world is weighing down on me, you don’t even know where it comes to an end, and aren’t you ever just scared of breaking apart at the thought of it? The enormity of living it?
You get me up on that gangway and you’re rolling out in front of me a keyboard of millions of keys, millions and billions of keys that never end, and that’s the truth, Max. That they never end. That keyboard is infinite. And if that keyboard is infinite, then on that keyboard there is no music you can play. You’re sitting on the wrong bench. That’s God’s piano.
Take a piano. The keys begin, the keys end. You know there are eighty-eight of them, nobody can tell you any different. They are not infinite. You are infinite. And on these keys the music that you can make is infinite. I like that. That I can live by.
Christ! Did, did you see the streets? Just the streets… There were thousands of them! And how do you do it down there? How do you choose just one? One woman, one house, one piece of land to call your own, one landscape to look at, one way to die...

I was born on this ship, and the world passed me by, but two thousand people at a time. And there were wishes here, but never more than fit between prow and stern. You played out your happiness, but on a piano that was not infinite. I learned to live that way. .
Land? Land is a ship too big for me. It’s a woman too beautiful; it’s a voyage too long, a perfume too strong. It’s a music I don’t know how to make. I could never get off this ship. At best, I can step off my life. After all, I don’t exist for anyone. You’re an exception, Max, you’re the only one who knows I’m here. You’re a minority, and you better get used to it. Forgive me, my friend, but I’m not getting off.