Two-Layer Planarization in Graph Drawing Petra Mutzel and Ren'e Weiskircher


graphical model解释

graphical model解释

图形模型1. 介绍图形模型(Graphical Model)是一种用于描述随机变量之间依赖关系的工具。



图形模型分为两大类:有向图模型(Directed Graphical Model)和无向图模型(Undirected Graphical Model)。

有向图模型也称为贝叶斯网络(Bayesian Network)或信念网络(Belief Network),无向图模型也称为马尔可夫随机场(Markov Random Field)。

2. 有向图模型有向图模型使用有向边来表示变量之间的因果关系。








贝叶斯网络可以表示为以下图结构:Weather -> HumidityWeather -> Rainfall其中,天气节点对湿度和降雨节点有直接影响。


3. 无向图模型无向图模型使用无向边来表示变量之间的相关关系。













1. 什么是光栅化?如何实现光栅化?光栅化是将连续的几何图形转换为离散的像素表示的过程。




2. 什么是反走样?为什么需要反走样?反走样是一种减少图像锯齿状边缘的技术。



3. 什么是光照模型?请简要介绍一下常见的光照模型。


常见的光照模型有以下几种:- 环境光照模型:模拟环境中的整体光照效果,通常用来表示物体表面的基本颜色。

- 漫反射光照模型:模拟光线在物体表面上的扩散效果,根据物体表面法线和光线方向计算光照强度。

- 镜面反射光照模型:模拟光线在物体表面上的镜面反射效果,根据光线方向、物体表面法线和观察者方向计算光照强度。

- 高光反射光照模型:模拟光线在物体表面上的高光反射效果,通常用来表示物体表面的亮点。

4. 什么是纹理映射?如何实现纹理映射?纹理映射是将二维图像(纹理)映射到三维物体表面的过程。



5. 什么是投影变换?请简要介绍一下常见的投影变换方法。


常见的投影变换方法有以下几种:- 正交投影:将物体投影到一个平行于观察平面的平面上,保持物体在不同深度上的大小不变。



双三次b样条曲面与费格森曲面和双三次贝齐尔曲面的等价关系式双三次B样条曲面(Bi-Cubic B-Spline Surface)是一类基于多项式插值的曲面表示方法。


而费格森曲面(Ferguson Surface)和双三次贝齐尔曲面(Bi-Cubic Bezier Surface)也是常见的曲面生成方法。














以费格森曲面为例,我们可以将其表示成如下形式:S(u,v) = [(1-u)^3P0 + 3u(1-u)^2P1 + 3u^2(1-u)P2 +u^3P3]× (1-v)^2+ [(1-u)^3Q0 + 3u(1-u)^2Q1 + 3u^2(1-u)Q2 + u^3Q3] × v^2+ 3[(1-u)^2P0 + 2u(1-u)P1 + u^2P2] × (1-v)^2v+ 3[(1-u)^2Q0 + 2u(1-u)Q1 + u^2Q2] × v^2(1-v)其中,P0、P1、P2、P3和Q0、Q1、Q2、Q3为角点坐标。

operation would result in non-manifold bodies

operation would result in non-manifold bodies

operation would result in non-manifold bodies在计算机图形学和几何建模领域,非流形体是指在三维空间中形状的一种特殊类型。




下面是一些可能导致非流形体的操作:1. 重叠面:当一个物体的两个面共享相同的边或边集时,就会出现重叠面。


2. 孔洞:一个非流形体可能有一个或多个孔洞,即在物体内部形成的空心区域。


3. 自交:自交是指一个物体的某个部分与其它部分相交。


4. 嵌塞:嵌塞是指一个物体的某个部分被另一个物体或其自身部分所包围。


5. 物体边界:非流形体的边界可能会有额外的不连续部分,即在其中一个顶点出现了一个无界的半边。






修复非流形体的方法有很多,一些常用的方法包括:1. 网格替代:通过重新生成一个流形网格替代非流形网格。


2. 清理操作:通过一系列操作,例如顶点合并、边合并、面合并等,来清理非流形体中的不连续和重叠部分。

3. 网格修剪:通过删除非流形体中的不规则部分或孔洞,使其成为一个流形体。









二、研究内容和方法1. 研究完全二部多重图的Kp,q-因子分解问题的数学模型和约束条件,分析算法的可行性和时间复杂度。

2. 综合运用图论、组合数学和线性代数等相关知识,设计和实现高效的完全二部多重图的Kp,q-因子分解算法,并对算法进行理论分析。

3. 在理论计算基础上,实现并验证算法的正确性、可行性和效率,同时将算法与现有算法进行比较和优化。

4. 对算法的实验结果进行统计和分析,总结并提出完全二部多重图的Kp,q-因子分解问题在算法和理论上的研究进展和未来的研究方向。

三、预期成果和应用价值1. 本研究将提出一种更高效、更精确的完全二部多重图的Kp,q-因子分解算法,在时间、空间和能效等方面均具有较大的优势,可以满足信息论、密码学和其他相关领域对该算法的需求。

2. 本研究将深化对完全二部多重图的Kp,q-因子分解问题的数学模型、算法和理论分析的理解和应用,为相关领域提供更为科学和可靠的解决方案,从而更好地保护信息安全、提高数据传输效率等目的。

3. 本研究的成果将发表在相关领域的知名期刊或会议上,为学术界和工业界提供参考和借鉴,具有一定的理论和应用价值。

Boundary layer theory

Boundary layer theory

Therefore, for flow over a flat plate, the pressure remains constant over the entire p plate (both inside and outside the boundary layer).
Temperature profiles for flow over an isothermal flat plate are similar like the velocity profiles. Thus, we expect a similarity solution for temperature to exist. Further, the thickness of the thermal boundary layer is proportional to
df/dη is replaced by θ
2 d 3f dη
+ Pr f
dθ = 0 dη
Compare For Pr = 1
+ f
d 2f dη
= 0
θ (0
0 and θ (∞
df = 0 dη η=0
df =1 dη η=∞
Thus we conclude that the velocity and thermal boundary layers coincide, and the nondimensional velocity and temperature profiles (u/u∞ and θ) are identical for steady, incompressible, laminar flow of a fluid with constant properties and Pr = 1 over an isothermal flat plate The value of the temperature gradient at the surface (Pr =1) ??

graphical model解释

graphical model解释

图模型(Graphical Model)是一种用于表示和推断概率模型的图形化工具。

它是概率图论(Probabilistic Graphical Models)的一个重要分支,用于建模随机变量之间的概率依赖关系。




图模型可以分为两大类:贝叶斯网络(Bayesian Networks)和马尔可夫随机场(Markov Random Fields)。





马尔可夫随机场使用势函数(Potential Function)来描述变量之间的关系,其中势函数的取值与节点及其邻居节点的取值有关。






1.一种新的鲁棒性、低复杂度超光谱图像压缩算法 [J], 邓家先;周开利
2.一种新的平移不变Shearlet变换域图像去噪算法 [J], 石满红;刘卫
3.一种基于变换域的图像压缩改进算法 [J], 王昆
4.一种基于粒子群优化的变换域彩色图像水印算法 [J], 李倩;崔新春;牛钰莹;丁家

5.一种新的彩色图像变换域全息水印算法 [J], 李晨璐;孙刘杰



第53卷第8期表面技术2024年4月SURFACE TECHNOLOGY·133·基于自转一阶非连续式微球双平盘研磨的运动学分析与实验研究吕迅1,2*,李媛媛1,欧阳洋1,焦荣辉1,王君1,杨雨泽1(1.浙江工业大学 机械工程学院,杭州 310023;2.新昌浙江工业大学科学技术研究院,浙江 绍兴 312500)摘要:目的分析不同研磨压力、下研磨盘转速、保持架偏心距和固着磨料粒度对微球精度的影响,确定自转一阶非连续式双平面研磨方式在加工GCr15轴承钢球时的最优研磨参数,提高微球的形状精度和表面质量。



结果实验结果表明,在研磨压力为0.10 N、下研磨盘转速为20 r/min、保持架偏心距为90 mm、固着磨料粒度为3000目时,微球圆度由研磨前的1.14 μm下降至0.25 μm,表面粗糙度由0.129 1 μm下降至0.029 0 μm。





关键词:自转一阶非连续;双平盘研磨;微球;运动学分析;研磨轨迹;研磨参数中图分类号:TG356.28 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1001-3660(2024)08-0133-12DOI:10.16490/ki.issn.1001-3660.2024.08.012Kinematic Analysis and Experimental Study of Microsphere Double-plane Lapping Based on Rotation Function First-order DiscontinuityLYU Xun1,2*, LI Yuanyuan1, OU Yangyang1, JIAO Ronghui1, WANG Jun1, YANG Yuze1(1. College of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310023, China;2. Xinchang Research Institute of Zhejiang University of Technology, Zhejiang Shaoxing 312500, China)ABSTRACT: Microspheres are critical components of precision machinery such as miniature bearings and lead screws. Their surface quality, roundness, and batch consistency have a crucial impact on the quality and lifespan of mechanical parts. Due to收稿日期:2023-07-28;修订日期:2023-09-26Received:2023-07-28;Revised:2023-09-26基金项目:国家自然科学基金(51975531)Fund:National Natural Science Foundation of China (51975531)引文格式:吕迅, 李媛媛, 欧阳洋, 等. 基于自转一阶非连续式微球双平盘研磨的运动学分析与实验研究[J]. 表面技术, 2024, 53(8): 133-144.LYU Xun, LI Yuanyuan, OU Yangyang, et al. Kinematic Analysis and Experimental Study of Microsphere Double-plane Lapping Based on Rotation Function First-order Discontinuity[J]. Surface Technology, 2024, 53(8): 133-144.*通信作者(Corresponding author)·134·表面技术 2024年4月their small size and light weight, existing ball processing methods are used to achieve high-precision machining of microspheres. Traditional concentric spherical lapping methods, with three sets of circular ring trajectories, result in poor lapping accuracy. To achieve efficient and high-precision processing of microspheres, the work aims to propose a method based on the first-order discontinuity of rotation for double-plane lapping of microspheres. Firstly, the principle of the first-order discontinuity of rotation for double-plane lapping of microspheres was analyzed, and it was found that the movement of the microsphere changed when it was in different regions of the upper variable friction plate, resulting in a sudden change in the microsphere's rotational axis azimuth and expanding the lapping trajectory. Next, the movement of the microsphere in the first-order discontinuity of rotation for double-plane lapping method was analyzed, and the sliding ratio was introduced to measure the motion state of the microsphere in different friction coefficient regions. It was observed that the sliding ratio of the microsphere varied in different friction coefficient regions. As a result, when the microsphere passed through the transition area between the large and small friction regions of the upper variable friction plate, the sliding ratio changed, causing a sudden change in the microsphere's rotational axis azimuth and expanding the lapping trajectory. The lapping trajectory under different sliding ratios was simulated by MATLAB, and the results showed that with the increase in simulation time, the first-order discontinuity of rotation for double-plane lapping method could achieve full coverage of the microsphere's lapping trajectory, making it more suitable for precision machining of microspheres. Finally, based on the above research, an experimental platform for the first-order discontinuity of rotation for double-plane lapping of microsphere was constructed. With 1 mm diameter bearing steel balls as the processing object, single-factor experiments were conducted to study the effects of lapping pressure, lower plate speed, eccentricity of the holding frame, and grit size of fixed abrasives on microsphere roundness, surface roughness, and material removal rate. The experimental results showed that under the first-order discontinuity of rotation for double-plane lapping, the microsphere's rotational axis azimuth underwent a sudden change, leading to full coverage of the lapping trajectory on the microsphere's surface. Under the lapping pressure of 0.10 N, the lower plate speed of 20 r/min, the eccentricity of the holder of 90 mm, and the grit size of fixed abrasives of 3000 meshes, the roundness of the microsphere decreased from 1.14 μm before lapping to 0.25 μm, and the surface roughness decreased from 0.129 1 μm to 0.029 0 μm. As the lapping pressure and lower plate speed increased, the microsphere roundness and surface roughness were firstly improved and then deteriorated, while the material removal rate continuously increased. As the eccentricity of the holding frame increased, the roundness was firstly improved and then deteriorated, while the material removal rate decreased. As the grit size of fixed abrasives decreased, the microsphere's roundness and surface roughness were improved, and the material removal rate decreased. Through the experiments, the optimal parameter combination considering roundness and surface roughness is obtained: lapping pressure of 0.10 N/ball, lower plate speed of 20 r/min, eccentricity of the holder of 90 mm, and grit size of fixed abrasives of 3000 meshes.KEY WORDS: rotation function first-order discontinuity; double-plane lapping; microsphere; kinematic analysis; lapping trajectory; lapping parameters随着机械产品朝着轻量化、微型化的方向发展,微型电机、仪器仪表等多种工业产品对微型轴承的需求大量增加。

An Improved Heuristic Algorithm for UAV Path Planning in 3D Environment

An Improved Heuristic Algorithm for UAV Path Planning in 3D Environment

An Improved Heuristic Algorithm for UAV Path Planning in 3D Environment Zhang Qi1, Zhenhai Shao1, Yeo Swee Ping2, Lim Meng Hiot3, Yew Kong LEONG4 1School of Communication Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China2Microwave Research Lab, National University of Singapore3Intelligent Systems Center, Nanyang Technological University4Singapore Technologye-mail:beijixing2006@,zhenhai.shao@,,, leongyk@Abstract—Path planning problem is one of core contents of UAV technology. This paper presents an improved heuristic algorithm to solve 3D path planning problem. In this study the path planning model is built based on digital map firstly, and then the virtual terrain is introduced to eliminate a significant amount of search space, from 3-Dimensions to 2-Dimensions. Subsequently the improved heuristic A* algorithm is applied to generate UAV trajectory. The algorithm is featured with various searching steps and weighting factor for each cost component. The simulation results have been done to validate the effectiveness of this algorithm.Keywords-unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV); path planning; virtual terrain; heuristic A* algorithmI.I NTRODUCTIONPath planning is required for an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to meet the objectives specified for any military or commercial application. The general purpose of path planning is to find the optimal path from a start point to a destination point subject to the different operational constraints (trajectory length, radar exposure, collision avoidance, fuel consumption, etc) imposed on the UAV for a particular mission; if, for example, the criterion is simply to minimize flight time, the optimization process is then reduced to a minimal cost problem.Over decades several path planning algorithms have been investigated. Bortoff [1] presented a two-step path planning algorithm based on Voronoi partitioning: a graph search method is first applied to generate a rough-cut path which is thereafter smoothed in accordance with his proposed virtual-force model. Anderson et al. [2] also employed Voronoi approaches to generate a family of feasible trajectories. Pellazar [3], Nikolos et al. [4] and Lim et al. [5] opted for genetic algorithms to navigate the UAV. The calculus-of-variation technique has been adopted in [6]-[7] to find an optimal path with minimum radar illumination.In this paper, an improved heuristic algorithm is presented for UAV path planning. The path planning environment is built in section II, and the algorithm is depicted in section III, the following section presents experimental results which can validate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.II.P ATH PLANNING MODELSeveral factors must be taken into account in path planning problem: terrain information, threat information, and UAV kinetics. These factors form flight constraints which must be handled in planning procedure.Many studies use the mathematical function to simulate terrain environment [4]. This method is quick and simple, but compared with the real terrain which UAV flying across, it lacks of reality and universality. In this study, terrain information is constructed by DEM (digital elevation model) data, which is released by USGS (U.S. Geological Survey) as the true terrain representation.Threat information is also considered in path planning. In modern warfare, almost all anti-air weapons need radar to track and lock air target. Here the main threat is radar illumination. Radar threat density can be represented by radar equation, because the intrinsic radar parameters are determined before path planning. The threat density can be regarded inversely proportional to R4, where R is the distance from the UAV’s current location to a particular radar site.For simplicity, UAV is modeled as a mass point traveling at a constant velocity and its minimum turning radius is treated as a fixed parameter.III.P ATH PLANNING A PPRO A CHA.Virtual terrain for three-dimensional path planningUnlike ground vehicle routing planning, UAV path planning is a 3D problem in real scenario. In 3D space, not only terrain and threat information is taken into account, but also UAV specifications, such as max heading angle, vertical angle, and turning radius are incorporated for comprehensive consideration.The straightforward method for UAV path planning is partitioning 3D space as 3D grid and then some algorithms are applied to generate path. However, for any algorithm the computational time is mainly dependent on the size of search space. Therefore, for efficiency consideration, a novel concept of constructing a 2D search space which is based on original 3D search space is proposed, which is called virtual terrain. The virtual terrain is constructed above the real terrain according to the required flight safety clearance2010 Second International Conference on Intelligent Human-Machine Systems and Cyberneticsheight, as it is shown in Figure 1. . A’B’C’D’ is the real terrain and ABCD is virtual terrain. H is the clearance height between two surfaces. Virtual terrain enables path planning in 2D surface instead of 3D grid and can reduce search spaceby an order of magnitude.Figure 1. virtual terrain above real terrainB. Path planning algorithmA* algorithm [8]-[9] is a well-known graph search procedure utilizing a heuristic function to guide its search. Given a consistent admissible condition, A* search is guaranteed to yield an optimal path [8]. At the core of the algorithm is a list containing all of the current states. At each iterative step, the algorithm expands and evaluates the adjacent states of all current states and decides whether any of them should be added to the list (if not in the list) or updated (if already in the list) based on the cost function:()()()f n g n h n =+ (1)where f(n) is the total cost at the current vertex, g(n)denotes the actual cost from the start point to the current point n , and h(n) refers to the pre-estimated cost from the current point n to the destination point. For applications that entail searching on a map, the heuristic function h(n) is assigned with Euclidean distance.UAV path planning is a multi criteria search problem. The actual cost g(n) in this study is composed by three items: distance cost D(n), climb cost C(n) and threat cost T(n). So g(n) can be described as follows:()()()()g n D n C n T n =++ (2) Usually, the three components of g(n) are not treatedequally during UAV task. One or two is preferred to the others. We can achieve this by introducing a weighting factor w in (2).123()()()()g n w D n w C n w T n =++ (3) w i is weighting factor and 11mi i w ==∑. For example, ifthreat cost T(n) is for greater concern in particular task, the value of w i should be increased respectively.C. The improvement of path planning strategyVirtual terrain in part A enhanced computational efficiency by transforming 3D path planning space into 2D search plane. The further improvement can be achieved by applying a new developed strategy. The path planner expands and evaluates next waypoint in virtual terrain by this developed strategy is shown in Fig. 2, 3. This planning strategy employs various searching steps by defining a searching window which can represent the information acquired by UAV on board sensors. It enables different searching steps to meet different threat cost distribution. After searching window is set, UAV performance limits is imposed in searching window based on virtual terrain. Here the UAV performance limits include turning radius, heading and vertical angle. In Fig. 3, the point P(x, y, z) is current state, and the arrow represents current speed vector. The gray points show available states which UAV can reach innext step under the limits imposed by UAV performance.Figure 2.Searching windowFigure 3. Available searching states at P(x, y, z)IV. SIMULATIONSimulation is implemented based on section II andsection III. In this simulation, terrain data is read from USGS1 degree DEM. The DEM has 3 arc-second interval alonglongitude and latitude respectively. Also five radar threats are represented according radar equation in simulation environment. Here clearance height h is set 200 to definevirtual terrain. UAV maximal heading angle and vertical angle is 20。



西安交通大学17年9月课程考试《计算机图形学》作业考核试题一、单选题1、B2、B3、A4、D5、A一、单选题一、单选题(共30 道试题,共60 分。

)V 1. 双线性法向插值法(Phong Shading)优点( )。

A. 法向计算精确B. 高光区域准确C. 对光源和视点没有限制D. 速度较快正确答案:B2. 在光照模型中,( )对于镜面光的处理不够好,会形成马赫带效应,针对这一问题,可以采用法向插值算法进行改进。

A. 恒定明暗处理B. 光强插值算法C. 法向插值算法D. 光线跟踪正确答案:B3. 要创建RollOver效果下面操作步骤正确的是哪一项( )A. 选择要创建RollOver的对象,先选择“Effect-RollOver-Creat RollOver”命令,再选择“Effect-RollOver-Edit RollOver”命令,对当前选择的对象进行编辑,完成后选择“Effect-RollOver-Finish Editing RollOver”命令B. 选择要创建RollOver的对象,先选择“Effect-RollOver-Edit RollOver”命令,再选择“Effect-RollOver-Finish Editing RollOver”命令正确答案:A4. 要将一个“Symbol”保存下来在其它软件中使用,必须选中“Symbol”后对文档进行什么操作( )A. “File-Save”存储文档B. “File-Close”关闭文档C. 曲“File-Print”打印文档D. “File-Export”导出文档正确答案:D5. 在平面上判断点是否在图形的内部时采用的Griffiths判别法是对( )方法的改进。

A. 角度判别法B. 符号判别法C. 半射线判别法D. 最小最大判别法正确答案:A6. 选择下面哪一个命令,可以在工作时获得最好的视觉效果( )A. “View-Simple Wireframe”B. “View-Wireframe”C. “View-Draft”D. “View-Enhanced”。





图1 曲面中各点的速度决定了其变化




图2 基于水平集算法的曲线演化追踪方法



图3 固液气三相流中界面追踪




s g e t to , n h y a e v r o e m n a i n a d t e r e y c mpu a i n ly e pe s v n e me a i n s e d i l w. i p pe to u e a i b e t e o a a a l t to ' l x n i e a d s g ntto p e sso Th s a ri r d c sa v r l o b c medu l r b e a n a vi b a s o n wn v ra l n s s l c ls ai t n o ma i n t sa ih t u l mo e f a tv o t u o e ,S h tt e s g n a i n y me n f k o a ib e a d u e o a t tsi i f r to o e tbl he d a d lo c i e c n o r m d l O t a h e me t t c s o
pe io n p e r mpo e . x ei nsaemae o y tei i g s rcs n ad se dae i rv d E p r i me t r d n snht mae,muttre ojc ma e n dcli g swt ne sy c l— g t beti g sa d me ia mae i itni ia h t
Fa t m a eS g e t to s I g e m n a in
Ba e n Dua e ho nd Lo a t tsi nf r a i n sdo l M t d a c l a itcI o m to S
WA NG i u , I n Ha- n L U Mig j



sg et t no e m n a i f ma e wih l w NR a u s i l me t d b h u e ia o u i n o h o f ce td f r n e o i g t o S v l e i mp e n e y t e n m rc l l to ft e c e f in i e e c s i f
Li J a l i u i n—e Fe - he ng Da z ng
( ol e C m ue, da nvri , ’n7 0 7 , hn ) C l g o p tr Xiin U ies y Xi 10 1 C ia e t a
( a o aKe a f a a i aP oes gX d nU i r t) in707 , hn) N t nl y b dr g l r s n, ii nv sy X ’ 10 1 C ia i L oR S n c i a ei a
m o e e s a c n i u u a a t i u c i n u i g t e l e c mbi a i n o wo di n i n La r n e b ss d l d a o t n o s p r me rc f n to sn h i o n n to ft — me so g a g a i.Th e d f r n ee u to sd rv d b n m ii g t e e e g r l to ri g e m e t t n. o s q e c , he i e e c q a i n i e i e y mi i z n h n r y f mu a i n f ma es g n a i f o o o Asa c n e u n e t m i i z to o h e e g o mu a i n s ie ty o t i e i t r n mi a i n f t e n r y f r l to i d r c l b a n d n e m o t e La r n e o f c e t Th a t f h g a g c e i n . i ef s



1.一种新的求解带有非凸二次约束的非凸二次规划问题的加速全局优化方法 [J], 吴慧卓;段东东;张可村
2.线性约束非凸二次规划的有限分支定界算法 [J], 田朝薇;宋海洲
3.基于D.C.分解的一类箱型约束的非凸二次规划的新型分支定界算法 [J], 付文龙;
4.求解单二次约束非凸二次规划问题的全局最优DC算法 [J], 王建国;郑芳英;胡觉亮
5.一种新的二次约束二次规划问题的分支定界算法 [J], 黄小利;高岳林;谢金宵;谷剑峰



基于混合梯度最小化的铅笔画生成王权;胡越黎;燕明;胡云生;陈朋【期刊名称】《上海大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2018(024)002【摘要】Algorithms for creating pencil drawing effect from an image have two major problems: details are often missing so that important edge lines are not clearly shown,and lines are monotonous without hierarchical information. To solve these problems,this paper proposes a pencil drawing generation algorithm based on hybrid gradient minimization. By combining L0gradient minimization and L1norm, prominent edges are maintained and enhanced without affecting the overall sharpness. This way, rich and hierarchical details in the image are fully retained. Experimental results indicate that the proposed method can generate high quality and more realistic pencil drawing effect. It is superior to several other existing method.%利用计算机模拟铅笔画生成的算法主要存在两个问题:其一是画面细节易丢失,边缘重点线条不够突出;二是笔画单一不能很好地展示原画中的层次信息.针对以上问题,提出了一种基于混合梯度最小化的铅笔画生成算法,通过结合L0梯度最小化和L1范数约束,既突出显示了图像边缘和重点线条,又不影响图像的整体锐度,同时可与原图像结构保持高度一致,充分展现了图像的层次性和丰富的细节信息.实验结果表明,本算法能够生成质量更高、真实感更强的的铅笔画效果,相比于已有的其他算法具有一定的优越性.【总页数】8页(P314-321)【作者】王权;胡越黎;燕明;胡云生;陈朋【作者单位】上海大学机电工程与自动化学院,上海200444;上海市电站自动化技术重点实验室,上海200072;上海大学机电工程与自动化学院,上海200444;上海市电站自动化技术重点实验室,上海200072;上海大学微电子研究与开发中心,上海200072;上海大学机电工程与自动化学院,上海200444;上海市电站自动化技术重点实验室,上海200072;上海大学机电工程与自动化学院,上海200444;上海市电站自动化技术重点实验室,上海200072;上海大学机电工程与自动化学院,上海200444;上海市电站自动化技术重点实验室,上海200072【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP391【相关文献】1.一种基于小波变换的多尺度铅笔画生成算法 [J], 赵春晖;高冰2.基于多层次显著图的自动铅笔画生成 [J], 李瑞瑞;孙世豪;杨孝辉;胡伟3.基于混合梯度最小化Mumford-Shah模型的高维滤波算法 [J], 李波;苏卓;冷成财;王胜法;罗笑南4.基于显著性检测的局部彩色铅笔画生成算法 [J], 梁义涛;朱玲艳;孟亚敏;史卫亚5.基于显著性检测的局部彩色铅笔画生成算法 [J], 梁义涛;朱玲艳;孟亚敏;史卫亚因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



图像分割之(⼆)GraphCut(图割)图像分割之(⼆)Graph Cut(图割)Graph cuts是⼀种⼗分有⽤和流⾏的能量优化算法,在计算机视觉领域普遍应⽤于前背景分割(Image segmentation)、⽴体视觉(stereo vision)、抠图(Image matting)等。

此类⽅法把图像分割问题与图的最⼩割(min cut)问题相关联。

⾸先⽤⼀个⽆向图G= 表⽰要分割的图像,V和E分别是顶点(vertex)和边(edge)的集合。



⽽Graph Cuts图是在普通图的基础上多了2个顶点,这2个顶点分别⽤符号”S”和”T”表⽰,统称为终端顶点。


所以Graph Cuts中有两种顶点,也有两种边。




第⼆种顶点和边是:除图像像素外,还有另外两个终端顶点,叫S (source:源点,取源头之意)和T(sink:汇点,取汇聚之意)。






图中每条边都有⼀个⾮负的权值w e,也可以理解为cost(代价或者费⽤)。






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Abstract. We study the two-layer planarization problems that have applications in Automatic Graph Drawing. We are searching for a two-layer planar subgraph of maximum weight in a given two-layer graph. Depending on the number of layers in which the vertices can be permuted freely, that is, zero, one or two, di erent versions of the problems arise. The latter problem was already investigated in 11] using polyhedral combinatorics. Here, we study the remaining two cases and the relationships between the associated polytopes. In particular, we investigate the polytope P1 associated with the twolayer planarization problem with one xed layer. We provide an overview on the relationships between P1 and the polytope Q1 associated with the two-layer crossing minimization problem with one xed layer, the linear ordering polytope, the two-layer planarization problem with zero and two layers xed. We will see that all facet-de ning inequalities in Q1 are also facet-de ning for P1 . Furthermore, we give some new classes of facet-de ning inequalities and show how the separation problems can be solved. First computational results are presented using a branch-and-cut algorithm. For the case when both layers are xed, the two-layer planarization problem can be solved in polynomial time by a transformation to the heaviest increasing subsequence problem. Moreover, we give a complete description of the associated polytope P2 , which is useful in our branch-and-cut algorithm for the one-layer xed case.
Two-Layer Planarization in Graph Drawing
Petra Mutzel and Rene Weiskircher
Max-Planck-Institut fur Informatik, Im Stadtwald, D-66123 Saarbrucken,
1 Introduction
A bipartite graph is a graph G = (A; B; E ) with vertex sets A and B , called upper and lower layer, and an edge set E connecting a vertex in A with a vertex in B . There are no edges between two vertices in the same layer. A bipartite graph is two-layer planar G = (A; B; E ) if it can be drawn in such a way that all the vertices in A appear on a line (the upper line), the vertices in B appear on the lower line, and the edges are drawn as straight lines without crossing each other. The di erence between a planar bipartite graph and a two-layer planar bipartite graph is obvious. For example, the graph shown in Fig. 1 is a planar bipartite graph, but not a two-layer planar graph. Depending on the number of layers in which the permutation of the vertices is xed, di erent problems arise: { The permutations A and B of both layers A and B are xed: Given a two-layer graph G = (A; B; E; A ; B ) with weights we > 0 on the edges,
Fig. 1. (a) A planar bipartite graph that is (b) not 2-layer planar
the two-layer planarization problem (2 layers xed) is to extract a subgraph P G0 = (A; B; F; A ; B ), F E , of maximum weight, i.e., the sum e2F we is maximum, which contains no crossings with respect to the given permutations A and B . { The permutation A of one layer A is xed: Given a two-layer graph G = (A; B; E; A ; ) with weights we > 0 on the edges, the two-layer planarization problem (1 layer xed) is to extract a subgraph G0 = (A; B; F; A ; ), F E , of maximum weight, which contains no crossings with respect to the given permutation A of the upper layer. { Both layers can be permuted: Given a two-layer graph G = (A; B; E; ; ) with weights we > 0 on the edges, the two-layer planarization problem (none layer xed) is to extract a two-layer planar subgraph G0 = (A; B; F; ; ), F E , of maximum weight. To our knowledge, only the unweighted (we = 1 for all e 2 E ) two-layer planarization problems have been considered in the literature so far. Eades and Whitesides 4] showed NP-hardness for the latter two versions of the planarization problem and showed that the two ed by transforming it to a longest increasing subsequence problem. The none layer xed version was rst mentioned in 15]. The authors introduced the problem in the context of graph drawing. Recently, the weighted two-layer planarization problem has been attacked, in which the layers are allowed to be permuted freely 11]. The computational results are encouraging. Directed graphs are widely used to represent structures in many elds such as economics, social sciences, mathematics and computer science. A good visualization of structural information allows the reader to focus on the information content of the diagram. A common method for drawing directed graphs has been introduced by Sugiyama et al. 14] and Carpano 2]. In the rst step, the vertices are partitioned into a set of k layers, and in the second step, the vertices within each layer are permuted in such a way that the number of crossings is small. In practice, this is done layerwise. Keep the permutation of one layer x while permuting the other one, such that the number of crossings is reduced. We suggest an alternative approach for the second step. Already for two-layer graphs the straight-line crossing minimization problem is NP-hard 6] even if one layer is xed 5]. Exact algorithms based on branch and bound have been suggested by various authors (see, e.g., 9]). For k 2, a vast