



―The most common source of mistakes in management decisions is the emphasis on finding the right answer rather than the right question.‖
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01_Intro Main Text

01_Intro Main Text

Intro Main TextThese lessons are sold only on our website, . If you bought these lessons somewhere else, you have an illegal copy. Please notify us and we will take immediate legal action against the seller. Thank you.Hi, this is AJ Hoge, Director of the Effortless English Club. Welcome to our new set of lessons, these are called the Power English Lessons. The reason they’re called Power English is because in these lessons we’re going to do two things. Number one, you’re going to learn English, of course. As always, we have the mini‑stories which are our favorite lessons for most of our members, but the content, the focus, the topics in these lessons are going to be focused on the psychology of learning and the psychology of success.Now these ideas, they’re not just my ideas. In fact, they come from a lot of other people. They come from people like Tony Robbins, who is a famous success coach, Robert Anton Wilson, Joe Vitale, Robert Kiyosaki, Alan Watt, so I’ve taken a lot of ideas from a lot of different people about this topic of the psychology of success. And the reason that we’re going to talk about this in these lessons is that in my experience, most English students struggle and fail because of psychology, not because of methods, not because of teachers.Those things are important, but Tony Robbins talks about the fact that psychology is 80% of success. And I think he’s right, based on my experience with many, many English students. Psychology is 80% of success, so 20% are the methods you use to study. 20% are the schools you go to, the teachers you have, the books you use. Those are important, we talk a lot about them. But the other 80% is psychology, your motivation, your emotions, how you manage your time. All of these things are in fact much, much more important.What I saw in my classes were that the enthusiastic students, the energetic students, the optimistic students always learned much faster. They succeeded. The ones who failed, the ones who dropped out and quit, the ones who struggled had the opposite mentality. They had a very negative mentality. Their motivation was low. They tended to be pessimistic. They felt that they weren’t good at English. They had ideas that English was very tough, very difficult, they struggled. They didn’t have enthusiasm for English. They didn’t love English.So in these lessons we’re going to talk about how can you manage your emotions. How can you develop that strong, powerful, enthusiastic attitude towards English, how canyou maintain it so that you don’t get bored? So that in fact you get stronger and stronger with English and your psychology gets stronger and you succeed, you reach your goals. You speak fluently, effortlessly. So among teachers, English teachers, language teachers, this topic is called Non-Linguistic Factors. Non‑Linguistic Factors. So what “Non‑Linguistic Factors” means is things that are not related to language learning directly. When we talk about language learning research, when we talk about the best methods to use when you learn English, those are linguistic factors, right? They are related to the language. Non‑linguistic factors means not related to the language. This has nothing to do with English, it’s more about psychology. Motivation, for example, is a non‑linguistic factor. So all it really means is just emotional factors. And there are actually many research studies about this topic.Dr. Stephen Krashen down in Los Angeles, probably again the expert in language acquisition and language learning, has done many studies and he has also looked at many studies and he’s found that non‑linguistic factors are equally or in fact more important than the linguistic factors to determine who is successful ultimately. What that means is that things like your emotions, things like your peer group, the community that you belong to, your feelings about English are as important or more important than the methods you’re using to learn English.So how are we going to do this? How are we going to learn? Well, one of the things we have to do is create a daily English ritual. You need to engage your physiology. That means you need to engage and use your body. You need to engage and use your subconscious. That’s how you start to affect and strengthen your psychology. So we have to strengthen our psychology, what does that mean? Really it means affecting your body and your mind at the same time, so that you actually feel better. Your emotions are happier while you’re learning English. And I know this is the opposite of what you learned in school.You probably didn’t feel very happy when you were sitting in your English classes. But when you’re learning with Effortless English, it’s very important for you to feel happy. For your body to feel good, for your mind to feel good. For you to emotionally enjoy the process of learning English. Of course, it’s just more fun, you’re going to like it a lot better. But the other benefit is that you actually will learn faster. You’ll improve your grammar faster, you’ll improve your pronunciation faster. You’ll remember vocabulary words better, longer and faster when you feel good. So there’s a very practical reason for doing this, too.So we’re going to talk a lot in detail in these lessons about how to do this. But just right now, during this introduction, let’s talk a little bit about a daily plan. Something you could do immediately, right now, today, to start improving your success with English by changing your psychology. So here’s a little ritual, a little plan you can follow every day to start improving, to start feeling better and therefore improve your motivation and tolearn English faster and faster and faster, better and better and better. And it’s very simple.So the first thing you’re going to do is when you get up in the morning, the first part of this plan, this daily plan. You want to get into a peak emotional state. Peak means top. For example, the top of a mountain, when we talk about a top of a mountain, the very top we call the peak. So we’re saying a peak emotional state means a top emotional state or top emotional feeling. It means you want to feel great. Not just good, you want to feel really great. That’s the first thing you need to do before you listen to any English lessons. Before you study you want to first be sure that you feel great.How can you do it? Well, it’s really easy. I recommend, for example, using music. And I actually do this myself in the morning, most mornings. I will put on some great, exciting music that I love, jump around, act like a crazy person, and get myself feeling energetic and happy. Do that first before you listen. So move your body, smile. We’re going to talk about this more in detail in later lessons. But just for now, every morning when you get up first put on some music. Some energetic, happy music that you like, smile, move around. Do that for maybe 5 minutes, maybe 10 minutes. Then when you’re feeling really great, your body is moving, you feel like you have energy, you’re happy, then start your English lessons.The first thing you want to listen to is the main article, the main audio. So the first thing is listen to the main talk. And you can read this as well the first time if you cannot understand easily, you can read the transcript and listen at the same time. Do this perhaps two times per day, starting with the main story and reading. Use a dictionary if you need to to look up new words.Next, listen to the vocabulary. So in the vocabulary again I will discuss the meanings of some of the difficult words that I used. And again, you can read the transcript of that vocabulary lesson. There’s always a transcript you can read if you can’t understand my speaking, if I’m too fast, then read at the same time. It’s okay.Next, you’ll listen to the mini‑story and the mini‑story is the most important lesson. The mini‑story is designed for deep learning. In the mini‑story I am going to ask a lot of very easy questions while I tell a story. In fact I really ask the story, I don’t tell the story. Why am I doing this? Students ask me “Why are the questions so easy?” Well, the questions are supposed to be easy because I want you to answer fast and automatically. I want you to train your brain, teach your brain to answer very quickly.I don’t want you to translate from your language to English or from English to your language. It’s a bad habit, it will make you speak very slowly. I want you to just answer quickly, automatically, very fast. So that’s why I ask so many questions, like questions again, again, again, again, again…very easy. Your job…answer the questions quickly. You can answer with only one or two words, its okay. Short answers are fine. You don’t need to answer with a big, long sentence. In fact, short is better.So that’s the order that you’re going to follow. You’re going to listen to the main article first, one or two times. You can read as well if you need to. Then you’re going to listen to the vocabulary one or two times, each day. And then finally you’re going to listen to the mini‑story, one or two times or more. You can also read the transcript for themini‑story in the beginning.Now another important point, when you’re listening to these lessons do not study them. Don’t struggle to memorize. Just relax and listen. If necessary, you can read as well, as I said if you need to. But relax, you’re not trying to memorize anything. Just let it come in. Let the English come into your ears and into your eyes. Don’t think about it. Don’t analyze it. Do not think about grammar. The mini‑stories will help you learn grammar subconsciously, so don’t interrupt that process by trying to analyze it. Don’t think about grammar rules.You want to learn like a native speaker and that means you’re going to learn the patterns of English in these mini‑stories. You might not be able to explain them, just like native speakers cannot explain grammar rules. But that’s okay, you want to be able to use them correctly. That’s the important part. So again, you want to relax. Do not study. Do not think about grammar rules. Do not try to translate. Just relax and listen. That’s why we call it Effortless English. It should be effortless. You should be smiling, relaxed and just listening.Now another important point. You want to move your body while you’re listening to the lessons. This will keep your energy high. So, what do I mean by that? Well, a really easy way to do this is just to walk. You’ve got an iPod, you’ve got your earphones in, listen to the lessons while you go for a walk. You can do two things at one time. You exercise, you improve your body and you listen to English lessons and improve your mind at the same time.If you’re sitting in a train, then maybe you just stretch your body a little bit. If you’re in your car, you can move a little bit. You can move around in your seat. If you’re at your house you can go crazy, you can jump around. You can exercise very strongly. You can go to the gym. Do something with your body while you’re listening to the lessons. It will keep your energy high. It will keep you feeling better. You will actually learn faster by doing that.And finally, a very, very important point. You need to use our deep learning method. That means you listen to each lesson set for one week or more. So for example, this introduction has got three parts. There is a main lecture, a main talk. There is a vocabulary section. And there is a mini‑story. Well those three, you want to listen to those three every day for seven days. You want that repetition.Repetition is very important. You want it to go deeply into your brain. Just one time is not enough. Even if it is very easy for you, if you listen you understand everything, it’s simple, still follow the deep learning method. Still listen to the whole set for one week ormore. On the other hand, if it seems very difficult, listen longer. Two weeks is okay. Doesn’t matter, the point is you want it to go very deeply into your brain which means you want it to be almost effortless. It’s going to just go into your brain and eventually just come out without you thinking and that requires deep learning. It requires a lot of repetition.So that’s kind of your basic plan for using these lessons. Again, first you’re going to get into a peak state. You’re going to get excited. You’re going to jump around. You’re going to listen to music. You’re going to feel great. Then you’re going to listen to the main lecture, the main audio, one or two times. Then you’re going to listen to the vocabulary, one or two times. Then you’re going to listen to the mini‑story, one, two, three, four, five times…every day. And remember, relax, feel good and enjoy the lessons while you listen.Okay, that is it for our main section for this introduction. Next is the vocabulary.。

少儿英语启蒙 英语游戏 lesson plan01-introduction 超详细教学步骤内容

少儿英语启蒙 英语游戏 lesson plan01-introduction 超详细教学步骤内容

Lesson 01Intro Lesson (Ages 3-7) General:Age: 3-7 years Time: 40 mins - 1 hourObjectives: Greetings, names, follow simple instructions, identify and recognize 3 colorsStructures: "Hello", "What's your name", "My name is...", "Goodbye", "Give me..."Target Vocab: red, blue, green, flower, stand up, sit down, hands up, hands down,jump, run, turn around, pass, touchYou will also need:•name tags for each student• a glove puppet• a small ball•crayons• 3 sheets of origami colored paper (red, green, blue)• 3 balloons (red, blue, green)•cushions (1 per student)•CD / Tape player / PC / Something to play the Hello and Goodbye songs on Your students will need:•colored crayons (or pencils)Lesson Procedure:Greetings Warm Up and Maintenance:1. GreetingsGreet the students by name as they enter the classroom and gesture for them to sit down. It's a good idea to have a cushion for each student (and parent if also taking part) as this makes sitting arrangements easy to organize. Try and arrange the cushions beforehand spaced out in a fan-shape around you.2. Name TagsName Tags Before class prepare some name tags (stickers or pin-on tags) with each student's name written on in lower case letters. Sit down with your students and lay out the name tags in front of you. Pick up each tag and call out the name. Try and encourage each student to put their hand up and say "yes". Hand over the tags andhelp to pin / stick on.In later lessons, once your students can recognize their written name, you can have them pick out their own name tags.New Learning and Practice:1.Play "Ball Pass" and say namesTake a soft ball and pass it to your nearest student, saying "Pass". Have each student pass the ball around the circle. Next, hold the ball and say your name. Have each student say their name as they pass the ball to each other. Make sure they pass, not throw, roll, etc. If a student doesn't pass make sure s/he does it again until done properly.2.Introduce glove puppet - greetings and introductions activityYour students will love this. Get hold of a glove puppet (I use Cookie Monster bought from Toys 'R' Us) and put it in a bag before class. Bring out the bag, open it enough to see in and shout into the bag "Hello!". Then move your ear to the opening to listen - nothing. Go to each student and encourage them to shout "Hello" into the bag - each time nothing happens. Finally, get all the students together to shout "Hello!" at the same time. This time the puppet wakes up and jumps out of the bag! Then model the role play with the puppet:Introduce glove puppet - greetings and introductions activity Teacher:"Hello", What's your name?"Puppet:"My name is...".Then move onto the first student and say "Hello". Encourage him/her to say hello back. Let the students touch, cuddle and stroke the puppet. My puppet also likes to nibble their feet and arms. Next, the puppet asks each student: "What's your name?". If they are old enough try and encourage "My name is..." but for the really little ones (3 and under) just saying their name is fine. Finally, go around saying "Goodbye" and "See you" before going back into the bag and back to sleep.3.Sing the "Hello Song"Sing the "Hello Song" Sit in a circle and listen to the song (clap along or pat knees). Play it once more emphasizing "Hello". Your students will pick up the words surprisingly quickly.Alternatively, you can sing the "Hello, Hello" song following the tune of Frere Jacques: Hello, hello, Hello, hello,How are you? How are you?I'm fine, thank you, I'm fine, thank you,We're ok, We're ok.Lyrics for "The Hello Song"Hello, hello,How are you today?Hello, hello,How are you today?I’m fine, thank you,I’m fine, thank you,I’m fine, thank you,And how about you?Hello, hello,How are you today?I’m fine, thank you,And how about you?Gestures for "The Hello Song"These are quite straight forward. First time you play the song do the gestures and encourage everyone to do them with you.Wave as you sing the "Hello, hello" parts.Gesture to others as you sing "How are you today?"Point to yourself as you sing "I’m fine, thank you"Hand gesture towards another student as you sing "And how about you?".4. Do "Exercise Routine" activityTime for some action. Say the following and have the students follow your lead:Do "Exercise Routine" activity" Stand up (T stands and so does everyone else) "Hands up / hands down" (do 4 or 5 times)"Jump" (4 or 5 times)"Run! / Stop!" (4 or 5 times)"Turn around! / Stop!" (4 or 5 times)finally "Sit down".5. Name writing practiceIn this lesson your students are going to practice writing their names. For really young ones, this may be their first time to do so - don't worry if their first effort is a scrawly mess - always encourage and praise.You will need to prepare a writing sheet for each student before class with their name written in dots for them to practice tracing their names .Prepare the sheets something like this:6. Do the Name Flower Craft activityDo the Name Flower Craft activityNow that everyone has had a chance to practice writing their name you can do the name craft activity.Before class print out the "Name Flower Craft" sheet and copy / cut out the flower shapes so that there are enough to give one to each student (do a few extra in case of emergencies!).Get each student to write their name on the line and then color in their flower. Students can now decorate the classroom by sticking their name flowers on the walls. Alternatively, have students make a name poster by sticking all of the name flowers onto one large piece of construction paper (I like to make a tree shape out of brown card for students to stick their flowers on).7.Teach Colors: red, blue, greenTeach Colors: red, blue, greenA great lesson to follow this one is the "Colors Lesson" (you can download it for free at our website). In this lesson you can start by teaching the first 3 colors (red, blue and green) and then in the next class you can continue with the other colors (yellow, pink, purple, orange).Origami paper is great for this, or just some colored paper/card cut into squares. Sit everyone in a circle and hold up the first colored paper and elicit the color (e.g. red). Chorus and practice saying the color. Do this for the rest of the colors.8.Play "Color Pass", "Color Touch" and "Color Hold Up"Play "Color Pass", "Color Touch" and "Color Hold Up"Now take each color and pass it to your nearest student. Say "red" as you pass red, etc. The students pass the colors round the circle. Next, lay the 3 colors in the middle of the circle. Say "Hands up". Students raise their hands. Then say "Touch.....red!" and the students should all try and touch the red colored paper. Do for all of the colors. Finally, give each student one of the colored papers. Say "Hold up....blue!" - the students holding the blue papers raise them into the air.NOTE: for these games you'll probably have to give lots of help and encouragement. For example, if one of your students doesn't hold up the colored paper when asked look at him/her and gesture what to do. If their mothers are with them have them help.9.Play "Find the Color"Now get each student to give you back their colored paper by saying "Give me (blue)". Collect all the colors. Then place the colored papers on the floor around the room. First model by saying "Touch blue". Then stand up, go to a blue paper, touch it and say "blue" and go back to your place. Now say to one student "(Miki), touch green" and that student should stand up, find the correct color and touch it. Get everyone to have at least one go. Finally, get students to stand up and give you back the colors as you say them (e.g. Paulo, give me red").10.Play "Balloon Kick"You need three balloons - a red, a blue and a green one. Take one balloon and elicit the color. Then chorus "(blue) balloon" x3. Now blow up the balloon (little kids love watching this) and tie the end. Pat the balloon to one student and encourage him/her to say its color as they catch it. Let the student pat it back to you and repeat the color with all students. Then do the same for the other 2 balloons. Finally, line the balloons up, have the students stand up and model the activity: "Ok, (your name) kick the (blue) balloon!", then run up to the (blue) balloon and kick it. Now instruct one student to kick a balloon, give loads of help and encouragement and then do with all the other students.Wrap Up:1.Assign Homework: "Color the Balloons"Hold up the homework worksheet and model coloring in the 3 balloon pictures (in red, blue and green). Elicit each color as you go. Give out the worksheets and say "Put your homework in your bags" and help them to do so - this is important as they will probablywant to start coloring them right away.2. Say Goodbye to glove puppetSay Goodbye to glove puppetTake out the bag again and get everyone to wake up the glove puppet by shouting its name into the bag (e.g. "Cookie Monster!"). Bring out the puppet and go through the same routine - go to each student and say hello, ask their name and the say goodbye / see you. Then put the puppet back in the bag (back to sleep).3.Sing "Goodbye Song"The "Goodbye Song" is a great way to sign off the class. Sit together in a circle and sing and clap along.。



01.INTRO 02.童话 03.天堂 04.少年 05.手机留言 06.向左走向右走 07.一点光一点亮 08.期限 09.海边 10.妹妹 11.记得我爱你 12.THE END Bonus
01 Intro 02 单恋 03 第一次 04 Stop Now 05 我爱你,在哪里 06 如果你还爱我 07 朋友首日封 08 回到一个人 09 电梯 10 我想去个地方 11 你好吗 12 Ending 13 雨 14 女孩别哭
01. 烟火 02. 不会分离 03. I Miss You 04. 女孩别哭 05. 风雨同路 [1] 06. 爱可以点亮整个世界 07. I Am Who I Am (我就是我) 08. 双子星 09. 住在遥远的星球 10. 惊叹号 11. 童梦 12. 一个人走
01约定 02 都是你 03 勇气 04 拥抱我 05 恋 06 我等你 07 都是你
01 童话 02 天堂 03 第一次 04 掌心 05 想见你 06 多心 07 每一次喊你 08 是你变了吗 09 伤心地铁 10 如果你还爱我
1 第一次 2 是你变了吗 3 伤心地铁 4 童话 5 单恋 6 少年 7 朋友首日封 8 2999年的圣诞节 9 只想抱着你 10 握你的手 11 如果你愿意 12 距离 (好久好久) 13 如果你还爱我 14 每一次喊你 15 回到一个人 16 若无其事 17 天堂 18 心甘情愿 19 手机留言 20 讲不听 21 向左走向右走 22 Stop Now 23 妹妹 24 没你的日子 25 海边 26 道歉 27 爱上她 28 想爱


01. 今夜
02. 简单
03. 故乡
04. 九月
05. 方向
06. 浮躁
07. 温暖
08. 闪亮的瞬间
09. 情人
10. 那一年
03 故事
04 我们
05 家
06 美丽的女人
07 幸福
08 天使
09 道路
10 难忘的一天
11 四季
12 少年
13 风行(李宁广告歌)乐队版


02. 达尔文
03. Blower's Daughter
04. Change the World
05. 空白格
06. 记念
07. 思念(Tanya全新创作首度公开演唱版)
08. 呼吸
09. Is it over now? ("手"DEMO/原唱:莫文蔚)
10. 依赖(DEMO/原唱:陶晶莹)
22.My Color TV Set
23.T Time
十四、专辑《Just Say So》
01.Let`s Get Together
02.Just Say So
03.Make It For Real
05.Back Into My Life
十二、专辑《Close to 蔡健雅 (Demo CD)》
03.Goodbye & Hello
04.It’s True
01.Beautiful Love


Welcome to Implementing NetScreen Security Gateways
• Students should have a basic understanding of the following:
– The “Internet” – Networking Concepts – Terms including:
1.1.X.Y0 10.X.Y.1
Course Lab Layout with NS-208 NS• Classroom network is divided into 4 workgroups with up to 4 students in each workgroup.
1.1.X.10 10.X.Y.1 1.1.X.20 10.X.Y.1 10.X.Y.5 10.X.Y.5 10.X.Y.5 1.1.X.30 10.X.Y.1 10.X.Y.5 1.1.X.40 10.X.Y.1
Course Chapters (Cont.)
• • • • • • • • • Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter 9: Transparent Mode (optional) 10: Security Policy Configuration 11: Policy-based NAT 12: Virtual Private Networks 13: IPSec Concepts 14: VPNs with Manual Keys 15: VPN with Auto IKE 16: Route-Based VPNs 17: NetScreen Remote Client

关于国际危险货物运输的建议书试验和标准手册 2005(英文)01E_intro

关于国际危险货物运输的建议书试验和标准手册 2005(英文)01E_intro

ST/SG/AC.10/11/Rev.4Recommendations on the TRANSPORTOFDANGEROUS GOODSManualofTests and CriteriaFourth revised editionUNITED NATIONSNew York and Geneva, 2003NOTEThe designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.ST/SG/AC.10/11/Rev.4Copyright © United Nations, 2003All rights reserved.No part of this publication may, for sales purposes, be reproduced, storedin a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means,electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying orotherwise, without prior permission in writing from the United Nations.UNITED NATIONS PUBLICATIONSales No. E.03.VIII.2ISBN 92-1-139087-7FOREWORDThe recommendations in this Manual of Tests and Criteria supplement the "Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods" and the Model Regulations annexed thereto. They may also be used in relation to the “Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals”. They result from the decisions of the United Nations Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods at its thirteenth (1984), fourteenth (1986), fifteenth (1988), sixteenth (1990), seventeenth (1992), eighteenth (1994), nineteenth (1996), twentieth (1998) and twenty-first (2000) sessions, and those of the Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods and on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals at it first (2002) session.This fourth revised edition includes revised provisions for the classification of lithium batteries (sub-section 38.3) adopted by the Committee in 2000 (ST/SG/AC.10/27/Add.2) (already published, together with corrections to the third revised edition as ST/SG/AC.10/11/Rev.3/Amend.1); and new provisions for the classification of ammonium nitrate emulsions (section 18), flammable aerosols (section 31) and substances corrosive to metals (section 37) adopted by the Committee in 2002 (ST/SG/AC.10/29/Add.2).GENERAL TABLE OF CONTENTSSection Page 1. GENERAL INTRODUCTION (Introduction, Layout, Precedence of HazardCharacteristics, Safety, General Conditions for Testing,Recommended Tests and Reporting) (1)PART I: CLASSIFICATION PROCEDURES, TEST METHODS ANDCRITERIA RELATING TO EXPLOSIVES OF CLASS 110. INTRODUCTION TO PART I (Purpose, Scope, Acceptance procedure,Assignment Procedure, Examples of Test Report) (13)11. TEST SERIES 1 (To determine if a substance has explosive properties) (31)12. TEST SERIES 2 (To determine if a substance is too insensitive for inclusionin Class 1) (51)13. TEST SERIES 3 (To determine if a substance is thermally stable and nottoo dangerous to transport in the form in which it was tested) (69)14. TEST SERIES 4 (To determine if an article, packaged article orpackaged substance is too dangerous for transport) (123)15. TEST SERIES 5 (To determine if a substance may be assigned toDivision 1.5) (129)16. TEST SERIES 6 (To assign a substance or article to Division 1.1, 1.21.3 or 1.4 or exclude it from Class 1) (143)17. TEST SERIES 7 (To determine if an article may be assignedto Division 1.6) (155)18. TEST SERIES 8 (To determine if an ammonium nitrate emulsion, suspension or gel,intermediate for blasting explosives (ANE), is insensitive enough for inclusion inDivision 5.1, and to evaluate the suitability for transport in tanks) (177)PART II: CLASSIFICATION PROCEDURES, TEST METHODS AND CRITERIARELATING TO SELF-REACTIVE SUBSTANCES OF DIVISION 4.1AND ORGANIC PEROXIDES OF DIVISION 5.220. INTRODUCTION TO PART II (Purpose, Scope, Preliminary Procedure,Classification Procedure, Example of Test Report) (201)21. TEST SERIES A (To determine if there is propagation of detonation) (213)22. TEST SERIES B (To determine if there is detonation in the package) (229)23. TEST SERIES C (To determine if there is propagation of deflagration) (233)24. TEST SERIES D (To determine if there is rapid deflagration in thepackage) (245)25. TEST SERIES E (To determine the effect of heating under confinement) (249)26 TEST SERIES F (To determine the explosive power) (265)27. TEST SERIES G (To determine if there is thermal explosion inthe package) (289)28. TEST SERIES H (To determine the Self-accelerating DecompositionTemperature) (295)GENERAL TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued)Section Page PART III: CLASSIFICATION PROCEDURES, TEST METHODS AND CRITERIARELATING TO CLASS 3, CLASS 4, DIVISION 5.1 AND CLASS 930. INTRODUCTION TO PART III (Purpose, Scope) (323)31.CLASSIFICATION PROCEDURES, TEST METHODS AND CRITERIARELATING TO FLAMMABLE AEROSOLS OF CLASS 2 (325)32. CLASSIFICATION PROCEDURES, TEST METHODS AND CRITERIARELATING TO LIQUID DESENSITIZED EXPLOSIVES ANDFLAMMABLE LIQUIDS OF CLASS 3 (341)33. CLASSIFICATION PROCEDURES, TEST METHODS AND CRITERIARELATING TO CLASS 4 (351)34. CLASSIFICATION PROCEDURES, TEST METHODS AND CRITERIARELATING TO OXIDIZING SUBSTANCES OF DIVISION 5.1 (369)35. Reserved for classification procedures, test methods and criteriarelating to Class 6 (381)36. Reserved for classification procedures, test methods and criteriarelating to Class 7 (383)37.CLASSIFICATION PROCEDURES, TEST METHODS AND CRITERIARELATING TO SUBSTANCES OF CLASS 8 (385)38. CLASSIFICATION PROCEDURES, TEST METHODS AND CRITERIARELATING TO CLASS 9 (389)APPENDICES (403)Appendix 1 SPECIFICATIONS OF STANDARD DETONATORS (407)Appendix 2 BRUCETON AND SAMPLE COMPARISON METHODS (411)Appendix 3 CAVITATION OF SAMPLES (415)Appendix 4 NATIONAL CONTACTS FOR TEST DETAILS (419)Appendix 5 EXAMPLE OF A TEST METHOD FOR VENT SIZING (421)Appendix 6 SCREENING PROCEDURES (427)SECTION 1GENERAL INTRODUCTION1.1 Introduction1.1.1 The purpose of this text is to present the United Nations schemes for the classification of certain types of dangerous goods and to give descriptions of the test methods and procedures considered to be the most useful for providing competent authorities with the necessary information to arrive at a proper classification of substances and articles for transport. The Manual of Tests and Criteria should be used in conjunction with the latest version of the Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (hereafter referred to as the Recommendations) and of the Model Regulations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods annexed to these Recommendations (hereafter referred to as the Model Regulations).1.1.2 It should be noted that the Manual of Tests and Criteria is not a concise formulation of testing procedures that will unerringly lead to a proper classification of products. It therefore assumes competence on the part of the testing authority and leaves responsibility for classification with them. The competent authority has discretion to dispense with certain tests, to vary the details of tests, and to require additional tests when this is justified to obtain a reliable and realistic assessment of the hazard of a product. In some cases, a small scale screening procedure may be used to decide whether or not it is necessary to perform larger scale classification tests. Suitable examples of procedures are given in the introductions to some test series and in Appendix 6.1.2 Layout1.2.1 The classification procedures, test methods and criteria are divided into three parts:Part I: those relating to assignment of explosives to Class 1;Part II: those relating to assignment of self-reactive substances to Division 4.1 and of organic peroxides to Division 5.2;Part III: those relating to assignment of substances or articles to Class 3, Class 4, Division 5.1 or Class 9.Part III contains some classification procedures, test methods and criteria which are also given in the Model Regulations. There are also a number of appendices which give information common to a number of different types of tests, on the National Contacts for Test Details, on an example method for emergency relief vent sizing of portable tanks for the transport of organic peroxides and self-reactive substances and on screening procedures.1.2.2 The methods of test identification are given in Table 1.1.Table 1.1: TEST IDENTIFICATION CODESPart of manual Test series Test type Test number Example of testidentification codeI II IIIl - 8A - HL - T(a), (b), etc.--(i), (ii), etc.a1, 2, etc.1, 2, etc.2 (a) (i)A.lL.la If only one test is given for a test type, the Roman numerals are not used.1.2.3 Each test is given a unique identification code and is edited as follows:Introductionx.1Apparatus and materialsx.2Procedure (including observations to be made and data to be collected)x.3x.4Test criteria and method of assessing resultsExamples of resultsx.5NOTE: Examples of results are not normally given for tests on articles as these are too specific to the article tested and do not allow validation of the test procedure. Results on substances may vary from those given in the "Examples of results" if the physical form, composition, purity etc. of the substance is different. The results given should not be regarded as standard values.Figures x.1, x.2, x.3 etc. (i.e. diagrams of apparatus etc.)NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, the dimensions given on the diagrams are in millimetres.1.3 Precedence of hazard characteristics1.3.1 The table in2.0.3.3 of Chapter 2.0 of the Model Regulations may be used as a guide in determining the class of a substance, mixture or solution having more than one risk, when it is not named in the Dangerous Goods List in Chapter 3.2 of the Model Regulations. For goods having multiple risks, which are not specifically listed by name in Chapter 3.2 of the Model Regulations, the most stringent packing group denoted to the respective hazard of the goods takes precedence over other packing groups, irrespective of the precedence of hazard table in of Chapter 2.0 of the Model Regulations.1.3.2 The precedence of hazard characteristics of the following are not dealt with in the Precedence of Hazard Table in Chapter2.0 of the Model Regulations, since these primary characteristics always take precedence:Substances and articles of Class 1;Gases of Class 2;Liquid desensitized explosives of Class 3;Self-reactive substances and solid desensitized explosives of Division 4.1;substances of Division 4.2;PyrophoricSubstances of Division 5.2;Substances of Division 6.1 with a Packing Group I inhalation toxicity;Substances of Division 6.2; andMaterial of Class Self-reactive substances, except for type G, giving a positive result in the self-heating test for Division 4.2, should not be classified in Division 4.2 but in Division 4.1 (see paragraph2. of the Model Regulations). Organic peroxides of type G having properties of another class or division (e.g. UN 3149) should be classified according to the requirements of that class or division.1.4 Safety1.4.1 For the safety of laboratory personnel, the producer or other applicant for classification of a new product should provide all available safety data on the product e.g. the toxicity data.1.4.2 Particularly when explosive properties are suspected, it is essential for the safety of workers that small scale preliminary tests are carried out before attempting to handle larger quantities. This involves tests for determining the sensitiveness of the substance to mechanical stimuli (impact and friction), and to heat and flame.1.4.3 In tests involving initiation of potentially explosive substances or articles, a safe waiting period, prescribed by the test agency, should be observed after initiation.1.4.4 Extra care should be taken when handling samples which have been tested since changes may have occurred rendering the substance more sensitive or unstable. Tested samples should be destroyed as soon as possible after the test.1.5 General conditions for testing1.5.1 The conditions given in the test prescriptions should be followed as closely as possible. If a parameter is not specified in the test prescription then the conditions given here should be applied. Where tolerances are not specified in the test prescription, it is implied that the accuracy is according to the number of decimal places given in any dimension e.g. 1.1 implies 1.05 to 1.15. In cases where conditions during a test deviate from those prescribed, the reason for the deviation should be stated in the report.1.5.2 The composition of the test sample should be as close as possible to the concentration of the substance intended for transport. The contents of active substance(s) and diluent(s) should be specified in the test report with at least an accuracy of ± 2 % by mass. Components which can have a major effect on a test result, such as moisture, should be specified as accurately as possible in the test report.1.5.3 All test materials in contact with the test substance should be such that, as far as possible, they do not affect the test results e.g. catalyse decomposition. In cases where such an effect cannot be excluded, special precautions should be taken to prevent the result being affected, e.g. passivation. The precautions taken should be specified in the test report.1.5.4 The tests should be performed under the conditions (temperature, density etc.) which are representative of the expected circumstances of transport. If the transport conditions are not covered by the test conditions specified, supplementary tests may need to be performed which are specifically designed for the anticipated transport conditions e.g. elevated temperature. Where appropriate, e.g. when the result is particle size dependent, the physical conditions should be specified in the test report.tests1.6 Recommended1.6.1 The manual gives descriptions of tests and criteria used to provide the necessary information to arrive at a proper classification. In some cases, there is more than one test for a particular property. As a result of comparative work with some of these tests, it has been possible to identify one test as the recommended test in a set of equivalent tests. The recommended tests for classifying explosive substances and articles (Part I of the manual) are listed in Table 1.2 and for classifying self-reactive substances and organic peroxides (Part II of the manual) in Table 1.3. All test methods given in Part III of the manual are recommended tests as only one test is given for each property. The other tests in a set are considered to be alternative tests and may continue to be used for classification purposes.1.6.2 As a result of comparative work, some tests have been deleted. However, as some countries maintain databases referenced by the test number, the tests currently given in the test manual have not been renumbered unless existing tests have been assigned to different test types.1.6.3 The aim is to have only one United Nations test, or combination of tests, for each property. However, until the recommended tests have been used more widely, it is not possible to do this in all cases at present.1.6.4 If new tests are proposed for inclusion in the manual, the proposer should be able to provide justification that the new test is a significant improvement on the existing recommended test. In such cases, the new test may be included as an alternative test until it has been tried by laboratories of other countries.Table 1.2: RECOMMENDED TESTS FOR EXPLOSIVES AND EXPLOSIVE ARTICLESTest series TesttypeTestcodeTest name1(a) 1 (a)UN gap test1(b) 1 (b)Koenen test1(c) 1 (c)(i)Time / pressure test2(a) 2 (a)UN gap test2(b) 2 (b)Koenen test2(c) 2 (c)(i)Time / pressure test3(a) 3 (a)(ii)BAM Fallhammer3(b) 3 (b)(i)BAM Friction apparatus3(c) 3 (c)Thermal stability test at 75 °C3(d) 3 (d)Small-scale burning test4(a) 4 (a)Thermal stability test for unpackaged articles and packaged articles4(b) 4 (b) (i)Steel tube drop test for liquids4 (c) 4 (b)(ii)Twelve metre drop test for unpackaged articles, packaged articles andpackaged substances5(a) 5 (a)Cap sensitivity test5(b) 5 (b)(ii)USA DDT test5(c) 5 (c)External fire test for Division 1.56(a) 6 (a)Single package test6(b) 6 (b)Stack test6(c) 6 (c)External fire (bonfire) test7(a)7 (a)EIDS cap test7(b)7 (b)EIDS gap test7(c)7 (c)(ii)Friability test7(d)7 (d) (i)EIDS bullet impact test7(e)7 (e)EIDS external fire test7(f)7 (f)EIDS slow cook-off test7(g)7 (g) 1.6 article external fire test7(h)7 (h) 1.6 article slow cook-off test7(j)7 (j) 1.6 article bullet impact test7(k)7 (k) 1.6 article stack test8 (a) 8(a) Thermal stability test for ANE8 (b) 8(b) ANE gap test8 (c) 8(c)Koenentest8 (d) 8(d) Vented pipe test aa This test is intended for evaluating the suitability for transport in tanks.Table 1.3: RECOMMENDED TESTS FOR SELF-REACTIVE SUBSTANCES AND ORGANIC PEROXIDESTest series Test code Test nameA A.6UN detonation testB B.1Detonation test in packageC C C.1C.2Time/pressure testDeflagration testD D.1Deflagration test in the packageE E E.1E.2Koenen testDutch pressure vessel testF F.4Modified Trauzl testG G.1Thermal explosion test in packageH H H H.1H.2H.4United States SADT test (for packages)Adiabatic storage test (for packages, IBCs and tanks)Heat accumulation storage test (for packages, IBCs and smalltanks)1.7 Reporting1.7.1 Classifications for Chapter 3.2 of the Model Regulations are made on the basis of consideration of data submitted to the Committee by governments, intergovernmental organisations and other international organisations in the form recommended in Figure 1 of the Recommendations. Supplementary data is required for the classification of:Substances and articles of Class 1 (see 10.5);Self-reactive substances of Division 4.1 (see 20.5); andOrganic peroxides of Division 5.2 (see 20.5).1.7.2 Where tests are performed on packaged substances or articles, the test report should contain the quantity of substance or number of articles per package and the type and construction of the packaging.- 5 -。

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求生之路 非官方地图指令
运行命令:map deck4
地图:Zombies of the Caribbean V2【加勒比僵尸】
运行命令:map l4d_deathaboard01_prison
地图:L4D2 Meows Blood bath v4.1【浴血奋战】
类别:合作/写实 4/4
运行命令:map l4d2_deadcity01_riverside
地图:Freezer Burn v2【冰与火】
类别:合作/写实/对抗 6/6
地图文件名: echo.vpk



1.1. The Golden Ratio
The positive root is the golden ratio. If you have forgotten the quadratic formula, you can ask Matlab to find the roots of the polynomial. Matlab represents a polynomial by the vector of its coefficients, in descending order. So the vector p = [1 -1 -1] represents the polynomial p(x) = x2 − x − 1 The roots are computed by the roots function. r = roots(p) produces r = -0.61803398874989 1.61803398874989 These two numbers are the only numbers whose reciprocal can be computed by subtracting one. You can use the Symbolic Toolbox, which connects Matlab to Maple, to solve the aspect ratio equation without converting it to a polynomial. The equation is represented by a character string. The solve function finds two solutions. r = solve(’1/x = x-1’) produces r = [ 1/2*5^(1/2)+1/2] [ 1/2-1/2*5^(1/2)] The pretty function displays the results in a way that resembles typeset mathematics. pretty(r) produces [ 1/2 ] [1/2 5 + 1/2] [ ] [ 1/2] [1/2 - 1/ a vector with two components, the symbolic forms of the two solutions. You can pick off the first component with phi = r(1)


map l4d_mic2_trapmentd
25 To Life v16.0【25条命】
map l4d_deathaboard01_prison
map l4d_deathaboard02_yard
map l4d_deathaboard03_docks
map l4d_deathaboard04_ship
map l4d_deathaboard05_light
血腥收获【一代地图复刻版 Blood Harvest original v1.3】bloodharvestoriginal_v1.3.vpk
map l4d_farm01_hilltop
map l4d_farm02_traintunnel
map l4d_farm03_bridge
map l4d_farm04_barn
【Haunted Forest v1.3完整版】
建图指令:4个地图 指令少1
map hf01_theforest
map hf02_themansion
map hf03_escape

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你知不知道,a,lin 你知不知道歌词

你知不知道,a,lin 你知不知道歌词第一篇你知不知道,a,lin《失落沙洲》跟刘xx没和好前,我跟小媛说:我也想像对阿孙一样对她,但我做不到,她不是阿孙。

























第1讲: 介绍
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TG11.0 ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary
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Version 1.1
CFD 分析 • CFD: 借助计算机技术进行流动模拟
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TurboGrid 工作流程
TurboGrid 工作流程
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Analyze Mesh
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Version 1.1
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第2章Workbench & CFXCFX简介The Workbench EnvironmentTraining Manual •在大多数情形下,Workbench GUI分为两个主要部分(也有其他可供选择的部分):工具栏项目管理示意框The ToolboxTraining Manual •工具箱包括4个部分:•分析系统:–项目示意中可以用到的预先定义好的模版.•构件系统:–可以构建为分析系统的不同软件.•定制的系统:–为耦合计算预先定制好的分析软件系统(FSI, thermal stress等). 用户也能自己(FSI,thermal-stress).创建自己的预定义系统.•Design Exploration:g p–参数化管理与优化工具.The ToolboxTraining Manual •Toolbox里面的组件取决于安装的产品.•在“View / Toolbox Customization ”或者,点击“View”可以检查安装All/Customize”,可以检查安装的产品, 也可以通过勾选的方式显示关心的产品.•Toolbox customization窗口T lb t i ti通常位于左边,不用时通常处于关闭状态.The Project SchematicTraining Manual •Workbench的项目图解是以图示的方法表示一个系统或系统组的操作流程.•以下几款应用(软件)完全在Workbench环境下:–Project Schematic, Engineering Data 和Design Exploration•可以独立启动的应用(软件):–Mechanical (formerly Simulation), Mechanical APDL (formerly ANSYS),ANSYS Fluent, ANSYS CFX, 等. . .点击鼠标右键可以删除些功能按钮.•点击鼠标右键可以删除一些功能按钮The Project SchematicTraining Manual •图示为一个Static Structural分析项目图解.•拖动或者双击.The Project SchematicTraining Manual •从上到下,全面完成项目分析.•“连接器(Connectors)” 用于不同体系间的协作.•图示structural system系统通过拖拉,与thermal system在Model拉与thermal system Modelcell (A4)处数据共享.•完成连接操作之前,系统间在不同的位置有不同类型的连接.The Project SchematicTraining Manual •完成连接操作之后,连接只能是Model及其之上层次的.•在下面这个连接的例子中,将不会有thermal/structural的耦合.•注意,每个系统用不同的字母表示(A, B, C,等.).注意每个系统用不同的字母表示(A B C)The Project SchematicTraining Manual •通过拖transient structural并且在steady-state Thermal的solution上释放鼠标,可以实现结构与热的耦合计算.注意, 延伸的位置A6预示着数据共享的方是示着数据共享的地方是从A2到A4.The Project SchematicTraining Manual•图示也可以通过右键选择“Transfer Data To New” 或“Transfer DataF N”From New”的方式构建.The Project SchematicTraining Manual •Identifying cell states:•无法执行:缺失上游数据.•必要的注意:可能需要纠正(有可能包括上游数据).•需要更新: 上游数据已经更改. 需要进行更新.•必要的更新: 数据已经改变,输出必须重新生成.•更新完成.•输入未改变: 局部更新,如上游数据更新、而下游数据还没有来得及更新.:•中断: 求解器被人为中断.•执行中.Optional Workbench WindowsTraining Manual •“View”菜单里面可以显示Workbench环境下的附加信息.Workbench File ManagementTraining Manual •Workbench 创建项目文件和一系列的子目录管理相关文件.•建议用户通过Workbench管理文件目录.–不要手动的修改项目目录的结构和内容.•当保存项目文件,项目文件将会使用用户指定的名字进行创建(如MyFile.wbpj).当保存项目文件项目文件将会使用用户指定的名字进行创建MyFile wbpj)•在这个项目文件夹里面将会有大量的子目录被创建.Workbench File ManagementTraining Manual•在Workbench “View” 菜单下激活“Files”选项,显示文件详情和位置.Workbench File ManagementTraining Manual•Archive: 快速的生成一个压缩文件包,里面包括所有相关文件.–文件是. Zip格式,也能在Workbench中使用“RestoreArchive . . . ”或使用任意解压工具打开压缩文件.–可用的几个选项.Starting CFXTraining Manual •CFX 的启动:–CFX 12.0的启动•Start > All Programs > ANSYS12.0 > CFX > ANSYS CFX 12.0–ANSYS Workbench平台上的启动•拖‘Analysis Systems > FluidFlow (CFX)’或‘ComponentSystems > CFX’到项目图示–命令行•通常用于Linux/UnixTry It Yourself!Training Manual •请启动Workbench…Start All Programs ANSYS 12.0 ANSYS Workbench–Start>All Programs>ANSYS12.0>ANSYS Workbench•点开Component Systems 工具箱,添加CFX到项目图示栏•拖进第二个CFX 系统到项目图示栏, 并在第一个任务的Solution处释放鼠标–第一个求解结果可以用于第二个求解的初值, 如稳态的计算结果作为瞬态计算的初值•鼠标右键点击第一系统的Setup选择Edit–可以打开CFX-PreCFX PRunning Standalone vs WorkbenchTraining Manual •在Workbench环境下运行CFX:–简化工作流程•从几何, 网格, 物理前处理, 求解和计算结果后处理,所有步骤都显示在项目求解和计算结果后处理所有步骤都显示在项目图解框内•当有任何改变,易于更新当有任何改变易于更新–如,当几何改变以后,仅仅简单的点击网格、setup、solution和results的更新即可–还可以与其他的分析系统及分析组件进行链接–当进行DesignExploration参数化研究的时候,这是一个必要的流程Running Standalone vs WorkbenchTraining Manual •单独启动CFX:–小的计算量要求–生成一个简单的目录/文件结构–不能直接的进行几何, 网格, 物理前处理和计算结果的共享与关联•不能自动的参数化研究–自动化程度低•例如网格需要手动导入到CFX-Pre设置工作目录Training Manual •开始一个项目之前,首先需要设置工作目录‘Documents and Settings’–避免文件保存到Documents and Settings•在开始进行Pre / Solver / Post之前,在CFX Launcher上指定工作目录•在添加入任何项目图示内容之前,需要在Workbench中进行项目的保存Training ManualSetup / CFX-PreCFD-PostCFX-PreCFX-Solver•在WB 环境下在Setup 右击->编辑,启动CFX-Pre•General 模式可用于定义所有类型的CFD 模拟的通用模式–四种模拟类型可选–默认模式•Turbo machinery 模式对旋转机械进行简化设置y •Quick Setup 模式可以在假定默认参数和基本物理模型的情况下,可以大大简化物理前处理设置情况大大简化物前设•Library Template 模式对复杂物理模型提供一个预定义的设置–Boiling, cavitation, coal & oil combustion, …Training Manual CFX-Pre –WorkspaceMain MenuCFD-Post CFX-Pre CFX-SolverMain ToolbarViewer ToolbarOutline TreeViewer WindowMessage WindowTraining ManualCFX-Pre –Workflow网格与区域控制•输入, 删除, 转换网格•查看&编辑网格CFD-PostCFX-Pre CFX-Solver •从上到下定义一个完整的模拟•双击模型树上的按钮进入编辑Domain分析类型•稳态/瞬态状态•右键点击模型树可以插入新的边界条件•右键定义边界条件项目或执行新的操作•有的项目是可选的,取决于模拟的问题初始化•设置求解的初始点求解器设置•收敛控制•结果文件控制•数值格式库对象Library objects •导入物质& 化学反应••监测点插入表达式,附加变量,函数等Training ManualUseful ShortcutsViewer ToolbarRotate +CTRL Pan + CTRL +SHIFT Zoom + SHIFT(Hold while Box Zoom (Hold while tracing a box)Rotate(on screen plane)+ CTRLTraining Manual CFX-Pre –Workflow Example1.导入网格CFD-Post CFX-Pre CFX-Solver–在mesh上右击网格导入后,自动创建一个默认的Domain.D i该Domain包含网格中的所有的3D区域.每个domain包含一个默认的边界条件.Training ManualCFX-Pre –Workflow Example2.定义Domain 属性–在domain 上右击,选择Edit Fl A l i 1上右击然后插入个新的iCFD-PostCFX-PreCFX-Solver–或者在Flow Analysis 1上右击然后插入一个新的d omain 当编辑条目的时候,面板上包括所有的属性按钮. 可在按钮之间进行切换.子按钮包括多种不同的属性设置定义domain 的时候,完成每个子域的设置其它可选的域Training ManualCFX-Pre –Workflow Example3.在Domain 里创建边界条件•在Domain 里右击插入边界条件CFD-PostCFX-PreCFX-Solver定义好的边界条件会显示出来Training ManualCFX-Pre –Workflow Example4.定义求解器设置–右击求解器控制并且选择编辑CFD-PostCFX-PreCFX-Solver所有的求解器控制都有默认的值Training ManualCFX-Pre –Workflow Example•Workbench 环境下:•独立启动:5.开始求解CFD-PostCFX-Pre CFX-Solver –只需关闭CFX-Pre•文件会自动保存•提示进入下一环节–需要手动保存CFX-Pre 设置–右击Simulation 并选择Start Solver >•打开Solver Manager——define run–右键Solution 且选择Edit 或Refresh•Refresh 采用默认的设置,在后台运行求解器Solver Manager•以默认的设置在后台运行——Run Solver•以默认的设置和监测打开Solver Manager——Run Solver and Monitor•打开Solver Manager Right-clickt lto solveTraining ManualCFX-Solver Manager•定义求解–CFX-Pre 自动的将已经写好的.def 文CFD-PostCFX-PreCFX-Solver件作为求解器的输入文件–若有先前的计算求解结果,可以作为求解的初始值–定义并行计算设置–Start Run !Training ManualCFX-Solver Manager•WorkspaceCreate new monitorsCFD-PostCFX-Pre CFX-Solver 求解监测•监测求解器的收敛情况•监测残差,不平衡量,监测点,求解器输出文本•包含绝大多数信息•该文本保存为.out 文件力,流量等等Training ManualCFX-Solver Manager•当求解结束, 启动CFD-Post:CFD-PostCFX-PreCFX-Solver•Workbench 环境下:–仅需关闭Solver Manager•提示进入下一环节•独立启动:–求解结束后,提示窗口提示是否进入Post-Process ,进行结果后处理–右击Results and 且选择Edit 进入CFD-Post–或者选择Post-Process Results 按钮启动后处理程序Right-click to start CFD-PostTraining ManualCFD-PostCFD-PostCFX-Pre CFX-Solver •Workspace编辑按钮•目录树•变量•目录树表达式•宏计算器•Turbo目录树显示所有后处理过程中的项目,可以通过右击-编辑或双击的方法进行详细设置视窗详情面板Training Manual CFD-Post•基本流程1.准备几何位置在准备好的何上生成定性数据CFD-PostCFX-Pre CFX-Solver •如. 平面, 等值面 3.i) 在准备好的几何上生成定性数据2.创建变量/表达式作为显示的量•如. 压力,速度ii) 在准备好的几何上生成定量数据iii)生成报告Training ManualCFD-PostCFD-PostCFX-PreCFX-Solver1.创建位置Location 下拉菜单,提供创多种建方法可以选用2D & 3D 区域,边界和网格区域2变量2./表达式3.定性和定量数据4.更细节的内容,后面将详细讲述报告Training Manual文件类型总结.wbpj (Workbench 项目文件)导入网格.cmdb, .cfx5, .def, .res, …CFX-Pre.def (求解器输入或定义文件).cfx (CFX-Pre 数据)打开.cfx, .def, .resCFX-Solver.out (求解器输出文件)res CFD-Post.res(结果文件).cst (CFD-Post 状态文件).cse (CFD-Post Session 文件.def, .cmdb (网格文件)()Training Manual 文件类型总结•.cfx——包含网格和物理前处理数据,可以用CFX-Pre打开Import Mesh.cmdb, .cfx5, .def, .res, …•.def ——包含网格和物理前处理数据,可以用求解器求解CFX-Pre.def(Solver Input or Definition File).cfx(CFX-Pre Database) Open.cfx, .def, .res•.res——包含网格和物理前处理数据和结果文件,可以用CFD-Post打开CFX-Solver.out(Solver Output File).res(Results File)cstdef cmdb CFD-Post.cst.cse.def, .cmdb(Mesh Files)CFX Pre def res文件用以回复网格和物理前处理•CFX-Pre也能打开.def和.res文件,用以回复网格和物理前处理. •CFX-Solver可以采用.res文件作为求解初值进行计算.•CFD-Post 也能打开.def 和.cmdb 文件用于观察网格情况Training ManualSolver Files and FoldersCFX S l C:\Filename.defC \Fil 001t CFX-SolverC:\Filename_001.out C:\Filename_001C:\Filename_001\100_full.bak C:\Filename_001\1.trnC:\Filename_001\2.trnC \Fil 001第一次求解Filename.defC:\Filename_001.res C:\Filename.defCFX-SolverC:\Filename_002.out C:\Filename_002C:\Filename_002\100_full.bak C:\Filename_002\1.trn C:\Filename 002\2.trn 第二次求解Filename.defC:\Filename_002\2.trnC:\Filename_002.resWorkbench中的文件结构Training Manual •单独启动CFX时, 文件自动保存到当前目录•Workbench环境下,只有项目文件(.wbpj) 保存于当前目录下y –其它所有文件保存到name_files子目录name filesC:\StaticMixer.wbpjC:\StaticMixer_filesProject files and folders. Do not edit directlyLicense PreferencesTraining Manual •Workbench license 控制:“Tools > License Preferences . . . ”.。


1: TrapTester介绍
*软件介绍 **培训目的 ***主要数据和工作流程 介绍: 欢迎使用 TrapTester 该培训课程向你介绍如何使用TrapTester软件。 TrapTester是什么? TrapTester是Badleys公司研制的一个交互平台软件,先前叫FAPS。该软件使你能够解决所 有与断层有关的问题,从基本的地震解释、断层建模到先进的断层封堵潜力分析以及储层模 型中的流动性模拟。 * Unix, Linux, PC Windows, SGI 本次培训的目的 本次培训的目的是通过一个用Demo数据库的典型的断层封堵分析工区,教会你如何使用 TrapTester软件。虽然这是一个学术的练习,但其包含许多当你使用软件进行实际数据集分析 时要遇到的许多操作。 DEMO工区 为这次培训我们将使用一个来自于墨西哥湾的工区,该工区含三维地震测网和地震数据, 一些层位和断层数据。在该区也钻了一些井,在井上拾取了一些标志层位( K1 至 K13),这 些层中, K8 和 PGB2 为主要的储层段。工区也有一些压力数据。
d) 裂缝预测
三角图(Triangle) 模块 油藏模型 (EarthGrid 模块)
4: 输出数据,模型和/或属性
主要路线 可பைடு நூலகம்路线
层位和断层输出至 OW, GF, ASCII 框架多边形 属性,裂缝网格,传导因子
使用TrapTester能做什么?----- 一些实例
• 用2D剖面(主线,联络线和时间剖面)和3D显示进行基本的地震解释。 • 可视化2D地震数据,从2D 和/或 3D数据建立断层模型。 • 用区域的或分散的2D地震数据建立断层模式。 • 建立复杂的3D断层模型。 • 定义圈闭关键断层的封堵潜力(并置图)和用TrapAnalyst确定关键泄漏点。



Fluent_Meshing_17.0_Module01_Intro 17.0 ReleaseModule 1: IntroductionIntroduction to ANSYS Fluent MeshingIntroduction to ANSYS Fluent MeshingFluent Meshing overview and characteristicsCharacteristics and TerminologyBoundary and Volume mesh generation/manipulation methods FlexibilityWhat’s new in R17SummaryFluent Meshing Characteristics ?Embedded into the Fluent UserInterfaceModern Interface, Model tree & IconsRead CAD and also surface meshcomplex multi-region assemblies ?Geared towards advanced users with a lot of control Can handle billion cell + meshesScriptable for batch executionFluent Meshing TechnologyHistorically Fluent Meshing (legacy TGrid) was a volume mesh filler withsurface mesh editing toolsWidely used in the aerospace and automotive markets,oincluding F1 for many yearsCan create very high quality, large cell count, hybrid volume meshesCourtesy of Lola CarsCourtesy of John Deere Courtesy of Lilleaker Consulting ASand Inocean-Marotec ASCourtesy of Materialise Fluent Meshing TechnologyA class leading surface wrapping technology was developedEnlarges the scope of applications like : HVAC, Oil & Gas, Biomedical or Underhood Thermal Management where : Starting point is faceted/STL geometry or CADGeometry can be “dirty” with disconnected surfaces, overlapping geometry,surface intersections, holes, etc.Boundary Mesh Tools ExamplesPreview min & max sizes and local size fields Display cut-planes Display/fix highly skewed faces/cellsJoin/intersection and connection Full local controlSurface wrapping and remeshingVolume Mesh Generation Methods TetrahedralCutCellThin VolumePrismsPolyMesh FlexibilityConnect separated surface meshes together tomake conformal then fillConnect external hexahedral meshes to triangular surface meshes and fill shell volume Scriptable TUI with extensive wildcard supportSweep quad/tri surfaces into hex/prism volumes Remeshing tools to redistribute and improve surface meshesRemeshImport 3rd Party meshes and fix, improve quality,remesh , or insert “post” prism layersPossible WorkflowsSURFACE MESH VOLUME MESHCaveatsCertain operations in Fluent Meshing cannot be undoneMerge nodes globallyDelete Face ZonesSurface projection...We therefore advise saving meshesincrementally as you work!What’s New in R17?User interfaceImproved and flexible UI layoutGraphic join and intersect operationsObjects and Volumetric RegionsRegion based volume meshingSupport of Quad and Hex meshes in Object treeVolume Mesh Generation MethodsNative Polyhedral meshingSurface Meshing ToolsAuto-decomposed Distributed Parallel Prism and serial tet-meshing Beta FeaturesCad Assembly modulePartial region based meshingOctree based HexCore meshingSummaryFluent Meshing is a robust and powerful mesh generation software forunstructured meshingFluent Meshing contains several tools:To handle, repair and improve boundary meshesSurface Wrapping capabilities that can be used to generate CFD meshes on highly complex and “dirty” geometryClass leading distributed parallel prism mesh generation capabilities allowing the capture of boundary layers on complex geometry High quality tetrahedral and hexcore meshing algorithmsPolyhedral mesh generation which creates low cell count meshes of high qualityScripted meshing for repeatability and capture of best practicesDeep toolbox of flexible commands –a “transparent meshing toolbox”。



求生之路2更新地图建图命令---------------------------------------------------------------------------第一次更新---------------------------------------------------------------------------1、Space Jockeys v2.0 【空间骑士 v2.0】map spacejockeys2、Dead Echo 2 v1.5 【回响2 v1.5】map de01_sewers3、Centro v1.0 【市中心 v1.0】map centro4、Deadly Dispatch v2 【致命派遣 v2】map l4d_sc_market5、Death Sentence v2 【死刑 v2】map urban_terror6、Left 4 Cake 2 【活蛋糕】map left4cake201_start7、Welcome to Hell v7.0【欢迎来到地狱v7.0】map wth_18、Night Terror L4D2 edition【恐怖之夜复刻版(又译:鬼屋、夜梦惊魂)】map nt01_mansion9、Detour Ahead v4.0【迂回前进 v4.0】map cdta_01detour10、Dark Blood 2 v2【黑血 v2】map l4d2_darkblood01_tanker11、L4D2 Plants vs Zombies v1.0【植物大战僵尸 v1】map plants_and_zombies12、We Don't Go To Ravenholm 2 v1.0【莱温霍姆2 v1.0】map l4d2_ravenholmwar_113、Belle Fire(L4D2) v2.0【绚丽火焰 v2.0(爱尔兰译为五月的土地)】map bellefirel4d2v2a14、Pasiri v3.0map l4d2_pasiri115、Indiana Jones and the Temple of Zombies v1.0 【印第安纳琼斯和圣殿僵尸 v1.0】map indiana_adventure16、Haunted Forest v1.0【鬼魅森林v1.0】map hf01_theforest17、Carried Off v2.5【逃生 v2.5】map cwm1_intro18、Lost v5.0【一线生机v5.0】map lost01_club19、7 Hours Later II v2.0【七小时之后 v20】map l4d2_7hours_later_0120、Dead Series【死亡系列】map dead_series21、:-Helms Deep- Reborn v12【圣盔谷:重生 v12(也称指环王守城)】map l4d_helms_deep_serious survival22、Tour of Terror V1.6【惊怵之旅】map eu01_residential_b0623、MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX II v12【军事联合企业II v12】map l4d_MIC2_TrapmentD24、I Hate Mountains v1.2【憎恶山谷 v1.2】map l4d_ihm01_forest25、Overkill v1【赶尽杀绝 v1】map gr-mapone-726、Open Road v1.0【公路 v1.0】map x1m1_cliffs27、Escansion v1【Escansion v1】map esc_jailbreak28、Source of Infection v1.0【病源 v1.0】map soi_m1_metrostation29、Run To The Hills v2.1map rh_map0130、Shadow Moses Island v2.0【摩西岛阴影 v2.0】map l4d2-DisposalFacility31、Resident Evil Outbreak File #1 v5.2【生化危机 #1 v5.2】map reintro32、Precinct 84 v1.0【第84区 v1.0】map p84m1_crash33、drop dead gorges v1.0【暴毙峡谷 v1.0】map ddg1_tower_v134、Gas Fever v2.0【狂热气体 v2.0】map gasfever_135、Escape from Malabar v4.0【逃离马拉巴 v4.0】map exmala1_136、Questionable Ethics v1.0【不可靠的伦理 v1.0】map questionable_ethics_137、Dead Flag Blues 2 v1.0【死旗2 v1.0】map l4d2_deadflagblues01_city38、Disturbed in the Suburbs v2.3【市郊惊魂 v2.3】map l4d_suburb01_school39、Kokiri Forest v1【塞尔达传说:科克里之森 v1】map oot_forest40、Void: Preview Mission v1.1【演习任务 v1.1】map voidpreview41、RMS Titanic v1.3【皇家邮轮泰坦尼克 v1.3】map rmstitanic_m1_final42、Blood Tracks v3.0【血色铁路 v3.0】map bloodtracks_0143、Suicide Blitz 2 v1【自杀式突袭 v1】map l4d2_stadium1_apartment44、Death Sentence v4.1 【死刑 v4.1】map death_sentence_145、Firetower Trail 2.0 【消防瞭望塔的线索】map versus_146、25 To Life v16.0map l4d_5tolife0147、The Return: Escape from Louisianna v5.1【重返:逃离路易斯安那】map the_return_lvl148、Silent Fear L4D2 v1.0【无声恐惧 v1.0】map silentfear49、Warcelona v1.0map srocchurch50、Stenches v6.0【战壕 v6.0】map l4d2_base_east51、Going Ballistic v1【导弹来袭 v1】map gb_m1_road52、Infected City v3.0【感染城市 v3.0】map l4d2_ic_1_city53、NAPALM DEATH v1【死亡汽油弹 v1】map m1_village54、Crash Course Enhanced - CCE (New Survivors)【技术提高速成班-认证(新的生存)】map l4d2_garage01_alleys55、Left 4 GoldenEye v1.01 【黄金眼 v1.01】map part1_facility56、Silent Hill L4D1 by Leafo v8【寂静岭 v8】map l4d_sh01_oldsh57、Death Aboard 2 v2.1【港口2 v2.1】map l4d_deathaboard01_prison58、Tour of Terror V5.1【惊怵之旅】map eu01_residential_b1459、Perfect Hideout 2 V2.0【完美隐匿 v2.0】map Hideout01_v560、Midnight Rail Run v2.1【午夜铁路 v2.1】map mrr_01_darkforest---------------------------------------------------------------------------第二次更新---------------------------------------------------------------------------61、Blood Proof v1.0【血证 v1.0】map cbm1_lake62、The Dark Parish v2.2【暗黑教区 v2.2】c5m1_darkwaterfront(注意:必须删除旧版本darkparish_av1.vpk、darkparish_av2.vpk)63、Project Auburn 2 v1.0【奥本计划 v1.0】map l4d_auburn65、Class L4D v0.9【Class v0.9】map Class_l4d_166、Urban Flight V1.4.5【飞离死城 v1.4.5】map uf1_boulevard67、Dead Destination v3.0 【死亡终点 v3.0】map port_0168、Last Summer V4.0【最后的夏天 v4.0】map campanar369、New World Order 1 v1.0 【新世界秩序1 v1.0】map l4d_vs_martial_law (地图暂无)70、New World Order 2 v2.0 【新世界秩序2 v2.0】map anti_swamp1_b571、The Dark Tower 1 The Gunslinger v1.8 【黑暗之塔之一:神枪 v1.8】map DTTG00172、Payload Hoodoo v1.3 【军团要塞 v1.3】map l4d2_pl_hoodoo73、Blight Path v3.0 【死路 v3.0】map bp_mapalpha174、Innes Road Rash V2.6【逃出生天 v2.6】map InnesRoadRash0175、Let's Build:2012 V1.0【建设:2012 v1.0】map lbar_future76、Left 4 Duluth v3.0 【逃离德卢斯 v3.0】map umd77、Road To Nowhere 2 v4.0 【路在何方2 v4.0】map l4d2_roadtonowhere_route0178、Beginners luck V1.0【幸运菜鸟 v1.0】map Amaze79、Crash Bandicoot: The Return of Dr. Cortex V1.0【古惑狼:柯帝斯博士归来 v1.0】map CrashBandicootMap180、Left 4 Duluth v4.0 【逃离德卢斯 v4.0】map umd81、Vienna Calling 2 v1.1【维也纳的召唤2 v1.1】map l4d_viennacalling2_182、Mass Maze V1.8【大迷宫 v1.8】map Mass_Maze83、Blackout Basement V1.1【断电地下室 v1.1】map l4dblackoutbasement184、Urban Disaster V0.9【灾难城市 v0.9】map ud_map01_n85、A Dam Mission V1.0【大坝的使命 v1.0】map l4d2_motamap_m186、The Last Stop v0.1【最后一站 v0.1】map l4d_station01_warehouse。

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Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Department of Electronic & Computer Engineering
Student 1
M ansun
How Research Starts?!
v research happens everywhere in our daily life v Before you purchase a computer, you should have done some research about its functions and price v Before you visit another country, you should do some research on the culture and attractions v Research is active versus learning is mostly passive v Research is not limited to scientific findings and inventions v Do you have a habit of researching before actions?
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Department of Electronic & Computer Engineering
M ansun
Personal Info!
Teaching and Training!
v Following the development of Personalized Education System, one of the 21st 10 Major Engineering Challenges v Recent teaching activities on thinking methodologies, creativity and innovation management v Help to bring the research level of universities in China to the international standard v Hope to cultivate more leaders with future visions rather than followers and employees v Develop new concepts to train our next generations
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Department of Electronic & Computer Engineering
M ansun
Research training!
v research is the technique to collect and re-organize knowledge v Involve a lot of personal attributes including
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Department of Electronic & Computer Engineering
M ansun
Personal Info!
Research Area!
v Mainly in Micro/Nanoelectronics (transistor technology) v Circuit Design (image sensor, semiconductor memory, power management IC and RF building blocks) v Multimedia applications (MPEG encoding, XML standard) v Bio-processing and detection (DNA and cell activities) v Financial System v Working on more exotic subjects rather than conventional researches
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Department of Electronic & Computer Engineering
M ansun
Personal Info!
Academic Qualifications!
v Professor in ECE Department of HKUST v Also affiliated with BIEN and CPEG program v Adjunct Professor of Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School v Adjunct Professor of Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Science v Visiting Professor of UC Berkeley (2001-2002) v Becomes IEEE Fellow in 2012
M ansun
Case Study!
Look at this Journal paper. It is unfair as I have submitted similar work before with more detail theory and experimental data. My paper was rejected and this inferior one got published!! I guess it is just purely because my group is less famous. I give up! I just spent 2 hours in the library trying to get an idea for my research topic, and I still have no idea of even a general topic that I could start. I have consulted with my advisor, but he just gave me a general direction without specific task to look for. Student 3 Student 2 I have been very dedicated to my research work. Upon graduation, I found that the topic that I research on is very narrow and does not have much market value. Now, I have difficulty to find a decent job …
M ansun
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Department of Electronic & Computer Engineering
Personal Info!
Commercial Pursue!
v Help to cultivate entrepreneurship spirit v Founded the first company in 2000 v Helped to start and fund more than 10 companies v Mentoring founders of companies on business strategy v Examples: Maximind, LiteMagic, Fremont Micro Device, Teralane Semiconductor, Silicon Federation etc.
Introduction to Research
Mansun Chan! Department of ECE, HKUST!
Personal Info!
v Secondary School in Hong Kong v BSc. (EE) and (CS) from UC San Diego in 1990 and 1991 v MSc and PhD from UC Berkeley in 1994 and 1995 v Exchange student at HKUST in 1994-1995 v Also got MSc. in Finance, Minors in Psychology and Epistemology (Philosophy), Professional Certificates in Graphic Design
v Most of the above attributes are suppressed in conventional education and technicians (employee) are trained
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Department of Electronic & Computer Engineering
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Department of Electronic & Computer Engineering