语文出版社 Food for thought
高一Book 2 Unit 1 Food for thought 学案第一课时(1)
Book 2 Unit 1 Food for thought主题语境: 人与社会—多元饮食文化和健康的饮食习惯第一课时:Understanding ideas--Vocabulary教材话题词汇自主学习认真阅读教材P2-P3后,自主预习Ⅰ词汇归类与含义自测写出下列动词词块含义take a bitehold a knife and forkcook spicy dishesenjoy that sort of foodgo to the butcher’ssuffer from heat inside our bodies encourage me to try different kinds of food come across stinky tofugather all my courage to take a bite remind me of blue cheesefall in love withfeel at home withhave sweet memories of the food from her home town in SichuanⅢ翻译地道英语, 注意划线及括号部分理解。
1.One man’s meat is another man’s poison, but I feel at home with foodfrom both my cultures.2.To me, ther e’s nothing better than a cross-cultural afternoon tea ofEnglish biscuits and a cup of Chinese oolong tea in a fine china cup!3.There are still some dishes (that Dad dare not try)even after manyyears of marriage to my mother.4.“No,”the butcher said, pulling at his own ears, “just these ordinaryones.” He must have thought I was joking.Ⅳ阅读并体会下列句子中所表现的情感。
木瓜被榔坪人当作金瓜银果,而木瓜花也被视为宝花。过去零星种植的时候,木瓜开花时这里一株,那里一棵,并未觉得特别好看。后来连片种植,几百上千亩的木瓜花同时开放,那震撼人心的视 觉冲击,几乎让人棚里,迎日晒,承夜露。木瓜的颜色变成深红,才是上品。快要晒干的木瓜有一种特殊的香味,不浓烈,不张扬,却有很强的穿透力,在你的肺腑间穿梭游走, 只觉得神清气爽。劈完木瓜,但见满街依然灯火通明,噼噼啪啪劈木瓜的声音还在次第响起,左邻帮着右舍,及至子夜,方才歇息。此时暑气渐渐消退,夜露骤起,有了一丝凉意。微风吹拂,一街的木 瓜飘香。榔坪醉了,那醉颜,十分可爱。博猫娱乐注册开户
最先倾倒的是本地的村民。某一个春日的早上,阳光灿烂,小鸟鸣啭,村民们出门站在稻场坎上一看,一眼望不到边的木瓜花盛开了!木瓜开花时,叶还没有完全长起来,一棵木瓜树布满一树花, 数以万计的木瓜树,从眼前一直排向很远很远的山边,成了花的海洋。盛开的花朵白里透红,花的阵势,让村民们惊讶不已。过去天不亮下地,月亮起了收工,一门心思为生活发愁而无心赏花的村民, 如今生活富裕,又有了空闲时间,突然觉着木瓜花是这般好看。看着那一眼望不到边的花海,真是激动万分,直想把许久没唱的曲儿唱起来。
母亲又寻找到了曾经的乐趣。她买来宝宝绒和颜色鲜亮的细毛线,给她的外孙女织毛衣。连体毛衣、毛衣裙、小开衫,厚外套,我基本不用给女儿购置衣服。而每当带着女儿 外出,别人夸女儿的毛衣好看时,母亲总会笑着说:孩子小不挑,长大就不穿了。
女儿渐渐长大,母亲也在渐渐老去。为了阻止母亲再织毛衣,我经常是一次性给女儿购置二、三件毛衣。母亲的视力越来越差,颈肩问题也比较严重,最终,她自己放弃了织 毛衣。但随即,她有了新目标,织拖鞋。父母家、小妹家、我家,一年四季的拖鞋,都是母亲织的。
小妹参加工作后,也不再穿织的毛衣,而父亲又嫌母亲织的毛衣毛裤太厚。于是,母亲便开始闲下来。闲下来的母亲,会在院子里散步,会和父亲一块修整菜园,或者跟着邻 居拾捡地皮菜。每天晚饭后,还会准时出现在操场一角,跟随着那支队伍跳健身操。
三 女儿出生后,Байду номын сангаас亲又开始忙碌了。她不仅要帮我照顾这个小不点,还要给小不点织毛衣。
一件很厚实,一件稍薄一些。小妹说,那个女生拿着毛衣哭了,说这是她收到最珍贵的礼物。就这样,小妹也和这个女生成了好朋友。。 外汇交易平台下载
《Food for thought》PPT教学课件
This could give her no greater pleasure. 这使她再高兴不过了。(这使她非常高兴。)
satisfying adj. 令人满意的 【拓展】 satisfy v. (使)满足,满意 satisfy sb. with sth. 使某人对……满足 satisfied adj. 感到满意的 (修饰人) sb. be satisfied with sth 某人对某物满足 eg The salad satisfies my appetite. I’m satisfied with it. I
2. Can you guess which fridge belongs to which person? belong to sb.: to be owned by sb. 属于 belong to sth.: to be a member of sth. or to be a part of sth. 【注意】 belong to是不及物动词短语,无进行时态,无被动语态。 eg Who does this scarf belong to? He belongs to the golf club. I realized that he and I belonged to different worlds. belonging n. (常用复数) 所有物,财产
【拓展】 catch up on: 补做,赶做 catch up in: 沉湎于,卷入 catch up with: 赶上,追上;最终查到
eg I have a lot of work to catch up on. Innocent (无辜的) passers-by were caught up in the riots (暴乱).
《Food for thought》PPT优秀教学课件
大豆soybean 水果fruit
菠萝pineapple 肉类meat
鸡肉chicken 牛肉beef
花生peanut 核桃walnut
杏仁almond pepper 甜椒
番茄tomato 卷心菜cabbage 柠檬lemon 猪肉pork 羊肉mutton 干果dried fruit 鸡蛋egg
Ingredients • tomatoes …………………2 • eggs ………………………2 • cooking oil……2 teaspoons • salt……………1/2 teaspoon • sugar…………1/2 teaspoon
Instructions 1 Slice the tomatoes into small pieces. 2 Crack the eggs into a bowl and beat them until smooth. 3 Heat the oil in a pan. 4 Add the eggs and stir them for about 30 seconds; then set
How to write a recipe
一、谋篇布局 菜谱可以分为三个部分: 1. 食物的背景故事或相关的文化传统 2. 食物的原料(ingredients) 3. 制作食物的说明 (instructions)
1. 食材:
蔬菜vegetable 土豆 potato
maltose 麦芽糖 caster sugar 白砂糖(适用于做糕点)
icing sugar 糖粉(可用在打鲜奶油及装饰蛋糕外层)
soy sauce 酱油
《Food for Thought》 作业设计方案
《Food for Thought》作业设计方案一、作业设计的背景在当今多元化的教育环境中,培养学生的综合素养和独立思考能力显得尤为重要。
“Food for Thought”这一主题,旨在引导学生通过对食物的观察、思考和研究,深入了解食物与文化、健康、环境等方面的紧密联系,激发学生的求知欲和探索精神。
第一册Unit9 Cultivation第七十三、七十四课时Food for Thought教学目标:1、知识目标:通过领读、朗读等形式让学生会读本单元课文。
第二节学习重点短语1.have fights with 跟...打架2.lose one’s temper 发脾气3.listen to 听4.the number of ...的数目5.in the following days 在接下来的日子里6.Keep one’s temper 忍住脾气7.not...at all 一点都不8.pull out 抽出9.be able to 能够10.take sb. by the hand抓住某人的手11.lead sb. to...领某人去12.the same as...跟...相同13.even if即使14.in anger生气地15.make sb. do...让某人做16.since then从那时起17.fight with 跟某人打架18.get on with跟某人相处三、课堂练习:(5分钟)1、提问读背课文2、简单使用造句练习11、他有时跟别人打架,我们不喜欢他。
temper. every time / each time 名词短语引导状语从句。
1) Every time I see him, he wears a pleasant smile.
2)Every time I ____there, I will buy him something nice.
A. went
B. will go
C. go
D. have gone
Language points
2. The boy listened to his father and did what his father told him to do.
His father told him to hammer the nails.(对划线部分提问)
A. What did he say B. what was he saying C. what he said D. What to say.
2. Can you tell me when ______ back?
A. will he be
B. does he come
C. he will be
D. did he come
Warming up:
• Q1: What will you do to make your friends smile and feel happy?
1. Show your friend how much you care for her/him. 2. Lend an ear to them, share words of praise and
看着菜Байду номын сангаас里溢满春的气息,这也让我想起四十年前的农村老家,老家也有个菜园,几棵杏树和桃树争奇斗艳,把菜园装扮得非常漂亮。母亲是个勤劳的小女人,种庄稼从来不落人后,种菜更是一把 好手。那时河水跟不上时令,菜叶有时干渴得都耷拉着脑袋,母亲就从家里一桶桶担水或提,再用勺子舀上浇到菜根部,不一会儿,菜又高昂着头,欢天喜地摇晃着脑袋。等邻居的菜园才挂果,我们的 菜园已红黄一片了。初春的第一口美食,也是出自母亲亲自栽植的那些有味的韭菜和菠菜,还有水萝卜。我记得吃得最早的硬菜是西红柿,黄色的西红柿成熟后又沙又甜,水份很足,我们几个就把早熟 的柿子一分两瓣,每人都吃上一点,邻居小孩们总是非常羡慕与嫉妒,只可惜他家菜地里的果实才刚成型,谁叫他妈不像我妈呢。
我走出祖屋,一个人四处随意闲逛。这里很闭塞,乡亲们大都不富裕,但他们朴素的形象和友好的目光让我感到很亲切。爷爷曾是当地的一位名医,据说当年为穷苦的病人看病从来不收医药费,乡 亲们都爱戴他,在当地威望很高,这也能从这次父亲去世后,乡亲们都来主动帮忙可以感觉得到。父亲生在广州,其实并没有在这里生活过,可以说爷爷当年的善举惠及了几代后人。
吃完中饭后我们来到了祖屋,把父亲的遗像与已逝亲人的遗像并排挂在了堂屋的墙壁上。祖屋已没人住了,但很干净,据说常有人来打扫。七姑带我来到了后院,指着一处已倾颓且瓦砾遍布的地方 对我说:“这块地方是留給你们俩兄弟的,你们将来可以在这里盖房子。”我哑然一笑,不过等七姑离开后,我却陷入了沉思,后来心中竟萌发了有条件一定要在这里重盖一栋楼房的强烈愿望。bbin
必修第二册 Unit 1 Food for thought
Ⅰ.阅读单词——会意1.maple n.枫树,槭树2.pudding n.布丁3.black pudding血肠,黑香肠4.snack n.(正餐以外的)小吃,点心5.cuisine n.烹饪(法)6.spicy adj.(食物)加有香料的,辛辣的7.hot pot火锅8.butcher n.肉贩9.bacon n.(通常切成薄片的)咸猪肉,熏猪肉10.sausage n.香肠11.toast n.烤面包(片),吐司12.butter n.黄油,牛油13.roast n.大块烤肉adj.烤好的,烤制的14.stinky adj.难闻的,有臭味的15.cheese n.干酪,奶酪16.someday adv.将来会有一天,有朝一日17.china n.瓷,瓷料18.tender adj.嫩的,软的19.steak n.牛排20.sauce n.调味汁,酱汁21.vegetarian adj.(全是)蔬菜的,没有肉类的22.bakery n.面包店,糕饼店23.creamy adj.似奶油的,软厚平滑的,光滑细软的24.acid n.酸25.yoghurt n.酸乳,酸奶26.homemade adj.自制的,家里做的27.chef n.厨师28.recipe n.烹饪法,食谱29.breast n.(禽类的)胸脯肉30.onion n.洋葱(头)Ⅱ.重点单词——记形1.dare modal v erb胆敢,敢于2.wedding n.婚礼3.sort n.种,类4.super adj.极好的,了不起的5.typical adj.典型的,有代表性的6.gather v.聚集7.bite n.咬8.symbol n.象征,标志9.opinion n.意见,看法10.download v.下载(信息或程序) 11.diet n.日常饮食12.tip n.指点,建议13.custom n.风俗,习惯,传统14.manners n.礼貌,礼仪15.trick n.诀窍,技巧,技法16.plate n.盘,碟17.handle n.柄,把手18.slightly adv.略微,稍微19.incredibly adv.极端地,非常地20.bitter adj.苦的,有苦味的21.attack v.侵袭,侵蚀n.攻击,进攻22.within prep.在……里23.lifestyle n.生活方式24.swing v.(使)(前后)摆动,(使)摇摆25.honey n.蜂蜜26.blog v.写博客n.博客,网络日志27.ranking n.排行,排名28.salty adj.含盐的,咸的29.sour adj.酸(味)的Ⅲ.拓展单词——悉变1.marriage n.婚姻→marry v.结婚→married adj.结婚的;已婚的2.suffer v.(身体或精神上)受苦→suffering n.苦难3.horrible adj.糟糕的→horribly adv.可怕地;非常地→horror n.畏惧;憎恶;震惊4.poison n.毒素,毒物,毒药v.毒害;下毒→poisonous adj.有毒的5.function n.(事物的)功能;作用→functional adj.实用的;功能的6.related adj.有关系的,相关的→relate v.与……有联系,相关联;叙述→relative n.亲戚→relation n.关系→relationship n.关系7.addict n.对……着迷的人→addicted adj.入迷的;上瘾的→addiction n.上瘾,沉溺8.differ v.不同,不一样,有区别→different adj.不同的→difference n.区别,差异9.recommend v.推荐→recommendation n.推荐,建议;推荐信10.belong v.属于→belongings n.所有物;财产11.construction n.建造,建筑→construct v.建造,建筑→reconstruct v.重建,再建12.satisfying adj.令人高兴的,令人满意的→satisfy v.使满意,使满足→satisfied adj.感到满意的→satisfaction n.满意13.convenient adj.方便的,便利的→inconvenient adj.不方便的→conveniently adv.方便地,便利地→convenience n.便利,方便14.identify v.确定,发现→identification n.鉴定,识别15.originally adv.原先,最初→original adj.原先的,最初的n.原件;原作→origin n.起源16.official n.官员,高级职员→office n.办公室→officer n.军官17.resist v.忍住,按捺→resistance n.抵制;反对;抗拒→resistant adj.抵抗的;有抵抗力的18.adapt v.(使)适应;(使)适合→adaptation n.适应;适合;改编本→adaptable adj.能适应的1.adjacent /ə'dʒe I snt/adj.与……毗邻的;邻近的2.shed /ʃed/n.简易房;工棚;库房v t.去除;摆脱;使掉下3.sparkling /'spɑːkl Iŋ/adj.闪烁的;闪耀的;起泡的4.dull /dʌl/adj.沉闷的;乏味的;迟钝的5.grave /ɡre I v/adj.庄严的;表情沉重的;严重的n.坟墓;逝世6.glow /ɡləʊ/v i.发出暗淡的光;(人体或脸因运动或情绪影响)发热n.暗淡的光;满面红光7.gleam /ɡliːm/v i.闪烁;显得光洁明亮;流露出8.blazing /'ble I z Iŋ/adj.酷热的;炙热的9.portray /pɔː'tre I/v t.表现;描绘10.acquaintance /ə'kwe I ntəns/n.认识的人;熟人Ⅳ.背核心短语1.in case以防万一2.belong to属于3.end up (尤指经历一系列意外后)最终处于,到头来4.catch up打听(不在时所发生的事情),别后叙谈5.pick up买,购买6.deal with处理;应付7.take to doing 开始喜欢,对……有好感8.traditional Chinese medicine 传统中医药9.suffer from遭受,忍受10.come across偶遇,遇到11.remind...of 提醒,使想起12.feel at home with感觉自在13.had better 最好14.bring up抚养;培养;教育;养育;提出15.try out试用,试验Ⅴ.悟经典句式1.Growing up in England with a British father and a Chinese mother,I’ve enjoyed food from both countries ever since I was able to hold a knife and fork—and chopsticks!(v.-ing短语作状语)我在英国长大,父亲是英国人,母亲是中国人,自从我能拿起刀叉——还有筷子,我就一直在享受来自这两个国家的食物!2.We all love roast beef and vegetables,but Mum says we’d better not eat too much roast food as it may make us suffer from heat inside our bodies,according to traditional Chinese medicine.(as 引导原因状语从句)我们都喜欢烤的牛肉和蔬菜,但妈妈说最好不要吃太多烧烤食物,因为根据传统中医的说法,这会引起上火。
Unit 1 Food for Thought Understanding ideas 课件
Post-reading: Think
1. What doest the author mean by saying “one man's meat is another man's poison”? Do you know of any similar sayings in Chinese? It means that something that one person likes may not be liked by
Read and match: Read the passage and match the main idea of each part with lines.
Part 1(Para1) Part 2(Para2&3) Part 3(Para4) Part 4(Para5 ) Part 5(Para6)
love spicy dishes that Mum cooks.
But there are still some dishes that Dad dare not try even after many years of 4. m__a_r_ri_a_g_e_ (marry) to my mother. Mum and I all love the food that Dad cooks for us, especially the roast beef and 5. v_e_g_e_ta_b_l_e_s_
Read and match: Read the passage and match the main idea with its corresponding paragraph.
Para. 1 Para. 2 Para. 3 Para. 4 Para. 5
我挺羡慕她的。 第二天清晨7点25分,我穿过了十六个小时,到达了终点。365玩球 站台上,冷风瑟瑟。这是一天中温度较低的时间。从起点到终点,海拔升高了一千五百米,气温同比下降了五度,我裹紧衣角,拉起行李箱,直奔城市西端的那所医院,那里有我的两位亲人,他们刚刚 度过了一个不平静的夜晚,我要在第一时
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1. I didn’t hear ___ because there was too much noise.
A. What did he say B. what was he saying C. what he said D. What to say. 2. Can you tell me when ______ back? A. will he be B. does he come C. he will be D. did he come
1. Show your friend how much you care for her/him. 2. Lend an ear to them, share words of praise and always want to open your heart to them.
Warming up:
4.告诉某人去做某事____________________________ tell sb. to do sth.
lose one’s temper 5.发脾气,生气________________________________ listen to 6.倾听,听从__________________________________
Language points
“the number of +复数名词”,指数量的总和,若用作主语, 其谓语用单数:
“a number of +复数名词”,意为“许多”(= a lot of),若 用作主语,其谓语用复数:
The number of my students ____over 500 and a number
• •
vocabulary useful expressions grammar
• • • •
Warming up:
• Q1: What will you do to make your friends smile and feel happy?
Reading Time
Read the text &
Try to ask and answer questions with your partner.
Enjoy Your English Lesson!
Reading Comprehension
( )1. There was a little boy ______ bad temper. A. has B. with a C. has a D. in a ( )2. The boy listened to his father and did what his father told him____ A. do B. to do C. not to do D. what to do ( )3. The number of nails became ______ in the following days A. little and little B. fewer and fewer C. less and less D. lesser and lesser ( )4. The boy found it _____ to keep his temper than ______ the nails into the fence. A. easier, to driveB. easier, drive C. easily, driving D. more easier,
Language points
1. His farther gave him a bag of nail and told him to
hammer a nail into the fence every time he lost his
every time / each time 名词短语引导状语从句。
Warming up:
• Q2: Do you sometimes lose your temper ? Why?
1. No,I don’t. I have a good temper. 2. Yes, I do. When I am in trouble or I have failed for many times, I will be angry.
1.The doctor thought ______ would be good for you to have a holiday. A. this B. that C. it D. one
2. September 14 is the day ______ he was born. A. which B. that C. when D. where
it用作形式主语 :当不定式、动名词、从句等用作 主语时,为避免头重脚轻,通常在句首使用形式主 语it,而把真正的主语放在句子末尾。 英汉互译:
1) It is hard to make a friend but it is easy to lose a friend. It’s easy to lose my temper but it is hard to keep my temper. 2) 我发脾气很容易但是不发脾气很难。
than to drive the nails into the fence. ————(Final;Finally) the day came when the boy didn’t lose his temper at all. He told his father about it and his father asked him ____(pull out; pulling out; to pull out) one nail each time he was able to keep his temper.
of them ____ my close friends.
A. is; is B. are; are
C. are; is
D. is; are
Language points
1.The boy found that to keep his temper was easier than to drive the nails into was easier the fence.
• Q1: What will you do to make your friends smile and feel happy?
1. Show your friend how much you care for her/him. 2. Lend an ear to them, share words of praise and always want to open your heart to them.
Par I:phrases (翻译)
a boy with a bad temper 1.一个坏脾气的男孩____________________________ have a fight/ fights with sb. 2.与某人打架 __________________________________ a bag of nails 3.一袋钉子 ____________________________________
2. The boy listened to his father and did what his
father told him to do.
His father told him to hammer the nails.(对划线部分提问) What did his father tell him to do? (疑问语序) What his father told him to do (陈述语序)
Warming up:
• Q3: How can we get on well with others?
We must be honest, helpful, unselfish,
humorous and open- minded.
Intensive Reading(精读)
1) Every time I see him, he wears a pleasant smile. 2)Every time I ____there, I will buy him something nice. A. went C. go B. will go D. have gone
Language points
____(become; became; becomes)less and less in the
____(follow; followed; following) days. The boy found
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that it was ____(easy; easily; easier) to keep his temper
Par II:Complete the sentences with proper words in the brackets.
The first day,the boy ____ (drive;drove;driven;drives) 17 nails into the fence. ____(A; The) number of nails