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Unit 1 the owner’s perspective 第1单元业主的观点
1.2 Major Types of Construction 1。
Since most owners are generally interested in acquiring only a specific type of constructed facility,they should be aware of the common industrial practices for the type of construction pertinent to them [1]. Likewise,the construction industry is a conglomeration of quite diverse segments and products. Some owners may procure a constructed facility only once in a long while and tend to look for short term advantages. However ,many owners require periodic acquisition of new facilities and/or rehabilitation of existing facilities。
It is to their advantage to keep the construction industry healthy and productive. Collectively,the owners have more power to influence the construction industry than they realize because,by their individual actions, they can provide incentives for innovation, efficiency and quality in construction [2]。
It is to the interest of all parties that the owners take an active interest in the construction and exercise beneficial influence on the performance of the industry.由于大多数业主通常只对获得特定类型的建筑设施感兴趣,所以他们应该了解与他们有关的建筑类型的常见工业实践[1].同样,建筑行业是一个相当多样化的部门和产品的集团。
In planning for various types of construction,the methods of procuring professional services, awarding construction contracts,and financing the constructed facility can be quite different. For the purpose of discussion, the broad spectrum of constructed facilities may be classified into four major categories, each with its own characteristics.在规划各类施工时,采购专业服务,授予施工合同,建设设施融资方式可能有很大的不同。
Residential Housing Construction住宅建设
Residential housing construction includes single—family houses, multi—family dwellings, and high-rise apartments [3]。
During the development and construction of such projects,the developers or sponsors who are familiar with the construction industry usually serve as surrogate owners and take charge,making necessary contractual agreements for design and construction,and arranging the financing and sale of the completed structures [4]。
Residential housing designs are usually performed by architects and engineers, and the construction executed by builders who hire subcontractors for the structural,mechanical,electrical and other specialty work。
An exception to this pattern is for single—family houses as is shown in Figure 1-2,which may be designed by the builders as well.
The residential housing market is heavily affected by general economic conditions, tax laws, and the monetary and fiscal policies of the government. Often,a slight increase in total demand will cause a substantial investment in construction, since many housing projects can be started at different locations by different individuals and developers at the same time [5]. Because of the relative ease of entry,at least at the lower end os the market, many new builders are attracted to the residential housing construction。
Hence, this market is highly competitive,with potentially high risks as well as high rewards。
住宅建设包括单户住房,多户住宅和高层公寓[3].在开发和建设这些项目时,熟悉建筑行业的开发商或赞助商通常作为代理业主,负责设计和建造的必要合同协议,并安排完成的建筑物的融资和销售[4 ]。
Institutional and commercial building construction encomprasses a great variety of project types and sizes,such as schools and universities,medical clinics and hospitals, recreational facilities and sports stadiums,retail chain stores and large shopping centers, warehouse and light manufacturing plants, and skyscrapers for offices and hotels,as is shown in Figure1-3 [6]. The owners of such buildings may or may not be familiar with construction industry practices,but they usually are able to select competent professional consultants and arrange the financing of the constructed facilities themselves. Specialty architects and engineers are often engaged for designing a specific type of building,while the builders or general contractors undertaking such projects may also be specialized in only that type of building。
机构和商业建筑施工包括各种各样的项目类型和规模,如学校和大学,医疗诊所和医院,娱乐设施和体育场馆,零售连锁店和大型购物中心,仓库和轻工厂,以及办公室的摩天大楼和酒店,如图1-3所示[6]. 这些建筑物的业主可能对建筑
Because of the higher costs and greater sophistication of institutional and commercial buildings in comparison with residential housing,this market segment is shared by fewer competitors [7]. Since the construction of some of these buildings is a long process which once started will take some time to proceed until completion, the demand is less sensitive to general economic conditions than that for speculative housing. Consequently,the owners may confront an oligopoly of general contractors who compete in the same market。
In an oligopoly situation, only a limited number of competitors exist, and a firm's price for services may be based in part on part on its competitive strategies in the local market.由于与住宅相比,机构和商业建筑的成本较高,复杂程度更高,这一市场细分受竞争对手的影响较小[7]。
因此,业主可能面对在同一市场上竞争的总承包商的寡头垄断. 在寡头垄断的情况下,只有有限数量的竞争对手存在,企业的服务价格可能部分取决于其在当地市场的竞争战略。
Specialized Industrial Construction专业工业建筑
Specialized industrial construction usually involves very large scale projects, with a high degree of technological complexity,such as oil refineries,steel mills,chemical processing plants and coal-fired or nuclear power plants,as is shown in Figure1—4 [8]。
The owners usually are deeply involved in the development of a project,and prefer to work with designers-builders such that the total time for the completion of the project can be shortened。
They also want to pick a team of designers and builders with whom the ownerhas developed good working relations over the years.专项工业建设通常涉及非常大规模的项目,如炼油厂,炼钢厂,化工厂,燃煤或核电厂等技术复杂程度高,如图1-4所示[8]。
Although the initiation of such projects is also affected by the state of the economy,long range demand forecasting is the most important factor since such projects are capital intensive and require considerable amount of planning and construction time这样的项目的启动也受到经济状况的影响,长期需求预测是最重要的因素,因为这些项目是资本密集型的,需要大量的规划和施工时间
Governmental regulation such as the rulings of the Environmental Protection Agency and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in the United States can also profoundly influence decisions on these projects。
Infrastructure and Heavy Construction基础设施和重型建筑
Infrastructure and heavy construction includes projects such as highways,mass transit systems,tunnels,bridges, pipelines, drainage systems and sewage treatment plants, as is shown in Figure1—5. Most of these projects are publicly owned and therefore financed either through bonds or taxes. This category of construction is characterized by a high degree of mechanization,which has gradually replaced some labor intensive operations。
The engineers and builders engaged in infrastructure construction are usually highly specialized since each segment of the market requires different types of skills [10]. However, demands for different segments of infrastructure and heavy construction may shift with saturation in some segments。
For example, as the available highway construction projects are declining, some heavy construction contractors quickly move their work force and equipment into the field of mining where jobs are available。
从事基础设施建设的工程师和建设者通常是高度专业化的,因为市场每个部分都需要不同类型的技能[10]. 然而,对不同部门的基础设施和重型施工的需求可能会随着部分地区的饱和而改变. 例如,随着可用的公路建设项目正在下降,一些重型施工承包商迅速将其劳动力和设备转移到有工作的矿业领域。
Unit2 Organizing for Project Management 第2单元组织项目管理
Section 1 What is Project Management? 第1节什么是项目管理?
The management of construction projects knowledge of modern management as well as an understanding of the design and construction process。
Construction projects have a specific set of objectives and constraints such as a required time frame for completion. While the
relevant technology,institutional arrangements or processes will differ,the management of such projects has mush in common with the management of similar types of projects in other specialty or technology domains such as aerospace,pharmaceutical and energy developments.施工项目管理现代管理知识,了解设计施工过程。
Generally, project management is distinguished from the general management of corporations by the mission-oriented nature of a project .
A project organization will generally be terminated when the mission is accomplished. According to the Project Management Institute, the discipline of project management can be defined as follows 一般来说,项目管理与项目总体管理区别于项目的任务性质。
Project management is the art of directing and coordinating human and material resources throughout the life of a project by using modern management techniques to achieve predetermined objectives of scope, cost,time, quality and participation satisfaction. 项目管理是通过使用现代管理技术实现项目范围,成本,时间,质量和参与满意度的预定目标,在项目整个生命周期内指导和协调人力和物力资源的艺术。
By contrast, the general management of business and industrial corporations assumes a broader outlook with greater continuity of operations[4].Nevertheless, there are sufficient similarities as well as difference between the two so that modern management techniques developed for general management may be adapted for project management。
The basic ingredients for a project management framework may be represented schematically in Figue2-1. A working knowledge of general management and familiarity with the special knowledge domain related to the project are indispensable. Supporting disciplines such as computer science and decision science may also play an important role。
In fact,modern management practices and various special knowledge domains have absorbed various techniques or tools which were once identified only with the supporting discipline For example,computer-based information systems and decision support systems are nom common—place tools for general management. Similarly,many operations research techniques such as linear programming and network analysis are now widely used in many knowledge or application domains[6]. Hence,the representation in Figure 2—1 reflects only the sources from which the project management framework evolves. 项目管理框架的基本要素可以在图2-1中示意性地表示。
支持计算机科学和决策科学等学科也可能发挥重要作用. 事实上,现代管理实践和各种特殊知识领域已经吸收了一些曾经被认定为辅助学科的技术或工具。
Specifically, project management in construction encomprasses a set of objectives which may be accomplished by implementing a series of operations subject to resource constraints There are Potential conflicts between the stated objectives with regard to scope, cost,time and quality, and the constraints imposed on human,material and financial resources。
These conflicts should be resolved at the onset of a project by making the necessary tradeoffs or creating new alternatives. 具体来说,项目管理在建设中将会实现一系列目标,这些目标可以通过实施资源约束的一系列操作来实现。
Subsequently,the function of project management for construction generally include the following 其后,施工项目管理功能一般包括以下内容
Specification of project objectives and plans including delineation of scope, budgeting, scheduling, setting performance requirements,and selecting project participants.
2. Maximization of efficient resource utilization through procurement of labor, materials and equipment according to the prescribed schedule and plan[8]。
3. Implementation of various operations through proper coordination and control of planning,design,estimating, contracting and construction in the entire process [9]。
4. Development of effective communication and mechanisms for resolving conflicts among the various participants.
The Project management Institute focuses on nine distinct areas requiring project management knowledge and attention:
Project integration management to ensure that the various project elements are effectively coordinated。
2. Project scope management to ensure that all the work required(and only the required work )is included。
Project time management to provide an effective project schedule 。
Project cost management to identify needed resources and maintain budget control . 5. Project quality management tu ensure functional requirements are met 。
6. Project human resource management to development and effectively employ project personnel .
7. Project communications management to ensure effective internal and external communications 。
8. Project risk management to analyze and mitigate potential risks 。
9. Project procurement management to obtain necessary resources from external sources .
These nine areas form the basis of the Project Management Institute’s certification program for project managers in any industry . 这九个领域是项目管理研究所对任何行业项目经理的认证计划的基础.
Unit5Bidding and Tendering of Construction Projects第5单元建设项目招投标
Section 1 Bidding Procedure of Construction Projects建设项目招标程序
The implementing agencies of borrowing countries can use a variety of procurement methods on World Bank-financed projects.(在世界银行贷款项目中借款国的执行机构可以利用各种的采购方法。
The method selected depends on a number of factors including the type of goods or services being procured ,the value of the goods or services being procured,the potential interest of foreign bidders and even the cost of the procurement process itself. (方法的选择取决于很多因素,包括商品或服务采购的类型,商品或服务的价值的外购,外国竞标者的潜在利益乃至整个采购过程本身的成本)The overall objective of the guidelines how to select procurement methods is to allow borrowing countries to buy high quality goods and services as economically as possible.(如何选择采购方式总体目标的指引是允许借款的国家尽可能经济地购买高质量的商品和服务)
In the World Bank’s experience, this objective is best achieved through transparent,formal competitive bidding. (在世界银行的经验,这个目标的实现最好的方法是通过透明的,正式的竞标。
For the procurement of equipment and civil works, International Competitive Bidding (ICB) is the procurement method the World Bank encourage its borrowers to use in the majority of cases(对设备及土建工程采购,在大多数情况下世界银行鼓励借款人使用国际竞争性招标(ICB)采购方法。
Under ICB, cost is the primary factor in determining a winning bid。
(在国际上,成本是决定中标的主要因素. )
Other methods for procuring goods and civil works include Limited International Bidding,National Competitive Bidding, International Shopping, and Direct Contracting.(采购产品和土建工程的其他方法包括有限国际招标,国内竞争性招标,国际购物,并直接承包)
This section outlines the bidding process of International Competitive Bidding。
Notification (发布招标公告)
Timely notification of bidding opportunities is essential in competitive bidding。
For projects which include procurement on the basis of ICB,the Borrower is required to prepare and submit to the Bank a draft General Procurement Notice. The Bank will arrange for its publication in Development Business (UNDB)。
The Notice shall contain information concerning the Borrower (or prospective Borrower),amount and purpose of the loan, scope of procurement under ICB, and the name and address of the Borrower's agency responsible for procurement and the address of the Website where specific procurement notices will be posted。
If known,the scheduled date for availability of prequalification or bidding documents should be indicated。
The Borrower shall maintain a list of responses to the notice. Procurement Notice shall be updated annually for all outstanding procurement. 及时通知投标的机会,是招标中必不可少的。
Prequalification of Bidders(资格预审)
This also ensures that invitations to bid are extended only to those who have adequate capabilities and resources. Prequalification may also be useful to determine eligibility for preference for domestic contractors where this is allowed. Prequalification shall be based entirely upon the capability and resources of prospective bidders to perform the particular contract satisfactorily, taking into account their (i)experience and past performance on similar contracts , (ii) capabilities with respect to personnel, equipment, and construction or manufacturing facilities,and (iii) financial position。
Borrowers shall inform all applicants of the results of prequalification. As soon as prequalification is completed, the bidding documents shall be made available to the qualified prospective bidders。
For prequalification for groups of contracts to be awarded over a period of time,a limit for the number or total value of awards to be any one bidder may be made on the basis of the bidder’s resources。
The list of prequalified firms in such instances shall be updated periodically. Verification of the information provided in the submission for prequalification shall be confirmed at the time of award of contract, and award may be denied to a bidder that is judged to no longer have the capability or resources to successfully perform the contract。
Preparation of the Bidding Documents(编制招标文件)
The bidding documents shall furnish all information necessary for a prospective bidder to prepare a bid for the goods and works to be The basis for bid evaluation and selection of the lowest evaluated bid shall be clearly outlined in the instructions to bidders and/or the specifications。
If a fee is charged for the bidding documents,it shall be reasonable and reflect only the cost of their printing and delivery to prospective bidders, and shall not be so high as to discourage qualified bidders.(招标文件应当提供给投标人准备投标货物和提供工作所需的全部信息。
投标评价的最低评价与选择基础应清楚地概述投标者和/或规格说明.如果一个费用是对招标文件的收费,则应当合理反映印刷成本和交付的潜在投标人,且不得过高以至于阻碍合格投标人. )
define the tests,standards,and methods that will be employed to judge the conformity of equipment as delivered,or works as performed, with the specifications。
Drawings shall be consistent with the text of the specifications,and an order of precedence between two shall be specified.(投标文件的措辞应该允许和鼓励国际竞争,并清楚地阐述需要进行的工作,工作的地点,应提供的货物,交货或安装地点,交付或完成的时间表,最低性能要求,及保修和维护要求,以及其他相关的条款和条件。
The bidding documents shall specify any factors, in addition to price, which will be taken into account in evaluating bids, and how such factors will be quantified or otherwise evaluating。
If bids based on alternative designs,materials,completion schedules, payment terms, etc. , are permitted, conditions for their acceptability and the method of their evaluation shall be expressly stated。
Any additional information, clarification, correction of errors or modifications of bidding documents shall be sent to each recipient of the original bidding documents in sufficient time before the deadline for receipt of bids to enable bidders to take appropriate actions. If necessary,the deadline shall be extended. The Bank shall receive a copy (in hard copy format or sent electronically)and be consulted for issuing a “no objection” when the contact is subject to
prior review。
Specific Procurement Notices (invitation to bid)(具体采购通知/招标)The international community shall also be notified in a timely manner of the opportunities to bid for specific contracts。
Such invitations shall also be transmitted to those who have expressed interest in bidding in response to the General Procurement Notice. Publication of the invitations in the Development Business is also encouraged。
Borrowers are also strongly encouraged to transmit such invitations to embassies and trade representatives of countries of likely suppliers and contractors。
Additionally, for large, specialized or important contracts, Borrowers shall advertise the invitations in Development Business and/or well—known technical magazines, newspapers and trade publications of wide international circulation. Notification shall be given in sufficient time to enable prospective bidders to obtain prequalification or bidding documents and prepare and submit their responses.(国际社会也应及时的通知
通知应留出足够的时间使潜在的投标人获得资格预审文件或准备和提交他们的实质性回应的投标文件. )
Borrowers shall provide reasonable access to project sites fir visits by prospective bidders. For works or complex supply contracts, particularly for those requiring refurbishing existing work or equipment,a pre—bid conference may be arranged whereby potential bidders may meet with the Borrower representatives to seek clarifications. The deadline and place for receipt of bids shall be specified in the invitation to bid。
接收投标书的截止时间和地点应在指定的招标中明确. )
Time for Preparation of Bids(投标准备时间) The time allowed for the preparation and submission of bids shall be determined with due consideration of the particular circumstances of the Where large works or complex items of equipment and involved, this period shall
generally be not less than twelve weeks to enable
prospective bidders to conduct investigations before submitting their bids。
In such cases,the Borrower is encouraged to convene pre —bid conferences and arrange site visits. Bidders shall be permitted to submit bids by mail or by hand。
应允许投标人邮寄或亲自递交标书.)Opening of Bids (开标)
The time for the bid opening shall be the same as for the deadline for receipt of bids or promptly thereafter,and shall be announced, together with the place for bid opening,in the invitation to bid. The borrower shall open all bids at the stipulated time and place. Bids shall be opened in public; that is, bidders or their representatives shall be allowed to be present。
The name of the bidder and total amount of each bid,and of any alternative bids if they have been requested or permitted,shall be read aloud and recorded when opened and a copy of this record shall be promptly sent to the Bank。
Bids received after the time stipulated,as well as those not opened and read out at bid opening, shall not be considered.(招标开标时间应当同接收投标书的截止时间或此后立即,并连同开标地点予以公告。
Evaluation of Bids(评标)
substantially responsive, that is, it contains material deviations from or reservations to the terms,conditions and specifications in the bidding documents,it shall not be considered further. The bidder shall not be permitted to correct or withdraw material deviations or reservations once bids have been opened。
投标人不得纠正或撤回实质性的报价或撤回已开出的一次出价. ) The next step is to apply the evaluation criteria specified in the bidding documents and adjust each bid as appropriate using the evaluation criteria。
Only the criteria specified in the bid document can be applied. No new criteria must be introduced at evaluation,and the criteria must be applied wherever appropriate. Specified criteria cannot be waived during evaluation。
指定的标准不能在评价时放弃.)The Borrower shall prepare a detailed report on the evaluation and comparison of bids setting forth the specific reasons on which the recommendation is based for the award of the contract.(借款人应准备一份详细的关于评价和比较投标的具体原因的报告,并建议授予合同。
Post Qualification of Bidders(发中标函)the bidding documents,and if the bidder does not meet them , the bid shall be rejected. In such an event,the Borrower shall make a similar determination for the next lowest evaluated bidder。
) Award of Contract or Rejection of All Bids(合同授予与全部废标)
responsibilities for work not stipulated in the bidding documents or otherwise to modify the bid as originally submitted.(借款人应在投标有效期内将合同授予有能力和资源标准的投标人,而且投标已被确定为(i)实质上响应招标文件的要求,并且(ii)提供最低评标价。
Bidding documents usually provide that Borrowers may reject all bids。
Rejection of all bids is justified when there is lack of effective competition, or bids are not substantially responsive。
If all bids are rejected,the Borrower shall review the causes justifying the rejection and consider making revisions to the condition of contract,design and specifications, scope of the contract, or a combination of these,before inviting new bids. All bids shall not be rejected if new bids invited on the same bidding and contract documents are solely for the purpose of obtaining lower prices。
The Bank’s prior concurrence shall be obtained before rejecting all bids,soliciting new bids or entering into negotiations with the lowest evaluated bidder.(投标文件通常提供借款人可以拒绝所有投标.正当地拒绝全部缺乏有效竞争,实质上不响应招标的投标。
Unit 6 Contract Management of Construction Projects第6单元建设项目合同管理
Section 2 changes in contract 第2节合同的变更6
•It is standard practice that a construction contract gives the owner the right to make changes in the work within the general scope of the contract during the construction period . depending on the contract and its terms ,such changes might involve additions to or deletions from the contract ,modifications of the work , changes in the methods or manner of work performance , changes in owner-provided materials or facilities ,or even changes in contract time requirements . 标准做法,施工合同,业主有权更改合同工作范围内的一般在施工期间。
Changes may have to be made 1o correct errors in the drawings or specifications. Owner requirements and circumstances sometimes change after the contract award ,and changes must be made to meet such conditions .Changes are even occasionally made as the result of suggestions by the contractor. How changes are handled depends on the contract provisions as normally contained in a ”changes clause".更改可能需要1 o纠正错误在图纸或规范。