Interaction of Chloroprene and Nitrile- Butadiene Rubber with Lubricating Greases and Base Oils
551声学设备用橡胶透声壳体的研制赵晓钢(洛阳双瑞橡塑科技有限公司,河南 洛阳 471003)摘要:以氯丁橡胶/丁腈橡胶并用胶为主体,通过配方优化设计制备耐硅油、耐海水,力学性能和声学性能满足要求的橡胶透声壳体材料;根据产品结构特点设计合理的硫化模具,采用该模具,胶料在120 ℃下装模,逐步加压使胶料充满模腔,升温至150 ℃硫化45 min ,采用充气方式脱模,制得的橡胶透声壳体满足使用要求。
关键词:橡胶透声壳体;耐硅油性能;耐海水性能;声压透射系数中图分类号:TQ336.8 文章编号:2095-5448(2023)11-0551-03文献标志码:A DOI :10.12137/j.issn.2095-5448.2023.11.0551橡胶透声壳体(结构见图1)作为某型声学设备的包覆层使用时,其内部充有硅油(牌号为G07),外部完全浸入海水中,使用温度为-20~70 ℃,水压为1~3 MPa ,在频率为0.5~5.0 kHz 时,要求橡胶透声壳体的平均声压透射系数不小 于0.90。
图1 橡胶透声壳体结构声波入射到理想透声材料的透声层上时能够无反射、无损耗地通过,这要求透声材料的特性阻抗与水匹配,衰减常数尽可能小[1]。
氯丁橡胶(CR )具有水密性和透声性能好的特点,是一种常见且重要的透声橡胶[2-3],但加工性能差。
丁腈橡胶(NBR )具有良好的耐低温、耐极性油和加工性能。
CR 与NBR 具有良好的相容性,可以任意比例混合。
本工作通过配方设计研制满足性能要求的CR /NBR 并用胶,依据产品结构及硫化设备设计合理的硫化模具和成型工艺,生产满足技术要求的橡胶透声壳体。
1 实验1.1 原材料CR ,牌号为2322,山西霍家长化合成橡胶有限公司产品;NBR ,牌号为3345,中国石油兰州石化公司产品;天然气槽法炭黑、气相法白炭黑、氧化锌、氧化镁、硬脂酸、防老剂RD 、硫黄和促进剂CBS ,国产市售品。
详细讲解橡胶与弹性体TPE TPV TPU的区别与应用
![详细讲解橡胶与弹性体TPE TPV TPU的区别与应用](
它区别于其他工业材料之处分为4个方面:1.能在很大的温度范围内(-50-150 °C)保持高弹性;2.弹性模量低,比普通材料低3个数量级;3.形变大,伸长率最大可以达到1000%(一般材料小于1%);4.拉伸时放热,而一般材料吸热;五,弹性随温度升高而增大,也于一般材料相反"(出处同定义二)。
由上可知,弹性体和橡胶的性能基本上都是重叠的,概括的说,就是"低模量,高延伸",但两者也并非完全相同,至少表现以下2个方面:1. 橡胶的优越特性往往需要通过交联(硫化)后才能充分发挥,而某些弹性体则不然。
2. 某些弹性体材料可以不经过配合,炼胶,硫化等传统的橡胶工艺而直接用塑料加工手段来制造产品。
弹性体定义一:"凡是室温下受到变形力作用时在外形和尺寸两方面都会产生较大变化,而当外力去除后能在很大程度上(明显)恢复原样的大分子材料"(摘自"ASTM 1972年橡胶名词术语");定义二:"在常温下呈现橡胶状弹性的高分子材料(包括橡胶和类橡胶物质)的总称,包括各种天然胶和合成胶"(摘自"橡胶工业词典"化工出版社1989年出版)。
Organometallic Compounds有机金属试剂有机金属试剂主族金属试剂:Li,Na, Mg, Cu, Zn, Cd过渡金属有机化合物:Pd,W,Mo,Ni,Sn稀土金属有机化合物: Sm,La,Yb,Ru,Rh,ScI. Concepts and principles Compounds with C-M bond. M = metalAs electrophilic reagents,attacked by nucleophilesAs nucleophilicreagents, attackelectrophiles Organometellic compoundsOrganometellic compoundsThe reactivity depends on the nature of the metal atom. Electropositive characterA. Preparation1. From metals and organic halides2. Metal-halogen exchangeSolventEquilibrium 利于形成与电负性更大的碳原子相连的有机金属试剂3. Metal-metal exchange4. Metalation of hydrocarbonsEquilibrium/ 利于形成含更小电正性金属的试剂A acidic C-H bond, formation a stable carbanionB. General reactions of organometallic compounds1. Substitution ( nucleophilic )2. Addition to double bondsNucleophiliesII. Organomagnesium compounds(Grignard reagents)♣1901, Grignard reagent was discovered; ♣1912, Nobel PrizeX = Cl, Br, IR = alkyl, aryl, alkenylPreparation:Order of reactivity: RI > RBr > RCl >> RF ♦Magnesium metal♦Alkyl halide: ♦Solvent: 乙醚, THF ,(丁醚, 异戊醚),甲基叔丁基醚⨯♦O 2, CO 2, H 2O should be rigorously excluded 1o RX > 2o RX > 3o RX♦反应的引发:碘或者CH 2Br 2♦反应的淬灭:氯化铵水溶液Vinyl halidesAcetylenic halidesAlkyl Chlorides Reactions of Grignard reagentsA. Formation of carbon-carbon bonds 1. Formation of Hydrocarbons 延长碳链烷基化卤代烃、磺酸酯、硫酸酯2. Formation of AlcoholsTertiary alcoholPrimary alcoholSecondary alcohol酮甲醛醛格氏试剂与醛酮的反应提供了一条由简单醇制备复杂醇的路线收率-----电性因素立体因素√Less bulky Grignard reagent is preferableAlternative methods for synthesizing alcoholsa. With acyl halides控制投料比,可控制产物的结构状态低温, 等当量投料立体位阻?b. With carboxylic esters3o 醇有两个相同烃基的醇甲酸酯对称的仲醇2o 醇六甲基磷酰胺HMPA有两个相同取代基的二醇c. With epoxide增加两个碳的醇不对称环氧化物3. Formation of Aldehydes原酸酯4. Formation of Ketones腈酰胺5. Formation of Caboxylic acids 与CO 2的反应B. Reaction at elements other than carbon1. Hydroperoxides 氢过氧化物2. Thiols过氧醇硫醇3. Sulfinic acids4. Alkyl Iodides烷基亚磺酸5. Amines6. Derivatives of phosphorus, boron, and siliconC. Some abnormal reactions of Grignard reagents1. Allylic and Benzylic Grignard reagentMajorminorAllyl Grignard reagentAllylic-type Grignard reagentReaction through six-membered cyclic transition stateBenzylic Grignard reagentsPyrrole2-position3-positionIndole2. 1,4 -Additionα, β-不饱和醛, 1,2-additionGrignard reagent, with a large bulky group1, 2-addition1,4-addition75%25%α, β-不饱和酮, 1,4-additionOrganic SynthesisA large bulky group in 4-positionA large bulky group in α-positionCu +, Cu 2+催化1,4-加成反应CuCl, Cu(OAc)2,CuCN3. Undesirable reactions of Grignard reagentDecomposition of Grignard reagentα-Hydrogen atomenolizationAs a baseReductionA hydrogen atom at β-carbonHydride-ion transferSix-memberedCyclic transition stateStereoselectivityMechanism of Grignard Reaction Barbier reactionIII. Organolithium compounds♦作为强碱;♦作为强的亲核试剂, 活性高于Grignard 试剂;♦发生一些不同于Grignard 试剂的反应Wurtz coupling reaction♦RX/Li干燥, 溶剂, 隔绝空气, 温度低温反应♦金属-卤素交换芳基、乙烯基卤代物♦锂-氢交换较强酸性的烃C-H键涉及有机锂试剂的实验装置RLi 过滤、转移装置反应装置无水溶剂蒸馏转移装置涉及有机锂试剂的实验装置B. ReactionsSimilar as the Grignard reagents, but more effective.The differences from Grignard reagentsLess readily prevented by steric hindrance from reacting at carbonyl groups.1. Reaction with Carbonyl Groups2. 1,2-addition , with unsaturated ketones1,4-addition1,2-addition3. Wurtz coupling 烃基取代反应4. Carbon dioxide 形成羧酸、酮的反应羧酸5. Addition to cyclic ether6. Reaction with Carboxylic DerivativesIV. Organocopper compoundsA. PreparationOrganocoper compoundsLithium organocuprates二烷基铜锂试剂R = alkyl, alkenyl, arylB. Reactions1. With alkyl halides较少重排、消除副反应2. Coupling reaction with Carbonyl halides形成酮,温和,收率较高3. Reaction with α-Bromo-ketones酮的α-烃化碱催化, 与卤代烃反应/ 消除, 缩合烷基铜锂试剂仅与卤代烃反应, 而不与醛酮羰基反应4. With α,β-unsaturated carbonyl compoundsReacts exclusively by 1,4-addition, Michael addition---------高度的区域选择性, 将烷基、芳基引入α、β-不饱和羰基化合物的β-位RMgBr: 1,2-and 1,4-additionRLi: 1,2-addition R2CuLi: 1, 4-additionCis-加成5. Addition to Epoxides反应条件温和,生成增加2个碳的醇;加成反应的位点α, β-不饱和环氧化物1, 4-additionTrans-addition活性顺序:酰氯> 醛> 环氧化物>RX>酮>酯>腈6. Copper(I) catalyzed formation of cyclopropanesA copper-carbene complex may be involved V. Organocadmium compoundsA. Preparation金属试剂与金属离子交换, 生成更稳定的金属试剂R = alkyl, aryl 反应活性比RMgX, RLi低, 毒性B. ReactionDo not react with ketones and esters.分子中引入酮基, 对其它功能团没有影响VI. Organozinc compounds A. Preparation1. With acyl chlorideB. ReactionsKetones2. With aldehydes and ketonesReformatsky reaction3. With nitriles4. The Simmons-Smith reactionCarbenoidZinc-copper alloyVII. Organonickel compoundsA. PreparationThe 3-allyl complex dimerizationAllyl halideB. ReactionsCoupling reaction with alkyl halidesDihydrocoumarinsTerpenesB. ReactionsVIII. Organoferric compoundsA. PreparationCollman’s reagentCarbonyl complexSynthesis of cyclic ketonesFerrocene二茂铁。
2Chemical resistancePage General information regarding chemical resistance--Introduction4 --Instructions for the use of the chemical resistance list4 List of chemical resistanceChemical resistance73Chemical resistanceGeneral information regarding chemical resistance IntroductionPlastic materials are now widely used in pipeline construction.Pipes made from plastics are used not only for drinking water,water for general use and waste water,but also for the conveyance of aggressive liquids and gases.Expensive pipe materials such as lined metal,ceramic or glass,have largely been replaced by plastic pipes.It is,however,important that the most suitable plastic material is selected for each application. The Chemical Resistance List in this section serves as a useful guide in this respect.The list is periodically revised to include the latest findings.It contains all the plastics and elastomers in the GF product range which can come into direct contact with the media.The information is based on experiments,immersion and, when available,on data from tests which include temperature and pressure as stress factors.The results achieved in immersion experiments cannot be applied without reservation to pipes under stress,i.e.internal pressure,as the factor stress corrosion cracking is often not taken into consideration.In certain cases it can be of advantage to test the suitability under the planned working conditions.The tests referred to have been carried out partly by GF and partly by the Internal Standardisation Organisation(ISO)or national standards organisations.Pure chemicals were used for the tests.If a mixture of chemicals is to be conveyed in practice,this may affect the chemical resistance of the plastic.It is possible in special cases to carry out appropriate tests with the specific mixture.Suitable test equipment is available at GF for this purpose,which we regard as part of our service to the customer.We are always willing to give individual advice at any time.In this connection it is worth mentioning that GF already possesses information concerning the behaviour towards plastics of a number of chemicals or mixtures of chemicals which are not yet included in this list.Instructions for the use of the chemical resistance list GeneralFollowing the assertions outlined in the introduction the attached list should be regarded as a valuable tool for finding the most suitable material for a given application. Note:The list has been compiled based on ideal and mostly simplified conditions of laboratory testing;real life and field applications are subjected to working conditions that might be defined by more complex factors. Consequently any statement quoted in our chemical resistance list should be regarded as a guiding value.In particular,we would like to emphasize that such a list-by nature- cannot supply the following information:ÏAll relevant details of the respective experiment thathas been the source for a given set of dataÏPossible influence of dynamic effectsÏLong-term effectsÏPossible influence due to the method of processing, the thermal history as well as the exact formulation of the respective samplesÏBehaviour of mixtures of different media or effects based on discontinuous serviceÏ(Detailed)characterisation of the corrosion phenomenon/deterioration observedÏDerivation of the max.applicable service pressure ÏConsideration of all chemicalsContacting your GF representative Thus,if it comes to material decisions and there is aneed for selecting the proper polymer(grade),please do not hesitate to contact GF;based on decades of practical experience with polymer piping systems applied in industry and chemical engineering,GF has acquired an outstanding knowledge in:ÏPractical field testing,case studiesÏTheoretical background(corrosion science,polymer formulations,possible influences of processing,etc.)ÏRelevant literature Apart from that,GF is a very active member in a global network for all aspects of corrosion regarding polymers; all this enables us to support the individual enquiries of our customers efficiently.However,we cannot exclude situations where the stock of available data will not completely answer a customer s enquiry.In such cases,a simple laboratory test installation under field test conditions is strongly recommended.4ClassificationThe customary classifications:Ïresistant Ïconditionallyresistant andÏnot recommended are depicted by the signs:+,0and -,which allowsimple presentation and application.These classifications aredefined as:Resistant:+Within the acceptable limits of pressure and temperature the material is unaffected or only insignificantly affected.Conditionally resistant:0The medium can attack the material or cause swelling.Restrictions must be made as regards pressure and/or temperature,taking the expected service life into account.The service life of the installation can be noticeably shortened.Further consultations with GF are recommended in any case.Not recommended:-The material cannot be used with the medium at all,or only under special conditions.Solvent cement joints with Tangit/DytexSolvent cementjointson ABS,PVC-U or PVC-C madewith Tangit cement are generally as resistant as thematerial of the piping system itself.The use of Dytex solvent cement isrecommended forcement jointing of PVC-U or PVC-C in connection with the following acids:Medium Upto%concentrationSulphuric acid e 70%H 2SO 4Chromic-sulphuric acid mixture e 70%H 2SO 4+5%K 2Cr 2O 7/Na 2Cr 2O 1Chromic acid d 10%CrO 3Hydrochloric acid e 25%HClNitric acid e 20%HNO 3Sodium hypochlorite (potassium hypochlorite)e 6%NaOCl Hydrogen peroxide e 5%H 2O 2Hydrofluoric acid e 0%HF For all the media mentioned above in lower concentrations,Tangit solvent cement should be used.Due to the effects of these acids on the pipe material,we recommend using pipes with a pressure rating PN 16.For the expected life time and compressive strength,please contact your GF representative.Attention !Usually the allowable pressure must be decreased by one pressure rating (thus PN16to PN10).When using Dytex in PVC-C piping construction with the above mentioned acids,the pressure and temperature requirements for PVC-U must be adhered to.Because Dytex is not gap-filling,a special cement jointing procedure is required and is described in the chapter on jointing technology.Fusion jointsIn the case of PE,PP and PVDF (SYGEF®)heat fusionjoints have practically the same chemical resistance asthe respective material.In conjunction with media which could cause stress cracking,the fused joints can besubjected to an increased risk due to residual stress from the jointing process.In such cases a professionally executed weldingis absolutely necessary.The sensitivity against tension fracture formation can be reduced substantially by a thermal retreatment (tempering).Sealing materialsDepending upon the working conditions and the stressinvolved,the life span of the sealing materials can differfrom that of thepipelinematerial.Seals in PTFE,which is not included in this list,are resistant to all the chemicals listed.The greater permeability of PTFEshould,however,be considered.Under certain working conditions,for example when conveying highly aggressive media such as hydrochloric acid,thismaterial characteristic must be taken into account.General summary and limits of applications 5The following table includes all the materials contained in the GF product range,and their abbreviations.The summary gives preliminary information regarding the general behaviour of the materials and the temperature limits.Abbreviation MaterialRemarks Maximum permissible temperature Constant Short term PTFEPolytetrafluoro-ethylene (e.g.Teflon®)Resistant to all chemicals in this list 250°C 300°C NBRNitrile Rubber Good resistance to oil and petrol.Unsuitable for oxidising media 90°C 120°C EPDM Ehtylene Propylene Rubber Good resistance to ozone and weather.Especially suitable for aggressive chemicals.Unsuitable for oils and fats 90°C 120°C CRChloroprene Rubber (e.g.Neoprene®)Chemical resistance very similar to that of PVC-U and between that of Nitrile and Butyl Rubber 80°C 110°C FPM FFKM Fluorine Rubber (e.g.Viton®,Kalrez®)Has best chemical resistance to solvents of all elastomers 150°C 200°C CSM Chlorine sulphonyl Polyethylene (e.g.Hypalon®)Chemical resistance similar to that of EPDM 100°C 140°CCompressible mediaWhen defining allowable operating conditions,special care is required in choosing chemically resistant piping and sealing materials when transporting compressible operating media (gases)or solutions of gases in fluids which have low boiling points (high vapour pressures)through plastic piping systems.Suitable materials for compressible media are those that under standard conditions and at low temperatures do not tend toward brittle fractures owing to their ductility.Such materials include polyethylene (PE)and acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS).All other raw materials such as polypropylene (PP-H),polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U/-C)or polyvinyliden fluoride (PVDF)are to be limited to d 0.1bar with respect to the operating pressure of gases.Higher pressures are possible if secondary containment piping systems are used (for environmental protection,brittle effects,gas shocks,intoxication)For low boiling point fluids,such as liquid gas or solutions of gases in liquids,for example,hydrochloric acid,the associated vapour pressure of the media has to be taken into account.Furthermore,outgassing (due to changes in the media composition)or vaporisation (due to an inadmissible,high pressure increase)are to be prevented by relevant limitation of the operating temperature or by preventing the vapour pressure from exceeding the operational pressure.It is important to point out that,in such cases of leakage,the sudden escape of large gas or vapour volumes is to be considered a dangerous condition.Relatively high flow velocities must be assumed when transporting humid gases (aerosols)or following pressure drops in plasticpiping systems carrying fluids having high vapour pressures.These can cause the development of high levels of electrostatic charge.Such a condition exhibits an additional source of danger if flammable media or mixtures which can explode when mixed with air are involved.NoteThe data are provided as is and there is no warranty or representation,neither express nor implied,that they are free from errors.We shall not be liable for any damages of any kind that may result from the use of this data.The successful operation of valves does not only depend on the chemical resistance of their materials and the seals,but a multiplicity of further factors are to be considered.Therefore it is not possible to transfer these data without restrictions also to the operation of valves made of same materials and/or material combinations.This document serves only to provide technical information.We refer to our General Sales Terms.Subject to change without notice.6List of chemical resistance Aggressive mediaChemical resistanceMediumFormula B o i l i n g p o i n t °C Concentration T e m p e r a t u r e °C P V C -U P V C -C A B S P E P P -H P V D F E P D M F P M N B R C RC S M Acetaldehyde CH 3-CHO 40%,aqueous 20O --++-++-++solution 40-+O O +++60O O O O O O 80O O --O 100-120140Acetaldehyde CH 3-CHO 21technically pure 20---+O -+O --O 40O -O --60-80100120140Acetic acid CH 3COOH 50%,aqueous 20++-++++O -O O 40++++O 60O +++80O 100O 120140Acetic acid CH 3COOH 118technically pure,20O --++++--O O glacial 40-++O O 60O O -80-100120140Acetic acid (CH 3-CO)2O 139technically pure 20---++-O ---+anhydride 40O O 6080100120140Acetic acid CH 3COOC 2H 57720---++++O O O O ethylester 406080100120140Acetic acid (CH 2)2-CH-(CH 2)2-CO 2H 117technically pure 20---++++---+isobutyl ester 406080100120140Acetone CH 3-CO-CH 3up to 10%,20--O ++O +O -+O aqueous 40++O +O O O 60++O +--O 80100120140Acetone CH 3-CO-CH 356technically pure 20---++-+---O 40+++O 60+++O801001201407Aggressive mediaChemical resistanceMediumFormula B o i l i n g p o i n t °C Concentration T e m p e r a t u r e °C P V C -U P V C -C A B S P EP P -H P V D F E P D M F P M N B R C R C S M Acetonitrile CH 3CN 82100%20---O O -O -O O O 406080100120140Acetophenone CH 3-CO-C 6H 5202100%20---O O -+---+406080100120140Acrylic acid CH 2=CHCOOCH 380technically pure 20---O -O O methyl ester 406080100120140Acrylicethyl CH 2=COOC 2H 5100technically pure 20---O -O O --O O 406080100120140Acrylonitrile CH 2=CH-CN 77technically pure 20---++-+O -+O 40+O +O +O 60+O -+-80100120140Adipic acid HOOC-(CH 2)4-COOH Fp.,saturated,20++-++++++++153aqueous 40++++++++++60-+++++++++80+++100120140Allyl alcohol H 2C=CH-CH 2-OH 9796%20O O -+++O +O +40-+++-+-+60+O O ++80-+-100120140Aluminium salts,AlCl 3,Al(NO 3)3,saturated 20++aqueous,Al(OH)3,Al(SO 4)340++inorganic 60++80+100120140Ammonia NH 3-33gaseous,20+--++++++++technically pure 40++++O 60++++80+100-1201408Aggressive mediaChemical resistanceMediumFormula B o i l i n g p o i n t °C Concentration T e m p e r a t u r e °C P V C -U P V C -C A B S P EP P -H P V D F E P D M F P M N B R C R C S M Ammonium CH 3COONH 4aqueous,all 20++O ++++++++acetate 40+++++++O ++60O ++++++O 80+++O 100++120140Ammonium (NH 4)2S 2O 820+++O +++O ++persulphate 40+O +60O O +80O +100+120140Amonium salts,saturated 20++++++++++aqueous,40++++++++++inorganic 60++++++++++80+++100+120140Amyl acetate CH 3(CH 2)4-COOCH 3141technically pure 20---+O +O ----40+O O 60+-O 80100120140Amyl alcohol CH 3(CH 2)3-CH 2-OH 137technically pure 20+--++++O ++O 40+++++++60O ++++++80++100+120O 140Aniline C 6H 5NH 2182technically pure 20---++++O ---40O +O +O 60O -+O 80100120140Antimony SbCl 390%,aqueous 20++-+++++-++trichloride 40+++++60++++80100120140Aqua regia HNO 3+HCl mixing ratio 20++---O -O --O 40O 6080100120140Arsenic acid H 3AsO 480%,aqueous 20+++++++++++40+++++++++++60O ++++++++++80+++++O ++100++120+1409Aggressive mediaChemical resistanceMediumFormula B o i l i n g p o i n t °C Concentration T e m p e r a t u r e °C P V C -U P V C -C A B S P E P P -H P V D F E P D M F P M N B R C R C S M Barium salts,saturated 20+++++++++++aqueous,40++++++++inorganic 60+++++++80++++100++120140Beer usual 20++++++++++commercial 406080100120140Benzaldehyde C 6H 5-CHO 180saturated,20---+++++O --aqueous 40+O O ++60O -O +80100120140Benzene C 6H 680technically pure 20---O O +-+O --40O -O 60-80100120140Benzene sulfonic C 6H 5SO 3H technically pure 20+++++++acid 40+++++60O O +O 80+100+120140Benzine C 5H 12to C 12H 2680-free of lead and 20++-+O +-++-O (Gasoline)130aromatic 40++++++-compounds 6080100120140Benzoic acid C 6H 5-COOH Fp.,aqueous,all 20+++++++++++12240++++++++60O +++++80O +++100++O 120+140Benzyl alcohol C 6H 5-CH 2-OH 206technically pure 20O --+++++-+O 40+++++60O O O O +80-100120140Beryllium salts,20++++++++++aqueous,40+++++++inorganic 60+++++++80++++100+12014010Medium Formula B o i l i n g p o i n Concentration T e m p e r a t u r P V C -UP V C -CA B SP EP P -HP V D FE P D MF P MN B RC RC S M BoraxNa 2B 4O 7aqueous,all20+++++++++++40+++++++++++60O ++++++++O 80++++100++120140Boric acid H 3BO 3all,aqueous20+++++++++++40+++++++++++60O ++++++++++80+++++100+++120+140Brine,containing NaCl-Cl 2depressurised 20++-+O+O +O OO chlorinewith GFK-40+++reinforcing up to 60++O95°C 80+100120140Bromine water Br-H 2Osaturated,20+O ---+-+---aqueous406080100120140Butadiene H 2C=CH-CH=CH 2-4technically pure 20++-O O +-+O --406080100120140Butane C 4H 100technically pure 20++++++-+O OO 406080100120140Butanediol HO-(CH 2)4-OH 230aqueous,10%20++-+++++O +40O ++++++-+60++++++80100120140Butanol C 4H 9OH 117technically pure 20+--++++++++40+++++O +++60O +O ++-+O+80-+100O 120140Butyl acetate CH 3COO(CH)3CH 2CH 2CH 3126technically pure 20---+O++O -O O 40O ----60-80100120140Medium FormulaB o i l i n g p o i n ConcentrationT e m p e r a t u r P V C -UP V C -CA B SP EP P -HP V D FE P D MF P MN B RC RC S M Butyl phenol,(CH 3)3C-C 6H 4-OH237technically pure20O O -O ++-O ---p-tertiary40--+60+80+100120140Butylene glycol HO-CH 2-CH=CH-CH 2-OH 235technically pure20+++++++-+O 40++++++++-60O +++++O+80+100120140Butylene liquid C 4H 851technically pure 20+--+O +++O 406080100120140Butyric acid CH 3-CH 2-CH 2-COOH 163technically pure 20++-+++O O -OO 406080100120140Cadmium salts,d saturated acid20++++++aqueous,40++++++inorganic60++++++80++100120140Caesium salts,d Saturated acid20++++++++++aqueous,40+++++++inorganic60+++++++80++++100+120140Calcium acetate (CH 5COO)2Ca saturated20++++++++++40+++++++60+++++++80++100120140Calcium Ca(OH)2100saturated,20+O++O +++++hydroxidaqueous40+++-+++++60+++++O ++80++++100++120140Calcium lactate (CH 3COO)2Ca saturated20++++++++++40+++++++60+++++80+++100+120140Medium Formula B o i l i n g p o i n Concentration T e m p e r a t u r P V C -UP V C -CA B SP EP P -HP V D FE P D MF P MN B RC RC S M Calcium salts,d Saturated acid20+++++++++++aqueous,40++++++++inorganic60+++++++80++++100+120140Carbon dioxide CO 2technically pure,20++++++++++anhydrous40++++++++++60++++++++++80++++++100+120140CarbonCCl 477technically pure 20-----+-+---tetrachloride406080100120140Carbonic acid H 2CO 320++++++++++40+++++++60+++++++80+++++100120140Caro's acid H 2SO 520+O -+406080100120140Caustic potash KOH 13150%,aqueous20+O++-+-O O+solution 40++++-O (potassium 60O +O+O hydroxide)80O-100120140Caustic soda NaOH 50%,aqueous20+O ++-+-O -+solution40+-+++60++O+80100120140Chloric acid HClO 310%,aqueous20++-+-+++--+40+++++++60O ++++80100120140Chloric acid HClO 320%,aqueous20++-O -+O +--+40++O++60O ++80100120140Medium Formula B o i l i n g p o i n Concentration T e m p e r a t u r P V C -UP V C -CA B SP EP P -HP V D FE P D MF P MN B RC RC S M ChlorineCl 2moist,97%,20-+-----+--O gaseous40+60+80+100120140Chlorine Cl 2liquid,technically 20-----+-O ---pure,as double 40pipe system6080100120140Chlorine Cl 2anhydrous,20---O -+O +--O technically pure,40O +as double pipe 60-+system80+100O 120140Chlorine water Cl 2-H 2O saturated20++OO O OO +-O-40++O60O O 80-100120140Chloroacetic ClCH 2COOH 50%,aqueous 20+--+++O ---O acid,mono40+++O 60O O -80100120140Chloroacetic ClCH 2COOH 188technically pure 20+--+++O ---O acid,mono40+++O60O O O80100120140Chlorobenzene C 6H 5Cl 132technically pure 20---O O+----O 40+60O 80-100120140Chloroethanol ClCH 2-CH 2OH 129technically pure 20---+++O ---O 40++O 60++O 80-100120140Chlorosulphonic ClSO 3H 158technically pure 20O ----O -----acid40-6080100120140Medium Formula B o i l i n g p o i n Concentration T e m p e r a t u r P V C -UP V C -CA B SP EP P -HP V D FE P D MF P MN B RC RC S M Chromic acidCrO 3H 2Oall,aqueous20O O -O O++--O 40O ++O 60+OO 80O 100O 120140Chromic acid CrO 350g 20++---+O +--O +sulphuric acid H 2SO 415g 40+++O+O +water H 2O 35g 60O OO80100120140Chromium (II)-d Saturated acid20++salts,aqueous,40++inorganic60++80+100+120140Compressed air,20---+O+-++++containing oil40++60+80100120140Copper salts,d Saturated acid20+++++++++++aqueous 40+++++++++++inorganic60O ++++++O +O 80++++100+120140Cresol HO-C 6H 4-CH 3cold saturated,20O --+++O+O -O aqueous40+OO +O60OO 80O100120140Crotonic CH 3-CH=CH-CHO 102technically pure 20---++++++++aldehyde40O 60-80100120140Cyclohexane C 6H 1281technically pure 20---+++-++--40++60++80+100120140Cyclohexanol C 6H 12O 161technically pure20++-+++-+O ++40+++++60+++OO 80OO 100-120140Medium Formula B o i l i n g p o i n ConcentrationT e m p e r a t u r P V C -UP V C -CA B SP EP P -HP V D FE P D MF P MN B RC RC S M CyclohexanoneC 6H 10O155technically pure20---+++O ----40O O O 60O O -80100120140Dextrine (C 6H 10O 5)nusual20+++++++++++commercial40++++++++++60++++++++++80++100+120+140Di isobutyl [(CH 3)2CHCH 2]2CO 124technically pure 20---+++O ----ketone40O O OO6080100120140Dibrombenzene C 6H 5Br 2d Saturated acid 20---O O +O +---406080100120140Dibuthyl ether C 4H 9OC 4H 9142technically pure 20---O O +-++-O 406080100120140Dibutyl phthalate C 6H 4(COOC 4H 9)2340technically pure 20---+++O O ---40O O +60O O O80100120140Dichloroacetic Cl 2CHCOOH 50%,aqueous 20+--++++O -+O acid40+++O+O 60O O O+-80100120140Dichloroacetic Cl 2CHCOOH 194technically pure 20+--++++O --O acid40+++O+-60O O O+-80100120140Dichloroacetic Cl 2CHCOOCH 3143technically pure 20---++O+---+acid methyl 40++++ester60++OO80100120140Medium Formula B o i l i n g p o i n ConcentrationT e m p e r a t u r P V C -UP V C -CA B SP EP P -HP V D FE P D MF P MN B RC RC S M DichlorobenzeneC 6H 4Cl 2180technically pure20---O O +O +O OO 406080100120140Dichloroethylene ClCH=CHCl 60technically pure 20-----+-O ---40+6080100120140Diesel oil20++-+O+-++OO 40+++++-6080100120140Diethyl ether H 5C 2-O-C 2H 53520-----------406080100120140Diethylamine (C 2H 5)2NH 56technically pure 20--+++O ----40O 60-80100120140Dimethyl (CH 3)2CHNO 153technically pure 20---++-O -O ++formamide40++60O +80100120140Dimethylamine (CH 3)2NH 7technically pure 20---+--O ----406080100120140Dioxane C 4H 8O 2101technically pure 20---+O -O -O --40+O 60+O 80-100120140Ethanolamine C 2H 7NO 20---++O +O O OO406080100120140Medium Formula B o i l i n g p o i n ConcentrationT e m p e r a t u r P V C -UP V C -CA B SP EP P -HP V D FE P D MF P MN B RC RC S M Ethyl alcohol CH 3-CH 2-OH78technically pure,20+O -+++++O ++(Ethnause)96%40+++O +O 60O ++-+O80+100120140Ethyl benzene C 6H 5-CH 2CH 3136technically pure 20---O O O -+---406080100120140Ethyl chloride C 2H 5Cl 12technically pure 20---O O O -O ---(G)406080100120140Ethyl ether CH 3CH 2-O-CH 2CH 335technically pure 20---+O +-----406080100120140Ethylene diamine H 2N-CH 2-CH 2-NH 2117technically pure 20O --++O +O ++O 40++O O O O O 60++-----80100120140Ethylene glycol HO-CH 2-CH 2-OH 198<50%20+OO ++++++++40+O++++++++60++++++O O+80+++OO 100+120+140Ethylene glycol HO-CH 2-CH 2-OH 198technically pure 20+O -++++++++40+++++++++60++++++O O+80+++OO 100+120+140Ethylenediamine-C 10H 16N 2O 820++++tetraacetic acid 40(EDTA)6080100120140Fluorine F 2technically pure20-----------406080100120140Medium Formula B o i l i n g p o i n Concentration T e m p e r a t u r P V C -UP V C -CA B SP EP P -HP V D FE P D MF P MN B RC RC S M Fluorosilicic acidH 2SiF 632%,aqueous20++++++OO O +40+++++--O 60+O +++-80+100+120140Formaldehyde HCHO 40%,aqueous20++++++++++40++++++++++60++++O OO 80+100120140Formamide HCONH 2210technically pure 20---+++O ++40++60++80100120140Formic acid HCOOH d 25%20++++++40++++++60++++++80++100120140Formic acid HCOOHup to 50%,20+-O+++++-++aqueous40++++++++60O +O+OO O+80+-O 100+120140Formic acid HCOOH 101technically pure 20+--+++++-++40O +O ++O +60-+-+O -+80+OO 100+120140Frigen 12(Freon CCl 2F 2-30technically pure 20+----OO O O +O 12)406080100120140Fuel oil20++-+O +-++OO 40++-+++-6080100120140Furfuryl alcohol C 5H 6O 2171technically pure20---+++O --OO40++60+OO 80-100120140Medium Formula B o i l i n g p o i n Concentration T e m p e r a t u r P V C -UP V C -CA B SP EP P -HP V D FE P D MF P MN B RC RC S M Gelatinall,aqueous20+++++++++++40+++++++++++60+++++80+100120140Glucose C 6H 12O 6Fp.,all,aqueous 20++++++++++14840++++++++++60O +++++++++80++++++++100++120140Glycerol HO-CH 2-CH(OH)-CH 2OH 290technically pure20++++++++++40+++++O ++++60+++++OO +++80+++-O++100++O O 120+140Glycin NH 2-CH 2-COOHFp.,10%,aqueous 20++++++++++23340+++++++O+O 60++80+100120140Glycolic acid HO-CH 2-COOHFp.,37%,aqueous 20+-+++++++8040++60++80+100+120140Heptane C 7H 1698technically pure20++-+O+-++-O 40++++++-6080100120140Hexane C 6H 1469technically pure20++-+O+-++-O 40++++++-6080100120140Hydrazine H 2N-NH 2-H 2O 113aqueous 20+--++-+O --+hydrate40++60++80100120140Hydrochloric HClup to 30%,20+++++++--+acidaqueous40+++O +++O 60+++O +O O-80+-+100+120140Medium Formula B o i l i n g p o i n Concentration T e m p e r a t u r P V C -UP V C -CA B SP EP P -HP V D FE P D MF P MN B RC RC S M Hydrochloric HCl38%,aqueous20++-+O+++--+acid40++++O +60+++80O+100+120140Hydrocyanic HCN 26technically pure20++-+++++O O +acid40+++++O O --O 60O ++++80+100120140Hydrofluoric acid HF 40%20+--+++-+--+40O +++++60O O ++OO 80+100+120140Hydrogen H 2-25technically pure 20+++++++++++340+++++++++++60+++++++++++80+++++++100-+++120140Hydrogen HCl-85technically pure,20++-+++++O O O chloridegaseous40+++++++--O 60O ++++++-80O++100+120140Hydrogen H 2O 210530%,aqueous 20++-++OO +--+peroxide406080100120140Hydrogen H 2O 213990%,aqueous 20+--O -O --O peroxide406080100120140Hydrogen H 2Ssaturated,20+++++++-++sulphideaqueous40+++++-+--+60O +++++O 80+O-100+120140Hydrogen H 2S technically pure20++++++++O +sulphide40+++++-+O -O 60++O ++O -O 80+--100+120140Medium Formula B o i l i n g p o i n Concentration T e m p e r a t u r P V C -UP V C -CA B SP EP P -HP V D FE P D MF P MN B RC RC S M HydroquinoneC 6H 4(OH)230%20+++++40++++60++80+100120140Iodine-potassium I-KI 20+--+++++OO iodide solution 40(Lugol's solution)6080100120140Iron salts,d Saturated acid20+++++++++++aqueous,40+++++++inorganic60+++++++80+++++100++120140Isooctane (CH 3)3-C-CH 2-CH-(CH 3)299technically pure 20++-++++++O 406080100120140Isopropyl alcohol (CH 3)2-CH-OH 82technically pure 20+-++++++++(ESC)40+++++60O O O+80O100120140Isopropyl ether (CH 3)2-CH-O-CH-(CH 3)268technically pure 20---O O +O ----406080100120140Lactic acid CH 3CHOHCOOH 10%,aqueous20++++++++--O 40O +O ++++O O 60-+-++O O O O 80++O -O100-120140Lead acetate Pb(CH 3COO)2aqueous,20+++++++++++saturated40+++++++++++60+++++++++++80++100+120140Lead salts,d Saturated acid20++++++++++aqueous,40+++++++inorganic60+++++++80+++100+120140。
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Spectroscopic Study of the Interaction between Small Molecules and Large Proteins1. IntroductionThe study of drug-protein interactions is of great importance in drug discovery and development. Understanding how small molecules interact with proteins at the molecular level is crucial for the design of new and more effective drugs. Spectroscopic techniques have proven to be valuable tools in the investigation of these interactions, providing det本人led information about the binding affinity, mode of binding, and structural changes that occur upon binding.2. Spectroscopic Techniques2.1. Fluorescence SpectroscopyFluorescence spectroscopy is widely used in the study of drug-protein interactions due to its high sensitivity and selectivity. By monitoring the changes in the fluorescence emission of either the drug or the protein upon binding, valuable information about the binding affinity and the binding site can be obt本人ned. Additionally, fluorescence quenching studies can provide insights into the proximity and accessibility of specific amino acid residues in the protein's binding site.2.2. UV-Visible SpectroscopyUV-Visible spectroscopy is another powerful tool for the investigation of drug-protein interactions. This technique can be used to monitor changes in the absorption spectra of either the drug or the protein upon binding, providing information about the binding affinity and the stoichiometry of the interaction. Moreover, UV-Visible spectroscopy can be used to study the conformational changes that occur in the protein upon binding to the drug.2.3. Circular Dichroism SpectroscopyCircular dichroism spectroscopy is widely used to investigate the secondary structure of proteins and to monitor conformational changes upon ligand binding. By analyzing the changes in the CD spectra of the protein in the presence of the drug, valuable information about the structural changes induced by the binding can be obt本人ned.2.4. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance SpectroscopyNMR spectroscopy is a powerful technique for the investigation of drug-protein interactions at the atomic level. By analyzing the chemical shifts and the NOE signals of the protein in thepresence of the drug, det本人led information about the binding site and the mode of binding can be obt本人ned. Additionally, NMR can provide insights into the dynamics of the protein upon binding to the drug.3. Applications3.1. Drug DiscoverySpectroscopic studies of drug-protein interactions play a crucial role in drug discovery, providing valuable information about the binding affinity, selectivity, and mode of action of potential drug candidates. By understanding how small molecules interact with their target proteins, researchers can design more potent and specific drugs with fewer side effects.3.2. Protein EngineeringSpectroscopic techniques can also be used to study the effects of mutations and modifications on the binding affinity and specificity of proteins. By analyzing the binding of small molecules to wild-type and mutant proteins, valuable insights into the structure-function relationship of proteins can be obt本人ned.3.3. Biophysical StudiesSpectroscopic studies of drug-protein interactions are also valuable for the characterization of protein-ligandplexes, providing insights into the thermodynamics and kinetics of the binding process. Additionally, these studies can be used to investigate the effects of environmental factors, such as pH, temperature, and ionic strength, on the stability and binding affinity of theplexes.4. Challenges and Future DirectionsWhile spectroscopic techniques have greatly contributed to our understanding of drug-protein interactions, there are still challenges that need to be addressed. For instance, the study of membrane proteins and protein-protein interactions using spectroscopic techniques rem本人ns challenging due to theplexity and heterogeneity of these systems. Additionally, the development of new spectroscopic methods and the integration of spectroscopy with other biophysical andputational approaches will further advance our understanding of drug-protein interactions.In conclusion, spectroscopic studies of drug-protein interactions have greatly contributed to our understanding of how small molecules interact with proteins at the molecular level. Byproviding det本人led information about the binding affinity, mode of binding, and structural changes that occur upon binding, spectroscopic techniques have be valuable tools in drug discovery, protein engineering, and biophysical studies. As technology continues to advance, spectroscopy will play an increasingly important role in the study of drug-protein interactions, leading to the development of more effective and targeted therapeutics.。
第 20 卷 第 1 期湖南理工学院学报(自然科学版)V ol.20 No.12007 年 3 月Jour n al of Hu n a n Ins titu te of Sc ien ce a nd Tech n o lo gy (N atu ral Sc ien ce s)Mar .2007苯甲叉基丙二腈中间体合成黄酮类化合物及表征杨 涛,周从山 ,谢 芳(湖南理工学院 化学化工系,湖南 岳阳 414000)摘 要:本文采用苯甲叉基丙二腈作为中间体,与间苯二酚在无水 ZnCl 2 和 HCl 气体的催化作用下制得亚胺盐,再水 解,脱羧,分离得到产物,通过液相色谱、紫外、红外等手段对中间产物和最终产物进行分析鉴定,确定最终产物是 7-羟基二 氢黄酮。
关键词:苯甲叉基丙二腈;黄酮;间苯二酚;7-羟基二氢黄酮中图分类号:O623.76文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-5298(2007)01-0080-03Synthesis using Phenylmethylenepropanedinitriles as intermediate and characterization of flavonoids compoundY ANG Tao, ZHOU Cong-shan, XIE Fang(Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Hunan Institute of Science and Technology, Y ueyang 414000, C hina)Abstract: Two imino-compounds were obtained by the catalysis of ZnCl 2 and HCl using benzylidenemalononitrile and resorcinol as intermediate, which were directly hydrolyzed and decarboxylated without apart. The product was abstracted. All the intermediate and final product were analyzed and characterized by liquid chromatography, ultraviolet Spectrophotometer, infrared Spectrophotometer, we make sure that the final product is 7-hydroxy-2,3-dihydro-2-flaconoid.Key words: benzylidenemalononitrile ; falconoid ;resorcinol ;7-hydroxy-2,3-dihydro-2-flaconoid黄酮类化合物是一类广泛存在于自然界的天然有机化合物。
橡胶英语名词胶乳制品latex goods橡胶减震制品rubber vibration insulator橡胶密封制品rubber seal胶鞋rubber footwear胶带belting胶管hose帘子线cord轮胎tire,tyre橡胶制品rubber product硫化vulcanization,cure压延calendering挤出extrusion炭黑arbon black混炼mixing of rubber compounds橡胶助剂rubber ingredients塑炼plastication,mastication橡胶配合rubber compounding橡胶加工rubber processing再生胶reclaimed rubber胶乳latex热塑性橡胶thermoplastic elastomer,elastoplastics 合成橡胶synthetic rubber天然橡胶natural rubber橡胶rubber橡胶工业rubber industry丙烯酸酯橡胶acrylate rubber硅橡胶silicone rubber氟橡胶fluororubber聚硫橡胶polysulfide rubber氯醇橡胶epichlorohydrin rubber聚氨酯橡胶polyurethane rubber丁腈橡胶nitrile butadiene rubber氯丁橡胶chloroprene rubber,neoprene乙丙橡胶ethylene-propylene rubber丁基橡胶butyl rubber,isobutylene isoprene rubber 丁钠橡胶Buna rubber异戊橡胶isoprene rubber,cis-1,4-polyisoprene rubber顺丁橡胶cis-1,4-polybutadiene rubber丁苯橡胶styrene-butadiene rubber合成橡胶工业synthetic rubber industry橡胶技术rubber technology加工类:加工processing反应性加工reactive processing等离子体加工plasma processing加工性processability熔体流动指数melt [flow] index 门尼粘度Mooney index塑化plasticizing增塑作用plasticization内增塑作用internal plasticization外增塑作用external plasticization增塑溶胶plastisol增强reinforcing增容作用compatibilization相容性compatibility相溶性intermiscibility生物相容性biocompatibility血液相容性blood compatibility组织相容性tissue compatibility混炼milling, mixing素炼mastication塑炼plastication过炼dead milled橡胶配合rubber compounding共混blend捏和kneading冷轧cold rolling压延性calenderability压延calendering埋置embedding压片preforming模塑molding模压成型compression molding压缩成型compression forming冲压模塑impact moulding, shock moulding 叠模压塑stack moulding复合成型composite molding注射成型injection molding注塑压缩成型injection compression molding 射流注塑jet molding无流道冷料注塑runnerless injection molding 共注塑coinjection molding气辅注塑gas aided injection molding注塑焊接injection welding传递成型transfer molding树脂传递成型resin transfer molding铸塑cast熔铸fusion casting铸塑成型cast molding单体浇铸monomer casting挤出extrusion共挤出coextrusion多层挤塑multi-layer extrusion共挤吹塑coextrusion blow molding同轴挤塑coaxial extrusion吹胀挤塑blown extrusion挤出吹塑extrusion blow molding挤拉吹塑成型extrusion draw blow molding反应性挤塑reactive extrusion固相挤出solid-phase extrusion发泡expanding foam后发泡post expansion物理发泡physical foam化学发泡chemical foam吹塑blow molding多层吹塑multi-layer blow molding拉伸吹塑成型stretch blow molding滚塑rotational moulding反应注射成型reaction injection molding, RIM 真空成型vacuum forming无压成型zero ressure molding真空烧结vacuum sintering真空袋成型vacuum bag molding热成型thermal forming拉伸热成型stretch thermoforming袋模塑bag molding糊塑paste molding镶铸imbedding冲压成型impact molding触压成型impression molding层压材料laminate泡沫塑料成型foam molding包模成型drape molding充气吹胀inflation橡胶胶乳rubber latex胶乳latex高分子胶体polymer colloid生橡胶raw rubber,crude rubber硬质胶ebonite再生胶reclaimed rubber充油橡胶oil-extended rubber母胶masterbatch交联crosslinking固化cure光固化photo-cure硫化vulcanization后硫化post cure,post vulcanization自硫[化] bin cure自交联self crosslinking , self curing过硫over cure返硫reversion欠硫under cure动态硫化dynamic vulcanization不均匀硫化heterogeneous vulcanization开始[硫化]效应set-up effect自动硫化self-curing, self-vulcanizing 焦烧scorching无压硫化non-pressure cure模压硫化moulding curing常温硫化auto-vulcanization热硫化heat curing蒸汽硫化steam curing微波硫化micro wave curing辐射硫化radiation vulcanization辐射交联radiation crosslinking连续硫化continuous vulcanization无模硫化open vulcanization成纤fiber forming可纺性spinnability纺丝spinning干纺dry spinning湿纺wet spinning干湿法纺丝dry wet spinning干喷湿法纺丝dry jet wet spinning溶液纺丝solution spinning乳液纺丝emulsion spinning乳液闪蒸纺丝法emulsion flash spinning process 喷射纺丝jet spinning喷纺成形spray spinning液晶纺丝liquid crystal spinning熔纺melt spinning共混纺丝blended spinning凝胶纺[丝] gel spinning反应纺丝reaction spinning静电纺丝electrostatic spinning高压纺丝high-pressure spinning复合纺丝conjugate spinning无纺布non-woven fabrics单丝monofilament, monofil复丝multifilament全取向丝fully oriented yarn中空纤维hollow fiber皮芯纤维sheath core fiber共纺cospinning冷拉伸cold drawing, cold stretching单轴拉伸uniaxial drawing,uniaxial elongation双轴拉伸biaxial drawing多轴拉伸multiaxial drawing皮心效应skin and core effect皮层效应skin effect防缩non-shrink熟成ripening垂挂sag定型sizing起球现象pilling effect捻度twist旦denier特tex纱yarn股strand粘合adhesion反应粘合reaction bonding压敏粘合pressure sensitive adhesion底漆primer浸渍impregnation浸渍树脂solvent impregnated resin基体matrix聚合物表面活性剂polymeric surfactant高分子絮凝剂polymeric flocculant预发颗粒pre-expanded bead高分子膜polymeric membraneH-膜H-filmLB膜Langmuir Blodgett film (LB film)半透膜semipermeable membrane反渗透膜Reverse osmosis membrance多孔膜porous membrane各向异性膜anisotropic membrane正离子交换膜cation exchange membrane 负离子交换膜anionic exchange membrane 吸附树脂polymeric adsorbent添加剂additive固化剂curing agent潜固化剂latent curing agent硫化剂vulcanizing agent给硫剂sulfur donor agent, sulfur donor硫化促进剂vulcanization accelerator硫化活化剂vulcanization activator活化促进剂activating accelerator活化剂activator防焦剂scorch retarder抗硫化返原剂anti-reversion agent塑解剂peptizer偶联剂coupling agent硅烷偶联剂silane coupling agent钛酸酯偶联剂titanate coupling agent铝酸酯偶联剂aluminate coupling agent增强剂reinforcing agent增硬剂hardening agent惰性填料inert filler增塑剂plasticizer辅增塑剂coplasticizer增粘剂tackifier增容剂compatibilizer增塑增容剂plasticizer extender分散剂dispersant agent 结构控制剂constitution controller色料colorant荧光增白剂optical bleaching agent抗降解剂antidegradant防老剂anti-aging agent防臭氧剂antiozonant抗龟裂剂anticracking agent抗疲劳剂anti-fatigue agent抗微生物剂biocide防蚀剂anti-corrosion agent光致抗蚀剂photoresist防霉剂antiseptic防腐剂rot resistor防潮剂moisture proof agent除臭剂re-odorant抗氧剂antioxidant热稳定剂heat stabilizer抗静电添加剂antistatic additive抗静电剂antistatic agent紫外线稳定剂ultraviolet stabilizer紫外光吸收剂ultraviolet absorber光稳定剂light stabilizer, photostabilizer 光屏蔽剂light screener发泡剂foaming agent物理发泡剂physical foaming agent化学发泡剂chemical foaming agent脱模剂releasing agent内脱模剂internal releasing agent外脱模剂external releasing agent阻燃剂flame retardant防火剂fire retardant烧蚀剂ablator润滑剂lubricant湿润剂wetting agent隔离剂separant增韧剂toughening agent抗冲改性剂impact modifier消泡剂antifoaming agent减阻剂drag reducer破乳剂demulsifier粘度改进剂viscosity modifier增稠剂thickening agent, thickener阻黏剂abhesive洗脱剂eluant附聚剂agglomerating agent后处理剂after-treating agent催干剂drier防结皮剂anti-skinning agent纺织品整理剂textile finishing agent高物高化类:结构单元constitutional unit重复结构单元constitutional repeating unit构型单元configurational unit立构重复单元stereorepeating unit立构规整度tacticity等规度, 全同立构[规整]度isotacticity间同度,间同立构[规整]度syndiotacticity无规度,无规立构度atacticity嵌段block规整嵌段regular block非规整嵌段irregular block立构嵌段stereoblock有规立构嵌段isotactic block无规立构嵌段atactic block单体单元monomeric unit二单元组diad三单元组triad四单元组tetrad五单元组pentad无规线团random coil自由连接链freely-jointed chain自由旋转链freely-rotating chain蠕虫状链worm-like chain柔性链flexible chain链柔性chain flexibility刚性链rigid chain棒状链rodlike chain链刚性chain rigidity聚集aggregation聚集体aggregate凝聚、聚集coalescence链缠结chain entanglement凝聚缠结cohesional entanglement物理缠结physical entanglement拓扑缠结topological entanglement凝聚相condensed phase凝聚态condensed state凝聚过程condensing process临界聚集浓度critical aggregation concentration 线团-球粒转换coil-globule transition受限链confined chain受限态confined state物理交联physical crosslinking统计线团statistical coil等效链equivalent chain统计链段statistical segment链段chain segment链构象chain conformation无规线团模型random coil model无规行走模型random walk model 自避随机行走模型self avoiding walk model卷曲构象coiled conformation高斯链Gaussian chain无扰尺寸unperturbed dimension扰动尺寸perturbed dimension热力学等效球thermodynamically equivalent sphere近程分子内相互作用short-range intramolecular interaction远程分子内相互作用long-range intramolecular interaction链间相互作用interchain interaction链间距interchain spacing长程有序long range order近程有序short range order回转半径radius of gyration末端间矢量end-to-end vector链末端chain end末端距end-to-end distance无扰末端距unperturbed end-to-end distance均方根末端距root-mean-square end-to-end distance伸直长度contour length相关长度persistence length主链;链骨架chain backbone支链branch chain链支化chain branching短支链short-chain branch长支链long-chain branch支化系数branching index支化密度branching density支化度degree of branching交联度degree of crosslinking网络network网络密度network density溶胀swelling平衡溶胀equilibrium swelling分子组装,分子组合molecular assembly自组装self assembly微凝胶microgel凝胶点gel point可逆[性]凝胶reversible gel溶胶-凝胶转化sol-gel transformation临界胶束浓度critical micelle concentration,CMC组成非均一性constitutional heterogenity, compositional heterogenity摩尔质量平均molar mass average数均分子量number-average molecular weight, number-average molar mass重均分子量weight-average molecular weight, weight-average molar massZ均分子量Z(Zaverage)-average molecular weight,Z-molar mass黏均分子量viscosity-average molecular weight,viscosity-average molar mass表观摩尔质量apparent molar mass表观分子量apparent molecular weight聚合度degree of polymerization动力学链长kinetic chain length单分散性monodispersity临界分子量critical molecular weight分子量分布molecular weight distribution,MWD多分散性指数polydispersity index,PID平均聚合度average degree of polymerization质量分布函数mass distribution function数量分布函数number distribution function重量分布函数weight distribution function舒尔茨-齐姆分布Schulz-Zimm distribution最概然分布most probable distribution对数正态分布logarithmic normal distribution聚合物溶液polymer solution聚合物-溶剂相互作用polymer-solvent interaction溶剂热力学性质thermodynamic quality of solvent均方末端距mean square end to end distance均方旋转半径mean square radius of gyrationθ温度theta temperatureθ态theta stateθ溶剂theta solvent良溶剂good solvent不良溶剂poor solvent位力系数Virial coefficient排除体积excluded volume溶胀因子expansion factor溶胀度degree of swelling弗洛里-哈金斯理论Flory-Huggins theory哈金斯公式Huggins equation哈金斯系数Huggins coefficientχ(相互作用)参数χ-parameter溶度参数solubility parameter摩擦系数frictional coefficient流体力学等效球hydrodynamically equivalent sphere 流体力学体积hydrodynamic volume珠-棒模型bead-rod model球-簧链模型ball-spring [chain] model流动双折射flow birefringence, streaming birefringence 动态光散射dynamic light scattering小角激光光散射low angle laser light scattering沉降平衡sedimentation equilibrium沉降系数sedimentation coefficient沉降速度法sedimentation velocity method沉降平衡法sedimentation equilibrium method相对黏度relative viscosity 相对黏度增量relative viscosity increment黏度比viscosity ratio黏数viscosity number[乌氏]稀释黏度计[Ubbelohde] dilution viscometer毛细管黏度计capillary viscometer落球黏度计ball viscometer落球黏度ball viscosity本体黏度bulk viscosity比浓黏度reduced viscosity比浓对数黏度inherent viscosity, logarithmic viscosity number特性黏数intrinsic viscosity, limiting viscosity number 黏度函数viscosity function零切变速率黏度zero shear viscosity端基分析analysis of end group蒸气压渗透法vapor pressure osmometry, VPO辐射的相干弹性散射coherent elastic scattering of radiation折光指数增量refractive index increment瑞利比Rayleigh ratio超瑞利比excess Rayleigh ratio粒子散射函数particle scattering function粒子散射因子particle scattering factor齐姆图Zimm plot散射的非对称性dissymmetry of scattering解偏振作用depolarization分级fractionation沉淀分级precipitation fractionation萃取分级extraction fractionation色谱分级chromatographic fractionation柱分级column fractionation洗脱分级,淋洗分级elution fractionation热分级thermal fractionation凝胶色谱法gel chromatography摩尔质量排除极限molar mass exclusion limit溶剂梯度洗脱色谱法solvent gradient [elution] chromatography分子量排除极限molecular weight exclusion limit洗脱体积elution volume普适标定universal calibration加宽函数spreading function链轴chain axis等同周期identity period链重复距离chain repeating distance晶体折叠周期crystalline fold period构象重复单元conformational repeating unit几何等效geometrical equivalence螺旋链helix chain构型无序configurational disorder链取向无序chain orientational disorder构象无序conformational disorder锯齿链zigzag chain双[股]螺旋double stranded helix[分子]链大尺度取向global chain orientation结晶聚合物crystalline polymer半结晶聚合物semi-crystalline polymer高分子晶体polymer crystal高分子微晶polymer crystallite结晶度degree of crystallinity, crystallinity高分子[异质]同晶现象macromolecular isomorphism 聚合物形态学morphology of polymer片晶lamella, lamellar crystal轴晶axialite树枝[状]晶体dendrite纤维晶fibrous crystal串晶结构shish-kebab structure球晶spherulite折叠链folded chain链折叠chain folding折叠表面fold surface折叠面fold plane折叠微区fold domain相邻再入模型adjacent re-entry model接线板模型switchboard model缨状微束模型fringed-micelle model折叠链晶体folded-chain crystal平行链晶体parallel-chain crystal伸展链晶体extended-chain crystal球状链晶体globular-chain crystal长周期long period近程结构short-range structure远程结构long-range structure成核作用nucleation分子成核作用molecular nucleation阿夫拉米方程Avrami equation主结晶primary crystallization后期结晶secondary crystallization外延结晶,附生结晶epitaxial crystallization外延晶体生长,附生晶体生长epitaxial growth织构texture液晶态liquid crystal state溶致性液晶lyotopic liquid crystal热致性液晶thermotropic liquid crystal热致性介晶thermotropic mesomorphism近晶相液晶smectic liquid crystal近晶中介相smectic mesophase近晶相smectic phase条带织构banded texture环带球晶ringed spherulite向列相nematic phase 盘状相discotic phase解取向disorientation分聚segregation非晶相amorphous phase非晶区amorphous region非晶态amorphous state非晶取向amorphous orientation链段运动segmental motion亚稳态metastable state相分离phase separation亚稳相分离spinodal decompositionbimodal decomposition微相microphase界面相boundary phase相容性compatibility混容性miscibility不相容性incompatibility不混容性immiscibility增容作用compatiibilization最低临界共溶(溶解)温度lower critical solution temperature, LCST最高临界共溶(溶解)温度upper critical solution temperature , UCST浓度猝灭concentration quenching激基缔合物荧光excimer fluorescence激基复合物荧光exciplex fluorescence激光共聚焦荧光显微镜laser confocal fluorescence microscopy单轴取向uniaxial orientation双轴取向biaxial orientation, biorientation取向度degree of orientation橡胶态rubber state玻璃态glassy state高弹态elastomeric state黏流态viscous flow state伸长elongation高弹形变high elastic deformation回缩性,弹性复原nerviness拉伸比draw ratio, extension ratio泊松比Poisson's ratio杨氏模量Young's modulus本体模量bulk modulus剪切模量shear modulus法向应力normal stress剪切应力shear stress剪切应变shear strain屈服yielding颈缩现象necking屈服应力yield stress屈服应变yield strain脆性断裂brittle fracture脆性开裂brittle cracking脆-韧转变brittle ductile transition脆化温度brittleness(brittle) temperature延性破裂ductile fracture冲击强度impact strength拉伸强度tensile strength极限拉伸强度ultimate tensile strength抗撕强度tearing strength弯曲强度flexural strength, bending strength 弯曲模量bending modulus弯曲应变bending strain弯曲应力bending stress收缩开裂shrinkage crack剪切强度shear strength剥离强度peeling strength疲劳强度fatigue strength, fatigue resistance 挠曲deflection压缩强度compressive strength压缩永久变形compression set压缩变形compressive deformation压痕硬度indentation hardness洛氏硬度Rockwell hardness布氏硬度Brinell hardness抗刮性scrath resistance断裂力学fracture mechanics力学破坏mechanical failure应力强度因子stress intensity factor断裂伸长elongation at break屈服强度yield strength断裂韧性fracture toughness弹性形变elastic deformation弹性滞后elastic hysteresis弹性elasticity弹性模量modulus of elasticity弹性回复elastic recovery不可回复形变irrecoverable deformation裂缝crack银纹craze形变;变形deformation永久变形deformation set剩余变形residual deformation剩余伸长residual stretch回弹,回弹性resilience延迟形变retarded deformation延迟弹性retarded elasticity可逆形变reversible deformation应力开裂stress cracking应力-应变曲线stress strain curve拉伸应变stretching strain 拉伸应力弛豫tensile stress relaxation热历史thermal history热收缩thermoshrinking扭辫分析torsional braid analysis,TBA应力致白stress whitening应变能strain energy应变张量strain tensor剩余应力residual stress应变硬化strain hardening应变软化strain softening电流变液electrorheological fluid假塑性pseudoplastic拉胀性auxiticity牛顿流体Newtonian fluid非牛顿流体non-Newtonian fluid宾汉姆流体Bingham fluid冷流cold flow牛顿剪切黏度Newtonian shear viscosity剪切黏度shear viscosity表观剪切黏度apparent shear viscosity剪切变稀shear thinning触变性thixotropy塑性形变plastic deformation塑性流动plastic flow体积弛豫volume relaxation拉伸黏度extensional viscosity黏弹性viscoelasticity线性黏弹性linear viscoelasticity非线性黏弹性non-linear viscoelasticity蠕变creep弛豫[作用] relaxation弛豫模量relaxation modulus蠕变柔量creep compliance热畸变温度heat distortion temperature弛豫谱relaxation spectrum推迟[时间]谱retardation [time] spectrum弛豫时间relaxation time推迟时间retardation time动态力学行为dynamic mechanical behavior 动态黏弹性dynamic viscoelasticity热-机械曲线thermo-mechanical curve动态转变dynamic transition储能模量storage modulus损耗模量loss modulus复数模量complex modulus复数柔量complex compliance动态黏度dynamic viscosity复数黏度complex viscosity复数介电常数complex dielectric permittivity 介电损耗因子dielectric dissipation factor介电损耗常数dielectric loss constant介电弛豫时间dielectric relaxation time玻璃化转变glass transition玻璃化转变温度glass-transition temperature次级弛豫secondary relaxation次级转变secondary transition次级弛豫温度secondary relaxation temperature开尔文模型Kelvin model麦克斯韦模型Maxwell model时-温叠加原理time-temperature superposition principle 玻耳兹曼叠加原理Boltzmann superposition principle 平移因子shift factorWLF公式WLF[Williams-Lendel-Ferry] equation软化温度softening temperature平衡熔点equilibrium melting point物理老化physical ageing光老化photoageing热老化thermal ageing热氧老化thermo-oxidative ageing人工老化artificial ageing加速老化accelerated ageing计算机模拟computer simulation分子动力学模拟molecular dynamics simulation蒙特卡洛模拟Monte Carlo simulation聚合反应类:单体monomer官能度functionality平均官能度average functionality双官能[基]单体bifunctional monomer三官能[基]单体trifunctional monomer乙烯基单体vinyl monomer1,1-亚乙烯基单体,偏[二]取代乙烯单体vinylidene monomer1,2-亚乙烯基单体,1,2-二取代乙烯单体vinylene monomer双烯单体,二烯单体diene monomer极性单体polar monomer非极性单体non polar monomer共轭单体conjugated monomer非共轭单体non conjugated monomer活化单体activated monomer官能单体functional monomer大分子单体macromer, macromonomer环状单体cyclic monomer共聚单体comonomer聚合[反应]polymerization均聚反应homopolymerization低聚反应,齐聚反应(曾用名) oligomerization调聚反应telomerization 自发聚合spontaneous polymerization预聚合prepolymerization后聚合post polymerization再聚合repolymerization铸塑聚合, 浇铸聚合cast polymerization链[式]聚合chain polymerization烯类聚合,乙烯基聚合vinyl polymerization双烯[类]聚合diene polymerization加[成]聚[合]addition polymerization自由基聚合,游离基聚合(曾用名) free radical polymerization, radical polymerization控制自由基聚合,可控自由基聚合controlled radical polymerization,CRP 活性自由基聚合living radical polymerization原子转移自由基聚合atom transfer radical polymerization,ATRP反向原子转移自由基聚合reverse atom transfer radical polymerization,RA TRP可逆加成断裂链转移reversible addition fragmentation chaintransfer,RAFT氮氧[自由基]调控聚合nitroxide mediated polymerization稳定自由基聚合stable free radical polymerization,FRP 自由基异构化聚合free radical isomerization polymerization自由基开环聚合radical ring opening polymerization氧化还原聚合redox polymerization无活性端聚合,死端聚合(曾用名) dead end polymerization光[致]聚合photo polymerization光引发聚合light initiated polymerization光敏聚合photosensitized polymerization四中心聚合four center polymerization电荷转移聚合charge transfer polymerization辐射引发聚合radiation initiated polymerization热聚合thermal polymerization电解聚合electrolytic polymerization等离子体聚合plasma polymerization易位聚合metathesis polymerization开环易位聚合ring opening metathesis polymerization,ROMP精密聚合precision polymerization环化聚合cyclopolymerization拓扑化学聚合topochemical polymerization平衡聚合equilibrium polymerization离子[型]聚合ionic polymerization辐射离子聚合radiation ion polymerization离子对聚合ion pair polymerization正离子聚合,阳离子聚合cationic polymerization碳正离子聚合carbenium ion polymerization,carbocationic polymerization假正离子聚合pseudo cationic polymerization假正离子活[性]聚合pseudo cationic living polymerization活性正离子聚合living cationic polymerization负离子聚合,阴离子聚合anionic polymerization碳负离子聚合carbanionic polymerization活性负离子聚合living anionic polymerization负离子环化聚合anionic cyclopolymerization负离子电化学聚合anionic electrochemical polymerization负离子异构化聚合anionic isomerization polymerization烯丙基聚合allylic polymerization活[性]聚合living polymerization两性离子聚合zwitterion polymerization齐格勒-纳塔聚合Ziegler Natta polymerization配位聚合coordination polymerization配位离子聚合coordinated ionic polymerization配位负离子聚合coordinated anionic polymerization配位正离子聚合coordinated cationic polymerization插入聚合insertion polymerization定向聚合,立构规整聚合stereoregular polymerization, stereospecific polymerization有规立构聚合tactic polymerization全同立构聚合isospecific polymerization不对称诱导聚合asymmetric induction polymerization 不对称选择性聚合asymmetric selective polymerization 不对称立体选择性聚合asymmetric stereoselective polymerization对映[体]不对称聚合enantioasymmetric polymerization对映[体]对称聚合enantiosymmetric polymerization 异构化聚合isomerization polymerization氢转移聚合hydrogen transfer polymerization基团转移聚合group transfer polymerization,GTP消除聚合elimination polymerization模板聚合matrix polymerization,template polymerization插层聚合intercalation polymerization无催化聚合uncatalyzed polymerization开环聚合ring opening polymerization活性开环聚合living ring opening polymerization不死的聚合immortal polymerization酶聚合作用enzymatic polymerization 聚加成反应,逐步加成聚合(曾用名) polyaddition偶联聚合coupling polymerization序列聚合sequential polymerization闪发聚合,俗称暴聚flash polymerization氧化聚合oxidative polymerization氧化偶联聚合oxidative coupling polymerization逐步[增长]聚合step growth polymerization缩聚反应condensation polymerization,polycondensation酯交换型聚合transesterification type polymerization, ester exchange polycondensation自催化缩聚autocatalytic polycondensation均相聚合homogeneous polymerization非均相聚合heterogeneous polymerization相转化聚合phase inversion polymerization本体聚合bulk polymerization, mass polymerization固相聚合solid phase polymerization气相聚合gaseous polymerization,gas phase polymerization吸附聚合adsorption polymerization溶液聚合solution polymerization沉淀聚合precipitation polymerization淤浆聚合slurry polymerization悬浮聚合suspension polymerization反相悬浮聚合reversed phase suspension polymerization珠状聚合bead polymerization, pearl polymerization分散聚合dispersion polymerization反相分散聚合inverse dispersion polymerization种子聚合seeding polymerization乳液聚合emulsion polymerization无乳化剂乳液聚合emulsifier free emulsion polymerization反相乳液聚合inverse emulsion polymerization微乳液聚合micro emulsion polymerization连续聚合continuous polymerization半连续聚合semicontinuous polymerization分批聚合,间歇聚合batch polymerization原位聚合in situ polymerization均相缩聚homopolycondensation活化缩聚activated polycondensation熔融缩聚melt phase polycondensation固相缩聚solid phase polycondensation体型缩聚three dimensional polycondensation界面聚合interfacial polymerization界面缩聚interfacial polycondensation环加成聚合cycloaddition polymerization环烯聚合cycloalkene polymerization环硅氧烷聚合cyclosiloxane polymerization引发剂initiator引发剂活性activity of initiator聚合催化剂polymerization catalyst自由基引发剂radical initiator偶氮[类]引发剂azo type initiator2,2′偶氮二异丁腈2,2'- azobisisobutyronitrile, AIBN 过氧化苯甲酰benzoyl peroxide, BPO过硫酸盐引发剂persulphate initiator复合引发体系complex initiation system氧化还原引发剂redox initiator电荷转移络合物 charge transfer complex, CTC聚合加速剂,聚合促进剂polymerization accelerator 光敏引发剂photoinitiator双官能引发剂bifunctional initiator,difunctional initiator三官能引发剂trifunctional initiator大分子引发剂macroinitiator引发-转移剂initiator transfer agent, inifer引发-转移-终止剂initiator transfer agent terminator, iniferter光引发转移终止剂photoiniferter热引发转移终止剂 thermoiniferter正离子催化剂cationic catalyst正离子引发剂cationic initiator负离子引发剂ionioic initiator共引发剂coinitiator烷基锂引发剂alkyllithium initiator负离子自由基引发剂anion radical initiator烯醇钠引发剂alfin initiator齐格勒-纳塔催化剂Ziegler Natta catalyst过渡金属催化剂transition metal catalyst双组分催化剂bicomponent catalyst后过渡金属催化剂late transition metal catalyst金属络合物催化剂metal complex catalyst[二]茂金属催化剂metallocene catalyst甲基铝氧烷methylaluminoxane, MAOμ氧桥双金属烷氧化物催化剂bimetallic μ-oxo alkoxides catalyst双金属催化剂bimetallic catalyst桥基茂金属bridged metallocene限定几何构型茂金属催化剂constrained geometry metallocene catalyst均相茂金属催化剂homogeneous metallocene catalyst 链引发chain initiation热引发thermal initiation染料敏化光引发dye sensitized phtoinitiation电荷转移引发charge transfer initiation诱导期induction period引发剂效率initiator efficiency诱导分解induced decomposition 再引发reinitiation链增长chain growth, chain propagation增长链端propagating chain end活性种reactive species活性中心active center持续自由基persistent radical聚合最高温度ceilling temperature of polymerization链终止chain termination双分子终止bimolecular termination初级自由基终止primary radical termination扩散控制终止diffusion controlled termination歧化终止disproportionation termination偶合终止coupling termination单分子终止unimolecular termination自发终止spontaneous termination终止剂terminator链终止剂chain terminating agent假终止pseudotermination自发终止self termination自由基捕获剂radical scavenger旋转光闸法rotating sector method自由基寿命free radical lifetime凝胶效应gel effect自动加速效应autoacceleration effect链转移chain transfer链转移剂chain transfer agent尾咬转移backbitting transfer退化链转移degradation (degradative) chain transfer加成断裂链转移[反应]addition fragmentation chain transfer链转移常数chain transfer constant①缓聚作用②延迟作用retardation阻聚作用inhibition缓聚剂retarder缓聚剂,阻滞剂retarding agent阻聚剂inhibitor封端[反应] end capping端基terminal group聚合动力学polymerization kinetics聚合热力学polymerization thermodynamics聚合热heat of polymerization共聚合[反应]copolymerization二元共聚合binary copolymerization三元共聚合ternary copolymerization竞聚率reactivity ratio自由基共聚合radical copolymerization离子共聚合ionic copolymerization无规共聚合random copolymerization理想共聚合ideal copolymerization交替共聚合alternating copolymerization恒[组]分共聚合azeotropic copolymerization 接枝共聚合graft copolymerization嵌段共聚合block copolymerization开环共聚合ring opening copolymerization共聚合方程copolymerization equation共缩聚copolycondensation逐步共聚合step copolymerization同种增长homopropagation自增长self propagation交叉增长cross propagation前末端基效应penultimate effect交叉终止cross terminationQ值Q valuee值e valueQ,e概念Q, e scheme序列长度分布sequence length distribution侧基反应reaction of pendant group扩链剂,链增长剂chain extender交联crosslinking化学交联chemical crosslinking自交联self crosslinking光交联photocrosslinking交联度degree of crosslinking硫化vulcanization固化curing硫[黄]硫化sulfur vulcanization促进硫化accelerated sulfur vulcanization过氧化物交联peroxide crosslinking无规交联random crosslinking交联密度crosslinking density交联指数crosslinking index解聚depolymerization①降解②退化degradation链断裂chain breaking解聚酶depolymerase细菌降解bacterial degradation生物降解biodegradation化学降解chemical degradation辐射降解radiation degradation断链降解chain scission degradation自由基链降解free radical chain degradation无规降解random degradation水解降解hydrolytic degradation热降解thermal degradation热氧化降解thermal oxidative degradation光降解photodegradation光氧化降解photo oxidative degradation力化学降解mechanochemical degradation接枝聚合graft polymerization 活化接枝activation grafting接枝点grafting site链支化chain branching支化度degree of branching接枝效率efficiency of grafting接枝度grafting degree辐射诱导接枝radiation induced grafting嵌段聚合block polymerization通用类:高分子macromolecule, polymer超高分子supra polymer天然高分子natural polymer无机高分子inorganic polymer有机高分子organic polymer无机-有机高分子inorganic organic polymer金属有机聚合物organometallic polymer元素高分子element polymer高聚物high polymer聚合物polymer低聚物oligomer二聚体dimer三聚体trimer调聚物telomer预聚物prepolymer均聚物homopolymer无规聚合物random polymer无规卷曲聚合物random coiling polymer头-头聚合物head-to-head polymer头-尾聚合物head-to-tail polymer尾-尾聚合物tail-to-tail polymer反式有规聚合物transtactic polymer顺式有规聚合物cistactic polymer规整聚合物regular polymer非规整聚合物irregular polymer无规立构聚合物atactic polymer全同立构聚合物isotactic polymer间同立构聚合物syndiotactic polymer杂同立构聚合物heterotactic polymer有规立构聚合物stereoregular polymer, tactic polymer 苏型双全同立构聚合物threo-diisotactic polymer苏型双间同立构聚合物threo-disyndiotactic polymer 赤型双全同立构聚合物erythro-diisotactic polymer赤型双间同立构聚合物erythro-disyndiotactic polymer 全同间同等量聚合物equitactic polymer共聚物copolymer二元共聚物binary copolymer三元共聚物terpolymer多元聚合物multipolymer序列共聚物sequential copolymer多层共聚物multilayer copolymer。
常用机械密封专有英文词汇inner circulation--内循环outer circulation--外循环self circulation--自循环flush--冲洗flush fluid--冲洗流体quench--阻封quench fluid--阻封流体buffer fluid--隔离流体temperature adjustable fluid--调温流体coolant--冷却流体heating fluid--加热流体sealed medium--被密封介质sealant--密封流体pv --pv值(密封流体压力P与密封端面平均滑动速度V的乘积) limiting pv --密封达到失效时的PV值.它表示密封的水平working pv --极限PV值除以安全系数PcV--端面比压Pc与密封端面平均滑动速度V的乘积limiting PcV --密封达到失效时的PcV值.它表示密封材料的工作能力working PcV --许用PcV值.极限PcV值除以安全系数leakage rate-- 泄漏量run out--跳动wear rate--磨损率operating life--工作寿命operating period--使用期abortive failure--早期失效Operating limits:工作参数Speed/velocity:转速Combination of material:材料组合Halted ring:弹簧挡圈Bellows:波纹管Retainer:传动套,传动座Drive ring:压圈Cup gasket:静环套Spring retainer:弹簧座O-ring: O形圈Tension spring:拉簧Stationary seat:静环形式/静环基座Rotary seat:动环座Drive screw:传动螺钉Wave spring/Bellow spring:波形弹簧Rotary o-ring:动环O形圈Stationary o-ring:静环O形圈Collar:定位套Snap ring/clamp ring:卡环Disc/thrust ring:止推环Wedge ring:楔形环Mating ring:静止环/静环Primary ring:动止环/动环Inventory:存货Agitator:搅拌器Cryogenics:低温学Mixer:搅拌机Refinery:炼油Petrochemical:石化Pulp:纸浆Paramecia:配药Desalination:脱盐Wastewater:污水Impeller:叶轮Fit:安装Lead:石墨,铅Edge:边缘Grade:等级Secondary sealing element:辅助密封材质Hydrostatic:流体静力学的Cross-section:横截面Material code:材料代码Seal size:密封轴径尺寸Assembly number:装配代码Sulphuric:硫酸Nitric acid:销酸Phosphoric acid:磷酸Hydrochloric:盐酸PV—pressure/velocity:压力与转速RS—rotating seat:动环座Multiplier:增效器TC—tungsten carbide:硬质合金Pin:销Engage:接合,啮合Pro剖面/侧面Adapter:适配器1.secondary sealing element 辅助密封, 一般指是橡胶材料2.primary ring 动环3.hardware 结构件4.mating ring 静环5.mechanical loading device 一般是指弹簧的材料1.Type 密封类型2.direction of the spring 弹簧旋向(RH-右旋,LH-左旋)3.type of seat 静环形式(例如G9,G6,G60...)bination of material 材料组合a.rotary ring (primary ring ) 动环b.stationary ring (mating ring ) 静环c.secondary mech.seals 辅助密封一般指橡胶d.spring 弹簧e.other metal parts 其他金属部件常有的橡胶材料1.丁晴橡胶NBR--Nitrile butadiene rubber2.乙丙橡胶EPR/EPDM--ethylene propylene rubber3.氟橡胶FPM/FKM--fluoroelastomer4.硅橡胶MVQ--silicon rubber5.氯丁橡胶CR--neoprene/chloroprene rubber6.氢化丁晴HNBR--hydrogen NBR7.全氟橡胶Kalrez / FFKM --perfluorocarbon rubber四氟类材料1.纯聚四氟乙烯PTFE--polytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon和TEF也可以表达)2.四氟填充玻璃纤维glassfibre filled PTFE3.四氟填充碳纤维carbonfibre filled PTFE4.四氟包覆氟橡胶FPM coated PTFE5.四氟包覆乙丙橡胶EPDM coated PTFE6.四氟包覆硅橡胶MVQ coated PTFE7.柔性石墨fexible graphite, 像比较有名的是GRAFOIL™® fexible graphite国外客户常要的碳化硅(silicon carbide)材料1.无压烧结碳化硅sintered pressureless bonded sic (S-SIC)2.无压烧结碳化硅镶装shrink-fitted /inserted S-SIC3.反应烧结碳化硅sintered reaction bonded sic (R-SIC)4.反应烧结碳化硅镶装shrink-fitted /inserted R-SIC5.表面硅化石墨surface silicated sic常用氧化铝材料:1.含99%白色氧化铝.99% AL2O32.含95%白色氧化铝.95% AL2O33.金属陶瓷cermet石墨材料:1.浸锑石墨antimony filled carbon2.浸巴氏合金石墨carbon-graphite impregnated babbit3.浸呋喃树脂石墨carbon-graphite impregnated Furan resin4.浸环氧树脂石墨carbon-graphite impregnated Epoxy resin5.浸酚醛树脂石墨carbon-graphite Phenol Aldehyde resin6.热压石墨,hot pressing carbon graphite金属材料stainless steel (S.S)--不锈钢--(国外客户经常需要的牌号是304,316,316L)Ni-resist iron = cast iron--高镍铸铁,现在客人对这个材料需要的比较多Hast. alloy--合氏合金AM350--沉淀硬化不锈钢brass--黄铜CDMCu--双相钢(用在铸件上比较多)机械密封分类术语...1.机械端面密封-mechanical face seal2.流体动压式机械密封-hydrodynamic mechanical seal3.切向作用流体动压式机械密封-tangential acting hydrodynamic mechanical seal4.径向作用流体动压式机械密封-radial acting hydrodynamic mechanical seal5.流体静压式机械密封-hydrostatic mechanical seal6.外加压流体静压式机械密封-outside pressurized hydrostatic mechanical seal7.自加压流体静压式机械密封-self pressurized hydrostatic mechanical seal8.非接触式密封-non contacting (free contacting) mechanical seal9.内装式机械密封-internally mounted mechanical seal10.外装式机械密封-externally mounted mechanical seal11.弹簧内置式机械密封-mechanical seal with inside mounted spring12.弹簧外置式机械密封-mechanical seal with outside mounted spring13.背面高压式机械密封-mecanical seal with high back pressure14.背面低压式机械密封-mechanical seal with low back pressure15.内流式机械密封-mechanical seal with inward leakage16.外流式机械密封-mechanical seal with outward leakage17.弹簧旋转式机械密封-spring rotating mechanical seal18.弹簧静止式机械密封-spring standing mechanical seal19.单弹簧式机械密封-single-spring mechanical seal20.多弹簧式机械密封-multiple-spring mechanical seal21.非平衡式机械密封-unbalanced mechanical seal22.平衡式机械密封-balanced mechanical seal23.单端面机械密封-single mechanical seal24.双端面机械密封-double mechanical seal25.轴向双端机械密封-axial double mechanical seal26.径向双端面机械密封-radial double mechanical seal27.串联机械密封-tandem mechanical seal28.橡胶波纹管机械密封-rubber-bellows mechanical seal29.聚四氟乙烯波纹管机械密封-PTFE-bellows mechanical seal30.金属波纹管机械密封-metal bellows mechanical seal31.焊接金属波纹管机械密封-welded metal bellows mechanical seal32.压力成型金属波纹管机械密封-formed metal bellows mechanical seal33.带浮动间隔环的机械密封-mechanical seal with floating intermediate ring34.磁力机械密封-magnetic mechanical seal机械密封零件术语的常用词汇....1.sealing ring --密封环2.seal face--密封端面3.seal interface--密封界面4.rotating ring--动环/旋转环5.stationary ring--静环/静止环pensated ring--补偿环7. un-compensated ring--非补偿环8. seal head--补偿环组件9.primary seal--主密封10.secondary seal--副密封11.auxiliary seal--辅助密封12.auxiliary seal ring--辅助密封圈13.bellows--波纹管14.pushing out ring--撑环15.back-up ring--挡圈pensated ring adaptor--补偿环座17.un-compensated ring adaptor--非补偿环座18.spring adaptor--弹簧座19.seal adaptor--波纹管座20.retainer--传动座21.driving screw--传动螺钉22.set screw--紧定螺钉23.snap ring--卡环24.clamp ring--夹紧环25.anti-rotating pin--防转销26.annular seal space--密封腔27.seal chamber--密封腔体28.end cover--密封端盖29.elastic component--弹性元件30.a pair of friction components--摩擦副机械密封常用英语表达词汇inner circulation--内循环outer circulation--外循环self circulation--自循环flush--冲洗flush fluid--冲洗流体quench--阻封quench fluid--阻封流体buffer fluid--隔离流体temperature adjustable fluid--调温流体coolant--冷却流体heating fluid--加热流体sealed medium--被密封介质sealant--密封流体pv value--pv值(密封流体压力P与密封端面平均滑动速度V的乘积) limiting pv value--密封达到失效时的PV值.它表示密封的水平working pv value--极限PV值除以安全系数PcV--端面比压Pc与密封端面平均滑动速度V的乘积limiting PcV value--密封达到失效时的PcV值.它表示密封材料的工作能力working PcV value--许用PcV值.极限PcV值除以安全系数leakage rate-- 泄漏量run out--跳动wear rate--磨损率operating life--工作寿命operating period--使用期abortive failure--早期失效Operating limits:工作参数Speed/velocity:转速Combination of material:材料组合Halted ring:弹簧挡圈Bellows:波纹管Retainer:传动套,传动座Drive ring:压圈Cup gasket:静环套Spring retainer:弹簧座O-ring: O形圈Tension spring:拉簧Stationary seat:静环形式/静环基座Rotary seat:动环座Drive screw:传动螺钉Wave spring/Bellow spring:波形弹簧Rotary o-ring:动环O形圈Stationary o-ring:静环O形圈Collar:定位套Snap ring/clamp ring:卡环Disc/thrust ring:止推环Wedge ring:楔形环Mating ring:静止环/静环Primary ring:动止环/动环Inventory:存货Agitator:搅拌器Cryogenics:低温学Mixer:搅拌机Refinery:炼油Petrochemical:石化Pulp:纸浆Paramecia:配药Desalination:脱盐Wastewater:污水Impeller:叶轮Fit:安装Lead:石墨,铅Edge:边缘Grade:等级Secondary sealing element:辅助密封材质Hydrostatic:流体静力学的Cross-section:横截面Material code:材料代码Seal size:密封轴径尺寸Assembly number:装配代码Sulphuric:硫酸Nitric acid:销酸Phosphoric acid:磷酸Hydrochloric:盐酸PV—pressure/velocity:压力与转速RS—rotating seat:动环座Multiplier:增效器TC—tungsten carbide:硬质合金Pin:销Engage:接合,啮合Profile:剖面/侧面Adapter:适配器Titled:倾斜的Weld/welt:焊接Nested:嵌套的,镶装的Configuration:配置,构造Axial:轴向的,轴的Working height/length:工作高度Tolerance:公差,容差Operating pressure:工作压力FIM—full indicator movement: Lubricity:光滑Gravity:重力Face material:密封面材料Insert/shrink-fitted:镶装的Primary ring adapter:动环座Mating ring adapter:静环座Delivery period:交货期Set screw:固定螺钉Cap screw:帽螺钉Gland:填料函盖Drive retainer:传动套Plate:镀金Gland plate:密封座Mean time:平均时Durability:耐用性Thrust ring:推环Clamp ring:卡环Eccentricity:偏心率/度,偏心距Deflection:偏斜,偏差Runout:偏转,溢流Pilot pins: 定位销Bolt:螺栓Screw:螺钉Nut:螺母Washer:垫圈Pin:销Rivet:铆钉Anchor:壁虎Machine screw:机械螺钉Wooden screw:木螺钉Threaded rod螺杆Wire rope clamps:玛卡Hex head pipe plugs:六角形螺塞Phillip:十字槽Spring-loaded pluger: 弹簧销Hex head:六角形头Flange:法兰Seal component materials:密封材料成分Secondary sealing element:辅助密封材料Primary ring:动环Mating ring:静环Hardware:结构件Mechanical loading device (spring):弹簧材料Ovality:椭圆Letter of intent:意向书Rotary ring is whole part or shrink-fitted:动环是整体还是镶装的Leaf:金属薄片End play:轴向间隙Pad:衬垫Asymmetric:不对称的Seal adapter:密封座T andem:前后的,串联的Inlet:进口Outlet:出口Inboard:内侧/介质端Outboard:外侧/大气端Convection:传送,对流Port:端口,Slot:狭槽Reducing agent:还原剂Notch:槽口,凹口Band:镶边Clogging:堵塞Tune 弹簧)圈数Foul:淤塞Flatness:平面度Downtime:检修时间Alternative methods:替代方法Wear ring:磨损环Torsion:扭距Cast:铸件Confining:狭窄的Spring seat:弹簧座Plug-proof:防转销Drive ring:推环Push ring: 推环Halted ring: 挡圈Cup gasket: 静环套Rotary ring holder/adapter/carrier: 动环座Axial pipe:轴套Drive ring/plunger collar:压圈Spring retainer/seat: 弹簧座Impeller:叶轮Outside cup gasket: 静环外套Inside cup gasket: 动环内套Spring holder:弹簧垫Seal ring:密封环Framework:骨架Square ring:方型圈Wave spring:波形弹簧Cylinder spring:圆柱弹簧Coil spring:锥形弹簧Integral seal case:整体密封盒Purity:纯度Density:密度HS—hardness:硬度Tensile strength:抗拉强度Bending strength:抗弯强度Compression strength:抗压强度Thermal conductivity:传热导系数Coefficient of thermal expansion:热膨胀系数Heat resistance:耐热Thermal impact coefficient:热冲击系数Acid resistance:耐酸Medium:介质Porosity:显气孔率Rockwell hardness:洛式硬度Breaking strength:抗析强度Stability of thermal vibration: 抗震稳定性Optical flatness:工作面平整度Roughness:粗糙度Lightbrand:光带Classification:分类Model:型号Thore hardness: 肖氏硬度Feature:特性Stamping:冲压Lobe pump:凸轮泵Step:台阶1、防转销Anti-Rotating Pin 16、螺栓Bolt2、静环密封圈Stationary Seal Ring 17、螺钉Screw3、下静环Lower Stationary Ring 18、轴套螺母Bushing nut4、动环密封圈Rotating Seal Ring 19、0形密封圈0-ring5、下动环Lower Rotating Ring 20、紧定套Set Bushing6、小弹簧Small Spring 21、紧定螺母Set Nut7、螺钉Screw 22、调节套Adjust Bushing8、弹簧座Spring Adater 23、毡封油圈Oil seal9、推环Thrust Ring 24、滚动轴承Bearing10、轴套Shaft Sleeve 25、垫板Gasket Plate11、螺栓Bolt 26、J形油封Seal Ring12、密封箱体Seal Box 27、推环Thust Ring13、密封垫Gasket 28、上静环Upper Stationary Ring14、密封箱盖Seal Box Cover 29、上动环Upper Rotating Ring15、轴承盖Bearing Cover。
橡胶化工产品英文缩写Rubber Chemical Products AbbreviationsThe rubber industry is a crucial industry that has a vast number of products and sub-products. Rubber products are used across the globe in various industries such as automotive, agriculture, construction, aerospace, and many more. The chemical industry plays a vital role in the production of rubber products, and there are several abbreviations that are commonly used to represent different chemicals used in rubber products.In this article, we will explore the most commonly used abbreviations used in the rubber chemical industry.1. SBR - Styrene Butadiene RubberStyrene Butadiene Rubber is one of the most widely used synthetic rubbers in the world. It is produced by copolymerizing styrene and butadiene, and is used in tire manufacturing, footwear, and industrial products. SBR has good abrasion resistance and excellent water resistance, making it an ideal polymer for commercial and industrial applications.2. NBR - Nitrile Butadiene RubberNitrile Butadiene Rubber is a synthetic rubber that is produced by copolymerizing acrylonitrile and butadiene. It istypically used in the production of oil-resistant products such as gaskets and hoses, seals, fuel tanks, and brake linings. NBR has high tensile strength, excellent abrasion resistance, and good chemical resistance to oils, fuels, and solvents.3. CR - Chloroprene RubberChloroprene Rubber is a synthetic rubber that is produced by polymerizing chloroprene. It is commonly used in the production of weather-resistant products such as wetsuits, gloves, and industrial hoses. CR has good ozone resistance, excellent resistance to heat, and is self-extinguishing, making it an ideal choice for applications that require resistance to hazardous conditions.4. EPDM - Ethylene Propylene Diene MonomerEthylene Propylene Diene Monomer is a type of synthetic rubber that is produced by copolymerizing ethylene and propylene with a diene monomer. It is commonly used in automotive applications such as weather stripping and window seals. EPDM is highly resistant to weathering, ozone, UV radiation, and chemicals, making it ideal for outdoor applications.5. CBS - N-Cyclohexyl-2-Benzothiazole SulfenamideN-Cyclohexyl-2-Benzothiazole Sulfenamide is a rubber accelerator that is commonly used in the production of chloroprene and other synthetic rubbers. CBS accelerates the vulcanization process, increasing the strength and durability ofthe rubber product. It is commonly used in tire manufacturing and other industrial applications.6. MBT - MercaptobenzthiazoleMercaptobenzthiazole is a rubber accelerator that is commonly used in the production of natural rubber and synthetic rubber products. It is used to enhance the speed and quality of the vulcanization process, resulting in a stronger and more durable rubber product. MBT is commonly used in the production of tires, conveyor belts, and footwear.7. TMTD - Tetramethylthiuram DisulfideTetramethylthiuram Disulfide is a rubber accelerator that is commonly used in the production of natural and synthetic rubber products. TMTD is used to improve the vulcanization process and enhance the strength and durability of the rubber product. It is commonly used in tire manufacturing, hoses, and other industrial applications.In conclusion, the abbreviations used in the rubber chemical industry play a crucial role in the production of rubber products. Each abbreviation represents a particular chemical that is used to enhance the quality and durability of the rubber product. By understanding these abbreviations, one can gain a deeper insight into the world of rubber manufacturing and appreciate the complexity of this industry.。
Microbial degradation of PAHs and other hydrophobic substrates is believed to be limited by the amounts dissolved in the water phase (Ogram et al., 1985; Rijnaarts et al., 1990; Volkering et al., 1992; Volkering et al., 1993; Harms and Bosma, 1997; Bosma et al., 1997), with sorbed, crystalline, and non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL)-dissolved PAHs being unavailable to PAH-degrading organisms. Bioavailability is considered a dynamic process, determined by the rate of substrate mass-transfer to microbial cells relative to their intrinsic catabolic activity (Bosma et al., 1997; Harms and Bosma, 1997). It has been described by a bioavailability number, Bn, (Koch, 1990; Bosma et al., 1997), which is a measure of a microorganism’s substrate degradation efficiency in a given environment. Bn is defined as the capacity of an organism’s or a population’s environment to provide a chemical, divided by the capacity of the organism or population to transform that chemical. At high mass transfer rates, the overall biodegradation rate is controlled by the metabolic activity of the bacteria (Bn > 1), i.e. by both the specific activity of the cells and the population density. At Bn ¼ 1, the biodegradation rate is equally controlled by the physical transport and the microbial activity. When the transport of the substrate decreases or the bacterial population grows, the mass transfer becomes the factor that limits the biodegradation (Bn ! 1).
Understanding and exploiting C–H bond activationJay binger&John E.BercawArnold and Mabel Beckman Laboratories of Chemical Synthesis,California Institute of Technology,Pasadena,California91125,USA ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... The selective transformation of ubiquitous but inert C–H bonds to other functional groups has far-reaching practical implications, ranging from more efficient strategies forfine chemical synthesis to the replacement of current petrochemical feedstocks by less expensive and more readily available alkanes.The past twenty years have seen many examples of C–H bond activation at transition-metal centres,often under remarkably mild conditions and with high selectivity.Although profitable practical applications have not yet been developed,our understanding of how these organometallic reactions occur,and what their inherent advantages and limitations for practical alkane conversion are,has progressed considerably.In fact,the recent development of promising catalytic systems highlights the potential of organometallic chemistry for useful C–H bond activation strategies that will ultimately allow us to exploit Earth’s alkane resources more efficiently and cleanly.A lkanes,or saturated hydrocarbons,are major constitu-ents of natural gas and petroleum,but there are very fewpractical processes for converting them directly to morevaluable products.The reason for this difficulty isalluded to by their other name,‘paraffin’(meaning ‘not enough affinity’):alkanes are relatively inert.This chemical inertness arises from the constituent atoms of alkanes all being held together by strong and localized C–C and C–H bonds,so that the molecules have no empty orbitals of low energy orfilled orbitals of high energy that could readily participate in a chemical reaction,as is the case with unsaturated hydrocarbons such as olefins and alkynes.Alkanes do react at high temperatures,as encountered in com-bustion,but such reactions are not readily controllable and usually proceed to the thermodynamically stable and economically un-attractive products,carbon dioxide and water.The currently preva-lent use of alkanes in combustion applications exploits their energy content,but not their considerable potential as valuable precursors for more important and expensive chemicals.Although cracking and thermal dehydrogenation convert alkanes to valuable olefins, these processes require high temperatures and are energy intensive. Similarly,although alkanes can be induced to react by exposure to highly reactive species such as superacids or free radicals,these reactive species are usually demanding and expensive to make,and offer little control over product selectivity.A variety of enzymes efficiently and selectively catalyse alkane oxidation at physiological temperatures and pressures,and the direct use of biological organisms for industrial alkane conversion under such benign conditions is possible in principle.But in practice,these approaches may be primarily applicable to the small-scale production of specialized chemicals,given that large-scale bioprocesses for converting alkane resources seem to be problematic1.However,despite their practical limitations,enzy-matic alkane transformations are much studied,to understand the underlying reaction mechanisms and guide the design of synthetic catalysts mimicking the function,efficiency and selectivity of their biological counterparts.Enzymatic and enzyme-mimetic alkane transformations are beyond the scope of the present review,but further information and bibliographies can be found in recent reviews2,3.Because it is difficult to achieve selective transformations under forcing conditions,most important petrochemicals,especially oxy-genates such as alcohols,aldehydes and carboxylic acids,are produced from unsaturated hydrocarbons.The primary unsatu-rated starting materials are olefins,in turn obtained from alkanes by fairly inefficient der and better-controlled direct conversions of alkanes into olefins may thus offer large economic benefits.Alkane chemistry could also improve the utilization of methane,the principal component of natural gas.Many of the world’s established natural gas resource locations are remote,in sites where there is little or no local demand,such as the north slope of Alaska.Exploitation of such resources is impeded by the high cost of both gas transportation and current methods for converting hydro-carbon gas into more readily transportable liquid4.The available conversion methods are indirect,involving production of synthesis gas(carbon monoxide and hydrogen),followed by conversion to the desired product.Developing efficient strategies for the direct conversion of methane to methanol or other liquid fuels or chemicals could thus significantly improve methane utilization. The controlled activation of small,relatively inert molecules has been a ubiquitous theme in transition metal chemistry since its renaissance began in the late1950s.Practitioners of this art are thus well placed to address the alkane activation problem.To date, binding to metal centres has resulted in altered and/or enhanced reactivity in a variety of molecules,through associated changes in the relative energies of their orbitals or their polarity.Olefins and carbon monoxide,for example,are rendered more susceptible to nucleophilic attack upon coordination to a metal centre5,whereas coordinated dioxygen frequently reacts with electrophiles6.Even dinitrogen,the classic inert small molecule,can be thus activated and induced to partake in chemical transformations7.In principle,it should be possible to similarly activate the inert C–H bonds of alkanes,but the examples just mentioned all involve small molecules with lone electron pairs and/or p orbitals that can interact with empty orbitals of the metal centres;alkanes possess neither of these. Indeed,in most pre-1980s examples of C–H bonds reacting at transition-metal centres,reactions proceed successfully only if they are assisted through participation of the p orbitals of aromatic C–H bonds8(equation(1))or involve intramolecular reactions,where the group containing the C–H bond to be activated is already attached to the metal9(equation(2)).Often both effects contrib-ute10(equation(3)).where h n implies light energy and D implies heat energy.Functional groups are abbreviated as follows:Ph,phenyl;Et,ethyl;Me,methyl. If such assistance were in fact required,activation of aliphatic C–H bonds at transition-metal centres would not be a good strategy for catalytic alkane conversion.However,during the1970s,examples of significant interaction between a metal centre and an alkane C–H bond suggested that this difficulty might have been overestimated. For example,some metal complexes were known to catalyse alkane reactions such as hydrogen–deuterium(H–D)exchange or oxi-dation under relatively mild conditions11.Moreover,several cases of so-called agostic bonding were discovered12,wherein a C–H bond of an already coordinated ligand forms an additional bond to the metal (see Fig.1for a typical example13).These observations suggested that alkane activation should be possible.In fact,chemists realized that previous failures to achieve it might not have been due to unreactivity at all:C–H activation might take place,but yield an organometallic product that is thermo-dynamically unstable and thus undetectable14.This interpretation proved to be ing systems designed to produce stable products,two groups demonstrated intermolecular alkane acti-vation in1982(refs15,16)(one reaction is shown in equation (4)),and a large number of other examples quickly followed.(Ref. 17provides a thorough survey of these developments and further references.)Challenges for practical alkane conversionAlthough the accomplishments of C–H activation mentioned so far afford new organometallic derivatives,the development of practical alkane conversion strategies poses further,and perhaps more difficult,challenges.One is activity,as only reactions proceeding at an adequate rate will be useful.Another is selectivity,which is challenging for two reasons.First,the desired product must not have any functional group that reacts more readily with the metal centre than the alkane starting material.In this regard,organome-tallic activation appears promising:as strikingly illustrated by the example in equation(5)an‘inert’C–H bond is activated by a metal-centred reagent,even though the nearby epoxide linkage is far more reactive under most conditions18.where Cp*is pentamethylcyclopentadienyl.A second and more general problem with achieving selectivity arises from the relative reactivity of different C–H bonds.Most existing transformations of alkane C–H bonds involve oxidation, whether in the gas phase,over metal-oxide catalysts at high temperature,or in solution.These reactions are dominated by radical pathways involving hydrogen-atom removal;the reactivity of such processes tends to correlate with C–H bond strength19.The terminal positions of alkanes will therefore be the least reactive,yet terminally functionalized alkanes are often the most desirable products,as exemplified by the role of terminal alcohols in deter-gents.Furthermore,C–H bonds adjacent to functional groups in oxidized products,such as alcohols and aldehydes,are more reactive than the C–H bond of the original alkane;transformations of alkanes proceeding via radical pathways will thus be subject to an inherent upper limit on the product yield that can be obtained.The relative reactivity for activating different C–H bonds is hence a crucial issue.Finally,thermodynamics presents perhaps the highest hurdle to a net overall alkane conversion.Transformations such as dehydro-genation(equation(6))and carbonylation(equation(7))should readily be accomplished at centres that activate C–H bonds,but both of these reactions are thermodynamically uphill anywhere near room temperature.The addition of a C–H bond across an olefin,as in(equation(8)),is favourable,but serves only to produce another alkane;such a transformation will generally be of little use.(In cases where C–H activation is used to add arenes across a C–C multiple bond20–22,the process can potentially yield valuable substituted aromaticproducts.)where R and R0indicate different alkyl groups.The partial oxidation of alkanes to alcohols,aldehydes,acids and other oxygenates is,in contrast to the above reactions,thermo-dynamically favoured and also leads to highly desirable products. However,many of the known C–H activating centres are highly sensitive to O2and other oxidants.Can the demands of thermodynamics and chemical compatibil-ity,along with activity and selectivity requirements,all be satisfied simultaneously?To answer this question,we now consider the types of C–H activation reactions at metal centres and their underlying mechanisms.Classification of reactionsThe scope of this review is limited to C–H activation at metal centres,so we restrict our discussion to reactions that have clearly been shown to involve bond formation between a metal and an alkane carbon.The reactions are conveniently classifiedaccordingto their overall stoichiometry.There are four classes involving the formation of stable organometallic species,and two of these occur quite commonly,while the other two are rare.Thefifth class of activation reactions involves transient generation of organometallic species as reaction intermediates.Oxidative additionOxidative addition reactions are typical for electron-rich,low-valent complexes of the‘late’transition metals found towards the right side of the periodic table—Re,Fe,Ru,Os,Rh,Ir,Pt.In this reaction type,illustrated in equation(9),the reactive species[L n M x] is coordinatively unsaturated and hence almost always unstable;it is therefore generated in situ by thermal or photochemical decompo-sition of a suitable precursor.A typical precursor is(h5-C5Me5)-(PMe3)Ir III H2(see equation(4)),which loses H2under photo-irradiation to give,as reactive species[L n M x],the(unobserved) intermediate[(h5-C5Me5)(PMe3)Ir I](ref.15).Sigma-bond metathesisAlkyl or hydride complexes of‘early’transition metals with d0 electronic configurations may undergo the reversible reaction of equation(10a)(refs23,24).These metals are most commonly from group3of the periodic table(Sc,lanthanides and actinides), but some examples involving metals of groups4and5are also known25.Most commonly R and R0are both alkyl groups,in which case the reaction only amounts to the interchange of alkyl fragments,rather than net alkane activation.The making and breaking of C–C single bonds through the alternative exchange(equation(10b))is unfor-tunately not observed,whereas some examples of interconversion of dihydrogen and metal alkyl with alkane and metal hydride (equation(10c))are known26,27.Metalloradical activationRhodium(II)porphyrin complexes exist in a monomer–dimer equilibrium and can reversibly break alkane C–H bonds,with attachment of the two fragments to two separate rhodium(II) porphyrin complexes(see equation(11)).Methane is the most reactive hydrocarbon for this class of reaction.Regarding the underlying mechanism,the involvement of free alkyl radicals, generated through the abstraction of a hydrogen atom from methane by the Rh centre,might atfirst seem attractive.But the low Rh–H bond strength(around60kcal mol21compared to the 105kcal mol21C–H bond of methane)suggests that such a step would be prohibitively endothermic,in agreement with inferences from experimental observations28,29.where(por)is porphyrin.1,2-addition1,2-addition reactions involve the addition of an alkane to a metal-nonmetal double bond.An example of methane addition across a Zr–N double bond(equation(12))has been reported30,while a related system activates benzene but not methane31.Although alkane additions across M¼N and M¼C double bonds of other early and middle transition-metal centres32–34are also known,the scope of this type of reaction and its potential for alkane functio-nalization remainunclear.Electrophilic activationCertain reactions that lead directly to functionalized alkanes,rather than observable organometallic species(although their partici-pation as intermediates is strongly indicated),have been classified as electrophilic activation reactions.This type of reaction is illus-trated in equation(13)where[M xþ2]is a late-or a post-transition metal(Pd2þ,Pt2þand/or Pt4þ,Hg2þ,Tl3þ),usually in a strongly polar medium such as water or an anhydrous strong acid35.The presumed organometallic intermediate[L n M xþ2(R)(X)]involved in the transformation would be formed as indicated in equation(14a), that is,through substitution of a metal for a proton—hence the term ‘electrophilic’activation.Equation(14b)shows a possible route from the intermediate to theproduct.Alkane activation mechanismsWhile most of our understanding of alkane activation mechanisms has been obtained from studies of oxidative addition reactions,itseems likely that all C–H activations begin with the formation of an intermediate alkane complex;the subsequent C–H bond cleavage step will then differ from one class to another.The initial interactionThe existence of stable agostic complexes with C–H bonds coordi-nated to a metal centre(see above)suggested that C–H bond activation might involve the initial formation of a so-called‘sigma complex’,in which a metal centre interacts with the electron pair forming the C–H j-bond36.Direct analogy with agostic species suggests that of the possible sigma-complex structures shown in Fig.2,structure a is the most probable one.However,theoretical calculations and mechanistic considerations suggest a range of other possible structures as well36.No stable sigma complexes have yet been isolated,but a substantial body of evidence suggests that they do exist.For example,vibrational spectroscopic signatures detected both in frozen matrices and in solution have been assigned to sigma complexes generated byflash photolysis of a metal carbonyl in the presence of an alkane.In these experiments,typically only the C–O stretching bands are detected and the assignment is thus not conclusive.However,nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR)examin-ation of the longest-lived of these suspected sigma complexes, CpRe(CO)2(RH)(see also equation(15)),revealed a high-field signal characteristic of a C–H–M interaction37.55The CpRe(CO)2(RH)sigma complex does not proceed to form a stable C–H oxidative addition product,but vibrational spectro-scopic evidence for the transient presence of sigma complexes has also been obtained in true C–H activating systems.For example, photolysis of Cp*Rh(CO)2in a mixture of alkane and liquid inert gas(xenon or krypton)yields two successive metastable intermedi-ates.Thefirst intermediate is an inert gas complex,Cp*(CO)Rh(Kr or Xe),followed by formation of the alkane complex Cp*(CO)Rh(RH),which subsequently undergoes C–H bond clea-vage to give thefinal product(Fig.3)38,39.Isotope exchange has provided further evidence for the role of metastable sigma complexes.The exchange process in equation (16),for example,has been observed in over a dozen systems,and in one case is fast even on the NMR timescale40.Because it has been shown that complete loss of alkane from the metal centre and subsequent re-addition does not take place36,the exchange must proceed through an intermediate alkane complex,as suggested in equation(17).The reductive elimination of alkanes often also exhibits inverse kinetic isotope effects;that is,the reaction is faster for M(D)(R) than for M(H)(R).Such observations suggest that the reductive elimination processes proceed through a late transition state that involves dissociation of the alkane sigma complex after the C–H bond(stronger than the M–H bond)has already formed. Overall,even though alkane sigma complexes may remain elusive,compelling evidence for their existence has been obtained. In fact,the C–H–M interaction in these complexes is fairly strong (of the order of about5–10kcal mol21)36,and sigma complexes seem to be important intermediates(not merely transition states)in C–H activation reactions.Cleaving the C–H bondOnce an alkane complex has formed,the coordinated C–H bond is cleaved to yield the product.In the case of oxidative addition reactions(class1),this step seems formally analogous to the interconversion between dihydrides and dihydrogen complexes, which is often extremely facile41.(This analogy is illustrated in equation(18)).In terms of electron counting—the organome-tallic chemist’s favourite predictive tool—there is no obvious barrier to interconverting M(RH)with M(R)(H).However,as illustrated in Fig.4,the bond cleavage step may not be straightforward because ligand dissociation often precedes ligand interconversion,even when not required by electron count considerations42.For the other classes of C–H activation reactions,direct infor-mation on the C–H bond cleavage mechanism is relatively sparse. But theoretical and experimental43findings suggest that sigma bond metathesis reactions(class2)and1,2addition reactions (class4)proceed through an intermediate sigma complex(pos-sible structures are shown in Fig.2as c and e respectively),which facilitate C–H cleavage by a4-centre transition state.In the case of metalloradical activation of methane by Rh(porphyrin)complexes (class3),the activation of a C–H bond seems to involve coordi-nation to two metals,one to the C atom,the other to the H atom29(species d in Fig.2shows the proposed structure of this sigma complex).Reaction selectivityTransition-metal centres preferentially activate terminal C–H bonds,in contrast to the selectivity seen in radical C–H cleavages. For example,the reaction shown in equation(19)gives100% primary alkyl for M¼Rh(ref.44),and70–80%(depending on alkyl chain length)for M¼Ir(ref.45).The different reactivities of different alkane species undergoing oxidative addition to a photolytically activated rhodium carbonyl complex(the reaction shown in Fig.3)suggest that less substituted positions will be more reactive in the C–H bond activation step.But the opposite trend seems to hold,at least in some cases,for the sigma-complex formation step46.Thus the overall selectivity of alkane activation reactions may well exhibit a complex dependence on competing factors,with the preferences,relative rates and reversibilities of individual steps all having the potential to exert an influence.Towards practical applicationsMechanistic insight into the fundamental processes and inter-actions controlling alkane activation and conversion will guide the development of catalysts that are compatible with thermodyn-amic and economic constraints,yet exhibit the activity and selec-tivity necessary for practical applications.Although systems suitable for practical use have not yet been developed,several promising examples point the way towards approaches that may well prove successful.Oxidation via electrophilic activationNet alkane oxidation is often achieved through electrophilic acti-vation(reaction class5above)by oxidation-tolerant complexes. The earliest example is the platinum chemistry discovered by Shilov and co-workers47(equation(20)).The reaction sequence for this system(Fig.5)shows that although the overall conversion is catalytic in Pt(II),it requires stoichiometric amounts of Pt(IV)and is thus impractical.More-over,the catalytic species are not indefinitely stable in solution under reaction conditions and eventually precipitate as metallic platinum,owing in part to the fact that the Pt(II)–Pt(0)redox potential is very close to that of the Pt(IV)–Pt(II)couple(ref.48and references cited therein).Despite its practical limitations,this system and model analogues have revealed interesting and potentially useful features,including nonradical selectivity patterns similar to those found in well-characterized C–H activation systems.However,selectivities in this system are generally not quite as high as in the model analogues.For example,pentane is converted to n-pentyl chloride with56%terminal selectivity49;as noted earlier,oxidative addition reactions typically achieve terminal selectivities of70–100%.Etha-nol oxidation by platinum complexes exhibits a particularly un-usual selectivity pattern,with functionalization at the methyl group yielding significant amounts of ethylene glycol and2-chloro-ethanol50;virtually all other known oxidation methods oxidize the alcohol function only.Ethylene glycol can even be obtained from ethane by this route51.Another promising feature of the platinum chemistry is the fact that the key oxidation step(the second step in Fig.5)involves electron transfer rather than alkyl-group transfer48.If oxidation had required alkyl-group transfer,Pt(IV)would seem an obligatory stoichiometric oxidant for the conversion,thus rendering the overall process prohibitively expensive.Given that oxidation is achieved through electron transfer,Pt(IV)could in principle be replaced by a cheaper and more practical oxidant.Indeed,alkyl groups made soluble in water as sulphonic acids have been oxidized to alcohols using either electrochemical oxidation52,or O2in combination with heteropoly acids53or copper salts54.In these modified processes,the involvement of platinum is catalytic,but so far only a modest number of turnovers has been achieved. Similarly promising is successful C–H activation under very mild conditions by ligand-substituted Pt(II)complexes55,56,generally of the form[(N–N)Pt(CH3)(solv)]þ,where N–N is a bidentate nitro-gen-centred ligand and‘solv’is a weakly coordinating solvent (equation(21)).where solv is NC5F5or CF3CH2OH.Moreover,platinum(II)complexes closely related to those formed in equation(21)have been successfully oxidized by O2, again under mild conditions(equation(22))57.Thesefindings,in combination,suggest that it might be possible to develop a Pt(II)complex that is stabilized against reduction to Pt metal by strongly bound ligands,and capable of activating alkanes and catalysing their oxidation to alcohols by O2.Figure6outlines the sequence of reaction steps involved in such a catalytic alkane oxidation scheme.Although each individual step in this scheme has been realized with at least one platinum complex,a single complex accomplishing all four steps and capable of closing this catalytic cycle has not yet been found.Oxidation of methane by sulphuric acidFrom a practical perspective,perhaps the most impressive accom-plishment to date is the oxidation of methane to methyl bisulphate by sulphuric acid,catalysed by a Pt(II)complex58.The reaction appears to be an example of electrophilic functionalization,and the proposed mechanism(Fig.7a)is closely related to the chemistry discussed above in‘Oxidation via electrophilic activation’.In addition,the organometallic complex used in this system is remarkably stable under the reaction conditions used:the ligand is not oxidized,and there is no platinum metal formation.The absence of metal precipitation is a thermodynamic effect:the combination of the chosen ligand and hot sulphuric acid can dissolve platinum metal.A second improvement is the fact that product can be obtained with up to90%selectivity.This feature is in part due to the protective power of the bisulphate group:to achieve the observed yield,the relative reactivity of methane versus methyl bisulphate must be of the order of100:1.However,the high selectivity achieved comes at a price:the ‘protected’product is of little direct use and would need to be separately converted to a more useful compound,such as methanol, using a scheme such as that shown in Fig.7b.At least at present, such an integrated multistep process seems not to be economically competitive with the currently used technology,the indirect con-version of methane to methanol via synthesis gas.Catalytic borylation of alkanesIf a metal-alkyl complex obtained through C–H activation could be transformed according to equation(23)into a functionalized alkane RX and a new‘recyclable’metal complex,in which the alkyl ligand has been replaced by a ligand Y(this might be an oxygen-centred ligand,or a halide),a useful process could be designed.But typically the M–Y bond is very stable,thus precluding closure of a catalytic cycle.However,afirst example of successful evolution of stoichiometric to catalytic functionalization using transition-metal boryl com-plexes has been reported.Initially,photolysis of the metal boryl complex Cp*W(CO)3(Bcat0)(where cat0is3,5-dimethylcatecho-late)in the presence of alkanes RH was shown to produce RBcat0in good yield,and with complete selectivity for terminal positions59. The same products were then generated catalytically,using a dimeric boron reagent such as(Bpin)2(where pin is pinacolate) and Cp*Re(CO)3as catalyst60.Photolysis is still needed in this system,but the photochemical energy input is not inherently required to overcome unfavourable thermodynamics of the overall reaction.Instead,the need simply reflects the difficulty in expelling a carbonyl ligand from the metal complex to make a vacant site e of a more labile complex as catalyst should thus allow the transformation under strictly thermal activation.Indeed,Rh(I) olefin complexes such as Cp*Rh(C2H4)2or Cp*Rh(h4-C6Me6) catalyse the reaction shown in equation(24),producing RBpin in yields of up to90%(based on(Bpin)2)and with the same total terminal selectivity observed in the stoichiometric versions of the reaction61.A related Ir-catalysed borylation of benzene has now also been reported62.The high selectivity and the versatility of the alkylboranes pre-cursors offer many intriguing application possibilities.However,the high cost of the borane reagents might preclude their use in large-scale processes;in contrast,smaller-scale uses certainly seem feasible.Catalytic alkane dehydrogenationAs noted before,alkane dehydrogenation at low temperatures is thermodynamically uphill,but this problem may be overcome by providing a hydrogen acceptor to shift the equilibrium of the reaction63.Examples of such catalytic‘transfer dehydrogenation’have been reported,but most of the catalysts used exhibit poor thermal stability at the temperatures needed to achieve reasonable reaction rates.A new class of catalyst,so-called‘pincer’complexes, exhibit high thermal stability,making them useful for this trans-formation(equation(25))64.The most effective‘pincer’catalyst,with R0¼CHMe2,catalyses the transfer dehydrogenation of cyclic and linear alkanes at1508C using hydrogen acceptors such as norbornene or t-butylethylene,at rates of up to3–4turnovers min21(ref.65).Of particular practical interest is the initially high selectivity in converting linear alkanes to terminal alkenes:at early stages,a-olefin selectivities of more than 90%can be obtained.As the reaction proceeds,however,competing isomerization causes a gradual shift in product selectivity to the thermodynamically favoured internal olefins.The high thermal stability of the‘pincer’complexes even permits dehydrogenation without use of an acceptor:refluxing the catalyst in a high-boiling alkane such as cyclooctane(boiling point1518C) or cyclodecane(boiling point2018C)allows the liberated H2to escape and thus shifts the equilibrium of the reaction.This pro-cedure gives the corresponding cycloalkenes;in the case of cyclo-decane,product is formed at rates as high as nearly8turnovers min21(ref.66).However,increasing concentrations of olefin product gradually inhibit the reaction.As a consequence,overall reaction rates are lower than those of the corresponding transfer dehydrogenations and isomerization becomes increasingly com-petitive and even dominant,thereby suppressing selectivity for terminal dehydrogenation.The challenges aheadThe past twenty years have seen a substantial shift of focus and thinking in thefield of C–H bond activation at metal centres. Initially,much effort was aimed at elucidating whether alkane activation at metal centres was at all possible,resulting in the realization that this process is,in fact,easier than had been anticipated.Attention then turned to investigating how these reactions take place.Although much remains to be learned about the processes and factors controlling the activity and selectivity of catalytic alkane activation,considerable mechanistic insight has been gained,particularly for oxidative addition reactions.The main difficulty ahead now lies with using and increasing this knowledge in order to develop practical processes that exploit alkane trans-formation chemistry.Although it remains challenging to reconcile the constraints inherent in alkane chemistry with thermodynamic, economic and engineering requirements when trying to develop such processes,the achievements to date promise that ongoing research in this importantfield will eventually allow us to harness alkanes more directly,efficiently and cleanly.A 1.Duetz,W.A.,van Beilen,J.B.&Witholt,ing proteins in their natural environment:potential andlimitations of microbial whole-cell hydroxylations in applied biocatalysis.Curr.Opin.Biotech.12, 419–425(2001).2.Ortiz de Montellano,P.R.(ed.)Cytochrome P450:Structure,Mechanism and Biochemistry2nd edn(Plenum,New York,1995).3.Brazeau,B.J.&Lipscomb, Enzyme-Catalyzed Electron and Radical Transfer(ed.Holzenburg,A.Scrutton,N.S.)233–277(Kluwer,New York,2000).4.Gradassi,M.J.&Green,N.W.Economics of natural gas conversion processes.Fuel Proc.Technol.42,65–83(1995).5.Collman,J.P.,Hegedus,L.S.,Norton,J.R.&Finke,R.G.Principles and Applications ofOrganotransition Metal Chemistry Ch.7,2nd edn(Univ.Science,Mill Valley,1987).6.Sheldon,R.A.&Kochi,J.K.Metal-Catalyzed Oxidations of Organic Compounds Ch.4(Academic,New York,1981).7.Fryzuk,M.D.&Johnson,S.A.The continuing story of dinitrogen activation.Coord.Chem.Rev.200–202,379–409(2000).8.Green,M.L.H.&Knowles,P.J.Formation of a tungsten phenyl hydride derivative from benzene.mun.1677(1970).9.Foley,P.&Whitesides,G.M.Thermal generation of bis(triethylphosphine)-3,3-dimethylplatinacyclobutane from dineopentylbis(triethylphosphine)platinum(II).J.Am.Chem.Soc.101,2732–2733(1979).10.Bennett,M.A.&Milner,D.L.Chlorotris(triphenylphosphine)iridium(I):An example of hydrogentransfer to a metal from a coordinated mun.581–582(1967). 11.Shilov,A.E.&Shteinman,A.A.Activation of saturated hydrocarbons by metal complexes in solution.Coord.Chem.Rev.24,97–143(1977).12.Brookhart,M.&Green,M.L.H.Carbon-hydrogen-transition metal anometall.Chem.250,395–408(1983).13.Dawoodi,Z.,Green,M.L.H.,Mtetwa,V.S.B.&Prout,K.Evidence for a direct bonding interactionbetween titanium and a beta-C-H moiety in a titanium-ethyl compound:X-ray crystal-structure of [Ti(Me2PCH2CH2PMe2)EtCl3]mun.802–803(1982).14.Halpern,J.Activation of carbon hydrogen-bonds by metal complexes:mechanistic,kinetic andthermodynamic considerations.Inorg.Chim.Acta100,41–48(1985).15.Janowicz,A.H.&Bergman,R.G.C-H activation in completely saturated hydrocarbons:directobservation of MþR-H!M(R)(H).J.Am.Chem.Soc.104,352–354(1982).16.Hoyano,J.K.&Graham,W.A.G.Oxidative addition of the carbon hydrogen-bonds of neopentaneand cyclohexane to a photochemically generated iridium(I)complex.J.Am.Chem.Soc.104,3723–3725(1982).。
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Glass fibre reinforced plastics
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High impact polyethylene
Dioctyl Sebacate,Di-2-Ethylhexyl Sebacate(DIN,ISO,IUPAC)
Dioctyl Terephthalate,Di-2-Ethylhexyl Terephthalate(DIN,ISO)
次氯酸双光子荧光探针的英语The English term for "次氯酸双光子荧光探针" is "chlorine dioxide dual-photon fluorescent probe."Usage: This probe is used to detect and monitor the presence of chlorine dioxide in a sample. It utilizes a dual-photon fluorescent approach, where the probe emits fluorescence when excited by the absorption of two photons. This allows for highly sensitive and selective detection of chlorine dioxide.Bilingual example sentences:1. The chlorine dioxide dual-photon fluorescent probe exhibited excellent stability and high sensitivity in detecting chlorine dioxide in water samples.这种次氯酸双光子荧光探针在水样中检测次氯酸盐表现出良好的稳定性和高灵敏度。
2. The new dual-photon fluorescent probe effectively detected the presence of chlorine dioxide in industrial wastewater.这款新设计的双光子荧光探针能够有效检测工业废水中的次氯酸盐。
3. Compared to traditional methods, the chlorine dioxide dual-photon fluorescent probe offers enhanced accuracy and specificity.与传统方法相比,次氯酸双光子荧光探针具备更高的准确性和特异性。
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环糊精和离子液体 参考文献
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Journal of Chromatography A,1155(2007)134–141Evaluation of chiral ionic liquids as additives to cyclodextrinsfor enantiomeric separations by capillary electrophoresis Yannis Franc¸ois a,Anne Varenne a,Emilie Juillerat a,Didier Villemin b,Pierre Gareil a,∗a Laboratory of Electrochemistry and Analytical Chemistry,UMR CNRS7575,ENSCP,11rue Pierre et Marie Curie,75231Paris Cedex05,Franceb Laboratory of Molecular and Thio-organic Chemistry,UMR CNRS6507,ENSI Caen,6,Boulevard du Mar´e chal Juin,14050Caen Cedex,FranceAvailable online23December2006AbstractA great interest has been drawn these last years towards ionic liquids in analytical chemistry,especially for separation methods.Recent synthesis of chiral ILs opened the way of the evaluation of new potential selectors for enantiomeric separations.This work focused on the evaluation of two chiral ILs(ethyl-and phenylcholine of bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide)by CE.Particular selectivities are awaited by exploiting unique ion–ion or ion–dipole interactions and by tailoring the nature of the cation and the anion.To evaluate such phenomena,a study was carried out with anti-inflammatory drugs2-arylpropionic acids as model compounds.The results show that these chiral ILs did not present direct enantioselectivity with regard to these model analytes.The influence of chiral ILs in the electrolytes was then studied in the presence of classical chiral selectors(di-or trimethyl--cyclodextrin).Although no general trend could be established,an increase in separation selectivity and resolution was observed in some cases,suggesting synergistic effects.The complementary determination of apparent inclusion constant values of these IL cations in the used cyclodextrins by affinity CE provided support to the understanding of the phenomena involved.©2006Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.Keywords:Ionic liquids;Capillary electrophoresis;Chiral separations;Choline-based ionic liquids;Neutral cyclodextrins;Arylpropionic acids1.IntroductionThe high proportion of chiral compounds of biological or pharmacological interest has aroused a considerable need for the determination of the enantiomeric purities in the last20 years.Since the pioneering works by Zare and co-workers[1] and Fanali[2]and as testified by the very important amount of literature and a number of comprehensive reviews[3–11], capillary electrophoresis(CE)has proven to be an excellent alternative to classical chromatographic techniques in thisfield. The use in very small quantity and in free form of the chiral selector makes it possible to compare the effects of various selectors and afterwards perform routine analyses at lower cost.A great interest is being triggered by ionic liquids(IL)as alternatives for conventional molecular solvents used in organic synthesis and catalytic reactions[12].They supplement the fam-ily of“green solvents”including water and supercriticalfluids.∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+33155426371;fax:+33144276750.E-mail these,room temperature ionic liquids are defined as materials containing only ionic species and having a melting point lower than298K.They exhibit many interesting proper-ties such as negligible vapor pressure,low melting point,large liquid range,unique solvation ability and overall,the versa-tility of their physico-chemical properties makes them really attractive.They have been proposed as solvents for chemical reactions[13–15],multiphase bioprocess operations[16]and liquid–liquid separations[17,18],as electrolytes for batteries and fuel cells[19],stationary phases in gas chromatography [20–23]and mobile phase additives in liquid chromatography [24–26].During these last years,a great attention has been paid to the relevance of these new media for capillary electrophoresis(CE) [27–37]and many efforts have been directed toward the under-standing of the separation mechanisms involved in IL-containing background electrolytes(BGE).Concerning chiral separations, two applications only have been reported so far.Thefirst one was with achiral ILs[38],1-ethyl-and1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium cations,associated with BF4−or PF6−anions.The enantiose-lectivity for binaphtyl derivatives was produced by a polymeric surfactant,whereas the presence of the ILs only modified the0021-9673/$–see front matter©2006Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.chroma.2006.12.076Y.Fran¸c ois et al./J.Chromatogr.A1155(2007)134–141135retention times and peak efficiency.Nevertheless,little was elucidated about the separation mechanism.Recent synthe-sis of chiral ILs[39,40]opened the way of the evaluation of new potential selectors for enantiomeric separations.Rizvi and Shamsi[41]realized thefirst chiral separation of several anionic compounds by micellar electrokinetic chromatography using two new synthetic chiral ionic liquids,undecenoxycarbonyl-l-pryrrolidinol bromide and undecenoxycarbonyl-l-leucinol bromide.This work was focused on the separation performances of two chiral ILs(ethyl-and phenylcholine of bis(trifluoromet-hylsulfonyl)imide)by CE.In a previous work,a nonaqueous capillary electrophoresis(NACE)study on the electrophoretic behavior of2-arylpropionic acids(profens),which were often selected as model chiral anionic compounds[42]in the pres-ence of an achiral imidazolium-based IL evidenced peculiar ion-pairing interactions between these analytes and the achi-ral IL[43].In the present work,the electrophoretic behavior of the same model analytes wasfirst studied in the presence of one of both chiral choline-based ILs in nonaqueous media. As these chiral ILs alone did not present any enantioselectivity with regard to these model analytes under the conditions tested, the influence of the chiral ILs was then studied in aqueous and hydro-organic electrolytes containing classical chiral cyclodex-trin selectors(di-or trimethyl--cyclodextrin).Thefigures of merit(effective enantioselectivity and resolution)of the chiral separations of the six arylpropionic acids were systematically determined,depending on the nature and the concentration of the chiral IL and cyclodextrin,ionic strength and hydro-organic composition of the electrolyte,to investigate for possible syner-gistic effects between the two chiral selectors.In addition to this study,apparent inclusion constant values for the used chiral ILs cations and neutral cyclodextrin derivatives were determined by affinity CE to provide support to the understanding of phenom-ena involved.2.Experimental2.1.Chemicals and reagentsLithium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide(LiNTf2)(≥99%) was a gift from Institut Franc¸ais du P´e trole(Solaize,France). (R)(−)2-Hydroxy-N,N,N-trimethyl-1-phenylethanaminium (PhChol NTf2)and(R)(−)1-hydroxy-N,N,N-trimethylbutan-2-aminium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide(EtChol NTf2) were synthesized(see Section2.2)in Villemin’s group(Caen, France).Methanol(GC grade,99.9%purity)and sodium acetate were purchased from Prolabo(Fontenay-sous-Bois,France). Formamide(>99%)and hexadimethrin bromide(polybrene) were supplied by Aldrich(St.Louis,MO,USA).Glacial acetic acid(>99%),heptakis-(2,6-di-O-methyl)--cyclodextrin (DM--CD)(>90%)and heptakis-(2,3,6-tri-O-methyl)--cyclodextrin(TM--CD)(>90%)were obtained from Sigma (St.Louis,MO,USA).2-Arylpropionic acids(carprofen,supro-fen,naproxen,ketoprofen,indoprofen and ibuprofen)were donated by Rhone-Poulenc-Rorer(Vitry-sur-Seine,France).2.2.Synthesis of chiral ionic liquidsWasserscheid et al.have been thefirst to propose the use of choline derivatives as chiral ionic liquid[44].These chiral ammonium ions can be easily obtained from pure enantiomeric aminoalcohol coming from the“chiral pool”as starting product.The syntheses of the chiral ionic liquids were achieved in two steps:(i)permethylation of amine group into ammonium group and(ii)the metathesis exchange of anion.In a typical procedure of permethylation,the R(−)2-ami-nobutan-1-ol(0.44g,5mmol)[respectively,R(−)or S(+) phenylglycin-1-ol(0.5g, 3.6mmol)]and the iodomethane (2.13g,15mmol)were refluxed in diethyl ether(30ml)under argon atmosphere and were protected from the light.After6 days’reflux,the solvent was removed by distillation under reduced pressure.The reactional mixture was solubilized in water(6mL)and extracted three times(3×5mL)with CH2Cl2. The aqueous phase was evapored under vacuum.For the anion exchange step,the ammonium iodide (25mmol)was dissolved in water(35mL)and an aqueous saturated solution of lithium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide (7.2g,25mmol)was added.The liquid obtained was centrifuged and the ionic liquid and water were separated.The ionic liquid was washed with water(3×10mL)andfinally vacuum-dried.2.3.Characterization of chiral ionic liquidsThe structures of the chiral ionic liquids were characterized by1H,13C and19F NMR spectroscopy.2.3.1.(R)(−)1-Hydroxy-N,N,N-trimethylbutan-2-aminiumbis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide(EtChol NTf2)Colorless oil;1H NMR(400MHz,MeOD)CD3CN/TMS δ(ppm):0.97(t,3J HH=7Hz,3H,C H3-CH2),1.93(quint, 3J HH=2Hz,2H,CH3-C H2-CH),3.24(s,10H,CH3-CH2-C H-(N-(C H3)3)-CH2-OH),3.73(dq,3J HH=14Hz,4J HH=4Hz,1H, CH3-CH2-CH-(N-(CH3)3)-C H2-OH), 3.95(d,3J HH=14Hz, 1H,CH3-CH2-CH-(N-(CH3)3)-C H2-OH),4.68(s,1H,CH3-CH2-CH-(N-(CH3)3)-CH2-O H);13C NMR(62.9MHz,MeOD) CD3CN/TMSδ(ppm):11.93(s,1C,C H3),19.38(s,1C, CH3-C H2-CH),53.55(s,3C,N-(C H3)3),58.36(s,1C,CH-C H2-OH),78.77(s,1C,CH3-CH2-C H-(N-(CH3)3)-CH2-OH), 121.60(quad,1J CF=1273Hz,2C,N-(SO2-C F3)2);19F NMR (235.3MHz,MeOD),CD3CN/CCl3Fδ(ppm):−81.08(s,6F, N-(SO2-C F3)2).2.3.2.(R)(−)2-Hydroxy-N,N,N-trimethyl-1-phenylethanaminiumbis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide(PhChol NTf2)Colorless oil;1H NMR(400MHz,MeOD)CD3CN/TMSδ(ppm):2.79(s,1H,O H),3.19(s,9H,Ph-CH-(N-(C H3)3)-CH2-OH),4.22(d,3J HH=13Hz,1H,Ph-CH-(N-(CH3)3)-C H2-OH), 4.45(dd,3J HH=13Hz,3J HH=7Hz,1H,Ph-C H-(N-(CH3)3)-CH2-OH), 4.61(dd,3J HH=7Hz,3J HH=4Hz,Ph-CH-(N-(CH3)3)-C H2-OH),7.49–7.56(m,3C,1H para and2H ortho), 7.62–7.65(m,2H,2H meta);13C NMR(62.9MHz,MeOD) CD3CN/TMSδ(ppm):53.90(s,3C,Ph-CH-(N-(C H3)3)-CH2-136Y.Fran¸c ois et al./J.Chromatogr.A1155(2007)134–141OH),62.04(s,1C,Ph-CH-(N-(CH3)3)-C H2-OH),80.35(s,1C, Ph-C H-(N-(CH3)3)-CH2-OH),121.64(q,1J CF=1273Hz,2C, N-(SO2-C F3)2),130.88(s,3C,1C para,2C meta),132.35(s,2C, 2C ortho),132.91(s,1C,C);19F NMR(235.3MHz,MeOD), CD3CN/CCl3Fδ(ppm):−81.06(s,6F,N-(SO2-C F3)2.2.4.Capillary electrophoresis and proceduresAll experiments were performed with a HP3D CE(Agilent Technologies,Waldbronn,Germany)capillary electrophoresis system.This apparatus automatically realized all the steps of the measurement protocols,including capillary conditioning,sam-ple introduction,voltage application and diode array detection, and allows to run unattended method sequences.A CE Chemsta-tion(Agilent Technologies,Waldbronn,Germany)was used for instrument control,data acquisition and data handling.Polymi-cro bare fused-silica capillaries of50m i.d.were obtained from Photonlines(Marly-le-Roi,France).They were used in 35cm total length(26.5cm to detection).Background elec-trolytes(BGE)were made up with acetic acid/sodium acetate at two different concentrations(5and60mM)to a pH of5.0.The methanol–water mixtures were prepared by volumic mixing in0, 10and25%(v/v)methanol proportions.Analytes were detected by UV absorbance at200,230,240,254and300nm,according to cases.Formamide(0.001%,v/v,in the BGE)was used as neu-tral marker to determine the electroosmotic mobility.The sample solutions were prepared by dissolving each analyte at a concen-tration of ca.0.5mM in methanol.Samples were introduced hydrodynamically by successively applying a30mbar pressure for3s(approximately,4nL)to the neutral marker,BGE and sample vials.New capillaries were conditioned by successive flushes with1and0.1M NaOH and then with water under a pressure of935mbar for10min each.The temperature in the capillary cartridge was set at25◦C.The acquisition rate was 10points/s.Capillaries were rinsed with water and dried by air when not in use.2.5.Capillary coatingCapillaries were dynamically coated with polybrene as described in the literature[45–47].Briefly,a new fused-silica capillary wasfirstflushed with1M NaOH for20min and rinsed with water.Next,the capillary wasflushed with a poly-brene solution at3g/100mL in water for15min.Finally, the capillary was rinsed with water for5min and condi-tioned with BGE for5min,all these steps being performed under a pressure of935mbar.Recoating of the capillary with the cationic polymer was accomplished by using a similar method.plexation constant determinationThe apparent formation constant K for the inclusion com-plexes between chiral PhChol cations and neutral CDs of interest,was determined by mobility shift affinity capillary electrophoresis(ACE)according to a method similar to that developed for a series of imidazolium based ILs cations[48].Briefly,PhChol NTf2was dissolved at a concentration of 2mM and electrophoresed in BGEs(ionic strength:5mM) containing increasing concentrations of DM--CD or TM--CD(0–100mM).Each injection with a given electrolyte was repeated twice.Effective mobilities(μep)of PhChol cation were calculated from migration time measurement at peak apex.The obtained values were corrected to compensate for change in electrolyte viscosity due to increasing CD concentrations.The corrected valuesμep,coor werefitted to non-linear and linear forms(linearized isotherm,x-reciprocal,y-reciprocal,double reciprocal)of the1:1stoichiometry complexation isotherm [49,50]to determine the K-value.2.7.Calculation of the performance parameters for thechiral separationsThe effective electrophoretic selectivity[51],αeff,was cal-culated according to Eq.(1):αeff=μep1μep2(1) whereμep1,μep2are the effective mobilities for enantiomers1 and2.The chiral resolution,R s,between two enantiomers,1and2, was calculated according to:R s=1.177t2−t1δ1+δ2(2) where t1,t2are the migration times andδ1,δ2are the temporal peak widths at half height.3.Results and discussionIn a previous work,interactions between an achiral IL(1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide) and a series of2-arylpropionic acids were studied in nonaqueous capillary electrophoresis(NACE)[43].The results indicated a quadratic effect of the concentration of the achiral IL in the BGE on profen electrophoretic mobilities due to antagonistic interac-tions between anionic analytes and imidazolium cations either adsorbed to the capillary wall or free in the BGE electrolyte.With a view to evaluate a new family of chiral selectors,the same con-ditions have been investigated with two chiral choline-based ILs (ethyl-and phenylcholine bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide). No enantioselectivity has been shown in these conditions for this family of compounds.This work was then directed to the study of the association of a chiral IL to the best chiral selectors,reported previously for the enantiorecognition of profens,DM--CD and TM--CD[52,53],to search for possible synergistic effects. The use of CDs nevertheless is poorly compatible with that of nonaqueous BGEs,to preserve adequate CD solubilization and partial formation of inclusion complexes.This study was there-fore realized in water and90:10and75:25(v/v)water–MeOH mixtures.The choice of MeOH as molecular solvent in hydro-organic mixtures was based on its favorable anion-solvating properties and ion-pairing and its ability to dissolve the tested CD.Y.Fran¸c ois et al./J.Chromatogr.A1155(2007)134–141137Fig.1.Schematic description of the interaction system between anionic profen A−,chiral IL+cation,free in the BGE or adsorbed onto the capillary wall,and -CD derivatives.The aim of this work was then to determine if a synergistic effect may exist between the chiral IL cation and the CD,and possibly to elucidate the interaction system bringing into play the three different entities:analyte,chiral IL and-CD derivative (Fig.1).The main parameters expected to impact this complex system were the nature and concentration of the IL,the nature and concentration of the CD,the concentration of the buffer and the hydro-organic composition of the BGE.The influence of adding LiNTf2to the separation electrolyte in place of the chiral ILs was tested under the same conditions to discriminate specific chiral cation effect from a mere salt effect.Also,the study was conducted either with bare fused-silica capillaries or polybrene-coated capillaries,to assess the influence of IL cation adsorbed to the capillary wall.Owing to the number of parameters to be studied,only three model profens(naproxen,carprofen and suprofen,Fig.2)were investigated for the part of the experiments realized with bare silica capillaries.For the experiments performed with polybrene-coated capillaries,which were only realized in aqueous media, the following six profens were selected:naproxen,carpro-fen,suprofen,ketoprofen,indoprofen and ibuprofen(Fig.2). The retained parameters for discussion were effective elec-trophoretic chiral selectivity,αeff(thermodynamic parameter, independent of electroosmoticflow variation)and chiral resolu-tion,R s(global parameter).It is to note that no enantioselectivity was obtained for naproxen under all conditions tested and for suprofen under all DM--CD conditions.The results obtained for carprofen and suprofen with bare silica capillaries are given in Table1,while those obtained for thefive profens showing enantioselectivity with polybrene-coated capillaries are pre-sented in Table2.In a number of cases,an increase in resolution R s and a decrease in selectivityαeff were observed for the experiments with chiral ILs,as compared to the experiments without salt,but no general trend on the evolution of R s andαeff can be traced.3.1.Influence of electroosmoticflow and total salt concentration on R sThe two chiral choline IL derivatives,EtChol and PhChol, were used in this work at a concentration of10mM and at two buffer salt concentrations(5and60mM),in keeping with the preliminary study realized with achiral imidazolium-based IL cation by NACE[43].Indeed,the chiral IL addition in solution caused a change of system properties such as a possible varia-tion of the electrolyte viscosity,a marked increase in the total salt concentration,especially when the buffer salt concentration is5mM,and a modification of the capillary wall.These three parameters could mask a specific effect of the chiral IL on the enantiomeric separation.The viscosity of each solution was measured using CE instru-mentation by the method described in the literature[54].The results showed no difference upon adding an IL or LiNTf2salt to a solution already containing a CD.So,there was no viscosity effect due to the IL addition on enantiomeric separation.As the addition of the chiral IL was changing the total salt con-centration of the solution,the same experiments were realized with LiNTf2salt in place of chiral IL to discriminate between a mere salt effect and a specific effect due to the chiral nature of IL cations.In effect,in a lot of cases,Table1shows an increase in R s upon chiral IL addition,but also upon LiNTf2addition.Salt addition caused a decrease in electroosmotic mobility(μeo)and under these counter-electroosmoticflow condition an increase in R s values[55].As expected,a more importantμeo variation and hence R s increase was observed at the lower starting level of buffer salt concentration(5mM),for which the relative variation in concentration was higher(Fig.3).It was also noted that,with bare silica capillaries,in the major-ity of cases the addition of a chiral IL caused a more important decrease inμeo than LiNTf2did.This decrease was likely due to the adsorption of the IL cation to the capillary wall,as already mentioned by Stalcup and co-workers[27,28].To further dis-criminate between IL cation wall adsorption and salt effect,the same experiments were resumed with polybrene-coated capil-laries which are anticipated to eliminate the IL cation interaction with capillary wall.Table2shows that in a majority of cases, an increase in R s for the experiments with chiral IL and LiNTf2 was still observed as compared to CD-alone experiments.In all these cases,a decrease inμeo was also observed,due to the increase in salt concentration.These experiments with positively charged capillaries highlighted the significance of salt effects on the chiral resolution of thefive model profens.3.2.Influence of chiral IL onαeffFinally,effective electrophoretic selectivity,αeff,designed to be independent of electroosmotic mobility,was the only param-eter able to indicate a possible synergistic effect between the two selectors.In some cases,when the initial buffer salt con-centration was5mM,an increase inαeff was observed upon adding10mM LiNTf2salt.This behavior can only be under-stood in considering that the apparent inclusion constants for profens into the CDs,which controlαeff,can be depending on electrolyte ionic strength.Apart from this,an increase inαeff, with a difference of more than3%,in the presence of a chiral IL additive as compared to the experiments with the same con-centration of LiNTf2was noted infive cases with bare silica capillaries(Table1)and in four cases with the polybrene-coated138Y.Fran¸c ois et al./J.Chromatogr.A1155(2007)134–141Table1Electroosmotic mobility(μeo),enantiomer electrophoretic mobilities(μep1andμep2),chiral effective selectivity(αeff)and resolution(R s)for carprofen and suprofen obtained under various aqueous and hydroorganic BGE conditions in bare silica capillaries50m i.d.×35cm(effective length,26.5cm)capillaries.Applied voltage:25kV.Temperature:25◦C.UV absorbance at230nm.See Fig.3for electrolyte additive concentrations.The ovoid circle highlight cases of synergistic effects.Y.Fran¸c ois et al./J.Chromatogr.A1155(2007)134–141139Fig.2.Structures of(A)the studied arylpropionic acids and(B)ionic liquids ethylcholine and phenylcholine bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide(EtCholNTf2, PhCholNTf2).p K a values at26–27◦C from Ref.[53].capillaries(Table2).Such a relative difference was consid-ered as the limit of significance based on a mean3%error for experimental electrophoretic values of chiral compounds (Tables1and2).Among these nine cases,eight were obtained with5mM buffer salt concentration and allfive cases identi-fied in the experiments reported in Table1were obtained with aqueous and hydroorganic media.It is to note that the exper-iments with polybrene-coated capillaries were performed with both5mM(results shown in Table2)and60mM(results not shown)buffer salt concentrations,but no case of synergy was observed at the higher concentration.In spite of the lack of general trend,this behavior suggests that the synergistic effect observed between the two selectors may be due to specific ion-pairing interaction between the analyte and the chiral IL cation.The presence of the phenyl group in the chiral choline cation did not appear to be of importance in the observation of apparent synergistic effects,whereas most cases were observed with TM--CD.For a better understanding of the interactions brought into play and to assess a possible competition between the analyte and the IL cation for inclusion complex forma-tion with the CD,a study on possible inclusion complexation between chiral IL cation and-CD derivatives was under-taken.Concerning EtChol NTf2,a recent study realized by our group on inclusion constant determination between quite a large number of neutral CDs and alkyl(methyl)methylimidazolium140Y.Fran¸c ois et al./J.Chromatogr.A1155(2007)134–141Table2Electroosmotic mobility(μeo),enantiomer electrophoretic mobilities(μep1andμep2),chiral effective selectivity(αeff)and resolution(R s)obtained for model profens under various aqueous BGE conditions with5mM buffer salt concentration in polybrene-coatedcapillariesOther conditions:see Table1.cations[48],revealed that the inclusion of IL cation almostexclusively depends on the alkyl chain length.For1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium cation,no inclusion was measured with any tested CD.On analogy,it seems reasonable to conclude that there is no inclusion between EtChol cation and the two-CD derivatives of the present study.The previously used mobility shift affinity CE method was adapted to determine the apparent inclusion constant for PhChol cation and DM-and TM--CD in a acetic acid/sodium acetate buffer at pH5.0(ionic strength, 30mM).The results obtained in this work showed that there was no inclusion of PhChol cation into TM--CD cavity but that this cation formed a complex with DM--CD having an apparent constant of144±3at25◦C.This difference in behav-ior could be explained by the more important steric hindrance of TM--CD as compared to DM--CD.Eventually,the study of inclusion phenomena between chiral IL cations and used CDs showed that there was an influence of the CD nature on the competition between the analyte and the IL cation with the CD.Nevertheless,the two thirds of apparent synergistic cases were observed with TM--CD with respect to DM--CD for EtChol as well as PhChol ILs,which does not allow to further clarify which factor is the mostinfluent.Fig.3.Enantioseparation of carprofen in the presence of TM--CD and chiral ILs.Bare fused-silica capillary,50m i.d.×35cm(effective length,26.5cm). Electrolyte:2.63mM acetic acid,5.0mM sodium acetate buffer,pH5.0con-taining(a)30mM TM--CD,(b)30mM TM--CD+10mM EtCholNTf2, (c)30mM TM--CD+10mM PhCholNTf2,(d)30mM TM--CD+10mM LiNTf2in(90:10,v/v)H2O–MeOH mixture.Applied voltage:25kV.Tempera-ture:25◦C.UV absorbance at230nm.Hydrodynamic injection(30mbar,3s). EOF:electroosmoticflow.Y.Fran¸c ois et al./J.Chromatogr.A1155(2007)134–1411414.ConclusionThis work focused on the evaluation of two chiral ILs(ethyl-and phenylcholine of bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide)by CE. No direct enantioselectivity was observed for these two chi-ral IL cations with respect to a series of arylpropionic acids, selected as model compounds,in various nonaqueous BGE con-ditions.BGEs containing both a chiral IL cation and a classical chiral selector(di-or trimethyl--cyclodextrin)in water and water–MeOH mixtures were subsequently investigated to look for a compromise between the selective formation of inclusion complexes,favored in aqueous electrolyte,and of ion-pairs, favored in nonaqueous media.In most cases,an increase in res-olution was observed upon adding one of the chiral IL,but this variation was most often due to a decrease in electroosmoticflow, resulting from the increase in salt concentration and a possible wall adsorption.In nine cases,however,simultaneous increase inαeff and R s was observed as compared to a simple salt effect, which suggests a synergistic effect of the two selectors.Appar-ent inclusion constant for EtChol and PhChol cations and the used cyclodextrins were evaluated,demonstrating an influence of the CD nature on the competition between the analyte and the IL cation with respect to CD complexation.Nevertheless,the presence of the phenyl group in the IL cation appeared to be of less importance in promoting these synergistic effects than that of methanol and of a low salt concentration in the BGE,which suggests that specific ion-pairing interactions may be involved. 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Interaction of glassy fertilizers and Cd2+ ions in
![Interaction of glassy fertilizers and Cd2+ ions in](
Vol.3, No.8, 689-693 (2011)doi:10.4236/ns.2011.38092Natural ScienceInteraction of glassy fertilizers and Cd2+ ions in terms of soil pollution neutralizationIrena Wacławska, Magdalena Szumera*Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics, AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow, Poland;*Corresponding Author:Received 23 November 2010; revised 15 January 2011; accepted 25 January 2011.ABSTRACTImmobilization of cadmium contamination in soils by precipitation of nonassimilable for plants Cd-phosphates was considered. Glassy fertilizer of controlled release rate of the nutri-ents for plants as a source of phosphate anions was applied. The negative role of Cd complex-ing citric acid solution simulating the natural soil conditions, which inhibits the Cd-phos-phates formation, was stated.Keywords:Soil Environment Protection; Glassy Fertilizer; Cd Immobilization1. INTRODUCTIONThe symptom of soils chemical degradation is, among others, the accumulation of toxic elements in its top lay-ers emitted mainly by industry, pesticides, also by min-eral fertilizers and liquid wastes used to fertilize soils. Ecological risk connected with the toxic elements con-centration in upper soils level not only results from their easy assimilation by plants; it involves also the assimila-tion of these elements by soil microorganisms and mesofauna, being important link of elements migration in feeding chain. Cadmium is element especially mobile in soil environment and activity if different biological processes inhibiting. Physiological effect of cadmium excess in plants results from the disorder of photosyn-thesis, transpiration and nitrogen compounds transfor-mation as well as with the changes of membrane cellular permeability and DNA structure. Easily accumulation of cadmium by plants makes a risk to place it in the human body, where it undergoes long time accumulation in or-gans functioning important roles (liver, kidneys, bones) [1,2].One method of neutralizing such a type of soil envi-ronment contamination is bonding of toxic elements contained in it into compounds difficult to dissolve, which makes them nonassimilable for plants. Phospho-rus reacts with many heavy metals to form secondary phosphate precipitates that are stable over a wide range of environmental conditions. While it is true that toxic elements content in the soil does not undergo any change in this way, their mobility and toxic influence on living organisms are reduced.Experimental studies, in which well soluble phos-phates and phosphate fertilizers were used for cadmium removal were conducted on contaminated soils [3,4]. Synthetic fertilizers used as a source of phosphorus are an additional source of toxic elements (Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn), located in the soil [5]. They come from the raw materials used to production this type of fertilizers, their source is also the process of their production.This study refers to the possibilities of using chemi-cally active silicate-phosphate glasses acting as vitreous fertilizers of controlled release rate of the nutrients (P, Ca, Mg, K, microelements) for plants [6,7] for simulta-neous bonding of cadmium, constituting particularly harmful soils contamination, into the form of insoluble compounds. Glassy fertilizers because of the production does not constitute an additional source of toxic ele-ments.Characterization of processes and products of reaction between glassy fertilizer VitroFosMaK of 42 SiO2·12 P2O5·10 K2O·22 MgO·14 CaO [wt%] composition and cadmium chloride solutions (“ex situ” reactions) under soil environment simulating conditions, is the subject of the present study.2. EXPERIMENTAL2 wt% citric acid solution was used as an extractor re-leasing43PO ions from the glassy fertilizer structure. The glass to solution weight ratio was 1:100. Such con-ditions simulate physico-chemical state similar to the natural environment of plant roots and the surrounding soil [8].Additionally, the inorganic acid (HCl) was used anAll Rights Reserved.I. Wac ławska et al. / Natural Science 3 (2011) 689-693690 extractor releasing ions from the glassy fertilizer structure.34PO -Experiments were conducted applying the following procedure.Dissolution of 1 g of VitroFosMaK (0.1 - 0.3 mm) in 100 ml ofH 3Cit/HCl by shaken for 1/2 h↓Filtration of the reacted solution↓Adding 50 ml 0.0125 M CdCl 2 to 100 ml of filtrate↓Filtration of the precipitate after different time intervals↓Content of ions in solution determination by ICP-AES method, precipitate TG/DTG/DTA, XRD, FTIR, SEM-EDS analysisThermal analysis was carried out with Derivatograph-C(Hungarian Optical Works). Experiments conditions were: samples mass 80 mg, heating rate 10˚C·min –1, air atmosphere. To identify the solid products of reactions diffractometer Philips X’ Pert Pro with Cu (K α) source was applied. The FTIR and SEM-EDS studies of pre-cipitates were carried out on the Digilab FTS 60v Spec-trometer with samples prepared in the form of KBr pel-lets and JSM 5400 Jeol scanning electron microscope equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray analysis re-spectively.3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONThe course of the cadmium ions reaction with the phosphate ions extracted from the glassy fertilizer under the citric acid action was presented in Table 1.It has been found that cadmium removal process was influenced by pH conditions. The most effective (~96%) process of cadmium ions immobilization from the solu-tion at pH = 5, took place after 6 days. Together with the time elongation the amount of cadmium ions was gradu-ally decreasing, achieving after 29 days the amount of 8.5 mg/l resulting in 99.5% immobilization of this chemical element in the precipitate. At the same time the reduction of phosphate concentration was less effective (~70%). Simultaneously, together with the reaction time elongation, the amount of calcium ions in the examined solution was gradually decreasing.SEM image (Figure 1(a)) showed the precipitated re-action products of cadmium ions and phosphate ions after 29 days of the reaction, with a morphology of amorphous compound.According to EDS analysis (Figure 1(b)) the precipi- tate contains not only the O, Cd, Ca and Cl atoms butTable 1. Evolution of ions concentrations in the chloride solu-tion in the presence of citric acid with the reaction time.Time, dayspH[Cd 2+], mg/l[], mg/l34PO -Ca 2+, mg/l Mg 2+, mg/l0 1403 872 686 43022 3.5577 468 298 585 0 1403 872 686 434 6 60 249 284 437 295.0 8.5 264 184 2540 1403 872 686 43922 137 370 291 340 437.0 179 229 156 240(a)(b)Figure 1. SEM/EDS analysis of Cd-precipitate after 29 days of reaction in citric acid solution.also large amounts of C atoms (~52 at%), suggesting the cadmium and calcium citrates formation.Because of the impossibility of identification of theAll Rights Reserved.I. Wacławska et al. / Natural Science 3 (2011) 689-693691691amorphous precipitates phase composition using the XRD method, they were subjected to thermal and FTIR examinations.According to the TG/DTG/DTA results (Figure 2), the lost of weight up to 320˚C can be interpreted as the dehydration of calcium and cadmium citrates. In the temperature interval of 320˚C - 360˚C the dehydration continues as intermolecular process with a formation of double C = C bond i.e. with transformation of the citrate into aconitate. In the temperature interval of 360˚C - 400˚C the deestereification and decarboxilation of COOH groups existed or formed as a result of the de-estereification is masked by the exothermic effects of the burning of H in the air [9,10]. According to [11] after this step the formation of cadmium and calcium carbon-ates should take place. Taking into account that in the temperature interval of 250˚C - 500˚C the partial thermal decomposition process of cadmium carbonate takes place, the newly formed cadmium carbonate partially decomposes and CdO and CdCO3, besides CaCO3, as the final products are obtained.XRD examinations of the precipitates after heating to 500˚C have shown (Figure 3) that their thermal decom-position solid products are cadmium carbonate and cad-mium oxide which are in accordance with thermal de-composition products of cadmium citrate and calcium carbonate as a product of thermal decomposition of cal-cium citrate.Comparison of FTIR spectra of precipitates before and after heating up to 500˚C (Figure 4) confirms that the products of cadmium ions reaction with phosphate ions in the presence of citric acid simulating soil envi-ronment are cadmium and calcium citrates identified with the use of thermal methods.The FTIR spectra of precipitates are characterized by three groups of bands related to the vibrational frequen-cies of the COO–, H2O and OH [12,13]. The symmetric stretching vibrations νs (COO–) are observed at 1403 cm–1.Figure 2. TG/DTG/DTA analysis of precipitate after 29 days ofreaction at pH = 5.0. Figure 3. XRD analysis of Cd-precipitate after 29 days of re-action heated up to 500˚C.Figure 4. FTIR spectra of Cd-precipitate after 29 days of reac-tion: (a) before and (b) after heated up to 500˚C.The asymmetric stretching vibrations νas (COO–) appear at 1548 cm–1. The presence of water in precipitate is confirmed by bands at 3500 - 2800 cm–1.The removal of organic compounds from the precipi-tate structure was significantly manifested in the FTIR spectrum. Bands related to carboxylate groups and water molecules disappear, while bands characteristic of stretching vibrations of groups originated from calcium carbonate, which is the product of calcium cit-rate decomposition present also in the precipitate and cadmium carbonate which is a product of cadmium cit-rate decomposition, appear at 1429 cm–1.23COMicroscopic studies on the course of cadmium ions reaction with phosphate ions extracted from the glassy fertilizer under the inorganic acid (HCl) action showed (Figure 5(a)) the precipitated reaction products with aAll Rights Reserved.I. Wacławska et al. / Natural Science 3 (2011) 689-693 692(a)(b)Figure 5. SEM/EDS analysis of Cd-precipitate after 21 days of reaction in HCl solution.morphology of amorphous compound. According to EDS analysis (Figure 5(b)) the precipitate beside the cadmium phosphate calcium phosphate contains. Competitiveness in the formation of calcium phosphate and cadmium phosphate results from the similar values of ΔG formation of these compounds (∆G298 of Ca3(PO4)2 = –4207.916 kJ/mol, ∆G298 of Cd3(PO4)2 = –3905.349 kJ/mol [14]. From the researches carried out it results that the pres-ence of citric acid solution simulating soil environment conditions has an inhibiting effect on the process of cadmium bonding into the form of insoluble phosphates. Citric acid is a polycarboxylic organic acid, which in the presence of alkaline cations and alkaline earth cations forms salts-soluble citrates, whereas in the presence of non-metals (P, Si) it activates the dissolution process of their compounds, which are usually insoluble or hardly soluble in water. So, the presence of citric acid as a compound strongly complexing metals [15], causes the formation of less stable cadmium and calcium citrate complexes.4. CONCLUSIONSVitroFosMaK acting as glassy fertilizer of controlled release rate of the nutrients for plants has ability to cad-mium ions bonding under an insoluble phosphates. Cadmium immobilization process, influenced by pH conditions, is accompanied by calcium phosphate forma-tion. The presence of citric acid solution simulating natural soils environment causes the formation of less stable cadmium and calcium citrate complexes, thus has an inhibiting effect on the process of bonding cadmium ions into the form of insoluble phosphates.5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe work was supported by Grant No. N N508 38 2035 of the Min-istry of Science and Higher Education of Poland.REFERENCES[1]Kabata-Pendias, A. and Pendias, H., (1993) Biochemistryof trace elements. PWN Warsaw, Polish.[2]Alloway, B.J. and Ayers, D.C. (1999) Chemical basis ofenvironmental pollution”. PWN Warsaw, Polish.[3]Basta, N.T. Gradwohl, R. Snethen, K.L. and Schroder,J.L. 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Development of a long-wavelengthfluorescent probe based on quinone–methide-type reaction to detect physiologically significant thiolsSheng-Tung Huang a,∗,Kuo-Neng Ting a,Kun-Li Wang ba Institute of Biotechnology,National Taipei University of Technology,Taipei,Taiwanb Institute of Chemical Engineering,National Taipei University of Technology,Taipei,Taiwana r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received5March2008Received in revised form3May2008Accepted7May2008Published on line13May2008Keywords:ThiolsFluorescence probeQuinone–methide rearrangementa b s t r a c tWe synthesized a new long-wavelength latentfluorimetric probe BCC(6)to detect physiolog-ically significant thiols.Thefluorogenic chemical transformation of BCC triggered by thiols isthrough a tandem reaction,thiol-induced benzoquinone reduction,and quinone–methide-type rearrangement reaction,which are spontaneous and irreversible at physiologicaltemperature in aqueous media.Thefluorescence signal revealed by this process is specificand exhibited in the near-red spectrum region with emission maxima at595nm,and it couldbe competitively inhibited by thiols scavenger,N-ethylmaleimide.Thefluorescent responseof BCC is insensitive to various non-thiol amino acids and biological reductants.This novelfluorimetric probe demonstrates a good relationship in detecting thiols in1–100M range,which presents to the applicability for the construction offiber-optic biosensors in the futureclinical diagnostic.©2008Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionThe sulfhydryl thiols,cysteine(Cys)and glutathione(GSH)are part of endogenous antioxidant system that main-tains the cells’normal redox potential[1].The reversibleoxidation–reduction reactions between thiols and the cor-responding disulfides regulate the intracellular redox stateand prevent the free radical-induced oxidative damage.Inaddition,thiols are prominent biomarkers.Inflammation-induced depletion of plasma thiols is well established[2].Irregular levels of homocysteine(Hcy)are associated witha variety of diseases,such as cardiovascular-related andAlzheimer’s diseases[3].The ratio of GSH to glutathionedisulfide is a key indicator for monitoring the cellular oxida-tive stress[4].Consequently,the accurate determination ofthe changes in thiols levels provides critical insight into∗Corresponding author at:Institute of Biotechnology,National Taipei University of Technology1,Sec.3,Chung-Hsiao E.Rd.,Taipei106, Taiwan.Tel.:+886227712171x2525;fax:+886227317117.E-mail physiological functions or in the diagnosis of diseasestates.The quinone and its analogues became the subject ofintense research due to their interesting electrochemicaland pharmacological properties[5].The interaction of thehydroquinone/benzoquinone redox couple with thiols is wellestablished,thus benzoquinone had been extensively appliedas an electron mediator for thiols detection in the electro-analytical approach[6,7].On the other hand,bioreductivelyactivated quinone delivery prodrugs had been designed toselectively and preferentially release potent toxic moietiesunder the thiol-rich population of solid tumors[8–10].Asan example,the quinone moiety in(1)attached to the drugvia a linker,and the linker electronically deactivates thedrug(Scheme1).The intracellular reduction of the quinonemoiety in(1)generates the corresponding hydroquinone(2)0003-2670/$–see front matter©2008Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.aca.2008.05.006苯醌可逆对苯二酚苯醌Scheme1–Schematic illustration of the cytotoxic agents revealing by quinone–methide-type rearrangement.that spontaneously releases the deactivated drug through a quinone–methide-type rearrangement.Lately,there has been a rapidly growing interest in the development of thiol selectivefluorescent probes[11–13]. Inspired by quinone delivery prodrugs design,we werealso interested in designing a thiol-targetedfluorescent probe withfluorescence signal revealing mechanism based on the prodrugs design.Since the prodrugs could be selectively activated by thiols,we reasoned that by sub-stituting the toxic moieties in(1)with afluorgenic dye, we could transform the prodrug(1)into a thiol-targeted latentfltentfluorophores are stable molecules with intensefluorescence that are revealed by a user-designated chemical reaction;they are especially useful agents for diagnostic applications because of their unique selectivity and minimal interference from the probe con-centration,excitation intensity and emission sensitivity [14].The chemical architecture of our thiol-targeted latent fluorophore BCC(6)consists of a benzoquinone moiety directly linked to a long-wavelengthfluorescence coumarin (5)through an ether linkage(Scheme2).Many biological samples show somefluorescence of their own,typical in the blue region of the spectrum;this would interfere with the measurement of thefluorescence.Therefore it is desir-able to enhance the sensitivity of the detection by using marker dyes thatfluoresce in a low-energy region(≥600nm) of the electromagnetic spectrum[15].We selected coumarin (5)as thefluorogenic dye to be masked.The anionic form of coumarin(5)is highlyfluorescent( em=595nm,and Stokes shift=90nm),and it is an excellent leaving group (p K a=6.08)which could compromise its use in a latentflu-orophore[16].Thefluorescent signal is revealed through a tandem reaction,the reduction of the quinone moiety in BCC(6)by thiols and quinone–methide-type rearrange-ment,to release thefluorogenic coumarin(5)(Scheme2). In this paper,we describe a concise synthesis of BCC(6) and fully characterized itsfluorogenic properties revealed by thiols.Thefluorescence response of BCC against non-thiol amino acids and various biological reductants was also eval-uated.Scheme2–Synthetic scheme of BCC(6).2.Experimental2.1.MaterialsAll chemicals were purchased from Across(Geel,Belgium), Aldrich(St.Louis,USA)or TCI(Tokyo,Japan)and used without further purification.2.2.Apparatus1H and13C NMR were obtained on a Bruker(Madison,WI, USA)AMX-500spectrometer.Chemical shifts were reported in ppm relative to tetramethylsilane(ıunits).High resolution EI(HREI)and electrospray ionization(ESI)were preformed at the Analytical Facility of The National Taiwan University.The fluorescence measurements were made with using afluores-cence grade quartz cuvette,and a PerkinElmer(Waltham,MA, USA)LS50spectrofluorometer.High-performance liquid chro-matography(HPLC)was performed on a Thermo(Waltham, MA,USA)LOT83315m column(250mm×4.6mm)with an Ecom(Americk´a,Prague)ALPHA10Isocratic Pump;fractions were detected with a Ecom(Americk´a,Prague)TOPAZ Dual UV Detector.2.3.Procedures2.3.1.Synthesis of latentfluorophore BCC(6) of the synthetic intermediate:3-benzo-thiazol-2-yl-7-(2,5-dimethoxy-3,4,6-trimethyl-benzyloxy-2-oxo-2H-chromene-4-carbonitrile.A solution of1-chloromethyl-2,5-dimethoxy-3,4,6-trimethyl-benzene(0.1g,0.43mmole), coumarin(5)(0.1g,0.31mmole),KI(0.07g,0.042mmole)and K2CO3(0.04g,0.37mmole)in dry DMF(2mL)stirred overnightlinker the linker electronically deactivates the drughydroquinone荧光信号揭示基于前药荧光团25122a n a l y t i c a c h i m i c a a c t a620(2008)120–126at room temperature under argon.The resulting mixture was diluted with water(50mL).The organic layer was extracted with CH2Cl2(3×50mL),dried with MgSO4and concen-trated in vacuo,which was purified byflash chromatography (dichloromethane/toluene=1/4)and methanol yielding the title compound(50%,70mg)as a orange solid,mp187–190◦C. 1H NMR(CDCl3,500MHz,)ı=2.21(s,3H);2.23(s,3H);2.31(s, 3H);3.67(s,3H);3.70(s,3H);5.23(s,2H);7.12(d,1H);7.25(s,1H);7.48(t,J=7.5Hz,1H);7.55(t,J=7.4Hz,1H);7.9(d,1H);8.02(d, J=8.7Hz,1H);8.21(d,J=8.1Hz,1H).13C NMR(125MHz,CDCl3)ı=12.4,12.5,12.7,61.6,101.8,111.3,113.5,114.8,121.1,121.4, 122.0,124.1,126.5,126.8,129.0,135.8,137.3,140.7,141.4,145.8, 152,154.4,156.5,158.7,163.5,185.6,187;MS(EI)C29H24N2O5S m/z=512;MS(HESI):calc.512.1406,m/z=513.1535(M+1).FT-IR: (cm−1)=2924,2853,2221,1726,1611,1531,1505,1373, 1288,1256,1183,1149,1082,1023,952,846,761,726,666cm− of BCC(6).A solution of above benzyl protected coumarin(0.2g,0.38mmol)dissolved in CH3CN (2.5mL)and CH2Cl2(5mL)was slowly added a solution of diammonium cerium nitrate(CAN)(0.4g,0.77mmol)in water (0.4mL).The resulting mixture was stirred for3h at room tem-perature,and diluted with water(50mL).The organic layer was extracted with CH2Cl2(3×50mL),dried with MgSO4and concentrated in vacuo to give an orange solid,which was puri-fied byflash chromatography(dichloromethane/toluene=1/3) yielding,6(44%,0.08mg)as orange solid,mp176–178◦C.1H NMR(CDCl3,500MHz)ı=2.06(s,3H);2.27(s,3H);2.19(s, 3H);5.11(s,2H);7.01(d,1H);7.07(s,1H);7.48(t,J=7.5Hz, 1H);7.58(t,J=7.5Hz,1H);8.00(d,1H);8.05(d,1H);8.23 (d,1H).13C NMR(125MHz,CDCl3)ı=12.4,12.5,12.7,61.6, 101.8,111.3,113.5,114.8,121.1,121.4,122.0,124.1,126.5,126.8, 129.0,135.8,137.3,140.7,141.4,145.8,152.2,154.4,156.5,158.7, 163.5;MS(EI)C27H18N2O5S m/z=483(M+1);MS(HESI):calc. 482.0936,m/z=483.1059.FT-IR:v(cm−1)=2916,2847,2226, 1724,1644,1611,1533,1375,1287,1259,1176,1148,1027,844, 762,665cm− characterization of BCC with orwithout thiolsThe thiols stock solutions were prepared freshly prior to each experiment.The solution of BCC(10M)in1mL of30%DMSO 50mM Tris–HCl buffer pH7(v/v)containing various concen-trations of Hcy,GSH or Cys was incubated at37◦C for2h.The fluorescence emission spectra of the solution were recorded with excitation wavelength at500nm( ex=500nm).Same experimental procedures applied forfluorogenic inhibition assay with presence of N-ethylmaleimide(NEM).The NEM was co-incubated with BCC prior to the addition of the thiols.2.3.3.HPLC characterization of6with or without thiolsFor each HPLC experiments,The solution of BCC(50M)in 1mL of30%CH3CN50mM Tris–HCl buffer containing100M of GSH was incubated at37◦C.At each endpoint aliquots (20L)were removed and injected into HPLC.The column was developed by a mobile phase of solvent(CH3CN/H2O,3:1,v/v) at aflow rate of0.5mL min−1.The UV detector was set at a wavelength of430nm and identification of the HPLC peaks were determined by their retention times and standards.2.3.4.Kinetic trace measurement of BCC with thiols or DDTCAll kinetic measurements were preformed at room tempera-ture with the excitation wavelength of ex=500nm and the emission wavelength of em=595nm.Reactions were carried out with afinal concentration of100M of BCC and in1.0mL of30%DMSO50mM Tris–HCl buffer pH7.0containing thiols (50M)or sodium dimethyldithiocarbamate(DDTC)(1,5,and 10mM).2.3.5.Fluorescent response of BCC to natural amino acid and various biological reductantsAll natural amino acid and various biological reductants stock solutions(10mM)in buffer were prepared prior to use.T yp-ical reactions were carried out with afinal concentration of 10M of6and1mM of reductants or amino acid(except for hydroquinone,100M of hydroquinone was used for this experiments).An aliquot(10L)of a stock solution of6(1mM in30%DMSO50mM Tris–HCl buffer solution pH7.0)was diluted in buffer to afinal volume of1mL in a quartz cuvette. An aliquot of a stock solution of the reductants and amino acid was then added and the solution was agitated with a1mL pipette.All reactions were carried out at37◦C for2h in open air.All reductants showed no significant oxidation by air well beyond the time frame of the assay.The assays carried out usingfluorescence detection( ex=500nm, em=595nm).The magnitude of the change influorescence intensity after2h was used to assign a qualitative extent offluorescent signal revealing by the biological reductants.3.Results and discussion3.1.Synthesis of BCC(6)A detail synthetic scheme of the pro-fluorophore BCC(6)is outlined in Scheme2.The synthesis began with the direct ben-zylation of coumarin(5)with the known benzyl chloride(4) [17]under basic condition to yield the corresponding benzyl ether(not shown).Oxidizing the p-dimethoxybenzene moiety in the corresponding benzyl ether with diammonium cerium nitrate(CAN)gave the desired pro-fluorophore BCC(6).The overall two-step synthesis had a22%yield from coumarin(5).3.2.Photochemical characterization of released of coumarin(5)from BCC by thiolsWefirst evaluated our design for the optical switch of BCC in the presence of three physiologically significant thiols,Hcy, GSH,and Cys.The emission spectra of BCC exhibited a near baseline(Fig.1),or after months of storage in DMSO(data not shown).The introduction of thiols to the solution containing of BCC(10M)in30%DMSO in Tris–HCl(v/v)pH7.0resulted in large increase in thefluorescent characteristic of coumarin (5)after2h(Fig.2).A plot of thefluorescence intensity ver-sus the thiols concentration revealed a linear relationship at the thiols concentrations between1and100M(Fig.1,inset). The solution contains BCC with GSH,Hcy,or Cys becameflu-orescent in seconds.In contrast,thefluorescence intensity of coumarin(5)was not influenced by the presence of thi-a n a l y t i c a c h i m i c a a c t a620(2008)120–126123Fig.1–Fluorescence spectra changes of BCC(10M)with (a)Hcy(10–100M)inset:thefluorescence intensity(595nm)plot vs.concentration of Hcy.(b)GSH(10–100M) inset:thefluorescence intensity(595nm)plot vs. concentration of GSH(10–100M)inset:thefluorescence intensity(595nm)plot vs.concentration of Cys in30% DMSO Tris–HCl buffer pH7.0(v/v)with2-h of incubation. We subtracted the backgroundfluorescence(probe alonefluorescence)in building thefluorescence intensity plot vs. concentration of thiols.ols(100M)even after1200s of incubation(Fig.2).Analysis of thefluorescence spectra and kinetic trace of BCC with the tested thiols suggested that the recognition ability of BCC exhibited slightly more favorable for Hcy than GSH and Cys under the same condition.Furthermore,the release offluoro-genic coumarin(5)could be inhibited by the thiol scavenger, N-ethylmaleimide(NEM)(Fig.3).Thefluorescent intensities of BCC co-incubated with Hcy(100M)reduced as the NEM con-centration increased.These results suggest that BCC is a stable molecule with an intensefluorescence that can be unmasked by the tested thiols in the lowMrange.Fig.2–Kinetic traces( ex=500nm, em=595nm)of with coumarin(5)(5M)or BCC(10M)with thiols(100M)in 30%DMSO50mM Tris–HCl buffer pH7.0(v/v)at25◦C.3.3.HPLC response of BCC to thiolsWe also set out to demonstrate that thiols induced the release of coumarin(5)from BCC with HPLC,and the results are shown in Fig.4.The HPLC chromatograms showed that100M of BCC exhibited a peak with a retention time of14min (Fig.4,spectra a).The introduction of100M of GSH to the solution of BCC resulted in reduction of the peak area for the latentfluorophore BCC with newly generated peaks with retention times of4.2min(Fig.4,spectrum b–d),and this newly generated peaks corresponded to the coumarin (5)(Fig.4,spectra e).The peak area for BCC decreased with prolonged incubation time whereas,the peak areas for the coumarin(5)increased with an increase in the incubation time.Thiols induced the release of the coumarin(5)fromBCC.Fig.3–Fluorescence responses of BCC(10M)co-incubated with(a)100M of Hcy alone;(b)100M of Hcy and30M of NEM;(c)100M of Hcy and50M of NEM;(d)100M of Hcy and100M of NEM;(e)BCC alone with in30%DMSO50mM Tris–HCl buffer pH7.0(v/v)with2-h of incubation.124a n a l y t i c a c h i m i c a a c t a 620(2008)120–126Fig.4–HPLC chromatograms of BCC (50M)incubated with or without 100M of GSH.BCC and coumarin (5)haveretention times of 14.0min (a),and 4.2min (e),respectively.Aliquots were removed from the mixture at the respective time points:(b)30min;(c)90min;(d)150min.3.4.Fluorescence response of BCC to amino acid and biological reductantsThe selectivity of the approach herein was assessed through the interaction of the quinone with thiols.The Michael addi-tion of the nucleophiles to the quinone is well known,and this reaction had also been suggested as part of the quinone reduction mechanism utilized by thiols [18,19].We envisaged that the Michael addition of the nucleophiles to 3-position of the quinone moiety in BCC could provide a pathway for the coumarin (5)release (Scheme 3).Four possible products could be predicted from the Michael addition of a nucleophile to the quinone:addition either at the 2-,5-or 6-position (route b)which leads to the reversible formation of the kinetic product;the addition at the 3-position (route a)would give aninterme-Scheme 3–Schematic illustration of the Michael addition of a nucleophile toquinone.Fig.5–Fluorescence responses of BCC (10M)co-incubated with amino acid (1mM)and various biological reductants in 30%DMSO 50mM Tris–HCl buffer pH 7.0(v/v)with 2-h of incubation.Bars represent the final fluorescence intensity (F f )subtracting the initial intensity (F i )over F i at em =595nm ( ex =500nm).Dark bars represent theaddition of analytes:(1)Gly,(2)Ala,(3)Ser,(4)Thr,(5)Val,(6)Leu,(7)Ile,(8)Met,(9)Pro,(10)Phe,(11)T yr,(12)Try,(13)Glu,(14)Gln,(15)His,(16)Lys,(17)Arg,(18)Asn,(19)Asp,(20)ascorbic acid (800M),(21)dopamine (800M),(22)histamine (800M),(23)uric acid (1mM),(24)NADH (10mM)and (25)GSH (100M).Light bars represent the subsequent addition of GSH (100M)to the mixture.diate that could expel coumarin (5)in an irreversible step.The main concern was that other nucleophiles such as the amines in amino acids may react directly with BCC through nucle-ophilic addition via route a as proposed in Scheme 3,and this would lead to erroneous amplification of the analytical signal.In addition,other biological reductants could also induce the reduction on the quinone moiety in BCC;thus,this would also cause inaccuracy in the reduced thiol determination.The flu-orescence response of BCC (10M)to amino acids and various biological reductants were also investigated,and the results were also shown in the Fig.5.No obvious changes or minimal responses in BCC (10M)were observed upon the addition of other non-thiol natural amino acids (1mM,100equiv.).Impor-tantly,various biological reductants,i.e.,NADH,ascorbic acid,dopamine,and histamine also did not induce the release of the coumarin (5).We only observed a slight fluorescence signal revealed when BCC (10M)treated with uric acid at concen-tration above 1mM (100equiv.).The concentration of amino acids and biological reductants employed in these experi-ments exhibited low reactivities toward BCC in comparison to the thiols,and these results indicate that the recognition selectivity of BCC was sensitive to detect thiols without inter-ference from amino acids and biological reductants.Furthermore,the Michael addition of the nucleophilic sul-fur to the quinone moiety in BCC (route a,Scheme 3)is also the possible fluorescent revealing pathway trigger by thiols.Flander et ed sodium dimethyldithiocarbamate (DDTC)as a model thiol reagent to demonstrate that Michael addition of the nucleophilic sulfur to the quinone moiety of their bioreductively activated quinone prodrugs induced the release of the cytotoxic agents without the reduction of thea n a l y t i c a c h i m i c a a c t a620(2008)120–126125Fig.6–Kinetic trace of BCC(100M)co-incubated with(a) 50M of Hcy,(b)10mM of DDTC,(c)5mM DDTC,or(d)1mM of DDTC in30%DMSO Tris–HCl buffer,pH7.0(v/v).quinone moiety[8].DDTC contains highly nucleophilic sulfur which is anionic at physiological pH[20].We also investi-gated thefluorescent revealing mechanism of BCC triggered by the nucleophilic sulfur,and our experiments were also car-ried out using DDTC.Thefluorescent signal revealed from BCC with DDTC was monitored byfluorescence spectroscopy (Fig.6).We observed the slow release of thefluorescent sig-nal when BCC(100M)was co-incubated with either1,5, or10mM(10–100equiv.)of DDTC.In contrast,the treatment of BCC with50M(half equivalent)of Hcy resulted in the large increase in theflorescent signal within seconds.The fluorescent intensity of coumarin(5)was not influenced by the presence of DDTC(data not shown).From these results, we postulated that expulsion of the coumarin(5)via Michael addition(route a,Scheme3)should not be the predominate pathway for thefluorescent revealing mechanism of BCC trig-gered by thiols.We hypothesized that the Michael addition of the sulfur nucleophile in thiols could occur at either the 2-,3-,5-or6-position of the quinone moiety in BCC fol-lowed by rapid intramolecular electron transfer as proposed by Paz and Tomasz[19],ultimately leading to the corresponding hydroquinone which underwent the quinone–methide-type rearrangement to expel the coumarin(5).Detailed mecha-nistic studies of thefluorescent revealing mechanism of BCC triggered by thiols are currently underway.In this report,we successfully incorporated quinone–methide-type rearrangement sequence as the elements of an optical switch in designing a new latentfluorophore. Quinone–methide-type rearrangement reaction sequence had been employed as parts of thefluorescence releasing mecha-nism for latentfluorophores or the drugs release mechanism of the prodrugs[21–24],but there has been no report of imple-menting this reaction into the design of a selective thiols latent fluorophore.Based on our design,we proposed a concise two steps synthesis of thiols selective latentfluorescent probe, which incorporated a long-wavelengthfluorogenic coumarin dye.We demonstrated that the uncloaking of this intense pro-fluorogenic dye could be directed by a designated chemical process which corresponds to our initial design.Sensitive analytes determination is important in clinical diagnosis.Measuring the total reduced thiols concentration in plasma has been suggested as a handle to monitor the progress of illness aggravated by oxidative stress process[25]. Under normal physiological conditions,the concentration of reduced biological thiols is around low mM concentration in animal cells;however,the amount of free plasma thiols are much lower(inM range)[26].In this report,we demon-strated that BCC was a sensitive latentfluorimetric probe to detect reduced thiols in lowM range in the Tris–HCl buffering condition.The sensitivity for measuring the thiols concen-tration from the assay developed herein is comparable to the potentiometric sensors with quinones as the electron medi-ator[6,26].The potentiometric sensors with quinone as the electron mediators developed by Davis and co-workers had successfully demonstrated its application in the analysis of human plasma thiol concentrations[7,26].We are currently designing thorough experiments to evaluate ourfluorimetric probe as a possible bioanalytical agent to detect the total free plasma thiols for future clinical application.Moreover,theflu-orimetric probe development herein would be applicable for the construction offiber-optic biosensors in the future[27].4.ConclusionIn conclusion,a quinone–methide-type rearragment as the fluorescent revealing mechansim triggered by the p-quinone reduction has been incorporated into the design of a latent fluorescent probe.We have synthesized of the new long-wavelength latentfluorophore BCC,and fully characterized itsfluorogenic properties revealed by reduced thiols.Pro-fluorophore BCC is a sensitivefluorimetric probe for detecting physiologically significant reduced thiols,demonstrating its potential usefulness as a molecular probe for future clinical diagnostic.AcknowledgmentsThis work was supported by the Nation Science Council(NSC-96-2113-M-027-002-MY3).We are also grateful to the National Center for High-performance computing for the computer time and facilities.Appendix A.Supplementary dataSupplementary data associated with this article can be found, in the online version,at doi:10.1016/j.aca.2008.05.006.r e f e r e n c e s[1] ng,ls,W.Mastropaolo,M.C.Liu,b.Clin.Med.135(2000)402.[2]F.Michelet,R.Gueguen,P.Leroy,M.Wellman,A.Nicolas,G.Siest,Clin.Chem.41(1995)1509.[3]K.S.McCully,Nat.Med.2(1996)386.[4] A.Meister,M.E.Anderson,Ann.Rev.Biochem.52(1983)711.126a n a l y t i c a c h i m i c a a c t a620(2008)120–126[5]P.J.O’Brien,Chem.Biol.Interact.80(1991)1.[6]G.Hignett,S.Threlfell,A.J.Wain,wrence,S.J.Wilkins,J.Davis,pton,M.Cardosi,Analyst126(2001)353.[7]S.Gracheva,A.Digga,C.Livingston,J.Davis,Electroanalysis17(2005)205.[8] C.Flander,J.Liu,R.F.Borch,J.Med.Chem.43(2000)3157.[9]R.Hargreaves,C.L.David,L.Witesell,E.B.Skibo,Bioorg.Med.Chem.Lett.13(2003)3075.[10]M.Hernick,C.Flander,R.F.Borch,J.Med.Chem.45(2002)3540.[11]M.Zhang,M.Yu,F.Li,M.Zhu,M.Li,Y.Gao,L.Li,Z.Liu,J.Zhang,D.Zhang,T.Yi,C.Huang,J.Am.Chem.Soc.129(2007)10322.[12]H.Maeda,K.Katayama,H.Matsuno,T.Uno,Angew.Chem.Int.Ed.45(2006)1810.[13]N.-N.Fu,H.Wang,M.-L.Li,G.-J.Zheng,H.S.Zhang,S.C.Liang,Anal.Lett.38(2005)791.[14]X.Chen,M.Sun,H.Ma,.Chem.10(2006)477.[15] A.G´omez-Hens,M.P.Aguilar-Caballos,Trends Anal.Chem.23(2004)127.[16]O.S.Wolfbeis,E.Koller,P.Hochmuth,Bull.Chem.Soc.Jpn.58(1985)731.[17]M.P.Crozet,L.Giraud,J.F.Sabuco,P.Vanelle,M.Barreau,Tetrahedron Lett.32(1991)4125.[18]S.Bittner,S.Gorohovsky,L.O.Paz-Tal,J.Y.Becker,AminoAcid22(2002)71.[19]M.M.Paz,M.Tomasz,Org.Lett.3(2001)2789.[20] A.R.Menotti,J.Am.Chem.Soc65(1943)1209.[21]K.Haba,M.Popkov,M.Shamis,R.A.Lerner,C.F.Barrb III,D.Shabat,Angew.Chem.Int.Ed.44(2005)716.[22]M.Shamis,H.N.Lode,D.Shabat,J.Am.Chem.Soc.126(2004)1726.[23] B.Sauerbrei,V.Jungmann,H.Waldmann,Angew.Chem.Int.Ed.37(1998)1143.[24]L.C.Lo,C.Y.Chu,mun.21(2003)2728.[25] D.M.Townsend,K.D.Tew,H.Tapiero,Biomed.Pharmacother.57(2003)145.[26]G.-A.M.Lobo,S.A.Chitre,S.M.Rathod,R.B.Smith,R.Leslie,C.Livingstone,J.Davis,Electroanalysis19(2007)2523.[27]M.E.Bosch,A.J.R.S´anchez,F.S.Rojas,C.B.Ojeda,Sensors7(2007)797.。
英文缩写词(以字母顺序排列)缩写词 英文名称汉语涵义(L) large 大(S) small 小0.8D nut height H=0.8D 螺母高度H=0.8D13Cr 13% chromium stainless steel 含铬量为13%的不锈钢 2HVY-HEX-NUTS Two heavy hexagonal nuts 双倍加厚六角螺母45 45 degree 45度50 50 degree 50度90 90 degree 90度A Absolute pressure 绝压AG asbestos gasket、above ground 石棉垫片、地上AGC anti grooving corrosion 防沟纹腐蚀AISI American Iron and Steel Institute 美国钢铁学会AL aluminium 铝ALMINZ aluminized 镀铝AMB ambient 环境的ANNL / AN annealed 退火ANSI American National Standards Institute美国国家标准协会 API American Petroleum Institute 美国石油学会APPR approximate 约、近似APPX appendix 附录、附件AS alloy steel 合金钢ASB asbestos 石棉ASGR Asbestos + graphite 柔性石墨ASSY assembly 装配、组合ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers美国机械工程师协会ASTM American Society for Testing andMaterials美国材料与试验协会ATM atmosphere 大气(压) AUST.SS austenitic stainless steel 奥氏体不锈钢 AUTO automatic 自动AV angle valve 角阀AVG average 平均AW arc welding 电弧焊B bolt 螺栓B & DST body and disc seat 阀体与阀盘密封圈 B or DST either body or disc seat 阀体或阀盘密封圈 B: or BALL Ball 球BAV ball valve 球阀BB bolted bonnet 螺栓连接的阀盖 BC bolt circle 螺栓分布圆BC bolted cover or bolted cap 螺栓连接的阀帽 BCT bolt cold tightening 螺栓冷紧BDY body 阀体BEDD basic engineering design data 基础工程设计数据BE bevelled end 坡口端面BF blank flange 法兰盖(盲法兰) BHT bolt hot tightening 螺栓热紧BITE bite type end 卡套式连接端BL battery limit 装置边界线BLK blank 盲板BLDG building 建筑物BOB bottom of beam 梁底BOE-TOE bevelled one end - threaded one end 一端坡口 — 一端螺纹 BOP bottom of pipe 管底BOS bottom of support 支架底BRS brass 黄铜BRZ bronze 青铜BS British standard 英国标准BSG bellow seal gland 波纹管密封压盖BST body seat 阀座BTTM bottom 底部BUTTF butterfly 蝶型BUV butterfly valve 蝶阀BV breather valve 呼吸阀BU bushing 内外螺纹接头BW butt welding 对焊C cold insulation 保冷C carbon/carbon content 碳/含碳量C full coupling 管接头C or °C degrees centigrade 摄氏度数C-PTFE carbon filled teflon 碳钢衬聚四氟乙烯CA corrosion allowance 腐蚀裕度C.A corrosion allowance including erosion腐蚀裕度CADMIUM-P cadmium plated 镉板CAF compressed asbestos fiber 压缩石棉纤维CAL or CALORZ calorized 参铝CAL calculation 计算CAS cast steel 铸钢CC chemical clean 化学清洗CE covered electrode 焊条CEM cement 水泥CENT centrifugal 离心(式)的CI or C/I cast iron 铸铁CHOP chain operated 链条操作CHV check valve 止回阀CL clearance 净距(净空)CL class 等级CL center line 中心线CLAS cast low alloy steel 低合金铸钢CM colour mark 色标CN construction north 建北CO clean out 清洗口COD continued on drawing 接续图COD code 规程COFF cofferdam 围堰COMP compressed 压缩的CON / CONC concentric 同心CONN connection 连接CONN connecting end 连接端COP center of pipe 管中心CORR corrosion or corrosive 腐蚀或腐蚀的CP cap 管帽(封头)CPL / CPLG coupling 管箍CR concentric reducer 同心异径管(同心大小头) CR chloroprene rubber 氯丁橡胶CS / C. STL carbon steel 碳钢CSP cold spring 冷紧CSC car seal close 铅封关CSO car seal open 铅封开CTC center to center 中心至中心CTE center to end 中心至端部CTF center to face 中心至面CU copper 紫铜CV control valve 调节阀CW continuous welding 连续焊D diameter 直径D & S disc and seat 阀盘和阀座D: or DISC: Disc 阀盘DEG degree 度数DF drain funnel 排液漏斗DI ductile iron 球墨铸铁DIA diameter 直径DIAPH diaphragm 隔板DIM dimension 尺寸DIMS dimensions 尺寸的DIS discharge 排出口DN nominal diameter 公称直径DR drain 排液DST disc seat 阀盘密封圈DUAL- DUAL-PLATE 双板DUCTL or D/I ductile or nodular iron 球墨铸铁DV diaphragm valve 隔膜阀DWG.№ drawing number 图号DWGI drawing identification 所在图号DTL detail 详图E East 东ECC eccentric 偏心EFW electric fusion welding 电熔焊EIT Examination、inspection and testing 检验、检查和试验 EJ expansion joint 补偿器(膨胀节) EL elbow、elevation 弯头、标高ELB elbow 弯头ELBOLET Elbow olet 弯头管嘴ELEC electric 电的L.R long radius elbow 长半径弯头S.R short radius elbow 短半径弯头 EPDM Ethylene propylene terpolymer 乙烯丙烯共聚物 EQ / EQV equivalent 相当的ER eccentric reducer 偏心异径管ERW electric resistance welding 电阻焊ES emergency shower 事故淋浴器EST external steam tracing 蒸汽外伴热ET electric tracing 电伴热ETE end to end 端部至端部EW eye washer 事故洗眼器 EXTR extruded 挤压出的,伸长的 F field 现场FA flame arrester 阻火器FAB fabricated 预制的FB Full bore 全孔FCPL full coupling 双头管箍FDN foundation 基础FEF flange end face 法兰端面FF flat face or full face 全平面F/F / FF field fabricated 现场制造FIG figure 图FL floor 楼板FLAS forged low alloy steel 低合金锻钢FLG flange 法兰FLGD flanged end / flanged 法兰端/法兰的 FLSS flangeless 无法兰FMG flat metallic gasket 金属平垫片FNPT 60º inside taper pipe threads 60°锥管内螺纹 FOB flat on bottom 底平FOT flat on top 顶平FRP fiberglass reinforced plastic 玻璃钢FS forged steel 锻钢FTF face to face 面到面FTUC Female threaded 360°universalconnector阴螺纹360º万向连接FW field welding 现场焊接G gasket 垫片G Gauge pressure 表压GALV or (G) galvanized 镀锌GF groove face 槽面GF PTFE glass filled ptfe 聚四氟乙烯玻璃钢Gr. grade 等级GLV globe valve 截止阀GO- gearing 齿轮传动GRD ground 地坪GSAW gas shielded -arc welding 气体保护电弧焊GSF Gasket surface(s) finish 垫片表面修整GV gate valve 闸阀GW gas welding 气焊H (1) hot insulation (2) horizontal(1) 保温 (2) 水平 HADT hardness testing 硬度试验HAS-C hastelloy-c 哈氏合金HB brinell hardness 布氏硬度HB. brinell hardness number 硬度HC hose coupler 软管接头HCPL half coupling 单头管箍HEX. hexagonal 六角HF Hard facing 表面硬化HL horizontal lift 水平升降HP height point 高点HS hose station 软管站HT heating treatment 热处理HYDT hydraulic testing 水压试验ID lnside diameter 内径INF information 信息、资料、条件(专业) INS thermal insulation 隔热INST instrument 仪表I.R inside ring 内支承环ISRS inside screw raising stem 内螺纹升降阀杆IST internal steam tracing 蒸汽内伴热ISO isometric drawing 单管图ITCS impact tested carbon steel 碳钢冲击试验IX Inconel-x spring 铬镍铁合金—X弹簧JOB № job number 工号(项目号)L large 大LAS low alloy steel 低合金钢LB long bonnet 长阀盖LBNT. Long bonnet 长阀杆LC lock close 锁闭LEB-SEP large end bevelled-small end plain 大端为坡口—小端为平端 LEP-SET large end plain-small end plain 大端为平端—小端为平端LER lens ring gasket 透镜式金属环垫LET-SEP large end threaded-small end plain 大端为螺纹—小端为平端 LF female face / large female 凹面LJ lapped joint 松套LM male face / large male 凸面LN lens type (similar) 透镜式LND- lined 衬里LNG lining 衬里LO lock open 锁开LOM (BOM) list of material (bill of material)材料表LP low point 低点LP low pressure 低压LPI (PT) liquid penetrant inspection (test) 渗透检测LR- Long radius 长半径LT lateral tee 斜三通LT/LG large tongue / groove 大榫面/槽面LTCS low temperature carbon steel 低温碳钢LUG lug type 支耳式LW lap welding 搭接焊M metallic material 金属材料M. BOLT Hexagonal head bolt and unit 六角头螺栓和螺母MAX maximum 最大MAWT maximum allowable working pressure 最大许用操作压力MEL mitre elbow 斜接弯头(虾米腰弯头) METR. Meter series 米制MFF / MF male and female face 凹凸面MFR STD / MFTR manufacturer’s standard 制造厂标准MG metallic gasket 金属垫片MH metallic hose 金属软管MHR man hour 工时MI malleable iron 可锻铸铁MIG metal inertia gas welding 金属焊条惰性气体保护焊 MIN minimum 最小MJG metallic jacket gasket 金属包覆垫片ML match line 接续分界线MNL manual 手动、手册MNPT 60º outside taper pipe thread 60°锥管外螺纹MP Middle pressure 中压MPT 55º outside taper pipe thread 55°锥管外螺纹MO mixing orifice 混合孔板MPI (MT) Magnetic particle inspection (test)磁粉检测MSS Manufacturers standardization societyof the valve and fittings industry美国阀门及配件制造商标准化协会MTO material take-off 材料统计 N North 北NBR nitrile butadiene rubber 丁腈橡胶NC normally close 正常关 NEOPRENE-L CS neoprene lined carbon steel 碳钢衬氯丁橡胶 NIP nipple 短节NMG non-metallic gasket 非金属垫片NO normally open 正常开NPS national standard straight pipe thread美国标准直管螺纹 NPS nominal pipe size 公称管径NPT National (USA)standard taper pipethread美国标准锥管螺纹NR. natural rubber 天然橡胶NU nut 螺母NV needle valve 针型阀OCR octagonal ring gasket 八角环形垫片 OPR operate 操作、工作 OD outside diameter 外径O.R outside ring 外环OS&Y / OSY outside screw and yoke 外螺纹带支架 OVR oval ring gasket 椭圆环形垫片P (1)pipe(2)personal protection insulation(1) 管子(2)防烫伤隔热PBE plain both end 两端平端PE plain end 平端PE polyethylene 聚乙烯PE-L CS polyethylene lined carbon steel 碳钢衬聚乙烯PF platform 平台PF JIS parallel (straight) thread JIS直管螺纹PFA-L CS PFA lined carbon steel 碳钢衬PFAPFD process flow diagram 工艺流程图PH preheating 预热PID piping and instrument diagram 管道和仪表流程图PIST-SPR Piston-Spring 柱塞带弹簧PL plug 管堵 (丝堵)PL plain or plate 平板PLE-TSE Large end plain – small end thread 大端平端 — 小端锥管螺纹 PN nominal pressure 公称压力PNET Pneumatic testing 气压试验POE-TOE plain one end – thread one end 一端平端 — 一端锥管螺纹 PE polyethylene 聚乙烯PP polypropylene 聚丙烯PP-L FRP Polypropylene lined FRP 玻璃钢衬聚丙烯PR pipe rack 管桥、管廊PRESS (P) pressure 压力PRSL pressure seal 压力自紧密封PRV pressure reducing valve 减压阀PS piping support 管道支架(管架)PSB pressure seal bonnet 压力密封阀盖PSC pressure seal cover 压力密封帽PT JIS taper pipe thread JIS锥管螺纹PTFE polytetrafluoroethylene 聚四氟乙烯PTFE / VITON PTFE VITON backed 聚四氟乙烯/氟橡胶垫 PV plug valve (cock) 旋塞阀PWHT post weld heat treatment 焊后热处理QTY quantity 数量R reducer 异径管(大小头)R round 圆形的R. 55º taper pipe thread 55°锥管螺纹RAT rating 等级R-TFE reinforced teflon 增强聚四氟乙烯HRC 或HR Rockwell hardness 洛氏硬度RB r-port 缩孔RCPL reducing coupling 异径管箍RD rupture disk 爆破片(爆破膜) RED reducing (flange) 异径(法兰)RED reduced 异径的RED WLDOLET reducing weld olet 异径焊接管嘴REF reference 参考REF.DWG. reference drawing 参考图REL reducing elbow 异径弯头RESIST resistance 电阻REV revision 修改REV.№ revision number 修改号RF raised face 凸台面RG rubber gasket 橡胶垫片RGT regular type 调节型RI(RT) radiographic inspection (test) 射线检测RJ ring joint face 环连接面/环槽面RO restriction orifice 限流孔板RP reinforcing pad 补强板RT reducing tee 异径三通RT radiographic test 射线探伤RTG rating 压力等级RUB rubber 橡胶RV relief valve 泄压阀S Small 小S South 南S: seat 阀座S.BOLT Stud bolt 螺柱,双头螺栓 SAW submerged arc weld 埋弧焊SB (1)spectacle blank (blind) (2)studbolt(1)八字盲板(2)螺柱SB screwed bonnet 螺纹连接的阀盖SC (1)sample cooler(2)sample connection(1)取样冷却器(2)采样接口SC screwed cap (screwed cover) 螺纹管帽SCH / Sch schedule number 表号SCRD screwed 螺纹的SEW seal welding 密封焊SERV service 使用,服务SF suit in field 现场决定SFG surfacing 堆焊SG sight glass 视镜SG screw gland 螺纹压盖SGV socket gate valve 插板阀SHEL shelter 棚SIL silencer 消声器SJT steam-jacket tracing 蒸汽夹套伴热SMG semimetallic gasket 半金属垫片SMLS / -S seamless 无缝的SMSG solid metal serrated gasket 整体金属齿形垫片SMT - F smooth finish 光面修整SNIP swaged nipple 异径短节SO (1)slip-on (2) steam out (1)平焊(2)蒸汽吹扫口 SOCKOLET sockolet 承插管嘴SP(ISO) spool drawing 管段图(车间预制的几个焊段的单管图)SPR separator 分离器SPRL WND Spiral-wound 缠绕式SEQ sequence 序号(顺序)SR (1) strainer (2) stress relief(3) short radius(1)过滤器 (2) 应力消除(3)短半径SRB bucket type strainer 桶式过滤器SRT T-type strainer T型过滤器SRY Y-type strainer Y型过滤器SS / S.STL stainless steel 不锈钢ST steam trap 疏水阀STD Standard or standard weight 标准或标准重量级STUD. stud bolt and nut 双头螺栓和螺母STL- Hard alloy steel, stellite 硬质合金STLD stellited facing (Co-Cr-W alloy) 司特来合金(钨铬钴合金)表面STR straight 直线STRU structure 构架、框架、构筑物SUC suction 吸入口SV safety valve 安全阀SW socket welding 承插焊SWG spiral wound gasket 缠绕式垫片SWG swing 旋启式SWSR spring washer 弹簧垫圈SYM symmetrical 对称的SE stub end 翻边短节T (1)tee (2)tracing (1)三通 (2)伴热(冷) T or t thickness 厚度T&C threaded and coupled 螺纹的和管箍的TB turnbuckle 花兰螺母TBE threaded both ends 两端螺纹TD tilting disk 斜翻盘TEMP (T) temperature 温度TEG PTFE envelope gasket 聚四氟乙烯包覆垫片TF tongue face 榫面T&G tongue and groove face 榫槽面THK thickness 壁厚THR thread 螺纹THREDOLET threadolet 螺纹管嘴TIG tungsten-inert-gas arc welding 钨极惰性气体保护焊TIT titanium 钛TL tangent line 切线TP type 类型TW tack welding 定位焊、点焊TOP top of pipe 管顶TOS top of support 支架顶TRIM trim 阀芯TSR temporary strainer 临时过滤器TWV 3-way valve 三通阀UB union bonnet 活接阀盖UC utility connection 公用物料接头UG underground 地下UI (UT) ultrasonic inspection (test) 超声探伤UN union 活接头UTL utility 公用物料V vertical 竖直、直立VE visual examination 外观检查VITON-L CS viton lined carbon steel 碳钢衬氟橡胶VT vent 放气W (1)West (2)welding (1) 西 (2) 焊接W/E with equipment 设备带来W/I with instrument 仪表带来WB. welding bonnet 焊接阀盖WELD welded 焊接的WAFER Wafer type 对夹式WELDOLET Butt weld boss 对焊管嘴WFR wafer 对夹式WLTH wafer lug threaded holes 带螺纹孔对夹式支耳WN Welding neck 对焊,高颈WSR washer 垫圈WT weight 重量WW welding wire 焊丝XS extra strong 加强,加厚 XXS double extra strong 特强,特加厚。