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Day1: Vowel Sounds
a e i o u a-e e-e i-e o-e u-e
1.a: mat map bag cat hat fan pan can rat band sand land ham jam yam
2.e: egg well bell red bed pen hen net met pet beg best west lend send
3.i: ink lip tip hip win pin fin six pig bid lid hid kiss hill will pill fill
4.o:got hot lot pot nod box fox job rob hop top shop
5.u:fun run sun bug dug hug gum hum but cut nut rub
6.a-e:same came bake cake lake shake lane fade trade gave save
7.e-e:these Japanese Chinese Steve
8.i-e: ride side wide hide wine vine fine mine like five dive mile tile pile
9.o-e: joke woke hole pole bone tone nose rose home dome Rome
10.e-e: use fuse muse cute mute cube tube
tire fire hire sore tore bore core store pure cure
fat sam plan fin hid rid sit hop mop rod rot fate same plane fine hide ride site hope mope rode rote Read With Phonice
1.Humpty Dumpty
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king’s horses, and all the king’s men,
c ouldn’t put Humpty together again.
2.We can
We can jump jump jump, We can hop hop hop,
We can clap clap clap, We can stop stop stop,
We can nod our heads for “yes”,
We can shake our heads for “no”,
We can bend our knees a tiny bit,
and sit down slowly.
3.pat a cake
Pat a cake, pat a cake, baker’s man.
Bake me a cake as fast as you can.
Roll it and pat it and mark it with a B.
And put it in the oven for baby and me.
4.What do you like
What do you like What do you like
I like kites flying in the sky. I like to ride on my bike.
I like sliding on the ice.
Day 2 Vowel Pair
1.ai: fail tail sail mail nail rail rain pain main maid paid laid
2.ay: play ray way say may pay May lay
3.ee: bee see fee tree jeep deep keep sweep sheep feed seed sweet
street meet feet three feel heel wheel seek Greek
4.ea: deal heal meal real beat feat neat meat bean jean mean clean
team beast feast tease please beach peach reach teach
5.oa: coat goat moat boat soak load road toad
6.ou: mouth mouse house out count shout found round loud our
7.ow: cow how plow down town clown crown brown flower tower owl
8.oo: moon zoo roof boots food spoon room cool fool boom
9.oo: book cook good foot look hook
1.The men sail with mail on a pail.
2.She will sweep the street at three.
3.The sea is in the east. The beach is neat and clean.
4.There is a toad on the road near the moat.
5.The mouse lived in the round house.
6.See how the cow plows.
7.The cook hooked a hook on the book.
8.He put a flower on the tower.
Day 3 Consonant Blends
1.bl: blue black blouse bloom bleed blame blanket
2.fl: flat flu fly flame flute floor flag flower float flee
3.cl: clock cloud clean clay climb close clap clown
4.gl: globe glad glide glaze glass glue
5.pl: plane play plus plum plate plant planet please
6.sl: slip sleep slave slam slap slide slope sled slow
7.br: brim bride brick brave broke bridge brown bread brother bright
8.cr: crab cream cry crown cross creep crayon crocodile
9.gr: gray grade green grass grape ground grow grandma
10.p r: price prize pride pray proud press prince princess
11.f r: frog free from frank frost Friday fries fruit front friend frame
12.t r: truck train tray tree trunk trolley triangle
13.d r: dream drum dry drop draw drive dress drink
14.s tr: strike street stream string stroke
1.The brown crab creeps over the brick bridge.
2.The gray frog jumps over the green green grass.
3.The clown cleans the black clock in our class.
4.We plan to play on the plane.
5.The blue flag flies in the sky.
Day 4 r-controlled vowels
1.ar: bar car far jar star bark dark mark park spark
cart dart part chart start bard card hard lard yard
2.er: sister brother mother under winter marker
teacher farmer baker summer
3.ir: sir bird third birth birthday circus circle
dirty dirt girl shirt skirt twirl
4.or: born corn horn torn fort port sort short sport
cork fork pork York dorm form storm horse north forth 5.ur: turtle turkey fur hurt purse nurse murder murmur purple
1.The dog likes to bark at the park in the dark.
2.The girl in a pink shirt likes to twirl her skirt.
3.Forty horses headed north to New York this morning.
4.“Who murdered the purple turtle” murmured the turkey.
Day 5: ch sh wh th ph kn wr mb
1.th: three thank thirsty mouth teeth thief thumb bath with
brother father mother gather other
2.sh: sheep shirt ship shoe shore she fish dish wish push wash cash
3.ch: chick church chair chin child change
catch watch bench each beach peach teach lunch
4.wh: when where why what whether whale wheel
wheat whip whisper white
5.ph: photo elephant telephone
6.kn: knob knee knife knock knit
7.wr: write wrist wrinkle wrap
8.mb: thumb lamb bomb comb numb
1.Look at the baby in the ba th.
She is my little sister Be th.
Be th likes to take a ba th every day.
Be th is so cute wi th her little too th in her mou th.
2.She sells seashells by the seashore.
3.We sit on the bench and hear the children sing in the church.
4.The children live to have peaches for lunch.
They sat on the bench and ate their lunch.
5.The white whale is sitting on a red wheel.。
