三星综合考试试卷3.1您的姓名: [填空题] *_________________________________1.Galaxy S22 Ultra的屏幕刷新率范围是多少?(单选) [单选题] *A.1-120Hz(正确答案)B.10-120HzC.24-120HzD.48-120Hz2.三星Galaxy Tab S8系列机型都具备的屏幕特征是什么?(单选) [单选题] *A.具备最高1000nit屏幕亮度B.支持1-120Hz屏幕刷新率自适应技术C.采用Super AMOLED屏幕D.支持最高120Hz屏幕刷新率(正确答案)3.三星Galaxy Tab S8对比iPad Air5有哪些优势?(多选) *A.三星Galaxy Tab S8内置四个扬声器(正确答案)B.随主机赠送S Pen,支持蓝牙遥控操作(正确答案)C.支持最大1TB Micro SD扩展卡(正确答案)D.5G版本支持语音通话功能(正确答案)4.S Pen有很多实用的功能,我们在给有办公需求的顾客介绍Galaxy S22 Ultra的S Pen时,应该重点介绍哪些特性?(多选) *A.可以直接在屏幕上双击调出三星笔记,快速进行会议记录(正确答案)B.S Pen按键支持一键录音,会议中可以快速录音,记录重要会议内容C.可以直接在PDF文件上签名,编辑(正确答案)D.可以直接截屏编写,圈出需要修改的内容,第一时间回复对方(正确答案)5.可以向顾客演示Galaxy Z Flip3 5G外屏哪些功能从而吸引顾客关注?(多选) *A.外屏快速拍照、录像(正确答案)B.可以查看通知、音乐等,进行快捷设置(正确答案)C.可以刷支付宝二维码付款(正确答案)D.设置不同风格主题壁纸(正确答案)6.选项中对三星Galaxy A53功能描述正确的是什么?(多选) *A.采用猎户座1280处理器(正确答案)B.可选128GB/256GB存储版本(正确答案)C.内置8GB物理运行内存(正确答案)D.采用屏下指纹解锁(正确答案)7.三星Galaxy Tab S8系列前置镜头采用超广角设计,可以容纳更多人同时进入画面,其视角达到多少度?(单选) [单选题] *A.100°B.120°(正确答案)C.130°D.180°8.三星Galaxy A53与哪款机型电池容量相同?(单选) [单选题] *A.三星Galaxy Z Flip3B.三星Galaxy Z Fold3C.三星Galaxy S22D.三星Galaxy S22 Ultra(正确答案)9.选项中哪款机型的前置相机具有4000万高像素?(单选) [单选题] *A.Galaxy S21 FEB.Galaxy S22 Ultra(正确答案)C.Galaxy A53D.Galaxy Z Flip310.哪些功能组成了Galaxy S22系列强大的拍照性能?(多选)) *A.支持图像稳定系统,暗光环境也能清晰拍摄(正确答案)B.采用大尺寸感光元器件,进光量大,图像更清晰(正确答案)C.支持Super HDR,色彩生动丰富(正确答案)D.更多AI技术的加持,支持AI一键多拍、导演视角等趣味拍摄功能(正确答案)11.三星Galaxy S22系列机身高耐用性体现在哪些方面?(多选) *A.机身正面和背面都采用Gorilla Glass Victus+高耐用性玻璃(正确答案)B.采用坚固的装甲铝(AL7N03)机身边框(正确答案)C.支持IP68等级防尘防水(正确答案)D.支持3ATM等级防水特性12.如果顾客询问Galaxy S22系列和S21系列有什么不同,应如何答复?(多选) *A.Galaxy S22 Ultra采用更好的相机硬件和软件优化,夜景成像有很大提升(正确答案)B.处理器提升至新一代骁龙8移动平台,性能更强劲(正确答案)C.Galaxy S22 Ultra内置S Pen采用三星Note系列设计风格(正确答案)D.Galaxy S22和S22+的广角主摄像素提升至5000万,画质更高(正确答案)13.三星Galaxy Tab S8系列的S Pen哪项功能是iPencil和M-Pencil不具备的?(单选) [单选题] *A.蓝牙遥控(正确答案)B.支持磁吸C.倾斜书写D.笔尖压力感应14.苹果12/13系列手机最高支持20W充电器,三星Galaxy S22 Ultra和S22+最高支持多少W充电器?(单选) [单选题] *A.28WB.33WC.45W(正确答案)D.54W15.在门店如何向顾客演示三星Galaxy S22系列暗光成像效果?(多选) *A.提前拍摄一些夜景照片,向顾客展示三星Galaxy S22系列暗光环境高画质成像,并放大看照片细节(正确答案)B.用老款三星手机同Galaxy S22系列一起在夜晚拍摄照片做对比,并向顾客介绍Galaxy S22的优质成像(正确答案)C.在暗光环境使用100倍空间变焦拍摄远方物体,体现夜景长焦成像画质D.三星Galaxy S22系列三款机型的主摄、超广角、长焦都采用1/1.33英寸图像传感器,在门店直接拍照向顾客展示成像质量16.在折叠屏应用便利性方面,三星Galaxy Z Fold3 5G支持哪些功能?(多选) *A.浏览网页时,可以通过拖拽快速打开新的窗口(正确答案)B.通过分屏视窗,可以同时看到1级和2级菜单(正确答案)C.所有程序都可以在内外屏开合之间连续应用D.可以一键同时打开3个应用,还能把常用的应用固定在任务栏(正确答案)17.选项中对三星Galaxy S22系列机型屏幕描述正确的是什么?(多选) *A.采用第二代动态AMOLED(正确答案)B.全部机型峰值亮度可达1750nitC.支持HDR10+(正确答案)D.支持120Hz自适应刷新率(正确答案)18.三星Galaxy Tab S8的哪项功能可以实现类似电脑的办公界面?(单选) [单选题] *A.双系统B.勿打扰模式C.安全文件夹D.DeX(正确答案)19.三星Galaxy S22系列支持的Super HDR功能作用是什么?(单选) [单选题] *A.为图像增加滤镜效果B.可以拍摄出更真实的明暗细节(正确答案)C.支持更高速的连拍D.前后镜头可以同时拍摄20.三星Z Fold3屏幕对比OPPO Find N有哪些优势?(多选) *A.6.2英寸第二代动态AMOLED外屏,屏幕更大,画质更高(正确答案)B.7.6英寸内屏,采用屏下摄像头,更好沉浸感(正确答案)C.外屏支持120Hz刷新率,滑动屏幕显示更顺滑(正确答案)D.外屏支持电子水墨技术,看电子书时耗电量低21.如何向顾客介绍三星Galaxy Z Fold3三分屏优势?(多选) *A.三分屏可以充分利用Fold3内屏,同时打开三个不同应用,提高使用效率(正确答案)B.喜爱购物用户可以同时打开不同购物APP,同时三个平台比价(正确答案)C.可以同时打开三个社交平台账号,方便及时接受和回复信息(正确答案)D.内屏和外屏都支持三分屏,内外屏可以灵活切换使用22.选项中哪些机型支持屏下摄像头?(多选) *A.三星W22(正确答案)B.Galaxy Z Fold3(正确答案)C.vivo X FoldD.Oppo Find N23.华为MatePad Pro 12.6/10.8平板电脑分别采用麒麟9000E和骁龙870处理器,而三星Galaxy Tab S8全系平板都采用哪种性能更高的处理器?(单选) [单选题] *A.天玑9000B.骁龙8 Gen 1(正确答案)C.猎户座2020D.骁龙888 Plus24.三星Galaxy S22系列采用超大图像传感器用于广角主摄,它的优势作用是什么?(单选) [单选题] *A.支持20张/秒高速连拍B.支持8K@60fps视频拍摄C.增大进光量,减少噪点,使夜间拍摄更清晰明亮(正确答案)D.支持1.5亿高像素拍摄25.Galaxy Tab S8系列录屏支持哪些功能?(多选) *A.记录手机媒体和麦克风声音(正确答案)B.显示点击和触控屏幕位置(正确答案)C.画笔标记(正确答案)D.开启前置摄像头(正确答案)26.Galaxy Tab S8系列平板共同特性有哪些?(多选) *A.内置四个扬声器(正确答案)B.都采用Super AMOLED显示屏C.支持S Pen(正确答案)D.最大支持1TB Micro SD扩展卡(正确答案)27.向顾客介绍Galaxy S22 Ultra的时候,可以演示哪些功能来突出拍照优势?(多选) *A.主摄拥有1.08亿像素,拍照后放大细节依然清晰(正确答案)B.选择门店较远的物体,使用高倍率空间变焦依然可以拍的很清晰(正确答案)C.打开超级稳定功能,手持移动拍摄一段视频,感受稳定的视频效果(正确答案)D.支持最近1厘米微距自动对焦,拍摄细小物品并展示28.三星Galaxy S22系列大幅提升了夜景人像拍摄,选项中对此特征描述错误的是什么?(单选) [单选题] *A.暗光环境手机感光性能更好,人物画面更亮B.人像色彩层次更丰富C.暗光画质提升适用于拍摄人像照片和人像视频D.后置镜头支持红外成像技术(正确答案)29.Galaxy S22系列手机的边框采用的是下列哪种高强度材质?(单选) [单选题] *A.装甲铝(AL7N03)(正确答案)B.铝合金C.大猩猩玻璃D.碳纤维30.三星Galaxy Z Fold3 5G的屏幕采用哪些先进技术?(多选) *A.内屏采用三星超薄柔性玻璃(UTG),更坚固耐用(正确答案)B.7.6英寸第二代动态AMOLED屏幕(内屏),显示生动、清晰、细腻(正确答案)C.内外双屏120Hz自适应刷新率,更加顺畅的体验(正确答案)D.外屏搭载康宁Victus玻璃,耐用性提升(正确答案)31.Galaxy Tab S8系列平板的哪些功能有助于提升办公效率?(多选) *A.最大支持1TB Micro SD扩展卡,可以存储海量文档(正确答案)B.通过Type-C接口可以连接外置硬盘和存储器,移动文件更方便(正确答案)C.支持有线和无线方式连接显示设备,满足会议投影或大屏显示需求(正确答案)D.支持蓝牙键盘和鼠标,提高办公输入效率(正确答案)32.苹果手机用户来店体验Galaxy S22系列时我们可以突出介绍和演示哪些功能?(多选) *A.Galaxy S22系列采用第二代动态AMOLED屏幕,色彩生动,亮度高,户外显示更清晰(正确答案)B.Galaxy S22+和S22 Ultra最高支持45W充电器,充电速度更快(正确答案)C.Galaxy S22后置广角、超广角、长焦3个镜头,苹果12和13后置只有广角和超广角2个镜头(正确答案)D.Galaxy S22 Ultra主摄采用1.08亿像素,内置S Pen,功能更专业,操作更便利(正确答案)33.选项中对三星Galaxy S22系列充电功率描述正确的是什么?(单选) [单选题] *A."S22 Ultra、S22+、S22有线:45WB.S22 Ultra、S22+、S22无线:20W"C."S22 Ultra、S22+有线:45W,S22有线:25WD.S22 Ultra、S22+、S22无线:15W"(正确答案)E."S22 Ultra有线:45W,S22+、S22有线:25WF.S22 Ultra、S22+、S22无线:25W"G."S22 Ultra、S22+、S22有线:25WH.S22 Ultra、S22+、S22无线:10W"34.三星Galaxy A53配有高分辨率主摄,可以清晰拍摄各类型照片,其广角主摄像素是多少?(单选) [单选题] *A.3600万像素B.4800万像素C.6400万像素(正确答案)D.8000万像素35.在向顾客介绍三星Galaxy Tab S8时,可以通过哪些演示突出屏幕优势?(多选) *A.在平板中打开高清、高分辨率照片,并放大观看细节(正确答案)B.在平板中播放一段高清视频,体现屏幕画质(正确答案)C.在平板中试玩一款游戏,游戏画面细节显示更清晰(正确答案)D.演示120Hz屏幕刷新率,画面过度更流畅(正确答案)36.三星Galaxy A53与苹果SE3相比有哪些优势?(多选) *A.支持120Hz屏幕刷新率,画面过度更顺滑(正确答案)B.后置四摄,镜头更丰富(正确答案)C.支持5G,更符合现在用户套餐D.5000mAh大电池(正确答案)37.Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra的极致设计包含哪些特性?(多选) *A.14.6英寸超大Super AMOLED屏幕(正确答案)B.6.3mm超窄边框(正确答案)C.5.5mm纤薄机身厚度(正确答案)D.S Pen置于机身内部38.用户对拍摄远处风景有很高需求时,应优先推荐Galaxy S22 Ultra的哪项功能?(单选) [单选题] *A.后置双长焦镜头,最大支持100倍空间变焦(正确答案)B.支持12bit丰富色彩C.支持Super HDR,色彩生动丰富D.AI一键多拍39.三星Galaxy S22和S22+采用比上一代更大的广角图像传感器,使其具有更高的成像画质,选项中对这两款机型传感器描述正确的是什么?(单选) [单选题] *A.广角采用1/1.33英寸图像传感器B.广角采用1/1.48英寸图像传感器C.广角采用1/1.56英寸图像传感器(正确答案)D.广角采用1/1.72英寸图像传感器40.三星Galaxy S22系列机型后置镜头采用的康宁大猩猩DX玻璃有哪些光学特性?(多选) *A.具有优良的耐刮性,坚固耐用(正确答案)B.比标准大猩猩玻璃更高的透光率(正确答案)C.具备抗反射光涂层,逆光拍摄时可以显著减少眩光现象(正确答案)D.自带减光、偏振滤镜效果。
三星笔试题(2)选择题1:下面给出的四种排序方法中,排序过程中的比较次数与排序方法无关的是A.选择排序法B.插入排序法C.快速排序法D.堆积排序法2:在数据库设计中,表示用户业务流程的常用方法是 AA.DFD Data Flow Diagram 数据流图B.ER 图C.程序流程图D.数据结构图3:用户使用操作系统通常有三种方式,它们是终端命令、系统调用命令和CA.计算机指令B.宏命令C.作业控制语言D.汇编语言4:设int(*p)();,贝S p 是 BA.—维数组的指针变量B.函数的指针变量C.二级指针变量D.字符串的指针变量5:()不是Unix系统的特色。
AA.交互的分时系统B.以全局变量为中心的模块结构C.模块之间调用关系简明D.可以分成内核和外壳6:对于while语句,错误的说法是 BA.用条件控制循环体的执行次数B.循环体至少要执行一次C.循环体有可能一次也不执行D.循环体中可以包含若干条语句7:进程有三种基本状态,不属于基本状态的是 BA.等待态(阻塞态)B.后备态C.就绪态D.运行态8:对C程序在作逻辑运算时判断操作数真、假的表述,下列哪一个是正确的CA.-1为假,1为真B.只有1为真C.0为假,非0为真D.0为真,非0为假9:设有关系R(书号,书名),如果要检索第3个字母为M,且至少包含4个字母的书名,则SQL查询语句中WHERE子句的条件表达式应写成:书名LIKE CA._ _ M _B._ _ M%C._ _ M _ %D._%M_ _10:在下列的阐述中,正确的表述是 BA.中央处理器只能从主存储器中存取一个字节的信息B.中央处理器不能直接读磁盘上的信息C.中央处理器在目态工作时可执行所有的机器指令D.中央处理器在管态工作时只能执行特权指令11:用户程序中的I/O操作实际是由()完成。
三星电机笔试题一、选择题1. 在电子电路中,晶体管的主要作用是作为()。
A. 放大器B. 开关C. 振荡器D. 所有以上选项2. 以下哪项不是数字电路的基本组成元素?A. 逻辑门B. 触发器C. 运算放大器D. 电阻3. 以下关于光纤通信的描述,哪项是错误的?A. 光纤通信抗干扰能力强B. 光纤通信传输速率高C. 光纤通信不受电磁波影响D. 光纤通信可以使用铜质材料作为传输介质4. 在集成电路设计中,版图设计的主要目的是()。
A. 优化电路性能B. 减少芯片面积C. 降低制造成本D. 所有以上选项5. 以下哪项不属于嵌入式系统的组成部分?A. 微处理器B. 操作系统C. 应用程序D. 数据库管理系统二、填空题1. 在数字逻辑中,一个四输入的与非门的输出状态只有在所有输入都为()时为高电平。
2. 一个完整的正弦波信号包含一个零点和一个()点。
3. 在CMOS技术中,P型MOSFET和N型MOSFET的主要区别在于它们的()掺杂类型不同。
4. 为了实现数据的串行传输,RS-232标准使用了一个名为()的信号线来表示数据帧的开始。
5. 在计算机组成原理中,CPU的两个主要组成部分是()和()。
三、简答题1. 请简述集成电路的发展历史及其对未来电子产业的影响。
2. 描述数字信号处理(DSP)的基本原理,并举例说明其在现代电子设备中的应用。
3. 阐述在电子电路设计中,功耗控制的重要性及其实现方法。
4. 说明在现代通信系统中,多载波技术(如OFDM)相比传统单载波技术的优势。
5. 讨论嵌入式操作系统在物联网(IoT)设备中的作用及其对系统性能的影响。
四、论述题1. 分析当前市场上主流的无线通信技术(如Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 5G 等),讨论它们各自的优势、局限性以及未来发展趋势。
2. 针对未来电子设备对能效的日益增长的需求,探讨新型半导体材料(如GaN, SiC等)在未来电子产业中的潜在应用及其对现有硅基技术的挑战。
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本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==网友分享三星笔试题目选择题1:事务日志的用途是CA.事务处理B.完整性约束C.数据恢复D.安全性控制2:以“W”方式打开文本文件a:aa.dat,若该文件已存在,则 BA.新写入数据被追加到文件末尾B.文件被清空,从文件头开始存放新写入数据C.显示出错信息D.新写入数据插入到文件首部3:在分时操作系统控制下,对终端用户均采用_____算法,使每个终端作业都有机会在处理器上执行。
CA.先来先服务B.优先数C.时间片轮转D.短作业优先4:若定义了unsigned short a=32768;,则执行printf″a=%d″,a;语句的输出结果是 CA.a=-32768B.a=-1C.a=32768D.数据类型不一致,出错5:计算机系统是由______组成。
CA.硬件系统和主存储器B.软件系统和操作系统C.硬件系统和软件系统D.主机和外围设备6:设int a = 3;则表达式a<1&& -="" a="">1的运算结果和a的值分别是BA.0和2B.0和3C.1和2D.1和37:不会产生内部碎片的存储管理 AA.分页式存储管理B.分段式存储管理C.固定分区式存储管理D.段页式存储管理8:把一个程序在一个数据集合上的一次执行称为一个进程。
所以 AA.进程与程序是一一对应的B.一个进程没有结束前另一个进程不能开始工作C.每个进程都有一个生命周期。
五类三星笔试题目:题型A1、请连线:a 一个民族进步的灵魂是d 发展b 一个政党永葆生机的源泉是e 创新c 一个国家兴旺发达的不竭动力是f 求实2、请连线:为完成党在新世纪新阶段全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标a发展要有d新举措b改革要有e新思路c开放要有f新突破题型B1、你认为就业难和什么有关系?a 学生整体素质下降b 劳动力供大于求c 户籍制度d 学生好高骛远2、在三峡建成的日子,你最想做的事情是:a 看直播b 去三峡旅游c 买和三峡有关的股票d 坐神七上太空看落成仪式3、你如何规划自己未来的事业?a 未来的事业我现在还没有打算。
b 我希望在今后几年中,成为一名内行的专业人士,很清楚地理解自己的公司、行业、最大的挑战以及机会之所在到那时,我未来的发展目标应该会清晰地显露出来。
c 用不了几年,我就会做到管理阶层的位置。
a 我要找一份长期的工作,我想在这个领域发展自己的事业,找机会学习业务,寻求新的挑战,向有经验的专业人士学习。
b 如果这份工作适合我,我会长期干下去。
c 我刚刚毕业,说实话,找这份工作只不过为了增加我的工作经验。
5、你对我们公司的哪类职位感兴趣?a 我对这些初级岗位感兴趣,可以从中学到公司内外的业务,并能给我发展机会,当我证实了自己的实力之后,可以沿着专业方向或管理方向发展。
b 我想做主管,我也有这个能力。
c 我也不知道,你们觉得我适合做什么工作就交给我做好了。
6、你怎么在压力下工作?(a 我会在压力下更上层一楼。
b 我在压力下工作得很好,虽然我经常避免超负荷工作。
c 压力使我有紧迫感。
7、你希望获得多少薪金?(a 我认为以我的学历和能力,应拿某某年薪。
b 你们有否为这个职位设定一个薪金范围呢?题型C1、4请你讲出你在团队工作背景下遇到的最具有创造性和挑战性的事情。
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词义近的语词列下出写、4 。舞跳会还且而�歌唱会但不红小 ………且而,………但不�句造词联关用、3 � 张夸 � � 。天九落河银是疑�尺千三下直流飞 人拟 � 。奏演他为虫小�里野田
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根据上述三句话,以下哪项一定为真?( )A.冠军是西班牙队B.冠军是荷兰队C.冠军是德国队D.冠军不在这三个国家队里【解析】正确答案:答案A。
模拟卷10 Section I Listening Comprehension ( 35 % )第一部分听力理解Part A (8%) Choose the best response to the sentence or the question you hear.1 A. Let me have a look. B. Where did you put them?C. Who gave them to you?D. I‟d like to have three of the m.2 A. She is doing some shopping. B. She is cooking for us.C. She is practicing on her new harmonica.D. She is learning to drive.3 A. Thank you very much. B. Don‟t mention it.C. No problem.D. That‟s all right.4 A. Thank you. B. Not really.C. Do you think so?D. I‟m afraid not.5 A. A few minutes ago. B. In half an hour.C. At once.D. Every Saturday.6 A. She was like my mother. B. She likes drinking tea.C. Yes, I doD. No, I don‟t know what she likes.7 A. In the department store. B. Under your bed.C. Look for it by yourself.D. I,et‟s do it together.8 A. In the evening. B. At weekends.C. With my mobile phone.D. Once a weekPart B (10%)Listen to the dialogues and choose the best answer to each of the questions, 短对话理解,根据你听到的对话,选出最恰当的答案9 A. The cake is terrible.B. You can‟t find the same kind of cake in the world.C. It‟s really great.D. The shape of the cake is ugly.10. A. Happy and excited. B. Happy and sleepy.C. Worried and sad.D. Tired and sleepy.11. A. Teacher and student. B. Husband and wife.C. Secretary and boss.D. Father and daughter.12. A. Mike doesn‟t look like his twin sister.B. Mike and his twin sister often argue.C. Though Mike is different from his twin sister, they are good friends.D. Mike and his twin sister share common interests.13. A. Forty—five. B. Eighty-five. C. Ninety. D. Ninety-five.14. A. Clear up. B. Cloudy to rainy.C. Rainy to cloudy.D. Sunny to cloudy.15 . A. The cello. B. The flute. C. The guitar. D. The piano.16. A. Someone cleaned Bob‟s house.B. Bob is always busy with his housework.C. Bob made his house clean and tidy.D. A helper came to see Bob this morning.17 . A. He will study the new law. B. He supports the new law.C. He thinks the new law is awful.D. He doesn‟t know the law.18. A. It will be taken care of by the two speakers.B. It must be taken back to Mr. Smith‟s house.C. It likes to play in the speakers' garden.D .I; makes trouble in the speakers‟ garden.Part C (7%)Listen to the sentences and choose the answer with the closest meaning to each of the sentences.听句选句,选出与所听句子意思最接近的句子19 . A- Don‟t be nervous B. Take a breath. C. Take it. D. Enjoy it.20. A. He could just follow the speaker. B. He didn‟t understand the speaker.C. He could hardly speak.D. He wanted to know what the speaker was saying.21. A. Their dog is their favourite pet. B. Their pet dog is good-looking.C. Their pet dog is taken good care of.D. Their dog is running after a cat.22 . A. Their house can no longer be seen after the earthquake.B. Their house looks stronger after the earthquake.C. Their house hasn‟t been destroyed(破坏) by the earthquake.D. The earthquake has destroyed their house.23 . A. The English exam is always difficult for Tom.B. Tom wanted to work harder to pass the English exam.C. Tom didn‟t pass the exam because he didn‟t work hard.D. Tom didn‟t pass the exam, though he worked hard.24. A. I‟m a fool. B. I cannot eat any more.C. I don‟t know.D. I don‟t understand.25. A. The skirt is expensive, but it‟s not nice.B. The beautiful skirt must be expensive.C. The beautiful skirt is of low price.D. Though the skirt is nice, it is of high price.Part D(10%)Listen to the dialogue and decide whether the following statements are true of false.长对话理解,根据你听到的对话,判断下列句子是否与对话内容相符,(相符的用”A”表示,不符的用”B”表示.)26. They are going to have a test on phrasal verbs (动词短语). ( )27. Steve is not confident about his preparation for the quiz. ( )28. The two-word verb "look into" means " to look after something carefully"( )29. The phrasal verb “look out" is the most difficult one according to Steve.()30 If you hear "look out", you should look outside. ( )Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each of the questions.短文理解,根据你听到的短文,选出最恰当的答案31. Janet and Jack were playing hide—and—seek ________A. outside their homeB. outside a post officeC. near their homeD. inside a post office32. Jack noticed the small metal door of the letter-box open when ______A. Janet was closing her eyesB. Janet was counting the numbers with her eyes closedC. Janet was looking for himD. Janet was looking at the letters33 . Why was the small metal door( 金属门) of the 1etter-box open?A. A postman had left it open.B. The lock (锁) did not work.C. There was something wrong with it.D. A postman wanted it open.34. How did Jack feel when he was inside the letter-box?A. He was excited.B. He was amused (开心的)·C- He was frightened (害怕的). D. He was nervous.35. What did the postman do to make Jack stop crying?A. He told a story.B. He gave him a sweet.C. He said something nice.D. He said something funny.Section II Grammar and V ocabulary(30%) 第二部分语法与词汇Choose the best answer to each of the following sentences.看句选词, 选择最佳答案36. They started their journey_____ a sunny spring morning.A. inB. onC. forD. \37. Once upon a time there____ a girl who had a very kind stepmother (继母).A. livedB. livingC. livesD. has lived38. Great changes____ in our country in the past two decades ( 十年).A. took placeB. have been taken placeC. have taken placeD. take place39. We look forward______ our American friends in Shanghai.A. at seeingB. to seeC. be seenD. to seeing40 -Have you finished your homework?-No_____ I_____ it. I think I can finish it in fifteen minutes.A. still doB. am still doingC. have doneD. would do41 It is fun_____ stamps and coins.A. to collectB. to go collectingC. collectingD. that collecting42 I‟m _____my keys, but I can‟t ______them.A. looking for . . . findB. finding . . . findC. finding . . . seeD. looking . . . get43. A new play _____soon in the Grand Theatre.A. is going to put onB. is put onC. shall be onD. will be put on44. My mother often makes me_____ my shoes.A. cleanB. to cleanC. cleaningD. cleaned45. The math test was so difficult that only _____students passed it.A. noneB. a fewC. a small numberD. a small amount46 -Which do you prefer, orange juice or apple juice?_____will do, because I like both of them.A. BothB. NeitherC. EitherD. Nor47 He is not sure _____ Sue will come or not.…A. whyB. whenC. ifD. whether48 The headmaster gave us some advice____ how to learn English.A for B. in at C. at D. on49. Would you mind ______ the window?A. me to openB. that I openC. my openingD. me open50. I‟m afraid that ____ of the story is not so interesting.A. the second partB. the part twoC. part secondD. second part51 The Jinmao Building is 88 stories ___.A. tallB. highC. longD. big52 The___ is thicker than the _____.A. branch . . . flowerB. trunk . . . branchC. stem . . . branchD. stem . . . leaf53 Please sign your name____ the bottom left-hand comer of the page.A. aboveB. withC. onD. in54 —Sorry, I‟m late.____ have you been waiting?—Only five minutes.A. How longB. How soonC. How oftenD. How much55 They___ the railway station ten minutes before the train left.A. arrivedB. reachedC. gotD. ran56 Can I use your bike for half an hour? Mine _____.A. is being repairedB. has been repairedC. will be repairedD. was repaired57 Please help_____ to make the cake, will you? IA. myselfB. meC. youD. yourself58 Did the doctors succeed_____ the child who was seriously injured?A. to saveB. savingC. in savingD. at saving59 The sports meeting was ____because of the rain.A. taken offB. turned offC. set offD. put off60 Everyone in the world must help to fight pollution ___ keep the world clean.A. so thatB. in order toC. so toD. in order that61 I threw the ball to Jack but he failed to ______ it.A. catchB. holdC. takeD. got62. Don‟t talk about the football game______ breakfast.A. forB. onC. overD. above63. I haven‟t ___the physics problem.A. understandB. solved outC. calculatedD. worked out64 ________ he saw a dog following him.A. At a surpriseB. To his surpriseC. With a surpriseD. In a surprise65 He _____ in a small fishing village with his grandparents.A. grew upB. brought upC. raisedD. was bornSection III Cloze 第三部分完型填空(15%)Read the passages and fill each blank with the proper choice.阅读短文, 选择正确的答案(1)John loves giraffes. He often goes to see the giraffes in the zoo. He knows that giraffes ( 66 ) very little. They take ( 67 ) naps( 小睡) about six times a day. That is only ( 68 ) of sleep a day. Giraffes eat a lot of fresh leaves. ( 69 ) adult giraffe can eat up to 60 kilograms a day. They do not ( 70 ) water very often. They get a lot of water from the leaves.66 . A. Cat B. sleep C. work D. run67. A. five-minute B. five minutes C. five-minutes D. five minute68 . A. an hour B. half hour C. half an hour D. twenty-five minutes69 A. A B. An C. \ D. Some70 A. eat B. have C. use D. drink(2)I think the biggest change in Shanghai is the change in the environment (环境).Some rivers ( 71 ) be smelly. Now they are cleaner. The roads and streets are ( 72 ) . In many streets, six cars can run ( 73 ) the same time. People can see green areas ( 74 ). Every day workers ( 75 )trees and flowers. ( 76 ) Tree Planting Day, men and women, young and old, all ( 77 )to plant trees. With so many trees ( 78 ), the air is fresher than before. Our city ( 79 ) more and more beautiful. All these changes ( 80 ) our surroundings better.7l . A. was used to B. used to C. was D. were to72 . A. wide B. more wide C. wider D. most wide73. A. at B. on C. with D. for74 . A. anywhere B. nowhere C. somewhere D. everywhere75 . A. look at B. look after C. look for D. look up76 . A. On B. At C. In D. Before77 . A. go B. go into C. go for D. go out78 . A. here B. round C. around D. near79 . A. is changing B. is getting C. is being D. is making80. A. turn B. get C. put D. makeSection IV Reading Comprehension (20%) 第四部份阅读理解Read the passage and decide whether the following statements are true or false.阅读短文, 判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符.(相符的用”A”表示,不符的用”B”表示)Passage 1June 18, 2008 Dear Mary,What a shame! We won‟t b e able to come to your dinner party on Sunday because that is the day we will have the Smiths here for dinner.I told you about Mr. Smith last week. Mr. Sm ith is Mike‟s most important cl ient (客户) . If it were anyone else, I‟d change my plan. I really don‟t want to miss an evening with you and Tom. But I‟m sure you understand.Have a good time on Sunday.AffectionatelySusan81. Susan has written the letter to tell Mary that they can'! go to her party. ( )82 . Tom is probably Mike‟s son. ( )83. Susan will hold a dinner party on Saturday too. ( )84. Mr. Smith is the most important client of Mike‟s. ()85. Susan hopes that Mary and Tom can understand her and Mike. ( )Read the passages and choose the best answer to each of the questions.阅读短文,选择正确答案Passage 2Philo was 16 years old. He was very shy and didn‟t talk much to anyone. But he talked with Mr. Dolman, his science teacher, who knew that there was something different about him. Philo told Mr. Dolman that he wanted to learn all about science. He began to study science with the first-year class. After a few days he appeared in the fourth-year class also. Philo studied very hard. Soon he knew everything that the fourth-year class was learning. Then he read all the science books in the school library.One day after school Mr. Dolman found Philo in the classroom working at the blackboard. Philo had covered the blackboard with drawings.“What are you doing?" asked Mr. Dolman, with interest. " What are these drawings about?”“I want to invent things, " Philo answered, " and these are the drawings of my first invention. "“What is your invention?" Mr. Dolman asked.“I have an idea for television -for a way of sending pictures through the air, "the boy answered. And then he said happily to his teacher, " Please let me tell you about it, because you‟re the only person who can understand what I have done. "In 1922, radios were very few. The United States had fewer than 30 radio stations. But in 1922 a boy of 16 showed his teacher drawings for a television.86 . What kind of boy was Philo'?A. He was large and shy.B. He was shy but loved science.C. He was a boy of many words.D. He didn‟t talk to anyone.87. Mr. Dolman was a ______ teacher.A. GermanB. musicC. scienceD. history88 . What was the boy interested in?A. Science.B. Literature.C. Sports.D. Art.89 . One day Philo covered the blackboard with ____A. drawings of a buildingB. drawings of a radioC. drawings of a machineD. drawings of a television90. What might be the title of the passage?A. A l6—Year-Old BoyB. A Boy and His TeacherC. A Shy Boy, a Great InventorD. A Strange BoyPassage 3Some people have good memories (记忆), and can learn quite long poems (詩)by heart. Others can only remember things when they have said them again and again. Charles Dickens, a famous English writer, said that he could walk down any long street in London and tell you the names of every shop he had passed. Many of the great men of the world have wonderful memories.A good memory is a great help in learning a language. Everybody learns his own language by remembering what he hears when he is a small child. Some children, whose parents speak different languages, seem to learn two languages almost as easily as one. In school it is not easy to learn a foreign language because students have so little time for it, and they are busy with other lessons, too.A man‟s mind is just like a camera, bu t it takes photos not only of what we see but of what we feel, hear, smell and taste. When we take a real photo with a camera, there is much to do before the photo is finished and ready to show to our friends. In the same way, there is much work to be done before we can keep a picture for ever (永远) in our minds.91. Some people can only remember things______.A. by repeating themB. by keeping a pictureC. by learning a foreign languageD. by hearing, smelling and tasting92 . Charles Dickens _______A. liked walking in London streetsB. exercised his memory by remembering the names of shopsC. had a very good memoryD. could speak two languages easily93. A good memory helps you ____A. hear, smell and tasteB. keep a picture for everC. learn a foreign language wellD. tell others the name of every shop in London94 Remembering something is just like ___A. learning a poemB. taking photosC. learning EnglishD. feeling something95 It is not easy to learn a foreign language well in school because _____.A. students have so little time for itB. students are busy with other lessonsC. students have no foreign teachersD. Both A and BPassage 4The world is not only hungry, but it is also thirsty for water. This may seem strange to you, for nearly 70 perce nt of the ear1h‟s surface (表面) is covered with wa- ter. But about 97 percent of that huge amount of water is sea water. Man can only drink and use the other three percent — the fresh water that comes from rivers, lakes, andunderground. And we cannot even use all of it, because some of it is in the form of ice and glacier (冰川). Even worse, some of it has been polluted.However, this small amount of fresh water, which is sometimes replaced ( 替代)by rainfall, is still enough for us. But our need for water is increasing rapidly almostday by day. Only by taking steps now can we deal with a serious water shortage (不足) in the future.One of the first steps we should take is to develop ways of reusing water. Today,in most large cities, water is used only once and sent into an underground system, from which it goes to the sea or runs into underground storage tanks ( 蓄水池). But it is necessary to treat used water with chemicals (化学品) so that it can be used again. Another way is to make use of sea water by removing the salt. This way of water treatment is already in use in many parts of the world.96. " The world is thirsty for water" means that _____A. there is not enough fresh water in the worldB. the people of the world are thirstyC. people drink a lot of waterD. people drink more water than before97. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?A. There is much more sea water than fresh water.B. Fresh water comes from rivers, lakes and underground.C. Ninety-seven percent of the earth‟s surface is covered with sea water.D. Some of the fresh water has been polluted.98. People will need in the future.A. some sea waterB. less waterC. the same amount of waterD. more and more water99 "Taking steps" means _____A. go aheadB. move forwardC. step forwardD. take measures (采取措施)100 . People treat used water in order to ______A. use the chemicalsB. reuse itC. store it in underground tanksD. send it to an underground system。
三星电子企业文化考试 Revised final draft November 26, 2020现场测试题库(企业文化)一.选择题年3月19日,在中国国家电视台CCTV(中央电视台)中播放的颁奖仪式上,中国三星战胜摩托罗拉、BP、微软、丰田等企业,与香港南方李锦记有限公司共同入围( )外资企业,成为唯一获得该殊荣的跨国企业。
A.IDEA 国际最佳设计奖B.中华慈善奖 C.最佳产品支持奖 D.人民社会责任奖2. 2005年9月份,中国还获得了由中国党报《光明日报》颁发的“光明公益奖”,成为连续()年蝉联该奖项的企业。
年年年年3. IDEA 国际最佳设计奖是由美国工业设计协会每年对过去一年的产品设计进行评比,是世界上最有声望的设计类大奖。
2000-2004的 5年中,三星与APPLE同以( )个大奖位居首位。
4.来自德国的“iF Design Award”被称为工业设计界的“奥斯卡”,与美国IDEA大奖一起被公认为世界上最有声望的设计类大奖。
在“iF Design Award 05”三星获得12项大奖,在“iF 2006”凭借世界顶级的设计能力三星获得( )个产品奖项,也成为“iF Design Award”历史上一年之内获奖产品最多的企业。
5. 在第三届( )中,三星电子凭借其国际级领导企业在创新设计方面的强大实力囊括其中(45)项大奖,荣登榜首。
A. iF ChinaB. iF Design AwardC. IDEAD. EISA6. EISA是欧洲消费电子的最高奖项,三星电子继04年三款产品荣获EISA大奖,05年又在评选中获得(3)个种类的奖项,这也再次充分地应证了三星在数字领域提供先进技术、创新设计以及多功能产品的承诺。
A.17. CES是世界上最大的国际消费电子大展,是全球各大电子产品生产企业发布产品信息、展示技术水平和引导未来生活方式的窗口,三星产品在CES 05大展上囊括了(12)项大奖,又在CES 06大展上获得了(15)个领域的大奖。
全国少儿英语等级考试-最新三星笔试模拟题全国少儿英语等级考试-最新三星笔试模拟题Section II Grammar and Vocabulary ( 30% ) Choose the best answer to each of the following sentences. 36 ________of my friends can speak French very well. A. No one . B. Nobody C. No D. None 37 JanetSection II Grammar and Vocabulary ( 30% )Choose the best answer to each of the following sentences.36 ________of my friends can speak French very well.A. No one .B. NobodyC. NoD. None37 Janet is _____A. an old friend of mineB. an old my friendC. a my old friendD. an old friend of me38 --I never drink coffee.--A. Nor I don't.B. Me too.C. I don't too.D. Neither do I.39 My father's very happy_____ my exam results.A. forB. aboutC. byD. on40 Where ____ last night?A. did you goB. have you beenC. are you goneD. were you been41 Let's go to the beach, ______?A. do weB. don't weC. isn't itD. shall we42 We spent_____ day sunbathing.A. the wholeB. all theC. wholeD. whole of the43 It's a long journey by train. It's much _____ by road.A. quicklyB. more quicklyC. more quickD. quicker44 Don't drink so much tea. It's bad_____ your stomach.A. byB. onC. toD. for45 She spends all her money______ clothes.A. forB. onC. toD. in46 I'm a little shy. I don't_______ friends easily.A. areB. winC. doD. make47 How long does it_______ to get to Hangzhou?A. wantB. needC. takeD. make48 _______a nice weekend.A. MakeB. SpendC. PassD. Have49 I need a pair of leather slippers. D0 you have _______?A. such onesB. some onesC. itD. any50 Hurry or you'll______ the train.A. loseB. failC. missD. pass51 _____your homework yet?A. Did you finishedB. Are you finishingC. Do you finishD. Have you finished52 Nobody wants to_____ old.A. growB. turnC. fallD. make53 He eats____ much that he's getting fatter every day.A. tooB. soC. \D. very54 Do you think it_____ soon?A. rainsB. is going to rainC. is rainingD. has rain55 He drove through the town _____a hundred miles an hour;.A. atB. withC. \D. in56 I've just bought ______ table.A. a big old squareB. an old big squareC. a big square oldD. a square big old57 He_____to me exactly what I had to do.A. showedB. explainedC. toldD. asked58 ___ you fail your test, you won't be able to drive.A. WhyB. IfC.WhenD. Until59 There weren't enough students, so they___ to close the school.A. mustB. wentC. cameD. had60 I am tired_____ grammar exercises.A. to doB. for doingC. of doingD. by do。
CA.先来先服务B.优先数C.时间片轮转D.短作业优先4:若定义了unsigned short a=32768;,则执行printf″a=%d″,a;语句的输出结果是CA.a=-32768B.a=-1C.a=32768D.数据类型不一致,出错5:计算机系统是由______组成。
CA.硬件系统和主存储器B.软件系统和操作系统C.硬件系统和软件系统D.主机和外围设备6:设int a = 3;则表达式a<1&& - - a>1的运算结果和a的值分别是BA.0和2B.0和3C.1和2D.1和37:不会产生内部碎片的存储管理AA.分页式存储管理B.分段式存储管理C.固定分区式存储管理D.段页式存储管理8:把一个程序在一个数据集合上的一次执行称为一个进程。
所以AA.进程与程序是一一对应的B.一个进程没有结束前另一个进程不能开始工作C.每个进程都有一个生命周期D.一个进程完成任务后,它的程序和数据自动被撤销9:按照PX协议规定,一个事务要更新数据对象Q,必须先执行的操作是CA.READ(Q)B.WRITE(Q)C.LOCK S(Q)D.LOCK X(Q)10:设宏定义#define PI 3.1415926,用宏名PI替换的是CA.算术表达式B.字符串C.单精度实型数D.双精度实型数11:用顺序查找方法查找长度为n的线性表时,在等概率情况下的平均查找长度为DA.nB.n/2C.(n-1)/2D.(n+1)/212:若变量a,b已正确定义并赋值,符合C 语言语法的表达式是AA.a=b=a+1B.a ≤ bC.a ≥ bD.a ≠ b13:若允许表达式内多种括号混合嵌套,则为检查表达式中括号是否正确配对的算法,通常选用的辅助结构是AA.栈B.线性表C.队列D.二叉排序树14:产生系统死锁的原因可能是由于CA.进程释放资源B.一个进程进入死循环C.多个进程竞争,资源出现了循环等待D.多个进程竞争共享型设备简答题15:面的代码输出是什么,为什么?void foo(void){unsigned int a = 6;int b = -20;(a+b > 6) puts("> 6") : puts("<= 6");}16:简述数据库并发操作通常会带来哪些问题。
可以,在局部作用域范围下,局部变量有效ﻭﻪﻭ 23:如果有几千个session,怎么提高效率。ﻭﻭﻪ 24:简述介质故障的含义及其恢复方法。
ﻭ C.显示出错信息
ﻪﻭ D.新写入数据被插入到文件首部ﻭ
ﻪ 3:在分时操作系统控制下,对终端用户均采用_____算法,使每个终端作业都有机会在处理器上执行。 Cﻭ
A.先来先服务ﻭﻪﻭ B.优先数
ﻭ D.短作业优先ﻭ
ﻪ 4:若定义了unsigned short a=32768;,则执行printf&Prime;a=%d&Prime;,a;语句的输出结果是 C
ﻪ 16:简述数据库并发操作通常会带来哪些问题。ﻭﻪﻭ 1丢失修改ﻭﻭﻪ 2 不可重复读ﻭ
3读“脏”数据ﻭﻭﻪ 17:设有关系模式如下:
ﻪﻭ 供应关系SP(供应商号,工程号)ﻭﻪﻭ 试写出定义下列完整性约束的SQL子句:
ﻪ (1)在关系SP中插入元组时,其供应商号和工程号必须是关系S和P中的有效值。ﻭ
ﻪ 21:非C++内建型别 A 和 B,在哪几种情况下B能隐式转化为A?ﻭﻭ a. class B : public A { &hellip;&hellip;} // B公有继承自A,可以是间接继承的ﻭﻪﻭ b. class B { operator A( ); } // B实现了隐式转化为A的转化
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2010年8月三星笔试真题(笔试部分)看句选词,选择最佳答案36 he wrote a book keeping fit.A .for B.on C.of D with37 ______of the two runners is trying his best to win the raceA NeitherB BothC AllD Any38 Turn off the TV! There is ____interesting to watch.A somethingB anythingC thingsD nothing39 ---_____are you going to stay there?---A weekA How oftenB How longC How farD How soon40 Walking for at least half an hour a day is good ______ you.A forB toC withD on41 Peter sometimes ________ cook himself a dinner when his mother is away.A mustB has toC mayD should42 Her father has been ______ ill for weeks. These days he's getting ever __________.A rather….illB very…worseC quite…badD v ery ….iller43 Mr Chen,my 68-years-old neighbour,_____ the EXPO four times.A has been toB has gone toC goes toD went to44 This kind of TV program has no ______ for my father.A interestsB interestingC interestD interested45 ______ ducks in the middle of the road?A Are you often seeingB Do you often seeC Do you see oftenD Did you often see46 He is _______ his school uniform.A wearingB keepingC havingD putting47 The policeman told the drivers __________.A stoppingB stopC to stopD stops48 ---What are you looking ________?---My exercise book .A atB forC intoD after49 Please ______ your hand if you have a question.A raiseB riseC putD hold50 Joan didn't go to work, _________ had a headache.A whenB thenC soD because51 He used to go to work _____ foot, but now he _______ his car.A by …takesB on … drivesC on …takesD by …drives52 Don't stop! _______ doing your work.A Go onB Do onC Run onD Make with53 I am glad to see my daughter ________ her new classmates.A getting alongB getting along withC getting togetherD getting together with54 It usually __________ Mrs Smith four hours to make a cake.A makesB spendsC takesD works55 They ________ this house since 1990.A have hadB have boughtC livedD were living56 The manager arrives at the office _____ than the staff.A earlierB more earlierC much earlyD early57 As soon as she heard the phone ringing ,Mary went to ________ it.A receivedB replyC answerD pick58 The boy ______ not to go to school late.A has toldB is toldC toldD is telling59 Your son doesn't look well. You'd better _________ him to the hospital.A to takeB takeC to bringD fetch60 The finally ______ reaching the top of the mountain.A succeeded inB succeededC managedD got61 ________ he is over 80, he is able to look after himself.A BecauseB WhenC ButD Though62 Who is going to see John _______ at the railway station?A ofB offC outD after63 What will China be like in ________ 20 years?A otherB othersC anotherD more64 She picked up book and _______.A gave it to meB gave me itC gave to me itD to give me ti65 ______, he solved the difficult math problems in only five minutes.A With my surpriseB To my surpriseC Against my surpriseD For my surprise/完形填空(1)Japan is a small country, but it is very rich. Japan is rice because it makes and __66__ many modern things---cars, motorcycles, computers, televisions,__67__radios. Perhaps your family has a Japanese car or a Japanese television.The capital city of Japan is Tokyo. Tokyo is a very ___68___city --- there are a lot of tall buildings. ___69___you can also find some beautiful old houses. Most of the old houses are made ___70___wood. There aren't any chairs of beds inside the houses. People sit on mats and eat at small tables.66 A boys B sells C products D gets67 A and B or C / D with68 A quite B comfortable C modern D small69 A Then B So C But D When70 A out B with C from D of(2)We went sightseeing around London this morning. We traveled by bus and underground.We 71 early in the morning because we wanted to see more places of historical 72 .In the morning, we 73 went to the Tower of London and Tower Bridge 74 the Thames River. Then we 75 the Changing of the Guard(士兵换岗).In the afternoon, we went to see Big Ben . It`s one of the 76 clocks in the world. We also went to Hyde Park to see Speakers`Corner, and we 77 an interesting speech there. We really had a wonderful time .Tomorrow we 78 visit the British Museum in the morning and 79 National Gallery in the afternoon. We`re leaving London for Paris the day after tomorrow.I`m looking forward 80 you.71 A.began B.set out C.start D.get up72 A.interest B.interesting C.interseted D.intersets73 A.then B.also C.first D.firstly74 A.above B.on C.cross D.across75 A.visited B.looked C.saw D.watched76 A.much famous B.more famous C.most famous D.few famous77 A.saw B.listened to C.watched D.visited78 A.are going to B.should C.might D.must79 A./ B.the C.an D.a80 A.at seeing B.to meet C.to hear from D.to hearing fromSection IV Reading Comprehension (20%)第四部分阅读理解A. Read the passage and decide whether the follow statements are true false.(阅读短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符。
Samsung 检验员测试题姓名: 工号:得分:一.填空题:(50分,每空2.5分)1.先清洁好工作桌面,放上并设置好点灯治具,注意走线以____和____便作业为标准;根据____来调正确Pattern Generator Swatch and Jump,同时连接好____,注意Inverter要____。
2.检测时,暗Pol戴____个Finger Coat,亮Pol戴____个Finger Coat。
3.Wire 线解开固定Tape 时,要揭Tape,不可以抓着____翘起Tape。
4.Panel 交换时Panel 间要____,间距____,避免____。
5.Cable 线插拔要平行,Wire pin要____。
8.将良品装入BOX内,必须保证 PANEL在哪个BOX内拿出来的,一定要放____二.连线题(10分)DATA LINE OPEN 在GATE方向出现一条黑白相间的线条,黑色在上,白色在下G/G SHORT 会出现黑黑的污痕,只在32 gray PATTERN最明显,用手按触异常周边,异常不会现突起和凹下去的样子。
D/D SHORT 从正视角检查颜色发黑(发暗),也有可能正视角看不到,给视角检查颜色发白BLACK TAINT 在DATA方向出现一条单色线(RGB中任意一种颜色线)BLACK TAINT DATA 方向出现一整条混色线(R+B,B+G,G+R,一般为黄青紫任意一种颜色的线)三.问答题(40分,每题10分)1.请写出画质八大不良名称。
4.请写出32gray 可以看到哪些不良(至少写出5种)。
比如:A: You want to watch a football match this evening, but your mother/father wants you to prepare for tomorrow's exam.B: Your child wants to watch the football match this evening, but you want him/her to pre pare for tomorrow's exam.这是一道典型的说服型的情景对话考题。
●考生可以先由引出话题着手:"I want to watch a football match this evening." 注意这部分的语言是由纸条上给出的,考试时一定需要注意在准备的时候对重要信息加以记忆。
●此时作为"家长"的一方可以借以询问理由来展开对话:"why(do you want to want to wat ch it?)●"孩子"可以给出要看足球的原因:The football match is very interesting.●而此时作为"家长"的考生很自然地说出自己的理由:But I want you to prepare for tomorr ow's exam.(此时也可以不引用纸条上的原句,而只用"I don't want you to watch the football match.这样可以很自然地为对方打了一个桥,对方可以很自然地问出"why"这样又增加了一组对话。
3、求m mod n。
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冠词补充练习2010.5.8用适当的冠词填空,布需要填冠词的填“/”:1. Shanghai is largest city in China.2. There is English book and a blue pen on the table.3. We don’t go to school on Sunday.4. He works in shop. shop is near his home.5. I go to work by bike.6. sun rises in east.7. Do you want orange or tomato?8. There is tall tree at foot of hill.9. moon moves round earth.10. I usually go out for walk in evening.11. She speaks English better than Chinese.12. March 8th is Women’s Day.13. We usually have lunch at school.14. He is tallest student in his class.15. I like to play football but he likes to play piano.16. There is “m” in the word “mouth” and “m” is at the beginning of the word.名词练习选择填空1.In the streets there are of different colors and sizes.A.taxiB. the taxiC. the taxisD. taxis2.These girls will become when they graduate from the medical college.A.woman doctorsB. women’s doctorsC. women doctorsD. the women doctorsually are very careful in doing exercises..A.girl studentsB. girls studentsC. girl’s studentsD. girl’s students4.The waitress brought us .A.three glasses of juicesB. three glasses of juiceC. three glass of juicesD. three glass of juice5. The news reporter has collected about the private schools in the city.A. lots of informationsB. a lot of informationC. much of informationD. many information6. This is to students of English.A. a useful adviceB. useful adviceC. one of useful advicesD. piece of useful advice7. It was freezing cold outside, so we made in the office.A. fireB. the fireC. a fireD. some fire8. We need plenty of and fresh .A. the sun, airsB. suns, airsC. suns, airD. sun, air9. They were happy with their in their .A. great progress…worksB. great progresses…worksC. great progress…workD. great progresses…work10.Finally Billy got as a waiter in a café.A. a jobB. a pieceC. a workD. a piece of works11.The schoolboys had climbing up to the top of the hill.A. a good timeB. good timeC. good timesD. the good time12.He took down while he was listening to the radio.A. several newsB. a number of newsC. a few pieces of newsD. some of news13. Let’s sit down on and rest for a while.A. the grassB. the grassesC. glassD. glasses14. The ship “Titanic” went down into the sea and thousands of were lost.A. lifesB. livesC. lifeD. the lives15. It’s about to the zoo.A. two hours’ rideB. two hour’s rideC. two-hours rideD. two-hour-ride16. –Do you know whose this umbrella is?--It may be .A. SusanB. the SusanC. the SusansD. Susan’s17. I’d like to have one of that .A. writer’s booksB. writer’s bookC. writer booksD. writers’ books18. Bob dropped of milk on the ground and cut his finger on some broken .A. a glass, glassB. a glasses, glassesC. the glass, glassesD. glass, glass19. We were walking along the street when two came up to us and asked whether we were .A. English, ChineseB. Englishmen, ChinesesC. Englishmen ChineseD. Englishmans, a Chinese20. These are , and those are .A. Japanese, GermenB. Japaneses, GermansC. Japaneses, GermenD. Japanese, Germans代词练习(2)选择填空1.---Which one would you like to take, this one or that one?---I would like to takeA.twoB. bothC. allD. two of them2.These two pianos are very good. You can choose of them.A.bothB. eachC. eitherD. any3.Either Bill or Black said that he himself was right, and of them would give in(屈服).A.noneB. bothC. noD. neither4.I looked through several books, and I like of them.A.neitherB. noC. noneD. nothing5.On side of the street we could see shops and restaurants.A.eitherB. everyC. bothD. all6.Please come at time. I’ll show you my stamps.A.any, allB. all, anyC. some, someD. any, every7.He has bought two color TV sets. is be made in Shanghai, and is be made in Japan.A.One, antherB. One, otherC. Each, otherD. One, the other8.The students are planting tees in the park. Are digging, and are watering the trees.A.Some, the othersB. Some, othersC. Ones, otherD. One, another9.They gave me some ideas, but of them can solve my problem.A.noneB. noC. not anyD. nothing10.At the party child was given a bag of sweets.A.every oneB. eachC. everyoneD. all11.There are four foreign teachers in our school. One is English, are American.A.the other threeB. another threeC. othersD. three others12.I didn’t buy anything expensive in Europe. Just small things.A.fewB. a fewC. some ofD. a few of13.I think books ate more interesting than these.A.otherB. othersC. the otherD. the others14.---Could I have eggs please?---Yes, how many?A.someB. anyC. fewD. plenty15.I’d like only milk in my tea.A.a littleB. littleC. a fewD. few16.--- are you, a middle school teacher or a university teacher?---A middle school teacher.A.WhichB. WhatC. WhoD. How17.They were proud that they had built the house .A.their ownB. themselvesC. them allD. by them18.I’ll take shirts, not .A.these, thoseB. these, theyC. those, onesD. those of, these19.Was there snow here last winter?A.manyB. a lotC. plentyD. much20.were invited to the party.A.They mostB. Most themC. Most of themD. Most they21.How long does take to climb to the top of the mountain?A.oneB. itC. thatD. someone22.I saw him smoking one cigarette, then . I knew it was harmful to .A.another, othersB. other, othersC. other, anotherD. another, other23.Don’t tell others her story. It’s only between .A.you and meB. yourself and myselfC. you and ID. yours and mine24.We live in the same neighborhood, but my house isn’t so cheap as .A.himB. hisC. he’sD. himself25.The Jones couldn’t decide where to spend holidays.A.itsB. hisC. theirD. her数词专项练习选择题1.There are days in a year.A.three hundred and sixty-fiveB. three hundred sixty fiveC. three hundreds sixty-fiveD. three hundreds and sixty-five2. Oh, it’s . Let’s go the school together.A. the quarter to eightB. a quarter to eightC. seven forty-five minutesD. forty-five past seven3. School usually begins on .A. the first of SeptemberB. the first, SeptemberC. September OneD. September, the first4. I’m afraid of the story is not so interesting.A. the part twoB. second partC. the second partD. part second5. ---Which room are you staying in?--- .A.The Room 301B. 301 RoomC. Room 301stD. Room 3016.---How many assistants do you need?---I need .A.three onesB. threeC. the threeD. third7.About said that they enjoyed those books very much.A.four fifths studentsB. four fifth of the studentsC. four fifths of studentsD. fore fifths of the students8. ---How much does the parcel weigh?---Just a minute. I’ll weigh it. It weighs .A.one and half a kilogrammeB. one and a half kilogrammeC. one kilogramme and halfD. one kilogramme and a half9. ---How soon will you finish typing the letter?---In .A.one or two minuteB. one minute or twoC. a minute or twoD. a or two minutes10. We’ll spend the summer holidays in the mountain miles away.A. several hundredsB. hundreds ofC. several hundred ofD. hundred of11. ---He must be .---Yes, he’s still strong like a young man.A.in his sixtiesB. in his sixtyC. over sixtiesD. sixty-year-old12. As customer of the supermarket, Mr. Li was given a nice present.A. a thousandB. the thousandthC. the thousandsD. thousandth13. Three students of our class have been chosen the top students of the year. And I am one of .A. threeB. the threeC. thirdD. the third14. ---Have you found the six coins you lost yesterday?---I have found , but I can’t find .A.five, the sixthB. five, sixC. fifths, sixD. fifth, sixth15. Next Sunday will be Jane’s birthday.A. thirty-ninthB. thirtieth-ninthC. thirtieth-nineD. thirty-nine16. My daughter likes to ask questions about anything she sees.A. six-years-oldB. six years oldC. six-year-oldD. six-year old17. Angel knows a lot about China as she has been to China .A. for the fourth timeB. four timesC. a fourth timeD. for four times18. In the past , Shanghai has changed a lot.A. three yearsB. third yearC. three-yearD. third-year19. of the machines on show are new items.A. Two fifthB. Two fifthsC. The two fifthD. Two five20. Christmas Day is on each year.A. December, 25B. 25th of DecemberC. the December25D. the 25th of December代词专项练习选择填空1. Please lend pen.A. I…youB. me…yourC. my…yourD. you…your2. This doesn’t look like watch. It must be .A. your …herB. yours… hersC. hers…yoursD. your…hers3. This room is not .A. ourB. oursC. weD. us4. We should love motherland.A. usB. weC. ours B. our5. People enjoyed at party.A. thierselfB. theirselvesC. themselvesD. themselve6. We saw a film yesterday evening. Mr. Smith sat between .A. Tom and IB. Tom and meC. I and TomD. me and Tom7. Mother watched cross the street.A. myB. meC. mineD. I8. He can see in the mirror.A. heB. hisC. himD. himself9. That is not her book. is in the bag.A. HerB. HersC. HerselfD. Your10. On my way home yesterday, I met an old friend of .A. IB. myC. mineD. me11. This is my cup. Which is ?A. yourB. hisC. herD. him12. Whose classroom is this? It is .A. theyB. themC. theirD. theirs13. The boy is old enough to dress .A. heB. himC. hisD. himself14. Our work is not as good as .A. heB. himC. hisD. her。