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我上高中时,不像那些非常喜欢体育的男孩子,我对诗歌非 常喜爱。诗能表达不同的感情。而且当我感到沮丧时,读一首好 诗可以使我振作精神。每首诗都有它自己的主题,而且那些关于 生活和爱的诗经常深深地打动我。正是我的语文老师给我推荐了 这些美好的诗。
在遇到刘老师以前,我在班里是一个惹是生非的学生,给我 的班级制造了无数的麻烦。那些优等生不喜欢跟我交往。校长甚 至下过命令要送我回家。很明显,我生活在一个冰冷的环境里。
B efore m eeting M rs Liu, Iw as a troublesom e student in m y class and caused endless trouble for m y class.Those superior students didn’t like getting along w ith m e.The headm aster even gave a com m and that I (should) be sent back hom e.It w as evident that I lived in a freezing environm ent.
在这些诗的陪伴下,我愉快地度过了我的高中生活。在毕业 那天,我做出承诺我将始终如一地喜欢诗。如有可能,我将成为 一名语文老师。
•1、书籍是朋友,虽然没有热情,但是非常忠实。2022年4月19日星期二2022/4/192022/4/192022/4/19 •2、科学的灵感,决不是坐等可以等来的。如果说,科学上的发现有什么偶然的机遇的话,那么这种‘偶然的机遇’只能给那些学有素养的人,给那些善于独 立思考的人,给那些具有锲而不舍的人。2022年4月2022/4/192022/4/192022/4/194/19/2022 •3、书籍—通过心灵观察世界的窗口.住宅里没有书,犹如房间里没有窗户。2022/4/192022/4/19April 19, 2022
W hen I w as in senior high school, unlike otherboys w ho adored sports, Ihad a great affection for poetry. These poem s could convey different em otions. B esides, w hen I felt blue , reading a good poem could refresh m e.E very poem had its ow n them e and those about life and love often deeply struck m e.It w as m y C hinese teacher w ho recom m ended these beautifulpoem s to m e.
You made my day!
Hale Waihona Puke A ccom panied by these poem s, I w ent through m y high school happily.O n graduation day , I m ade a com m itm ent that I w ould be consistent in loving poem s. If possible, Iw illbecom e a C hinese teacher.
H ow ever, ourC hinese teacher, M rs Liu, treated m e in a different m anner.S he found that Ihad a great gift for C hinese literature out of m y draw backs. S he gave m e a recom m endation that Ishould read som e ancient poem s.S he chose som e accessible poem s for m ter, she chose som e difficult.Ihad a vague understanding of them .M rs Liu explained the realm eaning of them to m e and taught m e how to be a real m an.G radually, I changed in m any w ays.I read a range of poem s. I felt asham ed for w hat I had done before in m y conscience.Those poem s delivered positive m essages.
然而,我们的语文老师——刘老师用不同的方式对待我。在 我的众多缺点中,刘老师发现了我在中国文学方面很有天赋。她 就推荐我读一些古诗。她为我选了一些容易理解的诗。后来她又 选了一些难的。我对其中的一些有模糊的理解。刘老师就为我解 释这些诗的真正含义并教给我做人的道理。逐渐地,我在许多方 面发生了变化。我读了一系列诗。从良心上,我为自己以前做过 的事情感到羞愧。这些诗传递的是积极的信息。