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Horizontal furnace Photovoltaics
LPCVD & Diffusion Cesar device commands Version 1.0
Reg97, CAN EFM
This manual was created and checked with highest accuracy. However centrotherm takes no responsibility for damages, which could be traced to errors in this documentation. Descriptions and technical data especially are no guaranteed attributes in the legal sense.
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© centrotherm All rights reserved.
Author: Dr. Jan Dirk Kähler
August 2003
File: \...\texte\Devtab_PVHORI97c_e
Elektrische Anlagen GmbH+Co.
Johannes-Schmid-Straße 3
D -89143 Blaubeuren
Tel.: (+49) 07344-951-0
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e-mail: diff@centrotherm.de
Legend of changes
Index Date Name Description of changes
Contents of Device table list (alphabetical order)
1.GROUP “ATMO“ (6)
4.GROUP “DOOR“ (11)
5.1.1POCl3-diffusion (13)
5.1.2Nitride / Nitride etching (13)
5.2.1Non-purgeable gas lines (14)
5.2.2Purgeable Gas lines (for corrosive or toxic gases) (16)
5.2.3Gas lines (for liquid sources or bubbler systems) (17)
6.GROUP “HFGEN“ (18)
7.GROUP “LIFT“ (20)
9.GROUP “PLC“ (21)
10.GROUP “SYSTEM“ (21)
11.GROUP “TGA“ (22)
13.GROUP “TIMER“ (38)
15.GROUP “TUBE“ (39)
16.GROUP “TOXGAS“ (39)
Device table list (alphabetical order)
On the following pages the device related commands of the LPCVD are described. The definition of the command names is done in the device table and should not be modified by the user without any special instruction. Modifications at the standby, minimum or maximum values should be done with care.
The sequence of instructions is identical in the recipe and in the manual control. During the manual control however several instruction are disabled and therefore not displayed in the manual command list.
1.Group “Atmo“
Atmo Reached= 0/1 [No/Yes]
The command “Atmo Reached“ is “1” if the tube is at atmospheric pressure. This switching point is generated by DM12, 2nd sensor (relative), switching point 1 (minus 5 to minus 10mbar).
Atmo Overpres= 0/1 [No/Yes]
The command “Atmo Overpres“ is“1” if the sensor detects an overpressure in the process tube. This switching point is generated by DM12, 2nd sensor (relative), switching point 2 (plus 15to plus 20 mbar).
2.Boat movement commands, Group “Boat“
Boat Speed AbTol= 90 [%]
This variable defines the abort tolerance of the boat speed (normally 90%). This variable is used in following boat routines: “Boatmove”, “Loading”, “Unloading”. In case of passing this tolerance the recipe will be aborted by calling the procedure BABORT.
Boat Speed AlTol= 30 [%]
This variable defines the alarm tolerance of the boat speed (normally 30%). This variable is used in following boat routines: “Boatmove”, “Loading” and
“Unloading”. In the case of passing this tolerance the present boat position and speed will be written into the protocol.
Boat Speed Setpoint= nnn [cm/min]
Setpoint of the boat speed (or paddle).
For safety reasons is this value set to 0cm/min after each cold start of Cesar.
Boat Speed Actual= nnn [cm/min]
Shows the actual speed of the boat (or paddle) (read only).
Boat Speed Outside= nnn [cm/min]
With this speed the paddle moves in from 0mm up to the“SlowDown”-position. The same speed is used when the empty paddle moves out (Softlander).
Boat Paddle Free= 0/1 [occupied/free]
This signal is used in PE-CVD systems to detect a boat on the paddle. If a process starts it asks the state of the paddle. If there is no boat on the paddle, the recipe will be aborted immediately to prevent damage on the plasma contacts.
Boat Position Setpoint= nnn [mm]
Enter the setpoint of boat position (or paddle). By achieving that setpoint position the paddle movement switches off. This position is then transferred to the internal SLS-Controller.
Boat Position Actual= nnnn [mm]
Shows the actual position of boat (or paddle) (read only).
Boat Position Process= nnnn [mm]
In this variable the drop down position of the boat is stored. This variable is set with the routine “Loading”. So that the routine “Unloading” read out it’s value to pick up the boat at the right position.
In the case of a re-run recipe this variable has to be set at the beginning of the recipe. e.g.:
Boat Position Process = 2050 mm
Boat Position SlowDown= nnnn [mm]
This variable is used in following routines: “Boatmove”, “Loading”, “Unloading”. The slowdown position is fixed in the device table. The paddle moves in from
0mm up to that position with the speed of “Boat Speed Outside“ (set in devices.ini or device table). After that the paddle moves with “Boat Speed Setpoint“ to process position. During Unloading the boat moves out with …Boat Speed Setpoint“ to position slowdown where it changes to the speed of “Boat Speed Outside“ again.
Boat Service Homed= 0/1 [not homed/Ok]
Shows if there is a difference between the encoder position and the potentiometer position since the last homing. To get the “Boat Service Homed = 1” the difference must be within a tolerance, defined in “devices.ini” and the paddle has to move to position “0 mm” to adjust the relative sensor to “0 mm”.
Boat Service Homing= 0 [start]
Starts the adjustment of the encoder (relative distance sensor).
Boat Service Poti= nnnn [digits]
Shows the digital value of the Potentiometer (absolute distance sensor).
Boat Service RefOK = 0/1 [not OK/Ok]
Shows if there is a difference between the encoder position and the potentiometer position. To get the “Boat Service RefOK = 1“ the difference must be within a tolerance, defined in “devices.ini”.
Boat Service Status = n
Shows the state of the loading machine:
-1:not initialized yet,
1:waiting for release (Door, Lift, TGA),
2:start movement,
4:stops cause to a failure during the movement (Lift, Door, TGASensor), 5:failure high current,
6:preoperational (initialized, but not ready yet)
Boat Service Stop = 0/1 [off/stop]
Stops movement of the loading machine and the door at this stack. This is comparable to the movement stop button for all stacks.
Boat Service TGAPos = nnnn [mm]
Shows the last switching point of the TGA-sensor.
Boat Service Units = nnnn [digit]
Shows the digital value of the relative encoder. The RDC2 program uses this values for movement of the loading machine. If there is a difference between the encoder and the potentiometer, the potentiometer is used for further movement.
Boat Service UsePoti = 0/1 [no/yes]
By setting this command to …1“, the loading machine uses both distance sensors (encoder and potentiometer).
Boat SLS Setpoint= 0/1/2 [undef./lower/raise]
Raise or lower des SLS (Softlanding System).
The SLS is logically locked. I.e. the Paddle can be raised only at the paddle position again, at which the boat was lowered. Additionally the SLS can be always raised or lowered at the position 0mm.
Boat SLS Actual= -1/0/1/2 [not impl. /undef. /up/down]
Feedback of actual SLS position:
-1: no SLS system implemented
0:SLS down
1:SLS up
2:SLS at undefined position
Boat SLS AlDel= nnn [sec] this option is not implemented yet
Set the alarm delay for supervision of SLS-speed (or the time which is necessary for the SLS to finish its movement).
Boat SLS AbDel= nnn [sec] this option is not implemented yet
Set the abort delay for supervision of SLS-speed (or the time which is necessary for the SLS to finish its movement).
3.Group “DataVar“
DataVar Boat= “abc“
Data variable “Boat” includes the name of the boat.
DataVar Comment= “abc“
Data variable “Comment” includes the comment string enter at the recipe start.
DataVar RunTime= nnnn [sec]
Data variable “RunTime” includes the remaining time of the running recipe.
DataVar ProcFlag= nn
Data variable “ProcFlag” shows the actual state of the process flag.
DataVar ProcTime= nnnn [sec]
Data variable “ProcTime” includes the time since starting a recipe.
DataVar User= “abc“
Data variable “User” includes the name of the user who has started the recipe. If the recipe was started by the lift system, then the variable is set to the name of the lift system.
DataVar RunCount= nnn
Data variable “RunCount” includes the run number of the actual running recipe.
DataVar Recipe= “abc“
Data variable “Recipe” includes the name of the actual running recipe.
DataVar LotId= “abc“
Data variable “LotId” includes the lot id’s of the actual running wafers.
DataVar RunNoLef= nnn
Data variable “RunNoLef” includes the number of remaining runs of the actual boat until the maintenance recipe will be started. The CESAR get the information from the CMM (Centrotherm Maintenance Manager) running on the central computer CCC-RM.
To use this variable, the CMM program has to be installed. (optional feature)
DataVar BoatRuns= nnn
Data variable “BoatRuns” includes the number of runs on the actual boat. The CESAR get the information from the CMI (Centrotherm Machine Interface).
This variable is only available if a CMI is installed.
4.Group “Door“
Door Setpoint = 0/1 [close/open]
Open or close the door of the process tube. The boat movement will use this
command automatically. If the boat position is less or equal than 5 mm, the door will be closed, otherwise the door will be opened.
Door Actual= -1/0/1/2 [not available/undef./closed/open]
Shows the actual door state. The state “-1” means that the system has no device “Door” (not connected or no entry in devices.ini).
The states are:
“-1”: not available
“0”: undefined
“1”: closed
“2”: open
Door AlDel= nnn [sec] this option is not implemented yet
Setting of the alarm delay for supervision of the door movement, i.e. the time that is necessary to carry out its movement.
Door AbDel= nnn [sec] this option is not implemented yet
Setting of the abort delay for supervision of the door movement, i.e. the time that is necessary to carry out its movement.
5.Gas commands, Group “Gas“
The installed gas lines of the system are divided into purgeable and non-purgeable gas lines. The purgeable ones are used for corrosive, toxic or dangerous gases in a general manner. These lines consist of up to four valves. At the entrance of the MFCs a selection between process gas and inert gas (e.g. N2) exits. And at the exit of the MFCs a selection between a way into the tube or directly into the vacuum pump (not passing the tube). The non-purgeable gas lines consist only of a closing valve between MFC and process tube. In the case of liquid sources purging is only possible in a manual way. Like the other gas lines a selection between a way into the tube or directly into the vacuum pump exits there too (if a MFC is present).
5.1Gas listing for various Processes
In the following the respective gases are specified for different process types: 5.1.1POCl3-diffusion
Non-purgeable gas lines:
N2:Nitrogen (anneal, purge, dilution)
N2NO:Nitrogen -(…normally open“ valve) (purge, safety
O2:Oxygen (process gas -pyrox)
Corrosive, reactive or toxic gas lines:
N2-POCl3:Nitrogen flowing through liquid POCl3
5.1.2Nitride / Nitride etching
Non-purgeable gas lines:
Ar:Argon (purge, dilution)
N2:Nitrogen (fill tube, purge)
N2NO:Nitrogen -(…normally open“ valve) (fill tube, purge,
safety purge)
Purgeable gas lines:
DCS:Dichlorosilane (process gas)
NH3:Ammonia gas (process gas)
NF3:NF3gas (process gas --etching)
CF4:CF4gas (process gas --etching)
C2F6:C2F6gas (process gas --etching)
5.2Command description of Gas lines
In the following the gas control commands are described. The commands for non-purgeable gas lines are valid also for purgeable gas lines as well as liquid sources.
5.2.1Non-purgeable gas lines
Following ”N2“is used as synonym for all gases with the exception of “Normally
Open“ gas N2NO.
The unit “sccm” must be substituted by “slm” at several gases.
Gas BaffleN2 Valve= 0/1 [close/open]
This command sets the valve of nitrogen line “BaffleN2“. It purges the baffle to avoid a deposition inside the baffle. The volume flow is set with the help of a throttle valve (needle valve). This gas valve is interlocked with the switching point “Atmo Overpres” (like Gas N2 Valve).
This command is only available at vertical systems!
Gas N2NO Valve= 0/1 [open/close]
This command sets the valve of nitrogen line “N2NO“. This valve is opened by “Valve = 0” since its “normally open” nature. With “Valve = 1” it will close again. This gas lines is part of the safety equipment so that in the case of power loss or pressure loss the process tube will be purged with nitrogen. The volume flow is set with the help of a throttle valve (needle valve). This gas valve is interlocked with the switching point “Atmo Overpres” (like Gas N2 Valve).
Gas N2 Volume= nnn [sccm]
Sets the volume flow of the process gas. At a value unequal 0 sccm the proper gas valve will be opened.If this variable is read, the actual value of gas volume flow is given back.
Gas N2 RampPos= nnn [sccm/min]
Setting of positive gas rise ramp. The output setpoint is increased with the defined ramp from the present actual gas flow up to the setpoint flow.
Gas N2 RampNeg= nnn [sccm/min]
Setting of negative gas rise ramp. The output setpoint is decreased with the defined ramp from the present actual gas flow down to the setpoint flow.
Gas N2 AlTol= nnn [sccm]
At passing the tolerance (above or below) of the gas flow an alarm (warning) will be displayed after the delay time of 1min (defined in Gas N2 AlDel).
Gas N2 AbTol= nnn [sccm]
At passing the tolerance (above or below) of the gas flow an abort will be forced (if abort is activated) after the delay time of 2min (defined in Gas N2 AbDel).
Gas N2 AlDel= nn [min]
Set the alarm delay time (min. one minute!).
Standard value is one minute.
Gas N2 AbDel= nn [min]
Set the abort delay time (min. one minute!).
Standard value is two minutes.
Gas N2 Valve= 0/1 [closed/open]
This command will be set by the setpoint of command Gas N2 Volume = nnn sccm. If Gas N2 Volume = 0 sccm the gas valve of the N2 line is closed. In the case of gas flows > 0 sccm this valve is open. All gas valves are interlocked with the switching point “Atmo Overpres”. If an over pressure is detected in the process tube all valves will be closed. This switching point will be generated by DM12, 2nd sensor (relative), switching point 2 (+20mbar).
5.2.2Purgeable Gas lines (for corrosive or toxic gases)
Additionally to the above-mentioned gas control commands there are special commands for “toxic” gases for purging and enabling.
At this section “SiH4“is used as synonym for all “toxic” gases.
The unit “sccm” must be substituted by “slm” at several gases.
Gas SiH4 Enable= 0/1 [disable/enable]
This command switches both valves at the entrance of the MFCs. The pre-selection which of them will be opened is done by the command “Gas SiH4
There are systems with additional entrance valves interlock called “Gas SiH4 Valve”. In this case the entrance valve will be only open if Gas SiH4 Enable = 1 and Gas SiH4 Valve = 1!
This command is interlocked with signal “ToxGas Free”. Only at “ToxGas Free = 1” it is possible to open one of the entrance valves.
Gas SiH4 SiH4/N2= 0/1 [toxgas/N2]
The “toxic gas lines” includes two valves in front of the MFC. The one feeds the process gas into the MFC while the other one feeds nitrogen for purging of the MFC or gas line. This commands is a pre-selection which of both valves will be opened. The opening of the selected valve is done by the above-mentioned command “Gas SiH4 Enable”.
Gas SiH4 Tube/Vac= 0/1 [process tube/vacuum pump]
The “toxic gas lines” includes two valves behind the MFC. The one leads the gas into process tube while the other one leads the gas directly into the vacuum pump. This commands is a pre-selection which of both valves will be opened. The opening of the selected valve is done by the above-mentioned command “Gas SiH4 Valve” (see at “Gas N2 Valve”). This command is interlocked with signal “ToxGas Free”. Only at “ToxGas Free = 1” it is possible to open one of the both valves.
Gas NH3 Press= 0/1 [error/OK]
Shows the correct inlet pressure of NH3 (>0,5bar). An error on this signal will cause the HF-generator to be switched off immediately.
This option is not installed at all PE-CVD furnaces!
5.2.3Gas lines (for liquid sources or bubbler systems)
Unlike the “toxic” gases, the gas lines for liquid sources or bubblers are partly automatically (via recipe) or manually purged (e.g. before/after bottle change).
Gas POClBubb AlTol= nnn [°C]
At passing the tolerance (above or below) of the bubbler temperature an alarm (warning) will be displayed after the delay time of 1min (defined in Gas POClBubb AlDel).
Gas POClBubb AbTol= nnn [°C]
At passing the tolerance (above or below) of the bubbler temperature an abort will be forced (if abort is activated) after the delay time of 2min (defined in Gas POClBubb AbDel).
Gas POClBubb AlDel= nn [min]
Set the alarm delay time (min. one minute!).
Standard value is one minute.
Gas POClBubb AbDel= nn [min]
Set the abort delay time (min. one minute!).
Standard value is two minutes.
Gas N2-POCl3 Exh/Tube= 0/1 [exhaust/process tube]
The N2-POCl3 gas line includes two valves behind the MFC. The one leads the gas into process tube while the other one leads the gas directly to the exhaust system. The opening of the selected valve is done by the above-mentioned command “Gas N2-POCl3 Valve” (see “Gas N2 Valve”).
Gas POClBubb Temp= nn [°C]
Sets the temperature setpoint of the POCl3 bubbler. If this variable is read, the actual value of the POCl3 bubbler temperature is given back.
6.Group “HFGen“
HFGen AlTol= nnn [°C]
At passing the tolerance (above or below) of the plasma energy, an alarm (warning) will be displayed after the delay time of 0.1 min (defined in HFGen AlDel).
HFGen AbTol= nnn [°C]
At passing the tolerance (above or below) of the plasma energy, an abort will be forced (if abort is activated) after the delay time of 0.3 min (defined in HFGen AbDel).
HFGen AlDel= nn [min]
Definition of alarm delay time (minimum 0.1 minute!).
Standard value is one 0.1 minutes. By setting this value to zero the alarm activation is deactivated.
HFGen AbDel= nn [min]
Set the abort delay time (minimum 0.1 minute!).
Standard value is one 0.3 minutes. By setting this value to zero the alarm activation is deactivated.
HFGen Power= nnnn [W]
Set the desired plasma output power.
HFGen RampPos= nnnnn [W/min]
Setting of positive plasma power ramp. The output setpoint is increased with the defined ramp from the actual plasma energy up to the setpoint energy.
HFGen RampNeg= nnnnn [W/min]
Setting of negative plasma power ramp. The output setpoint is decreased with the defined ramp from the actual plasma energy down to the setpoint energy.
HFGen Switch= 0/1 [off/on]
Switch the generator main power off or on. This command is set in conjunction with the plasma setpoint. By setting “HFGen Power” > 0 W the generator is switched on and with “HFGen Power = 0 W” it is switched off.
HFGen Current= nn [A]
Shows the value of the RMS output current flowing into the plasma boat.
HFGen Voltage= nnnn [V]
Shows the value of the RMS voltage between the plates of the plasma boat.
HFGen State= 0/1 [OK/error]
Shows the state of the HF-generator.
HFGen Puls_Off= nnn [ms]
Sets the off time of the duty cycle (1..500ms).
HFGen Puls_On= nnn [ms]
Sets the on time of the duty cycle (1..500ms).
HFGen TAP= n [0...6]
Set the desired impedance matching transformer tap. Changing the TAP values has an influence on the reflected power. The values (0..6) are used in the PLC program and they corresponds with the values (1..7) of the HF generator.
7.Group “Lift“
Lift Ready= 0/1 [No/Yes]
Feedback from the lift about readiness of the lift for load / unload lift.
This command is only present at systems with automatic handling!
8.Group “Memory“
Memory VacRange= nnnn [mTorr]
This variable is used for example by the routine “Filltube”. It is necessary for controlling of the vacuum valves. Therefore it has to be set to the correct value in the device table. The value is equal the maximum scale of the pressure controller (normally 10000mTorr).
The following variables Number1 to Number4 and Text1 to Text2 can be freely used in the recipes (e.g. for temporary memories).
Memory Number1= nnn
Variable Number1 is used for storing a numeric value.
Memory Number2= nnn
Variable Number2 is used for storing a numeric value.
Memory Number3= nnn
Variable Number3 is used for storing a numeric value.
Memory Number4= nnn
Variable Number4 is used for storing a numeric value.
Memory Text1= “abc“
Variable Text1 is used for storing a string. This text command shows a description of the actual process step. It is changed by the libraries and in the recipe. The process engineer can use or change this text in the recipe.
Memory Text2= ”abc“
Variable Text2 is used for storing a string. This text command shows a description of an actual failure or process abort. This text is used by the libraries only. The process engineer is not allowed to use this text variable in his recipes.
Memory Text3= “abc“
Variable Text3 is used for storing a string. This text can be used by the process engineer.
Memory Text4= “abc“
Variable Text4 is used for storing a string. This text can be used by the process engineer.
9.Group “PLC“
PLC OK= 0/1 [ok/failure]
Shows the state of the actual PLC condition.
10.Group “System“
System ProcFlag= 0/1/2..20 [ok/error/running]
At each recipe start this variable is set to “running" (2) by CESAR. At the end of a recipe the program line “System ProcFlag= 0” will set this to “ok” which indicates the correct total recipe run. If this line is not activated in the recipe, the state of the ProcFlag is set to "error"by CESAR!
When the recipe is finished, the state "OK" or "Error" is displayed on the main screen.
The same flag is used by the lift at the loading sequence (if activated). If a recipe run ends with an error, this flag blocks a new loading from the lift. This blocking state can be removed only at the lift. Therefore the ProcFlag of the Lift has to be reset.
11.Group “TGA“
TGA Free= 0/1 [No/Yes]
Shows the actual state of the TGA sensor system. This system checks the position of the boat on the paddle. If the supervision is activated the paddle movement will be stopped at detecting misalignment of the boat. The boat (paddle) has to be moved by hand (open clutch!) out of the supervision area of the sensor. After that the breakdown will be repaired by the system command “System Recovery TGAFree”.
12.Temperature commands
With the used controller it is possible to run spike control or cascade control (called paddle control). The selection of which kind of control will be used depends on the last setpoint command. “T_Spike All Setpoint” activates the spike control (for all zones) and with “T_Paddle All Setpoint” the controller works as cascade controller (paddle control).
In the case of cascade control two identical PID-modules are in series mode. In that cascade, the profile controller gives the setpoint value for the spike controller. The profile controller will not deliver the absolute value of the spike setpoint value; instead it will deliver the amount of the variation of which the actual setpoint value for the spike controller has to be changed.
12.1Spike Control All Zones
T_Spike All AbTolNeg = nnnn [°C]
Description, see command “T_Cntrl All AbTolNeg”.
Note: This instruction is included only for compatibility to old library versions.
T_Spike All AbDelNeg = nn [min]
Description, see command “T_Cntrl All AbDelNeg”.
Note: This instruction is included only for compatibility to old library versions.
T_Spike All AbTolPos = nnnn [°C]
Description, see command “T_Cntrl All AbTolPos”.
Note: This instruction is included only for compatibility to old library versions.
T_Spike All AbDelPos = nn [min]
Description, see command “T_Cntrl All AbDelPos”.
Note: This instruction is included only for compatibility to old library versions.
T_Spike All ActSet = nnnn [°C]
ActSet is giving back the temperature at the reading time which is be used by the controller to reach the new setpoint. It will be automatically changed with the
programmed increase or decrease rate in direction of the setpoint (end value) (setpoint ramp). For input of the increase or decrease rate please see further down under RampPos or RampNeg. The starting value of the setpoint ramp will be always set to the present actual value with the setting of a new setpoint temperature.
For REG97 only:It depends on the selected Ramp Mode if the ramp starts with the present actual value (RampMode = 0) or with the former setpoint value (RampMode = 1)!
T_Spike All AlTol = nnnn [°C]
Description, see command “T_Cntrl All AlTol”.
Note: This instruction is included only for compatibility to old library versions.
T_Spike All AlDel = nn [min]
Description, see command “T_Cntrl All AlDel”.
Note: This instruction is included only for compatibility to old library versions.
T_Spike All RampPos = nnn [°C/min]
In case a new temperature setpoint value is entered, the setpoint is passed on to the controller as a ramp function. If the new setpoint value is larger than the last valid value, the temperature controller uses the last valid value and change the “actual” setpoint from this value up to the new setpoint with the given ramp rate “RampPos”.
T_Spike All RampNeg = nnn [°C/min]
In case a new temperature setpoint value is entered, the setpoint is passed on to the controller as a ramp function. If the new setpoint value is lower than the last valid value, the temperature controller uses the last valid value and change the “actual” setpoint from this value down to the new setpoint with the given ramp rate “RampNeg”.
T_Spike All RampDura = nn [min]
Inside the given time RampDura the ramp setpoint value will be increased from the present actual up to the setpoint value. The commands RampPos and RampNeg will be internally overwritten and therefore inactive.
With a setting of 0min this command will be deactivated and the ramp slopes of RampPos or RampNeg will be again used.。