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【摘要】Water and surface sediment samples were collected from the Tiaozi River,a branch of Liaohe River,in spring,summer,autumn and winter to determine the contents of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs).On this basis,the distribution and sources of the two organic pollutants were investigated.Results indicate that the total PAHs levels in the water samples were 658.1—3 096.6 ng/L (arithmetic mean:1 522.1 ng/L)and those in the sediments were 775.7—2 835.4 ng/g (1 374.0 ng/g).α,β,γ-Hexachlorocyclohexanes
(HCHs)were detected in all the samples and the total HCHs were 5.36—16.57 ng/L (10.93 ng/L)in the water samples and 2.87—5.56 ng/g (4.34 ng/g)in the sediments.Dichlorodiphenyl trichloroethanes (DDTs)in all the samples were below the detection limit.Temporospatial distributions of PAHs in the river water and sediments were similar:the PAHs levels decreased in the order of winter>autumn>spring>summer and decreased from the upstream to the downstream.In contrast,temporospatial distributions of HCHs in the river water and sediments were opposite:HCHs levels in the water decreased in the order of
summer>spring>autumn>winter and reduced from the downstream to
the upstream;HCHs levels in the sediments decreased in the
order:winter>autumn>spring>summer and decreased from the upstream to the downstream.The results for source identification of PAHs and HCHs reveal that PAHs in the river were mainly from the combustion of coal and transportation, and HCHs were from the past use of lindane.%以辽河支流条子河中的多环芳烃(PAHs)和有机氯农药(OCPs)为目标物,分别于春汛期、丰水期、平水期和枯水期采集水样及表层沉积物样品,分析样品中 PAHs 和 OCPs 的赋存状态及污染物在该区域的分布和来源.结果表明:条子河水中总 PAHs 的质量浓度为658.1~3096.6 ng/L,均值(算术平均值,下同)为1522.1 ng/L;沉积物中总PAHs
的质量比为775.7~2835.4 ng/g,均值为1374.0 ng/g;条子河水中总α,β,γ-HCHs(六六六)的质量浓度为5.36~16.57 ng/L,均值为10.93 ng/L;滴滴涕(DDTs)未检出;沉积物中总HCHs的质量比为2.87~5.56 ng/g,均值为4.34 ng/g;条子河水和沉积物中PAHs 的含量均为自上游至下游递减,且枯水期>平水期>春汛期>丰水期;条子河水中 HCHs的质量浓度自上游至下游递增,且丰水期>春汛期>平水期>枯水期,沉积物中 HCHs的质量比自上游至下游递减,且枯水期>平水期>春汛期>丰水期;条子河中的 PAHs 主要来源于煤炭燃烧和交通燃烧,HCHs主要来源于农药林丹的使用.
【作者单位】吉林大学地下水资源与环境教育部重点实验室,水资源与水环境吉林省重点实验室,环境与资源学院,长春 130012;吉林大学地下水资源与环境教育部重点实验室,水资源与水环境吉林省重点实验室,环境与资源学院,长春130012;吉林大学地下水资源与环境教育部重点实验室,水资源与水环境吉林省
重点实验室,环境与资源学院,长春 130012;吉林大学地下水资源与环境教育部重点实验室,水资源与水环境吉林省重点实验室,环境与资源学院,长春130012;吉林大学地下水资源与环境教育部重点实验室,水资源与水环境吉林省重点实验室,环境与资源学院,长春 130012;吉林大学地下水资源与环境教育部重点实验室,水资源与水环境吉林省重点实验室,环境与资源学院,长春 130012
1.山东省寿光市土壤中有机氯农药残留分布及来源解析 [J], 位才波
2.条子河表层沉积物中多环芳烃的分布、来源及生态风险评价 [J], 刘爽;邓芊;郭志勇;张利文;花修艺;董德明;梁大鹏
3.东北地区土壤有机氯农药的来源解析及生态风险 [J], 姜思佳;肖鹏飞
4.上海典型区域散养鸡鸭组织器官中有机氯农药的残留水平及来源解析 [J], 常红;徐萌;仇雁翎;周轶慧;朱志良;赵建夫
5.广西廉州湾和三娘湾表层水体中多环芳烃的时空分布与来源解析 [J], 王伟权;张瑞杰;余克服;王英辉;潘长桂;曾维斌