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牛津译林版九年级下英语第二次模拟考试专题练习—完成句子1. 杨利伟是中国第一个遨游太空的人。
Yang Liwei is the first person to travel in space in China. He is always ..
2. 尽管他很有钱,在日常生活中他尽可能节约用钱。
Though he is a man of great wealth, he spends in his daily life.
3. 一些有语言天赋的孩子被鼓励参加这个比赛。
Some children are encouraged to take part in the competition.
4. 国际大酒店一直以提供上乘的服务而有口皆碑。
The International Hotel has been famous _______________________________________ .
5. 这种新出现的问题值得引起重视。
The new problem is _______________________.
_________________________________________ _____________________?
Thanks for others.
The fire with the help of the firemen.
He France for two and a half years.
The Whites the war since 10 years ago.
15.在电视访谈中,李先生难以清楚地表达自己Mr. Lee had on the TV chat show.
Finally, the plane at the airport.
17. 我们没料到这家小小的农家乐竟提供了如此高水平的服务。
We didn’t expect that such a small farmhouse resort ________________________________.
The lake _________________________________________ ___________________ the area.
The car and crashed into a big stone.
Who do you think is ?
21. 王源,TF组合成员之一,是第一个在联合国论坛发表演讲的中国少年。
Wang Yuan, one of the TF Boys, was _____________________________ at the UN Forum.
22. 严歌苓的小说《芳华》如此精彩,赢得了读者们的高度评价。
Yan Geling’s novel Youth is such a wonderful work ______________________ by the
23. 作为母亲,我决不能冒险把婴儿一人留在家里。
As the baby’s mother, I can’t _______________________________ at home. 24. 迎接别人的挑战对我们来说真是太困难了呀!
What great difficulty we __________________________________ challenges!
25. 史蒂芬.霍金在2019年3月14日逝世,全世
Stephen Hawking died on March 14, 2019
and the whole world
______________on space and
26. 撸起袖子加油干,因为成功主要取决于我们
Let’s roll up our sleeves and work hard, for success_______________________________. 27.你的未来取决于你现在如何努力学习。
Your future how hard you are working now.
He again, but he told himself never to give up/not to give up.
No matter you can ask me for help any time.
He has made the teachers are pleased/ satisfied / happy with him.
31. 他把书房收拾的井井有条,从不浪费时间找东西。
that he never wasted time looking for things. 32. 我想知道总经理到欧洲出差多久了
I wonder how long the general manager
33. 每个人都高度赞扬了他救这个小男孩的勇气。
______________ to save the boy.
34. 考试作弊被发现的人不值得同情。
Those who are found cheating in exams .
35. 作为一个伟大的运动员,孙杨被认为是中国人民的骄傲。
As a great player, Sun Yang the Chinese people.
36. 到2020年,印度人口可能比中国多很多。
By 2020, the population of India may of China.
37. 谢谢你鼓励我坚持尝试直到最后的成功。
Thank you for______________________________________ _____ till I succeeded at last.
38. 我哥哥曾经考虑回无锡以便将来找到好工作。
My brother ___________________________________ he can get a good job in the future.
39. 几个月前那个女总统由于违法,被迫缩短了总统任职期。
The woman president _______________________________ the term of office of the
president because of doing something against the law a few months ago.
40. 在国内接受高水平的教育是可能的。
It is possible _________________________________________ _____________ at home.
We’d better be able to to solve the pollution.
42. 中国梦是把人民聚集在一起和推进我们祖国快速发展的好办法。
Chinese Dream is a great way to bring people together and _________________________our own country.
43. 中国人常说:“礼(貌)多人不怪。
Chinese people often say, “You can ______________________________________.”44. 自从去年四月以来,有越来越多的人习惯骑共享单车上学、上班或者去看风景。
Since last April, ______________________________________ shared bikes to schools, workplaces or to go sightseeing.
45. 正在热播的电视剧《人民的名义》如此精彩,赢得了观众们的高度赞扬。
The hot TV series called In The Name of the People is so wonderful ______________________ by the audience. 46. 以免吵醒孩子们,请尽可能发出少的噪音。
Please make _________________________________ in order not to wake the kids up.
47. 让老师惊奇的是,在期末考试中他进步神速,独占鳌头。
To the teacher’s surprise, he made such rapid progress ______________ in the final exam.
48. 你知道那对夫妇为什么缺席昨天的晚会?
Do you know _____________________________________ the evening party yesterday?
49. 那个非洲女孩是太害羞了而不能参加我们
Was that African girl our discussion?
50. 这个盲人难以和他的朋友们在网上交流。
.The blind man has trouble/problems/difficulty (in)
online/on the Internet.
1. the pride of Chinese people
2. as little money as possible
3. with a talent for languages
4. for providing a high level of service
5. worth paying attention to
6. has hardly made any important decisions
7. passed away peacefully on
8. were forced to cut the travel/journey short
9. has caught most readers’ attention
10. how his enemies broke into his office
11.remind me not to depend on
12.was finally put out
13.has been away from
14.has been away from the hometown because of
15.difficulty expressing himself
16.out of control landed successfully
17. provided such a high level of service
18. used to take up two fifths of
19.went out of control
20. the greatest person in history
21. the first Chinese teenager to give a speech/talk
22. that it is spoken/thought highly of / that it is praised highly
23. risk leaving him alone
24. will have taking on others’ / have taking on others’
25. felt sad/sorry about the loss of a scientist working (hard) / devoting himself to the research
26. mainly depends on what we have done
27. depends on
28.failed in the math exam
29.when you have difficulty
30.such great progress that
31.kept his study in such good order
32.has been in Europe on business
33.thought highly of his courage
34.aren’t worth taking(having) pity on
35. is considered as the pride of
36..be much larger than that
37. encouraging me to keep trying
38. has ever considered returning to Wuxi so that
39. was made/forced to cut short
40. to receive a high level of education
e up with new ways
42. push for the fast development of
43. never /not be too polite/never be polite enough
44. more and more people have been used/accustomed to riding
45. that it is spoken highly of / that it is thought highly of / that it is praised highly (现在完成时也可以)
46. as little noise as possible/you can
47. that he took the lead / came first
48. why the couple were absent from
49.too shy to join
municating with his friends。