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Everyone in our neighborhood knew who Ugly was. Ugly was a wild cat. Ugly loved three things in this world: fighting, eating garbage, and, shall we say, love. All these things had their effect on Ugly. He had only one eye and where the other should have been was a hole. He was also missing his ear on the same side, his left foot broke at one time, making him look like he was always turning the corner. Every time someone saw Ugly there was the same reaction. "That's one UGLY cat!"
All the children were warned not to touch him, the adults threw rocks at him, shouted at him, watered him when he tried to come in their homes, or shut his paws in the door when he would not leave. Ugly always had the same reaction. If you watered him, he would stand there, getting wet allover until you gave up and quit. If you threw things at him, he would lie down crying for forgiveness. Whenever he saw children, he would come running, meowing, and bump his head against their hands, begging for their love. If you ever picked him up he would immediately suck(吮吸)on your shirt, hat, whatever he could find.
One day Ugly shared his love with the neighbor's dogs. They did not respond kindly, and Ugly was badly injured. From my apartment I could hear his screams, and I tried to rush to his aid. By the time I got to where he was lying, it was obvious Ugly's life was almost at an end. Ugly lay in a wet circle. He was bleeding badly. As I picked him up in my arms and tried to carry him home, I could hear him crying and could feel him struggling. It must be hurting terribly, I thought.
Then I felt a familiar sucking on my ear. Ugly, in so much pain, suffering and obviously dying, was trying to suck my ear. I pulled him closer to me, and he bumped my hand with his head, then he turned his one golden eye towards me. Even in the greatest pain, that ugly cat was asking only for a little love.
1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
2. 应使用5个以上(含5个)短文中标有下划线的关键词语;
3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;
4. 续写成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1:
At that moment I thought Ugly was the most beautiful, loving creature I have ever seen. ______
Paragraph 2:
Ugly died in my arms before I could get inside, but I sat and held him for a long time afterwards. ______
【答案】Paragraph 1:
At that moment I thought Ugly was the most beautiful, loving creature I have ever seen. Never once did he try to bite or scratch me, or even try to get away from me, or struggle in any way. Ugly was kind to everyone he met but now he was dying in my arms. Ugly just looked up at me completely trusting me to relieve his pain.
Paragraph 2:
Ugly died in my arms before I could get inside, but I sat and held him for a long time afterwards. I was thinking about how an ugly-looking cat could so change my opinion about what it means to have true pureness of spirit, to love so totally and truly. Ugly taught me more about giving and love than a thousand books, lectures, or talk show specials ever could, and for that I will always be thankful. He was ugly outside but nice inside. It was time for me to learn to love truly and deeply, to give my total to those I cared for. Many people want to be richer, more successful, well liked, beautiful, but for me, I will always try to be Ugly.
【解答】Paragraph 1:
At that moment I thought Ugly was the most beautiful, loving creature I have ever seen. Never once did he try to bite or scratch me, or even try to get away from me, or struggle in any way. Ugly was kind to everyone he met but now he was dying in my arms. Ugly just looked up at me completely trusting me to relieve his pain.
Paragraph 2:
Ugly died in my arms before I could get inside, but I sat and held him for a long time afterwards. I was thinking about how an ugly-looking cat could so change my opinion about what it means to have true pureness of spirit, to love so totally and truly. Ugly taught me more about giving and love than a thousand books, lectures, or talk show specials ever could, and for that I will always be thankful. He was ugly outside but nice inside. It was time for me to learn to love truly and deeply, to give my total to those I cared for. Many people want to be richer, more successful, well liked, beautiful, but for me, I will always try to be Ugly.

How can we celebrate the people we've never met who helped get us through the worst year of our life?
When I was a child, my grandmother often expressed the importance of communicating with everyone. When she walked down the street, she spoke to everyone. It did not matter if you were elderly or a child, or if you spoke English or Spanish. She had a smile and a conversation for you.
My grandmother's wisdom opened my mind to having a pen pal. This hobby—exchanging regular letters with someone on the other side of the world that you may never meet in person—used to be popular in the 20th century. But many people consider the practice outdated in age of Facebook. Today, when I reveal that among my longtime friendships is a relationship with a pen pal, with whom I communicate solely through long emails, people find it odd.
It isn't odd—it's wonderful. My relationship with my pen pal is one of the most valuable friendships I have ever had, even though I have never met her in person, or even heard her voice.
It all started in 2013. I was on my way to USC to meet Kerstin Zilm, a German radio personality who wanted to interview me about being a struggling student at Long Beach City College. After the interview, a woman named Renate reached out to Kerstin, inquiring how she could find me and help me financially with college. I thought it was great that Renate, who lives in Germany, wanted to assist with my education.
At first, Renate and I emailed each other twice a month. She wanted to know a lot more about my life growing up in Watts, my attempts to further my education, and whether there were ways beyond finances that she could help. I did not have a specific answer for her last question, but her moral support was important. With someone encouraging me and sponsoring my education, my spirits were greatly lifted up.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Her support kept coming, in various forms. ________
But as I prepared for meeting with her, I received the worst news I'd ever gotten.
Her support kept coming, in various forms. She would email me articles, send books, and began a tradition of having a birthday cake delivered to me every December on my birthday. I emailed back more frequently. When I had a good day, I couldn't wait to tell Renate. And when I had a bad day, she was the first person I poured my sorrow and pain to
because I was convinced that she would make me feel better. "You really have the heart of a fighter," she would say in her email. "But fortunately you also got soul, intelligence, and compassion. In this way, you are a rich person." Whenever I needed encouragement, she always delivered. After a couple of years of pen pal friendship, we were emailing at least once a week. I even downloaded WhatsApp so I could talk to her more frequently.
But as I prepared for meeting with her, I received the worst news I'd ever gotten. In December 2019, I learned that my grandmother, who had been struggling since suffering a stroke earlier in the year, had also been diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer and only had a few months to live. In March 2020, my grandmother passed away. I wasn't quite prepared emotionally to travel just then, but I promised myself that I would definitely meet Renate one day. My friendship with Renate has become so important to me that I can no longer imagine a life where I was not her friend. She has become a friend forever.
And when I had a bad day, she was the first person I poured my sorrow and pain to because I was convinced that she would make me feel better.

1)when I had a bad day...为when引导的时间状语从句;
2)I poured my sorrow and pain to作定语修饰名词person;
3)because I was convinced that she would make me feel better.为because引导的原因状语从句;
4)that she would make me feel better为that引导的宾语从句,that在从句中不作成分,该句为高分句式
When I spent the last summer with my Grandmother in Warwick, N.Y., she sent me down to the grocery store with a long shopping list. Staring at all the items on the list, I wondered how I could find anything on the packed shelves around me. But she insisted.
I walked up to the counter. Behind it was a lady like no one I'd ever seen. Thick glasses rested on the tip of her nose, gray hair was piled on her head.
"Excuse me," I said. She looked up.
"You're that Clements kid," she said. "I'm Miss Bee. Come closer and let me get a look at you." She pushed her glasses up her nose. "I want to be able to describe you to the policeman if something goes missing from the store."
"I'm not a thief!" I was shocked. I was too young to be a thief!
"Maybe not, but I can tell you've got potential." She went back to reading her newspaper.
"I need to get these." I said, holding up my list.
"So? Go get them." She ignored my need of a favor, "There's no one here except you and me and I'm not your servant, so I suggest you start looking for the things on that list." The store was a puzzle to a seven﹣year﹣old, and it seemed to hold all the goods in the world. I complained about this task Grandma had set me to do while trying to find all the
items on my list. It took me one and half an hour to do it, and the mean lady behind the counter didn't even bother to look at me once.
I visited Miss Bee a couple of times a week that summer. Sometimes she sold me an old newspaper instead of one that was the latest. Sometimes she overcharged me and didn't seem embarrassed when I pointed it out. Going to the store was more like going into battle, but I survived. By summer's end the shopping trip that had once taken me an hour was done in 15 minutes. The morning I was to return to Brooklyn, I stopped in to get a soda.
Para. 1: "All right, Miss Potential, what did you learn this summer?" she
Para. 2: One day after all those years my seven﹣year﹣old daughter came to me with homework troubles._____
【答案】Paragraph 1:
"All right, Miss Potential," she said. "What did you learn this summer?" "That you're mean!"Finally I said it, thinking that I didn't have to deal withher again. To my amazement, Miss Bee laughed. "I know what you think of me," she continued "Well, I don't care! Each of us is put on thisearth for a reason. I believe my job is to teach every childI meet some life lessons to help them.【高分句型一】" Embarrassed as I felt, I wasn't capable of appreciating thelessons she claimed she had given me at such a young age, and I only wished that I had never mether.【高分句型二】 After checking out, I left.
(作者离开了Miss Bee)
Paragraph 2:
One day after all thoseyears my seven﹣year﹣old daughter came to me with homework troubles. "It's too hard," she complained. "Could you finish my math problems for me?" "If I do it for you how will you everlearn to do it yourself?" I responded. Suddenly, I was back at the grocery store where I hadlearned the hard way to deal with my own business. Had I ever been overcharged since? As my daughter went back to her homework, I wondered: Had Miss Bee really taught me something all thoseyears ago?Sure enough, she didn't act as a servant but she inspiredpotential in a seven﹣year﹣old.(Miss Bee激发了作者的潜能)
【解答】Paragraph 1:
"All right, Miss Potential," she said. "What did you learn this summer?" "That you're mean!"Finally I said it, thinking that I didn't have to deal withher again. To my amazement, Miss Bee laughed. "I know what you think of me," she continued "Well, I don't care! Each of us is put on thisearth for a reason. I believe my job is to teach every childI meet some life lessons to help them.【高分句型一】" Embarrassed as I felt, I wasn't capable of appreciating thelessons she claimed she had given me at such a young age, and I only wished that I had never mether.【高分句型二】 After checking out, I left.
(作者离开了Miss Bee)
Paragraph 2:
One day after all thoseyears my seven﹣year﹣old daughter came to me with homework troubles. "It's too hard," she complained. "Could you finish my math problems for me?" "If I do it for you how will you everlearn to do it yourself?" I responded. Suddenly, I
was back at the grocery store where I hadlearned the hard way to deal with my own business. Had I ever been overcharged since? As my daughter went back to her homework, I wondered: Had Miss Bee really taught me something all thoseyears ago?Sure enough, she didn't act as a servant but she inspiredpotential in a seven﹣year﹣old.(Miss Bee激发了作者的潜能)
第4题.阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,便之构成一个完整的故事."Missy," I called to my wife, "did you put the banana skin on my desk?" "No, honey ________ probably did." As I'd feared, she had missed my real purpose of the question which was to make it clear to her that she hadn't done her job: defend my ________ against the invader﹣our naughty girl. I abandoned the conversation.
I sat here at the desk, and stared at the screen. I waited patiently for ideas to come to me, exam questions for a test I would give my English students. My wife was off to a reunion somewhere, but I was not alone. Meghan our 22﹣month﹣old daughter; kept me ________. Yet her plans that day seemed to go against mine.
She followed a daily routine that was both time﹣consuming and challenging. It included certain basic tasks: watching the fish, sweeping the carpet in her room, climbing up and down her bed.
At first I could ________ designing my test paper. But I was soon sidetracked(分心的). I had not counted on the arrival of the "bib﹣bibs" ("Bib﹣ bibs" were birds). "Bib﹣bibs, bib﹣bibs!" Meghan screamed ________, her eyes alive with
________. She insisted that I go with her to the window.
"In a second. Just let me finish this question." I said. She ________ me by the hand (two fingers, actually) toward the window. I saw myself as a fool, being led to watch the bib﹣bibs. And we did watch them. They chattered and leaped back and forth on the lawn just outside our apartment window. Meghan was absorbed, but as I watched them,I still thought about my ________.
Suddenly she rushed out from the room, and I heard her naked feet slapping against the wooden floor outside. She ________ with her doll, ________. She held him up to the window, stretching him out by his two arms and whispering into his nonexistent ear, "Bib ﹣bibs, Dumpty, bib﹣bibs!" Then I left them in conversation and returned to my desk.注意:
1.所续写短文的词数应为150 左右;
Paragraph 1:
Unfortunately, she came again soon, with her shoes in hands and preparing for an outing._____
Paragraph 2:
Out of the corner of my eye I could see the little girl sobbing beaus I didn't have lie for her. ____
【答案】'Meghan', 'desk', 'company', 'concentrate on', 'excitedly', 'expectation', 'pulled',
'work', 'returned', 'Dumpty'
Unfortunately, she came again soon, with her shoes in hands and preparing for an outing. She stood at the desk, and gazed up at me, waiting for me to nod my head. "Dumpty is crying. Go play with him!" I coaxed, pretending not to know what she wanted to do.【高分句型一】Hearing this, she reluctantly laid her shoes down and toddled towards the window. Like a mother caring for her baby, she stroked her doll tenderly as she hummed softly to him. Then I turned around and set to work again,pleased that my girl could concentrate on her doll. However, not long after that, she returned, saying excitedly, "He's sleeping!" "Meghan!" I snapped, "Daddy is busy
Out of the corner of my eye I could see the little girl sobbing because I didn't have time for her. I shook my head helplessly, unsure of what to do. How I wished my wife would come back home and keep her company! After a few silent minutes, I stood up from the seat and slowly walked over to her, trying to comfort her, but she just wiped her eyes and looked away. "I'm sorry, sweetie!" I said gently, reaching out my hands. Out of my expectation, my girl threw herself in my arms and easily forgave my
rudeness. Overjoyed, I decided to take a break from work, and went for an outing. Suddenly it dawned on me that the best way to be a good parent is to spend time with your kids.【高分句型二】

I was always dreaming to grow up like my parents. Chance came that I would surprise my parents with a cake made by myself. But the greater the expectation there was in my mind, the more disappointments there would be. This was what I experienced when I was 12 years old.
I glanced nervously at the clock on the kitchen wall. It was five minutes before midnight. "They should be home any time now," I thought as I put the finishing touches on the chocolate cake. It was the first time in my 12 years that I had tried to make a cake, and to be honest, it wasn't exactly a beautiful success. The cake was...well, sort of ugly. And the sweet ice tasted a little bitter, as if I had run out of sugar or something, which, of course, I had.
And then there was the way the kitchen looked. Imagine a huge blender(搅拌器)filled with all the ingredients for chocolate cake, including bowls, pans and other cooking tools. Now imagine that the blender was turned on at high speed. With the lid off. Do you get the idea?
However, I wasn't thinking about the mess. I had created something, a nice chocolate cake rising out of the kitchen mess. I was too anxious for my parents to return home from their date so I could present my yearly gift to them. I turned off the kitchen lights and waited excitedly in the darkness. When finally I saw the flash of the car headlights, I positioned
myself in the kitchen doorway. By the time I heard the key sliding into the front door, I was this close to exploding.
My parents tried to slip in quietly, but I would have none of that. I turned on the lights unexpectedly and laughed: "Ta-daaa!" I gestured proudly toward the kitchen table, where a slightly off-balance two-layer chocolate cake was waiting for their favor and appreciation.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式作答。

Paragraph 1:
But my mother didn't keep her eyes fixed on the table. ______
Paragraph 2:
"Wow, look at the beautiful chocolate cake," my father said surprisingly. ______
【答案】Paragraph 1:
But my mother didn't keep her eyes fixed on the table. She immediately saw the mess in the kitchen. She was very angry. "Look at this mess! I've told you many times not to make a mess in the kitchen," I tried to explain, but my mother interrupted me, "I should make you clean up right now, but I'm too tired to stay up with you to make sure you get it done well, so you'll do it the first thing in the morning." I looked up at my father, with eyes wet and red.
Paragraph 2:
"Wow, look at the beautiful chocolate cake," my father said surprisingly. He came over and gave me a big hug, gently wiped the tears from my face. Then he smiled and asked me how this beautiful chocolate cake was made. I calmed down and told my father about the process of making the cake happily. Meanwhile, my mother knew my efforts and came to kiss me gently. At last, my family sat together happily enjoying the special chocolate cake. 【解答】Paragraph 1:
But my mother didn't keep her eyes fixed on the table. She immediately saw the mess in the kitchen. She was very angry. "Look at this mess! I've told you many times not to make a mess in the kitchen," I tried to explain, but my mother interrupted me, "I should make you clean up right now, but I'm too tired to stay up with you to make sure you get it done well, so you'll do it the first thing in the morning." I looked up at my father, with eyes wet and red. Paragraph 2:
"Wow, look at the beautiful chocolate cake," my father said surprisingly. He came over and gave me a big hug, gently wiped the tears from my face. Then he smiled and asked me how this beautiful chocolate cake was made. I calmed down and told my father about the
process of making the cake happily. Meanwhile, my mother knew my efforts and came to kiss me gently. At last, my family sat together happily enjoying the special chocolate cake.
Perfect Justice
Pancho had met his friend, Zero﹣Zero, in an interplanetary chat; and, as soon as he could, he booked a space flight to go and visit him. But while Zero﹣Zero was showing him the wonders of his ________. Pancho tripped over and bumped his head on a sphere that was lying by the path. After the impact, the sphere opened up, and from out of it came a little man. The little man had an enormous bruise on his head, and was ________ mad.
Zero﹣Zero was scared so much that he could hardly speak. And before Pancho could ask forgiveness, two enormous, uniformed robots ________. They took out a few small devices and scanned the whole area. When they had finished this, from out of one of the devices there emerged a small metal card that one of the robots presented to the little man. Without a word they grabbed Pancho and the ________ and whisked them away at top speed.
Before he knew it, Pancho was locked up inside a large sphere, with the little man and a very serious﹣looking robot dressed in a black toga. ________ knowing what was going on, he heard the robot say, "Go ahead.' Without hesitation the little man then gave him a lusty ________ to the head. After this, the robot took out another device, checked Pancho's throbbing head,and ________ issued him with a small metal card.
"Too hard. It is now your turn. Do not exceed what is stamped on the card."
Pancho had no idea what was happening. He ________ him. Through the transparent walls he could see numerous other ________, each one containing a robot dressed in a toga, along with people hitting and pushing each other, clutching little metal cards in their hands. The little man, standing before him, looked at Pancho with fear, and the robot remained expectantly at their side.
"You may hit him. Remember, no more than on the card," continued the robot.Pancho was hesitant. The ________ in the robe impatiently explained, "This is a process of perfect justice. Both of you will receive exactly the same harm that you have dished out."
Paragraph 1:
Perfect justice? Everyone would suffer what they had made others suffer.
Paragraph 2:
"No," replied the robot, "you must use the points on your card. This is the process of prefect justice."
【答案】'planet', 'hopping', 'turned up', 'little man', 'Before', 'blow', 'finally', 'looked around',
'spheres', 'robot'
【解答】Paragraph 1:
Perfect justice? Everyone would suffer what they had made others suffer.【高分句型一,what引导宾语从句】Pancho was surprised at how advanced they were on this planet. Looking at the poor little man, Pancho wondered how it would be possible to give out the exactly correct amount of harm. If he can't, the judgments and exchanges of blows would last forever? Thinking of this, Pancho said, "It's fine. I forgive him."【要点一,潘乔原谅了那个机器人】
Paragraph 2:
"No," replied the robot, "you must use the points on your card. This is the process of prefect justice."What? Pancho felt annoyed at the robot. How could it be impossible to forgive someone? He took the card and tore it into pieces."Look. There are no points left." The robot broke down and the door of the sphere opened. Pancho removed the little man from it, who thanked him a lot.【高分句型二,who引导非限制性定语从句】Though Pancho returned home, he taught the people on that planet that forgiveness is a necessary part of justice.【高分句型三,that 引导宾语从句】【要点二,潘乔经历这个事情后,懂得了宽恕是正义的必要组成部分】


Dennis chose to sleep on the beach waiting to die. He was told he had cancer and had a few months to live. He enjoyed watching the sun come up and set each day, until the day he would be called to heaven. Our friendship developed because he loved my dogs so much. My husband and I had spoken to him on countless occasions when we walked the dogs on the beach near our house. Never had he asked us for anything except to love and play with my dogs as we walked them. It was a very simple request and we were glad to do him a favor.
As we got to know more about him, it really pulled at my heart strings. My husband and I wanted to try to make a difference in his life.
We started out by giving him meals, clothes, blankets, pillows, personal items and sometimes a little cash and it felt good to share. I felt even more drawn to help him because he had never asked us for anything except to pet and love our dogs.
On many occasions I had seen him share what little he had with others on the street and it brought tears to my eyes. When someone gave him some food, he thankfully took it and walked down the beach and handed it to someone else who had not yet eaten that day. Seeing someone who had nearly nothing but still wanted to share what he had with others was so eye opening. Such small actions did not mean much to us but so much to him.
Then Dennis fell ill and spent a week in the hospital right before Thanksgiving. We visited him many times during his stay to make sure he was getting better and that he knew we were concerned about him and his well-being. I even brought my dogs to help brighten his day. I cooked Thanksgiving dinner and brought him a giant, hot meal for him to enjoy in the hospital.
Para. 1: When Dennis left the hospital we were worried about his well-being. ________ Para. 2: Then the day came when he moved into his new home. ________
When Dennis left the hospital we were worried about his well-being. We did not feel comfortable with him sleeping on the beach. The weather was changing and the temperatures overnight were getting colder. We decided to find him a home. I had some friends that wanted to help and were sending funds to help Dennis. After a few troubles the house was found. I put the word out in my neighborhood looking for items to help Dennis start all lover. Within a few hours he had almost everything he needed.
Then the day came when he moved into his new home. It was a new beginning. Dennis had new friends and a home where he was safe and warm. He could still enjoy the beach to watch the sun rise and set but he no longer had to worry where he would safely lay his head. Dennis desired to live and enjoy life. Now he is trying to make a difference in the lives of others and is no longer waiting to die.
When Dennis left the hospital we were worried about his well-being. We did not feel comfortable with him sleeping on the beach. The weather was changing and the temperatures overnight were getting colder. We decided to find him a home. I had some friends that wanted to help and were sending funds to help Dennis. After a few troubles the house was found. I put the word out in my neighborhood looking for items to help Dennis start all lover. Within a few hours he had almost everything he needed.
Then the day came when he moved into his new home. It was a new beginning. Dennis had new friends and a home where he was safe and warm. He could still enjoy the beach to watch the sun rise and set but he no longer had to worry where he would safely lay his head. Dennis desired to live and enjoy life. Now he is trying to make a difference in the lives of others and is no longer waiting to die.

Peter, a 5-year-old boy, showed such great interest in sea shells that he would rush to pick them up with his 3-year-old sister, Shirley. They screamed out their joy as Peter collected his treasure into his pockets. For Peter, sea shells lay shinning on the peaceful beach, waiting for him, just like stars twinkling(闪烁)in the sky. As waves touched them, they seemed to be flowers blooming(绽放)in gentle wind.
One day, Peter was wandering through market with Shirley, with some shells in his pocket. Suddenly Peter found his younger sister was lagging(落后)behind. He stopped and looked back, finding Shirley was standing in front of a toy shop and was staring at something with great interest.。
