
———————————华丽丽的分割线—————————————————7月18日 2015 池州无聊,便听歌吧...575:Runaways - Betty Who574:Run Away - Leighton Meester573:Watch Me Fly - Elliot Hamilton Brown572:Slammin' Door - Lucy Angel571:You Are Not Alone - Frida Amun570:Maps - Madilyn Bailey569:Tove Lo - Talking Body568:Oh, Honey - Gloria Kim———————————华丽丽的分割线—————————————————4月27日 2015 池州最好一次分享音乐,再见....567:I Really Like You - Carly Rae Jepsen566:Last Night (Ratata) (Radio Edit) - Jesús Sánchez565:Breaking the Silence (Radio Version) - Terese Fredenwall564:Dancing In the Dark - Rihanna(电影《疯狂外星人》插曲)563:See You Again - Wiz Khalifa;Charlie Puth562:Sometimes Love - Brooke White561:Run To Me - Clarence Coffee Jr.(电影《疯狂外星人》插曲)560:Cannonball - Kiesza(电影《疯狂外星人》插曲)559:Towards the Sun - Rihanna558:Stand By You - Marlisa———————————华丽丽的分割线—————————————————3月30日 2015 池州我本来想过着随便当个平凡人,随便赚点钱然后和不美又不丑的女人结婚生两个小孩,第一个是女孩,第二个是男孩等女儿结婚,儿子也能够独挡一面的时候,就从工作退休之后,每天过着听歌或下棋的悠闲隐居生活然后比自己的老婆还要早老死我就是想过这种生活557:What Can I Say - Beldina556:Boom Clap - Charli XCX555:Don't You Dare - Taio Cruz554:Blue Skies - Lenka553:I'd Rather Be With You - CyN552:I Love You - OMFG551:Good Luck - Nina Sky———————————华丽丽的分割线—————————————————3月12日 2015 池州找歌不易且听且珍惜550:The Nights(Felix Jaehn Remix)- Avicii549:Could Have Been Me - Nikki Williams548:Feel The Light - Britt Nicole547:Break me up - Erika selin546:Chase You Down - Runaground545:Six Degrees to Go - Jennifer Lynn(推荐)544:Waterfall - Joni543:My Reason - Brighi feat. The Guy542:Blue - Molly Hunt541:Our Own Heaven - Masetti540:我可是你手中那一朵鲜花- 好妹妹乐队539:Gold - Gabriel Rios(Thomas Jack Remix)538:Gold - Gabriel Rios537:Dear Boy - Avicii536:Cut Your Teeth - Kygo Remix535:Syn Cole Miami 82 - Kygo Remix534:The Days - Avicii&Robbie Williams———————————华丽丽的分割线—————————————————11月10日 2014 池州我们不是咬文嚼字的英语高手也不是精通乐理的音乐达人我们只是喜欢每天找一首温暖的歌来听有时候这首歌背后有一段不为人知的故事有时候这首歌的某句歌词触人心弦有时候这首歌的某段调子刻骨铭心就这样,在那些动人的曲调中,在那温馨的旋律里我们沉淀,我们聆听我们感悟,我们在相似的脉络中两颗心慢慢接近...533:Riptide - Vance Joy532:Secrets - Mary Lambert531:Holiday - Tobu(极限运动专用BGM)530:Cloud 9 - Tobu(极限运动专用BGM)529:Through The Window - Say Cet528:Stay With Me - Sam Smith527:Best Day Of My Life - American Authors525:长恨歌- 音频怪物526:长恨歌- 洪尘524:长恨歌- 笛子版(水玥儿)523:Train(feat. Marsha Ambrosius) - Wonder What You\'re Doing For the Rest of Your Life522:2012-2013冠单混音- 群星521:Live It Up - Colbie Caillat520:Red Lights - Tiesto519:Butterflies - Alex G———————————华丽丽的分割线—————————————————9月27日 2014 池州音乐虽短,但深入我心。
Iacoviello 2005


62首经典英文歌曲排行2008-07-06 17:31在悠悠的岁月中~总有一些让人铭记的旋律~也正是这些声音让我们再回味过去时,又多了一份经典和感动!那些曾让我们感动的旋律···推荐给大家!希望你们喜欢!(ps:如果喜欢哪首,可以直接点击名字,链接下载)歌曲名称&歌手1 Power of love爱的力量席琳迪翁2 Rhythm of Rain雨中的旋律贾森多诺南3 Because i loved you因为我爱你沙金斯帝文4 TAKE MY BREATHE AWAY带走我的呼吸柏林乐队5 Casablanca卡萨布兰卡贝特希金斯6 Can you feel the love tonight 今夜7 Right here waiting此情可待理查马克斯8 Unchained melody奔放的旋律正直兄弟9 I love you more than I can say 爱10 Sealed with kiss以吻封缄波比维顿11 Sound of slience静之声西蒙加芬克尔12 Everything I do,I do it for you13 Yesterday once more昨日重现卡朋特14 Lemon Tree柠檬树愚人花园15 La Paloma鸽子胡利奥伊格莱西亚斯16 SCARBOROUGH FAIR斯卡布罗集市莎拉.布莱曼17 California Hotel加州旅馆老鹰乐队18 last chrismas去年圣诞威猛乐队19 Babylon巴比伦河波尼姆20 I swear我发誓四合为一21 How deep is your love你的爱有多深比吉斯22 Every breath you take 你的每次呼吸斯汀23 One sweet day 甜蜜的一天玛丽亚.凯丽男人男孩24 Sailing航行洛?运雇级?特25 Take A Bow鞠一个躬麦丹娜26 Said i love you but i lied 说我爱你.27 Nomatter无论如何男孩地带28 Angel天使莎拉.克劳克兰29 Hero英雄玛丽亚.凯丽30 Kiss from rose玫瑰之吻席尔31 Longer天长地久丹佛格伯32 I believe I can fly我相信我能飞阿.凯利33 Un Break My Heart别让我担心托尼.布莱克斯顿34 Lost in Love迷失的爱空气补给者35 Promise Don''t Come Easy诺言来之不易36 I don''t know much 无须知道太多阿隆内维尔37 Change the world改变世界艾力克.克莱普顿38 Everytime I Close My Eyes每当我闭上双39 Just When I Needed You Most 当我最需40 Colors Of The Wind风之彩凡妮莎.威廉姆斯41 Youre Still The One你仍是唯一仙妮亚.唐恩42 Better Man好男人罗比.威廉姆斯43 Without You没有你玛丽亚凯丽44 Smooth Operator爱情圣手萨黛45 Tears in Heaven泪洒天堂艾力克克莱普顿46 Ocean Deep情深似海科里夫理查德47 There You''ll Be有你相伴费丝.希尔48 The One You Love你的至爱格雷佛勒49 I will always love you我将永远爱你惠特50 Even If My Heart Would Break 也会伤51 Truly Madly Deeply真诚的.疯狂的.深刻的野52 Baby Can I Hold You让我拥抱你.宝贝翠西.53 Careless whipe无心呢喃威猛乐队54 Thank you谢谢蒂朵55 Against All Odds冲破禁忌菲尔.柯林斯56 My love亲亲吾爱西城男孩57 Another Day in Paradise天堂里的另一天58 Endless love无尽的爱莱昂里奇戴安娜罗斯59 When a man loves a woman当男女相爱时60 Everything I Do I Do It For You61 I Have Nothing一无所有惠特尔.休斯顿阅读介绍:歌手(乐队)名----歌曲名称1。
马里奥 毛瑞尔

中文名:马里奥·毛瑞尔Mario-暹罗之恋泰文名:มาริโอเมาเร่อ英文名:Mario Maurer生日:1988年12月4日体重:65 kg身高:185 cm星座:射手座血型:A职业:学生、平面模特、演员、hip hop歌手家庭成员:爸爸Roland、妈妈Warunya、哥哥Marco Maurer手机的品牌:Nokia想要的汽车:雪佛兰喜欢的颜色:所有颜色初恋:秘密初吻:小学4年级女友: Gubgib Sumonthip Leungutai (《爱的阴霾》中的女二号,《筑梦庄园之心火》中的女二号)崇拜的人:哥哥和爸爸最喜欢的明星:TI,2Pac,LL Cool J最喜欢做的事:旅游最喜欢的食物:泰国传统食物生日最想得到的东西:好像是一辆车最喜欢的运动:游泳小时候的梦想:军人喜欢的歌:Dear Mama (2 pac)喜欢的音乐类型:Rap, R&B, Hip Hop高中:st.dominik school大学:ramkhamhang university(兰甘亨大学泰国著名开放性大学)(主修传播艺术)刚出道的杂志图Mario Maurer生于1988年12月4日,出生地泰国曼谷。
Mario 国籍泰国,爸爸( Roland)是德国人(于2008.6.27早晨,因糖尿病去世,享年70岁),妈妈( Warunya)是泰籍中国人,哥哥(Marco)与之相差五岁,在德国出生。
Mario 现在就读于曼谷RamKhamHaeng蓝康恒大学,主修的传播艺术。
Mario 的妈妈祖籍为上海。

历届柏林电影节获奖影片历届柏林电影节获奖影片(1951—2011)第六十一届柏林国际电影节获奖名单(2011)最佳影片金熊奖:《内达与西敏:一次别离》(伊朗)评审团银熊奖:《都灵之马》(匈/法/德/瑞)最佳导演银熊奖:乌利胥?柯雷(《嗜睡症》)最佳编剧银熊奖:《血之救赎》最佳男演员银熊奖:Ali-Asghar Shahbazi等(《别离》伊朗)》最佳女演员银熊奖:Leila Hatami、Sareh Bayat(《别离》伊朗) 最佳艺术贡献奖(摄影):《奖赏》最佳艺术贡献奖(美术):《奖赏》最佳电影处女作:《在冰上》最佳电影处女作特别荣誉奖:《无父之人》、《守卫》阿尔弗莱德奖:《除了我们还有谁》最佳短片金熊奖:《波澜万丈》评审团最佳短片银熊奖:《破碎的夜晚》最佳短片特别荣誉奖:《对父亲的问题》终身成就奖:阿明?缪勒?斯塔尔第六十届柏林国际电影节获奖名单(2010)最佳影片金熊奖赛米?卡普拉诺格鲁《蜂蜜》土耳其评审团大奖银熊奖弗洛林?塞尔班《想吹口哨我就吹》罗马尼亚最佳导演银熊奖罗曼?波兰斯基《影子写手》法国最佳编剧银熊奖王全安、金娜《团圆》中国最佳男演员银熊奖吉格利?多布根,苏格?普斯科帕里斯《如何结束这个夏天的》俄罗斯最佳女演员银熊奖寺岛忍《芋虫》日本杰出艺术成就(音乐)银熊奖《如何结束这个夏天》俄罗斯终身成就奖演员汉娜?许古拉(Hanna Schygulla) 德国编剧沃夫冈?柯尔海斯(Wolfgang Kohlhaase) 德国最佳电影处女作奖《Sebe》阿尔弗莱德奖(敢斗奖)弗洛林?塞尔班《想吹口哨我就吹》罗马尼亚最佳影片金熊奖(短片)《银行事件》(H?ndelse Vid Bank) 瑞典评审团大奖银熊奖(短片)《海耶利达》(Hayerida) 以色列第五十九届柏林国际电影节获奖名单(2009)最佳影片金熊奖:《伤心的奶水》评审团大奖银熊奖:《暗恋》《其他人》最佳导演银熊奖:阿斯哈?法哈蒂Asghar Farhadi (《关于伊丽》)最佳编剧银熊奖:《信使》最佳男演员银熊奖:索提古?库亚特Sotigui Kouyate(《伦敦的河》) 最佳女演员银熊奖:贝吉特?米妮克美尔Birgit Minichmayr(《其他人》) 杰出艺术成就银熊奖:《卡塔琳-瓦尔加》终身成就奖:莫里斯-雅尔最佳电影处女作奖:《暗恋》最佳电影处女作特别推荐奖:《那个女孩》(Flickan)阿尔弗莱德奖(敢斗奖):《暗恋》《甜蜜的冲动》最佳影片金熊奖(短片):《请说》(导演:大卫-奥莱利)-爱尔兰评审团大奖银熊奖(短片):《厌倦》(导演:丹尼尔-艾略特)-英国第五十八届柏林国际电影节获奖名单(2008)最佳影片金熊奖--《精锐部队》(The Elite Squad),巴西评审团大奖银熊奖--《标准流程》(Standard Operating Procedure),美国最佳导演银熊奖--保罗?托马斯?安德森(Paul Thomas Anderson),《血色将至》(There Will Be Blood),美国最佳编剧银熊奖--王小帅,《左右》,中国最佳男演员银熊奖--瑞扎?纳基(Reza Naji),《麻雀之歌》(The Song of Sparrows),伊朗最佳女演员银熊奖--莎莉?霍金斯(Sally Hawkins),《无忧无虑》(Happy-Go-Lucky),英国杰出艺术成就(音乐)银熊奖--《血色将至》(There Will Be Blood),美国最佳电影处女作奖--《公园和爱的旅馆》(Asyl - Park and Love Hotel),日本阿尔弗莱德奖(敢斗奖)-- 《太浩湖》(Lake Tahoe),墨西哥最佳影片金熊奖(短片)--《游泳的好日子》(O zi buna de plaja),罗马尼亚评审团大奖银熊奖(短片)--《纠缠》(Udedh bun),印度终身成就奖--弗朗西斯科?罗西(Francesco Rosi)第五十七届柏林国际电影节获奖名单(2007)最佳影片金熊奖《图雅的婚事》(中国,王全安导演)评审团大奖银熊奖《其他》最佳导演银熊奖约瑟夫-希达(《波弗特》)最佳男演员银熊奖胡里奥-查维兹Julio Chávez (《其他》El otro) 最佳女演员银熊奖尼娜-霍斯Nina Hoss(《耶拉》Yella)最佳电影音乐银熊奖《哈勒姆》杰出艺术成就银熊奖《牧羊人》The Good Shepherd最佳电影处女作奖《Vanaja》导演:Rajnesh Domalpalli阿尔弗莱德奖(敢斗奖) <电子人也无所谓》I'm a Cyborg,But That's OK最佳影片金熊奖(短片) 《Raak》导演:Hanro Smitsman 荷兰评审团大奖银熊奖(短片) 《Decroche》导演:Manuel Schapira 《美》导演:陈骏霖(Arvin Chen)中国台湾/美国第五十六届柏林国际电影节完全获奖名单(2006)最佳影片金熊奖:《格巴维察》导演:亚斯米拉?兹巴尼奇评审团大奖银熊奖:《肥皂》导演:佩妮莱?菲舍尔《越位》导演:贾法尔?帕纳希最佳导演银熊奖:迈克尔?温特伯顿Michael Winterb 马特?怀特克鲁斯Mat Whitecross《关塔纳摩之路》The Road To Guantanamo 最佳男演员银熊奖:莫里兹?布雷多Moritz Bleibtreu 《基本粒子》最佳女演员银熊奖:桑德拉-乌勒Sandra Hüller 《安魂曲》最佳电影音乐银熊奖:作曲:金培达《伊莎贝拉》杰出艺术成就银熊奖:《自由意志》最佳电影处女作奖:《肥皂》阿尔弗莱德奖(敢斗奖):《守护者>最佳影片金熊奖(短片):《Never Like The First Time》第五十五届柏林国际电影节(2005年)金熊奖U-Carmen eKhayelitsha卡雅利沙的卡门(南非)导演奖马克?罗斯曼Marc Rothemund,索菲?斯库勒:希望与反抗Sophie Scholl-Die letzten Tage男演员奖卢?泰勒?普奇Lou Taylor Pucci,吸拇指的人Thumbsucker女演员奖朱丽娅?耶特斯Julia Jentsch,索菲?斯库勒:希望与反抗Sophie Scholl-Die letzten Tage第五十四届柏林国际电影节(2004年)金熊奖Head-On勇往直前(德)导演奖金基德Samaritan Girl欲海慈航(韩)男演员奖丹尼尔?亨德勒Lost Embrace失去的拥抱(阿根廷)女演员奖查理兹?塞隆Monster女魔头(美)女演员奖卡塔丽娜?桑蒂诺?莫雷诺Maria Full of Grace万福玛丽亚(美、哥伦比亚)第五十三届柏林电影节获奖名单(2003年)金熊奖In This World尘世之间(英)导演奖帕特里斯?谢罗His Brother他的兄弟(法)男演员奖萨姆?洛克威尔Confessions of a Dangerous Mind危险思想自白(美)女演员奖妮可?基德曼、梅丽尔?斯特里普、朱丽安?摩尔The Hours时时刻刻(美)第五十二届柏林电影节获奖名单(2002年)最佳影片金熊奖:《千与千寻》《血色星期天(Bloody Sunday)》银熊奖--评审团大奖:《Halbe Treppe(Grill Point)》银熊奖--最佳导演奖奥塔尔-伊索里亚尼(《星期一早晨》)银熊奖--最佳女演员奖:海儿-贝莉(《怪兽舞会》)银熊奖--最佳男演员奖:雅克-甘布林(《通行证》)银熊奖--特别奖:影片《八个女人》中的8位女演员银熊奖--最佳音乐奖:安东尼-迪阿梅尔(《通行证》)第五十一届柏林电影节获奖名单(2001年)最佳影片金熊奖亲密帕特里斯.谢罗最佳男演员毒网;天人交战cha03392最佳女演员亲密克里.福克斯最佳导演爱你爱我;槟榔西施林正盛最佳新进男演员十七岁的单车崔林最佳新进男演员十七岁的单车李滨最佳新进女演员爱你爱我;槟榔西施李心洁评审团大奖银熊奖十七岁的单车王小帅评审团银熊奖初级意大利文最佳短片金熊奖黑灵魂最佳短片银熊奖丛林爵士第五十届柏林电影节获奖名单(2000年)奖项获奖电影获奖者最佳影片金熊奖木兰花;心灵角落保罗.托马斯.安迪生最佳男演员飓风丹泽尔.华盛顿最佳女演员莉塔传奇娜佳优最佳女演员莉塔传奇比比安娜贝劳最佳导演月亮上的男人米洛斯.福尔曼评委会特别奖我的父亲母亲张艺谋第四十九届柏林电影节获奖名单(1999年) 奖项获奖电影获奖者最佳影片金熊奖红色警戒线特伦斯.马利克最佳男演员晚的形状迈克尔.桂斯德克最佳女演员艾米和加古娅玛丽娅.施拉德最佳女演员艾米和加古娅朱莉安.柯勒尔最佳导演高低镇斯蒂芬.弗雷斯评委会特别奖敏夫的最后之歌Birgitte Hald第四十八届柏林电影节获奖名单(1998年)奖项获奖电影获奖者最佳影片金熊奖中央车站阿瑟.柯恩最佳男演员危险关系;杰克.布朗塞缪尔.L.杰克逊最佳女演员中央车站费尔南达.蒙特内格罗最佳导演屠夫的孩子;屠夫男孩尼尔.乔丹评委会特别奖尾摇狗;桃色风云--摇摆狗第四十七届柏林电影节获奖名单(1997年)奖项获奖电影获奖者最佳影片金熊奖性书大亨米洛斯.福尔曼最佳男演员罗密欧与茱丽叶后现代激情篇莱昂纳多.迪卡普里奥最佳女演员英国病人;别问我是谁茱丽叶.比诺什最佳导演吉玛港埃里克.赫曼评委会特别奖河流徐立功第四十六届柏林电影节获奖名单(1996年)奖项获奖电影获奖者最佳影片金熊奖理智与情感李安最佳男演员死囚上路肖恩.佩恩最佳女演员我的男人阿诺克.格林伯格最佳导演太阳有耳严浩最佳导演理查三世理查德.隆克莱因评委会特别奖所有的一切都合理伯.威德伯格第四十五届柏林电影节获奖名单(1995年)奖项获奖电影获奖者最佳影片金熊奖新鲜的诱惑Fr¨d¨ric Bourboulon最佳男演员大智若愚保罗.纽曼最佳女演员女人,四十萧芳芳最佳导演日出之前理查德.林克莱特评委会特别奖烟王颖第四十四届柏林电影节获奖名单(1994年)奖项获奖电影获奖者最佳影片金熊奖以父亲的名义吉姆.谢里登最佳影片银熊奖狗的年龄Semyon Aranovich最佳男演员费城;费城故事汤姆.汉克斯最佳女演员螵虫,螵虫克里茜.洛克最佳导演蓝白红三部曲之白克日什托夫.基耶斯洛夫斯基评委会特别奖草莓与巧克力Tom¨s Guti¨rrez Alea第四十三届柏林电影节获奖名单(1993年)奖项获奖电影获奖者最佳影片金熊奖香魂女谢飞最佳影片金熊奖喜宴徐立功最佳男演员黑潮-麦尔坎X 丹泽尔.华盛顿最佳女演员爱土;爱情田园米切尔.法伊弗最佳导演水泥花园安德烈夫.贝京评委会特别奖亚利桑纳之梦Claudie Ossard第四十二届柏林电影节获奖名单(1992年)奖项获奖电影获奖者最佳影片金熊奖大峡谷劳伦斯.卡斯丹最佳男演员奥兹伯爵阿尔明.米勒-斯塔尔最佳女演员阮玲玉张曼玉最佳导演船长杨.杜里尔评委会特别奖甜蜜的艾玛,亲爱的伯贝伊斯特万.沙博第四十一届柏林电影节获奖名单(1991年)奖项获奖电影获奖者最佳影片金熊奖微笑之家欧格斯提奥卡米尼托最佳男演员约翰逊先生梅纳德.埃基亚西最佳女演员情人维多利亚.阿布来尔最佳导演极端分子里奇.托纳奇最佳导演沉默的羔羊乔纳森.德米评委会特别奖判决马可.贝洛奇奥评委会特别奖撒旦Viktor Aristov第四十届柏林电影节获奖名单(1990年)奖项获奖电影获奖者最佳影片金熊奖八音盒科斯塔.加夫拉斯最佳影片金熊奖被拴住的云雀吉里.曼泽尔最佳影片金熊奖被拴住的云雀吉里.曼泽尔最佳影片银熊奖走出来最佳个人表演奖无声的叫喊伊恩.格伦最佳联袂表演奖温馨接送情;为黛茜小姐开车洁西卡.坦迪最佳联袂表演奖温馨接送情;为黛茜小姐开车摩根.弗里曼最佳导演讨厌的女孩子迈克尔.弗尔赫文评委会特别奖虚弱综合症Kira Muratova杰出个人成就奖本命年谢飞第三十九届柏林电影节获奖名单(1989年)奖项获奖电影获奖者最佳影片金熊奖雨人马克.约翰逊最佳影片银熊奖阿维亚的夏天Gila Almagor最佳男演员密西西比在燃烧吉恩.哈克曼最佳女演员卡米耶克劳代尔伊莎贝尔.阿佳妮最佳导演我爱,你爱杜桑.哈那克评委会特别奖晚钟吴子牛第三十八届柏林电影节获奖名单(1988年)奖项获奖电影获奖者最佳影片金熊奖《红高粱》吴天明最佳影片银熊奖《债务》Julio Lencina最佳男演员《同甘共苦》维.波塞最佳男演员《同甘共苦》曼.莫克最佳女演员《广播新闻》霍利.亨特最佳导演《月色撩人》诺曼.杰维森评委会特别奖《女政委》Aleksandr Askoldov第三十七届柏林电影节获奖名单(1987年)奖项获奖电影获奖者最佳影片金熊奖《主题》格列布.潘菲洛夫最佳男演员《莫罗事件》吉安.马里亚.活隆泰最佳女演员《岸边》安.比.诺格拉最佳导演《杀戮战场》;野战排奥利弗.斯通评委会特别奖《海洋和毒品》熊井启第三十六届柏林电影节获奖名单(1986年)奖项获奖电影获奖者最佳影片金熊奖大审判雷诺.霍夫最佳男演员小羊的微笑顿四尔.库蒂兹最佳女演员红色的吻夏洛特.瓦郎德丽最佳女演员明星的时刻马赛莉亚.卡尔塔肖最佳导演一个青年作曲家的旅程格.申格拉亚评委会特别奖人潮过后南尼.莫瑞提第三十五届柏林电影节获奖名单(1985年)奖项获奖电影获奖者最佳影片金熊奖女人和陌生人Rainer Simon最佳影片金熊奖韦瑟比大卫.海尔最佳男演员史蒂科费.费.戈麦兹最佳女演员邪恶的世界乔.肯尼迪最佳导演我心深处罗伯特.本顿评委会特别奖梦想的花L¨szl¨Lugossy第三十四届柏林电影节获奖名单(1984年)奖项获奖电影获奖者最佳影片金熊奖爱的激流约翰.卡萨维兹最佳影片银熊奖明天在亚拉巴马Norbert K¨ckelmann最佳男演员服装师阿尔伯特.芬尼最佳女演员前线的浪漫史伊利娜.丘里科娃最佳女演员明天在亚拉巴马Norbert K¨ckelmann评委会特别奖肮脏可笑的战争Fernando Ayala第三十三届柏林电影节获奖名单(1983年)奖项获奖电影获奖者最佳影片金熊奖权势爱德华.班奈特最佳影片金熊奖蜂巢马里奥.卡谬最佳男演员锦标赛季节布鲁斯.德恩最佳女演员应求的爱叶夫盖妮亚.格鲁申科最佳导演海滩上的波利娜埃里克.罗默评委会特别奖赫卡里的旺季Erden Kiral第三十二届柏林电影节获奖名单(1982年)奖项获奖电影获奖者最佳影片金熊奖维罗尼卡.福斯的欲望托马斯.舒赫力最佳男演员奇异事件;一个奇特的故事米歇尔.比科里最佳男演员愚蠢的谋杀者斯特兰.斯卡尔斯高最佳女演员一年的担保卡特琳.莎斯最佳导演格里罗侯爵马里奥.莫尼塞利评委会特别奖颤抖;战怵Wojciech Marczewski第三十一届柏林电影节获奖名单(1981年)奖项获奖电影获奖者最佳影片金熊奖快!快! Tony Moli¨re最佳男演员陀斯妥耶夫斯基一生中的26天阿.索洛米欣最佳男演员礼物;父子情深杰克.莱蒙最佳女演员狂热巴巴拉.格拉波夫斯卡评委会特别奖一次饥荒的剖析莫利奈仙杰出个人成就奖船已满员马库斯.伊姆霍夫第三十届柏林电影节获奖名单(1980年)奖项获奖电影获奖者最佳影片金熊奖巴勒莫或沃尔夫斯伯格韦纳修赫特最佳影片金熊奖中心地带迈克尔.豪斯曼最佳男演员售票员安德烈.赛韦林最佳女演员索洛.苏尼雷娜特.克勒斯内最佳导演信任伊斯特万.沙博评委会特别奖请求庇护Jaqueline Ferreri第二十九届柏林电影节获奖名单(1979年)奖项获奖电影获奖者最佳影片金熊奖戴维Joachim von Vietinghoff最佳男演员埃涅斯托米歇尔.普拉西多最佳女演员玛丽娅.布劳恩的婚姻汉娜.许古拉最佳导演冬季儿童阿.亨宁.鲁森评委会特别奖阿历克山大--为什么尤塞夫.夏因第二十八届柏林电影节获奖名单(1978年)奖项获奖电影获奖者最佳影片金熊奖鲑鱼Jos¨Luis Garc¨a S¨nchez 最佳男演员残暴克莱格.拉塞尔最佳女演员首演之夜吉纳.罗兰兹最佳导演优势乔治.杜尔吉罗夫评委会特别奖陷落鲁伊格拉第二十七届柏林电影节获奖名单(1977年)奖项获奖电影获奖者最佳影片金熊奖上升Larisa Shepitko最佳影片银熊奖砌砖工人Jorge Fons最佳影片银熊奖一项奇怪的任务P¨l S¨ndor最佳男演员隐士费.费.戈麦兹最佳女演员夜戏莉莉.汤姆琳最佳导演黑轿姆纽尔.古蒂雷斯评委会特别奖很可能是魔鬼罗伯特.布莱森第二十六届柏林电影节获奖名单(1976年)奖项获奖电影获奖者最佳影片金熊奖西塞英雄谱罗伯特.奥尔特曼最佳影片银熊奖石头花园Parviz Kimiavi最佳影片银熊奖Azonos¨t¨s L¨szl¨Lugossy最佳男演员失去的生命格哈德.奥尔辛斯基最佳女演员夜与日捷德维嘉.巴兰斯卡最佳导演亲爱的米歇尔马里奥.莫尼塞利评委会特别奖卡诺阿事件Felipe Cazals第二十五届柏林电影节获奖名单(1975年)奖项获奖电影获奖者最佳影片金熊奖太上皇Stuart Cooper评委会特别奖太上皇Stuart Cooper评委会特别奖杜邦先生Gis¨le Rebillon最佳影片金熊奖养女M¨rta M¨sz¨ros最佳男演员说谎者雅各布瓦.布罗德斯基最佳女演员望乡田中绢代最佳导演童年过后一百天谢.索洛维约夫第二十四届柏林电影节获奖名单(1974年)奖项获奖电影获奖者最佳影片金熊奖达迪.克拉维茨的学徒约翰.凯梅尼最佳影片银熊奖静物Sohrab Shahid Saless最佳影片银熊奖巴塔戈尼亚的叛乱H¨ctor Olivera最佳影片银熊奖小马尔科姆Stuart Cooper 最佳影片银熊奖以人民的名义Ottokar Runze最佳影片银熊奖面包和巧克力Maurizio Lodi-Fe评委会特别奖圣保罗的钟表匠Raymond Danon第二十三届柏林电影节获奖名单(1973年)奖项获奖电影获奖者最佳影片金熊奖远方的雷声萨蒂亚吉特.雷伊最佳影片银熊奖七个疯子Leopoldo Torre Nilsson最佳影片银熊奖穿一只黑鞋的人伊维斯.罗勃特最佳影片银熊奖一丝不挂要受罚Arnaldo Jabor最佳影片银熊奖离别圣诞节戴维.海明斯最佳影片银熊奖专家Norbert K¨ckelmann最佳男演员最佳女演员评委会特别奖冒烟的地方安德烈.卡耶特第二十二届柏林电影节获奖名单(1972年)奖项获奖电影获奖者最佳影片金熊奖坎特伯雷故事皮尔.保罗.帕索里尼最佳男演员为什么阿伯特.索迪最佳女演员汉默.史密斯出走伊丽莎白.泰勒最佳导演老处女让.皮尔.布兰评委会特别奖看错病症死错人阿瑟.希勒第二十一届柏林电影节获奖名单(1971年)奖项获奖电影获奖者最佳影片金熊奖悲惨的青春;芬齐-康蒂尼斯的花园Artur Brauner最佳男演员猫让.加宾最佳女演员绝望的人物雪莉.麦克莱恩最佳女演员猫西蒙.西格诺雷特最佳导演评委会特别奖十日谈皮尔.保罗.帕索里尼第十九届柏林电影节获奖名单(1969年)奖项获奖电影获奖者最佳影片金熊奖开始工作Zelimir Zilnik最佳影片银熊奖夫人,我是一头大象Peter Zadek最佳影片银熊奖一片安静的地方艾伯图.格里麦尔迪最佳影片银熊奖巴西2000年Walter Lima Jr.最佳影片银熊奖小祝福布赖恩.德.帕尔马最佳影片银熊奖瑞典制造Bengt Forslund最佳男演员最佳女演员最佳导演第十八届柏林电影节获奖名单(1968年)奖项获奖电影获奖者最佳影片金熊奖谁看见他死了杨.杜里尔最佳男演员说谎的人琼-路易斯.特林提格南特最佳女演员雌鹿斯特芬.奥兰德最佳导演薄冰卡洛斯.绍拉评委会特别奖生命的标记沃纳.赫佐格评委会特别奖无辜的未保卫者杜森.麦卡夫杰夫评委会特别奖像恋爱一样Enzo Muzii第十七届柏林电影节获奖名单(1967年)奖项获奖电影获奖者最佳影片金熊奖出发西史柯林摩斯基最佳男演员老人与孩子米歇尔.西蒙最佳女演员传播谣言的人伊迪丝.埃文丝最佳导演老人与孩子兹.巴夫洛维奇评委会特别奖操纵男人的女人乔治斯.德.博勒加德第十六届柏林电影节获奖名单(1966年)奖项获奖电影获奖者最佳影片金熊奖死胡同罗曼.波兰斯基最佳男演员男欢女爱琼-皮尔里.利奥德最佳女演员老爷爱上一只鸭罗拉.奥布莱特最佳导演追击卡洛斯.绍拉评委会特别奖追捕逃亡者Yngve Gamlin第十五届柏林电影节获奖名单(1965年)奖项获奖电影获奖者最佳影片金熊奖阿尔伐维尔城安德烈.米什林最佳男演员女贼金丝猫李.马文最佳女演员莎士比亚式的人玛德赫.杰芙丽最佳导演孤独的妻子萨蒂亚吉特.雷伊评委会特别奖幸福阿尼丝.华达评委会特别奖冷面惊魂Gene Gutowski第十四届柏林电影节获奖名单(1964年)奖项获奖电影获奖者最佳影片金熊奖干旱的夏天David E. Durston最佳男演员当铺罗德.施泰格尔最佳女演员她与他左幸子最佳导演大城市萨蒂亚吉特.雷伊评委会特别奖来福枪鲁伊格拉第十三届柏林电影节获奖名单(1963年)奖项获奖电影获奖者最佳影片金熊奖武士道今井正最佳影片金熊奖恶魔Gian Luigi Polidoro最佳男演员野百合西德尼.波埃特最佳女演员情人比比.安德森最佳导演年轻的爱神们尼柯斯.康德罗斯评委会特别奖客人克莱夫.唐纳第十二届柏林电影节获奖名单(1962年)奖项获奖电影获奖者最佳影片金熊奖一种爱意Joseph Janni最佳男演员霍伯斯先生的假日詹姆斯.斯图尔特最佳女演员没有出路维威卡.林德弗斯最佳女演员没有出路丽塔.盖姆最佳导演西西里的黑雾弗朗切斯科.罗西评委会特别奖第十一届柏林电影节获奖名单(1961年)奖项获奖电影获奖者最佳影片金熊奖夜米开朗基罗.安东尼奥尼最佳男演员寂寞的男人彼得.芬奇最佳女演员女人就是女人安娜.卡利娜最佳导演马拉基阿斯神父的奇迹别林哈尔特.维基评委会特别奖女人就是女人琼-卢克.戈达德评委会特别奖Mabu Jin-Kang Dae第十届柏林电影节获奖名单(1960年)奖项获奖电影获奖者最佳影片金熊奖托梅斯的盲人犬C¨sar Fern¨ndez Ardav¨n 最佳影片银熊奖爱情的游戏菲利普.德.普劳加最佳男演员继承的风声弗雷德.马区最佳女演员农村集市朱丽叶.梅尼叶尔最佳导演断了气;喘息琼-卢克.戈达德第九届柏林电影节获奖名单(1959年)奖项获奖电影获奖者最佳影片金熊奖表兄弟克劳德.查布罗最佳影片银熊奖钢盔约翰.霍克斯沃斯最佳男演员流浪汉阿尔基麦迪斯让.加宾最佳女演员问任何姑娘雪莉.麦克莱恩最佳导演秘密碉堡里的三个恶棍黑泽明第八届柏林电影节获奖名单(1958年)奖项获奖电影获奖者最佳影片金熊奖野草莓英格玛.伯格曼最佳影片银熊奖双只眼,十二双手Rajaram Vankudre Shantaram 最佳男演员挣脱索链西德尼.波埃特最佳女演员暴风雨安娜.玛格纳妮最佳导演纯真的爱情今井正第七届柏林电影节获奖名单(1957年)奖项获奖电影获奖者最佳影片金熊奖十二怒汉悉尼.卢曼特最佳影片银熊奖上帝允许的时侯最佳男演员蒂查克彼得罗.英范蒂最佳女演员穿晨衣的女人伊凡诺.米歇尔最佳导演父与子马里奥.莫尼塞利第六届柏林电影节获奖名单(1956年)奖项获奖电影获奖者最佳影片金熊奖邀请参加舞会;舞伴的邀请吉恩.凯利最佳影片银熊奖理查三世劳伦斯.奥立弗最佳男演员空中吊架伯特兰.卡斯特最佳女演员雕塑多娜蒂拉伊尔莎.玛蒂尼里最佳导演秋日落叶罗伯特.奥尔德里奇第五届柏林电影节获奖名单(1955年)奖项获奖电影获奖者最佳影片金熊奖鼠罗伯特.西奥德梅克最佳影片银熊奖稚情Ladislao Vajda最佳影片铜熊奖卡门.琼斯奥图.普雷明杰最佳男演员最佳女演员第四届柏林电影节获奖名单(1954年)奖项获奖电影获奖者最佳影片金熊奖霍布森的选择戴维.里恩最佳影片银熊奖面包,爱情和梦想Luigi Comencini 最佳影片铜熊奖D¨froqu¨, Le 利奥.乔安诺最佳男演员最佳女演员第三届柏林电影节获奖名单(1953年)。

一生中不可不听的50首经典英文歌曲1、《Complicated》推荐,经典太帅了超喜欢艾薇儿最好把她的歌都翻译过来2、《Michael Buble-home》抒情,稳馨丝绒般柔滑的声音轻触你心Michael Buble《Home》在这里给大家介绍一首Michael Buble-home,当听到这首歌时,就想到我上学放假回家时那种归心似箭的感觉,特别是离家越来越进的感觉......虽然现在工作了,城市比家乡又大又漂亮,但正如歌词“Maybe surrounded by A million people I Still feel all alone Ijust wanna go home”,还是想回家,还是经常想起家里的爸妈,即使每周一次的通话,却怎么也抵挡不了回家一次的感觉,家是避风港,家是重新扬帆起航的码头.......仅以此曲献给那些想家的人!3、《Forever young》抒情大人物拿破仑》一部很好的电影。
片中有一首插曲是我很喜欢的《Forever Young》。
很多人都应该听过《Forever Young:摇滚童话》中那群孩子唱的版本,可是有多少个人知道原唱是来自德国的电子乐队Alphaville,起码我之前就不知道。
Alphaville在80‘s并没有取得巨大的成功,但他们的这首《Forever Young》却成为那个时代的经典,而且依然被传遍着。
4、《God is A Girl》推荐,经典,流传好听的要死,百听不厌。
经典之极.这种音乐完全能让人陶醉,自从听过这首歌,我才对英文歌曲这么感兴趣,陶冶心灵,听着心情是如此不一样5、《norwegian wood》“发表当时,这首诗以其“难解”形成话题,出现了各式各样的解释。

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Compilations Latex Sex.Compilations Lesbian Games.Compilations Maid to be Laid.Compilations My first time!.Compilations Nurses in Heat.Compilations Orgies.Compilations Private Backstage.Compilations Private Fire.Compilations Private Geographic.Compilations Private GoddessesCompilations Private Lesbian Sex.Compilations Private Stars.Compilations Private Zodiac.Compilations Private's Most Beautiful Breasts. CompilationsPure Anal.Compilations RedHeads On Fire.Compilations Sex At Work.Compilations Shaved Pussies.Compilations Start Your Engines.Compilations The Best Lingerie A Go-Go. Compilations The Best Russians Of Private. Compilations The Fetish Collection.Compilations Tropical Cock Tale.Compilations Two Cocks In The Same Hole. Compilations United Colors of Private. Compilations White Girls With Black Guys.. Compilations The Best Cum Suckers7.private fetish machine系列(15部)偶像制造机系列private影片当中比较bt的一个系列Pirate Fetish 4 Pack.Pirate Fetish Machine 10 The Wild Circle.Pirate Fetish Machine 11 Fetish Recall - Fact or Friction. Pirate Fetish Machine 12 The Fetish Garden.Pirate Fetish Machine 13 Trust No One.Pirate Fetish Machine 14.Theatre of Lust.Pirate Fetish Machine 8 Fetish Academy.Pirate Fetish Machine 9 No Job No Blow.Pirate Fetish Machine Colette's Kinky Desires.Pirate Fetish Machine Dominatrix Chess Gambit.Pirate Fetish Machine Fetish & Magic.Pirate Fetish Machine Fetish TV.Pirate Fetish Machine Funky Fetish Horror Show. Pirate Fetish Machine Sex in a Frame.Pirate Fetish Machine The Sexterminators.8.private film系列(23部)胶片系列private老片合集,拍摄时间都在93-95年之间! Private Film Anal AcademyPrivate Film Anal Clinic.Private Film Anal Manor.Private Film Apocalypse Climax 2.Private Film Apocalypse Climax.Private Film Arrowhead.Private Film Backdoor To Sweden.Private Film Beauties in Paradise.Private Film Cannes FantasiesPrivate Film Chateau De Passion.Private Film Costa Rica GetawayPrivate Film Costa Rica StudiesPrivate Film Dolce Vita Hotel.Private Film Forbidden Desires.Private Film Lady In Spain.Private Film Money for Nothing - Sex for Free. Private Film Private in the Seychelles. Private Film Samba.Private Film The Gigolo 1.Private Film The Gigolo 2.Private Film The Kissing Fields.Private Film Virgin Treasures 1.Private Film Virgin Treasures 2.9.Gaia系列(6部)Gaia 01 Les Obstacles de I'Amour.Gaia 02 Silvie Irresistible.Gaia 03 Weekend In Bologna.Gaia 04 Italian Legacy.Gaia 05 The Temptations Of Clarisse.Gaia 06 Profession Porn Actress. Gaia.10.private gold系列(66部)精装系列private的重头戏,汇集了众多世界级的色情片导演和百万投资的大制作! Private Gold A Study in Sex.Private Gold African Dream.Private Gold Amazonas.Private Gold Big Member.Private Gold Bitches1.Private Gold Bitches2.Private Gold Cadillac Highway.Private Gold Calendar Girl.Private Gold Cape Town1.Private Gold Cape Town2.Private Gold Center of Sex.Private Gold China box.Private Gold Cleopatra1.Private Gold Cleopatra2.Private Gold Collector.Private Gold Cuntry Club.Private Gold Dead Man's Wish.Private Gold Domestic Affairs.Private Gold Exotic Illusions1.Private Gold Exotic Illusions2.Private Gold Fatal Orchid.Private Gold Fatal Orchid2.Private Gold Friends in Sex.Private Gold Gladiator1.Private Gold Gladiator2.In the city of lvst. Private GoldGladiator3.Sexval conqvest. Private Gold Hawaiian Ecstasy.private Gold House Of Love.Private Gold Kruger Park.Private Gold Lethal Information.Private Gold Living In Sin.Private Gold Madness1.Private Gold Madness2.Private Gold Mafia Princess.Private Gold Network.Private Gold No Sun No Fun.Private Gold Operation Sex Siege. Private Gold Private Dancer.Private Gold Private Eye.Private Gold Reporter.Private Gold Riviera.Private Gold Riviera2.Private Gold Riviera3.Private Gold Sex Angels.Private Gold Sex Experiment.Private Gold Sex Therapy1.Private Gold Sex Therapy2.Private Gold Sex Voyage.Private Gold Sins.Private Gold Summer Wind1.Private Gold Summer Wind2.Private Gold Sweet Baby2.Private Gold Sweet Lady1.Private Gold Tatiana1.Private Gold Tatiana2.Private Gold Tatiana3.Private Gold The Chase.Private Gold The Fugitive.Private Gold The Fugitive2.Private Gold The House Of Games.Private Gold The Longest Night.Private Gold The Perversion of Barbara.Private Gold The Pyramid1.Private Gold The Pyramid2.Private Gold The Pyramid3.Private Gold When The Night Falls.11.private life of系列(19部)生活系列此系列是private众多女优的个人专集,主要讲述了她们的成长过程,中间还穿插了很多拍摄现场的故事Private Life Of Bettina.Private Life Of Cassandra Wilde.Private Life of Claudia Ricci.Private Life of Dora Venter.Private Life of Jessica May.Private Life of Jodie Moore.Private Life of Julia Taylor.Private Life of Kate More.Private Life Of Laura Angel.Private Life of Lea de Mae.Private Life Of Lynn Stone.Private Life of Mercedes.Private Life of Michelle Wild.Private Life Of Monique Covet.Private Life Of Nikky Anderson.Private Life of Rita Faltoyano.Private Life Of Silvia Saint.Private Life of Sophie Evans.Private Life of Wanda Curtis.12.Lust Treasures系列(9部)Private Lust Treasures 01.Private Lust Treasures 02.Private Lust Treasures 03.Private Lust Treasures 04.Private Lust Treasures 05.Private Lust Treasures 06.Private Lust Treasures 07.Private Lust Treasures 08.Private Lust Treasures 09.13.private man系列(6部)男同志系列一个女的都没有!全是男的!Private Man Gambler's Delight.Private Man Gay Culture.Private Man Graduation Gay.Private Man Prick A Porter.Private Man Size Marc Anthony.Private Man Size Soccer Boy.14.private michael ninn系列(5部) michael ninn个人专辑美国成人片大导演michael ninn的个人专辑! Private Ninn 2Funky4U.Private Ninn Acid Dreams.Private Ninn Perfect.Private Ninn Private-Ninn.Private Ninn Your Time Is Up.15.private movies系列(11部)电影系列antonio adamo的招牌菜,女优素质很高!Private Movies All Sex.Private Movies Delilah.Private Movies Fallen Angel.Private Movies Fever.Private Movies In the Arms of Evil.Private Movies Island Fever.Private Movies Pleasure Island.Private Movies Sex Slider Shag-a-Rama.Private Movies Sex, Lies and Internet.Private Movies The Five Keys Of Pleasure.Private Movies The Other Face of Pleasure.16.peepshow special系列(6部)偷窥特别版系列以偷拍的视角演绎的故事(注意!并不是真正意义的偷窥,那是违法的.这个只是以偷窥的手法拍摄)Peepshow Special 1.Peepshow Special 2.Peepshow Special 3.Peepshow Special 4.Peepshow Special 5.Peepshow Special 6.17.private penthouse系列(15部)阁楼合拍系列非常经典的系列,里面汇集了众多在private和阁楼杂志上面抛头露面的女优,绝对有料! Private Penthouse Call Girl.Private Penthouse Dangerous Things1.Private Penthouse Dangerous Things2.Private Penthouse Dangerous.Private Penthouse Eve Insane Obsession.Private Penthouse Fashio.Private Penthouse Italian Flair.Private Penthouse Limited Edition 1&2.Private Penthouse Limited Edition.Private Penthouse Sex Forever.Private Penthouse Sex Opera.Private Penthouse The Last Muse.Private Penthouse Too Many Women For A Man.Private Penthouse Without Limits1.Private Penthouse Without Limits2.18.Pirate系列(12部)Pirate 01 Fetish Hotel.Pirate 02 Day DreamsPirate 03 Rich BitchPirate 04 Women On Top.Pirate 05 Love Me DeadlyPirate 06 Broken Dreams.Pirate 07 Sex Club.Pirate 08 Power Slave.Pirate 09 Sins Of The FleshPirate 10 No Mercy.Pirate 11 Deviation.Pirate 12 Hells Belles.19.private reality系列(25部)真实系列此系列由一些激情的小故事组成,也算是private的一个力作了,其中汇集了一些经典的搞笑场景!Private Reality 01 Sexy Temptation.Private Reality 02 Pure Pleasure.Private Reality 03 From Behind Is OkPrivate Reality 04 Just Do It To Me.Private Reality 05 Click Here To Enter.Private Reality 06 Dangerous Games.Private Reality 07 Wild Adventure.Private Reality 08 Summer Love.Private Reality 09 Do Not Disturb- We're Having Fun. Private Reality 10 The Ladder Of Love.Private Reality 11 Singularity.Private Reality 12 Dangerous Girls.Private Reality 13 Explosive Women.Private Reality 14 The Girls Of Desire.Private Reality 15 Never Say No.Private Reality 16 More Than Sex.Private Reality 17 Anal Desires.Private Reality 18 Double Hole.Private Reality 19 Beds of Sin.Private Reality 20 Forbidden Games.Private Reality 21 Fuck Me.Private Reality 22 Insatiable Sex Dolls.Private Reality 23 Cum.Private Reality 24 Sex Addicts.Private Reality 25.Anal Challenge.20.private sports系列(6部)运动系列顾名思义就是加入了一些运动元素咯,这个系列的片子比较少! Private Sports 1 Moto XXX.Private Sports 2 Rock Hard.Private Sports 3 Desert Foxxx.Private Sports 4 Snow.Private Sports 5 Surf Fuckers.Private Sports 6 Soccer Girls.21.private superfuckers系列(12部)超级系列顾名思义就是"狂操"系列啦,全系列由"狂操先生"pierre woodman导演,出场女优数量众多,质量也不错!Private Superfuckers 01.Private Superfuckers 02.Private Superfuckers 03.Private Superfuckers 04.Private Superfuckers 05.Private Superfuckers 06 Harder & Deeper.Private Superfuckers 07.Private Superfuckers 08 Seducing Session.Private Superfuckers 09.Private Superfuckers 10.Private SuperFuckers 11 Serial SexPrivate Superfuckers 12 Whores Riding22.private the matador series系列(15部)斗牛士连载系列以"走后门"著称的系列,当中还夹杂着一些夸张和危险的场景!(注意!此斗牛士只是指private旗下的斗牛士团队制作,并不表示影片中有斗牛士场景出现)The Matador 01 Now It s Your Turn T o Hump and Pump It.The Matador 02 Ally Goes to the Wild Side.The Matador 03 Double Anal.The Matador 04 Anal Garden.The Matador 05 Sex Trip.The Matador 06 Dirty Men At Work.The Matador 07 Avalanche.The Matador 08 Anal Revenge.The Matador 09 18 Holes, Passion On The Green.The Matador 10 Free Riders, Throbbing Choppers.The Matador 11 A Sex Portrait.The Matador 12 Avalanche 2 Sex in the AlpsThe Matador 13 Cock O'neal.The Matador 14 Anal Psycho Analysis.The Matador 15 Sex Tapes.23.private triple x files系列(12部)3x系列本系列的导演和演员阵容都比较强,影片基本都由一些小故事组成!Triple X Files 01 Nicole&Margot.Triple X Files 02 Fnjioy our pirate report&6 more hot stories.Triple X Files 03 Adele.Triple X Files 04 Janka.Triple X Files 05 Enjoy Silvie.Triple X Files 06 Do You Know Katja Kean.Triple X Files 07 Laura&5 more hot stories.Triple X files 08 The Dungeon.Triple X files 09 Hyapatia.Triple X files 10 Memories.Triple X Files 11 Enjoy Jennifer!.Triple X Files 12 Eat Up24.private tropical系列(12部)热火风情系列由alessandro del mar执导的一个全新的系列,当中有很多漂亮的外景,比如说沙滩、游艇!Private Tropical 01 Sex Survivors.Private Tropical 02 Sunrise.Private Tropical 03 Tropical Heat.Private Tropical 04 Caribbean Vacation.Private Tropical 05 Paradise Island.Private Tropical 06 Tequila Bum Bum.Private Tropical 07 Coconut Holiday.Private Tropical 08 Ocean Dream.Private Tropical 09 Coral HoneymoonPrivate Tropical 10 Caribbean AirlinesPrivate Tropical 11 Dream Girls in St. Martin.Private Tropical 12 Sin Island25.pirate video deluxe系列(16部)海盗豪华系列夹杂着sm和其他一下稀奇古怪内容的系列(注意!此海盗只是指private旗下的海盗团队制作,并不表示影片中有海盗场景出现) Pirate Video DeLuxe Double Confusion.Pirate Video deLuxe Eternal Ecstasy.Pirate Video deLuxe Fetish Obsession.Pirate Video deLuxe Fetish Therapy.Pirate Video deLuxe Hell Whores and High Heels.Pirate Video deLuxe Perversions Of The Damned.Pirate Video deLuxe Rubber Kiss.Pirate Video DeLuxe Tanya Hydeis London Calling.Pirate Video deLuxe Tanya Hyde's Rubberfuckers Rule.Pirate Video DeLuxe Tanya Hyde's Twisted Dreams.Pirate Video deLuxe The Academy.Pirate Video deLuxe The Bride Wore Black.Pirate Video DeLuxe The Club.Pirate Video deLuxe The Splendor Of Hell.Pirate Video deLuxe Victoria Blue.Pirate Video deLuxe Xtreme Desires.26.private virtualia系列(6部)虚拟现实系列由多次获奖的antonio adamo导演,以纯粹的虚拟性爱为创作题材,成功地创造出一个现实与虚幻世界交织的奇妙未来世界。

Are We There Yet?
Cheaper by the Dozen 2
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Diary of a Mad Black Woman
Be Cool
Yours, Mine and Ours

1、《热情似火》Some Like It Hot 1959“没有人是完美的,但这并不是说电影不能”▲ 比利·怀尔德《热情似火》(Some Like It Hot, 1959)位列榜首的是一部基调轻松的喜剧片《热情似火》,导演比利·怀尔德是波兰裔犹太人,1933年辗转到达好莱坞后,职业生涯共收获6座奥斯卡小金人,为黄金时代的好莱坞做出了很大贡献。
”一个面无表情的抱怨者,总是漫不经心地进行俏皮的讽刺,比利·怀尔德把1959 年的反串喜剧中甜蜜、顽皮、疯狂的颠覆性本能结合在一起。

Jacques-Rémy Girerd 雅克勒密?吉雷(1952-) 雅克勒密?吉雷1952年生于法国卢瓦尔省Mars市,1975年获 得里昂美术学院毕业考试第一名,1984年创建Folimage公 司,1999年建立"欧洲火药库学校"(Ecole Européenne de la Poudrière),教授动画片制作。25年中他创作了百余部 作品,其中包括电视系列剧,短片,中片等等。他的作品有 《生活的乐趣》(Le bonheur de la vie,1990)《我珍爱 的小行星》(Ma petite planète chérie,1994)、《铃铛儿 童》(L’enfant au grelot,1997)等,曾获得多项国际大奖, 其中包括安纳西国际动画电影节最佳突出贡献奖、金卡通奖 (欧洲的奥斯卡奖)等。雅克勒密?吉雷是动画片《青蛙的 预言》(La Prophétie des Grenouilles,2004)的导演,他 所领导的Folimage公司六年磨一剑,创作出法国继《国王与 小鸟》之后的又一部动画长片《青蛙的预言》。 2004年4月11日下午,雅克勒密?吉雷来到北京广播学院动 画学院为师生们放映了《青蛙的预言》并讲述了制作此片背 后许多不为人知的故事。在师生们的提问下,他也谈到一些 他关于动画片的创作、生产、管理等诸方面的看法。
哦,天哪!那是什么怪物?一个有十层楼高的巨型机械人践踏着城市, 眼光象探照灯。小鸟被抓住了。画国王得意地狞笑着,逼问牧羊姑娘是 否愿意嫁给他,同时机械人的手指捏着男孩放在了狮群的头顶。救人要 紧,还是小鸟说得对,先答应了,再想办法。机械人的胸腔打开了,播 放着闹心的《婚礼进行曲》。女孩被画国王带走了,男孩与小鸟被抓去 做苦工。工厂以流水线的方式大量生产国王的塑像。男孩干的活儿是画 眼睛,小鸟呢?铁链加铁球绑着它的腿还得不停地踩啊踩啊。男孩豁出 去了,国王的眼睛画成了黑洞。自然,更大的灾难等着他们。 他们被双双关进了狮园,成群的狮子正在听音乐呢,那个盲人音乐家坐 在树上拉着风琴。狮子咬断了小鸟的铁链,小鸟趁机向狮子们进行演讲, 演讲的内容当然是关于牧羊姑娘肥美的羊羔。狮子们终于气愤了,它们 要向国王讨回公道,它们要那些肥美的羊。婚礼是幸福的画国王和伤心 的牧羊姑娘。小鸟带着狮子队伍来了,婚礼顿时变成了战场。画国王拽 着牧羊姑娘上了机械人的顶部。小鸟找到机械人的要害,赶跑了操纵者, 和鸟宝宝一起控制了机械人。 好戏开始了。机械人开始了大拆迁行动。墙塌了,屋倒了,楼崩了,皇 亲国戚们忙不迭地四处逃窜,好不热闹。整座城堡变成了一片废墟!哦, 画国王呢?哪儿去了?瞧啊,不正在机械人的掌心么。鼓风机开始转动起 来,飓风将可怜的画国王吹上了天,越吹越高,越吹越远,直到看不见 踪影。机械人累了,坐在那儿作沉思状,象“思想者”那座雕塑。最后 是那只鸟宝宝又被关进了鸟笼,唧唧喳喳喊着救命。机械人伸出手指, 捻开了铁栅栏小门,鸟宝宝跳了出来,扑腾着翅膀兴奋地向远处飞 去……机械人巨大的铁拳将那只小箱子砸得粉碎,那只象征专制暴政的 小箱子。烟囱工和牧羊女两个恋人也快乐地生活在一起。


数学:学习数学需要的是内心的平静但不时的也需要灵感的涌流,所以推荐一些既安静又不失趣味的歌曲.全部都是无歌词的歌曲,毫无疑问歌词会影响到我们的几何或逻辑思维.1.Summer-久石让2.流动的城市-林海3.夜曲-纯音乐4.The rain-久石让5.Snowdreams-班得瑞6.The Truth That You Leave-piano boy7.songs from a secret garden-神秘园8.杨柳-范宗沛理化:理化公式和理论的结合,可以用一些稍明朗欢快的歌曲或带歌词的轻音乐来激发它的趣味性,提高书写计算的效率.1.回梦游仙(力荐)-仙剑奇侠传42.爱的筵席(LOVE SONGS FEAST)-莎拉布莱曼 3.Craigie Hill-Cara Dillon4.valder fields-Tamas Wells5.Inside-Bang Gang6.Tango in my heart-QQ音速(爆好听,上网查)7.Dying In The Sun -小红莓 8.Nocturne-神秘园 9.May It Be-恩雅10.30 Minutes - T.a.T.u语文:语文没有什么特别的限制,只要不是中文歌词都可以.歌曲就不做推荐了,上面的都可以.英语:不像语文,英文歌词不仅不会影响到学习英语,也许还在不经意之间惯了耳音呢!除背单词时需要无歌词的低频率音乐,别的时候听上面的歌都是可以的,下面再推荐一些英文学习感到疲惫无聊时或想加快速度时的歌曲.1.Chocolate Ice (听身体唱歌)- 卫兰2.Beat It -MJ3.Heal The World -MJ 4.don't cry - 枪花5.Anything But Ordinary - 艾薇儿6.Nobody’s A Nun - 王若琳7.Behind Blue Eyes - Limp Bizkit8.Zombie - 小红莓9.Time after time - 仓木麻衣(柯南) 10.remember the name - 林肯公园政史:自由发挥的时候到了,喜欢的歌都打开吧,应付作业的放快歌,巩固知识的放慢歌,心情好才是最终目的。

《午夜巴塞罗那》Vicky Cristina Barcelona......Marí Elena a 2007
《晚安好梦》The Good Night......Anna
《斗牛士》Manolete......Antoñita "Lupe" Sino 《挽歌》Elegy......Consuela Castillo
中文名: 外文名: 国籍: 民族: 出生地: 出生日期: 职业: 毕业院校: 身高: 家人: 丈夫: 血型:
佩内洛普· 克鲁兹 Pené lope Cruz Sá nchez 西班牙 卡斯蒂利亚人 西班牙马德里 1974年4月28日 演员 西班牙国家音乐学院古典芭蕾系 168cm 妹妹,Monica Cruz Sanchez 哈维尔· 巴登(Javier Bardem) O型
《圣诞夜奇迹》Noel ......Nina Vasquez
《胡思乱想/乱世三人行/巴黎烟云》Head in the Clouds......Mia 《别动/别碰我》Non ti muovere......Italia 2003 《芳芳郁金香》Fafan la Tulipe ......Adeline La Franchise 《鬼影人/哥西卡》Gothika......Chloe Sava 《蒙面与匿名》Masked and Anonymous......Pagan Lace
2013 《黑金杀机》The Counselor 《我超兴奋》Los amantes pasajeros 2012
《来到这个世上》Twice born

欧美帅哥电影、电视剧中文名:亚历克斯•帕蒂弗英文名:Alex•Pettyfer生日:1990年04月10日身高:182cm主要演出作品2006 《风暴突击者》饰Alex•Rider{14岁特工完成不可能任务}2008 《野孩子》饰Freddie{家里养尊处优的“小公主”在寄宿学校的“遭遇”}中文名:扎克••埃夫隆英文名:Zac•Efron生日:1987年10月18日身高:179cm主要演出作品2006 《歌舞青春》饰Troy•Bol ton2007 《歌舞青春2》饰Troy•Bolton2008 《歌舞青春3》饰Troy•Bolton2009 《重回十七岁》饰Mike•O•Donnell{重回高中生活做出人生抉择}中文名:罗伯特•托马斯•帕丁森全名:Robert•Thomas•Pattinson生日:1986年05月03日身高:185cm主要演出作品2005 《哈利•波特与火焰杯》“哈4”饰Cedric•Diggory配角《勿忘我》2008 《暮色》〔又名《暮光之城》〕饰Edward•Culle n{感人唯美吸血鬼爱情}中文名:史蒂文•斯特赖特英文名:Steven•Strait生日:1986年03月23日身高:188cm主要演出作品2006 《魔鬼契约》饰Caleb•Danvers{校园内外的怪异事件到底和什么有关?}中文名:马特•达拉斯英文名:Matt•Dallas生日:1982年10月21日身高:182cm主要演出作品2006美剧《天赐第一季》〔又名《神奇小子第一季》〕饰Kyle〔凯尔〕2007美剧《天赐第二季》〔又名《神奇小子第二季》〕饰Kyle〔凯尔〕2009美剧《天赐第三季》〔又名《神奇小子第三季》〕饰Kyle〔凯尔〕{天生没有肚脐的男孩从哪里来,有着怎样的身世之谜,接下来又会发生什么?}中文名:肖恩•法瑞斯(长的好似年轻时的汤姆•克鲁斯〕英文名:Sean•Faris生日:1982年03月25日身高:183cm主要演出作品2008 《永不退缩》〔又名《绝不退缩》〕Jake•Tyler〔杰克•泰勒〕{关于MMA街头搏斗的电影}中文名:海登•克里斯滕森英文名:Hayden•Christensen生日:1981年04月19日身高:185cm主要演出作品2002 《星球大战前传二:克隆人的进攻》饰Anakin•Skywalker{科幻大作} 2005 《星战前传3:西斯的复仇》饰Anakin•Skywalker{科幻大作}2007 《夺命手术》饰Clay{揭密手术阴谋}2008 《心灵传输者》〔又名《穿梭者》〕饰David•Rice{自由空间穿梭者}中文名:克里斯•派恩英文名:Chris•Pine生日:1980年08月26日身高:184cm主要演出作品2004 《公主日记2:皇家婚约》饰Nicholas•Devereaux2006 《盲目约会》饰Danny{天生失明青年经历一番曲折得到幸福爱情} 2006《倒霉爱神》饰Jake•Hardin{生活完全不同的两个人最后幸福在一起}中文名:钱宁•塔图姆英文名:Channing•Tatum生日:1980年04月26日身高:185cm主要演出作品2006 .《足球尤物》饰Duke{校园内女扮男装证明自己实力并得到爱情} 2006 .《舞出我人生》饰Tyler{梦想成为现实励志片}中文名:詹森•阿克斯英文名:Jensen•Ross•Ackles生日:1978年03月01日身高:185cm主要演出作品2005美剧《邪恶力量第一季》饰Dean•Winchester(迪恩-温彻斯特) 2006美剧《邪恶力量第二季》饰Dean•Winchester(迪恩-温彻斯特) 2007美剧《邪恶力量第三季》饰Dean•Winchester(迪恩-温彻斯特)2008美剧《邪恶力量第四季》饰Dean•Winchester(迪恩-温彻斯特){抓鬼兄弟的故事虽是有关鬼怪的故事但并不恐怖既有搞笑还有感人的元素}2009电影《我的血腥情人节》饰Tom•Hanniger{矿井内的恐怖杀人魔到底是谁?}〔一下较之以上虽资历老些,但确实是实力演员,而且他们年轻时的却也很帅〕中文全名:莱昂纳多•迪卡普里奥英文全名:Leonardo•Wilelm•DiCaprio生日:1974年11月11日身高:182cm中文名:基努里维斯英文名:Keanu•Reeves生日:1963年12月18日身高:186cm中文名:布拉德•皮特英文名:Brad•Pitt生日:1963年12月18日身高:183cm中文名:汤姆•克鲁斯英文名:Tom•Cruise生日:1962年07月03日身高:170cm公众之敌<舞出我人生>--------------每个人都可以舞出自己的人生.....<恋爱假期>----------------是不是要给自己的心放个假....<骄阳似我>----------------一个超级天才,喜欢自我堕落,老师引导他回到“正常的人生”<女兵报道>----------------到处都有钩心斗角啊....<美人鱼>------------------新版....帅哥加美女~<少年特工科迪>------------他居然是中央情报局的职业小特工....看他如何保卫整个星球..<父女大不同>--------------有个贵族的父亲也不一定是件好事啊<劲歌飞扬>----------------小城女孩纽约孤身求学,立志闯出广阔音乐天地<冰上公主>----------------一段关于滑冰少女的励志故事<超完美男人>--------------你相信这世上有超完美男人嘛?<新乌龙女校>--------------一部经典的重拍.....<魅力四射>1-4-------------好多美女...口水...<录取通知书>--------------落榜高中生自创“南哈蒙理工学院”..反而成就一番事业<邻家女孩>----------------隔壁的美女竟然是AV女优!<初恋的回忆>--------------甜蜜温馨的故事啊....<辣妈辣妹>----------------怪诞星期五,母女大换身<贱女孩>------------------美国青春校园版<金枝欲孽><惊声尖笑>1-4-------------恶搞各大顶级恐怖片..哎呦..笑死人鸟~~<纽约时刻>----------------孪生姐妹纽约圆梦记<12月男孩>----------------看哈利波特在里面会不会很怪...<平民天后>----------------美国少女旅行途中被误认为意大利明星--------------------------cmy整理请勿复制----------------------------------<牛仔裤的夏天>1、2--------四个美少女共享一条神奇的牛仔裤<美丽坏宝贝>--------------一部很励志的电影.....<怪女孩出位>--------------贝弗里山庄的两个女孩不惜一切代价要自己成名<高校天后>----------------纽约漂亮女孩到乡下小城<倒霉爱神>----------------如果你的好运全部被别人偷走.....<律政俏佳人>1、2----------谁说金发美女头发黄见识短,个个头脑空空?<水瓶座女孩>--------------单亲女孩前往欧洲去寻找身为英国皇家贵族的父亲.. <风云才女>----------------帕里斯希尔顿首部主打电影= =<拜金女郎>----------------富豪姐妹勇对家庭破产危机<勇踏星途>----------------一部改编自布兰妮成长经验的影集<窈窕美眉>----------------美国版<流星花园><混合宿舍>1、2------------校园性喜剧,自己看吧...<朱诺>--------------------默默无闻的少女朱诺被同班运动型男搞到一夜大肚,瞬间成为焦点人物<谁领风骚>----------------可能曾经对你最忠诚的人最后会是害你最惨的人...<反芭比>------------------四美女对抗学校坏制度....<校园风云>----------------学生会竞选的乱战<千金转校记>--------------从小被宠坏的公主...遇到了不买她帐的人..会怎么办呢?<灰姑娘的玻璃>--------这一次灰姑娘还会顺利找到他的白马王子嘛?<超完美夺分>--------------七个中学生策划的普林斯顿考试中心偷答案的惊天大计划<天生一对>----------------哇塞..林赛罗翰小时候好可爱<公主日记>1、2------------纽约女孩意外得知自己竟然是欧洲小国公主...惊喜之外等待她的会是什么呢?<足球尤物>----------------你见过比她更爱踢足球的女生嘛..踢得比男生还好..<美国派>1-6---------------名气太大,不说也罢<歌舞青春>1-3-------------这个太有名..理由同上--------------------------cmy整理请勿复制----------------------------------<滑板狂热>----------------疯狂少年为了理想组建滑板队<总统千金欧游记>----------青春喜剧版<罗马假日><第一女儿>----------------类似上部电影<益智风云>----------------如果你智商只有007答题又想得高分,就去作弊吧<翘课天才>----------------学生逃学,校长追捕<粉骚大联盟>--------------问题女生制造校园骚乱阻止学校合并计划<恋爱刺客>----------------三个辣妹整蛊花花公子..<爱情服务生>--------------让我们品尝了一顿餐饮业的幕后味道<公主保护计划>------------保护公主是我们的义务.....<新丁驾到>----------------倒霉男生监狱里面学做人<小姐好辣>----------------上帝别出心裁想出来的奇妙惩罚让主人公终于明白自己的浅薄和刻薄..<重返17岁》---------------如果你也回到17岁...一切还会一样吗?<公路之旅>----------------三个大学生千里奔波追逐穿帮“色情”录像带<欧洲任我行>------------- <公路之旅>欧洲升级版<少儿不宜>----------------美国青春校园版<炮制女朋友><变身辣妹>----------------辣妹和修车工之间的变身<男女变错身>--------------辣妹和帅哥同学兼邻居之间的变身<留级之王>1-3-------------让我回想起了自己的大学时代<大学新生>----------------假小子是怎么炼成淑女的<新窈窕淑男>--------------一个男生男扮女装混入女生寝室<乐鼓热线>----------------黑人小子加入学校橄榄球乐队<孟汉娜>------------------平凡女孩白天是学生,晚上是歌星<恋爱刺客>----------------三个女人算计一个男人的故事..<宝贝新官人>--------------简单的校园爱情故事<魅力学堂>----------------墨西哥城某女校的一群反叛女生和老师作对的故事<超级坏>------------------讲述友谊和别离的性喜剧<男女大不同>--------------痞子会馆与淑女会馆之间的乱战。

1.Yiruma - River Flows in You2.Ludovico Einaudi - Nuvole Bianche3.Max Richter - On the Nature of Daylight4.George Winston - December5.Yiruma - Kiss the Rain6.Ludovico Einaudi - Una Mattina7.Yann Tiersen - Comptine d'un autre été, l'après-midi8.William Joseph - Within9.George Winston - Carol of the Bells10.Max Richter - The Blue Notebooks11.Yiruma - Spring Time12.Ludovico Einaudi - I Giorni13.George Winston - Thanksgiving14.Max Richter - November15.Yiruma - Love Me16.Ludovico Einaudi - Divenire17.Yann Tiersen - La Valse d'Amélie18.George Winston - Prelude/Carol of the Bells19.Max Richter - Mercy20.Yiruma - The Scenery Begins21.Ludovico Einaudi - Primavera22.Yann Tiersen - Sur le fil23.George Winston - Peace24.Max Richter - Dream 3 (in the midst of my life)25.Yiruma - Stay in Memory26.Ludovico Einaudi - Andare27.Yann Tiersen - La Dispute28.George Winston - Variations on the Kanon by Pachelbel29.Max Richter - Spring 130.Yiruma - Moonlight31.Ludovico Einaudi - Fly32.Yann Tiersen - Le Moulin33.George Winston - Night Sky34.Max Richter - Vladimir's Blues35.Yiruma - Dream a Little Dream of Me36.Ludovico Einaudi - Le Onde37.Yann Tiersen - J'y suis jamais allé38.George Winston - Colors/Dance39.Max Richter - Organum40.Yiruma - It's Your Day41.Ludovico Einaudi - Elegy for the Arctic42.Yann Tiersen - Valse d'Amélie (version orchestral)43.George Winston - Lullaby 244.Max Richter - Richter: On the Nature of Daylight45.Yiruma - Do You?46.Ludovico Einaudi - Night47.Yann Tiersen - La Redécouverte48.George Winston - Love Song to a Ballerina49.Max Richter - Written on the Sky50.Yiruma - Hope51.Ludovico Einaudi - Run52.Yann Tiersen - La Plage53.George Winston - Woods54.Max Richter - The Twins (Prague)55.Yiruma - Time Forgets...56.Ludovico Einaudi - Twice57.Yann Tiersen - Toujours là58.George Winston - Walking in the Air59.Max Richter - Entropy60.Yiruma - Falling...61.Ludovico Einaudi - Passaggio62.Yann Tiersen - La Noyée63.George Winston - Graduation64.Max Richter - Genesis of Poetry65.Yiruma - Shining Smile66.Ludovico Einaudi - Orbits67.Yann Tiersen - Marie68.George Winston - Reflections/What Child Is This?69.Max Richter - Laika's Journey70.Yiruma - Do Not Forget71.Ludovico Einaudi - Experience72.Yann Tiersen - Plus d'hiver73.George Winston - Joy74.Max Richter - Infra 575.Yiruma - Passing By76.Ludovico Einaudi - Nefeli77.Yann Tiersen - La Rupture78.George Winston - Greensleeves79.Max Richter - Embers80.Yiruma - Sweet Dream My Dear81.Ludovico Einaudi - Einaudi: Experience82.Yann Tiersen - La Chute83.George Winston - Waiting for Spring84.Max Richter - Written on Sky (with Antonio Pinto)85.Yiruma - Do You Remember Me?86.Ludovico Einaudi - Berlin Song87.Yann Tiersen - L'Autre Valse d'Amélie88.George Winston - Longing/Love89.Max Richter - A Catalogue of Afternoons90.Yiruma - If I Could See You Again91.Ludovico Einaudi - Walk92.Yann Tiersen - L'homme aux bras ballants93.George Winston - Remembrance/Lament94.Max Richter - Fragment95.Yiruma - May Be96.Ludovico Einaudi - In Un'Altra Vita97.Yann Tiersen - La Valse des Monstres98.George Winston - Pixie #3/Prelude99.Max Richter - Circles from the Rue Simon - Crubellier100.Yiruma - River Flows in You (Remix)这100首静心钢琴曲,从不同的角度展现了音乐的魅力。

不可不看的世界著名电影推荐1. 2001 Kubrick, Stanley 1968(《漫游太空2001,库布利克》)2. Accattone Pasolini, Pier Paolo 1961(《乞丐》,帕索里尼)3. Babette's Feast Axel, Gabriel 1987(《芭贝特的盛宴》)4. Battleship Potemkin, The Eisenstein, Sergei 1925(《战舰波将金号》,爱森斯坦)5. Bicycle Thieves, The De Sica, Vittorio 1949(《偷自行车的人》,德-西卡)6. Blade Runner: The Director's Cut Scott, Ridley 1991(《银翼杀手》,雷德利-斯科特)7. Blue Velvet Lynch, David 1986(《蓝丝绒》,大卫-林奇)8. Chronicle of a Summer Rouch, Jean 1960(《夏日纪事》,让-鲁什)9. Clockwork Orange Kubrick, Stanley 1971(《发条橙子》,库布利克)10. Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover, the Greenaway, Peter 1989 (《情欲色香味》,格林纳威)11. Crash Cronenberg, David 1996(《撞车》,柯南博格)12. Demon Seed Cammell, Donald 1977(《魔种》)13. Desk Set Lang, Walter 195714. Draughtsman's Contract, The Greenaway, Peter 1982(《画师的合约》,格林纳威)15. Dreamlife of Angels, The Zonca, Erick 1998(《两极天使》,宗卡)16. Early Works Richter, Hans 192717. Eraserhead Lynch, David 1977(《橡皮头》,大卫-林奇)18. Fifth Element, The Besson, Luc 1997(《第五元素》,吕克-贝松)19. Film before Film Nekes, Werner 198620. Gattaca Niccol, Andrew 1997(《变种异煞/千钧一发》安德鲁-尼科尔)21. Big Day, The Tati, Jacques 1947(《节日》,雅克-塔蒂)22. Jules et Jim Truffaut, Francois 1962(《朱尔与吉姆》,特吕弗)23. Beauty and the Beast Cocteau, Jean 1946(《美女与野兽》,让-考科多)24. Hate Kassoritz, Mathieu 1995(《仇恨/怒火青春》,卡索维茨)25. Pier, The Marker, Chris 1962(《堤》,克里斯-马克尔)26. New Enchantment, The l'Herbier, Marcel 192427. La Magic Melies Meny, Jacques 199728. Films of Man Ray, The Man Ray 199829. 400 Blows, The Truffaut, Francois 1957(《四百击》,特吕弗)30. Level Five Marker, Chris 199731. Man Bites Dog Belvaux, Remy 1992(《人咬狗》)32. Man Ray Fargier, Jean Paul 199833. Man with a Movie Camera Vertov, Dziga 1929(《持摄影机的人》,维尔托夫)34. Metropolis Lang, Fritz 1929(《大都会》,佛列兹-朗)35. Mr Hulot's Holiday Tati, Jacques 1952(《于洛先生的假期》,雅克-塔蒂)36. My Uncle Tati, Jacques 1958(《我的舅舅》,雅克-塔蒂)37. Naked Leigh, Mike 1993(《赤裸》,迈克-雷)38. Nosferatu Murnau, F.W. 1922(《吸血鬼》,茂瑙)39. Cabinet of Dr Caligari, The Wiene, Robert 1919(《卡里加利博士的小屋》,维内)40. Notorious Hitchcock, Alfred 1946(《美人计》,希区柯克)41. Nuts in May Leigh, Mike 1976(《五月的坚果》,迈克-雷)42. October Eisenstein, Sergei 1927(《十月》,爱森斯坦)43. Paris, Texas Wenders, Wim 1984(《德州,巴黎》,文德斯)44. Pillow Book, The Greenaway, Peter 1995(《枕边书》,格林纳威)45. Playtime Tati, Jacques 1967(《游戏时间》,雅克-塔蒂)46. Solaris Tarkovsky, Andrey 1972(《索拉里斯/飞向太空》,塔尔柯夫斯基)47. Stalker T arkovsky, Andrey 1979(《潜行者》,塔尔柯夫斯基)48. Tampopo Itami, Juzo 1986(《蒲公英》,伊丹十三)49. Tati Shorts Tati, Jacques 1930-67(雅克-塔蒂的短片)50. Things to Come Menzies, William Cameron 1936(《科幻双故事》)51. Tokyo Story Ozu, Yasuijiro 1953(《东京物语》,小津安二郎)52. Man and a Woman, A Lelouch, Claude 1966(《一个男人与一个女人》克劳德?勒鲁什)53. Wings of Desire Wenders, Wim 1987(《柏林苍穹下》,文德斯)54. Birth of a Nation, The Griffith, D.W. 1915(《一个国家的诞生》,格里菲斯)55. Theorem Pasolini, Pier Paolo 1968(《定理》,帕索里尼)56. Week-End Godard, Jean-Luc 1967(《周末》,戈达尔)57. Brothers Quay, The Brothers Quay 1980s58. Andalusian Dog, An Bunuel, Luis/Dali, Salvador 1928(《一条叫安德鲁的狗》,达利,布努埃尔)59. Rome, Open City Rossellini, Roberto 1945(《罗马,不设防的城市》,罗西里尼)60. Intruder, The Corman, Roger 1961(《入侵者》,罗杰科尔曼)61. Visions of Light Glassman, Arnold 1992(《光影的美丽》,阿诺德格拉斯曼)62. Svankmajer : vol 1 Svankmajer, Jan 1960s63. Svankmajer : vol 2 Svankmajer, Jan 1960s64. Contempt Godard, Jean-Luc 1963(《轻蔑》,戈达尔)65. One plus One Godard, Jean-Luc 1968(《一加一》,戈达尔)66. Night in Casablanca, A Mayo, Archie 1946(《卡萨布兰卡之夜》,阿尔其?梅奥)67. Rashomon Kurosawa, Akiro 1950(《罗生门》,黑泽明)68. Yojimbo Kurosawa, Akiro 1961(《用心棒》,黑泽明)69. Early Cinema : vol 1 BFI70. Early Cinema : vol 2 BFI71. Red Desert Antonioni, Michaelangelo 1964(《红色沙漠》,安东尼奥尼)72. Annie Hall Allen, Woody 1977(《安妮?荷尔》,伍迪?艾伦)73. Brazil Gilliam, Terry 1985(《巴西》,特里?吉列姆)74. After Hours Scorsese, Martin 1985(《下班之后》,斯科西斯)75. Wizard of Oz, The Fleming, Victor 1939(《绿野仙踪》,弗莱明)76. Promise, The Von Trotter, Margarethe 1995(《许诺》,玛格丽特?冯?特洛塔)77. Hudsucker Proxy, The Coen, Joel 1994(《金钱帝国》,科恩兄弟)78. Matter of Life and Death, A Powell, Michael 1946(《平步青云》,迈克尔?鲍威尔)79. Thelma and Louise Scott, Ridley 1991(《末路狂花》,雷德利?斯科特)80. Antonia's Line Gorris, Marleen 1995(《不靠男人的女人》,玛琳?格里斯)81. Man Who Fell to Earth, The Roeg, Nic 197382. Wings of the Dove Softley, Iain 1997(《三颗翼动的心》,伊恩?索夫特雷)83. Portrait of a Lady Campion, Jane 1996(《淑女本色》,简?康萍)84. Sense and Sensibility Lee, Ang 1995(《理智与情感》,李安)85. Fanny and Alexander Bergman, Ingmar 1982(《芬尼与亚历山大》,伯格曼)86. Don't Look Now Roeg, Nic 197387. Blow Up Antonioni, Michaelangelo 1966(《放大》,安东尼奥尼)88. Mrs Dalloway Gorris, Marleen 1997(《达洛威夫人》)89. Orlando Potter, Sally 1992(《奥兰多》,萨利?波特)90. Colour of Pomegranates, The/Legend of the Suram Fortress, The Paradjanov, Sergo 1969(《石榴的颜色/苏拉姆城堡的传说》,帕拉杰诺夫)91. Sunset Boulevard Wilder, Billy 1950(《日落大道》,比利?怀尔德)92. Citizen Kane Welles, Orson 1941(《公民凯恩》,威尔斯)93. Blood of a Poet, The Cocteau, Jean 1930(《诗人之血》,让?考科多)94. Crimes and Misdemeanors Allen, Woody 1989(《罪与罚》,伍迪?艾伦)95. His Girl Friday Hawks, Howard 1940(《女友礼拜五》霍华德?霍克斯)96. Batman Burton, Tim 1989(《蝙蝠侠》,提姆?波顿)97. Strange Days Bigelow, Kathryn 1995(《世纪末暴潮》,凯瑟琳?碧罗格)98. Age of Innocence, The Scorsese, Martin 1993(《纯真的年代》,斯科西斯)99. French Lieutenant's Woman, The Reisz, Karel 1981(《法国中尉的女人》,卡尔?雷兹)100. Little Dorrit : Part 1 Edzard, Christine 1988(《小杜瑞特》)101. Little Dorrit : Part 2 Edzard, Christine 1988 102. Clueless Heckerling, Amy 1995(《独领风骚》,艾米·海克林)103. Third Man, The Reed, Carol 1949(《第三个人》,卡洛尔·里德)104. Fellini's Roma Fellini, Frederico 1972(《罗马》,费里尼)105. It's A Wonderful Life Capra, Frank 1946(《美好人生》,卡普拉)106. Edward Scissorhands Burton, Tim 1993(《剪刀手爱德华》,提姆·波顿)107. Dracula - 1992 Coppola, Francis Ford 1992(《吸血惊情四百年》,科波拉)108. Elephant Man, The Lynch, David 1980(《象人》,大卫·里恩)109. Jane Eyre Stevenson, Robert 1943(《简爱》,罗伯特·斯蒂文森)110. Performance Roeg, Nic and Cammell, Donald 1970 111. Flash, The Iscove, Robert 1990(《闪电侠》,罗伯特·伊斯科夫)112. Apartment, The Wilder, Billy 1960(《公寓》,比利·怀尔德)113. My Girlfriend's Boyfriend Rohmer. Eric 1987(《我女朋友的男朋友》,侯麦)114. Silences of the Palaces, The Tlatli, Moufida 1996(《沉默的宫殿》)115. Oliver! Reed, Carol 1968(《奥利弗》,卡洛尔·里德)116. Rope Hitchcock, Alfred 1948(《绳索》,希区柯克)117. Apocalypse Now Coppola, Francis Ford 1979(《现代启示录》,科波拉)118. I've Heard The Mermaids Singing Rozema, Patricia 1996(《我听到美人鱼在唱歌》)119. Intimate Lighting Passer, Ivan 1965(《逝水年华》,伊万·帕瑟)120. Close Encounters of the Third Kind Speilberg, Steven 1977(《第三类接触》,斯皮尔博格)121. Haunting, The Wise, Robert 1963(《猛鬼屋》,罗伯特·怀斯)122. Short Cuts Altman, Robert 1993(《短片集》,罗伯特·阿尔特曼)123. Yellow Submarine Dunning, George 1968(《黄色潜水艇》,乔治·唐宁)124. 8 1/2 Fellini, Federico 1968(《八又二分之一》,费里尼)125. Mirror Tarkovsky, Andrei 1974(《镜子》,塔尔柯夫斯基)126. Dick Tracy Beatty, Warren 1990(《至尊神探》,沃伦·比蒂)127. Lola Demy, Jacques 1960(《劳拉》,雅克·德米)128. Fathers of Pop Arts Council ?129. Conan the Barbarian Milius, John 1981(《霸王神剑》)130. Piano, The Campion, Jane 1993(《钢琴课》,简·康萍)131. Blade Runner: The Director's Cut Scott, Ridley 1991(《银翼杀手导演版》,雷德利·斯科特)132. Red Shoes, The Powell, Michael 1948(《红菱艳》,迈克尔·鲍威尔)133. Gormanghast: Episode 1 Wilson, Andy 2000 134. M Lang, Fritz 1931(《M》佛列兹·朗)135. Gormanghast: Episode 2 Wilson, Andy 2000 136. Enigma of Kasper Hauser, The Herzog, Werner 1974(《加斯·荷伯之迷》,赫尔佐格)137. Dark City Proyas, Alex 1998(《黑暗之城》)138. Gormanghast: Episode 3 Wilson, Andy 2000 139. Fistful of Dollars, A Leone, Sergio 1964(《为了几块钱/荒原大镖客》,莱昂内)140. For a Few Dollars More Leone, Sergio 1965(《为了更多几块钱/黄昏双镖客》,莱昂内)141. Good, The Bad and The Ugly, The Leone, Sergio 1966(《好的坏的和丑的/黄金三镖客》,莱昂内)142. L'Atalante Vigo, Jean 1934(《亚特兰大号》,让·维果)143. Conformist, The Bertolucci, Bernardo 1970(《同流》,贝尔托鲁奇)144. Rear Window Hitchcock, Alfred 1954(《后窗》,希区柯克)145. Kino-Eye Vertov, Dziga 1924(《电影眼》,维尔托夫)146. A Nous La Liberte Clair, Rene 1931(《自由属于我们》,雷内·克莱尔)147. Alphaville Godard, Jean-Luc 1965(《阿尔法城》,戈达尔)148. Touch of Evil Welles, Orson 1958(《历劫佳人/邪恶的接触》,奥逊·威尔斯)149. Fat City Huston, John 1971(《富城》,约翰·休斯顿)150. Under the Roofs of Paris Clair, Rene 1930(《巴黎屋檐下》,雷内·克莱尔)。
il divo.d

il divo2篇篇一:Il Divo 史上最成功的男子四重奏近几十年来,音乐界涌现出了许多优秀的男子四重奏组合,但其中一个组合却无疑成为了史上最成功的——Il Divo。
Il Divo 是由西班牙歌手Carlos Marin、瑞士歌手Urs Bühler、法国歌手Sébastien Izambard和美国歌手David Miller组成的男子四重奏组合。
Il Divo 的音乐融合了古典乐和流行乐的精髓,创造出了独特的音乐风格,并且受到了世界各地观众的喜爱。
Il Divo 的首张专辑《Il Divo》于2004年发布,凭借其中的单曲《Regresa a Mi》一举成名。
Il Divo 的成功不仅仅在于他们的音乐才华,更在于他们的专业素养和团队精神。
Il Divo 的音乐不仅受到了大众的喜爱,还赢得了许多音乐奖项和荣誉。
在过去的几年中,Il Divo 经历了一系列的巡演和演出,吸引了大量的观众。
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YALE UNIVERSITYSchool of ManagementMGT 853 - SERVICES MARKETING:STRATEGIES FOR NONPROFITS AND FOR-PROFITSSpring 2005_____________________________________________________________________________ Professor: Christopher Lovelock Secretary: Geri SpadacentaE-mail christopher.lovelock@ E-mail: geri.spadacenta@Office: 55 Hillhouse Ave, Room 309 Office: 55 Hillhouse Ave, Room 302Tel: 203 432 5957 Tel: 203 432 5957Office hours by appointment TAs: sner@hema.yoganarasimhan@ _____________________________________________________________________________ Course Description and ObjectivesThe primary objective of this course is to help you to work effectively as managers (or consultants) in service-driven organizations in either nonprofit or for-profit settings. An underlying theme of the course is that management issues in services are often different from those in manufacturing and this has implications for marketing strategy and implementation. Our focus will be from the perspectives of both senior management and customers themselves.Through cases, readings, projects, class discussions and presentations, we’ll address the distinctive characteristics and problems of marketing in both nonprofit and for-profit service organizations, identifying marketing-relevant differences between the two. In the process, you’ll learn to recognize the nature of different types of services, to dissect service experiences, to evaluate delivery systems, and to understand the roles played by customers themselves.During the course, we’ll be exploring marketing concepts, frameworks and models designed to facilitate analysis of different types of services and to help in development and implementation of appropriate strategies. The course takes a strategic view of marketing, emphasizing that it is the only function that specifically brings operating revenues into the organization.We’ll take advantage of the fact that many services offer a wonderful real-world laboratory for study and analysis. (By the end of this course, I suspect that you will never again look at a restaurant, museum, healthcare, or transportation service in quite the same light!) Through participation in individual and group projects, you’ll develop a pragmatic, real-world view of current marketing practices and innovations in the service sector, start to think more analytically about your own experiences as a service customer, compare and contrast the context of for-profit and nonprofit organizations, and develop a better understanding of front-line service jobs. Course Format and ContentThis half-semester course is, of necessity, fairly concentrated, with just thirteen 80-minute sessions over a period of seven weeks. The assignment for most sessions includes both a case and a reading. Our cases cover a variety of industries and are drawn from both nonprofit organizations and for-profit companies.ExpectationsMy expectation is that you will come to all classes, read all assigned materials, prepare the accompanying study questions thoughtfully, and submit written assignments on or before their due dates. Case discussions can be a very exciting way to learn, but in this form of teaching it takes two (or more) to tango. Our sessions will be livelier and more interesting if everyone is well prepared and willing to participate actively in class discussions. Use of laptops in class can be distracting—I’d prefer that you took notes the old-fashioned way. If you’re unable to come to class for any reason, please notify me in advance by email, otherwise I’ll have to assume you were unprepared. Fellow members of your small group will expect you to participate usefully in group assignments, so please don’t let them down.Contact InformationI’ll be on campus on Mondays and Wednesdays (and sometimes also on Tuesdays). Please contact my secretary, Geri Spadacenta (55 Hillhouse, tel: 2-5957) to make an office appointment. More informally, I’d also be happy to meet with you individually or in groups for coffee, lunch, or post-class refreshments to discuss issues of interest to you—this is a genuine offer, not a hollow gesture! The teaching assistants for this course are Emily Lasner and Hema Yoganarasimhan, who will be grading your papers, but I will also read everything myself.GradingEvaluation will be based on class participation (30%), individual written assignments (60%), and small group projects (10%). The good news is that there will be no final exam. Written projects include (1) blueprinting service delivery—based on a case; (2) preparing a diary and appraisal of your own service experiences; and (3) written analyses of two cases (selected from a subset of those taught in the course). For more information, click the section on “Written Assignments.” Course Materials1. Most cases and readings are included in the assigned text for the course, ChristopherLovelock and Jochen Wirtz, Services Marketing 5th ed. (Prentice Hall 2004). This book, referred to in assignments as “L&W”, is available from the Yale Bookstore.2. Additional materials, including some cases and readings, will be loaded on the WebCTsite. All assignments for individual class sessions and details of written projects will also be found on WebCT.3. A few items will be distributed in a printed course package.Small GroupsAll students will be assigned to a small group comprising 4-5 participants each. I’ll decide the composition of these groups and announce them on March 28, at which time I will also give details of specific assignments and the role that groups are expected to play.Name CardsTo help me and your fellow students to get to know you quickly, please bring your name card to every class and insert it in front of your desk. If you need to make a new name card, please use a thick black felt-tip marker for easy legibility. Thanks!MGT 853 - SERVICES MARKETING:STRATEGIES FOR NONPROFITS AND FOR-PROFITSProf. Christopher LovelockCourse Overview and ScheduleSpring 2005______________________________________________________________________________________________ ----Week 1----Mon, Mar 21 Introduction to ServicesReadings: L&W, Chapter 1: Introduction to Services MarketingDrucker: “What Business Can Learn from Nonprofits” (WebCT-Harvard) Wed. Mar 23 Developing and Enhancing a Marketing Orientation Reading: L&W, Chapter 2: Customer Behavior in Service EncountersCase: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (WebCT)----Week 2----Mon. Mar 28: Where Does the Customer Fit in a Service Operation? - I Reading: L&W, Chapter 8: Designing and Managing Service ProcessesCase: Sullivan’s Auto World Ford (L&W, 486-490)Written assignment: Service blueprint dueSmall groups announcedWed. Mar 30Where Does the Customer Fit in a Service Operation? - II Reading L&W, Chapter 14, Improving Service Quality and Productivity (pp 405-30) Case: (L&W, 627-39)----Week 3----Mon. Apr 4: Positioning a Service in the MarketplaceReadings L&W, Chapter 3: Positioning Services in Competitive MarketsHaeckel, Carbone, Berry, “How to Lead the Customer Experience,” (L&W,343-347)Optional: Grove & Fisk, “Service Theater: An Analytical Framework for ServicesMarketing” (L&W, 78-87); L&W, Chapter 11, Planning the ServiceEnvironment (pp 285-308)Case: Commerce Bank (L&W, 492-504)Small groups: field project (TBA)Wed. April 6: Marketing Multi-site Services - I: Franchise Organizations Reading: L&W, Chapter 7, Distributing ServicesCase: Aussie Pooch Mobile (L&W, 520-532)Written Assignment: Service diaries due----Week 4----Mon. Apr 11: M arketing Multi-site Services - II: Trade AssociationsReading: Berry, “Cultivating Service Brand Equity” (L&W, 207-209)Case Visiting Nurse Associations of America (L&W, 533-545)Wed. Apr 13: An International Challenge: Developing and Marketing Services for Customers at the Bottom of the Economic Pyramid Reading: Prahalad and Hammond, “Serving the World’s Poor, Profitably.” (WebCT-Harvard),Prahalad, “Strategies for the Bottom of the Economic Pyramid: India as aSource of Innovation” (WebCT)Small groups: BOP project (TBA)----Week 5----Mon. Apr 18:Evaluating New Service Initiatives - IReading: L&W, Chapter 4: Creating the Service Product, (pp 112-23 only)Cases: Innovation at Progressive (A): Pay as You Go Insurance (L&W, 607-19)Innovation at Progressive (B): Homeowners Insurance (L&W, 620-24)Innovation at Progressive (C): Auto Repair (L&W, 625-26) Small Groups: Diary AssessmentsWed. Apr 20: Evaluating New Service Initiatives - IIReading: Ford & Fottler “Creating Customer-Focused Health Care Organizations”(P) Case: Yale-New Haven Children’s Hospital (WebCT)Guest: Prof. Michael Apkon, MD----Week 6----Mon. Apr 25 Creating and Maintaining Customer LoyaltyReading: L&W, Chapter 12: Managing Relationships and Building LoyaltyCase: Massachusetts Audubon Society (L&W, 588-603)Wed. Apr 27: Nonprofits Marketing For-Profit OfferingsReading: L&W, Chapter 5, Designing the Communications Mix for ServicesCase: CompuMentor and the ServiceGuest: Rebecca Masisak----Week 7----Mon. May 2 Achieving Service LeadershipReading: L&W, Chapter 15: Organizing for Service LeadershipKey:L&W Lovelock & Wirtz, Services Marketing 5/eWebCT Course website - Harvard materials require a special access procedure on this site P Package of printed materials (so far, only Ford & Fottler article—will be distributed in advance of April 20 class)Blue Cases available for write up. Note: must select one case from each of two groups—details on first day of class. Progressive A, B, C counts as one case)WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS____________________________________________________________________________________(A) INDIVIDUAL WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTSThere are four individual written assignments in this course, but no final exam. All assignments are due at the beginning of class on the specified day. Papers should be typed but diagrams may be hand drawn. In the case of the service diaries project, your work will form the basis for discussion in small groups and, perhaps, in-class presentations. So in a very real sense, you’ll be contributing to other people’s learning as well as your own.Project #1(10% of final grade) consists of a blueprint and evaluation of the car repair service at Sullivan’s Auto World, due on March 28 when we discuss this case.Project #2(20% of final grade) consists of a diary of your service encounters, due on April 6.Projects #3and #4(30% of final grade): prepare a written analysis of two cases (15% each).Two lists of cases will be distributed on the first day of class and you should sign up for one case from each list. There will be a limited number of sign-ups for each case, so make your selection early to get your first choices! Projects are due in class on the days when your selected cases are scheduled to be taught.Project #1: Blueprint of Car Repair Service (due Monday, March 28)Read the Sullivan’s Auto World Ford case and L&W Chapter 8, with particular attention to the section on service blueprinting, which includes a detailed blueprint of restaurant service.Develop a blueprint of car repair service at Sullivan’s (no pictures are needed but the boxes and labels can be hand drawn if you wish; feel free to Scotch-tape pages together). Identify significant potential fail points and add a 2-3 page evaluation with recommendations for changes in the service department.You may do this assignment individually or work with a second person and submit a single paper (but I will, of course, expect a higher level of detail in both the diagram and evaluation). Project #2: Service Diary (due Wednesday, April 6)Keep a typed diary of your encounters with different service providers during a two-week period in March/April (need not be two sequential weeks). For each week, record 4-6 service encounters based on your first-hand experience. You should start your diary as soon as possible and submit 8-10 entries in total. Each entry should briefly describe the encounter in terms of:•factual details—what happened, when, where, nature of transaction, at what type of service organization•comments—your feelings, observations, actions taken (if any)•your analysis of the situation (why it was positive/negative/neutral in generating satisfaction) and your diagnosis of the causes.•What future actions, if any, you would take if you were a manager of this organization and learned from research, customer letters, observation, or staff reports that a number of customers were having similar experiences.Please record only those experiences you are willing to share with the class, since you may be asked to describe your encounters to your classmates.Don’t record more than two encounters with any one service organization. Try to record a good cross-section of the organizations that you patronize, following the basic report format below. (See examples of two completed diary entries).SERVICE DIARY FORMATEncounter # Date: Time: Location:Organization:Details:Comments:Analysis:Future Action Steps by Management:TWO SHORT SAMPLE DIARY ENTRIESEncounter # 5Date: Friday, Sep. 22 Time: 8:45pm Location: NewtownOrganization: Restaurant “Chez Jules”Details: Restaurant kept us (self and friend) waiting for 45 minutes past our 8:00pm reservation Comments: I was angry and my friend got very impatient. When I complained, the hostess said she was sorry (in a rather insincere way) but sometimes these things happened. The meal was good but we probably won’t go back.Analysis: The restaurant does a poor job of integrating capacity planning and demand management (judging by the hostess’s comment, this doesn’t appear to be an isolated incident—perhaps they deliberately overbook on weekends!). The hostess lacks the skills and empathy needed to handle customer concerns effectively.Future Action Steps by Management: The hostess should be trained to relate more sympathetically to customer concerns. In the future, we should look for friendlier, more empathetic personalities when hiring people for the hostess job. If it is clear that customers with reservations are going to be kept waiting, then the hostess should give them advance warning of delays to manage their expectations. We should institute service recovery procedures (e.g, an apology and offer of a free drink) automatically after a certain amount of waiting time has passed.___________________________________________________________________________Encounter # 7 Date: Tuesday, Sep. 26 Time: 9:15am Location: SouthvilleOrganization: Post Office, Columbia AvenueDetails: Sent a package. Served quickly by the postal clerk who was polite but somewhat impersonal. He was able to answer questions about prices for different levels of service and suggested Express Mail if I wanted next-day delivery.Comments: I see a different postal clerk in this office every time I go there, which is about once a week. Only one of them has ever smiled at me. The post office interior and exterior are both dull and institutional looking. There was a political slogan painted on the outside wall, which looked as if it had been there a while.Analysis: Contrary to postal stereotypes, the employees in this office seem to be polite, well informed and efficient. But if management keeps rotating the employees, they will never get to know the customers and it will continue to be an impersonal experience.Future Action Steps by Management: We should review our staffing procedures and try to minimize rotation of employees among different offices. Although USPS policy limits what we can do with interior design, let’s review the availability of colorful USPS posters to brighten the walls. Graffiti should be removed immediately so that other vandals don’t get the same idea..Projects #3 and #4: Two Case Analyses (due dates range from April 4-27)NOTE: A list of cases and due dates will be posted at the beginning of the course. Please signup in advance for the cases you wish to prepare. You will be asked to select one case from each of two groups.In each instance, you should prepare a 4-5 page (double-spaced) written analysis and recommendations, plus any relevant exhibits, addressing the issues faced by management and also responding to other study questions assigned with the case.Guidelines clarifying my expectations and offering advice on how to prepare an effective write-up will be posted on the course website at the beginning of the course [attached as pp 13-14]. Each paper will account for 15% of your final grade and is due before class starts on the day specified for discussion of that case. In grading, emphasis will be placed on the thoroughness of both qualitative and relevant quantitative analysis. Late papers will not be accepted.(B) SMALL GROUP ASSIGNMENTSThere are three small group assignments, each involving preparation of a short PowerPoint presentation. You will be assigned by the instructor to a team of 4-5 students. One or more teams will be called on to present in class.Assignment #1: (Due: Monday April 4 at 1:00pm by email to Prof. Lovelock) EVALUATING SERVICE FACILITIES AND THE INITIAL CUSTOMER EXPERIENCERead: Heaeckel et al., “How to Lead the Customer Experience,” (L&W, 343-7)Teams A - D: Send 2 or more team members to visit Union Station, New Haven (think of yourselves as prospective travelers planning to take a trip by train).Teams E - H: Send 2 or more team members to visit the public areas of Yale-New Haven Hospital (think of yourselves as prospective patients for a treatment that doesn’t involve an overnight stay).First impressions are often important in creating customers’ expectations about a particular service and even in shaping their decisions about usage. In each instance, see as much of the facility as you can without going into places you’re not supposed to enter. Identify and evaluate clues to the quality and style of the service experience delivered by the rail carriers (Teams A-D ) or the hospital (Teams E-H). Share this information with other team members prior to class and discuss implications for marketing the relevant services. Propose any changes to the service environment that seem appropriate.Each team should prepare a short PowerPoint presentation to be emailed to the instructor not later than 1:00pm on Monday, April 4—the day of class. Keep it short and sweet—a maximum of four text slides (plus cover sheet) with a minimum font size of 20 points. You can add exhibits if you wish. Identify the time and date of your visit. If you are including photos or other graphics, please set resolution at 72 pixels/inch to minimize file size.One team that visited each facility will be selected to give a 7-10 minute presentation in class on April 4; these teams will be notified be email an hour in advance of class so they can be prepared. The other teams will be asked to critique and elaborate following the presentations.Assignment #2 (Due: Wednesday April 13 at 1:00pm by email to Prof. Lovelock) DEVELOPING AND MARKETING SERVICES FOR CUSTOMERS AT THE BOTTOM OF THE ECONOMIC PYRAMIDOverviewThe class session on April 13 and the accompanying small group assignment give us an opportunity to evaluate service markets among poor consumers in less developed or emerging economies and to consider how improved service availability as well as better outcomes might contribute to economic development. A variety of challenging questions arise, including: Can we use existing service marketing concepts and strategies to create and deliver services for people with very low incomes and limited education or is it necessary to take entirely different approaches? What creative, bottom-up approaches to service have proved successful? What is the role of technology? And what might service organizations operating in advanced economies learn from successful innovations in developing countries?With only a few exceptions, services research, teaching, and practice have traditionally focused on customers in rich countries with well-developed infrastructures. C.K. Prahalad points out that an enormous market exists among the poorer segments of the world’s population, but that the needs of people in these segments are often not being met. Almost two-thirds of the world’s population earns less than US$2,000 per year. Most live in emerging or less developed economies that lack sophisticated infrastructures. Prahalad and Hammond address a series of what they describe as misperceptions and false assumptions about the poor, namely that:•They have no money to spend.•They are too concerned with filling basic needs to “waste” money on non-essentials.•The prices for goods and services they currently purchase must be incredibly low•They are too backward and uneducated to use advanced technologies.•They are open to exploitation by multinational companies targeting this market.Developing economies increasingly comprise three distinct tiers of consumers: (1) a thin strata of wealthy, sophisticated, and internationally-oriented individuals; (2) an emerging middle class whose service needs and aspirations are converging in many areas towards those of consumers in more affluent countries; and (3) a large majority of people living at or below subsistence levels. Yet individuals and households in this third category still have a need for a diverse array of services, especially those consumers with some education who aspire to transition toward middle class status. Although their individual purchasing power may be small—leading existing service providers to ignore them—collectively these consumers represent substantial market potential (see, for example, “Banco Azteca Caters to the Little Guy”, L&W, p61).Small Group AssignmentAll team members should read the two articles assigned for class on April 13. In addition, at least one member of the team should read Chapters 1 and 2 of C.K. Prahalad’s book, The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid (Philadelphia: Wharton School Publishing 2005)—which is on reserve in the Social Science Library—and brief other team members on the key insights.Select a Specific Service. Through library and Internet research or personal knowledge, each team should identify a specific service that meets the following criteria:•Located in an emerging or less developed economy in one of the following regions: o Africao The Americas (south of the US border) and Caribbeano S.E. Asia•Not retailing, a utility (like water or electricity), or a community-wide service such as education or basic health care. However, specialized medical treatment is OK.•Sold at a price, as opposed to being offered free or exchanged through barter•Targeted at low-income consumers (use your judgment—especially in urban areas income levels could be slightly higher than the $2000/annum cut off Prahalad suggests for BOP consumers)•Excludes any organization discussed by Prahalad in either of his two articles or anywhere in his book•Within these constraints, the service may be offered by a for-profit company, a nonprofit organization, or a government agencyTo avoid the risk of duplication, please inform Prof. Lovelock of your choice of organization in case another team might have already selected it.Describe, Document, and Evaluate the Service. Learn as much as you can about the history behind your chosen service organization, specific features of the service(s) provided, the consumers it is designed to serve, the strategies used to market and deliver it, and the extent to which it has been successful (or not) in winning customers and meeting their needs by providing the outcomes they desire. If known, specify what other options (if any) were available before the service in question was launched and whether competition now exists. Identify and evaluate what operational procedures are used to keep costs low and how the service provider caters to customers who are either illiterate or have only limited reading skills.Prepare a Brief PowerPoint Presentation. Address as many of the above points as possible and provide an overall evaluation, including insights and lessons that you draw from your analysis. Recognizing the limited amount of time that your team has available for this project, your goal should be to produce a short and simple “sketch” of your chosen service, rather than a detailed case study. Suggested length: 4 slides of text (minimum font size 20 points), plus cover sheet, a list of all references and other sources consulted, and any exhibits you wish to include. If including photos or other graphics, please set resolution at 72 dpi (pixels/inch) to minimize file size.At least four teams will be selected to give a 5-7 minute presentation in class that day; these teams will be notified by email an hour in advance of class so they can be prepared. The other teams will be asked to critique and discuss following the presentations.Assignment #3 (due 1:00pm Monday, April 18, by email to Prof. Lovelock)EVALUATION OF TEAM MEMBERS’ SERVICE DIARIESPlease distribute a copy of your diary to everyone on your team. Working individually, carefully read all the diary entries prepared by each person. Which service encounters (both good and bad experiences) do you think provide useful illustrations of some of the challenges facing service marketers as they try to ensure good service for their customers?Meet with your group to prepare the following assignments and be prepared to present in class: Part A1. Categorize each diary entry into one of the following three types of experience:(a) mainly positive; (b) mainly negative; (c) neutral2. Further classify them according to the relative importance that the performance of front-stage personnel played in each specific experience:(a) very important; (b) somewhat important; (c) not importantNow use the results to create a 3x3 (nine-cell) matrix featuring the above classifications and indicating the number and percent of all observations falling in each cell. Put this matrix on a PPT slide plus a brief evaluation and conclusions on a second PPT slide.Part B1. Select one positive service experience from among all the diary entries. Summarize thesituation on 1-2 PowerPoint (PPT) slides. Identify the factors that you believe underliesuccessful service delivery in this instance and put them on another 1-2 PPT slides.2. Similarly, select one negative service experience and identify the underlying causes. As amanager (or owner) what steps would you take to improve service quality and customer satisfaction in the future? (Total, 2-4 PPTs)3. Compare and contrast the two experiences and relate them to the concepts and frameworksdiscussed in this course. Summarize the key learning points from the two selected experiences that are generalizable to other service organizations (Total, 2-4 PPTs). Several groups will be invited to make brief presentations in class of their analysis and conclusions on one or more of the questions above....Note on Case Preparation and Written Analysis INTRODUCTION TO CASESCases provide you with an opportunity to learn by doing. The cases in this course represent real-world problems that managers in service organizations have to face and resolve. Preparing cases for class discussion and/or written analysis requires you to:•Identify and clarify problems•Analyze quantitative information•Calculate potential costs, income, and other quantitative data•Evaluate alternative courses of action, showing that you understand the trade-offs•Decide the best strategy and defend your choice•In class, be open to others’ thoughts and ideasThe key to successful learning from case study and discussion is to get involved!PREPARING A CASE FOR WRITTEN ANALYSIS AND/OR CLASS DISCUSSION Moving from Initial Review to Detailed AnalysisFirst, get a feel for the overall situation by skimming quickly through the case. Then make a careful second reading, seeking to identify key facts so that you can develop a situation analysis and clarify the nature of the problems facing management. Make notes in response to such questions as:•Where does the organization stand today and how did it get there?•What is going on in the external environment?•What problems does management appear to be facing?•What decisions need to be made, and who will be responsible for making them?•What are the objectives of the organization itself and of each of the key playersin the case? Are these objectives compatible?•What resources and constraints are present that may help or hinder attempts bythe organization to meet its objectives?The study questions provide some signposts to the topics you should be addressing and may shape the way you organize a paper or prepare for class. However, feel free to go beyond these questions.Quantitative Analysis•Evaluate the relevance and significance of quantitative data presented in the text or exhibits.•See if new insights may be gained by combining and manipulating data presented in different parts of the case.•Don't accept the data blindly. In the cases, as in real life, not all information is equally reliable or equally relevant.。