Pressure Control Manual for Drilling Completion and Well Intervention Operations(英文井控手册)




一、钻井作业1.钻台构造,设备,器材类:drilling equipment mast,derrickfree standing mast drill floorv-doormonkey board substructure mouse hole,rat hole gin polesetbackcrown block travelling block hookswivelpower swivel draw worksrotary tablekellykelly cockdrum shaftcat headcat linedeadline anchor sand line 钻井装置,钻机井架无绷绳轻便井架钻台坡板,井架大门二层台井架底座鼠洞人字架立根盒天车游动滑车大钩水龙头动力水龙头绞车转盘方钻杆方钻杆滚动轴猫头猫头绳死绳固定装置捞绳器work line,drilling linedeadlinetongpower tongkelly drivesafety clampelevatorcenter latch elevatorelevatorchain blockair hoistbushingmaster bushinginside BOPpipe wrenchlifting subkelly spinnergeolograph cablejacketfinger boardsliprotary slippower slip大绳死绳大钳动力大钳方钻杆滚子补心安全卡子吊卡中开门吊卡吊环倒链气动绞车补心转盘大补心回压凡尔管子扳手提升短节方钻杆旋转器气测引绳导管架指梁卡瓦转盘卡瓦动力卡瓦2.钻头 3.组合Bitcone bittri-cone bitbit noggle insert bit milled teeth bit diamond bit conebit breaker hole openner 钻头牙轮钻头三牙轮钻头钻头水眼镶式钻头铣齿钻头金刚石钻头牙轮钻头装卸器drilling assemblydrill stringsdrill stembit substabiligerwing stabiligerreamerdrill pipe(drill collar)heavy weight drill pipecrossover sub钻具组合钻杆柱钻柱钻头接头扶正器翼状扶正器辊轮扶正器钻杆(钻铤)加重钻杆bit bearingbit diameterbit lifebit gaugebit teeth(type) bit wear noggle size noggle efficiency bit cost(time) midco bit 扩眼器钻头轴承钻头直径钻头寿命钻头规钻头齿钻头磨损水眼尺寸水眼效率钻头成本刮刀钻头shock subjars(rotary jars)bumper subpup jointjoint(stant)casing scraperwall scrapertaper millingfriction jointcasing centralizer配合接头减震器震击器缓冲器短节,短管单根(立柱)套管清刮器井壁刮刀锥形铣刀耐磨短节套管扶正器4.泥浆循环A.循环系统B.水力学mud pump duplex slush pump triplex slush.. piston(cylinder)l iner(piston rod) air chamber rotary hosemud return line standpipeelbow(tee)crosssuction line shale shakermud gun desander desilter degasser centrifugal pump mud agitator goose neckmud linehoppermud tank suction tank 泥浆泵双缸泥浆泵三缸泥浆泵活塞(气缸)缸套(活塞杆)空气包泥浆水龙带泥浆返出管立管弯接头(三通)十字接头,十字管上水(吸水)管线泥浆振动筛泥浆枪除砂器除泥器脱气器离心泵泥浆搅拌器鹅颈管泥浆管线漏斗泥浆池吸入缸circulationnormal circulationreverse circulationfilling up mudcirculation rateannulusannular velocityannular return velocitycirculating pressurehydrostatic pressuremud columnpressure of mud columnpressure losssurge pressureswab pressurepressure gradientpressure equilibriumslip velocitycritical velocitycoefficient of frictionbottom hole pressurepressure loss in pipepressure loss in annulusvolume inside pipe循环正循环反循环灌泥浆循环速度环形空间环隙流速泥浆返回速度循环压力静水压力泥浆柱泥浆柱压力压力损失压力冲击抽吸压力压力梯度压力平衡沉降速度临界速度摩擦系数井底压力管内压力损失环空压力损失管内容量reserve pitsludge tank chemical tankmud ditchflow linepossum velly tank pump stroke counter mud flow meter mud weight indicator fill linemixing pump supercharge pump lag time 储存池加重泥浆池化学药剂缸泥浆槽泥浆出口管计量缸泥浆补给缸泥浆泵冲数计量计泥浆流量计泥浆重量指示器灌泥浆管线混合泵灌注泥浆泵迟到时间volume of annulusmud volumereture mudpit leveldischarge of pumppump pressurepumping speedpump efficiencyflow rateshear ratelaminar flowturbulent flowplug flowpump count环形空间容量泥浆量返出泥浆泥浆液面尖排量泵压泵冲数泵效率流量剪切速度层流涡流塞流泵冲数累计C.泥浆mud conventionallime mudgypsum mud saturated salt-water seawater mud mud oil-base mud heavy viscous mud heavy mud weighted mudlight-weight mud lignate mudgel-mudD.泥浆处理剂additive chemicals chemical treatment weight material viscosifier dispersing agent emulsifierwetting agent 泥浆普通泥浆石灰泥浆石膏泥浆饱和盐水泥浆海水泥浆油基泥浆高粘度泥浆重泥浆加重泥浆轻泥浆铁铬盐胶质泥浆泥浆处理剂处理剂,添加剂化学剂化学处理加重剂增加剂分散剂,稀释剂乳化剂湿润剂surface-active materiallignateCMCbentonitebaritemicalimesodium bichromatepotassium chlorateasbestosE.泥浆性质及其它cuttingsbottom upfilter cakedehydrationWL.water lossformationGEL.gel strengthGELO initial gel strengthGELIO ten-minutes gelmud conditioningphenolphthalein表面活性剂铁铬盐钠-羧基纤维素土粉,膨润土重晶石云母石灰重铬酸钠氯化钾石棉岩屑携带岩屑泥饼失水失水量破坏地层切力初切力终切力处理泥浆,配泥浆酚酞stabiliging agent calcium remover filtration-reducing PH control addirive lubricant defoamer emulsion breaker detergentLCM 稳定剂除钙剂降失水剂PH控制剂润滑剂消泡剂破乳剂洗涤剂堵漏剂viscosityPV plastic viscosityAV apparent viscosityYP yield pointContamination of mudSolid contentSand contentGas cutClay contamination粘度塑性粘度视粘度(表观粘度)屈服点泥浆污染固体含量含砂量气侵粘土侵5.丝扣类tool jointthreadbox(pin) couplingREG reagularFll full holeIF internal flush upsetIU internal upsec EU external upsec Internal-external upsec Flash welded tool joint thread protecter tightetloosenmake upbreak outthread dope 钻杆接头丝扣母扣(公扣)联接器正规扣贯眼扣内平扣加厚内加厚外加厚内—外加厚闪光焊接接头护丝上紧放松上扣卸扣丝扣油mud weightalkalinityaciditycolloidgelpolymermud densitymud testingfiltration test apparatufilter papermud balanceV-G meterfunnel viscometermud retortsand content settest paperwhipstockcasing perforatorream泥浆比重,泥浆重量碱性酸性胶体凝胶聚合物泥浆密度泥浆测试失水量测定器滤纸泥浆比重计直接指示粘度计漏斗粘度计泥浆蒸馏器砂量测定器试纸造斜器套管射孔器划眼6.作业A.一般作业drillingworking instruction POH.pull out of the hole in the hole trip 钻进作业命令起钻下钻起下钻B.取心corecoringcore bitcore barreliner barrel岩心取心工作取心钻头取心筒内取心筒short trip oppenning reamingdeviation survey completion multiple complation perforationleak off testlay downsetting slippulling slip latching elevator unlatching elevator cut off workline standbywait on weather wait on material change bithole straightening wiper tripwork the pipe up&down nipple up well head rig up(down)短起下钻扩眼划眼测斜完井多层完井射孔漏失试验甩,放倒座卡瓦起卡瓦挂上(门上)吊卡打开吊卡切断大绳待机等候气象等候器材换钻头纠正井眼,纠斜通井上下活动钻杆安装井口安装(拆卸)钻机outer barrelcore catchercore handling toolscore recoveryC.打捞fishingfishing jobfishing toolsjunk basketfishing jarsfishing bumper subback offdie collarovershotsafety jointmetal petal basketcasing bowlmilling tooljunk basketretrieve core外取心筒岩心爪取心工具取心收获率打捞打捞作业打捞工具打捞蓝打捞用震击器打捞用缓冲器倒扣打捞卡瓦,打捞杯打捞筒安全接头花篮套管打捞筒铣具打捞蓝岩心出筒7.钻井事故和现象8.钻井参数类,仪器类drilling troublelost circulationzone of lost circulation to stop lost circulation kickkick controlblow outpit drillinside BOP drill killing a wellstuckfree pointfreepipe 井下事故井漏漏失层堵漏井涌控制井涌井喷防喷演习安装回压凡尔演习压井卡钻,被卡自由点未卡部分钻柱weight indicatorhook loadhook posi t ionhook load off bottomweight in airweight in mudbuoyancy coefficienton bottomoff bottomdepthtable heightkelly downkelly up指重表大钩负荷大钩位置钻柱不接触井底的大气中的重量泥浆中的重量浮力系数接触井底离开井底井深转盘高度方入方余calulating free point differential pressuresticking key seatkey-seating sticking bottom fillsand bridgeover pullingdragball upcane-intwist offerode outdrilling break residual oil saturated 卡点深度计算压差卡钻粘附卡钻键槽键槽卡钻沉砂砂桥遇卡遇阻泥包坍塌扭断,脱扣刺坏钻进突变进尺突然加快残油饱和烃kelly down depthvertical depthweight on bitbit positionrotary speedtorquetale torque metertong torque meterbit torquerevolutionrate of penetration drillingworking pressure ratioton-miledrilling costmake up torquepressure gagedrilling recorder方入井深垂直深度钻压钻头位置转盘转数扭矩转盘扭矩表大钳扭矩表钻头扭矩转数钻速工作压力吨—里钻头成本上扣扭矩压力表钻井记录仪9.气测,录井参数仪器mud logginggas chromatography gas showingoil showinggas cutgas analysistotal gas connection fluorescencegas in mudC1.methaneC2.ethaneC3.propaneC4.butaneiC4.iso-butanenC4.normal-butane C5.pentaneiC5.iso-pentane degasser effici e ncy 气测、泥浆录井气体色谱仪气显示油显示气侵气体分析气体全量接单根气荧光反应泥浆中气量甲烷乙烷丙烷丁烷异丁烷正丁烷戊烷异戊烷脱气器效率drier.dring ovenfloatlimit switchproximity switchcable.wirelineconnecterterminallag timesampling depthsampling intervaltripping timemud weightmud temperaturemud resistivitymud conductivitygeothermal gradientcasing burst pressureshut in drill pipe pressureshut in casing pressure干燥器浮筒极限开关非接触式开关电缆联结器接线柱、线端迟到时间取样深度取样间距起下钻时间泥浆密度泥浆温度泥浆电阻率泥浆导电率温度梯度套管破坏压力关井钻杆压力关井套管压力shale density bulk density grain density computer hardware software input(output) sensor densimeter 页岩密度计算密度颗粒密度电子计算机硬件软件输入(输出)传感器密度仪pit volume increasedrift angledog leg ratiodeclinationpit level meterqualitative analysisquantitative a n alysis泥浆增加量倾角狗腿率倾斜,偏差泥浆液面计定性分析定量分析10.钻井其它用语open hole,bore hole straight well directional well baffle platebrakebrake lining inertia brake running tooltie back tool clutch transmission machine oil greaseturbo-drill bearingshallow gasMSL mean sea level formationslow pump thrristor 裸眼直井眼定向井、斜井挡盘,承托环刹车刹车片惯性刹车下入工具回接工具离合器传动装置,变速器机器油黄油涡轮钻具轴承浅层气平均海平面地层低速泵可控硅total depthhole sizebore hole wallbottom holetour(游).shift(移动,更换)morning tournight tourdrilling logchoke manifoldchoke linekill manifoldkill linevalveback pressure valvecheck valvesafety valvegate valvebatterfly valvedump valve总深度井眼尺寸井壁井底班早班夜班钻井记录阻流管汇阻流管线压井管汇压井管线阀,阀门回压阀,单向阀单流凡尔(阀)安全阀闸阀蝶阀放泄阀二、下套管三、固井casingrun casing casing program grade buttress 套管下套管套管程序级,等级梯形扣cementingcementcement slurryinner string cementingstage cementing固井水泥水泥浆内管注水泥分级注水泥extrem linecasing monkey boad casing tong casing elevatorslip-type elevator side door elevator singlecasing sub centraliger collapsedriftingdrift mandrel conductor pipe drive piperiserpile hammer hammer joint bucklingmud line nanger linerliner hanger offshore hammer 螺纹联结的箍套管平台套管大钳套管吊卡卡瓦式吊卡侧开式吊卡卡盘套管接头套管扶正器压坏,破坏通径通径规导管击入管隔水管打桩机锤击接头压曲泥线悬挂器尾管尾管挂器海洋打桩机plugging back cementingcement flushsquee z e cementingportland cementgel-cementahead waterbehind watercement slurry for leadcement slurry for tailspacermixing wateradditiveretarderacceleretoreconolitesilica flourdisplaceWOC.wait on cementline testline cleaningcementing pumptop of the cement回堵注水泥水泥冲洗挤水泥硅酸盐水泥(普通水)胶质水泥先行水末端水先行水泥浆末端水泥浆隔离液溶解水处理水缓凝水促凝水水玻璃硅粉替候凝管线试压清洗管线固井泵水泥面excess returnback pressure stab in adapter cementing line surge tank float collar float shoe guide shoe casing shoe Dv collar plugplug container free fall plug 附加量返出水泥浆回压插入密封接头固井管线缓冲缸浮箍浮鞋引鞋套管鞋分级注水泥短节水泥塞水泥头自由下落胶塞single ramdouble rampipe rambind ramshear ramBOP stackflangelocking flangetie-domn flangeadapter flangebolt(nut)packingplastic packingring gasket单阀梅式防喷器双阀梅式防喷器闸梅式防喷器全封闭式防喷器全封枚式防喷器装好的井口防喷装置法兰盘锁紧法兰盘系紧法兰盘异径法兰盘螺丝(螺母)密封垫塑料密封圈钢圈,垫圈shut off plug openning bomb closing plugby-pass plugshut off baffle cement basket circulation headjet mixerfloat valve四.井口作业well headwell dead assembly bell nippleBOP.blow out prevent accumlatorbay type BOP 封闭胶塞开孔胶塞关闭胶塞旁通封闭承托板水泥汆循环接头水泥混合漏斗浮阀井口井口装置井口喇叭管防喷器储能器万能防喷器clampwear bushingcasing headspool.drilling spoolcasing spooltubing spooltubing headreducerplug testercup testerfunction testsealleaktubing hangerpressure test夹子保护套,法兰保护套管头四通套管四通油管四通油管头大小头注塞式试验器杯式试验器功能试压密封,封堵漏,泄漏油管挂试压五.电测electric logging logging program logging tool spontaneous potent--ial log IES.induction--Electrical survey DLL.dual induction-laterolog ILM.medium induction-log IDL.deep invetiga---tion induction log formation conductivities geometric factor invated gone invation diameterded respons borehole response micro log 电测测井程序测井仪器自然电位测井感应测井双感应测井中感应测井深感应测井地层电导率几何因子侵入带侵入直径地层响应井眼响应微电极测井BHTV.borehole televiewersonic waveradioactivity loggamma rayneutrongamma ray logside wall neutron loghydrogen indexdensity loggamma-gamma logdensity toolneutron lifetime logdiplogdipmetercaliper logstick plotagimuth frequency plotdifferential temperature--logborehole fluid sampler井下电视声波放射性测井伽玛射线中子射线自然伽玛测井井壁中子测井含氧指数密度测井伽玛—伽玛测井密度测井仪中子寿命测井地层倾角测井地层倾角仪井径测井短棒图方们频度图微差井温测井井下流体取样器microlaterolog proximity log laterologsonic logamplitude logCBL.cement bond log VDL.variable density log BHC.borehole compen s atedsonic log depth scalecontact device 微侧向测井临近侧向测井侧向测井声波测井声幅测井检验固井质量测井变密度测井井眼补偿声波测井深度比例尺贴井壁仪器radiactive tracer loganalog recordphotographic recordingsurface calibrationdomnhole calibrationwell site calibrationlogging cablesingle conductorseven conductor cablecable drumeccentering armwell shooting放射性示踪测井模拟记录照相记录地面刻度井下刻度井场刻度测井电缆单芯七芯电缆电缆液筒偏心臂,推靠器地震测井Temperature log CST.chrondogical-sample taler RFT.repeat pormationtester explosiveblasting capgun of perforation core gunpullrytubing puncher bridge plug六.试油1.试油仪器tubingchristmas tree packerchokeadjustadle choke master valvechoke manifoldflow line separaterburnerblower 温度测井井壁取心电缆式地层测试炸药雷管射孔枪取心器滑轮油管射孔器桥塞油管采油树封隔器油嘴可调油嘴总闸门试油树,油阻管汇出油管,输油管分离器燃烧器鼓风机landing nippleperforated nippleseal nippleno-go nipplelocatorentry guidenuckle jointstuffing boxchiksan jointhydro-spring testerpump-out reversingslip joint subshear pinamerada gagebottom-hole semplerequalzing valveproduction platfrom2.试油的一般词汇collect dataflow testflowflow rateflowing pressurewell-head pressurebottom-hole pressure联顶短节带孔短节密封短节终端短节定位器进入导向铰链接头,快速双联防喷盒,盘根盒活动弯头液压弹簧测验仪反循环接头伸缩联接安全销井底压力计井底取样器平衡阀采油平台取数据流量试验放喷流量流动压力井口压力井底压力wireline unit lubricator sliding side door downhole tool shifting tool needle valve flow meter level meter 试井绞车试井绞车防喷盒滑套循环接头下井工具变位工具针形阀流量计液位器well-head flowing pressurebottom-hole flowing pressuretubing pressurecasing pressurepressure declineshut-inshut-in pressurepressure gradient井口流压井底流压油管压力套管压力压力降关井关井压力压力梯度reservoir pressure hydrostatic pressure bottom-hole temperature temperature gradient geothermal gradient thermal expansion pour pointstatic pressurebuild-upbuild-up curveGOR gas oil ratiodraw downdraw-down test fkowing lifenatural flowinch watergas gravityolifice platechartcalibration conversion chart functionscanningproduction test injection testDST drill stem test acidifingkill the wellproduction(daily production)油层压力静水压力井底温度温度梯度地温梯度热膨胀流动点静压压力恢复压力恢复曲线油气比压力差稳定排液法自喷期自喷英寸水柱天然气比重测气孔板卡片,卡板刻度换算图表函数,功能扫描试油注入试验中途测试,地层测试酸化处理压井gas reservoircondensatewell cleaningformation damagefracturesand troubleswabbingbubblebreak downdry holeair bathassociated gasflare stackcarbonic acid gasspent acidoil fenceemulsifying agentemulsion breakerwater cushionstripper welldecline of production七.废井,拖航1.废井abondoned wellmarine cutterreleasing spear2.拖航towing气层凝析油洗井生产层损坏压裂砂堵抽吸气泡破裂干井气浴伴生气火舌管二氧化碳废酸油垣乳化剂破乳剂水垫低产井产量下降报废井水力割刀套管打捞矛拖航oil reservoir产量(口产量)油层main tug boat主拖轮tow line marker buoy slowing buoy location buoy mooring rope locationon location anchor winch mileknot headingjack upjack down jacking system 拖缆,拖绳指点浮标抛标井位浮标系泊绳,龙须缆井位定位锚机英里节,海里航向,船首的方向升船降船升降系统semisubmersible drilling unitcranesubmerged pumpdesolinatorboilergeneratorplunger pumpfuel oil tankwaist oil tankbilge tankhulldeckhelicopter portpipe rack半潜式钻井船吊车潜水泵造水机锅炉发电机柱塞泵燃料缸污油缸船底水舱船身甲板飞机平台管架legair gapjetingpre-load testebb tidehigh tidestrandmatmudcurrenttide八.钻井船1.设备,空间drilling bargejack-up type drilling unit 桩腿气隙冲沉垫压载平潮涨潮搁浅沉垫浮泥游泥海流潮流钻井船自升式钻井船center rackpipe yardstarboadthe port sideliving quarterengine roomofficejack housecontrol roomhatchdog houseturbineturbine generatorturbo-jet engine中间管架管子站右航左航居住区机舱办公室升降室控制室升降口值班室涡轮涡轮发电机涡轮喷气式发电机2.工具,器材hammer wrench pincers 锤扳钳子3.机械部分partso-ringgasket零件密封圈密封衬垫wirenailhoselineflexible joint shacklepaintanglestainless steel fresh waterdrill water portable water gasolinediesel oil lubricating oil grease machine oil aviation fuel antifreefes welding electrode bench clamp scissors tweezers adhesive tape tape measure refrigerant 钢丝钉子软管管线挠性接头猫卸扣,联接环油漆角钢不锈钢淡水钻井水饮料水汽油柴油润滑油黄油机油航油不冻液焊条台钳剪子,剪刀镊子胶布,橡皮膏卷尺,皮尺制冷剂packingwasherlockwasherboltnutpinroll pinslip ringretaineradaptersubrodconnectorunionpulleygearclampmandrelshaftspringscrewscrewdriverholdersupportcoversocketspare parts衬垫,填密垫圈锁紧垫圈螺栓螺母销子滚销滑环挡环接头短节杆联接器联管节滑轮,(滑轮)槽齿轮夹子心轴轴弹簧螺钉螺丝刀,改锥支承支架外壳插座备件4.人员superviser interpreter drilling crew drilling foreman tool pusher tour tool pusher driller asistant driller derrick man 监督翻译钻井队员钻井队长钻井技师领班司钻副司钻井架工mm millimeterin inchft feetmilel literkilolitertong gramkg kilogram毫米英寸英尺英里升,公升千斤吨克千克,公斤floor man drilling engineer drilling technician mud engineer mechanic roustabout weldercrane operator electriciandivercookdoctormaterial man barge engineer radio operator 5.单位M.meterKm.kilometer Cm.centimeter 钻台工钻井工程师钻井技术员泥浆工程师机械工,机工装卸工,水手电焊工吊车工电工潜水员炊事员大夫材料员平台工程师电报员米千米,公里厘米gal gallonbbl barrellengthareaibs poundvolumemesurmentweight6.行为hitpushpull.drawtie knotunfasten,loosentake offput,laylift,raiseget down加仑桶长度面积磅体积容积重量打推拉系上解开拆卸放起,举,升下,降brush,polishput in ordermeasurethrow awaythrowcut offweldingspot weldingtake place,shiftput dope on,grease up maintenanceoverhaulpreservationinstall,rig up,settake off,rig down operate,runtearing down,disassemb lying cleaning 擦整理量,测量扔掉扔,投割断,切断电焊点焊交替抹油保养维修大修安全安装拆卸开,操作拆下清洗,清扫supply boatloadingunloadinghelicopterbeaconV.II.FFdrop anchorpick up anchor.pull anchorwelky talkyvariable loadcontractorpalletsafety belthelmetflash lightlife boatlife raftlife jacket供应船装船卸船直升飞机导航仪高频电话抛锚起锚对讲机可变载荷承包者货架安全带安全帽手电筒救生艇救生筏救生衣repair7.现象be broken,be damaged out of order,trouble wearnormalabnormal8.其他spud-inrig uprig down 修理破坏,出毛病故障磨损正常异常开钻安装钻机拆卸钻机draftalarmmooringsounding gaugefan ductair ventanchorguide railhandrailby-passstormsafety factor吃警报系留,系泊测深管通风导管通气锚导轨栏杆,扶手旁通风暴安全系数typhoon stresserrorsewage suspended well wild cat exploratory well appraisal well contract exploration sludge stratigraphic test stand-by time nitrogendockswitch 台风应力误差污水暂停初探井,野猫井详探井详探井合同勘探污泥基准井等候时间氮船*开关boringpollutionballast controlstrainhydraulicradioweather forecastswelldrilling reportstepsaboardrustlathestand-by boatpanelrecorderpower source钻孔污染调整压载变形液压无线电气象预报涌钻井报表扶梯靠船锈车床值班船面板记录仪电源九.地质1.岩石,形状sedimentary rocks Igneous rocks matamorphic rocks sandsandstone 沉积岩火成岩变质岩砂砂岩carbonate rocklimestonesand limestonehalitechert碳酸盐岩石灰岩砂质石灰岩盐岩燧石siltsiltstonequartjite calcareous sandstone tuffaceous sandstone clayshalemudstone Dolomite MaristoneCoalEvaporites Grpsum AnhydriteDioriteGabbroPeridotite Porphyrybasaltslatmarbleschistserpentinegneissmicatuffaitecoquina glauconite hornffelsbiotitefine sand medium sand coarse sand 粉砂粉砂岩石英岩钙质砂岩凝灰质砂岩粘土页岩泥岩白云岩泥灰岩煤蒸发盐岩石膏硬石膏闪长岩辉长岩橄榄岩斑岩玄武岩枚岩大理岩片岩蛇纹岩片麻岩云母层凝灰岩贝壳灰岩海绿岩角页岩黑云母细粒砂中粒砂粗粒砂tuffgranitedaciterhypliteandesitedoleritehornblendegreen tufffeldsparorthoclseagglomeratepumisescoriapyritemagnetitecaloitezeolitegyain sizegranulepebbleboulderconglomeratebricciahardsoftcompastlooseporousangularroundlignitebentonitekaolinitekaolin凝灰岩花岗岩英安岩流纹岩安山岩粒玄岩角闪石绿色凝灰岩长石正长石集块岩浮石火山渣黄铁矿磁铁矿方解石沸石粒度细砾中砾巨砾砾石角砾石硬软细致,致密疏松多孔的有棱角圆的褐煤膨润土,膨润岩高岭石高岭土carbon disculfide plate tectonics syncline 二硫化碳板块构造向斜Stratifiedcross bedingcross spread层状的交错层交叉排列geanticline geosycline synclinorium anticlinoriumnose structure inelined anticline recumbent anticline overturned anticline asymmetrical anticline fractureactive faultreverse faultlateral migration vertical migration stratificationfalse bedingbeding plane 地背斜地向斜复向斜复背斜鼻状构造倾斜背斜伏卧背斜倒转背斜不对称背斜断裂活断层逆断层横向运移垂直运移层理假层理层理面lenticular sand trappermeability trapstratigraphic trapstructural trapreef trappinch out trapstrikeepeirogenetic movementorogeniccementationdiagenesissedimentary basinmarine depositsstructual lowsubsurface structural mapseismic section透镜状圈闭渗透状圈闭地层圈闭构造圈闭礁块圈闭尖灭圈闭走向造陆运动造山运动胶结作用成岩作用沉积盆地海相沉积构造凹陷地下构造图地震剖面图2.地史3.测井解释geologic ageeraperiodepochagesystemseriesstagestraigraphic succession Ar.archaeozoic era Pt.proterozoic era Pz.paleozoic era∈.cambrian period O.ordovician period S.silurian periodD.devonian period C.carboniferous period P.permian period Mz.Mesozoic era 地质年代代纪世期系统阶地层层序太古代元古代古生代寒武纪奥陶纪志留纪泥盆纪石炭纪二叠纪中生代log interpretationcompacted sandsoft formationtight formationintervalp ermable formationrock matrixformation water resistivitytrur formation resistivitysalinity of formation waterporositygross porosityfracture porositysecondary porosityeffective porositywater saturationresidual oil saturationmoveable hydrocarbonresidual hydrocarbon测井解释压实的砂岩软地层致密的地层井段渗透层岩石骨架地层水电阻率地层电阻率地层水的矿化度孔隙度总孔隙度裂缝孔隙度次生孔隙度有效孔隙度含水饱和度残余油饱和度可动油气残余油气T.triassic period J.jorassic period K.cretaceous period Kz.Cenozoic era E.paleogene period N.neogene period R.trtiary period Q.quaternary period 三叠纪侏罗纪白垩纪新生代早第三纪晚第三纪第三纪第四纪boffom hole teamperaturelogarithmic scalehybrid scalehybrid linear-exponential scalemovable oil curveresitivity-porpsitycross plottinglitho-porosity cross plotepilog井底温度对数比例尺混合比例尺线性—指数混合比例尺可动油曲线电阻率—孔隙度交绘图法岩性—孔隙度交绘图最终成果测井解释图4.其它reservoir source rock source bed trapcap rockgas cap basement rocks closurefolddomal structure faultfa u lt trap antiline antiline strata unconformity 储油层生油层生油层油捕,圈闭盖层气顶基岩闭合构造褶皱圆顶,穹隆断层断层圈闭背斜,背斜构造背斜层不整合upliftancient lifepollenfossilcrystallizationweatheringresistivitypermeabilitywater-bearing bedporeporositycontinentalgeochemistryground waterchlorine隆起古生物花粉化石结晶风化作用电阻率渗透率含水层孔隙孔隙率大陆架地球化学地下水氯。



石油专业术语1.accumulator储能器 tank循环池3.adjusting bolt(刹把)调节螺栓4.admission pipe进气管5.agitator搅拌器6.air chamber空气包7.air line气管线8.air-operated hoist气动绞车9.alternating current drive交流电驱动10.annular BOP环形BOP11.ato-muffler消音器12.ball valve球阀13.bell nipple老虎钳14.bench vise钻头15.bit钻头16.Bit gauge钻头装卸器17.bit gauge钻头规18. blind ram preventer盲板防喷器19. blind shear ram preventer剪切闸板防喷器20.blow-out preventer(BOP)防喷器21.bolt螺栓22.BOP control panel防喷器控制盘23.BOP deck防喷器平台24.bottom plug底塞25.box母扣26.brake level(brake handle)刹把27.brake line(brake staple)刹带28.bridge plug桥塞29.buttress梯形扣30.butterfly valve蝶阀旁通 plug旁通塞33.callipers卡钳34.casing bowl套管打捞筒35.casing coupling套管接箍36.casing cutter套管割刀37.casing elevator套管吊卡38.casing hanger套管悬挂器39.casing head套管头40.casing monkey board套管平台41..casing scraper刮管器42.casing shoe套管鞋43.casing slip套管卡瓦44.casing spear套管打捞矛45.casing spool套管四通46.casing tong套管大钳 line锚头绳 line grip锚头绳爪 shaft锚头轴锚头51.cellar deck井口甲板52.cement水泥53.cement basket水泥伞54.cement plug水泥塞55.cement retainer水泥阻流环56.cementing bond log固井质量检查57.cementing head水泥头58.cementing line固井管线59.cementing pump固井泵60.chain链61.chain pipe tong链钳62.chain tong链钳63.chamber房间,寝室64.chamber gate阀箱,闸室65.charge pump灌注泵66.check valve止回阀,回压凡尔67.choke节流器,阻流器68.choke line阻流管线69.choke position indicator节流阀位置指示器70.choke valve节流阀71.choke -line manifold阻流管汇72.clutch离合器73.conductor导管74.cone牙轮75.cone fisher牙轮打捞器76.cone lock牙轮卡死77.cooling-water pump冷却水泵78.core barrel shoe取心筒鞋79.core basket取心爪80.core bit取心钻头81.core catcher岩心爪82.∞re catcher case岩心爪外套83.core drying oven岩心烘箱84.crossover joint(x/o)变换接头 block天车 block beam天车梁87.dead line死绳88.dead line diaphragm死绳固定器膜片89.dead line anchor死绳固定器90.degasser除气器91.derrick井架92.desander(desilter)除砂(泥)器 current drive直流电驱动94.discharge line排出管线95.discharge valve排出阀96.double ram type preventer双闸板防喷器97.down hole tool人井工具98.draw works绞车99.drawworks motor绞车电机100.drift mandrel通径规101.drill collar钻链102.drill collar slip钻链卡瓦103.drill pipe钻杆104.drill pipe slip钻杆卡瓦105.drill pipe wiper钻杆刮泥器106.ddll string钻柱107.driller'sb console司钻控制台108.drilier's monitor司钻监视器109.drilling line(workline)钻井大绳110.driiling stem valve钻杆防喷器 shaft驱动轴112.driven shaft从动轴113.driving chain传动链条114.drum滚筒115.drum capacity滚筒容量116.drum clutch滚筒离合器117.drum hight air clutch滚筒高速(低速)118.drumlow air clutch空气离合器119.DV collar分级箍120.eddy current brake涡磁刹车121.elevator吊卡122. elevator link吊卡耳环123.elevator-spider吊卡-卡瓦124.emergency jaw clutch应急牙嵌离合器125.equalizing yoke(刹带的)平衡杠126.external cutter外卡钳127.external cutter外部割刀128.eye plate吊耳,吊环129.eye splice绳套,接环130.fill up iine灌泥浆管线131.fiitration test apparatus失水测定仪132.finger board指梁 hook打捞钩 head打捞头 jars打捞振击器 neck打捞颈 nipple打捞公锥 operation打捞操作(作业) 139.fishingmcitet打捞母锥 spear打捞矛 string打捞管柱 tap(taper)打捞公锥 tool打捞工具144.flange法兰145.flat(round,square)file扁(圆,方)锉146.flat bit tongs扁嘴钳(电工用)147.flat bottom mill平底锐鞋148.flexible joint挠性接头149.float shoe浮鞋150.float valve浮阀151.floating collar浮箍152.four →way valve四通阀 point indicator卡点测定仪154.full hole joint贯眼钻杆接头155.funnel viscometer漏斗粘度计156.gas holder(tank)储气筒,储气罐157.gate大门158.gate valve闸门阀159.g∞se neck pipe鹅颈管160.hammer锤子161.heavey weight drill pipe加重钻杆162.heaηr wall drill pipe厚壁钻杆163.high pressure line高压管线164.hole opener开眼器,扩眼器165.hook大钩166.hook spring大钩弹簧167.hose水龙带168.hydraulic break-out cylinder卸扣液缸169.hydraulic catwork液压猫头170.hydraulic pump液压泵171.hydraulic reservoir-液压油箱172.hydraulic tong液压大钳173.hydraulic valve咒液动阀174.hydraulic (press) test pump液动试压泵175.hydraulic-powered winch液压绞车176.inertia惯性177.inertia brake惯性刹车178.inlet人口179.inner core barrel内岩心筒180.intermediate casing中间(技术)套管181.internal blowout preventer钻柱内防喷器182.internal callipers内卡钳183.internal external upset内外加厚184.internal flush joint内平钻杆接头185.jar振击器186.jaw clutch牙嵌离合器187.joint接头,(钻杆)单根188.junk basket笼式打捞篮189.junk catcher打捞爪,一把抓190.junk sub打捞杯191.kelly bushing方补心192.kelly cock方钻杆考克193.kelly protective sub方保接头194.kdly spinner方钻杆旋转短节195.key seat reamer键槽破坏器196.killline压井管线197.knee pipe弯管dder梯子199.level水平仪(尺)200.lifting plug提升丝堵201.lifting sub提升短节202.line reeving滑车装绳数203.liner缸套204.liner尾管205.lock bolt锁紧螺栓206.locking flange锁紧法兰207.low pressure line低压管线208.lube oil pump润滑油泵209.lubrication hole加油孔210.magnetic fishing tool磁力打捞工具211.make out cathead卸扣猫头212.make up cathead上扣猫头213.manual drill手摇钻214.manual valve手动阀215.master bushing转盘大补心ling shoe镜鞋ling tool锐具218.mixing hopper混合漏斗219.mixing pump混合泵220.monkey hard猴台221.motor电机,马达222.mouse hole小鼠洞223.mud balance泥浆比重计224.mud cleaner泥浆清洁器225.mud ditch泥浆槽226.mud guard挡泥板227.mud gun泥浆枪228.mud pump泥浆泵229.mud relief valve泥浆泵安全阀230.mud return line泥浆返出管线231.mut pit泥浆池232.nail钉子233.near-bit stabilizer近钻头扶正器234.needle valv针形阀235.nigger-head扳手加长套筒236.nipper慑子,夹子237.non-magnetic drilling collar非磁钻键238.normal close valve常闭阀239.normal open valve常开阀240.nozzle水眼,喷嘴241.nut螺帽242.nut bolt带帽螺栓243.nut spinner自动螺母扳手244.oil level油位245.oil level check plug油位检查丝堵246.oil tank油柜247.oil-level dipstick油尺 -ended spanner开口扳手249.outer core barrel外岩心筒250.outlet出口251.paint brush油漆刷252.pilot bit领眼钻头253.pin公扣254.pin销子255.pincers钳子,夹子256.pinch bar撬棍257.piston活塞258.piston cup活塞皮碗259.piston rod活塞杆260.pliers手钳子261.plug valve旋塞阀262.pneumatic t∞l气动工具263.Portland cement硅酸盐水泥264.power slip动力卡瓦265.power supply unit动力供应设备266.power tong动力大钳267.power wrench动力扳手268.pressure snubbing tank缓冲罐269.production casing生产层套管270.pulley滑轮271.pump-out reversing sub反循环接头272.pup pipe joint短钻杆273.quick connection快速联结274.ramp(井架大门处)坡板275.rat hole大鼠洞276.regular tool joint正规钻杆接头277.regulator valve调节阀278.relief line放压管线279.retaining ring (support ring)承托环280.reverse circulating valve反循环阀281.reverse circulation junk basket反循环打捞篮282.reverse circulation port反循环孔283.reverse gear倒档齿轮284.reversing tool倒扣(打捞)工具285.ring gasket钢圈286.ring spanner梅花扳手287.rivet佛钉288.rotary table转盘289.rotary table motor转盘电机290.rotary table motor blower转盘风机 clamp(slips)安全卡瓦 joint安全接头 stop安全限位挡块 switch安全开关安全带296.sand reel捞砂滚筒297.screen cloth筛布298.screw螺钉299.screw driver螺丝刀300.seamless pipe无缝钢管301.setback立根盒302.setback capacity立根盒容量303.settling pit沉砂池304.shaft轴305.shale shaker振动筛306.shock absorber减震器307.side doo elevator倒开门吊卡308.single joint elevator单根吊卡309.single ram type preventer单闸板防喷器310.slide rule计算尺311.slide tongs管钳312.sling吊索313.slip卡瓦314.slip bushing卡瓦补心315.slip bushing卡瓦补心316.slip dog卡瓦牙板317.slip groove卡瓦槽318.slip insert卡瓦牙319.slip insert卡瓦打捞筒320.slipgxket bowl(卡瓦)锥形座321.socket套筒扳手322.spider卡盘323.spiral drill collar螺旋钻链324.spud spear钢丝绳打捞钩325.spudding bit开眼钻头326.stab -in cementing插入式注水泥327.subbing hard对扣台(下套管用) 328.stabilizer扶正器329.stainless steel不锈钢330.stand pipe立管331.stinger插入头332.stinger strings(内管)注水泥管柱333.stud双端螺栓334.stud bolt双头螺栓335.stuffing box盘根盒336.sub接头337.suction line吸入管线338.suction valve吸人阀339.surface casing表层套管340.swivel水龙头341.tape measure卷尺342.tee三通343.thrmd丝扣344.thread dope丝扣油345.thread protector护丝346.three-cone bit三压轮钻头347.tong大钳348.tong bucket大钳平衡器349.tong dies大钳牙板350.tong head钳头351.tong mark大钳刻痕352.tong space大钳搭绞部位353.tool joint工具接头354.tool steel工具钢顶(底)塞 of the cement水泥面357.TOTCO ring baffle plateTOTCO承托环358.traveling block游动滑车359.tdp-tank泥浆计量罐360.two way valve两通阀361.v-door井架大门362.valve阀门363.valve阀,凡尔364.valve body凡尔体365.valve bonnet阀盖,阀帽366.valve cup(seat)凡尔座367.valve face阀面368.valve lever阀杆369.valve seal阀密封370.valve seat grab起阅座器371.valve spring阀弹簧372.vernier灵敏指针373.vice(=vise)虎钳374.wall hook壁钩375.wash pipe冲管376.wear bushing耐磨补心377.well-head equipment井口装置378.whip stock造斜器,斜向器379.wing stabilizer翼状扶正器(二).钻井作业有关词语1.type "L" connector20"L" 型接头2.ahead water先行水3.annular velocity环空流速4.apparent viscosity表观粘度5.back off倒扣,卸扣6.back pressure回压7.back up attachment打好背钳8.ball up泥包9.ballast water压舱水10.behind water尾水11.bingham model宾汉模型12.bit cost钻头成本13.bit diameter钻头直径14.bit footage钻头进尺15.bit IADC code钻头IADC编码16.bit lift钻头寿命17.bit position钻头位置18.bit series number钻头系列号19.bit teeth钻头齿20.bit time钻头时间21.bit type钻头类型22.bit wear钻头磨损23.blow job吹扫作业24.blow line扫线用管线25.blowing pressure吹压压力26.blowout井喷27.blowout control防喷28.blowout control equipment防喷设备29.BOP handling装卸防喷器30.bottom fill沉砂31.bottom-hole pressure井底压力∞nnedior1双母接头33.casing program套管程序34.casing size套管尺寸35.cationic surface active agent阳离子表面活性剂36.caustic soda烧碱37.cement bond水泥胶结38.cement channeling水泥窜槽39.cement failure固井失败40.cement flush水泥冲洗41.cement slurry水泥浆42.cementing formulation固井配方43.circulation循环44.clay base mud粘土泥浆45.control drilling控制钻进46.coring sample岩心取样47.corrosion腐蚀48.critical velocity临界速度 block protector天车防碰装置 block saver天车防碰装置51.cut off drilling line割大绳52.danderous objects危险品53. degasser efficiency除气器效率54.detergent除垢剂,清洁剂55.deviation survey井斜测量56.differential pressure sticking压差卡钻57.directional drilling定向钻井58.directional well定向井 leg狗腿 leg ratio狗腿率61.down time停工时间62.drifting通径63.drilling assembly钻具组合64.drilling break钻进突变65.drilling contractor钻井承包商66.drilling cost钻井成本67.drilling hours钻进时间68.drilling operation钻井作业69.drilling program钻井程序70.drilling report钻井报表71.drilling daily report钻井日报72.drilling water钻井水73.dull bit grading钝钻头分级74.dyna-drill戴纳钻具75.emulsifying agent乳化剂76.erode out刺坏77.evaluation well评估井78.exploratory well初探井79.fatigue limit疲劳极限80.fill-up float shoe自动灌浆浮鞋81.filter cake泥饼82.filtration-reducing agent降失水剂83.flocculation絮凝作用84.flowing pressure流压85.fluid loss失水86.formation地层87.formation test地层测试88.formation water地层水89.fresh water淡水,清水90.function test功能试验91.gas content气含量92.gas cut气侵93.gas in mud泥浆中的气94.gas reservoir气层95.gas showing气显示96.hard formation硬地层97.hole sin井眼尺寸98.hole straightening井眼纠斜99.hook load大钩负荷100.hook position大钩位置101.initial gel-strength初切力102.inner string cementing内管注水泥103.interface level indicator表面活性剂104.kelly down方人105.kelly down depth方人深度106.kelly in方人107.kelly up方余108.key-gating sticking键槽卡钻109.kick井涌110.kick control控制井涌111.killwell压井y down the drill pipe甩钻杆113.leak –off test漏失试验114.left-hand J-slot左旋"J"型槽115.log time迟到时间116.low solid mud低固相泥浆117.maximum pressure最小速度118.maximum speed最大速度119.mean sea level平均海平面120.meantide level平均潮面121.mud additive泥浆添加剂122.mud column泥浆柱123.mud conditioning调节泥浆124.mud conditioning materials泥浆处理材料125.mud line泥线126.mud logging泥浆录井127.mud volume泥浆量 leak不漏 return无返出130.nozzle efficiency水眼效率131.nozzle size水眼尺寸 –bottom离开井底133.offshore海上134.oil leak漏油135.oil reservoir pressure油层压力136.oil resistant gom耐油橡胶137.oil seal油封38.oil shale油页岩139.oil-base mud油基泥浆140.on bottom接触井底 hole裸眼142.operator作业者143.overpull上提,遇卡144.overtonging上扣过紧145.pendulum bottom hole assembly钟摆钻具组合146.penetration rate机械钻速147.plastic viscosity塑性粘度(PV)148.plastics塑料149.plugging back水泥回堵150.pressure loss in pipe管内压降151.pressure test压力试验152.pump down plug泵入水泥塞153.pump efficiency泵效154.pump pressure泵压155.pump speed泵速156.pump stroke泵冲157.rated now额定流量158.reaming划眼159.record记录160.recording paper记录纸161.releasing spear松开捞矛162.retarder缓凝剂163.reverse circulation反循环164.rig floor钻台165.rotary speed转盘转速 casing下套管167.running time运转时间168.running tool下人工具169.sand bridge砂桥170.saturatedmlt-water mud饱和盐水泥浆171.sea sick晕船172.seawater mud海水泥浆173.setting slip坐卡瓦174.shallow gas浅层气175.shaly sand泥质砂岩176.short trip短起下177.shut -in关井178.shut-in casing pressure关井套压179.shut-incasing pipe pressure关井钻杆压力180.sick leave请病假181.side tracking侧钻182.slip drilling line倒大绳183.sloughing,caving(井壁)拥塌184.soda苏打185.soft formation软地层186.solid content固相含量187.spud in开钻188.spud mud开钻泥浆189.squeeze cement挤水泥190.stage cementing分级注水泥191.stand-by待命,待机192.stant-by rate待命费193.start up(pump)启动(泵)194.static pressure•静压195.sticking卡钻196.sticking point卡点197.stroke(泵)冲198.swab pressure抽吸压力199.swabbing抽吸200.table height转盘高度201.table torque转盘扭矩202.test paper试纸203.thicking time稠化时间204.thread alternating错扣205.thread making造扣206.thread off脱扣207.thread slipping滑扣208.tight hole缩径井眼209.tong torque大钳扭矩210.trip起下钻211.tripping time起下钻时间212.troubles事故213.vertical depth垂深214.viscosifier增稠剂215.wait on cementing候凝216.wall thickness壁厚217.wash down开泵循环下放218.wash out section冲刷井段219.water hammer(泥浆泵)水击220.weight on bit钻压221.weighting materials加重材料222.well head now pressure井口流压223.well location井位224.wiper trip通井225.working instruction作业指令226.working pressure工作压力12pluggingbackcementing 回堵灌洋灰consist 构成,构成water flood pump(injection) 灌抽水机fixed rate 固定采集样品率bulkdensity 聚集疏密程度;松装疏密程度reservepit 存储池sample cock 抽样旋塞,抽样拷克gascut 气侵decode 解码,译解wash tank 洗罐,分离罐wot(waiting on test,waiting on tools)) 等候,等候东西weightinair 空气中重量filtercake 泥饼well completing information 完井资料,数值drillwater 钻井水spontaneouspotentiallog 天然电位测井conventionalmud 平凡泥浆drillingtroubles 井下变乱running side pocket check valve 投偏疼阀sheave 轮轴printer 打印机free standing mast 无绷绳简便钻塔well-completion practice 完井功课clay contamination 粘土侵weightmaterial 加剧剂autoclave vacuum nipple 抽真空头rig in 安装,毗连parallel communication 并行通信driftangle 倾斜角valve master 主阀drift mandrel 通径规sample collection 抽样,样品网络plugcontainer 洋灰头invadedzone 进进入国境内带additive 新增剂/措置惩罚剂well completing fluid 完井液shaleshaker 振荡筛rtts operation for shoot and pull rtts完井办事x-mas tree(christmas tree) 开采石油树,井口开采石油装配intake profile 吸水截面trip 起下钻tubingpressure 油压gelcement 胶质洋灰bearing 轴承walkie-talkie 对于讲机amplitude log 声幅测井push rod 推杆kellycock 方钻杆考可maintenance 维护,连结displace 替corehandlingtools 取芯东西current 电流water lost(wl) 泥浆掉水spudin 开钻makeup 上扣presentation 陈述,抒发floor man 钻工internal circlip for cylinder抽样瓶卡环cartesian 笛卡儿曲线xo sub 巨细头,异径接头multi-rate bhp(bottom hole pressure) testing 体系试井running jet pump 投喷射的流体泵posi lock pin depressing tool 锁定压按东西drifting 通径plugflow 塞流troubleshooting 发明并补缀妨碍waxy 蜡,蜡状物,含蜡的freshwater 淡水alligator grab 鳄鱼爪blastingcap 雷管erecting equipment 安装设备formationconductivities 地层电导率weight indicator 指重表a directional engineer定向井工程师wti(well test interretation) 试井诠释mac你好neoil 机油field maintenance 现场维护,现场调养liftjacket 浮水衣workline 大绳interface box接口箱lead stem 铅加剧杆roll stem 虎符加剧杆air chamber 空气包boring 钻孔trippingtime 起下钻时间well sampling 井下抽样battery 干电池reservoirpressure 油层压力setting tool 空气定位销手柄stand 立柱joint 单根sensor 传感器shut inpressure 关井压力test gauge压力表totalpit 泥浆池总体积require 哀求,要求pulling hanger 捞吊挂器bitnozzle 钻头水眼work accident 操作变乱mudflowmeter 泥浆流量计coring 取芯running gauge cutter 通井mudretort 泥浆蒸馏水chokeline 阻流管汇waiton 等指令ball 球setup 机构,安装,设备,社团helicopter 直升机sftting tool 移位东西flash 发光,显现sludgetank 加剧泥浆池running flow regulator 投配水器open circulating ssd(slide side door) 开轮回滑套run length 进尺damage 伤害,侵害box 母扣bend water 尾水fisngjars 捕捞震击器rotaryslip 转盘卡瓦flow line 出油管materialman 质料员well bean 井口油嘴cable 电缆,电线fillline 灌泥浆管线paraffin-treatment 清蜡措置惩罚trigger mech. assy. 被触动引发机构总成flashweldedtooljoint 发光烧焊接头master busng 转盘大补芯surpass 跨越,压服bottom hole pressure 井底压力invasion diameter 进进入国境内直径circulating pressure 轮回压力mud resistivity 泥浆电阻率well service work 修井功课wost(waiting on standard tools) 等候规范东西lost circulationmaterials 堵漏剂weightinmud 泥浆中重量scale 刻度,天平,缩尺sample container 抽样接头select 选择,遴选paraffin plugging 蜡堵rotation bases 分班轮换powersource 电源pum台式机ount 总计泵冲数pulley 轮轴straight well 直井眼rotaryhose 泥浆龙带casingelevator 套管吊卡drill floor 钻台tubing 油管opening 扩眼hookposition 大钩位置go devil-c.b 刀杆撞棍drilling technician 钻井技能员stagecementing 分级灌洋灰flashlight 手电筒shear pin 剪切销钉pressure decline 压力降apply 声请,应用gasreservoir 气层lightweightmud 轻泥浆preventer of double ram type 双闸板式防喷器exploration 踏勘casing sub 套管接头erodeout 刺坏circulationrate 轮回速率bittime 钻头纯钻时间indented csel 齿状钻头,牙轮钻头drilling crew 钻井队员air hoist 气动卷扬机well control fluid 压井液establish 成立,安设controlroom 节制室rigup 安装钻探机module 板块overshot 卡瓦捕捞筒put on break 刹车,制动reversible circlip pliers 卡簧手钳rag line大棕绳drillingration 钻速ventilation 透风,透风设备steam 蒸气ethane 乙烷response 回应,相应setback 立根盒contractor 承包商heavy bodied 很稠的,粘滞的pulling jet pump 捞喷射的流体泵needle valve assy.extractor针阀手柄compensate 归还,赔偿desander 除砂器contaminationofmud 泥浆污染hay pulley 地轮轴truncate 截取一段,修剪pols-lock pin 锁定销钉pulling flow regulator 捞配水器abandoneddrill 弃船演示bulk tank 灰罐winch line 吊装用绳套barite 重晶石runinthehole 下钻sample analyzer 试样阐发器cementslurry 洋灰浆tongtorquemeter 大钳扭矩表prime port adaptor assy. 增大压力口适配器table height 转盘高度wash over 洗井,套洗,冲刷elevated temperature 高温guideshoe 引鞋individual 个另外,独个的install 安装,安设water injector(injection well) 灌古井flow regulator extractor 节省器拉脱手柄rwto(returned well to production) 井恢复出产cross 十字接头freepoint 自由点screwdriver 改锥,改锥safetyjoint 安全接头tiebacktool 回接东西firmware 固件(软件硬件相联合)oven 烘箱heavymud 重泥浆/加剧泥浆plug 堵,塞,插上,插栓sticking 卡钻/被卡pulloutofthehole 起钻measuring bhpbu(bottom hole pressure build up) 测压力恢复torque wrench扭矩板子pentane 戊烷unconnectswitch 非接触式开关transfer port adaptor 转样适配器pumpspeed 泵速mud conditioning 泥浆措置惩罚/配泥浆keyseat 键槽prime pump assy.手压泵适配器emulsifier 乳化剂portlandcement 硅酸盐洋灰crystal 透明水晶,形成晶体体vacuum hand pump 抽气机blind box 盲锤vibra gauge压力表well completing data 完井资料,数值geothermalgradient 地温梯度y-branch y型支管,分叉管piston rod 活塞杆work vice 老虎钳wire-stripper pliers 剥线钳rope socket 绳帽open sssv(sub surface safety valve) by force 强力压制进行打开井下安全阀wallscraper 井壁刮刀 a toolpusher 队长,技师production 出产annular velocity 环空流速slushpump 泥浆泵gooseneck 鹅颈管loosen 放松gauge 量规unlatcngelevator 开吊卡pipewrench 管子板子panel 面板diecollar 捕捞卡瓦elevatorlink 吊环open ssd(slide side door) 开出产滑套discussion 会商spear 捕捞矛cementing 固井initialgelstrength 出切prime hand pump 注油器potential 潜在的,有可能的 b.equipmentmillingtool 铣具/磨鞋suctiontank 吸入池torque wrench adaptor 扭矩板子接头morningtour 白班quick coupling 迅速接头,快接受箍mud balance 泥浆疏密程度计shorttrip 短起下钻nearbitstabilizer 金钻头扶正器keyseatingsticking 键槽卡钻dv collar 分级灌洋灰短接conductor 隔水导管liftingsub 晋升短接off diskspring 弹簧片neutron 中子射线storm 风暴reynoldsnumber 雷诺数wto(well testing operator) 试油,试井操作工swabpressure 抽吸压力freepipe 未卡部门钻柱casingtong 套管大钳lifting capbop吊帽swabbing 抽吸mast 钻探机internalupset 内加厚vent pipe 放空管stuffing box 防喷盒computer 计较机blowout preventer(bop) 防喷器shallowgas 试气层aviation fuel 航空油open 打开command 号令,掌握,支配corecatcher 岩心爪running go devil 剪切钢丝sample bomb 高压抽样瓶,样品存储器mudtesting 泥浆实验flowing pressure gradient 流压梯度well testing supervisor 试油,实验监视sample signal 抽样距离,抽样速率mudpump 泥浆泵if(internal flush) 内平扣volt 伏特retriever 钢丝捕捞器well pulling service 修井起下劲课fracturing 压裂hammer 鎯头packer 封隔器sand sampling 取砂样busing 补芯reduce 减小,由大变小,简化gasshowing 气体预示surgepressure 打击压力back-up ring 违环barge engineer 平台工程师slip 卡瓦sampler hose assy. 抽样器软管总成transportation box 压力表箱return 归回洋灰浆pin 销钉ton-mile 吨-英里transfer lock sleeve 转样护帽off ball 钢球fising 捕捞work assignment 事情摆设water flush 水轮回洗井gasanalysis 气体阐发pulley 轮轴limemud 白灰泥浆flat file 板锉,扁锉offer 供给,诡计pullingslip 起卡瓦lignite 铁络盐flowrate 流量duplex slush pump 双缸泥浆泵winch 卷扬机driller 司钻ws(well shut-in,wind speed,work space) 关井,风速,事情区shutin 关井ram assembly for bop 防喷管闸板总成washer 洗衣机colloid 胶体singleram 单闸板bumpersub 缓以及冲突器rig out 拆卸x-over 变扣spacer 断绝液shoe guide 引鞋bitgauge 钻头规thread 丝扣heating jacket for cylinder 样瓶加温器powerswivel 动力水龙草头loggingprogram 测井步伐flow 放喷workinginstruction 功课指令borehole 不带眼镜heating jacket for sampler 抽样器加温器quartz 石英delta time 总计时间weightedmud 重泥浆/加剧泥浆rotarytable 转盘pumppressure 泵压function 函数certification 证书sand level detection 探沙面depth 井深presentation 软体操作软件indented bolt 齿纹螺栓gunperforation 射孔完井calibration 刻度supervisor 监视o-ring for wellhead adapter 井口变扣o环wap(well performance analysis) 井的动态阐发sidewallneutronlog 井壁中子测井linecleaning 管线洗濯recorder 划眼breech lock 泡栓clock 钟表append 附带加之,新增,吊挂sro(surface read-out) 地面直读open drain valve 砸泻油阀starting outfit 开始工作设备drillingrecorder 钻井记载仪sandtrouble 砂堵ventilate 放空,吹扫nozzlesize 水眼尺寸cementbasket 洋灰伞wire 钢丝elbow 弯接头wsp(work system package) 功课体系组装设备centerlatchelevator 中开门吊卡checkvalve 单流阀kellyspinner 方钻杆旋扣器part twopressure gauge pin 销钉,公扣wellhead adapter 井口变扣短节needle valve body 针阀组件top valve 开采石油树清蜡闸门,试井闸门winch drum shaft 卷扬机骨碌轴bit breaker 钻头装卸器connector 联络器casingprogram 套管步伐back pressure valve 回压阀inertiabrake 惯性刹车merge 归并,并入,联合stable test 不变试井sample frequency 采集样品深度well control equipment 井控设备dieseloil 柴油killingawell 压井piston removal活塞移位东西derrick 钻塔tool pusher 钻井技师observe 不雅察,不雅测wire stripper 剥皮钳,掳线钳workover 修井,补缀,大修sliptypeelevator 卡瓦式吊卡linetest 管线试压wellhead choke 井口油嘴wellheadassembly 井口装配gauge cutter 通井规differentpressuresticking 压差卡钻drilling cost 钻井成本sand bailer 捞沙筒external upset 外加厚hydraulicpressure 静水压力rtts operation for cement squeezing rtts固井办事(挤洋灰) relief valve 泄压阀,泄流阀coefficientoffriction 磨擦系数torque wrench adaptor 扭矩板子接头manufacture 打造,加工prime port nipple plug 增大压力口堵头gammaraylog 天然测井wellhead cap 井口帽paint 油漆go devil-f.b 平底撞棍viscosity 黏性pressureequilibrium 压力均衡drag 遇阻choke 油嘴alarm 警报pumice 浮石bed 床well screen 油井筛管deadlineanchor 死绳固定器silicon-controlled rectifier 可控硅整流器prime pump hose assy. 手压泵输出管coregun 取芯器incorporate 归并,混淆tool body clamp抽样器夹具inverse circulation 反洗井formation 地层safetybelt 安全带tubingspool 油管四通electrician 电工running side pocket plug 投偏疼拥塞器bitlife 钻头生存的年限jackup type drilling unit 自升式钻井船Kelly busing 方钻杆补芯well service hoist 修井机assistant driller 副钻linerhanger 尾管挂grease oil tank 注脂油桶mud tank 泥浆罐suckingline 上水管线pulling side pocket plug 捞偏疼拥塞器pit drill 防喷演示annular space 圆环空间dumpvalve 放泄阀flowline 泥浆出口管线drillstem 钻柱stabilizingagent 不变剂workover derrick 修井钻塔piston assy. 活塞总成gasoline 燃料measuring flowing pressure 测流压o-ring for lubricator 防喷管o环mica 云母kick 井涌suspending weight 悬重gauge压力表pipe wrench 管钳tapermilling 锥形刮刀measuring static pressure 测静压cementingpump 固井泵safetyvalve 安全阀slipvelocity 淤积速率tabletorquemeter 转盘扭矩表sample cylinder tag 样瓶,样筒well performance testing 体系试井,井动态实验,井出产实验generator 策念头martin decker w-15 oil 马丁代克油tenminutesgel 终切battery housing干电池筒filter 过淋,用筛子选wt-ind(weight indicator) 指重表tof(top of fis你好ng) 落鱼顶部winch drive shaft universal joint 卷扬机主动轴万向节weightonbit 钻压drain 耗损,耗尽dischargeofpump 泵排量o-ring for bop bop o环range 规模,射出距离wellheadpressure 井口压力casingshoe 套管鞋desilter 沉淀池, 滤池塘pressurelossin pipe 管内压力损掉drillstrings 钻杆拄chemicaltreatment 化学措置惩罚typhoon 飓风laydown 甩reverse circulation 反轮回completion 完井packing 弥缝圈spider 卡盘indicate 指出,预示winch truck 起重机stand-byboat 值班船monkeyboard 二层台safety solvent 洗濯液cementingline 固井管线pressuregradient 压力梯度helicopterport 飞机平台unfreezing 解卡workover rig 修井设备,功课机alignment 校直,调准tong chain 链钳lock grubscrew 锁紧螺丝upload 上载lignitemud 铁络盐泥浆pressure loss in annular 环空压力损掉clamp 卡子t/b/g 牙齿儿/轴承/外径磨耗variable rate 可变采集样品率air hose assy.扫空管drillpipe 钻杆casingscraper 套管刮管器rigdown 拆卸钻探机deadline 死绳miringwater 消融水degasser 除气器sample period 样品判定shuttle mechanism assy. 被触动引发机构cable for counter 统计器软轴wire cutter 断线钳bit diameter 钻头直径pwv(production wing valve) 出产翼阀stinger 导向插头,引鞋,尾管talk mode 会话标准样式wash-over fising operation 套洗捕捞功课,套洗落鱼功课wire line(wl) 电缆insertbit 镶齿钻头formationdamage 粉碎地层picking for stuffing box 盘根transport 传送器,运输机close ssd(slide side door) 关出产滑套yoke 套圈,箍圈,联合ringgasket 钢圈/垫圈loggingcable 测井电缆samplinginterval 抽样距离bittype 钻头型号seating nipple 坐落接头drillspool 钻井四通outerbarrel 外岩心筒reaming 辊轴扶正器lapse 掉误,降落,过掉line 管线cable head 电缆头,电缆接头upset 加厚pitlevel 泥浆池液面boiler 汽锅volumeofannulus 环空容积normal butane 正丁烷flow rate 流速cement 洋灰accordance 相符,调以及firedrill 救火演示lubricator upper section 上防喷管red lead 记载仪squeeze cementing 挤洋灰multiplecompletion 多层完井durability 不易用坏性well control operation 压井功课liferaft 救护筏grease oil 注脂油directory 目次asbestos 石棉riser 隔水导管fuse/110v 断电丝/110v tongs 大钳,钳子,管钳sample chamber 样品室wrench set 全套板子pressure test hose 试压管线reamer 开释,放开无论conebit 牙轮钻头sample contamination 样瓶,样筒,样品器皿work the pipe free 勾当管柱使之解卡latcing elevator 扣吊卡nipple down卸下,拆卸centrifugalpump 离心泵spring 弹簧shut incasing pressure 关井套管压力pliers,vice 山君钳Kelly down depth 方入深度tubinghanger 油管挂counter head 统计头killline 压井管汇offbottom 不接触井底lubricator(assembly,system) 防喷管(装配,体系) cylinder 缸instrument 东西,器械,用具paraffin-troubles结蜡井prime port spanner增大压力阀板子spanner for gauge压力表专用板子version 版本,译本totaldepth 总井深travelingblock 游动滑车dump data 回放数值convert 转换,使改变inductionelectricalsurvey 感到电测井well flow under balance 诱喷terminal 终点终端swivel joint 扭转节anchor 锚allen key内六角polymer 聚合物ndt(nipple down tree) 拆卸井口装配,拆卸开采石油树setting slip 放卡瓦supplyboat 供应船wand 棒,棍,杖overshot 捕捞筒power law model 幂律模子casingburstpressure 套管分裂压力innerstring cementing 内管灌洋灰winch barrel(drum) 卷扬机滚筒wta(well test analysis) 试井阐发real time 现实时间pressurized air 压缩空气sea-watermud 海洋灰浆wdbs(weight going down before sticking) 摄谱仪遇阻前下行重量fire extinguisher 把火搞灭器slipworkline 倒大绳cutoffworkline 割大绳directionalwell 定向井tour s ft 班pump efficiency 泵效pump stroke counter 泥浆泵冲数saturatedsalt-watermud 达到最高限度盐洋灰浆wirefinder 钢丝探量观测器noreturn 未归回洋灰浆cementslurryforlead 先行洋灰浆l.i.b(lead impression block)铅字印刷remove 移动,解雇,移交drilling equipment 钻井装配,钻探机sandbridge 砂桥meansealevel 均等海最简单的面workover job(operation) 修井功课drillingrig 钻井船diamond bit 金刚石钻头wait on(stand by) 等待命令battery tester干电池丈量器drilling 钻进cock 水龙草头control panel 节制面板injector 注油器a drilling engineer 钻井工程师measuring bhp(bottom hole pressure) testing with jet pump 带泵测压(喷射的流体泵) gasinmud 泥浆中宇量electriclogging 电测roustabout 水手wellcleaning 洗井running plug 投拥塞器shock sub 减振器revolutionsperminute 每一分钟转数cementflush 洋灰冲刷b/bench hose assy. 样瓶转样管hydraulic jar 液压震击器corebarrel 取芯筒alkalinity 碱性泥浆比重cementbondlog 固井质量查验livingquarters 栖身区sample blob 井底抽样器zonal testing(zonation test) 分层实验shutoff 封闭interface box 接口箱pistonrod 活塞杆kellydown 方入spool 四通dv port dv孔hopper 漏斗safetyclamp 安全卡子bottomsup 带着岩屑pitvolumeincrease 泥浆增长量contract 合约wax containing crude 含蜡原油sample collector 抽样步伐well sand up 油井砂堵bearing of hay pulley 地轮轴轴承holesize 井眼尺寸hookloadoffbottom 钻柱离底时大钩负荷samplingdepth 抽样井深close circulating ssd(slide side door) 关轮回滑套hose 软管/水龙草带input 输入chokemanifold 试油树sample bailer 采集样品筒oilreservoir 油层verticaldepth 铅直深度crossoversub 共同接头frequency 频率,周率filtrationeducingagent 降掉水剂acquisition 患上到,患上到物sample cylinder 样品杯calibration drift 漂移torch burner 喷射火焰的工具dailyproduction 日产量openhole 不带眼镜weather 气候holestraightening 井眼勘正/纠斜well cementation 固井,挤洋灰bitwear 钻头磨耗yo-yo (下井仪)上下移动,上下勾当tighten 上紧core 岩心digital 数码的submergedpump 潜抽水机running hanger 投吊挂器well killing method 压井要领stainlesssteel 不锈钢zonal withdrawal 分层挖掘turbulentflow 紊流coupling 联接扣hand pump assy.for stuffing box 手压泵well condition 井况sample analysis 试样阐发,样品阐发jars 震击器。

石油出国人员必备英语 第 12 章 井控资料

石油出国人员必备英语 第 12 章 井控资料

912524825.doc第十二章井控一.常用单词和短语pressure control 压力控制pressure gradient 压力梯度normal formation pressure 正常地层压力abnormal formation pressure 异常地层压力kick 井涌blowout 井喷blow out preventer (BOP) 防喷器annular BOP 环形防喷器upper pipe rams BOP 上半封防喷器lower pipe rams BOP 下半封防喷器blind rams BOP 全封防喷器accumulator 储能器kill line 压井管线choke manifold 节流管汇poor boy degaser 油气水分离器remote control 远控台kill 压井driller’s method 司钻法IBOP 内防喷器check valve 单流阀safety valve 安全阀HCR 液动放喷阀kelly cock 方钻杆旋塞casing pressure 套管压力standpipe pressure立管压力leak-off test 地破试验二.阅读练习1.地破试验1) Leak-off test 地破试验A test to determine the maximum pressure integrity of exposed formations at the casing shoe.确定套管鞋处裸眼地层最大破裂压力的试验。

The procedure is as follows:程序如下:1. Drill 10 to 20 ft below the casing seal and circulate the hole clean.套管以下钻进10到20英尺,循环井眼干净。

2. Close the well in and pump at a low rate (0.2 to 0.4 bbl/min). Note: Low pump rates are used toavoid fracturing the formation.关井并以低泵速(0.2到0.4桶/分)。



3.2.1 中空转子马达
为了增加钻头的水马力和泥 浆的上返速度,将转子加工成为 带喷咀的中空转子。此马达的总 流量应等于流经马达密封腔流量 和流经转子喷咀流量的总和,每 种规格的马达都有其推荐的最大 和最小流量值。如果流量过大, 转子会超速运转,定子和转子会 出现提前损坏,如果流量过小, 马达将停止转动。因此在选择转 子喷咀尺寸时,应确保马达密封 腔流量始终保持或高于最小推荐 流量值,这样才能使马达正常运 转。
economic efficiency.
Screw drill is a kind of downhole dynamic drilling tool upon the power of drilling mud. Mud stream from the outlet of mud pump flows through a by-pass valve into the motor. This stream produces pressure loss at both inlet and outlet of the pump, to push the rotor into rotating, and to transmit the torque and speed onto the bit. The screw drill property mainly depends upon its property parameters

Shell - Pressure Control Manual for Drilling and Workover Operation壳牌公司钻修井作业压力控制手册

Shell - Pressure Control Manual for Drilling and Workover Operation壳牌公司钻修井作业压力控制手册

EP 2002-1500
- II -
Restricted to Shell Personnel Only
SUMMARY This edition of the Pressure Control Manual represents significant departure from previous versions, not so much in content, but more in the philosophy of application. Previously, the manual would have been taken as a set of procedural directives such as; "When overpressured formations are anticipated, the minimum barytes stock shall be 100 tons." While these types of directives remain valid for some operations, it has been recognized that the nature of many operations has changed from a common approach/methodology towards those requiring a more specific/focused engineering approach where the concept of standard directives may no longer apply. It is also recognized that with Shell being a global operator, a set of directives applicable in one country/region may not be representative in another. In addressing these concerns and to develop a Pressure Control Manual that truly represents Shell philosophy and has global application this manual has two key components: A. B. Policies Procedures & Practices.



Abbreviation Detail+VE PositiveA/D Analog/DigitalAACE American Association of Cost Engineers AAR After Action ReviewABC Antecedents, Behavior, Consequences ABHD Abu Hadriya AramcoABJF Abu Jifan AramcoABL Alternate Borehole LinerABQQ Abqaiq AramcoABR Additional Budget RequestABSF Abu Sa'fah AramcoAC Alternating CurrentAC Alternating Current or Air Conditioning Aramco ACC Acceptable Ceiling Concentration Aramco ACD Above chart datumACGIH American Conference Of Governmental Industrial Hygienists AramcoACI American Concrete Institute AramcoACS Anti-Collision System AramcoACT Accident Control TechniqueACV Approved Contract ValueAD Assistant DrillerADM Arrow Diagram Method AramcoADS Applications Software Development System AEA Asia Emergency AssistanceAED Automated External DefibrillationAEDC Award Engineering/Design ContractAEIC Association of Edison Illuminating companies AELB Atomic Energy Licensing ActAEOS All Employees Opinion SurveyAFBMA Anti-Friction Bearing Manufacturers Association AramcoAFC Approved for Construction; Automatic Frequency Control AramcoAFE Authorisation for expenditureAFE Approval for ExpenditureAFIS Automated Fingerprint Identification System AFNOR Association Francaise de Normalization AGA American Gas AssociationAGC Automatic Generation Control; Associated General ContractorsAGMA American Gear Manufacturers Association AH Arabian Heavy Crude OilAH Along holeAHBDF Along hole below derrick floorAHBRT Along Hole Below Rotary Table Datum line from which measurements are takenAHBTHF Along hole below tubing head flange AHD Along hole depthAHORT Along hole original rotary tableAI Artificial IntelligenceAIMS Aramco IMS SystemAIO Area ID OfficeAISC American Institute of Steel ContructionAISOD Area Industrial Security OperationsDepartmentAITD Air Information Technology DepartmentAKO Adjustable kick-off sub (directional drillingtool)AL Arabian Light Crude OilALARP As Low As Reasonably PracticableAM Arabian Medium Crude Oil; Amplitude Modulation AMC Area Maintenance CenterAMRS Advanced Mobile Radio SystemANDR ' Ain Dar (Ghawar) AramcoANSI American National Standards InstituteANSI American National Standards Institute API American Petroleum Institute AramcoANSI American National Standards InstituteAramcoANSI American National Standards Institute(previous ASA)AOA Asian and Other Arab Employees Aramco AOB Any Other BusinessAOC Aramco Overseas Company AramcoAOSM Arab Organization of Standardization &Materials AramcoAOV Air Operated Valve AramcoAPD Automated Piping Design AramcoAPI American Petroleum InstituteAPL Annulus Pressure LossAPNE Apprenticeship Program for Non-Employee APP As per programmeAPP Arabian Project Proposal or AssociatedProfessional Program AramcoAPS Applications Software AramcoAR Automated RoughneckARP Asset Reference PlanARPR Annual Review of Petroleum ResourcesASA American Standards Association (now ANSI) ASA Anchor Seal Assembly1ASAP As Soon As PossibleASC Aramco Services Company in Houston ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange AramcoASCL Acoustic Super Combo LogASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrig. & Air Condit. EngineersASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASR Appraisal & Strategy ReviewASS Asset ManagementAssy AssemblyASTM American Society for Testing and Materials ASTM American Society-for Testing MaterialsAT Audit TeamATB All Trunks BusyAUP Average Unit PriceAVG AverageAVO Visa On ArrivalAWG American Wire GaugeAWO Additional Work OrderAWPA American Wood Preservers Association AWS American Welding SocietyAWWA American Water Works AssociationAzim Azimuth (compass bearing)B/D Barrels per dayB/H Bent housing (directional drilling tool)B/O Break outBA Breathing ApparatusBAA Business Alignment AreaBALS Baker Atlas Logging ServicesBB Budget Brief AramcoBBL Barrelbbls/d Barrels per daybbls/min Barrels per minuteBBS Behavior Based Safety (WFT)BCD Below chart datumBCOT Bintulu Crude Oil TerminalBDF Below derrick floorBDO Baram Delta OperationsBDT Bulk Data TransferBFO Beneficial OccupancyBG Back groundBGG Background gasBGT Borehole geometry toolBHA Bottom hole AssemblyBHC Borehole compensated sonic logBHCT Bottom-Hole Circulating TemperatureBHD (Type of packer)BHP Bottom Hole PressureBHP Brake horsepowerBHST Bottom-Hole Static TemperatureBHT Bottom hole temperatureBI Number Budget Item Number AramcoBIF Bintulu Integrated FacilitiesBIM Business Interface ManagerBISR Budget Item Summary Report AramcoBJ Blast jointBLC Big Lever ClubBLIND A Blank FlangeBO E xplosive service (back-off)BOE Barrel of Oil EquivalentBOP Blowout PreventerBOP Blowout Preventer (Prevention of gas blow out from well)BOP Blow out PreventersBOPD Barrels of Oil Per Day AramcoBOPE Blow Out Prevention EquipmentBOPs Blowout Preventer StacksBP Bridge plugBP Business PlanBPC Bean performance curveBPCD Barrels Per Calendar DayBPD Barrels Per DayBpf Blow per footBPH Barrels per hourBPM Barrels per minuteBPR Bottom Pipe RamBPS Bytes Per SecondBPV Back Pressure ValveBPV Backpressure valveBS Base sedimentBS & W Base sediment and waterBSI British Standards InstitutionBSIT Basit AramcoBSP Brunei Shell PetroleumBTFS Basic Training For SupervisorsBTI Big Ticket ItemBTM BottomBTM Business Technology MappingBTU, Btu British thermal unitBU Business Unit2BU Bottoms up (circulating)BU Build up (pressure, temperature, inclination) BUPs Business Unit PlansBUS Build up section (of a deviated well)BV Ball valveBWPD Barrels of Water Per DayC&C Circulate & ConditionC/R Change RequestC/R Construction/RepairC/w Comes withC2V Capital to ValueCA Capital AllocationCA Corporate AffairsCAD Computer Aided Drafting AramcoCADD Computer Aided Drafting & Design Aramco CALM Catamery anchor leg mooringCAMA Centralized Automatic Message Accounting CAO Certified Acceptance by OperationsCAO Computer applications for operationsCAO Computer assisted operations (Obsolete) CAPEX Capital Expenditure AramcoCAPO Computer assisted production operation CAPS Corrective Action Preventive SystemCAR Campaign Action RegisterCART CAM ActuatedCAS Chemical Abstract ServiceCAT Corrective Action TeamCB Control BuildingCBBL Core BarrelsCBD Competency Based DevelopmentCBHP Closed in bottom hole pressureCBHT Closed in bottom hole temperatureCBL Cemented Bond Log To test the integrity of the cementingCBP Country Business PlanCCC Commodity Classification Code Aramco CCEI Common Class Expansion Indices Aramco CCIR International Radio Consulative Committee CCIS Common Channel Interoffice Signalling CCL Casing collar locatorCCN Catalog Classification NumberCCO Current Cost OutlookCCOS Construction Camp Office ServicesCCR Continuing Certification RequirementCCS Computer and Communication Services CCSD Central Community Services DepartmentCD C hart datumCDC Central Dispatch CenterCDOI Communications Department OperatingInstructionsCDPNE College Degree Program for Non-Employee CDPP Circulating Drill Pipe PressureCDR Critical Design ReviewCDS Central Dispatch SystemCE Chief EngineerCE Capital EmployedCEC Change Evaluation CommitteeCEMA Conveyor Equipment ManufacturersAssociationCEO Chief Executive OfficerCEP Current Estimated PotentialCERCLA Comprehensive EnvironmentalResponse, Compensation, and Liability Act Aramco CERP Capital Expenditure Review PanelCESP Conceptual Estimate Scoping PaperCESR Computer Equipment Service RequestCET Cement evaluation toolCFP Capital Facilities PlanCFR Code of Federal Regulations (USA) Aramco cft Cubic feetCG Casing gun (shaped charge perforator)CGA Compressed Gas Association (USA)CGS Chevron Geothermal SafetyCGT Combustion Gas TurbineCGTG Combustion Gas Turbine GeneratorCHH Casing head housingCHP Casing head pressureCHS Casing head spoolCHT Casing head tensionCI Close(d) inCIBHP Closed in bottom hole pressureCIBHT Closed in bottom hole temperatureCIF Community and Industrial FacilityCIIP Condensate Initially In PlaceCirc CirculateCIS Contract Information System (now SAP)CIS Customer instrument serviceCITHP Closed in tubing head pressureCITHT Closed in tubing head temperatureCL, C/L Control lineCLFL Choke Line Friction LossesCM Capability Management/ Manager3CMC Crisis Management CentreCMC Chronic Medical Conditions Aramco CMC Carboxy methyl celluloseCMT CementCMT Crisis Management TeamCMT Construction Management TeamCNG Compressed Natural GasCNL Compensated neutron logCNPC China National Petroleum CorporationCO Change OrderCOB Close Of BusinessCoEs Centres Of ExcellenceCOMM OPS Communications Operations DepartmentCompl Complete(d), completionCONT, C ont’d ContinuedCOPES Cost Planning and Evaluation System CORAL Cost Reduction Alliance MalaysiaCOS Computer Operations and SupportCOSHH Control of substances hazardous to health COT Character Oriented TerminalCP Casing pressureCP Conductor pressureCP Conductor Pipe, Casing PressureCP&B Capital Programs & Budgets Aramco CPAR Corrective Preventative Action Request CPC Corporate Planning Committee Aramco CPC Computer production controlCPCP Communications and Process Computer PlanningCPD Corporate Planning DepartmentCPDS Control Pressure Drilling ServicesCPDT Control Pressure Drilling & TestingCPH Baker Oil Tools tie back packerCPO Corporation Planning OrganizationCPR Cardiopulmonary ResuscitationCPS Completion and Production Services Division CPU Central Processing UnitCR Company RepresentativeCRCC Contract Review and Cost ComplianceCRG Control Risks GroupCRP Commercial Review PanelCRS Computerized Reporting SystemsCRT Cathode Ray TubeCS Construction StartCSA Customer Service AgreementCSC CORAL Steering CouncilCSES Cable Sidedoor Entry SubCSF Critical Success FactorCsg CasingCSI Customer Satisfaction IndexCSL Computer Security LiasionCSO Complete Shut OffCSR Company Site RepresentativeCSSM Construction Support Services Material CST Casing seat testCSUD Construction Start-up DateCT Coiled tubingCT Check tripCTC Central Tender CommitteeCTD Coiled Tubing DrillingCTHP Closed in tubing head pressureCTHT Closed in tubing head temperatureCTI Cooling Tower InstituteCTS Composite Tubular SystemsCTS Construction Technical SupportCTT Cup type testedCTT Cup type testerCTU Coiled Tubing UnitCW, C/W Complete withCWOP Completing the well on paperCWP Contractor's Work PlanCYA Cover your arse (political astuteness and insurance…)D & I Diversity and InclusivenessD & O Development & OperationsD&WOOD Drilling and Workover OperationsDepartmentsD-A Digitial to AnalogDAQ Data AcquisitionDASD Direct Access Storage DeviceDAV Data Above VoicedB DecibeldBA Decibels using the A-Weighted scaleDBM Design Basis MemorandumDBSP Design Basis Scoping PaperDC Drill CollarDC Direct CurrentDCC Disaster Control CenterDCCS Drilling Cost Control SystemDCLM Direct Charge List of MaterialsDCS Distributed Control System4DD Directional DrillerDD Depth determinationDDD Direct Distance Dial AramcoDDM Data & Document ManagementDDOR Daily Drilling Operations ReportDDS Document Distribution SystemDEL Direct Exchange LineDEMA Diesel Engineer Manufacturers Association DEPCO Dammam Electric Power CompanyDF Drilling floorDFE Derrick floor elevationDHALPD Dhahran Area Loss Prevention Division DHYN Duhaynah AramcoDID Direct Inward DialingDIH Drilling Information Highway.DIL Dual induction laterologDIMS Drilling Information Management System Directional ( O ) Orientate Same as 'sliding' drilling Directional ( R ) RotateDIS Downhole and Industrial ScreensDLL Dual laterologDLS Dogleg SeverityDM Driller's MethodDNV Det Norske Veritas 挪威船级社DO Drop off section (in a deviated well)DOBIS/LIBIS Dortmunder Bibliothek system/Leuvens Integraal Bibliotheek SystemDOD Direct Onward DialingDOE Department of EnergyDOE Department of EnvironmentDOI U. S. Department of Interior AramcoDOL U. S. Department of Labor AramcoDOSH Department of Occupational Safety & Health DOT U. S. Department of Transportation Aramco DOX Direct Overhead Expense AramcoDP Drill PipeDP Dynamically PositionedDP Dial Pulse•5。



SETUP AND OPERATINGINSTRUCTIONS Mark IIDiesel Engine Fire Pump ControllersIMPORTANT - DO NOT DISCARDNS1100-40ClosePrint E-MailTable of ContentsSECTION ONE Introduction (1)Mounting Legs (1)Mounting Controller (1)Wall Mount (1)Floor/Base Plate Mount (2)Making Electrical Connections (3)Making Pressure Connections (3)SECTION TWOMark II Setup Notes (5)Mark II Menu Structure - Overview (6)Mark II Menu Structure - Meter Menu (7)Event Log Menu (8)Data Log Menu (9)Print Menu (10)Pressure Settings Menu (11)Timers Menu (12)Clock Set Menu (13)Diagnostics Menu (14)System Setup Menu (15)iTable of ContentsDetailed InstructionsMeter Function (16)Event Log (17)Data Log (18)Print Menu (if printer installed) (19)Pressure SettingsStart Pressure (20)Stop Pressure (21)Pressure Recording (22)Manual Stop Only (23)Pressure Units (24)Low Suction & Level (25)Pressure Calibration (26)TimersOn Delay Time (27)Minimum Run Time (28)Off Delay Time (29)Weekly Test Time (30)AC Power Loss Start Delay Time (31)Clock Set (32)Daylight Savings Time (33)DiagnosticsSoftware Version (34)Lamp Test (35)Discrete Inputs (1-16) (36)Discrete Inputs (17-32) (37)iiTable of ContentsDiagnostics (cont..)Discrete Outputs (1-12) (38)Discrete Outputs (13-24) (39)System SetupChange Passwords (40)Save To Disk Function (41)Information Supplied Separately in Controller Information PacketPublication GF100-01 - Sales and Service Office DirectoryController DrawingsiiiINTRODUCTIONFiretrol® FTA1100 combined automatic and manual diesel engine fire pump controllers are intended for starting and monitoring fire pump diesel engines. They are available for use with 12 or 24 volt negative ground systems using lead acid or Nickel-Cadmium batteries. FTA1100 fire pump controllers are listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc., in accordance with UL218, Standard for Fire Pump Controllers, CSA, Standard for Industrial Control Equipment (cUL), and approved by Factory Mutual. They are built to meet or exceed the requirements of the approving authorities as well as NEMA and the latest editions of NFPA 20, Installation of Centrifugal Fire Pumps, and NFPA 70, National Electrical Code.These instructions are intended to assist in the understanding of the installation and operation of the FTA1100. Read through these instructions thoroughly prior to connecting the controller. If there are any questions unanswered in these instructions, please contact the local Firetrol representative or factory service department.MOUNTING LEGS (OPTIONAL)Procedure—1.If legs were supplied, unpack legs and mounting hardware.2.Inspect legs for damage.3.Place shipping carton tube on floor and gently lay the controller, on its back, on top of tube.4.Attach each leg to the bottom of the enclosure using the 3 nuts, and washers provided foreach leg . Tighten nuts securely.5.After legs are securely attached, stand the controller up on its legs for floor mounting. Eachleg has 3 holes on the bottom for anchoring to the floor or base plate.Caution—Controller is not free standing! Controller must be secured to floor or wall surface before opening door or operating.MOUNTING CONTROLLER—Note—Consult the appropriate job plans to determine controller mounting location. Controller must be mounted within 20 feet of the engine.Tools and Materials (all mounting):1.Assortment of common hand tools of the type used to service electromechanical equip-ment.2.Drill for drilling wall/floor anchor holes.3.Hand level.4.Tape measure.5.Four (4) anchors with bolts and washer—if wall mount. Six (6) anchors, bolts and washers—if floor/base mount.Wall Mount—Note—Refer to the controller dimension drawing, DD1100, included in the instruction manual for necessary mounting dimensions.The controller is wall mounted by using four (4) wall anchors, 2 anchors for the top ears and 2 anchors for the bottom mounting slots. The ears and slots are dimensionally on the same center-line for ease in either the dimension print or by measuring the distance between the center lines ofthe 2 lower slots, transcribe this dimension onto the wall. Note: The bottom edge of the enclosure should be a minimum of 12" (305 mm.) from the floor in case flooding of the pump room occurs.12.Drill and put 2 anchors into the wall for the 2 lower slot mounts.3.Mark on the wall, the location of the holes in the upper mounting ears.4.Drill and put 2 anchors into wall for the upper mounts.5.Install bolts and washers in 2 lower anchors, leaving a gap between the washer and wall.6.Lift the controller and place the mounting slots down onto the 2 lower anchor bolts. Do nottighten bolts.7.Align holes in upper mounting ears and install 2 bolts and washers in anchors.8.Tighten all 4 anchor bolts.9.Check to be sure enclosure door opens freely and that enclosure is level.Floor/Base Plate Mount—Note—Consult the appropriate job plans to determine controller mounting location.Refer to the controller dimension print, DD1100, included in the instruction manual for necessary mounting dimensions.The controller is floor/base plate mounted by using the 3 pre-drilled holes in each leg. The holes are dimensionally on the same centerline for ease in either the dimension print or by measuring distance between the centerlines of theholes on one leg, transcribe these dimensions onto the floor/base plate.2.Drill 3 holes in floor/base plate for anchoring the leg.3.Mark location of holes for opposite leg and drill 3 more holes.4.Secure controller to floor/base plate with bolts and washers and tighten.5.Check to be sure enclosure door opens freely and that enclosure is level.MAKING ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONSImportant Precautions—Prior to making any field connections:1.Verify that the following information is compatible with other related equipment on theproject:• Firetrol catalog number• Engine voltage and polarity of grounding• Incoming line voltage and frequency• System pressure2.Project electrical contractor must supply all necessary wiring for field connections inaccordance with the National Electrical Code, local electrical code and any other authority having jurisdiction .3.Open door of enclosure and inspect internal components and wiring for any signs of frayedor loose wires or other visible damage.4.Refer to the appropriate field connection drawing in the manual for all wiring information. Procedure—All field connections, remote alarm functions and AC wiring must be brought into the enclosure near the bottom. (See dimension drawing DD1100 for exact location). Proceed as follows:e a hole punch, not a torch nor a drill, and punch a hole in the enclosure for the size conduitbeing used.2.Install necessary conduit.Warning—Use only locations shown on Dimension Drawing DD1100 for conduit entrance.Controller warranty is VOID if any other location is used.Note—All field wiring connections are connected to the terminal block located at the bottom of the enclosure. Terminals 1 through 12 are for interconnection to the corresponding2numbered terminals on the engine terminal block. All terminals are not used in all controllers. Reference engine wiring diagram and Field Connection Diagram FC1100.Other terminals are for connecting remote alarm functions and optional features.AC line connections are made to terminals L1 and L2. A ground lug, marked “G” is provided for grounding. This AC circuit should come from a distribution panel and have a circuit breaker rated for 25 Amps, sized in accordance with the National Electrical Code and other local codes. L1 should be hot (black wire) of 120 Volt system, L2 should be neutral (white wire). On 220 Volt systems, both L1 and L2 wires should be hot (black).3.Pull all wires necessary for field connections, remote alarm functions, AC power and allother optional features. Allow enough excess wire inside enclosure to make up connections to the terminal block. Be sure to consult the appropriate field connection diagram included with the manual.Warning —Do not use controller wire way for routing external wiring.Wire Sizes—• Use #14 AWG wire minimum for all electrical connections except for battery charger connections. (Battery chargers connected to terminals 6, 8, and 11.)• On terminals 6, 8, and 11, use the following information to determine wire sizes:4.Make all field connections to remote alarm functions and any other optional features. Do not connect AC power.5.Verify AC line voltage and frequency with the controller data plate on the enclosure door prior to connecting AC power.6.Connect AC power to “L1” and “L2”—120 Volt, 60 Hz or as called for on controller.7.Connect remote normally open START pushbutton wires to terminals “13” and “14” (if used).8.If deluge valve is used, remove jumper from terminals “16” and “17”. Connect wires from normally closed contact on deluge valve to terminals “16” and “17”.9.Connect remote normally open shutdown interlock wires to terminals “15” and “16” (if used).A factory installed jumper will be installed on these terminals. If installing a interlock, this jumper may be removed, otherwise leave jumper in place until the set up of the Mark II is complete.10. Check to see that all connections are both correctly wired (in accordance with field connection diagram) and tight.11.Close enclosure door.MAKING SYSTEM PRESSURE CONNECTIONSThe FTA1100 controller requires one (1) “System Pressure” connection from the system piping to the enclosure. The connection fitting, 1/2" FNPT, is provided on the bottom, external side of the enclosure for this purpose.The “Test Drain” connection, located to the left of the “System Pressure” connection, should be piped to a vented drain or to waste. The “Test Drain” is used only briefly during the weekly test cycle.0' to 25' (0 to 7.62 m.)25' to 50' (7.62 m. to 15.24 m.)Linear feet (in conduit run)from controller to terminalblock on engine Maximum Wire Size #10 AWG (6 mm 2)#8 AWG (10 mm 2)3Note—Test drain line must be free flowing. Do not use any valves or plugs on this line.Refer to NFPA 20 for correct field piping procedure of sensing line between the pumping system and the controller.4SECTION 2Mark II Set UpUser Passwords:Adjusting the settings of the Mark II can severely effect the operation of the fire pump control-ler. Any adjustments should be done by qualified personnel. This manual will refer to an “operator” level password and an “supervisor” level password. The “operator” level password allows changes that might normally be made by maintenance personnel. The “supervisor”password allows changes that may more seriously affect the operation of the fire pump con-troller. A “supervisor” level password might be required by well-trained maintenance person-nel, pump distributors or manufacturers representatives.The “operator” level password is shown below. This password is also on a label affixed to the back of the Mark II on the inside of the controller door. Although this password may be changed, it is not recommended. Cost to the owner may be incurred if the factory password is changed, then forgotten.When prompted for the Operator Level password enter the following key sequence:METER-MENU-METER-MENU-PRINT-ENTERThe Supervisor Level password will be supplied as necessary or will already be known by the person performing the changes to the controller.56MARK II MENU STRUCTURESEE FIGURE APAGE 7INCOMING AC POWER LINE VOLTAGE ENGINE RUN TIMEBATTERY VOLTS/AMPSMARK II MENU STRUCTUREFIGURE A7MARK II MENU STRUCTURE8MARK II MENU STRUCTURE9MARK II MENU STRUCTURE10MARK II MENU STRUCTURE11MARK II MENU STRUCTURE12MARK II MENU STRUCTURE13MARK II MENU STRUCTUREMARK II MENU STRUCTUREWhen the METER button is pushed, the display will show existing voltage for incoming AC power lines. Use the key to scroll to the next set of values, which is the total engine run time. Pressing the key again will display the existing voltage and charging rate for each battery. You may use the key to scroll back through the various values. Press HOME to return to the main screen.METER16EVENT LOGThe controller keeps an internal log of all events. This memory log stores the last 3000events in chronological order. To view the event log, press MENU. The display will show“Event Log”. Press ENTER. The most recent event will be shown with a time/date stamp. Toview the previous event, press the key. The and keys can be used to scroll forward and backward through the events. To search more rapidly through the events, such as look-ing for a specific date, press the ENTER key while viewing any event. The event will appearon the top line of the display. The event number and search multiplier {X1, X10, X100} willappear on the bottom line of the display. To change the search multiplier, press the key. The search multiplier determines how many events are skipped when the and keys are used. Press ENTER to return to the event screen with time/date stamp or you can scroll through the events from the current screen. Press HOME to return to the main screen whenfinished viewing events.17DATA LOGThe controller keeps an internal log of historical data. This log consists of the following data:• No. of calls to start / No. of actual starts• Total Engine Run Time (Hrs:Min:Sec)• Last Engine Run Time (Min:Sec)• Last Engine Start (Time and Date)• Last High Water Temperature (Time and Date)• Last Low Oil Pressure (Time and Date)• Last Low Fuel Level (Time and Date)• Last Battery Charger Failure (Time and Date)• Last Battery Trouble (Time and Date)• Last Engine Overspeed (Time and Date)• Minimum Battery Voltages• Maximum Battery Voltages• Total Unit Run Time• Min/Max System PressureTo view the data log, press MENU until “Data Log” appears on the screen. Use the and keys to scroll through the data log information. Press HOME to return to the main screenwhen finished viewing the data log.18PRINT MENU (if printer installed)Press MENU until “Print Menu” is displayed. Press ENTER. Use the and keys to scroll through the print menu choices. The available choices are “Print Settings”, “Print Data Log”and “Print Event Log”. Due to the size of the Event Log, you will be prompted to enter the operator level password prior to printing. Press ENTER to print the desired information. Press HOME to return to the main screen. Information given is a follows:Settings-Information is printed on the controller setup for the following items:Model Number • Serial Number • Software Version • Battery Voltage/Type • Printer Installed •Disk Installed • Option Configuration • User I/O Settings • Start Pressure • Stop Pressure •Pressure Recording • Manual Stop Only • Pressure Units • On Delay Time • Minimum Run Time • Off Delay Time • Weekly Test • AC Power Loss Start • Under VoltageData Log-Following information is contained in the Data Log:No. of calls to start / No. of actual starts • Total Engine Run Time (Hrs:Min) • Last Engine Start Time (Time and Date) • Last High Water Temp (Time and Date) • Last Low Oil Pressure (Time and Date) • Last Low Fuel Level (Time and Date) • Last Charger Failure (Time and Date) •Last Battery Trouble (Time and Date) • Last Engine Overspeed (Time and Date) • Minimum Battery Voltages • Maximum Battery Voltages • Total Unit Run Time (Power On Time - Hrs:Min)• Min/Max PressureEvent Log-The Event Log contains a chronological record of the last 3000 events.19Press MENU button until “Pressure Settings” appears on the display. Press ENTER. Present start pressure setting will be displayed. To change the pressure setting, press ENTER. Enter the operator password. Use the and keys to set start pressure to desired setting.Press ENTER to store the new setting. Press HOME to return to the main screen. (Note: The minimum operating pressure differential (the difference between the START and STOP set-tings) is 5 psi. If start pressure cannot be raised it is because the pressure is at the 5 psi differential. Raise the STOP pressure to allow additional differential to raise the START pressure).PRESSURE SETTINGS - START PRESSURE20Press MENU button until “Pressure Settings” appears on the display. Use the key to scroll to the stop pressure setting. The current set point will be displayed. To change the pressure setting, press ENTER. Enter the operator password. Use the and keys to set stop pressure to desired setting. Press ENTER to store the new setting. Press HOME to return to the main screen. (Note: The STOP pressure setting must be set at a pressure less than the fire pump “churn” pressure (Including minimum suction pressure) otherwise, the pump will run continuously once started).PRESSURE SETTINGS - STOP PRESSURE21The pressure recording settings determine when the system pressure is recorded. This infor-mation is saved to the built in event log, and the floppy disk. This information will also be printed if the controller was ordered with a printer. To set these parameters, press the MENU button until “Pressure Settings” appears on the display. Use the key to scroll to the “Pres-sure Recording” screen. The present settings will be displayed. Press ENTER to change the settings. Enter the operator password. The cursor will blink next to the “Delta p” ( P) setting.This setting refers to a variation in pressure. If the pressure deviates +/- more than the setting, the event is recorded. Use the and keys to set the “delta p” setting. The parameters for this setting are “OFF” or a pressure setting from 5 to 50 psi. Next to the “delta p” setting is the automatic recording setting. This setting can be set to “Off” or “Hourly”. To change this setting use the key to move the cursor and the or keys to change the setting. Press ENTER to store the new settings. Press HOME to return to the main screen.PRESSURE SETTINGS - PRESSURE RECORDING22The controller can be set for manual stop only. This setting can be either “Enabled” or “Dis-abled”. Enabling this setting will cause the Mark II to ignore any minimum run or off delay timer settings. The minimum run or off delay timers will appear on the diplay and count down the set times, but the controller will not stop the pump at the end of this time. The only way to stop the pump with the manual stop only setting enabled is to press the STOP push-button. If system pressure is low, the pump will restart when the STOP push-button is released.To set this parameter press MENU button until “pressure settings” appears on the e the key to scroll to the “Manual Stop Only” setting. The set value will be displayed.Press ENTER to change the setting. Enter operator password. Use the or keys to toggle the setting. Press ENTER to store the setting. Press HOME to return to the main screen.PRESSURE SETTINGS - MANUAL STOP ONLY23The Mark II can display pressure in either “psi” or “bar”. To change this setting, press MENU until “Pressure Settings” appears on the display. Use the key to scroll to the “Pressure Units” setting. The existing setting will be displayed. Press ENTER to change the setting.Enter operator password. Use the or keys to toggle the setting. Press ENTER to store the setting. Press HOME to return to main screen.PRESSURE SETTINGS - PRESSURE UNITS24PRESSURE SETTINGS - LOW SUCTION & LEVELThese settings provide for alarm or shutdown if there is a problem with the water supply to the pump. Depending on settings, the controller will display “Low Suction Pressure” or “Reservoir Low” if one of these conditions occur.Press MENU until “Pressure Settings” is displayed. Use the key to scroll to the “Low Suc-tion & Level” setting. To change, press ENTER and enter the operator password. The set-tings for “control” and “input” will be displayed. To modify the settings, press ENTER. The cursor will flash next to the “control” setting. Use the and keys to set the desired control method (Off, Alarm or Shutdown). Use the key to move the cursor to the “Input”setting. Use the and keys to set the desired input (Level or Suction). Press ENTER to store the new setting. Use the key to see the current settings for “On Delay” and “Reset”. Press ENTER to change these settings. Use the and keys to set the desired delay time (5 - 60 seconds). Use the key to move the cursor to the “reset” setting. Use the and keys to set the desired reset method (Auto or Manual). Press ENTER to store the new setting. (Note: Manual Reset will only be available if the controller was ordered with themanual reset option). Press HOME to return to the main screen.25(Note : Pressure is calibrated at the factory. Firetrol does not recommend calibration by build-ing service or maintenance personnel. Improper calibration could lead to a failure of the fire pump controller to properly react to changes in system pressure.)Press MENU until “Pressure Settings” appears on the display. Use the key to scroll to the “Calibration” setting. Press ENTER to continue. Enter supervisor password. Press ENTER to calibrate the Zero setting or press the key to go to the Span setting, press ENTER to calibrate the span setting.Zero Calibration - Display will read “Set Transducer Input to Zero Pressure”. Remove system pressure from the sensing line. When pressure has been removed, press ENTER. Display will read “Set Zero Pressure” ZP=0. Use the and keys to set a minimum pressure if zero pressure cannot be obtained. Press ENTER to store the setting. Press ENTER to exit.Press HOME to return to the main screen.Span Calibration - Display will read “Set Transducer Input to Span Pressure”. Set system pressure to a known pressure using a calibrated gauge or other accurate pressure measuring device. Press ENTER. Display will read “Set Span Pressure” SP=100. Use the and keys to set the pressure to match the reading on calibrated gauge or other accurate de-vice. Press ENTER to store the setting. Press ENTER to exit. Press HOME to return to the main screen.PRESSURE SETTINGS - PRESSURE CALIBRATION26TIMERS - ON DELAY TIMEAlso known as sequential start time, this setting determines the amount of time the controller waits to start the engine when a starting cause is present.Press MENU until “Timers” is displayed. The current setting will be displayed, to change the setting press ENTER. Enter operator password. The cursor will flash next to the timer set-ting. Use the and keys to set the desired on delay time (timer range is 0 - 60 seconds). Press ENTER to store the new setting. Press HOME to return to the main screen.This setting determines the length of time the engine runs once started. The default setting is 30 minutes. The controller will stop the engine after this timer expires, providing all starting causes have been satisfied.Press MENU until “Timers” is displayed. Use the key to scroll to the “Min Run Time” set-ting. The current value will be displayed. To change, press ENTER and enter the operator password. The cursor will flash next to the timer setting. Use the and keys to set the desired minimum run time (timer range is 0 - 60 minutes). Press ENTER to store the new setting. Press HOME to return to the main screen.TIMERS - MINIMUM RUN TIMETIMERS - OFF DELAY TIMEThis setting determines the length of time the engine runs after the starting cause is satisfied. The default setting is zero. This timer is in lieu of, not in addition to, the minimum run timer. The minimum run time must be set to zero for the off delay time to be active.Press MENU until “Timers” is displayed. Use the key to scroll to the “Off Delay Time”setting. The current value will be displayed. To change, press ENTER and enter the opera-tor password. The cursor will flash next to the timer setting. Use the and keys to set the desired off delay time (timer range is 0 - 60 minutes). Press ENTER to store the newsetting. Press HOME to return to the main screen.TIMERS - WEEKLY TEST TIMEThe controller is supplied with a weekly test timer which will automatically start, exercise theengine and stop. To set the weekly test timer, press MENU until “Timers” is displayed. Usethe key to scroll to the “Weekly Test” setting. The existing setting will be displayed, press ENTER to change the settings. Enter the operator password. The cursor will flash on thehour that the test is to start. Use the and keys to set the desired hour. Use the key to advance the cursor to the day setting. Use the and keys to set the desired day that the test will occur. Use the key to advance the cursor to the test duration setting. Use the and keys to set the desired length of time to run the engine (timer range is 0 - 60 minutes). Use the key to advance the cursor to the frequency setting. This setting deter-mines how often the test is performed. Use the and keys to set the desired frequency (setting can be 0 thru 4 weeks. 0 = Off (do not run test). 1 = Run test at set day and time every week. 2 = Run test at set day and time every other week. 3 = Run test at set day and time every third week. 4 = Run test at set day and time every 4th week (monthly)). Press ENTERto store the value. Press HOME to return to the main screen.TIMERS - AC POWER LOSS STARTThe controller is supplied with an AC power loss start (delay) timer which will automatically start the engine in the event of an AC power failure. This will allow the engine alternator to charge the batteries since the controllers’ chargers require AC power to operate. The engine will run for the set minimum run time if power is restored or engine will run until power is restored if outage is longer than the minimum run time.To set the AC power loss start, press MENU until “Timers” is displayed. Use the key to scroll to the “AC Power Loss Startr” setting. The existing settings will be displayed, press ENTER to change the settings. Enter the operator password. The cursor will flash on the “Off or On” setting. Use the and keys to turn this feature on or off. Use the key to advance the cursor to the delay setting. Use the and keys to set the desired delay time which the controller will wait to start the engine following the outage. This range is 5 - 300seconds. Press ENTER to store the settings. Press HOME to return to the main screen.Press MENU button until “Clock Set” appears on the display. Press the ENTER key to change the settings. Enter the operator password. The time and date will appear with a flashing cursor over the hour (hour is in 24 hour format). Use the and keys to set the current hour. Use the key to move the cursor to the minute setting. Use the and keys to set the current minute. Use the key to move the cursor to the month setting. Use the and keys to set the current month. Use the key to move the cursor to the date setting. Use the and keys to set the current date. Use the key to move the cursor to the year setting. Use the and keys to set the current year. When settings are satisfac-tory, press ENTER to return to the main screen.CLOCK SETThe Mark II can automatically adjust the clock for daylight savings time. If this setting is set to “enable’ the time will automatically reset ahead 1 hour at 2 am on the first Sunday in April and reset back 1 hour at 2 am on the last Sunday in October.Press MENU button until “Clock Set” appears on the display. Use the key to scroll to the “Daylight Savings” screen. Press the ENTER key to change the settings. Enter the operator password. Use the and keys to enable or disable this setting. Press ENTER to store the new setting. Press HOME to return to the main menu.CLOCK SET - DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME。



个人珍藏,奉献给所有喜欢英语和将来有缘于石油事业工作人们A Handbook of English for Oil Drilling钻井常用英语手册附录一: 平台人员岗位名称一. 承包商人员( Contractor’s Personnel )Rig Manager 平台经理Equipment Supervisor 设备总监Materials Supervisor 材料总监Senior Toolpusher 高级队长Junior Toolpusher 值班队长Driller 司钻Assistant Driller (AD) 副司钻Derrick Man 井架工Floor Man (roughneck) 钻工Crane Operator 吊车工Mechanic 机械师Electrician 电气师Repairman 修理工Welder 焊工Warehouse Man (stock Keeper) 材料员Safety Supervisor 安全监督Interpreter (translator) 翻译Chief Steward 管事Cook 厨师Steward 厨工Laundry Man 洗衣工Clean boy (清洗工) 常用于井队现场雇用外籍清洁员。

二. 作业者及服务公司人员( Operator’s Personnel and Service Company Personnel)Drilling Superintendent 钻井监督Company Man (Operator’s Representative) 公司代表Geologist 地质师Mud Logging Engineer (Mud logger) 泥浆录井工程师Sample Catcher 捞砂工Mud Engineer 泥浆工程师Cementer 固井工Cement Engineer 固井工程师Testing Engineer 试油工程师Coring Engineer 取芯工程师Wireline Logging Engineer电测工程师附录二: 平台主要设备一. 钻井设备(Drilling Equipment):Drawworks 钻井绞车Rotary Table 转盘Bushing 补心Top Drive System (TDS) 顶驱Swivel 水龙头Crown Block 天车Traveling Block 游车Hook 大钩Derrick 井架Pipe Spinning Wrench 钻杆气动扳手Ezy-Torq 液压猫头Elmagco Brake 涡磁刹车Pipe handling Equipment 钻杆移动设备Iron roughneck 铁钻工Pipe Racking System 钻杆排放系统Drill String 钻柱Drilling Sub 钻井短节Fishing Tool 打捞工具Power Tong 动力大钳Air Winch (air tugger) 气动绞车Crown-O-Matic (Crown Saver) 防碰天车二. 泥浆系统(Mud System)Mud Pump 泥浆泵Shale shaker 振动筛Mud Cleaner 泥浆清洁器Desilter 除泥器Desander 除砂器Degasser 除气器Centrifuge 离心机Mud Agitator 泥浆搅拌器Mud Mixing System 泥浆混合系统Centrifugal Pump 离心泵Standpipe Manifold 立管管汇Rotary Hose 水龙带Bulk Air System and T ank 吹灰系统和灰罐三. 井控设备(Well Control Equipment): Ram Type Preventor 闸板防喷器Annular Type Preventor 万能防喷器BOP Stack 防喷器组Gate Valve 闸阀Choke and Kill Manifold 阻流压井管汇Remotely Operated Panel 远程控制面板Choke Control Panel 阻流控制面板BOP Handling Equipment 防喷器搬运设备Diverter 转喷器四. 机房(Engine Room)Diesel Engine 柴油机Emergency Generator 应急发电机Air Compressor 空气压缩机Boiler 锅炉Air-conditioning System 空调系统Piping System 管汇系统Generator 发电机Transformer 变压器DC Motor 直流马达AC Motor 交流马达五. 安全设备(Safety Equipment)Fire Control System 消防控制系统Fire Detection System 火情探测系统CO2 System 二氧化碳系统Fixed Fire Extinguishing System 固定消防系统Portable Extinguisher 移动灭火器Fire-Fight Equipment 消防设备Foam System 泡沫系统Escape Routes 逃生路线Breathing Apparatus 呼吸器Gas Detection System 气体探测系统Helicopter Facility 直升机设施Sick-Bay (Hospital) 医务室Pollution Control 防污控制六. 其他( Others)Cementing Unit 固井装置Well Testing Equipment 试油设备Mud Logging Unit 泥浆录井房Wire Logging Unit 电测装置Meter 米Foot 英尺Inch 英寸Day (night) Shift 白(夜)班Crew Change 倒班Position 岗位Evacuation 撤离Rig 钻机Quarters (living quarters, accommodation area) 生活区Drill Floor (Rig floor) 钻台Control Room 控制室Air Compressor Room 空气压缩机房BOP Control Room BOP控制房Engine Room 机房Warehouse (Store) 材料库房Sack Storage Area 散装材料储存区Mud pit 泥浆池Riser Rack Area 隔水管排放区Pipe Rack Area 钻杆排放区Pipe Slide 滑道Ramp 坡道Pump Room 泵房Coffee Room 咖啡室Mess (dining) Room 餐厅Recreation Room 娱乐房TV RoomChange Room 工衣房Kitchen 厨房附录四. 钻具,井口工具,打捞工具Drill Pipe 钻杆Drill Collar 钻铤Heavy Weight Drill Pipe 加重钻杆Elevator 吊卡Tong 大钳Make-up Tong 上扣大钳Break-out Tong 卸扣大钳Mud Box 泥浆防喷盒Casing Stabbing Board 套管扶正器Slips 卡瓦Spider 卡盘Mouse Hole 小鼠洞(接单根用) Kelly Spinner 方钻杆旋转器Kelly Cock 方钻杆阀Chain Tong 链钳Casing 套管Tubing 油管Drill String 钻柱Jar (drilling jar) 震击器Right Hand Thread 正扣Left Hand Thread 反扣Stabilizer 扶正器Liner 尾管Conductor 导管Thread Protector 护丝Stand (钻杆) 立柱Single (钻杆) 单根Joint (钻具) 根Bend 弯头Sub 短节Pup Joint 短钻杆, 短节Connector 接头Bit 钻头Bit Breaker 钻头盒Box 母扣Pin 公扣Hole Opener 开眼钻头Reamer 扩眼钻头Overshot 打捞筒Junk Basket 打捞篮Junk Mill 平头磨鞋Spear 打捞矛Fishing T ap 打捞公锥Cross Over Sub (XO Sub) 转换接头Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) 下部钻具组合附录五. 材料和工具Steel 钢Iron 铁Wood 木Chemicals 化学品Cement 水泥Barite 重晶石Fuel 柴油Helifuel 飞机燃油Lubricant (Lube/Lube oil) 润滑油Grease 黄油Thread Dope 丝扣油Gasoline 汽油Mud 泥浆Bentonite 般土Additive 添加剂Caustic Soda 烧碱Weight Material 加重材料Thinner 稀释剂Oxygen 氧气Nitrogen 痰气Hydrogen Sulphide 二氧化硫Acetylene 乙炔Compressed Air 压缩空气Hydraulic Fluid 液压油Spanner 扳手Hammer 铁锤Screw Driver 螺丝刀Multimeter 万用表Welding Machine 焊机Bar 撬杠Shackle 卸扣Sling (钢丝) 绳套Container 集装箱附录六. 常用缩写形式BHA: bottom hole assembly 下部钻具组合DP: drill pipe 钻杆DC: drill collar 钻铤HWDP: heavy weight drill pipe 加重钻杆BOP: blowout preventer 防喷器TD: total depth 总深TVD: true vertical depth (定向井的)垂直深度SCR: silicon controlled rectifier 可控硅OD: outside diameter 外径ID: inside diameter 内径BBL: barrel 桶LB: (拉丁语) Libra=pound (重量单位) PSI: pound per square inch 磅/英寸2 GAL: gallon 加仑POOH: pull out of hole 起钻RIH: run in hole 下钻WOC: wait on cement 候凝RPM: revolution per minute 转速/分钟LPM: liter per minute 升/分钟SWL: safe working load 安全工作负荷API: American Petroleum Institute 美国石油协会IADC: international association of drilling contractors 国际钻井承包商协会MPI: magnetic particle inspection 磁粉探伤附录七:常用语Drilling 钻井Carry out drilling operation in accordance with the drilling program. 按钻井程序进行钻井作业.Prepared bell nipple. 准备”喇叭口”短节.Make up 2 joints of drill pipe. 接两根钻杆.Break out this connection. 卸开该接头.Run hole opener to sea bed. 下扩眼器到海底Mix gel fluid for drilling conductor hole. 为钻导管井眼配制高粘度泥浆.Make up bottom hole assembly. 组合下部钻具Check and reset crown-saver on every tour. 每个班都要检查并重新调整天车防碰装置.Number stands on trip out and trip in. 起下钻时给立柱编号. Pick up BHA and run to seafloor. 将下部钻具下到海底.Pick up stands. 接立柱Don’t drill faster than 15 minutes for 1 stand. 钻进速度别超过15分钟1根立柱Drop TOTCO. 投(陶特)测斜仪Fish TOTCO with overshot. 用打捞筒捞起测斜仪Resume drilling to T.D. 继续钻进到总深Circulate 15 minutes.循环15分钟Run in hole. 下钻Put out of hole. 起钻Make an inventory of all ring gaskets. 开一个所有垫圈的清单Use spinning tong. 使用气动扳手Operate the air winch. 操作气动绞车Lay down 57 joints of 5” drill pipe. 甩57根钻杆Pick up drill stem test tool. 提起钻杆测试工具Circulate mud for 2 hours. 循环泥浆2小时Move string during circulation. 在循环时注意活动钻具Circulate hole clean. 循环清洗井眼Circulate bottoms up. 循环泥浆几周Fill up every 5 stands. 每5柱灌泥浆一次Check mud weight every 15 minutes. 每15分钟检查泥浆比重Reverse out excess cement. 反循环替出多余的泥浆Change/replace old mud by new mud. 用新的泥浆替换出旧的泥浆Stop drilling. 停止钻进Drilling ahead. 钻进Pull out of hole bit. 起出钻头Change bit. 换钻头Run the wear bushing. 下抗磨补心The bit thread type is regular pin. 钻头丝扣是正规公扣What’s the make-up torque? 上扣扭矩要多大?Run in 9” collars. 下9”钻铤The cathead can’t give enough torque. 猫头力量不够Connect crossover sub. 接上配合接头The tong angle is too small. 大钳的角度太小了Stop circulating. 停止循环泥浆Break out the stand. 卸立柱Set the single into the mousehole. 把这个单根放进鼠洞Can we break out the pipe with rotary table? 可用转盘卸扣吗? No! Break it out with tong. 不行! 要用大钳卸扣Spin it out with the air spanner. 用气动扳手卸扣Put the pipe wiper on the string. 装上钻杆刮泥器Don’t set this stand back. 这根钻杆不要放在钻杆盒上Make up the lift sub. 接好提升短节Secure the safety clamp. 上紧安全卡瓦The bit is nearing the shoe. 钻头快到套管鞋了Slow down the running speed. 放慢下放速度This is the undergauged interval. 这是缩径井段This is the drilling program. 这是钻井设计书How much weight on bit is required? 要加多少钻压?Keep the rotary speed at 120---140 RPM. 转速保持120---140转/分Keep the flow rate at 3000 LPM. 保持排量3000升/分The pump pressure is too high. 泵压太高了Don’t ream the hole too fast. 划眼不要太快Notice the rotary torque. 注意转盘扭矩的变化The penetration rate is getting slower. 钻速变慢了The bit is nearly worn out. 钻头快磨光了Stop drilling at 2000 meters. 钻至2000米停钻Circulate for one hour. 循环一个小时The pump pressure has increased. 泵压升高了One nozzle may be plugged. 可能有一个水眼(或: 喷嘴)堵了What is the hook load? 悬重多少?What’s the pick-up weight? 上提重量是多少?What’s the lowering weight? 下放重量是多少?Run in HWDP. 下加重钻杆A stabilizer is needed here. 这里需要一个扶正器This is a flexible sub. 这是挠性接头This is the BHA log. 这是下部钻具组合记录Record all outside and inside diameters. 记录好所有(入井工具的)内外径We need a short drill collar. 需要一根短钻铤Pull the cat line. 拉猫头Operate the break lever. 操作(或:扶)刹把Stop the pumps. 停泵Make a wiper trip. 通井Retrieve wear bushing. 取出抗磨补心Bleed off pressure. (释)放压(力)Keep 5 wraps on the drum. 滚筒上留5圈Set slips. 座上卡瓦If tight hole, repeat wiper trip. 如果井眼紧, 重复划眼Setback bottom hole assembly. 将下部钻具立于钻杆盒内Make sure all alarms are on. 确保所有的警报信号都开着Lay down TDS spinner. 拆下顶部驱动的旋扣器Run in hole bit #15 to bottom. 用15号钻头下钻到井底Run in hole to casing shoe. 下钻至套管鞋Pick up same bit and BHA. 装上同样的钻头和钻具组合Lay down 5” HW drill pipe. 甩5”加重钻杆Move string every 2 hours. 每2小时活动钻具一次Keep area around shaker clean. 保持振动筛区域干净Control trip gas. 控制起下钻气Ream if needed. 如必要时进行划眼Select the best penetration rate. 选择最佳钻进速度Fix the traveling assembly. 固定游动系统Check power tongs and spinning rope are on drill floor. 检查动力钳和尾绳是否在钻台What’s the weight on bit? 钻压是多少?What is the BHA of this well? 这口井的下部钻具如何组合? Drill out cement. 钻穿水泥Drill out 20” casing shoe. 钻穿20”套管鞋Latch the elevator. 扣吊卡Unlatch the elevator. 开吊卡Set the slips. 放卡瓦Adjust the crown-o-matic (crown saver). 调整防碰天车Lock the hook pin. 锁紧大钩销子Check OD of stabilizer. 检查扶正器的外径Perform leak off test. 进行地层破裂(或:渗漏)测试Connect kill and choke line. 接上压井和放喷管线Reverse out the drill pipe. 反循环清洗钻杆Make a short trip. 进行短途起下钻Change the cutters. 换割刀Slug the pipe. 灌重泥浆Drill the stand down. 钻完立柱Start/run the shale shaker. 开振动筛Start the desanders. 开除砂器Start the desilters. 开除泥器Change it with a 40 mesh screen. 换成40目筛布Shut it off. 关掉Pull it to the cat ramp. 把它拉到坡道上去Make a fast connection. 接单根要快Don’t dump the mud to the wellsite. 不要把泥浆排放到井场Disconnect it with a chain tong. 用链钳卸开Put a thread protector. 加一个(丝扣)护箍Can we use the power slips? 可以使用动力卡瓦吗?Casing and Cementing 下套管与固井Run in hole to bottom for wiper trip. 下钻通井This is the casing program. 这是套管程序Prepare for running casing. 准备下套管Make everything ready for running 7”casing. 做好下7”套管的准备Make cementing job. 固井Displace cementing with mud pump. 用泥浆泵替泥浆Set cement plug from 2940 to 2790m. 在2940到2790米井段打水泥塞Pick up cementing head. 接水泥头Cement samples are hard. 水泥样已凝固Pump in 3 cubic meters of spacer. 注3方隔离液Pump down the plug. 泵压(胶)塞Wait on cement. 候凝The guide shoe will be connected. 接引鞋Connect the floor collar. 接浮箍Connect the air line to the casing stabbing board. 接好套管扶正台的气管线Run casing with the 350T slip elevator. 用350吨卡瓦式吊卡下套管Clean and dry 20” casing threads with rags. 清洁并擦干20”套管丝扣Where is the rabbit for drifting the casing? 套管通径规在哪里? How much is the horse power? 有多大马力?She has 6000 HP. 有6000马力Unleash the drilling tools. 卸开钻具Tighten up. 绷紧(或:上紧)一点Fishing 打捞The bit cutters have been lost in the hole. 牙轮落井Run in the reverse-circulation basket. 下反循环打捞篮There is a lot of junk in the hole. 井下有很多落物The fish is 235.46 meters long. 落鱼长度235.46米The fish top is at 2478.34 meters. 鱼顶位置2478.34米Coring 取芯Stop drilling for coring. 停钻准备取芯Make up core bit. 接取芯钻头What type of core bit is it? 这是什么型号的取芯钻头? Run in a diamond core bit. 下金刚石取芯钻头Let’s drop the ball for coring. 可以投球取芯The core has been broken off. 岩芯断了Put the core in the boxes. 把岩芯装在岩芯盒里Don’t brake s uddenly. 不要猛刹车Take out the core. 岩芯出筒How long is the core? 岩芯多长The core recovery is 98%. 岩芯收获率是98%Run in the core barrel again. 继续下岩芯筒(或: 取芯筒) Run in hole core barrel. 下取芯筒Drop ball. 投钢球Recover core. 取出岩芯Use same parameters as for core #1. 使用与1#取芯同样的参数Freeing Stuck Pipe 卡钻与解卡The down-hole problems are very complicated. 井下情况很复杂The hole is tight. 遇阻了Overpull while tripping out. 起钻遇卡(overpull: 超拉力) The formation is unstable. 地层不稳定The wall caving is severe. 井壁垮塌严重There are many return cuttings. 返出岩屑特别多The mud returns have decreased. 返出泥浆减少The hole is enlarged. 井眼扩大了The pipe’s stuck. 卡钻了Pull up to 150 tons. 上提150吨Slack off to 50 tons. 下放至50吨Ream down all the tight points. 在所有遇阻点进行划眼The rotary table can’t rotate. 转盘转不动Where is the sticking point? 卡点在哪里Make a tensile test. 做拉伸试验Back it off above the free point. 在卡点以上倒扣Where is the back-off position? 脱扣位置在哪Plug the well for side tracking. 打水泥塞侧钻Abnormal Well Condition and Well Control异常井况与压井The mud is gas out. 泥浆有气侵The pit has lowered quickly. 泥浆池液面下降很快The hole lost returns. 井口不返泥浆The returns are unstable. 返出泥浆量忽大忽小Where’s the thief zone? 漏失层在哪里Cut down the flow rate. 降低排量Lower the mud density. 降低比重Cut down the hydrostatic pressure. 减少静压The gas smell is strong. 天然气味度很浓There’s some trace of oil. 发现有油花The pump pressure is fluctuating. 泵压不稳It is a zone of abnormal pressure. 这是异常压力层The hole (well) is kicking! 井涌啦!Shut in the BOP! 关闭防喷器Sound the general alarm quickly! 快发出综合警报The stand pipe pressure is 10 kg/cm2. 立管压力10公斤/厘米2The casing pressure is 25 kg/cm2. 套压2510公斤/厘米2 Fill out the kill sheet. 填写压井记录表Kill the well. 压井There’s a combination of lost returns and the kick. 又喷又漏, 情况复杂Reverse the gas out of the hole. 反循环排气What’s the lag t ime? 迟到时间是多少The well is now stable. 现在井眼已经稳定BOP and subsea Equipment 防喷器与水下设备Cut off the 30” conductor. 割掉30”隔水管Weld on the 30” bottom flange. 焊接30”法兰Hoist and nipple up 30” diverter. 吊装30”转喷器Change the 5” pipe rams to 3-1/2” rams. 把这个5”闸板换成3-1/2”Install blind ram. 安装防喷器的盲板芯子Check the seal ring of the conductor. 检查隔水管密封圈Cut off the lifting eye of the conductor. 切割隔水管耳环Test BOP. 测试防喷器Change annular BOP packing. 更换万能防喷器芯子Full pressure test the ram preventers. 对闸板防喷器进行全压试压Test annular BOP at 2500psi. 万能防喷器试压至2500psi Check annular pressure. 检查环形空间压力Confirm the angle of the guide base. 确定基板角度The thread is covered with the quick-release protectors. 已戴好快卸护丝Establish the guide lines. 装导向绳Connect the TGB running tool. 接临时导向基板送入工具Land the TGB to sea. 下临时导向基板到海底Retrieve the running tool. 退出送入工具Run the BOP and risers. 下防喷器和隔水管Pick up the marine riser. 吊出隔水管Pick up the slip joint. 起伸缩节Adjust the riser tensioners. 调整隔水管张力Function test the diverter system. 对防喷器系统进行功能测试Retrieve the pin connector. 取出销钉连接器Run the test plug. 下试压塞Close the upper pipe ram. 关上部钻杆闸板防喷器Open the kill line valve. 开压井管线阀The compensation capacity is 400000 pounds. 补偿能力是400千磅The locking load is 1000000 pounds. 锁紧负荷1000千磅Land the BOP onto the well head. 座防喷器到井口头BOP carrier. 防喷器叉车Check for junk inside shoe joint. 检查浮鞋内有无落物Pick up 30” conductor handling slings and shackles. 吊上下30”导管的索具和卸扣Is slope indicator properly mounted? 水平仪是否装好? Check condition of all 30” casing connectors. 检查所有30”套管接头的情况Replace O-rings as required. 按需要, 更换O性密封圈Inspect and repair diverter. 检查并修理转喷器Record all pressure tests on a chart recorder. 用试压表记录试压记录Visually inspect all sealing element. 目视检查所有密封件Check and tighten all bolts. 检查并上紧所有螺栓Bleed off surface accumulators. 地面管线排空气Check for leaks. 检查有无泄漏Lift BOP stack and replace wellhead connector AX ring. 吊起防喷器组并更换连接器AX密封圈Function test wellhead. 对井口头进行功能试验Pressure test to 500psi then bleed off test pressure. 试压到500psi, 然后放掉压力Reduce hydraulic control manifold pressure to 5200 kpa. 将液压控制管线压力减少到5200千帕Switch to alternate control pod. 把闸门开关倒到控制面板Pressure test to 5000psi. 试压5000psiPick up test mandril and place in BOP. 吊起试压防喷器芯子并装入防喷器组Safety and Firefighting 安全与消防Get a Work Permit before you can start the hot work. 办理作业许可证才能进行动火作业Welding is not allowed. 不准动焊Put on your (safety) helmet. 戴上安全帽It’s a high voltage area. 这是高压区That’s against the rule. 这是违章作业Don’t walk under the crane load. 不要在吊物下走动The repairing is under way. 正在检修Keep your hands clear! (Keep you hands off! Do not touch!) 不要乱动Wear and secure your safety belt. 戴上并系好安全带Have your breathing apparatus near you. 保持防毒面具在附近It’s a drill. 这是演习a BOP drill. 这是防喷演习It’s for fire fighting. 这是消防用的This rope is too small. 这根绳子太细了A warning notice should be set up. 要挂警告牌Do you have an emergency program (contingency plan)? 你们有没有应急计划?It must be ready in an emergency condition. 必须始终保持良好的应急状态Sound fire alarm. 发消防警报This is a fire drill. 这是消防演习Remove the rust and paint with anti-corrosive primer. 除锈后上防锈底漆The station bills need to be updated. 应急部署表须更新Check the expiry date for all foam extinguisher. 检查所有泡沫灭火器的过期时间Safety procedure shall be followed at all the times. 在任何时候都应遵守安全程序Don’t switch on during drilling operation. 钻井作业期间不能合闸Provide two independent means to start the emergency generator engine. 应急发电机柴油机应有两套独立的起动方法Tell the base to get (or send) a chopper here. 通知基地派飞机来Helicopters are not allowed to land here. 飞机不能降落Report the weather condition to the pilot. 向飞行员报天气Repair and Maintenance 检修Have an overall check. 进行全面检查MPI the brake linkage system. 对刹车连接系统进行磁粉探伤Demonstrate that the make-up cathead can pull 7000 lbs.证明上扣猫头能拉到7000磅Determine the origin of the air leak and rectify this. 找出漏气的地方并处理Note that the 3000 hour inspection on TDS is due. 注意顶驱的3000小时保养时间已到Check sheave rope pocket wear with a 1 3/8”+1 1/32 template. 用1 3/8”+1/32”量规检查绳槽磨损的情况Repair the handrails on the crown. 修理天车台的栏杆Function test the anti-freefall brake on monthly basis. 每月对天车防碰装置进行功能试验Get me a spanner, please. 请递给我一把扳手Renew brake rim because of excessive wear. 更换磨损严重的刹车鼓Clearly mark safe working load (SWL) on the air winch below the rig floor. 表明钻台底下气动绞车的安全工作负荷Measure the master bushings for wear. 测量主补心磨损情况Have BOP ram opened up for internal inspection. 打开防喷器闸板进行内部检查ground cable 地线triplex pump 三缸泵We need a 48” pipe wrench. 我们需要一把48”的管钳Strike it with a sledge hammer. 用大锤打We want a triangle file. 需要一把三角锉刀Tighten up the screw. 紧一下螺丝Check it with a level. 用水平尺量一下Put some engine oil. 抹点黄油Have it greased. 给它上黄油Check all the equipment. 检查所有设备There’s something wrong with it. 有点毛病Maintain the hoisting system. 保养提升系统Adjust the brake band. 调整绞车刹带Change the oil in the rotary gear box (transmission). 更换转盘变速箱机油Replace one water pump. 倒换一台冷却泵It’s quick-discharge air valve. 这是快速放气阀This clutch needs repair. 这台离合器需修理This tong needs replacing. 这把钳要更换了Cut off 45 meters of the drilling line. 切割大绳45米Check the pump liners and pistons. 检查(泥浆)泵缸套和活塞The piston has been washed. 活塞刺坏了The supercharge pump doesn’t take in water. 灌注泵不上水Regulate the relief valve. 调整安全阀This part number is wrong. 这个配件号不对The multi-pen recorder has some problem. 多笔记录仪坏了Miscellaneous 其他No smoking here. 此处严禁吸烟Everything is OK. 一切准备就绪Speed up please. 请快点The geologist must be present. 地质人员必须到场Give me a hand, please. 请帮一下忙Do you understand? 明白吗?No way! 不行Help! Help! 救命Someone is injured. Medic! 有人受伤了, 医生Call for the medic. 叫医生Get a stretcher please. 拿担架来No more than 4 persons. 不能超过4人Drinking liquor is not allowed. 不许喝酒Don’t overrun your equipment. 不要超负荷运转Be careful at work. 工作时要小心No joking here. 别开玩笑Rig up for logging. 准备电测What is the next step? 下一步怎么办?Get everything ready as soon as possible! 尽快做好一切准备。























二. 阅读练习
choke manifold 节流管汇 poor boy degaser 油气水分离器 remote control 远控台 kill 压井 driller ’s method 司钻法 IBOP 内防喷器 check valve 单流阀 safety valve 安全阀 HCR 液动放喷阀 kelly cock 方钻杆旋塞 casing pressure 套管压力 standpipe pressure 立管压力 leak-off test 地破试验
3. Install an inside preventer and open the safety valve.
4. Record casing pressure. 记录套管压力。
5. Check blowout preventer, stack, and manifold for leaks.
339.7 mm 101.18 kg/m 23,790 kP a 19,032 kP a
Formation Gradient 地层梯度 : 19.47 kP a/m
Casing Shoe Depth 套管鞋深度 :
Mud Weight 泥浆重量 (kg/m3 ) 1000 1010 1020 1030 1040
沙 -1 井地破试验 @745 m 在 745 米
DEPTH 井深 = 745 m
SPP 立管压力 = 730 psi, Mud Weight 泥浆重量 = 1280 kg/m3
LOT = 5.74499 = SPP(psi)/0.052 * Depth (m) * 3.28 * 8.33

斯伦贝谢 钻井工具介绍

斯伦贝谢 钻井工具介绍
− Basic Collar − MWD or NMDC
Spiral Drill Collar
The table shows the typical collar sizes for each hole section
Hole Size 22" - 36" 16" - 17 1/2" 12" - 12 1/4" 8" - 9 7/8" 5 7/8" - 6 1/4" 4" - 5 1/2" Collar Size 9 1/2" - 14" 8" - 9 1/2" 7 3/4" - 8 1/4" 6 1/2" - 6 3/4" 4 3/4" 3 1/2"
Combination of Tension/Torsion Failures
These failures are most likely to happen while fishing or pulling on stuck pipe. pipe
Making a Connection at the Rig site
The Drill String
The drill string is commonly considered in two parts: g y p The Bottom Hole Assembly or BHA The Drill Pipe
Why do we need a BHA?
The traditional BHA was derived for drilling vertical and low inclination wells. It provided the following features. Weight

Weatherford_精确控制压力(海洋)钻井服务 July 2010_rev1b CN解析

Weatherford_精确控制压力(海洋)钻井服务 July 2010_rev1b CN解析
Booster Line
Valve Settings
1/2" NPT Port from RCH Tranducer Annular Assembly Pressure max 400 psi
Regen Diverter
Driller Cabin
16" Flow line 6" Flow Line ANSI 600 6" Gate Valve 4" 600 Globe Valve 4" ANSI Throttle 600 Gate Valve 6" Radius RCH Ecological tray
13 5/8" 5000#
Figure 6" 206 6"X 70' Flex Hose
Figure 4" 602
Malaysia – PMCD (Semi-tender Barge) 马来西亚-加压泥浆帽钻井(半潜式钻井船)
Sarawak Shell (East Malaysia) • F-6 Field – 3 wells – no losses
Alpine 3000 RCH
Shale Shaker
22' 6"
Trip Tank 55 bbls
4" PMCD supply line
13 5/8" 5000# Mud Cross 13 5/8" 5000#
3" Figur e 3" Reset Relief 1502 Valve @ 400psi Figure 2" 602 Trip Tan k 55 bbls Trippin g Out of Hole



ParkerENGINEERING YOUR SUCCESSaerospaceclimate control electromechanical filtrationfluid and gas handling hydraulics pneumaticprocess control sealing & shieldingContents2Parker Motion Systems Division KoreaHistory of Corporate .....................................................................3 Product Development History ......................................................4 Product & Applications .. (5)Summary of main control valve ..............................................................5Production ranges for Forklift Truck ........................................................5Production ranges for Excavator . (5)Products (6)KCV-80 for Backhoe ...............................................................................6KCV-80 for Forklift Truck .........................................................................6MC-3 for Excavator .................................................................................6VO40EX for Excavator ..............................................................................64~6 ton MCV for Excavator .....................................................................7MO90EX for Excavator.............................................................................7MO170EX for Excavator...........................................................................7MO280EX for Excavator...........................................................................7MO400EX for Excavator...........................................................................8VP120 for Excavator, Backhoe loader ......................................................8 VG80 for Wheel loader .............................................................................8 IMV300 for Excavator ..............................................................................8Auxiliary valves (9)Manufacturing Process (10)History of Corporate3Jun 200210 ~ 18 TON capacity of excavator. (SCV-22)Mar 200322 ~ 32 TON capacity of excavator. (SCV-28)Name of company alteration - Parker Mobile Control Division Asia.Dec 2005Admitted Certificate of Excellent Quality of Mono block type Main control valve.Jun 2000control valve for the Forklift Truck. (FLV-95)Aug 1999approval ISO 9001.Mar 1999main control valve for the Forklift Truck.Mar 1996TON capacity. (DX22/DX28)Jul 1994industrial complex.Oct 1989for the mini-excavator and Forklift Truck. (MC-3/4)May 1979Hanil Hydraulic CO., LTD.Product Development History4Parker Motion Systems Division Korea19791988MC3/MC41995T/A with NABCO/4~6 ton MCV1996DX22/281999Forklift Truck(GEAR PUMP/FLV-95)ISO 90012002/2003SCV-22SCV-282005/2006KCV-80/MO280EXVO40EX / MO170EX2007/2008FORKLIFT TRUCK (KCV-80/FLV-95N)EXCAVATOR (MO90EX/SCV-22HP/SCV-28P)2010/2013VP120/MO400EX추추EstablishedSummary of Main Control ValveModelOperatingApplication EquipmentRated Pressure(bar)Rated Flow(lpm)Remarks Manual Pilot Electronic ProportionalKCV80V V Forklift TruckBackhoeMini ExcavatorGarbage TruckVarious Vehicle25070Open CenterFLV-95N V V 2.5~4.5 ton Forklift Truck 25095Load Sensing BCV-65V V4~6 ton Mini Excavator 25065Open CenterMC-3V V 1.5~3.5 ton Mini ExcavatorGarbage TruckVarious Vehicle21050Open CenterVO40EX V V Excavator (1.5~3.5 ton)25040Open Center MO90EX V Excavator (7~10 ton)32080Open Center MO170EX V Excavator (10~18 ton)350170Negative Control MO280EX V Excavator (20~32 ton)350280Negative Control MO400EX V Excavator (33 ton ~)380400Negative Control V Wheel Loader260430Open CenterVP120V V V Excavator (7~10 ton)Telescopic handlersCompact construction machinesBackhoesDigger Derricks & Truck mounted CranesRough-Terrain Lift TrucksRefuse trucksDrilling Equipment260120Load SensingProduct & Applications5Production Ranges for Forklift TruckSize 1.0 ~ 2.0 ton 2.5 ~ 3.0 ton~ 4.5 ton 5 ~ 7 tonPres.(Bar) 210210250320Flow(lpm) 407095120MCVFLV-95N VP120FLV-95IIProduction Ranges for ExcavatorsSize 1.5 ~ 3.5 ton~ 6.0 ton~ 10 ton7~10 ton~ 18 ton~ 32 ton33 ton ~ Pressure (Bar)210/250250320260350350380 Flow (lpm)40 ~ 506580120170280400MCVMC-3VO40EXBCV-65MO90EXVP120MO170EXSCV-22HMO280EXSCV-28MO400EX MC-4KCV-80Parker Motion Systems Division Korea Products6Products7Parker Motion Systems Division Korea Products8Products9Shuttle V/V Complex V/V D.P .C. V/V Solenoid V/V Relief V/V Selector V/VFuse V/VCheck V/V AccumulatorProportional Throttle V/V Holding V/VLocking V/V Down Control V/VCheck V/VDirectional ValveManapak Sandwich ValveProportional Throttle V/V Auxiliary ValvesStandard type Compact typeParker Motion Systems Division Korea Parker Mobile Control Division AsiaThe Global Leader in Motion & Control TechnologiesParker Motion Systems Division KoreaJangan Plant : 23, Jangangongdan-1gil, Jangan-myeon, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, 18579, KoreaTel : 82-31-359-0700, Fax : 82-31-359-0780Siwha Plant : 34, Gongdan 1-daero 195beon-gil, Siheung-si, Gyeonggi-do, 15083, KoreaTel. 82-31-498-2761, Fax : 82-31-498-2766。



钻井常用术语翻译钻井总论钻井drilling钻井方法drilling method顿钻钻井cable drilling杆式顿钻rod tool drilling绳式顿钻cable tool drilling轻便钻井portable drilling直井straight hole深井deep well超深井super deep well地热井geothermal well热采井thermal production well工程井engineering rejection well工程报废井abandoned well弃井abandoned well钻井设计well design钻井质量drilling quality岩石的物理机械性质physical-mechanical properties of rock矿物的微硬度micro-hardness of rook肖氏岩石硬度Shores hardness史氏岩石硬度Shi's hardness矿物的弹性模量elastic modulus of mineral岩石的弹性模量elastic modulus of rock矿物的泊松比Poissons ratio mineral岩石的泊松比Poissons ratio rock矿物的切变模量shear modulus of mineral岩石的切变模量shear modulus of rock矿物和岩石的体积压缩模量bulk compressibility mineral and rock岩石的体积压缩系数coefficient of bulk compressibility mineral and rock 岩石的抗拉伸强度tensile strength of rock岩石的直接拉伸试验direct tensile test of rock岩石的巴西劈裂拉伸实验Brazilian test of rock岩石的筒形抗内压胀裂试验burst test of hollow cyling by internal pressure 岩石的常规抗压缩强度compressive strength of rock岩石的抗剪切强度shear strength of rock岩石的抗剪切强度试验shear test of rock岩石的三轴强度试验tri-axial test of rock岩石的常规三轴试验ordinary tri-axial test of rock岩石的真三轴试验true tri-axial test of rock脆性岩石brittle rock塑性岩石plastic rock岩石的假塑性破坏pseudo-plastic breakage of rock岩石塑性系数coefficient of plasticity of rock岩石的脆塑性转变压力(临界压力)brittle plastic transitional pressure of rock 岩石的库仑纳维尔强度准则Conlomb-Navier strength criterion of rock岩石的内磨擦角和内磨擦系数angle of interal friction and coefficient of interalfriction of rock岩石的莫尔强度准则Mohr strength criterion of rock岩石的格里菲斯脆性破坏准则Griffith criterion of brittle failure of rock统计强度理论statistical strength theory岩石的表面破碎surface fracture of rock岩石的疲劳破碎fatigue fracture of rock岩石的体积破碎volumetric fracture of rock岩石的单位体积破碎pecific volumetric fracture work of rock地应力in situ stress岩层的水平测向应力horizontal stress of strata测向系数coefficient of lateral pressure围压confining pressure有效应力effective stress压持效应chip hold effect岩石硬度减低剂rock hardness reducer岩石的可钻性drill ability of rock岩石的研磨性rock abrasiveness钻具drilling tool钻柱drill stem复合钻柱combination string满眼钻柱packed hole assembly踏式钻铤组合tapered drill collar string钟摆钻具pendulum assembly偏重钻铤unbalanced drill collar钻柱弯曲buckling of drill string钻具的扭转震动twisting vibration of drill string钻杆疲劳破坏fatigue-failure of drill string上紧矩make-up torque应力减轻槽stress-relief groove减震器vibration dampener稳定器stabilizer井眼大扩器reamer钻井液drilling fluids水基钻井液water-base drilling fluids淡水钻井液fresh-water drilling fluids低固相钻井液low solids fluids低固相不分散钻井液low solids non-dispersed polymer drilling fluids抑制性钻井液inhibitive drilling fluids盐水钻井液salt-water drilling fluids饱和盐水钻井液saturated salt-water drilling fluids钙处理钻井液calcium treated drilling fluids钾盐钻井液potassium drilling fluids混油钻井液oil-emulsion drilling fluids生物聚合物钻井液biodegrability drilling fluids油基钻井液oil base drilling fluids反相乳化钻井液invert-emulsion drilling fluids平衡活度钻井液balanced activity drilling fluids泡沫钻井液foam drilling fluids密闭液sealing fluids完井液completion fluids封隔夜packer fluids解卡浸泡液stuck freeing spotting fluids钻井液性能properties of drilling fluids滤失filtrationAPI滤失量API filtration高温高压滤失量high temperature and high pressure filtration 动滤失量dynamic filtration滤饼filter cake含砂量sand content钻井液固相含量solids content in drilling fluids亚甲基兰实验methylene blue test石灰含量lime content estimation钻井液的酚酞碱度P m alkalinity滤液酚酞碱度P t alkalinity滤液甲基橙碱度M f alkalinity造浆率yield破乳电压emulsion-breaking voltage钻井液流变性drilling fluids rheology漏斗粘度funnel viscosity触变性thixotropic behavior静切力gel strength初切力initial gel strength终切力10-minuto gel strength剪切降粘特性shear-thinning behavior钻井液受污染contamination of drilling fluids粘土侵clay contamination盐侵salt contamination盐水侵salt water contamination钙侵calcium contamination砂侵sand contamination水侵water contamination气侵gas contamination钻井液处理剂mud additives降失水剂filtrate or reduction agents增粘剂thickening agent膨润土增效剂agents of increasing bentonite降粘剂thinning agents加重剂weighting agents堵漏剂lost circulation materials水敏性页岩water-sensitive shale膨润土的预水化pre-hydrated bentonite固相控制solid control钻屑cutting砂sand泥silt胶体颗粒colloidal solids钻进drilling钻进技术drilling technology钻进技术参数drilling parameters钻压weight on bit悬重和钻重string suspending weight and drilling weight 转速rpm-revolution per minute排量rate of flow零轴向点zero axial stress point中性点neutral point开钻spud in完钻finishing drilling送钻bit feed方余和方入kelly-up and kelly-in进尺footage机械钻速penetration rate鳖钻bit bouncing跳钻bit jumping干钻drilling at circulation break打倒车reverse rotation table钻头泥包bit balling划眼redressing扩眼reamin1放空drilling break吊打easing the bit in纠斜hole straightening侧钻sidetracking单根single双根double立根stand接单根king a connection起下钻trips知起下钻short tripping活动钻具move the drill string上卸扣make up and break out换钻头change bit鼠洞rat hole小鼠洞mouse hole喷射钻井jet-bit drilling射流jet flow冲击射流impact jet flow汽蚀射流cavitation jet射流扩散角和扩散系数spread angle and spread coefficient of jet射流等速patential core of jet漫流cross flow射流喷速jet velocity射流速度降低系数decreasing coefficient of jet velocity射流动压力dynamic pressure of jet flow射流压力降低系数coefficient of jet-flow pressure drop射流冲击力jet impact force射流水功率jet hydraulic-power喷射距离jet length清洗井底bottom-hole cleaning钻头压降bit pressure-drop钻头水功率bit hydraulic horse-power喷嘴nozzle等变速喷嘴nozzle with iso-variable velocity流线形喷嘴streamline nozzle喷嘴流量系数nozzle orifico coefficient钻井液循环系统drilling fluids circulating system钻井液流态flow pattern平板层流flat plate laminar flowZ值Z-value喷射钻井的工作方式The working regime of jet drilling最大钻头水功率工作方式The regime of the maximum bit hydra-ulic horse-power 最大射流冲击力方式the regime of the maximum jet-impact force最大射流喷速工作方式The regime of the maximum jet velocity经济水功率工作方式the regime of the economic hydraulic horse-power jet bit喷射式钻头optimum rate of mud flow最优喷嘴直径optimum nozzlo diameter临界井深和极限井深critical well depth and limited well depth钻井泵的工作状态the working regime of drilling pump钻井泵的最大排工作状态(额定工作功率工作状态)the maximum flow rate regime of the drilling pump (the rated power regime of the drilling pump)钻井泵的调节排量工作状态(允许压力工作状态)the regulated flow rate regime of the drilling pump(the rated power regime of the drilling pump)携带岩屑cutting carrying岩屑运移比cutting transport ratio环空岩屑浓度solid concentration in annular space钻井泵效率rate of utilized power of the drilling pump钻井泵水功济利用率rate of utilized hydraulic power of the drilling pump优化钻井技术optimum drilling technology控制井control well钻井可控参数controllable drilling variables钻井不可控参数non controllable drilling variables钻井目标函数(钻井泛函)objective function of drilling procedure钻进过程的数学模型mathematical model for drilling procedure钻速方程equation for drilling rate二元钻速方程drilling rate equation in two variables多元钻速方程multi-variable drilling rate equation最大允许钻压maximum allowable weight on bit最优钻压optimum weight on bit钻速系数factor of penetration rate地层研磨性系数factor of formation abrasiveness牙齿磨损系数tooth wear coefficient轴承工作系数working coefficient of bearing五点法钻速试验“five spot” drill-off test井下动力钻井hole bottom power drilling涡轮钻井turbo-drilling涡轮钻具turbo-drill电动钻具electric drill螺杆钻具positive displacement motor涡轮工作特性characteristics of turbine涡轮的水力载荷hydraulic load on turbo-drill涡轮钻具井底工作特性hole-bottom working characteristics of turbo-drill涡轮钻具最优工作区optimized working zone of turbo-drill涡轮钻具合理转速optimum revolution of turbo-drill涡轮钻具最优排量optimum capacity of turbo-drill涡轮不稳定工作区unstable working range turbo-drill有效钻压effective bit-weight涡轮钻具井底功率传递系数transfer coefficient of bottom hole power of turbo-drill 涡轮钻具特性系数characteristic coefficient of turbo-drill涡轮的水力效率hydraulic efficiency of turbo-drill涡轮钻具合理钻进深度optimum drill depth of turbo-drill涡轮-泵组联合特性combined characteristics of turbo-drill-pump涡轮钻具轴向间隙的调节axial clearance regulation of turbo-drill钻具滤清器drill pipe filter启动阀starter gate valve低速大扭矩涡轮钻具love-speed high-torque turbo-drill复式涡轮钻具compound turbo-drill定向井directional well定向要素directional elements井斜角inclination方位角azimuth井斜变化率rate of inclination change方位变化率rate of azimuth change井眼曲率hole curvature垂深和测深vertical depth and measured水平投影长度hole deviation水平位移displacement or closure distance多底井multi-bore well水平井horizontal well丛式井cluster well or multiple wells救除井relief well双筒井dual wells套管开窗starting window on casing造斜deflecting or building angle增斜increasing hole angle or build-up hole angle 降斜decreasing hole angle or build-off hole angle 稳斜maintain angle井身垂直投影图vertical projection of borehole井身水平投影图horizontal projection of borehole 正切法tangential method平衡正切法balanced tangential method平均角法average angle method曲率半径法radius of curvature method圆弧法arc method最小曲率法minimum curvature method圆柱螺线法cylinder helix method悬链线轨迹·catenary shape profile控制圆柱control cylinder造斜工具deflecting tool槽式变向器whip-stock短涡轮short turbo-drill钻铤造斜短节short bent collar涡轮偏心短节turbo-eccentric sub复式弯涡轮bent multi-turbo-drill水力斜接头hydraulic bent sub Dyna-flex瓦片变向器rebel tool 造斜工具面tool face造斜率rate of over-all angle change井眼方位漂移walk of hole装置角tool of rotation工具面角tool face azimuth动力钻具反扭角reactive torque定向方位角tool face bearing or tool face setting 磁偏角magnetic declination随钻测量measurement while drill(MWD)单点测斜仪single shot instrument多点测斜仪multi-shot instrument陀螺测斜仪gyroscopic instrument定向orientation定向下钻orientation while going in hole磁力定向法magnetic orientation method斜口管鞋定向法mule-shoe orientation method取心coring岩心core岩心收获率recovery of core取心方法coring method局部反循环取心coring with local inverse circulation 长筒取心core drilling with long core barrel密闭取心sealing core drilling保压取心core drilling with keeping formation pressure 定向取心orientation coring绳索取心wire line coring取心工具coring tools岩心筒core barrel单筒式岩心筒single type core barrel双筒式岩心筒core barrel of double tube swivel type 内岩心筒inside core barrel外岩心筒outside core barrel喷射式岩心筒core barrel of jet type取心钻头coring bit牙轮取心钻头coring cone bit金钢石取心钻头diamond coring bit硬质合金取心钻头hard metal coring bit涡轮取心钻头turbo-core bit涡轮取心钻具turbo-core drill岩心爪core gripper卡瓦式岩心爪core gripper with slip卡簧式岩心爪core gripper with slip-spring板簧式岩心爪卡core gripper with slip-spider箍式岩心爪core gripper with slip-collar割取岩心core breaking机械加压割心法core breaking by mechanical loading 投球割心core breaking by hydraulic pressure投砂割心core breaking by pumping down顶岩心core extracting各种压力概念concept of pressure静液压力hydrostatic pressure钻井液压力drilling fluid column pressure孔隙压力pore pressure (formation pressure)上覆岩层压力overburden pressure颗粒压力grain to grain pressure压力梯度pressure gradient压力监控pressure detection and control异常压力及其形成abnormal pressure and it’s formation压力异常abnormal pressure压实作用compaction欠压实imcompaction不渗透围栅·permeabillity barrier快速沉积rapid deposition构造型异常高压structural abnormal pressure地层压力检测方法method of formation pressure detection地震资料法seismic data method机械钻速法penetration rate methodd指数法d-exponent method dc指数法dc-exponent method标准化钻速法normalized penetration rate页岩密度法shale density溢流观测法take a kick天然气录井检测法gas logging氯化物检测法chloride log钻井液录井法drilling fluid log返出钻井液温度检测法flow-line temperature化石资料法paleo-information地球物理检测法wire-line logs中途测试drill-stem testing完井测试well completing test综合录井仪computerlized apply drilling technology地层破裂压力formation fracture pressure地层破裂压力预报方法formation fracture pressure prediction 漏失试验法leak-off test胡伯特-威利斯法Hubbert and Willis approach马修斯-凯利法method of Matthews and Kelly伊顿法method of Eaton安德森法Anderson’s method艾克斯劳格法Exlog method黄荣樽法Huang’s method地层井眼系统的压力平衡balance of formation-borehole system 地层压力当量钻井液密度equivalent drilling fluid density钻井液当量循环密度equivalent circulating density附加压力当量钻井液密度additional pressure equivalent density 当量深度equivalent depth钻柱排代量drilling fluid displacement波动压力(激动压力)surge pressure抽汲压力swabbing pressure气体上窜gas channeling天然气偏差因子the coefficient of gas compressibility溢流overflow井涌kick井喷well blowout地下井喷underground blowout井喷失控out of control for blowout循环池液体增量pit gain压力过渡带pressure transition zone压井killing well关井closing well硬关井hard closing软关井soft closing压井方法killing well method工程师法(等待加重量法)engineer’s method司钻法(二次循环法)driller’s method边加重边循环法concurrent method空井压井empty well control置换式压井法(顶部压井法)displacement method反循环inverse circulating循环周circulating circle节流循环circulating with choke防喷设备和工具blowout prevention tools and equipments防溢管·bellnipple钻井液流量计drilling fluid flowing indicator泵冲数计pump-stroke counter钻井液液面指示器pit-volume indicator真空除气器·vacum degasser硫化氢监测仪H2s detector井控模拟装置well control simulator井喷失控的处理well blowout control抢装井口installing wellhead扣装法抢装井口buckling-up-installing wellhead翻转法抢装井口turning-up-installing wellhead整体吊装法抢装井口whole hanging method for installing wellhead 带帽子压井法·hatting kill well method下封隔器压井killing well with packer method换井口套管casing replacing灭火extinguishing喷射水流灭火法jet fire extinguishing method爆炸灭火法explosion method灭火剂extinguisher固井well cementing套管程序casing program导管conductor表层套管surface casing技术套管intermediate casing strings生产套管production casing套管柱casing string套管柱下部结构casing accessories引鞋guiding shoe套管鞋casing shoe套管扶正器centralizer泥饼刷wall scratcher浮籀float collar套管承托环cement baffle collar旋流短节vortex sub浮鞋cementing float collar水泥伞cementing basket注水泥胶塞cementing plugs通径规drift diameter gauge套管的外载荷outside casing load套管内压力burst套管外挤压力collapse pressure套管轴向力axial load套管强度casing strength套管抗挤强度collapse resistance套管抗拉强度tensile resistance套管抗内压强度burst resistance下套管running casing活动套管moving casing预应力preceding stress人工井底artificial bottom of a well磁性定位短节magnetic locator sub固井工具与设备tools and equipments for running casing and cementing 套管吊钳casing tong套管吊卡casing elevator卡盘casing spider联顶节top connecting collar水泥头connect head水泥车connecting truck井口装置wellhead equipment注水泥?connect油井水泥oil well connecting低密度水泥light weight connect膨润土水泥·bentonite connect速凝水泥accelerated cement膨胀水泥expansion cement纤维质水泥fiber cement树脂水泥(浆)resin cement油基水泥(浆)diesel-oil cement橡胶水泥(浆)latex cement酸溶性水泥acid dissoluble cement石膏水泥混合物·gypsam cement火山灰水泥·pozzolan cement抗盐水泥salt-resisting cement双凝水泥浆separable setting cement slurry冷井水泥和热井水泥ordinary and hot cementAPI水泥分级API cement classification水泥浆性能及其调节cement properties and adjustments of them稠度仪consist-meter水泥浆流动性mobility of slurry水泥浆密度slurry density水泥浆滤失量slurry filtration出口温度井底温度和循环温度flow-line temperature bottom temperature andcirculation temperature水泥浆失重losing weight slurry水泥石强度cement strength水泥石渗透性permeability of set cement水泥石的射孔性perforating quality水泥浆外加剂cement additive速凝剂accelerator缓凝剂retardant减阻剂friction reducer降密度剂light weight additive降失水量filtrate reducer水泥浆加重剂heavy weight additive隔离液spacer fluid前置液ahead fluid尾随液tail fluid注水泥方法cementing methods常规注水泥法typical primary cementing双级注水泥法two stage cementing插入注水泥法inner pipe cementing多管注水泥法multi-plezone completion cementing打水泥塞cementing plug平衡法打水泥塞balance method for cementing plug倾筒法打水泥塞dump bailer method挤水泥squeeze method井口挤水泥法braden head squeeze method封隔器挤水泥法squeeze packer method高压挤水泥法high-pressure squeeze method低压挤水泥法low-pressure squeeze method尾管固井drilling liner cementing尾管悬挂器drilling liner hanger窜槽cement channeling完井方法completion methods裸眼完井法open hole completion先期裸眼完井法initial open hole completion后期裸眼完井法final open hole completion射孔完井法perforation completion单管射孔完井法single pipe perforation completion多管射孔完井法multiple pipe perforation completion无油管完井法·tubingless completion永久完井法permanent completion无封隔器单层永久完井法single pipe permanent completion without packer 单封隔器永久完井法permanent completion with single packer封隔器射孔完井法permanent completion with packer负压射孔perforating with negative pressure过油管射孔perforating through tubing贯眼完成法perforated pipe completion衬管完井法liner perforation completion砾石充填完井法gravel packer completion深井完井法deep hole completion高含硫气井完井法high H2s gas well completion地层损害程度formation damage degree地层损害带formation damage zone水动力学程度不完善井hydrodynamic degree incompleteness well水动力学性质不完善井油井hydrodynamic property incompletion well完善系数well completeness factor损害比damage ratio趋肤效应shin effect开采比production ratio损害系数damage factor完井系数completion factor钻井设备drilling equipment设备安装rig up钻前工作preliminary work for spudding井场布置layout平井场levelling圆井cellar基础ground foundation base活动基墩removable foundation井架安装derrick installation扒杆gin pole井架安装绞车winch穿钢丝绳string up死绳固定器dead line anchor设备校正alignment井口找中center for well整体搬迁skidding the rig成组安装package installation泥浆管汇mud pipeline猫头绳cat-line高悬猫头绳drill rope大钳尾绳safety line大门绷绳front guy(lines)井架绷绳derrick guy接链器chain spanner钻井数据系统drilling data system钻井数据采集装置drilling data acquisition钻井数据实时处理装置drilling data processing钻井数据库drilling data base钻井信息drilling information钻井参数传感装置drilling parameter sensing unit 指重表传感器weight sensor进尺传感器drilling footage sensor转盘扭矩传感器rotary table torque sensor转盘转速传感器R.P.M sensor for rotary table大钳扭矩传感器torque sensor for tong泵速传感器pump rate sensor钻井液密度传感器drilling fluid weight sensor钻井液液面传感器mud pit level sensor钻井液流动传感器drilling fluid flow sensor钻井液温度传感器drilling fluid temperature sensor 钻井液电导传感器drilling fluid conductivity sensor 录井logging钻井液录井drilling fluid logging岩样录井·lithologic logging气测录井gas-logging钻速录井penetration rata logging综合录井compound logging巡回检测cyclic detection泵压表pressure gage钻具事故drilling pipe and tools accident顿钻drill string free fall溜钻drill string not well braked断钻具drilling pipe breaking落鱼fish落物junks打捞作业fishing打捞筒overshot打捞杯fishing cup反循环打捞篮junk basket with reverse circulation壁钩wall hook铅印模lead stamp一把抓catchall铣鞋mill shoe钻杆外割刀external cutter活动肘节knuckle倒扣捞矛left hand fishing spear弯钻杆bend drill pipe尖钻头tip bit卡钻drill pipe sticking砂桥卡钻sand bridging键槽卡钻key seating压差卡钻differential sticking地层膨胀卡钻formation swelling sticking地层坍塌卡钻formation collapse sticking钻头泥包卡钻balling-up sticking点sticking point解卡工具releasing tools震击器bumper下击器bumper jar上击器top jar地面下击器surface bumper jar千斤顶jack爆炸松扣break-outing pack of dynamite测卡仪sticking-point-instrument解卡方法releasing method震击解卡法releasing stuck tamping油浴解卡法releasing stuck by pump oil into the annuls 酸浴解卡法releasing stuck by acidding割铣解卡法releasing stuck by cutting套铣解卡法milling and breakout爆炸解卡法explosion releasing method跳槽·netch jumping粘扣thread gluing滑扣thread slipping脱扣thread off错扣thread alternating对扣make-up造扣thread making顶天车crashing into the crown磨蚀钻井abrasive cutting drill弹丸钻井bullet-shot drill电火花钻井electric spark drill超声波钻井supersonic wave drill火焰钻井flame-jet drill电加热钻井electric heating drill原子能钻井atomic energy drill电弧钻井electric arc drill等离子钻井plasma jet drill电子束钻井electron-beam drill激光钻井laser drill化学腐蚀钻井chemical erosion drill钻井技术经济指标tech-economic indication of drilling开钻井口数spudding well number完钻井口数drilled well number完成井口数completed well number钻井进尺drilling footage取心进尺coring footage井身质量合格率well bore quality qualified ratio油层固井合格率oil reservoir well quality qualified ratio钻井工程报废drilling engineering abandonment报废井段abandoned range报废进尺abandoned footage钻机利用率rate rig utilization钻机台月rigs per unity month建井周期台月construction cycle per unity month纯钻井时间reciprocating time钻机月速度monthly drilling rate周期钻速periodic drilling rate纯钻速rate of penetration行程钻速drilling rate of a trip建井周期construction cycle完成井平均建井周期average construction of completed well 完成井平均井深average well depth of completed well完成井平均进尺average bit drilling footage of completed well 钻井时效分析drilling prescription analysis进尺工作时间footage working time固井工作时间cementing working time辅助工作时间service working time事故损失时间accident losing time修理时间repairing time组织停工损失时间management down time loss处理复杂情况时间problem handling time生产时间率production per cent age纯钻进时间率reciprocating time ratio每钻机台月耗柴油量diesel consumption per rig-month 每钻机台月耗机油量oil consumption per rig-month钻井工程成本cost of drilling engineering。



钻控套芯应力解除法流程Let's talk about the drilling control core stress relief method, a fantastic technique for relieving stress in materials. This method is like a stress-busting wizard, making sure your materials are relaxed and ready to perform at their best.钻控套芯应力解除法,这是一种神奇的材料应力解除技术。


First things first, you need to identify the stressed-out area. It's like spotting a tense muscle in your body. Once you've located the trouble spot, you install the drilling control core around it. This core is like a magic ring that focuses the relief efforts.首先,你需要找出那个紧张的区域。




Next, you apply some pressure through the core. It's like giving the tense area a gentle massage. As the pressure is applied, the stress starts to melt away, leaving the material feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.接下来,通过套芯施加一些压力。



石油钻井钻头钻压计算方法English:The calculation of drilling pressure for oil well drilling involves several key parameters. One of the main factors to consider is the hydraulic pressure required to overcome the formation pressure and maintain well control. This can be calculated using the formula: P = (F + W) ÷ A, where P is the pressure, F is the force required to overcome the formation pressure, W is the weight of the drill string, and A is the area of the borehole. Additionally, the pressure loss due to friction within the drill string and annulus must be calculated using the Darcy-Weisbach equation. The total pressure required for drilling can then be determined by summing the hydraulic pressure and the pressure loss due to friction. It is important to account for other factors such as gas influx, fluid density, and wellbore instability when calculating the drilling pressure. These parameters can significantly affect the overall drilling process and must be carefully considered.中文翻译:石油钻井的钻井压力计算涉及几个关键参数。

Sporlan Pressure Control 说明书

Sporlan Pressure Control 说明书

The Sporlan Pressure Control should be installed only by a qualified professional. All other system components (valves and sensors) should be supplied by Sporlan to ensure compatibility and proper operation. There are no user-serviceable components inside the Pressure Control. Opening the case will void the warranty.Tools required:• Small flat screwdriver for terminals • Cordless screwdriver• Phillips and flat screwdrivers• Needle-nose pliers• Wire cutters• T wo #8 x ½” self tapping screws to mount DIN rail1. INSTALLATIONReference diagrams on the back of this guide. Maximum torque on screw terminals is 3.5 in.-lbs.1. M ount the controller in a rain-tight,protected location using the suppliedDIN rail. To leave enough workingspace, the suggested mounting area is10 inches (254 mm) high and 5 inches(127 mm) wide. The minimum depth is 3 inches (76 mm).2. A ttach the pressure transducer cable toterminals 33, 34 and 35, matching thecolors shown in the wiring diagram.NOTE: Pressure transducer location is determined by the application.See diagrams on back or Bulletin100-50-5.5.3. F or Evaporator Pressure Regulatingapplications, mount the optional suction vapor temperature sensor (T1) to thesuction line. Connect the sensor wires to terminals 31 and 32. This sensor may be used to monitor and view superheat. 4. F or liquid pressure applications, mountthe optional Liquid Outlet temperaturesensor, (T2) to the tube feeding the expan-sion valve(s). Connect the sensor wires to terminals 29 and 30. This sensor may beused as a high temperature cut out.5. F or condenser holdback pressure appli-cations, mount the optional LiquidInlet temperature sensor, (T3) to thetube leaving the condenser, “drop leg.”Connect the sensor wires to terminals27 and 28. This sensor may be used tomonitor and view subcooling. 6. C onnect terminals 25 and 26 to adigital input. A short or closed contactfrom an external relay will enablepumpdown and drive the valve to 0%or 100% based upon dd.7. C onnect the Sporlan electric valvewires to terminals 5, 6, 7 and 8,matching the colors shown in thewiring diagram.8. C onnect power wires to terminals 1and 2. Transformer requirements are24 volts AC at 40V A, Class II.9. R emove the protective clear filmcover from the front of the PressureControl.2. SETUPNOTE: The refrigeration or air con-ditioning system must be off untilsetup has been completed.Once powered up, the controller willdisplay the firmware version and thenprompt for four system variables to beset. The electric valve is closed uponstartup, and the system will not operateuntil completing setup:1. S et , Control Application.Press and then turn the SELECTknob to set the application. Forlow side applications, select ,Evaporator Pressure Regulator. Forhigh side applications, select Condfor Condenser Pressure Regulator(Holdback), eC for Receiver PressureRegulator or p for Liquid PressureRegulator. Press the SELECT knobto save the value. The next variable isdisplayed.2. S et n , Pressure Transducer Range.Select the correct pressure range forthe transducer being used. Press theSELECT knob to save the value.3. S et , Pressure Setpoint. Selectthe desired pressure setpoint for thesystem.4. S et , Valve Steps. Select thecorrect number of steps for the electricvalve being used. Press the SELECT knobto save the value.Setup is complete. The Pressure Control willbegin controlling based on default values, andis now displaying System Pressure, . Thecontroller is now in the Process Values Menu.Rotate the knob to view values.3. OPERATIONFor further system setup or system tuning,adjust parameters through the Setpoint Menuas described below.See the Pressure ControlInstallation and Operation Manual, Bulletin100-50-5.5, for a complete list of setpointparameters and definitions.1. E nter the Setpoint Menu: Press theSELECT knob for 5 seconds. Enter thepassword and press the SELECT knobagain. (The controller’s default passwordis ‘ ’.)2. T o view a parameter, rotate the SELECTknob to the desired parameter and pressthe knob. The default value will be dis-played.3. T urn the SELECT knob to change thevalue and then press the SELECT knob toenter the value and return to the SetpointMenu.4. A fter all the desired parameters are set,turn the SELECT knob to “ C” andpress the knob to save and implement allchanges. Observe the system for properoperation.Sporlan Pressure ControlInstallation and Operation ManualFor detailed instructions,scan this QR code or go to/electronic-controlsand download Bulletin 100-50-5.5.Use caution when working around high voltage components.Safety covers should be used for personal safety on high voltage panels.Typical Wiring Diagram and System SchematicSD-378 / 72013© 2013 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parker Hannifin Corporation Sporlan Division206 Lange Drive • Washington, MO 63090 USA phone 636 239 1111fax 636 239 9130Internal RelayPumpdown RelayOptional T3 to monitor subcoolingWIRING DIAGRAM。



带班队长岗位责任制T oolpusher Post Responsibility一岗位责任制:(Post Responsibility)1. 负责接受钻井监督的指令及要求,组织安排班组的生产工作。

(to be responsible for receiving instructions from field drilling supervisor & organize the rig crew as per the instructions)2. 负责对钻具、井下工具、租赁工具、套管以及特殊作业工具等的检查、丈量、管理工作,保证正常使用。

(to be responsible for the inspection, measurements & records of the drill string, down-hole tools, rental tools, casing & the special down-hole tools, etc, to ensure the tools function properly)3. 负责对班组人员进行技术培训和考核,不断提高职工技术素质(to be responsible for crew on-job training & examination, to ensure the crew are making good progress on job site)4. 负责监督、检查各岗位按时齐全、准确填写各项资料报表。

(To be responsible for supervising & checking each post‟s reports to be filled timely 、correctly and completely )5 关键作业和复杂作业必须按监督指令现场亲自指挥,坚持值班制度。

(In key operations and complicated operations, must conduct the operations personally on site according to drilling supervisor‟s instructions, insist on the on-duty system)6 有权对工作不负责、发生事故、违章违纪、工作不服从分配者,进行批评教育和必要的处理。



Operating instructionsIMPACT DRILL SETTo reduce the risk of injury, user must read instruction manual.Carry for protection of the ears, if you use the grinder.Always wear eye protection.When working with an angle grinder, wear a dust mask.Double insulation (Class II). It requires no grounding type plug.Do not throw the electronic waste products into the domestic refuse. Such products must be delivered with a recycling center.Danger: Risk of injury and danger of damage to equipment.Technical data:Model of toolMODEL:Rated voltage(V) 220-240V~Rated Frequency(HZ) 50/60HZRated Input(W): 500WSpeed range (r/min): 2200-2800r/minChuck capacity: ø13mmProtection class Class IIGeneral Power Tool Safety WarningsWARNING Read all safety warnings and instructions. Failure may result in electric shock, fire and/or serious injury.Save all warnings and instructions for future reference.The term “power tool" in the warnings refers to your mains-battery-operated (cordless) power tool.1)Work area safetya)Keep work area clean and well lit. Cluttered or dark areas invite accidents.b)Do not operate power tools in explosive atmospheres, such as in the presence of flammable liquids.gases or dust. Power tools create sparks which may ignite the dust or fumes.c)Keep children and bystanders away while operating a power tool. Distractions can cause you to lose control.2)Electrical safetya)Power tool plugs must match the outlet. Never modify the plug in any way. Do not use any adapter plugs with earthed (grounded) power tools. Unmodified plugs and matching outlets will reduce risk of electric shock.b)Avoid body contact with earthed or grounded surfaces such as pipes, radiators, ranges and refrigerators. There Is an increased risk of electric shock if your body Is earthed or grounded.c)Do not expose power tools to rain or wet conditions. Water entering a power tool will increase the risk of electric shock.d)Do not abuse the cord. Never use the cord for carrying, pulling or unplugging the power tool. Keep cord away from heat, oil, sharp edges or moving parts. Damaged or entangled cords increase the risk of electric shock.e)When operating a power tool outdoors, use an extension cord suitable for outdoor use. Use of a cord suitable for outdoor use reduces the risk of electric shock.f)If operating a power tool in a damp location is unavoidable, use a residual current device (RCD) protected supply. Use of an RCD reduces the risk of electric shock.NOTE The term " residual current device (RCD)" may be replaced by the term "ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI)n or “earth leakage circuit breaker (ELCB)W .3)Personal safetya) Stay alert, watch what you are doing and use common sense when operating a power tool. Do not use a power tool while you are tired or under the influence of drugs, alcohol or medication.a moment of inattention while operating power tools may result in serious personal injury.b)Use personal protective equipment. Always wear eye protection. Protective equipment such as dust mask, non-skid safety shoes, hard hat, or hearing protection used for appropriate conditions will reduce personal injuries. Wear ear protectors when impact drilling. Exposure to noise can cause hearing lossc)Avoid accidental starting. Ensure the switch is in the off-position before plugging in.Carrying power tools with your finger on the switch or plugging in power tools that have the switch on invites accidents.d)Remove any adjusting key or wrench before turning the power tool on. A wrench or a key left attached to a rotating part of the power tool may result in personal injury.e)Do not overreach. Keep proper footing and balance at all times. This enables better control of the power tool in unexpected situations.f)Dress properly. Do not wear loose clothing or jewellery. Keep your hair, clothing and gloves away from moving parts. Loose clothes, jewellery or long hair can be caught in moving parts.g)If devices are provided for the connection of dust extraction and collection facilities, ensure these are connected and properly used. Use of dust collection can reduce dust-related hazards.4)Power tool use and carea)Do not force the power tool. Use the correct power tool for your application.The correct power tool will do the job better and safer at the rate for which it was designed.b)Do not use the power tool if the switch does not turn it on and off. Any power tool that cannot be controlled with the switch is dangerous and must be repaired.c)Disconnect the plug from the power source and/or the battery pack from the power tool before making any adjustments, changing accessories, or storing power tools. Such preventive safety measures reduce the risk of starting the power tool accidentally.d)Store idle power tools out of the reach of children and do not allow persons unfamiliar with the power tool or these instructions to operate the power tool. Power tools are dangerous in the hands of untrained users.e)Maintain power tools. Check for misalignment or binding of moving parts, breakage of parts and any other condition that may affect the power tool' s operation. If damaged, have the power tool repaired before use. Many accidents are caused by poorly maintained power tools.f)Keep cutting tools sharp and clean. Properly maintained cutting tools with sharp cutting edges are less likely to bind and are easier to control.g)Use the power tool, accessories and tool bits etc. in accordance with these instructions, taking into account the working conditions and the work to be performed. Use of the power tool for operations different from those intended could result in a hazardous situation.h)D ouble insulation (Class II). It requires no grounding type plug.5)Servicea) Have your power tool serviced by a qualified repair person using only identical replacement parts. This will ensure that the safety of the power tool is maintained.h)b)Wear ear protectors with impact drills. Exposure to noise can cause hearing loss. C) Use auxiliary handles supplied with the tool. Loss of control can cause personal injury.Safety instructions for all operationsSafety Warnings Common for Grinding Operations:i)NOTE In the above heading, those operations not applicable may be omitted.j)a)This power tool is intended to function as drilling. Read all safety warnings,k)instructions, illustrations and specifications provided with this power tool. Failure to follow all instructions listed below may result in electric shock, fire and/or serious injury.l)b). Operations for which the power tool was not designed may create a hazard and cause personalm)injury.n)c)Do not use accessories which are not specifically designed and recommended by the tool manufacturer. Just because the accessory can be attached to your power tool, it does not assure safe operation.o)d)The rated speed of the accessory must be at least equal to the maximum speed marked on the power tool. Accessories running faster than their RATED SPEED can break and fly apart.p)e)The outside diameter and the thickness of your accessory must be within the capacity rating of your power tool. Incorrectly sized accessories cannot be adequately guarded or controlled.q)f)do not match the mounting hardware of the power tool will run out of balance, vibrate excessively and may cause loss of control.r)g)Do not use a damaged accessory. Before each use inspect the accessory such as abrasive wheels for chips and cracks, backing pad for cracks, tear or excess wear, wire brush for loose or cracked wires. If power tool or accessory is dropped, inspect for damage or install an undamaged accessory. After inspecting and installing an accessory, position yourself and bystanders away from the plane of the rotating accessory and run the power tool at maximum no-load speed for one minute. Damaged accessories will normally break apart during this test time.s)h)Wear personal protective equipment. Depending on application, uses face shield, safety goggles or safety glasses. As appropriate, wear dust mask, hearing protectors, gloves and workshop apron capable of stopping small abrasive or workpiece fragments.t)The eye protection must be capable of stopping flying debris generated by various operations. The dust mask or respirator must be capable of filtrating particles generated by your operation. Prolonged exposure to high intensity noise may cause hearing loss.u)Keep bystanders a safe distance away from work area. Anyone entering the work area must wear personal protective equipment. Fragments of workpiece or of a broken accessory may fly away and cause injury beyond immediate area of operation.v)Hold power tool by insulated gripping surfaces only, when performing an operation where the cutting accessory may contact hidden wiring or its own cord. Cutting accessory contacting aw)"live" wire may make exposed metal parts of the power tool "live" and shock the operator.x)Position the cord clear of the spinning accessory. If you lose control, the cord may be cut or snagged and your hand or arm may be pulled into the spinning accessory.y)Never lay the power tool down until the accessory has come to a complete stop. The spinning accessory may grab the surface and pull the power tool out of your control.z)Do not run the power tool while carrying it at your side. Accidental contact with the spinning accessory could snag your clothing, pulling the accessory into your body.Regularly clean the power tool' s air vents. The motor* s fan will draw the dust inside the housing and excessive accumulation of powdered metal may cause electrical hazards.Do not operate the power tool near flammable materials. Sparks could ignite these materials.Do not use accessories that require liquid coolants. Using water or other liquid coolants may result in electrocution or shock.Further safety instructions for all operationsKickback and Related WarningsKickback is a sudden reaction to a pinched or snagged rotating wheel, backing pad, brush or any other accessory. Pinching or snagging causes rapid stalling of the rotating accessory which in turn causes the uncontrolled power tool to be forced in the direction opposite of the accessory' s rotation at the point of the binding.For example, if an abrasive wheel is snagged or pinched by the workpiece, the edge of the wheel that is entering into the pinch point can dig into the surface of the material causing the wheel to climb out or kick out. The wheel may either jump toward or away from the operator, depending on direction of the wheel' s movement at the point of pinching. Abrasive wheels may also break under these conditions.Kickback is the result of power tool misuse and/or incorrect operating procedures or conditions and can be avoided by taking proper precautions as given below.a)Maintain a firm grip on the power tool and position your body and arm to allow you to resist kickback forces. Always use auxiliary handle, if provided, for maximum control over kickback or torque reaction during start-up. The operator can control torque reactions or kickback forces, if proper precautions are taken.b)Never place your hand near the rotating accessory. Accessory may kickback over your hand.c)Do not position your body in the area where power tool will move if kickback occurs.Kickback will propel the tool in direction opposite to the wheel ' s movement at the point of snagging.d)Use special care when working corners, sharp edges etc. Avoid bouncing and snagging the accessory. Corners, sharp edges or bouncing have a tendency to snag the rotating accessory and cause loss of control or kickback.e)Do not attach a saw chain woodcarving blade or toothed saw blade. Such blades create frequent kickback and loss of control.Maintenance and Servicing1)Before cleaning or performing any maintenance, the power supply shall be disconnected from the tool. Compressed dry air blow may be the most effective cleaning method. Always wear safety goggles when cleaning tools with compressed air.Ventilation openings must be kept clean. Do not attempt to clean by inserting pointed objects through openings.Regularly inspect all mountings and screws and ensure they are properly tightened. Should and of the screws be loose, tighten them immediately. Failure to do so may result in serious damage.2)Replaceable parts: Carbon brushesThe brushes and commutator of the tool should be examined after several months of use. When the sparks around the commutator become greater the carbon brushes should be changed. Cleaning3)If replacement of the supply cord is necessary, this has to be done by the manufacturer or his agent in order to avoid a safety hazard.EnvironmentWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your local authority or retailer for recycling advice.see fig. A:1.Chuck2.Drilling/impact drilling «selector switch»3.Ventilation slots4.Denth stonSelecting the action modeThis tool has an action mode change ever. For rotation with hammering,slide the action mode change lever to the right( 9 symbol). For rotation only, slide the action mode change lever to the leftCAUTION:•Always slide the action mode change lever all the way to your desired mode position. If you operate the tool with the lever positioned halfway between the mode symbols, the tool may be damaged.ASSEMBLYCAUTION:•Always be sure that the tool is switched off and unplugged before carrying out any work on the toolInstalling side grip (auxiliary handle)1.Side gripAlways use the side grip to ensure operating safety. Install the side grip on tool barrel.Then tighten the grip by turning clockwise securely at the desired position. It may be swung 360°so as to be secured at any position.NOTE:♦The side grip cannot swing 360°when the depth gauge is installed.1. Chuck keyTo install the bit, place it in the chuck as far as it will go. Tighten the chuck by hand. Place the chuck key in each of the three holes and tighten clockwise. Be sure to tighten all three chuck holes evenly. To remove the bit, turn the chuck key counterclockwise in just one hole, then loosen the chuck by hand.After using the chuck key, be sure to return to the original position.1.Sleeve2.RingHold the ring and turn the sleeve counterclockwise to open the chuck jaws. Place the bit in the chuck as far as it will go. Hold the ring firmly and turn the sleeve clockwise to tighten the chuck.To remove the bit, hold the ring and turn the sleeve counterclockwise.The depth gauge is convenient for drilling holes of untform depth . Loosen the side grip and insert the depth gauge into the hole in the Side grip .Adjust the depth gauge to the desired depth and tighten the side grip . NOTE :The depth gauge cannot be used at the position where the depth gauge strikes against the tool body OPERATIONHammer drilling operation△CAUTION:There is a tremendous and sudden twisting force exented on the tool/bit at the lirne of hole break-through, when the hole becomes clogged with chips and particles, or when striking reinforcing rods embedded in the concrete. Always use the side grip (auxiliary handle) and firmly hold the tool by both side grip and switch handle during operations. Failure to do so may result in the loss of control of the tool and potentially severe injury.when drilling in concrete , granite , tile , etc , move the action mode changing the position of symbol to use " action with hammering action .use to use a tungsten-carbide upped bit .Position the bit at the desired location for the hole . then pull the switch trigger. Do not force the tool Light pressure gives best results . Keep the tool in position and prevent it from slipping away from the holeDo not apply more pressure when the hole becomes clogged with chips or particles ,instead , run the tool a an idle , then remove the bit partially from the hole . By repeating his several limes . the hole will be cleaned out andnormal drilling may be resumedDrilling operationwhen drilling in wood , metal or plastic materials , move the action mode changing lever to the position of symbol to use " rolation only action .Drilling in woodWhen drilling in wood , the best results are obtained with wood drills equipped with a guide screw . The guide screw makes drilling easier by pulling the bit into the workpieceDrilling in metalTo prevent the bit from slipping when starling a hale , make an indentation with a center-punch and hammer at the point to be drilled . Place the point of the bit in the indentation and start drilling .Use a cutting lubricant when drilling metals . The exceptions are Iron and brass which should be drilled dry . CAUTIONPressing excessively on the tool will not Speed up the drilling . In fact,this excessive pressure will only serve to damage the tip of your bit,decrease the tool performance and shorten the service life of the tool .·There is a tremendous force exerted on the tool/ bit at the time of hole break through . Hold the tool firmly and exert care when the bit begins to break through the workpiece·A stuck bit can be removed simply by selling the reversing switch to reverse rotation In order to back out . However , the tool may back out abruptly if you do not hold it firmly·Always secure small workpieces in a vise or similar hold-down deviceACCESSORIESCAUTION·These accessories or attachments are recommended for use with our tool specifled In this manual . The use of any other accessories or attachments might present a risk of injury o persons . Only use accessory or attachment for rs staled purpose .If you need any assistance for more details regarding these accessories , ask our Service Center·Chuck key·Grip assembly·Depth gauge。

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Policies The Policies are concise, unambiguous statements that reflect the basic tenets of how Shell conducts its well control business. Policies help define how we operate, and under normal circumstances are to be complied with to the letter. In circumstances where it is impossible, impractical, irresponsible or imprudent to adhere strictly to policy such circumstances must be covered by the OU specific Well Control manual or by an approved dispensation and referenced in the well program. Procedures & Practices The Procedures & Practices in this manual are set as minimum acceptable standards The responsibility lies directly with the Well/Rig Team and Operating Unit Management to put these procedures and practices into effect or to generate OU specific procedures that will meet Policy objectives. Because well teams have the responsibility of specifying well control procedures as an integral part of the planning and execution of drilling, completion, workover and other well intervention programmes, they also have the responsibility to justify the adoption of procedures and will be held accountable. Where there is the possibility to take more than one course of action it is required that a risk assessment be conducted to determine the preferred course of action. This risk assessment can be either qualitative or quantitative but should as a minimum address the following matters: 1 2 3 A subjective evaluation of the likelihood that events will happen. The likelihood that particular consequences will occur. The acceptability of this combination of likely events and consequences.
WALT B. Beltman and J. Rommertz (EPT-WN) D. Stewart (EPT-WX) September 2008 1 January - July 2008 EAR 99
This version supersedes the previous version
This document is classified as Restricted. Access is allowed to Shell personnel, designated Associate Companies and Contractors working on Shell projects who have signed a confidentiality agreement with a Shell Group Company. 'Shell Personnel' includes all staff with a personal contract with a Shell Group Company. Issuance of this document is restricted to staff employed by a Shell Group Company. Neither the whole nor any part of this document may be disclosed to Non-Shell Personnel without the prior written consent of the copyright owners. Copyright 2002 SIEP B.V.
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SUMMARY This edition of the Pressure Control Manual incorporates the first update of EP 20021500 Pressure Control Manual for Drilling and Workover Operations and is now re-named as EP 2002-1500 Pressure Control Manual for Drilling, Completion and Well Intervention Operations This Pressure Control Manual represents the Shell philosophy on well control and has global application. The manual has two key components: A. B. Policies Procedures & Practices.
Further electronic copies can be obtained from the Global EP Library, Rijswijk
EP 2002-1500
EP 2002-1500
Pressure Control Manual for Drilling, Completion and Well Intervention Operations
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