










































关键词:高楼逃生缓降器创新设计摘要绪论第一章 (4)1.1 (5)第二章 (6)2.1 (6)2.2 (6)2.3 (7)2.4 (8)总结 (11)致谢 (12)附录 (13)参考文献 (17)随着社会的发展,城镇的人口越来越多,很多人居住在高层建筑里。









编号鄂创新---10---2010年湖北省高校大学生机械创新设计大赛暨第四届全国大学生机械创新设计大赛湖北分区预赛高楼应急逃生缓降器设计说明书参赛学生:孟庆健赖福刚梅嵋夏雄郑洲指导教师:王树才程友联华中农业大学二0一0年四月2010年湖北省高校大学生机械创新设计大赛暨第四届全国大学生机械创新设计大赛湖北分区预赛作品报名表目录一、研究背景 (3)二、设计目的 (4)三、工作原理 (4)四、机构设计 (5)五、基本参数确定 (6)六、设计计算 (6)1、离合器弹簧的设计与增速器传动比的确定 (6)2、钢丝绳的设计与校核 (8)3、绕线轴的设计与校核 (8)4、离合器轴的设计与校核 (9)5、增速器的设计与校核 (9)6、轴承的设计与校核 (11)7、螺栓的设计与校核 (12)8、联轴器处花键的强度校核 (12)七、创新点及优势 (13)参考文献 (14)附图(部分零件图) (14)高楼应急逃生缓降装置的设计与试验一:研究背景随着城市化进程的加快,高层建筑迅速增多,然而,当发生火灾、地震、恐怖袭击、煤气泄漏等突发事件时,正常的疏散通道不能使用,导致人员不能及时逃离高层建筑,易出现群死群伤的重大事故,因此我们必须设计一种用于高楼应急逃生的装置。



(图1)图1空降器图2 索降救生器夹式高楼逃生装置:该装置主要通过杠杆、连杆双增力机构耒产生制控力来控制匚形槽中的动、定摩擦块夹住绳索并让其匀速下滑。



机械创新论文 缓降器

机械创新论文 缓降器

《机械创新设计》论文《建筑救生缓降器》设计说明书前言一、创新背景 (3)二、装置作用简介 (3)三、缓降器原理方案 (3)四、缓降器的结构方案及尺寸规格 (4)(1)主要结构及结构参数 (4)(2)数据计算 (6)(3)缓降器适用标准 (7)五、缓降逃生特点 (7)六、结论 (8)一、创新背景:无意中看到一部电影,一个大楼失火,楼上上百人无处可逃,结果有的跳楼了,有的活活烧死了,很惨!如果他们又救生缓降器也许就可以跳楼逃生了,缓降器她和降落伞有些区别,但是很好用,缓降器解决了安全逃生的问题,好安置的特点,可以大范围使用;这样当火灾发生的时候我们就可以保证被困人员能够快速、有效地疏散、安全逃生。







四、缓降器的结构方案及尺寸规格(1)主要结构及结构参数:外壳铸铁(HT350)厚度5~10/cm 最小抗拉强度(MPa)340摩擦滑块 45号钢耐磨耐高温齿轮传动比 1:2.5摩擦材料 45号钢-尼龙9(加30%玻璃纤维填充物)绳索钢丝(钢芯公称直径5mm 公称抗拉强度1670MPa 最小破断拉力14.9kN)安全带1、5—拉钩;2—调速器;3—绳索;4—套环。



International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Big Data Analysis (MSBDA 2019)Design of a Simple High-Altitude Rescue Buffer DeviceShan Chen*, Junchun Ma and Baoming QiangXi’an Research Institute of High Technology, Xi’an, Shanxi, China, 710025*Corresponding authorKeywords: Buffer device, High-altitude, Rescue.Abstract. With the increasing number of high-rise buildings in cities, people have more and more chances to encounter dangers in high-rise buildings. How to escape safely and quickly has become a hot research issue. Based on this, this paper designs a hydraulic damped high-altitude rescue buffer device based on the principle of hydraulic transmission. On the premise of fully understanding the current market situation of the retarder, the design scheme of hydraulic damper type is put forward at first. Then, according to the five components of the hydraulic system, the overlap of the overall structure of the system is completed. Finally, the model is developed by SolidWorks, a three-dimensional aided design software, and the engineering drawings of the whole system components are designed.IntroductionWith the continuous development of science and technology in China and the continuous improvement of manufacturing industry capacity, the safety of high-rise buildings has been paid more and more attention. From the slower market, there are mainly the following types: Drum type retarder, screw type retarder, friction damper type retarder and hydraulic damper type retarder. From the current market, there are various kinds of retarders. At the same time, people are looking forward to the emergence of retarders which are easy to operate and can control the speed of descent by themselves. That is to say, the new type of retarder should embody more humanistic design ideas, take into account the factors of different weights, so that the trapped personnel can use it without complicated training, that is, it needs to have simple structure, easy installation, short setup time, fast evacuation personnel and so on.Overall Scheme DesignThe design of hydraulic damper retarder is mainly aimed at the situation that people are trapped and unable to use elevators, stairs or lifesaving passages normally when fire or danger occurs in high-rise buildings. Therefore, on the premise of safety, the design should make the structure of the device as simple as possible, the volume as small as possible, and the users can flee the dangerous zone quickly. The hydraulic damped retarder is composed of a hydraulic cylinder and a throttle valve. Its working principle is shown in Fig. 1 below.Figure 1. Schematic diagram of hydraulic damper retarderThe specific working process is as follows: The trapped people wearing safety life jackets fell because of their self-esteem. The wire rope connected to the human body then drives the drum to rotate, and the drum drives the crank-connecting rod mechanism at both ends to rotate. The function of crank-connecting rod mechanism is to convert the circular motion of the drum into the linear reciprocating motion of the double-acting hydraulic cylinder with double piston rods, and complete the conversion of motion. Because the crank connecting rod mechanism is connected with the hydraulic cylinder rod, the hydraulic cylinder, under the action of the crank, presses the hydraulic oil from one oil chamber to another. In order to control the descending speed of personnel, the flow of oil must be controlled by throttling device. By controlling the throttle orifice size of throttle valve, controlling the oil flow speed, and then through the internal feedback of the system, controlling the rotational speed of the drum, the purpose of controlling the descending speed of the personnel is achieved.Structural Design and Component SelectionHydraulic transmission system is generally composed of five parts: energy device, actuator, control throttle device, auxiliary device and transmission medium. In the specific design process, according to these five parts, the components of each part are selected, calculated and finalized in turn, and then the overall structure and function of the device are finalized.Selection of Energy DevicesIn the hydraulic transmission system, engineers usually use hydraulic pump as the energy device. Its advantages are obvious, such as smooth transmission, large load, step less speed regulation, etc. Its disadvantages also follow, such as complex structure, too large volume, heavy weight, lack of flexibility, inconvenient device movement, etc. Therefore, this paper adopts passive hydraulic system, does not use any mechanism driven by external power of energy as the energy device, and directly connects the two oil chambers of hydraulic cylinder through oil pipes, thus avoiding the heavy design problem of the device in principle.Selection of the ActuatorIn the hydraulic transmission device, the main actuators are hydraulic cylinder and hydraulic motor, whose main function is to convert hydraulic energy into mechanical energy. For the hydraulic damped retarder in this paper, its actuator is hoisting mechanism and hydraulic cylinder. First, the selection of hoisting mechanism. When high-level rescue of personnel or materials is carried out, the movement of rescued personnel and materials is in the vertical direction. Therefore, the hoisting mechanism is selected as the intermediate device, and the movement of the personnel in the vertical direction is converted into the circular motion of the drum through the drum, which drives the rotation of the drum and greatly extends the height of rescue. Secondly, the selection of hydraulic cylinder, because the hoist mechanism converts the movement of personnel into circular movement, at the same time considering that the passive system is composed of hydraulic cylinder and various auxiliary mechanisms. Therefore, as long as the circular motion of the drum is converted into the linear motion of the hydraulic rod, which drives the hydraulic rod to move in the linear direction, the mechanical motion conversion between the actuators can be realized, thus connecting the extension and retraction speeds of the hydraulic rod with the rising and falling speeds of personnel. Selection of Control Throttle DeviceIn a hydraulic transmission system, no matter how complex its functions and the number of components are, its oil circuit is composed of hydraulic components that control the direction, pressure and flow of oil in the hydraulic system. From the point of view of hydraulic damper, the function of the control device is to control the descending speed of the personnel. Belt brake and throttle valve are the ways to control speed. Finally, the control element--throttle valve is adopted in this paper. The following aspects are mainly considered: First of all, the belt brake is adopted, and thekey point of the whole system falls on the friction torque between the belt and the drum. To control the uniform speed, deceleration or stop of the personnel in the descending process, it is necessary to control the torque applicator, which will add additional control mechanisms and complicate the system structure. Moreover, the emergency rescue situation is full of uncertain factors, which will affect the application of friction torque in rainy days or humid environments, causing extremely easy slippage and limiting the time and scope of use. Secondly, from the cost point of view, the cost price of a single throttle valve is 30 to 40 RMB. Compared with the cost price of belt brake thousands RMB, its manufacturing cost is low, which is convenient for large-scale promotion.Selection of Auxiliary DevicesBracket: It is the basic frame and main bearing mechanism of the whole device. In order to ensure that the system can work steadily throughout the normal working process, the triangular structure is adopted in the design of the bracket. Crankshaft: It is a force transmission mechanism, which connects the hydraulic cylinder and the drum, and converts the circular motion of the drum into the linear motion of the hydraulic cylinder. Tee: It is the interface of the whole passive hydraulic system to replenish the oil. When it is necessary to replenish the oil to the system, the third interface is used to replenish the oil to the oil chambers on both sides of the hydraulic cylinder. When working normally, the third oil outlet is plugged with a plug to form a closed space and form a passive hydraulic transmission system.Selection of Transmission MediumCommonly used hydraulic oils are classified according to working pressure and viscosity: L-HL hydraulic oil, L-HM anti-wear hydraulic oil, L-HV low temperature anti-wear hydraulic oil, L-HS Low setting anti-wear hydraulic oil, L-HG hydraulic guide oil, fire-resistant hydraulic oil. Viscosity grades of hydraulic oils are divided into 22, 32, 46, 68, 100, etc. at 40 C, but their properties have their own characteristics. Because the hydraulic cylinder is used as the actuator, according to the relevant regulations of the state, the oil in the whole hydraulic circuit must be made of 46 at the same time, L-HL oil is selected because the working pressure of the system is less than 7MPa.Usage MethodFix the Descent control device on the balcony, ceiling, corridor and other places. When there is a fire, the evacuees should fasten their safety belts and then fasten the safety belts to the rope buckles of Descent control device. By adjusting the throttle opening to different positions, the oil flow through the throttle valve is different in unit time. According to the requirements, this Descent control device has designed three different downshifts and one emergency stop gear. The first gear is set within 50 Kg, the second gear is set within 50 kg to 70 Kg, the third gear is set above 70 kg, and the fourth gear is set for emergency stop.Modeling and SimulationIn this paper, the process of modeling needs to be continuously improved. First, the development of the model. SolidWorks is used to model the hydraulic damping Descent control device. As the actual size of Descent control device is completely uncertain before the product is completely finalized, the previous model development mainly verifies the feasibility of the scheme in terms of scheme, principle and structure. Secondly, the determination of component model. On the basis of the feasibility of the scheme, relevant calculations are carried out. According to specific national standards, the parameters of hydraulic components are integrated into standard parts as far as possible to reduce the cost of the whole system. Finally, the parameters are improved. The component size and installation size of the model initially developed in the early stage are improved, and the calculated parameters are kept consistent with the three-dimensional model as far as possible. Due to the limitation of space, the modeling process of hydraulic cylinder is introduced as an example.Previously, through market research, the model of hydraulic cylinder has been determined MOD30 *200-50, and the parameters of hydraulic cylinder have been checked and calculated. The components of each module have been clearly understood. According to the analysis idea, firstly, using the top-down analysis idea, according to the mastered principle, structure and composition, the hydraulic cylinder is divided into: rear end cover, cylinder barrel, piston, piston rod, front end cover, fastening connecting rod and sealing device.PistonThe diameter of the piston is 30mm and the diameter of the piston rod is 16mm, therefore, the piston and the piston rod are connected by threads. The entire piston thickness is 10 mm. The normal operation of the hydraulic cylinder depends on the sealing effect between the piston and the cylinder barrel to isolate the oil inlet chamber and the oil outlet chamber from each other. According to the needs, the sealing ring for the hole is selected, and OSI type piston special seal or UPI type piston and piston rod can be used.Piston RodThe two-way hydraulic cylinder is selected in the form of cylinder body fixation. The one-way stroke of the piston rod is 200mm, the total length of the piston rod is 400mm, and the total stroke of the hydraulic cylinder is 600 mm. In order to avoid oil leakage at the end of the hydraulic cylinder when the piston rod works, a sealing ring should be used for the shaft between the piston rod and the end cover. The sealing ring should be used for IDI type piston rod or UPI type piston and piston rod to strengthen the sealing performance of the device. When installing, pay attention to whether the hydraulic cylinder will touch the ground. As the hydraulic cylinder works unilaterally, an adjustable section of 50mm is left at one end, which is convenient for installation and debugging of the hydraulic cylinder. The model is shown in fig. 2.Front and Rear End CapsFront and rear end caps are fixed mechanisms of the whole device, which fix cylinder, piston rod and other parts together as a whole. At the same time, for the double-acting rod, front and rear end caps also play a guiding role, providing the basic direction of motion for the piston rod. The model is as follows Fig. 3 Show.Figure 2. Piston rod model Figure 3. Model of end cap(1) Drawing command, select up-looking datum plane, make piston diameter 30 mm, set end cap length 40 mm, width 40 mm, height 20 mm Rectangular block;(2) For stretching command, the front guide orifice is a cylindrical guide orifice with an outer diameter of 22 mm and a height of 6 mm.(3) For the first stretching excision, a cylinder with a diameter of 32 mm and a depth of 15 mm was excised by stretching.(4) The second stretching excision, in front of the base plane, stretching excision diameter of 18 mm through-hole cylinder;(5) Circumferential array, making four through holes with diameter of 8 mm, center distance of 30 mm, fastening the installation position of connecting rod;(6) Choose G1/4 threaded hole through hole, 8 mm from the base of end cap, which is the import and export of oil.The piston diameter of the hydraulic cylinder is 30mm. The cylinder with inner diameter 30mm, outer diameter 32mm and wall thickness 2mm is selected. The oil inlet and outlet at both ends are set as G1/4 threaded holes, and the center distance between the two holes is 186mm. The model is as follows Fig.4 shows.Fastening Connecting RodThe fastening connecting rod is a double-head bolt, which is easy to draw. You can either draw it by yourself or look for it in the standard parts library on Midi's secondary development platform. The design of double-headed bolt has been parameterized. You can choose the corresponding parameters. Here you can choose the thread M8. Model As shown in Fig.5.Improvement of the ModelThe hydraulic cylinder shall be installed from inside to outside and from left to right, and parts shall be assembled as far as possible according to its working position and structural distribution. It is mainly to add the constraint relation between each component, and the added constraint shall conform to the actual working conditions. After the installation is completed, the model shall be functionally checked. Firstly, the model is checked for coherence to detect whether there are too many constraints and unreasonable constraints in the assembly process and whether the assembled parts coincide with each other. Secondly, the motion simulation of the model is aimed at the physical simulation of the hydraulic components in the working process to observe whether each component can work normally under the given conditions. The model is shown in Fig.6 below.Figure 4. Cylinder model Figure 5. Fastener model Figure 6. Hydraulic cylinder model The above is the process of using SolidWorks software to model the hydraulic cylinder as an example. The other component models are similar to this process, and finally the device is obtained. The model is shown in Fig.7.Figure 7. Hydraulic damper modelBuffer and rescue devices in high-rise buildings are a direction of the development of safety products in public places, and they have a large market in today's high-rise buildings. In this paper, the design of the device is mainly based on the principle of hydraulic damper, and the main work is as follows: (1) Conception of the scheme. By collecting the products of the retarder on the market at present, the design scheme of hydraulic damper is put forward. (2) Overlapping of the overall structure of the system. According to the five components of the hydraulic system, the components of the system are determined one by one. (3) Selection of components. According to the requirement, the parameters of device components are selected. (4) Model development. The model is developed by SolidWorks, a three-dimensional aided design software, and the related dimensions are perfected. The engineering drawings of the whole system components are designed.Reference[1] Han Yuyong, Liu Yunhui and Li Ziguo. Design of Life Saving Descent control device Based on Dynamic Theory Analysis and Simulation[J]. Fire Science and Technology, 2015, (10): 1380-1386.[2] Wu Shuqin, Suo Shuangfu, Huang Tao, Zheng Wenjiao, Liu Xiangfeng and Wang Yuming. Research on Energy Dissipation of Self-cooling Friction Descent control device [J]. Mechanical Design, 2013, (03): 86-88+92.[3] Wang Wenkai, Song Haichao. Design of a Speed Regulation Braking System for a Multifunctional Escape Descent control device [J]. Hydraulic and Pneumatic, 2012, (11): 35-37.[4] Wei Jianjun. Research and Development of Centrifugal Friction High-rise Escape Descent control device [J]. Manufacturing Automation, 2012, (04): 90-92.[5] Lan Zimian, Zhong Qing. A Design of Escape Hydraulic Descent control device [J]. Hydraulic and Pneumatic, 2011, (12): 7-8.。



1 绪论现代社会高度发展,城市化进程进一步加快,高楼大厦曾出不穷,如何让人们的生活富足且具有更高的安全系数,是消防人员的重大责任。






检测结果表明:在使用载荷25-100kg 时的下降速度为 0.5-2.0m/s,重复下降速度偏差≤±5%。









2 总体方案设计22 总体方案设计设计题目:缓降器性能试验机设计 设计要求:1)了解缓降器性能试验机的用途,主要构成;策划系统的总体结构和实现方案。





5)针对本课题内容需要绘制4张0A 工作图,撰写2万字设计说明书。

设计参数:1、绳的直径:4mm 。

2、下降速度:1.5~2.0m/s 。



缓降器机械设计课程设计一、课程目标知识目标:1. 学生能理解缓降器的基本原理,掌握其机械结构设计的关键技术。

2. 学生能够运用物理知识,分析并计算缓降器的力学性能,如力矩、速度和稳定性等。

3. 学生了解并掌握材料力学在缓降器设计中的应用,能够合理选择材料和评估其耐用性。

技能目标:1. 学生能够独立完成缓降器机械设计的全过程,包括需求分析、方案设计、详细设计和计算校核。

2. 学生通过使用CAD软件,能够绘制出精确的缓降器部件图和装配图。

3. 学生能够运用工程手册和资料,进行必要的工程估算和数据分析。

情感态度价值观目标:1. 学生通过团队协作完成设计项目,培养合作精神和解决问题的能力。

2. 学生在设计过程中,能够体会到科技对生活的积极影响,增强创新意识和责任感。

3. 学生在项目实施中,学会尊重工程实践,形成严谨的科学态度和良好的工程素养。





二、教学内容1. 理论知识:- 缓降器原理及其在工程中的应用。

- 机械设计基础,包括机械制图、材料力学、力学性能计算等。

- 稳定性和可靠性分析的基本方法。

2. 实践技能:- 缓降器设计流程和方法,包括需求分析、方案设计、详细设计和计算校核。

- 使用CAD软件进行图纸绘制。

- 利用工程手册和资料进行材料选择、力学分析和工程估算。

3. 教学大纲:- 第一周:缓降器原理介绍,学习目标设定,分组讨论确定设计主题。

- 第二周:机械设计基础知识回顾,进行需求分析和方案设计。











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m 0 1 240

1 140
d 14.95mm
故取轴的最小直径为 20mm
m 0
取 S 1.8
计算得 S 2.45 1.8 合理 3.1.4 键的设计 选取平键连接 因为 d 20mm ,查表得
b2 h2
弧形扣的数量为 4 个。它的作用是连 接钢丝绳与安全带,锁定高空缓降器。 3.3 钢丝绳
4T 4 39 103 4.875Mpa dhl 2 28
取 p 125Mpa
p p
3.2 弧形扣
4 、工作原理及性能分析 擒纵机构可分为固有振动型擒纵 机构和无固有振动型擒纵机构两类。 本设计运用的是无固有振动型擒纵机 构。 本设计为无固有振动系统型擒纵 机构,仅由擒纵轮3和擒纵叉4组成。
a 0 m / s2
f G

2 T
设计当人的质量 100kg 时, 为下降 速度 v 2m / s 猜测每个人下降的速度都是恒速,且 速度值各不相同,下降的速度与人的 体重成正比。假设存在一个下降速度 系数 k ,使得 v km 。如果求得的 k 满 足安全要求则合理。 显然 k 由机构本身 v 2 确定。 k 0.02 m 100 对某一次下降过程中: 设恒定速度为 v 2m / s 设人的质量: m 100kg 重力加速度: g 9.8 N / kg 设擒纵叉往复振动的周期为 T 设擒纵轮绕钢丝轴的直径为 d 设擒纵轮分度圆的半径为 R
d A3
P n
G mg P Fv mgv 100 9.8 2 1.96kw
由 v 2m / s 得
3.1.3 轴的安全系数校核计算 按疲劳强度安全系数校核
2 S S2
பைடு நூலகம்
v d
1 v n 60 f 60 60 2 2 d
2、 设计方案
该机构由四部分组成:齿轮减速 装置、弧形扣、钢丝绳、安全带。使 用时先将挂钩挂在房屋内可固定承重 的地方,然后把安全带套在人身上, 最后小心将身体移出窗外降至地面。 齿轮减速装置结合了行星齿轮机构传 动和擒纵机构传动,类似钟表里面的 擒纵机构。由于擒纵机构特性:擒纵 叉往复振动的周期与擒纵叉转动惯量
取 T 45Mpa 计算得 9.55 106 3 A 103 0.2 45 综上
0.1 0.2
取 0.15 取 kN 1 查得
0.05 0.1 0.08
d 103 3
1.96 d 30

1 、研制背景及意义
随着建筑高度的增加和日趋密 集,建筑的安全隐患也越来越多。即 使在发达国家的高楼遇有火灾爆炸等 事件时,虽上有救援直升飞机,下有 救援云梯车,但因时间、空间等诸多 因素的限制,仍难发挥理想的作用, 屡屡造成伤亡。其中,震惊世界的美 国 “9. 11 事件” 就是一例。 美国9. 11 事件中几百名消防员丧生的原因之一 就是不能及时有效地脱离现场。因此, 如果有在灾难发生时供受困者进行自 救的设备,相信可以挽救很多生命。 城市高楼火灾是一种发生频率 高、涉及面广、蔓延速度快、破坏性 大、救援和逃生困难的突发性灾害。 目前国内外现有的高层建筑逃生装置 主要有三种类型。一种是机械电动式 逃生装置,需要电源提供动力,同时 还需要机械传动机构进行变速缓降; 很显然灾害发生时电源能否可靠使用 是个大问题,其次该装置复杂庞大、 成本高,不宜推广使用。一种是斜索 滑降逃生装置,需要先将绳索的一端 固定在地面上,然后逃生者依靠夹持 绳索装置夹持斜索滑降逃生;该装置 需要别人帮忙固定绳索来完成逃生, 及时性和容易性是个问题。还有一种 是利用各种齿轮系、滑轮组等机械装 置同时结合相应的摩擦阻尼或液 体流动阻尼的方法进行缓降逃生,这 类逃生装置都需要零件固定安装支 架;结构复杂,一个构件出问题就会 给逃生者带来安全隐患,而且使用繁 琐费时、且成本较高。因此简单、安 全、快速的机械自助逃生装置是高层 建筑逃生装置今后发展的一个重要趋 势。本文所述的逃生装置为纯机械装 置,结构简单,不需要外在动力,可 多人次循环使用;利用偏心钟摆结构 使逃生者自重转化为相应的摩擦阻力 矩,可使不同体重的逃生者都以安全 的下降速度进行缓降逃生。
6 、结束语 通过理论论证,纯机械、利用无 固有振动系统型擒纵机构达到减速的 目的高空缓降逃生装置结构简单、成 本低、性能可靠、使用方便。
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设 计 者:刘忠中、刘翔、廖敏 指导教师: 杜义贤
三峡大学机械与材料学院 20091053 班 2012 年 9 月
摘要:通过分析国内外现有的几种高楼逃生装置,提出一种新的设计思想---基于无固有振 动系统型擒纵机构的新型高楼逃生装置。该机械装置不需要外在动力,可多人次循环使用。 其技术原理是利用擒纵机构使逃生者自重转化为相应的摩擦阻力, 逃生者体重越重、 该装置 产生的摩擦阻尼越大, 从而使不同体重的人都能以近似相同的 2m / s 安全速度缓降逃生。 该 装置结构紧凑、简单,并通过机械结构和力学方面的分析计算,证明其安全可靠。 关键词:逃生装置;擒纵机构;高空缓降
1 f
v d
由于擒纵机构特性:擒纵叉往复 振动的周期与擒纵叉转动惯量的平方 根成正比,与擒纵轮给擒纵叉的转矩 大小的平方根成反比,因擒纵叉的转 动惯量为常数,故只要擒纵轮给擒纵 叉的力矩大小基本稳定,就能使擒纵 轮作平均转速基本恒定的间歇运动。 (机械原理,第七版 P244) 3.1.1 轴的设计计算及校核 轴的材料的选择,确定许用应力。 选用 45 钢,正火处理。 b 600 Mpa 3.1.2 按扭矩强度初步估计轴的最小 直径。
的平方成正比,与擒纵轮给擒纵叉的 转矩大小的平方根成反比,因擒纵叉 的转动惯量为常数,故只要擒纵轮给 擒纵叉的力矩大小基本稳定,就能使 擒纵轮作平均转速基本恒定的间歇运 动。齿轮转动的每一步都被机构控制, 所以它完成了一个对人体下降速度恒 速的控制。 3、 理论设计计算 3.1 齿轮减速装置
G f ma
可取键长 L 8
4T p dhl 30 30 478r / min d 20 103 3.14
钢丝绳防松接头 钢丝绳的直径为 10mm 。 3.4 安全带 采用全身型安全带,容易穿戴,安全
T 9.55
PN 1960 9.55 39 N m nN 478
WT 0.2d
查附表 19.1 19.3 得(机械设计,吴克 坚,高等教育出版社。2003.3) k 1.76 k 1.54
T 9.55 106 P T WT 0.2d 3 n
A 126 103
创新点三:防水、防油。 传统离心摩擦式高空缓降器是利 用摩擦力工作的。一旦缓降器中进入 了消防水、油,其摩擦璧之间的摩擦 系数大大降低,甚至使缓降器失灵。 可能使人直接摔下来,造成严重后果。 而本装置采用全金属制造,利用无固 有振动系统型擒纵机构达到减速的目 的。可以达到防水、防油的效果。 创新点四:机构简单,容易使用 本机构关键零件只有3个,每个零 件在计算时都做了安全范围保留。简 单易于维修。使用人员不用进行培训 即可自行使用。 目前国内外现有的高层建筑逃生 装置主要有三种类型。一种是机械电 动式逃生装置,需要电源提供动力, 同时还需要机械传动机构进行变速缓 降;很显然灾害发生时电源能否可靠 使用是个大问题,其次该装置复杂庞 大、成本高,不宜推广使用。一种是 斜索滑降逃生装置,需要先将绳索的 一端固定在地面上,然后逃生者依靠 夹持绳索装置夹持斜索滑降逃生;该 装置需要别人帮忙固定绳索来完成逃 生,及时性和容易性是个问题。还有 一种是利用各种齿轮系、滑轮组等机 械装置同时结合相应的摩擦阻尼或液 体流动阻尼的方法进行缓降逃生,这 类逃生装置都需要零件固定安装架; 结构复杂,一个构件出问题就会给逃 生者带来安全隐患,而且使用繁琐费 时、且成本较高。因此简单、安全、 快速的机械自助逃生装置是高层建筑 逃生装置今后发展的一个重要趋势。 本文所述的逃生装置为纯机械装置, 结构简单,不需要外在动力,可多人 次循环使用;可使不同体重的逃生者 都以安全的下降速度进行缓降逃生。 这种机构机构简单,便于制造, 价格低,可以用于消防、家庭、宾馆、 酒店、高楼、登山、探险、井下工作 等等。