
Unit 8达标测试卷时间:100分钟满分:120分题号一二三四五六七八九十十一总分得分第Ⅱ卷笔试部分(100分))五、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)21.Teachers' Day in China is on ________.A.September 10th B.October 9thC.October 10th D.November 9th22.—When is Robert's birthday?—________ birthday is on April 15th.A.His B.He C.Him D.Himself(他自己)23.—Happy birthday!—________.A.The same to you B.Hello,I'm fine C.Thank you D.Happy birthday 24.We are planning to have a surprise party ________ her fifteenth birthday.A.at B.in C.for D.with25.—________ is New Year's Day?—It's on January 1st.A.What B.When C.How D.Which26.Wow!Ten students in our class will celebrate their fourteenth birthdays________ October!A.in B.on C.at D.to27.________ brother is tall.A.Tom and Jack's B.Tom and JackC.Tom's and Jack D.Tom's and Jack's28.________comes before(在……之前)September,but after July.A.January B.June C.August D.October29.We are going on holiday in the ________ week of July.A.two B.twice C.second30.—________is Betty's grandfather?—________is over(超过)70 years old.A.How old;He B.How much;He C.How much;She D.How old;She31.—What time do you usually go to school, Jack?—________about half past seven.A.On B.In C.At D.For32.—When is your birthday?—I was born ________ December 17.This year I'll hold a birthday party for it at home.A.on B.at C.in D.by33.—________ do you play soccer?—After school.A.When B.Where C.What D.Which34.Tom usually goes fishing ________ Sunday morning.A.at B.on C.for D.in35.David Beckham has ________ sons.Brooklyn Beckham is his ________ son. A.third; first B.three; one C.three; first D.third; one六、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)(词数:约110;建议用时:7分钟)We have________(36)festivals in China.The Midautumn Fest ival(中秋节)is a traditional(传统的)________(37)festival.It comes in September or October.All the Chinese________(38)like this festival very much.Today is the Midautumn Festival.My parents and I________(39)some moon cakes(月饼)in a________(40)store.My grandparents like________(41).So we also buy some apples,bananas and pears. In the evening,we have a big family________(42).Ah,there are many people—my grandparents,my parents,my uncles,my aunts,my cousins and I.First,we________(43)games.Then we have________(44)together.We eat moon cakes,chicken,vegetables...At last,we watch the moon and the programs(节目) designed(设计) for the Midautumn Festival ________(45)TV.36.A.thirtieth B.much C.a lot D.lots of37.A.English B.Chinese C.American D.Canadian38.A.people B.boy C.parent D.girl39.A.sell B.need C.buy D.look40.A.clothes B.food C.sports D.vegetable41.A.vegetables B.ice cream C.French fries D.fruit42.A.game B.breakfast C.party D.name43.A.play B.give C.want D.help44.A.breakfast B.lunch C.dinner D.sports45.A.in B.on C.of D.for七、阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)A (词数:约90;建议用时:6分钟)Ed's grandmother is 76 years old.She has three children.Jackson is Ed's father.William is his father's brother,and Kelsey is his father's sister.Ed has two cousins.They are Dick and Linda.T hey are cousins,too.Tomorrow(明天) is September 21st.It's their grandmother's birthday.They want to buy some nice presents(礼物) for their grandmother.They come to a big store together(一起).The hats are on sale for only $18.Ed buys a red hat for his grandmother.Dick buys some nice fruits.Linda buys a nice card with “Happy Birthday” on it.根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。
【初中英语】人教版七年级上册Unit 8 单元过关测试卷(练习题)

人教版七年级上册Unit 8 单元过关测试卷(718) 1.—Is h is b ir th da y De c e mb e r?—Ye s,it is.()A.fo rB.inC.toD.f ro m2.is the f if th mo nth o f th e ye a r.()A.M a r chB.Ma yC.J u lyD.S e p te mb e r3.—Do yo u lik e b a s ke tb a ll g a me—Ye s,it's in ter e s tin g b a sk e tb a ll g ame.()A.a; a nB.the; th eC.a; th eD.th e; an4.—is yo u r b r o the r's b ir th d a y—It's A ug u s t 9th.()A.W he n; o nB.W h en; a tC.H o w; inD.W ha t; o n5.—Do yo u lik e A pr il—N o,I d o n't.M y f a vo r ite is Oc to be r.()A.n u mb e rB.th in gC.mo n thD.fe s tiva l6.—is th e En g lish p a r ty?—G r e a t.()A.W ha tB.H o wC.W h enD.W he r e7.A lo t o f s tud e n ts a r e b u s y th e ir h o me wo r k S un d a y.()A.in; o nB.with; o nC.with; inD.in; in8.Th e s o cc e r g a me is7:00 p.m.O c to b e r 16th.()A.a t; inB.in; o nC.in; a tD.a t; o n9.—Do e s M r s.B ro wn h a ve da ug h te r s?—Ye s.An d S a lly is h e r d au gh te r.()A.two; twoB.two; s e co n dC.se c on d; twoD.se c on d; s e co n d10.—H o w o ld a r e yo u,P au l?—.()A.He's f in eB.H e's f if te e nC.I'm f in eD.I'm f if te e n11.—yo u h a ve S ch o o l Da y a t yo u r s c hoo l—Ye s,we.()A.A re; a r eB.A r e; d oC.D o; a r eD.Do; do12.—H o w o ld is yo u r c o u s in N ic k—H e is .()A.5ye a r o ldB.5 ye a r s o ldC.5-ye a r-o ldD.5-ye a r s-o ld13.—Is s h e mo the r—Ye s,sh e is.()A.Lu c y a n d Lil yB.Lu c y's a n d Lil yC.Lu c y a n d Lil y'sD.Lu c y's a n d Lil y's14.—H a pp y b ir th d a y t o yo u!—!()A.Ha p p y N e w Ye a rB.T ha n k yo u ve r y mu c hC.H o w a r e yo uD.Ha p p y b ir th d a y15.Le t's g o to th e New Ye a r's E ve.()A.p a r tyB.f es tiva lC.tr ipD.c la s s16.I'm B e n.16 p e op le a r e in my f a mil y—my g r a n d pa r e n ts,my p a r e n ts an d I.My mo th e r is a t a c lo th e s s to r e.S h e lik e s n ice 17 ,a n d s he has ma n yc lo th e s.M y 18is a te a ch e r in a mid d le s c ho o l.He like s p la yin g19.He is in a b a s ke tb a ll c lu b(俱乐部),an d h e 20b a s ke tb a ll e ve r y d a y.To mo r r o w isN o ve mb e r 30th.It's h is21.I wa n t to22 a ba s ke tb a ll f o r h im a s a b ir th da y p r e s en t.M y g r a nd mo th e r is 73. 23 b ir th d a y is on J a nu a r y 1s t.S h e like s c oo k ing(烹调),a n d s he c o ok s go o d 24 f o r o u r f amil y e ve r y d a y.M y g r a nd f a the r is 75. H isb ir th d a y is o n Fe b r u a ry 13th.He lik e s 25,an d h e h a s s ome E n g lis h CD s.(1)A.T h re eB.Fo u rC.FiveD.S ix(2)A.c lo th esB.ca r d sC.p ic tu r e sD.ro o ms(3)A.g r a nd mo th e rB.gr a nd f a the rC.mo th e rD.fa th e r(4)A.b a sk e tb a llB.so c ce rC.ten n isD.b a s eb a ll(5)A.sp e llsB.p la ysC.lo s tD.fo un d(6)A.p e nB.ba llC.te s tD.b ir th da y(7)A.n e edB.wa tc hC.bu yD.se ll(8)A.M yB.You rC.H isD.He r(9)A.p r ic eB.fo o dC.timeD.p a r ty(10)A.E ng lis hB.a r tC.ga me sD.sp o r ts17.M r.H u wo rk s in a s ch o o l.H e d oe s lots o f th in g s e ve r y d a y, s o he o f te n f o rg e ts h isf a mil y's b ir th d a ys.B u t h e do e sn't f o rg e t th a t it is h is wif e's b ir th d a y to d a y.H e wan ts to g ive he r a p r e se n t.A b ig s to re is n e a r h is sc h oo l.It s e lls ma n y th in g s.Fr o m th e s to re, p eo p le ca n bu y f o o d, c lo th e s…A f te r wo r k, M r.H u g oe s to th e s to r e.H e wan ts to b u y h e r a s we a te r.Bu t the s we a te r s in th e s to re a r e r e d.H is wif e do e s n't lik e th e c o lo r.A t las t h e b u ys s o me f lo wer s.H e g e ts h o me an d s a ys, “H a pp y b ir th d a y, d e a r! It's O c to b e r 26th toda y.I d o n't f o rg e t yo u r b ir th d a y th is ye a r.”M r s.H u is ve r y h a pp y a n d s a ys,“Th a nk yo u, b u t my b ir th d a y is th e d a y b e f o r eye s te r d a y.”(1)W he n is M r s.H u's b ir th da y?()A.It's o n O c to b e r 24th.B.It's o n O c tob e r 25th.C.It's o n O c tob e r 26th.D.It's o n O c to b e r 28th.(2)W h y d o e s M r.Hu o f ten f o rge t h is f a mil y's b ir th d a ys?()A.B ec a us e h e d o e sn't lik e h is fa mil y.B.B ec a u se ma n y p e o p le a r e in h is f a mil y.C.B ec a u se he ha s lo ts o f th ing s to d o e ve r y d a y.D.B ec a us e h e o f te n d oe s n't g o h o me.(3)W ha t co lo r d o e s Mr s.H u like?()A.R ed.B.Ye llo w.C.G r ee n.D.We d on't k n o w.(4)W h y d o e sn't M r.H u b u y a s wea te r f o r h is wif e?()A.B ec a us e h e d o e sn't h a ve en o ug h mo ne y.B.B ec a u se h is wif e d oe s n't lik e r e d s we a te r s.C.B ec a u se he lik es f lowe r s.D.B ec a us e h is wif e d oe s n't n e e d s we a te r s.(5)M r s.Hu se e s th e f lo we r s a n d s he.()A.is s a dB.do e sn't lik e th e f lowe r sC.is n't h a pp yD.is ve r y h a p p y18.Mo s t s tu d en ts h a ve th e ir fa vo r ite s ta r s.W h a t d o es the s ta r do?Wh en is th e s ta r'sb ir t h d a y?(1)Lu H an is f a vo r ite s ta r.()A.Da vid'sB.Tr ac y'sC.S imo n'sD.Fr a n k's(2)G.E.M.'s b ir th d a y is o n.()A.M a r ch6thB.A p r il 20thC.A ug u s t 16thD.Oc to be r16th(3)Za n ilia is E n glis h n a me.()A.Lu H a n'sB.D en g Ziq i'sC.Zha o Li yin g'sD.Zha o We i's(4)Zh a o Li yin g lik e s .()A.b a sk e tb a llB.so c ce rC.mu s icD.a c tin g(5) W ha t do we k no w f r o m th e p as s a ge()A.Da vid is a s tu de n t.B.Lu Ha n h a s a lo t o f c o n ce r ts.C.Zan ilia wa s b o rn in 1991.D.S imo n lik e s G.E.M.ve r y mu c h.19.D ea r To n y,H o w a r e yo u A re yo u s till co min g to my b ir th d a yp a r ty in J u ly M y f a mil y,f r ie n d s an d c las s ma te s a r ea ll co min g.T he p a r ty is a t 6:30 p.m.on J u ly 2n d.It'sa t U nc le B ill's r e s ta u ran t(饭店) in th e c ity.Fir s t,wee a t an d ta lkf ro m 6:30 p.m.to 7:45 p.m.A f te r tha t we w illg o to a c on ce r t a t 8:00 p.m.Ih o pe yo u c an c o me.You c a n me e t my f r ie n d s a nd s is te r s,too.P le a s e wr ite to me s oo n.You r s,E mil y(1)W ha t do e s E mil y ta lk a bo u t in he r le tte r?()A.Ton y's b ir th d a y.B.H e r b ir thd a y.C.U nc le B ill's b ir th d ay.D.He r f a the r's b ir th d ay.(2)W he r e a r e th e y g o in g to h a ve th e p a r ty()A.In the pa r k.B.A t sc h oo l.C.A t Un c le B ill's r e s ta u r an t.D.A t h o me.(3)Th e y c a n fr om 6:30p.m.to 7:45p.m.()A.g o to a c on c e r tB.ea t an d ta lkC.go to th e p a rkD.p la y s o c c e r(4)Th e p a r ty s ta r ts a t .()A.6:30 p.m.B.7:45 p.m.C.8:00 p.m.D.8:30 p.m.(5)Is th e r e a f r e e(免费的)co n ce r t a t 8:00 p.m.e ve r y S a tu r da y n ig h t?()A.Ye s,the r e is.B.N o,the r e isn't.C.We d on't k n o w.D.Ye s,the r e ar e.20.A: Go o d mo r n in g,s ir. 1.?B: Ye s,p lea s e.I n e e d a b ir th da y g if t(礼物)f o r my d a u g h te r.A: 2.?B: Sh e is twe lve.A:3.?B: Sh e lik e s a ll k ind s(各种各样) o f th in g s.A: D oe s sh e like vo lleyb a llB: 4..Bu t s he ha s two vo lle yb a lls.A: H o w a bo u t th e s e sk ir ts? Th e y a r e ve r y p o p u la r(流行的)th is ye a r.B: Th e y lo o k n ic e. 5.?A: Fo r t y d o lla r s.B: O K,I'll ta k e a r ed on e.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)21.T he S p r in g Fe s tiva l is th e b igg e s t ho lid a y in C h in a.It is th e C h ine s e Ne w Ye a r, u s ua lly in J a nu a r y o r Fe b r u a r y.A n o th e r lo ng ho lid a y is N a tio na l D a y.N a tio na l D a y h o lid ay is f r o m O c tob e r 1s t to 7th.Lo ts o f pe op le ta k e tr ip s o ve r th e h o lid a ys.We a ls o h a ve o th e r h o lida ys,s u c h as D ra go n B oa t Fe s tiva l.It is on Ma y 5th in th e Ch in e se lun a rc a le nd a r(农历).Pe op le ea t z on gz i a nd h a ve b oa t r ac e s(龙舟比赛)o n th a td a y.M id-Au tu mn Da y is o n Au g u s t 15th in the Ch in e se lu n a r c ale n d a r.O n tha t n ig htf a mil y me mb e r sg e t tog e th e r, e a t mo on c ak e s(月饼)an d wa tc h th e mo o n.根据短文内(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)22.In C h ina,the wea th e r(天气) in J is ve r y c o ld.23.Ms.S mith is o u r E ng lis h te a ch e r th is t.24.—Wh a t's yo u r f a vo r ite mo n th—S.25.To m is a s in No.2M id d le S ch o o l.26.T he r e a r e ma n y t in my r o o m.27.T he(th r e e) p ic tu r e is n ic e.28.W h en is (J ac k)b ir th da y29.H is g r an d f a th e r is 80(ye a r)o ld.30.D ec e mb e r is th e (twe lve)mo n th o f a ye a r.31.T he y a r e b u s y (do)th e ir h o me wo rk e ve r y d a y.H e llo! I'm J e n n y.Th e r e 1.ma n y f e s tiva ls in o u r sc h oo l.Le t me 2.yo u! This mo n th is O c tob e r.All th e3.lo ve O c tob e r.In O c to b e r,th e r e is a sp o r tsf e s tiva l.We h a ve a b a s ke tb a llg a me4.a vo lle yb a ll g a me dur in g(在……期间)th e f e s tiva l.In th e mid dle o f th is mo n th,we 5.a n E ng lis h s pee c h co n te s t du r ing th e E ng lis h f e s tiva l.Octo b e r 19th is th e d a y f o r a sc ho o l tr ip.We g o to Be ijin g 6.o ur te a c he r s.On th e la s t d a y o f th is mo n th,th e r e is a mu s ic f e s tival.On th a t d a y,we c a n e n jo y b e au tif u l s on g s,d an c e s a nd p ian o mu s ic(钢琴曲).It is r e a llywo n de r f u l.Ne x t mo n th,the r e is 7.ar t f e s tiva l.S tu de n ts of te n d is p la y(展示) 8.p ic tu r es on tha t d a y.I s tu d y a n d p la y g a me s 9.my s c h o o l.It g ive s 10.h a pp in es s(快乐).I lo ve my s c h oo l ve r y mu c h.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)33.假设你是一名班主任,新学期开始了,请你根据下面的计划,向学生介绍本学期的主要活动安排。
人教版七年级英语上册《Unit 8 单元综合测试卷》测试题及参考答案

人教版七年级英语上册Unit 8 单元综合测试卷(分数:100 分时间:90 分钟)第Ⅰ卷听力部分(20 分)Ⅰ.听句子, 选择与其意思相符的图片(有两幅多余图片)(5 分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5.Ⅱ.听对话, 选出与对话内容相符的选项(5 分)6.A.Linda is ten years old.B.Linda is twelve years old.C.Linda is eleven years old.7.A.There is no School Day at Gina’s school.B.There is a School Day at Gina’s school.C.The School Day at Gina’s school is on October 20th.8.A.Bill’s birthday is on October fifteenth.B.Bill’s birthday is on October fifth.C.Alice’s birthday is on October fifteenth.9.A.Eric is thirteen years old.B.Eric’s brother is twelve years old.C.Eric’s brother is thirteen years old.10.A.Sandy has an art festival on May 19th.B.Tony has a school trip on May 19th.C.Sandy has a school trip on October 20th.Ⅲ.听对话,选择正确答案(5 分)11.When is the school trip?A.On September 13th.B.On September 23rd.C.On September 30th.12.What do you have?A.Soccer game.B.Volleyball game.C.Basketball game.13.Whose birthday is on May 10th?A.Her birthday.B.Her father’s birthday.C.Her mother’s birthday.14.Do they like the party?A.Yes,we do.B.Yes,you do.C.Yes,they do.15.Who is 14 years old?A.Hu Peng.B.Li Ping.C.Bob.Ⅳ.听短文, 完成表格(5 分)Information card第Ⅱ卷笔试部分(80 分)Ⅴ.单项选择(10 分)21.—are you?—I’m twelve.A.HowB.How oldC.How muchD.What22.—Is Jim’s birthday on May 26th?—.It’s on May 16th.A.Yes,it isB.No,it isn’tC.Yes,he isD.No,he isn’t23.October is after .A.AugustB.SeptemberC.NovemberD.December24.—It’s easy to travel from Urumqi to Lanzhou by taking high-speed railway.—Yes.It’s only .A.eight hours rideB.eight hour’s rideC.eight-hours rideD.eight hours’r ide25.There are twenty-eight or twenty-nine days in .A.JanuaryB.FebruaryC.NovemberD.December26.My birthday is January and Peter’s birthday is March 26th.A.in;onB.in;atC.for;/D.at;on27.—is the school trip?—May.A.When;InB.What;OnC.Where;InD.When;On28.The girl is .Today is her birthday.A.twentieth;twentyB.twenty;twentyC.twentieth;twentiethD.twenty;twentieth29.Katherine was excited to receive a dozen roses from her husband on Day.A.WomanB.WomenC.Woman’sD.Women’s30.—How many are there in a year?—.A.month;SixB.months;TwelveC.months;FourD.months;The twelfthⅥ.完形填空(10 分)Hello,everyone!I am your new friend.My name is Mike.There are 31 people in my family—my wife(妻子),my 32 and I.I was born 33 1976.My birthday is 34 January 1st.I like soccer but I 35 volleyball.I think it is 36 .My wife has a clothes store. 37 clothes are at very good prices.Many people come to her store to 38 clothes.My son is a student.He goes to 39 everyday.His school has a(n) 40 .It is on March 11th.He likes music very much,so he is in the festival every year.31.A.two B.three C.four D.five32.A.brother B.sister C.daughter D.son33.A.in B.on C.at D.for34.A.on B.in C.of D.at35.A.like B.doesn’t like C.likes D.don’t like36.A.boring B.fun C.great D.interesting37.A.She B.Her C.She’s D.Hers38.A.buy B.bring C.sell D.make39.A.store B.room C.school D.bed40.A.School Day B.English party C.speech contest D.music festivalⅦ.阅读理解(20 分)ADear Grace,We have a really fun term.Do you love volleyball?On September 7th,we have a volleyball game at four in the afternoon.It’s interesting for me.My teacher says we can see some great volleyball stars.In October,we have a school trip.It’s relaxing for us.In November,we have an art festival and an English party.The art festival is on November 3rd.The English party is on November 18th.It’s in our classroom.Sally’s birthday is on December 11th.I want to buy a white model plane for her.Tim wants to buy a book.You can buy a birthday cake for her.She must be happy.Yours,Bob41.Bob’s school has a on September 7th.A.soccer gameB.volleyball gameC.basketball gameD.tennis game42.The school trip is for Bob.A.boringB.interestingC.relaxingD.easy43.When is the art festival?A.It’s on September 7th.B.It’s on December 11th.C.It’s on November 3rd.D.It’s on November 18th.44.The English party is .A.in the libraryB.in Bob’s classroomC.in Sally’s roomD.in the store45.Bob wants to buy for Sally.A.a model planeB.a bookC.a radioD.a birthday cakeBVera is thirteen years old.Mrs.Smith is her mother.Today is July 27th and it is Vera’s birthday.There is a party for her.Lots of her friends come to her birthday party.A birthday cake is on the table.There are some bananas, oranges, strawberries and apples on the table, too.But Vera doesn’t like them.What does she want?Can you guess?Just then Vera sees a red card in her mother’s hand.It says:Happy birthday to you, dear Vera.There is a nice present for you.Open the box on your dresser;you can find it.Vera runs to her dresser and opens the box.Ah, a nice T-shirt!How glad she is!46.When is Vera’s birthday?A.On November 27th.B.On September 27th.C.On July 27th.D.On July 29th.47.Where’s Mrs.Smith’s present?A.On the desk.B.In the box.C.In the dresser.D.In the drawer.48.What does Vera want?B.Bananas.C.A T-shirt.D.A book.A.Apples.49.How old is Vera?A.13.B.14.C.15.D.16.50.There aren’t on the table.A.applesB.strawberriesC.orangesD.ice-creamsⅧ.选词填空(10 分)in when that like sound do twelve December too whyA:How many months are there in a year?B:51. .A:What’s your favorite month?B:I 52. June.A:53. ?B:Because Children’s Day is in the month and my birthday is 54. this month,55. .A:That 56. interesting.You can get more presents.B:57. is your birthday,Jimmy?A:My birthday is on 58. 4th.B:59. you like December?A:Yes,I do.I can go skating.B:60. sounds good.Ⅸ.补全对话(10 分)A.Can you come?B.When is it?C.That day is also my thirteenth birthday.D.Do you have a soccer game?E.And we also have a basketball game on October 25th.A:Do you have a volleyball game at your school?B:Yes,we do.A:61.B:It’s on September 28th.A:62.B:Yes,we do.It’s on October 17th.63.A:When is your school trip?B:It’s on May 20th.64.A:Oh?That’s great.B:I want to have a birthday party on that day.65.A:OK,thanks.Ⅹ.任务型阅读(10 分)October 1st basketball game 2nd 3rd 4th5th Vassia’s birthday 6th school trip 7th 8th9th volleyball game 10th 11th 12th13th Maria’s birthday 14th Maria’s birthday party 15th 16th17th speech contest 18th 19th 20th21st 22nd English speech contest 23rd 24th25th 26th 27th 28th29th 30th Rehana’s birthday 31st根据吉娜十月份的记事日历, 回答下列问题。
【单元测试】七年级上册英语人教版Unit 8 03试题试卷含答案

人教新目标版七年级上Unit8(时间: 90分钟, 满分: 100分)一、单项选择。
(15小题, 每小题1分, 共15分)()1. Our school has art festival every year.A. aB. anC. theD. /()2. Children's Day is June 1st and Teachers' Day is September.A. in; inB. in; onC. on; onD. on; in()3. My friend is years old. Today is his birthday.A. ten; tenthB. tenth; tenC. ten; tenD. tenth; tenth()4. comes before(在……前)December, but after October.A. JanuaryB. SeptemberC. MarchD. November()5. Next week is Linda's birthday. We want to a birthday party for her.A. haveB. buyC. playD. take()6. My shoes are under the bed, but under the sofa.A. Mary isB. Mary's isC. Mary areD. Mary's are()7. That is room. It's very big.A. Jane's and Kate'sB. Jane's and KateC. Jane and Kate'sD. Jane and Kate ()8. —Sally is a middle school student. How old is she?—.A. The thirteenB. ThirteenthC. The thirteenthD. Thirteen()9. you have an English party?—Yes, we .A. Do; areB. Are; areC. Do; doD. Are; do()10. —We will have an English party next week.—.A. ThanksB. You' re welcomeC. That's all rightD. Have a good time()11. My skirt is too , so my mother wants to buy me a new one.A. niceB. oldC. tidyD. great()12. —Anna, do you like your school?—Yes. And I have a good at school every day.A. timeB. termC. testD. trip()13. —Jack, can you play ping-pong with me?—Sorry, Dale. I am now. How about this afternoon?A. lateB. shortC. funD. busy()14. —Is David's birthday on March 21st?—. It's on May 12th.A. Yes, it isB. No, he isn'tC. Yes, he isD. No, it isn't()15. Which of the following sentences is correct?A. Their birthdays is on June.B. Her birthday is on August 8th.C. Can you want to come to my birthday party?D. We have a English party on November 30th.二、完形填空. (10小题, 每小题1分, 共10分)(★★☆☆☆)先通读短文, 掌握其大意然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案.I have a nice dog. Her name is Maggie. All my family love Maggie. For us, Maggie is not 16 a dog. She's one of our family.How 17 is Maggie? She's nine years old now. 18 is her birthday? It's on November 27th. Maggie's 19 birthday is next week. We want to have a 20 for Maggie on her birthday. When is it? It's 21 five in the afternoon. All my family will(将)come to the party.My mother buys a big birthday cake(蛋糕)for Maggie. Maggie likes fruit, 22 the cake has some fruit on it. It's healthy for Maggie. I buy Maggie a black hat. I think she must 23 nice in the hat. My father buys some small balls. Maggie must be happy to play with 24 .Happy birthday, my 25 Maggie! I'm sure you will have a good time on your birthday!()16. A. well B. there C. sure D. only()17. A. old B. much C. happy D. big()18. A. Who B. Where C. When D. What()19. A. eighth B. ninth C. tenth D. eleventh()20. A. trip B. party C. test D. price()21. A. in B. on C. at D. of()22. A. but B. so C. and D. after()23. A. look B. take C. need D. sell()24. A. it B. me C. us D. them()25. A. busy B. dear C. short D. easy三、阅读理解(20小题, 每小题2分, 共40分)阅读下面四篇语言材料, 然后按文后要求做题.ATom is an English boy. He is twelve. He has a sister. Her name is Susan. She is thirteen. They are students in No. 5 Middle School. They are really busy this term. November is a great month for them. They have many interesting things to do. Now let's have a look at these things.()26. Who is in Class Three?A. Tom.B. Bill.C. Susan.D. Kate.()27. When is Bill's birthday?A. On November 3rd.B. On November 9th.C. On November 12th.D. On November 15th.()28. How old is Tom?A. Fourteen.B. Thirteen.C. Twelve.D. Eleven.()29. Where can we meet Susan on November 17th?A. In the clothes store.B. In the bookstore.C. At Lost&. Found.D. At a birthday party.()30. We can know that .A. Tom and Susan are in the same schoolB. Susan has an English test this monthC. Bill buys a nice sweater for SusanD. Kate likes playing tennis with TomBDear Jack,Thank you for your present(礼物)for my fifteenth birthday. I play it after class every day.I have three good friends this term. The first one is a nice girl. Her name is Jenny. Her birthday is on October 28th. The second is Alan. He is a fat boy, but he is fun. His birthday is on July 16th. The last one is our English teacher Mr. Smith. He always helps me with my English. His birthday is on December 5th. Teachers' Day is in next month. Jenny wants to make a nice card for Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith likes basketball, so Alan wants to buy a basketball for him. How about me? Mr. Smith likes white. I think a white T-shirt is a good present for him.Yours,Jane 根据材料内容选择最佳答案.()31. How old is Jane?A. 12.B. 13.C. 14.D. 15.()32. Jack may(可能)give Jane a for her birthday.A. dictionaryB. soccer ballC. bookD. pencil box()33. The underlined word "make" means" "in Chinese.A. 打开B. 使用C. 制作D. 出售()34. Mr. Smith can get on Teachers' Day.A. a black T-shirtB. a cardC. a baseballD. a ping-pong bat ()35. 下列哪项叙述是不正确的?A. Jenny is a fat girl.B. Alan's birthday is on July 16th.C. Mr. Smith is an English teacher.D. Mr. Smith likes white.CTom is twelve. He is a student in No. 6 Middle School. He is in Class 3, Grade7. Today is Women's Day, and it is Tom's birthday. His mother and father have a birthdayparty for him. You can see some drinks(饮料)and food on the table. And the gifts from Tom's family are on the table, too.Tom invites(邀请)his good friends to his birthday party. They are Linda, Jack, John and Helen. Linda buys a nice pen for Tom. She knows Tom loves writing stories (写故事). She wants Tom to write many good stories. Jack buys a white baseball for Tom. Baseball is Tom's favorite sport, and he is really good at it. John and Helen buys a big cake for Tom. They sing Happy Birthday to Tom. They are all very happy at the party.根据材料内容选择最佳答案.()36. When is Tom's birthday?A. On the third day of April.B. On the eighth day of May.C. On March 8th.D. On September 10th.()37. What are on the table?①Drinks and food. ②A pen. ③Some gifts. ④A baseball.A. ①②B. ①③C. ①④D. ③④()38. What does the underlined word "it" refer to(指的是)?A. Writing stories.B. Playing soccer.C. Playing V olleyball.D. Playing baseball.()39. What can we know from the passage?A. Jack buys Tom a nice pen.B. Linda buys Tom a baseball.C. The cake is from John and Helen.D. The gifts from Tom's friends are on the table.()40. The best title(最佳标题)for this passage is“ ”.A. Tom's Birthday PartyB. Tom and His Friends' Birthday PartiesC. Nice Birthday Gifts from FriendsD. Healthy Food at the Birthday PartyD(★★★☆☆)It is February 12th. 41 She has three good friends. They are Lily, Jack andme. She asks us to come to her party. And we want to buy some gifts(礼物)for her.42 So Lily buys her a tennis ball from a sports store. Jack thinks Jenny's favorite fruit is strawberries and bananas, so he buys some strawberries and bananas for her. 43 She likes skirts and her favorite color is red. I think she likes the skirt.At seven o'clock, we go to her home. 44 She thanks us for the gifts and coming to her party. We have dinner at her home. And we say “Happy birthday! "to her.45根据材料内容, 从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项, 使短文意思通顺、内容完整.A. We all have a good time at the party.B. It's my friend Jenny's thirteenth birthday.C. For me, I buy her a red skirt.D. When she sees us, she is really happy.E. Jenny likes playing tennis very much.41. ______ 42. ______43. ______ 44. ______ 45. ______四、词语运用. (10小题, 每小题1分, 共10分)(★★★☆☆)阅读短文, 从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空, 使短文通顺、意思完整. 每空限填一词, 每词限用一次. 方框中有两个词是多余的.How are you? I am very 46 this month. September 5th is my good friend Gina's 47 . I will go to her birthday party in the evening. On the 48 , I have an English 49 . On September 17th, I have a baseball game. You know I love baseball. On the 24th, I have a school 50 . On the 28th, I’ ll go to Mr. Cool's Clothes Store. The clothes there are on 51 that day. I want to 52 a pair of sports shoes and a T-shirt. The hats there are very nice. I will buy one 53 you. Oh, Grandma, I'm very sorry I can't go to see you with my 54 this month. See you 55 month.Yours,Eric 46. ______ 47. ______48. ______ 49. ______ 20. ______51. ______ 52. ______53. ______ 54. ______ 55. ______五、补全对话. (5小题, 每小题2分, 共10分)根据下面的对话情景, 在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子, 使对话的意思连贯、完整.A: What is the date today, Lily?B: It's October 20th.A: Oh, great! My birthday is coming.B: 56 ?A: It's on October 27th. 57 ?B: My birthday is on February 15th. 58 ?A: Yes, I do. My parents will(将)have a birthday party for me at home. 59 ? B: Let me see. It's Friday. Sorry, I have a trip next week.A: 60 .56. _____________________________57. _____________________________58. _____________________________59. _____________________________60. _____________________________六、书面表达. (15分)假如你是Ruby, 在中国的一所中学读书. 你想邀请你的朋友周六下午去你家参加你十三岁的生日派对. 请根据以下参考词汇, 用英语写一封邀请函.参考词汇: from…t. o…从…到; hope希望要求:1. 语法正确, 语意连贯, 字迹工整;2. 50词左右, 邀请函的开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数.Dear friends,I am very glad to invite you to my birthday party._____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________Yours,Ruby参考答案一、1—5BDADA6—10 DCDCD11—15 BADDB二、16—20DACCB21—25 CBADB三、A)26—30 CDCBAB)31—35 DBCBAC)36—40 CBDCAD)41—45 BECDA四、46. busy 47. birthday 48. eleventh 49. test 50. trip51. sale 52. buy53. for 54. parents 55. next五、56. When is your birthday/When is it57. What/How about you58. Do youhave a birthday party59. Can you come(to my birthday party)60. That's OK/That's all right/It doesn't matter六、One possible version:Dear friends,I am very glad to invite you to my birthday party. It is my thirteenth birthday party. The party is on Saturday afternoon at my home. It is from 3: 00 to 5: 00. You can have some healthy food and play interesting games at the party. I hope you can have a good time.Yours,Rub。

七年级英语测试卷(九)内容: Unit 8 时间:90分钟分数:120分第一部分听力测试(共20分)一、情景反应(本大题满分5分,每小题1分)( ) I.A.It’s my party. B.At 7:00 this evening. C.Let’s go. ( )2.A.Yes,it is. B.May. C.On Monday. ( )3.A.He is old. B.Thirteen. C.Yes, he is. ( )4.A.On April 3rd. B.Yes, I do. C.At 5:00.( )5.A.No, I’m not. B.I like it. C.Yes,I do.二、对话理解(本大题满分10分,每小题1分)第一节:( )6.When is Alan’s School Day?A.In September. B.In November.C.In December.( )7.How old is David?A.Eleven. B.Twelve. C.Thirteen. ( )8.What does Alice have this term?A.A book sale. B.A volleyball game. C.A basketball game.( )9.Who likes Sports Day?A.Jane. B.Linda. C.Linda’s brother. ( )10.When is Jenny’s birthday?A.October10 th. B.October 11th. C.October12 th.第二节:听第一段对话,回答第11至12小题。
( )Il.When is the book sale?A.October 3rd. B.November 3rd. C.December 3rd. ( )12.Whose school has a soccer game?A.Kate’s. B.Alan’s. C.Tim’s.听第二段对话,回答第13至15小题。

Unit 8 TestName:________ Class: _________一、选择填空。
(30分)()1. When _______your mother's birthday? A. am B. is C. are()2. My date of birth is _______.A.February twelvethB. February twelfthC.February twelve()3. Our school trip is _______May. A. in B. on C. at()4. _______is your Art Festival? It’s______ May 16th.A. What ,onB. When,onC. When,in()5. This is _____football. Please give it to them.A. Tom and TimB. Tom and Tim’sC. Tom’s and Tim’s()6.Our school has ______art festival every year. A.a B. / C.an()7. How much _______the black pants? A. am B. is C. are()8. When is Mother’s Day? It’s in ______ . A. May B. June C. July()9.May is the _____ month of the year. A. fiveth B. fifth C. five()10._______ is Children’s Day. A.July 1st B.August 1st C.June 1st ()11. I know all my ________birthdays.A.teachers B.teacher’s C.teachers’()12. How old ________ your sister? A.have B.is C.are()13. —How old are you? —I’m _______ years old.A.forteen B.fourteen C.fourteenth()14. Edison was born _______ Feb. 11th,1879. A.at B.in C.on()15. --_________? –It’s September 10th.A. What day is it?B. What’s the date?C. What’s it?( ) 16.---Is Julia’s birthday on May 1st? ---Yes,________. A. he is B.she is C. it is( ) 17.The boy is only ______. Today is his _______birthday.A.five,fiveB.fifth,fiveC.five,fifth( ) 18.Sunday is the _______ of a week. A.first B.second st( ) 19.---Happy birthday to you,Gina! ---________.A. Thank youB.All rightC.You are welcome( ) 20.Guo Mingming and Li Tao are _______. A.a Chinese B.ChineseC.Chineses( ) 21.We have sweaters _______ all colors _______5dollars each. .A. at,inB.in, forC.at, for( ) 22.Do you like these blue shoes? Yes, ______.A.I’ll take it.B.I don’t like themC.I’ll take them.( ) 23.Are these your shoes? Yes ______.A. they’reB. they areC. these are( ) 24.What color is that pen? It’s______ green. It’s _______ green pencil.A.a,aB.the,aC./,a( ) 25.--_______ is your sweater? -- The red one. A.Which B.What C.Where ( ) 26._______ milk do you want? A.How B.How much C.How many( ) 27.This pair of socks ______ 8 yuan. A. is B. are C. has( ) 28.The price of the socks_______ 5 yuan. A.does B. do C.is( ) 29.Students don’t go to school _______ Sundays. A.in B.on C.at( ) 30.What’s your age please? ________.A.Sorry, I don’t know.B.Yes, I’m 12.C. Twelve二、阅读理解(10分)Today is November 8th .It’s Mary’s birthday. She is twelve. Jim, Kate and Bill are her friends. They want to buy some presents(礼物)for Mary. They go to the shop near the school. There are a lot of things in the shop. They buy a big cake,two boxes of color pencils, a pencil case and some nice exercise books. They want to buy two dolls for Mary, but all the dolls are too dear(贵). ( )1.What’s the date today?A. Nov. 9th.B. Dec.10th.C. Nov. 8th.D. November 9th.( )2.How old is Mary today? ______.A. 12B. 13C. 14D. 15( )3.Mary has _______ friends. A. three B. four C. two D. only one( )4._______ is near the school.A. Their homeB. A factoryC. The shopD. The farm( )5.They buy ______ for Mary.A. a big cakeB. two boxes of color pencilsC. a pencil case and some nice exercise booksD. A, B and C三.根据首字母写出空缺处单词的准确形式(10)1.December is the t__________ month of the year.2.They have two art f_________.3.These boys all like the school t_________.4.My uncle is thirty-one. Today is his t___________ birthday.5.We have an English evening p________ on may 5th.6.She is our m_________ teacher. She sings very well.7.Do you know the boy’s a_________? Yes, he is five years old.8.Do you know their b__________? Yes, they are July 12th and August 31st.9.How many m_________ are there in a year? Twelve.10.When is the English s_________ contest? It’s on December 8th.四、用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)1. There are twelve _______(month) in a year.2. The Art Festival is on September _______ ( nine)3. Let’s ______ ( play ) basketball.4. January is the________(one) month of the year.5. I am thirteen _______ (year) old.6. When _______(be) your parents’ birthdays?7. Do you know _________(Joe) birthday?8.______ your school________(have ) a Chinese contest?9.I have a sister. _________(she) name is Susan.10. Do you like to w________ the football game?五、按要求变换句型。
人教版七年级英语上册 Unit 8 单元测试卷(含答案)

人教版七年级英语上册 Unit 8 单元测试卷(含答案)I、单项选择(10分)1.— Tom is a middle school student. How old is he?— ________.A. The thirteenB. ThirteenthC. ThirtyD. Thirteen2.— Jim, when were you born?— I was born ________ October, 1988.A. inB. atC. onD.of3.— Happy birthday, Mike!— ________.A. See youB. Happy birthdayC. Thank youD.Good evening4.________ comes before December, but after October.A. NovemberB. SeptemberC. AugustD. January5.Do you want ________ to the birthday party with me?A. goB. goesC. to goD.going6.—I’ll go to Hong Kong for a trip next weekend.— Great! ________A. Good luck!B. Have a good time!C. Best wishes!D. Glad to see you again.7.—When is Joy’s concert?—It’s ________ three o’clock ________ the afternoon of July 18th.A. at; inB. at; onC. on; inD. in; on8.—Do you have ______ school trip this month?—No. We’ll have ______ art festival.A. a; anB. a; aC. an; a9._______ mothers can’t go to the parents’ meeting because they are too busy.A. Jack’s and PaulB. Jack’s and Paul’sC. Jack and Paul’sD. Jack and Paul10.The students will have a party _____ the evening of June 18th.A. onB. atC. inD. toII、根据句意及汉语提示完成句子(15分)1.—What's the ____ (时间)? —It's 7:30 am.2.The baseball game is in ____ (四月).3.The ____ (第二) class in the morning is English.4.Are these your ____ (东西)?5.Who is your English teacher this ____ (学期)?6.When is the English ____ (测验)?7.The school ____ (旅行) is on July 2nd.8.We all like ____ (美术).9.What's your favorite ____ (节日)?10.There are some ____ (学生) in the classroom.11.We can buy some ____ (东西) in the store.12.She wants to study hard this ____ (学期).13.They are very ____ (忙碌的).14.I don't have free ____ (时间).15.The blue T-shirt is over ____ (那里).III、选词填空(15分)A.)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空month, test, busy, July, third,1.The seventh month of the year is ____.2.We have twelve ____ in a year.3.—Excuse me, are you ____? —No, I'm not. I have some time.4.The English ____ is easy. It's not difficult.5.The ____ month of the year is March.B.)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空brother, tomatoes, January, on, them, have, mother's,only, an, thirteenHi! I'm Tina. I'm ____ English girl. I'm ____. I have a ____ and a sister. My brother is eight and my sister is ____ four. I like salad. My brother likes ____ and my sister likes strawberries. We all like sports.Today is ____ 21st. It is my ____ birthday. A big cake is ____ the table. Some applesare also on it. Do you like ____? Come to my mother's birthday party and ____ the cake and the apples.1_________2._________3.___________4.___________5.____________6._________7._________8.___________9.___________10.____________IV、补全对话(5分)A: Hey, Jenny. The girl in the red hat is very nice. Is she your sister?B: No, she isn’t. She’s my cousin.A: What’s her name?B: (1)A: How old is she?B: (2)A: When is her birthday?B: (3)A: Oh, my birthday is also June first. What does she usually do on her birthday.B: (4)A: What does she like? Do you know?B: (5)A: Oh, I like tennis, too. I want to make friends with bet.A. She’s eleven years old.B. Yes, she likes tennis and soccer.C. She usually has a birthday party at Green Hotel.D. Her father is a math teacher.E. She is at Green Midge School.F. Her name is Sally.G. Her birthday is Tune first.V、完成句子(5分)1.我经常在电视上看排球赛。
Unit8 单元检测题 人教版英语七年级上册(含答案)

人教版英语七年级上Unit 8复习检测题一、根据句意汉语或首字母写单词。
1. I’ll have a birthday (聚会) next week.2. My good friend’s birthday is in (二月).3. Mike has a (幸福的) family.4. The white desk is very (旧的).5. (十一月) is the 11th month of a year.6. --- (什么时候) is your brother’s birthday?--- It’s on August 6th.7. Women’s Day (妇女节) is on (三月) 8th.8. Today is April 30th and tomorrow (明天) is (五月) 1st.9. How many (月) are there in a year?10. His daughter’s birthday is in (八月).11. They will have a volleyball game next (月).12. I think the English (测试) is easy.13. When is your school (旅游)?14. Sally’s birthday is on (十月) 25th.15. Let’s go to the library on (九月) 17th.16. I love my (亲爱的) parents.17. We have a basketball game this (学期).18. Do you have (时间) to play sports?19. When is your art (节日)?20. I can go to the store with you.I’m not (忙碌的) now.二、按要求完成句子, 每空一词。
人教版七年级英语上册 Unit 8《When is your birthday》单元测试03含答案

Unit 8 When is your birthday?单元检测03一、听力部分(15分)(一)听句子,选出与你所听到的句子内容相符的图片,其中有两个多余选项。
(5分)A. B. C.D. E. F.G.1.________2.________3.________4.________5.________(二)听对话选择正确答案。
()6. How old is Linda?A. Ten.B. Eleven.C. Twelve.()7. When is Mike’s birthday?A. On March 1st.B. On March 22nd.C. On March 12th.()8. When is Linda’s birthday?A. On June 1st.B. On June 12th.C. We don’t know.听第二段对话,回答第9~10小题。
()9. Where is Tony’s basketball?A. On the chair.B. Under the table.C. Under the bed.()10. When is Tony’s basketball game?A. On September 16th.B. On September 26th.C. On October 26th.(三)听短文,选择正确答案。
(5 分)()11. Jeff is Susan’s ________.A. friendB. brotherC. cousin()12. Sally is ________ years old.A. nineB. elevenC. thirteen()13. Susan’s birthday is on ________.A. April 21stB. July 3rdC. December 12th()14. Jeff, Sally and Susan like ________.A. greenB. sportsC. English()15. Sally likes ________.A. tennisB. basketballC. volleyball二、单项填空(20分)()16. I have ________ aunts, and my ________auntworks in Shanghai.A. two; twoB. two; secondC. second; twoD. second; second.()17. I think Mrs Han is an ________ teacher.A. musicB. ChineseC. mathD. art()18. —Hey, Uncle Leo.Happy birthday!—________A. You’re welcome.B. Thank you.C. The same to you.D. Hello.()19. Teachers’Day is in ________.A. OctoberB. JanuaryC. SeptemberD. December()20. ________ mothers are at work.A. Lisa’s and Linda’sB. Lisa and LindaC. Lisa’s and LindaD. Lisa and Linda’s()21. Leo is my good friend.He likes tennis ________ ping-pong.A. butB. orC. andD. of()22. —When is your birthday?—________ is on October 5th.A. SheB. HeC. TheyD. It()23. —________ is your daughter?—She’s fifteen.A. HowB. How oldC. How manyD. How much()24. —When is his basketball game?—It’s ________ August 6th.A. atB. inC. ofD. on()25. Usually, there are.(有)twenty eight days in ________.A. JanuaryB. FebruaryC. MarchD. June三、完形填空(10分)Hey, my name is Dave.I have26 sisters.My first sister is Lisa.My 27 sister is Sonia. 28 are students at Wenshan School.Lisa is fifteen 29 old. Her birthday ison 30 . Oh, it’s also Teachers’Day.Lisa likes 31 .She plays ping-pong with my father every day.Sonia’s32 is thirteen.Her birthday is on October 1st.It’s33 . Sonia likes 34 and her English isvery good, She often 35 English parties at school, If your English is not good, you can call Sonia. Her telephone number is 201-0980.()26. A. one B. three C. two D. four()27. A. third B. second C. fifth D. fourth()28. A. They B. She C. He D. It()29. A. years B. months C. day D. weeks()30. A. March 8th B. June 1st C. December 25th D. September 10th()31. A. Chinese B. sports C. art D. music()32. A. birthday B. date C. age D. friend()33. A. National Day B. Children’s Day C. the Spring Festival D. Labor Day()34. A. math B. red C. English D. fruit()35. A. play B. has C. take D. bring四、阅读理解(10分)根据表格内容,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。
人教版七年级上册英语 Unit8 When is your birthday?单元试卷

人教版七上英语测试题(Unit 8 When is your birthday? 单元测试题)班级姓名得分第一部分听力部分I、听力技能(共三部分,20小题,每小题1分,共20分,每段材料读两遍)A)图片理解从每小题所给的三幅图中选出与你所听到的对话内容相同或相近的图画。
()1.A. B. C.()2. A. B . C.()3. A. B. C .()4. A. B . C .()5. A. B. C.B)对话理解根据你所听到的对话内容,选择最佳选项回答问题。
21-40小题,每小题1分,共20分)A)单项选择从每小题A ,B, C三个选项中选择正确答案。
()24. —I want to go Qingdao for a trip.—______.A.Happy birthday.B. Here you are.C. Have a good time.D.You’re welcome.()25.I don’t have time to go with you.I’m___ .A.busyB. happyC. boringD.interesting()26. There are(有) thirty-eight in my class, twenty boys and eighteen girls.A. teachersB. cousinsC. daughtersD. students()27. —I like July and August.—I see.In the two _ ,you don’t need to go to school,right?A.daysB. weeksC. morningsD. months()28. —____ do Jack and Ben play ping-pong?—After school.A. WhoB. WhenC. WhereD. How()29. —Mrs.Black has daughters.—Yes.Her first daughter is Amy and her____is Molly..A. second,twoB.second,secondC. two,twoD.two,second ()30.—____is your sister?—She is only one year old.A.How oldB.What colorC. How muchD. What timeB)完形填空通读全文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A, B, C选项中选出一个最佳答案。

Unit 8达标测试卷时间:100分钟满分:120分题号一二三四五六七八九十十一总分得分第Ⅱ卷笔试部分(100分))五、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)21.Teachers' Day in China is on ________.A.September 10th B.October 9thC.October 10th D.November 9th22.—When is Robert's birthday?—________ birthday is on April 15th.A.His B.He C.Him D.Himself(他自己) 23.—Happy birthday!—________.A.The same to you B.Hello,I'm fine C.Thank you D.Happy birthday24.We are planning to have a surprise party ________ her fifteenth birthday.A.at B.in C.for D.with25.—________ is New Year's Day?—It's on January 1st.A.What B.When C.How D.Which 26.Wow!Ten students in our class will celebrate their fourteenth birthdays ________ October!A.in B.on C.at D.to27.________ brother is tall.A.Tom and Jack's B.Tom and JackC.Tom's and Jack D.Tom's and Jack's 28.________comes before(在……之前)September,but after July.A.January B.June C.August D.October 29.We are going on holiday in the ________ week of July.A.two B.twice C.second30.—________is Betty's grandfather?—________is over(超过)70 years old.A.How old;He B.How much;He C.How much;She D.How old;She31.—What time do you usually go to school, Jack?—________about half past seven.A.On B.In C.At D.For32.—When is your birthday?—I was born ________ December 17.This year I'll hold a birthday party for it at home.A.on B.at C.in D.by33.—________ do you play soccer?—After school.A.When B.Where C.What D.Which 34.Tom usually goes fishing ________ Sunday morning.A.at B.on C.for D.in35.David Beckham has ________ s ons.Brooklyn Beckham is his ________ son.A.third; first B.three; one C.three; first D.third; one六、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)(词数:约110;建议用时:7分钟)We have________(36)festivals in China.The Midau tumn Festival(中秋节)is a traditional(传统的)________(37)festi val.It comes in September or October.All the Chinese________(38)like this festival very much.Today is the Midautumn Festival.My parents and I________(39)some moon cakes(月饼)in a________(40)store.My grandparents like________(41).So we also buy some apples,bananas and pears. In the evening,we have a big family________(42).Ah,there are many people—my grandparents,my parents,my uncles,my aunts,my cousins and I.First,we________(43)games.Then we have________(44)together.We eat moon cakes,chicken,vegetables...At last,we watch the moon and the programs(节目) designed(设计) for the Midautumn Festival ________(45)TV.36.A.thirtieth B.much C.a lot D.lots of37.A.English B.Chinese C.American D.Canadian 38.A.people B.boy C.parent D.girl39.A.sell B.need C.buy D.look40.A.clothes B.food C.sports D.vegetable41.A.vegetables B.ice cream C.French fries D.fruit42.A.game B.breakfast C.party D.name43.A.play B.give C.want D.help44.A.breakfast B.lunch C.dinner D.sports45.A.in B.on C.of D.for七、阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)A (词数:约90;建议用时:6分钟)Ed's grandmother is 76 years old.She has three children.Jackson is Ed's father.William is his father's brother,and Kelsey is his father's sister.Ed has two cousins.They are Dick and Linda.T hey are cousins,too.Tomorrow(明天) is September 21st.It's their grandmother's birthday.They want to buy some nice presents(礼物) for their grandmother.They come to a big store together(一起).The hats are on sale for only $18.Ed buys a red hat for his grandmother.Dick buys some nice fruits.Linda buys a nice card with “Happy Birthday” on it.根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。

人教版2022英语七年级上册Unit8When is your birthday单元检测学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单项选择1.Our National Day is on first day in October.A.a;the B.the;a C.the;不填D.a;不填2.There are______days in May and Mother's Day is on______Sunday.A.thirty-one;the second B.thirty-one;secondC.the thirty-first;the second D.the thirty-one;second3.I live far from my school,________I’m never late.A.and B.so C.but D.or 4.—Would you like to come to my birthday________?—Yes,I’d love to.A.party B.card C.photo D.game 5.—It’s June17th.Is it Mom’s birthday?—No,Mom’s birthday is on July17th.It’s next________.A.day B.week C.month D.year 6.—________is your little sister?—She’s ten.A.How many B.How much C.How far D.How old 7.—What do you usually(通常)have______breakfast?—An egg and some cakes,but______Sunday morning,I usually have a hamburger. A.for;on B.about;in C.for;in D.about;on 8.—When is________birthday?—Her birthday is on October5th.A.your brother’s B.your C.your sister’s D.yours 9.February is after________,and it is usually the shortest month.A.March B.April C.January D.May 10.There is an________in May every year at this school.A.soccer game B.book sale C.art festival D.School Day 11.—________is your lesson in the morning?A.Where B.When C.Who D.How 12.Is that________aunt?A.Mike and Jane’s B.Mike’s and Jane C.Mike’s and Jane’s D.Mike and Jane 13.The boys over there are having a soccer________now.A.sport B.game C.play D.term 14.—________?—My birthday is on October10th.A.Is your birthday on October10th B.When is your birthdayC.How old are you D.What’s the date today 15.—Mom,can I go to the party with Alice this evening?—OK.________A.Here you are!B.I’m fine.C.Have a good time!D.That’s for sure.二、完形填空Hello,I’m Alice!Today is my birthday.I have a birthday___16___at home.Some of my friends come to my home,and they___17___some presents to me.I am very___18___ to see them.At my party,my friends and I play games,and we all have___19___.My friends sing (唱)the song Happy Birthday to You to me.And then we___20___the birthday cake and the ice-cream.After that,my friends want___21___to open(打开)my presents.They are interested in(对……感兴趣)them___22___want to have a look at them.So they___23___ me open the presents.All the presents are nice.I like them very much.I say“Thank you!”___24___my friends.I really have____25____good time at my birthday party.16.A.trip B.test C.party D.festival 17.A.give B.see C.sell D.look 18.A.old B.easy C.busy D.happy 19.A.fun B.day C.term D.thing 20.A.get B.eat C.find D.want 21.A.I B.my C.me D.mine 22.A.and B.but C.so D.or 23.A.look B.ask C.help D.come25.A.a B.an C.the D.no三、阅读单选It’s winter!Do you celebrate a special holiday(特殊的节日)?Lots of(许多)people do.There are many customs(风俗)and traditions(传统)around the world.Let’s take a look.Some people celebrate Christmas.It’s on December25th.Before Christmas people decorate a Christmas tree.Theyhang ornaments(装饰品)on it.This tradition is about400years old.Some people also sing Christmas songs atChristmas.Many people celebrate Chinese New Year.They hang redlanterns(灯笼).They clean houses.They visit friends andrelatives(亲戚).They have a traditional family dinner,andeat a lot of good food.They also do a dragon dance(舞龙).It is for good luck(好运).Some people celebrate the week-long Kwanzaa(宽扎节).People light candles.The candles have different(不同的)meanings(意义).The holiday ends with a big meal(一餐).The winter solstice(冬至)is the shortest d of the year inthe Northern hemisphere(北半球).After this,the daysbegin to have more sun light.Some people celebrate thewinter solstice at Stonehenge(巨石阵).It is a famousancient monument(古代遗址)in England.26.The underlined word“decorate”means“________”in Chinese.A.种植B.装饰C.移植D.砍下27.Kwanzaa lasts________days.A.3B.5C.7D.10 28.Stonehenge is in________.A.the UK B.the USA C.China D.Africa29.Which of the following is TRUE?A.On Christmas Day people decorate a Christmas tree.B.People light candles for Chinese New Year.C.All the holidays in the passage are in winter.D.People celebrate the winter solstice only in China.30.What is the best title for the passage?A.The Winter Solstice B.Festivals in the USAC.Holidays in Winter Around the World D.Christmas Tree Decorations I’m Victor.I’m in Xiangyang Middle School.In my school we have five events(活动)every year.They’re the basketball game,the English speech contest(比赛),the school trip, the Music Festival and the School Day.The school trip is on the second day of March Students can go on a picnic(野餐).We are very happy.The Music Festival is on October 19th.It is very interesting.The basketball game is on November12th.It’s boring.I don’t play basketball.But many students in our school like the basketball game.The School Day is the most important(最重要的)day in our school.It’s on December12th.On that day,the students’and the teachers’clothes are red.31.Xiangyang Middle School doesn’t have the________.A.English speech contest B.school trip C.Music FestivalD.Chinese party32.When is the school trip?A.It’s on March2nd.B.It’s on March3rd C.It’s on March12th.D.It’s on May2nd 33.Victor thinks the________is boring.A.basketball game B.English speech contest C.school tripD.Music Festival34.On the School Day students and teachers wear(穿)________.A.good clothes B.red clothes C.sports clothes D.T-shirts and trousers35.What can we know from the passage?A.Xiangyang Middle School has six events every yearB.Many students don’t like the school tripC.Students like going on a picnic.D.Victor likes the school trip and the English speech contest.The Spring Festival is the Chinese New Year’s day.It usually comes in January or February.This year,the Spring Festival is on February12th.Everyone in China likes the Spring Festival very much.When the Spring Festival comes,Li Peng usually helps his parents clean their house,do some shopping and other housework.On that day,nearly all the families have a big dinner to celebrate(庆祝)it.They usually eat dumplings,New Year’s cakes, and other good food in their houses.Li Peng’s favorite food is the New Year’s cakes. 36.The Spring Festival usually comes in_________.A.January or February B.January and February C.JanuaryD.February37.When the Spring Festival comes,Li Peng usually_________.A.does his homework B.helps his parents do many things C.Makes New Year’s cakes D.plays basketball38.On Spring Festival,nearly all the families_________to celebrate it according to the passage.A.clean the house B.do some shopping C.have a big dinner D.do housework 39.When is the Spring Festival this year?A.It’s on January25th B.It’s in February.C.It’s in January or February.D.We don’t know.40.Chinese people usually eat dumplings,New Year’s cakes,and other good food_________ on the Spring Festival.A.in the open air B.in the restaurants C.in the parks D.in their houses It’s Tommy’s birthday today.It is a great day for him,because everyone in his family is here today.“I love everyone in America!”Tommy says after making a wish.“Why do you only love people in America?”asks his father.“People all over the world (世界)need your love.”“I don’t think so,”says Tommy.“We are far away from people in other countries(国家).I don’t need them,and they don’t need me.”“Oh,no,”Tommy’s sister Jane says.“People are not far away from each other today.Weare in a big family.”“Look at all the presents on the desk,”says Aunt Jenny.“How many of them are from other countries?”“Here is some nice food,”says his mother.“It’s from China.”“This watch comes from Japan(日本),”says Jane.“Look at that shirt.It’s from England,”says his grandfather.“How great it is!”Tommy says.The whole world helps us live a beautiful life.I love the whole world!”41.Why is it a great day for Tommy today?A.Because lots of friends come to his birthday party.B.Because he gets some presents from all over the world.C.Because everyone in his family is here for his birthday.D.Because the birthday cake is very big.42.The underlined words“far away”mean(意思是)“________”in Chinese.A.亲密的B.紧张的C.矛盾的D.遥远的43.Where is the watch from?A.China.B.Japan.C.England.D.America. 44.How many people are there at the birthday party?A.Three B.Four C.Five D.Six 45.What does Tommy’s father mean?A.Tommy needs to love the whole world.B.Tommy’s presents are from different(不同的)countries.C.Tommy needs to have many friends from the world.D.Tommy’s friends from all over the world come to the birthday party.四、完成句子46.学校开放日是在什么时候?________________the School Day?47.他们想来你的生日聚会吗?Do they________to________________your birthday party?48.我们在10月30号有一场篮球赛。
七年级英语人教版unit8 单元测试2 含答案

人教新目标七年级上册第八单元When is your birthday?测试题Ⅰ.选择填空。
(15分)1. I have aunts, and my aunt works in Nanjing.A. two; twoB. two; secondC. second; twoD. second; second答案:B。
2. I think Ms Han is an teacher.A. musicB. ChineseC. mathD. art答案:D。
备选答案A、B、c 均以辅音音素开头,其前应用a,只有art以元音音素开头,所以答案选D。
3. Teachers' Day is inA. OctoberB. JanuaryC. SeptemberD. December答案:C。
4. brother is in Grade Seven.A. Lisa's and Linda'sB. Lisa and LindaC. Lisa's and LindaD. Lisa and Linda's答案:D。
5. Leo is my good friend. He likes tennis ping-pong.A. butB. orC. andD. of答案:C。
6. -- is your cousin?--She's fifteen years old.A. HowB. How oldC. How manyD. How much答案:B。
单元测试七年级上册英语人教版Unit 8 试卷含答案

人教新目标版七年级上Unit8一、单项选择( )1. Sunday is ______ day of a week.A. oneB. firstC. the first( )2. There are twelve ______ in a year.A. daysB. datesC. months( )3. ______ is the second month of a year.A. JanuaryB. FebruaryC. March( )4.---______ is the little girl?---Only three months.A. HowB. How manyC. How old( )5.---When is the school trip? ---_______A. On November 10th.B. On November 1th.C. On November nineth. ( )6.---_____ do you have the English party?---Every Friday afternoon.A. WhenB. WhereC. What( )7. There are 28 or 29 days in ______?A. MayB. MarchC. February( )8. The boy is _____. Today is his ______birthday.A. five; fiveB. fifth; fiveC. five; fifth( )9. The room is______ .A. Tom and JackB. Tom's and Jack' sC. Tom and Jack's ( )10.---When is Sally's birthday?---It is ______September.A. onB. inC. at二、完形填空Tom's birthday is very interesting. His parents buy lots of ice creams 11 him on his birthday. A small strawberry is only one 12 the ice-creams. Tom 13 one ice cream for one year. He's eighteen years old this year and he eats 14 ice creams. Oh! He eats the strawberry in 15 ice cream! It is great! He can be 16 and happy this year. Tom also 17 lots of birthday cards on his birthday. His friends come to his birthday and say "Happy 18 " to him. Tom's parents have a talk(谈话) with him. They want Tom to 19 he can come home at any time, and he also can go to his 20 homes at night. It's a fun birthday.( )11. A. from B. for C. on( )12. A. in B. for C. of( )13. A. buys B. likes C. eats( )14. A. eighteenth B. eighteen C. eighth( )15. A. the sixteenth B. sixteenth C. sixteen( )16. A. boring B. difficult C. healthy( )17. A. meets B. has C. does( )18. A. Birthday B. Teachers' Day C. New Year( )19. A. see B. know C. thank( )20. A. the friend B. friends C. friends'三、阅读理解 AIt's Jim's birthday today. He is five years old. He gets many nice birthday presents(礼物) from his family and one of them is a big drum(鼓)."Who gives him the drum?" his father asks."His grandfather does," answers Jim's mother.Jim likes his drum very much. He makes a noise(噪音) with it, but his mother doesn't say anything about it. His father is not at home. He is working in a school. So he doesn't hear the noise.But one of the neighbours(邻居) doesn't like the noise at all. So one morning she takes a knife and goes into Jim's room. Jim is making a noise with the drum. She says to him,"Hello, Jim. Do you know there is something nice in your drum? Here's a knife. Open the drum and let's find it."( )21. Jim's ______ gives him the drum.A. grandfatherB. fatherC. mother( )22. Jim's father is ______.A. a workerB. a teacherC. a cleaner( )23. The neighbour hates(讨厌) ______.A. Jim's presentsB. the drumC. the noise( )24. The neighbour tells Jim ______.A. to put the drum awayB. to look after the drumC. to open the drum with the knife( )25. Which of the following is right?A. Jim's grandfather makes the drum.B. Something is wrong with Jim's father's ears.C. Jim's mother doesn't stop(阻止) t he noise.B.Birthdays of my familyThere are five people in my family. My ( 1 ) birthday is in January. We ( 2 )看电视on her birthday and eat a big birthday cake.March is the ( 3 ) month of a year. In my family, we have three birthdays in March. ( 4 ) My sister's birthday is on March 6th. My birthday is on March 16th. My grandfather's birthday is in March, too. My father's birthday is in December.It's on ( 5 )12月26日.根据短文内容,完成下列任务。

七年级英语上册Unit8练习题班级考号姓名总分一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词1.W_____ is your mother’s birthday?2.January is the first ______ (月份) of a year.3.S_______ comes after August.4.I want to make progress (取得进步) this ______ (学期).5.We are b_____ with our homework now.6.We have a ______ (愉快的) holiday.7.My mum will have a p_______ for my birthday.8.My ______ (旅行) to Beijing is wonderful.9.There are lots of t______ on the desk.10.How _____ (年老的) are you?二、用所给词的适当形式填空1.My birthday is on June ______ (twenty).2.How old _____ (be) your father?3.Do you want _____ (have) lunch with me?4.February is the ______ (two) month of a year.5.The book is very _______ (interest).6.We have fun _____ (play) with you.7.These students are ______ (real) busy.8.Our Art Festival is on October _______ (twenty- five).9.My mother is busy _______ (clean) the room.10.The girl is five ______ (year) old.三、单项选择( )1.--_____ is your birthday-- It’s on May tenth.A.WhatB.HowC.WhenD.Where( )2.Happy birthday _____ you!A.forB.toC.atD.on( )3.-- ______ are you?-- I’m thirteen years old.A.How oldB.How muchC.How manyD.How( )4.My brother’s birthd ay is ____ July, but my birthday is _____ September fifteenth.A.in; onB.in; inC.on; inD.on; on( )5.I’m ______ in this ______ book.A.interesting; interestedB.interesting; interestingC.interested; interestedD.interested; interesting( )6.We have lots of things _____ this term.A.forB.onC.atD.in( )7.It’s fun _____ a trip today.A.takeB.takesC.takingD.to take( )8._____ a cold morning, the old man walked along the street.A.OnB.InC.AtD.For( )9.We will have a party _____ five this afternoon.A.onB.inC.atD.for( )10.-- We will meet at the gate (大门).--_____A.Thank you.B.See youC.SorryD.It doesn’t matter.四、翻译句子1.他的生日在四月二十日。
人教版英语七年级上册Unit8When is your birthday SectionA课后练习题

一、改写句子1. Are these good parties? (改为单数句)Is ________ a good ________?2. This boy is 12 years old. That boy is 12 years old, too. (合并为一句)This boy is __________ __________ __________ that one.3. It is Lucy’s dictionary. (改为否定句)________________________________________________4. She comes late. Her teacher isn’t happy. (用if将两句合为一句)__________________________5. My brother’s birthday is in September. (改为否定句)My brother’s birthday ________ in September.二、单项选择6. —________ you tell me how to use a dictionary, Mr. Wu?— Sure. The guide word in the top corner of each page will help you.A.Could B.Must C.May D.Should7. We’ll have a ________ holiday. What about going to the West Lake?A.two days B.two-days C.two-days’D.two days’8. We’ll stay at home ________ it rains.A.before B.after C.if D.when9. —Whose room is it?—It’s ________.A.Lucy’s and Lily’s B.Lucy and Lily’s C.Lucy and Lily10. Sunday is the ________ day of a week.A.first B.second C.sixth D.seventh11. There are _____ floors in this building and Mr. Wang’s office is on _____floor. A.forty; twelfth B.fortieth; twelveC.fortieth; twelfth D.forty; the twelfth12. My favorite day is Thursday. It’s ________ day of a week and we have P.E and art.A.the fourth B.the fifth C.four D.five13. —________ do you spend your pocket money, Bob?—I buy some books with it.A.What B.How C.Where D.When14. There are ________ seasons in a year. Winter is ________ season.A.fourth; four B.fourth; the fourth C.four; the fourth D.four; the four 15. He lives in the ________ building in the community. It’s a building with ________ floors.A.second; three B.second, third C.two; three D.two; third三、句型转换16. People will travel to the Moon easily some day. (对画线部分提问)____________________________________________17. Pour some water into the glass. (改为否定句)________ ________ any water into the glass.18. It is in the student’s room.(改为复数句)_______________________________________________________________________________________________ 19. Betty is eleven. (对画线部分提问)________ ________ is Betty?20. Wendy’s mother is 45 years old. (对划线部分提问)________ ________ ________ Wendy’s mother?四、单词拼写21. To____________ (德国人) surprise, a large number of people from Syria come to their country.22. The students have a two-day school trip in O________.23. There are 12 m___________(月份)in one year.24. ________ /dɪˈsembə(r)/ is the twelfth month of the year.25. Tom's uncle is forty y________ old.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空26. In the ____________ (one) picture are my friends.27. The kitchen is on the ________ (one) floor.28. My ________ (brother) name is Mike.29. That girl is Rose. She is ________ (Jane) pen pal.30. The baby ________ (panda) mother looks after them well.六、完成句子31. 十二月是一年中的第十二个月。
人教版七年级上册英语单元测试题:Unit8Whenisyourbirthday (2)

听力,词汇A) 听力。
(20分)(1) 听句子,选出句中所包含的单词或短语。
(每个句子读两遍,你有5秒钟答题时间)(5分)( ) 1. A. birthday B. happy C. January( ) 2. A. twelve B. twentieth C. twenty( ) 3. A. April 1st B. June 1st C. August 1st( ) 4. A. Art Festival B. Music concert C. English contest( ) 5. A. speech B. contest C. party(2) 听句子,选择与所听句子意思相符的图片。
(每个句子读两遍,你有10 秒钟答题时间)(5分)6. ______7. ______8. ______9. ______10. ______(3) 听对话,选择正确答案。
(对话读两遍,你有20秒钟答题时间)(5分) ( ) 11. When is Tom’s birthday?A. May 3rd.B. May 13th.C. May 30th.( ) 12. How old is Tom?A. 10.B. 11.C. 12.( ) 13. Is Tom’s birthday party May 13th?A. Yes, it is.B. Yes, it does.C. No, it isn’t.( ) 14. When is the School Day?A. July 15th.B. July 5th.C. July 25th.( ) 15. Is the school trip June 25th?A. Yes, it is.B. No, it isn’t.C. It is on June 25th.(4) 听短文及问题,选择正确答案。
(短文及问题读两遍,你有20秒钟答题时间)(5分)( ) 16. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. C. No, he isn’t.( ) 17. A. 39. B. 37. C. 36.( ) 18. A. In June. B. In December. C. In August.( ) 19. A. Peter’s brother. B. Peter’s father. C. A dog.( ) 20. A. Yes, there are. B. No, there aren’t. C. We don’t know.B) 词汇。

英语人教版七年级上Unit 1My name's Gina.单元检测(时间:60分钟满分:100分)Ⅰ.单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)1.—What's this?—It's ______ orange.A.a B.anC.the D./2.Five and three is ______.A.six B.sevenC.eight D.nine3.—What color is ______ ruler?—Red.A.your B.IC.you D.it4.______ her name?A.What B.HowC.How is D.What's5.—What's this in English?—It's a(n)______.A.map B.CDC.ID card D.quilt6.—Nice to meet you,Alan!—______A.I'm fine,thanks. B.Nice to meet you,too!C.Hello! D.Good morning!—______.A.It's a pen B.My name is JackC.His name is Jim D.He is fine8.I'm Cindy Jones.Jones is my ______.A.first name B.last nameC.name D.full name9.This is a boy.His name is ______.A.Zhao Haitao B.Zhao Hai Tao C.Zhaohaitao D.zhaohaitao10.—What's your telephone number?—______ 6257886.A.It's B.I'mC.She's D.He's11.—Nice to ______you.—Nice to meet you,too.A.see B.meetC.look at D.look12.向别人介绍自己时应说:______A.How are you? B.My name is...C.What's your name? D.Goo d morning! 13.Her name is Kate Green.Her______ name is Green. A.last B.fir stC.English D.full14.—______her phone number?—It's 654526454.A.What B.What's15.Her name is Gao Huili.Her last name is ______.A.Gao B.HuiliC.Gao Hui D.Gao liⅡ.完形填空(每小题2分,共20分)I'm a boy.My__1__is Tom Green.__2__ is my family name.What's__3__ in English?It's a pen.It is__4__ pen.It is blue.I like it very much.This is my jacket.It is very big.It is size __5__.This is my sister.__6__ name is Linda.She__7__ seven years old.I have a__8__.Its number is 6543795.There are(有)__9__ people in my family.It is a happy__10__.My parents love us.We love them,too.1.A.family B.EnglishC.name D.last2.A.Green B.Tom GreenC.Tom D.Greens3.A.it B.thisC.you D.they4.A.your B.hisC.her D.my5.A.S B.MC.L D.P6.A.Her B.SheC.Its D.His7.A.am B.isC.are D.be8.A.pen B.rulerC.key D.phone9.A.one B.twoC.three D.four10.A.family B.schoolC.map D.bookⅢ.阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)AThis is a Chinese boy.His name is Ling Feng.He's thirteen.He is in No.5 Middle School.He is in Class One,Grade Two.Ling Feng is in Row Four.He is Number 20.Miss Zhang is his English teacher.They love her very much.1.Ling Feng is a(n) ______ boy.A.English B.AmericanC.Chinese D.China2.He is in ______.A.row Four B.row 4C.Four Row D.Row Four3.______ is his English teacher.A.Miss Zhang B.Mr. ZhangC.Mrs. Zhang D.Teacher Wang4.He is in ______.A.Class 1,Grade 2 B.class 1,grade 2C.Class 2,Grade 1 D.Class 2,Grade 25.He is ______ years old.A.30 B.12C.13 D.11BMy name is Tom.I'm nine.This is my mother(母亲).Her name's Linda Johnson.Her telephone number is .And this is my father(父亲).His name is Mike Johnson.His phone number is .And this is my sister(姐妹).What's her name?Her name is Mary.Look!The boy is my brother(兄弟)Nick.Mary is eight and Nick is six.6.Mother is ______.A.Mary Johnson B.Mike JohnsonC.Linda Johnson D.Nick Johnson7.Father's telephone number is ______.A.B.C.D.8.Mary is______.A.six B.nineC.eight D.seven9.My brother is ______.A.Tom B.MikeC.Nick D.Johnson10.My family name is ______.A.Johnson B.NickC.Mike D.TomC看下面的卡片,然后根据卡片中的信息以及相关提示写出句子或回答问题。

Unit8 When is your birthday?单元练习一、单项选择(共15小题;共15分)1. --- is your birthday?--- It's on March .A. When; twenty ninthB. When; twenty-ninthC. What; twentieth-ninthD. When; twenty-ninth2. --- When is your birthday?--- It's on .A. February nineB. February ninethC. February the ninthD. February nineteen3. --- What is the date today?--- It is .A. SundayB. August nineC. the first of MayD. October fifth4. Walk along the street and take the crossing on theleft.A. fiveB. fivesC. fifthD. fiveth5. --- What are you going shopping for?--- I want to buy something for my son's birthday. A. twelve B. twelfth C. the twelfth D. the twelveth6. All the kids had a lot offun Children's Day. They sang and danced happily all day.A. inB. atC. ofD. on7. --- When is your birthday?--- It's .A. FebruaryB. secondC. February secondD. 19908. --- I'm going to have a summer holiday in Dalian.--- .A. Have a good time.B. No, it's bad.C. That's all right.9. --- is her birthday?--- It's on October 10.A. WhyB. HowC. WhenD. What10. --- When is your birthday?--- It's on .A. February twoB. February 2ndC. February 2thD. February the two11. --- What's the date today?--- It's June , 2021.A. the fifteenB. the nineteenthC. eighteen12. day of a week is Thursday.A. The fifthB. The fiveC. FifthD. Five13. My uncle bought me an iPhone formy birthday.A. twelveB. twelfthC. the twelveD. thetwelfth14. Children's Day, all the children arevery happy.A. ToB. InC. OnD. At15. --- What's the date today?--- It's .A. TuesdayB. June FourthC. June the fourD. June4th二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共15小题;共15分)16. I was b yesterday. I had lots of things to do.17. Spring Festival usually comes in F , but sometimes it comes in January.18. We have many activities in this school t .19. J is the first month and we have New Year's Day in this month.20. Teachers' Day is on S 10th. We often give flowers to our teachers on that day.21. As we all know Thursday is the f day ofa week.22. My birthday is N 2.23. Father's Day is on the t Sunday in June.24. Bastille Day is on J 14.25. New Year is a traditional f for Chinese people.26. The best time to visit New York is in O .27. The twelfth month of a year is D .28. Tree Planting Day comes on the t of March.29. Great changes have taken place in my home town in the t century.30. Write your name f , then you come in.三、单词拼写(依照中文提示拼写单词)(共15小题;共15分)31. The second month of the year is (二月) .32. The school volleyball game is in (十月).33. September is the (九) month of the year.34. Lily will sing(演唱) at the school musicf (会演节).35. We'll have a subject of geography this (学期).36. (九月) is the ninth month of the year.37. December is the t (第十二) month of the year.38. They want to go on a long (旅行) to the west of China.39. Tom is Mr. and Mrs. Green's (第二) son.40. Today is her (八) birthday.41. The newly-built Runyang Bridge isthe (三) biggest one in the world.42. Deng Xiaoping was born on (八月) 22nd, 1904.43. December comes after (十一月).44. Christmas Day is on (十二月) 25th.45. This is Johnson's (第二十) birthday.四、完形填空(共10小题;共15分)I'm a middle school student. My first name is Lisaand my 46 name is Green. I'm 12 years old. I have 47 good friends. One is 48 boy. His name is Tom. The other (另一个) is a girl and 49 name is Alice. Tom 50 13. His birthday is on July fifteenth. Aliceis 12 years old. 51 is her birthday? Oh, 52 on December twelfth. She always has a birthday53 at home on that day and has a good 54 . What about me? My birthday is on January 55 , New Year's Day.46. A. middle B. nice C. last D. small47. A. two B. three C. four D. five48. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填49. A. his B. her C. my D. your50. A. is B. are C. has D. have51. A. How B. Who C. Why D. When52. A. he's B. she's C. it's D.I'm53. A. trip B. test C. party D. festival54. A. friend B. time C. habit D. family55. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth五、阅读明白得(共19小题;共38分)AMy name is Mizuno Hiromi. I come from Japan. And I live in Fukushima now. I want to have a friend in China and I want to know something about China.I'm 14 years old and my birthday is in November. I like making friends with others. I can speak Japanese, English and a little Chinese. I usually walk to school but sometimes I go to school by bus or by bike. I like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports on weekends. I like P.E. best. I think it's fun. But I don't like physics(物理). I think it's too hard.56. Mizuno Hiromi is a(n) boy.A. ChineseB. EnglishC. JapaneseD. Canadian57. Mizuno Hiromi wants to find a friend in China because .A. he wants to travel in ChinaB. he wants to know something about ChinaC. he wants to study in ChinaD. he wants to learn Chinese58. How many kinds of language can Mizuno Hiromi speak?A. Only one.B. Two.C. Three.D. Four.59. How does Mizuno Hiromi usually go to school?A. By car.B. By bus.C. On foot.D. By bike.60. Which of the following is WRONG?A. Mizuno Hiromi was born in winter.B. Mizuno Hiromi likes going to the movies.C. Mizuno Hiromi likes P.E. because it's fun.D. Mizuno Hiromi can speak English and Chinese well.BTom is from America. His birthday is coming. Betty and her friends are talking about it. They usually send him a birthday card. They also make a cake for his birthday because Tom loves cakes. Tom often listens to music, so his friends will give him a CD this year. They will watch a football game on TV together because Tom also enjoys playing football. They will have a birthday party because Tom always likes parties.Taotao is from China. On his birthday, he usually stays at home with his parents. He usually has noodles andeggs. In China, noodles mean "long life" and eggs keep children healthy and clever. His parents and grandparents usually give him some books as gifts. Taobao enjoys his birthday a lot.61. The underlined word "it" refers to " ".A. TomB. Tom's birthdayC. Tom's friendD. Tom's cake62. What do Tom's friends do on his birthday?A. They give him eggs.B. They listen to nice music.C. They make a cake for him.D. They give him some books.63. Tom enjoys .A. playing footballB. making cardsC. making a CDD. collecting gifts64. Taotao on his birthday.A. has eggs and noodlesB. makes his parents happyC. has a party with his familyD. visits his grandparents65. Both Tom and Taotao .A. listen to music a lotB. like watching foot ball gamesC. get the birthday cardsD. enjoy their birthdaysCA. B.C. D.67. The kids can't learn in Big Dream Summer Camp.A. how to go fishingB. air problems about the earthC. how to grow trees and flowersD. how to make better use of the garbage(垃圾)68. David needs to take with him for Big Dream Summer Camp.A. his pet dog and some clothesB. a sleeping bag and his MP4C. a sleeping bag and some clothesD. a mobile phone and some snacks69. Jenny has to join because of her piano lessons from July 7 to August 7.A. Camp 1B. Camp 2C. Camp 3D. Camp 470. Who can't join Big Dream Summer Camp according to the poster?A. Jack, a 15-year-old boy.B. Cindy, a college girl of 20.C. Tony, a naughty boy of 13.D. Tina, a 16-year-old school girl.DFast food restaurants are popular with many kinds of people around the world, and they are popular with children, too. One reason is that many fast food restaurants now give people a toy with their meal.Most fast food restaurants make a series of toys, usually about six, for people to collect. The collectors are not only children---many adults also enjoy collecting the toys. Some people collect the toys over many years. The toys are from dolls and soft toys like Teddy bears to model cars, trucks and electronic toys such as Tamagochis. Some of theolder toy collections are worth a lot of money today. There are now several websites where collectors can buy and sell the toys, or chat about their collections online with other collectors.71. What is the main idea of the passage?A. People can buy and sell toys on the InternetB. People around the world love to eat fast foodC. Fast food restaurants are popular because people like their toysD. Many people today enjoy collecting toys from fast food restaurants72. Many people buy and sell their toys .A. at meetingsB. in fast food restaurantsC. on the InternetD. at school73. Which kind of toy is NOT in the passage?A. Electronic toysB. Toy boatsC. DollsD. Teddy bears74. Which of the following is true?A. Some of the toys from fast food restaurants are worth lots of moneyB. Many fast food restaurants give free meals to childrenC. Some restaurants give electronic gifts like CD playersD. Six types of fast food restaurants give away toys六、阅读与表达(判定式)(共5小题;共10分)Mr. and Mrs. Scott want to buy some new chairs for their new house. They come into a shop and see some very good chairs on the floor. They like the colour and want to know how much they are. They see a price tag on one chair. It reads "$100". They like the chairs but they are too dear for them. The Scotts don't think they can buy them now. They leave this shop and go to other shops. Mr. Scott thinks they can find some good but cheap chairs.依照短文内容,判定正误,正确的为T,错误的为F。

2021-2022学年人教版英语七年级上册Unit8单元测试一、单选题(本大题共10小题,共10.0分)1.These days they are busy ________ soccer.A. playB. playingC. with playD. at2.My birthday is ________ February and Lindaˈs birthday is ________ March 12th.A. in; atB. in; onC. on; inD. at; in3.On ________ 12th, we have ________ art festival.A. the; theB. the; aC. the; anD. a; an4.Look! Some rice ________ here and some carrots ________ there.A. is; isB. is; areC. are; isD. are; are5.-What is your ________?-I'm fourteen.A. oldB. ageC. yearD. name6.—When is _________ Day?—It’s on June 1st, Dave.A. ChildB. ChildrenC. Child’sD. Children’s7.Mom, I don’t like this jacket. It’s too ________.A. niceB. oldC. tidyD. great8.He is ________ student to come to school.A. oneB. the firstC. twoD. first9.—Happy birthday, Ms. Zhang! Here is a card for you.—________, my dear students.A. The same to youB. Youˈre welcomeC. Thank youD. Thatˈs for sure10._________ comes before(在……之前)September, but after July.A. JanuaryB. JuneC. AugustD. October二、完形填空(本大题共20小题,共30.0分)Hi, everyone. I'm a little panda. You can call (11) Lele. Today is March 16th. It is my birthday. I (12) a birthday cake. It's my (13) time to eat a birthday cake, becauseit's my first birthday. I'm one (14) old. The cake is big and nice. I (15) it. I want to eat it every year, (16) I will not eat the whole(整个的)cake. I don't want tobe (17) . Look at the photo. I'm eating the cake. (18) is your birthday? Isit (19) March 16th too? What do you eat on your birthday? Do you (20) a birthday cake, too? Tell me, please.11. A. I B. me C. mine D. my12. A. buy B. love C. need D. get13. A. first B. second C. third D. fifth14. A. day B. week C. month D. year15. A. think B. take C. love D. play16. A. and B. but C. so D. then17. A. fat B. old C. busy D. happy18. A. Where B. How C. What D. When19. A. in B. on C. at D. to20. A. know B. sell C. eat D. seeMary likes (21) the twelfth month of a year, because her birthday is in this (22) . She is thirteen years old today. She asks some of her (23) to come to her party. She goes to the store and buys fruit in the (24) . The apples, bananas and oranges are at very good (25) . Her parents buy some eggs and chicken for them. Her grandparents buy her a nice skirt in purple and a (26) watch. It's her favorite (27) . Then her friends come and (28) "Happy birthday!" to her. After lunch, they tell relaxing stories (讲故事). Mary's good friend Linda often reads (读) books, (29) she tells many fun stories. (30) have a good time.21. A. September B. November C. December D. October22. A. year B. month C. day D. week23. A. cousins B. classmates C. friends D. students24. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening D. night25. A. stores B. fruit C. time D. prices26. A. orange B. purple C. pink D. red27. A. book B. clothes C. color D. food28. A. say B. meet C. see D. think29. A. because B. but C. so D. or30. A. We B. They C. You D. She三、阅读理解(本大题共20小题,共40.0分)AI like shopping, but shopping with young children is not an easy thing. I have to look after(照顾) my children when I go shopping with my husband. When I look at a cheap dress, he always says, "Itˈs beautiful on you." But when I have an expensive one in my hands, he always says, "I donˈt think it fits you well." Thatˈs why I often go shopping with my friends. Itˈs fun. I like shopping alone(独自的), too.—Alice I like shopping very much, but I never go shopping on weekends. There are too many people in shops. I donˈt like shopping with other people. It is usually because I never buy things when I first see them. I always look around other shops to find the same thing but cheaper. Iˈm good at finding the cheap things. I donˈt like buying food in small shops or street markets. I think food in supermarkets is fresh and cheap.—Maria31.Both Alice and Maria like shopping ________.A. with friendsB. aloneC. on weekendsD. on weekdays32.It takes(花费) Maria much time to buy things because ________.A. she doesnˈt really like shoppingB. there are too many people in the shopC. she wants to find the same thing but cheaperD. she likes buying expensive things33.The underlined word "fit" may mean "________" in Chinese.A. 适合B. 满足C. 改善D. 胜任34.Maria likes to buy food ________.A. in small shopsB. in supermarketsC. in streetsD. in street markets35.From the passage, we know that ________.A. Alice and Maria are good friendsB. Alice likes to buy cheap thingsC. Maria likes to buy expensive thingsD. Maria doesnˈt like to buy food in small shopsBIt is February 12th. It’s my friend Jenny’s thirteenth birthday. She has three good friends. They are Lily, Jack and me. She asks us to come to her party. And we want to buy some gifts for her. Lily knows Jenny likes playing tennis very much, so she buys a tennis ball for her. Jack thinks Jenny’s favorite(最喜欢的)fruit is strawberries and pears, so he buys some strawberries and pears for her. As for me, I buy her a red skirt. She likes skirts and her favorite color is red. I think she will like the skirt.At seven, we go to her home. When she sees us, she is really happy. She thanks us for the gifts and coming to her party. We have dinner at her home. And we say “Happy birthday!” to her. We all have a good time at the party.36.How old is Jenny?A. 10.B. 11.C. 12.D. 13.37.What does Lily buy for Jenny?A. A ball.B. Some pears.C. A skirt.D. A shirt.38.The underlined word “gifts” means “________” in Chinese.A. 鲜花B. 杂志C. 礼物D. 玩具39.We can know that ________.A. Jenny doesn’t like pearsB. Jenny has a birthday party at homeC. Jenny likes blue bestD. Jenny has two friends40.What is the passage mainly about?A. Jenny’s good friends.B. Jenny’s birthday party.C. Jenny’s favorite clothes.D. Jenny’s nice dinner.CHi, I am Jenny White. We have a really fun term.Do you love volleyball? On September 7th, we have a volleyball game at four in the afternoon. It's interesting for me. My teacher says we can see some great volleyball stars. InOctober, we have a school trip. It's relaxing for us. In November, we have an art festival and an English party. The art festival is on November 3rd. The English party is on November 18th. It's in our classroom.Sally's birthday is on December 11th. I want to buy a white model plane for her. Jim wants to buy a book and Bob will buy a birthday cake for her. She must be happy.41.The school has a ________ on September 7th.A. soccer gameB. volleyball gameC. basketball gameD. tennis game42.The school trip is ________ for Jenny.A. boringB. interestingC. relaxingD. difficult43.What do they have in November?A. A school trip and an art festival.B. An art festival and a volleyball game.C. An English party and a school trip.D. An art festival and an English party.44.Where is the English party?A. In the library.B. In the classroom.C. In Jenny's room.D. In the store.45.Jenny wants to buy ________ for Sally.A. a model planeB. a bookC. a radioD. a birthday cakeDHi! I am Xiao Hua.I have four friends.They are Dale, Frank, Peter and Jenny.Now we are talking about the months of the year in the classroom.Dale likes June very much.Our school has a music festival this month every year.He likes music.He wants to take part in it and he thinks itˈs very interesting.Frank likes July.He can go out for a trip in July.For Peter, March is the best month in a year.His birthday is in it.What about Jenny? She likes December, because she likes Christmas.She can get some gifts, and her parents buy nice clothes for her at this festival.Which(哪一个) month do I like? Can you guess?I can have a one-week holiday this month because National__Day is in it.Yes.Itˈs the tenth month of the year.46.How many(多少) people(人) are talking about the months of the year in the classroom?A. Two.B. Three.C. Four.D. Five.47.What does Dale think is interesting?A. Music.B. The music festival.C. June.D. Our school.48.Which is Peterˈs favorite month?A. July.B. March.C. June.D. December.49.What festival does Jenny like?A. The music festival.B. New Yearˈs Day.C. National Day.D. Christmas.50.What does the underlined phrase(短语) “National Day” mean?A. 国庆节B. 妇女节C. 春节D. 劳动节四、选词填空-句子(本大题共1小题,共5.0分)51.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。
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Unit 8 TestName:________ Class: _________ 一、选择填空。
(30分)()1. When _______your mother's birthday?A. amB. isC. are()2. My date of birth is _______.A.February twelvethB. February twelfthC.February twelve ()3. Our school trip is _______May.A. inB. onC. at()4. _______is your Art Festival? It’s______ May 16thA. What ,onB. When, onC. When, in()5. This is _____football. Please give it to them.A. Tom and TimB. Tom and Tim’sC. Tom’s and Tim’s()6.Our school has ______art festival every year.A.aB. /C. an()7. How much _______the black pants?A. amB. isC. are()8. When is Mother’s Day? It’s in ______ .A. MayB. JuneC. July()9.May is the _____ month of the year.A. fivethB. fifthC. five()10._______ is Children’s Day.A.July 1stB. August 1stC. June 1st()11. I know all my ________birthdays.A.teachers B.teacher’s C.teachers’()12. How old ________ your sister?A.have B.is C.are()13. —How old are you? —I’m _______ years old. A.forteen B.fourteen C.fourteenth()14. Edison was born _______ Feb. 11th,1879.A.at B.in C.on()15. --_________? –It’s September 10th.A. What day is it?B. What’s the date?C. What’s it?( ) 16.---Is Julia’s birthday on May 1st? ---Yes,________.A. he isB. she isC. it is( ) 17.The boy is only ______. Today is his _______birthday.A.five, fiveB. fifth, fiveC. five, fifth( ) 18.Sunday is the _______ of a week.A.firstB. secondC. last( ) 19.---Happy birthday to you,Gina! ---________.A. Thank youB. All rightC. You are welcome( ) 20.Guo Mingming and Li Tao are _______.A.a ChineseB. ChineseC. Chineses( ) 21.We have sweaters _______ all colors ______5dollars each. .A. at, inB. in, forC. at, for( ) 22.Do you like these blue shoes? Yes, ______.A.I’ll take it.B.I don’t like themC. I’ll take them.( ) 23.Are these your shoes? Yes ______.A. they’reB. they areC. these are( ) 24.What color is that pen? It’s______ green. It’s _______ green pencil.A.a, aB. the, aC./,a( ) 25.--_______ is your sweater? -- The red one.A.WhichB. WhatC. Where( ) 26._______ milk do you want?A.HowB. How muchC. How many( ) 27.This pair of socks ______ 8 yuan.A. isB. areC. has( ) 28.The price of the socks_______ 5 yuan.A.doesB. doC.is( ) 29.Students don’t go to school _______ Sundays.A.inB. onC. at( ) 30.What’s your age please? ________.A. Sorry, I don’t know.B. Yes, I’m 12.C. Twelve二、阅读理解(10分)Today is November 8th.It’s Mary’s birthday. She is twelve. Jim, Kate and Bill are her friends. They want to buy some presents(礼物)for Mary. They go to the shop near the school. There are a lot of things in the shop. They buy a big cake,two boxes of color pencils, a pencil case and some nice exercise books. They want to buy two dolls for Mary, but all the dolls are too dear(贵).( )1.What’s the date today?A. Nov. 9th.B. Dec.10th.C. Nov. 8th.D. November 9th.( )2.How old is Mary today? ______.A. 12B. 13C. 14D. 15( )3.Mary has _______ friends.A. threeB. fourC. twoD. only one( )4._______ is near the school.A. Their homeB. A factoryC. The shopD. The farm( )5.They buy ______ for Mary.A. a big cakeB. two boxes of color pencilsC. a pencil case and some nice exercise booksD. A, B and C三.根据首字母写出空缺处单词的正确形式(10)1.December is the t__________ month of the year.2.They have two art f_________.3.These boys all like the school t_________.4.My uncle is thirty-one. Today is his t___________ birthday.5.We have an English evening p________ on may 5th.6.She is our m_________ teacher. She sings very well.7.Do you know the boy’s a_________? Yes, he is five years old.8.Do you know their b__________? Yes, they are July 12th and August 31st.9.How many m_________ are there in a year? Twelve.10.When is the English s_________ contest? It’s on December 8th.四、用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)1. There are twelve _______(month) in a year.2. The Art Festival is on September _______ ( nine)3. Let’s ______ ( play ) basketball.4. January is the________(one) month of the year.5. I am thirteen _______ (year) old.6. When _______(be) your parents’ birthdays?7. Do you know _________(Joe) birthday?8.______ your school________(have ) a Chinese contest?9.I have a sister. _________(she) name is Susan.10. Do you like to w________ the football game?五、按要求变换句型。
(10分)1.Mike’s birthday is February 19th. (对划线部分提问)_______ ______ Mike’s birthday?2.How old are you?(改为同义句)________ your _______?3. Lily and Lucy are fifteen years now. (对划线部分提问)_______ _______ are Lucy and Lily now?4. He has a Chinese contest in November. (改为否定句)He ______ _______ a Chinese contest in November.5. We have an Art Festival every year. (改为一般疑问句)______ you ______ an Art Festival every year?六.完成句子,每空一词。