
E+L DC5502莱默尔控制器中文说明书1

E+L DC5502莱默尔控制器中文说明书1

E RHARDT + LKRS52-FR5502中文操作說明书目录一、KRS 定型机布边追踪器1.功能……………………………………………………………………2.装设……………………………………………………………………3.安装……………………………………………………………………4.设定编辑………………………………………………………………5.设定DC55.. ……………………………………………………………6.操作和控制盒NT5..……………………………………………………7.最佳的设定……………………………………………………………8.错误讯息………………………………………………………………9.保养维修………………………………………………………………10.技术数据………………………………………………………………3 8 9 11 17 23 24 27 32 32二、红外线布边追踪电眼FR 5502 (数字型)1.总论……………………………………………………………………2.功能……………………………………………………………………3.装设……………………………………………………………………4.安装……………………………………………………………………5.装置设定………………………………………………………………6.操作……………………………………………………………………7.内部设定以及错误讯息………………………………………………8.保养以及维修…………………………………………………………9.配件以及备用零件……………………………………………………10.配线图…………………………………………………………………11.技术数据………………………………………………………………36 36 37 38 39 41 43 46 46 46 46三、KR 52 布边追踪器驱动马达1.安全……………………………………………………………………2.性能设计………………………………………………………………3.功能……………………………………………………………………4.组装……………………………………………………………………5.安装……………………………………………………………………..6.保养维修………………………………………………………………7.损耗品…………………………………………………………………8.配件……………………………………………………………………9.替换注意事项……………………………………………………………10.技术数据…………………………………………………………………48 48 48 50 53 54 54 54 54 60标记说明→:作业要点‖:注意事项! :定型机布边追踪器安全操作事项构造操作说明E + L 定型机布边追踪器操作说明,由总体系统(A)、个别系统(B、C、…W﹚、其他备件表(X)、参数表(Y)、图表(Z)。



Gas DetectionHoneywell IntelliDoXAutomated instrument management systemThe IntelliDoX system combines smart docking modules and devicemanagement software to provide automated instrument managementfor compatible detectors, helping you drive productivity, reliabilityand efficiency. Place the detector in the docking module, and itautomatically tests the gas detector and sensors while transferring datato the docking station.The IntelliDoX delivers quicker bump tests for better productivity.Bump as many as five detectors in less than a minute. That meansno more queues of workers waiting to test their detectors. Gang up tofive IntelliDoX for even greater productivity, each module can functionindependently, managing fleets of detectors, all simultaneously.Efficient when networked via Ethernet or stand-alone, transfer datawith a USB drive, the IntelliDoX is the solution for easy record-keeping,to transfer bump tests, peak exposures and other gas-detection data.Standard Package Contents• One IntelliDoX module with a factory-installed nest for a compatibleportable gas detector, a Single-Inlet Key or Multi-Inlet Key(Honeywell BW™ Ultra module only), and an attached End Plate• Integrated retractable stand/wall mount• Quick Reference GuideNote: Operator's Manual and PC Configuration softwareavailable for download at .Note: IntelliDoX enabler kit with power supply must beordered separately. See next page for detail Compatible Detectors:•Honeywell BW® Clip Series •Honeywell BW™ Solo •Honeywell BW™ Clip4•Honeywell BW™ MicroClip Series •Honeywell BW™ Ultra•Honeywell BW™ MaxXT IIDevice Management withHoneywell SafetySuite/SafetySuite Honeywell IntelliDoX Automatic Instrument Management System For more informationRev 3-EN-AM | 09/01/19© 2019 Honeywell International Inc.。

Sollae Systems Co., Ltd. 4端口远程I O控制器CIE-H14用户说明书

Sollae Systems Co., Ltd. 4端口远程I O控制器CIE-H14用户说明书

4端口远程I/O控制器CIE-H14 用户说明书Version 1.3Sollae Systems Co., Ltd.his product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potential negative conse quences to the environment and human health, which could otherwise be caused by inap目录1概要............................................................................................................................................- 6 -1.1概要...................................................................................................................................................................... - 6 -1.2产品特征............................................................................................................................................................. - 6 -1.3应用构成图........................................................................................................................................................ - 7 -1.4技术规格.......................................................................................................................................................... - 11 -1.4.1硬件规格................................................................................................................................................... - 11 -1.4.2软件规格................................................................................................................................................... - 12 -1.5连接接口.......................................................................................................................................................... - 12 -1.5.1电源............................................................................................................................................................ - 12 -1.5.2输入端口................................................................................................................................................... - 12 -1.5.3输出端口................................................................................................................................................... - 15 -1.5.4RS232 端口(DB9M)................................................................................................................................. - 16 -1.5.5以太网接口.............................................................................................................................................. - 17 -1.5.6LED系统..................................................................................................................................................... - 18 -1.5.7ISP 开关................................................................................................................................................... - 18 -2设定及测试............................................................................................................................. - 20 -2.1设定................................................................................................................................................................... - 20 -2.1.1网络范围设定.......................................................................................................................................... - 20 -2.2试启动.............................................................................................................................................................. - 22 -2.2.1Modbus/TCP 测试................................................................................................................................... - 22 -2.2.2利用浏览器(HTTP)的测试................................................................................................................... - 24 -3IP 地址及参数值设定............................................................................................................ - 26 -3.1利用ezManager的设定................................................................................................................................ - 26 -3.1.1通过LAN的设定....................................................................................................................................... - 26 -3.1.2利用串行端口的设定............................................................................................................................ - 27 -3.2ATC – AT 命令............................................................................................................................................ - 29 -4动作模式................................................................................................................................. - 30 -4.1什么是动作模式?......................................................................................................................................... - 30 -4.2进入各动作模式的方法.............................................................................................................................. - 30 -4.3各动作模式比较............................................................................................................................................ - 31 -4.4一般模式.......................................................................................................................................................... - 31 -4.5串行设定模式................................................................................................................................................ - 32 -4.5.1参数设定................................................................................................................................................... - 32 -4.5.2解除保安功能.......................................................................................................................................... - 32 -4.6ISP模式............................................................................................................................................................ - 32 -4.6.1固件升级................................................................................................................................................... - 32 -4.6.2网页升级................................................................................................................................................... - 32 -4.6.3解除保安功能.......................................................................................................................................... - 32 -5I/O 接口................................................................................................................................. - 33 -5.1Modbus/TCP..................................................................................................................................................... - 33 -5.1.1相关设定项目.......................................................................................................................................... - 34 -5.1.2Modbus/TCP 的Slave模式................................................................................................................... - 34 -5.1.3Modbus/TCP 的Master模式................................................................................................................ - 35 -5.1.4TCP连接模式............................................................................................................................................ - 36 -5.1.5初始状态................................................................................................................................................... - 36 -5.1.6脉冲(Pulse)控制................................................................................................................................... - 36 -5.2串口 Modbus/TCP......................................................................................................................................... - 36 - 5.3MACRO 模式..................................................................................................................................................... - 37 -5.3.1Operator................................................................................................................................................... - 37 -5.3.2Operand..................................................................................................................................................... - 37 -5.3.3Equation 例............................................................................................................................................ - 38 -5.4WEB(HTTP)....................................................................................................................................................... - 39 -5.4.1变更WEB端口号码................................................................................................................................... - 39 -5.4.2上传使用者网页功能............................................................................................................................ - 40 -6串行通信模式......................................................................................................................... - 41 -6.1TCP 服务器..................................................................................................................................................... - 41 -6.1.1主要设定模式.......................................................................................................................................... - 41 -6.1.2动作例..................................................................................................................................................... - 41 -6.2TCP 客户端..................................................................................................................................................... - 43 -6.2.1主要设定项目.......................................................................................................................................... - 43 -6.2.2动作例..................................................................................................................................................... - 44 -6.3AT命令.............................................................................................................................................................. - 47 -6.3.1主要设定项目.......................................................................................................................................... - 47 -6.3.2动作例..................................................................................................................................................... - 48 -6.4UDP..................................................................................................................................................................... - 50 -6.4.1主要设定项目.......................................................................................................................................... - 50 -6.4.2动作例..................................................................................................................................................... - 51 -7系统管理................................................................................................................................. - 54 -7.1固件升级.......................................................................................................................................................... - 54 -7.1.1固件............................................................................................................................................................ - 54 -7.1.2升级顺序................................................................................................................................................... - 54 -7.2变更网页.......................................................................................................................................................... - 56 -7.2.1网页............................................................................................................................................................ - 56 -7.2.2变更顺序................................................................................................................................................... - 56 -7.3产品状态检测................................................................................................................................................ - 59 -7.3.1利用TELNET的状态检测....................................................................................................................... - 59 -7.3.2利用ezManager的状态检测................................................................................................................ - 62 -8其它有用的功能...................................................................................................................... - 65 -8.1保安功能.......................................................................................................................................................... - 65 -8.1.1制约产品连接.......................................................................................................................................... - 65 -8.1.2密码设定................................................................................................................................................... - 65 -8.2选项栏的功能................................................................................................................................................ - 65 -8.2.1Ipv4 地址通报功能.............................................................................................................................. - 65 -8.2.2MAC 地址传送功能................................................................................................................................. - 66 -8.2.3查看调试信息.......................................................................................................................................... - 67 -8.3串行端口栏功能......................................................................................................................................... - 69 -8.3.1串行端口设定/状态传送 (RFC 2217) - ①................................................................................ - 69 -8.3.2不使用延时功能 - ②.......................................................................................................................... - 69 -8.3.3数据帧间隔 - ③................................................................................................................................... - 69 -8.3.4数据传送间隔 - ④.............................................................................................................................. - 69 -8.3.5TCP Server / Client 模式 - ⑤.................................................................................................. - 70 -8.3.6分隔符 - ⑥............................................................................................................................................ - 70 -8.4I/O 端口栏的各个功能.............................................................................................................................. - 70 -8.4.1提示输入或是输出变更....................................................................................................................... - 70 -8.4.2信号维持时间(Valid Time).............................................................................................................. - 72 -8.4.3输出延时(Delay)................................................................................................................................... - 72 -9故障时注意事项...................................................................................................................... - 73 -9.1通过ezManager无法搜索的情况.............................................................................................................. - 73 - 9.2无法进行Modbus/TCP连接时..................................................................................................................... - 74 - 9.3Modbus/TCP 连接后无法进行数据通信的情况.................................................................................. - 75 -10相关资料................................................................................................................................. - 76 -10.1技术资料.......................................................................................................................................................... - 76 - 10.2智能手机用软件............................................................................................................................................ - 76 - 11技术支援/质保期间................................................................................................................ - 77 -11.1技术支援.......................................................................................................................................................... - 77 - 11.2保证................................................................................................................................................................... - 77 -11.2.1退货............................................................................................................................................................ - 77 -11.2.2无偿 A/S................................................................................................................................................... - 77 -11.2.3有偿 A/S................................................................................................................................................... - 77 -12注意事项及免责声明.............................................................................................................. - 78 -12.1注意事项.......................................................................................................................................................... - 78 - 12.2免责声明.......................................................................................................................................................... - 79 - 13Revision History.................................................................................................................. - 80 -11.1概要随无所不在的时代到来,为了控制温度、湿度、压力等传感器与远程设备的电源等的系统被广泛使用。

亚瑟 美国92系列电动阀门驱动器操作和维护手册说明书

亚瑟 美国92系列电动阀门驱动器操作和维护手册说明书

Quarter Master Chief Series 92 ActuatorInstallation, Operationand Maintenance ManualTable of ContentsSeries 92 Electric Actuator Introduction (3)Description (3)Electrical Requirement (3)Installation (4)Electrical (4)Type 21 Ball Valve (4)Type 23 Ball Valve (3-way) (5)Type 57 / 57L Butterfly Valves (5)Actuator Mounting Dimensions (6)Operation (7)Manual Override Operation (7)Setting Limit Switches (7)Options (8)Single Limit Switch (8)Double Limit Switch (8)Heater and Thermostat (8)Mechanical Brake (9)Feedback Potentiometer (9)Series 92 Options Codes for Serial # Tags (10)Troubleshooting (10)Maintenance (12)ATEX Requirements (12)Spare Parts (13)Series 92 Electric Actuator IntroductionDescriptionThe Series 92 electric actuators feature a reversing,capacitor run motor, with a permanently lubricated gear train, and hardened steel spur gears. These actuators are equipped with integral thermal overload protection (AC models) with automatic reset, independently adjustable limit switches, declutchable manual override, beacon position indication, baked powder epoxy coating with stainless steel trim, ISO bolt circle, and 2 (two) ½” NPT conduit entries.Standard models are offered in 115 VAC, feature a combination enclosure of Nema-4X, 7 & 9, and, provide up to 2000 in-lbs. of output torque.Various options are available such as operating voltages, additional limit switches, heater and thermostat, feedback potentiometers, etc.Please see page 8 regarding these options.Electrical RequirementWARNING: Do not open actuator cover while circuits are energized.CAUTION: Proper voltage must be supplied to actuator or damage will result.CAUTION: If 115vac & 220vac models are PLC driven, output contacts of PLC should be rated at a minimum of 1.5 times required input voltage of actuatorNOTE: To conform to various electrical codes, a green grounding screw has been provided (on the baseplate) inside of actuator.Terminal Strip Wiring: 75° C Copper Supply Wires up to #14 AWG, wired as per the attached diagrams or the wiring diagram affixed inside of actuator cover. Control Wiring shall be insulated with conductors rated 105° C, 300 V minimum.Torque Terminal Strip Wiring to 5 in-lbs.115 Vac 230 Vac 12 Vdc 24 Vdc 12 Vac 24 Vac Cycle Timeper 90 Model Torque Amp Duty Amp Duty Amp Duty Amp Duty Amp Duty Amp DutyDegrees (in/lbs) Draw Cycle Draw Cycle Draw Cycle Draw Cycle Draw Cycle Draw Cycle (seconds) S92 400 0.5 100% 0.4 100% 2.075% 4.075% 2.075% 3.0 75% 10A92 700 0.8 75% 0.6 75% 2.075% 4.075% 2.075% 3.0 75% 10B92 1100 0.5 100% 0.4 100% 2.075% 4.075% 2.075% 3.0 75% 25C92 2000 1.0 50% 0.6 50% 2.075% 4.075% 2.075% 3.0 75% 25 NOTE: Amp rating is considered locked rotor.Duty cycles are for ambient temperature (73°F)InstallationElectricalReference Drawing #289S92Models S-92, A92, & B921A. To gain access to terminal strip (Part #24) it is necessary to remove manual override knob (Part #18) by loosening slotted setscrew (Part #39). Remove 2 cover screws and cover; the remaining 6 cover screws are packaged inside the actuator. Torque cover/base screws to 120 in-lbs.Note: Failure to properly tighten cover/base flange fasteners to 120 in/lbs may compromise the certified safety factors of the actuator.Model C921B. To gain access to terminal strip it is necessary to remove manual override hand wheel (Part #18A) by loosening slotted setscrew (Part #39). Remove cam (Part #51) by loosening 2 set screws (Part #52). Remove 2 cover screws and cover; the remaining 6 cover screws are packaged inside the actuator.Torque cover/base screws to 120 in-lbs.All Models2. Make electrical connections to terminal strip as shown on wiring schematiclocated inside the cover (per various electrical codes there is a green screw on the actuator base plate for grounding purposes). Terminals are suitable for up to #14 AWG wire. All units are completely calibrated prior to shipment, and no internal adjustments should be required.3. For United States units, Install 1/2" NPT conduit fitting(s) to actuator base.For ATEX Certified European Union units, Install M20 x 1.5 conduit fitting(s) to actuator base.Note: Proper conduit fitting must be used to maintain enclosure rating and not compromise the certified safety factors of the actuator(weatherproof, explosion proof or combination weather proof/explosion proof). NOTE: We recommend sealing conduit openings on units installed outdoors or exposed to large temperature swings (15ºF or more).We also recommend the Heater and Thermostat option in these applications. 4. Replace actuator (gasket if removed) cover, and install 8 cap screws suppliedand tighten securely to 120 in/lbs. For outdoor or wet locations it isrecommended prior to replacing the cover that the top shaft seal be cleaned and coated with silicone grease. Also clean shaft and lightly coat seal area of shaft with silicone grease. Unit is now ready for operation.Type 21 Ball ValvePosition the valve and the actuator to corresponding positions (either OPEN or CLOSED). The flats on the actuator shaft extension indicate valve positionType 21 Ball Valves (See Drawing #0107BV sizes ½” – 2”)Install mounting bracket #3 to actuator #2 using bolts #8 and washers #9. Insert coupling #4 on stem of valve #1 and then bolt valve #1 to mounting bracket #3 using bolts #5, nuts #7, and washers #6.Note: All bolts should be snug and not excessively over tightened.Type 21 Ball Valves (See Drawing #0113BV sizes 2-1/2” - 4")Install mounting bracket #3 to actuator #2 using bolts #8 and washers #9. Insert coupling #4 on stem of valve #1 and then bolt valve #1 to mounting bracket #3 using bolts #5, nuts #7, and washers #6.Note: All bolts should be snug and not excessively over tightened.Type 23 Ball Valve (3-way)Position the valve and the actuator to corresponding positions (either OPEN or CLOSED). The flats on the actuator shaft extension indicate valve positionType 23 Ball Valves (3-way): (See Drawing #0130BV, sizes ½” - 4”)Install mounting bracket #3 to actuator #2 using bolts #8 and washers#9. Insert coupling #4 on stem of valve #1 and then bolt valve #1 tomounting bracket #3 using bolts #5, nuts #7, and washers #6.Type 57 / 57L Butterfly ValvesCAUTION: If valve is in line, system must be shut down and have no line pressure before removing throttle plate and retaining washer.Position the valve and the actuator to corresponding positions (either OPEN or CLOSED). The flats on the actuator shaft extension indicate valve position Butterfly Valves (See Drawing # 0200BF57 sizes 1-1/2” - 6”)No specially machined stem or valve body drilling required. Remove handle (remove handle cap and hex head bolt) to expose throttle plate screws. Remove throttle plate and retaining washer to expose existing bolt pattern.Mount bracket #3 to actuator #2 with bolts #8 and washers #9 and tighten evenly. Insert coupling #4 into actuator #2.Install valve #1 onto mounting bracket #3 and align stem of valve to engage with coupling. (Line scribed on top of stem indicates disc orientation). Install bolts #5, washers #6 and nuts #7 and tighten evenly. Flats on actuator shaft indicate valve position. (Disc Orientation)Butterfly Valves (See Drawing #0168BF57 8” size)No specially machined stem or valve body drilling required. Remove gear operator by removing 4 thru bolts in body of valve to gear operator and lift off. Mount bracket #2 to actuator #10 using bolts #7 and washers #8. Insert actuator shaft adapter #9 into actuator #10. Install valve #1 to mounting bracket #2 and align stem of valve to engage with coupling. (Line scribed on top of stem indicates disc orientation). Install bolts #3, washers #4 & #5 and nuts #6 and tighten evenly. Flats on actuator shaft indicate valve position. (Disc Orientation) CAUTION: If mounted unit is installed other than straight up, the actuator should be supported independently to prevent side loading and loosening up ofOperationManual Override OperationReference Drawing #289S92Models S-92, A92, & B92Pull up the declutching knob (Part #18) and apply a 5/8" open end wrench to exposed flats and rotate within labeled limits as indicated by arrows.To re-engage simply rotate actuator shaft in the opposite direction until declutching knob drops back down into position.Model C92Push down on hand wheel (Part #18A) and rotate within labeled limits.To re-engage simply rotate actuator hand wheel until it moves up and re-engages.CAUTION: The manual override should only be used when there is no power applied to actuator. When power is restored the actuator will automatically resume normal operation.Setting Limit SwitchesReference Drawing #289S92Open Travel Limit Switch (Top Switch Part #25):Using declutchable manual override, move the valve into a full open position. Then loosen set screws on top cam (Part #40) and rotate cam (CCW) into limit switch arm until a click is heard, this designates the switch circuit has opened and defines a full open position. Tighten 2 set screws (Part #40) on cam.Close Travel Limit Switch (Bottom Switch Part #25):Using declutchable manual override, move the valve to a full closed position, loosen set screws on bottom cam (Part #40) and rotate cam (CW) into limit switch arm until a click is heard, this designates the switch circuit has opened and defines a full closed position. Tighten 2 set screws (Part #40) on cam.Manually position valve to midstroke. Reapply power to actuator and drive to open or closed position. Actuator motor will run. The shaft will not turn until drivepins (Part #7) reseat in drive gear. This could take up to 25 seconds.OptionsModels S92, A92, B92, C92Single Limit SwitchInstall additional limit switch on posts on opposite side of standard limit switches using screws provided.Wiring for switch is as follows:Pink = Common to Terminal #6Purple = NC to Terminal #7Blue = NO to Terminal #8Cam must be set so that this switch is tripped just ahead of Closed limit switch. Wire tie loose wiring and check operation before installing cover.Double Limit SwitchInstallation and wiring is the same as for the single limit switch, with the additionof wiring of the second switch as follows:Brown = Common to Terminal #9Green = NC to Ternimal #10Orange = NO to Terminal #11Cam must be set so that this switch is tripped just ahead of Open limit switch. Wire tie loose wiring and check operation before installing cover.Heater and ThermostatModels S92 & A92Install Heater into threaded hole located between actuator base gasket andmotor module.Wiring is as follows:Heater lead = Terminal #12Thermostat lead = Terminal #13Wire tie loose wiring and check operation before installing cover.Models B92 & C92Install Heater into threaded hole located between actuator shaft and motor module.Wiring is as follows:Heater lead = Terminal #12Thermostat lead = Terminal #13Wire tie loose wiring and check operation before installing cover.Mechanical BrakeLoosen two (2) motor screws diagonally from each other and install bracket with tabs facing upward. Tighten screwsInstall hexagonal adapter over armature shaft and tighten set screws.NOTE: The adapter should be resting on the step of the armature shaft.Install brake assembly onto hexagonal adapter making sure that the brake assembly is sitting flush on the bracket. Tighten with supplied screws.Remove motor leads “A” & “B” from capacitor and install “piggy back connectors to capacitor, the re-install motor leads to their original locations.Connect brake leads to piggy back connectors on capacitor (orientation does not matter)Wire tie loose wiring and check operation before installing cover.Feedback PotentiometerUsing 4-40 x 3/8 hardware, install potentiometer and bracket on standoffs by limit switches, with potentiometer gear facing output shaft.Install drive gear face down over output shaft.Wiring for potentiometer as follows:#1 on potentiometer (black) #14 on terminal strip.#2 on potentiometer (white) #15 on terminal strip.#3 on potentiometer (red) #16 on terminal strip.Using multimeter set at 2k ohms, calibrate potentiometer with leads from meter connected to terminals #15 and #16. With actuator in closed position multimeter should read between 95 and 100 ohms.Rotate actuator 90 degrees (open position).Connect leads from multimeter to terminal #14 and #15; multimeter should read 95 to 100 ohms.If necessary adjust open limit switch cam so that multimeter will read 95-100 ohms.Series 92 Options Codes for Serial # TagsExample 1: S92HTP XWJHeater & thermostat and feedback potentiometer installed.Example 2: A92BRM1XWJMechanical brake and 1 extra limit switch installed.Troubleshooting WARNING: Do not open actuator cover while circuits are energized.Q: What if there is no output, but the motor runs?A: Manual override possibly engaged.When the manual override is engaged, the motor will run, but no output will be observed until the manual override re-engages with the output shaft.A: Valve stem broken. When the valve stem is broken, there will not be a change in fluid movement, making it seem as if the actuator has no output..Q: What if valve does not cycle?A: No power source to actuator. Check for power.A: Power source disconnected. Check for broken wire, loose connection or no connection as per appropriate wiring diagram.A: Low or wrong power source. Check for proper voltage.A: Mechanical Brake jammed or misaligned. Check alignment of brake assembly.This could occur during installation when someone would rest their hand on the Mechanical Brake to steady themselves. M1 1 extra limit switchM2 2 extra limit switches HT Heater & thermostat P Feedback potentiometer DP Dual feedback potentiometers C1 4-20 mA Positioner C3 4-20mA Output Transmitter BR Mechanical brake L2 2-Position Indicating Lights CO Center offCL Cycle length control 2W 2-wire control FS Failsafe Battery Pak A4 4-12mA Input Signal Positioner B12 Split Range Positioner ASI AS-I Bus Network CardQ: What if there is water and/or moisture inside of the unit?A: Conduit fitting installed improperly. Re-install correctly.A: Cover and/or base seal damaged. Replace damaged seal(s).A: Base gasket damaged or installed improperly. Check gasket and replace if necessary.A: Temperature swings of more than 15 degrees F. Install heater and thermostat to eliminate condensation.When these temperature swings occur, the unit will “sweat” on the inside causing internal corrosion unless the actuator is equipped with a heater and thermostat to keep a constant temperature inside of the housing.A: Unit has been submerged. Raise unit above liquid level.An actuator that is to be submerged MUST meet NEMA 6 for the proper protection of the actuator and the elimination of a potential hazard. We do not recommend submerging the Series 92 Actuator as the electrical rating does not meet NEMA 6.Q: What if unit is oscillating?A: Valve torque exceeds output torque of actuator. Check for chemical compatibility of valve, and flange torque.Q: What if thermal overload frequently cuts out motor?A: Frequency of operation exceeds duty cycle rating. Check cycling period.A: Unit is oscillating. Refer to above.Q: What if motor hums and no output is observed?A: Foreign material caught in valve. Remove material and inspect valve for damaged and/or worn parts. Replace parts as necessary.A: Unit wired incorrectly (simultaneously powering open and closed). Check wiring as per appropriate wiring diagram.A: Capacitor worn. Replace.Q: What if actuator “over-shoots” limit switches without stopping?A: Actuator wired in parallel to each other. Please note that each actuator requires it’s own set of switch contacts.MaintenanceDisconnect power!WARNING: Do not open actuator cover while circuits are energized. ArrayCAUTION: It is imperative for reducing the chance of electrical shock, and to prevent ignition of hazardous atmospheres that youDisconnect powerbefore any maintenance or repairs are performed.Series 92 actuators are virtually maintenance free. We do however, recommend that periodic checks are made to ensure that all fasteners are tight and properly torqued to extend the life of the actuator and valve.Series 92 Actuators are manufactured with factory lubricated grease in the gear case and gearbox. In most cases, this lubricant should never have to be replenished, however if deemed necessary, we recommend using Aeroshell Grease #33 MS, mfg. by Shell Oil Co.Consult our technical department before replenishing lubricant.For outdoor or wet locations keep top and bottom seals coated with a silicone based grease.ATEX RequirementsATEX Standard EEx d IIB Directive II 2 G Certified UnitsService/Maintenance/Inspection RequirementsAbove directive for hazardous location service electric actuators, for use throughout the European Union.All electric actuators are to be used for remote operation of a valve to open or closed positions. Any other uses are not approved by Asahi/America, Inc.Every 250,000 cycles or 10 years whichever comes first, the actuator must be removed from service and sent back to Asahi/America, Inc. for inspection of wear of bearings as they relate to joints and gaps in accordance with above directive. Any units not within normal tolerances, will need to be re-built or replaced at theusers expense.Spare PartsReference Drawing #289S92We recommend that the following be kept on hand as spare parts.1 --- Limit Switch (Part #25)1 --- Capacitor (Part #27 or #28)NOTE: When ordering replacement motor parts and/or options specify model # and voltage.Attachments:9 drawings: 0043EL, 0044EL, 0042EL, 0107BV, 0113BV,0130BV, 0168BF57, 0200BF57, 289S92。



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WarningDear users:Thanks for choosing our company’s product,in order to fully make use of the products,we sincerely suggest follow:◆◆Please read the instruction in detail and keep it well for further reading and consulting.◆◆Please follow the instruction to fit and operate the machine correctly.◆◆Please do not remove and change any accessories of the machine.◆◆It forbids others others to open and remove the mainframe except the authorized people in the company.◆◆It forbids others to change and maintain the machine except the professional people.◆◆Please contact us if there is any trouble during operation.After Sale service◆We offer ONE YEAR warranty.Within warranty period,all exchanges or replacement due to defects are free.(Buyer is responsible for shipping charges).If the machine is over warranty,please also do not hesitate to contact us.we will assure you of our best service all the time.◆How to contact us?Phone:(+86)189-487-55929Tel:*************Email:*****************This product does not belong to medical,please don’t use for disease treatment!Table of Contents:1.Introduction to Manual.............................................................................................................1.1Purpose.......................................................................................................................1.2Conventions................................................................................................................2.Medical Safety............................................................................................................................2.1.Indications for Use.......................................................................................................2.2.Contraindications.........................................................................................................2.3.Precautions..................................................................................................................2.4.Patient Safety................................................................................................................2.5.Potential Side Effects.....................................................................................................plaints and Adverse Events....................................................................................3.System Overview........................................................................................................................3.1.System Description........................................................................................................3.2.System Components and Features................................................................................4.Specification.................................................................................................................................5.Package Listing.............................................................................................................................6.Operation Guide and Treatment Skills........................................................................................1.Introduction to Manual1.1PurposeThis instructions for use manual provides a description of the system components,itscontrols and displays,instructions for its operation,and other equipment informationimportant to the userWarning:Do Not operate this machine before reading this manual thoroughly.Inaddition to this manual,additional clinical training may be available by the companyor your local distributor.For more information on training available please contact your local representative.1.2ConventionsNote:Notes designate information of special interest.Caution:Cautions alert the user to precautionary steps necessary to properlyoperate the system.Failure to observe these cautions may void the warrantyWarning:Warnings alert the user to information that is of the highest importanceand vital to the safety of the patient and userAll procedures are broken down by numbered steps.Steps must be completed in the sequence they are presentedBulleted lists indicate general information about a particular function or procedure.They do not imply a sequential procedure.Control names are spelled as they are on the system,and they appear in Bold text2.Medical Safety2.1.Indications for UseThe RF system is indicated for use as a non-invasive dermatological aesthetictreatment to:-Managing wrinkles or skin rejuvenation:-Managing freckle and skin whitening2.2.ContraindicationsThe RF system is contraindicated for use in patients with:●Open wounds or lesions on the face and/or neck●Severe or cystic acne on the face and/or neck2.3.PrecautionsThe RF system has not been evaluated for use overvarious materials.Therefore,treatment is not recommended directly over those areas with any of the following:●Mechanical implants●Dermal fillers●Implanted electrical devices in the face and/or neck●Metal stents in the face and/or neck areaTreatment energy is not recommended for use directly on an existing keloid.The RF system has not been evaluated for use in patients on ananticoagulant treatment planIt is recommended that the following areas should be avoided during treatment:●Thyroid gland,thyroid cartilage and trachea●Major vesselsThe RF system has not been evaluated for use in the following patient populations:●Pregnant or breast feeding women●Children●Those with the following disease statesA hemorrhagic disorder or hemostatic dysfunctionAn active systemic or local skin disease that may alter wound healingHerpes simplexAutoimmune diseaseDiabetesBell’s palsy2.4.Patient SafetyWarning:RF system should not be used on a patent’s eyes or ina location or technique where ultrasound energy can reach the eyeWarning:Use this system only if you are trained and qualified to do so.Warning:If any problems occur during system operation,ask immediateaction(s):lift the transducer off the patent’s skin,press the STOP button tocompletely halt system operation.2.5.Potential Side EffectsSide effects reported in the clinical evaluation of the RF system were mild andtransient in nature.These were limited to:●Erythema(redness):The treated area may exhibit erythema immediately followingTreatment.This typically resolves within a few hours of treatment.●Edema(swelling)rythema(redness):The treated area may exhibit erythemaimmediately following Treatment.This typically resolves within a few hours oftreatment.●Pain:Momentary discomfort may be experienced during the procedure whileenergy is being deposited.Post procedure discomfort or tenderness to the touch isalso possible.●Bruising:Mild bruising,which is caused by damage to soft tissue blood vessels,may occur occasionally and typically resolves within a few days of treatment.●Nerve Effects:Transient local muscle weakness may result after treatment due toinflammation of a motor nerve.Transient numbness may result after treatment due to inflammation of aSensory nerve.Transient pain,paresthesia and/or tingling may be experienced No permanent injuries to facial nerves have been reported●Scarring:The possibility for scar formation(which may respond to medical care)May exist if incorrect treatment technique is used3.System Overview3.1System DescriptionRF system beauty system uses an advanced new RF Radio Frequency facialand body technology,which can reach the efficacy as following:-Managing wrinkles or skin rejuvenation:This device transfer high frequency RF energy to skin and stimulates to producecollagen in skin layer.In this case,stimulated collagen tissues are activated and thushelps prevention of wrinkles due to stress and help expedition of skin rejuvenation.-Managing freckle and skin whitening:This device could alleviate freckles due to deteriorated blood circulation in a way thathigh frequency RF energy is transferred to skin and blood circulation is expedited and it also help skin whitening effects by reducing melanic pigment secretion.3.2System Components and Features3.2.1Control Unit&Handpiece1)Press the left button to choose which handle you want to use.M1is Three polar Probe. M2is Quadrupole Probe.2)Press the right button to adjust the power.3)Screw the knob which in the middle,it is used to adjust the working time.4.)Press the knob to make it start to work.4.Specification Power supply Input:100V-240VPower:100WSextupolar3D RF for BodyFreqeuncy:1MHzPower:30W3D Bipolar RFFreqeuncy:1MHzPower:10W5.Package Listing1x Main Machine1x Three polar Probe1x Quadrupole Probe1x Power supply cord6Operation Guide&Treatment SkillsSkincare(Three Polar RF Probe for Face)Here is just a general introduction of home use,for more details,please consult a professional beauty consultant or a doctorApply4-5g cosmetic essence on each treatment areaTips:Please keep the three polar RF probe in full contact with the skin during treatment, move the probe on the surface of the cared area,in an even and thorough wayImportant:The most important thing is to choose suitable cosmetics for your skin.It is not only for therapy,but also an important foundation to provide nutrient to your skin.Therefore,be careful to select the right cosmetics.Tighten sagging skin(3times/week)Use three times per week at most,no more than30minutes each time to achieve the best result.Choose function&levels according to your skin type.Step1:Skin cleanRemove make up,wash face,facial tone and then facial spray to open skin poresStep2:Nutrition for anti-aging importing,skin tightenTurn on the machine,apply4-5g cosmetic essence on the treatment area,pressthe“MODE”to chose three polar RF probe function,then select a comfortablelevel(recommend3-5level).It is better to use water liquid cosmetic(toner,moisturizer,water,essence,essential oil,aloe vera gel or other liquid)For best nutrition absorption,move slowly from the chin to your ears fro10-15seconds,then move from left to right on the forehead area.Refer to the picture as following“Skills”Step3:Import nutrition gel/mask,press“MODE”to choose three polar RF probe function, use a point-by point moving method,especially for sagging treatment area,worktime should last for about10-15minutes.Step4:Moisturizing maskworking time:15minutesStep5:Basic skin careEye edema care(weekly)Step1:Deep clean the skinRemove make up,wash face,facial tone and then do facial spray to open skinporesStep2:Turn on the machine,apply4-5g cosmetic nutrition for eye edema on the treatment area,press the“MODE”to chose three polar RF probe function,thenselect a comfortable level(recommend1-2level).It is better to use water liquidcosmetic(toner,moisturizer,water,essence,essential oil,aloe vera gel or otherliquid)For best nutrition absorption,move slowly from the chin to your ears fro10-15seconds,then move from left to right on the forehead area.Refer to the picture asfollowing“Treatment Skills for Face”Step3:Import nutrition gel/mask for eye edema,press“MODE”to choose three polar RF probe function,use a point-by point moving method,especially for saggingtreatment area,work time should last for about10-15minutes.Step4:Moisturizing maskworking time:15minutesStep5:Basic skin careTreatment Skills for FaceBody Shape (Quadrupole RF Probe for Body,3times/week )Here is just a general introduction of home use,for more details,please consult aprofessional beauty consultant or a doctorApply10-20g RF gel/cream on each treatment areaTips:Please keep the three polar RF probe in full contact with the skin during treatment, move the probe on the surface of the cared area,in an even and thorough wayImportant:The most important thing is to choose RF gel/cream for your skin.It is not only for therapy, but also an important foundation to provide nutrient to your skin.Therefore,be careful to select the right cosmetics.Use three times per week at most,about30minutes each area to achieve the best result.Choose function&levels according to your body condition.Step1:Massage treatment area about5-10minutesStep2:DisinfectionPlease use the cotton with medical alcohol to disinfect the treatment area Step3:Apply10-20g RF gel/cream on the treatment areaStep4:Turn on the machine,press the“MODE”to chose quadrupole RF p robe function, then select a comfortable level(recommend4-5level)For best result,please use the probe for about30minutes on each area,Refer tothe picture as following“Treatment Skills for Body”Treatment Skills for Body-21-。



11ES • Controlador1 IntroducciónLe agradecemos por haber preferido un controlador Pixsys. Las versiones con display de tres y cuatro dígitos permiten emplear el instrumento en una dilatada gama de aplicacio-nes, por ejemplo con sensores de temperatura, humedad, presión, nivel o potenciómetros lineales. Las soluciones de salida disponen tanto el relé como la lógica para SSR, de todas maneras, el funcionamiento como visualizador puede configurarse para las instalaciones que no necesitan sali-das de mando o de alarma. Con el P.I.D. y el Autoajuste (Autotune) es muy sencillo adaptar a la maquinaria el mejor algoritmo de regulación, mientras que, en el caso de fun-cionamiento con potenciómetros lineales, la función LATCH ON agiliza la calibración de la máquina.Al igual que en todos los instrumentos Pixsys más recientes, están disponibles las tarjetas de memoria (Memory-card) para la configuración en serie y para el historial de las in-stalaciones. Gracias a las siguientes tablas es muy sencilloES 43Características5.1 Esquema de conexiónES89 ESES1011 ES6 Displays y teclasNormalmente visualizael proceso (ej.: temperatura sonda), pero también puede visualizar el valor de los setpoints (puntos de ajuste) Cuando papardean indican el setpoint visualizado y permiten modi fi carlo con las teclas fl echa. Cuando están encendidos con6.1 Cambio del setpointPara modifi car el valor confiparpadea, entonces es posible confi gurar un nuevo valorcon las fl echas.ES12P.I.D. a fi n de obtener una buena regulación, lo que se tra-duce en un control estable de la temperatura / proceso en el setpoint, sin fl uctuaciones, y una respuesta rápida a las desviaciones respecto al setpoint causadas por perturba-ciones externas.Para el ajuste hay que calcular y confi gurar los siguientes parámetros:• Banda proporcional (inercia del sistema en °C con temperaturas).• Tiempo integral (el tiempo empleado por el controlador para eliminar las señales fi jas de error, corresponde a la inercia del sistema en tiempo).• Tiempo derivativo (determina la intensidad de lareacción del controlador a la variación del valor medido, normalmente ¼ del tiempo integral).Durante el cálculo del autoajuste no es posible cambiar elES 14dor a otro mediante el uso de la Memory Card. Inserir la Memory Card con controlador apagado haciendo atenciòn .1Solo si en la Memory Card estan guardados valores corregidos.15 ES7.5 Memory C.243 con bateria (facultativo)Con controlador non conectado a la alimentaciòn:La memory card està dotada de bateria interna con autonomia para alrededor 1000 usos.Inserir la memory card y oprimir el botòn de programaciòn.Durante la escritura de los parametros el led se enciende rojo, al termine de la procedura se enciende verde.Es posible repetir la procedura sin particulares atenciones.2fi ca que igualmente actualizar los valores.Esta procedura permite resetear las impostaciones deΩ(pot.150 KΩTambién es posible fi jar el punto en que el instrumento “cero virtual” confi8 Carga valores de defaultES16Si se confififi jo una vez gure parámetro 3.3 El proceso de ajuste comienza al salir de la confi guracióndespués de cambiar el parámetro.17 ESES 18fi(con histéresis con fiambos relés quedan abiertos; por el contrario, los relés se fiEn este modo, se inhibe el uso de la alarma de la manera tradicional (banda, desviación, etc.).relé mandorelé mando Ej.: Función Banda muerta en modo calor (HEA/HEAT en parámetro REG)11 Comunicación serialEl ATR121/141 con RS485 puede recibir y transmitir datos por vía serial mediante un protocolo MODBUS RTU.El dispositivo puede confi gurarse solamente como Slave. Esta función permite el control de varias unidades ATR121/141 conectándolas a un sistema de supervisión. La línea RS485 no debe tener resistencias de terminación LT, para evitar problemas de funcionamiento.Cada instrumento responderá a una interrogación deldebe haber otros ATR121/141 con la misma dirección en la misma línea.La dirección 255 se utiliza para comunicar con todos los equipos conectados (modo broadcast); seleccionando 0 todos los dispositivos reciben el mando, pero no se prevee la respuesta.El ATR121/141 puede introducir un retardo (en milisegun-se confialmacena el valor en la memoria EEPROM (100000 ciclos de escritura).El setpoint se almacena en la memoria EEPROM con un retardo de 10 segundos a partir de la modifi cación.P.S.: Las modifi caciones hechas a Words diferentes de las indicadas en la tabla de abajo pueden ocasionarproblemas de funcionamiento al instrumento.19 ESlas direcciones y funciones disponibles:ES204 Si vale 0 el control està deshabilitado. Si es diferente a0, es “El tiempo maximo que puede transcurrir entre dos interrogaciones sin que el controlador se coloque en Off-Line”. En Off-Line el controlador va en estado de Stop, deshabilita la salida de mando, pero mantiene las alarmasactivas.21 ESES2212 Modifi cación de los parámetros de confi guración Para acceder a la confi guración del instrumento esnecesario utilizar una contraseña, porque es una tarea bajo responsabilidad del encargado de la instalación.Dicha contraseña tiene la función de proteger losparámetros de confi guración de acciones incorrectas del operador.13 Supervisión con ATR121/141Ejemplo de sistema de control con supervisión y controla-dores ATR121-AT.Se destacan los elementos del sistema, preste atención al transformador Rs232 / Rs485 con Dir. Automático, y al tipotrenzados conforme a las normas EIA RD-485.Cable recomendado: Belden 9841.ES2425 ESES 26PT1000 -100…600 °C 0…10 V 0…20 mA 4…20 mAPotenciometro ≤ 6 K Ωfondo escala Potenciometro ≤ 150 K Ω fondo escala27 ESES281-300ciclo será 100 ms, (Default 10).29 ESES 305Normalmente abierto activo al alcance de la alarma6Normalmente cerrado activo al alcance de la alarma 6-180...+180Negativo: retardo a la salida del estado de alarma.Positivo: retardo a la entrada del estado de alarma.(Default 0) 6 Al encendido, la salida esta inhibida si el instrumento està en condiciòn de alarma. Se activa solo cuando re-entrado de la condiciòn de alarma, esta se representa.1-15Muestreo a 15Hz.(Default 10).Demotica 1: apaga el display y los leddespues de 15” de la ultima acciòn enlos botonesDemotica 2: apaga solo el displaydespues de 15” de la ultima acciòn enlos botonesDemotica 3: apaga el display (pero noel punto decimal) despues de 15” de laultima acciòn en los botones.Setpoint sencillo: el setpoint quedasempre visualizado1-254(Default 0.0)0-100Milisegundos (Default 20)1.00…5.00(Default 1.00).positivo signifi ca sobreposiciòn,(Default 0).6Alarma absoluta con(valor absoluto).Alarma absoluto concontrolador funciòn frio. (valor absoluto).Alarma absoluta referido al set de mando, con(valor absoluto).El set de mando puede ser cambiado con la presion de los botones fl echa desdeel frontal o con comandos desde la puerta serial RS485.Alarma de banda conhisteresis.P.S.: El valor de la histeresis no puede ser menor de 0.Alarma de desviaciòn supe-rior valor de setpoint alarmamayor de “0” y valor deAlarma de desviaciòn supe-rior valor de setpoint alarmamenor de “0” y valor deAlarma desviaciòn inferior (selecciònAlarma de desviaciòn inferiorvalor de setpoint alarmamayor de “0” y valor de histe-P.S.7: El valor de la histeresis no puede ser menor de 0.Alarma de desviaciòn inferiorvalor de setpoint alarmamenor de “0” y valor de histe-no puede ser menor de 0.16 Señalización de desperfectosSi se produjera un desperfecto en la instalación, el controlador activará los relés, tal como en los parámetros 12 y 21, y señalará el tipo de desperfecto encontrado. PorNotas / Actualizaciones41 ESSoftware Rev. 3.042300.10.060 - RevD 230710Antes de utilizar el dispositivo leer con atenciónlas informaciones de seguridad y set-upcontenidas en este manual.。



AC -l00V/120V (50/60 Hz) 220V / 240V (50/60 Hz)
73 for ASA100 black-&-white (FEET)
66 for ASA100 colour
22 for ASA100 black-&-white (METRES)
20 for ASA100 co lour
@ The Su per- Lite II also operates on AC, powered by the AC Power Pack accessory.
@ The circuitry of the Super-Lite II is designed for economical power consumption. Pen-light batteries are inexpensive-and you will not waste the battery power.
@ The Super-Lite II has a unique automatic light output stabilizer. The light output of many other electronic flash units considerably decreases as you keep flashing the units. This means you will have to open up your lens aperture. The light output of some unjts goes down to as much as one f/stop extent after 40 flashes . The light output stabilizer of the Super-Lite II constantly maintains its output at its maximum at each flash.

艾力斯特 肩颈按摩器 i70 使用说明书

艾力斯特 肩颈按摩器 i70 使用说明书
注意 3.当充满电的情况下充电指示灯白灯呼吸模式。
4.当电池电量低于20%的时候开启指示灯红灯闪烁,提示需要 及时给产品充电。
说明:若按摩器连续充电6小时以上仍出现红灯长亮(处于充电 状态),请拔掉电源适配器,以免发生危险。
※ 清洁产品前,请确认电源已关闭,并拔除电源插头。 ※ 请以干净柔软的棉布擦拭清洁产品,请勿使用具腐蚀性的
产品启动 自动关闭:累计使用10分钟后,产品停止工作。 手动关闭:长按待机键2秒,产品停止工作。
使用后 因长时间按摩,按摩完毕后可能会出现按摩部位发红发热,属于正 常现象。
充电及电量提醒功能: 1.在外接开关电源充电的情况下,产品无法开启需拔掉充电电 源才能开启按摩。开启状态下电池电量大于20%的情况下白色 指示灯常亮。 2.充电的过程中充电指示灯红灯呼吸模式。
督,以确督保,以他确们保不他会们误不用会产误品用。产品。 10)电源10线)电远源离线受远热离器受具热,防器止具电,防源止线电破源损线导破致损漏导电致。漏电。 11)请按11照)请本按说照明本书说中明所书述中,将所本述产,将品本用产于品预用期于用预途期。用途。 12)请在12产)请品在上产的品标上记的相标对记应相安对全应的安超全低的电超压低下电使压用下产使品用。产品。 13)本产13品)本只产能品与只产能品与随产附品的随电附源的适电配源器适一配起器使一用起。使用。 14)本器14具)本不器适具合不身适体合,感身官体或,感精官神或能精力神下能降力,缺下乏降经,缺验乏和经知验和知
保持产保品持远产离品潮远湿离、水潮、湿尘、土水飞、尘扬土的飞环扬境的。环境。 8)要断8开)要连断接开,请连关接机,请并关从闭插产座品上并拔从下插插座头上。拔下插头。
请勿用请湿勿手用触湿碰手电触源碰连电接源处连或接者处拔或掉者插拔头掉。插头。 9)当儿9童)当,残儿疾童人,残或疾残人疾或人残使疾用人本使产用品本时产,必品须时进,必行须密进切行监密切监



Eaton 198911Eaton Moeller® series Rapid Link - Speed controllers, 5.6 A, 2.2 kW, Sensor input 4, Actuator output 2, 400/480 V AC, Ethernet IP, HAN Q4/2, with manual override switch, STO (Safe Torque Off)General specificationsEaton Moeller® series Rapid Link Speed controller1989114015081969692157 mm 270 mm 220 mm 3.6 kg CE UL approval UL 61800-5-1 IEC/EN 61800-5-1 RoHSProduct NameCatalog NumberEANProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Certifications Catalog Notes 3 fixed speeds and 1 potentiometer speedcan be switched over from U/f to (vector) speed control Connection of supply voltage via adapter cable on round or flexible busbar junction Diagnostics and reset on the device and via Ethernet IPParameterization: FieldbusParameterization: drivesConnectParameterization: KeypadParameterization: drivesConnect mobile (App)Key switch position HANDThermo-click with safe isolation2 Actuator outputsControl unitManual override switchTwo sensor inputs through M12 sockets (max. 150 mA) for quick stop and interlocked manual operationIGBT inverterKey switch position OFF/RESETPTC thermistor monitoringPC connectionInternal DC linkKey switch position AUTOSelector switch (Positions: REV - OFF - FWD)3 fixed speeds1 potentiometer speedSTO (Safe Torque Off)For actuation of motors with mechanical brake IP65NEMA 121st and 2nd environments (according to EN 61800-3)IIISpeed controllerEtherNet/IPC2, C3: depending on the motor cable length, the connected load, and ambient conditions. External radio interference suppression filters (optional) may be necessary.C1: for conducted emissions only2000 VCenter-point earthed star network (TN-S network)Phase-earthed AC supply systems are not permitted.AC voltageVertical15 g, Mechanical, According to IEC/EN 60068-2-27, 11 ms, Half-sinusoidal shock 11 ms, 1000 shocks per shaftResistance: 10 - 150 Hz, Oscillation frequencyResistance: According to IEC/EN 60068-2-6Resistance: 6 Hz, Amplitude 0.15 mmResistance: 57 Hz, Amplitude transition frequency on acceleration Above 1000 m with 1 % performance reduction per 100 m Max. 2000 m-10 °C40 °C-40 °C70 °CFeatures Fitted with:Functions Degree of protectionElectromagnetic compatibility Overvoltage categoryProduct categoryProtocolRadio interference classRated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp) System configuration typeMounting position Shock resistance Vibration AltitudeAmbient operating temperature - min Ambient operating temperature - max Ambient storage temperature - min Ambient storage temperature - max Climatic proofingIn accordance with IEC/EN 50178< 95 %, no condensationCurrent limitationAdjustable, motor, main circuit0.5 - 5.6 A, motor, main circuitDelay time< 10 ms, Off-delay< 10 ms, On-delayEfficiency98 % (η)Input current ILN at 150% overload5.3 ALeakage current at ground IPE - max3.5 mAMains current distortion120 %Mains switch-on frequencyMaximum of one time every 60 secondsMains voltage - min380 VMains voltage - max480 VMains voltage tolerance380 - 480 V (-10 %/+10 %, at 50/60 Hz)Operating modeSensorless vector control (SLV)BLDC motorsU/f controlPM and LSPM motorsSynchronous reluctance motorsOutput frequency - min0 HzOutput frequency - max500 HzOverload currentFor 60 s every 600 sAt 40 °COverload current IL at 150% overload8.4 A45 Hz66 Hz5.6 A at 150% overload (at an operating frequency of 8 kHz and an ambient air temperature of +40 °C)2.2 kW400 V AC, 3-phase480 V AC, 3-phase0.1 Hz (Frequency resolution, setpoint value)200 %, IH, max. starting current (High Overload), For 2 seconds every 20 seconds, Power section50/60 Hz8 kHz, 4 - 32 kHz adjustable, fPWM, Power section, Main circuitCenter-point earthed star network (TN-S network)Phase-earthed AC supply systems are not permitted.AC voltage 3 HP≤ 0.6 A (max. 6 A for 120 ms), Actuator for external motor brakeAdjustable to 100 % (I/Ie), DC - Main circuit≤ 30 % (I/Ie)400/480 V AC -15 % / +10 %, Actuator for external motor brake10 kAType 1 coordination via the power bus' feeder unit, Main circuit400/480 V AC (external brake 50/60 Hz)24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %, external via AS-Interface® plug)Ethernet IP, built inPlug type: HAN Q4/2Number of slave addresses: 31 (AS-Interface®)Max. total power consumption from AS-Interface® power supply unit (30 V): 250 mASpecification: S-7.4 (AS-Interface®)C1 ≤ 1 m, maximum motor cable length C2 ≤ 5 m, maximum motor cable length C3 ≤ 25 m, maximum motor cable lengthMeets the product standard's requirements.Rated frequency - minRated frequency - maxRated operational current (Ie)Rated operational power at 380/400 V, 50 Hz, 3-phase Rated operational voltageResolutionStarting current - maxSupply frequencySwitching frequencySystem configuration type Assigned motor power at 460/480 V, 60 Hz, 3-phase Braking currentBraking torqueBraking voltageRated conditional short-circuit current (Iq)Short-circuit protection (external output circuits) Rated control voltage (Uc)Communication interfaceConnectionInterfacesCable length10.2.2 Corrosion resistanceMeets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Generation Change RASP4 to RASP5Generation change from RA-SP to RASP 4.0Generation Change RA-SP to RASP5Connecting drives to generator suppliesConfiguration to Rockwell PLC for Rapid LinkElectromagnetic compatibility (EMC)Generation change RAMO4 to RAMO5Generation change from RA-MO to RAMO 4.0Rapid Link 5 - brochureDA-SW-USB Driver PC Cable DX-CBL-PC-1M5DA-SW-drivesConnect - InstallationshilfeDA-SW-drivesConnectDA-SW-USB Driver DX-COM-STICK3-KITDA-SW-drivesConnect USB Driver DX-COM-PCKITDA-SW-Driver DX-CBL-PC-3M0DA-SW-drivesConnect - installation helpMaterial handling applications - airports, warehouses and intra-logisticsProduct Range Catalog Drives Engineering-ENProduct Range Catalog Drives EngineeringDA-DC-00004612.pdfDA-DC-00004613.pdfDA-DC-00003964.pdfDA-DC-00004184.pdfeaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-003.eps eaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-004.eps eaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-002.eps eaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-005.epsETN.RASP5-5424EIP-412R010S1.edzIL034093ZU10.2.3.1 Verification of thermal stability of enclosures10.2.3.2 Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat10.2.3.3 Resist. of insul. mat. to abnormal heat/fire by internal elect. effects10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation10.2.5 Lifting10.2.6 Mechanical impact10.2.7 Inscriptions10.3 Degree of protection of assemblies10.4 Clearances and creepage distances10.5 Protection against electric shock10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections10.8 Connections for external conductors10.9.2 Power-frequency electric strength10.9.3 Impulse withstand voltage10.9.4 Testing of enclosures made of insulating material Application notes BrochuresCatalogues Certification reports DrawingseCAD model Installation instructionsEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All rights reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmediaThe panel builder is responsible for the temperature rise calculation. Eaton will provide heat dissipation data for the devices.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.The device meets the requirements, provided the information in the instruction leaflet (IL) is observed.Rapid Link 5MN040003_ENMN034004ENMZ040046_ENDA-MN-MZ040044ENramo5_v33.dwgrasp5_v33.stp10.10 Temperature rise10.11 Short-circuit rating10.12 Electromagnetic compatibility 10.13 Mechanical function Installation videos Manuals and user guidesmCAD model。



Eaton’s Model 2596 automatic self-cleaning cast pipeline strainers are available in 2", 3", 4", 6" and 8" sizes. A 4L" size is also available which allows for greater flow rates. The Model 2596 is recognized across industries for its continuous flow, simplified maintenance and worry-free operation.Features / Benefits• Flow rates up to 409 m3/h• A broad selection of screen options• Automatic backwashing• Exclusive idL™ seal for leak free service• Unitized modular assembly for easy maintenance• Cenpeller™ technology for more efficient and complete backwashing• Cast iron or stainless steel construction• Standard motor• Flanged can be also drilled according to DIN standard The Eaton Model 2596automatic self-cleaning straineris designed for the continuousremoval of entrained solidsfrom liquids in pipelinesystems.With an automated controlsystem monitoring thestrainer operation, cleaning isaccomplished by an integralbackwash system. A smallportion of the screen elementis isolated and cleaned byreverse flow while theremaining screen areacontinues to strain—providinguninterrupted flow. Thisefficient design uses only asmall amount of the liquidbeing strained to carry debrisaway from the strainerelement.The Model 2596 features theidL shaft seal that positivelyprevents leakage from thebackwash shaft at the top ofthe strainer. This unique quadseal keeps the exterior of thestrainer dry and preventsexternal leakage or weepingof the process media downthe sides of the strainer.The 2" to 8" size strainersfeature Eaton’s Cenpellertechnology, which directsincoming liquid into acircular flow–forcing thedebris to lay up against thesurface of the strainerelement in a way that makesbackwashing easier andmore efficient and greatlyreduces theneed formanualcleanouts.Tosimplifymaintenancethe Model 2596 features aunitized modular assembly.The motor, gear reducer andthe internal operatingmechanism are housedwithin the strainer cover andlift off as a unit. This makesall components easilyaccessible and reducesassociated maintenancecosts.CastConstruconPermanMediaModel 25962", 3" and 4" sizesModel 25964L", 6" and 8" sizesModel 2596 2" - 8" Flow ratesApplication limits• Cast iron class 125 flange (-29 to 65°C): 13.8 bar (2" to 8")• Cast 316 stainless steel class 150 flange (-29 to 38°C): 19 bar (2" to 4")D i f f e r e n t i a l p r e s s u r e , p s i dFlow rate (water) 100 GPMFlow rate (water) 100 m ³/hD i f f e r e n t i a l p r e s s u r e , k P a1086543210. dimensions (in/mm ) Approximate weight (kg)SizeA B C D Dry Wet Cover2" 6 / 152 40-1/2 / 1,029 42-1/2 / 1,080 15 / 381 149 173 74 3" 6 / 152 40-1/2 / 1,029 42-1/2 / 1,080 15 / 381 156 18174 4" 7 / 178 42 / 1,06744 / 1,11815 / 381160 187 744L" 8 / 203 52 / 1,321 55 / 1,397 23-1/2 / 597 365 453 199 6" 8 / 203 55 / 1,397 58 / 1,473 23-1/2 / 597 379 490 1998"8 / 20355 / 1,39758 / 1,473 23-1/2 / 597 409 512 199Dimensions are for reference only. For installation purposes, request certified drawings.EN 05-2022Pressure drop data indicates results to be expected with clean water, under normal flows with standard screens and in clean strainer.DuraWedge ® ElementDuraWedge is a nonclogging, rugged stainlesssteel element for the most demanding applications. It is constructed from V-shaped profile wire. A wide range of opening sizes is available.Convoluted ElementA sturdy, economical stainless steel element for generalservice use. Available perforated openings of 1/8", 1/16", and 1/32". Available mesh sizes of 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 150, and 200 mesh.For more information, please email us at ********************or visit /filtration© 2022 Eaton. All rights reserved. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All information and recommenda-tions appearing in this brochure concerning the use of products described herein are based on tests believed to be reliable. However, it is the user’s responsibility to determine the suitability for his own use of such products. Since the actual use by others is beyond our control, no guarantee, expressed or implied, is made by Eaton as to the effects of such use or the results to be obtained. Eaton assumes no liability arising out of the use by others of such products. Nor is the infor-mation herein to be construed as absolutely complete, since additional information may be necessary or desirable when particular or exceptional conditions or circumstances exist or because of applicable laws or government regulations.North America 44 Apple StreetTinton Falls, NJ 07724Toll Free: 800 656-3344 (North America only)Tel: +1 732 212-4700Europe/Africa/Middle East Auf der Heide 253947 Nettersheim, Germany Tel: +49 2486 809-0Friedensstraße 4168804 Altlußheim, Germany Tel: +49 6205 2094-0An den Nahewiesen 2455450 Langenlonsheim, Germany Tel: +49 6704 204-0Greater China No. 7, Lane 280, Linhong RoadChangning District, 200335 Shanghai, P .R. China Tel: +86 21 5200-0099Asia-Pacific100G Pasir Panjang Road #07-08 Interlocal Centre Singapore 118523Tel: +65 6825-1668。

拉瑟尔自动化-安全设备系列 安全解决方案说明书

拉瑟尔自动化-安全设备系列 安全解决方案说明书

Presence sensing safety devicesSmart safety solutions that enhance productivityRockwell Automation takes safety seriouslyAllen-Bradley® GuardShield™ presence sensing safety devices from Rockwell Automation help protect personnel and equipment by detecting the presence of people and objects within a guarded area around machinery. Presence sensing safety devices are ideal for applications where personnel need frequent and easy yet safe access to hazardous areas such as near robotic welding, machining centers, stamping, hydraulic presses, filter presses or packaging equipment, etc. Our range of presence sensing safety devices cover basic on/off functionality to more advanced features including blanking and muting, all of which are available with CIP Safety over EtherNet/IP™ connectivity. Whether the need is finger, hand or whole body detection, our knowledgeable team of experts understand how to apply a comprehensive safety solution for your manufacturing facility.Built to global standards for high reliability, stability and quality, Rockwell Automation solutions are ideally suited for applications where personnel safety is a priority. Our innovative products and services help protect your people,machinery, and environment while maximizing uptime.G u a r d S h i e l d 450L -BG u a r d S h i e l d 450L -EG u a r d S h i e l d 440L T y p e 4 P O CS C 300 H a n d D e t e c t i o n S a f e t y S e n s o rM i c r o 400 w i t h M S R 41 C o n t r o l l e rM i c r o 400 w i t h M S R 42 C o n t r o l l e rG u a r d S h i e l d 440L -T y p e 4 P A C445L S a f e 4 P A CA r e a A c c e s s C o n t r o l (A A C ) S i n g l eB e a mS a f e Z o n e S a f e t y L a s e r S c a n n e r sM a t G u a r d S a f e t y M a t sS a f e d g e S a f e t y E d g e sPRESENCE SENSING SAFETY DEVICESVariable speed and servo drives Safety contactors GuardLogix® and Compact GuardLogixSafety relaysPRESENCE SENSINGMatGuard™ pressure sensitive safety mats around the entryarea of a machine process help to detect the presence ofTongue and hingeswitchesCable pull switches Enabling switches Safety light curtainsand scannersPressure sensitivedevices76451328POINT OF OPERATION CONTROL (POC)POC safety light curtains are typically designed to detect the presence of a finger or hand. These devices are usually positioned in front of the point of operation hazard, close to the machine opening. However, they may also be used forperimeter guarding applications. They can be mounted vertically or horizontally.PERIMETER ACCESS CONTROL (PAC)PAC safety light curtains are used as whole body detection devices for detection of personnel or large objects when they pass through the sensing field. They are typically positioned around an area or in front of a process entry or exit area. Typically they do not require frequent interaction between personnel and the hazard during regularoperation. Multi-sided access control is attained through the use of corner mirrors.Non- contact switchesE-stops Power isolators Trapped key switchesFIXED AND FLOATING BLANKINGThe blanking function is a means of disabling one or more sections of a POC light curtain’s sensing field. There are two blanking modes: fixed for static and floating for moving disabled sections.Functionality and advanced featuresAllen-Bradley Guardmaster safety productsGuardShield 440L Type4 PAC445L Safe4 PACSafedge™ Safety EdgesSafeZone™ Safety Laser ScannersSC300 Hand Detection Safety SensorPresence sensing safety devicesGuardShield 450L-B and GuardShield 450L-E Safety Light CurtainsPOINT OF OPERATION CONTROL (POC) FOR FINGER OR HAND PROTECTIONAllen-Bradley® GuardShield POC safety light curtains are unlike traditional safety light curtains, which are based on separate transmitter and receiver units. Patented technology allows each transceiver to be used as a transmitter or receiver via an innovative plug-in module. These light curtains are available with CIP Safety over EtherNet/IP connectivity and TÜV certified PLe, Type 4 IEC 61496-1/-2, SIL CL3per EN ISO 13849-1 and IEC 62061.• Simple on/off functionality• Innovative plug-in modules (available separately) for application flexibility, advanced functionality and reduced inventory costs• Protection heights up to 1950 mm (76.7 in.) with active sensing field along the entire length• Compact design 30 mm x 30 mm (1.18 in. x 1.18 in.)• Integrated laser alignment system helps provide quick and more reliable installation (450L-E only)Product spotlightRockwell Automation smart safety products enhance safety while providing connectivity through The Connected Enterprise. Allen-Bradley Guardmaster smart safety devices featuring EtherNet/IP connectivity or GuardLinkenabling technology deliver information, diagnostics, advanced functionality and flexibility, while enhancing safety Universal plug-in forG u a r d S h i e l d 450L -BG u a r d S h i e l d 450L -EG u a r d S h i e l d 440L T y p e 4M i c r o 400 w i t h M S R 41 C o n t r o l l e rM i c r o 400 w i t h M S R 42 C o n t r o l l e rG u a r d S h i e l d 440L T y p e 4 P A CG u a r d S h i e l d 445L S a f e 4 P A CA r e a A c c e s s C o n t r o l (A A C ) S i n g l eB e a mPublication GLSAFE-BR001C-EN-P – January 2021 | Supersedes Publication GLSAFE-BR001B-EN-P – September 2018Copyright © 2021 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in USA.Allen-Bradley, Compact GuardLogix, expanding human possibility, GuardLink, GuardLogix, Guardmaster, GuardShield, MatGuard, Rockwell Software,Safedge and SafeZone are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc.All other trademarks and registered trademarks are property of their respective companies.Presence sensing safety accessoriesConnect with us.。



97097C (Rev. E - 9/99)Halsey Taylor Owners ManualNon-Refrigerated Fountains with or without Back PanelIMPORTANT! INSTALLER PLEASE NOTE.THE GROUNDING OF ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SUCH AS TELEPHONE, COMPUTERS, ETC. TO WATER LINES IS A COMMON PROCEDURE. THIS GROUNDING MAY BE IN THE BUILDING OR MAY OCCUR AWAY FROM THE BUILDING . THIS GROUNDING CAN CAUSE ELECTRICAL FEEDBACK INTO A FOUNTAIN, CREATING AN ELECTROLYSIS WHICH CAUSES A METALLIC TASTE OR AN INCREASE IN THE METAL CONTENT OF THE WATER. THIS CONDITION IS AVOIDABLE BY USING THE PROPER MATERIALS AS INDICATED. ANY DRAIN FITTINGS PROVIDED BY THE INSTALLER SHOULD BE MADE OF PLASTIC TO ELECTRICALLY ISOLATE THE FOUNTAIN FROM THE BUILDING PLUMBING SYSTEM.IMPORTANTALL SERVICE TO BE PERFORMED BY AN AUTHORIZED SERVICE PERSONTUBE IS SECURED IN POSITIONSIMPLY PUSH IN TUBE TO ATTACHPUSH IN COLLET TO RELEASE TUBEPUSHING TUBE IN BEFORE PULLING IT OUT HELPS TORELEASE TUBEFIG. 2OPERATION OF QUICK CONNECT FITTINGSFIG. 1NOTE: WATER FLOWDIRECTIONBUILDING WATER INLETSERVICE STOP (NOT FURNISHED)1/4" O.D. TUBE W ATER INLET TO COOLER3/8" O.D. UNPLATEDCOPPER TUBE CONNECT COLD WATER SUPPLY97097C (Rev. E - 9/99)F IG . 3PAGE 2H R F - E / S / E B P / S B P R O U G H -I NF I N I S H E D F L O O R* H R F - E /E B P S H O W NH R F - S /S B P M O U N T S 6 I N C H E S H I G H E RL E G E N D A = R E C O M M E N D E D W A T E R S U P P L Y L O C A T I O N 3/8 O .D .U N P L A T E D C O P P E R T U B E C O N N E C T S T U B B E D 1" (25m m ) F R O M W A L L S H U T O F F B Y O T H E R S B = R E C O M M E N D E D L O C A T I O N F O R W A S T E O U T L E T 1-1/4" O .D . D R A I N S T U B B E D 1-3/8" (35m m ) F R O M T H E W A L L C = 1-1/4" T R A P F U R N I S H E D D = 3/8" (10m m ) D I A . H O L E S F O R S E C U R I N G F O U N T A I N T O W A L L E = 3/8" (10m m ) D I A . H O L E S F O R M O U N T I N G H A N G E R T O W A L L97097C (Rev. E - 9/99)PAGE 3L E G E N D A = R E C O M M E N D E D W A T E R S U P P L Y L O C A T I O N 3/8 O .D .U N P L A T E D C O P P E R T U B E C O N N E C T S T U B B E D 1" (25m m )F R O M W A L L S H U T O F F B Y O T H E R S B = R E C O M M E N D E D L O C A T I O N F O R W A S T E O U T L E T 1-1/4" O .D . D R A I N S T U B B E D 1-3/8" (35m m ) F R O M W A L L C = R E C O M M E N D E D L O C A T I O N F O R W A S T E O U T L E T 1-1/4" O .D . D R A I N S T U B B E D 6-5/8" (168m m ) F R O M W A L LF IG . 4D = 1-1/4" T R A P F U R N I S HE D E = 3/8" (10m m ) D I A . H O L E SF O R S E C U R I NG F O U N T A I N T O W A L L F = 3/8" (10m m ) D I A . S L O T S F O R M O U N T I N GH A N G E R T O W A L LH R F - S E B P R O U G H -I NF I N I S H E D F L O O R97097C (Rev. E - 9/99)PAGE 4P ART NO.ITEM NO.PARTS LISTDrainDrain-Aztec Gold Retaining Nut Strainer-BeehiveStrainer-Beehive Aztec Gold Ferrule-TailpipeFerrule-Tailpipe Aztec Gold Push ButtonPush Button-Aztec Gold Push Button SleevePush Button Sleeve-Aztec Gold Regulator Holder Bubbler AssyBubbler Assy-Aztec Gold RegulatorSet screw #6-32 x .31"Screw #8-32 x .25"StrainerFountain Arm-ShortFountain Arm-Short Aztec Gold Fountain Arm-LongFountain Arm-Long Aztec Gold Bottom Cover Plate-Short Bottom Cover Plate-Long Back Panel HRF-SBPBack Panel HRF-SBP Aztec Gold Back Panel HRF-EBPBack Panel HRF-EBP Aztec Gold Back Panel HRF-SEBPBack Panel HRF-SEBP Aztec Gold Hex Nut Speed NutBracket-Regulator Mounting Bracket-MountingTube-Poly 1/4 x .040 Wall Assy-Bubbler NippleLK464LK464AG 15005C 40038C 45364C 40619C 45360C 45662C 45408C 45663C 45411C 50986C 51544C 45396C 61313C 70022C 70426C 55996C 5500103527571C 5500103827573C 550006615500066523187C 27583C 23189C 27576C 27043C 27561C 40045C 70055C 27057C 27083C 55994C 15008C123456789101112131415161718192021DESCRIPTION16297561810FIG. 6TROUBLE SHOOTING & MAINTENANCEOrifice Assy: Mineral deposits on orifice can cause water flow to spurt or not regulate. Mineral deposits may be removed from the orifice with a small round file not over 1/8" diameter or small diameter wire. CAUTION: DO NOT file or cut orifice material.Stream Regulator: If orifice is clean, regulate flow as in START UP instructions above. If replacement is necessary, see parts list for correct regulator part number.Actuation of Quick Connect Water Fittings: Cooler is provided with lead-free connectors which utilize an o-ring water seal.T o remove tubing from the fitting, relieve water pressure, push in on the gray collar while pulling on the tubing.(see Fig. 2) T o insert tubing, push tube straight into fitting until it reaches a positive stop, approximately 3/4".CAUTION: Cleaning of Aztec Gold Models requires special care. Outer surfaces must be cleaned with mild detergent or a mixture of vinegar and water only, rinsed and wiped dry. Abrasive and acidic cleaners may eventually damage the Aztec Gold finish.INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS1. Wall should already be framed for the fountain using the positioning dimensions shown in Fig. 3. Shown dimension pertain to installation location (framing must support up to 150 lbs. weight). These dimensions are required for compliance with ANSI Standard A117.0.2. Install rough-in plumbing as shown in Fig.3. Waste line should extend a minimum of 2" (51mm) thru the back panel. Run supply water inlet line thru back panel. Install a service stop (not provided). Turn on supply water and flush thoroughly.3. Remove bottom access panel from fountain basin and save the screws. Install the fountain to the back panel and wall using (4) 5/16" x 2" lag bolts and washers (not provided) thru holes in back panel. Tighten securely.4. Cut waste tube to required length using plumbing hardware and trap (not provided) as a guide. Install hardware and trap. Tighten securely.5. Make water supply connections from service stop to the fountain strainer (See Fig. 1). Turn on water supply andcheck for leaks. Newly installed water supply line should be insulated after leak check is completed. DO NOT SOLDER TUBES INSERTED INTO THE STRAINER AS DAMAGE TO THE O-RINGS MAY RESULT .6. These products are designed to operate on 20-105 PSIG supply line pressure. If inlet pressure is above 105 PSIG, apressure regulator must be installed in the supply line. Any damage caused by reason of connecting these products to supply line pressure lower than 20 PSIG or higher than 105 PSIG is not covered by warranty.7. Check stream height from bubbler. Stream height is factory set at 45-50 PSI. If supply pressure varies greatly from this, adjust screw on regulator (Item 9). Clockwise adjustment will raise stream height and counter-clockwise adjustment will lower stream height. For best adjustment stream height should be approximately 1-1/2" (38mm) above the bubbler guard. (See Fig. 5).8. Replace bottom access panel to fountain basin using screws provided. Tighten securely.FIG. 5SEE FIG. 5SEE FIG. 68151312111,14,173,419FIG. 72222 CAMDEN COURT OAK BROOK, IL 60523PRINTED IN U.S.A.2120。



Art.No.R1.188.0400.1EAN4015573808157Order unit 1 piecesApprovalsTechnical dataGeneralFunction display2 LED, green Creepage distances and clearances between the circuitsEN 60664-1Protection degree according to DIN EN 60529 (housing)IP40Protection degree according to DIN EN 60529 (terminals)IP20Ambient temperature min.-25 °C Ambient temperature max.55 °CWire ranges screw terminals, fine-stranded / solid1 x 0,14 mm² - 2,5 mm² /2 x 0,14 mm² - 0,75 mm²Wire ranges screw terminals,fine-stranded with ferrules 1 x 0,25 mm² - 2,5 mm² / 2 x 0,25 mm² - 0,5 mm²Permissible torque min.0.5 Nm Permissible torque max.0.6 Nm Tightening moment0.6 NmWire range cage clamp terminals 2 x 0,25mm² - 1,5mm²Weight 0.2 kgStandardsEN ISO 13849-1;EN 62061Suited for safety functionsYes Category according to EN ISO 13849-12Muting possible No Feedback circuit Yes Start contactYes Performance level acc. to EN ISO 13849-1d SIL according to IEC 620612Stop category acc. to IEC 60204Rail mounting possibleYesDatasheetArt.No. R1.188.0400.1Device for monitoring of safety-related circuits SNO4003K AC/DC 24V (B)Base unit, single channel control, automatic-/ manual reset with reset switch monitoring, 3 enabling current paths, 1 signalling out put, AC/DC 24 V 50-60Hz, screw terminals fixedConnection DataDetachable clamps NoType of electric connection Screw connectionApplicationModel Basic deviceSuitable for monitoring of magnetic switches NoSuitable for monitoring of proximity switches YesSuitable for monitoring of emergency-stop circuits YesSuitable for monitoring of optoelectronic protection equipment NoSuitable for monitoring of position switches YesSuitable for monitoring of valves NoOutput circuitEnabling paths Normally open contactSignaling paths OpenerContact material Ag-alloy, gold-platedRated switching voltage, enabling paths AC230 VRated switching voltage, signaling paths AC230 VMax. thermal current I th, enabling paths8 AMax. thermal current I th, signaling paths 5 AMax. total current I2 of all current path9 A²Application category AC-15 (NO)Ue 230V, Ie 5AApplication category DC-13 (NO)Ue 24V, Ie 5AShort-circuit protection (NO), max. fuse insert 6 A class gG fuse, fuse integral Mechanical life107 switching cyclesOutputs, signalling function, undelayed, with contact1Outputs, signalling function, delayed, with contact0Outputs, safe, undelayed, with contact3Outputs, safe, delayed, with contact0Control circuitNominal output voltage DC24 VInput current (safety circuit / reset circuit)90 mAmax. ​p eak current (safety circuit / reset circuit)1500 mAResponse time tA260 msMin. switch-on time60 msRecovery time tW200 msRelease time tR60 msmax. ​r esistivity, per channel≤ (5 + (1,333 x U B / U N - 1) x 200) ΩEvaluation inputs2-channelSupply circuitNominal voltage U N AC/DC 24 VRated consumption DC 1.3 WRated frequency min.50 HzRated frequency max.60 HzOperating voltage min.0.8 VOperating voltage max. 1.1 VElectrical isolation supply circuit - control circuit y es (at U N = AC 115-120 V, AC 230 V) Min. rated control supply voltage at AC 50 Hz20.4 VMax. rated AC voltage for controls, 50 Hz26.4 VMin. rated DC voltage for controls20.4 VMax. rated DC voltage for controls26.4 VMin. rated control supply voltage at DC20.4 VRated control supply voltage at AC 60HZ20.4 VRated control supply voltage at AC 50HZ26.4 VDimensionsDepth114 mmWidth22.5 mmHeight96.5 mmClassificationECLASS 8.127371819: Device for monitoring of safety-related circuits ETIM 5.0EC001449: Device for monitoring of safety-related circuits ETIM 4.0EC001449: Device for monitoring of safety-related circuits ETIM 3.0EC001449: Emergency-stop relayDrawings。



LAURELELECTRONICS, INC.4-20 mA & Serial Data Output Transmitter for Thermocouple Types J, K, T, E, N, R, SFeatures• 4-20 mA, 0-20 mA, 0-10V or -10V to +10V transmitter output, 16 bits, isolated • RS232 or RS485 serial data output, Modbus or Laurel ASCII protocol, isolated • Dual 120 mA solid state relays for alarm or control, isolated• Factory calibrated for thermocouple types J, K, T, E, N, R, S in one range • User selectable input span from entire thermocouple range down to 15.0° • Output update rate to 60/sec• Analog output resolution 0.0015% of span (16 bits), accuracy ±0.02% of span • 5V, 10V or 24V dc transducer excitation output, isolated• Universal 85-264 Vac / 90-300 Vdc or 10-48 Vdc / 12-32 Vac power•DIN rail mount housing only 22.5 mm wide, detachable screw-clamp connectorsDescriptionThe Laureate thermocouple transmitter provides a linearized, highly accurate, stable and repeatable transmitter output forthermocouple types J, K, T, E, N, R or S. The thermocouple type and temperature range, specified in °C or °F, are user-selectable. The temperature range can be as wide as the entire span of the thermocouple type, or as narrow as 150 counts (such as 15.0°), limited only by considerations of electrical noise and digital filtering time constants.All ranges for all thermocouple types are digitally calibrated at the factory, with calibration factors stored in EEPROM on the signal conditioner board. This allows temperatures sensors and signal conditioner boards to be changed in the field without re-calibrating the meter. A cold junction compensation (CJC) unit is calibrated as a system with the signal conditioner board. That unit encloses the thermocouple junctions and the junction tem-perature sensor in the same isothermal space so as to minimizecold junction compensation errors.Fast read rate at up to 50 or 60 conversions per second while integrating the signal over a full power line cycle is provided by Concurrent Slope (Pat 5,262,780) analog-to-digital conversion. High read rate is ideal for peak or valley capture and for real-time computer interface and control.Standard features of Laureate transmitters include:• 4-20 mA, 0-10V or -10V to +10V analog transmitter output,isolated, jumper-selectable and user scalable. All selections provide 16-bit (0.0015%) resolution of output span and 0.02% output accuracy of a reading from -99,999 to +99,999 counts that is also transmitted digitally. Output isolation from signal and power grounds eliminates potential ground loops. • Serial communications output, isolated. User selectableRS232 or RS485, half or full duplex. Three protocols are user selectable: Modbus RTU, Modbus ASCII, or Laurel ASCII. Modbus operation is fully compliant with Modbus Over Serial Line Specification V1.0 (2002). The Laurel ASCII protocol allows up to 31 Laureate devices to be addressed on the same RS485 data line. It is simpler than the Modbus protocol and is recommended when all devices are Laureates. • Dual solid state relays, isolated. Available for local alarm or control. Rated 120 mA at 130 Vac or 170 Vdc. • Universal 85-264 Vac power. Low-voltage 10-48 Vdc or12-32 Vac power is optional.Easy Transmitter programming is via Laurel's Instrument Setup Software, which runs on a PC under MS Windows. This software can be downloaded from our website at no charge. The required transmitter-to-PC interface cable is available from Laurel (P/N CBL04).SpecificationsTC Types Range Conformity Error J -210°C to +760°C (-347°F to +1400°F) ±0.09°C (±0.16°F)K -244°C to +1372°C (-408°F to +2501°F) ±0.1°C (±0.17°F)T0°C to +400°C (32°F to 752°F)-257°C to 0°C (-430°F to +32°F)±0.03°C (±0.05°F)±0.2°C (±0.36°F)E -240°C to +1000°C (-400°F to +1830°F) ±0.18°C (±0.32°F)N -245°C to +1300°C (-410°F to +2370°F) ±0.10°C (±0.17°F) R -45°C to +1768°C (-49°F to +3214°F) ±0.17°C (±0.31°F) S -46°C to +1768°C (-51°F to +3213°F) ±0.12°C (±0.22°F) Analog InputCalibrationInput Resistance & Current Max Lead Resistance Overall Error at 25°C Span TempcoRef Junction Tempco Over-Voltage Protection NMR at 50/60 HzCMR, DC-60 HzCMV, DC-60 HzOpen sensor indication NIST Monograph 125 (IPTS-68)1 GΩ, 100 pA1 kΩ max for rated accuracy±0.01 of full scale ±2 counts±0.003% of reading/°C±0.02 deg/deg125 Vac80 dB plus selectable filter from 80 ms to 9.6 s time constant 120 dB with 500Ω imbalance250 Vac from power and earth grounds0 mA or > 20 mA output, selectableAnalog Output (standard)Output Levels Compliance at 20 mA Compliance at 10V Output Resolution Output ErrorOutput Isolation Step response time 4-20 mA, 0-20 mA, 0-10 Vdc, -10 to +10Vdc (user selectable) 10V ( 0-500Ω load )2 mA ( 5 kΩ load or higher)16 bits (65,536 steps)±0.02% of output span ± overall input error250V rms working, 2.3 kV rms per 1 minute test50 msDual Relay Output (standard)Relay Type Load Rating Two solid state relays, SPST, normally open, Form A 120 mA at 140 Vac or 180 VdcSerial Communications (standard)Signal TypesData RatesOutput Isolation Serial Protocols Modbus Modes Modbus Compliance Digital Addressing RS232 or RS485 (half or full duplex)300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 baud250V rms working, 2.3 kV rms per 1 min test Modbus RTU, Modbus ASCII, Laurel ASCIIRTU or ASCIIModbus over Serial Line Specification V1.0 (2002) 247 Modbus addresses.Up to 32 devices on an RS485 line without a repeaterPower InputStandard Power Low Power Option Power Frequency Power Isolation Power Consumption 85-264 Vac or 90-300 Vdc10-48 Vdc or 12-32 VacDC or 47-63 Hz250V rms working, 2.3 kV rms per 1 min test 2W typicalMechanicalDimensions MountingElectrical Connections 129 x 104 x 22.5 mm case35 mm rail per DIN EN 50022 Plug-in screw-clamp connectorsEnvironmentalOperating Temperature Storage Temperature Relative Humidity Cooling Required 0°C to 55°C-40°C to 85°C95% at 40°C, non-condensingMount transmitters with ventilation holes at top and bottom. Leave 6 mm (1/4") between transmitters, or force air with a fan.PinoutMechanicalOperation as a Fast ON/OFF Controller or Supervisory MonitorWith the optional dual solid state relay output option, which has a typical response time of only 17 ms, Laureate temperature meters and transmitters can serve as extremely fast and accurate ON/OFF con-trollers for closed-loop temperature control. They can also serve as supervisory process monitors and provide alarms or shutoffs when processes exceed normal limits. Multiple setpoint operating modes are individually selectable for each relay. Relay duty cycles and chatter can be minimized with programmable hysteresis and time delays. A band deviation operating mode can be selected for each relay, where an alarm is generated whenever the reading is a selected number of counts above or below the setpoint. The relay modes are non-latching.Ordering GuideCreate a model a model number in this format: LT20JCTransmitter Type LT Laureate 4-20 mA & RS485 TransmitterMain Board2 Standard Main BoardPower0 Isolated 85-264 Vac or 90-300 Vdc1 Isolated 10-48 Vdc or 12-32 VacThermocouple Input JC Thermocouple Type J, -210°C to 760°CJF Thermocouple Type J, -347°F to 1400°FKC Thermocouple Type K, -347°C to 1372°CKF Thermocouple Type K, -408°F to 2501°FTC Thermocouple Type T, -257°C to 400°CTF Thermocouple Type T, -430°F to 752°FEC Thermocouple Type E, -240°C to 1000°CEF Thermocouple Type E, -400°F to 1830°FNC Thermocouple Type N, -240°C to 1000°CNF Thermocouple Type N, -410°F to 2370°FSC Thermocouple Type S, -46°C to 1768°CSF Thermocouple Type S, -51°F to 3214°FR C Thermocouple Type R, -45°C to 1768°CRF Thermocouple Type R, -49°F to 3213°FNote: The same signal conditioner board can be user configured for all thermocouple types listed and °C or °F.Accessories CBL04RS232 cable, 7ft. Connects RS232 screw terminals of LT transmitter to DB9port of PC.CBL02U SB to RS232 adapter cable. Combination of CBL02 and CBL04 connectstransmitter RS232 terminals to PC USB port.。

evolis Issengo 电子机械锁定系统说明书

evolis Issengo 电子机械锁定系统说明书

MAXIMUM SECURITY• I ssengo’s electromechanical locking system prevents access to the blank and rejected cards, ribbon, and internal parts of the machine. It can be configured for dual access control for increased security.• T he patented Kineclipse ® innovationmasks any residual sensitive data left on the printing ribbon.OPTIMIZED FOOTPRINT• T he Issengo system is compact and can fit easily into any workspace in your branch.• T he system can be controlled by a completely dematerialized interface, thus not requiring the deployment of a dedicated computer nearby.INCREASED FLEXIBILITY• I ssengo can automatically customize a card design in batches or exceptional designs through manual card insertion.• T he Evolis Mosaic SDK is designed to facilitate software integration and allow secure communication with existing information systems.The Issengo system combines advanced features, compacity, ease of use and seamless integration in branches. Issengo issues flat debit and credit cards on demand, and complies with international banking associations security guidelines.THE COMPACT AND SECURE SOLUTION FOR ISSUING FINANCIAL CARDS IN YOUR BRANCHESISSENGO©2019 Evolis. All rights reserved. Actual product(s) may differ from information stated in this document. All specifications or pictures are subject to change without prior notice. All trademarks mentioned herein belong to their respective owners. Pictures: François Charron. 06/2019. KB-ISG1-224-ENG-A4 Rev A3EUROPE - MIDDLE-EAST - AFRICAEvolis - 14 avenue de la Fontaine - ZI Angers-Beaucouzé 49070 Beaucouzé - FranceT +33 (0) 241 367 606 - F +33 (0) 241 367 612 - info @ AMERICAS - Evolis Inc. - Fort Lauderdale - evolisinc @ ASIA-PACIFIC - Evolis Asia Pte Ltd - Singapore - evolisasia @ CHINA - Evolis China - Shanghai - evolischina @ JAPAN - Evolis Japan - Tokyo - evolisjapan @ INDIA - Evolis India - Mumbai - evolisindia @100-card feeder and slot for single manualMAIN FEATURES / Full technical specifications on GENERAL FEATURES• Direct-to-card dye-sublimation/Resin thermal transfer • Edge-to-edge, single or dual-sided printing • Standard 300 x 300 dpi resolution • Embedded PC cardPRINTING PERFORMANCES 1•D ual-side:- Monochrome (KO / KO): 24 s per card - Color (YMCKO-K): 32 s per cardCARD MANAGEMENT AND SPECIFICATIONS• F eeder capacity: 100 cards (0.76 mm - 30 mil)• Slot for manual insertion of exceptional designs • O utput hopper capacity: 50 cards (0.76 mm - 30 mil)• I nternal reject tray capacity: 10 cards (0.76 mm - 30 mil)•C ard thickness:- Feeder : 0.50 - 1.25 mm (20 - 50 mil), gauge adjustment - Manual insertion slot: 0.50 - 0.76 mm (20 - 30 mil)• Card types: PVC cards, composite PVC cards • Card format: ISO CR80 - ISO 7810 (53.98 mm x 85.60 mm)INTERFACES• E thernet TCP-IP 10BaseT, 100BaseT (Traffic Led)• U SB A port inside the systemADDITIONAL ENCODING MODULES• A vailable modules:- Magnetic stripe encoder ISO 7811 HiCo/LoCo, JIS2 - Smart contact station ISO 7816-2- Contact smart card encoder - PC/SC, EMV 2000-1 - Contactless smart card encoder - ISO 14443A, B, ISO15693, MIFARE, DESFire, HID iCLASS - Other specific encoders upon request • Options can be combined• Factory-installed or installed on siteSECURITY• E lectromechanical locking system with optional dual access control •K ineclipse ® process for masking the residual data left on the printing ribbon • D ata encryption (SSL/TLS), supports 3DES and AES-256• S upport for Kensington ® security lockDISPLAY• Color touch screen display (2.4’’)SOFTWARE• E volis Mosaic SDK for remote supervision of the printer,easy integration and secure communicationEVOLIS HIGH TRUST ® RIBBONSTo maximize the quality and durability of printed cards, the lifespan of the print head and the overall printer reliability, use Evolis High Trust ® ribbons.• Automatic identification and setting • D elivered in a drop-in cassette for easy handling • R ibbon saver for monochrome printing List of ribbons available on ECO-FRIENDLY DESIGN, CERTIFICATIONS AND STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE• S tandby mode & reduced energy consumption • C E, FCC, ICES, EAC •R oHSSIZE AND WEIGHT• Size (H x W x D):247 x 211 x 392 mm (9.72’’ x 8.31’’ x 15.43’’)• Weight: 6.3 kg (13.23 lbs)WARRANTY• 2-year warranty (printer and print head)2• W arranty extension available as an optionElectromechanical locking system1 Under specific conditions /2 Warranty subject to observance of specific conditions and use of Evolis High Trust ribbonsKineclipse process for masking the residual characters left onthe printing ribbonColor LCD touch screenWithout Kineclipse ®With Kineclipse ®UNIQUE FEATURE。








目录1.绝对归零(X-SEL) (3)2.试运行(运行程序例) (3)3.输入位置数据 (3)4.制作运转程序 (12)5.输出区域信号 (35)1.绝对归零(DS3轴)如是DS3轴的话,请根据X-SEL J/K型号的说明书进行绝对归零。



















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我们拥有丰富的SELEMION™运转经验, 能够为客户提供最佳的离子交换膜工艺方案。
为了充分发挥SELEMION™的功能,我们根据用途和规模, 可以向客户提供各种各样的电渗析槽·扩散渗析槽和电解槽。
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类 别



".7 标准 4UBOEBSE 电渗析 &%



%47 低电阻

NR Dec. 2011
离子交换膜的先驱 -- SELEMION™
SELEMION™, the Most Famous Ion Exchange Membrane in the World
Electro dialysis does not need chemicals that are commonly used with ion exchange resin tower regeneration.

从1950年开发至今,我们作为离子交换膜的先驱者, 通过坚持不懈的技术开发,不断扩展离子交换膜的应用范围。

Electro dialysis is a method for desalination and concentration with a DC current applied.
电渗析 &%
电渗析 &%
电渗析 &%
弱碱性 8FBL#BTF
一价离子 选择透过
电渗析 &%
电渗析 &%
电渗析 &%

AGC ޻ఔ‫ࣜג‬ձࣾ
膜系统事业部 Membrane System Division
ઍ༿‫ݝ‬ઍ༿ࢢඒ඿۠த੉ೋஸ໨̒൪஍8̗(ϚϦϒ΢Τετ֊ɹ˟ 5&-ɹ'"9
WBG Marive West 19F, 2-6-1 Nakase Mihama-ku, Chiba-shi, CHIBA 261-7119, JAPAN Tel: +81-43-350-3401 Fax: +81-43-350-3383
[原 理]
阳离子膜和阴离子膜进行相互交错组合,中间放置隔板, 这种组合进行多单元配置。在其两端配置一对电极。阳 极侧的阴离子膜和阴极侧的阳离子膜所隔开的空间称为 脱盐室(D室),与此相反,阳极侧的阳离子膜和阴极侧 的阴离子膜所隔开的空间叫做浓缩室(C室)。在电渗析 槽中,D室和C室交错配置,向脱盐室供给原液,阳离子 向阴极移动并透过阳离子膜,移动至右侧相邻的C室。 C室的阴极侧被阴离子膜隔开,阻止阳离子继续向右侧 D室移动。 同样,阴离子则从D室向左侧相邻的C室移动。这样就形 成了在D室进行脱盐,在C室进行浓缩的电渗析效果。



类 别







"14 耐氧化性 0YJEBOU
QSPPG 扩散渗析




我们拥有从SELEMION™离子交换膜制造到电渗析槽制造, 工程设计建设和维修的全套技术。
用 途 6TBHF
$.7 标准 4UBOEBSE 电渗析 &%
/B SELຫໍສະໝຸດ MION™是由AGC旭硝子开发和生产的碳氢系的离子交换膜。
ʦ %FTDSJQUJPOʧ An electro dialyzer is composed of anion and cation exchange membranes stacked alternately with thin spacers between them and a pair of electrodes at both ends. In an electro dialyzer, two types of chambers are thus placed between a pair of electrodes. One is a desalination (D) chamber that is partitioned with an anion exchange membrane on the anode side and a cation exchange membrane on the cathode side. The second is a concentration (C) chamber that is partitioned with a cation exchange membrane on the anode side and an anion exchange membrane on the cathode side. Saline water is desalinated in the D chamber and is concentrated in the C chamber, due to the electrical potential.