

第一章 变压器的类型和基本结构

第一章 变压器的类型和基本结构
电力变压器(升压、降压、配电) 特种变压器(电炉、整流) 按用途 仪用互感器(电压、电流互感器、脉冲变压 器,阻抗匹配变压器) 实验用变压器(高压、调压)
也可按线圈数目、铁心结构、相数或变压器冷 却方式划分 6
按绕组数目分:单绕组(自耦)变压器、双绕组变压 器、三绕组变压器和多绕组变压器 按相数分:单相变压器、三相变压器和多相变压器 按铁心结构分:心式变压器和壳式变压器 按调压方式分:无励磁调压变压器和有载调压变压 器 按冷却介质和冷却方式分:干式变压器、油浸式变压 器和充气式变压器
•变压器油是一种矿物油,具有很好的绝缘性能。变 压器油起两个作用:①在变压器绕组与绕组、绕组与 铁心及油箱之间起绝缘作用。②变压器油受热后产生 对流,对变压器铁心和绕组起散热作用
•为了加快散热,有的大型变压器采用内部油泵强迫 油循环,外部用变压器风扇吹风或用自来水冲淋变压 器油箱,这些都是变压器的冷却装置 18
小型变压器做成方形 或者矩形;大型变压 器做成阶梯形。容量 大则级数多。叠片间 留有间隙作为油道(纵 向/横向)。
变压器的电路部分,由铜或铝绝缘导线绕制而成 一次绕组primary windings(原绕组):输入电能 二次绕组secondary windings(副绕组):输出电能 它们通常套装在同一个心柱上,一次和二次绕组 具有不同的匝数,通过电磁感应作用,一次绕组的电 能就可传递到二次绕组,且使一、二次绕组具有不同 的电压和电流



Performance, Reliability, and Servicew w w. E l e ct r ic a l P a rt Ma nu al s . c o2GE Type IP Transformers ...performance, reliability, and service lifeChoosing a brand of dry-type core and coil transformer for your electrical equipment is an important decision. You need a transformer that will perform to your customers' expectations and last longer than the equip­ment itself. That's why original equipment manufacturers have turned to GE specialty transformers since 1928. From its manufacturing plant in Fort Wayne, Indiana, GE supplies small core and coil transformers that are designed for peak performance, reliability, and service life.Type IP core and coil transformers are made from high quality, grain­oriented electrical steel and magnetic wire using GE proprietary processes. Coils are automatically wound by numerically-controlled machines and core and coil assemblies are vacuum impregnated to ensure long lifeand protect the insulation system. All products are assembled by a skilled workforce that averages over 20 years experience; every transformer is proudly tagged with the assembler's name. Each unit is 100% tested per NEMA and ANSI standards using a custom-made automated test equip­ment system. It's no wonder that in survey after survey, people equate the GE name with quality.In an increasingly competitive world market, it is essential to have equip­ment designed for world-class quality requirements and systems integra­tion. That's why in addition to complete UL listing and CSA certification on all Type IP ratings, GE has a library of ratings that comply with non­domestic standards. Consult your local GE sales office for availability.And because system compatibility is important in today's complex control schemes, Type IP appearance and performance characteristics are the perfect link in an integrated control system that utilizes GE world-class circuit breakers and controls. New features include:•Top-mounted primary and secondary fuse blocks. The new designs meet all UL and CSA requirements for control transformer protection including the recently adopted UL 508 and 845 standards. The new integral fuse blocks allow panel builders to save valuable panel space and haveflexibility to provide several secondary fuse options. Additionally, the primary fuse block accepts Type CC current-limiting fuses for the best protection available against short circuit faults.•Easy-to-read labels. New designs feature easy-to-read computer-generated labels that clearly display the wiring diagram and voltage ratings.•Cleaner looks. The terminal boards, clamps, and insulation material now have a neater, streamlined construction to improve the overall appear­ance of your equipment.•"Jumper links." Now standard for all units.•"Quick connect" spade terminals. Available as an option for several ratings.w w w. E l e ct r ic a l P a rt Ma nu al s . c oType IP transformers are core and coil units designed for use in machine tool, industrial control, panelboard, and general purpose applications. Several types of terminations are available to simplify installation. These include low profile terminal boards, primary and secondary leads out, coil face terminations, integral fuse, and spade type terminals. Top­mounted terminal boards are also offered for complex multiple prima­ries, secondaries and other special applications. Consult your local GE Electrical Distribution & Control sales office for complete technical applications data.Standards-Type IP units conform to ANSI C89.2. They are UL Listed under UL-506, File E2739 and CSA certified under C22.2, Number 66, File 3272.Insulation classes-Generally 150 VA and below are 105°C insulation class, 55°C rise. 200 VA and above are 185°C (NEMA), 180°C (UL) insul­ation class, 115°C rise. Maximum surface temperature is 65°C.Frequency -60 Hertz is standard, 50 Hertz is available as an option.Voltage regulation-All designs 2.0 kVA and below are compensated for voltage drop. Generally this compensation ranges from 7% in the small­est rating to 3% for the 2 kV A . Regulation curves meeting NEMA ST-1 for machine tool applications are available upon request. All machine tool designs meet or exceed the regulation requirements of NMTBA.Series-multiple connections -Transformers rated 240 I 480V, or 120 /240V primary may be series-multiple connected. Those with 120/240V sec­ondaries may be connected for 120V, 240V, or 240/120V three-wire. Overcurrent protection-Type IP transformers are low impedance trans­formers and should be protected for overcurrent in the equipment ap­plication. Optional Type IP constructions provide for integral primary and/ o r secondary fusing. Mounting dimensions -Type IP transformers are light-weight, small and designed for minimum mounting dimensions. Mountings will inter­change with many competitive units. Units can be provided with mount­ing dimensions to meet unique customer requirements.3w w w. E l e ct r ic a l P a rt Ma nu al s . c oOrdering specialty transformers from GE has never been simpler. You'll avoid using manu­facturer's reps and other methods that could slow down your order. Simply choose the appropriate transformer catalog number for your application from the rating tables on the next two pages. Then phone in your order to your local GE authorized electrical distributor. State the GE catalog numbers, quantities, and ship dates required. If a model is not in dis­tributor stock, your GE distributor can call our National Service Center for immediateordering. Our modern on-line order/ship/bill system will confirm availability and lead time. If your application requires a transformer that is not within the rating tables presented here, contact the nearest GE Electrical Distribution & Control sales office. A GE sales engineer will help you obtain technical information, drawings and pricing data.Machine Tool ApplicationsSingle-PhaseOutput CharacteristicsRatedwith 90% Rated PrimaryFrame Amps Voltage AppliedkVASizeat Load Amps at 20% PF120 vSec 100 V inrushSec 90 V inrushCatalog Number with Tern"'� ina I B o a r d s 220/440,230/460,240/480 Volts Primary-110, 115, 120 Volts Secondary -60 Hertz.050 611 .42 1.6 2.1 9T58B42.075 612 .63 2.7 3.69T58B43100 811 .83 4.2 5.99T58B44.150 813 1.25 6.4 9.49T58B45.200 814 1.67 8.6 11.59T58B46 250 815 2.08 9.814.3 9T58B47 .300 817 2.50 13.8 21.09T58B48 .375 817 3.12 17.5 26.0 9T58B49 .500 1016 4.16 19.829.09T58B50 .750 1216 6.25 34.0 50.0 9T58B51 1.0 1219 8.33 46.0 72.0 9T58B52 1.5 141612.573.0 118.0 9T58B53 2.0 1419 16.6 103.0 175 0 9158854 3.0142225.0"150.0250.09T58855230/460/575 Volts Primary -115/95 Volts Secondary-50/60 Hertz).050 613 .43 2.0 2.9 9T58B62 .075 811.65 3.0 4.1 9T58B63 .100813.87 3.8 5.4 9T58B64 .150 8151.30 7.3 10.7 9T58B65 .200 8151.74 7.6 10.8 9T58B66 .250 8172.17 8.3 12.2 9T58B67 .3001016 2.61 10.4 14.9 9T58868 .37510163.26 14.0 21.0 9T58B69 .500 10164.35 17.4 27.0 9T58B70 .750 1219 6.5 43.0 74.0 9T58B71 1.0 1416 8.7 51.7 82.6 9T58B72 1.51419 13.0 75.4 124.0 9T58B73 2.0142217.4 153.0 233.0 9T58B74 3.0 142226.1 219.0 352.09T58B75208/277/380 Volts Primary-115/95 Volts Secondary-50/60 Hertz.050613 .43 2.0 2.99T58B82 .075 811.65 3.0 4.1 9T58B83 .100813.87 3.8 5.49T58B84 .150 8151.30 7.3 10.7 9T58B85 .200 8151.74 7.6 10.8 9T58B86 .250 8172.17 8.3 12.2 9T58B87 .300 1016 2.61 10.4 14.9 9T58B88 .3751016 3.26 14.0 21.0 9T58B89 .50010164.35 17.4 27.0 9T58B90 .750 1219 6.5 43.0 74.0 9T58B91 1.0 1416 8.7 51.7 82.6 9T58B92 1.5 1419 13.0 75.4 124.0 9T58893 2.0 1422 17.4 153.0 233.0 9T58B94 3.0142226.1219.0352.09T58B95t For transformer with terminal boards and two-fuse secondary kit. add -G5suffix. For transformer with terminals on coil, add -G8 suffix.C>l At 50 Hertz ratings. Do not operate transformer above rated voltages. '3' Fuses not included.Terminalson Coilw w w. E l e ct r ic a l P a rt Ma nu al s . c omGeneral Purpose Applications(Meds Machine Tool Regnlation Requirements) Single-Phase, All Copper, 55"C RiseOutput CharacteristicsRatedwith 90% Rated PrimaryFrame Amps Voltage Applied kVASizeat Load Amps at 20% PF120 vSec 100 V inrushSec 90 V inrushCatalog Number with Terminal Boards220/440,230/460,240/480 Volts Primary-110, 115,120 Volts Secondary-60 Hertz050 611 .42 1.6 2.1 9T58B142 .075 612 .63 2.7 3.6 9T58B143 .100 613 .83 4.2 5.9 9T58B144 150 811 1.25 6.4 9.4 9T58B3138 200 813 1.67 8.6 11.5 9T58B146 .250 814 2.08 9.8 14.3 9T58B3135 .300 815 2.50 13.8 21.0 9T58B3331 .375 817 3.12 17.5 26.0 9T58B3332 .500 1016 4.16 19.8 29.0 9T58B3301 .750 1216 6.25 34.0 50.0 9T58B3302 1.0 1219 8.33 46.0 72.0 9T58B3303 1.5 1416 12.50 73.0 118.0 9T58B3304 2.0141916.60103.0175.09T58B3172Single-Phase, Integral Fuse Block (fuse Not Included) CDOutput CharacteristicsRatedwith 90% Rated PrimaryFrame Amps Voltage Applied kVASizeat 120 vLoad Amps at 20% PFSec 100 V inrushSec 90 V inrush480 Volts Primary -120 Volts Secondary-60 Hertz.050 611 .42 1.6 .075 612 .63 2.7 .100 613 .83 4.2 .150 811 1.25 6.4 .200 813 1.67 8.6 .250 814 2.08 9.8 .300 815 2.50 13.8 .500 1016 4.16 19.8 .750 1216 6.25 34.0 1.012198.3346.0240 Volts Primary -120 Volts Secondary-60 Hertz .050 611 .42 1.6 .075 612 .63 2.7 .100 613 .83 4.2 .150 811 1.25 6.4 .200 813 1.67 8.6 .250 814 2.08 9.8 .300 815 2.50 13.8 .500 1016 4.16 19.8 .750 1216 6.25 34.0 1.012198.3346.0208 Volts Primary-120 Volts Secondary-60 Hertz.050 611.42 .075 612 .63.100 613 .83 .150 8111.25 .200 813 1.67 .250 8142.08 .300 815 2.50.500 1016 4.16 .750 12166.25 1.01219 8.33:c Fuses not included. IntegralFuse Block1.62.74.2 6.4 8.6 9.813.8 19.8 5.99.411.5 14.3 21.0 29.0 50.0 9.4 11.5 14.3 21.029.0 14.3 21.0 withIntegral Primary and SecondaryFuse Block9T58B500G 409T58B502G40 9T58B503G409T58B504G 409T58B505G409T58B506G40 9T58B507G40 9T58B509G 409T58B907G409T58B908G409T58B560G40 9T58B562G409T58B563G409T58B564G40 9T58B565G 409T58B566G409T58B567G40 9T58B569G409T58B903G 40 9T58B904G409T58B510G40 9T58B512G40 9T58B513G40 9T58B514G40 9T58B515G 40 9T58B516G40 9T58B517G40 9T58B519G 40 9T58B901G40 9T58B902G40Control Power ApplicationsSingle-PhaseCatalog NumberkVAFrame SizeTerminal BoardWith Primary andSecondary Leads Out240/480 Volts Primary -120/240 Volts Secondary-60 Hertz.025 609 9T58B28009T58B1800 .050 611 9T58B28029T58B1802 .075 612 9T58B28039T58B1803 .100 811 9T58B28049T58B1804 .150 813 9T58B2805 9T58B1805 .200 814 9T58B2806 9T58B1806 .250 815 9T58B28079T58B1807.300 815 9T58B2808 9T58B1808 .375 8179T58B28099T58B1809 .500 1016 9T58B2810 9T58B1810 .750 1216 9T58B2811 9T58B1811 1.0 1219 9T58B2812 9T58B1812 1.5 14169T58B2813 9T58B1813 2.0 1419 9T58B2814 9T58B1814 3.01422 9T58B28159T58B1815 600 Volts Primary-120/240 Volts Secondary-60 Hertz.100 8119T58B2824 9T58B1824 .200 814 9T58B2826 9T58B1826 .300 815 9T58B2828 9T58B1828 .5001016 9T58B2830 9T58B1830 1.01219 9T58B2832 9T58B1832 2.01419 9T58B2834 9T58B1834 3.01422 9T58B28359T58B1835120/240 Volts Primary -120/240 Volts Secondary-60 Hertz.100811 9T58B2907 9T58B1907 .200 814 9T58B2909 9T58B1909 .300815 9T58B2911 9T58B1911 .5001016 9T58B2913 9T58B1913 .7501216 9T58B2914 9T58B1914 1.01219 9T58B2915 9T58B1915 2.01419 9T58B2917 9T58B1917 3.014229T58B29189T58B1918120/240 Volts Primary -12/24 Volts Secondary-60 Hertz.050611 9T58B2873 9T58B1873 .075 612 9T58B2874 9T58B1874 .100811 9T58B2875 9T58B1875 .150813 9T58B2876 9T58B1876 .200 814 9T58B2877 9T58B1877 .250 815 9T58B2878 9T58B1878 .300815 9T58B2879 9T58B1879 .500 1016 9T58B2881 9T58B1881 .7501216 9T58B2882 9T58B1882 1.012199T58B28839T58B1883240/480 Volts Primary -120/240 Volts Secondary-50/60 Hertz.500 1016 9T58B2930 9T58B1930 .750 1219 9T58B2931 9T58B1931 1.01416 9T58B2932 9T58B1932 1.5 1419 9T58B2933 9T58B1933 2.0 1422 9T58B2934 9T58B1934 3.014229T58B29359T58B1935380/400/416 Volts Primary -115/230 Volts Secondary-50/60 Hertz.500 1016 .750 1219 1.0 1416 1.5 1419 2.0 1422 3.01422., Fusing not available.Primaryand Secondary Leads Out9T58B2978 9T58B1978 9T58B2979 9T58B1979 9T58B2980 9T58B1980 9T58B2981 9T58B1981 9T58B2982 9T58B1982 9T58B29839T58B19835w ww. E l e ct r ic al P a rt Ma nu al s . c om!JimrmsionsTerminal Boards.., 0.EzA max T 8 maxcl LSideTopMaximum 8 terminals on 600-800 frames. Maximum 12 terminals on1000-1400 frames.All terminals use 8-32 screws.Terminals on CoilSideTopTypical G8 construction using coil face terminations.Primary and Secondary Leads OutTopStandard lead length is 10".Mounting Dimensions (For All Terminal Configurations)6'f," x 'I'' 600-800 frametor #10 mounting hardware 5f,6' x 'h6' 1000-1400 frame for 'I•" mounting hardwareFrame 611 612 613 811 813 814 815 817 1016 1216 1219 1416 1419 1422SideDepth "E" 23/16 23/a 211/16 23/16 211/16 215/16 33/16 311/16 35f,6 35/16 41/16 35/16 41/16 513/16 Width "F"21(, 21(, 21(2 31/a 31/a 31/a 31/a 31/a 31/2 4 4 51(, 51/2 51(,kVA Frame Depth "A "Width "8"0.050 611 43/a 31/16 0.075 612 45/a 31/16 0.100 613 47/a 31/16 0.150 811 43/a 313/16 0.200 813 47/a 313/16 0.250 814 51/a 313/16 0.300 815 53/a 313/16 0.375 817 57/a 313/16 0.500 1016 61/>6 413/16 0.750 1216 61/16 51/2 1.0 1219 613/16 51(, 1.51416 61/16 7 2.0 1419 613/16 7 3.0142289/167kVAFrameDepth "A"Width "8"0.050 611 37/16 31/16 0.075 612 311/16 31/16 0.100 613 315/16 31/16 0.150 811 313/16 313/16 0.200 813 45/16 313/16 0.250 814 49/16 313/16 0.300 815 413/16 313/16 0.375 817 55/16 313/16 0.500 1016 5'/• 43/• 0.750 1216 6 51(, 1.0 1219 6'1• 51/21.5 1416 61/• 72.0 1419 7 73.0142283/•7kVA Frame Depth "A"Width "8"0.050 611 31/• 31/16 0.075 612 31/2 31/16 0.100 613 3'1• 31/16 0.150 811 31/• 313/16 0.200 813 3'1• 313/16 0.250 814 4 313j,6 0.300 815 41/• 313/16 0.375 817 4'1• 313/16 0.500 1016 5 4'/• 0.750 1216 51/• 51(, 1.0 1219 6 51(, 1.5 1416 5'/• 7 2.0 1419 61(, 7 3.0 142281/27Upon request, Type IP transformers can be supplied to meet special mountingdimensions and configuration requirements.Height "C"Weight lbs.25/a 2.5 25/a 3 25/a 3.5 31/• 4.1 31/• 5.5 31/• 6.3 31/• 7.0 31/• 8.3 315/16 11.5 49/16 15.5 49/16 18.5 57/a 27.5 57/a 33.5 57/a45.0Height "C"Weight lbs.25/a 2.5 25/a 3.0 25/a 3.5 31/• 4.1 31/• 5.5 31/• 6.3 31/• 7.0 31/• 8.3 315/16 11.5 49/16 15.5 49/16 18.5 57/a 27.5 57/a 33.5 5'/a45.0Height "C "Weight lbs.25/a 2.5 25/a 3.0 25/a 3.5 31/• 4.1 31/• 5.5 3'1• 6.3 31/• 7.0 31/• 8.3 315/16 11.5 49/16 15.5 49/16 18.5 57/a 27.5 57/a 33.5 57/a45.0w ww. E l e ct r ic a l P a rt Ma nu al s . c omIntegral Fuse ConfigurationDepth Wid t h Height VA Frame "A " "B " "C " "H"50 6113'j , 31/16 41'/" 75 612 3'j , 31/16 4 7/s 100 811 3'/2 313/16 45/s 7/s 150 813 33/4313/16 45/a 7/s 200 814 4 313/16 45/s 7/s 250 815 4'/• 313/16 45/a 7/a 300 817 4'/, 313/16 45/s '/e 5001016411/1649/165'/•7/sConsult local GE sales office for sizes not listed.Note:Primary fuseholder Bussman BC6032�P, USD CC60030, or Gould 30322R two�pole for 600 volt class CC fuses Secondary fuse holder for type FRN fuses rated 0�30 ampsMounting Dimensions3J,s" x 7/,6" 600 framefor #10 mounting hardwareFrame Depth E Width "F"•;,," x W' 800� 1000 frame for #10 mounting hardware611 612 811813 814 815 817 1016113/16 21/2 21/1621/2 231/s 2'j, 31/s 2'/•3'/s 3 31/s 3 31/e 3'/•31/2Flange "G "3/a5j,6 5j,ss;,,Consult local GE sales office for sizes not listed.BottomFuse and Spade Terminal Options___1 c ITmax1+--9T58P4 fuse mount 250 volts, 15 amps max for any 1/4" dia x 11/4" longfuse packageC3_jLm �xIr+--Spade terminalsC2+-ICImax+9T58P5 fuse mount 250 volts, 30 amps max for any 'hs'' dia x 2" longfuse packageFrameC1 600 '/2 800 7j,6 1000 '/• 1200 3/161400N /AC2 C3 7/a 1/s 13/16 l j ,s 11;,6N /A 9/16 N /A 3/sN /AWeight "j""K "lbs. 1'/16 '/e 2.5 11/16 '/e3.0 'I • 14.1 'I • 15.5 'I •16.3 'I • 17.0 1/4 18.3 1 1'/•11.57w w w. E l e ct r ic a l P a rt Ma nu al s . c omG E A -1 054BA 0589A Full Line of GE Specialty Transformers ...General Purpose TransformersGE enclosed general purpose transformers are used in matching loadvoltage requirements to distribution voltages. They are rated 600 volts and below, and up to 1500 kva for supplying appliance, lighting, and powerloads from electrical distribution systems. GE general purpose transformers are UL listed and CSA certified (unless otherwise specified). In addition, each transformer meets the requirements of ANSI C89.2 and NEMA ST-20.Power Conditioning EquipmentGE offers a full range of products to safeguard sensitive equipmentagainst the damaging effects of voltage dips, surges, and static interference. Products include Guard I'" and Guard II'" noise isolation transformers,Stabilitron'" voltage stabilizers, and line conditioners that provide both voltage regulation and excellent noise attenuation.Uni-Center'" Integral Distribution CentersGE Uni-Center'" integral distribution centers provide a single integrated unit for transforming and switching power from primary feeders atutility voltage levels to in-plant utilization voltage requirements. Ratings are available from 112.5 to 1000 kva, 1.2 kv class and 112.5 to 500 kva,5.0-15.0 kv class. Uni-Center'" integral distribution centers are available inindoor and outdoor NEMA 3R enclosures.Volt-Pac® Variable AutotransformersVolt-Pac® autotransformers offer continuously adjustable voltage with no wave-form distortion over ranges of 0-100% or 0-117% of line voltage. Suit­able for many electronic and electrical applications, its simple operationis based on autotransformer action. Available models include manual, auto­matic or motor-operated designs, and are either cased or uncased.Core and Coil TransformersGE offers a complete line of low and medium voltage core and coil trans­formers up to 500 kva and 15 kv for a wide range of power and control ap­plications. Installation flexibility is provided by a choice of mounting types. Units are available for mounting either integrally within equipment cabi­nets or separately in individual enclosures. Cast coil construction is avail­able for some ratings.GE Electrical Distribution & ControlGeneral Electric Company41 Woodford Avenue, Plainville, CT 06062 © 1989 General Electric Companyw w w. E l e ct r ic al P a rt Ma nu al s . c om。

Transformer 变压器 英文原版

Transformer 变压器 英文原版

TRANSFORMER1. INTRODUCTIONThe high-voltage transmission was need for the case electrical power is to be provided at considerable distance from a generating station. At some point this high voltage must be reduced, because ultimately is must supply a load. The transformer makes it possible for various parts of a power system to operate at different voltage levels. In this paper we discuss power transformer principles and applications.2. TOW-WINDING TRANSFORMERSA transformer in its simplest form consists of two stationary coils coupled by a mutual magnetic flux. The coils are said to be mutually coupled because they link a common flux.In power applications, laminated steel core transformers (to which this paper is restricted) are used. Transformers are efficient because the rotational losses normally associated with rotating machine are absent, so relatively little power is lost when transforming power from one voltage level to another. Typical efficiencies are in the range 92 to 99%, the higher values applying to the larger power transformers.The current flowing in the coil connected to the ac source is called the primary winding or simply the primary. It sets up the flux φ in the core, which varies periodically both in magnitude and direction. The flux links the second coil, called the secondary winding or simply secondary. The flux is changing; therefore, it induces a voltage in the secondary by electromagnetic induction in accordance with Lenz’s law. Thus the primary receives its power from the source while the secondary supplies this power to the load. This action is known as transformer action.3. TRANSFORMER PRINCIPLESWhen a sinusoidal voltage Vp is applied to the primary with the secondary open-circuited, there will be no energy transfer. The impressed voltage causes a small current I0 to flow in the primary winding. This no-load current has two functions: (1) it produces the magnetic flux in the core, which varies sinusoidally between zero and φm, where φm is the maximum value of the core flux; and (2) it provides a component to account for the hysteresis and eddy current losses in the core. There combined losses are normally referred to as the core losses.The no-load current I0 is usually few percent of the rated full-load current of the transformer (about 2 to 5%). Since at no-load the primary winding acts as a large reactance due to the iron core, the no-load current will lag the primary voltage by nearly 90º. It is readily seen that the current component Im= I0sinθ0, called the magnetizing current, is 90º in phase behind the primary voltage VP. It is this component that sets up the flux in the core; φ is therefore in phase with Im.The second component, Ie=I0sinθ0, is in phase with the primary voltage. It is the current component that supplies the core losses. The phasor sum of these two components represents the no-load current, orI0 = Im+ IeIt should be noted that the no-load current is distortes and nonsinusoidal. This is the result of the nonlinear behavior of the core material.If it is assumed that there are no other losses in the transformer, the induced voltage In the primary, Ep and that in the secondary, Es can be shown. Since the magnetic flux set up by the primary winding ,there will be an induced EMF E in the secondary winding in accordance with Faraday’s law, namely, E=N Δφ/Δt. This same flux also links the primary itself, inducing in it an EMF, Ep. As discussed earlier, the induced voltage must lag the flux by 90º, therefore, they are 180º out of phase with the applied voltage. Since no current flows in the secondary winding, Es=Vs. The no-load primary current I0 is small, a few percent of full-load current. Thus the voltage in the primary is small and Vp is nearly equal to Ep. The primary voltage and the resulting flux are sinusoidal; thus the induced quantities Ep and Es vary as a sine function. The average value of the induced voltage given bywhich is Faraday’s law applied to a finite time interval. It follows thatEavg =()N 2f 12m ϕ = 4fN φmwhich N is the number of turns on the winding. Form ac circuit theory, the effective or root-mean-square (rms) voltage for a sine wave is 1.11 times the average voltage; thusE = 4.44fN φmSince the same flux links with the primary and secondary windings, the voltage per turn in each winding is the same. HenceEp = 4.44fNp φm andEs = 4.44fNs φmwhere Ep and Es are the number of turn on the primary and secondary windings, respectively. The ratio of primary to secondary induced voltage is called the transformation ratio. Denoting this ratio by a, it is seen thata =S P E E = SP N NAssume that the output power of a transformer equals its input power, not a bad sumption inpractice considering the high efficiencies. What we really are saying is that we are dealing with anideal transformer; that is, it has no losses. ThusPm = Pout orVpIp × primary PF = VsIs × secondary PFwhere PF is the power factor. For the above-stated assumption it means that the power factor on primary and secondary sides are equal; thereforeVpIp = VsIsfrom which is obtainedS P V V = S P I I ≌ S P E E ≌ aIt shows that as an approximation the terminal voltage ratio equals the turns ratio. The primary and secondary current, on the other hand, are inversely related to the turns ratio. The turns ratio gives a measure of how much the secondary voltage is raised or lowered in relation to the primary voltage. To calculate the voltage regulation, we need more information.The ratio of the terminal voltage varies somewhat depending on the load and its power factor. In practice, the transformation ratio is obtained from the nameplate data, which list the primary and secondary voltage under full-load condition.When the secondary voltage Vs is reduced compared to the primary voltage, the transformation is said to be a step-down transformer: conversely, if this voltage is raised, it is called a step-up transformer. In a step-down transformer the transformation ratio a is greater than unity (a>1.0), while for a step-up transformer it is smaller than unity (a<1.0). In the event that a=1, the transformer secondary voltage equals the primary voltage. This is a special type of transformer used in instances where electrical isolation is required between the primary and secondary circuit while maintaining the same voltage level. Therefore, this transformer is generally knows as an isolation transformer.As is apparent, it is the magnetic flux in the core that forms the connecting link between primary and secondary circuit. In section 4 it is shown how the primary winding current adjusts itself to the secondary load current when the transformer supplies a load.Looking into the transformer terminals from the source, an impedance is seen which by definition equals Vp / Ip. From S P = V V S P ≌I I SP E E ≌ a , we have Vp = aVs and Ip = Is/a.In terms of Vs and Is the ratio of Vp to Ip isP P I V =a a S S I V = SS I V a 2But Vs / Is is the load impedance ZL thus we can say thatZm (primary) = a2ZLThis equation tells us that when an impedance is connected to the secondary side, it appears from the source as an impedance having a magnitude that is a2 times its actual value. We say that the load impedance is reflected or referred to the primary. It is this property of transformers that is used in impedance-matching applications.4. TRANSFORMERS UNDER LOADThe primary and secondary voltages shown have similar polarities, as indicated by the “dot-making” convention. The dots near the upper ends of the windings have the same meaning as in circuit theory; the marked terminals have the same polarity. Thus when a load is connected to the secondary, the instantaneous load current is in the direction shown. In other words, the polarity markings signify that when positive current enters both windings at the marked terminals, the MMFs of the two windings add.Since the secondary voltage depends on the core flux φ0, it must be clear that the flux should not change appreciably if Es is to remain essentially constant under normal loading conditions. With the load connected, a current Is will flow in the secondary circuit, because the induced EMF Es will act as a voltage source. The secondary current produces an MMF NsIs that creates a flux. This flux has such a direction that at any instant in time it opposes the main flux that created it in the first place. Of course, this is Lenz’s law in action. Thus the MMF represented by NsIs tends to reduce the core flux φ0. This means that the flux linking the primary winding reduces and consequently the primary induced voltage Ep, This reduction in induced voltage causes a greater difference between the impressed voltage and the counter induced EMF, thereby allowing more current to flow in the primary. The fact that primary current Ip increases means that the two conditions stated earlier are fulfilled: (1) the power input increases to match the power output, and (2) the primary MMF increases to offset the tendency of the secondary MMF to reduce the flux.In general, it will be found that the transformer reacts almost instantaneously to keep the resultant core flux essentially constant. Moreover, the core flux φ0 drops very slightly between n o load and full load (about 1 to 3%), a necessary condition if Ep is to fall sufficiently to allow an increase in Ip.On the primary side, Ip’ is the current that flows in the primary to balance the demagnetizing effect of Is. Its MMF NpIp’ sets up a flux linking the primary only. Since the core flux φ0 remains constant. I0 must be the same current that energizes the transformer at no load. The primary current Ip is therefore the sum of the current Ip’ and I0.Because the no-load current is relatively small, it is correct to assume that the primary ampere-turns equal the secondary ampere-turns, since it is under this condition that the core flux is essentially constant. Thus we will assume that I0 is negligible, as it is only a small component of the full-load current.When a current flows in the secondary winding, the resulting MMF (NsIs) creates a separate flux, apart from the flux φ0 produced by I0, which links the secondary winding only. This flux does no link with the primary winding and is therefore not a mutual flux.In addition, the load current that flows through the primary winding creates a flux that links with the primary winding only; it is called the primary leakage flux. The secondary- leakage fluxgives rise to an induced voltage that is not counter balanced by an equivalent induced voltage in the primary. Similarly, the voltage induced in the primary is not counterbalanced in the secondary winding. Consequently, these two induced voltages behave like voltage drops, generally called leakage reactance voltage drops. Furthermore, each winding has some resistance, which produces a resistive voltage drop. When taken into account, these additional voltage drops would complete the equivalent circuit diagram of a practical transformer. Note that the magnetizing branch is shown in this circuit, which for our purposes will be disregarded. This follows our earlier assumption that the no-load current is assumed negligible in our calculations. This is further justified in that it is rarely necessary to predict transformer performance to such accuracies. Since the voltage drops are all directly proportional to the load current, it means that at no-load conditions there will be no voltage drops in either winding.。





1.2 本书提出的是最低限度的技术要求,并未对一切技术细节作出规定,也未充分引述有关标准和规范的条文。


1.3 本书所使用的标准如与供方所执行标准不一致时,应按较高标准执行。



干式电力变压器Dry Transformers 【使用说明】【Hand book 】干式电力变压器使用说明■SG 、DG 、OSG 、ODG (三相、单相、自耦)干式电力变压器,是我公司专门为各类进口设备和国产设备生产的系列产品,具有适用负载广泛、能承受瞬时超栽、可长期连续工作的特点。

■型号表示方法联接组初级星形次级星行有零线输出线电压(V )输入线电压(V )额定容量(KVA )干式变压器三相□D 单相带O 表示自耦GSHandbook of dry transformerSG 、DG 、OSG 、ODG (single-phase 、three-phases 、auto transformer )dry transformers are special Products of HANGHENG,which are for the purpose of imported devices and Chinese products.They have the advantages for widely used loads and can bear the instant over load and even work continuously for a long period.Type description :Connection group primary Star connection secondary star connect with null writing Output Voltage (V )Input Voltage (V )Rated Capacity (KVA )Dry TransformerThree-phase □D single phase Auto transformer with “D”■使用条件a)海拔不超过1000米b)最高温度+45℃c)最高日平均气温+35℃d)最高年平均气温+25℃e)最低气温-30℃(适用于户外式变压器)f)最低气温-5℃(适用于内式变压器)g)相对湿度≤90%h)电源电压波形近似于正弦波i)多相电源电压应近似于对称■Working conditions:a)altitude no more than 1000m b)max.temperature+45℃c)max.average temperature per day+35℃d)max.average temperature per year+25℃e)min.temperature-30℃(applicable for out-door transformer)f)min.temperature-5℃(applicable for in-door transformer)g)relative humidity ≤90%GSh)wave of power supply voltage approximately sin-wavei)multi-phase power supply should be approximately symmetric■安装环境a)变压器应安装在通风干燥、无有害的烟雾和蒸汽、腐蚀性的尘埃、水蒸汽、烟雾、严重潮湿、滴水的环境中;b)变压器四周应有一定的空间,以便维修、保养;c)安装场所应无严重的震动和颠簸。



PS100GR RP250GR RS100GRVARIABLE TRANSFORMERS • VOLTAGE REGULATORS • POWER CONDITIONERS • LIGHTING CONTROLS • MOTION CONTROLS5-WA Y ®Binding Posts and SUPERCON ®Electrical Connectors2Standard and Miniature Single Assembly5-WA Y® Binding Posts5-WA Y® Binding Posts have positive-stop captivethumbnuts that allow space to make connectionsyet reduce the likelihood of accidentally contactingcurrent carrying parts. They are available in red,white, blue, yellow, black and green. BP31 flutednut types have insulating parts of Lexan® polycar-bonate resin which has a higher DC insulation re-sistance at all operating temperatures and signifi-cantly lower capacitance which provides greaterresistance to high frequency leakage effects. Allothers have nylon plastic per MIL-P20693A, T ypeIV. Current carrying parts are gold, nickel or tinplated brass for improved conductivity and corro-sion resistance. Metal parts are recessed for userand instrument protection and none touch themounting panel. All are available in single packs or100-quantity bulk packs. They are UnderwritersLaboratories recognized components.Standard Hex Nut and Fluted Nut Types -Ratedfor 30 A, 1000 V working.Miniature Fluted Nut Types -Rated for 15A,1000 V working.** T ype numbers given are for binding posts with gold plated brass parts. For nickel plated brass parts addsuffix N, for tin plated brass parts add suffix T; for example, BP30GNN (nickel) or BP30GNT (tin). Ordersingle pack quantities by adding suffix “-1 PKG”, for example BP21R-1 PKG; order bulk pack quantitiesby adding suffix “-B PKG”, for example BP21R-B PKG.TYPES BP30 and BP31 DIMENSIONSTYPE BP21 DIMENSIONS*Lexan is a General Electric T rademarkBP30GNBP31RBP21B3Larger Stud Single Assembly5-WA Y ®Binding PostsLarger stud single assembly types have the same features as types described on page 2 but have a larger #10-32 stud for behind the panel connections.Grounding type is made of polished nickel plated brass.Larger Stud Hex Nut and Fluted Nut Types -Rated for 30A, 1000 V working.All Metal Grounding Type BP30GP10 - For mak-ing rapid connections to ground.** T ype numbers given are for larger stud binding posts with gold plated brass parts, except BP30GP10 which is nickel plated. For nickel plated brass parts add suffix N, for tin plated brass parts add suffix T; for example, PB30-10GNN (nickel) or BP30-10GNT (tin). Order single pack quantities by adding suffix “-1 PKG”, for example BP30-10B-1PKG; order bulk pack quantities by adding suffix” -B PKG”, for ex-ample BP30-10B-B PKG.BP31-10RBP30-10GNBP30GP10TYPES BP30-10 and BP31-10 DIMENSIONSTYPE BP30GP10 DIMENSIONS4Standard, Miniature and Larger Stud Double Assembly5-WA Y® Binding PostsDouble Assembly 5-WAY® Binding Posts aredesigned for faster, more accurate mounting on3/4-inch (19mm) centers. Conventional miniature,standard and larger stud types have panel insulat-ing parts in black only. Thumbnuts are available incolor combinations of red and black, black and blackand red and red. Plastic insulating parts have thesame characteristics as single types. Metal partsare available in gold, nickel or tin plated brass parts.Double assembly types are available in single packsor in 10-quantity bulk packs. All are UnderwritersLaboratories recognized components.Standard Hex Nut and Fluted Nut Types -Ratedfor 30 A, 1000 V working.Miniature Fluted Nut Types -Rated for 15A,1000 V working.* Order single pack quantities by adding suffix “-1 PKG”, for example BP30-2BB-1 PKG;order bulk pack quantities by adding suffix “-B PKG”, for example BP30-2BB-B PKG.5TYPE BP21-2BR DIMENSIONSTYPE BP30-2BR DIMENSIONSBP30-2BRStandard, Miniature and Larger Stud Double Assembly5-WA Y ®Binding PostsBP30-2BR10TYPE BP30-2BR10 DIMENSIONSBP21-2BR6Custom Color Ring5-WA Y ® Binding PostsAll cataloged Custom Color Ring Series types have neutral gray plastic insulating parts. Single assem-bly types have thumbnut-imbedded rings in red,white, blue, yellow, black or green plastic while double assembly types have thumbnut color rings in black-red only. All are available with current car-rying parts in gold, nickel or tin plated brass. BP31Series fluted nut types have insulating parts molded of Lexan polycarbonate resin which has a higher DC insulation resistance at all operating tempera-tures and significantly lower capacitance which pro-vides greater resistance to high frequency leakage effects. All others have nylon plastic per MIL-P-20693A, T ype IV . All types with “-10” in the suffix have larger 10-32 studs for making behind the panel connections. Contingent upon minimum quantityrequirements, insulating part color can be custom-ized. Inquiries are invited. Single assembly types are available in single packs or 100-quantity bulk packs; double assembly types are available in single packs or 10-quantity bulk packs. They are Under-writers Laboratories recognized components.Single Assembly Standard Hex Nut and Fluted Nut Types - Rated for 30 A, 1000 V working.Single Assembly Miniature Fluted Nut Types -Rated for 15A, 1000 V working.Double Assembly Standard Hex Nut and Fluted Nut Types - Rated for 30 A, 1000 V working.Double Assembly Miniature Fluted Nut Types -Rated for 15A, 1000 V working.SINGLE ASSEMBL Y TYPESDOUBLE ASSEMBL Y TYPES* Enter desired ring color code: R (red), B (black), BL (blue), GN (green),WT (white), Y (yellow).** Enter desired ring color code: R (red), B (black), BL (blue), DG (green), WT (white), Y (yellow).† T ype numbers given are for binding posts with gold plated brass parts. For nickel plated brass parts add suffix N, for tin plated brass parts add suffix T; for example, BP30GY1RN (nickel) or BP30GY1RT (tin). Order single pack quantities by adding suffix “-1 PKG ”, for ex-ample BP21GY1R-1 PKG; order bulk pack quantities by adding suffix “-B PKG ”, for example BP21GY1R-B PKG.SUPERCON®Electrical ConnectorsSUPERCON® Electrical Connectors incorporate many advanced engineering features designed to provide safe, rapid and positive panelboard con-nections. Single conductor socket and pin type plugs and receptacles are offered in 25, 50, 100 and 250 Amp capacities.The 25, 50 and 100 Amp types are rated 125-250 VAC or DC current interrupting, 600 V unenergized connect or disconnect use only; 250 Amp types are rated 600 V unenergized connect or disconnect use only. The 25, 50 and 100 Amp types are CSA certi-fied under file No. LR-17812.PLUGS -Plugs have a unique functionally designed grip for handling ease and convenience. The vari-ety of red, white, blue, yellow, black or green colors permits wider latitude in patchboard distribution lay-outs. Wiring connection to the same plug can be either soldered or solderless. Cable fastening screws are provided which permit a range of cable sizes to be accommodated by the plug. All plug grips are of a simple, two-piece threaded construction for quick assembly.RECEPT ACLES - Receptacles have color-matched nylon caps and bodies. All plastic parts of a recep-tacle are molded through in the same color to per-mit more rapid and accurate circuit identification on both the front and back of the panel when installed. Wiring connections are made to a threaded stud by wire wraparound, by lug or bus bar connection.78SUPERCON®Electrical ConnectorsRS25GRPP25GRRP25GWTPS25GWTRS100GBPP100GBRP100GGNPS100GGN925 AMPERE TYPES OUTLINES50 AMPERE TYPES OUTLINES100 AMPERETYPES OUTLINES10RS250GYPP250GYRP250GRPS250GRSUPERCON®Electrical Connectors250 AMPERE TYPES OUTLINES11Other Voltage Control ProductsSTABILINE ® Power Protection ProductsST ABILINE ® Power Protec-tion Products include cabinet and rack mount WHR Series Voltage Regulators with rat-ings to 1680 kVA, SW and SPW Series Uninterruptible Power Supplies that regulate voltage and provide battery backup in event of power fail-ure, PPC Series Power Con-ditioners to protect from power sags, spikes andsurges.POWERSTAT ® Variable TransformersThe most recognized brand in the technology, the POWERSTAT ®Variable T ransformer line includes 31 series in either single or three phase 120, 240 or 480 V types in ratings from 0.13 to 365 kVA. They are available in manual and motor driven, portable with and without meters, open and enclosed mod-els. Epoxy-coated POWERKOTE ®Coils give 20% average higher current ratings, greater overload capacity .LUXTROL ® Light ControlsLUXTROL ® Light Controls are available for the control of incandescent lighting. T ypes includewallbox style manual WBD Series in ratings to 1800 watts and manual and motor driven 2000and 5000 watt D series.Distribution Coast-to-Coast and InternationalSuperior Electric products are available worldwide through an extensive authorized distributor network. These distributors offer literature, technical assistance and a widerange of models off the shelf for fastest possible delivery and service.In addition, Superior Electric sales representatives are available to provide promptattention to customer needs. Call or fax for ordering and application information or forthe name and address of the nearest authorized distributor.383 Middle StreetBristol, CT 06010 USAT el: 860-585-4500Fax: 860-582-3784Web: Toll Free in USA and CanadaCustomer Service: 1-800-787-3532 - Ext. 4750Product Application: 1-800-787-3532 - Ext. 4755Product Literature Requests: 1-800-787-3532 - Ext. 4750Fax: 1-800-821-1369383 Middle Street • Bristol, CT 06010 USAT el: 860.585.4500 • Fax: 860.584.1483Printed in USAPS100GR RP250GR RS100GR。



Current TransformersGeneral DescriptionEaton’s low voltage current transformers areavailable in both solid core and split core designs. Engineered for electronic metering applications, all solid core designs and selected split core designs offer ANSI metering quality accuracy. The current transformer offering has a 5A secondary at the rated primary current.Split core CTs are specifically designed to be installed around primary conductors without disconnecting wires or breaking the circuit to be monitored. These current transformers are perfect solutions for energy management applications and are manufactured for installation ease.Application DescriptionFor new construction and retrofit applicationswhere no current transformer exists, Eaton offers a complete selection of low voltage (up to 600V) current transformers. These current transformers can be used in commercial grade applications such as control panels and panelboards. Additionally, they can be used for most industrial metering applications in switchboards, switchgear and motor control centers.Note:N Not for use with IQ 35M or IQ MESII.Current Transformers2Technical Data TD02601002EEffective March 2012Current T ransformerseaton corporationPrimary Current Rating Metering Class at 60 Hz (Accuracy in %)Window Size in Inches (mm)Figure Number for Dimensional Data Catalog Number 400 2.4 2.00 x 5.50(50.8 x 139.7)7M000-401500 2.4M000-501600 2.4M000-601800 1.2M000-8011000 1.2M000-10212000.6M000-12215000.6M000-15216000.6M000-16220000.6M000-202600 4.8 4.10 x 7.10(104.1 x 180.3)8M050-601750 4.8M050-751800 2.4M050-8011000 2.4M050-1021200 1.2M050-1221500 1.2M050-15220000.6M050-20225000.6M050-25230000.6M050-30235000.6M050-35240000.3M050-402Product Selection (cont.)Current Rating Accuracy at 60 Hz (in %)Window Size in Inches (mm)for Dimensional Data Catalog Number 100 5.00.80 x 1.95(20.3 x 49.5)9M030-101150 5.0M030-151200 4.0M030-201300 2.0M030-301400 2.0M030-401100 5.0 1.42 x 1.53(36.1 x 38.9)10M040-101150 4.0M040-151200 1.5M040-201300 1.5M040-301400 1.5M040-401200 1.02.75 x 2.70(69.9 x 68.6)11M060-201300M060-301400M060-401500M060-501600M060-601750M060-751800M060-8011000M060-1021200M060-122500 1.02.60 x 6.25(66.0 x 158.8)12M080-501600M080-601800M080-8011000M080-1021200M080-1221500M080-1521600M080-1622000M080-2022500M080-2523000M080-302Primary Current Rating Metering Class at 60 Hz (Accuracy in %)Size inInches (mm) Diameter Catalog Number Number for Dimensional Data Bracket Catalog Number 3000.31.56 (39.6)S050-3011S050BRAC400S050-401500S050-501600S050-601750S050-751800S050-8011000S050-1021200S050-12250 1.2 1.25 (31.8)S060-5002a1000.6S060-1011500.3S060-1512000.3S060-2014000.33.25 (82.6)S080-4013S080BRAC500S080-501600S080-601750S080-751800S080-8011000S080-1021200S080-1225000.34.25 (108.0)S090-5014S090BRAC600S090-601750S090-751800S090-8011000S090-1021200S090-1221500S090-1521600S090-1622000S090-2022500S090-2523000S090-3026000.36.31 (160.3)S025-6015S025BRAC750S025-751800S025-*******S025-*******S025-*******S025-*******S025-*******S025-*******S025-*******S025-*******S025-*******S025-402250.3Wound Primary W190-0256W190BRAC50W190-050a No mounting bracket required.Product Selection3Technical Data TD02601002EEffective March 2012Current T ransformerseaton corporation Dimensions in Inches (mm)4Technical Data TD02601002EEffective March 2012Current T ransformerseaton corporation Dimensions in Inches (mm) (cont.)5Technical Data TD02601002EEffective March 2012Current T ransformerseaton corporation Dimensions in Inches (mm) (cont.)6Technical Data TD02601002EEffective March 2012Current T ransformerseaton corporation Dimensions in Inches (mm) (cont.)7Technical Data TD02601002EEffective March 2012Current T ransformerseaton corporation Dimensions in Inches (mm) (cont.)Technical Data TD02601002EEffective March 2012Current T ransformersEaton CorporationElectrical Sector1000 Cherrington ParkwayMoon Township, PA 15108United States877-ETN-CARE (877-386-2273)/meters© 2012 Eaton CorporationAll Rights ReservedPrinted in USAPublication No. TD02601002E / TN March 2012Eaton is a registered trademark of Eaton Corporation.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.。

变压器类 选型手册

变压器类 选型手册

PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 Taikai Electric Group Co., Ltd is a large-scale ent erpri se of researc hi ng & devel opi ng, m anu fac t u ri ng an d s el l i ng of c om p l et e eq ui p m en t s of p ow er t ran sm i s si on and di st r i bu t i on, up t o 55 0kV as w el l as a professional EPC contractor of transmission and transformation projects. Taikai Group with 1. 55 billion yuan of registered capital and 4.60 billion yuan of total capital, occupies 450,000 square meters of building area, and has more than 6700 employees. The group subordinated wit h 12 c om panies is ranked top 3 in the switchgear line of the whole country, with its comprehensive economic targets and the No. 1 position in Shandong province. The sales revenue has reached 1.05 billion USD last year. The day after the establishment, Taikai has been actively prom oting cultrue-advancingenterprise strategy, to im prove the company core com petence, and construct “animate enterprise, well-known products, and employee with great morale” development environment. The en t erpri se s pi ri t “Honest , Credi t , Prac tic al, and Innovative” and business , object ives “Pursuing Perfect and Repay Society.” Have been to the common corporate values and philosophy. Taikai uses the advanced MIS i nform ation system, and the design and m anufacture of products adopts CAD and CAM technology. All the subordi nated fi liales have passed t he ISO9001-2008 quality managem ent system,OHSAS18001-1999 occupational health and safety managem ent system, and ISO140012004 environmental management system, and “China Compulsory Certification”certification of l ow -vol t el ec t ri c appl i anc e and P CCC c erti fic at ion of nat ional energy produc ts. According to GB/T19001:2000 international quality standard, group has established strict quality management system. Our corporation perseveres in “intensive products and sincere desire service” quality service philosophy, pursues the im provem ent of product and service quality, and devotes our attention to supplying zero-defec t product s and zerodistance highly-efficient service. Taikai insists on independent innovation and technology strengthening enterprise, and the products consist of 5 catagories: switches, switch cubicles, transformers, automatic control, and wires and cables. It covers 6 voltage levels with 550kV and below, more than 180 kinds and over 2000 models. Adheres to the sustainable development informatization, innovative and hi gh t ec hnol ogy, professi onal izat ion, and economization, the group puresues the business pol i cy of Quali t y Devel opi ng Market and Integrity Casting Brand, and devotes itself to band m anagement strategy to build “TK” band. There are more than 30 kinds of products which fill in gaps of country and province, over 20 kinds of products listed in “Chinese National Key New Products Plan and Torch Plan” and ,more than 10 kinds of products have the honour to get national pantent. In rec ent years, Taikai has been chievi ng hypernom al and striding developm ent, and awarded as nationalwide “Key High and New Tech Enterprises” “Nationalwide Torch Plan , Key Enterprise of Tai’an Transm ission and Transformation Products Manufacture Base” , “Nationalwide Enterprise Adhering to Heavy Credi t of Cont ract s” , “Nat ional Model Harmonious Enterprise in Labor Relation” one , of the fifty powerful enterprises in paying taxes by mechanical industry of Shandong province, one of the ten prop enterprises in economy of Tai’an city, the “civilized unit” by Shandong prov i nc e for c ont i nu ous fou r years, t he advanced unit i n m aki ng peopl e ric h and vitalizing Shandong province. According to the category of transmission and t rans for m at i on eq ui p m ent s , Tai k ai has establ ished 12 w holly-owned subsidiaries, which are all enterprises above designated size. Standing one the area of over 1,333, 333m 2 , with the professional and dedicated at t i t u d e, Tai k ai p eo p l e s p eed u p t h e development step of these 12 companies. W e are trying our best to promote“Taikai” from equipment m anufacture to overall design and installation of substations, and the dom estic l eadi ng and i nt ernat i onal advanc ed transmission and transformation manufacture base.Enterprise Spirit: Honest, Credit, Practical, and Innovative Enterprise Tenet: Pursuing perfect to repay society Operation Principle: Maintaining the domestic leading position, and Achieve world top-ranking Quality Policy: For all the positions, prevention should come first, and improve the quality management system continuously. To provide the electric system excellent product with better performance, quality and price to make more contributes to the society.PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 Shandong Taikai Power Engineering Co., Ltd (hereinafter briefed as TKPE), subordinated to Taikai Electric Group, is an economic entity of independent corporation, and enjoys right in foreign trade & power engineering business. TKPE is the leading company in supplying complete equipments for high-volt power transmission and transformation substation, including: Transformer, GIS, Circuit Breaker, Disconnector, Current Transformer, Voltage Transformer, Switch Cubicle, Prefabricated Substation, and Integrated Protection Devices. TKPE is an EPC c ontractor of power transmission and transformation substation projects and the incorporated facilities for thermal station, hydropower station and combined cycle power station and the supplying of professional international trade service, which is approved by China Ministry of Construction. TKPE possesses credential of import and export enterpris, economic cooperation concerning foreign interests, and construction permit of contracting installation, maintenance, and commission. TKPE adopts firs t-c las s engineer management technology, internal computer network, internet, CAD drawing software and comprehensive management software. “TK” brand complete products, reputable all over the world, have been exported to Poland, Russia, Sudan, Vietnam, Myanmar, Turkey, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Nigeria, Algeria, Nepal, India and etc. TKPE would establish and perfect the quality control and internal management system for a project under the condition of guarantying the quality and reliability of the equipment to meet customer’s requirements in safety, sanitary, environment protection, risk control and etc. TKPE sincerely wishes to cooperate with y ou f or m u t ual b en ef it an d f u r th er development, we promise to provide you qualified product and considerate service.PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 TRANSFORMER10~35kV Oil-immersed Power Transformer SC(B) Serial Epoxy Casting Dry Transformer SCBZ9-315~2500/10 Serial Epoxy Casting Dry Transformer with OLTCINSTRUMENT TRANSFORMER1 7LVQB-35~500 Series SF6 Current Transformer Oil-immersed Vertical Current Transformer LVB(T)-35~220 Oil-immersed Inverted Current Transformer51 54 57 60 63 65 67 68 6912 13JDQXF-35~220 Voltage Transformer TYD-35~220 Capacitor Voltage Transformer JLSQ-10(35) Combined Transformer Metallic Oxide Lightning Arrester Compound-Bushing Zero-Clearance LA Porcelain Bushing LASG10 Type-H Insulating Dry TransformerSCBH10 Series Amorphous Alloy Dry Type Transformer15 35~500kV Oil-immersed Power Transformer Commutator Transformer17 28 29Furnace TransformerREACTORBKGKL Shunt Reactor30 32 41 46 48 50CKGKL Dry-type Air-lore Reactor XKGKL Current Limiting Reactor Dry-type core Reactor LKGKL Filter Reactor 330kV,550kV Oil-Immersed ReactorPDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 10~35kVOil-immersed Power Transformer1 OverviewThis product applies to 3-phases, 50Hz, 35kV and below power system, and is the main transformation equipment of small and medium enterprise. The product has widely used in agricultural and industrial power distribution, power and lighting. The company draw on advanced technology, using new materials and optimized design to make the products more reasonable, the electric strength, mechanical strength, and heat dissipation capacity of the product to be significantly improved. The product meets GB1094.1~2-1996, GB1094.3~4-2003, GB/T6451-1999.2 Model and DefinitionsS(F)Z □-M- □/ □ Rated voltage (kV) Rated power (kVA) Full seal Design series no. On-load switch Cooling method (air cooling) Number of phase (three phases)3 Service and Installation ConditionsAltitude:≤1000m Environment temperature:The maximum temperature:+40℃,the maximum monthly average temperature:+30℃,the maximum yearly average temperature:+20℃,The lowest temperature:-45℃ (3) Power demand:approximate sine wave, three-phase symmetrical (4) Installation site:outside or inside, the environment has no significant contamination Note: it should be explained if the transformer is used in special conditions in order.4 Main ParametersS9 serial 35kV oil-immersed power transformer with OCTCVoltage group and tap Type S9-50 S9-80 S9-100 S9-125 S9-160 S9-200 S9-250 S9-315 S9-400 S9-500 S9-630 S9-800 S9-1000 S9-1250 S9-1600 S9-2000 S9-2500 35 38.5 ± 5% or 0.4 Yyn0 or Dyn11 HV HV tap LV Vector No load group loss 0.21 0.28 0.29 0.34 0.36 0.43 0.51 0.61 0.73 0.86 1.04 1.23 1.44 1.76 2.12 2.65 2.96 Load loss 1.27/1.21 1.81/1.72 2.12/2.02 2.5/2.38 2.97/2.83 3.5/3.33 4.16/3.96 5.01/4.77 6.05/5.76 7.28/6.93 8.28 9.90 12.15 14.67 17.55 20.7 24.5 No load Short-circuit Weight current impedance 2.0 1.8 1.8 1.70 1.60 1.50 1.40 1.30 1.30 1.20 1.10 1.00 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 6.5 900 1020 1100 1220 1320 1580 1780 1795 2230 2460 2970 3595 4010 4795 5760 6000 6830 Dimension (mm) L 1220 1220 1220 1220 1810 1990 2010 2020 2020 2040 2320 2365 2390 2470 2660 2670 2500 W 950 1070 1070 1250 1020 1020 1120 1120 1200 1220 1190 1510 1520 1530 1600 1650 3000 H 1710 1770 1800 1900 1930 2080 2130 2200 2290 2400 2410 2365 2425 2610 2650 2730 2700 1070 × 1070 820 × 820 660 × 660 Gauge(mm)± 2 × 2.5% 0.69Note: (1) For the transformer capacity of 500kVA and below, the load loss values of table slash top apply to Dyn11 vector group, the load loss values of table bottom apply to Yyn0 vector group. (2) Dimensions only for reference. (3) Making special parameter power transformer according to customer’s demand.P 1.PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 S11 type 35kV oil-immersed power transformer with OCTCVoltage group and tapTypeHVHV tapLVVector No load group loss 0.17 0.22 0.24 0.27 0.29 0.34 0.41 0.49 0.58 0.69 0.83 0.98 1.15 1.41 1.7 1.98 2.35Load loss 1.21/1.15 1.72/1.63 2.01/1.92 2.38/2.26 2.82/2.69 3.33/3.16 3.95/3.76 4.76/4.53 5.75/5.47 6.92/6.58 7.87 9.41 11.54 13.94 16.68 19800 23000No load Short-circuit Weight current impedance 1.6 1.44 1.44 1.36 1.28 1.2 1.12 1.04 1.04 0.96 0.88 0.80 0.80 0.72 0.64 0.56 0.48 6.5 785 920 1100 1245 1470 1510 1615 2010 2170 2565 2980 3680 4490 4860 5580 6090 6900Dimension (mm)L W HGauge(mm)S11-50 S11-80 S11-100 S11-125 S11-160 S11-200 S11-250 S11-315 S11-400 S11-500 S11-630 S11-800 S11-1000 S11-1250 S11-1600 S11-2000 S11-2500 35 ± 5% or 0.4 38.5 ± 2 × 2.5% 0.69 Yyn0 or Dyn111070 1090 1165 1265 1310 1350 1400 1640 1720 2030 2070 2220 2370 2390 2430 2550 2630830 850 900 1080 1080 1100 1120 1130 1140 1160 1220 1260 1290 1340 1420 1700 18001770 1790 1870 1950 1970 1980 2040 2080 2120 2160 2240 2340 2440 2580 2620 2700 3050 1070 × 1070 820 × 820 660 × 660(1) For the transformer capacity of 500kVA and below, the load loss values of table slash top apply to Dyn11 vector group, the load loss values of table bottom apply to Yyn0 vector group. (2) Dimensions only for reference. (3) Making special parameter power transformer according to customer’s demand. S9 type 10kV oil-immersed power transformer with OCTCVoltage group and tapTypeHVHV tapLVVector No load group loss 0.13 0.17 0.20 0.25 0.29 0.34 0.40Load loss 0.63/0.60 0.91/0.87 1.09/1.04 1.31/1.25 1.58/1.50 1.89/1.80 2.31/2.20 2.73/2.60 3.20/3.05 3.83/3.65 4.52/4.30 5.41/5.15 6.20 7.50 10.3 12.0 14.5 19.8 23.0No load Short-circuit Weight current impedance 2.3 2.0 1.9 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 4.0 320 400 440 490 560 670 770 920 1110 1260 1550 1780 2240 2495 2930 3380 4090 5280 6370Dimension (mm)L W HGauge(mm)S9-30 S9-50 S9-63 S9-80 S9-100 S9-125 S9-160 S9-200 S9-250 S9-315 S9-400 S9-500 S9-630 S9-800 S9-1000 S9-1250 S9-1600 S9-2000 S9-2500 6 6.3 10 11 Yyn0 ± 5% or 0.4 or Dyn111050 1100 1110 1110 1110 1190 1250 1250 1540 1560 1600 1630 1760 2135 2140 2200 2380 2420 2460610 770 770 780 790 800 830 840 990 1010 1040 1200 1230 1250 1370 1370 1385 1450 27001080 1120 1150 1210 1220 1370 1400 1440 1500 1530 1590 1650 1760 1835 1945 1990 2080 2405 2600 1070 × 1070 820 × 820 660 × 660 550 × 550 400 × 4000.48 0.56 0.67 0.80 0.96 1.20 1.40 1.70 1.95 2.40 2.60 3.000.69 10.5 ± 2 × 2.5%Note: (1) For the transformer capacity of 500kVA and below, the load loss values of table slash top apply to Dyn11 vector group, the load loss values of table bottom apply to Yyn0 vector group. (2) Dimensions only for reference. (3) Making special parameter power transformer according to customer’s demand.P 2.PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 SZ9 type 10kV oil-immersed power transformer with OLTCVoltage group and tap Type SZ9-100 SZ9-125 SZ9-160 SZ9-200 SZ9-250 SZ9-315 SZ9-400 SZ9-500 SZ9-630 SZ9-800 SZ9-1000 SZ9-1250 SZ9-1600 6 6.3 10 10.5 11 ± 4 × 2.5%0.4 0.69HVHV tapLVVector No load group loss 0.29 0.34 0.40 0.48 0.56 Yyn0 or Dyn11 0.67 0.80 0.96 1.20 1.40 1.70 1.95 2.40Load loss 1.58 1.89 2.31 3.06 3.6 4.32 5.22 6.21 7.65 9.36 10.98 13.05 15.57No load Short-circuit Weight current impedance 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.8 4.5 4.0 880 960 1080 1200 1400 1600 1870 2190 2620 3100 3660 4160 4880Dimension (mm)L W HGauge(mm)1630 1660 1710 1740 1940 1980 2050 2060 2590 2620 2650 2720 2880800 850 870 870 880 900 1000 1070 1130 1290 1380 1410 14901370 1380 1410 1450 1560 1610 1680 1760 1970 2070 2120 2190 2210 820 × 820 660 × 660Note: (1) Above parameter applies to 400V of LV. (2) Dimensions only for reference. (3) Making special parameter power transformer according to customer’s demand.S9-M type 10kV oil-immersed power transformer with OCTCVoltage group and tapTypeHVHV tapLVVector No load group loss 0.13 0.17 0.20 0.25 0.29 0.34 0.40Load loss 0.63/0.60 0.91/0.87 1.09/1.04 1.31/1.25 1.58/1.50 1.89/1.80 2.31/2.20 2.73/2.60 3.20/3.05 3.83/3.65 4.52/4.30 5.41/5.15 6.20 7.50 10.3 12.0 14.5 19.8 23.0No load Short-circuit Weight current impedance 2.3 2.0 1.9 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 4.5 4.0 360 440 480 530 600 680 790 900 1080 1250 1500 1700 2180 2395 2850 3370 4060 5160 6390Dimension (mm)L W HGauge(mm)S9-M-30 S9-M-50 S9-M-63 S9-M-80 S9-M-100 S9-M-125 S9-M-160 S9-M-200 S9-M-250 S9-M-315 S9-M-400 S9-M-500 S9-M-630 S9-M-800 S9-M-1000 S9-M-1250 S9-M-1600 S9-M-2000 S9-M-25006 6.3 10 10.5 11820 870 880 900 910 950 990 1250 1280 1370 1440 1440 1600 1715 1910 1980 1980 2100 2180670 670 670 680 690 700 720 730 750 780 810 820 860 960 1250 1280 1280 1450 1490990 1030 1060 1120 1170 1190 1210 1320 1380 1400 1470 1530 1570 1585 1700 1740 1830 2020 2230 1070 × 1070 820 × 820 660 × 660 550 × 550 400 × 400Yyn0± 5% or ± 2× 2.5% 0.4 0.690.48 0.56 0.67 0.80 0.96 1.20 1.40 1.70 1.95 2.40 2.60 3.00or Dyn11Note: (1) For the transformer capacity of 500kVA and below, the load loss values of table slash top apply to Dyn11 vector group, the load loss values of table bottom apply to Yyn0 vector group. (2) Dimensions only for reference. (3) Making special parameter power transformer according to customer’s demand.P 3.PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 S11 type 10kV oil-immersed power transformer with OCTCVoltage group and tapType S11-30 S11-50 S11-63 S11-80 S11-100 S11-125 S11-160 S11-200 S11-250 S11-315 S11-400 S11-500 S11-630 S11-800 S11-1000 S11-1250 S11-1600 S11-2000 S11-2500 6 6.3 10 10.5 11HVHV tapLVVector No load group loss0.10 0.13 0.15 0.18 0.20 0.24 0.28Load loss0.63/0.60 0.91/0.87 1.09/1.04 1.31/1.25 1.58/1.50 1.89/1.80 2.31/2.20 2.73/2.60 3.20/3.05 3.83/3.65 4.52/4.30 5.41/5.15 6.20 7.50 10.3 12.0 14.5 19.8 23.0No load Short-circuit Weight current impedance1.84 1.6 1.52 1.52 1.44 1.36 1.28 1.20 1.12 1.12 1.04 0.96 0.88 0.8 0.8 0.72 0.64 0.56 0.48 4.5 4.0 320 410 470 510 570 700 800 950 1080 1290 1530 1800 2330 2680 3130 3650 4430 4730 6100Dimension (mm)L 1050 1100 1110 1110 1110 1190 1250 1250 1540 1560 1460 1520 1740 2120 2170 2340 2470 2130 2270 W 610 770 770 780 790 800 830 830 990 1010 1030 1190 1230 1240 1420 1450 1510 1710 2100 H 1080 1150 1180 1230 1240 1410 1430 1490 1510 1580 1600 1670 1840 1940 2010 2040 2290 2550 2600Gauge(mm)400 × 400Yyn0 ± 5%or ± 2× 2.5%0.4 0.690.34 0.40 0.48 0.57 0.68 0.81 0.98 1.15 1.36 1.64 1.98 2.35550 × 550or Dyn11660 × 660820 × 820Note: (1) For the transformer capacity of 500kVA and below, the load loss values of table slash top apply to Dyn11 vector group, the load loss values of table bottom apply to Yyn0 vector group. (2) Dimensions only for reference. (3) Making special parameter power transformer according to customer’s demand. S11-M type 10kV oil-immersed power transformer with OCTCVoltage group and tapTypeHVHV tapLVVector No load group loss 0.10 0.13 0.15 0.18 0.20 0.24Load loss 0.63/0.60 0.91/0.87 1.09/1.04 1.31/1.25 1.58/1.50 1.89/1.80 2.31/2.20 2.73/2.60 3.20/3.05 3.83/3.65 4.52/4.30 5.41/5.15 6.20 7.50 10.3 12.0 14.5No load Short-circuit Weight current impedance 1.84 1.6 1.52 1.52 1.44 1.36 1.28 1.20 1.12 1.12 1.04 0.96 0.88 0.8 0.8 0.72 0.64 4.5 4.0 360 485 500 540 610 710 810 960 1050 1280 1430 1690 2270 2580 3060 3560 4470Dimension (mm)L W HGauge(mm)S11-M-30 S11-M-50 S11-M-63 S11-M-80 S11-M-100 S11-M-125 S11-M-160 S11-M-200 S11-M-250 S11-M-315 S11-M-400 S11-M-500 S11-M-630 S11-M-800 S11-M-1000 S11-M-1250 S11-M-1600 6 6.3 10 10.5 11 ± 5%or ±2× 2.5% 0.4 0.69 Yyn0 or Dyn11820 870 880 900 910 950 990 1030 1320 1370 1410 1440 1580 1700 1840 1980 2000670 670 670 680 690 700 720 730 750 780 790 800 870 960 1220 1330 1340990 1060 1090 1140 1180 1220 1240 1310 1330 1400 1420 1490 1650 1690 1760 1790 1910 820 × 820 660 × 660 550 × 550 400 × 4000.28 0.34 0.40 0.48 0.57 0.68 0.81 0.98 1.15 1.36 1.64Note: (1) For the transformer capacity of 500kVA and below, the load loss values of table slash top apply to Dyn11 vector group, the load loss values of table bottom apply to Yyn0 vector group.(2) Dimensions only for reference.(3) Making special parameter power transformer according to customer’s demand.P 4.PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 S11-M.R serial 10kV oil-immersed power transformer with OCTCVoltage group and tapTypeHVHV tapLVVector No load group loss 0.10 0.13 0.15 0.18Load loss 0.60 0.87 1.04 1.25 1.50 1.80 2.20 2.60 3.05 3.65 4.30 5.10 6.20No load Short-circuit Weight current impedance 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.60 0.55 0.55 0.50 0.50 0.45 0.45 0.40 4.5 4.0 350 440 510 550 650 730 810 960 1110 1310 1630 1880 2280Dimension (mm)L W HGauge(mm)S11-M.R-30 S11-M.R-50 S11-M.R-63 S11-M.R-80 S11-M.R-100 S11-M.R-125 S11-M.R-160 S11-M.R-250 S11-M.R-315 S11-M.R-400 S11-M.R-500 S11-M.R-630 6 6.3 10 11 ± 5%or ± 2 × 2. 5% 0.4 0.69 Yyn0 or Dyn111040 1080 1110 1130 1150 1180 1200 1250 1310 1390 1460 1490 1580640 640 650 660 660 670 680 700 720 770 800 810 840990 1050 1100 1150 1210 1250 1280 1390 1420 1480 1550 1620 1700 660 × 660 550 × 550 400 × 4000.20 0.24 0.27 0.33 0.40 0.48 0.57 0.68 0.81S11-M.R-200 10.5Note: (1) Above parameter applies to 400V of LV. (2) Dimensions only for reference. (3) Making special parameter power transformer according to customer’s demand.SH11-M serial 10kV oil-immersed power transformer with OCTCVoltage group and tapTypeHVHV tapLVVector No load group loss 0.033 0.043 0.060 0.075 0.085 0.100Load loss 0.60 0.87 1.25 1.50 1.80 2.20 2.60 3.05 3.65 4.30 5.10 6.20 7.50 10.3 12.0 14.5 17.4No load Short-circuit Weight current impedance 1.50 1.40 1.20 1.10 1.00 0.90 0.90 0.80 0.80 0.70 0.70 0.60 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.40 0.40 5.5 4.5 4.0 480 620 800 880 955 1095 1240 1450 1680 2070 2330 2800 3340 3555 4270 4860 6160Dimension (mm)L W HGauge(mm)SH11-M-30 SH11-M-50 SH11-M-80 SH11-M-100 SH11-M-125 SH11-M-160 SH11-M-200 6 ± 5%or ±2× 2.5% 0.4 0.69 Dyn11 SH11-M-250 6.3 SH11-M-315 10 SH11-M-400 10.5 SH11-M-500 11 SH11-M-630 SH11-M-800 SH11-M-1000 SH11-M-1250 SH11-M-1600 SH11-M-2000885 1215 1310 1320 1360 1410 1465 1540 1580 1705 1655 1840 1950 2110 2290 2040 2330780 830 840 885 920 910 910 910 910 945 1000 1140 1170 1250 1370 1410 16501005 1035 1125 1060 1095 1140 1200 1240 1300 1360 1400 1415 1485 1420 1530 1560 1680 1070 × 1070 820 × 900 660 × 660 550 × 6600.120 0.140 0.170 0.200 0.240 0.320 0.380 0.450 0.530 0.630 0.750Note: (1) Above parameter applies to 400V of LV. (2) Dimensions only for reference. (3) Making special parameter power transformer according to customer’s demand.P 5.PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 5 Structure and FeaturesCore:the core lamination made from high permeability sheet is cutted on GEORG-line imported from Germany, using step-by-step lapped joint and colligating structure, and meets the demand of low no load loss and low noise level. Winding:using low resistivity oxygen-free copper, and linking the reasonable transposition of the parallel wire, load loss of transformer is greatly reduced. Tank:using barrel structure and large corrugated. The company adopts the technology of carbon dioxide protection, selects sealing material perfectly, machines the seal surface and carries on a strict leak detection procedure. All these assure that the transformer are leakage-free. The new style radiators and coolers improve external appearance quality of transformer greatly. Surface treatment and coating: fine processing to the oil tank surface and using special anti-fouling paint, all these assure that the surface coating does not fall off, and the steel structure does not rust away.6 Outline and Installation Size1.Oil level indicator 2.High voltage bushing 3.LV bushing 4.OCTC 5.LV neutral bushing 6.Pressure relief valve 10kV Oil-immersed Power TransformerP 6.PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 SC(B) Serial Epoxy Casting Dry Transformer1 OverviewThis serial epoxy casting dry transformer uses high-quality materials, scientific formula and advanced technology. The product has high reliability and long life characteristics. It can be configured with different levels of protection, or does not configure the shell casing depending on the use of the environment. It applies to high-rise buildings, commercial centers, airports, tunnels, chemical plants, nuclear power plants, ships and other important or special place. Using dry-type transformers proprietary technology and casting stress control technology, controlling casting dry-type transformers internal insulation in the best condition, ensures key performance of dry-type transformers. The product calculated field strength during the design process. Make the various components field strength to 75% or less of insulating materials by adjusting the relevant parameters and ensure the product's advanced technical performance. Leading rated performance to relevant links in advance during the product design, so that the product design inputed has included relevant requirements and made the output meet the need.2 Model and DefinitionsS C(B)□ - □ / □Voltage class (kV) Rated capacity (kVA) Design series no. Opal winding circles Castresin type transformer Three-phase transformer3 Service and Installation ConditionsAltitude:1000m Environment temperature The maximum temperature:+40 The maximum monthly average temperature:+30 The maximum yearly average temperature:+20 The lowest yearly temperature:-5 Power voltage waveform: power voltage waveform approximate sine. The symmetry of multi-phase power voltage: connected power voltage of multi-phase transformershould be approximately symmetrical. Protection class:IP00, IP20, IP23. Cooling style:air cold and forced air-cooled Note: it should be explained if the transformer is used in special conditions in order.4 Main ParametersThe core using high-quality cold-rolled silicon steel sheet, 45 degrees inclined ladder joint structure, and cutting processes, the core for curing and surface with the insulating resin sealing process. HV coil using high-quality F insulating copper wire and internationally advanced insulation materials, and the large capacity coil equipped with cooling along the axial airway. LV coil using foil structure, the coil end sealed curing resin after winding, avoiding variety of foreign matter and moisture to enter. Safety, anti-fire, no pollution, it can be directly run the load center.P 7.PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 Using Germany HTT technical, high mechanical strength, and high anti-short-circuit capability. Partial discharge is small. High thermal stability, high reliability and long service life. Low loss, low noise, energy-saving effect obviously, and maintenance-free. Good moisture-proof performance, and adapt to high humidity and other harsh environments running. Equipped with improved temperature detection and protection systems. Small size, light weight, occupies less space, and lower installation costs. SC10-5~100/10 serial epoxy casting dry transformer SC(B)9-125~2500/10 serial epoxy casting dry transformer SC(B)10-125~2500/10 serial epoxy casting dry transformer SC(B)9-30~2500/35 serial epoxy casting dry transformer.5 Outline DimensionsSC10-5~100/10 epoxy casting dry transformerOutline Dimensions Type SC10-5/10 SC10-10/10 SC10-15/10 SC10-20/10 SC10-25/10 SC10-30/10 SC10-50/10 SC10-63/10 SC10-80/10 SC10-100/10 a 515 515 575 575 585 585 585 785 785 855 b 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 c 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 550 d 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 j 175 175 195 195 200 205 210 265 265 290 h 540 550 550 550 580 580 655 800 800 860 k 100 100 110 110 110 110 110 100 100 150a:ontic length b:ontic width c:ontic landscape interface dimension d:ontic Longitudinal installation dimensions j:mo k The LV outgoing line spacing distance h: this data is outer dimension for normal product,which will alter if ording data changes,Parties through consultation. Reference SpecificationsRated Power (kVA) 30 50 63 80 100 H.V(kV) 6 6.3 6.6 10 10.5 11 Voltage Combination Tapping Range L.V(kV) Connection Symbol Short circuit No-Load impedance Loss (%) (W) 220 ± 5% ± 2 × 2.5% 0.4 Y yn0 D yn11 310 4 380 410 450 Load Losses 75℃(W) 650 920 1050 1270 1450 Load Losses 120℃(W) 750 1060 1202 1460 1670 No-Load Current (%) 2 1.5 1.5 1.1 1.1 LPA Noise Level (dB) 45 45 46 46 46 Weight (kg) 225 300 470 500 620P 8.PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 SC(B)9-125~2500/10 Epoxy Casting Dry TransformerType SC(B)9-125/10 SC(B)9-160/10 SC(B)9-200/10 SC(B)9-250/10 SC(B)9-315/10 SC(B)9-400/10 SC(B)9-500/10 SC(B)9-630/10 SC(B)9-630/10 SC(B)9-800/10 SC(B)9-1000/10 SC(B)9-1250/10 SC(B)9-1600/10 SC(B)9-2000/10 SC(B)9-2500/10 Outline Dimensions c d 550 550 550 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 820 820 820 820 820 550 550 550 550 720 720 720 720 720 720 820 820 1070 1070 1070 Shield cap m 550 550 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 820 820 820 820 820 820a 990 1050 1100 1140 1180 1220 1240 1270 1400 1400 1460 1570 1720 1800 1950b 650 650 650 650 820 820 820 820 820 820 920 920h 1050 1080 1130 1150 1250 1300 1350 1410 1400 1460 1580 1620 1860 2050 2200A 1550 1550 1550 1550 1550 1550 1700 1700 1700 1700 1800 1950 2000 2100 2400B 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1300 1300 1300 1300 1400 1400 1500 1500 1500n 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150 1250 1250 1250 1250 1350 1350 1450 1450 1450H 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 2000 2200 2400 26001200 1270 1270a:ontic length b:ontic width c:ontic landscape interface dimension d:ontic Longitudinal installation dimensions h:ontic height, A:outskin’s length, B: outskin’s width, m:outskin’s landscape interface dimension, n:outskin’s Longitudinal interface dimension, H:outskin’s heightReference SpecificationsRated Power (kVA) 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 6 6.3 6.6 10 10.5 11 6 ± 5% ± 2 × 2.5% 0.4 Y yn0 D yn11 4 Voltage Combination Short circuit Load No-Load Connection Losses impedance Tapping Loss (W) H.V.(kV) L.V(kV) Symbol 75℃(W ) (%) Range 530 170 610 700 810 990 1100 1300 1500 1460 1700 1990 2350 2750 3400 4000 1960 2330 2540 3200 3680 4500 5420 5500 6427 7510 8960 10829 13360 15870 Load No-Load LPA Noise Weight Current Losses Level (dB) (Kg) (%) 120℃(W ) 1960 2250 2680 2920 3670 4220 5170 6220 6310 7360 8610 10260 12400 15300 18180 1 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 46 46 47 48 48 49 49 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 650 850 870 1100 1400 1550 1700 2200 2300 2500 2900 3550 4600 5500 6200P 9.PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 。














3.1国家标准*GB10228-97干式电力变压器技术参数和要求*GB1094-1996电力变压器*GB6450-86干式电力变压器*GB11021-89电气绝缘的耐热性评定和分级*GB4208-1993外壳防护等级的分类(IP 代码)*GB5273-85变压器,高压电器和套管的接线端子3.2行业标准*DL/T620-1997交流电气装置的过电压保护和绝缘配合3.3国际标准*IEC726干式电力变压器*IEC85电气绝缘的耐热评价和分级*IEC529外壳防护等级*IEC551变压器和电抗器的声级测定4.技术条件及要求4.1使用条件站用干式双绕组变压器应能在下述规定的环境条件下连续运行。














3.1国家标准*GB10228-97干式电力变压器技术参数和要求*GB1094-1996电力变压器*GB6450-86干式电力变压器*GB11021-89电气绝缘的耐热性评定和分级*GB4208-1993外壳防护等级的分类(IP 代码)*GB5273-85变压器,高压电器和套管的接线端子3.2行业标准*DL/T620-1997交流电气装置的过电压保护和绝缘配合3.3国际标准*IEC726干式电力变压器*IEC85电气绝缘的耐热评价和分级*IEC529外壳防护等级*IEC551变压器和电抗器的声级测定4.技术条件及要求4.1使用条件站用干式双绕组变压器应能在下述规定的环境条件下连续运行。



本文件中图样、文字及数据未经 XXXXXXX 公司书面许可,不得以任何方式复制或扩散至第三方。
图 号 设计阶段
公用工程及辅助生产设施 第1页 共 8页



首 页 图
1版 版次

设 计
额定电压:高压侧:10±2× 2.5%kV; 绕组接线组别:D,yn11; 阻抗电压 Uk%:6%; 绝缘等级:F 级;
冷却方式:强迫风冷(根据温度设定,自动控制) ; 保护外壳防护等级:不小于 IP2X; 进出线方式: (1)高压进线:采用电缆由变压器底部进线; (2)低压出线:采用空气绝缘 封闭母线桥,由变压器顶部出线; 安装地点:户内;
图 号 设计阶段
公用工程及辅助生产设施 第4页 共 8页



目录1范围 (3)2应用规范 (3)3环境条件 (3)4技术要求 (3)5 检查和试验 (7)6 运送和储放 (7)附件A 国际电气委员会(IEC) (9)附件B 国际标准规范 (10)1 范围本规格书规定了金县1-1油田CEPA中心平台钻修井机电力变压器的设计、制造和试验的最低要求。

1.1 所有偏离本规格书要求的条款应该单独列出,如果没有列出视为全部符合本规格书的要求。

1.2 卖方应该完成数据表中相关内容的填写。

2 应用规范2.1 概述本规格书描述的所有设备应该遵守最新出版的中华人民共和国国家标准规范(GB)及国际电气委员会标准 (IEC)2.2 这些标准规范参见附录“A”及“B” 。

2.3 当规格书和附录A、B中的条款发生冲突时,按规格书执行。

3 环境条件最大环境温度:34 °C最小环境温度:-21.9°C相对湿度(%):45%~87%空气: 潮湿、盐雾、霉菌定位:室内海拔高度:海平面50米以下4 技术要求4.1 额定值在额定电压和额定频率下,干式变压器应能提供稳定的额定电流,在自然风冷时不超过数据表中规定的温升。

4.1.1 变压器高压绕组应绝缘完好并提供抽头,抽头范围要满足在数据表中的要求。

4.1.2 变压器的阻抗电压在正常运行状态应满足数据表要求。

4.1.3 变压器在不改变本身参数的前提下各零件应允许连续过载,55°C以下不必启动冷却风扇,自冷变压器的额定容量见数据表。

4.1.4 相对于自冷容量,强制风冷时额定启动过载容量百分比应不低于下表:自冷(kVA) 风冷(kVA)500~2499 115%2500~10000 125%4.1.5 额定值相同的变压器必须能够并联运行。

4.1.6 卖方应该根据强制风冷型变压器满足特殊状态下产生的热量所需的高等级来进行设计制造。

4.2 设计和建造4.2.1 干式变压器安装于室内安全区的防护等级不低于IP23 。

4.2.2 小型干式变压器(容量低于400kVA和电压低于500V)类型应该为环氧树脂无气泡真空浇注型或涂漆绝缘型。

电力 substation 变压器-液体填充部分部分1说明书

电力 substation 变压器-液体填充部分部分1说明书

SECTION 16322ASUBSTATION TRANSFORMERS – LIQUID-FILLEDPART 1 GENERAL1.01 SCOPEA. The Contractor shall furnish and install the primary and/or secondary substationtransformers as specified herein and as shown on the contract drawings.1.02 RELATED SECTIONSA. Section 16950B – Transformer Supplemental Acceptance Testing.1.03 REFERENCESA. The substation transformers shall be designed, manufactured and tested in accordance withthe latest applicable standards of NEMA and ANSI. NEMA 201, 210; IEEE 100, ANSI C571.04 SUBMITTALS – FOR REVIEW/APPROVALA. The following information shall be submitted to the Engineer:1. Master drawing index2. Front view elevation and weight3. Plan view4. Schematic diagrams5. Nameplate diagram6. Component list7. Conduit entry/exit locations8. Ratings including:a. kVAb. Primary and secondary voltagec. Tapsd. Primary and secondary continuous currente. Basic Impulse Levelf. Impedanceg. Insulation class and temperature riseh. Sound level9. Cable terminal sizes10. Product data sheetsB. Where applicable, the following additional information shall be submitted to the Engineer:1. Busway connection2. Connection details between close-coupled assemblies3. Composite floor plan of close-coupled assemblies4. Key interlock scheme drawing and sequence of operations1.05 SUBMITTALS – FOR CONSTRUCTIONA. The following information shall be submitted for record purposes:1. Final as-built drawings and information for items listed in Paragraph 1.04, and shallincorporate all changes made during the manufacturing process2. Wiring diagrams3. Certified production test reports4. Installation information5. Seismic certification as specified1.06 QUALIFICATIONSA. The manufacturer of the assembly shall be the manufacturer of the major componentswithin the assembly.B. For the equipment specified herein, the manufacturer shall be ISO 9001 or 9002 certified.C. The manufacturer of this equipment shall have produced similar electrical equipment for aminimum period of five (5) years. When requested by the Engineer, an acceptable list ofinstallations with similar equipment shall be provided demonstrating compliance with thisrequirement.D. £Provide Seismic tested equipment as follows:Note to Spec. Writer:To help understand the 2006 IBC/2007 CBC seismic parameters for a specific location,the attached link to the US Geological Survey will be extremely helpful:/research/hazmaps/design/Download the file “Java Ground Motion Parameter Calculator - Version 5.0.8 (4.6 MB)”and save it to your hard drive, then run the executable (.exe) that was downloaded.Enter the latitude and longitude of your project location.(To find exact Latitude and Longitude, go to / and type in the address.)The IBC seismic criteria for that location will then be displayed. It is simply a matter ofverifying that the criteria shown for your specific building location is.1. The equipment and major components shall be suitable for and certified by actualseismic testing to meet all applicable seismic requirements of the 2006 InternationalBuilding Code (IBC) Site Classification [Enter classification from above website]. Thesite coefficients Fa = [Enter value from above website], and spectral responseaccelerations of S S = [Enter value from above website]g, S1 = [Enter value fromabove website]g are used. The test response spectrum shall be based upon a 5%damping factor, and a peak (S DS) of at least [Enter value from above website]g’s (3 -12 Hz) applied at the base of the equipment in the horizontal direction. The forces inthe vertical direction shall be at least 66% of those in the horizontal direction. Thetests shall cover a frequency range from 1 to 100Hz. Guidelines for the installationconsistent with these requirements shall be provided by the equipment manufacturer £ Note to Spec. Writer - Optionaland based upon testing of representative equipment. Equipment certificationacceptance criteria shall be based upon the ability for the equipment to be returned toservice immediately after a seismic event within the above requirements without theneed for repairs.-- OR --1. The manufacturer shall certify the equipment based upon a dynamic and/or staticstructural computer analysis of the entire assembly structure and its components,provided it is based upon actual seismic testing from similar equipment. The analysisshall be based upon all applicable seismic requirements of the 2006 InternationalBuilding Code (IBC) Site Classification [Enter classification from above website], siteCoefficient F a = [Enter classification from above website], F V = [Enter classification fromabove website] and spectral response accelerations of S S = [Enter classification fromabove website]g, S1 = [Enter classification from above website]g. The analysis shall bebased upon a 5% damping factor, and a peak (S DS) of at least [Enter classification fromabove website]g’s (3 -12 Hz), applied at the base of the equipment in the horizontaldirection. The forces in the vertical direction shall be at least 66% of those in thehorizontal direction. The analysis shall cover a frequency range from 1 to 100Hz.Guidelines for the installation consistent with these requirements shall be provided bythe equipment manufacture and based upon testing of representative equipment.Equipment certification acceptance criteria shall be based upon the ability for theequipment to be returned to service immediately after a seismic event within the aboverequirements without the need for repairs.2. The following minimum mounting and installation guidelines shall be met, unlessspecifically modified by the above referenced standards.a. The Contractor shall provide equipment anchorage details, coordinated with theequipment mounting provision, prepared and stamped by a licensed civil engineer inthe state. Mounting recommendations shall be provided by the manufacturer basedupon the above criteria to verify the seismic design of the equipment.b. The equipment manufacturer shall certify that the equipment can withstand, that is,function following the seismic event, including both vertical and lateral requiredresponse spectra as specified in above codes.c. The equipment manufacturer shall document the requirements necessary for properseismic mounting of the equipment. Seismic qualification shall be consideredachieved when the capability of the equipment, meets or exceeds the specifiedresponse spectra.1.07 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTSA. UL label required.1.08 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLINGA. Equipment shall be handled and stored in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. One(1) copy of these instructions shall be included with the equipment at time of shipment.1.09 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUALSNote to Spec. Writer – Select oneA. Equipment operation and maintenance manuals shall be provided with each assemblyshipped and shall include instruction leaflets, instruction bulletins and renewal parts listswhere applicable, for the complete assembly and each major component.1.10 FIELD MEASUREMENTSA. Measure primary and secondary voltages and make appropriate Tap adjustments.PART 2 PRODUCTS – LIQUID TRANSFORMERS2.01 MANUFACTURERSA. EatonB. __________C. __________The listing of specific manufacturers above does not imply acceptance of their products that do not meet the specified ratings, features and functions. Manufacturers listed above are notrelieved from meeting these specifications in their entirety. Products in compliance with thespecification and manufactured by others not named will be considered only if pre-approved by the Engineer ten (10) days prior to bid date.2.02 RATINGSA. The ratings of the transformer shall be as follows or as shown on the drawings:kVA Rating ________/__________ [ONAN] [ONAN/Future ONAF][ONAN/ONAF]Impedance ________ % [+/- 7-1/2%] [ANSI StandardTolerance] [Minimum] [Maximum] HV ________ kV [Delta] [Wye]HV BIL ________ kVHV De-energized Taps ________ +/- 2 - 2-1/2% full capacityLV ________ Volts [Wye] [Delta]LV BIL ________ kV2.03 CONSTRUCTIONA. The unit shall be [mineral oil-] [biodegradable electrical insulating fluid from high oleicvegetable oil sources] [silicone/high fire point liquid-] filled and shall be in accordance withthe latest edition of the NEC. High fire point fluids shall be Factory Mutual and UL listed.B. The transformer shall carry its continuous rating with average winding temperature rise byresistance that shall not exceed 65 degrees C, based on an average ambient of 30 degreesC over 24 hours with a maximum of 40 degrees C.-- OR --Note to Spec. Writer – Insert data in blanksNote to Spec. Writer – Select oneB. The transformer shall carry its continuous rating with average winding temperature rise byresistance that shall not exceed 55 degrees C, based on average ambient of 30 degrees Cover 24 hours with a maximum of 40 degrees C. The insulation system shall allow anadditional 12% kVA output at 65 degrees C average winding temperature rise by resistance,on a continuous basis, without any decrease in normal transformer life.C. Transformer shall include [provisions for] [all] devices, wiring, fans and auxiliary equipmentnecessary for automatic temperature-controlled forced air cooling to obtain an additional15% capacity on units 300 through 2000 kVA and an additional 25% capacity on units 2500kVA and over. Control power for fans shall be 230 Vac, single-phase furnished from [acontrol transformer in the secondary equipment] [a separate control power source as shownon the drawings].D. The transformer shall be designed to carry short-time emergency overloads in accordancewith ANSI C57.12.92 as applicable. Duration and magnitude of designed withstandcapability shall be as outlined in ANSI C57.12.90 and the latest draft of the IEEE short-circuit test code.E. The transformer shall be designed to meet the sound level standards for liquid transformersas defined in NEMA TR1. The measurement procedure shall be as specified in ANSIC.57.12.90.F. High-voltage and low-voltage windings shall be [aluminum] [copper]. Insulation betweenlayers of the windings shall be by Insuldur paper or equal.G. The main transformer tank and attached components shall be designed to withstandpressures 25% greater than the required operating design value without permanentdeformation. Construction shall consist of carbon steel plate reinforced with externalsidewall braces. All seams and joints shall be continuously welded.H. Each radiator assembly shall be [individually welded] [removable with valves] and receivea quality control pressurized check for leaks. The entire tank assembly shall receive asimilar leak test before core and coil are tanked. A final six-hour leak test shall beperformed after the transformer is tanked, welded and completed to ensure that there areno leaks before shipment.2.04 ACCESSORIESA. Transformer features and accessories shall include:1. De-energized tap changer with externally operated, [padlockable] [Kirk keyed] handle2. Combination drain and filter valve and sampling device3. Manual gas pressure test connection4. Filling plug and filter press connection in cover5. Dial-type top liquid thermometer6. Magnetic liquid level gauge7. Provisions for lifting, provisions for jacking, base designed for skidding or rolling in twodirections8. Ground pad – stainless steelNote to Spec. Writer – Select one9. Instruction nameplate [aluminum] [stainless steel]10. Pressure vacuum gauge11. Welded-on main tank cover and handhole in cover12. [Pressure relief device] [automatic pressure relief device that automatically resealsafter operation, with semaphore operation indicator, for silicone filled transformers]13. [Alarm contacts shall be provided on the following devices: ________, ________,________]2.05 FINISHA. The paint shall be applied using an air spray with air dry acrylic topcoat system to aminimum of three mils average thickness. Outdoor liquid transformer units shall includesuitable outdoor paint finish. Units shall be painted ANSI 61 for indoor service or outdoorservice and shall match the primary and secondary equipment.2.06 TERMINAL COMPARTMENTS/FLANGE CONNECTIONSA. The transformer unit supplied shall include a [HV close-coupled flange] [HV cable terminalcompartment] and a [LV close-coupled flange] [busway flange] [LV cable terminalcompartment]. Connections between the primary device and transformer shall be [cable][bus], and between the transformer and secondary shall be flexible bus braid.2.07 £BUSHING POWER FACTOR SENSING EQUIPMENTA. The transformer shall be equipped with a continuous monitoring system to allow for pre-and post-shipment measurement of bushing power factor and internal partial discharges. Inaddition, vibro-acoustics testing shall be completed both prior to shipment and after finalinstallation. Vibro-acoustics testing will indicate any initial winding looseness prior toshipment, and confirm that no additional internal stress has occurred during shipment andinstallation. The system shall be as specified in Section 16950B.PART 3 EXECUTION3.01 FACTORY TESTINGA. The following standard factory tests shall be performed on all equipment provided under thissection. All tests shall be in accordance with the latest version of ANSI and NEMAstandards.1. Resistance measurements of all windings on the rated voltage connection of each unitand at the tap extremes of one unit only of a given rating on this project2. Ratio tests on the rated voltage connection and on all tap connections3. Polarity and phase-relation tests on the rated voltage connections4. No-load loss at rated voltage on the rated voltage connectionNote to Spec. Writer – Select oneNote to Spec. Writer – Insert data in blanks£ Note to Spec. Writer – Optional5. Exciting current at rated voltage on the rated voltage connection6. Impedance and load loss at rated current on the rated voltage connection of each unitand on the tap extremes of one unit only of a given rating on this project7. Applied potential test8. Induced potential tests9. For dry-type and cast-coil units, the manufacturer shall perform additional 100% qualitycontrol impulse test on the primary windings of each unitB. The manufacturer shall provide three (3) certified copies of factory test reports.C. £The following special factory tests shall be performed on the equipment provided underthis section. All tests shall be in accordance with the latest revision of ANSI and NEMAstandards.1. £Temperature test(s) shall be made on [all units] [one unit only of a project coveringone or more units of a given kVA rating]. Tests shall not be required when there is anavailable record of a temperature test on an essentially duplicate unit. When atransformer is supplied with auxiliary cooling equipment to provide more than one rating,temperature tests as listed above shall be made on the lowest kVA ONAN rating and thehighest kVA ONAF rating2. £ANSI impulse test on all primary windingsD. £Factory tests as outlined above shall be witnessed by the owner’s representative.1. The manufacturer shall notify the owner two (2) weeks prior to the date the tests are tobe performed2. The manufacturer shall include the cost of transportation and lodging for up to three (3)owner’s representatives. The cost of meals and incidental expenses shall be the owner’sresponsibility3.02 FIELD QUALITY CONTROLA. Provide the services of a qualified factory-trained manufacturer’s representative to assistthe contractor in installation and startup of the equipment specified under this section for aperiod of ______ working days. The manufacturer’s representative shall provide technicaldirection and assistance to the Contractor in general assembly of the equipment,connections and adjustments, and testing of the assembly and components containedherein.B. The Contractor shall provide three (3) copies of the manufacturer’s field startup report.3.03 MANUFACTURER’S CERTIFICATIONA. A qualified factory-trained manufacturer’s representative shall certify in writing that theequipment has been installed, adjusted and tested in accordance with the manufacturer’srecommendations.£ Note to Spec. Writer – OptionalNote to Spec. Writer – Select oneNote to Spec. Writer – Insert data in blanksB. The Contractor shall provide three (3) copies of the manufacturer’s representative’scertification.3.04 TRAININGA. The contractor shall provide a training session for up to five (5) owner’s representatives for______ normal workdays at a job site location determined by the owner.B. The training session shall be conducted by a manufacturer’s qualified representative.Training program shall include instructions on the transformer, auxiliary devices and othermajor components.3.05 INSTALLATIONA. The Contractors shall install all equipment per the manufacturer’s recommendations and thecontract drawings.B. All necessary hardware to secure the assembly in place shall be provided by the Contractor.3.06 FIELD ADJUSTMENTSA. Adjust taps to deliver appropriate secondary voltage.3.07 FIELD TESTINGA. Measure primary and secondary voltages for proper tap settings.B. Megger primary and secondary windingsC. Liquid transformers – Test oil for dielectric strength.Note to Spec. Writer – Insert data in blanks。



内蒙古兰太实业股份有限公司2万吨/年工业金属钠、 3.1万吨/年液氯项目扩建工程35KV有载调压整流变压器技术规格书项目指挥部6月1 总则1.1 本规格书为内蒙古兰太实业股份有限公司2万吨/年工业金属钠、 3.1万吨/年液氯项目扩建工程电解线整流变压器, 并提出该整流变压器本体及附属设备的设计、制造、结构、性能、装配、安装、试验、调试、试运、验收、培训、运行、维护和服务等各方面的技术要求。

本项目购买三台ZHSFPT-17600/35KV有载调压整流变压器, 品质必须等同于或优于国内外知名品牌的变压器产品。

1.2 本规格书提出的是最低限度的技术要求, 并未规定所有的技术要求和应用的标准, 未对一切技术细节作出规定, 也未充分引述有关标准和规格的条文, 供方应提供符合现行有关标准要求和满足本规格书的高质量、高效率、节能效果突出的优质产品。

1.3 如果供方没有以书面形式对本规格书的条文提出异议, 则意味着供方提供的设备完全符合本规格书的要求。

如有异议, 不论是多么微小, 都应在应标书中以”对规格书的意见和同规格书的差异”为标题的专门章节中加以详细描述。

1.4 本规格书所使用的标准如遇与供方所执行的标准不一致时, 按较高标准执行。

1.5 本规格书经供、需双方确认后作为订货合同的技术附件, 与合同正文具有同等的法律效力。

1.6 本规格书未尽事宜, 由供、需双方协商确定。

2 技术要求2.l 应遵循的主要现行标准2.2 环境条件2.2.1 周围空气温度最高温度: 40℃( 户外)最低温度: -31.5℃( 户外)日平均温度: 10.3℃年平均相对湿度: 43%2.2.2 海拔高度: 1256.1 m2.2.3 最大风速: 33 m/s2.2.4 地震烈度: 8 度 (中国12级度标准)2.2.5 污秽等级: IV级2.2.6 覆冰厚度: 18mm ( 风速不大于15m/s时)2.3 工程条件2.3.1内蒙古兰太实业股份有限公司2万吨/年工业金属钠、 3.1万吨/年液氯项目扩建工程的有载调压整流变压器, 接线方式上进下出。



产品规格书产品名称:5W 适配器 产品编号:GP006 版 本:V1.0版 本V1.0日 期2006-12-01 基本功能版本更新记录核 准深圳市高斯贝尔电气技术有限公司SHENZHEN GOSPELL ELECTRIC TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD.THESE SPECIFICATION ARE THE PROPERTY OF GOSPELL ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD AND SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED OR USED AS THE BASIS FOR THE MANUFACTURE OR SELL OF APPARATUSES OR DEVICES WITHOUT PERMISSION.DESCRIPTION: (规格书)SPECIFICATIONModel No.: Document No.:REV: 1.0DATE 06.12.01PREPAREDCHECKEDAPPROVEDGP006PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 1 OF 8 目录1.电气要求1.1 输入特性 1.1.1 输入电压 1.1.2 输入频率 1.1.3 输入电流 1.1.4 电源 1.1.5 输入电流范围 1.2 输出特性 1.2.1 输出电压和输出电流 1.2.2 效率 1.2.3 输出电压范围 1.2.4 输出电流 1.2.5 输出短路 1.2.6 输出纹波与噪音 1.2.7 输出电压保护(OVP)2. 保护和测试要求2.1 耐压 2.2 绝缘阻抗 2.3 震动测试3. 环境要求3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4操作和储存温度湿度 跌落 拉伸强度 弯曲测试4. 安全4.1 安全 4.2 电磁兼容 4.3 漏电流5. 输入/输出插座 6. 物理尺寸和重量 7. 安装尺寸 深圳市高斯贝尔电气技术有限公司SHENZHEN GOSPELL ELECTRIC TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD.THESE SPECIFICATION ARE THE PROPERTY OF GOSPELL ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD AND SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED OR USED AS THE BASIS FOR THE MANUFACTURE OR SELL OF APPARATUSES OR DEVICES WITHOUT PERMISSION.DESCRIPTION: (规格书)SPECIFICATIONModel No.: Document No.:REV: 1.0DATE 06.12.01PREPAREDCHECKEDAPPROVEDGP006PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 2 OF 8 1. 电气特性1.1 输入特性 1.1.1 输入电压最小 90 正常 100 – 240 最大 264 单位 Vrms1.1.2 输入频率最小 47 正常 50 / 60 最大 63 单位 Hz1.1.3 输入电流AC 输出 100-240 最大 0.3 单位 Ampere1.1.4 待机效率适配器在待机时,输入电压范围应为 100VAC 到 240VAC,效率小于 0.3 瓦.1.1.5 输入电流范围AC 输入 120 240 最大 20 40 单位 Ampere Ampere1.2 输出特性 1.2.1 输出电流和输出电压适配器提供一个+5V(9V,12V)直流输出电压,最大持续输出功率为 5 瓦左右 (5V*0.8A,9V*0.5A,12V*0.35A) .1.2.2 效率电源设计效率在满载和额定输入电压时大于 63%.深圳市高斯贝尔电气技术有限公司SHENZHEN GOSPELL ELECTRIC TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD.THESE SPECIFICATION ARE THE PROPERTY OF GOSPELL ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD AND SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED OR USED AS THE BASIS FOR THE MANUFACTURE OR SELL OF APPARATUSES OR DEVICES WITHOUT PERMISSION.DESCRIPTION: (规格书)SPECIFICATIONModel No.: Document No.:REV: 1.0DATE 06.12.01PREPAREDCHECKEDAPPROVEDGP006PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 3 OF 8 1.2.3 输出电压范围正常电压 +5VDC +9VDC +12VDC 调节范围 +/- 3% +/- 3% +/- 3% 限制 4.75V ~5.25V 8.73V ~ 9.27V 11.64V~12.36V1.2.4 输出电流输出电压 5V 9V 12V 最大 800mA 500mA 350mA 限制 N/A N/A N/A1.2.5 输出短路当输出短路时,电源有短路保护;故障排除可以自行恢复输出.1.2.6 输出纹波和噪音额定输出 5V/800mA 9V/500mA 12V/450mA 纹波和噪音 < 60m Vp-p <60mVp-p <60mVp-p 带宽 20MHz 20MHz 20MHz1.2.7 输出电压保护异常输出时有保护功能.2. 保护和测试要求 2.1 耐压在输入端和框架之间,施加 3KV 交流电压 60 秒,高压机的输出电流大于 2mA.测 试完后,样品不会出现电气和机械故障.注意:在进行前输入端及输出端都需短路.深圳市高斯贝尔电气技术有限公司SHENZHEN GOSPELL ELECTRIC TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD.THESE SPECIFICATION ARE THE PROPERTY OF GOSPELL ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD AND SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED OR USED AS THE BASIS FOR THE MANUFACTURE OR SELL OF APPARATUSES OR DEVICES WITHOUT PERMISSION.DESCRIPTION: (规格书)SPECIFICATIONModel No.: Document No.:REV: 1.0DATE 06.12.01PREPAREDCHECKEDAPPROVEDGP006PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 4 OF 8 2.2绝缘阻抗输入和输出施加 500V 直流电压,绝缘阻抗大于 100 兆欧姆.2.3 震动测试在频率范围为 10--55Hz,振幅为 0.35mm 任一方向连续震动 10 次后,样品不会出现 电气和机械故障.3. 环境要求3.1 操作和储存温度湿度工作环境温度: 0--45°C 储存温度: -20--85°C 工作湿度: 0--95%RH 储存湿度: 0--95%RH3.2 跌落电源设计应该符合下落测试要求: 任意跌落:从地面高度为 75cm 硬木上 6 个方向做 5 次测试,不损害正常功能,脱 离任何部件,电源不会出现潜在危险.3.3 拉伸强度固定主体任意部位或插座做测试,到另一个部件 60 秒内负荷 2kg.连接完好,绳索 不会移动.3.4 弯曲测试测试方法如下:下面的数字显示,固定的主体和插头应适用承受 500g 外力,把每个 .测试 电源连到+60 度.在不用的方向每 30 分钟完成 200 周期(一个 120 度为一个周期) 完后电缆线不会断裂.4. 安全规格电源应符合以下要求和认证. 1)安全: TUV/EN60065 UL&CUL /UL60065 & CSA C22.2 No.60065 CB REPORT/IEC60065 2)电磁兼容: CE/ EN55013 & EN 55020 FCC DOC / FCC Part15 3)漏电流: 漏电流达到 IEC-950深圳市高斯贝尔电气技术有限公司SHENZHEN GOSPELL ELECTRIC TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD.THESE SPECIFICATION ARE THE PROPERTY OF GOSPELL ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD AND SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED OR USED AS THE BASIS FOR THE MANUFACTURE OR SELL OF APPARATUSES OR DEVICES WITHOUT PERMISSION.DESCRIPTION: (规格书)SPECIFICATIONModel No.: Document No.:REV: 1.0DATE 06.12.01PREPAREDCHECKEDAPPROVEDGP006PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 5 OF 8 5. 输入/输出插座厂商 SHIYI 参考 DCΦ1.1*3.56.物理尺寸和重量外部适配器尺寸为 66mm*24mm*37mm 重量为(474)克.深圳市高斯贝尔电气技术有限公司SHENZHEN GOSPELL ELECTRIC TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD.THESE SPECIFICATION ARE THE PROPERTY OF GOSPELL ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD AND SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED OR USED AS THE BASIS FOR THE MANUFACTURE OR SELL OF APPARATUSES OR DEVICES WITHOUT PERMISSION.DESCRIPTION: (规格书)SPECIFICATIONModel No.: Document No.:REV: 1.0DATE 06.12.01PREPAREDCHECKEDAPPROVEDGP006PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 6 OF 8 7. 安装尺寸37mm24mm66mm1800mm1.1mm深圳市高斯贝尔电气技术有限公司SHENZHEN GOSPELL ELECTRIC TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD.THESE SPECIFICATION ARE THE PROPERTY OF GOSPELL ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD AND SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED OR USED AS THE BASIS FOR THE MANUFACTURE OR SELL OF APPARATUSES OR DEVICES WITHOUT PERMISSION.DESCRIPTION: (规格书)SPECIFICATIONModel No.: Document No.:REV: 1.0DATE 06.12.01PREPAREDCHECKEDAPPROVEDGP006PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 7 OF 8 附录:产品图片TUVSAAULCCCUK深圳市高斯贝尔电气技术有限公司SHENZHEN GOSPELL ELECTRIC TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD.THESE SPECIFICATION ARE THE PROPERTY OF GOSPELL ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD AND SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED OR USED AS THE BASIS FOR THE MANUFACTURE OR SELL OF APPARATUSES OR DEVICES WITHOUT PERMISSION.DESCRIPTION: (规格书)SPECIFICATIONModel No.: Document No.:REV: 1.0DATE 06.12.01PREPAREDCHECKEDAPPROVEDGP006PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 8 OF 8 。



1、前言概述.1要求.1规范和标准.1优先顺序.12、供货方、购买方双方责任 (2)购买方责任.2供货方责任2质量保证 (2)3、设计操作的环境条件 (2)安装位置 (2)环境条件 (3)4、技术要求...….台主要技术要求 (3)变压器主要技术参数和性能要求 (3)5、供货范围 (4)概述 (4)范围 (4)设备及材料 (5)保证.56、性能保证 (5)7、检验、实验和证书 (5)质量标准..5检验机构..5检验项目和实验内容 (5)证书.68、标6铭牌 (6)标志.6颜色.69、包装运输 (7)10、文件图纸和数据要求 (7)设计文件的确认7最终报告和数据单 (7)1、前言概述本项目名称为XXXXXXX司XXXX麻合楼。












CONTENTS04 POWER TRANSFORMERS06 AT TAPCHANGERS08 AE TAPCHANGERS10 DESIGN 12 MANUFACTURING 14 TEST SERVICESBRUSH T ransformers is globally renowned for the quality of its products, innovation and service. Our markets include the utility, oil, petrochemical, coal, steel and rail industries worldwide. We focus on working with our clients to provide solutions tailored to meet their exact requirements.Our ongoing investment programme concentrates on the implementation of modern technology, research, product development and ensuring our facilities are of the calibre to support our plans for long-term growth.We design and manufacture to many British, European and International standards and have first class test facilities to ensure that the quality of the product is prevalent. The company maintains AST A third-party accreditation to quality standard ISO 9001:2008, environmental standard ISO 14001 and health and safety standard OHSAS 18001.ENERGY SOLUTIONS FOR THE GLOBAL POWER INDUSTRYWith over one hundred years of manufacturing experience in the transformer industry, BRUSH T ransformers are the largest manufacturer of liquid filled power transformers based in the United Kingdom.BRUSH T ransformers supply a comprehensive range of transformers for a range of applications;n S ystem transformers for the UK, overseas utility network operators and many private network operatorsn G enerator step up transformers for use with; hydro-electric generation schemes, gas turbine generator stations and CHP plants n G rid connection transformers for wind generation schemes n P ower transformers for industrial applications, traction systems, petrochemical projects, offshore oil and gas production facilities and special applications up to 132kVn S eries current limiting reactors for industrial applicationsn M otor unit transformers for industrial applications and petrochemical plants n R ectifier transformers for traction systems.Where required, BRUSH are also able to supply transformers with alternative cooling systems such as forced air cooled/forced oil cooled and water cooled using heat exchangers.For 33kV systems BRUSH manufacture transformers using alternative cooling fluids such as Midel and FR3, where transformers are either located inside buildings giving rise to issues related to increase fire risk or where there are environmental concerns. For traction systems BRUSH are able to provide; 132/25kV traction supply transformers, 25-0-25kV auto transformers, 25kV 300Amp trackside booster transformers.Noise levelsBRUSH offers T ransformers that are capable of emitting low noise levels. By utilising the latest electrical steel material and manufacturing techniques, the noise levels can be attenuated to low levels, which is particularly important in built up areas.No-Load LossesThe overall lifetime cost of a transformer is related to the losses generated by the unit. The no-load losses apply throughout the year and BRUSH has a wide range of electrical steels grades available to minimise the losses generated by the core to reduce the capitalised cost.UK reference list: Overseas reference list:UK Power Networks Bermuda Electric Light Company (BELCO)Western Power Distribution Abu Dhabi Water & Electricity Authority Northern Power Grid Bahamas Electricity Corporation Energy North West ShellScottish Power AramcoScottish & Southern Energy NIOCT amesis ITSPOWER TRANSFORMERSThe A T range of single compartment units with high-speed resistor transition is designed for three-phase systems with voltages of 44kV and 66kV line end or 132kV neutral end and nominal rated current of 300A.A maximum of 17 tapping positions (16 steps) 15 possible for linear regulation and 33 tapping positions (32 steps) for reversing of coarse/fine regulation.The A T tapchanger is designed such that power flow can be handled in either direction at full-rated current. The A T is a flange-mounted tapchanger where the oil in the switch compartment is kept separate at all times from the oil in the main transformer.n C ompactn L inear, reversing or coarse/fine versionsn S uitable for 52kV, star or delta windingsn 400A version (linear only)n S uitable for 145kV star winding (neutral end only)n S ingle-phase version availablen V ertically-mounted option also availablen M anufactured in accordance with IEC 60214 and also complies with many other national and international standards.Key features of A T and AE tapchangersn C ompactn B i-directional power flown H igh speed resistor on-load selector switchn E ase of maintenancen L ow oil contentn U p to 17 positions (linear) or 33 positions (reverse or coarse/fine)n F ully automatic or manual operation.The AE series on-load tapchangers are built on the successful results of the design of the A T range. The AE uses many common parts from the A T including the complete drive mechanism. This range has a maximum of 17 tapping positions (16 steps) and is possible for linear regulation and 33 tapping positions (32 steps) for reverse or coarse/fine regulation.The equipment may be used to regulate three-phase transformers designed for system voltages of 33kV and 66kV at any position in the winding. The AE may also operate on transformers designed for 132kV earthed neutral three-phase systems regulating at the neutral end of the winding. The maximum current rating is 500A, with overload capability in accordance with IEC 60354 and IEC 60076-7.n 500A current ratingn S uitable for 33kV or 66kV systems, line or neutral end n S uitable for 132kV systems (neutral end only)n M aximum 650kVA breaking capacityn D esigned in accordance with IEC 60214 and also complies with many other national and international standardsBenefits of the A T, A TV, and AE on-load tapchangers n L ower overall maintenance times and costs to the end user n S eparate tapchanger oil ensures 100% accurate D.G.A of transformers n C an easily be housed in noise enclosuresn R etrofit tapchangers more easily accommodated n B etter for anti-tracking surfacesBRUSH T ransformers strive to ensure that our products and services consistently provide the best value, in the most cost-effective and suitable format for each of our customers individual needs.From the initial stage of any project, the design department employ a wealth of experience to develop product specifications, combining a high degree of engineering integrity with the necessary commercial, practical design and quality considerations. This ensures that our customers receive the optimum design for their specific product requirements.Sustained Design Excellence is achieved via a program of continuous improvement. The implementation of modern technology, research and product development, coupled with our long experience in the field, allows us to refine the design process whilst taking into account changing customer requirements, material advances and technical design improvements. When assessing any transformer design it is essential that critical performance values are accurately simulated.BRUSH T ransformer’s design program suite is a knowledge-based system with capabilities for both 2D and 3D finite-element modelling. The design software suite effectively captures many years of transformer design knowledge and experience. Over recent years, the use of finite-element modelling methods for transformer design and analysis has proven to be an extremely powerful tool. We employ a fully integrated collection of software modules capable of the generation and solution of electrostatic and electromagnetic finite element models.BRUSH have a large range of core steel grades available to optimise the design, allowing specific performance characteristics to be achieved. BRUSH also utilise proven coil designs to maximise the performance and minimise losses.Bespoke design software derived from successfully established practices and techniques is combined with the sound numerical techniques encompassed within finite-element methodology to produce the optimum design for each customers requirement.BRUSH T ransformers utilise the latest in CAD technology, investing in software packages including AutoDesk Inventor, ANSYS FEA and Slim Electromagnetic FEA. This technology enables us to adopt a more streamlined approach to the process of planning, developing and manufacturing of products. This in turn creates an ideal platform for lean product development and achieving increased response rates with our customers.DESIGNTHE COREEach transformer core is produced using a computer-controlled Georg cutting line. Using interleaved laminations of cold rolled, grain orientated, low loss electrical sheet steel conforming to BSEN 10107. The core employs a mitred step-lap design ensuring minimum noise and loss levels with uniform flux distribution throughout the magnetic circuit.WINDINGS AND INSULATIONAll windings are manufactured to exacting standards in order to maintain strict dimensional tolerances. Clamping to a pre-determined load pressure during manufacture ensures that each winding is able to withstand the excessive axial forces, which may result from external sources.All principal components of insulation are pre-fabricated from electrical grade insulating board; processed to ensure electrical and mechanical stability throughout the temperatures found in operational service.CORE-COIL ASSEMBL YEach core-coil assembly is rigidly braced using steel frames. Optimum dielectric strength is achieved via processing in accordance with rigorous in-house quality procedures.T ANK CONSTRUCTION AND FINISHT ransformer tanks are manufactured using mild steel, which is electrically welded. Cooling is effected by pressed plate radiators, electrically welded and independently pressure tested. Metal is pre-treated by shot blasting, then immediately covered with a high performance industrial paint finish, suitable for highly corrosive environments. This finish is designed to give maximum world-wide, long term protection in coastal, industrial, and general environments with suitable heat and oil resistance.FINAL ASSEMBL YCompleted core-coils are dried in thermostatically controlled vacuum ovens, fitted into the transformer tank and filled with oil under a vacuum. This is followed by an oil processing system using de-aerated oil. After the tanking process is complete the transformer is prepared for test.SHORT CIRCUIT CAPABILITYIn order to prevent deformation when subjected to short circuit forces, solid block end insulation, backed-up by substantial supporting frames is utilised. The axial end thrust under fault conditions is minimised by the suitable distribution of ampere turns over the length of the windings, and by ensuring that the design dimensions are closely adhered to during manufacture. T ransformers designed and constructed in this way are capable of withstanding the effect of short-circuit forces.MANUFACTURINGAt BRUSH T ransformers every transformer is subject to a comprehensive series of tests in compliance with the latest requirements contained in all relevant specifications. All the testing is carried out on site within one of BRUSH’s fully equipped test areas.The test facilities include a 7.8MVA generator driven by a 2500HP motor, a2.8MVA power regulator used in conjunction with capacitor banks (60 MVAr currently installed). These ratings can provide sufficient power for short circuit temperature rise testing at full ratings, for transformers up to 100MVA.BRUSH also has two multi-ratio plant transformers of 38MVA and 14MVA, a 2MVA 200Hz alternator for induced over-voltage testing and a Haefely SG A 1200-120 impulse testing system comprising of:n 1200kV, 120kJ per stage generatorn 2000kV voltage divider IEC 60060 – 1n 1200kV multiple chopping devicen Hias 743 high resolution impulse analysing system n 600kV overshoot compensation filter.T est area is equipped with:n H igh voltage capacitance dividers and AC peak voltmeters used for measurements up to 600kVn C apacitance and tan delta bridge for measurement of capacitance and loss anglesn T hree phase AC power analysers used in conjunction with precision current and potential transformers for the accurate measurement of transformer lossesn B ruel Kjaer sound level measuring equipment used for the measurement of transformer noise and spectrum frequency analysisn P artial discharge measurements can be made in pico-coulombs or micro-voltsn S weep Frequency response analysis.All the instrumentation is of a high standard and is calibrated and checked at regular intervals.TEST SERVICESINST ALLATIONWe can offer a complete installation service or alternatively supply a supervisor to oversee and guide the installation, testing and commissioning of your equipment. We offer complete method statements and risk assessments in accordance with our ISO9001 accreditation. Dedicated site quality plans are compiled for every site contract.BRUSH T ransformers has a worldwide reputation for the supply and installation of a varied range of electrical power transformers and tapchangers covering various applications and locations. These include land-based industrial facilities, marine and the oil and gas sectors both onshore and offshore.Our Aftermarket support team are able to provide an unrivalled degree of professionalism, reliability and efficiency when undertaking all manner of service activities involved with equipment installationsCOMMISSIONINGT o complement its market-leading position for supplying and installing transformers, we can provide highly qualified and competent commissioning engineers, who are able to undertake the complete electrical testing and commissioning of transformers and ancillary equipment.SAFETYAll personnel are supplied with and trained in the correct use of PPE. All work is pre-planned and method statements and risk assessments issued. Each team has one member trained in first aid.INSPECTIONSAs part of a comprehensive maintenance programme, BRUSH T ransformers offers a structured inspection scheme, which can be tailored to meet the operational needs of the installed equipment and facility. These inspections are available for all BRUSH T ransformers products in addition to third party equipment. By following a structured inspection programme, the equipment outage time is reduced to a known minimum period. It also provides a continuous appraisal of the equipment’s current condition. As a result of each inspection, potential problems arising can be addressed prior to them causing serious failure.MAINTENANCEThe notion that prevention is better than cure lies at the heart of any maintenance programme. BRUSH T ransformers Aftermarket support services are fully equipped to provide all existing operators with a customised support package. This may be adapted to suit each and every individual operator’s need, wherever the installation is situated.MAINTENANCE CONTRACTSBRUSH T ransformers can provide short and long term maintenance contracts. These support operators by:n E nabling a continuous mode of operation. The use of long-term maintenance and health care contracts may be developed to suit the customer’s needs n E nabling designation of inspection points, spare parts and recommendations for continued equipment performancen A ssist in reducing operating costs associated with unplanned outages as a result of equipment failures.FIELD REPAIRT o complement the inspection capabilities, we can offer a wide range of repair services. These are performed in the field where we have considerable experience working in vastly differing environments, including both onshore and offshore installations, worldwide.TRANSFORMERST ypical transformers field repair services offered include:n T ransformer refurbishmentn R adiator repair or replacementn C ooler equipment replacementn C able box replacementn O il processingn O il replacementn T apping switch modification/replacementn G asket seal replacementn T ransformer relocationn T ransformer up-rating.CONTROL SYSTEMST ypical power management and cooler control systems services offered include:n A utomatic Voltage Regulator fault finding and calibration n C ooler Control System fault finding and calibration n T ransformer protection relay testing.FACTORY REPAIRSWhen it is not possible to repair equipment in the field due to constraints such as space, environment or lack of suitable resources then BRUSH offer a factory based solution. BRUSH possesses comprehensive manufacturing facilities manned by professional personnel for repairing and overhauling equipment. These facilities are supported by technical and project functions to achieve complete customer satisfaction.T ypical transformer factory repair services offered include:n T ank replacementn W inding rewindn C ore replacementn T apchanger overhauln T ransformer upratingn H igh voltage testing facilitiesBRUSH have factory-based Aftermarket support facilities which include:n W orkshops with cleaning facilities and vacuum drying ovens n M odern machining and fabrication facilitiesn C oil manufacturing and core manufacturing facilitiesn A ssembly workshops including large capacity craneagen H igh voltage test facilitySPARESUsing the latest technology available, our data capture system enables us to identify component parts and provide necessary spares for either pre-commissioning or operational requirements.TRANSFORMER SERVICESBRUSH offers a team of fully skilled service engineers to provide full Aftermarket service available to tapchangers, 24/7/365. Within the business we have a fully dedicated spares/repairs department and team of fitters.SPARESSpare parts are available for all modern and obsolete models of on-load tapchangers and off-circuit tap selectors. All spare parts are genuine parts manufactured to the highest degree of quality, from original drawings, materials and tooling.In addition to manufacturing a full range of modern on-load tapchangers and off-circuit tap selectors.Associated tapchangers have a fully equipped repairs department, which specialises in the repair and refurbishment of old tapchangers. We will arrange to remove the faulty equipment from site, return it to the factory, repair or refurbish as required, return to site and install, test and commission as requested.Main features include:n M aintenance trainingn R outine maintenancen E ngineers site visit for assessment, inspection and reports on the tapchanger n E mergency repairsn S pare parts for tapchangersn M inor repair or overhauln C omplete tapchanger overhaul and repair at our factoryn R etrofitting modern units to replace older tapchangers allowing reduced maintenance costs for the future.TAPCHANGER SERVICESENERGY SOLUTIONS FOR THE GLOBAL POWER INDUSTRYBRUSHNOTTINGHAM ROAD,LOUGHBOROUGH,LEICESTERSHIRE,。

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