泉州市捷盾电子科技有限公司奥力斯自动门使用说明书 OLIS R 平移门驱动装置 Automatic door beam device 使用说明书 Instruction 2012-7 客户服务电话:400-6622-863泉州市捷盾电子科技有限公司 Automatic Door 奥力斯自动门使用说明书有关安全的注意事项用户务必遵守的内容和种类以下图示和说明警告注意处理失误时,会产生令使用者死亡或负重伤的可能。
此图表示不得进行的“ 禁止”内容。
15 C M以上15 C M以上 15 C M以上 15 C M以上门扇传感器检测范围小于通行者的大小传感器检测范围 12 C M以上传感器检测范围 12 C M以上 12 C M以上传感器检测范围 12 C M以上表示门扇行走部位的检测范围门扇万一上述检测范围无法确保,为保证通行者通过检测范围,请务必通过放置盆栽植物等方法限制通行,并向业主说明情况。
1 客户服务电话:400-6622-863泉州市捷盾电子科技有限公司奥力斯自动门使用说明书使用说明书注意请勿将门使用于潮湿、有振动、有腐蚀气体产生的场所。
二、控制箱的主要技术指标控制箱的主要技术指标 (11)三 、嵌入式软件使用说明嵌入式软件使用说明..................................................................................................................2 3.1 1 键盘定义键盘定义键盘定义......................................................................................................................................................2 3.2 2 开机初始画面开机初始画面开机初始画面................................................................................................................................................33 3.3 3 参数设置参数设置参数设置..................................................................................................................................................................44 3.3.1 3.3.1 门上下限数据设定门上下限数据设定门上下限数据设定...................................................................................................44 3.3.2 3.3.2 系统参数设置界面系统参数设置界面系统参数设置界面..................................................................................................................5 3.3.3 3.3.3 变频器变频器变频器故障查询故障查询故障查询.....................................................................................................................77 3.3.4 3.3.4 用户管理用户管理用户管理................................................................................................................................................88 四 、接线端子的说明接线端子的说明 (88)五 、故障信息及排除方法故障信息及排除方法 (101010)六 、注意事项注意事项 (111111)七 、互锁功能接线图互锁功能接线图 (121212)z z z Ps g i ol e P f r1.机械限位和编码器可以随意选择。
Revolving doors 旋转门
Fanlight opening systems 天窗开窗器
Electrically ventilation drive systems 电动开窗系统
GEZE Revolving Doors
Foundation of the GEZE subsidiary GEZE Sonderkonstruktionen GmbH starting production in Schweigern. This subsidiary is manufacturing drives for curved and semi curved automatic door systems in the famous 7 cm look of GEZE Slimdrive.
GEZE Revolving Doors / 盖泽旋转门
GEZE Revolving Doors / 盖泽旋转门
GEZE Revolving Doors
About GEZE GmbH 德国盖泽
GEZE GmbH is one of the leading suppliers for systems for door, window and safety technology. As one of the market leaders in innovation and design, the independent company that has been family-run for ve generations develops, manufactures and sells leading-edge technology and has greatly in uenced construction technology with its forward thinking developments. GEZE door closers are among the best known in the world and GEZE is the market leader in Germany for automatic door systems. Every day millions of people go through doors, which are tted with the GEZE TS 5000 door closer and enjoy the convenience we take for granted of automatic door systems in the Slimdrive product line. Furthermore, GEZE o ers an extensive range of products for smoke and heat extraction systems (RWA), safety technology such as the new access control system, glass systems and window and ventilation technology. The integrated glass solutions o er architects freedom of design in demanding building projects. GEZE product solutions can be found in prestigious buildings throughout the world. GEZE is represented by 23 subsidiaries, a exible and highly e cient sales and service network, 2000 employees worldwide and obtained a turnover of 380 Million Euros in the business year 2007/2008.
自动门 Automatic Door System
![自动门 Automatic Door System](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/32c89d14866fb84ae45c8dc5.png)
一、自动门 Automatic Door System (二)、自动平开门 Slimdrive SD SD 自动平开门 外型小巧的Slimdrive SD 门机高度只有7cm,是盖泽公司纤巧型自动门中的一员。 有推门和拉门,为单向开启,不分左右手。 除了其纤巧的外型,SD有别于其它自动门的特点在于,断电时,门机中的液压部 分仍可工作,整个门机相当于闭门器,手拉开门,待人通过后,门可自动关闭。 通常用于机场,车站,学校,宾馆的通道门,更适用于老人及残疾人的家庭,为 人们提供了安全,便捷的环境。当用于紧急通道的防火门时,可以更好的显现其 安全性。 产品的主要特征: 外型尺寸:650 x 78 x 97 mm (b x d x h) 闭门力量:无级可调EN 2-6,配折臂时最大力量等级可达到7级 门扇开启角度:最大140 (门机的安装方式不同,开启角度不同) 最大门宽:1400mm (配滑尺)1600mm (配折臂) 最大门重:170kg (配滑尺) 200kg (配折臂)
一、自动门 Automatic Door System------自动平移门 System------自动平移门
(二)、自动平移门 Slimdrive SL / SL BO 产品特点: 单扇门最大承重:120kg 开门速度最快为:0.7米/ 秒 (双扇门) 关门速度最快为:0.4米/ 秒 开启保持时间:0—60秒可调 驱动器输入功率:160W 关闭力:最大150N 基本功能:自我学习,自我检测,常开模式,夜间模式,单向出模式,全自动模 式 窄开启宽度模式
一、自动门 Automatic Door System------自动平移门 System------自动平移门
(二)、自动平移门 Slimdrive SL / SL BO SL/SL BO Slimdrive SL / SL BO自动平移门 盖泽公司是第一个使自动门的门机系统只有7cm 高的制造厂家,SL 为“7cm”系列中的一员,可用于单扇及双扇平移门。它“纤细 的外形”,为设计师提供了更大的设计空间,使其设计在外立面上看,几乎可以 忽略了门机的存在,起到美观的作用。 水平双导轨结构,形成正悬挂,彻底解决了侧摆的问题,从而确保了门扇的稳定 性。并配以双侧密封毛刷,形成密封式导轨,避免积尘对导轨及滑轮的磨损,实 现了免维护的承诺。 安装简单,便捷,所有功能可通过程序控制按钮实现。 通常用于人流量大的场所,例如:机场,车站,医院,银行,办公楼,超市等, 外门及内门均可。SL BO为安全逃生门,其基本结构为在平移门的基础上配有平 开门的配件,紧急情况下可以平行打开,使通道在有限的情况下,达到最大的宽 度.
GEZE盖泽 自动门技术资料
![GEZE盖泽 自动门技术资料](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/38150d1c14791711cc791714.png)
GEZE AUTOMATIC DOOR SYSTEMSGEZE AUTOMATIC DOOR SYSTEMS | 盖泽自动平移平开门系统GEZE REPRESENTATIVEGEZE GmbH P.O. Box 136371226 Leonberg GermanyGEZE GmbHReinhold-Vöster-Straße 21-2971229 Leonberg GermanyTel. +49 (0)7152-203-0Fax +49 (0)7152-203-310ChinaGEZE FactoryShuangchenzhong RoadBeichen Economic Development Area (BEDA)Tianjin 300400, P.R. China Tel. +86 (0)22-2697 3995-0Fax +86 (0)22-2697 2702E-mail: Sales-info@ GEZE BeijingRm1001 ,Tower D , Sanlitun SOHO No.8, Gongti North Road. Chaoyang Distict,100027 Beijing, P.R. China Tel. +86 (0)10-5935 9300Fax +86 (0)10-5935 9322E-mail: chinasales@ GEZE Shanghai Unit 25NCross Region Plaza No. 899Ling Ling Road XuHui District200030 Shanghai, P.R. China Tel. +86 (0)21-5234 0960Fax +86 (0)21-6447 2007E-mail: chinasales@ GEZE Guangzhou Room 17C3Everbright Bank Building No. 689Tian He Bei Road510630 Guangzhou, P.R. China Tel. +86 (0)20-3873 1842 /43Fax +86 (0)20-3873 1834E-mail: chinasales@October 2010 · All rights reserved盖泽工业(天津)有限公司中国区上海市零陵路899号飞洲国际广场25N 200030电话 +86 (0)21-5234 0960传真 +86 (0)21-6447 2007E-mail: Asiasales-info@ 盖泽工业(天津)有限公司北京分公司北京市朝阳区工体北路8号院三里屯SOHO D 座1001室 100027电话 +86 (0)10-5935 9300传真 +86 (0)10-5935 9322E-mail: chinasales@ 盖泽工业(天津)有限公司上海分公司上海市零陵路899号飞洲国际广场25N 200030电话 +86 (0)21-5234 0960传真 +86 (0)21-6447 2007E-mail: chinasales@ 盖泽工业(天津)有限公司广州分公司广州市天河区天河北路689号光大银行大厦17楼C3 510630电话 +86 (0)20-8132 0702,38731842 /43传真 +86 (0)20-38731834E-mail: chinasales@ 盖泽工业(天津)有限公司工厂双辰中路北辰经济开发区(BEDA)中国天津 300400电话 +86 (0)22-26973995-0传真 +86 (0)22-26972702E-mail: Sales-info@SingaporeGEZE Singapore21, Bukit Batok Crescent,#23-75, Wcega Tower,Singapore 658065Tel. +65 6846 1338Fax +65 6846 9353E-mail: gezesea@.sgTaiwanGEZE Taiwan4F No 279. Section 2,LiNong Street, Beitou District Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. 11266Tel. +886-2-2823-6665Fax +886-2-2823-7286E-mail: Asiasales-info@KoreaGEZE Korea#402, Deoksong Bldg., 293-16Cheonho-Dong, Gangdong-Gu,134-867 Seoul, Korea Tel. +82-2-475-2006Fax +82-2-2178-9284E-mail: Asiasales-info@Fanlight openingSwing doors Sliding doors /Semi-circular Revolving doors ElectricallyElectrically Electrically Finger Print Motor locks7GEZE Automatic Door Systems / 盖泽自动平移平开门系统G E Z E R W A a n d V e n t i l a t i o n S y s t e m sGEZE AUTOMATIC DOOR SYSTEMS / 盖泽自动平移平开门系统GEZE Automatic Door Systems / 盖泽自动平移平开门系统G E Z E A u t o m a t i c D o o r S y s t e m s 盖泽自动平移平开门系统89111416192224 27283236 38 40 44 4648TABLE OF CONTENTS / 目录GEZE SlimdriveThe 7 cm Principle / 7 cm 创新理念Slimdrive SLSlimdrive SL-FR / SL-BO Slimdrive SLT Slimdrive SF Slimdrive SC / SCR Slimdrive SL NT Slimdrive EMD Slimdrive SD Servo GEZE TSA TSA 150TSA 160 NT TSA 360 BO GEZE Powerdrive Powerdrive GEZE ECdrive ECdriveGEZE ECdrive LT ECdrive LT GEZE ECturn GEZE ECturnGEZE Programme switch / 程序开关8The 7 cm principle / 7cm创新理念G E Z E R W A a n d V e n t i l a t i o n S y s t e m sG E Z E A u t o m a t i c D o o r S y s t e m s 盖泽自动平移平开门系统GEZE AUTOMATIC DOOR SYSTEMS / 盖泽自动平移平开门系统GEZE Automatic Door Systems / 盖泽自动平移平开门系统盖泽是首个能够提供7cm级的全系列自动门门机的制造商。
1. 产品概述本产品是一款电动门,适用于各种场所的出入口控制。
2. 安全须知在使用本产品时,请务必遵守以下安全须知,以避免发生意外事故:1) 请勿让儿童在无成人看护的情况下接近电动门。
2) 请勿站在电动门的活动范围内,以免造成门体碰撞伤害。
3) 请勿进行未经授权的拆卸、改装等行为,以免影响产品的正常运行。
4) 请确保电源接线正常,避免接地不良或漏电导致的安全隐患。
3. 基本操作本电动门采用简单易用的操作方式,具体操作如下:1) 手动模式:当电源故障或其他特殊情况下,可将电动门设定为手动模式,手动推拉门体实现开关控制。
2) 自动模式:正常情况下,将电动门设定为自动模式,门体将按照设定的参数进行自动开关。
4. 参数设置本电动门支持多项参数设置,以满足不同使用需求。
以下为几个常用参数的设置方法:1) 开关速度:可通过控制器上的设定按键,选择不同的开关速度。
2) 延时关闭:可设置电动门在感应到通过人员后,延时一段时间后自动关闭门体。
3) 防夹功能:通过光电开关等装置,实现感应到门体前方有障碍物时,立即停止门体活动,避免夹人。
5. 维护保养为了确保电动门的正常运行和延长使用寿命,请定期进行以下维护保养工作:1) 清洁门体表面,避免积尘影响电动门的正常运行。
2) 检查电源线路和接线端子,确保连接良好,避免线路故障。
3) 定期检查各个零部件的紧固情况,如有松动请及时拧紧。
6. 故障排除在使用过程中,如果发生以下故障,请先排除故障再进行下一步操作:1) 电动门无法开启或关闭:请检查电源线路是否接通,是否存在断电等问题。
2) 电动门运行缓慢或不平稳:请检查电动门是否受到阻碍,是否需要进行润滑保养。
3) 传感器故障:请检查传感器是否受到遮挡,是否需要调整位置。
机电工程学院课程设计说明书设计题目:自动门控制系统设计学生姓名:***学号: ************专业班级:机制F0908指导教师:***2011年12 月08 日内容摘要在当今社会自动门的应用也越来越广泛。
关键字:PLC;控制;自动门目录第1章引言 (1)第2章 PLC概述 (2)2.1系统设计方案 (2)2.2控制系统流程图 ............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
2.3自动门配置及组成原理 ................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
2.4 PLC接线图 ..................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2.4 程序梯形图 .................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
第3章自动门介绍 ................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
第4章总体方案设计............................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
同 步 带张 力调整
同步带 张力 调 整
1. 左右 吊 架 应 直 线 安 装 在 门 扇 上 2. 将门 扇 悬 吊 在 动力 梁 导 轨 上 后 , 如 门 扇 向 左 或向右滑动,则说明动力梁没有 水 平 对 准 , 此 时 , 应 卸 下 门 扇 , 调 整 动 力 梁 位 置,使之呈水平状态 3. 门扇 悬 吊 在 导 轨 上 时 , 应 能 用 手 轻 轻 打 开 或 关 上 4. 活动 门 扇 应 垂 直 悬 吊 ※当 活 动 门 扇 与 固 定 门 扇 之 间 的 缝 隙 上 下 不 一致时,可拧松并调整吊架或地 轮 的 螺 栓 位 置(底 板 上 有 长 槽), 且 使 缝 隙 大小符合规定要求。 ※ 当 活 动 门 扇 如 右 图 所 示 倾 斜 不 正 时 , 可 调 整吊架部件的高度调整螺栓使之 垂直 5. 活动 门 扇 和 动 力 梁 、 盖 板 、 固 定 门 扇 及 地 坪 等静止物应无磨擦现象。
1. 拧松 吊 架 固 定 螺 栓( A )和 防 脱 固 定 螺 栓( B ) 2. 旋转 内 六 角 螺 栓( C ) ? ?至 要 求 标 准 高 ( 低 ) 度位置 ◆顺时针方向旋转门体升高 ?逆 时 针 方 向 旋 转 门 体 降 低 3. 拧 紧 吊 架 固 定 螺 栓( A ) 4. 最 后 调 整 防 脱 固 定 螺 栓( B )与 导 轨 底 平 面 的 要求标准(间隙0.5mm)
0 目录0 目录-------------------------------------------------------11 简介-------------------------------------------------------12 技术描述---------------------------------------------------53操作特性--------------------------------------------------164维护保养--------------------------------------------------205简单故障排除----------------------------------------------21附录------------------------------------------------------251 简介1.1 安全操作1.2 前言1.3 版权1.4 使用须知1.5 专业名词缩写1.6 选装部件1.1 安全操作美必盛自动门的设计、检验和生产是依据严格的国际标准进行的。
美必盛自动门地址:联系电话:网址:1.2 前言操作手册是专门为自动门的用户提供的,它向你提供如下信息:门的操作门的结构门的维护1.3 版权本操作手册是由公司提供和认可的。
TSA 360 NTTSA 360 NT - FR 2M安装准备指南安装和维护指南产品编号 105670适用于DCU V1.0以上的软件-版本符号说明意义是“需要被执行的工作”意义是“重要的指示”意义是“辅助信息”标识您务必阅读和注意的文字。
由电击引起的生命危险1 安全指示按照规定进行使用TSA 360 NT和TSA 360 NT - FR 2M仅适合用于·干燥的空间·水平运动的门板的自动门系统·商业区和公共区的人行区域的入口区和室内区TSA 360 NT和TSA 360 NT - FR 2M不允许作为防火门或者防噪门使用。
TSA 360 NT - FR 2M允许用于紧急通道和急救通道。
TSA 360 NT不允许作为紧急通道和急救通道使用。
对该设备的擅自更改使GEZE不再对导致的损失负有责任并且作为紧急通道和急救通道使用的许可也丧失(如果是TSA 360 NT - FR 2M)。
根据VDE 0100第610部分执行电网连接和接地安全线检查。
在运动方向上运动传感器的检测场必须满足AutSchR(如果是TSA 360 NT - FR 2M)根据机床标准98/37/EG,在该门设备投入使用前必须进行危险分析并根据CE - 标识标准93/98/EWG对该门设备进行标识。
注意标准,规范和国家相关的规定的最新状况,特别是:·ZH 1 / 494 “机动的窗,门和大门的标准”·VDE 0100,第610部分“电网电压达1000伏的强电设备的安装”·AutSchR “自动窗,门和大门的标准”(如果是TSA 360 NT - FR 2M)·事故防护规定,特别是BGV A1 “通用规定”和BGV A2 “电器设备和生产设备”·德国工业标准60335 - 2 - 103 “家用或相似用途的电器设备的安全;特别是对于驱动装置的要求以及对于大门,门和窗的要求“。
SMART - SECURE THE NEW STANDARD FORSWING DOOR AUTOMATIONProudly 100% designed and assembled In AustraliaSMART - SECURETHE AUTOSWING AUTOMATIC DOOR OPERATOR OFFERS THE HIGHEST STANDARD OFPERFORMANCE INSIDE A COMPACT DESIGN.The low height of only 2.25 inches (60mm) allows the AutoSwing Operator to be fitted to a door’s header.The system comes with both push arm and slide arm configurations. Combining these design features, along with the whisper quiet operation of the mechanism, transforms your doorway seamlessly from manual to automatic operation.SMART - SECUREvoice unitFront View2.25 inch (60 mm)3.14 inch (80 mm)Side ViewClip-On Safety CoverThe endcaps contain LED indicator lights that display the current mode of the AutoSwing system.These can be turned On or Off, depending on preference.DESIGN HIGHLIGHTSA compact backup Lithium battery is contained in the AutoSwing housing and allows the system to have a power source even when your home loses power for up to five days. The trickle charge feature prevents you from having to remove the battery for a re-charge.The door guide has tworemovable end clips that hold the cover in place.This cover can be removed to allow it to be custom powder coated to match your door’scolor profile.AUTOSWING FEATURES• Modulated components in slim-line housing • Heavy duty 24V DC motor• 265 lb. (120 kg.) maximum door weight • Integrates with Smart Locks• Bluetooth app for Android and iOS devices with available AutoPlus gateway for control while away from home or the office • Convert French style patio doors into an automatic pet door • Endcaps with LED indicator lights• Integrates with third-party electric strikes and mag locks• Four available modes: Unsecured, Hold Open, Secure, and Pet• Can be paired with the Privacy Package to create a touchless entry/exit for bathrooms and fitting rooms• Comes standard with two wireless touch buttons•Additional controls available include motion sensors, remote control, keypad, hand-wave sensor, & RFID proximity tagsAutoSwing can be integrated with a fire alarm system to allow emergency egress. Once the alarm is triggered,AutoSwing will automatically open the door and beginflashing an amber colored light from the endcap’s LEDs.BUILT-IN FIRE ALARM INTEGRATIONPush ArmSlide ArmDoor TrackOPERATIONAL METHODSThe AutoSwing system comes with two operational methods, a slide arm and a push arm. Both sets ofhardware are made from stainless steel grade materials, providing a reliable and heavy duty performance.Push Arm:Allows the door to open outward.APPLICATIONSSlide Arm:Allows the door to open inward.Door Mount:AutoSwing can be mounted on the door to overcome narrow frames.Pivot doors:AutoSwing will turn your pivot door to an automatic one.INTEGRATION WITH SMART HOME DEVICESSMART LOCK INTEGRATION• AutoSwing integrates with smart locks, creating a secure and automatic door.• Get all the benefits of a smart lock and automatic door in one package for the first time.AutoSwing integrates with smart home devices like Alexa and Apple Home Kit. Activate your door system remotely and by voice command.With the AutoSlide App, open, close, lock, and unlock your doors quickly. Monitor your door status and be in control from anywhere in the world.TOTAL HOME ACCESS SOLUTIONSAUTOSLIDE APP• Grant or deny access to your home • Program your AutoSwing directly from your phone or iPad devices.• Open, close, lock and more with a simple tap on your iOS or Android phone.• 24/7 motion sensor sends alerts to your phone when anyone approaches your doors.PET MODE• Grant or deny your pet’s automaticaccess. No need for old and unsightly pet doors.• Adjustable sensor, customizable for your pet’s size.• Door activation via motion sensor or an AutoSlide secure RFID smart pet tag for your pet’s collar• Save on air-conditioning costs by havingyour doors close automatically.Compatible withSmart LockEASY TO INSTALLThe main processing unit and the rechargeable battery can be easily removed and clipped back on for easy wall mounting.Operator type Hinged and pivot Swing DoorsDoor opening width47” (1200 mm)Door weight265 lbs (up to 120 Kg)Power input100-240 VAC 50/60hz (+/-10%) Auxiliary voltage24 VDC @220mASPDT relay output for controlling electric-strikes or electric mag-locks not to exceed 2A 24 VDCOpening speed30 degrees/s for fast opening speed.15 degrees/s for slow opening speed. Closing speed8 degrees/sHold open time0-23s Ambient temperature14 ºF to 140 ºF (-10ºC to 60ºC)Drive weight unit7 lb (3 Kg)Complies with:UL, FCC, ANSIElectro-mechanical lockingintegrationMag Lock, Electric Strike, ElectricDead Bolt, Smart Dead BoltPower supply adaptor output25 Vdc, 2.6A 65wattSafety Protocol Auto-Reverse, Safety BeamsCommunication Protocols RF, Bluetooth, RS485, Dry Contacts,Autoplus Gateway, Cloud API Lithium Battery Backup21.6V / 3200mAhTechnical specificationsOptional L-Bracket for overheadinstallation.L-BracketAUTOSWING PRIVACY SYSTEMSpeakersIR SensorsTouch-less Panel with Display.ELIMINATING CROSS CONTAMINATIONSDoors and door handles are high-touch areas where cross-contamination often begins. The public bathroom is a known point of concern as most doors are not automated, allowing this cross-contamination to take place. A touch-less door will increase safety and hygiene. he AutoSwing will notify you audibly if the bathroom is vacant or occupied, allowing the visually impaired to easily navigate into and out of the bathroom. The system will automatically close and lock the door when the presence sensor is triggered inside the bathroom.A wave of the hand will activateAutoSwing and the door will open.AutoSwing comes with a touch-less lock/unlock panel that includes a display and audio speaker.A wave of the hand will open the door. Inside the bathroom, a presence sensor will detect when a person enters thebathroom, communicating to the AutoSwing to close and lock the door.The touch-less panels have a built-in display indicatingwhether the bathroom is occupied or vacant. Included on the panel is a key switch that allows a manual override if there is an emergency.On the inside panel, an egress button is included for the sameemergency override. The automatic door system will disengageand the door can be opened manually.TOUCH-LESS DOOR ACTIVATION MANUAL DOORS SPREAD GERMS AUTOMATIC LOCKING SYSTEMAUDIBLE ALERTS FROM SPEAKERHand-wave SensorTouch ButtonK9 Smart TagRFID TransmitterSmart PendantWireless KeypadWireless RemoteControlSafety IR SensorsMicrowave SensorsAutomatic Electric locksThird-party electric locks can be integrated with the AutoSwing such as electric strikes and mag locks.Hand-wave SensorWall mounted touchless sensor can be used to open door wirelessly or with wired connection.Wireless Numeric KeypadDigital keypads allow secure access to your home when the doors are locked.Wireless Remote ControlRemote control key fobs can open/close doors, secure doors, and change the mode in the system.Motion SensorsAdjustable motion sensor options using microwave for large activation areas or IR for narrow traffic areas.Safety SensorsOverhead mounted safety infrared sensor, which can detect any obstruction to the door while opening or closing. (Available in hard wired and wireless).Proximity TagsA RFID Smart Tag that communicates with a RFID reader at a distance of up to 10 feet. The tag can be clipped to a wheelchair or key-chain to provide hands-free activation of AutoSwing.Backup Battery (UPS)A lithium battery, with the newest technology, provides a higher voltage recharge rate and lower loss ratio compared to traditional lead-acid and alkaline batteries. This leads to a longer battery life with up to four times the performance.A compact design allows the battery to be concealed within the housing of the AutoSwing.WIDE RANGE OF ACCESSORIESScan me forOnline User’s ManualSMART - SECUREFor more information visitContact your local Authorized Autoslide Dealer。
Recommendation by issue1产品说明盖泽旋转门具有结构合理,外观美观大气,外包饰有氟碳喷涂,不锈钢和包铜等多种选择,颜色更是多种多样,可以和任何风格的幕墙搭配,能够更好的彰显建筑风格,常能凭借其多样完美的外观成为建筑物外立面的亮点。
2产品特性TSA325 NT体现盖泽德式设计风格的旋转门。
电机及控制系统全部配置德国部件,旋转门中间更配备了盖泽高端自动平移门Powerdrive 门机,单扇承重达到200kg;当大厦发生紧急情况时,旋转门在接收到消防信号后启动消防模式,使之成为通畅的消防通道。
2产品特性GEZE Ecturn专为无障碍门而设计;自动、节能、一触即开; 可随时添加各种安全感应器; 为特别需要照顾人群提供额外的保护。
GEZE Slimdrive EMD结构高度仅有7cm;同样适用于大型和重型门; 可以安装在合页同侧或异侧,门扇或门框安装均可; 取得DIN18650和BGR232认证; 低能耗,静音运行。
TSA160 NT电子液压平开门机装置; 门系统实现良好的采光及隔音效果;减震器结构确保门机静音运行; 低能耗,免维护GEZE Ecturn Inside 盖泽隐藏式自动平开门灵活的集成,配置在不同的门扇厚度达到55mm 的门扇中。
CAME 自动门系列产品说明书
![CAME 自动门系列产品说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9d118501cbaedd3383c4bb4cf7ec4afe04a1b1ab.png)
The kit contains all the necessary parts and accessories to fit out 1 door equal or inferior in width to L, or 2 doors equal or inferior in width to L/2.
En el paquete se encuentra todo aquello necesario para montar 1 barrera de longitud igual o inferior a L, o bien 2 hojas iguales o inferiores a L/2.
Hoja enmarcada
Profilo aggancio anta Door hook section Profilé accrochage vantail Türflügeleinhängprofil Perfil de enganche hoja
Pattino guida esterno External guide runner Patin de guidage externe Äußere Führungsschiene Patín de guía externo
to (P).
2. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).
4.Within 20 seconds, turn the ignition switch to LOCK (0).
Programmable Auto Door Lore the different programmable options you can choose. See Auto Door Locking/Unlocking in your Owner’s Manual for instructions on programming these settings.
Tduornoro)ff Auto Unlock
When you turn the ignition OFF
When you turn the ignition OFF When you turn the ignition OFF
When you turn the ignition OFF
When you shift into Park
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To pArollgdroamoraslladreooprsesteotutnololockckwwhehnenyou shift toOPnarlyk:the driver’s door is preset to
1. Cyloouser vtehheicdlreivreera’schdeosoarb. Sohutif1t0inmtoph. 3. Purnelsosckanwdhehnolydouthsehiuftnliontcok Psiadrek o(Pf ).
OverEZ 自动鸡笼门说明书
![OverEZ 自动鸡笼门说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3b1bcd8b162ded630b1c59eef8c75fbfc67d946c.png)
• • • II [l l !!D m l l l l l D i l l l l m i l l l f f l l l 1SKU•AUCDcontents/ d escription•Made f o r O verEZ Chicken Coops ! (also compatible with other chicken coops)•Let your chickens move about freely••LED Control panel lets you choose timed or manual open/close Electric or 12 volt battery-powered•Heavy-duty poly/aluminum construction is water-resistant,will not rot/warp OverEZ A utomatic Chicken Coop Door Instruction Manual happy with our product? Please help us spread the word b y leaving a review at: (SETTING UP YOUR OVEREZ AUTOMATIC CHICKEN COOP DOORYou will need a drill to install this door.CONFIRM THAT ALL PARTS ARE PRESENT1 AUTO DOOR with Motor Control Box Installed4 Installation Screws1 Power AdaptorSTEP 1:You have the option to:A.Keep your current chicken coop door installed and just keep the door openB.Totally Remove the current chicken coop door.(Remove door by removing 6 screws on the outside hinges attached to the chicken cooptrim.)You can put putty in the screw holes and touch up the paint, if desired.STEP 2:Set up your power supply. Y ou need to choose between one of the following options:A.For Electrical Power: Insert power cord in pre-drilled hole at the top of the door frame.Plug the wire into the bottom of the controller accessible from the back side of the door. Thenplug the wire from the control panel into an extension cord or the OverEZ Chicken CoopElectrical/Heat Package Outlet.B.For Battery Power: If you purchased the 12V wire to connect directly to your own12Vbattery, you will need to disconnect your 110V power cord from the bottom of the control paneland plu g in the 12V wire.NOTE: You cannot use two power sources!STEP 3:Place the door in between the 2 studs by the chicken coop door of your coop. Push the door towards the outside until it hits the siding. Fasten the top of the door to the studs on each sideof the door with the 2 provided screws. There are 2 pre-drilled holes on the top of the door.Please ignore these holes as the screws would puncture the siding if you put the screws throughthere. DO NOT PUT THE SCREWS OUT THROUGH THE SIDING! Fasten the bottom ofthe door through the floor using the 2 provided screws.STEP 4: *Optional (Recommended)*Seal/Caulk around the outside of the a utomatic d oor afterinstallation from the siding to the door.WIFI CONNECTION:If you have purchased this feature, please use the instructions below.Power up your door and go to the manual mode to lower the door. Take the wire that connects your WIFIunit to your control panel, feed it through the hole in the top of the door and plug it in the back on thebottom of the control panel.SMART COOP AUTO DOORM AIN B UTTONS:MODE Pressing Mode allows you to cycle through each option. Each time you press mode, a green light appears next to one of the functions.OPEN Pressing Open will open the door manually.CLOSE Pressing Close will close the door manually.F UNCTIONS FOR M ANUAL S ETUP:MANUAL RUN:Pressing the Mode button until you reach Manual Run allows you to open/close the door at any time, manually. If the green light remains on next to Manual Run, the door will NOT operate automatically.F UNCTIONS FOR A UTOMATIC S ETUP:CLOCK TIME SETThis should be your first step!Press Mode until the green light is next to Clock time set.Press Open until the correct hour is reached. No decimal should show next to the number if the current time is AM. A decimal will appear next to the time if you are setting current time as a PM hour.Press Close to move the minutes to the correct time.OPEN TIME SETPress Mode until the green light is next to Open time set.Press Open until the correct hour for the door to open is reached. No decimal should show at thebottom right hand corner of the display screen if you are setting for morning.Press Close to move the minutes to the correct time.CLOSE TIME SETPress Mode until the green light is next to Close time set.Press Open until the correct hour for the door to close is reached. A decimal point should show at the bottom right hand corner of the display screen if you are setting for PM.Press Close to move the minutes to the correct time.TIMER RUNPressing the Mode button until you reach Timer Run allows the door to open and close automatically.If the green light remains on next to Timer Run, the door will operate automatically at the times you set earlier.O THER N OTES:A Green Light needs to be displayed by either “Manual Run” or “Timer Run” at the end of Setup.。
1.人员以正常速度从门外或门内走向自动门,自动门应该自动打开,自动门的动作应该平滑而且没有出现碰撞的情况;自动门打开后,人员以每秒约150mm -200mm 的速度慢速通过自动门时,自动门应该保持打开状态。
2.当人员离开自动门感应器感应区后,在延时1-10 秒后(时间长短可以由自动门开关参数来设置),自动门将自动关闭,自动门的动作应该平滑而且没有出现碰撞的情况;
Kinggates Elevo门厚自动门自动化套件说明书
![Kinggates Elevo门厚自动门自动化套件说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ae2b2b8551e2524de518964bcf84b9d528ea2cc4.png)
ITe L e VOa UTO ma ZIO ne P e R PORT e S e ZIO na LI FI n O a 10 m2e B a SCUL an TI FI n O a 8,5 m2Elevo4.2COMPATTEZZA E SEMPLICITA'Elevo è la L’automazione per porte da garage di KINGgates nelle versioni 620N e 1000N. È disponibile in kit con guida da 3 metri pre-assemblata in 1 pezzo o in 3 pezzi da 1 nuova cinghia rinforzata della versione 1000N assicura maggiore sicurezza e resistenza in qualsiasi condizione. Grazie alla spinta di 1000N del motoriduttore, questodispositivo è la soluzione ideale per aprire e chiudere porte2.INSTALLAZIONE RAPIDA Sono necessari solo pochi minuti per assemblare questa automazione: la guida è già completamente assemblata nella versione in un pezzomentre nella versione in 3 pezzi i2 robusti giunti a incastro.L’innesto del gruppo motore con la guida avviene rapidamenteattraverso 4 viti e nel caso dila testa motore è progettata per essere orientata a 90° rispetto l’asse della guida.La solidità della guida nella versione in 3 pezzi è garantita da 2 giunti in acciaio stampato.NUOVAELETTRONICAElevo diventa ancora più performante e semplice da programmare, grazie allacentrale elettronica STAR EVO di nuova concezione.La procedura di installazione riprende la stessa logica checontraddistingue le centraliKINGgates. La regolazione dei principali parametri avviene intuitivamentemediante 3 potenziometri e 4 dip switch. L'illuminazione del garage ègarantita da una pratica luce di cortesia a LED integrata nella scheda elettronica, consentendo una migliore illuminazionedell’ambiente.La posizione della luce a bordo rende Elevo un prodotto dal design elegante e moderno.221. ELETTRONICA Programmazione in autoapprendimento, parametri settabilicon dip-switch e regolazione di forza e velocità2. LUCE DI CORTESIA A LEDLa tecnologia Led garantisce grande luminosità, bassi consumi e grande durata nelLuce di cortesia a ledTesta motoreorientabileGuida in metallo Trasmissionea cinghiaCarrello di trainoin tecnopolimeroCordino di sbloccofacile da azionareELEVOELEVO KITSRO 01supplementare SRO 02 Prolunga per braccio di trascinamento SBLO 02 Kit di sbloccocon cordino metallicoSTAR EVOCentrale di ricambio per ElevoACCESSORIARC 01 Braccio oscillante per porte basculanti a contrappesiKING GATES srl Via A. Malignani 4233077 Sacile (PN) Italy Ph. +39 0434 737082Fax +39 0434 786031*******************the king specialistApp KINGspecialist per l’installatoreL ’App KINGspecialist permette di completare tutte le fasi di setup dell’installazione operando direttamente sul proprio smartphone o tablet.Grazie al modulo wifi KINGKONNECTinstallabile ad innesto nelle centrali STARG8 ogni professionista è in grado di gestire tutte le funzionalità dell’elettronica KING Smart Traditional in modo semplice ed intuitivo.L ’app introduce inoltre nuove funzionalità,come la programmazione delle manutenzioni periodiche dell’impianto, il check-up della centrale e la gestione dei telecomandi.KINGgates si affida ad una rete di installatori esperti e professionali.KINGspecialist è il programma riservatoagli installatori, la qualità KINGgates declinata nel servizio. Innovazioni installer-friendlye aggiornamento continuo per crescere insieme.。
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V3.2 Service menu V3.2版本调试说明书操作盒按键说明1. Service button 隐藏键2. Position unknown 门体位置未知指示灯3. Lights up for maintenance 待维护指示灯4. Lights up for reduced opening width 半开指示灯Display Operating mode Service mode显示 工作模式按键 调试模式按键nA Night 锁门键 X Cancel and return to first menu level 取消并返回第一栏Ls Shop closing time单向键 Confirm 确认键Au Automatic自动键 Scroll up Increase value 上翻键,数值增加do Permanently open常开键 Scroll down Decrease value下翻键,数值减少Simultaneously Change Summer (full opening width) Winter (reduced opening width)上翻键和下翻键同时按下,可以改变常开和半开模式。
Service button (1) + simultaneously Operating mode/Service mode switch隐藏键和确认键同时按下,可以进入或者退出调试模式。
Service button (1) + simultaneously. Lock/Unlock the DPS.隐藏键和常开键同时按下,可以将操作盒上锁或者解锁.Service button (1) + simultaneously .Remote control matching.(optional)隐藏键和锁门键同时按下,可以进行遥控器匹配.(选装)Press the service button and at the same time, the production test begins:隐藏键和自动键同时按下,可以对外部设备进行预先检测:P1 Lock unlocked.锁未上锁P3 Motor turns approx. 20 cm in one direction and then approx. 20 cm in the other direction.门体朝一个方向运行20cm,然后反方向运行20cm.P2 Lock locked.锁已上锁P6 Check for whether or not a battery is connected.检查是否电池没有连接.A0 Battery was not detected.未检测到电池.A1 Battery was detected. 检测到电池.If a battery is connected, it must be detected. Only the presence of the battery is determined,not whether it is sufficiently charged.如果电池连接到控制器,无论电池是否在充满状态,电池一定会被检测到存在.If a fault occurs during the production test, the test is aborted and the fault displayed.如果预先检测有故障,错误代码会显示在操作盒上.Unplug the battery after the production test and leave it unplugged until commissioning.预先检测结束后,如果不进入学习状态,请将电池插头拔出.Learn controller.进入学习状态Learning of the drive is started with the LE display by pressing the input button ( ).如果操作盒没有显示LE,请按确认键 ,直到显示LE.CAUTION: The leaves accelerate quickly when the leaf mass is being determined! Step out of the sliding path.注意:学习过程中,门扇会快速运行一次来检测门扇重量.请保持通道没有阻碍.The door leaves open and close several times. The controller determines the following parameters:门扇会来回开关数次.操作盒会显示如下代码:L0 Start learning 开始学习L1 Testing the rotary transducer 检测编码器L3 Opening width, closing position 检测通道宽度,关闭位置L2 Toothed-belt lock 皮带锁检测L8 Friction 阻力检测L4 Leaf mass 门扇重量检测L6 Reduced opening width 半开宽度确认The leaves stop with L6. Push leaves into the desired reduced opening width by hand and confirm ( ).门扇停在通道中间.用手推至需要的半开宽度,按确认键储存半开位置.Automatic acceptance of the current position occurs after 20 sec.如果20秒内不确认半开宽度,系统将默认目前所在位置为半开位置.L7 End learning 完成学习.Confirm to save the determined values ( ).按确认键保存学习资料.If an error occurs, learning is cancelled with the EL message.如果有故障,学习无法完成,显示ELDisplay error with Er, remedy cause and restart learning.进入调试模式,在Er菜单中寻找故障原因,解除故障后重新学习.The operating mode Au is switched to automatically after the learning of a brand-new controller.学习完成后会显示Au,进入自动工作模式Check the running behaviour of the door and adjust other parameters if necessary.检查门体运行状况,根据需要进入调试菜单进行参数调节.Switch to Service mode and check whether all connected assembly groups and safety systems were learnt in menu item di. 进入调试模式,在di菜单下查看外部设备是否储存到控制器中Clear oE fault memory.在oE 菜单下清楚以前的故障信息Service menu 调试菜单1st MenuDisplay显示Description调节内容 Setting values调节参数uO Opening speed开门速度调节03 04…10 12…20 25 …5080 cm/sec厘米/秒.*).uC Closing speed关门速度调节 03 04…10 12…2025 …50 80 cm/sec厘米/秒.*).SO Latching action open开门终止位速度调节 00 01...07 cm/sec.厘米/秒SC Latching action close关门终止位速度调节 00 01...07 cm/sec.厘米/秒oH Summer hold-open time全开门保持开启延时调节00 01...10 12...20 25...60 sec./秒or Winter hold-open time (reduced opening width)半开门保持开启延时调节00 01...10 12...20 25...60 sec./秒oS Authorized contact hold-open time授权开关开门保持开启延时调节00 01...10 12...20 25...60 sec./秒.od Dynamic extension of the hold-open time 动态保持开启时间确认 00 No否01 Yes是Bo Acceleration加速度调节 1...10 12...20 25...40 × 10 cm/s2 *)厘米/秒(Multiply displayed value by 10)(实际数值为显示数值乘以10)*) The maximal speed and the accelerationdepend on the door weight and on thefriction.最大运行速度和加速度根据门体的重量和摩擦力而变化。
ur Reduced profile提前减速 00 No reduced speed没有提前减速01 Reduced speed before open positionand before closed position在开启终止位和关闭终止位提前减速02 Reduced speed before open position在开启终止位提前减速03 Reduced speed before closed position在关闭终止位提前减速FO Static force open开门扭力调节 01 10 15 20 25 × 10 N 牛(Multiply displayed value by 10)(实际数值为显示数值乘以10)Warning ! 警告!Forces exceeding 150 N can扭力超过150N对行人 r esult in serious injuries and可能造成严重损伤。
根 are not permitted in accordance据德国 DIN18 650规 with DIN 18650. 定,扭力不可超过150N.Note: that forces exceeding 注意:根据特殊安全150 N are only permitted if 需要考虑,扭力可以在additional safety measures授权情况下增加到150 are taken. N以上。