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A Brief Introduction to Liangzhou

凉州有悠久的历史、灿烂的文化。公元前121年,汉武帝派骠骑将军霍去病征服河西,为显示汉军的武功军威而设置的“凉州郡”,从此得名。三国时设置凉州,成为全国十三州之一。Liangzhou has a long history and splendid culture. In 121 BC,Emperor Wu of Han appointed Huo Qubing, General of Agile Cavalry, to conquer Hexi. The general beat Hun Successfully. In order to show the powers of Han army, the then government set up Wuwei County here as Wuwei means being magnificent and mighty in Chinese. From then on,the dynasties that followed set up their ruling departments here. During the Three Kingdoms,the Province of Liangzhou was set up,which was one of the 13 provinces at that time.东晋十六国时期,前凉、后凉、南凉、北凉先后在这里建都,创造了史不绝书的“五凉文化”。宋朝时期,这里是西夏国的“陪都”。元代成吉思汗之子与西藏宗教领袖萨班在这里举行了著名的“凉州会盟”,完成了西藏回归祖国的统一大业。1983年,凉州出土的国宝级文物“马踏飞燕”被国家旅游局确定为中国旅游标志。1986年凉州被国务院公布为中国历史文化名城。2002年7月原武威市改为凉州区。在2006年1月全国旅游工作会议上,我市被命名为“中国优秀旅游城市”。

During the periods of the Eastern Jin Dynasty and 16 countries, Qianliang, Houliang, Nanliang, Beiliang set Wuwei as the place of their capitals in succession, which created continuous Five Liang culture in history. In Song Dynasty, Liangzhou was served as the then assistant capital of Xixia kingdom. During the period of Yuan Dynasty, in Liangzhou, the son of Genghis Khan had Liangzhou reunification talks with the Tibetan religious leader Saban, which completed Tibet’s returning to her motherland. In the year of 1983, Galloping Horse Treading on a Flying Swallow" was designated as the symbol of the Chinese travelling by the National Travel Agency, which was an unearthed archaeological find in Liangzhou.In 1986, it was entitled among the list of National famous historical and cultural cities. In July ,2002, the former Wuwei city was transformed into Liangzhou region. In January , 2006 ,Liangzhou was announced as China's outstanding tourist city in the National Travel Working Meeting.

自汉开河西四郡之后,凉州就是西域文化和中原文化的交汇处,既有中原文化细腻奇巧、博大精深的神韵,又兼西域文化粗犷雄浑、富有创造的特点。Since The government of Han dynasty set up four counties in Hexi, Liangzhou has always been the junction of Western Regions culture and Central plains

culture, where bold and creative Western Regions culture integrates extensive and profound Central plains culture. As a consequence, a unique culture came into being.


出土地雷台景区、西藏纳入祖国版图见证地百塔寺景区、中国石窟鼻祖天梯山石窟风景区为龙头的文物古迹cultural relics and historic sites品牌效应逐步凸现,以科技园区、数万亩葡萄长廊、神州荒漠野生动物园为主要内容的生态观光旅游区初具规模,以大漠风光、戈壁绿洲、田园雅趣为主要内容的沙漠特色旅游已成为旅游新亮点,以凉州攻鼓舞、永昌堡滚灯、高沟堡祭祖、民间社火、西凉乐舞、凉州贤孝为代表的民俗风情旅游倍受游客青睐,环境幽雅、设施完备的农家乐方兴未艾,以铜奔马为代表的旅游商品日益丰富。

Splendid culture gives birth to considerable scenic spots and historical sites. Nowadays, the brand effect of cultural relics and scenic spots get to manifest gradually, which are represented by Leitai scenic spot where Galloping Horse Treading on a Flying Swallow" the symbol of the Chinese travelling was unearthed, White Tower Temple scenic spot which witnessed Tibet’s returning to Motherland and Tiantishan Grottos which is known as the ancestor of Chinese grottos. Ecological tourism begin to take shape, which include Science and technology Park,the Grape Vineyard as large as thousands of Mu and National desert wild zoo. Special desert tourism with desert scenery, Gobi Desert oasis and idyllic picture as its main contents has become another brilliant attraction. Folk-custom tourism is more and more popular, which is led by Liangzhou Gong Drum dance, Yongchang Rolling Lamps, the

ancestor-sacrificing ceremony in Gaogou, folk Shehuo, Xiliang dance accompanied by music, Liangzhou local folk art (a folk form of art singing praise for the virtues of filial piety and loyalty,etc.) . Having Fun at a well- equipped Farmhouse is in the ascendant. Tourist commodities represented by Bronze Horse become much richer and more various.


Southern Gate Towers

南城门,又名昭武门,始建于隋代。及至近代,原城墙、城门均已损毁,唯有南城门楼还遗有两座高约10米的土台。原城楼为重檐歇山顶式建筑,造型古朴雄伟。据说,每当天气明朗无风时,夜上城楼,可清晰听到如细雨在瓦上淋沥的声音,故有“夜雨打瓦”之称,为凉州一景。目前,4万多平方米的南城门楼广场已建成。The southern gate, also known as Zhaowu Gate, was firstly built in Sui dynasty. Up to now, the origin city walls and gate were already damaged, and only two 10-meter earth platforms remained in the Southern Gate Towers. The original tower was in a double-eave-roof style, classic and majestic. It is said that when weather is fine and windless, climbing the tower, you can hear as if a d rizzle is dropping on the tile. Thus,
