



涨价通知函英语Dear [客户姓名/称谓],We hope this notice finds you well. In line with the continuous efforts to provide you with the best quality products and services, we regret to inform you that we will be adjusting our prices effective from [涨价实施日期]. This letter serves as a formal notification of the upcoming price increase and aims to explain the reasons behind this adjustment.First and foremost, we would like to express our sincere gratitude for your loyalty and support throughout the years. Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we strive to maintain the highest standards in everything we do. However, due to several factors beyond our control, we have reached a point where adjusting our prices has become necessary.The primary reasons for the price increase are as follows:1. Rising production costs: In recent months, we have experienced significant increases in the costs of raw materials, labor, and transportation. These factors have put a strain on our operational expenses, making it challenging to sustain our current pricing structure.2. Market trends: The market conditions and industry standards have evolved, leading to increased prices across the board. In order tomaintain the quality and reliability of our products and services, we have no choice but to adjust our prices accordingly.We understand that any price change can have an impact on your business, and we do not take this decision lightly. We have carefully evaluated our options and explored ways to minimize the impact on our valued customers. Rest assured, we will continue to work diligently to optimize our operations and find costeffective solutions to provide you with the best possible service.Below is a detailed breakdown of the price adjustments for our products and services:[插入价格调整详细列表]Please note that these new prices will apply to all new orders placed on or after [涨价实施日期]. Any existing orders or ongoing projects will be honored at the original pricing, provided that the payment is received by [截止日期].We would like to emphasize that our commitment to delivering exceptional quality and customer satisfaction remains unchanged. We will continue to invest in research and development, improve our processes, and provide you with the highest level of support.To help you manage the impact of this price adjustment, we are offering the following options:1. Volume discounts: For customers who purchase in larger quantities,we are introducing new volume discount tiers. Please consult with our sales representative for more details.2. Extended payment terms: We are willing to discuss flexible payment options to ease any financial burden this price increase may cause. Please feel free to reach out to our accounts department to discuss this further.3. Price lockin: For a limited time, we are offering a price lockin option for customers who wish to secure current prices for future orders. Please contact us before [截止日期] to take advantage of this offer.We value your business and understand that you have choices when it comes to suppliers. We kindly request your understanding and support during this challenging time. Our team is available to discuss any concerns or questions you may have, and we are committed to finding solutions that work for you.Thank you for your attention to this matter, and we look forward to continuing our partnership for years to come.Sincerely,[您的名字][您的职位][公司名称][联系方式][公司地址][公司电话/邮箱]。



报实价的信函(中英文对照报实价的信函(中英文对照London,UKDearSirs:Thisistoconfirmyourtelexof16January20xx,askingustomakeyoufirmoffersfo rriceandsoybeaC&FSingapore.Wetelexedyouthismorningofferingyou300metri ctoofpolishedriceatA$2,400permetricton,C&FSingapore,forshipmentduring March/April20xx.Thisofferisfirm,subjecttothereceiptofyourreplybefore1 0February20xx.Pleasenotethatwehavequotedourmostfavourablepriceandareunabletoenterta inanycounteroffer.Withregardtosoybea,weadviseyouthatthefewlotswehaveatpresentareunderof ferelsewhere.If,however,youweretomakeusasuitableoffer,thereisapoibili tyofoursulyingthem.Asyouknow,oflate,ithasbeenaheavydemandforthesecomm oditiesandthishasresultedinincreasedprices.Youmay,however,takeadvanta geofthestrengtheningmarketifyousendanimmediatereply.Yoursfaithfully,T onySmithChiefSeller先生:二零零四年元月十六日有关查询大米和大豆新加坡到岸价的电传已收悉。



电力市场常用词汇 (2008-05-29 21:37:49)英文缩写英文全称中文解释ATC Available Transmission Capability 可用输电容量ALM Active Load Management 有功负荷管理Active Power Market 有功市场AS Ancillary service 辅助服务Ancillary service charges 辅助服务费ASM Ancillary Service Market 辅助服务市场AS Ancillary Service Provider 辅助服务供应商Annual peak load curve 年最大负荷曲线Arbitrage 套利ACE Area control error 区域控制误差Area price 分区电价AR Area Regulation 区域管制Auction 拍卖、竞价Auction market 拍卖市场Auction Price 拍卖价格AMP Automated Mitigation Procedures 自动市场势力消除程序AGC Automatic generation control 自动发电控制ADP Availability Declaration Period 可用容量申报期Available capacity 可用发电容量ATC Available transfer capability 可用传输容量B TO B 企业对企业B TOC 企业对客户Bain index 贝恩指数BSC Balancing and settlement code 平衡与结算规则BME Balancing Market Evaluation 平衡市场计算Bid 竞价BS Bid Sufficiecy 申报充足率Bid—based 基于竞价的Bidder’s duration of validity 报价员有效期Bidding Price 竞标价格BPS Bidding Processing System 报价处理系统Bidding unit 报价机组Bids 报价Bilateral contract 双边合同Bilateral market 双边交易市场Bilateral Transaction 双边交易(即大用户直购电)Billing and Accounting 结算和结帐biomass 生物质能Block contracts 分段合同Boundary Flow 界面潮流CBM Capacity Benefit Margin 容量效益裕度Capacity factor 容量系数/容量因子Capacity payment 容量电价Capacity requirement market 容量需求市场Capacity Reservation Tariff 容量预定价格Cap-and-trade 限额交易Clearing 清算Clearing energy 出清电量Cogeneration 热电联产Competitive Electricity Market 竞争性电力市场Congestion 阻塞Congestion Cost 阻塞成本Congestion management 阻塞管理Congestion surplus 阻塞节余Congestion uplift 阻塞上抬费用CUSC Connection and use of system code 并网与网络使用规则Connection charge 并网费Consumer Surplus 消费者剩余CFD Contract for Difference 差价合同CMS Contract Management System 合同管理系统Contract price 合同电量CfDs Contracts for differences 差价和约CMS Contrat Management Subsystem 合同管理子系统Cooperative game 合作博弈Cost of service regulation 服务成本管制Cost of unit start-up 机组启动费用CSP Curtailment Service Provider 缩减负荷提供者Customer baseline load 用户基线负荷day-ahead 日前Decentralized trading model 分散交易模型Default provider 默认服务提供商Demand Curve 需求曲线DTC Demand for Transmission Capacity 输电容量需求DSM Demand-side management 需求侧管理deregulation 市场化dispatch 调度DPF Dispatcher Power Flow 调度员潮流DTS Dispatcher Training Simulator 调度员培训模拟Distribution 配电D Distribution Service Provide 配电商Economic Dispatch 经济调度Electric load management 电力负荷管理EDC Electrical Distribution Company 电力配电公司EFA Electricity Forward Agreement 电能远期合同EMOS Electricity Market Operation System 电力市场运营系统NETA electricity trading arrangement 电力交易协议Eligible customer 合格用户Spot market 现货市场Futures Market 期货交易市场EMC 节能服务公司EMS Energy Management System 能量管理系统EMOS Electricity market operation system 电力市场运营系统RES Renewable sources of energy 可再生能源Energy Spot Market 电能现货市场ERP Enterprise Resource Planning 企业资源计划Equilibrium Price 均衡价格ESCO 能源服务公司ETC Existing Transmission Commit-ments 现存输送协议Ex-post price 事后结算价格Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 联邦能源管理委员会feed-in systems 馈入系统Final closing price 最终收盘价格FTR Financial Transmission Right 金融输电权FTR Firm transmission right 固定输电权FD Fixed demand 固定需求FGR Flow-based Transmission Right 基于潮流的输电权Flowgate 关口输电权(潮流关口)FGR Flowgate Right 关口金融输电权Forced outage 强迫停机Forward Market 远期合同市场Fossil Fuel Levy 矿物燃料税Frequency Control Ancillary Service 频率控制辅助服务Future Market 期货市场Generation 发电量GBS generation bidding system 发电报价系统Generation market 发电市场G Generator 发电商Green certificate market “绿证”市场GC Grid code 输电网技术规范GC Grid Company 电网拥有者GMC Grid Management Charge 电网管理费Hedging 套利保值High and low matching method 高低匹配法hour-ahead 时前Hourly contracts 小时合同Illegal speculation 非法投机行为IMO Independent Market Operator 独立市场运营机构IPP Independent Power Producer 独立发电商ISO Independent System Operator 独立系统操作员Inflexible units 不可调度机组ICAP Installed capacity 装机容量installed generation capacity 装机容量Installed Reserve Margin 装机备用余量integrate resource planning 综合资源规划Integrated trading model 一体化交易模型Intelligent price caps 智能价格上限Interchange price 可中断电价Inter-change Schedule 交易计划Interruptible service 可中断的服务Load characteristics 负荷特性LF Load Forecasting 负荷预测LFC Load Frequency Control 负荷频率控制Load profiling 负荷拟合曲线LSE Load Serving Entity 负荷服务企业LBMP Marginal Price 节点边际电价Location Price 区域价格LMP Locational marginal price 分区边际电价LOLP Loss of Load Probility 电力不足概率losses 网损LVAC Low Voltage Access charge 低压连网费MCP Marginal Clearing Price 市场出清价格Marginal cost pricing 边际成本定价Marginal costs 边际成本Marginal Price 边际电价market Architecture 市场设计MCP Market Clearing Price 市场出清价格Market entry certification system 市场准入制度Market Equilibrium 市场均衡Market failure 市场失灵MMU Market monitoring unit 市场监察机构Market participant 市场参与者/市场成员/市场主体Market power 市场力MSO Market Service Organization 市场管理机构Merit order 优先顺序Merit order price 最优顺序价格Metering Data Acquisition System 电能量采集系统MAAC Mid-Atlantic Area Council 大西洋中部地区委员会Minimum daily load 日最小负荷Model of Transmission Right 输电权模型Monopoly 垄断MSS Multi-Settlement System 多结算系统Multi-part bidding 多部投标MW Daily MW 日报NE Nash equilibrium 纳什均衡network congestion 网络阻塞NETA New Electricity Trading Arrangements 新电力交易规则Nodal price 节点电价Non-bidding unit 非竞价机组NFFO Non-Fossil Fuel Obligation 非矿物燃料契约NERC North American Electric Reliability Council 北美电力可靠性委员会OI Office of Interconnection 办公互联网oligopolistic electricity market 卖方垄断电力市场Open access 开放接入OASIS Open Access Same-Time Information System 输电网实时信息发布系统Operating Agreement 运营协议Operation and Maintain 运行维护OPF Optimal Power Flow 最优潮流ORP Optimal Reactive Power 无功优化Optimization 最优化Option 期权合同Outage Scheduler 检修计划Partial Equilibrium 局部均衡Pattern of Transmission Right 输电权模式PAB Pay-as-bid Settlement 按报价结算Payment 支付PTR physical transmission right 物理输电权Point—to—Point Transmission Right 点对点式输电权Pool 电力库PPP Pool Purchase Price 市场购电价Pool Sale Price 市场售电价PSP Pool Sell Price 市场售电价power Broker 电力经纪人Power Exchange 短期现货交易power market 电力市场PM Power Marketer 发电经纪商Power Pool 电力交易所PPA Power Purchase Agreement 电力购销协议Power wheeling 电力转运Pre-dispatch 预调度Price cap 价格上限Price control 价格控制Price regulation 价格监管Price Sensitive Demand 价格敏感性需求Procurement auction 采购竞价Producer Surplus 生产者剩余Projected Assessment of System Adequacy 市场充裕性评估POLR Provider of last resort 收容性供电商RORC Rate of Response Compliance 负荷响应率Reactive Power Market 无功市场real time market 实时市场real-time balancing market 实时平衡市场Real-time prices 实时电价Reference bid 参考投标/报价RTO Regional Transmission organization 地区输电组织RMCP Regulation Market Clearing Price 调频市场出清价格RAA Reliability Assurance Agreement 可靠性协议RMR Reliability Must Run 由于可靠性原因必须运行机组Renewable geothermal 地热能RPS Renewable portfolio standard 可再生能源份额制标准RSI Residual Supply Index 供给剩余系统Retail access 零售准入Retail market 电力零售市场R Retail Service Provider 零售商SC Schedule Coordinators 计划协调员SCD Security Constrained Dispatch 安全约束经济调度SCUC Security-Constrained Unit Commitment 带安全约束机组组合settlement 结算SBS settlement and billing system 结算系统Settlement Day 结算日Shadow price 影子价格SFT Simultaneous Feasibility Test 可行性测试single buyer 单一买方solar photovoltaics 光电子能solar thermal 太阳能SM Spot Market 现货市场Spot price 现货价格Standard Market 标准电力市场State Estimation 状态估计Stranded costs 搁浅成本Strategic bid 报价策略SCADA Supervisory control and data acquisition 数据采集和监视系统Supply Curve 供给曲线SMP System marginal price 系统边际价格SMV system marginal value 系统边际价值System operator 系统调度机构System price 系统电价Tariff 目录电价VLL the Value of Loss of Load 失负荷电价Top-down pricing 自上而下的定价方法TTC Total transfer capability 最大输电能力Trading arrangement 交易规则Transmission and Ancillary Services Market 输电与辅助服务市场Transmission Congestion 输电阻塞TCCs Transmission Congestion Contracts 输电阻塞合同TCR Transmission Congestion Right 输电阻塞权TLR Transmission Loading Relief 输电负荷切除Transmission network or transmission system 输电网络或输电系统TO Transmission owner 输电业者TRM Transmission Reliability Margin 输电可靠性裕度TMS 交易管理系统TRR Transmission Revenue Requirement 输电收入要求Transmission Right 输电权Unconstrained Schedule 无约束计划UC unit commitment 机组组合UDS Unit Dispatch System 机组调度系统Uplift 上浮电价VLL Value of Lost Load 负荷停电损失Virtual bidding 虚拟投标/报价WSA Weather Sensitive Adjustment 天气—敏感性调整WSCC Western Systems Coordinating Council 西部电力协调委员会Wheeling trading model 过网模式Wholesale market 电力批发市场Zonal pricing 区域定价actual load curve 实际负荷曲线actual active power output curve 实际有功出力曲线actual reactive power output curve 实际无功出力曲线accounting cost 会计成本bid curve 报价曲线biding energy 竞价空间bi-directional contract for difference 双向差价合同bilateral contact for difference 双边差价合同black start service 黑启动服务block biding 分段竞价buying long 买空compesnation regulation 补偿调节competition energy 竞争电量constrained trading schedule 有约束交易计划contract-path method 合同路径法daily load factor 日负荷率day-ahead trading 日前交易DATS day-ahead trade subsystem 日前交易子系统dispatch interval 调度时段dispatch price 调度价格distribution price 配电电价DMIS dispatching management information system 调度管理信息系统efficiency market 有效市场electricity fee 电费electricity market model 电力市场模式electricity matket regulation 电力市场监管elementary ancillary services 基本辅助服务embedded cost pricing 会计成本定价emergency reserve 事故备用energy price 电量电价exclusive service tariff 专项服务价格feasible capacity 可调出力feasible hours 可调小时financial power trading 电力金融交易fixed cost 固定成本floody season-dry season price 丰枯电价frequency curve 频率曲线future contract 期货合同future trading 期货交易generation competition 发电竞争模式generation re-scheduling 发电再计划generation right transfer trading 发电权转让交易generation unit availability 发电机组可用率generation rated capacity 发电机额定容量high-reliability price 高可靠性电价imperfect competitive market 不完全竞争市场inter-connection tariff 联网价IRR internal rate of return 内部收益率lincense system for electric power business 电力业务许可证制度load coincidence factor 负荷同时率load factor 负荷因数load fluctuation 负荷波动long-run marginal cost pricing 长期边际成本定价loss allocation 网损分摊loss conversion 网损折算loss factor 网损系数LTS long-term trade subsystem 长期交易子系统marginal revenue 边际收益marginal utility 边际效用market intervention 市场干预market mechanism 市场机制MAS market analysis subsystem 市场分析子系统multi-block bidding 多段报价multilateral trading 多边交易must-run unit 强制运行机组nonlinear pricing 非线性定价off-grid energy 下网电量on-grid energy 上网电量on-grid price 上网电价one-part price 单一制电价opportunity cost 机会成本peak-valley price 峰谷电价perfect competitive market 完全竞争市场physical power trading 电力实物交易postage stamp method 邮票法power flow tracing method 潮流跟踪法power regulatory agency 电力监管机构power retailer 电力零售商principle of marginality 边际原则reserve capacity 备用容量reserve service 备用服务retail competition 零售竞争模式retail price 销售电价RTS real-time trade subsystem 实时交易子系统scheduled outage 计划停运seasonal price 季节电价sequential bidding 分次竞价single-block bidding 单段报价single-buyer 单一购买者模式time sharing bidding 分时竞价TMR tele-meter reading system 电能量计量系统two-part price 两部制电价uni-directional contract for difference 单项差价合同valid grid assets 电网有效资产variable cost 变动成本verticallty integrated monopoly 垂直垄断模式whole energy competition 批发竞争模式Active regulation 主动监管Annual contract on-grid energy 年度合同上网电量ACRS Accelerated Cost Recovery System 加速成本回收体系Balancing account 平衡帐户Budget line 预算线Capital & interest price 还本付息电价Ceiling and floor of market clearing price 市场出清价格的上下限Deregulation 放松管制Forced outrage 强迫停运Frequency regulation 一次调频Grid access tariff 接入价Grid security assessment 网络安全校核Grid security constraint 网络安全约束Hour-ahead trading 时前交易Indifference curve 无差异曲线Information asymmetry 信息不对称Initial margin 初始保证金Interruptible forward contract 可中断远期合同Interruptible service 可中断服务Investment regulation 投资监管Information publishing subsystem 信息发布子系统Monopoly market 垄断市场Natural monopoly 自然垄断Nodal pricing 节电电价法Payoff table 支付矩阵Property right 产权Public pricing 公共定价Quality regulation 质量监管Regional electricity market 区域电力市场Selling short 卖空Settlement account 结算帐户Supply-demand ratio 市场供需比Trading manner 交易方式Transaction cost 交易成本Whole energy competition 全电量竞争模式Unplanned outrage 非计划停运Variation margin 价格变动保证金Yearly regulation 年调节Zero-sum game 零和博弈Zonal pricing 区域电价法price elasticity of demand 需求的价格弹性No-load Cost 空载成本Quasi-fixed Cost 准固定成本Extra-marginal Production 边际外生产Deadweight Loss 无谓损失Option Markets 期权市场Swap Contracts 互换合约Option Valuation 期权估值Exotic Options 特种期权Economies of Scale 规模经济CPF continuation power flow 连续潮流PLF probabilistic load flow 概率潮流Reserved capacity 预留容量ETC existing transmission commitment. 现有输电协议forecasting time span 预测时间跨度PM Probabilistic margin 概率界限EDS economic dispatch system 经济调度系统21。



actual price 实际价格tender price 投标价格advanced price 上涨了的价格offered price 卖出的开价average price 平均价格official fixed price 官价base price 基价,底价opening price 开盘价basic price 基价selling price 售价bedrock price 最低价格market price 市价floor price 最低价格current price 时价,市价,现行价格keen price 低价ruling price 时价,市价bottom price 底盘,最低价格present price 现行价格,市价closing price 收盘价格prevailing price 现行价格competitive price 竞争价格,公开招标价格procurement price 收购价格cost price 成本价格,生产价格purchasing price 收购价格legal price 法定价格reasonable price 合理价格,公道的价格discount price 打过折扣的价格retail price 零售价格black market price 黑市价格wholesale price 批发价格fair price 合理价格security price 证券行市favourable price 优惠价格exceptional price 特价firm price 固定价格special price 特价fixed price 固定价格stock price 股票行市,交易所卖价under the hammer price 拍卖价格tape prices 股票牌价forward prices 期货价格piece price 计件价格bid price 标价,买方出价lump-sum price 总价pay heavy price 付高价total price 总价highest price 最高价格gross price 毛价,总价top price 最高价格half price 半价peak price 最高价格unit price 单价outside price 最高价格。



POWER MARKET电力市场CONTENTS目录Introduction to Market (3 hours)市场介绍(3课时)Electricity Economics (6 hours)电力经济(6课时)Electricity Regulation and Deregulation (6 hours)电力监管与放松管制(6课时)Market Regulation (6 hours)市场调节的(6课时)Competitive El ectricity Markets (6 hours)竞争性的电力市场(6课时)Paradigm (3 hours)范例(3课时)Main content主要内容What is a market? 什么是市场?Structure of market 市场结构Chapter 1 Introduction to Market 第一章市场介绍1.1 What is a Market?什么是市场?Economics focuses on optimization and equilibrium.经济学侧重于优化与平衡Macroeconomics addresses the general economy and asks whether macroeconomic indicators, such as inflation, unempl oyment, and the cost of capital, are in equilibrium.宏观经济地址一般的经济和询问宏观经济指标,如通货膨胀,失业和资本成本,是否处于平衡状态。

Microeconomics addresses the optimizing behavior of consumers and producers and asks whether the observed equilibrium prices and quantities in each market are economically efficient.微观满足消费者和生产者的优化的行为,并询问是否所观察到的均衡价格和数量,在每一个市场都是经济高效。



电力市场常用词汇电力市场常用词汇英文缩写英文全称中文解释ATC Available Transmission Capability 可用输电容量ALM Active Load Management 有功负荷管理Active Power Market 有功市场AS Ancillary service 辅助服务Ancillary service charges 辅助服务费ASM Ancillary Service Market 辅助服务市场AS Ancillary Service Provider 辅助服务供应商Annual peak load curve 年最大负荷曲线Arbitrage 套利ACE Area control error 区域控制误差Area price 分区电价AR Area Regulation 区域管制Auction 拍卖、竞价Auction market 拍卖市场Auction Price 拍卖价格AMP Automated Mitigation Procedures 自动市场势力消除程序AGC Automatic generation control 自动发电控制ADP Availability Declaration Period 可用容量申报期Available capacity 可用发电容量ATC Available transfer capability 可用传输容量B TO B 企业对企业B TOC 企业对客户Bain index 贝恩指数BSC Balancing and settlement code 平衡与结算规则BME Balancing Market Evaluation 平衡市场计算Bid 竞价BS Bid Sufficiecy 申报充足率Bid —based 基于竞价的Bidder ' s duration of validity 报价员有效期Bidding Price 竞标价格BPS Bidding Processing System 报价处理系统Bidding unit 报价机组Bids 报价Bilateral contract 双边合同Bilateral market 双边交易市场Bilateral Transaction 双边交易(即大用户直购电)Billing and Accounting 结算和结帐biomass 生物质能Block contracts 分段合同Boundary Flow 界面潮流CBM Capacity Benefit Margin 容量效益裕度Capacity factor 容量系数/容量因子Capacity payment 容量电价Capacity requirement market 容量需求市场Capacity Reservation Tariff 容量预定价格Cap-and-trade 限额交易Clearing 清算Clearing energy 出清电量Cogeneration 热电联产Competitive Electricity Market 竞争性电力市场Congestion 阻塞Congestion Cost 阻塞成本Congestion management 阻塞管理Congestion surplus 阻塞节余Congestion uplift 阻塞上抬费用CUSC Connection and use of system code 并网与网络使用规则Connection charge 并网费Consumer Surplus 消费者剩余CFD Contract for Difference 差价合同CMS Contract Management System 合同管理系统Contract price 合同电量CfDs Contracts for differences 差价和约CMS Contrat Management Subsystem 合同管理子系统Cooperative game 合作博弈Cost of service regulation 服务成本管制Cost of unit start-up 机组启动费用CSP Curtailment Service Provider 缩减负荷提供者Customer baseline load 用户基线负荷day-ahead 日前Decentralized trading model 分散交易模型Default provider 默认服务提供商Demand Curve 需求曲线DTC Demand for Transmission Capacity 输电容量需求DSM Demand-side management 需求侧管理deregulation 市场化dispatch 调度DPF Dispatcher Power Flow 调度员潮流DTS Dispatcher Training Simulator 调度员培训模拟Distribution 配电D Distribution Service Provide 配电商Economic Dispatch 经济调度Electric load management 电力负荷管理EDC Electrical Distribution Company 电力配电公司EFA Electricity Forward Agreement 电能远期合同EMOS Electricity Market Operation System 电力市场运营系统NETA electricity trading arrangement 电力交易协议Eligible customer 合格用户Spot market 现货市场Futures Market 期货交易市场EMC 节能服务公司EMS Energy Management System 能量管理系统EMOS Electricity market operation system 电力市场运营系统RES Renewable sources of energy 可再生能源Energy Spot Market 电能现货市场ERP Enterprise Resource Planning 企业资源计划Equilibrium Price 均衡价格ESCO 能源服务公司ETC Existing Transmission Commit -ments 现存输送协议Ex-post price 事后结算价格Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 联邦能源管理委员会feed-in systems 馈入系统Final closing price 最终收盘价格FTR Financial Transmission Right 金融输电权FTR Firm transmission right 固定输电权FD Fixed demand 固定需求FGR Flow-based Transmission Right 基于潮流的输电权Flowgate 关口输电权(潮流关口)FGR Flowgate Right 关口金融输电权Forced outage 强迫停机Forward Market 远期合同市场Fossil Fuel Levy 矿物燃料税Frequency Control Ancillary Service 频率控制辅助服务Future Market 期货市场Generation 发电量GBS generation bidding system 发电报价系统Generation market 发电市场G Generator 发电商Green certifica te market 绿“证”市场GC Grid code 输电网技术规范GC Grid Company 电网拥有者GMC Grid Management Charge 电网管理费Hedging 套利保值High and low matching method 高低匹配法hour-ahead 时前Hourly contracts 小时合同Illegal speculation 非法投机行为IMO Independent Market Operator 独立市场运营机构IPP Independent Power Producer 独立发电商ISO Independent System Operator 独立系统操作员Inflexible units 不可调度机组ICAP Installed capacity 装机容量installed generation capacity 装机容量Installed Reserve Margin 装机备用余量integrate resource planning 综合资源规划Integrated trading model 一体化交易模型Intelligent price caps 智能价格上限Interchange price 可中断电价Inter-change Schedule 交易计划Interruptible service 可中断的服务Load characteristics 负荷特性LF Load Forecasting 负荷预测LFC Load Frequency Control 负荷频率控制Load profiling 负荷拟合曲线LSE Load Serving Entity 负荷服务企业LBMP Marginal Price 节点边际电价Location Price 区域价格LMP Locational marginal price 分区边际电价LOLP Loss of Load Probility 电力不足概率losses 网损LVAC Low Voltage Access charge 低压连网费MCP Marginal Clearing Price 市场出清价格Marginal cost pricing 边际成本定价Marginal costs 边际成本Marginal Price 边际电价marketArchitecture 市场设计MCP Market Clearing Price 市场出清价格Market entry certification system 市场准入制度Market Equilibrium 市场均衡Market failure 市场失灵MMU Market monitoring unit 市场监察机构Market participant 市场参与者/市场成员/市场主体Market power 市场力MSO Market Service Organization 市场管理机构Merit order 优先顺序Merit order price 最优顺序价格Metering Data Acquisition System 电能量采集系统MAAC Mid-Atlantic Area Council 大西洋中部地区委员会Minimum daily load 日最小负荷Model of Transmission Right 输电权模型Monopoly 垄断MSS Multi-Settlement System 多结算系统Multi-part bidding 多部投标MW Daily MW 日报NE Nash equilibrium 纳什均衡network congestion 网络阻塞NETA New Electricity Trading Arrangements 新电力交易规则Nodal price 节点电价Non-bidding unit 非竞价机组NFFO Non-Fossil Fuel Obligation 非矿物燃料契约NERC North American Electric Reliability Council 北美电力可靠性委员会OI Office of Interconnection 办公互联网oligopolistic electricity market 卖方垄断电力市场Open access 开放接入OASIS Open Access Same-Time Information System 输电网实时信息发布系统Operating Agreement 运营协议Operation and Maintain 运行维护OPF Optimal Power Flow 最优潮流ORP Optimal Reactive Power 无功优化Optimization 最优化Option 期权合同Outage Scheduler 检修计划Partial Equilibrium 局部均衡Pattern of Transmission Right 输电权模式PAB Pay-as-bid Settlement 按报价结算Payment 支付PTR physical transmission right 物理输电权Point—to—Point Transmission Right 点对点式输电权Pool 电力库PPP Pool Purchase Price 市场购电价Pool Sale Price 市场售电价PSP Pool Sell Price 市场售电价powerBroker 电力经纪人Power Exchange 短期现货交易power market 电力市场PMPower Marketer 发电经纪商Power Pool电力交易所PPA Power Purchase Agreement 电力购销协议Power wheeling 电力转运Pre-dispatch预调度Price cap 价格上限Price control 价格控制Price regulation 价格监管Price Sensitive Demand 价格敏感性需求Procurement auction 采购竞价Producer Surplus 生产者剩余Projected Assessment of System Adequacy 市场充裕性评估POLR Provider of last resort 收容性供电商RORC Rate of Response Compliance 负荷响应率Reactive Power Market 无功市场real time market 实时市场real-time balancing market 实时平衡市场Real-time prices 实时电价Reference bid 参考投标/报价RTO Regional Transmission organization 地区输电组织RMCP Regulation Market Clearing Price 调频市场出清价格RAA Reliability Assurance Agreement 可靠性协议RMR Reliability Must Run 由于可靠性原因必须运行机组Renewable geothermal 地热能RPS Renewable portfolio standard 可再生能源份额制标准RSI Residual Supply Index 供给剩余系统Retail access 零售准入Retail market 电力零售市场R Retail Service Provider 零售商SC Schedule Coordinators 计划协调员SCD Security Constrained Dispatch 安全约束经济调度SCUC Security-Constrained Unit Commitment 带安全约束机组组合settlement 结算SBS settlement and billing system 结算系统Settlement Day 结算日Shadow price 影子价格SFT Simultaneous Feasibility Test 可行性测试single buyer 单一买方solar photovoltaics 光电子能solar thermal 太阳能SM Spot Market 现货市场Spot price 现货价格Standard Market 标准电力市场State Estimation 状态估计Stranded costs 搁浅成本Strategic bid 报价策略SCADA Supervisory control and data acquisition 数据采集和监视系统Supply Curve 供给曲线SMP System marginal price 系统边际价格SMV system marginal value 系统边际价值System operator 系统调度机构System price 系统电价Tariff 目录电价VLL the Value of Loss of Load 失负荷电价Top-down pricing 自上而下的定价方法TTC Total transfer capability 最大输电能力Trading arrangement 交易规则Transmission and Ancillary Services Market 输电与辅助服务市场Transmission Congestion 输电阻塞TCCs Transmission Congestion Contracts 输电阻塞合同TCR Transmission Congestion Right 输电阻塞权TLR Transmission Loading Relief 输电负荷切除Transmission network or transmission system 输电网络或输电系统TO Transmission owner 输电业者TRM Transmission Reliability Margin 输电可靠性裕度TMS 交易管理系统TRR Transmission Revenue Requirement 输电收入要求Transmission Right 输电权Unconstrained Schedule 无约束计划UC unit commitment 机组组合UDS Unit Dispatch System 机组调度系统Uplift 上浮电价VLL Value of Lost Load 负荷停电损失Virtual bidding 虚拟投标/报价WSA Weather Sensitive Adjustment 天气—敏感性调整WSCC Western Systems Coordinating Council 西部电力协调委员会Wheeling trading model 过网模式Wholesale market 电力批发市场Zonal pricing 区域定价actual load curve 实际负荷曲线actual active power output curve 实际有功出力曲线actual reactive power output curve 实际无功出力曲线accounting cost 会计成本bid curve 报价曲线biding energy 竞价空间bi -directional contract for difference 双向差价合同bilateral contact for difference 双边差价合同black start service 黑启动服务block biding 分段竞价buying long 买空compesnationregulation 补偿调节competition energy竞争电量constrained trading schedule 有约束交易计划contract -path method 合同路径法daily load factor 日负荷率day-ahead trading 日前交易DATS day -ahead trade subsystem 日前交易子系统dispatch interval 调度时段dispatch price 调度价格distribution price 配电电价DMIS dispatching management information system 调度管理信息系统efficiency market 有效市场electricity fee 电费electricity market model 电力市场模式electricity matket regulation 电力市场监管elementary ancillary services 基本辅助服务embedded cost pricing 会计成本定价emergency reserve 事故备用energy price 电量电价exclusive service tariff 专项服务价格feasible capacity 可调出力feasible hours 可调小时financial power trading 电力金融交易fixed cost 固定成本floody season-dry season price 丰枯电价frequency curve 频率曲线future contract 期货合同future trading 期货交易generation competition 发电竞争模式generation re-scheduling 发电再计划generation right transfer trading 发电权转让交易generation unit availability 发电机组可用率generation rated capacity 发电机额定容量high-reliability price 高可靠性电价imperfect competitive market 不完全竞争市场inter-connection tariff 联网价IRR internal rate of return 内部收益率lincense system for electric power business电力业务许可证制度load coincidence factor 负荷同时率load factor负荷因数load fluctuation 负荷波动long-run marginal cost pricing 长期边际成本定价loss allocation 网损分摊loss conversion 网损折算loss factor网损系数LTS long-term trade subsystem 长期交易子系统marginal revenue 边际收益marginal utility 边际效用market intervention 市场干预market mechanism 市场机制MAS market analysis subsystem 市场分析子系统multi-block bidding 多段报价multilateral trading 多边交易must-run unit 强制运行机组nonlinear pricing 非线性定价off-grid energy 下网电量on-grid energy 上网电量on-grid price上网电价one-part price 单一制电价opportunity r cost 机会成本peak-valley price 峰谷电价perfect competitive market 完全竞争市场physical power trading 电力实物交易postage stamp method 邮票法powerflow tracing method 潮流跟踪法powerregulatory agency 电力监管机构powerretailer电力零售商principle ofmarginality 边际原则reserve capacity备用容量reserve service 备用服务retail competition零售竞争模式retailprice销售电价RTS real-time trade subsystem 实时交易子系统[scheduled outage 计划停运seasonalprice 季节电价sequential bidding 分次竞价single-block bidding 单段报价single-buyer单一购买者模式timesharing bidding 分时竞价TMR tele-meter reading system 电能量计量系统two-part price两部制电价uni-directional contract for difference 单项差价合同valid grid assets电网有效资产variablecost变动成本verticalltv integrated monopoly 垂直垄断模式whole energy competition 批发竞争模式Active regulation 主动监管Annual contract on-grid energy 年度合同上网电量ACRS Accelerated Cost Recovery System加速成本回收体系Balancing account 平衡帐户Budget line 预算线Capital & interest price 还本付息电价Ceiling and floor of market clearing price市场出清价格的上下限Deregulation放松管制Forced outrage 强迫停运Frequency regulation 一次调频Grid access tariff 接入价Grid security assessment 网络安全校核Grid security constraint 网络安全约束Hour-ahead trading 时前交易Indifference curve 无差异曲线Information asymmetry 信息不对称Initial margin初始保证金Interruptible forward contract 可中断远期合同Interruptible service 可中断服务Investment regulation 投资监管Information publishing subsystem 信息发布子系统Monopoly market 垄断市场Natural monopoly 自然垄断Nodal pricing节电电价法Payoff table支付矩阵Property right 产权Public pricing 公共定价Quality regulation 质量监管Regional electricity market 区域电力市场Selling short 卖空Settlement account 结算帐户Supply-demand ratio 市场供需比Tradingmanner 交易方式Transaction cost 交易成本Whole energy competition 全电量竞争模式_Unplanned outrage 非计划停运Variation margin价格变动保证金Yearly regulation 年调节Zero-sum game零和博弈Zonal pricing区域电价法price elasticity of demand 需求的价格弹性No-load Cost空载成本Quasi-fixed Cost准固定成本Extra-marginal Production 边际外生产Deadweight Loss 无谓损失Option Markets 期权市场Swap Contracts 互换合约Option Valuation 期权估值Exotic Options 特种期权Economies of Scale 规模经济CPF continuation power flow 连续潮流PLF probabilistic load flow 概率潮流Reserved capacity 预留容量ETC existing transmission commitment. 现有输电协议forecasting time span 预测时间跨度PM Probabilistic margin 概率界限EDS economic dispatch system 经济调度系统。

lesson 12 Electric Power Market

lesson 12  Electric Power Market
(1)价格随需求量变化 (2)价格影响需求量 (3)交易需要明确的市场机制 (4)买方没有垄断行为 (5)卖方没有垄断行为
The aim of introducing market mechanism is to bring various parties more economic benefit through equitable competition,thereby promote economic development.
象其他的市场一样,它需要一个批发市场,在这里 卖方(如发电公司)和买方(供应商,如电力公司和电力 系统运行人员)可以买卖电力;它也需要零售市场,在这 里供应商向最终用户销售电力。
1、地点状语后置,为了突出wholesale market和retail market
As in other markets, the participants need to agree on the price and quantity to be traded. Competition is introduced into generation and retail supplied to customers.
提高效率源自于发电必须减少费用,统一价格和更有效利 用资产的压力。
The wholesale electricity market differs from other markets because electricity cannot be stored and it is not possible to distinguish which generator produced the electricity consumed by a particular customers. 电力批发市场不同于其他市场因为电力不能存储,也 不能区分某个用户用的电是从哪台发电机发出的。



附录A 电价数据统计实时电价/(cent/kWh)时间/h图A1 实时电价平均值Fig.A1 Average mean of real-time pricesRelativeFrequencycent/kWhRelativeFrequency图A2 PJM实时电价0小时的概率分布图图A3 PJM实时电价1小时的概率分布图Fig.A2 Probability distribution graph of PJM Fig.A3 Probability distribution graph of PJM real-time prices at 0 o’clock real-time prices at 1 o’clockRelativeFrequencycent/kWhRelativeFrequency图A4 PJM实时电价2小时的概率分布图图A5 PJM实时电价3小时的概率分布图Fig.A4 Probability distribution graph of PJM Fig.A5 Probability distribution graph of PJM real-time prices at 2 o’clock real-time prices at 3 o’clockcent/kWhR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c yR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c y图A6 PJM 实时电价4小时的概率分布图 图A7 PJM 实时电价5小时的概率分布图Fig.A6 Probability distribution graph of PJM Fig.A7 Probability distribution graph of PJMreal-time prices at 4 o’clock real-ti me prices at 5 o’clockR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c yR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c y图A8 PJM 实时电价6小时的概率分布图 图A9 PJM 实时电价7小时的概率分布图 Fig.A8 Probability distribution graph of PJM Fig.A9 Probability distribution graph of PJMreal-time prices at 6 o’clock real-time prices at 7 o’clockR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c yR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c y图A10 PJM 实时电价8小时的概率分布图 图A11 PJM 实时电价9小时的概率分布图 Fig.A10 Probability distribution graph of PJM Fig.A11 Probability distribution graph of PJMreal-time prices at 8 o’clock real-time prices at 9 o’clockR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c yR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c y图A12 PJM 实时电价10小时的概率分布图 图A13 PJM 实时电价11小时的概率分布图 Fig.A12 Probability distribution graph of PJM Fig.A13 Probability distribution graph of PJMreal-time prices at 10 o’clock real-time prices at 11 o’clockcent/kWhR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c yR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c y图A14 PJM 实时电价12小时的概率分布图 图A15 PJM 实时电价13小时的概率分布图 Fig.A14 Probability distribution graph of PJM Fig.A15 Probability distribution graph of PJMreal-time prices at 12 o’clock real-time prices at 13 o’clockcent/kWhR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c ycent/kWhR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c y图A16 PJM 实时电价14小时的概率分布图 图A17 PJM 实时电价15小时的概率分布图 Fig.A16 Probability distribution graph of PJM Fig.A17 Probability distribution graph of PJMreal-time prices at 14 o’clock real-time prices at 15 o’clockR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c yR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c y图A18 PJM 实时电价16小时的概率分布图 图A19 PJM 实时电价17小时的概率分布图 Fig.A18 Probability distribution graph of PJM Fig.A19 Probability distribution graph of PJMreal-time prices at 16 o’clock real-time prices at 17 o’clockcent/kWh R e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c yR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c y图A20 PJM 实时电价18小时的概率分布图 图A21 PJM 实时电价19小时的概率分布图 Fig.A20 Probability distribution graph of PJM Fig.A21 Probability distribution graph of PJMreal-time prices at 18 o’clock real-time prices at 19 o’clockR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c yR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c y图A22 PJM 实时电价20小时的概率分布图 图A23 PJM 实时电价21小时的概率分布图 Fig.A22 Probability distribution graph of PJM Fig.A23 Probability distribution graph of PJMreal-time prices at 20 o’clock real -time prices at 21 o’clockR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c yR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c y图A24 PJM 实时电价22小时的概率分布图 图A25 PJM 实时电价23小时的概率分布图 Fig.A24 Probability distribution graph of PJM Fig.A25 Probability distribution graph of PJMreal-time prices at 22 o’clock real-time prices at 23 o’clock附录B 电动汽车行驶方式的数据统计表B1 车辆2,3,4,5,6段行程的比例Table B1 Proportion of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th traveling of a vehicle用户每日行程段数 2 3 4 5 6 所占比例/%15193218 16表B2 2段行程数据 Table B2 Data of two trips行程 平均起始时刻起始时刻标准差平均行驶时间/h行驶时间标准差第1段行程 8.60 0.71 0.36 0.17 第2段行程17.100.710.360.17表B3 3段行程数据 Table B3 Data of three trips行程 平均起始时刻起始时刻标准差平均行驶时间/h行驶时间标准差第1段行程 8.30 0.58 0.33 0.15 第2段行程 12.15 1.02 0.34 0.16 第3段行程17.090.520.360.16表B4 4段行程数据 Table B4 Data of four trips行程 平均起始时刻起始时刻标准差平均行驶时间/h行驶时间标准差第1段行程 7.88 0.56 0.34 0.16 第2段行程 11.40 0.99 0.27 0.15 第3段行程 13.59 0.99 0.27 0.17 第4段行程16.921.080.300.17表B5 5段行程数据 Table B5 Data of five trips行程 平均起始时刻起始时刻标准差平均行驶时间/h行驶时间标准差第1段行程 7.92 0.57 0.30 0.14 第2段行程 11.01 0.83 0.27 0.15 第3段行程 13.03 0.84 0.26 0.14 第4段行程 14.98 0.85 0.26 0.14 第5段行程17.540.920.290.15表B6 6 段行程数据 Table B6 Data of six trips行程 平均起始时刻起始时刻标准差平均行驶时间/h行驶时间标准差第1段行程 8.09 0.84 0.33 0.15 第2段行程 10.03 0.79 0.26 0.14 第3段行程 11.95 0.80 0.26 0.14 第4段行程 13.99 0.83 0.27 0.14 第5段行程 16.09 0.85 0.26 0.15 第6段行程17.940.880.340.15R e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c yR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c y(a) 起始时间概率分布图 (b) 行驶时间概率分布图图B1 两段行程的第1段行程概率图Fig.B1 The first trip probability distribution graph of two tripsR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c yR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c y(a) 起始时间概率分布图 (b) 行驶时间概率分布图图B2 两段行程的第2段行程概率图Fig.B2 The second trip probability distribution graph of two tripsR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c ytime/hR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c yh(a) 起始时间概率分布图 (b) 行驶时间概率分布图图B3 三段行程的第1段行程概率图Fig.B3 The first trip probability distribution graph of three tripsR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c yR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c yh(a) 起始时间概率分布图 (b) 行驶时间概率分布图图B4 三段行程的第2段行程概率图Fig.B4The second trip probability distribution graph of three tripstime/h R e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c yR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c y(a) 起始时间概率分布图 (b) 行驶时间概率分布图图B5 三段行程的第3段行程概率图Fig.B5 The third trip probability distribution graph of three tripsR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c yR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c y(a) 起始时间概率分布图 (b) 行驶时间概率分布图图B6 四段行程的第1段行程概率图Fig.B6The first trip probability distribution graph of four tripsR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c yR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c yh(a) 起始时间概率分布图 (b) 行驶时间概率分布图图B7 四段行程的第2段行程概率图Fig.B7The second trip probability distribution graph of four tripsR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c yhR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c y(a) 起始时间概率分布图 (b) 行驶时间概率分布图图B8 四段行程的第3段行程概率图Fig.B8 The third trip probability distribution graph of four tripsR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c yR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c yh(a) 起始时间概率分布图 (b) 行驶时间概率分布图图B9 四段行程的第4段行程概率图Fig.B9 The fourth trip probability distribution graph of four tripsR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c yR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c yBin Centerh(a) 起始时间概率分布图 (b) 行驶时间概率分布图图B10 五段行程的第1段行程概率图Fig.B10 The first trip probability distribution graph of five tripsR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c yR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c yBin Center(a) 起始时间概率分布图 (b) 行驶时间概率分布图图B11 五段行程的第2段行程概率图Fig.B11 The second trip probability distribution graph of five tripsR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c ytime/h R e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c yh(a) 起始时间概率分布图 (b) 行驶时间概率分布图图B12 五段行程的第3段行程概率图Fig.B12 The third trip probability distribution graph of five tripsR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c yR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c yh(a) 起始时间概率分布图 (b) 行驶时间概率分布图图B13 五段行程的第4段行程概率图Fig.B13 The fourth trip probability distribution graph of five tripsR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c yR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c yh(a) 起始时间概率分布图 (b) 行驶时间概率分布图图B14 五段行程的第5段行程概率图Fig.B14 The fifth trip probability distribution graph of five tripsR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c yR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c yh(a) 起始时间概率分布图 (b) 行驶时间概率分布图图B15 六段行程的第1段行程概率图Fig.B15 The first trip probability distribution graph of six tripsR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c yR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c y(a) 起始时间概率分布图 (b) 行驶时间概率分布图图B16 六段行程的第2段行程概率图Fig.B16 The second trip probability distribution graph of six tripsR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c ytime/hR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c y(a) 起起始时间概率分布图 (b) 行驶时间概率分布图图B17 六段行程的第3段行程概率图Fig.B17 The second trip probability distribution graph of six tripsR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c yR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c yh(a) 起始时间概率分布图 (b) 行驶时间概率分布图 图B18 六段行程的第4段行程概率图Fig.B18 The fourth trip probability distribution graph of six tripsR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c yR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c yh(a) 起始时间概率分布图 (b) 行驶时间概率分布图图B19 六段行程的第5段行程概率图Fig.B19 The fifth trip probability distribution graph of six tripsR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c yR e l a t i v e F r e q u e n c yh(a) 起始时间概率分布图 (b) 行驶时间概率分布图图B20 六段行程的第6段行程概率图Fig.B20 The sixth trip probability distribution graph of six trips。



询问价格英语作文模板Asking for Price English Composition Template。

When it comes to inquiring about the price of a product or service, it is important to use the right language and format to ensure that you receive the information you need. In this article, we will provide a template for asking for the price of something in English.Subject: Inquiring About Price。

Dear [Name or Sir/Madam],。

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to inquire about the price of [product or service]. I am interested in purchasing [quantity] of [product] or [description of service], and I would like to know the cost per unit or the total price for the quantity I am interested in.Could you please provide me with the following information:1. The price per unit or the total cost for the quantity I am interested in。

2. Any discounts or promotions that may be available for bulk orders。



英文询价电子邮件格式范文Hello,您好,I am writing to inquire about the prices of your products. We are interested in purchasing a large quantity for our retail business and would like to know the pricing details. Could you please provide us with a price list or quote for the products you offer?我想咨询一下贵公司产品的价格。


能否给我们提供一份产品价格清单或报价单?In addition to the pricing details, we would also like to know about any bulk discounts or special offers that are currently available. As we are looking to make a substantial purchase, any cost savings would be greatly appreciated. Please let us know if there are any promotions or deals that we can take advantage of.除了价格细节外,我们也希望了解当前是否有任何批发折扣或特别优惠。



Furthermore, we would like to inquire about the payment terms and methods that your company accepts. It is important for us to understand the payment process in order to ensure a smooth and efficient transaction. Please provide us with information regarding how we can make payments for our order.此外,我们想了解贵公司接受的付款条款和方式。



实时电价名词解释1. 实时电价呀,就好比菜场上的菜价,随时都可能变化呢!比如夏天大家都开空调,电用得多了,实时电价可能就蹭蹭往上涨啦。

2. 实时电价啊,就像股票价格一样波动不停呀!你看有时候白天用电高峰,那实时电价可不就高了嘛,就像股票大涨一样。

3. 实时电价呢,其实就是电的价格在实时变动呀!这就好像天气一会儿晴一会儿雨,电价也一会儿高一会儿低的。


4. 实时电价呀,不就是根据当下用电情况来决定价格嘛!这不就跟打车的动态调价一个道理嘛,高峰期就贵,低谷期就便宜,多形象啊!5. 实时电价哟,简单说就是电的价格随时在变哦!就好比路上的车流量,车多的时候通行就慢,电用得多的时候实时电价就高啦。


6. 实时电价啊,它是个很灵活的东西呢!可以把它想象成音乐会的门票价格,热门场次就贵,冷门场次就便宜,电也是这样,用电高峰时实时电价就高咯。

7. 实时电价呀,就是会跟着实际情况动的电价嘛!这跟超市里的限时特价商品似的,特定时间价格就不一样,电也是在不同时候有不同价格呀。

8. 实时电价呢,其实就反映了当下电的价值嘛!就好像旅游景点,旺季人多价格就高,电在需求大的时候实时电价也高呀,比如大夏天大家都开着大功率电器的时候。

9. 实时电价呀,不就是电的实时价格嘛!好比游乐场的游乐项目,人多排队时就感觉贵,电也是,大家都抢着用的时候实时电价就上去啦。

10. 实时电价啊,就是随时变化的电的价格哟!就像坐地铁,高峰期和非高峰期票价也有点不一样呢,电也是根据不同情况有不同价格呀。




了解电视的价格英语作文Understanding TV Prices。

In the modern era, television has become an integral part of our daily lives, serving as a source of entertainment, information, and connectivity. With the advancement of technology, the market is flooded with a plethora of television options, ranging from basic models to state-of-the-art smart TVs. However, understanding the pricing of televisions requires delving into variousfactors that influence their costs.Firstly, the brand reputation plays a significant role in determining the price of a television. Renowned brands with a long-standing history of delivering quality products often command higher prices due to their established credibility and trustworthiness among consumers. Brands invest heavily in research and development, incorporating cutting-edge technology and innovative features into their televisions, which inevitably raises production costs and,consequently, retail prices.Secondly, the size and type of the television significantly impact its price. Larger screen sizes, such as 55 inches or above, generally come with a higher price tag due to the increased material and manufacturing expenses involved in producing larger display panels. Moreover, the type of television, whether it's atraditional LED TV, an advanced OLED TV, or a futuristic QLED TV, also affects pricing. OLED and QLED TVs, known for their superior picture quality and vibrant colors, often come at a premium compared to conventional LED TVs.Furthermore, the resolution and display technology play a crucial role in determining the cost of a television. TVs with higher resolutions, such as 4K and 8K, offer sharper images and enhanced clarity, but they also come with a higher price point due to the advanced technology required to achieve such resolutions. Additionally, features like HDR (High Dynamic Range) support, local dimming, and refresh rate also contribute to the overall cost of the television, as they enhance the viewing experience butrequire additional hardware and software implementations.Moreover, smart functionality has become a standard feature in modern televisions, allowing users to stream content from various online platforms, browse the internet, and access a multitude of apps. Smart TVs incorporate sophisticated operating systems and user interfaces, necessitating additional development costs, which are reflected in their prices. Furthermore, built-in voice assistants, such as Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant, further elevate the convenience and functionality of smart TVs but also contribute to their higher price points.Another factor influencing television prices is the inclusion of additional peripherals and accessories. Some high-end TVs come bundled with soundbars, subwoofers, or wall mounts, enhancing the audiovisual experience and providing added convenience to consumers. However, these bundled accessories contribute to the overall cost of the television package.Additionally, market demand and competition play asignificant role in shaping television prices. During promotional periods or festive seasons, retailers may offer discounts and deals to attract customers, leading to temporary reductions in prices. Conversely, limited edition or specialty televisions, featuring exclusive designs or premium materials, may command premium prices due to their uniqueness and exclusivity.In conclusion, understanding the pricing of televisions involves considering a multitude of factors, including brand reputation, size, type, resolution, display technology, smart functionality, additional features, bundled accessories, market demand, and competition. While higher-priced televisions may offer advanced features and superior quality, budget-friendly options still provide satisfactory performance for consumers with less extravagant requirements. Ultimately, consumers must weigh their preferences, budget constraints, and desired features when making a purchasing decision in the ever-evolving television market.。



关于价格英文作文Prices are soaring these days. Everything seems to be getting more and more expensive. I went to the supermarket yesterday and couldn't believe how much I had to pay for just a few groceries. It's getting really hard to afford the things we need.I remember when I could go out for a meal without worrying about the cost. Now, even a simple dinner at a casual restaurant can break the bank. It's crazy how quickly prices have gone up.I used to love shopping for clothes, but now I dread going into a store. The prices are just ridiculous. It's like they think we all have unlimited money to spend on fashion. I miss the days when I could buy a new outfit without feeling guilty about the price tag.I don't know how people are managing to buy houses these days. The real estate market is out of control. It'salmost impossible to find an affordable home in a decent neighborhood. I feel like the dream of owning a home is slipping further and further away.Even everyday things like going to the movies orgetting a cup of coffee have become luxuries. I used to enjoy these simple pleasures, but now I have to think twice before indulging in them. It's sad how much prices have changed our everyday lives.。


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询问价格英文作文Title: Inquiry About Pricing for Services。

Dear [Recipient's Name],。

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inquire about the pricing for your services as I am interested in availing myself of them. I have heard positive reviews about your company and would like to gather more information regarding the costs involved.Firstly, I would appreciate it if you could provide me with a detailed breakdown of the pricing structure for the services you offer. It would be beneficial to understand what is included in the standard package and if there are any additional options available for customization.Furthermore, I am particularly interested in any discounts or promotional offers that may be applicable, especially for long-term contracts or bulk orders.Understanding the potential cost savings would greatlyassist me in making an informed decision.Additionally, I would like to inquire about any hidden fees or charges that may not be explicitly mentioned inyour pricing documentation. Transparency in pricing is crucial for me to accurately assess the total cost of engaging your services.Moreover, if there are any payment plans or financing options available, I would appreciate it if you could provide details on those as well. Flexibility in payment terms could significantly impact my decision-making process.Lastly, I would like to know if there are any terms and conditions associated with your pricing, such ascancellation policies or penalties for late payments. Clear clarification on these matters would help avoid anypotential misunderstandings in the future.I understand that providing detailed pricinginformation may require some time, but I would be gratefulif you could expedite the process as much as possible. Please feel free to reach out to me if you require any additional information or clarification on my inquiry.Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to hearing from you soon and hopefully, to establishing a mutually beneficial partnership.Best regards,。

at good prices翻译

at good prices翻译

at good prices翻译at good prices翻译以合理的价格“At good prices”是一个常用的英文表达,它可以指出商品或服务具有较低的价格。


通常情况下,这个表达式用在“good price”之前,用来表达某种事物的价格优惠。

从词义上讲,“at good prices”可以解释为“以合理的价格”,表示某种商品或服务的价格在市场上比较有利,因此,购买者可以以较低的价格购买。


“Good price”不仅仅是指价格低,而是指消费者从某种商品或服务中得到的相对价值高。



此外,“at good prices”也可以指出商家提供的产品或服务具有较高的品质,即质量与价格之间存在着一种平衡。


最后,“at good prices”也可以表达出消费者可以在不同市场上以合理的价格购买同样的商品或服务,即“以较低的价格获得更好的服务”。


总之,“at good prices”是一个常用的英文表达,它可以指出商品或服务具有较低的价格。




商务英语书信之询价和报价Business English---Enquiries and QuotationsHow to start:How to reply:Useful sentences in enquiries (Enquiries) 询盘常用的句子(Quotation) 报价常用的句子About Prices 关于价格表达Examples: 询盘、报价、还盘的例子Letter 1: Enquiry (询盘)Dear Sir,We are in the market for Melon Seeds of the first grade and second grade and should be appreciated if you let us have your offers with some representative samples. When offering the seeds, please state the earliest possible time of shipment and quantities available.Your faithfulLetter 2: Offers and Quotations (报价)Dear Sir,Thanks for your letter of 19th May.Our “D.D.”(raincoat) range is particularly suitable for warm climates, and during the past years we have supplied this range to dealers in several tropical countries. This range is popular not only because it is light in weight, but also because the material used has been specially treated to prevent excessive condensation on the insider surface.For the quantities you mention, we are pleased to quote as follows:………Payment: by irrevocable L/C at sightShipment: Shipment will be effected within three or four days after receiving the L/CThis offer is subject to our final confirmation. We feel you may be interested in our other products and enclose some pamphlets for your reference.We are waiting for your early orders.Yours sincerelyLetter 3: Counter-offers (还盘)Dear Sir,Thank you for your letter dated October 20. As regards your count-offer, we regret we are unable to accept it because our current price has already been proved workable by many orders received from other buyers.However, in order to meet you on this occasion, we are prepared to grant you a special discount of 2% on condition that the quantity of the order is no less than 1000 pieces.We hope this will enable you to enjoy the benefit of our special discount.Yours sincerelyLetter 4: Counter-offers (还盘)Dear Sir,From your letter of November 22, we are disappointed at learning that you find our offer unacceptable because other suppliers are offering lower prices.We are not in a position to accept your count-offer because our price is reasonably fixed. Regarding the qualities of the goods offered by others, we are rather doubtful whether they are similar to or comparable with those of ours. Please call the attention to this point and convince that not only price but also quality should be taken into consideration.We hope to hear from you before long.Yours sincerely生活买卖中实用的巧答。

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在需求管理措施中,如分时收费策略,一方面,GRIDCO 必须付出大量的投资成本来维持平滑的日负荷曲线和更稳定的经营,另一方面,虽然从表面来看,谷期时段增加的负荷必须像以前一样,从独立的电力制造商那边购买更多的电力,但是实际情况却与正常时段或峰期时段大相径庭,GRIDCO必须对支付发电能力的费用。





























图2. 电力销售权交易的图解注意到在非高峰时段的电力销售权市场,传统的辅助服务交易市场中的机会成本不复存在,容量价格表示发电机组给电力公司的付款,我们可以命名这个交易为对于辅助服务的“相反购买”。




考虑到关于图2的讨论,我们可以进一步定义L2为呈三角形分布的随机变量:2(x-a)/[(b-a)(c-a)] if a≤x≤cf(x)= 2(b-x)/[(b-a)(b-c)] if c≤x≤a (4)else在(4)中,关于L2的机率密度函数;L2的随机值被写作‘x’。

