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Time to wake up! 该起床了!

Good morning! 早安!

Did you sleep well! 睡得好吗?

Come and eat your breakfast. 快来吃早餐吧。

Don’t be picky about your food. 不要挑食。

Wash your face and brush your teeth. 洗脸刷牙

Daddy is leaving. Say goodbye. 爸爸要出门了,说再见。Let’s get dressed. 来穿衣服。

What do you want to wear today? 今天穿什么?

Let me comb your hair. 我来帮你梳头。

Did you put some lotion on your face? 你的脸上搽乳液了吗?Hurry up , Honey! You’ll be late. 快点,宝贝!要迟到了Here’s the elevator. Let’s get in. 电梯来了,我们进去吧。Push button one. 按一楼

Let’s get out. 我们出去吧。

Have a nice day. 祝你有个美好的一天。

Watch out for cars. 小心车子。

How was school today? 今天学校如何?

Are you hungry? 你饿了吗?

Go wash your hands. 去洗手

Let’s have a snack. 我们吃点点心

Do you want some more? 还想要多吃点吗?

Recess is over! 休息时间结束了。

It’s time to study. 该学习了

Sit properly. 坐好

Do you have any homework? 你有作业吗?

Are you done with your homework? 你的作业做完了吗?

Did you do well on your test? 考试考得好吗?

What score did you get on the test? 你考了几分?

Good job! 你做得很好!

Move back from the TV. 从电视机那里往后退。

Turn off the TV now. 现在关掉电视。

Who made such a mess? 是谁弄得这么脏?

Put your toys away. 把你的玩具收拾好。

Are you sick? 你不舒服吗?

Do you want to pee/poop? 你要尿尿/便便吗?

Do you want a piggy-back ride? 要我背你吗?

Do you want me to hold you? 要我抱你吗?

Give me a kiss! 亲一下!

Don’t fight with your little brother/sister. 不要和弟弟/妹妹打架Don’t hit your brother/sister. 不要打弟弟/妹妹

Don’t bother your sister. 不要打扰你妹妹

Play nicely with your friends. 要跟朋友好好玩

Stop whining. 不要再嘀嘀咕咕了

Don’t talk back! 不要顶嘴

I’m sorry. Let’s make up. 对不起,我们和好吧。Let me read you a story. 我来念个故事给你听。It’s time to go to bed. 该睡觉了。

Good night! Sweet dreams! 晚安,好梦。Don’t forget that I love you. 不要忘记我爱你。
