



巴可DP2K系列放映机故障诊断与处理许鹏【摘要】近几年随着电影事业不断蓬勃的发展,大量新建的影院都采用全套2K 数字电影放映设备,第二代巴可DP2K数字放映机成为影院的主流配置。














5360 5361 5362 5363 5364 5365 5370 5371 5372 5373 5380 5381 5382 5383 5390 5391 5392 5393 5420 5421 5422 5423 5430 5431 5432 5433 5440 5441 5442 5443 5450 5451 5452 5453 5460 5461 5462 5463 5470 5471 5472 5473 5490 5491 5492 5493 5510 5511 5512 5513 5530 5531 5532 5533 5540 5541 5542 5543 5550 5551 5552 5553 5570 5571 5572 5573 5590 5591 5592 5593 5600 5601 5602 5603 5610 5611 5612 5613 5620 5621 5622 5623 5630 5631 5632 5633 5640 5641 5642 5643 5644 5646 5647 5654 5657 5658 5659 5670 5800 5801 5807 5812 5813 5814 5815 5816 5817 5820 5830
Description DP2K-12C light sensor - no communication lamp - no communication lamp power supplies - communication failed pump - refill mode is on cold mirror fan - speed too high cold mirror fan - speed high cold mirror fan - speed too low cold mirror fan - speed low engine fan - speed too high engine fan - speed high engine fan - speed too low engine fan - speed low heat exchanger fan - speed too high heat exchanger fan - speed high heat exchanger fan - speed too low heat exchanger fan - speed low lamp anode fan - speed too high lamp anode fan - speed high lamp anode fan - speed too low lamp anode fan - speed low lamp cathode fan - speed too high lamp cathode fan - speed high lamp cathode fan - speed too low lamp cathode fan - speed low smps fan 1 (left side) - speed too high smps fan 1 (left side) - speed high smps fan 1 (left side) - speed too low smps fan 1 (left side) - speed low smps fan 2 (right side) - speed too high smps fan 2 (right side) - speed high smps fan 2 (right side) - speed too low smps fan 2 (right side) - speed low lamp rear fan - speed too high lamp rear fan - speed high lamp rear fan - speed too low lamp rear fan - speed low electronics fan 1 (top side) - speed too high electronics fan 1 (top side) - speed high electronics fan 1 (top side) - speed too low electronics fan 1 (top side) - speed low electronics fan 2 (bottom side) - speed too high electronics fan 2 (bottom side) - speed high electronics fan 2 (bottom side) - speed too low electronics fan 2 (bottom side) - speed low engine switch - not ok lamp house - not connected prism switch - error prism switch - warning (lens probably touches prism) pump - speed too high pump - speed high pump - speed too low pump - speed low lens zoom position - requested target not reached lens focus position - requested target not reached lens horizontal shift position - requested target not reached lens vertical shift position - requested target not reached dmd red fan - speed too high dmd red fan - speed high dmd red fan - speed too low dmd red fan - speed low dmd green fan - speed too high dmd green fan - speed high dmd green fan - speed too low dmd green fan - speed low dmd blue fan - speed too high dmd blue fan - speed high dmd blue fan - speed too low dmd blue fan - speed low ambient - temperature too high ambient - temperature high ambient - temperature too low ambient - temperature low ambient - temperature sensor open ambient - temperature sensor short dmd blue - temperature too high dmd blue - temperature high dmd blue - temperature too low dmd blue - temperature low dmd blue - temperature sensor open dmd blue - temperature sensor short dmd green - temperature too high dmd green - temperature high dmd green - temperature too low dmd green - temperature low dmd green - temperature sensor open dmd green - temperature sensor short lamp - temperature too high lamp - temperature high lamp - temperature too low lamp - temperature low lamp - temperature sensor open lamp - temperature sensor short fcb - force lps/lamp off (overtemperature, lamp house not connected or engine not connected) pfc heatsink - temperature too high pfc heatsink - temperature high pfc heatsink - temperature too low pfc heatsink - temperature low dmd red - temperature too high dmd red - temperature high dmd red - temperature too low dmd red - temperature low dmd red - temperature sensor open dmd red - temperature sensor short smps primary heatsink - temperature too high smps primary heatsink - temperature high smps primary heatsink - temperature too low smps primary heatsink - temperature low



代码5005 灯电源 -- 通讯失败C2 通讯电缆与通讯板的接口C3 单根的与通讯端口的连接处C 与制冷风扇的连接线错误代码5053:引擎风扇转速过低(警告)错误代码5063:热交换器风扇转速过低(警告)C 与热交换器风扇连接的供电电线C 氙灯阳极风扇连接电线FC 氙灯阴极风扇与背板供电连接线FC 与风扇连接的电线C 风扇电线连接单元错误代码 5133 elcabox 风扇转速过低(错误)C 与风扇连接的电线FZ 机动镜头聚焦马达连线LC 马达与供电背板的连线B 传感器与供电板之间的连接电线错误代码5290 :“微镜显示蓝色 温度过高”(错误)此故障亮蓝灯,以温度过高代码显示,原因与代码5291一致SG 温度传感器前方电缆,DMD绿色通道SR 温度传感器前方电缆,DMD红色通道TB Peltier element前方电缆,DMD蓝色通道TG Peltier element前方电缆,DMD绿色通道TR Peltier element前方电缆,DMD红色通道L 位于冷循环和光输出管上方的温度传感器电缆CA 格式盘猫眼的电线SH 遮光板电缆LS 位于光输出管内的光传感器连接电缆C 将传感器与供电板连接的线路C 灯箱外连接电源背板与温度传感器的电路部分错误代码 5320:“强制切断氙灯供电”错误代码 5431:镜面冷却风扇,电压过高(警告)错误代码5451:“热交换器风扇电压过高”(警告)错误代码5452:“热交换器风扇电压过低”(错误)此故障以“热交换器风扇电压过低”报警,引起它的原因是:错误代码 5462:“氙灯阳极风扇,电压过低”(错误)此故障以“氙灯阳极风扇,电压过低”报警,引起它的原因是:错误代码 5472:“氙灯阴极风扇,电压过低”(错误)此故障以“氙灯阴极风扇,电压过低”报警,引起它的原因是:错误代码 5492:“SMPS板风扇,电压过低”(错误)此故障以“SMPS板风扇,电压过低”报警,引起它的原因是:SB 马达叶片SC 与马达的连接电缆SH 马达与格式主板连接线错误代码 5551:“TEC板电压过高”(警告)错误代码 5562:“elcabox风扇电压过低”(错误)此故障以“elcabox风扇电压过低”报警,引起它的原因是:B 与格式主板的连接线C 将归位马达与电主板连接的电缆D 将旋转马达与电主板连接的电缆S 处于光管入口的温度传感器L 该处温度传感器的连接电缆P 热管T1 处于冷却模块和DMD之间的TEC组件S2 处于TEC组件和DMD之间的温度传感器S3 处于DMD前方的温度传感器错误代码 6004:“座前,温度传感器开路”(警告)错误代码 6014:“红色道组件,温度传感器开路”(错误)R 红色道温度传感器G 绿色道温度传感器BL DMD水冷模块温度传感器FR DMD座前温度传感器E 光引擎温度传感器H 热管水冷模块温度传感器TB TEC能源供应蓝色道TG TEC能源供应绿色道TR TEC能源供应红色道BL/BT DMD水冷模块蓝色道温度传感器错误代码 7473:“氙灯阴极风扇电压过低”(警告)39页。



巴可DP2000放映机报警报错信息处理5003light sensor - no communication 光线感应器 - 无通讯5004lamp---no communication 与灯箱无通信检查灯箱是否装好5005lamp power supplies, communication failed 与灯电源无通信检查灯电源线缆是否装好5010pump –refill mode is on 加液模式打开退出加液模式5011system running in restricted access mode 系统在警告模式下运行检查输入抽屉与引擎的接触5020重新安装一下控制板的类似手机卡的卡片5041cold mirror fan - speed high 冷镜风扇–转速偏高5042cold mirror fan—speed too low 冷却镜风扇转速过低检查冷镜风扇及背板间连线是否接好,是否可以活动5043cold mirror fan—speed low 冷却镜风扇转速低同上5050 engine fan - speed too high 引擎风扇转速过高5051 engine fan - speed high 引擎风扇转速偏高5052engine fan –speed too low 引擎风扇转速低检查引擎风扇是否接好5053engine fan - speed low 引擎风扇速度低检查引擎风扇是否接好,是否可以活动5060heat exchanger fan - speed too high 热交换器风扇转速过高5061heat exchanger fan - speed high 热交换器风扇转速偏高5062heat exchange fan—speed too low 热交换器风扇转速过低检查热交换器上方风扇5063heat exchange fan—speed low 热交换器风扇转速偏低同上5070lamp anode fan - speed too high 灯阳极风扇转速过高5071 lamp anode fan - speed high 灯阳极风扇转速偏高5072 lamp anode fan –speed too low 灯阳极风扇转速低检查灯阳极风扇是否接好5073lamp anode fan –speed low 灯阳极风扇转速低检查灯阳极风扇是否接好5080lamp cathode fan - speed too high 灯阴极风扇转速过高5081 lamp cathode fan - speed high 灯阴极风扇转速偏高5082lamp cathode fan—speed too low 灯风扇控制速度低检查风扇接头和FCB 5083lamp cathode fan—speed low 灯阴极风扇转速低检查灯阴极风扇是否接好5100smps fan 1 (left side) - speed too high 开关电源风扇1(左侧)转速过高5101smps fan 1 (left side) - speed high 开关电源风扇1(左侧)转速偏高5102 SMPS fan 1—speed too low 开关电源风扇1转速过低检查两个开关电源风扇5103SMPS fan 1—speed low 开关电源风扇1转速偏低检查两个开关电源风扇5110smps fan 2 (right side) - speed too high 开关电源风扇2(右侧)转速过高5111smps fan 2 (right side) - speed high 开关电源风扇2(右侧)转速过高5112SMPS fan 2—speed too low 开关电源风扇2转速过低检查两个开关电源风扇5113SMPS fan 2—speed low 开关电源风扇2转速偏低检查两个开关电源风扇5120lamp rear fan - speed too high 灯后置风扇转速过高5121lamp rear fan - speed high 灯后置风扇转速偏高5122 lamp rear fan—speed too low 灯后置风扇转速过低检查灯后置风扇是否接好5123lamp rear fan—speed low 灯后置风扇转速偏低检查灯后置风扇是否接好5132elca box fan—speed too low 输入通讯单元风扇转速低检查风扇与导线的连接情况5133elca box fan—speed low 输入通讯单元风扇转速低检查风扇与导线的连接情况5140electronics fan 1 (top side) - speed too high 电子风扇1(顶面)转速过高5141electronics fan 1 (top side) - speed high 电子风扇1(顶面)转速偏高5142electronics fan 1 (top side) - speed too low 电子风扇1(顶面)转速过低5143electronics fan 1 (top side) - speed low 电子风扇1(顶面)转速偏低5150electronics fan 2 (bottom side) - speed too high 电子风扇2(底部)转速过高5151electronics fan 2 (bottom side) - speed high 电子风扇2(底部)转速偏高5152electronics fan 2 (bottom side) - speed too low 电子风扇2(底部)转速过低5153electronics fan 2 (bottom side) - speed low 电子风扇2(底部)转速偏低5160engine switch—not OK 引擎安装错误检查引擎固定螺丝5170FIB—not connected FIB未连接好检查FIB确保两个螺丝拧紧5180lamp house—not connected 灯箱未连接好检查灯箱上的3个固定螺丝5190prism switch – error 棱镜开关- 错误5191prism switch—warning , lens probably touches prism 镜头位移过量调节镜头5210pump - speed too high 泵速度过高5211pump - speed high 泵速度偏高5212 pump—speed too low 泵速度过低检查水泵线缆接头接触,SMPS电源板电压;检查泵线缆接头,电源板5213pump—speed low 泵速度偏低检查泵线缆接头,电源板5230lens zoom position—requested target not reached 调整或更换镜头镜头变焦无法达到指定位置5231lens focus position-- requested target not reached 调整或更换镜头镜头聚焦无法达到指定位置5232lens horizontal shift position-- requested target not reached 检查变焦马达,镜头位置镜头水平位移未达到指定位置5233lens vertical shift position-- requested target not reached 检查变焦马达,镜头位置镜头垂直位移未达到指定位置5237lens position—clear requested target time out failed 镜头聚焦未达到指定位置同5231 5250dmd red fan - speed too high 红色通道DMD风扇转速过高5251dmd red fan - speed high 红色通道DMD风扇转速偏高5252dmd red fan - speed too low 红色通道DMD风扇转速太低5253dmd red fan - speed low 红色通道DMD风扇转速偏低5260dmd green fan - speed too high 绿色通道DMD风扇转速过高5261dmd green fan - speed high 绿色通道DMD风扇转速偏高5262dmd green fan - speed too low 绿色通道DMD风扇转速太低5263dmd green fan - speed low 绿色通道DMD风扇转速偏低5270dmd blue fan - speed too high 蓝色通道DMD风扇转速过高5271dmd blue fan - speed high 蓝色通道DMD风扇转速偏高5272dmd blue fan - speed too low 蓝色通道DMD风扇转速太低5273dmd blue fan - speed low 蓝色通道DMD风扇转速偏低5280ambient—temperature too high 环境温度过高请改变环境温度5281ambient—temperature high 环境温度高请改变环境温度5283ambient—temperature low 环境温度低请改变环境温度5284ambient—temperature sensor open 环境温度传感器开路检查传感器和导线或更换5285ambient—temperature sensor short 环境温度传感器短路检查传感器和导线或更换5290DMD blue temperature too high 蓝色通道DMD温度过高检查热交换器的过滤器5291DMD blue temperature high 蓝色通道DMD温度偏高检查热交换器的过滤器5293DMD blue temperature low 蓝色通道DMD温度偏低光处理器单元没有启动5294DMD blue temperature sensor open 蓝色通道DMD温度传感器开路修复导线或更换光处理器单元5295DMD blue temperature sensor short蓝色通道DMD温度传感器短路修复导线或更换光处理器单元5300DMD green temperature too high绿色通道DMD温度过高更换过滤器5301DMD green temperature high 绿色通道DMD温度偏高更换过滤器5303DMD green temperature low 绿色通道DMD温度偏低光处理器单元没有启动5304DMD green temperature sensor open 绿色通道DMD温度传感器开路检查传感器和导线5305DMD green temperature sensor short 绿色通道DMD温度传感器短路检查传感器和导线5310lamp temperature too high 疝灯温度过高检查过滤网和抽风5311lamp temperature high 疝灯温度偏高检查过滤网和抽风5314lamp—temperature sensor open 疝灯温度传感器开路检查传感器和导线5315lamp—temperature sensor short 疝灯温度传感器短路检查传感器和导线5320FCB—force LPS off 控制板强行关闭疝灯电源在日志中查找错误信息排除5330PFC heat-sink—temperature too high 散热器温度过高检查进气口过滤网5331PFC heat-sink—temperature high 散热器温度偏高检查进气口过滤网5332pfc heatsink - temperature too low PFC散热片- 温度过低5333pfc heatsink - temperature low PFC散热片- 温度偏低5340DMD red temperature too high 红色通道DMD温度过高检查滤网,液冷循环5341DMD red temperature high 红色通道DMD温度偏高检查滤网,液冷循环5342dmd red - temperature too low 红色通道DMD温度过低5343DMD red temperature low 红色通道DMD温度偏低光处理器单元没有启动5344DMD red temperature sensor open红色通道DMD温度传感器开路检查传感器和导线5345DMD red temperature sensor short红色通道DMD温度传感器短路检查传感器和导线5350SMPS primary heat-sink temperature too high 开关电源主散热器温度过高检查滤网和开关电源5351SMPS primary heat-sink temperature high 开关电源主散热器温度偏高检查滤网和开关电源5352smps primary heatsink - temperature too low 开关电源的主要散热片温度过低5353smps primary heatsink - temperature low 开关电源的主要散热片温度偏低5360SMPS secondary heat-sink temperature too high 检查滤网和开关电源(开关电源次散热器温度过高)5361SMPS secondary heat-sink temperature high 检查滤网和开关电源(开关电源次散热器温度偏高)5362smps secundary heatsink - temperature too low 开关电源次散热器温度过低5363smps secundary heatsink - temperature low 开关电源次散热器温度偏低5364SMPS secondary heat-sink temperature sensor open 更换SMPS模块(开关电源次散热器温度传感器开路)5365SMPS secondary heat-sink temperature sensor short 更换SMPS模块(开关电源次散热器温度传感器短路)5370dmd red fan - voltage too high 红色通道DMD风扇电压过高5371dmd red fan - voltage high 红色通道DMD风扇电压偏高5372dmd red fan - voltage too low 红色通道DMD风扇电压过低5373dmd red fan - voltage low 红色通道DMD风扇电压偏低5380dmd green fan - voltage too high 绿色通道DMD风扇电压过高5381dmd green fan - voltage high 绿色通道DMD风扇电压偏高5382dmd green fan - voltage too low 绿色通道DMD风扇电压过低5383dmd green fan - voltage low 绿色通道DMD风扇电压偏低5390dmd blue fan - voltage too high 蓝色通道DMD风扇电压过高5391dmd blue fan - voltage high 蓝色通道DMD风扇电压偏高5392dmd blue fan - voltage too low 蓝色通道DMD风扇电压过低5393dmd blue fan - voltage low 蓝色通道DMD风扇电压偏低5401+30v—voltage high +30v电压偏高更换风扇,马达控制板5403+30v—voltage low +30v电压偏低检查开关电源和控制板5411++5v—voltage high ++5v电压偏高更换风扇,马达控制板5413++5v—voltage low ++5v电压偏低更换风扇,马达控制板5420tec blue - voltage too high TEC蓝色- 电压过高5421tec blue - voltage high TEC蓝色- 电压偏高5422tec blue - voltage too low TEC蓝色- 电压过低5423tec blue - voltage low TEC蓝色- 电压偏低5430cold mirror fan - voltage too high 冷镜风扇- 电压过高5431cold mirror fan—voltage high 冷镜风扇电压偏高更换风扇,马达控制板5432cold mirror fan—voltage too low 冷镜风扇电压过低更换风扇,马达控制板5433cold mirror fan—voltage low 冷镜风扇电压偏低更换风扇,马达控制板5441engine fan voltage high 引擎风扇电压偏高更换风扇,马达控制板5442 engine fan voltage too low 引擎风扇电压过低更换风扇,马达控制板5443engine fan voltage low 引擎风扇电压偏低更换风扇,马达控制板5450heat exchanger fan - voltage too high 热交换器风扇电压过高5451heat exchange fan voltage high 热交换器风扇电压偏高更换风扇,马达控制板5452heat exchange fan voltage too low 热交换器风扇电压过低更换风扇,马达控制板5453 heat exchange fan voltage low 热交换器风扇电压偏低更换风扇,马达控制板5460lamp anode fan - voltage too high 疝灯阳极风扇电压过高5461lamp anode fan voltage high 疝灯阳极风扇电压偏高更换风扇,马达控制板5462lamp anode fan voltage too low 疝灯阳极风扇电压过低更换风扇,马达控制板5463lamp cathode fan voltage low 疝灯阴极风扇电压低检查阴极风扇或控制板5470lamp cathode fan - voltage too high 疝灯阴极风扇电压过高5471lamp cathode fan voltage high 疝灯阴极风扇电压偏高更换风扇,马达控制板5472lamp cathode fan voltage too high 疝灯阴极风扇电压过高更换风扇,马达控制板5473lamp cathode fan - voltage low 疝灯阴极风扇电压偏低5490smps fan - voltage too high 开关电源风扇电压过高5491smps fan - voltage high 开关电源风扇电压偏高5492SMPS fan voltage too low 开关电源风扇电压过低更换风扇,马达控制板5493SMPS fan voltage low 开关电源风扇电压偏低更换风扇,马达控制板5501FIB +12v voltage high +12v 电压偏高检查供电板和开关电源5502FIB +12v voltage low +12v 电压偏低检查供电板和开关电源5510tec green - voltage too high TEC绿色- 电压过高5511tec green - voltage high TEC绿色- 电压偏高5512tec green - voltage too low TEC绿色- 电压过低5513tec green - voltage low TEC绿色-电压偏低5521motor ,lens ,dowser voltage high 马达镜头光闸电压高更换风扇,马达控制板5523motor ,lens ,dowser voltage low 马达镜头光闸电压低更换风扇,马达控制板5530pump - voltage too high 泵电压过高5531pump—voltage high 泵电压偏高更换风扇,马达控制板5532pump—voltage too low 泵电压过低更换风扇,马达控制板5533pump—voltage low 泵电压偏低更换风扇,马达控制板5540tec red - voltage too high TEC红- 电压过高5541tec red - voltage high TEC红- 电压偏高5542tec red - voltage too low TEC红- 电压过低5543tec red - voltage low TEC红- 电压偏低5550tec - voltage too high TEC半导体制冷器电压过高5551TEC voltage high TEC半导体制冷器电压偏高检查单元线,控制板5552tec - voltage too low TEC半导体制冷器电压过低5553TEC voltage low TEC半导体制冷器电压偏低检查单元线,控制板5561ELCA box fan voltage high ELCA box风扇电压高检查单元线,温度传感器,控制板5563ELCA box fan voltage low ELCA box风扇电压低检查单元线,温度传感器,控制板5570lamp rear fan - voltage too high 灯后置风扇电压过高5571lamp rear fan voltage high 灯后置风扇电压高更换风扇,马达控制板5572lamp rear fan voltage low 灯后置风扇电压低更换风扇,马达控制板5573lamp rear fan voltage too low 灯后置风扇电压过低更换风扇,马达控制板5581+12v voltage high +12v电压偏高更换风扇,马达控制板5583+12v voltage low +12v电压偏低查电源板,风扇,马达控制板5590 tec red front - voltage too high TEC红前- 电压过高5591tec red front - voltage high TEC红前- 电压偏高5592tec red front - voltage too low TEC红前- 电压过低5593tec red front - voltage low TEC红前- 低电压5600tec green front - voltage too high TEC绿色前线- 电压过高5601tec green front - voltage high TEC绿色前线- 电压偏高5602tec green front - voltage too low TEC绿色前线- 电压过低5603tec green front - voltage low TEC绿色前线- 电压偏低5610tec blue front - voltage too high TEC蓝色前- 电压过高5611tec blue front - voltage high TEC蓝色前- 电压偏高5612tec blue front - voltage too low TEC蓝色前-电压过低5613tec blue front - voltage low TEC蓝色前- 低电压5620electronics fan 1 (top side) - voltage too high 电子风扇1(顶面)- 电压过高5621electronics fan 1 (top side) - voltage high 电子风扇1(顶面)- 电压偏高5622electronics fan 1 (top side) - voltage too low 电子风扇1(顶面)- 电压过低5623electronics fan 1 (top side) - voltage low 电子风扇1(顶面)- 电压偏低5630electronics fan 2 (bottom side) - voltage too high 电子风扇2(底部)- 电压过高5631electronics fan 2 (bottom side) - voltage high 电子风扇2(底部)- 电压偏高5632electronics fan 2 (bottom side) - voltage too low 电子风扇2(底部)- 电压过低5633electronics fan 2 (bottom side) - voltage low 电子风扇2(底部)- 电压偏低5640lamp power supplies,zero lamp power supplies detected 检查电源接口,换LPS模块(疝灯电源无输出)5641lamp power supplies-- lamp is on but SMPS is off 换SMPS模块,LPS 模块(疝灯亮但开关电源关闭)5642lamp power supplies—at least one lamp power supply could not be detected (一个灯电源检测不到)检查灯电源连线接触或更换灯或灯电源5643lamp power supplies—communication failed with at least one lamp power supply (至少一个疝灯供电装置通讯失败) 重新连接两个接口,更换整个灯电源模块5644 lamp power supplies—lamp is on but at least one lamp power supply is off (疝灯点亮,但至少一个疝灯供电装置关闭)重新连接两个接口,更换整个灯电源模块5646lamp set on—failed 点灯失败检查灯状况,运行时间是否超时5647lamp—lamp is off due to an error 关灯保护检查灯状况,运行时间是否超时5654lamp run time—read failed 读取灯运行时间失败检查灯箱是否装好5657lamp run time—exceeds maximum灯超时换灯,复位灯运行时间5658lamp run time—read limits failed 读取灯运行极限时间失败检查灯箱是否装好5659lamp run time—warning 疝灯运行时间报警换灯5670dowser - set dowser open failed dowser -集dowser打开失败5800ti-boards - system status = fail 系统错-接触不良检查检查输入抽屉和引擎的接触5801ti-boards - security error, please authorize 安全问题--需安全认证进行安全认证5802ti-boards - power up self test = fail Ti板电源自检错临时处理措施可以放映,或换板5803ti-boards- powerup self test = fail ICP板问题5807ti-icp - read system status failed Ti-ICP读系统状态失败刷新软件并应用克隆,或更换ICP、HDSDI输入板,刷软件5811ti-boards - power-good = fail Ti板电源问题更换电源板5812ti-icp - read satellite info failed Ti-ICP读信息错更换HDSDI输入板5813ti-icp - satellite firmware mismatch Ti-ICP固件不匹配xxB系列ICP用到xxC上,刷新ICP软件,应用克隆5814ti-icp - self test = fail ICP 拔插ICP,升级软件并克隆5815 ti-icp - certificate error TI-ICP - 证书错误5816ti-icp - key error TI-ICP - 关键错误5817ti-icp - icp board not detected 没有检测到ICP板5830 TI Link decrypter - No communication TI连接解码-无通信,可以放映Enigma接触问题,软件升级ICP到v2.1以上.或开关顺序问题,与服务器连接冲突,在服务器关闭的情况下,重启机器。




2.上有数值分析资料传输功能(DATA LINK CONNECTOR简称DLC)。





(二)DLC诊断座统一标准:1.DLC诊断座为统一16PIN脚,并装置在驾驶室,驾驶侧仪表板下方2.DLC PIN脚说明:资料传输线有两个标准:标准PIN脚功用:-- OBD-II-DLC接头3.自1990年11月SAE定订J2054号通报-- 「诊断资料通讯标准」制定了14 个模式,简称为(DTM) -- DIAGNOSTIC TEST MODES.SAE-J2054号通报中制定的14个诊断通讯模式:4.在1991年12月SAE定订J1979号通报,并在1994年6月修定该通报为--「诊断测试模式标准」即为OBD系统(联邦)及OBD-II系统(加州)-- ON--BOARD DIAGNOSTIC,制定7个模式,简称为(OBD/OBD-II)SAE-J1979号通报中制定的7个诊断测试模式:MODE $01-◎目前引擎诊断数值需求◎类比输入/输出信号◎数值输入/输出信号◎系统状态资讯◎综合计算数据值MODE $02-◎目前引擎瞬间数值需求◎类比输入/输出信号◎数位输入/输出信号◎系统状态资讯◎综合计算数据值5.在1993年6月SAE定订J2190号通报 -- 「加强诊断测试标准」该通报依据J1979号通报(诊断测试模式标准)之增订文件,并适用于「诊断通讯方面」SAE -J1850或ISO 9141-2标准。





泵——速太高 泵——速高 泵——速太低 泵——速低 镜头缩放的位置到极限 焦距目标位置到极限 镜头转移目标的位置到极限 镜头垂直移动位置到极限 红DMD风扇-速度太高 红DMD风扇-速度高 红DMD风扇-速度太低 红DMD风扇-速度低 绿DMD风扇-速度太高 绿DMD风扇-速度高 绿DMD风扇-速度太低 绿DMD风扇-速度低 蓝DMD风扇-速度太高
错误 警告 错误 警告 警告 警告 警告 警告 错误 警告 错误 警告 错误 警告 错误 警告 错误
5271 5272 5273 5280 5281 5282 5283 5284 5285 5290 5291 5292 5293 5294 5295 5300 5301
换热器风扇-速度太低 换热器风扇-速度低了 灯阳极风扇-速度太高 灯阳极风扇-速度高 灯阳极风扇-速度太低 灯阳极风扇-速度低 灯阴极风扇-速度太高 灯阴极风扇-速度高 灯阴极风扇-速度太低 灯阴极风扇-速度低 风扇1(左侧)——速度太高 风扇1(左侧)——速度高 风扇1(左侧)——速度太低 风扇1(左侧)——速度低 风扇2(右侧)——速度太高 风扇2(右侧)——速度高 风扇2(右侧)——速度太低
dmd blue fan - speed high dmd blue fan - speed too low dmd blue fan - speed low ambient - temperature too high ambient - temperature high ambient - temperature too low ambient - temperature low ambient - temperature sensor open ambient - temperature sensor short dmd blue - temperature too high dmd blue - temperature high dmd blue - temperature too low dmd blue - temperature low dmd blue - temperature sensor open dmd blue - temperature sensor short dmd green - temperature too high dmd green - temperature high



(一)BOD-II 的特点:1. 统一车种诊断座形状为16PIN。

2. 上有数值分析资料传输功能(DATA LINK CONNECTO简R称DLC)。

3. 统一各车种相同故障代码及意义。

4. 具有行车记录器功能。

5. 具有重新显示记忆故障码功能。

6. 具有可由仪器直接清除故障码功能。

(二)DLC 诊断座统一标准:1. DLC诊断座为统一16PIN脚, 并装置在驾驶室,驾驶侧仪表板下方2. DLC PIN 脚说明: 资料传输线有两个标准:标准PIN脚功用:-- OBD-II-DLC 接头1# 提供制造厂应用9# 提供制造厂应用2# SAEJ 1850所制定的资料传输线10# SAE制造厂所制定的资料传输线3# 提供制造厂应用11# 提供制造厂应用4# 直接车身搭铁12# 提供制造厂应用5# 信号回路搭铁13# 提供制造厂应用6# 提供制造厂应用14# 提供制造厂应用7# ISO-9141-2 所制定的资料传输线K 15# ISO-9141-2 所制定的资料传输线L8# 提供制造厂应用16# 直接电瓶正电源3. 自1990年11月SAE定订J2054号通报-- 「诊断资料通讯标准」制定了14个模式,简称为(DTM)-- DIAGNOSTIC TEST MODES.SAE-J2054号通报中制定的14 个诊断通讯模式:1传输诊断资料8切断正常传输2记忆资料清除9连接正常传输3检测RAM资料10清除故障记忆4元件控制功能11暂停正常传输5RAM资料下载12依数值位置定义诊断6RAM资料修改13依记忆内码定义诊断4. 在1991年12月SAE定订J1979号通报,并在1994年6月修定该通报为-- 「诊断测试模式标准」即为OBD系统(联邦)及OBD-II 系统(加州)-- ON--BOARD DIAGNOSTIC制,定7 个模式, 简称为(OBD/OBD-II) SAE-J1979号通报中制定的7 个诊断测试模式:5. 在1993年6月SAE定订J2190号通报-- 「加强诊断测试标准」该通报依据J1979 号通报(诊断测试模式标准)之增订文件,并适用于「诊断通讯方面」SAE -J1850或ISO 9141-2标准。




(1)“激活LENS file”下方的文件名就是你现在调整通道的LENS文件,准确几下该文件名(分清大小写),该文件名在对镜头调试后会消失,镜头调试完后需要保存到该文件。

点击“lens setting”,顺序(1)(2),即可根据屏幕的大小对镜头进行调试,必要时借助右边的测试图形,调整位移、变焦、聚焦,完成后点击“关闭”。









BARCO DP2K系列故障代码译表本文将列举绝大部分会显示在巴可DP2K系列放映机触摸屏与日志中的故障错误代码并译文备查,同时将针对部分常见的对我放映工作有价值的故障提供解决方法。



故障代码列表如下,可用ctrl+f快捷键进行搜索:5003: “light sensor - no communication” (Error)“灯传感器 - 无通讯”5004: “lamp - no communication” (Error)5005: “lamp power supplies - communication failed” (Error)5010: “pump - refill mode is on” (Warning)5042: “cold mirror fan - speed too low” (Error)“反射镜风扇 - 转速过低”5043: “cold mirror fan - speed low” (Warning)“反射镜风扇 - 转速低”5052: “engine fan - speed too low” (Error)“引擎风扇 - 转速过低”5053: “engine fan - speed low” (Warning)“引擎风扇 - 转速低”5062: “heat exchanger fan - speed too low” (Error)“散热器风扇 - 转速过低”5063: “heat exchanger fan - speed low” (Warning)“散热器风扇 - 转速低”5072: “lamp anode fan - speed too low” (Error)“灯阳极风扇 - 转速过低”5073: “lamp anode fan - speed low” (Warning)“灯阳极风扇 - 转速低”5082: “lamp cathode fan - speed too low” (Error)“灯阴极风扇 - 转速过低”5083: “lamp cathode fan - speed low” (Warning)“灯阴极风扇 - 转速低”5102: “smps fan 1 - speed too low” (Error)“开关电源风扇1 - 转速过低”5103: “smps fan 1 - speed low” (Warning)“开关电源风扇1 - 转速低”5112: “smps fan 2 - speed too low” (Error)“开关电源风扇2 - 转速过低”5113: “smps fan 2 - speed low” (Warning)“开关电源风扇2 - 转速低”5122: “lamp rear fan - speed too low” (Error)“灯后部风扇 - 转速过低”5123: “lamp rear fan - speed low” (Warning)“灯后部风扇 - 转速低”5132: “elcabox fan - speed too low” (Error)“电控盒风扇 - 转速过低”5133: “elcabox fan - speed low” (Error)“电控盒风扇 - 转速低”5160: “engine switch - not ok” (Error)“引擎开关 - 不正常”5170: “fib - not connected” (Error)“解码板- 未连接”5180: “lamp house - not connected” (Error)5191: “prism switch - warning (lens probably touches prism)” (Warning)5212: “pump - speed too low” (Error)“冷却泵 - 转速过低”5213: “pump - speed low” (Warning)“冷却泵 - 转速低”5230: “lens zoom position - requested target not reached” (Warning)5232: “lens horizontal shift position - requested target not reached”(Warning)5233: “lens vertical shift position - requested target not reached”(Warning)“镜头垂直移动位置 - 没有达到预定位置”参见52325237: “lens position - clear requested target time out failed”(Warning)“镜头位置 - 接受明确指令超时”“ambient - temperature too high” (Error)5280:“环境 - 环境温度高”参见52805283: “ambient - temperature low” (Warning)“环境 - 温度低”5284: “ambient - temperature sensor open” (Error)“环境 - 环境温感器断路”5285: “ambient - temperature sensor short” (Error)“环境 - 环境温感器短路”5290: “dmd blue - temperature too high” (Error)“蓝DMD - 温度过高”5291: “dmd blue - temperature high” (Warning)“蓝DMD - 温度高”5293: “dmd blue - temperature low” (Warning)“蓝DMD - 温度低”5294: “dmd blue - temperature sensor open” (Error)“蓝DMD - 温感器断路”5295: “dmd blue - temperature sensor short” (Error)“蓝DMD - 温感器短路”5300: “dmd green - temperature too high” (Error)“绿DMD - 温度过高”5301: “dmd green - temperature high” (Warning)“绿DMD - 温度高”5303: “dmd green - temperature low” (Warning)“绿DMD - 温度低”5304: “dmd green - temperature sensor open” (Error)“绿DMD - 温感器断路”5305: “dmd green - temperature sensor short” (Error)“绿DMD - 温感器短路”5310: “lamp - temperature too high” (Error)“灯 - 温度过高”5311: “lamp - temperature high” (Warning)“灯 - 温度高”参见53105314: “lamp - temperature sensor open” (Error)“灯 - 温感器断路”5315: “lamp - temperature sensor short” (Error)“灯 - 温感器短路”5320: “fcb - force lps off” (Error)“风扇控制板 - 灯电源强制关闭”5330: “pfc heatsink - temperature too high” (Error)“散热器 - 温度过高”5331: “pfc heatsink - temperature high” (Warning)“散热器 - 温度高”5340: “dmd red - temperature too high” (Error)“红DMD - 温度过高”5341: “dmd red - temperature high” (Warning)“红DMD - 温度高”5343: “dmd red - temperature low” (Warning)“红DMD - 温度低”5344: “dmd red - temperature sensor open” (Error)“红DMD - 温感器断路”5345: “dmd red - temperature sensor short” (Error)“红DMD - 温感器短路”5350: “smps primary heatsink - temperature too high” (Error)“开关电源主散热器 - 温度过高”5351: “smps primary heatsink - temperature high” (Warning)“开关电源主散热器 - 温度高”5360: “smps secundary heatsink - temperature too high” (Error)“开关电源副散热器 - 温度过高”5361: “smps secundary heatsink - temperature high” (Warning)“开关电源副散热器 - 温度过高”5364: “smps secundary heatsink - temperature sensor open” (Error)“开关电源副散热器 - 温感器断路”5365: “smps secundary heatsink - temperature sensor short” (Error)“开关电源副散热器 - 温感器短路”5401: “+30v - voltage high” (Warning)“+30v - 电压高”5403: “+30v - voltage low” (Warning)“+30v - 电压低”5411: “++5v - voltage high” (Warning)“++5v - 电压高”5413: “++5v - voltage low” (Warning)“++5v - 电压低”“反射镜风扇 - 电压高”5432: “cold mirror fan - voltage too low” (Error)“反射镜风扇 - 电压过低”5433: “cold mirror fan - voltage low” (Warning)“反射镜风扇 - 电压低”5441: “engine fan - voltage high” (Warning)“引擎风扇 - 电压高”5442: “engine fan - voltage too low” (Error)“引擎风扇 - 电压过低”5443: “engine fan - voltage low” (Warning)“引擎风扇 - 电压低”5451: “heat exchanger fan - voltage high” (Warning)“换热器风扇 - 电压高”5452: “heat exchanger fan - voltage too low” (Error)“换热器风扇 - 电压过低”5453: “heat exchanger fan - voltage low” (Warning)“换热器风扇 - 电压低”5461: “lamp anode fan - voltage high” (Warning)“灯阳极风扇 - 电压高”5462: “lamp anode fan - voltage too low” (Error)“灯阳极风扇 - 电压过低”5463: “lamp anode fan - voltage low” (Warning)“灯阳极风扇 - 电压低”“灯阴极风扇 - 电压高”5472: “lamp cathode fan - voltage too low” (Error)“灯阴极风扇 - 电压过低”5473: “lamp cathode fan - voltage low” (Warning)“灯阴极风扇 - 电压低”5492: “smps fan - voltage too low” (Error)“风扇控制板风扇 - 电压过低”5493: “smps fan - voltage low” (Warning)“风扇控制板风扇 - 电压低”5501: “fib +12v - voltage high” (Warning)“解码板 +12v - 电压过高”5503: “fib +12v - voltage low” (Warning)“解码板 + 12v - 电压低”5521: “motor (lens, dowser) - voltage high” (Warning)“马达(镜头、光闸) - 电压高”5523: “motor (lens, dowser) - voltage low” (Warning)“马达(镜头、光闸) - 电压低”5531: “pump - voltage high” (Warning)“冷却泵 - 电压高”5532: “pump - voltage too low” (Error)“冷却泵 - 电压过低”5533: “pump - voltage low” (Warning)“冷却泵 - 电压低”5551: “tec - voltage high” (Warning)“珀耳贴致冷器 - 电压高”5553: “tec - voltage low” (Warning)“珀耳贴致冷器 - 电压低”5561: “elcabox fan - voltage high” (Warning)“电控盒风扇 - 电压高”5562: “elcabox fan - voltage too low” (Error)“电控盒风扇 - 电压过低”5563: “elcabox fan - voltage low” (Warning)“电控盒风扇 - 电压低”5571: “lamp rear fan - voltage high” (Warning)“灯后部风扇 - 电压高”5572: “lamp rear fan - voltage too low” (Error)“灯后部风扇 - 电压过低”5581: “+12v - voltage high” (Warning)“+12v - 电压高”5583: “+12v - voltage low” (Warning)“+12v - 电压低”5640: “lamp power supplies - zero lamp power supplies detected” (Error)5642: “lamp power supplies - at least one lamp power supply could not be detected” (Error)参见56405643: “lamp power supplies - communication failed with at least one lamp power supply”(Error)参见56405644: “lamp power supplies - lamp is on, but at least one lamp power supply is off” (Error)参见56405646: “lamp - set lamp on failed” (Error)5647: “lamp - lamp is off due to an error” (Error)“灯 - 由于一个错误氙灯已熄灭”110.Code 5654: “lamp run time - read failed” (Error)“灯运行时间 - 读取失败”111.Code 5657: “lamp run time - exceeds maximum” (Error)5658: “lamp run time - read limits failed” (Error)“灯运行时间 - 限制读取失败”113.Code 5659: “lamp run time - warning” (Warning)114.Code 5800: “ti-boards - system status = fail” (Error)“TI板 - 系统状态=失败”这是一个通用TI错误代码,需要进入触摸屏的“诊断-测试-自检”中勾选所有选项并进行检测,并将检测结果提供给服务商用以查找具体故障所在。



BARCO DP2K 系列故障代码译表本文将列举绝大部分会显示在巴可DP2K系列放映机触摸屏与日志中的故障错误代码并译文备查,同时将针对部分常见的对我放映工作有价值的故障提供解决方法。

需要注意的是,某些代码会同时表示错误和警告,某些表示错误(error),某些是警告(waring )。


故障代码列表如下,可用ctrl+f快捷键进行搜索:1. Code 5003: “ light sen sor - no com muni cati on ” (Error)“灯传感器-无通讯”2. Code 5004: “ lamp - no com muni cati on ” (Error)“灯-无通讯”“ ”4.Code 5010: “ pump - refill mode is on“开关电源风扇1-转速过低”5.Code 5042:“cold mirror fan - speed too low“冷却泵-补充模式已开启”” (Error)” (Warni ng)“反射镜风扇 -转速过低”6.Code 5043: “cold mirror fan - speed low (Warni ng)“反射镜风扇 -转速低”7.Code 5052:“engine fan - speed too low(Error)“引擎风扇转速过低”8.Code 5053:“engine fan - speed low(Warni ng)“引擎风扇转速低”9.Code 5062: “heat excha nger fan - speed too low ” (Error)“散热器风扇 -转速过低”10.Code 5063: “ heat excha nger fan - speed low (Warni ng)“散热器风扇 -转速低”II.Code 5072: “lamp anode fan - speed too low (Error)“灯阳极风扇 -转速过低”12.Code 5073: “lamp anode fan - speed low (Warni ng)“灯阳极风扇 -转速低”13.Code 5082: “lamp cathode fan - speed too low ” (Error)“灯阴极风扇 -转速过低”14.Code 5083: “lamp cathode fan - speed low ” (Warni ng)“灯阴极风扇 -转速低”15.Code 5102: “smps fan 1 - speed too low (Error)16.Code 5103: “ smps fan 1 - speed low ” (Warning) “开关电源风扇 1 -转速低”17.Code 5112: “ smps fan 2 - speed too low ” (Error) “开关电源风扇 2 -转速过低”18.Code 5113: “ smps fan 2 - speed low ” (Warning) “开关电源风扇 2 -转速低”19.Code 5122: “lamp rear fan - speed too low ” (Error) “灯后部风扇- 转速过低”20.Code 5123: “lamp rear fan - speed low ” (Warning) “灯后部风扇- 转速低”21.Code 5132: “ elcabox fan - speed too low ” (Error) “电控盒风扇- 转速过低”22.Code 5133: “ elcabox fan - speed low ” (Error)“电控盒风扇- 转速低”23.Code 5160: “ engine switch - not ok ” (Error)引擎开关-不正常”24.Code 5170: “ fib - not conn ected ” (Error)“解码板-未连接”25.Code 5180: “lamp house - not conn ected ” (Error)26.Code 5191:“ prism switch - prism) ” (Warning)-warning (lens probably touches“棱镜开关警告(镜头可能已触动棱镜)27.Code 5212: “ pump - speed too low ” (Error)“冷却泵-转速过低”28.Code 5213:“pump - speed low“冷却泵-转速低”” (Warning)29.Code 5230: “ le ns zoom position -(Warning)-requested target not reached”“镜头变焦位置没有达到预定位置”30.Code 5232: “ le ns horiz on tal shift positi on - requestedtarget notreached ” (Warning)31. Code 5233: “ lens vertical shift position - requested target not reached ” (Warning)“镜头垂直移动位置-没有达到预定位置”参见523232. Code 5237: “ lens positi on - clear requested target time out failed (Warning)“镜头位置-接受明确指令超时”33. Code 5280: “ ambie nt - temperature too high ” (Error)34. Code 5281: “ ambie nt - temperature high ” (Warni ng)“环境-环境温度高”参见528035. Code 5283: “ ambie nt - temperature low ” (Warning)“环境-温度低”36. Code 5284: “ ambie nt - temperature sen sor ope n ” (Error)“环境-环境温感器断路”37. Code 5285: “ ambie nt - temperature sen sor short ” (Error)“环境-环境温感器短路”38. Code 5290: “ dmd blue - temperature too high ” (Error)“蓝DMD -温度过高”39. Code 5291: “ dmd blue - temperature high ” (Warni ng)“蓝DMD -温度高”40. Code 5293: “ dmd blue - temperature low ” (Warni ng)“蓝DMD -温度低”41. Code 5294: “ dmd blue - temperature sen sor ope n ” (Error) “蓝DMD -温感器断路”42. Code 5295: “ dmd blue - temperature sen sor short ” (Error) “蓝DMD -温感器短路”43. Code 5300: “ dmd gree n - temperature too high ” (Error)“绿DMD -温度过高”44. Code 5301: “ dmd gree n - temperature high ” (Warning)“绿DMD -温度高”45. Code 5303: “ dmd gree n - temperature low ” (Warning)“绿DMD -温度低”46. Code 5304: “ dmd gree n - temperature sen sor ope n ” (Error) “绿DMD -温感器断路”47. Code 5305: “ dmd gree n - temperature sen sor short ” (Error) “绿DMD -温感器短路”48. Code 5310: “lamp - temperature too high ” (Error)“灯温度过高”49. Code 5311: “lamp - temperature high ” (Warni ng)“灯-温度高”参见531050. Code 5314: “ lamp - temperature sensor open ” (Error)“灯- 温感器断路”51. Code 5315: “ lamp - temperature sensor short ” (Error)“灯- 温感器短路”52. Code 5320: “ fcb - force lps off ” (Error) “风扇控制板- 灯电源强制关闭”53. Code 5330: “ pfc heatsink - temperature too high ” (Error)“散热器- 温度过高”54. Code 5331: “ pfc heatsink - temperature high ” (Warning)“散热器- 温度高”55. Code 5340: “ dmd red - temperature too high ” (Error)“红DMD - 温度过高”56. Code 5341: “ dmd red - temperature high ” (Warning) “红DMD - 温度高”57. Code 5343: “ dmd red - temperature low ” (Warning) “红DMD - 温度低”58. Code 5344: “ dmd red - temperature sensor open ” (Error) “红DMD - 温感器断路”59. Code 5345: “ dmd red - temperature sensor short ” (Error) “红DMD - 温感器短路”60. Code 5350: “smps primary heatsink - temperature too high (Error)“开关电源主散热器- 温度过高”61. Code 5351: “ smps primary heatsink - temperature high (Warning)“开关电源主散热器- 温度高”62. Code 5360: “smps secundary heatsink - temperature too high (Error)开关电源副散热器 - 温度过高”66.Code 5401: “ +30v - voltage high ”(Warning)“ +30v - 电压高”67.Code 5403: “ +30v - voltage low ”(Warning)“+30v - 电压低”68.Code 5411: “ ++5v - voltage high ”(Warning)“ ++5v - 电压高”69.Code 5413: “ ++5v - voltage low ”(Warning)“ ++5v - 电压低”70.Code 5431: “ cold mirror fan - voltage high” (Warning)“反射镜风扇 -电压高”71.Code 5432: “ cold mirror fan - voltage too low” (Error)“反射镜风扇 -电压过低”72.Code 5433: “ cold mirror fan - voltage low” (Warning)“反射镜风扇 -电压低”73.Code 5441:“ engine fan - voltage high”(Warning)63.Code 5361: “ smps secundary heatsink (Warning)“开关电源副散热器 - 温度过高”64.Code 5364: “ smps secundary heatsink open ” (Error)“开关电源副散热器 - 温感器断路”65.Code 5365: “ smps secundary heatsink short ” (Error)“开关电源副散热器 - 温感器短路”temperature hightemperature sensortemperature sensor“引擎风扇- 电压高”74.Code 5442: “ engine fan - voltage too low(Error)“引擎风扇- 电压过低”75.Code 5443: “ engine fan - voltage low ” (Warning)引擎风扇- 电压低”76.Code 5451: “ heat exchanger fan - voltage high ” (Warning)“换热器风扇- 电压高”77.Code 5452: “ heat exchanger fan - voltage too low ” (Error)“换热器风扇- 电压过低”78.Code 5453: “ heat exchanger fan - voltage low ” (Warning)“换热器风扇- 电压低”79.Code 5461: “ lamp anode fan - voltage high ” (Warning)“灯阳极风扇- 电压高”80.Code 5462: “ lamp anode fan - voltage too low ” (Error)“灯阳极风扇- 电压过低”81.Code 5463: “ lamp anode fan - voltage low ” (Warning)“灯阳极风扇- 电压低”82.Code 5471: “ lamp cathode fan - voltage high ” (Warning)“灯阴极风扇- 电压高”83.Code 5472: “ lamp cathode fan - voltage too low ” (Error)“灯阴极风扇- 电压过低”84.Code 5473: “ lamp cathode fan - voltage low ” (Warning)“灯阴极风扇- 电压低”85.Code 5492: “ smps fan - voltage too low ”(Error)风扇控制板风扇- 电压过低”86.Code 5493: “ smps fan - voltage low ” (Warning)“风扇控制板风扇- 电压低”87.Code 5501: “ fib +12v - voltage high ” (Warning)“解码板+12v - 电压过高”88.Code 5503: “ fib +12v - voltage low ” (Warning)“解码板+ 12v - 电压低”89. Code 5521: “ motor (lens, dowser) - voltage high ” (Warning)“马达(镜头、光闸) - 电压高”90. Code 5523: “ motor (lens, dowser) - voltage low ” (Warning)“马达(镜头、光闸) - 电压低”91. Code 5531: “ pump - voltage high ” (Warning)“冷却泵- 电压高”92. Code 5532: “ pump - voltage too low ” (Error)“冷却泵- 电压过低”93. Code 5533: “ pump - voltage low ” (Warning)“冷却泵- 电压低”94. Code 5551: “ tec - voltage high ” (Warning)“珀耳贴致冷器- 电压高”95.Code 5553: “ tec - voltage low ” (Warning)“珀耳贴致冷器- 电压低”96.Code 5561: “ elcabox fan - voltage high ”(Warning)“电控盒风扇- 电压高”97.Code 5562: “ elcabox fan - voltage too low ” (Error)“电控盒风扇- 电压过低”98.Code 5563: “ elcabox fan - voltage low ”(Warning)“电控盒风扇- 电压低”99.Code 5571: “ lamp rear fan - voltage high ” (Warning)“灯后部风扇-电压高”lOO.Code 5572: “ lamp rear fan - voltage too low “灯后部风扇-电压过低”“+12v -电压高”“ +12v -电压低”103.Code 5640: “ lamp power supplies detected ” (Error)“灯电源没有探测到灯电源”104.Code 5641: “ lamp power supplies - lamp is on, but smps is off105. Code 5642: “ lamp power supplies - at least one lamp powersupply could not be detected ” (Error)参见5640(Error)101.Code 5581:“+12v - voltage high (Warni ng)102.Code 5583:“+12v - voltage low (Warni ng)-zero lamp power supplies106. Code 5643: “ lamp power supplies - com muni cati on failed with atleast one lamp power supply ” (Error)参见5640107. Code 5644: “ lamp power supplies - lamp is on, but at least onelamp power supply is off ” (Error)参见5640108. Code 5646: “ lamp - set lamp on failed ” (Error)109. Code 5647: “ lamp - lamp is off due to an error ” (Error)“灯由于一个错误氙灯已熄灭”110. Code 5654: “lamp run time - read failed ” (Error)“灯运行时间-读取失败”111. Code 5657: “lamp run time - exceeds maximum ” (Error)112. Code 5658: “ lamp run time - read limits failed ” (Error)“灯运行时间-限制读取失败”“”“ ”“ TI板-系统状态=失败”这是一个通用TI错误代码,需要进入触摸屏的“诊断-测试-自检”中勾选所有选项并进行检测,并将检测结果提供给服务商用以查找具体故障所在。




2.上有数值分析资料传输功能(DATA LINK CONNECTOR简称DLC)。





(二)DLC诊断座统一标准:1.DLC诊断座为统一16PIN脚,并装置在驾驶室,驾驶侧仪表板下方2.DLC PIN脚说明:资料传输线有两个标准:■ISO=欧洲统一标准.(INTERNATION STANDARDS利用7#,15#脚 ORGANIZA TION 1941-2)■SAE=美国统一标准.(SAE-JI850)利用2#,10#脚标准PIN脚功用:-- OBD-II-DLC接头1# 提供制造厂应用9# 提供制造厂应用2# SAEJ 1850所制定的资料传输线10# SAE制造厂所制定的资料传输线3# 提供制造厂应用11# 提供制造厂应用4# 直接车身搭铁12# 提供制造厂应用5# 信号回路搭铁13# 提供制造厂应用6# 提供制造厂应用14# 提供制造厂应用7# ISO-9141-2所制定的资料传输线K 15# ISO-9141-2所制定的资料传输线L 8# 提供制造厂应用16# 直接电瓶正电源3.自1990年11月SAE定订J2054号通报-- 「诊断资料通讯标准」制定了14DTM〕 -- DIAGNOSTIC TEST MODES.SAE-J2054号通报中制定的14个诊断通讯模式:模式功能模式功能word0 回到正常模式7 数值指令显示1 传输诊断资料8 切断正常传输2 记忆资料去除9 连接正常传输3 检测RAM资料10 去除故障记忆4 元件控制功能11 暂停正常传输5 RAM资料下载12 依数值位置定义诊断6 RAM资料修改13 依记忆内码定义诊断4.在1991年12月SAE定订J1979号通报,并在1994年6月修定该通报为--「诊断测试模式标准」即为OBD系统(联邦)与OBD-II系统(加州)-- ON--BOARD DIAGNOSTIC,制定7个模式,简称为(OBD/OBD-II)SAE-J1979号通报中制定的7个诊断测试模式:MODE $01-◎目前引擎诊断数值需求◎类比输入/输出信号◎数值输入/输出信号◎系统状态资讯◎综合计算数据值MODE $03 废气相关的引擎诊断[模式3] 故障码MODE $04 废气相关的诊断系统[模式4] 去除与归零CODE $05 含氧传感器监控测试[模式5] 结果MODE $02-◎目前引擎瞬间数值需求◎类比输入/输出信号◎数位输入/输出信号◎系统状态资讯◎综合计算数据值MODE $06 电脑监控非连续性[模式6] 测试结果MODE #07 电脑监控连续性测试[模式7] 结果5.在1993年6月SAE定订J2190号通报 -- 「加强诊断测试标准」该通报依据J1979号通报〔诊断测试模式标准〕之增订文件,并适用于「诊断通讯方面」SAE -J1850或ISO 9141-2标准。



巴可dp2000放映机报警报错信息处理巴可DP2000放映机报警报错信息处理5004 lamp---no communication 与灯箱无通信检查灯箱是否装好 5005 lamp power supplies, communication failed 与灯电源无通信检查灯电源是否装好5010 pump –refill mode is on 加液模式打开退出加液模式 5011 system running in restricted access mode 系统在警告模式下运行检查输入抽屉与引擎的接触 5042 cold mirror fan—speed too low 冷却镜风扇转速低检查冷却镜风扇是否接好 5043 cold mirror fan—speed low 冷却镜风扇转速低同上 5052 engine fan –speed too low 引擎风扇转速低检查引擎风扇是否接好 5062 heat exchange fan—speed too low热交换器风扇转速低检查热交换器上方风扇 5063 heat exchange fan—speed low 热交换器风扇转速低同上 5072 lamp anodefan –speed too low 灯阳极风扇转速低检查灯阳极风扇是否接好 5073 lamp anode fan –speed low 灯阳极风扇转速低检查灯阳极风扇是否接好 5082 lamp cathode fan—speed too low 灯阴极风扇转速低检查灯阴极风扇是否接好 5083 lamp cathode fan—speed low 灯阴极风扇转速低检查灯阴极风扇是否接好 5102 SMPS fan 1—speed too low 开关电源风扇1转速低检查两个开关电源风扇 5103 SMPS fan 1—speed low 开关电源风扇1转速低检查两个开关电源风扇 5112 SMPS fan 2—speed too low 开关电源风扇2转速低检查两个开关电源风扇 5113 SMPS fan 2—speed low 开关电源风扇2转速低检查两个开关电源风扇 5122 lamp rear fan—speed too low 灯后置风扇转速低检查灯后置风扇是否接好5123 lamp rear fan—speed low 灯后置风扇转速低检查灯后置风扇是否接好5132 elca box fan—speed too low 输入-通讯单元风扇转速低检查风扇与导线的连接情况 5133 elca box fan—speed low 输入-通讯单元风扇转速低检查风扇与导线的连接情况 5160 engine switch—not OK 引擎安装错误检查引擎固定螺丝 5170 FIB—not connected FIB未连接好检查FIB确保两个螺丝拧紧 5180 lamp house—not connected 灯箱未连接好检查灯箱上的3个固定螺丝 5191 prism switch—warning , lens probably touches prism镜头位移过量调节镜头 5212 pump—speed too low 泵速度过低检查泵线缆接头,电源板 5213 pump—speed low 泵速度偏低检查泵线缆接头,电源板 5230 lens zoom position—requested target not reached 调整或更换镜头镜头变焦无法达到指定位置5231 lens focus position-- requested target not reached 调整或更换镜头镜头聚焦无法达到指定位置5232 lens horizontal shift position-- requested target not reached检查变焦马达,镜头位置镜头水平位移未达到指定位置5233 lens vertical shift position-- requested target not reached 检查变焦马达,镜头位置镜头垂直位移未达到指定位置5237 lens position—clear requested target time out failed 镜头聚焦未达到指定位置同5231 5280 ambient—temperature too high 环境温度过高请改变环境温度 5281 ambient—temperature high 环境温度高请改变环境温度5283 ambient—temperature low 环境温度低请改变环境温度 5284 ambient—temperature sensor open 环境温度传感器开路检查传感器和导线或更换 5285ambient—temperature sensor short 环境温度传感器短路检查传感器和导线或更换5290 DMD blue temperature too high 蓝色通道DMD温度过高检查热交换器的过滤器 5291 DMD blue temperature high 蓝色通道DMD温度偏高检查热交换器的过滤器 5293 DMD blue temperature low 蓝色通道DMD温度偏低光处理器单元没有启动 5294 DMD blue temperature sensor open 蓝色通道DMD温度传感器开路修复导线或更换光处理器单元 5295 DMD blue temperature sensor short 蓝色通道DMD温度传感器短路修复导线或更换光处理器单元 5300 DMD green temperature too high 绿色通道DMD温度过高更换过滤器 5301 DMD green temperature high 绿色通道DMD温度偏高更换过滤器 5303 DMD green temperature low 绿色通道DMD温度偏低光处理器单元没有启动 5304 DMD green temperature sensor open 绿色通道DMD温度传感器开路检查传感器和导线 5305 DMD green temperature sensor short 绿色通道DMD 温度传感器短路检查传感器和导线 5310 lamp temperature too high 疝灯温度过高检查过滤网和抽风 5311 lamp temperature high 疝灯温度偏高检查过滤网和抽风 5314 lamp—temperature sensor open 疝灯温度传感器开路检查传感器和导线 5315 lamp—temperature sensor short 疝灯温度传感器短路检查传感器和导线 5320 FCB—force LPS off 控制板强行关闭疝灯电源在日志中查找错误信息排除 5330 PFC heat-sink—temperature too high 散热器温度过高检查进气口过滤网 5331 PFC heat-sink—temperature high 散热器温度偏高检查进气口过滤网 5340 DMD red temperature too high 红色通道DMD温度过高检查滤网,液冷循环 5341 DMD red temperature high 红色通道DMD温度偏高检查滤网,液冷循环 5343 DMD red temperature low 红色通道DMD温度偏低光处理器单元没有启动 5344 DMD red temperature sensor open红色通道DMD温度传感器开路检查传感器和导线 5345 DMD red temperature sensor short红色通道DMD温度传感器短路检查传感器和导线 5350 SMPS primary heat-sink temperature too high 开关电源主散热器温度过高检查滤网和开关电源 5351 SMPS primary heat-sink temperature high 开关电源主散热器温度偏高检查滤网和开关电源 5360 SMPS secondary heat-sink temperature too high 检查滤网和开关电源(开关电源次散热器温度过高)5361 SMPS secondary heat-sink temperature high 检查滤网和开关电源(开关电源次散热器温度偏高)5364 SMPS secondary heat-sink temperature sensor open 更换SMPS模块(开关电源次散热器温度传感器开路)5365 SMPS secondary heat-sink temperature sensor short 更换SMPS模块(开关电源次散热器温度传感器短路)5401 +30v—voltage high +30v电压偏高更换风扇,马达控制板 5403+30v—voltage low +30v电压偏低检查开关电源和控制板 5411 ++5v—voltage high ++5v电压偏高更换风扇,马达控制板 5413 ++5v—voltage low ++5v电压偏低更换风扇,马达控制板 5431 cold mirror fan—voltage high 冷镜风扇电压偏高更换风扇,马达控制板 5432 cold mirror fan—voltage too low 冷镜风扇电压过低更换风扇,马达控制板 5433 cold mirror fan—voltage low 冷镜风扇电压偏低更换风扇,马达控制板 5441 engine fan voltage high 引擎风扇电压偏高更换风扇,马达控制板5442 engine fan voltage too low 引擎风扇电压过低更换风扇,马达控制板 5443 engine fan voltage low 引擎风扇电压偏低更换风扇,马达控制板5451 heat exchange fan voltage high 热交换器风扇电压偏高更换风扇,马达控制板 5452 heat exchange fan voltage too low 热交换器风扇电压过低更换风扇,马达控制板 5453 heat exchange fan voltage low 热交换器风扇电压偏低更换风扇,马达控制板 5461 lamp anode fan voltage high 疝灯阳极风扇电压偏高更换风扇,马达控制板 5462 lamp anode fan voltage too low 疝灯阳极风扇电压过低更换风扇,马达控制板 5463 lamp cathode fan voltage low 疝灯阴极风扇电压低检查阴极风扇或控制板 5471 lamp cathode fan voltage high 疝灯阴极风扇电压偏高更换风扇,马达控制板 5472 lamp cathode fan voltage too high 疝灯阴极风扇电压过高更换风扇,马达控制板 5492 SMPS fan voltage too low 开关电源风扇电压过低更换风扇,马达控制板 5493 SMPS fan voltage low 开关电源风扇电压偏低更换风扇,马达控制板 5501 FIB +12v voltage high+12v 电压偏高检查供电板和开关电源 5502 FIB +12v voltage low +12v 电压偏低检查供电板和开关电源 5521 motor ,lens ,dowser voltage high 马达镜头光闸电压高更换风扇,马达控制板 5523 motor ,lens ,dowser voltage low 马达镜头光闸电压低更换风扇,马达控制板 5531 pump—voltage high 泵电压偏高更换风扇,马达控制板 5532 pump—voltage too low 泵电压过低更换风扇,马达控制板 5533 pump—voltage low 泵电压低更换风扇,马达控制板 5551 TEC voltage high TEC半导体制冷器电压高检查单元线,控制板 5553 TEC voltage low TEC半导体制冷器电压低检查单元线,控制板 5561 ELCA box fan voltage high ELCA box风扇电压高/检查单元线,温度传感器,控制板 5563 ELCA boxfan voltage low ELCA box风扇电压低/检查单元线,温度传感器,控制板 5571 lamp rear fan voltage high 灯后置风扇电压高更换风扇,马达控制板 5572lamp rear fan voltage low 灯后置风扇电压低更换风扇,马达控制板 5573 lamp rear fan voltage too low 灯后置风扇电压过低更换风扇,马达控制板5581 +12v voltage high +12v电压偏高更换风扇,马达控制板 5583 +12v voltage low +12v电压偏低查电源板,风扇,马达控制板 5640 lamp power supplies,zero lamp power supplies detected 查电源接口,换LPS模块(疝灯电源无输出)5641 lamp power supplies-- lamp is on but SMPS is off 换SMPS模块,LPS 模块(疝灯亮但开关电源关闭)5642 lamp power supplies—at least one lamp power supply could not be detected 换灯电源(一个灯电源检测不到)5643 lamp power supplies—communication failed with at least one lamp power supply(至少一个疝灯供电装置通讯失败) 重新连接两个接口,更换整个灯电源模块5644 lamp power supplies—lamp is on but at least one lamp power supply is off(疝灯点亮,但至少一个疝灯供电装置关闭) 重新连接两个接口,更换整个灯电源模块 5646 lamp set on—failed 点灯失败检查灯状况,运行时间是否超时5647 lamp—lamp is off due to an error 关灯保护检查灯状况,运行时间是否超时 5654 lamp run time—read failed 读取灯运行时间失败检查灯箱是否装好5657 lamp run time—exceeds maximum 灯超时换灯,复位灯运行时间 5658 lamp run time—read limits failed 读取灯运行极限时间失败检查灯箱是否装好 5659 lamp run time—warning 疝灯运行时间报警换灯。



OBD2故障码库(全)P0001燃料音量调节器控制电路/开放P0002燃料音量调节器控制电路范围/性能P0003燃料音量调节器控制电路低P0004燃料音量调节器控制电路高P0005燃油截止阀的“A”控制电路/打开P0006燃油截止阀的“A”控制电路低P0007燃油截止阀的“A”控制电路高P0008定位系统性能的发动机P0009定位系统性能的发动机P0010的“A”凸轮轴位置执行器电路P0011的“A”凸轮轴位置-时间过高级或系统性能P0012的“A”凸轮轴位置-定时过度迟钝P0013的“B”凸轮轴位置-驱动器电路P0014的“B”凸轮轴位置-时间过高级或系统性能P0015的“B”凸轮轴位置-定时过度迟钝P0016曲轴位置-凸轮轴位置关系P0017曲轴位置-凸轮轴位置关系P0018曲轴位置-凸轮轴位置关系P0019曲轴位置- CamshafP0020的“A”凸轮轴位置执行器电路P0021的“A”凸轮轴位置-时间过高级或系统性能P0022的“A”凸轮轴位置-定时过度迟钝P0023的“B”凸轮轴位置-驱动器电路P0024的“B”凸轮轴位置-时间过高级或系统性能P0025的“B”凸轮轴位置-定时过度迟钝P0026进气门控制电磁阀电路范围/性能P0027排气电磁阀控制电路范围/性能P0028进气门控制电磁阀电路范围/性能P0029排气电磁阀控制电路范围/性能P0030 HO2S加热器控制电路P0031 HO2S加热器控制电路低P0032 HO2S加热器控制电路高P0033涡轮增压器旁通阀控制电路P0034涡轮增压器旁通阀控制电路低P0035涡轮增压器旁通阀控制电路高P0036 HO2S加热器控制电路P0037 HO2S加热器控制电路低P0038 HO2S加热器控制电路高P0039涡轮/超级充电器旁路阀控制电路范围/性能P0040氧传感器信号交换银行1传感器1 / 1银2传感器P0041氧传感器信号交换银行1传感器2 / 2银2传感器P0042 HO2S加热器控制电路P0043 HO2S加热器控制电路低P0044 HO2S加热器控制电路高P0045涡轮/超级充电器升压控制电磁阀电路/开放P0046涡轮/超级充电器升压控制电磁阀电路范围/性能P0047涡轮/超级充电器升压控制电磁阀电路低P0048涡轮/超级充电器升压控制电磁阀电路高P0049涡轮/超级充电器汽轮机超速P0050 HO2S加热器控制电路P0051 HO2S加热器控制电路低P0052 HO2S加热器控制电路高P0053 HO2S加热电阻P0054 HO2S加热电阻P0055 HO2S加热电阻P0056 HO2S加热器控制电路P0057 HO2S加热器控制电路低P0058 HO2S加热器控制电路高P0059 HO2S加热电阻P0060 HO2S加热电阻P0061 HO2S加热电阻P0062 HO2S加热器控制电路P0063 HO2S加热器控制电路低P0064 HO2S加热器控制电路高P0065空气辅助喷射控制范围/性能P0066空气辅助机控制电路或电路低P0067空气辅助喷射控制电路高P0068地图/农林部-节气门位置的相关性P0069管绝对压力-大气压的关系P0070环境空气温度传感器电路P0071环境空气温度传感器范围/性能P0072环境空气温度传感器电路低P0073环境空气温度传感器电路高P0074环境空气温度传感器电路间歇P0075进气门控制电磁阀电路P0076进气门控制电磁阀电路低P0077进气门控制电磁阀电路高P0078排气电磁阀控制电路P0079排气门控制电磁阀电路低P0080排气门控制电磁阀电路高P0081进气门控制电磁阀电路P0082进气门控制电磁阀电路低P0083进气门控制电磁阀电路高P0084排气电磁阀控制电P0085排气门控制电磁阀电路低P0086排气门控制电磁阀电路高P0087燃料铁/系统压力-太低P0088燃料铁/系统压力-过高P0089燃油压力调节器1性能P0090燃油压力调节器控制电路1P0091燃油压力调节器控制电路的低1P0092燃油压力调节器控制电路偏高1P0093燃油系统泄漏检测-大量泄漏P0094燃油系统泄漏检测-小量泄漏P0095进气温度传感器2电路P0096进气温度传感器2电路范围/性能P0097进气温度传感器2电路低P0098进气温度传感器2电路高P0099进气温度传感器2电路间歇/不稳定P0100质量或体积空气流量电路P0101质量或体积空气流量电路范围/性能P0102质量或体积空气流量电路低输入P0103质量或体积空气流量电路高输入P0104质量或体积空气流量电路间歇P0105管绝对压力/气压电路P0106管绝对压力/气压电路范围/性能P0107管绝对压力/气压低输入电路P0108管绝对压力/气压电路高输入P0109管绝对压力/气压电路间歇P0110进气温度传感器1电路P0111进气温度传感器1电路范围/性能P0112进气温度传感器电路低1P0113进气温度传感器1电路偏高P0114进气温度传感器1电路间歇P0115发动机冷却液温度电路P0116发动机冷却液温度电路范围/性能P0117发动机冷却液温度低电路P0118电路发动机冷却液温度高P0119发动机冷却液温度电路间歇P0120节气门/踏板位置传感器/开关“A”的电路P0121节气门/踏板位置传感器/开关“A”的电路范围/性能P0122节气门/踏板位置传感器/开关“A”的电路低P0123节气门/踏板位置传感器/开关“A”的电路高P0124节气门/踏板位置传感器/开关“A”的电路间歇P0125没有足够的冷却液温度控制闭环燃料P0126没有足够的冷却液温度为稳定运行P0127进气温度过高P0128冷却温控器(冷却液温度低于温控器调节温度)P0129气压太低P0130氧传感器电路P0131氧传感器电路低电压P0133氧传感器电路响应慢P0134氧传感器检测电路无活动P0135氧传感器加热器电路P0136氧传感器电路P0137氧传感器电路低电压P0138氧传感器电路高电压P0139氧传感器电路响应慢P0140氧传感器检测电路无活动P0141氧传感器加热器电路P0142氧传感器电路P0143氧传感器电路低电压P0144氧传感器电路高电压P0145氧传感器电路响应慢P0146氧传感器检测电路无活动P0147氧传感器加热器电路P0148燃料交付错误P0149燃料定时错误P0150氧传感器电路P0151氧传感器电路低电压P0152氧传感器电路高电压P0153氧传感器电路响应慢P0154氧传感器检测电路无活动P0155氧传感器加热器电路P0156氧传感器电路P0157氧传感器电路低电压P0158氧传感器电路高电压P0159氧传感器电路响应慢P0160氧传感器检测电路无活动P0161氧传感器加热器电路P0162氧传感器电路P0163氧传感器电路低电压P0164氧传感器电路高电压P0165氧传感器电路响应慢P0166氧传感器检测电路无活动P0167氧传感器加热器电路P0168燃料温度过高P0169不正确的燃料成分P0170燃料修剪P0171系统太精益P0172系统太丰富P0173燃料修剪P0174系统太精益P0175系统太丰富P0177燃料成分传感器电路范围/性能P0178燃料成分传感器电路低P0179燃料成分传感器电路高P0180燃料温度传感器的电路P0181燃料温度传感器的电路范围/性能P0182燃料温度传感器的电路低P0183燃料温度传感器的电路高P0184燃料温度传感器的电路间歇P0185燃料温度传感器乙电路P0186燃料温度传感器乙电路范围/性能P0187燃料温度传感器乙电路低P0188燃料温度传感器电路高乙P0189燃料温度传感器乙电路间歇P0190燃油轨压力传感器电路P0191燃油轨压力传感器电路范围/性能P0192燃油轨压力传感器电路低P0193燃油轨压力传感器电路高P0194燃油轨压力传感器电路间歇P0195发动机机油温度传感器P0196发动机机油温度传感器范围/性能P0197发动机机油温度传感器低P0198发动机机油温度传感器高P0199发动机机油温度传感器的间歇P0200喷油器电路/开放P0201喷油器电路/公开赛-气缸1P0202喷油器电路/公开赛-气缸2P0203喷油器电路/公开赛-气缸3P0204喷油器电路/公开赛-气缸4P0205喷油器电路/公开赛-气缸5P0206喷油器电路/公开赛-气缸6P0207喷油器电路/公开赛-气缸7P0208喷油器电路/公开赛-气缸8P0209喷油器电路/公开赛-气缸9P0210喷油器电路/公开赛-气缸10P0211喷油器电路/公开赛-气缸11P0212喷油器电路/公开赛-气缸12P0213冷启动喷油器1P0214冷启动喷油器2P0215电磁发动机堵水P0216器/喷射定时控制电路P0217过发动机冷却液温度条件P0218传动液过温度条件P0219发动机超速条件P0220节气门/踏板位置传感器/开关“B”的电路P0221节气门/踏板位置传感器/开关“B”的电路范围/性能P0222节气门/踏板位置传感器/开关“B”的电路低P0223节气门/踏板位置传感器/开关“B”的电路高P0224节气门/踏板位置传感器/开关“B”的电路间歇P0225节气门/踏板位置传感器/开关的“C”电路P0226节气门/踏板位置传感器/开关的“C”电路范围/性能P0227节气门/踏板位置传感器/开关的“C”电路低P0228节气门/踏板位置传感器/开关的“C”电路高P0229节气门/踏板位置传感器/开关的“C”电路间歇P0230燃油泵主电路P0231燃油泵二次回路低P0232燃油泵二次回路高P0233燃油泵间歇二次回路P0234涡轮/超级充电器超增压条件P0235涡轮/超级充电器升压器“甲”电路P0236涡轮/超级充电器升压器“甲”电路范围/性能P0237涡轮/超级充电器升压器“甲”电路低P0238涡轮/超级充电器升压器“甲”电路高P0239涡轮/超级充电器升压器“B”的电路P0240涡轮/超级充电器升压器“B”的电路范围/性能P0241涡轮/超级充电器升压器“B”的电路低P0242涡轮/超级充电器升压器“B”的电路高P0243涡轮/超级充电器电磁阀排气阀门的“A”P0244涡轮/超级充电器排气阀门电磁“A”的范围/性能P0245涡轮/超级充电器电磁阀排气阀门的“A”低P0246涡轮/超级充电器电磁阀排气阀门“,”高P0247涡轮/超级充电器电磁阀排气阀门的“B”P0248涡轮/超级充电器排气阀门电磁“B”的范围/性能P0249涡轮/超级充电器电磁阀排气阀门的“B”低P0250涡轮/超级充电器电磁阀排气阀门的“B”高P0251喷油泵燃油计量控制的“A”(凸轮/转子/注射器)P0252喷油泵燃油计量控制的“A”范围/性能(凸轮/转子/注射器)P0253喷油泵燃油计量控制的“A”低(凸轮/转子/注射器)P0254喷油泵燃油计量控制的“A”高(凸轮/转子/注射器)P0255喷油泵燃油计量控制的“A”间歇(凸轮/转子/注射器)P0256喷油泵燃油计量控制的“B”(凸轮/转子/注射器)P0257喷油泵燃油计量控制的“B”范围/性能(凸轮/转子/注射器)P0258喷油泵燃油计量控制的“B”低(凸轮/转子/注射器)P0259喷油泵燃油计量控制的“B”高(凸轮/转子/注射器)P0260喷油泵燃油计量控制的“B”间歇(凸轮/转子/注射器)P0261缸喷油器电路低1P0262缸喷油器电路偏高1P0263气缸捐助1 /平衡P0264缸喷油器电路2低P0265缸喷油器电路偏高2P0266气缸2贡献/平衡P0267缸喷油器电路低3P0268缸喷油器电路高3P0269气缸3贡献/平衡P0270气缸4喷油器电路低P0271气缸4喷油器电路偏高P0272气缸4贡献/平衡P0273缸喷油器电路低5P0274缸喷油器电路高5P0275气缸5贡献/平衡P0276缸喷油器电路低6P0277缸喷油器电路高6P0278气缸6贡献/平衡P0279缸喷油器电路低7P0280气缸7喷油器电路偏高P0281气缸7贡献/平衡P0282缸喷油器电路的低8P0283缸喷油器电路高8P0284气缸的贡献8 /平衡P0285缸喷油器电路低9P0286缸喷油器电路9高P0287气缸9贡献/平衡P0288缸喷油器电路低10P0289缸喷油器电路高10P0290气缸10贡献/平衡P0291缸喷油器电路低11P0292缸喷油器电路高11P0293气缸11贡献/平衡P0294缸喷油器电路低12P0295缸喷油器电路高12P0296气缸12贡献/平衡P0297车辆超速条件P0298发动机机油过温度P0299涡轮/超级充电器Underboost P0300随机/多气缸失火检测P0301气缸1失火检测P0302气缸2失火检测P0303气缸3失火检测P0304气缸4失火检测P0305气缸5失火检测P0306气缸6失火检测P0307气缸7失火检测P0308气缸8失火检测P0309气缸9失火检测P0310气缸10失火检测P0311气缸11失火检测P0312气缸12失火检测P0313失火检测低燃料P0314单缸熄火(气缸不指定)P0315曲轴位置系统的变化没有学会P0316引擎点火启动时检测到(1000年第一次革命)P0317粗号五金不存在P0318粗糙道传感器的“A”信号电路P0319粗糙道传感器的“B”P0320点火/分销发动机转速输入电路P0321点火/分销发动机转速输入电路范围/性能P0322点火/分销发动机转速无信号输入电路P0323点火/分销发动机转速输入电路间歇P0324爆震控制系统错误P0325爆震传感器1电路P0326爆震传感器1电路范围/性能P0327爆震传感器1电路低P0328爆震传感器1电路偏高P0329爆震传感器1电路输入间歇P0330爆震传感器2电路P0331爆震传感器2电路范围/性能P0332爆震传感器2电路的低P0333爆震传感器2电路高P0334爆震传感器2电路输入间歇P0335曲轴位置传感器的“A”电路P0336曲轴位置传感器的“A”电路范围/性能P0337曲轴位置传感器的“A”电路低P0338曲轴位置传感器的“A”电路高P0339曲轴位置传感器的“A”电路间歇P0340凸轮轴位置传感器的“A”电路P0341凸轮轴位置传感器的“A”电路范围/性能P0342凸轮轴位置传感器的“A”电路低P0343凸轮轴位置传感器的“A”电路高P0344凸轮轴位置传感器的“A”电路间歇P0345凸轮轴位置传感器的“A”电路P0346凸轮轴位置传感器的“A”电路范围/性能P0347凸轮轴位置传感器的“A”电路低P0348凸轮轴位置传感器的“A”电路高P0349凸轮轴位置传感器的“A”电路间歇P0350点火线圈小学/中学电路P0351点火线圈的“A”小学/中学电路P0352点火线圈的“B”小学/中学电路P0353点火线圈的“C”小学/中学电路P0354点火线圈的“D”小学/中学电路P0355点火线圈的“E”小学/中学电路P0356点火线圈的“F”小学/中学电路P0357点火线圈的“G”小学/中学电路P0358点火线圈的“H”小学/中学电路P0359点火线圈“我”小学/中学电路P0360点火线圈的“J”小学/中学电路P0361点火线圈的“K”小学/中学电路P0362点火线圈的“L”小学/中学电路P0363失火检测-加油残疾人P0364号P0365凸轮轴位置传感器的“B”电路P0366凸轮轴位置传感器的“B”电路范围/性能P0367凸轮轴位置传感器的“B”电路低P0368凸轮轴位置传感器的“B”电路高P0369凸轮轴位置传感器的“B”电路间歇P0370时序参考高分辨率信号的“A”P0371时序参考高分辨率信号的“A”太多脉冲P0372时序参考高分辨率信号的“A”太少脉冲P0373时序参考高分辨率信号的“A”间歇/不稳定脉冲P0374时序参考高分辨率信号的“A”没有脉搏P0375时序参考高分辨率信号的“B”P0376时序参考高分辨率信号的“B”太多脉冲P0377时序参考高分辨率信号“B”的太少脉冲P0378时序参考高分辨率信号“B”的间歇/不稳定脉冲P0379时序参考高分辨率信号“B”的无脉冲P0380电热塞/取暖器电路的“A”P0381电热塞/取暖器指示灯电路P0382电热塞/取暖器电路的“B”P0383由SAE J2012号P0384由SAE J2012号P0385曲轴位置传感器的“B”电路P0386曲轴位置传感器的“B”电路范围/性能P0387曲轴位置传感器的“B”电路低P0388曲轴位置传感器的“B”电路高P0389曲轴位置传感器的“B”电路间歇P0390凸轮轴位置传感器的“B”电路P0391凸轮轴位置传感器的“B”电路范围/性能P0392凸轮轴位置传感器的“B”电路低P0393凸轮轴位置传感器的“B”电路高P0394凸轮轴位置传感器的“B”电路间歇P0400废气再循环流P0401废气再循环流量不足检测P0402废气再循环流量过多的检测P0403 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Control CircuitP0404 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Control Circuit Range/PerformanceP0405 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Sensor "A" Circuit LowP0406 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Sensor "A" Circuit HighP0407 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Sensor "B" Circuit LowP0408 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Sensor "B" Circuit HighP0409 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Sensor "A" CircuitP0410 Secondary Air Injection SystemP0411 Secondary Air Injection System Incorrect Flow DetectedP0412 Secondary Air Injection System Switching Valve "A" CircuitP0413 Secondary Air Injection System Switching Valve "A" Circuit OpenP0414 Secondary Air Injection System Switching Valve "A" Circuit Shorted P0415 Secondary Air Injection System Switching Valve "B" CircuitP0416 Secondary Air Injection System Switching Valve "B" Circuit OpenP0417 Secondary Air Injection System Switching Valve "B" Circuit Shorted P0418 Secondary Air Injection System Control "A" CircuitP0419 Secondary Air Injection System Control "B" CircuitP0420催化系统效率低于阈值P0421高达催化剂效率低于阈值暖P0422主要催化剂效率低于阈值P0423加热催化剂效率低于阈值P0424催化剂加热温度低于阈值P0425催化剂温度传感器P0426催化剂温度传感器范围/性能P0427低催化剂温度传感器P0428高催化剂温度传感器P0429催化剂加热器控制电路P0430催化系统效率低于阈值P0431高达催化剂效率低于阈值暖P0432主要催化剂效率低于阈值P0433加热催化剂效率低于阈值P0434催化剂加热温度低于阈值P0435催化剂温度传感器P0436催化剂温度传感器范围/性能P0437低催化剂温度传感器P0438高催化剂温度传感器P0439催化剂加热器控制电路P0440蒸发排放系统P0441蒸发排放系统的不正确的清洗流程P0442蒸发排放系统泄漏检测(小泄漏)P0443蒸发排放系统的清洗控制阀电路P0444蒸发排放系统的清洗控制阀电路开路P0445蒸发排放系统的清洗控制阀电路短路P0446蒸发排放系统的通风控制电路P0447蒸发排放系统的通风控制电路公开赛P0448蒸发排放系统的通风控制电路短路P0449蒸发排放系统排气阀/电磁电路P0450蒸发排放系统压力传感器/开关P0451蒸发排放系统压力传感器/开关范围/性能P0452蒸发排放系统压力传感器/开关低P0453蒸发排放系统压力传感器/开关高P0454蒸发排放系统压力传感器/开关间歇P0455蒸发排放系统泄漏检测(大泄漏)P0456蒸发排放系统泄漏检测(非常小的泄漏)P0457蒸发排放系统泄漏检测(油箱盖松动/关)P0458蒸发排放系统的清洗控制阀电路低P0459蒸发排放系统的清洗控制阀电路高P0460燃油液位传感器的“A”电路P0461燃油液位传感器“A”的电路范围/性能P0462燃油液位传感器的“A”电路低P0463燃油液位传感器的“A”电路高P0464燃油液位传感器的“A”电路间歇P0465燃油蒸汽回收清洗流量传感器电路P0466燃油蒸汽回收清洗流量传感器电路范围/性能P0467燃油蒸汽回收净化低流量传感器电路P0468燃油蒸汽回收清洗流量传感器电路高P0469燃油蒸汽回收清洗流量传感器电路间歇P0470 Exhaust Pressure SensorP0471 Exhaust Pressure Sensor Range/PerformanceP0472 Exhaust Pressure Sensor LowP0473 Exhaust Pressure Sensor HighP0474 Exhaust Pressure Sensor IntermittentP0475 Exhaust Pressure Control ValveP0476 Exhaust Pressure Control Valve Range/PerformanceP0477 Exhaust Pressure Control Valve LowP0478 Exhaust Pressure Control Valve HighP0479 Exhaust Pressure Control Valve IntermittentP0480 Fan 1 Control CircuitP0481 Fan 2 Control CircuitP0482 Fan 3 Control CircuitP0483 Fan Rationality CheckP0484 Fan Circuit Over CurrentP0485 Fan Power/Ground CircuitP0486 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Sensor "B" CircuitP0487 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Throttle Position Control CircuitP0488 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Throttle Position Control Range/PerformanceP0489 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Control Circuit LowP0490 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Control Circuit HighP0491 Secondary Air Injection System Insufficient FlowP0492 Secondary Air Injection System Insufficient FlowP0493 Fan OverspeedP0494 Fan Speed LowP0495 Fan Speed HighP0496 Evaporative Emission System High Purge FlowP0497 Evaporative Emission System Low Purge FlowP0498 Evaporative Emission System Vent Valve Control Circuit LowP0499 Evaporative Emission System Vent Valve Control Circuit HighP0500 Vehicle Speed Sensor "A"P0501 Vehicle Speed Sensor "A" Range/PerformanceP0502 Vehicle Speed Sensor "A" Circuit Low InputP0503 Vehicle Speed Sensor "A" Intermittent/Erratic/HighP0504 Brake Switch "A"/"B" CorrelationP0505 Idle Air Control SystemP0506 Idle Air Control System RPM Lower Than ExpectedP0507 Idle Air Control System RPM Higher Than ExpectedP0508 Idle Air Control System Circuit LowP0509 Idle Air Control System Circuit HighP0510 Closed Throttle Position SwitchP0511 Idle Air Control CircuitP0512 Starter Request CircuitP0513 Incorrect Immobilizer KeyP0514 Battery Temperature Sensor Circuit Range/PerformanceP0515 Battery Temperature Sensor CircuitP0516 Battery Temperature Sensor Circuit LowP0517 Battery Temperature Sensor Circuit HighP0518 Idle Air Control Circuit IntermittentP0519 Idle Air Control System PerformanceP0520 Engine Oil Pressure Sensor/Switch CircuitP0521 Engine Oil Pressure Sensor/Switch Range/PerformanceP0522 Engine Oil Pressure Sensor/Switch Low VoltageP0523 Engine Oil Pressure Sensor/Switch High VoltageP0524 Engine Oil Pressure Too LowP0525 Cruise Control Servo Control Circuit Range/PerformanceP0526 Fan Speed Sensor CircuitP0527 Fan Speed Sensor Circuit Range/PerformanceP0528 Fan Speed Sensor Circuit No SignalP0529 Fan Speed Sensor Circuit IntermittentP0530 A/C Refrigerant Pressure Sensor "A" CircuitP0531 A/C Refrigerant Pressure Sensor "A" Circuit Range/Performance P0532 A/C Refrigerant Pressure Sensor "A" Circuit LowP0533 A/C Refrigerant Pressure Sensor "A" Circuit HighP0534 Air Conditioner Refrigerant Charge LossP0535 A/C Evaporator Temperature Sensor CircuitP0536 A/C Evaporator Temperature Sensor Circuit Range/PerformanceP0537 A/C Evaporator Temperature Sensor Circuit LowP0538 A/C Evaporator Temperature Sensor Circuit HighP0539 A/C Evaporator Temperature Sensor Circuit IntermittentP0540 Intake Air Heater "A" CircuitP0541 Intake Air Heater "A" Circuit LowP0542 Intake Air Heater "A" Circuit HighP0543 Intake Air Heater "A" Circuit OpenP0544 Exhaust Gas Temperature Sensor CircuitP0545 Exhaust Gas Temperature Sensor Circuit LowP0546 Exhaust Gas Temperature Sensor Circuit HighP0547 Exhaust Gas Temperature Sensor CircuitP0548 Exhaust Gas Temperature Sensor Circuit LowP0549 Exhaust Gas Temperature Sensor Circuit HighP0550 Power Steering Pressure Sensor/Switch CircuitP0551 Power Steering Pressure Sensor/Switch Circuit Range/Performance P0552 Power Steering Pressure Sensor/Switch Circuit Low InputP0553 Power Steering Pressure Sensor/Switch Circuit High InputP0554 Power Steering Pressure Sensor/Switch Circuit IntermittentP0555 Brake Booster Pressure Sensor CircuitP0556 Brake Booster Pressure Sensor Circuit Range/PerformanceP0557 Brake Booster Pressure Sensor Circuit Low InputP0558 Brake Booster Pressure Sensor Circuit High InputP0559 Brake Booster Pressure Sensor Circuit IntermittentP0560 System VoltageP0561 System Voltage UnstableP0562 System Voltage LowP0563 System Voltage HighP0564 Cruise Control Multi-Function Input "A" CircuitP0565 Cruise Control On SignalP0566 Cruise Control Off SignalP0567 Cruise Control Resume SignalP0568 Cruise Control Set SignalP0569 Cruise Control Coast SignalP0570 Cruise Control Accelerate SignalP0571 Brake Switch "A" CircuitP0572 Brake Switch "A" Circuit LowP0573 Brake Switch "A" Circuit HighP0574 Cruise Control System - Vehicle Speed Too HighP0575 Cruise Control Input CircuitP0576 Cruise Control Input Circuit LowP0577 Cruise Control Input Circuit HighP0578 Cruise Control Multi-Function Input "A" Circuit StuckP0579 Cruise Control Multi-Function Input "A" Circuit Range/Performance P0580 Cruise Control Multi-Function Input "A" Circuit LowP0581 Cruise Control Multi-Function Input "A" Circuit HighP0582 Cruise Control Vacuum Control Circuit/OpenP0583 Cruise Control Vacuum Control Circuit LowP0584 Cruise Control Vacuum Control Circuit HighP0585 Cruise Control Multi-Function Input "A"/"B" CorrelationP0586 Cruise Control Vent Control Circuit/OpenP0587 Cruise Control Vent Control Circuit LowP0588 Cruise Control Vent Control Circuit HighP0589 Cruise Control Multi-Function Input "B" CircuitP0590 Cruise Control Multi-Function Input "B" Circuit StuckP0591 Cruise Control Multi-Function Input "B" Circuit Range/Performance P0592 Cruise Control Multi-Function Input "B" Circuit LowP0593 Cruise Control Multi-Function Input "B" Circuit HighP0594 Cruise Control Servo Control Circuit/OpenP0595 Cruise Control Servo Control Circuit LowP0596 Cruise Control Servo Control Circuit HighP0597 Thermostat Heater Control Circuit/OpenP0598 Thermostat Heater Control Circuit LowP0599 Thermostat Heater Control Circuit HighP0600 Serial Communication LinkP0601 Internal Control Module Memory Check Sum ErrorP0602 Control Module Programming ErrorP0603 Internal Control Module Keep Alive Memory (KAM) ErrorP0604 Internal Control Module Random Access Memory (RAM) ErrorP0605 Internal Control Module Read Only Memory (ROM) ErrorP0606 ECM/PCM ProcessorP0607 Control Module PerformanceP0608 Control Module VSS Output "A"P0609 Control Module VSS Output "B"P0610 Control Module Vehicle Options ErrorP0611 Fuel Injector Control Module PerformanceP0612 Fuel Injector Control Module Relay ControlP0613 TCM ProcessorP0614 ECM / TCM IncompatibleP0615 Starter Relay CircuitP0616 Starter Relay Circuit LowP0617 Starter Relay Circuit HighP0618 Alternative Fuel Control Module KAM ErrorP0619 Alternative Fuel Control Module RAM/ROM ErrorP0620 Generator Control CircuitP0621 Generator Lamp/L Terminal CircuitP0622 Generator Field/F Terminal CircuitP0623 Generator Lamp Control CircuitP0624 Fuel Cap Lamp Control CircuitP0625 Generator Field/F Terminal Circuit LowP0626 Generator Field/F Terminal Circuit HighP0627 Fuel Pump "A" Control Circuit /OpenP0628 Fuel Pump "A" Control Circuit LowP0629 Fuel Pump "A" Control Circuit HighP0630 VIN Not Programmed or Incompatible - ECM/PCMP0631 VIN Not Programmed or Incompatible - TCMP0632 Odometer Not Programmed - ECM/PCMP0633 Immobilizer Key Not Programmed - ECM/PCMP0634 PCM/ECM/TCM Internal Temperature Too HighP0635 Power Steering Control CircuitP0636 Power Steering Control Circuit LowP0637 Power Steering Control Circuit HighP0638 Throttle Actuator Control Range/PerformanceP0639 Throttle Actuator Control Range/PerformanceP0640 Intake Air Heater Control CircuitP0641 Sensor Reference Voltage "A" Circuit/OpenP0642 Sensor Reference Voltage "A" Circuit LowP0643 Sensor Reference Voltage "A" Circuit HighP0644 Driver Display Serial Communication CircuitP0645 A/C Clutch Relay Control CircuitP0646 A/C Clutch Relay Control Circuit LowP0647 A/C Clutch Relay Control Circuit HighP0648 Immobilizer Lamp Control CircuitP0649 Speed Control Lamp Control CircuitP0650 Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) Control Circuit P0651 Sensor Reference Voltage "B" Circuit/OpenP0652 Sensor Reference Voltage "B" Circuit LowP0653 Sensor Reference Voltage "B" Circuit HighP0654 Engine RPM Output CircuitP0655 Engine Hot Lamp Output Control CircuitP0656 Fuel Level Output CircuitP0657 Actuator Supply Voltage "A" Circuit/OpenP0658 Actuator Supply Voltage "A" Circuit LowP0659 Actuator Supply Voltage "A" Circuit HighP0660 Intake Manifold Tuning Valve Control Circuit/Open P0661 Intake Manifold Tuning Valve Control Circuit Low P0662 Intake Manifold Tuning Valve Control Circuit High P0663 Intake Manifold Tuning Valve Control Circuit/Open P0664 Intake Manifold Tuning Valve Control Circuit LowP0665 Intake Manifold Tuning Valve Control Circuit HighP0666 PCM/ECM/TCM Internal Temperature Sensor CircuitP0667 PCM/ECM/TCM Internal Temperature Sensor Range/PerformanceP0668 PCM/ECM/TCM Internal Temperature Sensor Circuit LowP0669 PCM/ECM/TCM Internal Temperature Sensor Circuit HighP0670 Glow Plug Module Control CircuitP0671 Cylinder 1 Glow Plug CircuitP0672 Cylinder 2 Glow Plug CircuitP0673 Cylinder 3 Glow Plug CircuitP0674 Cylinder 4 Glow Plug CircuitP0675 Cylinder 5 Glow Plug CircuitP0676 Cylinder 6 Glow Plug CircuitP0677 Cylinder 7 Glow Plug CircuitP0678 Cylinder 8 Glow Plug CircuitP0679 Cylinder 9 Glow Plug CircuitP0680 Cylinder 10 Glow Plug CircuitP0681 Cylinder 11 Glow Plug CircuitP0682 Cylinder 12 Glow Plug CircuitP0683 Glow Plug Control Module to PCM Communication CircuitP0684 Glow Plug Control Module to PCM Communication Circuit Range/Performance P0685 ECM/PCM Power Relay Control Circuit /OpenP0686 ECM/PCM Power Relay Control Circuit LowP0687 ECM/PCM Power Relay Control Circuit HighP0688 ECM/PCM Power Relay Sense Circuit /OpenP0689 ECM/PCM Power Relay Sense Circuit LowP0690 ECM/PCM Power Relay Sense Circuit HighP0691 Fan 1 Control Circuit LowP0692 Fan 1 Control Circuit HighP0693 Fan 2 Control Circuit LowP0694 Fan 2 Control Circuit HighP0695 Fan 3 Control Circuit LowP0696 Fan 3 Control Circuit HighP0697 Sensor Reference Voltage "C" Circuit/OpenP0698 Sensor Reference Voltage "C" Circuit LowP0699 Sensor Reference Voltage "C" Circuit HighP0700 Transmission Control System (MIL Request)P0701 Transmission Control System Range/PerformanceP0702 Transmission Control System ElectricalP0703 Brake Switch "B" CircuitP0704 Clutch Switch Input Circuit MalfunctionP0705 Transmission Range Sensor Circuit Malfunction (PRNDL Input)P0706 Transmission Range Sensor Circuit Range/PerformanceP0707 Transmission Range Sensor Circuit LowP0708 Transmission Range Sensor Circuit HighP0709 Transmission Range Sensor Circuit IntermittentP0710 Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor "A" CircuitP0711 Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor "A" Circuit Range/Performance P0712 Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor "A" Circuit LowP0713 Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor "A" Circuit HighP0714 Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor "A" Circuit IntermittentP0715 Input/Turbine Speed Sensor "A" CircuitP0716 Input/Turbine Speed Sensor "A" Circuit Range/PerformanceP0717 Input/Turbine Speed Sensor "A" Circuit No SignalP0718 Input/Turbine Speed Sensor "A" Circuit IntermittentP0719 Brake Switch "B" Circuit LowP0720 Output Speed Sensor CircuitP0721 Output Speed Sensor Circuit Range/PerformanceP0722 Output Speed Sensor Circuit No SignalP0723 Output Speed Sensor Circuit IntermittentP0724 Brake Switch "B" Circuit HighP0725 Engine Speed Input CircuitP0726 Engine Speed Input Circuit Range/PerformanceP0727 Engine Speed Input Circuit No SignalP0728 Engine Speed Input Circuit IntermittentP0729 Gear 6 Incorrect RatioP0730 Incorrect Gear RatioP0731 Gear 1 Incorrect RatioP0732 Gear 2 Incorrect RatioP0733 Gear 3 Incorrect RatioP0734 Gear 4 Incorrect RatioP0735 Gear 5 Incorrect RatioP0736 Reverse Incorrect RatioP0737 TCM Engine Speed Output CircuitP0738 TCM Engine Speed Output Circuit LowP0739 TCM Engine Speed Output Circuit HighP0740 Torque Converter Clutch Circuit/OpenP0741 Torque Converter Clutch Circuit Performance or Stuck OffP0742 Torque Converter Clutch Circuit Stuck OnP0743 Torque Converter Clutch Circuit ElectricalP0744 Torque Converter Clutch Circuit IntermittentP0745 Pressure Control Solenoid "A"P0746 Pressure Control Solenoid "A" Performance or Stuck OffP0747 Pressure Control Solenoid "A" Stuck OnP0748 Pressure Control Solenoid "A" ElectricalP0749 Pressure Control Solenoid "A" IntermittentP0750 Shift Solenoid "A"P0751 Shift Solenoid "A" Performance or Stuck OffP0752 Shift Solenoid "A" Stuck OnP0753 Shift Solenoid "A" ElectricalP0754 Shift Solenoid "A" IntermittentP0755 Shift Solenoid "B"P0756 Shift Solenoid "B" Performance or Stuck OffP0757 Shift Solenoid "B" Stuck OnP0758 Shift Solenoid "B" ElectricalP0759 Shift Solenoid "B" IntermittentP0760 Shift Solenoid "C"P0761 Shift Solenoid "C" Performance or Stuck OffP0762 Shift Solenoid "C" Stuck OnP0763 Shift Solenoid "C" ElectricalP0764 Shift Solenoid "C" IntermittentP0765 Shift Solenoid "D"P0766 Shift Solenoid "D" Performance or Stuck OffP0767 Shift Solenoid "D" Stuck OnP0768 Shift Solenoid "D" ElectricalP0769 Shift Solenoid "D" IntermittentP0770 Shift Solenoid "E"P0771 Shift Solenoid "E" Performance or Stuck OffP0772 Shift Solenoid "E" Stuck OnP0773 Shift Solenoid "E" ElectricalP0774 Shift Solenoid "E" IntermittentP0775 Pressure Control Solenoid "B"P0776 Pressure Control Solenoid "B" Performance or Stuck offP0777 Pressure Control Solenoid "B" Stuck OnP0778 Pressure Control Solenoid "B" ElectricalP0779 Pressure Control Solenoid "B" IntermittentP0780 Shift ErrorP0781 1-2 ShiftP0782 2-3 ShiftP0783 3-4 ShiftP0784 4-5 ShiftP0785 Shift/Timing SolenoidP0786 Shift/Timing Solenoid Range/PerformanceP0787 Shift/Timing Solenoid LowP0788 Shift/Timing Solenoid HighP0789 Shift/Timing Solenoid IntermittentP0790 Normal/Performance Switch CircuitP0791 Intermediate Shaft Speed Sensor "A" CircuitP0792 Intermediate Shaft Speed Sensor "A" Circuit Range/Performance P0793 Intermediate Shaft Speed Sensor "A" Circuit No SignalP0794 Intermediate Shaft Speed Sensor "A" Circuit IntermittentP0795 Pressure Control Solenoid "C"P0796 Pressure Control Solenoid "C" Performance or Stuck offP0797 Pressure Control Solenoid "C" Stuck OnP0798 Pressure Control Solenoid "C" ElectricalP0799 Pressure Control Solenoid "C" IntermittentP0800 Transfer Case Control System (MIL Request)P0801 Reverse Inhibit Control CircuitP0802 Transmission Control System MIL Request Circuit/OpenP0803 1-4 Upshift (Skip Shift) Solenoid Control CircuitP0804 1-4 Upshift (Skip Shift) Lamp Control CircuitP0805 Clutch Position Sensor CircuitP0806 Clutch Position Sensor Circuit Range/PerformanceP0807 Clutch Position Sensor Circuit LowP0808 Clutch Position Sensor Circuit HighP0809 Clutch Position Sensor Circuit IntermittentP0810 Clutch Position Control ErrorP0811 Excessive Clutch SlippageP0812 Reverse Input CircuitP0813 Reverse Output CircuitP0814 Transmission Range Display CircuitP0815 Upshift Switch CircuitP0816 Downshift Switch CircuitP0817 Starter Disable CircuitP0818 Driveline Disconnect Switch Input CircuitP0819 Up and Down Shift Switch to Transmission Range Correlation P0820 Gear Lever X-Y Position Sensor CircuitP0821 Gear Lever X Position CircuitP0822 Gear Lever Y Position CircuitP0823 Gear Lever X Position Circuit IntermittentP0824 Gear Lever Y Position Circuit IntermittentP0825 Gear Lever Push-Pull Switch (Shift Anticipate)P0826 Up and Down Shift Switch CircuitP0827 Up and Down Shift Switch Circuit LowP0828 Up and Down Shift Switch Circuit HighP0829 5-6 ShiftP0830 Clutch Pedal Switch "A" CircuitP0831 Clutch Pedal Switch "A" Circuit LowP0832 Clutch Pedal Switch "A" Circuit HighP0833 Clutch Pedal Switch "B" CircuitP0834 Clutch Pedal Switch "B" Circuit LowP0835 Clutch Pedal Switch "B" Circuit HighP0836 Four Wheel Drive (4WD) Switch CircuitP0837 Four Wheel Drive (4WD) Switch Circuit Range/PerformanceP0838 Four Wheel Drive (4WD) Switch Circuit LowP0839 Four Wheel Drive (4WD) Switch Circuit HighP0840 Transmission Fluid Pressure Sensor/Switch "A" Circuit。



O B D-I I故障码大全(中文)-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1OBD2故障码库(全)P0001燃料音量调节器控制电路/开放P0002燃料音量调节器控制电路范围/性能P0003燃料音量调节器控制电路低P0004燃料音量调节器控制电路高P0005燃油截止阀的“A”控制电路/打开P0006燃油截止阀的“A”控制电路低P0007燃油截止阀的“A”控制电路高P0008定位系统性能的发动机P0009定位系统性能的发动机P0010的“A”凸轮轴位置执行器电路P0011的“A”凸轮轴位置-时间过高级或系统性能P0012的“A”凸轮轴位置-定时过度迟钝P0013的“B”凸轮轴位置-驱动器电路P0014的“B”凸轮轴位置-时间过高级或系统性能P0015的“B”凸轮轴位置-定时过度迟钝P0016曲轴位置-凸轮轴位置关系P0017曲轴位置-凸轮轴位置关系P0018曲轴位置-凸轮轴位置关系P0019曲轴位置- CamshafP0020的“A”凸轮轴位置执行器电路P0021的“A”凸轮轴位置-时间过高级或系统性能P0022的“A”凸轮轴位置-定时过度迟钝P0023的“B”凸轮轴位置-驱动器电路P0024的“B”凸轮轴位置-时间过高级或系统性能P0025的“B”凸轮轴位置-定时过度迟钝P0026进气门控制电磁阀电路范围/性能P0027排气电磁阀控制电路范围/性能P0028进气门控制电磁阀电路范围/性能P0029排气电磁阀控制电路范围/性能P0030 HO2S加热器控制电路P0031 HO2S加热器控制电路低P0032 HO2S加热器控制电路高P0033涡轮增压器旁通阀控制电路P0034涡轮增压器旁通阀控制电路低P0035涡轮增压器旁通阀控制电路高P0036 HO2S加热器控制电路P0037 HO2S加热器控制电路低P0038 HO2S加热器控制电路高P0039涡轮/超级充电器旁路阀控制电路范围/性能P0040氧传感器信号交换银行1传感器1 / 1银2传感器P0041氧传感器信号交换银行1传感器2 / 2银2传感器P0042 HO2S加热器控制电路P0043 HO2S加热器控制电路低P0044 HO2S加热器控制电路高P0045涡轮/超级充电器升压控制电磁阀电路/开放P0046涡轮/超级充电器升压控制电磁阀电路范围/性能P0047涡轮/超级充电器升压控制电磁阀电路低P0048涡轮/超级充电器升压控制电磁阀电路高P0049涡轮/超级充电器汽轮机超速P0050 HO2S加热器控制电路P0051 HO2S加热器控制电路低P0052 HO2S加热器控制电路高P0053 HO2S加热电阻P0054 HO2S加热电阻P0055 HO2S加热电阻P0056 HO2S加热器控制电路P0057 HO2S加热器控制电路低P0058 HO2S加热器控制电路高P0059 HO2S加热电阻P0060 HO2S加热电阻P0061 HO2S加热电阻P0062 HO2S加热器控制电路P0063 HO2S加热器控制电路低P0064 HO2S加热器控制电路高P0065空气辅助喷射控制范围/性能P0066空气辅助机控制电路或电路低P0067空气辅助喷射控制电路高P0068地图/农林部-节气门位置的相关性P0069管绝对压力-大气压的关系P0070环境空气温度传感器电路P0071环境空气温度传感器范围/性能P0072环境空气温度传感器电路低P0073环境空气温度传感器电路高P0074环境空气温度传感器电路间歇P0075进气门控制电磁阀电路P0076进气门控制电磁阀电路低P0077进气门控制电磁阀电路高P0078排气电磁阀控制电路P0079排气门控制电磁阀电路低P0080排气门控制电磁阀电路高P0081进气门控制电磁阀电路P0082进气门控制电磁阀电路低P0083进气门控制电磁阀电路高P0084排气电磁阀控制电P0085排气门控制电磁阀电路低P0086排气门控制电磁阀电路高P0087燃料铁/系统压力-太低P0088燃料铁/系统压力-过高P0089燃油压力调节器1性能P0090燃油压力调节器控制电路1P0091燃油压力调节器控制电路的低1P0092燃油压力调节器控制电路偏高1P0093燃油系统泄漏检测-大量泄漏P0094燃油系统泄漏检测-小量泄漏P0095进气温度传感器2电路P0096进气温度传感器2电路范围/性能P0097进气温度传感器2电路低P0098进气温度传感器2电路高P0099进气温度传感器2电路间歇/不稳定P0100质量或体积空气流量电路P0101质量或体积空气流量电路范围/性能P0102质量或体积空气流量电路低输入P0103质量或体积空气流量电路高输入P0104质量或体积空气流量电路间歇P0105管绝对压力/气压电路P0106管绝对压力/气压电路范围/性能P0107管绝对压力/气压低输入电路P0108管绝对压力/气压电路高输入P0109管绝对压力/气压电路间歇P0110进气温度传感器1电路P0111进气温度传感器1电路范围/性能P0112进气温度传感器电路低1P0113进气温度传感器1电路偏高P0114进气温度传感器1电路间歇P0115发动机冷却液温度电路P0116发动机冷却液温度电路范围/性能P0117发动机冷却液温度低电路P0118电路发动机冷却液温度高P0119发动机冷却液温度电路间歇P0120节气门/踏板位置传感器/开关“A”的电路P0121节气门/踏板位置传感器/开关“A”的电路范围/性能P0122节气门/踏板位置传感器/开关“A”的电路低P0123节气门/踏板位置传感器/开关“A”的电路高P0124节气门/踏板位置传感器/开关“A”的电路间歇P0125没有足够的冷却液温度控制闭环燃料P0126没有足够的冷却液温度为稳定运行P0127进气温度过高P0128冷却温控器(冷却液温度低于温控器调节温度)P0129气压太低P0130氧传感器电路P0131氧传感器电路低电压P0132氧传感器电路高电压P0133氧传感器电路响应慢P0134氧传感器检测电路无活动P0135氧传感器加热器电路P0136氧传感器电路P0137氧传感器电路低电压P0138氧传感器电路高电压P0139氧传感器电路响应慢P0140氧传感器检测电路无活动P0141氧传感器加热器电路P0142氧传感器电路P0143氧传感器电路低电压P0144氧传感器电路高电压P0145氧传感器电路响应慢P0146氧传感器检测电路无活动P0147氧传感器加热器电路P0148燃料交付错误P0149燃料定时错误P0150氧传感器电路P0151氧传感器电路低电压P0152氧传感器电路高电压P0153氧传感器电路响应慢P0154氧传感器检测电路无活动P0155氧传感器加热器电路P0156氧传感器电路P0157氧传感器电路低电压P0158氧传感器电路高电压P0159氧传感器电路响应慢P0160氧传感器检测电路无活动P0161氧传感器加热器电路P0162氧传感器电路P0163氧传感器电路低电压P0164氧传感器电路高电压P0165氧传感器电路响应慢P0166氧传感器检测电路无活动P0167氧传感器加热器电路P0168燃料温度过高P0169不正确的燃料成分P0170燃料修剪P0171系统太精益P0172系统太丰富P0173燃料修剪P0174系统太精益P0175系统太丰富P0176燃料成分传感器电路P0177燃料成分传感器电路范围/性能P0178燃料成分传感器电路低P0179燃料成分传感器电路高P0180燃料温度传感器的电路P0181燃料温度传感器的电路范围/性能P0182燃料温度传感器的电路低P0183燃料温度传感器的电路高P0184燃料温度传感器的电路间歇P0185燃料温度传感器乙电路P0186燃料温度传感器乙电路范围/性能P0187燃料温度传感器乙电路低P0188燃料温度传感器电路高乙P0189燃料温度传感器乙电路间歇P0190燃油轨压力传感器电路P0191燃油轨压力传感器电路范围/性能P0192燃油轨压力传感器电路低P0193燃油轨压力传感器电路高P0194燃油轨压力传感器电路间歇P0195发动机机油温度传感器P0196发动机机油温度传感器范围/性能P0197发动机机油温度传感器低P0198发动机机油温度传感器高P0199发动机机油温度传感器的间歇P0200喷油器电路/开放P0201喷油器电路/公开赛-气缸1P0202喷油器电路/公开赛-气缸2P0203喷油器电路/公开赛-气缸3P0204喷油器电路/公开赛-气缸4P0205喷油器电路/公开赛-气缸5P0206喷油器电路/公开赛-气缸6P0207喷油器电路/公开赛-气缸7P0208喷油器电路/公开赛-气缸8P0209喷油器电路/公开赛-气缸9P0210喷油器电路/公开赛-气缸10P0211喷油器电路/公开赛-气缸11P0212喷油器电路/公开赛-气缸12P0213冷启动喷油器1P0214冷启动喷油器2P0215电磁发动机堵水P0216器/喷射定时控制电路P0217过发动机冷却液温度条件P0218传动液过温度条件P0219发动机超速条件P0220节气门/踏板位置传感器/开关“B”的电路P0221节气门/踏板位置传感器/开关“B”的电路范围/性能P0222节气门/踏板位置传感器/开关“B”的电路低P0223节气门/踏板位置传感器/开关“B”的电路高P0224节气门/踏板位置传感器/开关“B”的电路间歇P0225节气门/踏板位置传感器/开关的“C”电路P0226节气门/踏板位置传感器/开关的“C”电路范围/性能P0227节气门/踏板位置传感器/开关的“C”电路低P0228节气门/踏板位置传感器/开关的“C”电路高P0229节气门/踏板位置传感器/开关的“C”电路间歇P0230燃油泵主电路P0231燃油泵二次回路低P0232燃油泵二次回路高P0233燃油泵间歇二次回路P0234涡轮/超级充电器超增压条件P0235涡轮/超级充电器升压器“甲”电路P0236涡轮/超级充电器升压器“甲”电路范围/性能P0237涡轮/超级充电器升压器“甲”电路低P0238涡轮/超级充电器升压器“甲”电路高P0239涡轮/超级充电器升压器“B”的电路P0240涡轮/超级充电器升压器“B”的电路范围/性能P0241涡轮/超级充电器升压器“B”的电路低P0242涡轮/超级充电器升压器“B”的电路高P0243涡轮/超级充电器电磁阀排气阀门的“A”P0244涡轮/超级充电器排气阀门电磁“A”的范围/性能P0245涡轮/超级充电器电磁阀排气阀门的“A”低P0246涡轮/超级充电器电磁阀排气阀门“,”高P0247涡轮/超级充电器电磁阀排气阀门的“B”P0248涡轮/超级充电器排气阀门电磁“B”的范围/性能P0249涡轮/超级充电器电磁阀排气阀门的“B”低P0250涡轮/超级充电器电磁阀排气阀门的“B”高P0251喷油泵燃油计量控制的“A”(凸轮/转子/注射器)P0252喷油泵燃油计量控制的“A”范围/性能(凸轮/转子/注射器)P0253喷油泵燃油计量控制的“A”低(凸轮/转子/注射器)P0254喷油泵燃油计量控制的“A”高(凸轮/转子/注射器)P0255喷油泵燃油计量控制的“A”间歇(凸轮/转子/注射器)P0256喷油泵燃油计量控制的“B”(凸轮/转子/注射器)P0257喷油泵燃油计量控制的“B”范围/性能(凸轮/转子/注射器)P0258喷油泵燃油计量控制的“B”低(凸轮/转子/注射器)P0259喷油泵燃油计量控制的“B”高(凸轮/转子/注射器)P0260喷油泵燃油计量控制的“B”间歇(凸轮/转子/注射器)P0261缸喷油器电路低1P0262缸喷油器电路偏高1P0263气缸捐助1 /平衡P0264缸喷油器电路2低P0265缸喷油器电路偏高2P0266气缸2贡献/平衡P0267缸喷油器电路低3P0268缸喷油器电路高3P0269气缸3贡献/平衡P0270气缸4喷油器电路低P0271气缸4喷油器电路偏高P0272气缸4贡献/平衡P0273缸喷油器电路低5P0274缸喷油器电路高5P0275气缸5贡献/平衡P0276缸喷油器电路低6P0277缸喷油器电路高6P0278气缸6贡献/平衡P0279缸喷油器电路低7P0280气缸7喷油器电路偏高P0281气缸7贡献/平衡P0282缸喷油器电路的低8P0283缸喷油器电路高8P0284气缸的贡献8 /平衡P0285缸喷油器电路低9P0286缸喷油器电路9高P0287气缸9贡献/平衡P0288缸喷油器电路低10P0289缸喷油器电路高10P0290气缸10贡献/平衡P0291缸喷油器电路低11P0292缸喷油器电路高11P0293气缸11贡献/平衡P0294缸喷油器电路低12P0295缸喷油器电路高12P0296气缸12贡献/平衡P0297车辆超速条件P0298发动机机油过温度P0299涡轮/超级充电器Underboost P0300随机/多气缸失火检测P0301气缸1失火检测P0302气缸2失火检测P0303气缸3失火检测P0304气缸4失火检测P0305气缸5失火检测P0306气缸6失火检测P0307气缸7失火检测P0308气缸8失火检测P0309气缸9失火检测P0310气缸10失火检测P0311气缸11失火检测P0312气缸12失火检测P0313失火检测低燃料P0314单缸熄火(气缸不指定)P0315曲轴位置系统的变化没有学会P0316引擎点火启动时检测到(1000年第一次革命)P0317粗号五金不存在P0318粗糙道传感器的“A”信号电路P0319粗糙道传感器的“B”P0320点火/分销发动机转速输入电路P0321点火/分销发动机转速输入电路范围/性能P0322点火/分销发动机转速无信号输入电路P0323点火/分销发动机转速输入电路间歇P0324爆震控制系统错误P0325爆震传感器1电路P0326爆震传感器1电路范围/性能P0327爆震传感器1电路低P0328爆震传感器1电路偏高P0329爆震传感器1电路输入间歇P0330爆震传感器2电路P0331爆震传感器2电路范围/性能P0332爆震传感器2电路的低P0333爆震传感器2电路高P0334爆震传感器2电路输入间歇P0335曲轴位置传感器的“A”电路P0336曲轴位置传感器的“A”电路范围/性能P0337曲轴位置传感器的“A”电路低P0338曲轴位置传感器的“A”电路高P0339曲轴位置传感器的“A”电路间歇P0340凸轮轴位置传感器的“A”电路P0341凸轮轴位置传感器的“A”电路范围/性能P0342凸轮轴位置传感器的“A”电路低P0343凸轮轴位置传感器的“A”电路高P0344凸轮轴位置传感器的“A”电路间歇P0345凸轮轴位置传感器的“A”电路P0346凸轮轴位置传感器的“A”电路范围/性能P0347凸轮轴位置传感器的“A”电路低P0348凸轮轴位置传感器的“A”电路高P0349凸轮轴位置传感器的“A”电路间歇P0350点火线圈小学/中学电路P0351点火线圈的“A”小学/中学电路P0352点火线圈的“B”小学/中学电路P0353点火线圈的“C”小学/中学电路P0354点火线圈的“D”小学/中学电路P0355点火线圈的“E”小学/中学电路P0356点火线圈的“F”小学/中学电路P0357点火线圈的“G”小学/中学电路P0358点火线圈的“H”小学/中学电路P0359点火线圈“我”小学/中学电路P0360点火线圈的“J”小学/中学电路P0361点火线圈的“K”小学/中学电路P0362点火线圈的“L”小学/中学电路P0363失火检测-加油残疾人P0364号P0365凸轮轴位置传感器的“B”电路P0366凸轮轴位置传感器的“B”电路范围/性能P0367凸轮轴位置传感器的“B”电路低P0368凸轮轴位置传感器的“B”电路高P0369凸轮轴位置传感器的“B”电路间歇P0370时序参考高分辨率信号的“A”P0371时序参考高分辨率信号的“A”太多脉冲P0372时序参考高分辨率信号的“A”太少脉冲P0373时序参考高分辨率信号的“A”间歇/不稳定脉冲P0374时序参考高分辨率信号的“A”没有脉搏P0375时序参考高分辨率信号的“B”P0376时序参考高分辨率信号的“B”太多脉冲P0377时序参考高分辨率信号“B”的太少脉冲P0378时序参考高分辨率信号“B”的间歇/不稳定脉冲P0379时序参考高分辨率信号“B”的无脉冲P0380电热塞/取暖器电路的“A”P0381电热塞/取暖器指示灯电路P0382电热塞/取暖器电路的“B”P0383由SAE J2012号P0384由SAE J2012号P0385曲轴位置传感器的“B”电路P0386曲轴位置传感器的“B”电路范围/性能P0387曲轴位置传感器的“B”电路低P0388曲轴位置传感器的“B”电路高P0389曲轴位置传感器的“B”电路间歇P0390凸轮轴位置传感器的“B”电路P0391凸轮轴位置传感器的“B”电路范围/性能P0392凸轮轴位置传感器的“B”电路低P0393凸轮轴位置传感器的“B”电路高P0394凸轮轴位置传感器的“B”电路间歇P0400废气再循环流P0401废气再循环流量不足检测P0402废气再循环流量过多的检测P0403 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Control CircuitP0404 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Control Circuit Range/PerformanceP0405 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Sensor "A" Circuit LowP0406 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Sensor "A" Circuit HighP0407 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Sensor "B" Circuit LowP0408 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Sensor "B" Circuit HighP0409 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Sensor "A" CircuitP0410 Secondary Air Injection SystemP0411 Secondary Air Injection System Incorrect Flow DetectedP0412 Secondary Air Injection System Switching Valve "A" CircuitP0413 Secondary Air Injection System Switching Valve "A" Circuit Open P0414 Secondary Air Injection System Switching Valve "A" Circuit Shorted P0415 Secondary Air Injection System Switching Valve "B" CircuitP0416 Secondary Air Injection System Switching Valve "B" Circuit Open P0417 Secondary Air Injection System Switching Valve "B" Circuit Shorted P0418 Secondary Air Injection System Control "A" CircuitP0419 Secondary Air Injection System Control "B" CircuitP0420催化系统效率低于阈值P0421高达催化剂效率低于阈值暖P0422主要催化剂效率低于阈值P0423加热催化剂效率低于阈值P0424催化剂加热温度低于阈值P0425催化剂温度传感器P0426催化剂温度传感器范围/性能P0427低催化剂温度传感器P0428高催化剂温度传感器P0429催化剂加热器控制电路P0430催化系统效率低于阈值P0431高达催化剂效率低于阈值暖P0432主要催化剂效率低于阈值P0433加热催化剂效率低于阈值P0434催化剂加热温度低于阈值P0435催化剂温度传感器P0436催化剂温度传感器范围/性能P0437低催化剂温度传感器P0438高催化剂温度传感器P0439催化剂加热器控制电路P0440蒸发排放系统P0441蒸发排放系统的不正确的清洗流程P0442蒸发排放系统泄漏检测(小泄漏)P0443蒸发排放系统的清洗控制阀电路P0444蒸发排放系统的清洗控制阀电路开路P0445蒸发排放系统的清洗控制阀电路短路P0446蒸发排放系统的通风控制电路P0447蒸发排放系统的通风控制电路公开赛P0448蒸发排放系统的通风控制电路短路P0449蒸发排放系统排气阀/电磁电路P0450蒸发排放系统压力传感器/开关P0451蒸发排放系统压力传感器/开关范围/性能P0452蒸发排放系统压力传感器/开关低P0453蒸发排放系统压力传感器/开关高P0454蒸发排放系统压力传感器/开关间歇P0455蒸发排放系统泄漏检测(大泄漏)P0456蒸发排放系统泄漏检测(非常小的泄漏)P0457蒸发排放系统泄漏检测(油箱盖松动/关)P0458蒸发排放系统的清洗控制阀电路低P0459蒸发排放系统的清洗控制阀电路高P0460燃油液位传感器的“A”电路P0461燃油液位传感器“A”的电路范围/性能P0462燃油液位传感器的“A”电路低P0463燃油液位传感器的“A”电路高P0464燃油液位传感器的“A”电路间歇P0465燃油蒸汽回收清洗流量传感器电路P0466燃油蒸汽回收清洗流量传感器电路范围/性能P0467燃油蒸汽回收净化低流量传感器电路P0468燃油蒸汽回收清洗流量传感器电路高P0469燃油蒸汽回收清洗流量传感器电路间歇P0470 Exhaust Pressure SensorP0471 Exhaust Pressure Sensor Range/PerformanceP0472 Exhaust Pressure Sensor LowP0473 Exhaust Pressure Sensor HighP0474 Exhaust Pressure Sensor IntermittentP0475 Exhaust Pressure Control ValveP0476 Exhaust Pressure Control Valve Range/PerformanceP0477 Exhaust Pressure Control Valve LowP0478 Exhaust Pressure Control Valve HighP0479 Exhaust Pressure Control Valve IntermittentP0480 Fan 1 Control CircuitP0481 Fan 2 Control CircuitP0482 Fan 3 Control CircuitP0483 Fan Rationality CheckP0484 Fan Circuit Over CurrentP0485 Fan Power/Ground CircuitP0486 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Sensor "B" CircuitP0487 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Throttle Position Control CircuitP0488 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Throttle Position Control Range/Performance P0489 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Control Circuit LowP0490 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Control Circuit HighP0491 Secondary Air Injection System Insufficient FlowP0492 Secondary Air Injection System Insufficient FlowP0493 Fan OverspeedP0494 Fan Speed LowP0495 Fan Speed HighP0496 Evaporative Emission System High Purge FlowP0497 Evaporative Emission System Low Purge FlowP0498 Evaporative Emission System Vent Valve Control Circuit LowP0499 Evaporative Emission System Vent Valve Control Circuit HighP0500 Vehicle Speed Sensor "A"P0501 Vehicle Speed Sensor "A" Range/PerformanceP0502 Vehicle Speed Sensor "A" Circuit Low InputP0503 Vehicle Speed Sensor "A" Intermittent/Erratic/HighP0504 Brake Switch "A"/"B" CorrelationP0505 Idle Air Control SystemP0506 Idle Air Control System RPM Lower Than ExpectedP0507 Idle Air Control System RPM Higher Than ExpectedP0508 Idle Air Control System Circuit LowP0509 Idle Air Control System Circuit HighP0510 Closed Throttle Position SwitchP0511 Idle Air Control CircuitP0512 Starter Request CircuitP0513 Incorrect Immobilizer KeyP0514 Battery Temperature Sensor Circuit Range/PerformanceP0515 Battery Temperature Sensor CircuitP0516 Battery Temperature Sensor Circuit LowP0517 Battery Temperature Sensor Circuit HighP0518 Idle Air Control Circuit IntermittentP0519 Idle Air Control System PerformanceP0520 Engine Oil Pressure Sensor/Switch CircuitP0521 Engine Oil Pressure Sensor/Switch Range/PerformanceP0522 Engine Oil Pressure Sensor/Switch Low VoltageP0523 Engine Oil Pressure Sensor/Switch High VoltageP0524 Engine Oil Pressure Too LowP0525 Cruise Control Servo Control Circuit Range/PerformanceP0526 Fan Speed Sensor CircuitP0527 Fan Speed Sensor Circuit Range/PerformanceP0528 Fan Speed Sensor Circuit No SignalP0529 Fan Speed Sensor Circuit IntermittentP0530 A/C Refrigerant Pressure Sensor "A" CircuitP0531 A/C Refrigerant Pressure Sensor "A" Circuit Range/PerformanceP0532 A/C Refrigerant Pressure Sensor "A" Circuit LowP0533 A/C Refrigerant Pressure Sensor "A" Circuit HighP0534 Air Conditioner Refrigerant Charge LossP0535 A/C Evaporator Temperature Sensor CircuitP0536 A/C Evaporator Temperature Sensor Circuit Range/PerformanceP0537 A/C Evaporator Temperature Sensor Circuit LowP0538 A/C Evaporator Temperature Sensor Circuit HighP0539 A/C Evaporator Temperature Sensor Circuit IntermittentP0540 Intake Air Heater "A" CircuitP0541 Intake Air Heater "A" Circuit LowP0542 Intake Air Heater "A" Circuit HighP0543 Intake Air Heater "A" Circuit OpenP0544 Exhaust Gas Temperature Sensor CircuitP0545 Exhaust Gas Temperature Sensor Circuit LowP0546 Exhaust Gas Temperature Sensor Circuit HighP0547 Exhaust Gas Temperature Sensor CircuitP0548 Exhaust Gas Temperature Sensor Circuit LowP0549 Exhaust Gas Temperature Sensor Circuit HighP0550 Power Steering Pressure Sensor/Switch CircuitP0551 Power Steering Pressure Sensor/Switch Circuit Range/Performance P0552 Power Steering Pressure Sensor/Switch Circuit Low InputP0553 Power Steering Pressure Sensor/Switch Circuit High InputP0554 Power Steering Pressure Sensor/Switch Circuit IntermittentP0555 Brake Booster Pressure Sensor CircuitP0556 Brake Booster Pressure Sensor Circuit Range/PerformanceP0557 Brake Booster Pressure Sensor Circuit Low InputP0558 Brake Booster Pressure Sensor Circuit High InputP0559 Brake Booster Pressure Sensor Circuit IntermittentP0560 System VoltageP0561 System Voltage UnstableP0562 System Voltage LowP0563 System Voltage HighP0564 Cruise Control Multi-Function Input "A" CircuitP0565 Cruise Control On SignalP0566 Cruise Control Off SignalP0567 Cruise Control Resume SignalP0568 Cruise Control Set SignalP0569 Cruise Control Coast SignalP0570 Cruise Control Accelerate SignalP0571 Brake Switch "A" CircuitP0572 Brake Switch "A" Circuit LowP0573 Brake Switch "A" Circuit HighP0574 Cruise Control System - Vehicle Speed Too HighP0575 Cruise Control Input CircuitP0576 Cruise Control Input Circuit LowP0577 Cruise Control Input Circuit HighP0578 Cruise Control Multi-Function Input "A" Circuit StuckP0579 Cruise Control Multi-Function Input "A" Circuit Range/Performance P0580 Cruise Control Multi-Function Input "A" Circuit LowP0581 Cruise Control Multi-Function Input "A" Circuit HighP0582 Cruise Control Vacuum Control Circuit/OpenP0583 Cruise Control Vacuum Control Circuit LowP0584 Cruise Control Vacuum Control Circuit HighP0585 Cruise Control Multi-Function Input "A"/"B" CorrelationP0586 Cruise Control Vent Control Circuit/OpenP0587 Cruise Control Vent Control Circuit LowP0588 Cruise Control Vent Control Circuit HighP0589 Cruise Control Multi-Function Input "B" CircuitP0590 Cruise Control Multi-Function Input "B" Circuit StuckP0591 Cruise Control Multi-Function Input "B" Circuit Range/Performance P0592 Cruise Control Multi-Function Input "B" Circuit LowP0593 Cruise Control Multi-Function Input "B" Circuit HighP0594 Cruise Control Servo Control Circuit/OpenP0595 Cruise Control Servo Control Circuit LowP0596 Cruise Control Servo Control Circuit HighP0597 Thermostat Heater Control Circuit/OpenP0598 Thermostat Heater Control Circuit LowP0599 Thermostat Heater Control Circuit HighP0600 Serial Communication LinkP0601 Internal Control Module Memory Check Sum ErrorP0602 Control Module Programming ErrorP0603 Internal Control Module Keep Alive Memory (KAM) ErrorP0604 Internal Control Module Random Access Memory (RAM) ErrorP0605 Internal Control Module Read Only Memory (ROM) ErrorP0606 ECM/PCM ProcessorP0607 Control Module PerformanceP0608 Control Module VSS Output "A"P0609 Control Module VSS Output "B"P0610 Control Module Vehicle Options ErrorP0611 Fuel Injector Control Module PerformanceP0612 Fuel Injector Control Module Relay ControlP0613 TCM ProcessorP0614 ECM / TCM IncompatibleP0615 Starter Relay CircuitP0616 Starter Relay Circuit LowP0617 Starter Relay Circuit HighP0618 Alternative Fuel Control Module KAM ErrorP0619 Alternative Fuel Control Module RAM/ROM ErrorP0620 Generator Control CircuitP0621 Generator Lamp/L Terminal CircuitP0622 Generator Field/F Terminal CircuitP0623 Generator Lamp Control CircuitP0624 Fuel Cap Lamp Control CircuitP0625 Generator Field/F Terminal Circuit LowP0626 Generator Field/F Terminal Circuit HighP0627 Fuel Pump "A" Control Circuit /OpenP0628 Fuel Pump "A" Control Circuit LowP0629 Fuel Pump "A" Control Circuit HighP0630 VIN Not Programmed or Incompatible - ECM/PCMP0631 VIN Not Programmed or Incompatible - TCMP0632 Odometer Not Programmed - ECM/PCMP0633 Immobilizer Key Not Programmed - ECM/PCMP0634 PCM/ECM/TCM Internal Temperature Too HighP0635 Power Steering Control CircuitP0636 Power Steering Control Circuit LowP0637 Power Steering Control Circuit HighP0638 Throttle Actuator Control Range/PerformanceP0639 Throttle Actuator Control Range/PerformanceP0640 Intake Air Heater Control CircuitP0641 Sensor Reference Voltage "A" Circuit/OpenP0642 Sensor Reference Voltage "A" Circuit LowP0643 Sensor Reference Voltage "A" Circuit HighP0644 Driver Display Serial Communication CircuitP0645 A/C Clutch Relay Control CircuitP0646 A/C Clutch Relay Control Circuit LowP0647 A/C Clutch Relay Control Circuit HighP0648 Immobilizer Lamp Control Circuit P0649 Speed Control Lamp Control Circuit P0650 Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) Control Circuit P0651 Sensor Reference Voltage "B" Circuit/Open P0652 Sensor Reference Voltage "B" Circuit Low P0653 Sensor Reference Voltage "B" Circuit High P0654 Engine RPM Output Circuit P0655 Engine Hot Lamp Output Control Circuit P0656 Fuel Level Output Circuit P0657 Actuator Supply Voltage "A" Circuit/Open P0658 Actuator Supply Voltage "A" Circuit Low P0659 Actuator Supply Voltage "A" Circuit High P0660 Intake Manifold Tuning Valve Control Circuit/Open P0661 Intake Manifold Tuning Valve Control Circuit Low P0662 Intake Manifold Tuning Valve Control Circuit High P0663 Intake Manifold Tuning Valve Control Circuit/Open P0664 Intake Manifold Tuning Valve Control Circuit Low P0665 Intake Manifold Tuning Valve Control Circuit High P0666PCM/ECM/TCM Internal Temperature Sensor Circuit P0667 PCM/ECM/TCM Internal Temperature Sensor Range/Performance P0668 PCM/ECM/TCM Internal Temperature Sensor Circuit Low P0669 PCM/ECM/TCM Internal Temperature Sensor Circuit High P0670 Glow Plug Module Control Circuit P0671 Cylinder 1 Glow Plug Circuit P0672 Cylinder 2 Glow Plug Circuit P0673 Cylinder 3 Glow Plug Circuit P0674Cylinder 4 Glow Plug Circuit P0675 Cylinder 5 Glow Plug Circuit P0676 Cylinder 6 Glow Plug Circuit P0677 Cylinder 7 Glow Plug Circuit P0678 Cylinder 8 Glow Plug Circuit P0679 Cylinder 9 Glow Plug Circuit P0680 Cylinder 10 Glow Plug Circuit P0681 Cylinder 11 Glow Plug Circuit P0682 Cylinder 12 Glow Plug Circuit P0683 Glow Plug Control Module to PCM Communication Circuit P0684 Glow Plug Control Module to PCM Communication Circuit Range/Performance P0685 ECM/PCM Power Relay Control Circuit /Open P0686 ECM/PCM Power Relay Control Circuit Low P0687 ECM/PCM Power Relay Control Circuit High P0688 ECM/PCM Power Relay Sense Circuit /Open P0689 ECM/PCM Power Relay Sense Circuit Low P0690 ECM/PCM Power Relay Sense Circuit High P0691 Fan 1 Control Circuit Low P0692 Fan 1 Control Circuit High P0693 Fan 2 Control Circuit Low P0694 Fan 2 Control Circuit High P0695 Fan 3 Control Circuit Low P0696 Fan 3 Control Circuit High P0697 Sensor Reference Voltage "C" Circuit/Open P0698 Sensor Reference Voltage "C" Circuit Low P0699 Sensor Reference Voltage "C" Circuit High P0700 Transmission Control System (MIL Request) P0701 Transmission Control System Range/Performance P0702 Transmission Control System Electrical P0703 Brake Switch "B" Circuit P0704 Clutch Switch Input Circuit Malfunction P0705 Transmission Range Sensor Circuit Malfunction (PRNDL Input) P0706 Transmission Range Sensor CircuitRange/Performance P0707 Transmission Range Sensor Circuit Low P0708 Transmission Range Sensor Circuit High P0709 Transmission Range Sensor Circuit Intermittent P0710 Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor "A" Circuit P0711 Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor "A" Circuit Range/Performance P0712 Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor "A" Circuit Low P0713 Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor "A" Circuit High P0714 Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor "A" Circuit Intermittent P0715 Input/Turbine Speed Sensor "A" Circuit P0716Input/Turbine Speed Sensor "A" Circuit Range/Performance P0717 Input/Turbine Speed Sensor "A" Circuit No Signal P0718 Input/Turbine Speed Sensor "A" Circuit Intermittent P0719 Brake Switch "B" Circuit Low P0720 Output Speed Sensor Circuit P0721 Output Speed Sensor Circuit Range/Performance P0722 Output Speed Sensor Circuit No Signal P0723 Output Speed Sensor Circuit Intermittent P0724 Brake Switch "B" Circuit High P0725 Engine Speed Input Circuit P0726 Engine Speed Input Circuit Range/Performance P0727 Engine Speed Input Circuit No Signal P0728 Engine Speed Input Circuit Intermittent P0729 Gear 6 Incorrect Ratio P0730 Incorrect Gear RatioP0731 Gear 1 Incorrect Ratio P0732 Gear 2 Incorrect Ratio P0733 Gear 3 Incorrect Ratio P0734 Gear 4 Incorrect Ratio P0735 Gear 5 Incorrect Ratio P0736 Reverse Incorrect Ratio P0737 TCM Engine Speed Output Circuit P0738 TCM Engine Speed Output Circuit Low P0739 TCM Engine Speed Output Circuit High P0740 Torque Converter Clutch Circuit/Open P0741 Torque Converter Clutch Circuit Performance or Stuck Off P0742 Torque Converter Clutch Circuit Stuck On P0743 Torque Converter Clutch Circuit Electrical P0744 Torque Converter Clutch Circuit Intermittent P0745 Pressure Control Solenoid "A" P0746 Pressure Control Solenoid "A" Performance or Stuck Off P0747 Pressure Control Solenoid "A" Stuck On P0748 Pressure Control Solenoid "A" Electrical P0749 Pressure Control Solenoid "A" Intermittent P0750 Shift Solenoid "A" P0751 Shift Solenoid "A" Performance or StuckOff P0752 Shift Solenoid "A" Stuck On P0753 Shift Solenoid "A" Electrical P0754 Shift Solenoid "A" Intermittent P0755 Shift Solenoid "B" P0756 Shift Solenoid "B" Performance or Stuck Off P0757 Shift Solenoid "B" Stuck On P0758 Shift Solenoid "B" Electrical P0759 Shift Solenoid "B" Intermittent P0760 Shift Solenoid "C" P0761 Shift Solenoid "C" Performance or Stuck Off P0762 Shift Solenoid "C" Stuck On P0763 Shift Solenoid "C" Electrical P0764 Shift Solenoid "C" Intermittent P0765 Shift Solenoid "D" P0766 Shift Solenoid "D" Performance or Stuck Off P0767 Shift Solenoid "D" Stuck On P0768 Shift Solenoid "D" Electrical P0769 Shift Solenoid "D" IntermittentP0770 Shift Solenoid "E" P0771 Shift Solenoid "E" Performance or Stuck Off P0772 Shift Solenoid "E" Stuck On P0773 Shift Solenoid "E" Electrical P0774 Shift Solenoid "E" Intermittent P0775 Pressure Control Solenoid "B" P0776 Pressure Control Solenoid "B" Performance or Stuck off P0777 Pressure Control Solenoid "B" Stuck On P0778 Pressure Control Solenoid "B" Electrical P0779 Pressure Control Solenoid "B" Intermittent P0780 Shift Error P0781 1-2 Shift P0782 2-3 Shift P0783 3-4 Shift P0784 4-5 Shift P0785 Shift/Timing Solenoid P0786 Shift/Timing SolenoidRange/Performance P0787 Shift/Timing Solenoid Low P0788 Shift/Timing Solenoid High P0789 Shift/Timing Solenoid Intermittent P0790 Normal/Performance Switch Circuit P0791 Intermediate Shaft Speed Sensor "A" Circuit P0792 Intermediate Shaft Speed Sensor "A" Circuit Range/Performance P0793 Intermediate Shaft Speed Sensor "A" Circuit No Signal P0794 Intermediate Shaft Speed Sensor "A" Circuit Intermittent P0795 Pressure Control Solenoid "C" P0796 Pressure Control Solenoid "C" Performance or Stuck off P0797 Pressure Control Solenoid "C" Stuck On P0798 Pressure Control Solenoid "C" Electrical P0799 Pressure Control Solenoid "C" Intermittent P0800 Transfer Case Control System (MIL Request) P0801 Reverse Inhibit Control Circuit P0802 Transmission Control System MIL Request Circuit/Open P0803 1-4 Upshift (Skip Shift) Solenoid Control Circuit P0804 1-4 Upshift (Skip Shift) Lamp Control Circuit P0805 Clutch Position Sensor Circuit P0806 Clutch Position Sensor Circuit Range/Performance P0807 Clutch Position Sensor Circuit Low P0808 Clutch Position Sensor Circuit High P0809 Clutch Position Sensor Circuit Intermittent P0810 Clutch Position Control Error P0811 Excessive Clutch Slippage P0812 Reverse Input Circuit P0813 Reverse Output Circuit P0814 Transmission Range Display Circuit P0815 Upshift Switch Circuit P0816 Downshift Switch Circuit P0817 Starter Disable Circuit P0818 Driveline Disconnect Switch Input Circuit P0819 Up and Down Shift Switch to Transmission Range Correlation P0820 Gear Lever X-Y Position Sensor Circuit P0821 Gear Lever X Position Circuit P0822 Gear Lever Y Position Circuit P0823 Gear Lever X Position Circuit Intermittent P0824 Gear Lever Y Position Circuit Intermittent P0825 Gear Lever Push-Pull Switch (Shift Anticipate) P0826 Up and Down Shift Switch Circuit P0827 Up and Down Shift Switch Circuit Low P0828 Up and Down Shift Switch Circuit High P0829 5-6 Shift P0830 Clutch Pedal Switch "A" Circuit P0831 Clutch Pedal Switch "A" Circuit Low P0832 Clutch Pedal Switch "A" Circuit High P0833 Clutch Pedal Switch "B" Circuit P0834 Clutch Pedal Switch "B" Circuit LowP0835 Clutch Pedal Switch "B" Circuit High P0836 Four Wheel Drive (4WD) Switch Circuit P0837 Four Wheel Drive (4WD) Switch Circuit Range/Performance P0838 Four Wheel Drive (4WD) Switch Circuit Low P0839 Four Wheel Drive (4WD) Switch Circuit。



巴可DP2000放映机报警报错信息处理5004 lamp---no communication 与灯箱无通信检查灯箱是否装好5005 lamp power supplies, communication failed 与灯电源无通信检查灯电源是否装好5010 pump –refill mode is on 加液模式打开退出加液模式5011 system running in restricted access mode 系统在警告模式下运行检查输入抽屉与引擎的接触5042 cold mirror fan—speed too low 冷却镜风扇转速低检查冷却镜风扇是否接好5043 cold mirror fan—speed low 冷却镜风扇转速低同上5052 engine fan –speed too low 引擎风扇转速低检查引擎风扇是否接好5062 heat exchange fan—speed too low热交换器风扇转速低检查热交换器上方风扇5063 heat exchange fan—speed low 热交换器风扇转速低同上5072 lamp anode fan –speed too low 灯阳极风扇转速低检查灯阳极风扇是否接好5073 lamp anode fan –speed low 灯阳极风扇转速低检查灯阳极风扇是否接好5082 lamp cathode fan—speed too low 灯阴极风扇转速低检查灯阴极风扇是否接好5083 lamp cathode fan—speed low 灯阴极风扇转速低检查灯阴极风扇是否接好5102 SMPS fan 1—speed too low 开关电源风扇1转速低检查两个开关电源风扇5103 SMPS fan 1—speed low 开关电源风扇1转速低检查两个开关电源风扇5112 SMPS fan 2—speed too low 开关电源风扇2转速低检查两个开关电源风扇5113 SMPS fan 2—speed low 开关电源风扇2转速低检查两个开关电源风扇5122 lamp rear fan—speed too low 灯后置风扇转速低检查灯后置风扇是否接好5123 lamp rear fan—speed low 灯后置风扇转速低检查灯后置风扇是否接好5132 elca box fan—speed too low 输入-通讯单元风扇转速低检查风扇与导线的连接情况5133 elca box fan—speed low 输入-通讯单元风扇转速低检查风扇与导线的连接情况5160 engine switch—not OK 引擎安装错误检查引擎固定螺丝5170 FIB—not connected FIB未连接好检查FIB确保两个螺丝拧紧5180 lamp house—not connected 灯箱未连接好检查灯箱上的3个固定螺丝5191 prism switch—warning , lens probably touches prism镜头位移过量调节镜头5212 pump—speed too low 泵速度过低检查泵线缆接头,电源板5213 pump—speed low 泵速度偏低检查泵线缆接头,电源板5230 lens zoom position—requested target not reached 调整或更换镜头镜头变焦无法达到指定位置5231 lens focus position-- requested target not reached 调整或更换镜头镜头聚焦无法达到指定位置5232 lens horizontal shift position-- requested target not reached检查变焦马达,镜头位置镜头水平位移未达到指定位置5233lens vertical shift position-- requested target not reached 检查变焦马达,镜头位置镜头垂直位移未达到指定位置5237lens position—clear requested target time out failed 镜头聚焦未达到指定位置同5231 5280 ambient—temperature too high 环境温度过高请改变环境温度5281 ambient—temperature high 环境温度高请改变环境温度5283 ambient—temperature low 环境温度低请改变环境温度5284 ambient—temperature sensor open 环境温度传感器开路检查传感器和导线或更换5285 ambient—temperature sensor short 环境温度传感器短路检查传感器和导线或更换5290 DMD blue temperature too high 蓝色通道DMD温度过高检查热交换器的过滤器5291 DMD blue temperature high 蓝色通道DMD温度偏高检查热交换器的过滤器5293 DMD blue temperature low 蓝色通道DMD温度偏低光处理器单元没有启动5294 DMD blue temperature sensor open 蓝色通道DMD温度传感器开路修复导线或更换光处理器单元5295 DMD blue temperature sensor short 蓝色通道DMD温度传感器短路修复导线或更换光处理器单元5300 DMD green temperature too high 绿色通道DMD温度过高更换过滤器5301 DMD green temperature high 绿色通道DMD温度偏高更换过滤器5303 DMD green temperature low 绿色通道DMD温度偏低光处理器单元没有启动5304 DMD green temperature sensor open 绿色通道DMD温度传感器开路检查传感器和导线5305 DMD green temperature sensor short 绿色通道DMD温度传感器短路检查传感器和导线5310 lamp temperature too high 疝灯温度过高检查过滤网和抽风5311 lamp temperature high 疝灯温度偏高检查过滤网和抽风5314 lamp—temperature sensor open 疝灯温度传感器开路检查传感器和导线5315 lamp—temperature sensor short 疝灯温度传感器短路检查传感器和导线5320 FCB—force LPS off 控制板强行关闭疝灯电源在日志中查找错误信息排除5330 PFC heat-sink—temperature too high 散热器温度过高检查进气口过滤网5331 PFC heat-sink—temperature high 散热器温度偏高检查进气口过滤网5340 DMD red temperature too high 红色通道DMD温度过高检查滤网,液冷循环5341 DMD red temperature high 红色通道DMD温度偏高检查滤网,液冷循环5343 DMD red temperature low 红色通道DMD温度偏低光处理器单元没有启动5344 DMD red temperature sensor open红色通道DMD温度传感器开路检查传感器和导线5345 DMD red temperature sensor short红色通道DMD温度传感器短路检查传感器和导线5350 SMPS primary heat-sink temperature too high 开关电源主散热器温度过高检查滤网和开关电源5351 SMPS primary heat-sink temperature high 开关电源主散热器温度偏高检查滤网和开关电源5360 SMPS secondary heat-sink temperature too high 检查滤网和开关电源(开关电源次散热器温度过高)5361 SMPS secondary heat-sink temperature high 检查滤网和开关电源(开关电源次散热器温度偏高)5364 SMPS secondary heat-sink temperature sensor open 更换SMPS模块(开关电源次散热器温度传感器开路)5365 SMPS secondary heat-sink temperature sensor short 更换SMPS模块(开关电源次散热器温度传感器短路)5401 +30v—voltage high +30v电压偏高更换风扇,马达控制板5403 +30v—voltage low +30v电压偏低检查开关电源和控制板5411 ++5v—voltage high ++5v电压偏高更换风扇,马达控制板5413 ++5v—voltage low ++5v电压偏低更换风扇,马达控制板5431 cold mirror fan—voltage high 冷镜风扇电压偏高更换风扇,马达控制板5432 cold mirror fan—voltage too low 冷镜风扇电压过低更换风扇,马达控制板5433 cold mirror fan—voltage low 冷镜风扇电压偏低更换风扇,马达控制板5441 engine fan voltage high 引擎风扇电压偏高更换风扇,马达控制板5442 engine fan voltage too low 引擎风扇电压过低更换风扇,马达控制板5443 engine fan voltage low 引擎风扇电压偏低更换风扇,马达控制板5451 heat exchange fan voltage high 热交换器风扇电压偏高更换风扇,马达控制板5452 heat exchange fan voltage too low 热交换器风扇电压过低更换风扇,马达控制板5453 heat exchange fan voltage low 热交换器风扇电压偏低更换风扇,马达控制板5461 lamp anode fan voltage high 疝灯阳极风扇电压偏高更换风扇,马达控制板5462 lamp anode fan voltage too low 疝灯阳极风扇电压过低更换风扇,马达控制板5463 lamp cathode fan voltage low 疝灯阴极风扇电压低检查阴极风扇或控制板5471 lamp cathode fan voltage high 疝灯阴极风扇电压偏高更换风扇,马达控制板5472 lamp cathode fan voltage too high 疝灯阴极风扇电压过高更换风扇,马达控制板5492 SMPS fan voltage too low 开关电源风扇电压过低更换风扇,马达控制板5493 SMPS fan voltage low 开关电源风扇电压偏低更换风扇,马达控制板5501 FIB +12v voltage high +12v 电压偏高检查供电板和开关电源5502 FIB +12v voltage low +12v 电压偏低检查供电板和开关电源5521 motor ,lens ,dowser voltage high 马达镜头光闸电压高更换风扇,马达控制板5523 motor ,lens ,dowser voltage low 马达镜头光闸电压低更换风扇,马达控制板5531 pump—voltage high 泵电压偏高更换风扇,马达控制板5532 pump—voltage too low 泵电压过低更换风扇,马达控制板5533 pump—voltage low 泵电压低更换风扇,马达控制板5551 TEC voltage high TEC半导体制冷器电压高检查单元线,控制板5553 TEC voltage low TEC半导体制冷器电压低检查单元线,控制板5561 ELCA box fan voltage high ELCA box风扇电压高/检查单元线,温度传感器,控制板5563 ELCA box fan voltage low ELCA box风扇电压低/检查单元线,温度传感器,控制板5571 lamp rear fan voltage high 灯后置风扇电压高更换风扇,马达控制板5572 lamp rear fan voltage low 灯后置风扇电压低更换风扇,马达控制板5573 lamp rear fan voltage too low 灯后置风扇电压过低更换风扇,马达控制板5581 +12v voltage high +12v电压偏高更换风扇,马达控制板5583 +12v voltage low +12v电压偏低查电源板,风扇,马达控制板5640 lamp power supplies,zero lamp power supplies detected 查电源接口,换LPS模块(疝灯电源无输出)5641 lamp power supplies-- lamp is on but SMPS is off 换SMPS模块,LPS 模块(疝灯亮但开关电源关闭)5642lamp power supplies—at least one lamp power supply could not be detected 换灯电源(一个灯电源检测不到)5643lamp power supplies—communication failed with at least one lamp power supply (至少一个疝灯供电装置通讯失败) 重新连接两个接口,更换整个灯电源模块5644lamp power supplies—lamp is on but at least one lamp power supply is off(疝灯点亮,但至少一个疝灯供电装置关闭) 重新连接两个接口,更换整个灯电源模块5646 lamp set on—failed 点灯失败检查灯状况,运行时间是否超时5647 lamp—lamp is off due to an error 关灯保护检查灯状况,运行时间是否超时5654 lamp run time—read failed 读取灯运行时间失败检查灯箱是否装好5657 lamp run time—exceeds maximum 灯超时换灯,复位灯运行时间5658 lamp run time—read limits failed 读取灯运行极限时间失败检查灯箱是否装好5659 lamp run time—warning 疝灯运行时间报警换灯。



BARCO DP2K系列故障代码译表本文将列举绝大部分会显示在巴可DP2K系列放映机触摸屏与日志中的故障错误代码并译文备查,同时将针对部分常见的对我放映工作有价值的故障提供解决方法。



故障代码列表如下,可用ctrl+f快捷键进行搜索:1.Code 5003: “light sensor - no communication” (Error)“灯传感器 - 无通讯”2.Code 5004: “lamp - no communication” (Error)“灯 - 无通讯”状态解决方法灯箱没有被正确安装检查灯箱安装,并重置灯箱使用了与本机型号不匹配的灯箱选择匹配灯箱同时显示代码5180(lamp house - not见5180connected)与灯箱无通讯检查灯箱前端蓝色插头是否损坏3.Code 5005: “lamp power supplies - communication failed” (Error) “灯电源 - 通讯失败”状态解决方法CTRL in, CTRL out线没有插紧重新连接电源模块上的CTRL接口与接线Address线没有插紧重新连接address线主电源输入线没有插紧重新连接两组MAIN INPUT接口与接线其中一组电源红灯快速闪亮更换整组电源模块4.Code 5010: “pump - refill mode is on” (Warning)“冷却泵 - 补充模式已开启”状态解决方法放映机切换至“补充模式”,只有冷却泵开启等冷却液补充完毕,点击“退出补充模式”5.Code 5042: “cold mirror fan - speed too low” (Error) “反射镜风扇 - 转速过低”6.Code 5043: “cold mirror fan - speed low” (Warning)“反射镜风扇 - 转速低”7.Code 5052: “engine fan - speed too low” (Error)“引擎风扇 - 转速过低”8.Code 5053: “engine fan - speed low” (Warning)“引擎风扇 - 转速低”9.Code 5062: “heat exchanger fan - speed too low” (Error) “散热器风扇 - 转速过低”10.Code 5063: “heat exchanger fan - speed low” (Warning) “散热器风扇 - 转速低”11.Code 5072: “lamp anode fan - speed too low” (Error) “灯阳极风扇 - 转速过低”12.Code 5073: “lamp anode fan - speed low” (Warning)“灯阳极风扇 - 转速低”13.Code 5082: “lamp cathode fan - speed too low” (Error) “灯阴极风扇 - 转速过低”14.Code 5083: “lamp cathode fan - speed low” (Warning) “灯阴极风扇 - 转速低”15.Code 5102: “smps fan 1 - speed too low” (Error)“开关电源风扇1 - 转速过低”16.Code 5103: “smps fan 1 - speed low” (Warning)“开关电源风扇1 - 转速低”17.Code 5112: “smps fan 2 - speed too low” (Error)“开关电源风扇2 - 转速过低”18.Code 5113: “smps fan 2 - speed low” (Warning)“开关电源风扇2 - 转速低”19.Code 5122: “lamp rear fan - speed too low” (Error)“灯后部风扇 - 转速过低”20.Code 5123: “lamp rear fan - speed low” (Warning)“灯后部风扇 - 转速低”21.Code 5132: “elcabox fan - speed too low” (Error)“电控盒风扇 - 转速过低”22.Code 5133: “elcabox fan - speed low” (Error)“电控盒风扇 - 转速低”23.Code 5160: “engine switch - not ok” (Error)“引擎开关 - 不正常”24.Code 5170: “fib - not connected” (Error)“解码板- 未连接”25.Code 5180: “lamp house - not connected” (Error)“灯箱 - 未连接”状态解决方法灯箱未正确安装检查灯箱是否已正确牢固安装,确认三颗锁定螺丝已锁紧开关损坏或未接触检查灯箱右下角固定螺丝对应的放映机内侧微动开关是否损坏或未接触风扇控制板失灵更换26.Code 5191: “prism switch - warning (lens probably touches prism)”(Warning)“棱镜开关 - 警告(镜头可能已触动棱镜)”状态解决方法镜头转动至极限,已触动到棱镜传感器重新调整镜头位置棱镜传感器失效拆除镜头并重启放映机,若仍有警告则为棱镜传感器失效27.Code 5212: “pump - speed too low” (Error)“冷却泵 - 转速过低”28.Code 5213: “pump - speed low” (Warning)“冷却泵 - 转速低”29.Code 5230: “lens zoom position - requested target not reached”(Warning)“镜头变焦位置 - 没有达到预定位置”状态解决方法所使用的为手动镜头更换电动镜头并设置镜头参数已激活镜头文件无法驱动已安装镜头检查镜头型号设置是否正确镜头文件损坏删除并重建所有现有镜头文件镜头预定位置已非常接近电动镜头机手动重置镜头,或重置放映机位置械极限镜头马达失灵使用小面板上的镜头位置控制按钮,若无反应,则为镜头马达失灵30.Code 5232: “lens horizontal shift position - requested target not reached” (Warning)“镜头水平移动位置 - 没有达到预定位置”状态解决方法镜头文件损坏参见5230手动重置镜头,或重置放映机位置镜头预定位置已非常接近电动镜头机械极限镜头马达失灵使用小面板上的镜头位置控制按钮,若无反应,则为镜头马达失灵31.Code 5233: “lens vertical shift position - requested target not reached” (Warning)“镜头垂直移动位置 - 没有达到预定位置”参见523232.Code 5237: “lens position - clear requested target time out failed”(Warning)“镜头位置 - 接受明确指令超时”33.Code 5280: “ambient - temperature too high” (Error)“环境 - 环境温度过高”状态解决方法前滤网堵塞清洗或更换环境温度过高降低环境温度抽风设备失灵修复抽风设备34.Code 5281: “ambient - temperature high” (Warning)“环境 - 环境温度高”参见528035.Code 5283: “ambient - temperature low” (Warning)“环境 - 温度低”36.Code 5284: “ambient - temperature sensor open” (Error)“环境 - 环境温感器断路”37.Code 5285: “ambient - temperature sensor short” (Error)“环境 - 环境温感器短路”38.Code 5290: “dmd blue - temperature too high” (Error)“蓝DMD - 温度过高”39.Code 5291: “dmd blue - temperature high” (Warning)“蓝DMD - 温度高”40.Code 5293: “dmd blue - temperature low” (Warning)41.Code 5294: “dmd blue - temperature sensor open” (Error) “蓝DMD - 温感器断路”42.Code 5295: “dmd blue - temperature sensor short” (Error) “蓝DMD - 温感器短路”43.Code 5300: “dmd green - temperature too high” (Error) “绿DMD - 温度过高”44.Code 5301: “dmd green - temperature high” (Warning)“绿DMD - 温度高”45.Code 5303: “dmd green - temperature low” (Warning)“绿DMD - 温度低”46.Code 5304: “dmd green - temperature sensor open” (Error) “绿DMD - 温感器断路”47.Code 5305: “dmd green - temperature sensor short” (Error) “绿DMD - 温感器短路”48.Code 5310: “lamp - temperature too high” (Error)“灯 - 温度过高”状态解决方法滤网堵塞清洗或更换滤网环境温度过高降低环境温度抽风设备失灵修复抽风设备氙灯阴/阳极风扇失灵检查阴/阳极风扇转速及电压49.Code 5311: “lamp - temperature high” (Warning)“灯 - 温度高”参见531050.Code 5314: “lamp - temperature sensor open” (Error)51.Code 5315: “lamp - temperature sensor short” (Error)“灯 - 温感器短路”52.Code 5320: “fcb - force lps off” (Error)“风扇控制板 - 灯电源强制关闭”53.Code 5330: “pfc heatsink - temperature too high” (Error)“散热器 - 温度过高”54.Code 5331: “pfc heatsink - temperature high” (Warning)“散热器 - 温度高”55.Code 5340: “dmd red - temperature too high” (Error)“红DMD - 温度过高”56.Code 5341: “dmd red - temperature high” (Warning)“红DMD - 温度高”57.Code 5343: “dmd red - temperature low” (Warning)“红DMD - 温度低”58.Code 5344: “dmd red - temperature sensor open” (Error)“红DMD - 温感器断路”59.Code 5345: “dmd red - temperature sensor short” (Error)“红DMD - 温感器短路”60.Code 5350: “smps primary heatsink - temperature too high” (Error) “开关电源主散热器 - 温度过高”61.Code 5351: “smps primary heatsink - temperature high” (Warning) “开关电源主散热器 - 温度高”62.Code 5360: “smps secundary heatsink - temperature too high” (Error) “开关电源副散热器 - 温度过高”63.Code 5361: “smps secundary heatsink - temperature high” (Warning)“开关电源副散热器 - 温度过高”64.Code 5364: “smps secundary heatsink - temperature sensor open”(Error)“开关电源副散热器 - 温感器断路”65.Code 5365: “smps secundary heatsink - temperature sensor short”(Error)“开关电源副散热器 - 温感器短路”66.Code 5401: “+30v - voltage high” (Warning)“+30v - 电压高”67.Code 5403: “+30v - voltage low” (Warning)“+30v - 电压低”68.Code 5411: “++5v - voltage high” (Warning)“++5v - 电压高”69.Code 5413: “++5v - voltage low” (Warning)“++5v - 电压低”70.Code 5431: “cold mirror fan - voltage high” (Warning)“反射镜风扇 - 电压高”71.Code 5432: “cold mirror fan - voltage too low” (Error)“反射镜风扇 - 电压过低”72.Code 5433: “cold mirror fan - voltage low” (Warning)“反射镜风扇 - 电压低”73.Code 5441: “engine fan - voltage high” (Warning)“引擎风扇 - 电压高”74.Code 5442: “engine fan - voltage too low” (Error)“引擎风扇 - 电压过低”75.Code 5443: “engine fan - voltage low” (Warning)“引擎风扇 - 电压低”76.Code 5451: “heat exchanger fan - voltage high” (Warning) “换热器风扇 - 电压高”77.Code 5452: “heat exchanger fan - voltage too low” (Error) “换热器风扇 - 电压过低”78.Code 5453: “heat exchanger fan - voltage low” (Warning) “换热器风扇 - 电压低”79.Code 5461: “lamp anode fan - voltage high” (Warning)“灯阳极风扇 - 电压高”80.Code 5462: “lamp anode fan - voltage too low” (Error) “灯阳极风扇 - 电压过低”81.Code 5463: “lamp anode fan - voltage low” (Warning)“灯阳极风扇 - 电压低”82.Code 5471: “lamp cathode fan - voltage high” (Warning) “灯阴极风扇 - 电压高”83.Code 5472: “lamp cathode fan - voltage too low” (Error) “灯阴极风扇 - 电压过低”84.Code 5473: “lamp cathode fan - voltage low” (Warning) “灯阴极风扇 - 电压低”85.Code 5492: “smps fan - voltage too low” (Error)“风扇控制板风扇 - 电压过低”86.Code 5493: “smps fan - voltage low” (Warning)“风扇控制板风扇 - 电压低”87.Code 5501: “fib +12v - voltage high” (Warning)“解码板 +12v - 电压过高”88.Code 5503: “fib +12v - voltage low” (Warning)“解码板 + 12v - 电压低”89.Code 5521: “motor (lens, dowser) - voltage high” (Warning) “马达(镜头、光闸) - 电压高”90.Code 5523: “motor (lens, dowser) - voltage low” (Warning) “马达(镜头、光闸) - 电压低”91.Code 5531: “pump - voltage high” (Warning)“冷却泵 - 电压高”92.Code 5532: “pump - voltage too low” (Error)“冷却泵 - 电压过低”93.Code 5533: “pump - voltage low” (Warning)“冷却泵 - 电压低”94.Code 5551: “tec - voltage high” (Warning)“珀耳贴致冷器 - 电压高”95.Code 5553: “tec - voltage low” (Warning)“珀耳贴致冷器 - 电压低”96.Code 5561: “elcabox fan - voltage high” (Warning)“电控盒风扇 - 电压高”97.Code 5562: “elcabox fan - voltage too low” (Error)“电控盒风扇 - 电压过低”98.Code 5563: “elcabox fan - voltage low” (Warning)“电控盒风扇 - 电压低”99.Code 5571: “lamp rear fan - voltage high” (Warning)“灯后部风扇 - 电压高”100.Code 5572: “lamp rear fan - voltage too low” (Error)“灯后部风扇 - 电压过低”101.Code 5581: “+12v - voltage high” (Warning)“+12v - 电压高”102.Code 5583: “+12v - voltage low” (Warning)“+12v - 电压低”103.Code 5640: “lamp power supplies - zero lamp power supplies detected”(Error)“灯电源 - 没有探测到灯电源”状态解决方法两电源模块其中之一主供电电缆断开检查电源模块上MAINS INPUT插槽及插线电源模块中“CTRL IN”与“CTRL OUT”插线断开检查电源模块中“CTRL IN”与“CTRL OUT”插槽及插线电源模块未安装到位重新安装灯电源控制板失灵更换灯电源模块闪红灯更换电源模块104.Code 5641: “lamp power supplies - lamp is on, but smps is off” (Error)状态解决方法开关电源板失灵更换灯电源模块失灵更换电源背板失灵更换105.Code 5642: “lamp power supplies - at least one lamp power supply could not be detected” (Error)参见5640106.Code 5643: “lamp power supplies - communication failed with at least one lamp power supply”(Error)参见5640107.Code 5644: “lamp power supplies - lamp is on, but at least one lamp power supply is off” (Error)参见5640108.Code 5646: “lamp - set lamp on failed” (Error)“灯 - 点灯失败”状态解决方法氙灯有触发,无法持续点燃1,氙灯寿命将尽,更换新灯2,触发器损坏109.Code 5647: “lamp - lamp is off due to an error” (Error)“灯 - 由于一个错误氙灯已熄灭”状态解决方法由于某些错误,灯电源被指令熄灭氙灯查看放映机日志寻找其他错误信息,首先解决此类错误问题灯电源故障查看灯电源指示灯,若红灯闪烁则更需换灯电源氙灯缺陷更换新灯110.Code 5654: “lamp run time - read failed” (Error)“灯运行时间 - 读取失败”111.Code 5657: “lamp run time - exceeds maximum” (Error)“灯运行时间 - 已到最大寿命”状态解决方法灯箱内氙灯已达到最大使用寿命更换新灯,或重置灯信息112.Code 5658: “lamp run time - read limits failed” (Error)“灯运行时间 - 限制读取失败”113.Code 5659: “lamp run time - warning” (Warning)状态解决方法灯箱内氙灯接近到最大使用寿命尽快更换新灯,或重置灯信息114.Code 5800: “ti-boards - system status = fail” (Error)“TI板 - 系统状态=失败”这是一个通用TI错误代码,需要进入触摸屏的“诊断-测试-自检”中勾选所有选项并进行检测,并将检测结果提供给服务商用以查找具体故障所在。



环境温度太低,先开热风扇吹机器 然后开机让机器预热
拔插风扇控制板或更换 抽风机风速太低 先放一下3D片是否有效果,如没有,需更换色轮 更换HDSDI输入板 更换HDSDI输入板 Enigma 接触问题,或软件升级icp到V2.1以上 更换Enigma 更换Enigma
灯时间读取极限失败 FCB强行灯电源关闭 冷光镜风速太高 3D色轮运行失败 TI-ICP读系统状态失败 ti-icp读信息错误 TI连接解码-无通信,可以放映 安全log问题-Enigma 安全log问题-Enigma
处理方法 检查灯箱是否装好 检查灯电源线是否装好 检查冷镜风扇是否接好 检查引擎风扇是否接好 检查阳极风扇是否接好 检查阴极风扇是否接好 检查灯是否装好 调节镜头 检查水泵线缆接头接触,电源板 解决环境温度 解决环境温度 检查灯状况和运行时间是否超时 换灯,复位运行时间 更换灯电源 检查输入抽屉和引擎的接触或者是环境温度太低 安全认证 临时处理措施可以放映,或换板 换电源板 检查输入抽屉和引擎的接触
5807 5812 5830 5836 5835
错误描述 “lamp - no communication” “lamp power supplies - communication failed” “cold mirror fan - speed too low” “engine fan - speed too low” “lamp anode fan - speed too low” “lamp cathode fan - speed too low” “lamp house - not connected” “prism switch - warning (lens probably touches prism)” “pump - speed too low” “ambient - temperature too high” “ambient - temperature low” “lamp - lamp is off due to an error” “lamp run time - exceeds maximum” “lamp power supplies - at least one lamp power supply could not be detected” “ti-boards - system status = fail” “ti-boards - security error, please authorize” “ti-boards - power up self test = fail” “ti-boards - power-good = fail” System-running in restricted access mode Ti-boards-Interface board arm status=fail Ti-boards-interface board fpga load status=fail Ti-boards-processor board fpga load status=fail Lamp set on =faid Pump-refill mode is on Dmd blue-temperature low Dmd green-temperature low Dmd red-tempreature low Lamp run time-read failed
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代码5005 灯电源 -- 通讯失败
C2 通讯电缆与通讯板的接口
C3 单根的与通讯端口的连接处
C 与制冷风扇的连接线
C 与热交换器风扇连接的供电电线
C 氙灯阳极风扇连接电线
FC 氙灯阴极风扇与背板供电连接线
FC 与风扇连接的电线
C 风扇电线连接单元
错误代码 5133 elcabox 风扇转速过低(错误)
C 与风扇连接的电线
FZ 机动镜头聚焦马达连线LC 马达与供电背板的连线
B 传感器与供电板之间的连接电线
错误代码5290 :“微镜显示蓝色 温度过高”(错误)
SG 温度传感器前方电缆,DMD绿色通道
SR 温度传感器前方电缆,DMD红色通道
TB Peltier element前方电缆,DMD蓝色通道
TG Peltier element前方电缆,DMD绿色通道
TR Peltier element前方电缆,DMD红色通道
L 位于冷循环和光输出管上方的温度传感器电缆CA 格式盘猫眼的电线
SH 遮光板电缆
LS 位于光输出管内的光传感器连接电缆
C 将传感器与供电板连接的线路
C 灯箱外连接电源背板与温度传感器的电路部分
错误代码 5320:“强制切断氙灯供电”
错误代码 5431:镜面冷却风扇,电压过高(警告)
错误代码 5462:“氙灯阳极风扇,电压过低”(错误)
错误代码 5472:“氙灯阴极风扇,电压过低”(错误)
此故障以“氙灯阴极风扇,电压过低”报警,引起它的原因是:错误代码 5492:“SMPS板风扇,电压过低”(错误)
SB 马达叶片
SC 与马达的连接电缆
SH 马达与格式主板连接线
错误代码 5551:“TEC板电压过高”(警告)
错误代码 5562:“elcabox风扇电压过低”(错误)
B 与格式主板的连接线
C 将归位马达与电主板连接的电缆
D 将旋转马达与电主板连接的电缆
S 处于光管入口的温度传感器L 该处温度传感器的连接电缆
P 热管
T1 处于冷却模块和DMD之间的TEC组件
S2 处于TEC组件和DMD之间的温度传感器
S3 处于DMD前方的温度传感器
错误代码 6004:“座前,温度传感器开路”(警告)
错误代码 6014:“红色道组件,温度传感器开路”(错误)
R 红色道温度传感器
G 绿色道温度传感器
BL DMD水冷模块温度传感器
FR DMD座前温度传感器
E 光引擎温度传感器
H 热管水冷模块温度传感器
TB TEC能源供应蓝色道
TG TEC能源供应绿色道
TR TEC能源供应红色道
BL/BT DMD水冷模块蓝色道温度传感器
错误代码 7473:“氙灯阴极风扇电压过低”(警告)
